VLE Corner – User Manual Important Note for Users !! The servcie is customized for Village Level Entreprenuer (VLE)’s who are managing Common Service Centre (CSC) which are promoted by DIT, Govt.of India This servcie is not for private internet centre / VRC/ tele-centre etc. During registration process, the tool will ask the CSC- ID from each VLE, for this purpose, the VLE should know his CSC ID and Password. If She/he dont have the ID and Password, they may contact particular Manager of Working Servcie Centre Agecy (SCA) like – SAHEJ, AISECT, e-Gram, etc and get it. For authentication purpose, the InDG website will connect the “ CSC Connect” website which was maintained by DIT. During the time, the CSC Connnect will ask CSC-ID and Password. Once the authentication is over, then the website will close and InDG website page will open, then you can continue your registration process The VLE should remember the both website IDs and Passwords. The VLE Corner and CSC connect both websites are different and also service are different. How to access VLE Corner 1. Visit http://services.indg.in and click on the VLE Corner link (OR) 2. Visit VLE Corner website directly by web address http://services.indg.in/vlecorner/main.php 3. When you type this address you will get the homepage of VLE Corner. 4. If you are a new VLE, click on the “Register here” link to get registered (OR) If you were already registered, directly you can “sign in” here with VLE Corner username and password. Registration Process 1. When you click on the “Register here” link you will be directed to the registration page. 2. For authentication purpose, click on the CSC Connect button and the tool will ask your 11- character CSC ID . 3. Once you click on the CSC Connect button a new window would open, there you have to enter your 11- character CSC ID and password given by your SCA or the DIT. 4. If you don’t know your CSC ID or password then contact the District Manager of your SCA for the credentials. 5. Once you verified your CSC ID and password you will be redirected to the following InDG -VLE registration page. Here some of the details would be already filled like name, CSC ID, location, CSC-name, SCA name and SCA ID etc. However, there is a need to fill some of the fields in the same format. 6. Fill the username and password along with the other fields. Remember this username and password which you will require for Sign-in to VLE Corner . 7. Once you have filled all the fields to complete the registration click on the “Complete Registration ” button. If there is any error then you have to correct that error. 8. If there is no error in the form then a verification link would be send to your email-id and then the following wep page will display. 9. Go to your email and click on or copy paste the verification link. If this mail is not in the inbox , then don’t forget to check your Spam / Junk mail box. 10. Once you click the web link the following web page will display “Verification Successful”. Please click the “Sign in here” and login the web page. 11. As soon as you verify your email-id you will be able to see yourself at the home page of VLE Corner. 12. You can activate your login Registration one time only by your email. If you click the same email in second time, the following page will display. 13. Now for login to VLE Corner you have to use your username and password which you have filled at step no 6 of registration process. 14. If somehow you had filled the wrong email-id then you can contact the site administrator at indg@cdac.in . Send your username and CSC-id to this mail if you want to change your wrong mail-id, with the proper message. 15. Now you can access the discussion form, will be able to see the discussions started by you and will be able to access your information. Discussion Forum 1. To start a new discussion click on the “Discussion Forum” Button in left menu and you will get the discussion page. 2. You can also see your discussions which are started by you in “My Discussions” button in the Menu. 3. To start a new discussion you have to give a “Title” to that discussion and write the details of that discussion and save it. 4. Once you save it you will get the notification / alert and you will be able to see your discussion in the grid view of discussion page. 5. Click on the title of any discussion to see it nad to comment on it . Comment on the discussion 1. To comment on the discussion click on the title and you will get the full discussion and also see all the comments on that discussion. 2. There you can write your comment related to that discussion and publish it. 3. You will be able to delete the comment of you only but not the discussion. 4. You can easily navigate through all the discussions by clicking on the links at the top of the discussion table. 5. If you find any discussion or comment as abusive then you can report abuse to that discussion or comment. Give Feedback 1. You can give your feedback by clicking on the link “Give Feedback”. Search Options 1. You can search the VLE’s with respect to their name, their district and their SCA name. My Account 1. By clicking on the My Account in the menu, you will be able to see your account information. 2. If you want to change your account information, click on the edit account link. Edit Account 1. Here you can change your password, email-id and rest of the information except your username, Full Name, Location of CSC, CSC Name, CSC ID, Name of SCA and SCA ID. 2. If you change your email-id then a verification link would be send to your new mailid. You have to click on that link to verify your new email-id otherwise your email won’t change. 3. If you do not change your email id then this verification link won’t be send. 4. To upload your picture, click on the browse button next to upload photo. 5. Now you can select your photo from your computer (Image size should not exceed 1 MB.) And then click on the save button and your photo would be uploaded. 1. Don’t forget to click on the logout button once you have finished your work 2. If you need any further clarification you can send mail at mail ID: indg@cdac.in . 3. Please give your valuable suggestions and feedback through “Feedback link”. VLE Corner Team India Development Gateway Initiative Centre for Development Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Hyderabad