no. 7 Awa am iffl Al. oat~ttaw kabo mag~m tead IV' \W+k~ea &tudeAt etmkyera and enoiiwt in an brhancs of the E[ectrical Industry -re Chricldhing fly ofelectncal s cIme .dd ortazed &ctdtg Suvpottig sCoil a4ui" ap 0 0#ca1 4 te InTEn ATODAnnL O a ELECTRICAL WORKERS and OPERATORS PUBLISHED MONTIULY 1200 074&,hAM St., A. Q. M. Bcqmzso4d £ddo' Mafafrs Frontispiece-Thomas W. Jefferson Wanted: 100 Edison's for National Defense Mechanics' War Apprentice System Struck Blows in Michigan I. B. E. W. Girds for Great Birthday Convention Great Fight on Public Power Policy - Huge Power Output Involved in St. Lawrence REA Brings New Architecture to D1 C. U. S. Hopes to Go on "Gold Standard" Diet American Radio Men Can Go to England -Bevin's Voice Crosses the Atlantic Ocean - - .- Page .338 339 341 CHAT 342 343 44 The ELECTRICA[, W(JRxERs' JOURNAL . .onth. claims 1,000,000 per Cean that our cit--laThis dos not - - - . 16 -C147 - 348 50 351 - Zinc And The Public Interest A. F. of L. Has Always Defended America 352 353 - - 354 To the Dip, Dip of Paddles in the Shade Terre Haute Opens New Generating Plant ..... Editorials 355 356'- -.. 358 Woman's Work 360 368 176 Fraternity of the Air In Memoriam, Death Claims Paid 359 ... Women's Auxiliary Correspondence .- . . Cooperating Manufacturers Local Union Official Receipts - 77 78 388 - - * This Journal will not be held responsible for views expressed by correspondents. The firsl of each month is the closing date; al copy must be in our hands on or before. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Internatior.l Secretary, U. M. B.VCNIALI. hnterrnaioal l']President,EDWA.R J. IlsOW' ID. C. 1200 15th St., N. W., Wa:hingtlo, 1200 15th St., N. W.. Washington, D. C nternationtl Treasu re,. W. A. ITo;1N. 647 Soith Sixth Ave.. Mt. Vernon. N. Y. INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENTS Filrt District R. It. 3, E. INt;iKs London, O0t., Canatda JOIN J3 IJA N Secon d District Bidg. Boston, M5ass. Ri. 424, 1'ark Square EIw. F. KI .OTf Tird Distrirt Room 607, 31 Union Square West, N. Y. C. ATlOUR BENNTrTr Fourth District Room 1517, N. B. C. Bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio C. X. SARKER Fifth Dkitrit 301 Woodtiwardi Bldg., BirminghamAAla. }L J. BOYL,, Sixth Distrit 3920 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IlL. W, L. IN..AM Seventh District 3641 Laughteo St., Fort Worth. Texa.s If W IN,. Eighth District Iox 471, Denver. Colo. Jistict S. SCOTT MLNE Ninth 1110 Central Tower, San Fraimtiaeo, (alii J, J D, "Y 230 South WVlls St., lRom, 00. (hieao. IlL. D. W. TsAC, mrrmari (*.. Eddystonie Apartinci'ts, Washingtoi, C II,,, M . P ~S D. . N, e t t r 4937 W. Cuyler Ave., Chicago, Ill. ALEXANDER SMtArlET First Ditrict 31 Longfellow Ave., Newark, N, J. F, L. K[,<LEy Secon.d ])istrict 95 lacon St., Hyde Vark. Mass. WM. G. S,,o1 Third I strict 2104 5 Law & Finance BEInd, Pittsburgh, Pa. EDWARl NOTHIIA;LE Fourth District IZOO 15th St, N. W., Washington, D. C. CtHAS. M. pAtLSE; Fifth istrlict AUy A.. ,.r hi cago, InL 49:;7 W. 0. C. G.O.oai Sixth Di-trelc 1532 No. Boston St, Tulsa, OkIa. Seventh DItriet C. F. OLIVER 644 Madison St- Denve, Co.o. J. L MrIalDr Eighth Dist rit 165 Jame St., EL.abor Temple, Winnipeg. (an. tieo is a dtually/,000,000 copies, but with outrapidly i',creasin, irt-mbbrship and the habit of our worker, on the job of passing the JOURNAL around who don't get it, ald he workers tot with the ternden.y .f the whole eh, trical workers family to read the publcation, we beli eve this is not an exaggerated figu re. 1). C. Maxwell writes: "It gives ile a great deal of Illesure to ,ead the JOURNAL each month and I look forward to its arrival it is with pride that I pass it a round for the other boys to read." Hope fut it is that one of the flz. t promin.en.t and widespread intereast i, 1 of O.r members in the JOvtNAx the result 0f our running technical articles. We try to make the publica.tion serve our craft needs this way. article apThlat is never a technical pearing in the JotaNqAL that doesn't attract special attention and bring letters to this office. This is a good sign, we believe,. It means that the bond that holds our menberhip together is not only ceonomic and sentimental, but technical. We do not doubt that the gi-eat Majotity of our nemhership is unaware of how ,uch actual technical and proisnvolved in the elecfessIonal skii tricjan's trade. Thiis, we believe, will national apbe revealed when the prenticeship standards are made puhlie within the next two months. Both representatives ofr contractors a.d the untoi sat down together to examine the skills ivloIve.! in the electric'an's tra e,,,and when the poIl was taken, it revealed that the electrician hias the righ t to be proud of the pruofe- was tiolal and daily work. technit-al cointent If his The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operaioer 338 THOMAS W. JEeRSON nf the Fourth of July Fallhcn The justest dispositions possible in ourselves, will not secune us against war. It would be necessary that all other nations were just also. Justice, indeed, on otr part, will save its from those oars which would have been produced by a contrary disposition. But how can we prevent those produced by the wrongs of other notions? Dy putting ourselves in a position to punish Ihenm IWeakntess* prorokes insult and injury, while a condition to punish oftenl prevents them. THOMAS W. JEFFERSON. THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS AnD OPERATORS OFFlCAIUBLICAiTiON OF THE INTERNATfONAL .. 'I- 1-1 1.~'. ol .o. I 1, ., - -,.~ ~I- 1 .L VOLL NOPIE ~,, (. JtNY. WASHIINGTON, I. C., JtIY. Vol- xi, lROTHE~HOO OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS -, 1~2. Ij ISI Il 19, fr NATIONAL DEFENSE THLOMAS A. EDISON, fre.quently call d th e w~imnI of el ct icity , is it., VTitotr and discoverer, Only nOW it is ill pointed out that early in his career Edison was espleinienting with ffIuotseti.. lighting. lie had a far-reaching inalgitnlilon, aI esthss intellect, anl indeseibabde t, ngy, fidl( neve, ceased to probe for hlo secrets of na ure, If EdisonI actual y sym..ll'ed the genius If Aminclia, as we such ,pon men that believe lie does, it is p AmerIca must depend in this hour of crisis for n.ew weapons of war to Silllass those that Geriany is flow us5,g. Strictly speaking, Germany has not oiigiilated new types of secret weajins but has perfec;.ed those already i, thu fil i andI producedhyv others,. he subderivatives of ideas of anl mali ies a.i A/nerican ihvenlor, 11er aPiplanes are inlprovements upon those of the Wright brothers. Witb patience ad mIeticulous atttntion to detail the G(rman.s greatly aidvanced eveny type of invent itln tlie dirty which cohld possibly forward business of warfare. It is net enough foi Americans to try to duplicate the present German war ,aehin"s.They must pn-* duce new ideas swiftly and with the characteristic energy of the Anierican. LANDMARKS OF PROGRESS A glance over America's past idikjates ro-o bow greatly Aiiellian, geolniu Ills duced inthelie ld of invention 1764 -Spinning Jenny 1787 Power Loom 1791 Gottim Gin 1807 Steam Boat 1829 Loeonvotive 1832 I arvester . I S- rTelgrapih 18MP Rubber Vulcanizing Sewing Machim: I846 18,1; I3esenier Steel 1875-Telephone 1879lectric Light Bulb. 189!5 Automobile 1896-N\iI ,less Teleg, apII 1903 Airplane Dramatically illustrative of G~ riany's power to inprove upon old ideas is to- America's inventive genius must be directed to better weapons than Germany now has ff Greenland in yealed by the battlel k which the GCernin battleship Bismarc figu red so coloinfully. The B ismarck nmoved out so boldly, it is nIow reveahd because its crew believed thit it was tinsinkable, The Ge, mans. with daring atrtogance, had uindertaken to build a battleshilp that coudh not be destroyed from the air oP it is now Ifrlop the sea, Moreove vealed that the BismaIck was probably a huge battleship of 55.0011 tons rather than the advertised moderately-sized vessel of 25,000 tons. Though the Bisnarck no'v rests be neath the waves of the char }ul sea it took a terrific pounding to sink her. It is reported that she absiorbdpat least 20 16inch shells,. a score of 15-inh shells, a thrI tIIpedoes dozen 14-inch shells, launched fronl Ir(ra ft, two torpedoes launiched from destroyers, one torpedo torpedoes from a battleship and three from cruigels. Morlever, it is estimated that this sturdy ship absorbed 100 eightinch and stoai I shells. This renlarkable resistanc fom firt was,due to a new type of alloy-steel armnor perfeted by the Geruniils; and due also to aI intricate system rtiients anti bu lhbieads. It was so f Cla built that when struck by a shell the blow was felt only in a little segment of the ship, Jue to thI network of conllq)wtnents built into the side of the vessel. NEW "D IMAGE CONTROl" wide. It The Bismarek was 118 frt almost reseml..e.d IIh falnous Monitor of the Civil War lays in Wamn. The Bi smnark Was uzlfquesto)nabl the strollgest ship in the world None of thn British ships and probably none of the n.lopIn Anerican hips were her equal. Ali.ther feature of the perfected techniques visibe in the 1Bs irck wasw hat has c ome to be known as built uponi daumnage c.ntitl. The G n.a..s .. this vessel with its 2,500 men a Searate compartment of activity known as the I i Io I No. 7 1911 0oo Cdao a WANTED: Ill.A RO?NAI 1 This was d(amag, ,onol 'Inpartment il charge of a new officer, a tebhnician. an] iiiieer, whi. se job was to isolate iny battle lamioges, to know how to c.ntr.I leaks, to lhalaice off the list of the ,hip jut to ilining by flooding 'ther ... Poll-f i't l,I Tkat A;,melan genhius for turTing out few tcchitupis has manifested itself ii i ndicated by Amerthe present c,1isis ,odfi'alio in of the convoy idei. ica's forward the ,nithool America is pu.shin of convoyjig by aijdano. Usingi a pha a rlhtrs and ..earby islands for bases. fleets of bornheris patrol the sea lanes anid spot subrmarines f'on the air and are piep)aril.g to d. awiy with these petals of the sea alm ost. ins tantly. Airplanes flying gilt the un r-se a above the water can boats ih m..nore quickly than surface vessels Call. MUST TAKEE LEAD The tongress of the United States is riveting keen eyes upon the progress f Aniejicar 'war preparation. Ceongressni/ln ROSS (Coilins, writjigu ii a recent Harpers Magazine, caustically points out that merely to diipl cate Germanv's war ImG . no ermany doubt, has chine is folly. more surprises hi the way of weapons .an arms. The Anteran general staft has this problem before it. It must build defense cipable of meeting all of Gel inoty's i t ions, and it uLst huiil a war techh/ql ariduta war mach ine utterly superior' and utettly ,w as com.nparepd with the e.'n.. 's. This cannot be doue by hitor-miss mlethods. It must be done by the mob.iization of Anmrican Edisons, scares of them. aind laboratories coistantiy at work in proving the old and originatLrg tihe new. As is well known, nP one has yet devised a means of repelling night inasin firom the air; as is well klnown no tIle has yet perfece:d an antiaircraft unl eftettive 50 per cent of its tlials. As is well known,, no piece of artillery has yet been created filexble enough and p weful enough to smash large tanks. lihet ate scores of other needs that in st. be met by American Edison ,. ,asthat of Edisoi's Iethod of work iIe the Conseious, dliberate technician started the first inventkLon factory. l, which founded an intelligent work shop was devotetexclusively to invention. As e ranee a early as 1890 h, had in East large Idalit w tib enlines, geilerators, inachieI shop, chemital laboratory. library and1 store Iooe conitaeniieg all amount of materal, jie was the directing genius of his staff of 80 expert assistants. He was no isolated drealer liviLg ill garret working oil a single idea,. ie was a ilhe Jouinal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators Nof soent ist deal ng with a stair woikiig with idils North at the turn of the together. Ibis in adequiate to the glowing dou..... olf an integrated il and sunilly democratic c(l n tr'were t th! wily it musl lbe lone noe this hut of lrisis Anhlmrc a, One of Edi son's was divide the e to.. l!.frt !eopara Ie chine separately and in quanl City, each by a process of its own, o.r Iater industralaists had found it necessary further to subdivide each of these processes. Thus a gun barrel, for example. which had formerly been tinished in a special di partnent by one ,orker or a small group of workers using theirt machines in haphazard order, must now move along a line of machines each of which shall pe'foIm only one small operation. The parts must move in pefecf order and as automatically as possible, and must arrive at the end of the line at a point (of asse,.bly. rI lnass produlction, too, the ol div ision (If labor into departments was changed by the new machine lines to a division into steps of a process. Such integration lectricight." he built the meter,. Other inventions strtamed from his fertile braini: the Utlking machine, the movie camera and projector. Edlioon wts intemnly Cnm merctl; that is, he sought inventions that could be taken to the entire pop.ulationi at a profit. To our knowledge he never once worked o.l any invention that could be termned a Wal .Il- sb-h* Ed isun as m*thuodlihl. His nerves were strong; his concentratio weas great. From Edison's brLoin steameld the whole modeIl power system. le perfected the generator; practical ahloe tiun. While Whitney and his followers abolishing the artisan tradition, found it desirable to nake the TO PR OD UCE MARICI,S poblhhns nut weapon. He Was a man if peace and c.omneree. lie illustrated lhe fact that an untutored Ijoy with brilliant ettributes could find his sphere of activity in these United States, go to work, and produce m.arvets. There are scores of Edisons latent in our population and these must be interested in the problem of defense. The inventors must he mobilized. They must be giveen heraif they tories haven't them., and they must be put upon the problem of collective invention just as Edison set himself to this task. It is a known, fact that wars have always greatly stimulated invention. It is significant that the engineers who built the great railroads to the West wer, army engineers trained in the destruction nnd r econstruction of bnridges over streams in the Southland during the Civil War. G.ner'al [)odglr, a eummander under Giant, later became the crlstruetion chief of the Ulnion Pacific Railhad. General Grant ill his ,ersonal meltoilrs has this to say about General eodge: "Genera] Dodge . was an experienced ,ail .road hbuier, tle had no tools to work with except those of the pioneers-axes, picks and spades.... Bhlaksmiths were detailed and set to work making tools neces.,ary in railroad and bridge buildg. A xene were put to work getting out timber for bridges and (utting fuel foi locomotives when the road shmuil be ounpieted. were ,ar-builders set to work repairing the ]ocoot ives .nd ars,. Thus every biancb of railroad huiltibi, nlaking tools to work nith,and stildplyidl. the workmen with fo.d, was all going on lit TrJOMAS A, EDISON one,, and without the aid of ix mechahi, or ]ahor except what the command itsdf furnished ... "GeTeral D..dge had the w assigned ork hin finished within 40days afer reeeving his orders. The humber of bridges to rebuild was 182, many of then over deep and wide (hasins; the length of Lad Lepaired was 102 miles.' Warq stimulat, ivention and it is coreetly said that Iio wva en of aggression has ever been built to which a counterweapon "ould not be ceauted. Electrical Revolution In Industry Th. Industrial Revolution of 1910, to which historians hae, helpfully applied so precise a date, involved other mteris than electric I.ower . tsaintity product i.ln, for txainlph , hold lgun to change into muss pr..ductjslo, ThE. ere. l.v.sion of label introduced by Arkwright in the 1780'S alndi the system... o.f intirehnngeubil arts begun by Eli Whitney ad Sihnen parts of a inl- and coincidence were needled as nto tring each finished piece into assera bly with other finished pieces at the preclse me ment that the others were ready, so that the motion of producing a complete machhie should be contin nous and uninterru.pted. Now., plans of this sort had been conceived before elebtrification hecame general. But with shafts arId belt i a proper ng arrangement of machines was impossible. Under the old syi,,te similar mahine could be grouped, but the new mass production demanded the juxtaposition of v,'y ,ulike machines. With each machine con nected, however, to its individual electiic mdotor rty arrangement became possible. The application of electricity further increased accuracy, and hence interchangeability of parts. East of control reduced the probability of error, but new pertieitl rneasnring or gauging devices Insideh possfible (.i..ensi)lIal accuracies to the ent thous.andth of an inch. Finally. eIlctriraly operated conveyers reali td the evolutionary dream of Henry Fo-d to bring the w rk t the m an rther than tile n l, to the work. As autolnticty in.creases, the function of the 'onveyo- will h..eome to bring the ,irk to the machine rather Lban to the man, lt .;. i ] tA I N -xM JULY, 1941 MecantA'"*/a4 a8 The p crn hi, pug f Barrel3 C of the 260th 7oast Artmile' AA. illustrate w i iiih simple effetveness the nieehanital complexity of the instruments oIf n od e(!1 1 W a'rt. art, The height t, which an tircvafft gun hurls its projectile and the speed with which the projectile must tt tvtl to reach a "cry considerable atitude are fct~ol's which conmmandr the il'][ay civilian's respoet. Yet the firing of the gun is only the last of a multitudinous series of steps, reaching back drafting n laboratoles, umerous and ,onsworkshops, wherein specialized knowledge in divers. fidds and a host of separate skills have been co ordinated with the object of making that projectile perfornm its difficult runelon. The science of .. cbhanih.. bten which has dependent upon the science of mathe (Abo'e) tonis of nt.i¢?is 7'. .ti a lrci.f! PIII nrtio.dizztI .( m"iS C't/ip show ....... bQj on H erfti ..t'.. i to its, cWtt -heiitvd eorra~. Ilt s o... t.. e tl. s.. scgtlia( .( ,*~bite (ettsiI . .. .t. .... romnj"tit'1 matis. h.,s int tit n produtd a tiaftlhtatcal genus. The giln director ppictul ed belov is a nathematical machine w hich ' Iigfu poblems and ts tra insits its information to the guns hv electricallycontioled dials in an Jiniite fiactionof the' time rate it would mathematician requite . to first ake th, sait The mere enumeration, wthout. il...e. comlputat ions. of some of the more obvious attributes and. accessories of an AA gn mUSt for cibly notion phrase impress of the the observer with profound portent of mechanized warfae.' some the (At igh') 1tI. ...table 1Jhttfm .. . ,,Iy h,,,.. ce.] by th, I0 .... s tee W s ,tf~oitletd (on.... tli, m riiitn, the obile AIA pit~;si* edy to, actnti. (Beliow) The AA hrtteLty ,ait. bt., RIeadiyRg .... oss the .)iclil .... .re left to rip/t .... be seet the potrr bl[ poI.e. ilat; tHe gpttJ itself; the #ln dr..tij':' (iw fr'tdedt..... the jnJtilo~lntcJ, by a qionp of soliers ) the btt gy .otmtander scope on tripod, ttsed for checkhlg the (cetlrtcy o! #n. e. from, which the iotf tio .. is rcerte1d lr the dil,,t.ot; tl? the heit}htyiihder. The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors V42 APPRENTICE SYSTEM Stu" /2/aws in MICHIGAN T has happeed. U sinJg the strong ari of the state legidslatu and screerned strategy, the organize. employers of the state of Michigan hove undertaken to capture the apprenticeship program hitherto operating under a federal statute giving joint control to employerss id workers. A bill known as Senate Bill N,,. 365 has passed both houses of the Michigan State Legislature. The bill is entitled "A Bill to provide for a system of voluntary apprenticeship and the regulation and supervision of apprentice agreements; to establish a state apprenticeship rooonating authority; to encourage Iooneration with state departments coneel,ed with apprenticeships, and to to, peal all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act." This bill is in direct conflict with the bill set up by the federal government. The federal Act passed in the Seventy-fifth Congress, known as H. R. 7274, states: Strong manufacturers' association works behind screen to get control of apprenticeship training program the Secrtary of Labot is hereby aiuth'izo . nd di'ected to formulate and promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, to extend the application of such standards by encouraging the inclusion thereof i cota s of apprenticeship, to bring together employers and Ilabor for the formulation of programs of apprenticeship, to cooperate with State agencies engaged in the formulation and prootion of standards of apprenticeship and to cooperate with the National Youth Administration and with the Office of qducatiol of the Department of the Interor in accordance with section 6 of the Act of February 22, 1917 (39 Stat. 9321, LABOR'S SHARE as amended by Exective Order NuinACKNOWLEDGED bsred 6166, June 10, 1933, issued pursu"To enable the Department of Labor to ant to an Act of June 30, 1912 (47 Stat. formulate and promote the furtherance 414), as amended." Tht' federal aIpprenti.eship prograi of labor standards necessary W safeguard the welfare of apprentices and to has been ..... eding rapi dly and well. cooperate with the states in the promotion With a staff of 100 fileh men the Federal of such standards. Apprenticeship Committee has brought "Be it enacted by the Senate and ,ouse employers and unionists together in hloal of Representatives of the United States joint oemmittees, numbering hundreds, of America in Congress assembled, That throughout the U1nitled States, and it is beaie ps prolzrrani has succeeded s¢o that the Mijhigl manufactures now sk i/hai tn it by taking it over. It is noteworthy that the 21ichigat bill fixes the standard for aipiei.t.ceship training at two yea s instead i four, the st lp By ..... t of the craift umos ta th, .oun.try. we IOLF COUtISE LOBBY A near sc..da. in connection with the Michigan coup was revealed by the capIore of a letter written by Larry Musser, chairman of the legislative committee. ,arry Mnsser is an employee of the State Vocational Bureau and gets part of his pay from the federal government through John W. Studebaker's Office of Education. Whether Larry Musser bs guilty of violating the Hatch Act, forbidding political activity, is now being investigeted. Ie wrote the following lettel: "Dear Fellow Co-ordinators: "There have been some very compli menitary cnmgratulations received by your legislative committee for the fact that our Senate Bill 365 passed the Senate unanimously and the ouse .. of Representatives with only six votes against it. It is mcnh too soon yet foreongratulations. The governor has not yet signed the bill and indications are tha. it is going to take a tremendous amount of pressure to get him to sign it. Mr. Martel of the A. F. of L. and Mr. Miller of the C. 1. 0. are bringing all the pressure at their conmand to the governor to veto the bill. And incidentally they possess a lot of pressure. They helped elect Pat. The fight has just begun in earnest. Roll up your sleeves boys. "We are not asking you to do a thing we haven't do.e ourselves, hut we are asking you to really kick in with all you've got if your job going is to be finshed successfully. I have pushed Joe Baldwin to the limit; Martin is doing the same to l)r. Looper of 1)owagiac; and you should see the guys Nick Carter knows who are helping; I have telegrams from three Demulet.atic county committeemen on the governor's desk. He also has a personal letter from me and from my superintendent and enployers. I found a personaI friend of the governor's in the president of our Rotary Club. He put in a word for us when he played golf with the governor the other day. If every one of the coordinators do at least that much Pat should sign it. School men, business men, labor en, andt Democrats' letters and telegrans will all count, and it will take plenty of them, to offset Martel and MilIer. This is no longer a picnic. It's business. We either put up or shut up. CELEIIRATE AT WHOSE EXPENSE GREAT BUILDINGS LIKE THE GENERAL MOTORS CRAFTSMEN ARE ERECTED BY UNION "If we fall to convince the governor we're down but not out. If he vetoes the bill we still have a chance to pass it by two-thirds vote over his veto when the legislature meets for their final adjourn ,nent in about four or five weeks. The easiest way is for him to sign it. If he doesn't we've still got a fighting chance but with our backs to the wall. Save your congratulations, fellows, until the fight is C£ontInued on page 384) V~~~~~~~tL~~ ... ~ <S - l~ JULY, 1941 34 Q. 4C quci add~tCONVENTION F'PER h'efns it thief suhjpil ,f the Uited States an. I tiinad] iz Ibh conlfiln, (:Hvlntfir of the lltte'itjiO tial Jirothtrh.o.. of Electrical Wl,,i ke, I[)rioilusts h~ave alheady bellil to) el(ct delc.egates to flhe St. Louis Ieet lag which is to p,,eI 0)CtoWlr 27. The fihsi cell deiegK e to b receiveld by Sereha y Bugn1iaret in Wa.hiflgto01 was Ir... POrit...OUth., Ohio, in .oron M. F1'eeunl+inj PLeationial rep'esentative of th, . B, E W., in charge of TVA w Spirited eletions ar taking pha all wit~r the i(l.nlt y for delegates. Iii ti1o%1 instances thle slate carries twic(, lS nIalty delegzates ats there are positins to Ne filled. Many plans are being rilt'Ik to make! the thte twenty-first .onw.ntior the greatest ever held by the iBrothe hoo. The se. ie of the convention is the Ih-ffursor oItel. St. Louis. Adequate faeili ties are afforded by this hotel for t;ikang Brotherhood is stirred by prospect of October-Novemnber gathering in natal city of St. Louis carhe of lal'eC ca/t i lij$> int ad - Ioal aecoinibodatio..s kitll Ik availaahl. ILECTRI(C SHOW AND IPARADE Local Unbin No. B-1 k carrymg .n its plans for the emhltkg influx of key electrical wriks. Loenl Irnion No. B-I expeccIs to celebratr n its i,,win way the fiftieth anniversary of the fout.dation of the union at St. [,oui~. The 1pan of Local ~nion No. B-I incmuhd tilt electrical show to be hefd in the arna or the auditoriun . il connection with tHis. ode...rndisplay tecordinhg the growh of t ttere ,vill bh a great {illail il the dwntown own area. ilats will piedoiniuate the parade. ('.ntrartuis. stitply houses, utilitis will aid il th cItbratim. Already plas are bing ng de It buil., sa n unusua l float for l~ocal Illi No B I. Prizes will he offeIHdIfo thi best private eal. Tt liati .onal I loaijeers are ,ulsiy \* a'a~hi~igrnll plalaniitt< the -('olven hilr Itroghana The et totinaly pa t ,ter ili be t~l~owLr. 81 5%tk ers of w iatio nal in1'a to be iiwvdB The St. Lows convetion will usewi alp of at nulbe' of years ill ,hich Ill) (,]1t'n'I1imll has been held. Due tip 1I .p.e .tl. the Blobth,'hoo.I teildea it did .io..t the Cxit (i if tilt ridiIiBal l ~,o fi' . I the tyI, dntfile, q ,It$tolmls il ilb~jHirtan~e were settledi by the nui.nbelsthi/ Ity 1elifl, ,f the refe .endul, prirlicjl]p. FVrlfrxin~g ai the placs and dales It which Ihathilal conventions bee... SI. I,.uIs, Mo. 1891 1892 1893 1895 IN897 Chbcago, li,. (Clveland , Ohio Wasbington D.. C. Detroit, Mh Pittsburgh, Pa18N19 St. Louis, M. Sait Lakie (ity, Utah Louisville. Ky. C(hcago, ]H1. Ro~hester. N. . Bouston, Ma 5S i (oiiirauer on APIHOPRIATE IT IS TO HOLD A NATIONAL CONVENTION OF A GREAT LABORl UNION IN A HOTMl. (AL[.En JEFFERSON lhvt1 h. d . . page- 37Th 1901 1901 105 I 190 191I - .... .. 91 HiTEL THIIOMAS The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators I'q ae.dne ..... w i.h natinal ImlIcy. expr.sse..d in aib,4,(ld Lo.ior Act, Norrs., LG.uardia Act, National Labor ReIations Act, Wagner-Pey- ser Act re,ug!) A the adlmstratit..i shall COoope l htiottwe{,i ln ilanttid labor i .d Sispensa ble a 'e.e. t to the aefolslintent of the public purposes of his Act, and shall de&e that $tch coop''aion ,,tst IpOP the andbitg between the adninistral ion and its employees arrived at thromgh the processes of collective ha rgailiiftg." LOCAl CeNTRIR , PEI IIVPERI'El) The Coltlhija Power Triafies Cotncil considers that this policy us expressed in their action will be fulfillhud if any bill introduced in the on eness ds- tribution of power at Bonceville and Grandi ()oulee will contain lite follrwino "Subject to thilipovi sho H.ow the wvater of the Columbia cone don over the wheeb of Bonnerinc. GREAT FIGHT pa PUBLIC POWER Pel4 IN Jdta, 23 Congressman Knute Hill of Washington, introduced a bill into 0 fth Co(ngress. This is designated as ILa. 512fi, but it is know, throughout the ,apital of tho contry as the lek is bill. The bill is d escribed as "A BILL for the d evelopment and c onservation of the resources of th ePacific Northwest through the wide distribution of electric energy generated by certain Federal projects,. for the improvement of navigation and the promotion of the national defense, aid foi other purposes." The introdction of this bill reveals a sharp difference of opinion between publie power persons in the government and irl those organigations mast clearly con emld with the production and distribution of power. It is expected that Senator Homer T'. Bone of Washington will intaduce a hill shortly that will represent sharI, evisionand keen opposition to the lekes bill. Whether soni Senator will introaduce a companion bill of H. R. 5129 in the Senate is notyet revealed. but it is likely that sme Senator will be authorized to do so. ,OLLECI'IVE BAIRGAININC CONTROVERSY The Bo.n bill and the Hill bill offer ,ntran~ting points. The Senator Boelt bill provides for outright collective bargaining in all ,rarchs of the new a,thority that is created by the Act. The Trl bill offe, collecvt, bagiMning but Historic contest between two schools of thought. Principles of democracy involved. Bills in Congress affect northwest also eutt'alizes this concession to labor by elauses which also provide for civil servijet. Th1esharpest contrast between the two bill, and the two schools of thought is represented by their position on local autonomy. The Bone bill provides for control of the new authority by a board appointed by the President and approved by (ongress on the TVA plan. The lekes bill ceters com plete control of the p'ojeet in th, 1hpat,,oat of the Interior in the control of Mr. Iekes himself. The S cretary of the Interior is mentioned in n1. R. 5129 more than 35 times. The Colum bia Power Trades Cocih. representing the A. F. of I_. unions of the Northwest, organized in January of this year, gote on retord for collective bargaining and local autonomy, It is expected that the Colmubia Power Trades Council will support the Boe)n bill and will oppose the inll bill. The Columbia Power Trades CounciI, at its second niceting in P rlland in Feb]'uary, 1941. took rlcfiilite action on tlhe following policy: of this Act and of othel laws of the United States, the Coiporation shall dieal c ollec t i v e y with its employees through representaties of their own choosing ,rd is authorized to enter into written o oIral ontracts with such eiploye repIresentatives." However, the Coluhbia Power Trades Connil hold, that lohal autonomy ]'ows naturally oi[t of collective bargaining inasmueh as the workers live in the power district, are citizens there and look to their respet.ive communities for their continuous livdlihood. It holds that the best results ar, secured if the administration of a power pirojet is conwtoled by a board appointed by the Presideni of the United States from a panel of citizens who ib turn would live in these comnunnities. shar the problems of these eoln munities and get their continuous lvelihood in these cmnmunies. The Coi,unbia Power Trades Council arrays itself below what it believes to be democratic de(entr-a. Iizatb. The following trgaiizations compose the Colmmbia Power 'Trades Council: Building and Construction Section. Washington State Federation of I,,hbr, S!attle Salem Tradhs anfi Labor Council, Sam, LocalI fUion No 1.t Bricklayers, Pertlhrd Grand Coulep (enmtal Labo, Council Grand Conlee Local Union No. 63. Int.rnatioal Association' of Maclists, P...tlarthd Loeal Union No. B-125, i. B, F. W.. Portland Salem Building Trades (Ounci Salem Joint No. 2$. 'learisters. Seatthe Local Union N,. 87, Op.eraltig Engirieers. Portlanrd Local Union No. 120, General Laborers, Portland Local Union ",16, Piledrivers and BSrivljunwn IIoisting and Portabl Engineers, Portland Local Hnion No, 1707. Carpenters, Kelho Limeview Wash. JULY, 1941 Western Wvasbinlgtonl Council oll Laborers, Tacoma. Wash. Local tUion No. 10, Painters, Portland Wood, Wire and Metl Lathers Union. Portland Bridge WVoIkers, Seattle Metal Trades Council. Portland Local Union No. B-48, 1. B E Ix Portland Local Union No. I432. [aclijnists. Portland North'est Districtou neil .f Leh niral Engineers, S attli Portland lBuilding Ti adcs ('cllel, PortlIand Local Union No B-77. 1 , B. E. W.. Seattle Teamsters U iion, Portland Coelunmbia lDistrici C!ouneil of LaI)4,iels. K elso -Lonlr view Oregon State Federation of Laber Local Union No. 82, Plasteleg and Cement Finishers, Portland Local Union No. 79, ceehreical Engineers, Portland Local Union No. B-280. 1. B. E. XV, Salem, Orsg. Building TitadI Con .el. Vanctuve Washington State Federation of Labor Local Unim No. B-659. t. B. E. W., Medford, rOeg. G-andi ('oulee Building Trades Council Grand Coulee Local Union No. 1432. Machinists, Por~tland Washington State Council . arfpeu ts, Olympia. Wash. 345 cesst a] d~ecentraizeid operation. David E. Lilienthal spoke in Portland, res, on D..eemIber 3, 1940, and said: MENACING POLICY TRENI) "That we fact, danger in America hy re.ason of the gireat size f our enter prises. that we shoall be concerned about overceertrahixation of movei nineiital pllwcr5 m, I bidicc. clear. For the conte. tratinti of ipo'vr at the center is the mo. t ethiractet-sti and at the saint thne the most disturbingr tendency of our times. Euiopean bead)iews, the statistics of AmIecrican busi .ess, ani the pages of the Coagressional B~Rcor. p.Isistently tell a simlar stoy. The dangers implicit in vast size, the evils that threaten when power is exorcised far fronm those thhon1 it affects these are hazards t, the world today. We must deyise defenses against these hazards if we are to retain democracy in more than mere form. The TVA is an examie of the d/eceteralized qrkrnd s/r iot~ of .c..f.lyize ,rtthii tlPy. Time mlay proey. that the g value ,eatest of the TVA to the nation. is as a specific wvorkabj way lo avoid the dangers uf re- oate aid 0yercentralized govern en t. as a method of bringing the national government closer Wt the people and the r'e giions of America. to give them a greater voice in their natiollal governm.ent "These are d.ays of the flowering of centralizeation. Everywhere small units and local contros al vanishing, In the ca use of efficiency. indlspendtent units of business in the United States have been ahsrrbcd inlto niarlnloth ellle'pPises. IContinu11ed on page 3841 OTHIER GROUPS F AkOI? POL)[ICY The president of the C(olumn bia Powe Trades Council i I)D. E. Nicke'son..xe ti ye secretary if the Oregon State Fd oration of Labor. The vice presidenit is James A. Taylor, president of tho Wash ington StLate Federatijn of Labor The scretary and treasurer is 0G.G I atback. international representative of the Inter national Br otherhood of Electrical Worike rs. Besides the Columbia Powre Trades Coniil it is known that the newly oega,ized Northwest Power, Association has taken a stron g tan.. Ifr loca] an toronty. The Northwest Power Association is an organization of publicly-owned municipal plants in the slates of Washington and Oregon. The Nation a] Ppubat Gvinnient League is also leperted Is opposed to centralization of power in the central goVei nIment. 1. Claytoll business manager of Local Unfion No. B 12,5, Portland, Ores,. introduced into the Oregon State Fedoration of Labor convention last month the C olumbia Power Trades C ouncil's resoliti, e baigainig anId it was piassed without opposition. This resolttrim w i also he iretroduced into the Wash ington State Federatiea of Lahot rmnvilen tion. It will probably each thb A F of L. convention in Seattle In Washington it is regarded as a tc' tainty that if the lekes bill is passed and the Bone bill is rejected by Co ngress that the TVA is ultimately to be affected and will ultimately [rift into the hands of the Department of the Interior. The TVA is regarded as a marked example of sue ONE OF THE GREAT Ill As thn pric'e of peace abroad, sinaft nations have been robbed of their solvereigntvy and whole peoples denid participati.n in the deccsirlls of their tlat es.'Merl whose 'iitiative aind power ofdecision have been stilld, lirks and tenants who,nc, were stuiickeepcer and jindependlent farmers, towns that have been sterilized am] ea tion.s . isen.1anehise all alike ar, paying the tribute exactd for the progress advanced by remote contrn. Within our democratic s-Liauctu! cenihalizatien glOWS. Conneice .. nd finance led the way during the twenties arid thie thirties,. Centralizatioa of public authoit, has inevitably followed'' GATES AT GRAND COUL~lg GOING INTO 11111 Tll ;I1T T 1111('11EE pOSITION, O11 111oSITIlON The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors 34& HUGE POWER C%4ud Yavk~ted in ST. LAWRENCE ON(E again th 9 St. Lawre..ce project has come into the lime-light of public attention this tni{, perihaps, to stav until the plani beomes a reality. The St. Lawrence developie it .. n..plates a combination eaway and hydroelectric power project. The eaway plan would provide for a unified water route froi.. the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. a distance of 2.687 miles. By far the greater portion of this extensive ma rine highway, however, is already in exis tence. It consists of the natural water ways of the lakes and rivers, plus the locks and canals which are the product of man's industry. Only 258 miles, less than 10 per cent of the total, remain to be completed. The uncompleted sections would require the construction of additional locks to accommodate vessels to the varying water levels which aggregate approximately 580 feet between Lake Superior and St. Lawrence tidewater, and the dredging of chanonels in certain placs to a minimum depth of 27 feet. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Original or additional locks would be required at the following points: in the St. Mary's River, connecting Lakes Superior and Huron; in the International Rapids section of th, St. Lawrence River, borderbig New York; and at the Soulanges and Lachines Canals, both of which are in Canada. Additional dredging Seaways controversy depends on transportation and hydroelectric debate would be requirud in the St. Mary's River. in Lake St. Chahi arid its two conmecting rivers, ad at the Welland Canal beteen Lakes Erie and Ontario. PRODUCTION UPS LIVING STANDARDS The desirability of a navigable water way from the Great Lakes to the sea by way of the St. Lawrence has long been recognized by many people in both the United States and Canada, the first proposal therefor having originated more a century ago. An appreciation of than power aspects of the St. Lawrence project, however, naturally depended upon the development of applied electricity and accordingly was of more recent origin. But in later years, especially since the beginning of the c iitury, the power side of the project has received an ever-glowhig eniphasis. The International Brotherhood of Electrieal Workers has long advocated the development of hydroelectric resouces. This policy is based upon the propositon that the first step on the way to an increase in living standards is an increase in pro- duetiv capacity. In the field 'If production. electric energy is the nmst versatile and boundless foLc, subjeet to mlan's control. Consistent with its general policy. tlh, eeof.. the *. 1. E2. W, has suppo1ed the St. Lawrtt hvdrord ctmrie p uijert A, long ago 1924, I. B. E. W. fnteMa L~TIOna P i dn en [ yJameS P. Noontant s..rved on the St. Lawrence Crnamissi>n of the UniteIl State under the ip of the then Secretary of Commerce, Ilirbert Ioover. The comm ission submitted al exhaustive report, based upon a two year study and a consideration of the many earlier engineering and social reports, in which it recommended both the construe tion of the St. Lawrenee-Great Lakes seaway and the St. Lawrenee Power project in cooperation with the Dominion of Canada. This report, as all those preceding and following likewise did, recognized the special benefits which New York would derive from the program and, accordingly recon .mended a formula wherein the state of New York voul bear a proportionate share of the cost This point is emphasized because some opponents of the program foster the im pression that the cost of the power de vlolpnint would be distributed on all taxpayers without regard to benefits, an impression contrary to realities. ACTION DLFERRED Every administration since Wilson's has favored development of the St. Lawjonco and both major parties have adopted recom.mendations to that end. President Hoover negotiated a treaty with Canada which provided for its joint development by both countries, which was submitted to the U. S. Senate in Nove mber. 1922. Thereafter there were exicontiued on page 385/ JULY, 1941 THE itinIlgtd to .. agency of gove...l bring eectric light and p.wer to the twilit homes If the Ame-ian fain,.rs of huiiling has hrought lhe first publit Euajropean noahrn style to Washingtil, placed it on fIshlhithnulle (onlD. C., an nclietu t Avnnue. Already it hlls lerl lllt a cnter of attraction to vwit, s to Ihe in tion 'i capital andIhas elrvld (to ativertis th! RA's wides.rielld irolrr;al to )-~ise the stailrarI of life on American farm, Behind the erection of this ft[it..iiudi desigin building is a rumaltic incident which tils Vienna before the coining of to the new Washingt.n. Adolf Hitr One day several years ago, John C. the admiitrator, the), Rlural []lectri fieatlion Adnhlnistatilon , was r returnling Lron, Europte oI ;.l. AIeritan steam .ship. Ie learneid that WilIl m lesfamous Ieseaze raze, the a -chiteet of the wais Mavillptltnlell houses in rlen, apartThese Ing third class to Amer'ia. ie hou s. s Woll worl-wide attetin by tombs of he the fact that they beamen t their inhabitants when fascists leveled artillery guns upon them in the filst battie for Vienna. Mr, CarrMady brought William Lsaze up to his cahin and they became friends. in Anmerca becainc a successful [.esca.. architect, and when he learned the Rural EJetlrification Adninistat ion waIs conhideming the erection of a buihlijng that would epitomize its aimllS.cazi- d~ecllred he believed the site would lend itself to uropan modeIn style, lie dlew the tile .. phlan. ft the bluilding which i regarded . wo f the fine splcil....ins of jI..dein i art so u-evalent in Sweden. Deinmaik, Austria and France. His dr/twing of ,a work of lovl! phiis wias regarded EXT. ENSIVELY ELECTRIFI ED REA A/ew ARCHITECTURE e 2. Co Ain4zi Modern structure, ablaze at night, becomes landmark on fashionable Connecticut Avenue 1h, -mitte luihditg s <ouniil~Uitfed, eaIh, filotr h;is iii idlividlual ail-eo..a. ditioning control. l'artitinn8. installed in e earlanged if hr smrali unit, hail easily MlinsaI Vtolnine,,l annlons tie valued faeiliti's of the new building is I conference r.ool .If seating J00 persons. It wits first used .f Ipits and division, i...s.nIel divisia. ,rlifers'tit if REA super fifteenth the the legal ald rllllaffe/nent divisions. last onwth. hilthjderts anti .... Tn 12-sltory La}ngfelloW Building, deThe JflthN)-i. fIrst published artieles on New of architect, Lescaze. Id, iII urhllope fil June, signetd by oItl-ln architectu'cll Vork. is ore, of the m0,os nodern il.,i of 1931. We gnve in full tile l pearante ald emupil iet in the capital -he h was vihws w II, vaT deir ,l-t',s H. Of uMiustial constructhon it deienids for lect.r ing O.. .. ode. n cuIntr 'i this support till irtteii'il concrete pillars thus architeeture " tl l the ouMe, walls arc merely a The 'intet'i'jaioii IItiotlli'* oyi rit mlaking possibll unbroken stretches of hUlmal beigs who have -tarts froItlhit windows el tiflue sides of the It.hiling It ta live or work ill [hii' huliildiig, wIeteli is entirel 3 :l Ion.l..ioiietd and ceilings faIctory er a1n it be a dwelling house o'r are acoustically I'eated. niolt to say office building, The ,leeds humban being are to he tights) of ti LEASEl) ro GOVERNM1ENT paramount. As it srond point the tellionah nial denutrids are fully ... sidered. Far by the Nat The building, Holm Iibrary Foundation and the MA. flrom the batthl goPing on bleteen diand alcli sgner . r tehlTIiaI ...agl Vet-n.on Mortgage Coampany. has Iwe architect tet in oldenl da3. the nIallthI of Agrieulilte. t Iased by the Departmen l d akes e;tiithsils plrt a i part'] their t REA will occupy nine and one-half dtoors, of his job. the ereaitn ir of the space being use-i, by the outtcomle of nt lll The thirdliii th, Farl Security Administration for is for the a rchirtee to hetwo fo rmer pat oif its business nianagMeneit division 'ring all this tll,', Iu Ntalh..Ied and harwhich i, inowing oul of thl' Cityvlub forlt. For 1lilaly ai!ltld the outBuilhing The huallih is J,,hn, MSlhtn, I .... ... I .983 ll ,,0011 Inc. . ..... C Pi The new longfellow Building in Washstl b'rightly . C., was the ington, lighted building iil any natio.ial capital on April 16 this year, accor dig toiIlarry Slatler-y. dInistratol of the RuIal Eleeinistration hwhc IICetIl[eS triticaton Adm the building. As is apprhpriate, tIl buildlee,triled flIhl lit Ixtensvelv is lil has a linin which is three-[1,hsr 208 vl,. frigeral capelity of 6.000 anPie,. Thi tii ti.uits for aireonditining have a caparity of 800 amperes, the nil ccnlili.... its Caljacity of 1100, an.d in the eleva.u's a Caplcity of I ,000 alnlalpIes. The lighting for 12 floors nt.I basellnt six ci iuits if :10r tI i povidein each. ... e of 400 alipres amid .ill of 70 amptre. Tile boiler room has l, :.. ampInr!s, and there is a ],Il0i.anlupere alhloalle for ellegenlcy IMl-rrS. PlUg-in ]8 ilalhes hill, tlt[s eath strip with the oulter building walls. When the REA was li'st,l'rltniized iik 19115, the entire staff was hilused[ inthe n at 2000 MiaSStichuiold Bliainc nns i selts Avenue, N. W. As tie I .gram £xianded and new employees were added, additional space was rented in the Invetsnent Building, Rust Buildinr. ard other 'tructures. REA now occupies all .. parlt of flint different }>nildins il dIlawntwn n now is il W.ashigton. The Blaie nau yl the administlator, Harry OCrblpied Slattcry, and his staff. tht irlfOrIatlaioI LONGFELLOW BtUILDING HREAt AT NIGht" The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 348 deu.e. Methods of making a laboratory dliagnosis ofvitamin dehci ncy ale low available, at least for several of the vitamins, andIsphyiehs can now think and or'k in ternl contenttartes of mi rogra Is of vitamin GROCERY LIST FOR HEALTH Mor, hueprtant for nost of us who do not show sever, diet deficiencies, a nu- trition standaid has been worked out in terms of the daily grocery oder so that by making wis, choices we can build up and maintain health. It is never advisable to dose yourse f with vitamin concentrates without a reliable diagnosis. The chances are at least 99 out of 100 that vou will get the wrong one or the wronlg amount. Like the fellow who doses himself with patent medicine, at the best you'll be wasting your money and at the worst you will get a harmful THESE LADS AID LASSIES DESERVE TIE BEST OF FOODS q,, U.S 0,, effect. Investing your money in the proper foods is something any intelligent, in formed person can do. Unless you are fn/tritionally run down because of severe deficiencies in the past, you can get every thing you need in your three meals a day. Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, an authority who combine. .ientific knowledge with enthusiasm for public service, made this l "GOLD STANDARD" DIETwh ...... F rat mothers are depri ved of 1 certain foods, the rat babies will have crooked bones. If other foods are withhed, other forms of deformity or sickness ensue. This is what research scientists found out from experiments in laboratories on the effect of giving or withholding certain foods from animals. Then. in later investiations they found that hun.ans also gr'w up with crooked bones, poor ye sight, soft teeth, mental stodginess. because of diet deficiencies. Now a new yardstick for adequate il trition has heen formulated and a nataon wide effort is promised, a pat of ,aas tional defense, to bring all Aaericans up to this diet level. Organized labor shoubl be eager to cooperate in such a progam., which means better health for the Eatikn's workers and their families: and also hacks our age-old contention that the worker's efficiency demands an ade quate wage. "We know today, beyond all doubt. that the average American diet does not provide what men amn, women ought to have, nor what the children of today need to become vigorous citizens of tomorrow." said Dr. Russell M. Wilder of the Mayo Clinic, speaking at the National Nutrition Conferenc for Defense e recently. HUNGRY RICH That other nations are on a lowep nu trition level than wveare ought not make us feel satisfied with ourselve.,, This ... ntry produces in abundance every article of food needed to put all of us at the peak of health, so far as food can do this, The shame is that we have not solved the problem of putting this abundance onto Science novv has simple tool I 9y which whole levels of natio Hal health may be raise the table, of those who you Id gladly c.nsume their share. Not only the poor are si iferinig from. hidden hunger." Many wh I are able to set a lavish board are s ;iting thei selves on essential foods because they don't know any better. Alnmost ev.ryone has something to lear"i bec of very cause new discove. ,rb,. Even the medicaL profes siot, Dr, Wilder admits, mu st continue to study the relation of diet to health. Generations of rats wer' born, lived. and tied in their cages as sc entists grad uall accumulated certain onclusions in a groping progress painfullly slow. They could not be certain that the same dietary causes and effects would al ,ply with hUmens because even if huma, n guinea pigs are willing, such studies talke much time. and many studies must be nmade before a result can be accepted as coTnelusive. However, the evidence cal ie inl another ay. Research chemits di scovered how to make vitamin concentrate es. Doctors hegan to try these on the po' verty-stricken clinic patients suffering fro, m severe ma] nutrition. Certain diseases havelong been recognized as due to diet deficiencies pellagra, bei-beri, scurvy, rickets. When recognizable cases of the se appeared, they responded rather quic kly to appropriate vitamin concentrates s. Experimentation in the laboratory is still going on with an ever-increasing volt .me of know]edge, and the knowledge ga minedis being put into use with ever-i reasing onifi- "Now, for the first time, the United States has definite nutrition recommendations froi an authoritative national cornmittee which has pooled all available k ,nowledge on foods and drawn a blueprint of the amounts and kinds of dietary essentials for good health. This is a yardstick which is a challenge to all of us. With the exception of families of the lowest income groups, this yardstick can be attained now. There is no narrow list of foods from which to draw. Ample allwance is made for geographical differea.ces in prices of foods,. Many diets today do not reach these standards. This is a dangerous situation. Our work is to bring the story of good nutrition to every American family. Those who can afford the foods recommended will want to incIde all of them," He then made this significant remark: "Those whose budgets do not permit them to buy what they need are the i sponsibility of all of us." Expressed in terms of daily food the nutritional gol standard" d s eems very, very simpl, You may say, at first glance, 'This is exactly what I always eat!" Rut make a careful analysis of what you legularly eat, Does your fanily use this am ountof milk per person every day? Do you use whole-grain or enriched bread, flour and cereals? Do you eat every day tomatoes, citrus fruit or other good sources of vitamin C? Every tne of the items in this list is regarded as a neces sary part of the adequate daily diet, Data from hundreds of nutritional studies and work of nutrition authorities were assenbled. A nutrition standard was expressed in laboratory terms-alories, proti, calcium , iron. various vitamins measured in milligrams. To simplify it back into terms of food again required careful study. JULY, 1941 NUTRITION STANDARD FOR DAILY DIET One pint of milk for an adult: more for a child. A serving of meat (and cheaper cuts are just as nutritious). One egg or some suitable substitute such as na.y beans. Tw, ;egetables, one of which should be green or yellw. TwofUifs, one off hich should be rich in vitamin C, found abundantly in citrus fruits or tomatoes. Some butter (or oleomargarine with vitamin A added). Breads, flour and cereal. mosE or preferably all. n hlde grain or enriched. 0lhe, f..d. .i ntisfyv i he appemite. The emiphaliis has nlow sung awLLy fron i tluaIititv stti(lalrd of foo ,]' as e-p .essed ill ter , of calories .to u m'uch ntlre exact quality standard which ALi plrvent "hidden hungers'" Ulnsaisfied b metrehulk of food. IncidentalIy, overweight is Its coni.on. a svnILpt..o. of. ulal nutrition as is underweight, accordilg iI Dr. Wildhr.) Faimns of te(' United Staltes hav plenty of Capaeity tO piodUec these essentials of die nt ot oIllvly for .iurselvtshtl foI the peope of G(reat Britaiu idleel. we have stl plust-s Ill iany rategorel sat present. But that's because, it wa estimated. n, les1 than 40 per cent of ulsill failimg to get enough fIood. or t houghif the light kilds of food. If evelyhody in the United States were ecvi' rig the es sentials onl h dietary "gold tandad'd" we would .e.Isumetwice as nmch green vegetables nti fruits as we i, now. 70 per cent noe I.o..atoes and itius fruits; 85 per cent more eggs; 15 pet- enit more butter and 20 pet cent toe milk. AU thorlty fol these figurts is S"eetarvy If Agricul ture Wickard. What hi and Vie I'resident Ileitry Wallace have in mind is a gradual increase in farm pIrdaction of these itens, Right now, to take care of our needs and those of Great Britain. an hielase. is planned ill productiout of eggs, milk, canned tomatoes., dried bean. and po-k. They worked together,. nor'ling, non sessions and night, somethies in general and son/etJnes in seltional leetings to attack the plIblenI fmin different angles. Vice President Wallace gave the,,, this keynote: ''How to use or. soil, ou t.a3-31nqs our, pro.e.ors., our Ist.tiba't.l' antid our knowledge to pIo.c itethe IuLaxnvl... oIf abounding health a a broal foundation nn which le ral build all the ,stof our iAt the eni of the hemisphere lefense" ground for alariist stateI ents, they are serious enough to be a genuine cause of weakness in the present national and toI Wa ra'nt uatjonal attention and concerted action. A widespread discase epidinic would receive such attilion hinniediately. tiid.rnonu.iihl..ent is more and insidious less obvious iii its effects. hit it is not .ess harmful MEI'THODS OF rWACK Thie prohbeml if u It nlnI'[ih men t has medical. social, ecoll.ic. ;itd psychologic al aseets: arid to attack it on a wI I IiunauinIously a doptedby the delexrates; scale wvill reltlire! pe(niliaily nlational I. The gireat a... sIr , times startling widespread and whole hearted co1operaadlvances ihi oul knowledg. of nition tk.. . the wart If all our poipultiOiL inl rveent ye~at have made it cleat that Ihis eInf'erce .... .. esh ( fllblig lrines I 'efood ;ill ilndidividt eatsludItl...I.....wily of attack as pila-cildrly 'nt..rtnnt affect his health. strength, stanliua. .II The ue of the recomi.....ded nervous eInellinttI. Iorale, and meIta] t l'Awanres of c~alries. prloein alId (raim funetionin. In ¥iew of these proven il..ottant ni3nerals and i.a.niit. . piffInt. it i vital forp theLU nted Slates to palelld b thi (o 0nntilten ,in Foad arId Numake i.....diate aild full us, of th, ne.e. trition of the Natiomril Rs,,-clh (,nncil knoIledge of nutLrioIn in the peseiuI I aboth It the generAl goal [or g nutri.oo tiuire emerency. Toi .. ehc-t this aspect tani theI nited States andl a> Onw of defense woauld h<. as hazardotls as to yldtieik by which t. measure progress negleet tni lila ry prepa red ness. tinrad that goal. II The newer knowledge o/ ellritmiou I2) Translati.n oH' these allowances, shoulid he used ..ot for the benefit of our arilnl f1lees, who must of ( he and other similar technical material. into ter'n of eerydly foods . i n. appetizing adecquately fed, but fill that of all wtorklilts suitable fior famiilie and i.... er5 in industries directly and indirectly uats at lefferent ecol~ndeI1~ level> ill stich elated to defense. ari also for the civil nway that the niewter' kllaE\tgdJe fl.. jall popultion a> whole. Wars all r'itln can Ie applied simply aid Irae oi 4lt accel fing to the health. toura: . nd in s.c.rdane. andi cahmness of whole populations andt{ tiealiy, in ever3 hile, the family. with the f.o prefer d ces thei abiir to texert hemselves to the ut 1:, Vigoonlrtad . .e.:ecivh 'Oi.itnuo" most. a.t' this is palrticdally truo in ti add t. oUr }).esent kno;,ledge of the l.odern. total wa1 fare. ,llltloinal iels of I..lvidh;ls, the lnillt. Rcenut dietary stuldies among large tIntiona statuR If grotipI il the pcilalarepresentative sap~sIII of the peopfik ol toln, the nutlitive conlent ol everyday the United States, clinical studies anntli boods ard the effects o var.ious f methuds smaller groupsl and] lte exa..Iation of men calleid up £oi military show ierviceof prlessing. st(l't.ig fnd cooking on thelr nutritive vaIue learly that pIoIr diets and undernouilsh I4) More ; dd.ies p.rea.. ed eatIof d o I'ntnit I , idesplead iln this eoutI y. The o, keill Lois entists. social-service conditioni tevealed corrohorate scientific find igs. While these con.,ditions offer no t(£ottlniid oil r.agc %,2 EVII)ENCEI OF MAALNUTRITION How nii...ty people arc seriously a[ feeted in health by nutritional deficien ies? Physical exainiations of young men calledunder the Selective Service rev-eals an appallinh perentage. A nhil lion young nues were exained. Sonic' 38(0,004 were i'ejeel jhysieall3 en as unt under piesent standards Andi it was estiTmated that 'perhaps on.ethird of the rejections were due either dirctly or inhdirectly to nutritional deeiekncies." This is 15 per cent of the total number ex aminiTed.Revelations like this, Coupled with the very recent discover ies in the science of nutitkm, ie-re what led to the calling of the first National Nuthitioi (onferenve. Stone 9h0 leaders, ch.sen because the, al ready had a practical grasp of the prnblent. were called together by Federal Security Adn.inistrator Paul N. McNutt- 1{hwW -~ Z THE UNITED STATES PROIXFC(JS BOUNTIFUlL . BOTH IN QUANTITY AND VARrET¥ The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 350 AMERICAN Rado Mein Carn qa& ENGLAND RADITO brin with ken eyes ard senstive eals, caallr le o/Jc]etectinug cnemy~ A bmbers , ,far I.... and guiding planes to thenll in the night. has beein iIIvented in Great Britain. It has been decribiLd as E nglland' fore,, ... '.. i Great BIriain has broadtst anl tppea to the United States for Padjo technicians to h1l manufacture and oper.I te this ,maiirkable inventio. The device is desihbud as so coipicated that it takes logert to train a man to service .. e thanl it dloes to maik one. A voluntary army of 13,00( technicians is wanted bit Great Brita n It is expected that the ulii vsa[ use of this robot will give England the conquest of tile air by night even as Bngland ha, had it by (day. DESTRUCTION IN NICIIT ()ne British Cabinet member d.s.c ibed the gadget as a adio that indTs the enemy in the darkns, that seeks him out thiough the clouds . . . that sends a', avenging fighter to the plce 'where he ,,ill .. eet. the lurking bomber andbri ng him to destruction.'' President Roosevel has announced that Americans may enist in the BI)tish forces and retain their American citizenship lie regards this proceduir as entilely legal. YoUngr Americans with tech Pital training may apply for n.on.-combatant work in Great Britain, chiefly Way set up for recruiting technicians to man England's foremost secret weapon >eJ Vliung such dlevicet. as thc new r'adio uperated ptane locator, The recruits will wear distinctive .u.i fOilnlS* will receive .:algrgingwages froIni $24.12 to $18.{5 a week plus board and lodging, and be transpoirteII to Britain and back at the wars end at British expenseC. Applications for this particular branch f the s may ,vcebe add .esse I to the British Consulate General. 25 Bgt}adway, New York. It is believed thaL U. S. Em ploymerit Olhees will soon he ready to advance such applications for non-con,batan t service to the British Consulate General in New York. Of course, tile new radIolocator is a sec ret weapon and little is known about it. but it is believedI that electric waves sigal the position and course of eniely bombers miles away. The British Cabinet member went on to say: "Although this is not the time to talk about the peactim e application of radiolocation it is no exag geiation to state that when this systeml ig fully applied to sea and air navigation in peace. most shipwrecks will be eliminated; there need never be another Titanic dis aVIt ,I ziIrI Imai c .tJ.. ! airceaft will be aboidshe.i f a.cirni[I to IPEIFECTED IN SECRET R~adiblocatihn has been a develop .ent of radio cetac since .. 1!3d. The British Cabinet odficer said the present device had been 'brought to manhood in semret anl had riiade a labolatory trick into an inIt'ullIIint of pIattical warfare.' The in, I iio.. is credited to Robert Watt and has been kept so secret ;hat in the military service it had been referred to by three letters only and even these could not be whispered outside the War Office The se.ret weapon hts been brought to high efficiency during the last few months. Its efficiency has increased fron 1) per cent to more tha, 50 per cent and ,hen. it ha,- rached 70 per cent, the Gel'man night nienac w il be practically at .n end British night-fighters are now painted black. By use of the nw gIa(Igct they can be poised on the ground or wait hg i, the ai' for the coming bombers. The present need is a building-ip of the British technical corps Sm.e i n.formed sources recently dedaird that even In its first limited use the devie helled greatly last autumn in the terrific air war and that its increasing use had a bearing on the recent in]] in nazi activity over Britain. Previously detectors were of the mechanical ear tylpe pickinQ up and amplifying the sound of airplane overhead ,,lons or nea.. it is said unofficially that virtually the same prinetihe has been applied in submarine detection. TECHNICIANS UIRGENTLY NEEDEn It is debatable whether the Germans are using this device or sone other device, but the British do not believe that the Berma}Ins art. using it in a wholesale way. HEADS OF RADIO BROADCAST UNIONS MEET IN WASHINGTON (Continied on page 375) JULYI 1941 351 BEVIN'S va ew~a Mh ATLANTIC OCEAN I' erh,, lb /rif h .llhh wtcr t...,r tlh, p..i. ch tut0ir,! ( . f. e. v. the I './led f¢lat* I W ][A'O)MIE I HI, I...... Ae th e N ce "or',, ll(r c}/t'¢ 8 I it this fiPt iol'unhty ~o e t lIn th' Ittei tiI h ( >lk si tI flCL l~ [t ,rk. k hIat plt va £1 .Iid of4 the le 5i nIdI [ L It( lli lihn, .i /ari[ ii .O. I.......i: tha [ wo]~ <1ste and* of tI spoLhk [4~t * ~f a It .ha he, [i1it thai \ both }irveLtii b I, t/ii - tent of a Ii et r(vt~ ir tt iitiqHl io Hiall Ito achie e it: hut oe r to ,ehe] with those of Athm>, have hI-. thwarteld hy th e injection of th.e i wat .. Ilficy int, thes lhoul jIoaliti tof Ettitipe andi the woilil W, hav'e not lt oim faith it, the pssh hility of t8tahlihin SiHlId siial..... e.ndi tils, for the pe'opic tl lth, woild; w've just bien tur, ed iside from this great work for the :,...ent. It is luther as if a people (If acity. catriyir i, tin d daily tasks, wre suddenly sLtilehby a foul dish ease. 'lIle people muist st asile their nominal eftIo.ts; they leItvt, thm to allow niuch that was ,n hilit to wlait over fot a laIer day and diiec the whole of their elint'gins to fightig a.d. staI"lping out thi, disease. which. if allowed to N. elieh(eked. woul destroy them, Lik, an eil iemic. this b[easily wai spik f Gr,'any has ,.auseda world upheaval twic( in a quartet of a tenturvy "We will not be driven back into slavery." British laboi lealder broadcasts to America Ill~*ttll illII ur piliI'Lal illh~lialaw,~ cV t he lim ltk halk into slavery Th IreIl I lIvinmx po [" r within uAurdxiln i ls *Il is tI/m phl~ i of iht Citi'ttdlkI( a gaiills vil¥ . Wiel h alv e* as iI jitojile, trillt'erg [i frl [m teuiladlpn . Xtle have iotuicui]le the main11 I ava~(i-s OiC the initltnirnltl revolutlion. We~ have' sti uiggleti [h: mutri the yearsin ol dl it) tsi blish adult Ž1it'f , igtru and fi, i~dlaiiiiiuzi Wt' hllvp our' war thrmiugh m1iSellablel pei/ih l' of poverty and( mneriualty. and at l stiiS n l iveui at a lage wht-re- all the ball'(ems vl/iih stood inl th{ lilly oi the people th' s. w olki nlI theit own otl ulest it, havt been dies troyed. WC wle h ttdinin tlfis nlew fitd t power t, accoUnt for, in spuit e of all our (o:lOltie .l~itlcult's, We Were o m ta' ing dWg, unit sitillS, ebiitlg ,ifil. citiesAtl. wipi g omitth e tewiile :uortgae hlinded on tWus freiI the iletentih century; we hlt)/ ultvelimpclI a stattus iani position which had carried U's mu11ch further' ahead tIhan the mire stageiif agit.;itio.. wi hadll won a position whe, gave the ii'.lii Illan lind ...... tI.u a full oppornimit} fhr coIIstiuctivv and crea .tive win t, illl w were rapidly writiln the PharaI N[TEI) AGAINST G;ERMIANY L ,tsies of our age an.lh the higher ex[l'lssioT ouf this urge~ onl the i-ages of a I am, sure it is avve.L. eul byv the Tood.I nIeW civiization. The last half eeNttur 3 folks in the /Unit/d Stlids. just as it is in in Ihis Oht Country had blin more pro;Icat Blitain aI.d in the British ctol:'enssile tllan liny agfe which had pre~ enrrweatlth of Nitions, that the health eded it. The Ireat mit-sire L f the I>ei, le andid rgressive stal, of soiety depend justice for and.ti.een. e in tl world hadl upon the propel of dellle-utt isd us to expllani intl glra t freedo ml lacy a oneeption which allows for the to othe'lg w ho wele th e o ogn,/spiritual urge that i wlithi man tI eXwelith, aOd this Las lihely to gol on with p[ess aind trans.ltt itself i.t the -utIlvlen gieatel ;alldit½y The British people tufal a. .I , ...(.n..i'i life of the couLtry. It o mdt beitive ih, doinatiif others.Tiey ceefpts l docrii e hitLib mahrtinten. ,a want, to Iive- on terms of eiumi/ity inside ,if it healthy life atiIld eplahtion between anri rotsid- the conipioiwea lth, a hd Ut lrli len[Ii aln nationis Tillst llependt uponI tu eei w(1,,, the nuiltliesshi the hun..I thptipe ofd reasel ai, riot forcee an.d l/Cand the ul-sil e toiptI I.llt coopelawhen the spirit mf divtatorship and awg- faml] g. .SSirIl seeks to p'eve't thie uiLS(f of - tlio with other peiditls wias N-llrtSSed i ish, ik all oil .... iiit ,atio relationsoI and destriy the i..i Ial k tlIttm ,otlhi 1p bhtwe n peoples. then it hi met w tih ships Iust siutllb ,uln resistancle and li.lit5 of )IXENTI'1I(TI'I E OR4(-F:. N %ZI.ISM iB o der thtat it may hi' theekktd and Liluig itself finaly Ietr~yed ;apthine the sldrint ti1ml ihis ac t I amIu iofen aked Ly visitors to roll[ ha d ul'e~ittt( '~it]Lit miS PWkh a Blritain t0 explan isBlahour over here v i sta of &}l)ol) t-tulmt aml Iid .Ial lanenlilt befmni th hi vitadl of ii ivillet faiin gi. is so whtil(eheata.lvll sti 1'ol'tiuur kthe nattional eff lrt inl thdi great stluggic Mthe p- iucation fllo r..... hiulr. e thi,;laLiai. ;ilm ly. tdt ht UIil ,.rImi ..... it,' th pr .arlS.t. Is that t- IIgarmi tiuI . war It II ti-lish ilaliiur, nIIv niez[t .. viehwed i..s Lighteous one. We kno% /here ear bIe nL monster Of destructioEn, stridng,. aS it material gain. indeed, whatever thle re Gnere, over the £lb, p of thUrOpt and apstit, the expenditure and loss of wraith proimcling us p ith a.l his menaces. We will he colossal But we aie determin.eid t, ER.NESTr SEVIN Brilii't NlIn.... - id Uali, ,ltlizerd that iH he werI nut isisted and huIledl i. k our hidldren would be tonuit'mnipet tO c(!ntuiies of strugg~le bef'ore titey auin, established their freedmi.. We ilae] Fe (ur eyes extiu.l. s of nazi at,mvit([.e .. l n methlods I, Gernany itself. Our ,dIieagues who had worked with us in the il/teriational iliovt-nliit and hail s, iven For- the uplift IifI their own people hald t :rded. iiien It WIIS It n.e in the .. t~yts mif[these ty:* llls fir upn~l t~ip L>;e ieasuili or collabor ate with the world outside, '4% saw the lenlioerity to (!zechioshvakpa go down: WXarslW it a I.l uf rUins Polai. wit its h checkerd aI.d thwarted histor} . again ravaged. We w itnessed Niuwnay. lioll~aid. Belgiul an.. Franc,. hi-hi, hi hnit]Hant So, ijILeb to it r putt under 1 thim¢tuiilU4$mtuir5 hteeL 'the trade 1:ltiomns rt-t'oniztl froml thle Ye;t3 irsi that thin VIN a ino~ister of die strtiet ion1 ani( fought hy every means ht th-i r p(}wer tn resist it and to a rouse un{Coant nu id on/ j~hiM 5 84{,, The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators Jiac 4ad Thoe /P411c Ynleaecd By O. A. FRII)DER1IKSON\ National Electric Products Corp. WKI(d Titis .att ,? l. I, t',sciited t to 0. 1'. M [. ,tJ,l octrsio!? Id ic h'rN! In ill? mlt nbe sit of Iht Utptt il'U itd allti. Electricity is a dollgeroUs cause of thit agenlt an] i)e- ract its use is prermiied ]lly under deftile rules of federal, state JIIlanmunlicipal codci4 and Spiocilicatmlos and Ulnder The National *Elect'ical (ode has for more than a quarter of a century required grounding of w iring systems under certain condi tions for the protectiml of life and prolpeity In order to meet this National Electrical Code requirement. Underwriters' La rlato- ries' standards, and federal specifications. logether with other standards, require a lype of construction and materials which will permanently maintain electrical continuity to ground by means of metallic contact. olitiet . ar boxes. No slhri age of zinc dust used ilI he proess is ex erieiiced. Few outlet oi switch boxes are zinc-(:ated by the hot-dip etth{od. low-cost element sively for applying zinc to outlet and switclh boxes. This method provides a control of the anmount of zinc applied, without waste. It is nmybelief that because electrical wi' hig systems are so important in ouir national defense program and because the3 are I per- manent part of all of ourl st ructures, such as buildings, ships, docks, power plants. etc., they must be well nlade because they cannot readily be replaced. It should also be In tderstood that corrosion is the worst enemy of electrical wiring mu- It has been found that zinc is the only available l pl The electro-plathiug method is used exten- writers' standards. readily (Iist, sj'i.. I teriais and it is very important that corro- in Ihe sion be kept to a nin/itth¥[1i in order that these metallic series that will provide for iron and materials may provide the service for which steel the necessary corrosion protection and they are intended. afford the required metallic contacts for a We request ihat the Office of Productiol large portion of the miscellaneous fittings Management and make zinc available fOl corrosion lprotecition metallic parts of electrical wiring systems. and safetyv There are three commercial r)tCes5,es £1r take the necessary grotu steps to dii g continuity for metallic outlet and switch boxes, and further sugges! applying zinc oIn ir arnd steel in Ilse; nlaely, that conservation of zinc be stressed where sherardizing, used on articles e/ctl rn-plating and hot-dipping. The sherardizing method is used extensively for applying zinc to outlet and switch readly replaceahle antd of minor importance eoAi patred with elect ical service. 353 JULY, 1941 A.F.OF L . 44va 24eded AMERICA EWEY IL..I11 NSON, I'resident, Georgia Federat ion of LalIr I)D l I IT /di, I a h[I (~'f i I Ill J] I ./I/~n/ .... . I ih tlO.Ophj lt.l.lfh?, Ii , (I h II1 I)( Joh'a . I V D1id, ( ! k~l~ iN( I.TI I I .. ll)~lt~r~l~ ..... h... Ij.. t , till th"',II l Al1id lU mSltlt(lt lr~l hiut tift... discl'Ihi... I)t (I'll' I'll" l~,,,L ...... .ith T If 'll-111ity, lllF"d~qll .*lllOF,'t lpirti latlwil tXis,'Ttt L ito!c for the ther! is a rlltiifes existsh'it"IllSP illtl eab.t y aspl'l(I, I me l elle Amer.c. n FiLtI . Thi ...IIy ,ll,, 1 SUIh stood, both in limes ~ It. ha~s ;tltyti RI hl rqLteag&tistlPil~ly ft)1111 i t. peae ulividl ee, stbVetsVe ati tividIIe iftl seek tillS ctRt[ntly, ItS recordhid ll(' tr Ilsuiriet lIst WIMl g'*f'¥S Liitijsiatkiiljlc eyitli'iitq .)f is supplrt of A .. i.. Lr inlstitutj{)ls. T'I/ AFljI!lhitll VFt,]lationl of kal,, 11 and always will 5,111011, rr hays h~Is /meJlthet deiteise cit these AmeriraJ'hl LJthP aIM LIIII ,y th.r' tI,}kght to Ie III"I *IH ought tr' 1the( is Wa' ,h tit tiIlsto tih, wtcI ... atipll Whilt, we le'tpt i there is [ti...ialit ln go Vtiles's which, giv... LhI dtll"lAl [le ,tulhd thsi A1tlaI" IL~L~ American Fedevation of Iabor is an Ameri can institution IllOwl~ I, ?te is ,lalketi about In ie hmnis, (i the ~,ll i'li[,. h shtq Ie...l..H. in the 1 A11,"1lil)r('h1etLstvi hIe ing (lleit ,CV[(IV "IC tis(l'ksstulh ill dJLA u t v oIl take Ithi stlli, v( l'I!' fild]s and rtisI iuoBt¥ovelsial is..l.., .I J1rI1lIsjing, rj11etl(li, es o to ,ay ,ltthiig Clrnnlleni jritiiit~y' oven ijidyi~titi~tl/ grPitil ¥ 1 ] inlt~eests, we tit. ...t Ieliev that g'i v r 'I~hII tioi IL nIetlit Ill {Itit r~llM icy his It l I,~it;i dlmoecratwe imtitlipili qp/!iaz! rms of /¥lt is L.I',s it iiJi&'i in Iighl . {;I]O(;I \k L1AIHOIS REo('OID (I~ ']iiih the lPrictktel]v SlpL'~kimr,. we a}Ult,4, fo.' is the tihm statement ihat mlt It their Ii thle ;ijt good metIt t o Ie OsikriLs. rpuntlr.y We wish thele wel ,k's. neeLd Ifl s Lvte! ti/ WI\ 'vish rhe(e he }labli t t, pgo, u {i<h that WVe ol t hqI tiv I ll , 'iL i ip]eS I lhIIV(! Itelnt the kIugaintig, welt' fuilly accept'd il spirit e s thter'O fitl, as well is it wer.. \<<t whatt miht W;tldt be i,/q ;llikeT i~fii l he Ihe le'tstlt of 51 ,uiit1liC( ethirts'[ fllt, Hld~] o ll etes t.ol~h,( II' it'Is, iivigi he thu]I,, l~,Iis siiinsibl1 would b, tlhi te it thai Lal.rIsfl std DEWVIlY JOHNSON Inot o hVIIl theL tfact tht tihe wyork(r of this totltly 5 at wItlik. No~t milply Olne It O]' lI mlillion. pLillp I .. I l... .... ItlHio alt . atl[ wilqlyle altH hut 85 Pr 40 Iiijilitn daily g{inig ItIu w, lcs liu ini he (itis,. i shewIhetLI rInhI II, t Ifal' hs, OHit the it {}dire, Lheilr }Ild tILI!, IIhere iving If' ItILheI t ittll til titig aill to [his hl~tsjii(eS o /J} xvohk. IVhen/ oI. to. s t Ihi 1hlint in its ... iI t here are (I 1e1,,ike hr Ilttllil;t I, the frrat Iteah. of c ripp' hut Lt'](slwrking iftiilay tivity. More W tII are tlll thply aIile Wt king hlltJiel... I tLhe effe('tively thi, etv, ...[. WOl'kilv tI lisfto" If cl'I. tolInith. LOYAl/I'T Il lAT ('O[NIS ,ea,,y ltahrwhs IT the, sec...dpittu. le;idership Iitd wouldl b< to disavow snti ,11Joris vellry "iTIj( red I'l sy 0O tihat iLi ILI, Work, ]t'Jad, ''itt, will I.ld will, skill 'Ollld inl (hlW fi'ot illiks of those who ]lneill(. .h . t(i s.l.S( . till +qi[ Withlttit im Vt begi i..tti t ill. is f ill 110111 the very winli stq* ii. Let twI say here' that ther/ o so [LI is IIi T flcinmg cIr o.ntr.y. TlheY pIylig any CIiii(YiflIt .f 11lt oIhe i fgroup prpojets sI. ikes on (lefetist have b1th.. bIt itl V(hlt(' Lathe.r hiilite anLYI aiLa we believe we &at light ill sayin that I the . Ill the rer'nL,jeejirig ill (]F)Io/ laboi, was ready l11n hietfe capiLal was General As,,liJbly, charges Oi la(;JIokt, bnoughlt not to he atllow~ed t~o 50tqke, thery i was lie tqdulI' lolIgetontbld"e.hhIlf, img OL, tie'tise poil'tO'ts wrle hrlled at the Navy wIas eady with (ef'te ratdy "'olk I YJ "I'l 1 to say, but sh~~oulht limbo,]; bill noit one Ring1o irsiance was t,cthin]g to wvha4 itaiciis l'y a[Id gr)VelIiItlII L hlbor Was ,'ttly wi00 it, han.ds foulltl after' investigatiot, Jil[ tinl thle any p ilLS atidh111s ,,g,, I I~ll prppl Ihilk, lefore the Antiy was ready loe tetihtm the other hand lti..r iil G(eqgia was lriven a worker wits stidLtdinv a thi IalI. Whil, ill oif by edifrdl oicials. clean h IlI2MOC!'{AfY II'A( TICAl CO.l g'ss wasil[,uiitg the why and the Perhaps the issue is 8trlpWit tt. how, while ildustry was d]Pll/itl(]itg ceI fusedl; (ltaildly the position t' tg...lillzed Let us ad.t.iit atiwe thit o.e thiagt tlil labor nd .... i..nicts, tiLiRttltit$t ain ]bht is heiiig milisulnd.erstoold laId itilgeid needs ttttl:;y is Worpk, Wytlk ~Il cuutriyn WaS vohlunteer,ing its services, without unahLlly ill sil11t Instantos. We believe Let uls tlalit, tLo. that e tlfinL wqik. reflectinIand ieasuteid jmlg- thought ci+dhllt or1egislat itiu that a calh S i , I A! hisIaI I( it, fI ItheII .... h It... I i,Otl> as labo Ieally with will and NIot olly viewing of the whole (irc['tll if iient., calvedn'J 'the Ilore, that the (ItlltyI,,s skill LI. wttlk, hut was tready, too, to go pictlre, Wt,.hI{l hi very 1111h iot ,lal'l)tl~l h1LU!11,nitist 411(0 ItiihII'V~ oIVeI the d It is easy tLI> atlyWhert allnd at any toime, While we ale l istleiinhg to th( i'psi/al,('e: of Ii'l. Lvitig arhniltt I f ills paricetlr uop, over'ook the ignificance ol such a readi.fense (h the of hamstringitig ajpiare..I thall to admit jIot wlillig tre LIs ninuh. we m ]lss. TIoeasyt take it for Irantled. The program by labI, and the views of those ade I wov k is the ol..]y thilg' that is n, e ,,woitd very willhlgii',ss If a worket to leave his who wtittltI pIt labor in its }Iat 'ptic'll lao.. s.ubL as [h' poiesent tii.... one, sec!tion, of the I(... iLLyand go h1i. Itf ImlilUds it not be wo(r thwhile tol recall ho he heat abo.It in ctait l seetipIns to tLIther blinded its to the Migquickly I tn tylp', constrclti2ve the, e trdIl Lto positi. Of the siliat some ¥ery he .... ...ay tltq, t e [he fact II that willingness ntii...Ipee ,~ tributions trf hlbor in this defenlse pro If few wish III hvi of t(as..rQ tlit ob(toIsieitliouts that there are a few gran? Wlht is labor doiln toII.... lt .. hi'i tihs coIutry, II.x jIl' apply jetors toi the Selective Servic. Act Ioes ilself [r. n all er .J'il one works. whtther pIp iot. he shall IIe out cotlWitry ito not blind us tI tilhe solid palittilst of our with ,h, I. hllay bie ais tSt~lltI I., ul~es. Wvl~lt is it doting' to coopertet'I fj'III in tlit yout.h Not should the hcsitaney and p/i thie Prosidet ini his program of tllttioIttl aI Wor k its ll 'reetOand It'm'rtV I sibly the xhrbitant or uneats/tmtlhe Il defense ? eir, Nor would 'y, say thiit thiltt ale1l workers bbi[d LIs to tht fltrtllAS oIf ItW work. is ft labor place, lfirst In the pluselltt the Ill ,,hich, tider' , etIlllstaice .t,.I flle tf Aimelrca rank tile fall4 lhat is .ances a few l' ,lnifying ant n we While iltel'('nCy. strikes he Ullii)atuioi I,. Whelm to['irumy, let Is ainl there tthe Ihlt 392) IIa I., iI.... hl1l1d o1 we say there oukght to he n/o strikes, wi The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 354 Ta lh DIP, DIP sPADDLES ,z Th& Sa Bly SHAPPIE StnlOr d/ < 4fl C th - d tI ' j b t, ' ee, f ,rS~ I- Here is the kind of story one likes to read on lazy, summer afternoons llrm I..k 1 woodlen leg an' he, .t.. start kGlckil' raibe dewn like pills i a bowlin' alley 1~I i/a 'II~ Iir,t,daecc lok dal. i, AW utla,,d 1 I nut, I .....I 1 I11 T ,11,Dr , 0 Jules the river was an open bok an' all I hal to do was kape paddlin' an' Thaen the .. naviatin' to him. Wid un- canny judg ,enthe wud ster, in soer piaces, so elose to the banks that the overhangin' branches av trees Wud threaten to sweep us out av our seats, Al ither times we wad ed'e roan ' little islets allus at the furthest distance possible from the downpull aM the Undstr,.an eurrent. I said to himi, "Jules, ye sure knlow yer riel''" Dat's no wone'r, Terryyue an' all ule res' of de fanilee, we is born wit' paddle int OUr hat'" ~ "I can well helave that, M,. LaFlamFe, fer there "as ould Mick Rafferty, back homne-he was Imrn wid a wooden b g- mebbe that was why he was the best situnp spaker in the kept clear av hin fIr to his tongue an' if fcee-for-all, whisk! ot. .try. Most palie he had a sharp,dge he ivet got inta a off wnd come the he was worse than Sarstinl among.lS the Philistines. A lot iv thin, ppre trout, there was born wid wooden heads, too, which accounts fer thin livin' out their natural lives, Ye could understmnd that if ye had iver been ,t Kilkenny Fair. fer the noise av the shillalius crackin' do,, on thin, wooden heads cud be heard fer miles. No worldir I left the contry young ne, wid a red head an' a thin ]kufl." VOYAGEUR IN EGYPT "Well, you i safe in dis en ittree. Tel Iy, less a tree is fall down on you. No wI e'orul aIn' nmah bru-dde is know how tI ha-rle ,anoe fer de fadnr oC mne he is witn of dose I'ree h.n'er voyagegur -'at is gi, to (it (.ountre, w'ere dI plee is all hIalk in de face'" -k hat conlltry wa s that,.]tiles? "I Oiuk she is cal Egyp' ail'dey is wan' all dose vyag-ur, so mah fader say, fato shoot tie rapide adf brg t.(ever- I t'ink she is call de Reever Nel wida lot of bee.~g hilalle..ux for de Queen Vict(uaw sage r men l , bos s g oner-al, so, ,,ah fi der say, he is ride oin' on an fi i. ee .t.iii al wv'at is c:all atm ill! an he is s.y dose Cantayei vY awee ,i STAG AT EVE THE SA AV,;l b" ,thq I Itr, .. evepInerl 'That ,iiht he ruel. jue, aid I, it Wv$tis' ro t the rrish." The ifrleinoon was waul' an' the tea d) paddlin' nIIde us both thirsty.. ues said, "'hisnu[n[ii%,we is not Wani' duo(, beelw'at dose jack i wan' us to 'avebht tow, is weesh to hilow de froth off of wan long juicy wan s rIevet wvater ' too /nooh, av (h d U' claill it butearioe snr We is "I'e to leeti e bayou, w'ere ice-co sl'eeng, he is buhble out of d roch'" A few h...dred yards on a deft stroke av Jues' paddle sent us glidin' silently rita a bauliful little cove, almist hidden by overhangi,' trees an'.bshes. So quilt had beci u, entrance that we wet%* within a few feet ar a buck dIhr. fund down, drinkin' at the water's edge. Suddenly it caught sight av ns whirledan' was Iway wid high bhouldin' leaps that carried it over the tops av the bushes. Fir a moment we sat in silence an' thin Jules eplke up. "Babt Gar! I weesh I 'ad mah rifle wit' "if ' in t% "There eo Juleso ye hl.ody murtherer," said I. "That deer. ir-eold il tile eh1ta water, was wan av the purrlest sights I ier saw an' all ye can think about is shotaiil' it an' cuttin' its thbrat. H ow do yu get that way?" 'Sebbegoyou is right. Terry, de way yo is lurk at it, but if 5ou is lev ol Ie ranch of mah fader an' dose deer is uollie in do idght j ... I eI fence, w.a. is Seen a!l feb--gnaw die tender bark ,'at is w on ' de unt.g apple tree an' keel dm, eat de toi olf de elrrot an' beet, besides dolot of udder,dst-uI mebbe you is wan' sht..I dnim, teor nN", is plant plaitee apple tree but dose deer is keel nlas' of dem. Mebbo Ilis der she, is do lot damage, too. you is ls, two, trfe young tarchnl.d nebbe you is get IrTsh up. You is ntd shootdose edgrhut you is hlt 'tllt Wall Ireesh wallopi on de iose sAohaitI dat yon is bL- bees neck, 'vatyou t'ink, huh?" As we we cud fotl the cold air aI the l ittle spring on our faces. Ma....y a time since, Slimi, whin I have been parched wid thi-st in hot duLy places wheIt good 'Iater wans lackil', in ime nind I cud see that same little spring. One of the greatest gifts to man -. an' the least valued is Watler, an' yet, how would the worId gelt along withot it? RAIPIDS All TIlE isdo b.s. AD) After we had qtuenched .. t thhsl we SNt out agta in We kept up a st, ,dy beat wid our pa for tddlsabout an hour II, thin th, faint sound aI tumlhin' wjate leached oulr e ars The river begti I( iiail'rhw siid the cur'rellt boeroi swi fte., "-Bee fails ahead/' said Juls. "l,' we! milS' Inak' tItl& Ic ... btage. Dle reven-, she, is steel igh In' we mus padlle 'ali luin do swif' cur..rt' if we is rak' k, lartill' plhee neu', de fuot of dos2e fall, huAyou is n/ns' dead front tire bydis tim¢, I euler', huh?" 355 JULY, 1941 Rew GENERATING PLANT Bv LEWIS L. HARVEY. L. U'. No. 1B-9 N Iecord time. the new 50,.000 ktllk att ir bo-generator was loaded to full a a ithe )'Dess .r plant of the Public Service Company ol Indiana. near Terre HautI. just 18 months afTer break. ing ground for the addition of tke ne. unit (xteInshll to the ,Id station, located on tIe balks o th Wabash River aboutI T errhe. ate,. hid. eight reles below The constructioi of his $4.04II.400 Ixlension at the Dresser station wa a part of a general $6.400,000 expansion prony grami of the Public Service (opa throughout its service area, ani brings demanS capacity thDro glih its the system own plants ar.d interconn.ect ions to a or total peak if 244,000 kilowatts .i..t 17 per ent in excess of the present syster peak demand. The new generating uiit is double the apacity of any of ath older fm ts a the statio and ihel.ases the output of the station to 125.0410 kilowatts, providing greatlVy reinforced power supply to the central ani souther In a.eas Public Service Company of Indiana opens huge extension to meet peak demands output of the generator is being fed to the transformer bank through two 2,000, 000 cm cables per phase, these being Ill saled to improve insulation and agaiinst deterioration. Power for' station service isfrom taken either the 13,200 volt side of this tcansforner hank, or direct from the gene.ator through either of Iw. 5,000 kva 1;L200'/2,300 '140 volt tras foIme balks for this purpose. Another featu1re il the expansion and ihnpro; enwnt program as planned will be Illo ... nued on page 3812 kilowatt tf ioetlieal e hncl, for every 1.25 pounds tf fuel This is about .:5 coiniumed. p..nd> less that, the fuel ate of the oh sta tio nand i only that about om third the vate Was -equiledl inl the avrmage generaetig stalton 25 yeals ago The station now uIes somie m of water. 23000A0,(01 gallos aba h p]U f e.l. fr o m the · i dely, to c(,nd.eiise the exhaust steam fII nll till four turbines. new ti, generat inig Ihk unit, ;ille double the capacity LINED EFFICIENCY STILE 'Mm .f the old rlits iS ritily about ini physical 2, per cent hrer Two new pu.verized fueI boilers snpply size, and opeates at lie Sal the steam for the new turbine at 250,00u speed. )~leasultenrents overall pounds per hou i each. at G50 pounds pitsare 55 feet in Ikngth and 6(; 8 rio and 900 Oiegrees F. tem.perature. 'I'h b~oiler s consumte powdered coal at the rate feet ill height including the con .ns.. rThk new equipment of approximately 20 tons per hour each. [i the is housed in an etenshnII omesfron the e'npran>Most <I lhis c old phlat .t.uetutI owned nine located at the power station. In the electrical do'elo pmierit which has capacity for about 1.500 ton,, of the expansion pro~gam it per day. The pklit boile,. as tall as the waS ftnlnd expeIdient to feed receive average seven tory building. their fuel dilectly from the nine (vet :a the output of the new uinit diredtIy a hank of thro systemn of belt cOlveycs to thel iv 400 li167 va trarskfOrne rs to the on hbn, ker, above the boilers. The extraordinary efficiency f the new 656,000 and 132,000 voit busses. those being the largest tran,, uinit is evkl2d0 d by the fCletthat it is *iin the syster, The frmt c capable of pie(liting under full load o.e II ' 41 - - * VIEW OF TrHE COMPLETED PLANT FPOMII THE WABASH RIVER t Cui'-eadJ",g down II) the generator. 50Lf00 kva. I>0, mLLI girpm 138.00 vo.l (2' The steamr ,,d of thc Iquare pipounds ~-,, c pur ralor. Sreami is teed ,d 165O <1 Thi Il2.00( hii,and at 000 dee, -e F cmpcraturrI which rir(B (It 1he power* fro yahl L-uhstaihflo l fiom ~~~~hruew unit r, sent nil ;l~ wa to the users 14' tie, piani mn e. Srot tix 'cyc e p1od ietton .it . .. r.ns a. thi ztapipc here show,. ap.... , ..L.e]y I 5O Ions o£f Indiana tol time i've 400-ton bunkr pg ecoal alt conrvevecI daiii over Ih hitioLiLrS Thie Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 355 JOURnRL OF ELE(TRI(AL LUORHERS OFFICIIL PUBLIPTIO1R InTERflATIOiIat BROTHERHOO)D OFELECTRICAL LIJORKES 'IL IJ ill...... is.~V 4iti' t9,Mti 1';yen the solemn lie-factories of Berlin failed to think up a good one to take (are of the in vasion f Russi l by Jlltler. Three months ago HIililot was trenlibing comnmnist jargon Io the effect that (erriraly was lighlbig capitalistic countries hi behalf of hi.e w orkers if the wtorld. Now Hitler consilers Joseph Stalin his enemy and has embarked union a tcolossal enterpriseae stlbiubgatinrg an ancient. po'werful, ulndenmocratic country. Those Americans who futilely tm ughIt that anvone couldI deal with Adolph litlter lose t.le last arrow in heir quiver. litIery's whole strategy is revealed. He is bent on world domination. He is the twentieth century-edition of Napoleon, (enghis Khan and other aitltmen of the past. The is that Hitler has rednced all philosophies to absurdity. It is ino use to Consider isnms or principles oIrlogic or ideals in the face of this elementarl mor'on. What is nearer to the truth is to say that a paranoiac killer is abroad in the wikrid and he must I)e calltttred and destroyed at any Cost. Such simpnlification of complex world politics is al most too much for those people who wish to make oie excuse after another ixs art obstruction to doing wha must be done. The hope is that the German war ma chine will bleed itself to death against the fortresses and colossal army if the HRussianas. Tile hope, too, is that the Rtlissian peasant arid the Russian worker will somehow conic into sonic kind of democratic conltro! of the Russian dictatorship as they fight for theni lives. on behalf of "peace," folded uiip their signs and stole back to Union Square to get their clandestine instructions from tie Russian dictator, It is these 0 tllceptait arid uniprmeil)ied leaders of the comnlullist Underground (-taliq( who have tried so atdently through the ('10 If get control of the American labor ronvernert. The 5 will coltinlue their urderniriitg of the A. F. of L. anid (he bona fide trade unions. They will seize or the fact that R5ussia is no1w all oilportent of Ilier to seek a new united front with liberal and Ilhbor forces in the I nited Staites. They will not cease heir tetlornderiihiig evet Ias they now cry OUt for war. They forfeit tbh respect of every decent and citiz n. They shoukld be laughed oun of the American labor nmovenment. World Crisis Whirling Dr ikhe, The whirling dervishes of the American ('Commiruinist Party have furnished a great deal of laughter. amidst the grim business of war. Almost over night they have changed their phonographic record seot from Moscow. They are no longer crying f])r peace, They wipe the hypocritical smirk fromn their faces and assume a new mask-this time crying that Joseph Stalin is fighting for democracy. The American Peace Mobilization committee, which had been picketing the White House for weeks John Lewis's Harvest March, 1936. the ELECTRICAT WORKERS JOURNAL, said editorially: In LMr. Lewis has ibdlhis is his major misde meanr h. okt!D[hl, t lab.r lor. Al u (-racid hour. wthen ,plom,'crs at iIoazizke[] as thy hiv, n bIe lver! lwf,}- . ,litl wh,,, th,,r( i is I ,,or'Si1t threat f lascis..., MI'. has. eewis, it[ I'oct. (llviled the ltor movement. It is Im, thai he has i adt this tlVisiI ait all self riginoteoul (q .. o. i tnilis o1(1 in the I Of treaten S vice Icat lhi, fct I'thl illm th, ... ....... nen I is d ivi~le]." This was and is Johln 1, Lowis's major miisdenmeanoi aIlli anyone who hlnlestiylooks out upmon this country today is aware that the harvest of Lewis's conduct is poseonotis with weeds. Mr. Lewis by his stubborn. misguided anid vindictive policies has brought the labor movemenm into a position lower than at arty time hi 20 ceat's, despite its ifcrepe inl membership. In the fi-st place, Mr. Ltwis opened the doors to commur ists and brought them, with their hectic and poisonous tactics. iito the labho movement, They have only recently artayed theinselves not only agal us, the more eortuervativeoeilnts of the (r10 but against the government itself, They have brought confusion to the labor movenment. fly their violent tactics and h:is ow n, Mi. Le, is has almist rained the chances of building new relationships between farmers and labor. Furnarers nove in a1sharply different economy from that of workers; Ilbey are still individualists and they are surspicious of a settled pTolcy of strikes and viokenee. Mr. Lewis has divided the 1(ieinto four warring camps which. though somewvhat obscured, makes it impossible for the (C10 to act as a unity. lie has repeatedly refused arbitration wit h the A. F. of L. Now organized employers are bringing sneak bills into state legislatures laid hitit Congress designed to undercut all the legislative gains made by labor in the last 10 years. Mr. Lewis has brought labor into disrepute. Mr. Lewis may not be working for the employers but he could not have done a better job for the employers if lie had been working for them. 357 JULY, 1941 Hlypothetical One of the best possible illustrations of lee was used to sn.ear and discredit labor, The folone of Thurman Arnold's worst possible lowing examples, howeoer. will show how some oI the Thurman the hypothetical ase. policies is the origin of the ''"$1,500 Con1gressmenl misinterpreted "Mr. Knudsen, AlMihelet: (ongressman I, Example initiation lee." liere is how it started. the repappealed, Arnold Thur'manl Mr. yesterday on Arnold was the first witness to testil hbefore the . . . For Justice of Departrunii 'f the . , . reseuntative Judiciary (Comnmittee of the ihouse of Rqrevstntatives not wouli . . . iiion glaziels' the Iahl inistajine, he investigating labor tractices to determiian if and how had thcy . unless . . [)prmiit allynei tIo set the lanoS labor impeded national dleiense. 'The following (lU(the unioi. To join hev had( lron gotten aI flie l S tations ar, from the record, but the italies have been N.V, d.o yIou think to pay $1.t500 jiliation fee supplied. l{ernenembr, this is sUlposO(ed to heevidente 64) I Page ?" corritt is that [lie enlhehr also, it is uplmseI to relate to national rs/lflla KelauLver (Of TliliuS*(ee, Example IL '10gl{ defense. do youl h]1oW, O hlts it been "Well, IHillman): iv C(hicaJo 1o Mr. Arnld]: "For instalie, Ili, l/I02fl iila n lfbel* of instances that attention, to vetor talled horttge $1.500 for the privilege of putting in glass fees whic, ae ihlnithtion eXcessive VerI the with wh{o (anllpay aties, andfithat is fine fop thte p)eoph es $1,5010. have eic Cai hi'll lI, I, uY It ripo..(Cd it, but you can see how trenmendously that i stridts caused a bottleniik in certain skilled labori" Ite supply of skilled labor." MAi. Hillhtni: "I would say, Mr. Conigressnan, appears That statement, purporting to hoe factual, mo case of a SI,500 initiation fee has been dl'awn that (311page 5, Ser'ial 3, of tih committee's heatt'il/gs. But attention . . And, Conigressman, I will say to my to '<1 page 20, Ill( following' atpeitIrs: if there was a bott lerech it would be drawn that you Arnold: "Foi instancer. hk thatlyr is moldh--I d/o (Page 94) attention," to my mol know, hot/lyre i! is-that there were only 20 Example Ill, (Congl'ssnman Iloh[)s (of \lablan) glaziers avahilabe in this camp. I won't give the to the evidence before this comiiiittee the "Accoiding illi. Let os location now. They hired 170 ionn UliOwn have run as high as $3,0(0) aId (F co. fecs initiation men n olIu11ion ,maitc the reasml they hired the 170 500 .. . .Doyou know o? hlt Ohttit .h.. ,ihiobe Ic was that they could not dig tip the initiation fee," oicasihns?" such aInVy or or Now thin, what is Arnold talking about, fact I know Ir Patterson (I Indllr-SIcr('t)ry of Wai) ictionh? Or has he an affliction which causes him to htl those its figures high of such instanmes loose torrents of fantasia whenever Ih, ecan get all of no that." like anything or attention my to called audience? Lest he be done nitustice, howevier, let us (Page 231) pause to exaimhlie whether the second qote is about a different calst, and whether lie still stands bv his firsi statement, OnT page 24, Congressman Mi lhener of ' It he brilliant AssistThe press echoed and re-ecIoed Alchigan, a hit eagerly, interposes: ant Attorney (hneral's imaginary abuse. But illas tile "Under existing practice taWe the glazxiers' union. public ever heard Iof A. F. I ' . President (reen's initiation fee. They charge $2 They charge $1,500 Flere is what committee? sarle testimorny lif1e il(te per day as a license fee it i he man does not have the Mr'. Green had to say of the hfypthetical jnitiatiii fee: $1,500. Now , . . why is it neessary for hiese men "'Much has also been said aitbIuIt the $1,500 inithitoioi working [Licie 1o pay trihtute to that particular union fee allegedly (haritg'ed by Local nijon No, 27 il ChliiF the union oIs not coil 'ol the contract ?" iN has oct' 3, oI mlid hit #>oljl No Arnold: 'If Ithe men like it, and if. as it may be (ago..A'0smith hitug, ortlsewhere to ony hoca[ tim/or, O/ $/hs.i x. C tl I his c S (It// to ni1 to in this cast, betalse I do /0ms InI 1927 and 1928 Chicago was riding the Irest of a is a case of this that 'rus, loo;e Ilai, is a hklpothUral great building hoon . . . lahzires flocked to Chi(ago the men getting what they want, and gettinrg somefrom all parts of the country . . . h, union did thing lot those dues, then all those men will he acceptwish to assumle permanent obligations toward not ig a choice and having the collective bargaining members whose employment would obhiously new agency of their choice and it will be all right." he of short durationi. To make the entrat'e int, the Thus the $1,500 initiation fee is not 0o1e set by bahr, unioi prohibitive the local set the initiation lee at but a -hypolletical" one set by Arnold. Unable to ! a theoretical figure oF $1t,500, N. talc 0h(' c/'? 'ci Ut//I speak of practices he k/ovWS, he inlvents practices : xt It/I lee rtdtO ) o It , prlccd tlIt /r'( II such <i d which, if true, would provoke tondeninathtm. Yet, out ic, od be' paid. of his own hurge mouth, he di secloses the inwvmtion. "Glaziers' o)Call Un.1ion No. 27 consists of aplroxiIt makes little difference whether Arnold intended 475 members . . . hall the membership of this niately tieh factual impression created by his earlier state still unemployed. While there are 11o requests is union ment, Such dt(lterm inatiion wVou I in dicate on ly whether in the glazieis' union in (Chieago. )emhership mo n f Arnold is tmIre malicious thin stutipid. '[he damage teeo is $50 whit'h anyon, initiation established Ihe was done iiimaking theihnl)'(ssion that he wats talkinig pay in small installcould memlership oer iplplying ahrating the el about facts. There is no need for of time." pleiod a over ments manner in which the "hypothetical" $1,500 initiation '. The Journal of ELECTRI CAL WORKERS and Operators /144A - 4'. DON'T TtROW VITAMINS DOWN THlE DRAIN 0 (O on Lbe dietair -Aold standardO.I" eI u,,IIII-,aI pa e 34e? .ri dI] ;i] of thi, tuonths JOURIINAL is a.'hallnge tOi O1,l V An/ell-iait hp.n.n.... .. lkol eIll! !ii ch.ose th, corie II 'Ili ertI flr heI.. , . hut to utilize tlh se fI..ds to best ailv; t:ue. An .... ew outhit i.. said il* fd, "More vitanin s ape waste d in the kitch, in thnonr anywhere \ I .'need . .. I to cha ourl cookin~g iueibodis. It's said 1hat the American dtet is partilcularly lw in vitantin B,, which is vtny t'le.essa. for e.* yi andt nhervous balance. This is aIrtly due to tihe u,, cf utra-refined whitif .ulpantd brrea I lade toom such ftour as stapies of diet. But naot of us housewlives have beie, gi lty al o of wasting vitamin Bh y Ao.ilur , t pot liquor from ooke vegetables ,L down 1 the sink. You noust also estrain yourself fIoan reaching for a pinch of soda to ad LAeen vegeah.les in e...kinlug. It beings to then tol the table with a brilliant coleo, hut much of the vitamin cotent has been destroyed. Waterless cooking netbleds si.puld be used wheneve possible. Study this list ofIr les, You might. lip theI.. aid mount with thumbtacks leal hooc worktable, for handy reference. I heek with yotL cooking methods tu detemine whether you have been going SAVE TIlE VITAMINS! Don't stir air into foods while cooking. Don't put th.n though a siev¢ wlih sAill iot. Don't use soda in eooking ,.reen ~e eeta bis Ihi boiling foods, raise the telpera toe to the boig poait as rapidly as posstibe . ,Start with hit or boiling water. Ise as little valor as possible Don't ue Iorg cooking p sucI, a, stewing when shorte, l ethods ale pssioblR. Dtnt throw away wa q- ill iich velre. taimes have beel choked. IIse it iln ntkng sauces, gravies tand soupsDon't fry foods vaualIe for their con tent of ¥itanTi A. B1, o C. Destruetin of these vitamln I8 ltess with other neth urls of cookig. Prepare chojppd fruit and vegetable saIlads just before servin t, Start cooking frozen foods whil, tile5' a r still froz.eni. Serve raw feip.zea foods inniediately a fte Lt iaog. Serve fresh f.uits and egetables raw u henever they can palatably be eaten that way. liere is a sht about the, orllas ,itaniii~ lloi i, kol,'n to be ;itaHlI 1Ieees$,qlyto hntaHn health. A ev Pe deeieineIy inIally of it .se Ie.ilts ih a diseas. sutch nts pelglara, lickers or -leurv' I~lorv prI'll a,), lhovever. a,i the IbucI er-line cases causId by a slighinlibited use of vibambiiei food .... I a Ion.K opred of time. Th isIesui t il inpaired energy. efijeiey andi appetite; Iow/recI resistance to disease, tooth tlecay. night blindness, ad other evideuee.s of main utriition. VITAMIN A: Stimullates gotw(h ad Is necessary for well-being al all ages, Builds up iesista..ce to infection and is necessary for good eyesight, soult teeth, and the health of halr, skin and nail. Best our(es: (yeel, vege!tahbes pLiopery cooked-such as dandelion g.enils. beet g'reerl s i, haI, m ustar v greens, escarole, spinach; also iver oef be Iveal, fish live, oils, fish rioe, egg yolk, butte,, cheese, gieen l ettue, wva.te crs,, string beans, carrots geen or. red peppetr, re tomdatoes, green peas, s,,eet pota toes, apricots, yellow peaches, yellow squash. Contained il other green oyp'I low vegetables .ad fruits; also in cream, muilk, kidneys, oysters aridri saliOn Vry little of Vitamnin A is demroved ill cooking or dissolves in the cookin1 VITAMIN B, (TIIIAMIN) Vital to appetite, energy, and the health of the irtvopus svsten,. Prolongelld seveie de.icieny causes a nervou, disease, (wti_ hefit Also known ,,s tile 'anp-havngoer vitainl" and .'d in treating alcohldis. . Used by the ,edical piofession as a tonlid afa' s.~eie illness Best sources: FrEsh pork, haml,, drled beans, liver, kidney, whople gsain or t iched breadsan, cereals, tomato juhoe. hi'ewers yeast. wheat geno, peanutst l A 6o copntained in eggryolk. lean beef or Il...ttoll fish roe.. eodlii, snIjdines eI wili hn,; white and swee potatoes, and to, hiext sive list of vegetables, fruits and nuts. n Th is is soluble in water and is destroyed by long coking, or Iy the addition of soda. To Iake Inu! Iofadequat j, ties of BI ill your dt. use whole-grain or elnrchod crealis entirely: use ther foods rich in it everyday; and do notu mnore walter Oniji LVI.5$aI n .r... k leager than hecessary, nor use soda; DOt save all pot liquor a.,.. use it. VITAMIN ( (ASCORBIC ACIT): [his is not stored i the body, the-efore a daily supply necessary. Partticiaely important to healthy teeth and gunis. strong bones. ,e I. ep. aAlifti we, tofe-h ami (canned;green, and lany fils inc id iing ealnteloul), stlra' hqrihs, cii1.a~tin, wittr-rnieon, goolsehel. iles alnd ,be i Its I;Iiger quanlltlies of this itammin are ,i.eded daily than nst people realize. particularly by young children, plegnant andIur-sng nlothels. The daily requite",,lt of a rIunslIt g nlothe,-, for example. should be 3.000 international units, which. if it Woje derived filoln ovange Jiu only, 'e/lid demanind live ..-ge tgloasss of it Touato uei(?, which is only half IS rich in Vitanii C hy votItil, would heessitate twie the an/ou it. The ado..see.I giJ] is etibnated to need 1,500 inirl,nltioeal units pLt day and the adolescen t hey 2,000 in orller to form healthy hp.... s anld teeth. The adult w oman or man rehiles 1,400 to 1,500 yes peetiveIy. One large glass. pf iange juice furnishes 600, fresh grapefruit juice 850. Acute deficiency is known as sctt-vy. Vitaniin C is affected by exposure to the air, thrIfiore citrus fuit juices should be frshly pre,,paved just prib, to use. is not affected by the quick-fre.zintr process but sonic is lost if such fon.s are thawed slowly or11 allowed to stand aft,,. thawin, therefore start cooking thIm whil, still frozen, VITAMIN D: Known as "the snshine vitamin'" Exposure of the skin to sunshine for suffieient and regular periods will build up vitamin DI il the h..p. Noala tooth anid one development yequi)-es this vitamin as well as ,alcium. p.osphorus an,d dhjer mt1inerals. N eissary for healthy teeth at al] ages. Best sonlees: F'ish ivet oils, egg yolk, sanlmon. sardnines, butter; also ftuds such as evaporated milk ad fresh milk entiteed ; ith viltamin ) by the Steenbock process of irradiation w vith ultraviolet light This vitamin is Isp'ially important for pregnant Iu nursi ng mothers ahnI g'roing chilren,. Acute deficiency esults in bente Inaformnation, I{tiW ah JillIleS nma toe, rickets VITAMIN B, or C (RIBOFLAVIN): Believed ILpilby a part inl the chemical processes of all living cells. In exp'm1i. ipijial aniLmals a dpefitency of this substance affected eyes, hair and growlb. BesLt sourcs: Betf t, veal livon, kidheys, soweetbr-eads, oysters, lean pork, c{lnpressed yeast, green peas, leafy green ve.getables. Like vitamin I, this is destroyed by 'pmI p iItl od onI pAge 385) 359 JULY, 1941 S_lmlli co(RE(n,CION c axri I ihy is - Iie wi o Li I d a I wonl 1, ,, ,f i,, I HH.rgil N7f l _~ sl ui.nq us. Ni, 7P O£1 l, JLJixitII'y Ni L I e dal~ Througl h ai tv~ oti lptali~i 1 err'ol . ,,i[~i(iiiyd l itINt~ i ~ ~ 0i¥ .i flu iI i~ld [ I iift hhi, ud]I ' I, % hr~; XVi 'V:. IbiS, WVOMEN·S Al'XIIJAiR¥, L. I. WN(L LoS %NGI;I' S. CALIF. SIA rI rd AI fNu-u i.. dV, i r4 .1 1Hill St. .ts iL I hul M[.. ,I> ; hieMl '. L, I Xi, 1I hi? g. 5[La5 22 t4I~h I III. a I artit i rII .I, .IesI h . D, .. wIt ''I tIiI l O,,u I V4c S'AI erh I, S mI i , I adriLill&t tIeI"' dil id~. Io I . p resi I e I Iti h%, i, rIig~~iit Cr7 rr2tesi and ,.thers thai rioenrhere e ariling h.,w the> iiu help I ~e lt f~iaindkd I [ ~,ltqqsla~ rliay ar, Siste r [est, r rI - gil l¢~ as ch utilnltl ;,f the kiube <i-l,-u Ieating gul'nhur p r,sl~ilthtu Koiuue ha it pll ent. SiSll' sitingt alone , lt ti .,uits 1.,at 1 o ,-,li rk I ,l,,eollow tak en, nifflZ~iru4'e~ ; iu N lt the S ii;triitrl * Mitt!hep the G 'i,',I Mr., IL lhe Iv1ol1 nf Arg1. ;l id 'in, a ir d uJll a tpire Sgiii arita t . s-it, h, of Brother T tlhfr. to id iti the falii for 'al the gtOmI CO11SNI ruluule iirranlt( iii,,,' ,lAlh talls to it IluI r.. id tI Ihr 541 urd iIi at berr }hum' reai~liur eiot-nt to bue [saudi IO i l t h atid cuitree were serveda il t he qr L thI i-l oe dgf lEt- unlt- i ff to the n wen1,ii l oml i I pei ni tuIshmruuk n i of t hth ,-. b1,~ p~resen-ted th m..... es,, I..... I No. I, 1er uttiileld h, IItI. men A number if ti o, a! the ] ItIt n balt too , da e n-ettyl tt N, N, 11W-"" **hh hal II ' .0 ra t te ;s : the poet. T j .t h a . such ]11, ktil tui~ill .uts ruiunid. "bltt' c it dti wout ns ah:ey when nI pileasan Suitl-" auxili h., piititk al diay, at LinItita tot h o es,-'. thu v -is htuiti, toTe repiori l ~ ouitllu Phi fulL idIe] .i1.ut p¢Ieople to Sister Adrian fIll arid injuinud herl rght t hand whih i slowly i..pri, irtg. N,, i l whenl ill h: ihapt, it SIst~t Adian i gi n, has tIIul Lst if that ¥,Iy useful ,he, I utdthr il.... .... d ,,A .. a ablea Pon Iage 3M Iq)B- the duu Is f ill price If yo wha his.o.yed ie h,,, have tseson inl ~¥flavor I to le, as [rrluLr fmriCan y.I yout1 t hb ild di'ss or as hliitet 'o Frnch dr.sin/ a basic a start and ,ouwil f ¥iaritwI, Ibi,,y y l iltios, I'and is nstu, lower in price yneuWtsellean inl thril tiue inI I'II [ V nkinK paiticulaily o`f .o.d . f(]celse fo i yexample. Fornerly IanA Fotlorl,. V. tsp. suA, 'i tparika 4 ('- hly-s t he could cheeses only Europeall cOI/I'',.fot ashwhite Im, eup nibsll, dnil culli ga r h ti- pit ,mbin firtl IW gre roand blend vIL Adr worked ,ut WVi,;consin hie verl and shake: add ol an.I shake cesfordtiuplicIttig thesei null lust fi olml. hly. agIainl th II,(. 1 liveI I the~y . .... hl¥1 Oidy18ilh, a4n itsoig [htyy ([Iposps ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~shk tries. But now the cheese pC'odis M lfi,,icIachrestvresy ch,.... whih ,hih should eIa'] -,Its together dstouhctiell ijatoled w it e ; e maiker ll t ieunti style * as Amirleant knowxn ely hu sThi Th' same thing has hahlpened th, B Willt! I.' It(I ,idi ii ~ln &Ill} SoIt ...... [l(@, frmthaw lly .i~l The differis impe...r'ceiptibl, illponrtetl. Myil~t, ~'Oll eflaO ;A It 1(!1i. 51]q .. d ,I t t r of teI in a bowl inl e~ll blend I ho tppedh Tit ii I tb. "u.,I, (n th, dtlS"tiC Wi is 11 o rt I tl. r d ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tJ hlt[ I jy flt(II, p,~~hd 3har,[ cooke,'d \; bkgin riiblfti apljlteciaet r, IIoc... Awitb if od bill o f t poul wuwa. Y I~~~~~~~~ i )eslg '1le .h i '1ci it,~ III,,,a i :1 aimti Dian llressing In g, bit t ith hS~l.. ...Ieitistttilly that ans. anid the ahislity i Il I ..tice.s thj, have the.qe .ICon!'u'ien ¥-hat a 0,lt,1k, H, has I rldwct all eiadv is hi5fh i* quality. proT for 3I.. that thitntk t diti ig lie discover job thei Wiitdtlil' Imuly ii. Mit,. , \V[rsh ~i lhas l> IIoe h have ,ot salad oils v have, II Itiv time to dol I! Tlr:ause they are Fuits Bow arl; Jn oil is "live ( he' ti hut III Plolhlct,. oeets shelves fmI the d..I, plicates of the sae attilc ly IJII...t'd finnl Euro'{e.n ,ity hard to Iyin price. This andl pnohihiti fO ,t obtained kirk Dotted wih we whi i N4[a lmod,(!. ;i i&,te I , Orek, in, oi. en ot the :iek li st dTaciour L etl her1 throat but is tluw reviiV 'ciil I -ceer iti,] fam u i S ereil ;ta d with 4i'.t,Ithetfa.i vlsld iiq .red i dr wi l io , 'l ih igal trpi[ telaive:11, oakei sI and, r fart S iste,- me htYjblbi[II[ t We Ammieau l'h ...e hal'e il this alpl...Iti ho. t ' iil natural IeSOu..'{.s hut ;alsori the l and ,rain' to IIas t ou I t 'NN I> SAtLL tii ~f ~S J C b u e tit ly I i a rulgd lethoster /] fiqnHl her ilituiher. M r& tul[Dhlh vu Oii ¥s~t halilL of IltavPi'rui. iOtu1. 11ute fromi returrned Htevtol,lb Sister ni~tlt U P* t a rid II,,in 'tei-it t aiiqed 'sf1 thI Fresh Salad with Made-in-America Dressing I fuiIkI Scqw A~ssoeiaDo I.d~, IIW y h tuine'dI th'otj h .. r . .rt.tar nuI ii. Llr, ot each A eru-rm pudI i-lunge into hi iirixiliiry tunds. a Ieatur, ,,or- byv Localt N,!tHoJrt Blt.enrd indints ,,n t gg pimel t t, n i yuks, mase t hor ghy a tlfhly-cuV- a 310 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors itI ",/,r , , x mzm 4 40//po/ " N/IV `IZ:':' ')*i I"` -Ip Tennessee Electrical Workers Association Thht i-crtdar rio,-t -t- Sgt {b I J nt the Ihu mess iit-lyltiL ot the lea- lEcIIial l..Irk-, An. ,-, w I hill tatioi, hahl m,, i I[r,t,,I utie I ' Iiahi rel y he Ia vo y *-~m hI~iit , ;n llo'%e nt. we did have lifotbee i. t) {}(,o.h:lln. lemiIa ~Iae 1-epresentauitre 'if t~h- ietitlrs e Stat, ]'-{Io tuf~ of IALa,"r. ex~rplain hIll; the I}u, esi'Sonthiof our h lur .. w.. rol . 'Ilrirl h ille through and attenplItdi to run irnure ar lrrh ,Ir. hut by Itlnriil teha., thik was ltul rated. IBrothlt- 1 u:, the l -hMl pail ter ' l, Natiheseil ,,;o; r... at h itl , rr tii...nI. i-r : litti, with htr pr¾ idrrt. B ro ,ther D ,-on the N 'ivthiltle bbal l T ¥ielLdnt trf Pyell a tii~ n the subjectt of "ye-nrs ngo/' ilrrther MI4 nlrtel irtroetutced lIi hdl titm er. Bro>thtr [T;t Palltkill. I ho h , iii prl e-r. general '.lpeintfn(tint of ihe IIay &Z UI, l lla..... t l O.l] }li who ha'e soni joibs .... uillr hbo,. Brotlier tat-{in -poke of ho' h, rwv e 1w t hI l {rrgresgerd frrh, the pickhaltdle aI.d piece of t.hl, dayi to the geritlrn .uiy dealings .crosz the inlference tuhh,>. b,' culled to tnilid ,i~lli hntanei,~ of ")*ar;go" that tirmeil ...l... ,dh n -Iti i r,. whi-h 2. -+ H[{ ok iHv ori/' nutnnie calm U]] in1 reg ard to teuijg with ]i...enII l *>f ite' olId lenI. . *.e Electlie Pl'ower { tlpilla, lke tl{ i1n thrivll ,hat sIho, hiw gottIl lliltion ill Ills Ilo. nI ltr ill b ig O t j) u iti it I; h h ovF iii' , and at the liie iuroulue the nreult requiinid of th -m It V a ju,,ure warrior- ... t III . .L,I Myltc ho~ th y al,, II. liE hi) the nazi ro pagalt/]a lachine ill ['. S., by L. I , No. 3613 Radi., hroadcast progressI ~ b I.. No. 1215. 'ublic power and the unin,, h} L. I. No. B-IS. L UI, Nil. [B-I will Ilb hot by I. I. No. B-I Hajirnad biys mean business. b ) I.. I. No. 205. rom, a Main Line local. by L. I'. Nn. 887. Speaking of standards. these letter; reach a high standard. .,Irthb of any publication. ',r .... . I. 11 pst ii II. P ."'Ž 2,n 1.,I the,aO .* th, In'iLt t..... [tioal L Ioa mIf Nr htl ., K 70 .. cff. ilk , wa Ih/nel ...Id had a photrmnaphhI Ilake the tlt oH, ili I 1tily,1 DI i I I A t~Ilt~, rlu I~f ,I!H / L hKle e nT~ W, rotliii~h of, to~, t ii tLIi".e Ad tiup. i r ,M rhi, , ost ofl r i~r>th l.lzgd~h ies to tile iehkrk('.t. Ntate of [ah oi eonventioi which met b} K ,,'ill, *hjl{ 2. a"i d I. it i teo, bad al of ithe w. rk of hi the I lS.i Oit.T.I Apr lD K ~il IIII tile had lo be carri ed orn I,, tl 'u%L ll le'l~~fa er Sn c r ',II I... I Il, [af ll.1, l . 14I, ennard. t 'OFt-r hemi ~ 1> iIll nbersIiii rati to e hurt. ... gttr, i IsfeeLiort -st egUsnattt. Fie I.e.t i.ieetnw will be oIIl amNashviile selit(!-aiihuer an;o d I.o val rit[lo n \o , D I . f kiitr poa-f Ih~¢e their hat in the ifiR for, a hvli' wI t-l l the r turn ¢~o " rIlt,tw iolhilwinff iil n trIel Dfe inje Im"Hj wirt . lttiHlt inihd til, REA on the ]llw sl/ ith:~t will pasf the h jpu.. aL, 'hiih I think might ,e lu+:. 1,o hear, il a., If fil lealerz of Ilahr, ..., if ee aBrother t rried in tih, fit, of .l roero,t-- ''-lo has riseni tor h- ai tapiniit it, the utn hti-tr' itnld w h , still ha tih;r tltl plral w . It, tryi.r to i.i till intI i-tar o>ut ger mten l Ltq, lh;-¥ it , ,I II. I..... l sthl.It~l Io eoln onmn....the re-pehc £ gt, od utit a miert ,v the toilnil! whenL yott 0e topL 1 uo:.tuon mi ¾01r hOCe ['h, nty f g.<roil, ljd tshiy took phaic on Pfilittof tie [loluulh in ,ho,>d r-e.l t, in iIIy, I p i nt a "-e'r l iauyhl jitit A .iiong I a'- athe fact thIIht hl.- I]rer II Iuatioll the h til Justj i .. li. er enr.Ie.llohis. great libclall o(meof thee ,l.rltezt lhihI phes ,,f hill time... ", '1nce.... lin : I'.Ev... l~l~~{l I Il~l I prol..I½I F b l he hi, rqtt tivrn Ili I oa gd" ][P thi, adviet iickvl b' sorti e 'I ;,1 le* tilers Ih -/ ... iit n Oa fd ,frh aIl humiliatil,i. W hent it I. itgilii (odlimii hli it 'I bI, for IlkIf,-Ih lIt i- htahd ' f oi v ilr H14 LU ]A \sI I JN;]I l I r e'., St-i nj a: Pt-,legates to the ,,eetn9 't tHi, Tennessee State Elk''rical Workers Alssoialion, aillidild Standing lef tat riht. Brothels C MVMillhfi, Fred D. osta., I 1 M ttly 3.1 3. Knnaid. V. F. MrDan di, Moy O wIens, Pll Ifl ki, hl I .. krtel-. Lee a1.1c I1'nn. Jack Canns. W T F. llo Seated, loft to lighl t 1rotiil, L P Co1I. C F. Miiin I. Po Loft, Le, SDri g . oPe Pr I , ill rat Parkin; C C. SUtton. W. . Ds, . ( . Mitnirial. . RV . Pape aid W £ Hi-rih 361 JULY, 1 941 Men In the Field AMIOS DIL~ ai oa Ii. GOF1ThON A 1. WEGENER Ional R leprer lt ai ve Incteimat FENIX h~ill1eil:lJt ctcltlrc'.s oih Texas State Association of Electrical Workers Iu. of lw ILi (. ciivecitc1o n. th( M y er' c¢1~ i isc tc iit,, irc thil he slate of 'iex c.l. m p IL' ,pt laitljil by hillc were ".>y icl tr ' ig hig citp s to t.hce cl9e Eilitccr f tilt tlcll t tictIcl AiwcI Irteenth 'I XLl4 Slut.' Asso(i( tiI, orf [qlI t'ritll W ork 'exns, hinc 21-22 r was hi[d ici 11 I..s.I, cuI cc1l1 a Iitti 19,41 . l[hvl tce% from 23 were cii itt uhIc I. liver 7 'isit o rs hy 'iIe.leilt wece Iv(r' presided Meetli.c lc i11ccctltfI'ccit I Iiv ld L."""c,'q c ii Ic A . ciI ii ai fI. rhil c8... slide. el ei'trical cltten lcic, with thb given hpscc'tce'eIr stride. TihrlpeitcclL law.beici 'Ithi lice ''(ri¥eritioni beaird Co nil repl r~. fl"v ie hIgis clld Vicc I'eillent II Q lItive tIInmittee cor ( thI' w ork thbatwa Evics rI glJ'diiicc seven th ,'cguhc ' sts iond of the at lit for(y ce as ecxi, legicslature~ this year tII pI.s lIIh Pauicl Natilitad vi. (lety, Iqhi a r(precp.. a/(ntial t cl the, r A,,eaillthm L... .n w as ircvi 'i ti w its vics it ci; hi pi Pi M i. cZ,'aolaticicS e,cnvi. ic l. spiak Ii, the I .ork (LoiL, Il¥ the eIc... (Ieary iLl[ of the trattuctrs {. iK ci'i t.... ac.d ihow liihil i l' .t..iw i wich,t he I. R. I'. W . icc the tic i e eshtblihl .....nit cf the ICl cill oI I 11dktstl dc1i RE hc triea/ ('qic 't i ric titikui s fo r Rl ci1Li~c1c I riiicc',tr l cv tl adethe .'titv eil iiti~ The repou~rtsc m lir ull~c~'ilte(([ that at greait uucciocuclrJ, ouc¢lec'$ ~~ Iet I ,iiI sI hmJI ecic tictie u.IriIcl IL. lit h~lat iona tIe pIi L )(tiil picittescitly every settcticno tile.1 st~i/e, . it the s ri(, cre c thut e irp..y.l ii il w ,ts hI .. .. REEMAN I~tpt...... e v i. ,ill Wnihm erly L I. vretIthyi t I i~, ljr No. 0. .. h elcd i. th Next regLiLtH ethc llctco will be all ie city ci h e sh it re le ra'iqoci cr,,,v fctlllii which at flhe lance this is written qqLfeiirs to be fort Wi~rlhI. LI>WSlN WiiM tckccc,~ Si retrvy Ti I.. U. NO. H-I. ST. LOUIS, MO. EdJlot fIh eI . It. TeL ... ve.. t..I I *llher held here bu,,inig elli... b as I have Iceer, wril j y Lic IaTe al1 fi t c.ev cd ,l ..elli ac.t thai. cithe li -ri ci .i..nial haIs Ilel(c Eilec iieal Woclk' hi. jlIskt 0I 5 rs icc tl e c ci... adcc that il E. W will Lc 27, 1941, and this .cc v pill aw a ti f rittherh.ood of in texisieIle Of NoveI lpe, w,, hc,.imd hi StI l t'is hi lice Ieal ' 18141 We fl',] lind ILzI thi c h,,s la idhi' f ,olr dltl ocl for cite if tIh lhe lluc si',u'iof RIeL,]iesetit.atiw 's i n tihe hejsihaIL higl Sl level tic1 a ciii;l icer of /-aLi S ari d til Ic ;LL, tre ct ecs t LHiiiiuci 1 el ti me worcid gtre t cccLil , [ i i Jli hI,, L Id e / e If... ellnileli c 1iicticl LIi l l g rfy .~*I*ithe It l t r will adsocelebra te I Local I .. i,,, i. , ' incoilcs wics cIcatIerinlhy Jicelelcsed qlurjiuLg the i iIt .c thet waI mi dc Ii t ri Icppt i h ilftieth ccc.c.. c ,r iily ch ,ii cc the cc),c't /iicc,, year. 1"cveic' hli~'c,1gi rIktes Liid W.cckiccp' cOci ti l tuicf.. bill betii a ial , Itle tLI a[ ios} ill h tlrileri al exposi tIL . , ith, t rcl ciic.ii 'vhcich haus dat .i.. W e't repilcLr ad inl $-etLioii 'LgiiLatLir(. 'lh ' gener[itl it jtuih che ct cnc e ccljt'c h ull ,F lI ce i l cci irp ai A u d i local U cihicci Niug 5~*/. El 'tieccl W ,kers' iegi'lativ' 'I'el towaid Itll eel~i c eatedil it~l e cc ul1Ic,'cd toritciii. Ikeo p111cm ale' Lciili way I,,ak Liii,,, ] ciwv wvccs icl ciuues f ur ic u . i ic h t'h e ,,l5 a I fill; ~thr~illlh a ec rmLr Ibis the &,utl~ cnciljc g e;pcosctc/cc of its khlii Illh ... Biricflthlhs, ,.i.ieic s, flesA utll, 1 . h i r' c, wlflc,} will in hisel hve, ech lit clvp~cLes c vilded 1h, tbu W , soWia ciln. aclld J . X K. iowild . surH d cim id of Ifkill ie M lctlcicc] hii u Le 1 dc c r ci ci mt l ¥;' itcit c w cl h Ici iAte re', iccg' i cI.a Lediiie]'c A lc llu hir' o/f i t/ tcilldiiu drugres hl Ii lie' r tkll i } lcf ullIu rc 'aIn l tin lhe tccctv/it iic ii c ci lt II' lc s co b e in g iii ;ci ch aiL di~tssed the k dm acid state iirgaici't tiiili e i cI cir pkiel s ie rilit c iucll ulmstrulti lcon I .1t1 Pr I'h udki"lM tmlvlil .,nt] [',1,~rle n1'..t1 nld Mltii,, bolder cetw;, cihLL ti Ied States ,~ {ht.'{.l upccie ciVs hi the l ut oii~atl lcc' arid f ictcire ,rs b , the offeri aL cilctucr'pi attti' ct hcii toi vis~it~ ihiuse a c d 'ill] Vl v lq; iv, V , cie~m h£ (icncecc Ill, t.ip ,ich '"cociclh Icit Igilihi it 'll, i Ice I T li.(picirtli.' llt of ] cibtr, "iti, l~e i iicHq o Lhe c's t elev ci ii 1 i1 ic~t ur ,. Mecxci¢i. I'l'l (L i:Ltitle" Hillb; c hejty cf Jln Lv f iic A t i",li tl lls e lli icIc .dIIW II Iii i ll Ili r.i.i I or the opei l ig of Ie all I..c... ice ,Orl ut cirH~ il id di't Ili li''~, t s , a iii vi iirh I i i'ii Ij il tIcLit IeLcu lidelegate I ty I i t th I A ".. cJ Iv s uch w iry], c'c'.[. Ilicitice l eii ri w th hldn great ~ll' filla ed ,,Ol IIJ i'Lci i;Ll I}W ~ .. e nl 11L~lli,9 qloecI l iLink fully wi.L i ne or ticI Mi ie ciwLivaft s. A gldLI tiln i xas iprg1Dic cL;,Lt . Il eli, , . Amc, i. LeU ill101 ipLl cii cci Ii ItL~ vI ii ul ccceI% , vacio is e iriori -1h utillv ligh t d Ihottc Ly - :l~l, I hal l I tl I~,1~ I..I i l i.u,ipim ilk ll, .I hadl,[ il cc11bll rclet." w Yelr LII lrii'. to sIt. 'I cd Ip ' l u g d c . i cccili I cu l c il h,',i.u'1 ,b cii n s Iti isc'is Li ;m i I cr.,fta hlo <I1i~iu~l lct thirtcdi },IcIW I cs fi ittiic l mtl ,cics tip the c chllccucitllt. ,. ii ,i cIcrIe lcilp wih ll ticeD,' 'hilrtttei e IL ITIf LHii I[r L~ei, I, c 'L i .i,(h mLW, ' u c, i'l Io11II11 ci ' s ~i pt i I i anI vil Si elI w~H h l thtll, whiIii, rkdd w W ho LI. A.! t'e le c i,,cc ci'ic ill. cI ' ,illst ccll f[incg i li 'ir•l c't culht.i tic ci, [ , f h o1O oicl~1 aI LIdelil L IthI aidrI Le eecl tIle Ilu iv I'nl iccI I c I [ivr . [huc ''cclLd'L if i wedefcrih ,c ill [I XcS bicl bi IcLLIctcli ciH Iplreccce pic eIijt'iIIs I.,a l l el a t, hi'i ccI . '..', I' i Ih ,'xt 'lici W , iiie iiiict ciiitg y e a ': hre '- ie iut. A . , ri by i., r1ciceIN of the I. It IC. W . cinc/ thai iI h,h ciiLI1cc' ie iH licpn ol (sll Iit ii, I LllIO/ 1 I fIl No. ] -i6L; first L[I e *I cosielcit,. tic estitliishi Cityirachii w acg'e h~ d lcieelc p~issclii Ibis r al o c. 'a~ occ,I' e know Ihal ii w il l . celoii']d lint vo k. hilg lc tailes oIc thill ./" o. ie. *u,c' icI viel linr Kl lec l,W I, L ,hi ~c1Ii I L'v .' iioe if y o /j tc I cc s"iv' l new I...'Ill IIic....a hlil }iwe. Io I'gaIic ed Nc I,7: t NilcI iccplii> sibi.J ['l J WJtol:sl. . L. Iiri,[,[elc, olifTI. Ujli l/ hil ie w cth us bLi a. ?itc l L. i! e 'cc o C'u ]cthe' ¥ce n j er i'ciii ' dit Ocll pert '. 5 iwk tul h e i~rls < ' 1cr inc tice vc~iriuul s , qhc l clil Itr Ictifie d wI ILLv, i ilc.icl who bV ci...tlct ice Iies uli'rt , J, A. \eLh yet. I. I i ; f ,lhe I... ;ts The iielh1hSll ILLld ,lf hb, p imi bf , iccay *ca rlliri i lpil.' Lf hbi e d i c i;91 fill'h I(e *c'pesi'iidrc, IC I.lI. Ldune No. Ii *lcl elsiii (luring the, tcucc/ tc lbe with us. 'Thl! h)Icci is that we nee ilesitleIt. dine, k. . INl. I l;; ,ixth vile A. S. 51e ,idI DirescdriI f thi [xacs S tate goin g to give ciw uy Ii, .l ti e in hvlduai LI i;'ci etivice Rol ei (Q. EIvins Ih. T. No II' ceo iici Sc'w e]] M y ',. ''i'er it oc of Lab c II ..... h hom I all II., L1jNil $I t,01O c i llhq . bIoth all , ci. 52111 eill~u ciitccc&{l f el th. State BLernhar di 1. l. r cideit. llary i n's' Vice( pl' esc~iez ct lcqv nsu i is. ci c ce~nh 'er ot II The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 362 Al I Ie8I I r "Iltin lhree wlrds ylU et' "aia r e forI thIhI h I or less. If you oilrint i are in f nrmati ii , lu e il, intereted firnr y tIt. lideal, an I wish each one l'k. O(tle aaitn the United States anid it i,,chIIr cllotries are on the march aniti the pAresent I Line haive I....e tA, Al A . ijitad iti h, freat ijue'stnl.. 1now fa e ['lnig in, I, w hih waI shall we go? Th isio,, te hra Itt Iril "'1 arid 1 Ar as these a history "isms. h a'lv, star'teId they lhit tha has found lodgng in o..i.e titon i [id ,.Ib.inr hag heerne knoln a- the "is" dIelpetd aid ...A raeI Hi plwer.n, aift.r aInother these nationm haye risen t rIm ; ,l and az,a rebsIli have Itier, set , ttt w¢l I.] do.imin' ation. The histnli of Ihi ae -, e fort,, lisiti hab hIe one o short f life aInI s... the aid I>s spen~soriing nation has got., in int defeat. lParalleling all of these mle made elgorig or ilnrtinationha,; been God' great "ism" kiltan to the world aA(hinlenity. Maliy times Christintnyv has klen in the barkground, h ut i]way it hita heeir [here inl sd lnnrr ihr later it has .ained back it, rightful place in the heart of man, while th IlarL-made "ismns" have faihld id hay,. IbeeseAonly part of history. (;I hs IIcreed that this shalt always andt tern'all hi', so At the p resen t time the worldI is fwelei wivth (onur great theories or "ismns,"' /itnil [y AltAiSllIy fascisn. comunism, and Christin- ...... alessy the world has p rn. ltedI 'hrtlbian/ty again be be in the bnek.ronn. while hb, other isIms" have one by one with Ilv,toniy by Lien' oIl Suine 21. 1941. A side frota the timpljy;xt'inents the Nol. B 3 menetary Irvithm / strikers have won. they etllithed the prin.c'ipl . . .. .. :: ne i tn bein t i tIti l (artt gil 0, atf .. i. . I, o rLi , ,d oit'tti tr~ they .n.. r h dl hi fore. the right treat to with e their etlnrlpryi r ats eqiDLsi L11 4% wArd the privileges or£dInlee [;,rler' the agreement, local ttir.,u NI, B-3 is recgn tize'd its the sole, collective bargain f atLet, an act by Isi n wealthy piresident o tlen ,ry The miaIted .o..l leit agreetnenit thrnmgh ami r, [[a.,Y f lb l. I . was the Il a . e,,m',utunt Van ArsdIle, Jr, with the *il]If Justice EI;lward azmanky'. of the Ne" York Ap' pelNate Pivis n appointed at arbiter by Mayor ioreltl H. La~sardila The benefits derived tram the agreement as are fel)lows: 'The don't ract proviles wage Iin' rcAiro r]-out I0 to 25 per 'e-nt. andi calls for IIe week' this is S ihn N Hawley. until early lbs ', a troosuret tlt I[4ee U ion. N o., Bl-i i INorth P latte. N .'br . f i t risen to Irawer until they have now s t nut "aeat iol with pay, anid tin a aliilily mpAlotYeeof that city. "I'l is fLO,, talc in hi, tin gain the proverbial world *dondnhnitln. proved working and sanitat advanced 1l ainA[g as rifle 01 U ncle Satl E 'leI tlI iadet. Tinestru;gle has hecon, SO intense thai it at aIndoipth Field. 1exa,. conditions In addition,I orkis .o.ifro.tA... practirally all If the klowa e"I Aill not he charteg[ fori wIrld andt the "'issn" are now fighting ach, hiokin niaterclt as, hither>o, itlthr. 'Ahi IpieA6ion. in t)the ,indI of all If us rtol ill they ,ose Aa¥ hen, , , lhp k to trade tnin inn . fly that v , A'nt li ti ng is, wh> iS gnlng to "in out aoId I0hal kinldl wall for a m aged n.ahinery ta Is renpirrd lit' w'noker' to think I) terA,. that will nf a world will this world Il when tAi, The maiagenenl also tzreen not to diaieIa ble the , tin know, w)latthe a 3 re tflt t truggle i over. IrInEinnAt alainst a.'i'e sLtikers ,, li, d alt and ho., to attain it quickly anII The ,et answer ,ana ca,, find is the ai. w, rker, %~ ii lii,l the I arnue jo b th,' heldI effect I AeV. swetr found in hitory, for we all know that whnentlhhbtr ie w's, calle" ]'he education if the wonrke'r.. Itth ;i hin try tend ti, go in, 'yles and repeat it 'Y,,yo hav%.( won a splendid ,'i.tA>ry'" lal eIlf. In the light .f all the penares of hin r..e .. arib a weaponi. It ix ii probletmI i ,aII Arsda~e, Inift the ''tanl . ad( "i . tenmoer or slaer go do)wn If todal ill diefeat/. lint[J eshas already becoI e a slave of '. in nnw nodtilt lie is east and eilher nlaziin e'nont ~,ignu must die. 1hce n ext I i('Ial reaction will he flat the winne r of thi struggle wijll Cunt> in contact anti eonilliet with f'hrittianitv arid Goil itnce iilue will in moiuve with ii, almighty pow.., a.. Christian tt will win. BIehind all the fonIs of the w~Id is I rise tlnd atill of nations an, heir "isI,,i" is ilu( tII the people. likewise theI.n.. run.i f1,rae tI, aidwaY+ tine lal l"*rttunnla. A naltin is what its Aieople natke it. Thus lhe IaIhg{ I to lUt ntatjion'g question dIependls 111potl /o~ IaId Ye. .an you, anId God is dlprellilg Jr, told the wlorkers l]' caine abiut becau y', se ,,n e' *n i lt . ]d onlY in unity is there tIreAgth 'Your powere,.hhowever, is a aetnil yi>U iftist not abuse it. "In lty.. I, ,ou felloh worker , ail "He' he challh nge of today' in f(o Alnl, i a Ait anslI and t ' sister na lmi 1. I 0Ill"aalih piek up h1, erl IeIers orf hl'hJ i.a it), miL aIll lhe pi itulal for(. solgid tIh, malIe fly ain'. march with God tn, lcl l? M.M ( MAC M (' ait'al NtU, Pres Simreti, 'V will No. I'',ion then hate the faith in Le I?> that all of our olh,'r nir Iplnyer9 have. 'May God bless Now~ that "on all, the Levi>,,, strike it ber ittit']. Local l nion No. i i n .Yet>r c'fq'i't to ~;e ttlc U sim ilar 4ituant in nt th e~ plata l of the Mar-ks lro~lvui F I~~~eeil/m..11 mnruipa1nl i,1 t]]iaasbtlrgh Wlll seetion, of ]{eek'lv, This e ,,itally n ni]tufaelu(es Lhe ale ti.. of i aiI y'nn plt'itlo~vi. Ihli Thins artieeI s wrlittex tita I,, i InI'h lI Iltllk strin uslt' before h jag2 d lt frilih 'w soone theory or' *i fism " ,fi w i. hlhl ' .i, r!i, onl 5 I-, fit it dfeated. It would scum r~ust andi mall i'tt'{ tnti' l d e vtw e Nel y ,· () workers are n ia Iii'iidtii' emt lhn, h y hitIdthe far as he dis iprited of nIan h of is tuhtportlintties owing to fatigut' anti tx hatistion front long huurs ,f toi l nail hr Lill i ecolm e t iliuitti iledl ilui eit w 'he'i Iii 0 nilq)tahYei ItAII is a I uie oni ii that if the worit , s. Wevelop th( habit ofb e ing irill} ittere,-ei Ihos. t. e is .o< uI that i. t e'. in'r i theh.. IIhy wi ll .eaide to judgLe the til ie]zs Itmethodisof ol. .rcom .n~uh . IInsatlisc.r ( t i IdIt-le I t is eIny easy Iii sit lma'l arid lIt a handful of labor ]ea]t'rt li]ht fur labor, rights anhI )lift'lg,'Ies, i,nt I muht ie tiiid'n'sto od that the.e 'aim le ill., 'l.I.. t st refie't thei dt'nuatilJs anti wishes or l}t'ls of' ritca] unuions mv'e-'i "here carry ont a tie n ldedu l le of their Bfrotherhriod,. itret's must soIIe their nmt prPlH'emm aoi tilly through proper e-ultal iln 'ilI hiy ra'lant dlo 'he strike of nAI bis of I. Ii No, I ~ Newk Itrultns/i4. N. so. Ji'iri;M ]tATi : tgll:iTIi the Triangl]e 'ntduTaI (a.i. de] tlLnH1~liiy, Ble'idale. eotntinBue ,thnu E Mv A ullffe, piesilleuit if the en pn,;nn is nh IIr .n..iesert the plant iHn, leh g Is],Jl~ if, ;[ intno r $ o, to open Li i jnnlnir fin to y ~ .1 Oi , tIf ust 2, 19 II ,, bnil ]N o, U w l li e'l't'r its sl xrh esr if the si four lay :1) hiiitr wee¢k.After laiuv1li p''mve'd its wr,.h NO. 11-3. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. a liyfrneairly l\'e full year, le ix. Editor: he 'l tin' 'l(aTes to hli tlennIi't ieal aI d lv Singing "God I3nl less Anerica, a'rid giVil tha~t otf it. ow~n 'veit~lithtpiis it hasz proved, thren thieer for Mirs. Ehallt~t llto. elt iuself tI, h. th , ni clahinit SLn]Dtiuni tfr IhI, ill the eOLir of ,e the Illgf , .. .Outht [1 1 llTo y I n lit. sit ike said that she wats afraihlSic el, fet'] With thie exception of tinleiployn t.nt n wiIh Ihrnt ,II'i( Levitoin workets voiei Ii IlLriiir .tAig o tlk 11 r, rk A 's lon.ay i, that IIa/u'ep~ I toar.t Altat had h ........ Ah,, of ah li litra l vtLiC ' : don the e, n the tnnnl andl they 1,.[. *. .•L Li VAN,.. NO.7, SPRINGFIELI), MIASS. Editor: Ourl tneetlitig if Jlune 2x. wt ftimI if f ew of I'ee sirpristes. the l,(~..]tak rtmni. b n'r.'hI tf ~~ ~ ~~Prs it '''as the tii ht, ot coe l'] hardly realize h) ao sw iftly. (Iqol'tti II oItu'ers. %e thnree y/ours have uoueti Whie ]nueii~ rshitp how fail h e r rif ole'' hate lit nuteliter-hup tint] to shu,,w ~h~i lion have reeletend olur p'ietIe .' i th ai Iltig . ('e a s i,H , U. il ~tullx' joig of rea:1,led bin ru'i'iuzed w oLrk ed fli] app roe ii' >, knIlrlhn'r ibei 0'. hif~Lt teel orii]g secretary. Snotts finres, anll ou1,, hastiness iDlanit Pre a nti Irina nn se'c re ntar , ~itn t'harl'¥ triLthter ('aufrey. fnl' aittiher tLee years. I.itth, was olui'tt[lo lIake thiplnk 383 JULY, 1941 out of the w.. his blee Paul (anty, of net ycui., its vice president city for nearly the nuIheLt'hiP I knoW, wishs them 1ll the beat of luck and niy help they will reed h to keep Local No. ' one of the uist thrivi, locils in New EnlaIl. we ruveted was I lette, surprise Ano..ther I d by S-,refiusm ou.r IlnterlAt1ulieal (rit'. regjirel to out' luivint Scotty JonesIn tsy ]i k urill(/eoIt'r. t.-lY I a, cn.ention t in shtite wefill yerh nidO ty , in haLt been 'Waiter Kerne Hvsthe~r Ott, ai contventioin n mI'e of Ill tick gave iIs rlplit{ at tilk inlru ti1 the con''en"ti.. thillgS that Ima c 'l allored t Ise tt and leting that wetira tLI' bn.i. 1''ted Irs to the t'..iv..titI nuteitt e Businiess 31a-l' IIdl tIu Lave trother our dikigties. gLI oits ift'' attr (harles I know that we 'OLlid 'it hiate ally noi'e iktarv4 or worth? Brothe'i to I....k .il illh lueinthetr- hip tof rur lu'M arid welfarof Iil than Bruthers Kenetiik tII I atffry One trnly eletiotn, which we hIeId ot Sittu Ietting hall, wa' ftl 1I. at our liy, *Jlu mruem- Ther* w'refive Iari. e,,eutive h.I her' tIf the local n the llIokt. three to Ihe IeleId, uI~d it was It v'ery e.,se eonitest BInthers Baitey Gaillal, antI plentlermani It Wit, ,Lrrlrsiih were tIh' lucks 1..n..tll,'. of the I..etmbuer ttttttage what Im pIn]] -hip voted. udefeattd c'nIt f tif one Ilie. Brtuheui .a Ln the b..tii'.l fILI quite a' fl', diiates, years, In.. it is Neether liLLe 'ho is oni help British t ik r ,IL the cotmrnietune .I he spoke quite, a little ont tih ... labre nll ver' the 'ountry hlip the builling trils rle iving towuarl the IIiL...tligh II, help the Iru Great lrtaunl ofur I gues Working ,eopie teIe..ry in thl lgeI it iv the otlyoIther I'rd n' till where tIL' thiioii world I..y LI wI s glad It see lI our Junt' I ... ourI ] o aluuit oin Trltt'InatItilal ti..e. heing int i'o'nen ti AnItt i of thin iimt'netit Of'itl uvit2tltfoires.{1 catn lithar is lt'~ ¥'tntru tutisiei ,,ek teek fl aItl the ne,'t h.,i* IIaI I, ltianri, .. NO,11. I-I, LOS ANGELES. ('ALIF. Il 1it'ot, tm5 jibeuhd .t. th I hart. I hi, ,'rnfu'rumtn 'vlih lnitere1 tn he piuohletin al] 'el] tuine ''len ii is (.u'(etl. tdeM erlillly wIih iaaIrm l pLrhlit'l iocierl] uLiit\ ho, to1 lhse Io oliti rIs (inf tod luil in the xut'V ait lI',.bli lyqt~wiid ,hu~iu'lts I'eI It tI polOlh t~Itlte' (If thiun, 'tlt. thit mtlliieI 1I Ailele suIte Here i, I, .. I'..e II titlr ill,] i eIIl Iotf eII 'tp Wrll ilu guu'eil u-itlhi'titti ii~,' unulry'l'. t~iiene':Ll l - I iir'q i ian~'if tO I Itu, In llroru''l helvitin ie tiLC neinai ly'e l t'n4 di, hate Iwil~ I II, 4'P,'*cIf ituL ~}SIupply, andI 'f ~V\'uter \~uV UHtonu'ruii eeh,eeitlgi. of the JlitV-sn of PW n'T!eI il Mal lfgh. Iiil]et Itihi Il'ii a'rr O] Li rhi", dJ ,~ it ... h[i d Ao Viteu'dinte l't' indlllht't .nh]eei and ]'owI I... oIW w lr list. uf s AllI r-un'lun'e'., lhertolnt It'I'' TIo'f IhIe rIMvIl "erw' I,iv'l tO' en Lll It 'he Iheltt ehtI'lot' put/SLLit uligi~ll ,IT Ie IhII, III Ihe eLI ill if indte ult. i ;ht'r]''iot afieetirt nlelit,' reerive d to rlai~ pnile the %Ire u ha ld ft W ... n l, OaLT. dletLuntok h~tlow ,, L it' been h:,,, WI, hai%atccepted er l t(msh ilhemu I'tt mtIt[d to t'orOtLuliw th' t ttarium cvery enIpI.yetI Ill Inut oIIailllzel l t],u 1dpartr ....tin 4if Ithe wVu'etbi'hlusufh tol bait berello We, inti'nrl arntI thel ., "'lly t'xjress itslfi K*a'h of these. in i nll vullpathelie sIIt without power as -nirirely l;annot irrititie tr; li be huoar I ,tin w lh -oncu hllt 'lin .. il. I et t ie ,,I r t'to r t~ tutl tittoti rii"Idblack ,>t both, with [I u1 ii1atelPe.t... C'ut linger in ,e,,y Li. Ire the puol iho, ie. .. WILrse that no ]ueltr or l, .it. ProlAbls hitinns he world over. lint who are still W~he fl'p ald I., thi, the fnly ptIliiuiiwl, uiht Iurti tale law Lioviule that atiy ,it rletvic eIrplirye*, i..o Is riE the jui forl without of abseTe a tenleI. e i' liat wlu lly <,u L 51>0 , uuu't 'ntln j l up against II .s..ilittild l in wh 'h otf iealira with le'le ",,,ihot.. itii-t hr i rwd 'e~rn i )isu aruu ne [w lr(' n ol ~lt r' s h at,' It .ork ..l-t Iiho l attti Jltaurnitt 'Iplt r.l.. ulmt'ih'liuti lcll ha.e rouutarttaF e a .ttu t..... Iuttit to his ]noxL year,. 'I 'I (~ l, witha avat' n.. fijvurtI mi n oblarl ,l do Io w~here'ly at ptt,1 iiiarii's cpriitv rolif ILer a ilf' almr l oi organized .. frieV Se',r.IV t.i'.e achehitni, Ttsst'litlil't of s.,eaI hug' bleet ides i reaetutiolar w L results, lithers hse will hae. to, leain heir Iclun even if ]oal No. B-lS will learn it the hnrd wII LImihe sIlpped: we mnenil to go throutrh letrulhfsof who gets wth our VIr....luI with nothing leIs hurt. We will LIe qntisie a 00 f,'5cr L'l aid yletlut. ttd than a sinIl neetI for I if ever their w"I ob. , fr ii 3 ph hIntm ta atie The inlanalletreniit citti Only reeoonuientu nce that th, i Iith iLL u ho w art) i l tt thu lblellays allth', In thi ~tt~milI's~ithoer'$. of tihe irhd vui tnag er'eiit. the rtulytts tond oIl feparate g rtiulrp lh uret uieni ha', e We tlime depart- 'ttP thi 5 , l ,,,iLt'rt'Vi[etii hii Ilele. then. a reall hi- itukiungS Oft hian tne lsttIite . eause Iori thit his a, tnte,' hi'' hair. I I iju.te( Lt hi t r LtlItai wheitre anivone c-at, t'hunret im nuud or have atnd lltang~ ili ovrutiht. i i t'hange 4 for hlvii the ]11a~~aff.... h h, thq[ welLl Ie .. lleyen+ o1 1eI]k pier coinlti([)lei- ukrgl~iinatiioii ~titl .huh to diht] rather than the e0tlt'ss Jirill 'itho n~ow dthu'' 'tofu o:f ''rutBe, it{ivtiiuuisuls the willh uls~l-tt'atttiuit itieunber',It , y ''ai g i Ibv th i dl etu irlt 1 tuirll ro ux.h. in ti e' I luuhtrg ]n i1 itititut n-npit w asl u )ui' I'n~sa of a pen upIrIni the a itih hru'e tIer' at [Luin whil, took f uitIt $11' tor $1hI pllet tite II Itolrth fiott ieach IrItIuaI my,. Al t hat ult- an d fuit rese tu ld a uz.a pni trteparetd u~p 1 u,'-l VIr.ut]l I'raft ', ulhieht h ' III eauh it, 'i-re ,. Af'lter uuIollh' tier I l, nIhI ... a iA' uelai ~ e r't, 'eet~,'r irt ¥eply a diii e-pattg Ithing oIle" ' nuilly L ih Ih I. iu r.I,'e4 V, tiler lii' t. It'tbhul4 had (1 bvii l 'y1 sen n otheI i e uI to lit- effectief u ,, hn tIeld, epne q d i r i] str wd oit aon till II Ie hu ea l s he rank'.: bail i Irv. itiu alit inine stnt,,di lI I Ojt rtrue ni' ' ~t rtwhI al(, ~h".Io~ I~ljl .... y~taF uiianlagu-r toolk ndivth eiettie Hcrother Taylor haul th. frtOii ;is s>s rs J nll h u] Jt{' 1 iiire'i h hls olWRaot ame1 itklas t'i hel ]' ihiT L'I Iof inap]~proacth. \et . .I, of W.. -. h~latire n. {!lnTlinliltt lo ]se gtlit ht I'etti iL', a II the f I...~e Vm do nlu l I ilru h ilI' aLi/lty'o hillt a,'irotalrd Ithie BIu Iow Mild wItr'd. i'iiLteI,'- with u fw II1;,i e ,rai Io dtes'entl I IiLtItees really 'tIt I, t]. s Iriut hL l'. n ]e e ivetreuIg iilot'l' 'er. thle',' ' .. tl]t'e, w n't, elected in Ld 1,1-l' n t tit kin'] to Ihro h nliI 111'le iI, ] hut st iti h th eir h i tn tld. ( .o.. ul.Itt e,' r-tusjly e i'h f out' 12 I'ils , arIldl d theur , wiil 'tell q~l arid' f-n'' of( u'g lTialonatsil. }l ll ll,~ fIp [lLI I It i I . r1,,l iii ]ali fi''Ltl ~otu'se, uonrte nri le ss In tl- it Ildilrr h I(, I'l, II, Bl'irrr dHE, It I atl Tille eliill nl.tuel en ...M,)d" 'I'l~ II.I~ 'i .. R\bile t n1t intl It' ' . rt'rt' a n ll' , I w it' ~ l l~~ln nlpln d', f Ia1o ¥[~T , p LL II o'. whoL' ( it i U h, Edior: T.lI of IlehInersliA IdI NA,. B Dii, N[IIt,,tiiinl. Nurtlirni ItI, of eelirt-ut Iini I Ih it ilu , h IIe bu i "s Vl 1 I II n I Itl~lnl I .:LS litl~y iT' the 3 itwpl St Paul MItd- uvoIted Slats l>•'t t}le 2A, NnJ,. N, (I'tupt <'rgtatii'1*[ioll lly it held n t~n'l~ iiqludronw. -rule fig> /1 on'udfts .M~oi' of lit tw.,locals attenhde nilhe lharn IAO00 the r,'pu't tnf the joi'tt lieguiatti o hear .nn.I lilake Illti.. thereon. Th, I.....linttt' t ]Ilt !1, eh. .hait'lnan t'fI IU., No II, (eorie stIll. Ifl For L_ U n,'uisted N., .ohJIM li,ir, h'tlt: exut ut'p i... oadl. '~l lt'ILI t' PhinIlp;'. iusidt''Il' t if sta I , ulnlLa.L alI I II, rlH,y ',nI. Phe IgL, II Villel',I luildti. Lr'l ne'renii I ft I l ,tlll Ltielally Itil'hIs botIh till, untI Ili pl'ee'. eitvei. I; aItrl HiI4S 1J,11' s,usn /~ cotitaict l- tIllt in Itl '1h, inT I,4O Northe'i tilinins vellik twit 'litflui ooe~ ini St. 'tilul[HIii puTjw' SII hInnenplts, St (lout.. hltul, stull''ater' ito -lvttu ihn detltjirt i] Sp'(idl' {roiK anld lIlt Slat~es ullrHii the enI N'uai, itlnt, s htio lien it 1rrogit'' s u,,i Ihiree nntuIths.' lhet ol'I ertintrct e'xpired Aittil AptIl onIl, ntl (tititi LIn ew I0iatd thi .. L.. Ii 30,l~ ]94;' rii ~liutlitt tiLIal I Ik r~ThPenbli~tt~l Iash u t~i~ n 'til t's S<er'rt'ai B-2.3. ST. PA L, MINN. '. N. L u,ll Il has . Ilan eity empLoy ees alst Ilpnart'tillt i~il l ~s. m~ccc ALI. 1 ..... ad ,,e l plate S,'i'retn u'v. lpr's represent and ntlh 1 h DW p lt~g it polt tea] 'u h l 'ti i nentl (f W ,i t er au i trl I' u u u ui' I s .'e t' O p t f i' nim a ll i it] of thI ' latg ii tintu isitis at tht ..lel~ hlL, i a haI,d jih t, gIe It ultarinl. tilll kerring Itt,, llsy whe1n yui hbit har]I jb rIo naititnii. Iut I u,.s, our, fl 'end I<lii,le it before will pull oIt of I 0. K itie ui] in tI it agirlt. sit est ,f Ilik antIl I...dI he g.I d heaIlth to ihim. i teln el, anid. i, alway whfihweIepreI Iron Fo'ted Lo see have adIe jobs, rout ii, whihl we other arl'1 hare in our ipar ill the Ibtte, look r, wIt. I IIll-.t t';t<1, I'-'p it Ih pis hi, ulI[ sI.. t' alpsd doIwIl ...(,t lhmifI~ in" n .... 1..o,1pI. 'ure ,,h.s .alltrn,,r ('aflie I Ilt"It, nf4..wn. I, NOT IC E! Please Note 'fraveling Brothers: All members of the I. B. E. W. coming into this jurisdictin. especially the "Glades ectijot,", get in touch with .ur lBsiness Manager. James A. }larper, Labor Temple. WeIt Palm Beach. FHa, . R({EIiER BENT. IRe.ording Secretary Local [1nion No. 323. 1. E.E. W. leach, Ita. I West 'aim tus fasei£tn lituti-*i'~ Nu, bet wa, ove-l hail and e...whIe. lokeld. Whsherlhever piosMiluie we pVltyd one Langrnup against aiather the board, the agt~emet. al/ the piliteia s. An approahnir eleilion gave us a hretk, which we "'ei resultd. 1Ink 1 take, andi we hewln toIet six iIu..ths of 194I we have had In tlt, it't ae teais tvcry Froup IL fr an inc rea.e city enlit~lt~lIH, Iln iuiiIl ¢h tiw. tlhe rnnqiptitt "erve tint'] tivh{t hilt] an eh,,twit wliiehI ittlitn sln'p s&itrIke it'l xtue]let irnhl eztil toll. eiaii'e: . I t"t 1nw eiltvi t ehave, I .ilt. git'et,nt'ent. ''lit .iFter d V'Ittr a heI tv'.aired hith 3nlnt't radeted to The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 364 denIIIt~111 ,~ Lhv sic (<a~tite nr~al I.. do ai cqkn mlll" II q , I T Iif H i.. 1 i. . NO. 80, NORIFiOLK. VA. Trte heat haitr.t. .. N ot tite. d. , i. but ,ill oI my b Iet I,, kin-i ( d Ionl . t.. .... to hilv the Brutbe, a n el h ng to li~ read. (Pu, fl n r t i i l s - e i i s 41t1 r : ±, zi ng l ut abolt .. y stieat er W I anti ,till laughirg albliht his tla.- hal. Ill laIty %ho tle, coffee -arid siltltwiehe. on the Nlewport News terr. o uldhim if it li for hi, ears he coul u,' his <jaw hat (or a helt S. ]Irother M..,e needs my st or I n'eed hi. hat. I Ilonk Iter. krow which. Will let ]I.othe, I. M. Ihifner decide that l iketiln. Brother J A k in the limelight this moenth. Tic was rutting 'ie lawn a short Line aglo and all the birds in, the neigh..rhood wee foliwig hilm. Finally he discovers that letW wpiti re i iii ur out of i}L . Ind . , 111ll sti ~. pilg his lawr cutter so that h, couil .u..t; il the grasI, so hi, pillied o theit llt onle by o.. and drowned them all in a bicket oif wati Thinkitig that w, the iul of th e serpents, he ate hi, supder and was reading the eve ning paper. aind] thi (I thing that he tot ired when tul hilu the plages of his pape was a worm and serpe.t story. IIe put the paper up in haste arid] Neilde tt l retire for the night. saying hr had Sp.I ,, arid . eai enough about serperts for one lay. Brothe-. Koch reprt.s tu as that he Meet .. lt that nithl gihnil he WIi aroused Iy a sharp filol ...i the head. lie cateid to hi, wife, who at once turIned oI, the Tighl an! what do, y, think it as? Thoseserpents wi-, not drowned aiter a.l, and hal claw 'lii o at of ith hll rk,,t (r wadter'andj got up O.. hi willdll, sIl. knItkeid "ff a fioxvr pit that strnIck him ,Ion hi hea l rother KJl-h said ilue In ii'h, fait bhit the flower pot was mn-ale of tatler thNt hh didi not suffer aly headachefri,.. the bhlow Gladi to report that Brother Sch wartz, is hack at worik arid looks well after his cotfiolnlei't in the hNspitl. Every ritenthor tiCf I, i. No. 0 ...xtenrto Brother Albeit Burekhard their uleepst syrmpithy ipel the, deathli of his tother,. Brother E> M. MooreL. I, V. No. 80's Tillna elm1 eeletlir W I, It..'litlid ,,l i. COi.ll.iitlte of live ,Iieitluori by o.. r citiy Illil ager o.l JtIet 21 last to YnlV Lie ltl high rent, ill I h city. I. [ No. 80 feell BIrothr Monte m wveil suiteil to serve 4' such ia eOinitlittee Bro thers, leIts liit tllrgt-t 44 ittl d ilitee Inss re gilarly, a- i i to h every Hrothl. s ~ Llocal NH 60 I f E, W. · as the filst lol biy National Defens! Byonds ill Sni, Antono. applying f..u $3 51}(;O the bonds Shotrl here ate W B Selwari. fililacill serl!tary ulefti and Gitbery F $ ent 1-. lanagel .ss as gave .iIeycheek for $n,59 Io Mius Ef}1 N Woo..r...ift, Frost Nat onl b n t, i l y A ntonio Il si s- ~ turt .. lilt all thIir ,hilltIl I,. ,ur ,tAh the Wa.e li .¥lI) ......n .its In the contract ihut ho tn (,ns fell the contract i, in relsi e artul it etr. arld ret h ritelIf uliuried The h oy was Itha in mnaking it his mind tit hI es beyond recall noW. ( .ngraltulathims. h iu }.rother B lairof Warren. Ohi,, is Atill ilt our umidst. Nt,. 28 ha. ncp-itp Lot-a No. 27. the linemelt'. -,,ai i. it , iniilst. In-erey,' -com pittin$g anr itiiiuigzuttatiin long ini the itakitg. Nou w ie' filil' it l iivld local. Welcrmine, 27 that wasl into the lneal that I'2 We peained that rmielnhers of Local No. 1 Ini3. ur miinulst phli.yed a Ibll game with the I...ys of [ No 1-2 Nuiet an.I thetes I] iit! aL !liiy la ttLa thed it I/tl lacking dtatt il: welt i)osttmlit the ,liseu'suuol 'til we tel th- faits arid agil os. tiIe m jihu nlw ': (Qu1it, bf w nf the iiy, f .. i.. Local No,. I ¢ left our m mldt flo greeite l fit-Its uuttuih,lt ul, le ett. IJuta l N o. B1-2} w .sh ii .Ille,, t its uit ic i ....i to Ill those, who i-ate li - ii mss i.. Us 'hen yolr hi-t wasg lmi. d !. A i i.rt. th eie ,rho. on-. pIn.. d the "Mi.... . ei- w' were }ill Wi-y-,]s inid Pitt Iluilk. SllnyI if the bhy, that took leavw atld wltulu Wi hIld lhe , Jie atire to mlleet x er S>ltIu T li..ti, a n..(klt - F[] red liiip lth lliaD it... ii fits' of tlth ,he.. o ... we eHunt foit thei TltJulte't ret-atllXx.e ~i l e hop.. t.. oueit 'il of ell ;igaii . fie y if ~hi- bnos '-, amlhv neN hi.clt-d to ''rite a J.lik Ctnor of LiIM N o I.II DI, i ior Sat apidlily NV, th a t E ti t,', ittu tr Inut iel i1a1 -taite a re nit! of th t r ,ow fall, iul afaffta o1 192,1. T ho ,- two art- tlq s, iiielhiui that !l...Iv. no nI il.ud.. o J-i; tli (;t* i'" skit -c -. it t .i.u.d harm,l at s rutinc tote lotte,-' to Film i. >Stin," Man'tel and n,,w. Wltr, mire hit atiorl the night shift, lill E[li Jir. now u>[ul l'iInutil, st eward nn tle jpl, .ttir }is ded lily hff tith a (;ra 's rig . ,nIl p.ek t tInlks 4rtd a lean pair of pants- ll wound tHp wrotklg ii a dlinh. Sieh is lifeOne uf the -' k i.i lt ittee neui. - ii the i)..r. .. n of Peti Hhi-fner is "ow on the jihi. ItI m m a faLthtr l td ori afflair. IliB- ~ova} I. i[ 1. Nil. 11-28. BAL'F]MORE. OD. thai hardly Ihs our letter an intd i prirl xwhen it is trin for ain othl With his tellie hot pell on we have t curl (hlzt the new~ just the same. ibeore IIrghtweit.,e wish to rail ;hit il l tO th, fae-t I -it lint hetr a ]il Sihoultz, ihuti h~l lest s uil urtt geu. is storme what of ia bosimlu ya to Baither II. H. I.udso. .l Ielmijvfillk. NY.hretis to yrou. fl]'thez, ip K,I i i ou t; tirl douwn your way W iie i i leuW Lun ntll Y U hilni hellou whi-h t.IlI flit ot itLilg er imoth. n idea ;.. , .,ll it. bhelust neting showed a- guutnd tuiri,-o ot t~nizsderuur the 'eathe,loupirta:± bt [usimi was Ih'an-acted nnmd si[lls ~ ~hyleitalesi oi the ] [{ F t 11 rnat ,ifguil eau {terinitirinaT inih t'nntvenlh ny W weBo tpleteil aiHim an~d handr-d Cor e s}tensvs. W~hat ai adInt % l a i uid ~V Wlhil ti xl/eric lmies lit lie h uld [[ hnli ]i1k. 'lul linrt st. { arI Srh tilt, F>!. t(;armttti . A. l{lii,( ll r, Ed ]lieretz aini stt~vi ithlhuri mdtter'ate 1.i re a~ll frill 01 a~[ri~t~;e a~d ~n~llneeto learn wxhat > ih <o~re for u In; t-> kiiit'o ,-r the I u5~ a~tl.ul the rualuiml WI- couhtrut help ui(Hing the huik of . Wi, r;tthi-, t,,tl 'oaj,, portion o~f in/<,rma l[( tt lhls4 ii[ Inte lug, and here's x ha x tteLrrntd at this m Lappuete V a Dooir hantd for fInding ,hort rt '. fiu 1Stil E haiu -r. ltil! rtitf ie his 1-atk ,r~ h<,h[, [ ~u ]ap } tight he collecting ,ul ,,i .s f(,l sh orrt ellttinvr cu stomfers, xvhhu kmmnt's ? } ,,toward (}iroscup is gettintg nvA 'i,I iexrierileteQ. ITarry tiuher was li-esetit Lii riot his odld niat-brui. Weeart loll hI aiiihL iittll iiil that Trohn I ircoraum went Why du..sri.t htlu stick a pin in itself iurl iiji As let we a e vteI-ly much ai eep Pully 7 pI r i.. .. If the hill, and wo wh, ,nen iel/pnl, tilirl tiling to'-. ain thetir Iivl hoold are, ,ill u nriiganid a d at till n.. .ry t the tlillioD anhd ore atheumps itlventel to take ad. artage of the,. Of tie 25 plerteilt Whoq, ire trYga,,m~ td . t itrL'Le } tte,c v n ricyt r at ten d ne sthinr'. e ;-'de intl Ilitiigi ttit th at l iihUnion us soniethHig that exi~ n'~. parate itR] apart rom tht-lekes ard that it m 111 Ithelhlr they ti,- brier or nil Yet ni the facf - or the -,e I r e ns handi. ietrnt cap, there at.. Ie gI,, 1 r O nl,"AI iliritq people ill m very labor ift r liiiiti,,i who ially on thie tati'ity if the orsitn izjtiti ilrt,i wlalk, plssible the heajwa? ,,t is being rat* r on, t u tu- to Now. Blrothel>, think it .ver and see fit how Im.ports it to ome t ll ,eetpttri, Ihn't Jet your Ilrothei do yuai thinking for you. .o... t. the hnietinigs autl think out totd!re yourse. f MopIl rext ti, e. N P, M... ... Piess See~'et,~y ~trL 365 JULY, 1941 ,. U, NO, 11-86, IO1(1412STER. N. Y. E,Iitort Iioc.u. LoSa, its eetii tf i No, H-S6 hs jni" iLiltqll'il ffieert'sfIFF the P141 3i - ti.rioII with the foihwi'ng result: l'1, ideit Ira,, elb .; '!i'll Epping; I,1vieDli'es ideit. i'eii'ldii[' KmuiistLeF lIll P treiL-&tiii'. .. ' iuhnesS Iil~ItILel', JihlF DiwiS. Meietw1 A' the exel i''e hioai'd. Vi't ' (l[eIi ii... i, J)IIlle, LIIIharid, Burl Ilt.[ l fhiLL? ktl~~] liruarniajil et.FrV.~l Max 54 . Meade;', lecretaiIV I'thles IhF Fild ¥gVt hirepitre Ipi wlt'' pq.. Ir 'ea. "Ii rr lime d lw "I would like tip reverte Flk war Liepie fo limp sayibI. 'rhe FeH.F~ip'u 'uhtow thttt wit]Ii lulld hdtt 'Ht iI o1h, thar ¢la] ll lo l,- d I "llstI, III iul, h"i It tilI~t d0 dv'' I'iil'giL hllb IdI live ni~illiiii aiiii so'e 'ie ~ill Iiteild SItahlI' FF$ ,iri'l IhIie p 'i and fill ifenti. ... tile ILeI ]oL I~lJ~, /.. Ili [ 1)..... LIIiou II II~he Illiit i 11iiliins agaii hiF we oI-r 4 [LIei [e,,. t rii p 'lfe Ii aIke aiiori ll ei i'sbak Io .wi..k ahnui' I .'adn,idl i' lo'iu 'iei.hhir. Our there ihilHle Whe,, whenl to d, [Itli ' 'AklexIder Welsh. eI'll:p,' told ldehtite~ TO the AnF..' .F I(Floshipry Wpikeyr at tfieli lean Iedpelal.l. thLir l' iihrtphil. iereeint eillpvIitll... i lieor imulizia aifter the waf r''.nlnRiitl iI :01 hour vfL,'k" l o inlsist .i. tiilts ([5 giF uihhll, I at present,. W' if Ie 0,er' hellr rm it pmresID I iIC IFS art' e+Jri Fyg,I irades which we tltteli't known sine thelish dlays oirl ]e of '29 bitt we shoul d Pt'Fnl{ier Ioftlej.res.i... ai/{J hIeginl .if nearly [[I YeLL,'' nlow to [iretltr' for th, iIi,,. in he Fitto t lil when we will agaliFF dull distant. rtUreI, Workers lhl].pin. oin a re('essIi l.~ tilM, Lel IlS tihk. anpi d .Irwiil I0l hou, week. .lans for a six hour day aIlld foL' oirselves, Lilt for all ti..lurt nlot nIly r[Lorl tI' i.. t'I t.o ime Wt' CIf Frrl. Io .,rs bill"'3 I ok 1 i'.srpalmd's ol'f "Old h' ttLdltiweil I y.t.n.. . A few year1's u, o mIajor and ile'hi cinicli{ oith s wpih , flying. lRei'atly, while ritulninf home ([Fi,1t with his side If .. i.llily" .. an aft rieoI ¥ierrill. Bill was ',tssilna kik, I ]INICy "ill]' zinpl hip' lLb aithie.ourhflire,it 'wis [Ilingi,see ii *I[,rlproctiIF his uriiHpoilii tip, lie ,Ii~'Ip' .ruck himi LFid lrtitoked hilF l .lt i .I i sf We pIlIilddt oIll.It. wrenching htsbiiuhple'I diidit itx k .t..wt tyithiii ,oullhrCt hici'' '.t'Sei ll i'LIiI]fit' ,Ie t that cexI d y Ilt the heFeihil hari'pllV seeopii) L[L the earty. Cmtuih [F]i[s~Hl}i'Fi" \''e got tlh' 't~iort ~ ;I h.h ,I pPI II~cet io e o1 27, at i'htimist Hillt I Ti' kets wille ate. II. Iia', e1tl",pI' thet e'vcriliLsttFlg Illeall fil Inn, N.ith SIilu to ilieDilei [it' rr'I I i'enh iih0 a h . .. ~t~Jge tilles o the IllI So wahd. ttig and Milh,r de fill a pItiil'FL(yexam. nitd aire the I1 B. 1. W. pII'eld aftai, un.til talpt- active pat in tue ~ii. clti Vote at I..etone is ii jouuliteyiiit ]ingsI Nowib N a Ie.pil {ml for qualified heilpIr ehitnre. oi thilnk it vel. biys. ii tIki . ill ,11eiiw th tll u .i pin IhI' a piI....illy ,nsI on luhas, I he [ro~rltpin Iboys woirk~it~, })eit i., [litttiii iiiiuts dlsliy bujrlig tlide'[, liEatihle thut the'dues tire paid and theit aI Iel. It wif...IILlt il I they re, tIniii . ie il ,er i l ile it thI bLihilnt, iridt. Jmir. A. ( i'AitLiA, pieSl l erretarv. lir, U ....lnuli nod I'phraI..e chuck tIl lI $eIttillg haven't tilite. l'i li lIor P, S. piiietti ... maa'rid within twi hitirs 1'i',leat, ]ows: vice iesieIli uiit'ieliii'y .4. K reyfit; reeoririlji l. iiiiilel; fipi I . Ihune: treasurer, W. rttf; i llcllli a[cretail Il, , . , A. Ih-kdtel', II. Behreits. M. iL'd n exeH'uti[i' DiCtrtlLI I , IlrIt la.lL, ]'. [tii'gcI IytIr W. ,iinir [,oiri. M. A. a \pigel.ang, RydelIi, Ilurt', W. ],:l.hpii.irt, I. Phillrips; eleiripts tri S. MiLi,'iS A' ('iitlio, L 0. (, iveIti, witz; itertllts Il (}n tu I r oss. ricLd[~', AltigcilM ipel'Igid Lnniii l ijolventiotl, [1 [O0 I cen .er. I I, o/IF hilty-ilirt held It IIIas L N. J Iets Iahiti .ttgillg' will L bel,'g (iIve, il[wth.piie, a OI WV t t... IL. Ui. NO. 11-12L. KANSAS CITY. MO. ,ocli] iiii'l ~o . N , ~ .99, PRIOV I ']NCE.I. 99'C b[innleital Ilh I~til' Ifhal"', ha il the I. ~rm~ Itthold alndil ' elI IFlitl el Ill..e N I Brohe TomI, out hi ]fansilvs~wit~ll~l~t~er h a he, eh Oplmi' e Aml their aqi~irt''iialip~i el sit' '10( liy ]rothers ['red, Ipeing phrlhe Ihe goodi wii'i. A. ii ... ' ' , E';lieI .., '.,i' .. I rIr'e W '1 li,,l lIh FI.,Lk i , MitiFl tl, jiotheF' l .. L e. 's a I~eety' h kipi imn tIdrLFh Ii IFI. i d Wi ' iI. .... ' the hut'' ue'o BleflU tl. fill ,,,W VIeP pl'e"Judl"t J~ [(/,I'll .. Cite the ole. eItlihddat& ft., lthe io I, 'eill"till l... i, whih Ih, k, held by poiplulaIr .. ulillrilr Str.',iII1er'g wIs yoy, Brlther i thiM leii Ori. Fi' sItar pefo'ie 's Lhose of the req Ff he h'lldtrl{, i.the ]Jirme eFulsi{li of ahll go.d literure, sinerE/)! phlan arid tel . illIIhI I... IIbri ,s.eIiIlly prI . '.. are aIbout at (heir Inrs iIiiioii lrithles f. Oipi hithe] I tillk Fow, and Ia S the li,,Isltalitv jif' .The will y..i ill, t'yiing It.a.t if, Alllerll" It is fur earfest hode their tha thy }t'rr iutuilt recphetios sojoUrn Iiack to their hornio ]0tnia. oIecurs the liip'nctjaj Ai. tjheI ]'Le L luflli election oif locd uhlioFI ll fice'ts. ajipi niloI~bers are Hioelimiirig VJgo......y the yin ues elI their faroite capii....tdila . Which is aL it ,YStLWi. Arid .ay ticl' } mn OlJ;u]rl tIe ill .v.r itLember . get lehimid whe, it is over, let of the 2he(eter otfi'ier amd work 'or the,ood reeriiliilmtjios the IlLIoiL. without ii'pHr er That>s the ilernoetiv way or ].eprisils. lty! Thal% the Aeric.... MAIllS CIAiLk LEAv1T'r. T'res~ $'er. tiury. II. U. NO. 205, DhETRtoIT, MICHi. EdIitor It is good to seeilutidespite Ihe at'tilF' 'dry ehtriter of ite political machines iC the siiouthern. states tlere isa seltetf .ili' pI'...ressVei. ht c. the Fl, It. workers Ias rLhL in Atian.tta. The PitLher Who sig Sentinel, fully ep- 's es the atmtud, pf Ilanlly ther teetiicLIs >f the countryY, inehl'd ul thr ,toeis New L.gii least serine of Ith DetreIl nre 15{) . rri York tiitrntl. The [Iys ir et',it behiind the iclt'I'easQ de.tfltds LInd fl till inforplratei of the ancienlt phili{som Ihltn 1ore IlLr frit11 1,7? leve]uthil. it takes I.tresults from rh.ilrlais or euirigies {Ij ot to Lie . iraclwny Lar ipoli1'ris. Yhii have readly Lii lll], 1o¥ I~h~... write. titLe soniietihttn figh I ,L. ralromad Iii LIat vet'kJune lL, the Chi meetIng 1/ suipllt ocals h'll I [ilil .l.l..I h.riesp ei-npds Of the brother wag' the Ig it ,w'as, toio The Iy good ... it'i.'l hio....s Ai vi,e IIIIih, raiil tail fiIb, loIal oftlLers arid rf'Li'ese'tlatives. dlisd'losedl the i'estlecs 1ete r- rirmtll, ipf the tiieuiulpI.r {ii fight, if neeil Il. I'h 'fi(,i tIhail h'Iir vacatioln wliih-y lRei''rdlicg Sevei'taF'%'. ' M*tIllik,), f fjlu.iiLfii'Id, lIass.i the ftrthright lIiiskbsor or l'ririviule; the g.ial "Iuke Slieluji, oIf fi .toli I ld thiel;)erliliLl Is It' VIp inl Winnip.Leg, tlire' if 'l'rd.o.I' b pi}iLt, the I),,w: fid uitit nL the ehlilal[. lIAkriam: lillrl the thouhtfiil Lifqt'i't. If hei irlon , KillK, or f... Miteo. lfple~l,,' taut L. [. NO. B-l{}2, PATElRSON, N..L Edhit... were- us rT'e ,'e'tlt' o~f thn' ('litj,,ii Htill" L Fiut~lC, aIl Ireth'tii ets pi Ji&llRNAI. .... whose extib"i...I ii..ii:.. beaiel. pif h'tht' isi piCLlk hi, wilds worth notilg. Theli -II p Ii ll/{d Sul.iHri. ef New is tihee'art[(s itilipillS. it, w'l sI' I'ilpe. Ie., III S fl pt Silthlirt' Liitlt{i O'hlle Lu et there: to~ vaIhFtrtfir,[ Ave. to I ln: Victor? Itgishitjie II Hatfiold At. ti ii left at the juIl ib'i¥ Ihioit Ia ,ti..TtT;ILIl Victor I i,,hwa,./ L riil \tjiV L are tieIt'e. Ii IIiiee'arly mHI, Z.ii a I bitt' KII/)] Brllh,., Tluautel, the ji[tiii.g i'iiepl tII tikl passedl IIh an'. I..r.I, ha' .. In' rIl'tlleid nilithls Il not Sn teop~shiplcate. We wish to> assurme emch press se'er(tiiy hoWever, that hI has it least one r'gillir reader. We erpeeially ehily tie letters oi'f thise ,ho tI.r in there litching, of is Ios.,itn 'hltt're niolth aftel ionth, Baltlirore. for i tliilte, with his helpfli the ili histi it q lbau at ieleIll I hei "ii xIII s triiiFL6, II bin'in~r H' bmFil. aI lIheio i IBi i's \ I ]ii' l iI ldrook f niftllysF I Itl ilt' lit to iil we eiir;'t think ,4 FL weil " l muIl on" illemhI Ierf 1illr, ['Fii] 'I.ode. wilh ijivid Oien', I,'rilik Mioll .o ~I .... "I~ S WardI t'lLl 611i ... i iuiort to hell pit luck and lill :1uid 1ot, cdl fir ht'e next two yp it's. io]d]*IllIl iy jllpiul tii tig' will li O Ileth±'FL, ~ 1lira, II'oi 'it oiI tip three oiffices: il;mlely, ofII he excutive Ibo..rd., Ilw other, i,t,.. ibIr boan!L arid exlilhiI,g iaril are' DtaniLel I. I oIf t}le Edd['rh'[aIl. (i;irre Ski....w... Rfdu.Iilt R I.e. naIl Arthur Aniilr'.IAx. tfephen NelsoL. Inthe i'xitiiilniLg ]iptrtld wi' fint~l finrdA .e..l thi etiiokil thli) hl~[ace, thai elected "(um"wn presideiti, h [he Ih¢ E'di~ol: llihhty, there is fL if our i pi, tespieei ,ood~ T..i.ICII they JLialy go by ll; rr..iL We dadl' hLi'uehIs'. Itad ihh]yailnit' oi piliv ]t it. the twenIttliird er hdyIIlitii',si'ver hth eidili, oIily the LwFLI, si'Lth, withl Il, haW, to tile HI.eave,< Ie hIur jiit. mil rilttle dT ;F fII, neLieeteI It'ewrter OIw gill hit,,we this's Jlul thit's ItI b'iilw the jlimil [e, Fri hill......lil i y t, fd Ihe i ii.ttriX Jishbpto NIot That wI think a IIeathim l .ii ih. . Fi h, lli i Iiig Il iH, x i(s ..O.. that fin.i.prItalt, IlUl whil 'v ccy i[ svey I 1 's lif.iiiahzi lie letttei'i f'oiii p~ress $,cri' tIrI.''e ('[LIhill. l, litilles they {' linlks ill tIh, rToielioi piiIitI l'i'low hii aiohgit the mHiieFFI~I'r. 12'4 i [Itrlteiiltrlyv liphreetitlv Lie I Iotils I bdiet eIFLSo[ it, sihjr Nip. ii' thL out liie Wiripo'v was ai hard Ilorw it as gt'iue.aly the ''aenlipuuts wituld hei fOrlh'{hiiu hwI, I~~e11Lib[en C/lii'bttp ael~ ear Fir nit~guoicul~tii, 1nhi- his. li iiell I eip felt (luH esHieviahly iug without too mtich iHfiheult~y' tken. II itiiw tooll 'ore wai aI'tel' atrike u Ill Iitry Iettti, i'ei e hIve as hi..'h .. Its ii striki' 'l, ' for. fliq I':i lid IVhat inl hhiLpuit pHae [peon tlcrer W l kiilg o uu'uluklize the nIe..ILr iltoi I ifi,mp thi' bthet'hii siip .f nil a h'ar e-lr pruigran whck h will griti 'jib .. l. xaLrI ii'liiti orI guttll~ate~q' put'tfi'orI' s cci, do tlbi,1> pleifl~tl'.ll (fur Oi'irttli~l,.,i '[he lhq,pthep' getlriy if wp all et eihindiphie'm aid 1pulsh vI] hard. grace the Niw that protil, jiLd1 blak ik d shol ni ledler. h firi tst ... to l0e reeogriht'd h. toi to kee tings Ihe tlllt of the h.. .i The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 366 o pei'atll,[1 pon rit the stoickho lder s ail arids froItl, L to q0 yIInrs old received nII NI2PI for Ia week If 41 11,11's. h,4(.60 pe wleek, in l iln 1941 riceigr $4 .40 plr week fil' 40 hours pI'L Weik; d $3.80 ineprase in 5 years. M a this elections wi fli ... l ,,n this. It i li]usin[ te rL('l{ wd hore they haw 'onlitily ui to ,S w ise ennlr ls' bosses i the iuicos; is siuitII' kiddling u i CHpper." lets wIke lip, Hl'uthr..! We lcar'L Iat luIng drawik-out ise,.ntilstitot. TMhs s Ia iatter of bread ansd blitt~r us' mn,,h e ijust blendii W. I NIliI, lPress 8'.i retcS L. U. NO. 11-212, CINCINNATI. OHI1 Editor: lold,~? a At this wst rg I aii inual plciiei r T,s il A,, B-212 ha, pl)ssld oB ai,,, while Mither Nature aind he uld rain sli.... k tried Io washthe pi,,nL! awl by ein uf thi hardet IILItS w e' ehald inI Imany a dI Iv,IJ a troth' Iw ,rk SiS~l~tDt that psirticiir Siftr out ill Uarow IlII eLI.Jy aI swell t¥iql Lg of a awful tile 5 ...e rI . . As hlave we ilt oif rain up to this writinl union baseball IetrrI Wh1ile' he Ipre.% sesertsftty is not an elected according to c'sststitustitlll. il litr that as cansliilalb is na melle os on, lualit. If this is the Iu, then it is rie' has fl{ heon able to play for three or four weeks soteirlol s;l/nd sag is same iii, last writingr iqht up on work around her. ('iLeinnaII ti in is about the sai'; that is, wI tre fairly busy. W, (bi hope we shall be able to have lhi success leep oii well Ior a lon.. while. I'he (mss'rinat[ Milliig Mahine CIo. aire eretinig isi othell I., , o . d ltion atlt]i.. i.s i[ h. a luminum industries, the Ohiro KlifL (u. English Woods housing projeet mid Winoss 'rerrace whirs I ielieve is ready Le take la fewIew tenIacit., lIideustally at this writing It is piry pleasure tL announce the 'Iol1sil for the h ,ew I' Lincolnl btluijig 1nsjrt was aw.r.e. Io,tihe Belts,. 1I.o..I. Elete tIc (!/. cf (LiiLLun alt[ it a " eIe, Ilr nil..out $150,100. lnvrilS woirked . oir this Liro' l 10 years I knosIw ii will he ha.idled ,ry, vIry well. On i fol,,iition giver' me, by I. A. ['op, treasuIrer of lhe BeltL Ilo v to.t i is a strictly ;orideit job thr jiugh ill. 'Ill{ abo ve flrns it al. o h and ling th e ¢ itire' llce tries l runt r.l.L n the .. w, Stretitais...ii pla,, III M riemo t. a suLbiurb II (iII',tIenaati. Fol this writIi~ I believe that is about all r our news. So until rest L o'stLh,so lung: huIt 11rothers. everywhele. have a g..od timle, ver the tortth ef July welk-,ld hubttb caItetu[I ILI'] rilll carefully beersuisL . , I kt(, you love your hI il ais muc.h as I hnve little daughter. Dlive carefully 0wIwys. mY EW'Ai... M. S.i.M.I., Press S(ti'( ret L. U. NO. 213, VANCO)1VIIFI. II. C'. Editor; It is my ,ain duty to 'eprt the passin g op n tltfst'hy f o u] liyLI a sd 1ost bIelsved Brothels who has sent his lifi in wairkill Ilsurri aLt W\illiamn "Dannie," St. PaLl's inll lhi' in~t'ere irgat £ of Ilrr't' n. N . S., N] I1Put, bII setter ~zcsblabor. Int. .o'rl[L known as by all who knlew him, pillisIl Or[ at [[usphItil lhe 9, <141. Arrivinit miVi, aionvt'v in 19(1!1, takinlg out his card r I[, U. No, 213 in this saIce 'eIr h elitetred tIhi seIl ive f thie s W,,tL,', I' lada [>o...... ('u.., lse lecessii of lithe n Ralflavy L'II. its/sl iss b.¾een ill service of fhe latter COl anis with isnly II short tI Ic I, to to his sIilperk ....l tt ioin. It. i hbaud fr.. the s..e.sLle'i' of L. 1. No, 213: to express our sincere reelings in the ]ess of sir loyal a ftii s . Iia d Polh w er th served uso, faithfully fio* 11 yIa's ples~ ns 'lent if olr local. ITh ere ire w OJ the e.WhO haIve puist .. rid. reI.. sse th.ou.,h our hs'hl alld th'ou.Igh Va'sriisve,l ' who will .'.'t IiIiliIelthe inli ing fa'i,' herewith reprtidcleidi h.howill rot join, us I.. ]nouu'Isful lence {Id ors' g-reatlosI ,,f sirs Irolither whim gave sn i.uih of his life il I he interel t of sur loin]. WI, as memh',s of I. I'. No. 21l L It. fl. "if" aidll W , most fHiu ily oui' sroleissily s i,'ere resiser to 'i sdulpce his II grreialoIss. ~he,,' ~ the C.I lectltric ceorltIO.Su known IL those vols...... last 16 years, Ald while the It..w pIrIss secletaLy DONALD WM MDOUIGALL M ourned by , Ui Ni. 213 top of tin heap. More about theIl Inexl tillL. Our sick list i about the saimIe. All of us Our to have fir the leal want to so'q Carl Voellmeeke, (..rg, Mor, idl Khirlby BIilgs fet al'lng very .oo.. Thi writing sits anilher big bank allditilon and 'em¥1odoliti about w,.oun ulp. That is, thc eititl Trust (o. at Flouith Illd Vilce Streets ini Lir/eiiriati. The work wts 'doie bY the Ser FIL]u't'JeLdal(!o. uisdtr the able supervision of "Jiil"ny" Dou ahut, one of the kind of pushers whom i1.i a Ill~eLsuLir to work with and for! GoodIluk, Jirl ~ ai lorpimanl (Ifilees' st[niru Ia h).I siur aigtiut lI sions? Maybe this elletson will stop ,1l this,. dlimiseinK, aILoLes arid all the l 'r aI nyone naiteIl I The pienic Iltd intil the 'we small hours of the lnIrlirnrg. So despite the hIad weathler ,uu .. i.t.lafaLir wrte biusiness Lo be sure. l 3 this I i.on't meain tIhi I'll NOllelllei arre r1llnihs IIheI local, but Id] rBuIsinig is beingil oti&e Isv fueirllei . A glailin ;sk, is ssu.oine kisldiig us reeri;tlout rfum uitel: oi i.',lI..k tI smtd cha.r i I I se to ask Ior a rai1e? A foreman. Is isur'4/' day b/It they Cailt four t'e'sirlIten? A forenlais mu sln forenuienl. Who sit's in on all ci mittee meetings? A f'oreqn, . Who tells Lts thHl. this is niot th, fully say we diu have a really e.ijoyable tunIe after the rini sulssidesd. L.e if the byvs haild Who is d m..ifatin g stil' l IVho itt ihit .f viiir ex ecrut~ive hor dui'l?A ''ery I";l~,Loo 'ry. ]less $ecs'etai'v. fi~ w e's eovcis 'uIiis I gt~ int, the TOLE[DO, (Ol110 nsiltsh of ['ride s ant i'hrsging of t~he guasrd. T[he chanuging of' the goiit'sl hie'e will taiki ptat c' the first mleetinlg inl ,lu~y si8 the( election if' officers. will be the ?nurth 'Thuislsiay iii June. What' c'ha~nges wvill Ie mnade', if any', niusit wait until after Ieicctislll. On/ly a few ('hos,'iu enup]0yvees t'ei'civc' lInt increase in w isges lh e r t~hi' ye'ar. saint' its the tesu's of staig].Jht in'. ce aelse uitd tith es's in tihe fis m11 of IL oiu Vur ser¥i'ets re'e lei'Qs. ']he hullieuses were pinil by Ihe' inea], but ]susvybr this election will hieiane aill this. [heat 'sew in~ereases lii thulae l'ew bWinp so~ine ofl I h e smembelrrs up r.o 'i p r'r ciost sin~ce 1 l1[29j uris lb(' snl ionhl;' isael h atee ilonse all right fsir thenmselves in t~hat 1 'impte of time. Illth wages its, linesmen huei" is Sl11 ari n II hour ecek, two weeks "iseistiun aind gioe l w~ o rk i ng r''tssrl tic ss. Il k Tohi t5p i 15llle ('ai hIs foi[nsl in[ u nai ot~h c 'i e lnsp s'tntcust excep t. gas' gi andn stsutes. Tyre { [[ll snrsrs ,ate placed in11 for ~as leab:I byhersnselves susiEice esisntratered $115 dudi $1.2h p:!r hsour 'rlt'' [the t ''nu tieL's guettinug a s isil~l ]tiil'thit o f this). [a ]stor phays bc] is i'nt~ p s ' ho ur sins l'lisosn sit ]l ]o .l 'liii tr ee I 'i sin u~iit t'tsIi ong ii esr. }itvc'y and[ Ne'lsoeu t'ipimrlssr Hi'd allowed Li, huit'e Il'hsi at In5 cents pro.r hour tisitl work othe Edlisost property, Minyli the election will s'hasns that? Mursi[emhelunf th e Itcait w hlo' asie Vie'nrtyht the i, suit willI ievote L iny 1.ill, I feel I lart of that Illae to the back IIg, and will 'enli.n with pt thuough that 'sa..t the lagitazinse,. I lipe that mLysuleeessr will sutike as n~ilny friends as havl~ethl''lls!h' iut th~ rlirculatiosi of the HECI'T1IcAL WO,,, olf r:;s< JOUiRtNALs (1 bhultz is ainoni the sick a.nd it, Ire has beenr 'ff iow for. nl..e time us~the result of a very delicate opevaIbm. lInt MI. Schultz, his Litp, 9. tel-Is u that en will .oon. Ie better thil. ..Ye , ird s tlhal is A i'trerLt sj11mWLI exhililtitinoIbetweenI Al \tI~lell was held here. L,,an ne that .ine Peill 1(hmt blar niruh of Ptois, for he wfllt oil [ls the count, Mimcihll really put himn iwawy.' I Lut Pafts'o Is 34 !coil plnrt it, ai evet took him iiliO Ihsi home, ,..s.l 1,w they ri'r ilrlseprlrlahe. [hey i'ess allike an hlve th, sau/e laihits IiiU I' .esesibs. (uss I' uhLher. If vioi shosshr ~lg ot ¥0ic foil to ~e'e Israel I,. fl. NO. 2.15, the artieR. thut lIe I Ile ti'sulslbe-lerkist hl hIeII conceal t ... of t. [hi' A rose oin '~t tis t.riclq [)1ussea[I if he hap[Ic',,s K at t Jaek,ILit Ihhat tim''. ....mime ain't Israel nld I the wInt b nes tu bIad thse things out). rphe ILII...lenIIL ,tl i LulllI clerks andI oaId dlisp utchels ti ' pire pIaredl go giunLI the iiIll Hs.i.. with uuLI' .tew radii, eijipneut. We Ill have operntls'> III'iiit~s. W, will have i.iis.. ers, like Ill., i sl N,-n,,iihe r (III', Two, ietc I hoqIe I loni't gtq uurn]Hr ]2 for that is what I say, thesi are ti, IIIan' of then,. "rll liudwig his had hi, wilh fulfilled, he is Ilk .,L the Two'pin. It Iur' bI gue t tol liei i a 'utlitry e le'l'i Ylli II(.,1 t.rll a heetl aa eel inid Irl si..u. ner. it "he!F slid s.. Lt "hiel.' ~IARlIs 1'2. 1DU'RE8lIiDlE, I'rNs S 'rC Hetss y. E dIflit I. Thlis is. to let aill I~herileci[ )(ics know th it he I. .B. IE. W . is g iinsesl, gi dIunflst i1i Arsl'ina... All the hbys in our local, thuiI, is ens~lu el his' a utiility Lt' stlt [i s' Va~lei' Waisie I (11s'I' Assrio i h,n. give lteprc'ci/sttie AlfIid Shcklf.fri'l 98 ser rient if the ,'r Iil t os, thi, t'irs''. t' in, this s tate I, trisI.. lLe w ilh i4SIatk." zis ill of as e'nslI hil is, he wosk, too i 'Hd WI rleiived iuh ile rtr I eIt Augist 211, I~l, a iisl nd. nOW have ai nnrhit lstishiri if 4[;is :4 sLv Wvha t W'L v't'ie nsaihini' ls [fo'' we UTs'HisI is,',). as it w :si a shaiins !. ;uoisssi sae d tui othei' JULY, 1941 3In utilities. Since we hI e u a,, /itail the i'o11i1 II jack wages due LIt pa.ny plAid flS $73,(}00) the F'ir Laibr Stanidards Art, anti start priyiril ii iti..e .It U half for tveitiili'. which they hlld ...v /' the before'. OnS lMta h I. hl U B has ordered themi N. I, riv to th, g[itirli[inh riglts. h o;vL- t' ve'i' .V 'i tt ue ('t a it o ht o f I i itittit g jititl IL stgnt'ed eotinr mt siOiii' A hitiihltullrif hayttigl N, - ll l hI all ut i, 'i. o report thin, d ... i~I3. . III O nefl l, r 1 Ar tAtiI jotL o f. ~th'Iehup. LA, y hint ." rI.l tlen ut'tt i ,'ILl r'si ' hi A atALIr. 'dtt V tilto this tro t unio I. . n..V . (t lialr ,Aw B' l x&'Hlmhutp Fintrklless. lilT4 h r: i }s ~ ~ ~ i Itt t d ill" LI,,,ALIAI uhi , . ~ ',( re pt urtIi p~ 'If , ,'h'li' L I IA,. o ut' & I ti>, l a I .. ' ( . .. I l oi n (W Nirn. I.O(l.LAN[. I. Ai63, '. NO. N.jY., NI) VItiNITI" Eior: v(,,,rO 'f the I nited StaN is' Iht er,nei ,hhs'rt d ir e'g th e p a, ; rUtorLh . t i'd .'t ilI > iihp Otff, itr hi' heIm',an ... ',Il hll; -.. (;ermal and (}erinatuI ti'>1tS ' tradetl ire. g 1 t ciise , th e us' of Ihei M uut'l~s hi 'hill h ' th e se tta zi iutLk~iut'i itt h u h l WaI y .4 lit e '''I .t 1 ul g iian3sI th e A holerhsui~ 1lacks hlst' h u','t! dIirectted tuntaud Uie - ilt i/ 3t.u i,r res idwent'' A D (h it'u'ug' i i h h.'rit ge Iir iY , in order to w.¢rk for titl.'r cit the uli',ugii,si~kltp i'ot i kTo Iptu Iht flhlfta t.'.li .e. A I h, [' This . I<- l* Ito lu ,u A tIt'i 'i, h, l L.h t !ioik.l h t .Is n i .1t ho w L . I,st I Hp I ,' 1l1.11M s n,'r'I uef (,r~ I£ :~ e , i{3div idu ht, :~m 31J~ li, i"-{ eliveredi <f'e'. by> the .li'wi'h qL~eslhum ty il$ t u1 e xl { l l.d I{t i I 'stlul * r'hie netl e, thil Astnu .gr'u,Illh'i' , it' ui'Tte] r, i, tI¢ , ( Ah Ih thi' .,dir, tI;il' I.,i tIIl ultertsmida hifori'tattint ii 1ive hi. . toi , tu tiH I'i .i ghI .'oui',,u I I h hiti i'i lid p . '/I of set h hee 'i l i Hell ri ,Ih l It il ul klit s'u'ttt n o l fIl"it I If o , p htl ' he t blii..... u'n iie ,llud..i 21 b, 'nu''. Itu u. t. gel l t! ori aL to..t.If I Ih. Th tt*l S hrhiut u,, [ uel. Wi{t (o i'l i' , '/ Ilto h Lir. I Ii A.oT'eri I the h ', t o¥i' ( C err i a'' A n t',, r Fu i fu hi eI from 2,un received tI.n. II tlhlrt'tail h' IY I ... 1,.part 1l carri fd fael il. nit'h nIehit due "tI tIh. i e tat imnit po aL agree n,,.Ill. IeirgL he' I'as I p r I, Ar ' Via,,! *f ~h,,,tci;k3A~~~;:l .. ood tt. er A. hayt t, turI t turned .an Ipada , 'v r IIIs p., the ('nh intittee H ke Iq 'ardl 'a'e' the am,, p lEC. .d . iv ihidlt's l < rhtl? m in- Mr iilit IUrie iil', ~1 * l ]e tt ,r. 'Ihe th In' {>re a e '.'h \,'T&h. h iit hoteri lh t iii', w a ls usei For Presentation or Blirthday I'rsent CHAIN TIE CLASP Eablem 10 lI. gold; clasp and chain Rall*, I, ai~ i i,, thl n ~d ItI. f .. hhi dcalh hI1 ttee' A1l:i1 pri g hil, ae diM rhjihte *'t.atllr he Ill, fr. ike'i r a ll d , ro ' bundlelu.d in .. st . e'ope, M la t'M .i 'Letly o, Lii ie k, iii prit1npui'r \ , t yI i ex, cu tixi, A (;i'r b , 1 'Pin . A .. . li , 4Iil hflhii d O]n' itI oIIthII Y...h tIer, kilo.I irI'h,'t ttt hi. h'...I,, to N Ip (rIf ltk oh Nr ( it ina inortd.'i i l, oIr Y o rtk I 1bIu IA,II I rL Au ls, i ,ui A, ,{{llli pII l N l ad l. thAe I , til, I 'tilt 'rst, h Ith e itil II., .. a 'n t ]]e etry I l ik i' itt', t4 htu o moi s gn, t t,' i]g e' d e it' al ~NII I '.<hruuit Hl I R, a'l r i 'l i Ii h 'ltLfr. the juid I ;' I ii I{{ilt. N 'I,liu k h:*m .*nd ']l,,i k i', u'n ' e n' addri'.'ed mhe iri ide Oi HI sait. hatil wril tri . S ItAAl g~. A I I , th It i F ' ± IIIti I t' N W Il L itll tihe ittearei ihr+,l uhioii tite,', iix. ii ih boom p ayi tent I C) p4d tIIti. d , iu betn piss t'(L outt at [;rank'ed piiail hlg'l olthe¥ ilhe,'iri or he lButdi. the ATitrii hi.l (n u I .. ri N '> 1` oreigil a ,Ir I Il enve~lopes Heavy quality gold filled Ip , lt - ('i'ithlihtll n ta' i nee(thil ISe ' II}t{h { Sh e illAt b tltt i Jo,, e i e hith, in y niAiliAitrLk' p wllt tit'til r' A,,Lt 1ja ill . t.It hiratitlltt the,lrest trlunk-it indts her. Ert'thlli tNAl I t l i [ Ili .1l O't fit l] g >ti, u I..I ' u 'iu1 ul Ii't f \ by the viI o s algenceea meittioie h,.... .. Its the n..t... atil lii f' ii IU II W s lenti uil with the Ilt f(lora MInich. Gerruy. w ith Ih. Fi{yl. Iof the United States edilI.s, hrtkel'. militarl uiy .ei' tilel, cOtIrg the d..... of the varitts tg, ctlpa hII ,rTkers, c hti' lel l c itI ll I T p.s ers. Be hin.! thi clohak .r d.'ir l hili bIulletiis. di tributtr., naxi iltpngaedd oii w h think the that matte~, would be lseti adl Euuae fEzrI .. i~mt, InlertiJ.d A .... li ,i'ri iiI 'to utI rlo Io rig ' Lie il ng hi, alnsii tifit IIo ''hillmy attil Navy me1[i, Ii .tlho nut'il. Mhl, htwn' ci, is not the a se by if titqnes leia.LIrs aripd h.i.L ,ttirt i, in.g to lotn. sho. T'h. fill has been A.ri...1l tihilt titl tliri h byi a lfL teri . hInt ,' crv country tltehe t.r tlf ( "hig ress 're ,, Ilin g the illtt f,(ii set litd hy lidler, 'he Germlani tail lhttt~rhtt i ,t,' l~li&*i h ais toi'r th e tiie~t'a ;.atdt dle use of their frafkm. plan by /lllhhrwi ,,f pyT L~H~ldri' iL giti dlk ; ihi hi s., plivihe" e fL 1 ihe, ulzl dlstrtH'utin of di, T he ( hie httl ;l1 t1r l .'f 1'Fil ilt iIp hqi' t s tuptieI~rnlue '],, frankinm plvlg A iL''lt'h' t ICL t epI~t'r i i. qt we -totd th e ir ~%i.s pr,sikiiltly ;]tteilc',l to) prnvdt tiheithhber' if Il'1t rte.'& w ilh iei mI If £nrryin f tin free sk [tJIl/ly 'edited .,. 'rtih[L ,;tL;,' iie t;l ilt, with c oi titu tn s ''here is rot s witdr',iw ALpenLt)alty pr,,,lud " the tunitlle tIf flle ;rid ,o04e, e hi,tI ar ti, t , b, tm vii t A iierI iti. l lby liIIp t"3iith'i' lTu tit h s O A llw guy' tans that ltitl' i hound in 'tJi anld that er iTu teiti, tint Lhe p *le ()I!¢le IDep hartIl'nut ha, '[,zs~i(,s I(q (q hty b~tl" 'rl n , Gertmang no4 re f-rol~y i ;t~ ai t'Lr iit1e illl e,e l o r iiu Pelr hF t E' .' ii 'o r i'il: ]j411 t l ttti ui ra ttit s~ i ni 1 i htt mx-ep t hhu) Ot se', C hi' fi'thtk hi hrl~ p}t ytlet.e. ha i~I "Jlfr~lit ir Il the Ill e G , aitized nlltisl1 tI s ttas,fIhi'ir ll mll vi, to; clt h, I I i ItI It ItIi rsi, .. .. ally l.,i h tell hil, "Pllase rl~,ll "I do, it tll_ iit * prhrpt thai ix !treEi 'o lel th' t'hlu d Is 'I grittt t wi.ho hite ,Ih, 1he Iehl, f Iorgr il IIIpbet ie, TIm I ', Aerica. idea that flitter ii li fTee A , h I I III liuld, ,f their rIrIk. 1111] le* ,tI tin tadil' e' ed fr... l d eal[ w11y of lift. 'Uhe Getiman Railroads inroiltakiori ofce2 Sulnt weekly bulletins to hotel eIcuI..t A.00oll tIraiel ageni'IesT t'aLr .; II hI Y,. k I<ill~ pl~ql itajI buhisiI nitt Mont~ana. I 1h thp' ,l,' tt liet ~ If itt the i tre tIIui of lit lhealm sl~/H b d iC tl, el f at w:r lv i lh IB ide 3', th l '''il l, t Ihi , whlillt u' iut1% N , f 1r i)itt' , TII' I wl. n ,..tiP ~IiI, ny ,' t i f'i fu ' A, he,Iri gh I IoI I LI.l Il T LI ~ m r i...T.T. . a iz, ALill'' I i' of fap hih i.... froml Mi Il}heu p] t (L, !h e u ih'rih( 'r iii t tit {}ii 21 d ,Iq, la eIIA4p ttvl fit, to, hi' ] Ii . .din as T( ,-ht hA g, , r t.. ,''Iv .. .u > liatiler f i i e ft ii, Itv li)h{ I i t Ho, uttt ittt ei 'i ttd eit hat 'u ki l,lt i t s Il ,]~ G(u t' ut tl,, lI i i 's M ,% lmlidh :/11k~ , ui'uud~l~ g tAn, i l u': s t n 'u hi t! 1ti'hit 5.lts't n It ui t h of I Yni i ' i jitforiutiti~ e ti Iigi'tri the , L U it c ,' [I( oL t'h e 8 ~Unui'i ii,, lt 4, , h ip / it i tn ,i,. A).... li It'uiu.r t ., Itt Iilit l ois l "e n . " ll " A 1 I,,'ol 1 I.... ic 1 dl 11 I.1 tla1T~t3 p ,[r Iow,l i t'a ~ ~ilnu ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It or A]I, D 1hIe ,1i lolIit I 5 I ,I~Ill ou~ 1.. ;I. It~rirtgin Ili, . tu4N lam b, . ApIIILrIl T.,hIf l I the tiUlt' 1~ I i s sw41rki~ttk' llt h it) Ih ~li,~ fall H firl 1I4I~ Iolvnc AhL h;~d,lT A h h,,OI AII e AhlII~ :v,1u n1 lii If yJslt i tI kl,1 eretihlii w'il Ii( Is, IJ1 , ;LI !I I%11 E~it alltll rH Order IrIm i ntli.'t' ('v l ,n Lp r Of l i t,,ve/v aoii iIS l )IAN S. city. it', t t (' f i. Iitt , A ;. I ap.h Id in ,d lhl~1ld 'I .,. ,fo Lt ,'l uhi'% t ih itl, this 'hituhl ); 1 111 htfi i I'l l rrh''I )I. ilg :i I ii 'j", r ZtHj dIy ill,~,l :t night Lti yIi I I 11111 c' l~ t Ii It Ih 'rtt, i iee L, Price $4.00 including box LNN. NiL . 377, Thht lt is I]'iigth Ii h h' h.t.t.e T udlii tq b! All, oJl~lih 1her~II Ia, Il I G. M. Bugniazet International Secretary 1200 Fifteenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. t,,... ll I si tlitlt' thI itt Ihthe ,hi fl,'r Itk i Intild tI ,-i 't i nfl, t r vt ,, t o IorA. .l I t JA uItltll h .aMe iLI I,i Ti.L I flI IAel, IV 1[ thtu'I ,iiI L I wh,, Ipetti ' Allf h ;i[Iih,I ,Il Itt1 ainul th 1' hi itLq,hIttl' l Il ' "l lhiI" i O 1ii l 1Ii Il The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 368 'Till, I sat 'o, repiked wbq he,, Yeaton~ il... eeIilat he, hi, b,LfH "Jao beu at nidejoi, Lhe dIeinty lhntl 4aks d s hihhen HidI ehitfeian ~r,-d rtpivi [O it hi, j~b, iap I0,T~1 Ma .... itin ~IA Y~,u[,,t a{. .. They Sllp are Ie... }.T ill tqkihhnll fro~in I>[lls ..p itpl th, ~irl ,nb, ',s tek f,,omi ] ,bu i/u he (ehd. I h, nauiye ...... i.slt ye~l t ,sel$s,. All [I, PiMlad14phiia, ex 6t4 9ot, ,. G~ Ittqalld el [ e~Latlv, lW l twit¢ tj ahf~d he Slffok atariTIrhse he, shis ha n t, Ill .B..ismark, W, hud ; a Uri [WI~r efommw, leak Thie., hIre el ias ~ ith( dis it" de 'a ... ,in ta I ... k a halIf phL, ,f ['}p,, }hilL siAk ;,al ,I hi, itlu ..... Ihr [] [ h . , nat[ th, h, p., ~r fiuhated I ju,t ec ... I it hlete Jrf"an in~ I.J~y it the Na,! a 1e~ t ........ Ie...( hudb[Is ,J lhe ,untaueldel t. handle1d off ~ ~h ht, I/ult 'anh. habhits rI, Chil{i jnngi,1e~! Btl..... rfi-,dim ats ih,-~a t the Pilgrm, ~ wera m ...Io Dtl~ (he6r ~hill/e dL'*tuibdi~ lhey could getahc kha~lit,,Iaal.r anid rlalwo ,t notwiAhistle~ Iu alI; I 'I'ohl I, '~innfto lKth ,Lher idall W, ,.lr hIIBTi.....hi[ Lath L, tantfL ll. suid. "A i, 1,,a t ,,lh" [ a id. ",,,. I IA . IHe s "i'm id ~q.c ,ti~ .ll~h S',ai L ,'oHHilha', II he i Ied ?,a t sw,. ~d,,im the Irih. wha ldh yen. ,1ibe F fl1, .t h,( 1,atlh?" I ~a.,t rqiet. ahait lit. a[id, That Ia, f{hai, f~l1 I ..... IOWD, Doe'. Vlk.' hen Is hi. lllgr W1.\*l 'd . thait dil .a..... prs rhu in hi, inDh s,,so onh FRATERNITY OF THE AIR (Copyight) N. Y. N 1ZHZJ '*W idt" {I:rlllalt ...k. [*o Angeles,. afif. , V.. Hlyde, NCiAti It. H1. Liadquist Turlock. Calif NfiSM. po...tlan'd, Me, It. (olins Lewis W1AI Mass., WIAKY E. It. Myrheek E. [rlt. DeN. El. W 1B(?P John F. '.> Prov...e It. L. WIBDA Roger- F'. Kenneady L R, Previjdenc WBFyQ Willimn Prierc .1 WIBLU Thomas~ Chase~Pa'd,~, WIIIME WIIINL WIBQN Edw,,ard L. Philhrie, Medford.L Mass S. Wnin~ Do er N. El. WHIRT Arthur Willuiam WakerP r vdec, It. L WlBS A. It. d,,hatsv P,.,dnc , R. L. WICXZ WIDFQ Ralph Bucklcy WIIf; WlDOH WA ] El WiELRWV41Illl WtFJA WIFXA W1GKY WI]ix WIIK Wd ]NP Oldi Orchard Beach, 31aine Melvin L. dlid W-,Spriingieh. ,as IMss MahId K. A. Gennett Lare . Motaun ]Dlve N' It I [iff.'d J, Fleu ry White, River Jhntliwn. N\[. K~.n V~.(ri yl, ~.a lI"rak W. L ...... y .onriN, Ma... l ... Pohn,~ Albert W~ M.a,,, {'hieope,, M.,,s J¢.seph Mlanida, Th.,.as A. 1eaviltPrll ~-l Eagae G. Warner,, n.~~~ WIIQ WIISJ Willi.. IL, Rule Arlingtml,Mas W.¥ari~ A. H inli..n. WHIUA WiIYT WIJWL WIKAC [Henry Mollcur Lorenzoa. J. 1.i-r WIKCII WiKJN WIIAII WAILNR W1LVP W IPP WIQN %VI1t WIT' E W2AMB W2ASI W2AY1 W2BFL W2 B211 W'IJ2All W/2DOO W2DXK W2E.YR W2IFIR atil.f~ PI., lEdward I. .. at lahti, Mdain D .. aelll, Mas. San Norwa,,lk. ( an Mi~ahta~ Partland. M[aine It.dtl,[ 1. [ W%2I OR W21PRI \NV21PY WA2HRA3 W2[$C W21YX W2JL W2JFS WIN pS W2KCZ W2KDY W2iK W2LG;E WiLLK W--M EA W 2M PJ W2MXG W2MZy W2SM W3FST W31HO14 WaIIPX Wd3[[TJ W3JAX Frank Buaysa.k T,,enton,. N. J. Johnt V. Riehard:, Morris1 P'ltain.N.-1L WWIIJ Willitam N, Wihson A pteiaP W.AA AQ S J M..l Baye Al. W4ADN V..... Cheek Atlanta. C;a, W4AJ J. T. l) Birminham. Ala W4AWP Rav nond A~Dalton Durham,, N, C7 W4BIdZ Edrheains., H. Todd Tiscaoo.. Al.. Cape, Elizabe'th, Maine ,Jnhn D. Buttrlck Rt,ading Mss Rallph C(,owi Allinecron, N.,, Kenneth [t. Wo'adblllr Freid W, Hutff Nudrde J,. Steph.~ n nkos i+}Trlklyn,N Y ~ A,,thnny J Saa~lflnll~.,k E.llzube, h, N. J, William, E. limit Brx N~Y I . P~al A, Wu~ .. I N."..k, N . G,;eire T. Swiegel Ehnh ursi~,, L. T., N, V, ff Ilrollklyn. N Y, Iteing M51tT John J Jnowk (hdlallq I'ity. I- I, N~V. Mllan.~l Martin, W2{; &M It L, J'tac , N,-., Nek.NA.. W/2G]C T, A. Jtladge Nothl..t. LI. I, N Y. Brunx,i N.y YI NiV2(; Iy .Jehu (' NOWle W'2t[]~J R~1. L1,. ptgk. Jr, Newark, N ,I W21]QW hwk lrinsky Tli,.ik~ly N Y rn, N Y. W2HTIC1 Victor [{egaehn~ okyn N Y. W2IHZX JOhelib 'I'tlliano Br ~h~a AlCrtnm~, Biraahnghiam,Ala Aa. (hrloette, N ( Bir-tmingham, Al.. A.fltNC Jaeksonvzile, F'la. it. W Pratt, Mem.phis, Term, d OF p. III, W411M 1'.11. W4BOE I. I Lee W41BSQ SL. fliekl, W413TT R1 M Jnc ll. E. (;ning W4CBF W4(B.; Ier Stahl III W Martln W, Jo... , W. Rexbuy, Mass" Kinh, J. Fothergill lIlkln N. Y. S. Kokinc~hak Yonikers. N. Y, LesItir Woodrff New, York I{it~ jahn Ochs t -ier.N V. Mor1an B ....klya, N.A. Franish A. Itry J. ll¢Cay lthuokl) n.N. Y. Robert C,. SpI Baraw rox N. Y. Hi New Ynrk ('ity Frank C. Irmkyn N. Y. Hall Kaye Brooaklyn. N. Y. Loulis Freedman. Leberm.a Br....klyn. N~Y J. O riskin Brooaklyn, N. Y. Richard A. C otrNew York City Al J. SobeeIk Albanhy. N, Y. Ste~e R. Lucas. Jr, N,, YorIk, N. Y~ Frank C itaek J,. Newt York ( ily Ira Rathslein rox N Y. Newh Yor-k Cily David Wasseenaan York City N,. James, E. Johnstonl E,. It, Gardner Red...inste. N J Ken Kingsbura e nrgl, ~ N. J K. Kingstbur~y, Jr. BernrdselleN. J. tiff W U IZ T. (; dlihnphries B~irmighamh,Ala. W4('YI. D, W. Dow~ad W~tnl~ka.,A~la. W4DCC Henr~y I{. Fineher Atalant, G;a, W41)(;S' James F Montgnmeriy, Al., W IffW HIlal{Sx na.G W4DQM Ito J. Shrrn Jr. Durham,, N. I. W I[DIK IaI Westfall ('aanna Tenn., W~I VAQ ,I..B. Robbins Bidminhaa, Alu W4Edq H. y. Hurley [tirmdnghaa, ALa. W4I'VI L, W. Thomas [iiratinkthaa, ALa WiFKNRussell A~ I.a Atlanta, Ca. W ITI 'Chadwick .51 Baker. J, HiltlatH hR nL Alii W4(;OU1 H. D~ C a ir-minha,h~...Alla W4(;UI .t DaneJake Jac k onile Fin W4JY I. J. J..", lBin,in0ghaa..Ala, W4IO L. ('. Kr-on [ laii mghiam, Aht 'Y' N Y itllr~ t B, W1Aebb Wljmill}al't .. lN. C W48SE C .M, Gray Ilirn/ilha.., Al/a ('. Vessels1 Jlj[idn 1%11',IT (Chattia......a. Tenn,, Jl ..... i> Walker C"olumbus, Ga.. Flank A. FimrrI mtvle Tenna. O. M, Sidtet Del Rih Texas 1;dwil E. Spurr El l~anorOkla. Brilliain J,. Cange SiaFAioroToa WSRZZ Bill Atkiansn North LittleRock, Ail. W4VX WAS-\S WS3Ztl W51BZX WS! i. FRATERNITY GROWS BY L. D abeuto),hiti ea L. M 0eeklahoma (its,t Oda. lionT. Lylanh (tiorpu Christi, Texa, WSEXYQ S; A. Woll, DII Ril, Texa, W51-GM Rober L Bilart, O ek: L lt SprinhtaHilTl,a.~ BIloso ea W. I: ftnbey Wfi[JZW Wf6ON W6ASZ W61) DP WIII W`;E1 WOFJ W6G B. W`;GFI WfIAII WV6I WdiTN WNDIV) WIIIl Wfilli WCIA K WfiJWR W4dJFU 'Witlklia W6M/iN W6NA% WhoBI WdgOHR WdOPQ V,'rlRX WfIPTFI WdQy<K Wh'iRH W7AG ),AM \VTANI WTATY W.7A y . W7BICtB W711HIW W';IdII W?IIWK W7B1XL, W~,7 H" W7C P W7T P' W7C(PY W7('T WT'DES W7IdET WTDItIK W7IhIP W7DQNl w7D)XQ W7DXZ COMMUNICATION Kingsvlle. T,., New Bran.e..Tea i{. M, CrawfordLogiTea L~A. Iokn laous&01 T.... John R., Hubbell Los Gahtes. Caif. Earle Lyman I. Beacht Calif. S.. (;oGldkaro t Shian Diego. Caihf. , oho II Barr Pacific R ... h. Calif. Frank Hannaah Oalkand, C alif. {lernnrd 1. StaidJthBekeley, Calif. John C hrihty olyo,(sl LetrPflaamaond dhollywood, Ca.if Stunrt, Dallon l (yod .:aif:. Etddi S Fre Okland, C~if~ RI Mr'kat Jew Lo Angle,ith, Calif. S. E, fly'a e l,s, Angelus, (aTi£. Jianles Rugsics 1Hollywod. Calif. G; W, Jaeksnn Ni'asahii. Calif HarolId L- Latteea Dunsuir," Cialhf. }L. E. t'abr.Jr, Tucson. Arim. Sat rnit, Calif. ,{si tl. [adaI~a Pnw CaIif. Rex S. spaeth Laos Angees Calif. [~.*ran Richter Eseondido. Calif. JAIn A. ibhy S.anracs Calif. h Tlhmas~, 31, C'atish, Calif. an ])iego C alif. KennethPrlt, Alamd,I Calil. ·.r . Thu ,,,a, !lerkeley, C alif. ' W. Natta Frank. i Yalan Satn I....~$o Calif. L.1 Plaot Phoeuix. Arl-i Chail,,a M. 8h{[ Jimi If. L,,,o, C alif. H{ill 0 ... strelt San 'aeso.Clf Bll] ( anidhel Seattle, ~ ~enCalif. M. D. tter S~attlt, W&ash. A. IL Tlhd .. hd Portland. Ores Ml~dt. A. P, t.r..... Sea.ttle, Wash. Olaf Thompsona GlndiveI. M,1.1t I{. A1 AggerheekI Tnlt, ~ras John ieI]e....el.r , fitelen, ?lent. A. It. JrdwI ]Irt.a.L1reg Walael {C. K ke G;Peti Ira]I. Matrti. {;CO+ A[ JI,~ena e~ Wash. A, If. Barnsil, ]%:tl~and.,,rg,. t, N, Barry Setl. Wah R. Rex Roberts ledive,' Moa Les ('r011t e Bal~ltt. Mnrlf, i(as g, W,. W.11kenhaq. F o , Wit, N,tardertly Seattle. Wash., { L'. ]Tennelt, Mark Nichols Casper, W,." J~hn anII Carkgto..n, Wash. AI FErk,,s Mirs~ ,il.Mont. Vi~~~~acom f fa Iha, Wa,,h, JULY., 369 1941 L. U. NO.396, BOSTON. MASS. retaryof tim ']'he 19141 ek1,cdi ha pass¢ I'lle ld"I andl Local No. till I, st]I Jll Ihc, h~iits 'If aI ll~a%~l)usy ta~11110 b o dof ,flkc.~s 'lh ¢atldhl~~ ~~~atl t ;kl'C elol'em I I II o>if] lilt OLI p~ld~d. W~Ihel A,]w,i . wase, To,I I, elM. h~ei L [b J1 I'll tIll I.B. ¥el Je, o , ]l~I',~/liqn ¥t~, ~ ~ ~l~ ~ ki.. l lo hq iln ~IP Ila alIlI l Ih offi. hI t has I I efllJI rie hi ai t ro J IU It i l I 4ll hi. ~ (J l A~hui.s h11,11i}l ,I ,Ll [ilal(i ,]i Ir ffi ut ry itlYgo ur e.1 elM[1.]~ i ei filI i I fle, I hnt II I L~e Pult rkk ha,, dotH: 11 ~NIt, hliI ,L~;li'wll]i2 t11{ e'OL I1~15 lgl]T . W., BiliO,t I;,~ I I(~U~ (I I,f"i .. PflllIt it ,tll[ Ill i!. . itrg I'dI, ][e I):isAS 1o~j ,[ I ay~ o i t11ili ]~ N,etill ']/ allz q . I.Iows fl [Irat her lLuu, I.rn ~ Fqi H 1/L.. I pItt t T......I I~ti, PIh, I hlgr ,pastI pesident Willillm [lmkLlS rld J ha pail plsid,!. ' , Th nl Inlish p I, itiH ~tLl I l~( I l, tite/, li s llIL, H H ~S it , I. ~ In, I 1h Ilt [ ipo l I, I hh ht 1 ~ I .I~rb 1,i l B 1irlI" hi I Ith. (ab1 I p IsJ'Jl la, h I h, ~ ,et ..... IV]Lticlt i 1H IJ) ~hl I ,*~ i l IE I t I llD],{I h... i .. W , ol'd ilIIl > ihhm'll Willfi I"Mhli, I Id /;re n iHVpr , I'll,I I~1 Iul I piiIt t .. it,1 th ,,illIa I~ i...1.. FRATERNITY OF THE AIR Weopy~ightO Ernest Sl,,n r W7LIlt 4 W7]3QMI Kenmqh~~~~, W7FD13 W7TGS PI1?hu tla~l, OtIl h Iy.1 ('A. Gray R~t OIIlllt, Wahit Walll wedl.,~~~~~~~ Pe (;~.fl W7F~MG W71,'WB W7GG W7(1RE W7[[IIK W7HXTI W71DI > W711 wa~llia. Wshil. eiM Itda,}lot~t. A2P~kr Wa111hil Sftl. .lliewad Stith Wimce.lis~.tK, GeoI. I). I( . krotke. S,. Mi/w. ..kic, Orles lion fell R,, kpcn',t, Wall, L ...White Smutit, I, Willi. E1,3 14asnlus ¥ Scttle, en Willett Wash, J. D. N Ie.e ]. It Sm..ith Se1llttl', Il ih I''klns ]h~~~~~~~~~ LoT~~~pSi Llis W9A\UiW w9AlV(; Vt11f[11 T W9 [IEU W!Hl; W9LL,] Wgi.[ W!9 JC'I WgBX i Cca. ,bt ] (7. L.L [qia.. hill Waller E Phillips E,,,,l IILD Blaclkman I [C I,'. K~llhle r Ill . lfliighan .I K[!niht Wis. 'tt Ill1]. g, Elgin. [1/. St Lmie , Mo, Elmwo....d }*a.i'k 11 1. IIe jll.rd" T Sp, inlri]d, ,55o. 3}T1o1 lang"mer Yi~uulnt~l, 11]. 3 wVIll I':. Barrit 1, N, IHelht,r,ecklr littsa" (," ~.}ah A/htn, H. Miley Cla(,Ill. him~gO, 11. JohnI ., Noo...n e I'lths1lelwit .1,I [. Nilx~t 1I..J. m itt, al Kermet (}l. All~y SaIII Ii v ishel a Jalm., C ,N Mthn Clarence, Kraus Kansa.l I1 J S~1s I .. l Twirl /'a Tl T1. N IIlol ]{ptlt 5 A~ WvLC ItP WLMZ$ AMl}i Hate IthIr1h1 N NI...r h olbs[ It lale 1. Paulso ,, Paul L.I.]dwneds Ml A. Wil I, ION *lohel Ch ',.I Robe r.t I,;. ]hlar W[9NIh& WDN]I( W9NN W9NYI) ],ip*gltzmlr. WVOI' Ileynolds1 WPM NX Jolm. I WIg(HT Herbelt l""'Id WiiPINII s.]wzi I I ,cl'io, IlL MarKlo. I11. cn, WTis ey Egin, Ill. (ity,]'2ns [mkvs, Wi,,. Iu l~i l ]] II1. ih NlrD] I;n I1] lo f,. Ihao h, h cl,. IlL, / iel. 1l1 hlmiM",l A/hml, TP, ILd, 31o." I'hJ,......, Ill Oak V'alk.Illl l(xahaIl Duqulirt. Ill. Kit~kli~t .... I. Wes. It., And... o I hki o il. It...r T~m illa ]'ark, IlL. 3 ' II 'iCe I '. limI.I... 166 ai ne 1 W is. ilenry h.]del ltit.i. WIN. Franlk Ri,,s RHelf,.d, lL 11 Ih'lvai IgLltd ...l, N. DaM. Vi'licl, l F, L, IDehan Raine,\V"is ].arc3 ei~h Chieago. IlL W91¥\K WIIB WIIQ ,loh/ [ Weaer iliibtllehl. l WgDJMP WIDDLII W9DMZ ann(it3, Mo. WtiDitt M lierl,. IL[ W illi... L, K,,alz i W 9g[!Lll Pe51iich.Omi].Ii/ W9[LRX [lobj. AdjI' W91,M N lie. a W91]N q G. J] ,ottol~ W7ZV WgI1kt i.% i{nln ~New, AllharfM hId. ]l:~in, 111. vre"'ll'h l . Seelds \VlIX.]O,hm... .A Turnerl /'olll hll: 0hio, pln'ih, WILY5 Plit It. Mlyr V¢91,2gJ Alfred C, I11,r.dll12 MiII;:lIIke 1,.... I~i Jel~nek Detroit. Mich. Wis. WI4ACLB Flitil, t1i~llt Walertm Iowh WiSll IlolG~ W&ise 13,t Illtllln~ It. [".tiS. E'. ( hu~th SyV.acuset, N.Y. 111. W19EVIT WSAPU HI .1'~/IIT [IIt[, FlIL W aynIel, J nd. LI F]. A. De ]Ila W91,IiC Mon my h,tIow Rochester. N. Y. W8AVL 1!. W. WIlio Albert TI,1 I WaMle Alton. [iT* 1'. W W i~I)11 Aurora, III I~leds,,, Mile. W¢!tLGN W8BQA E. O. Trouip ILally V I ylin Ka {]l, M1o Ia Ceel] Atris,,Ong I'l'oldlo.hhil W91;J Relyiicmd ]]Iq,>lo~ II ...t W ;,yrle, Did. Ih1u"ar,L (. Waker PitlMilergh, i'a,. Will d.KW J. M 5, ru It. Ilou ,Me,. W91TP 13iEI ]1olbck Pit~tsbugh, Pit. WgFO It' I!. riSllan...asLit lil~L."h Lou ]] Nolthlbirlk. Ill. WIgFTT I. D. Bur .... rdt KI l,kil. ImdL Iladlo~ I. Whtod lrtlNY W81if W9L AY WgGA Chiagi. II]. John H., Ii ..hllan ] veadOl L. E. Leez K~~hl, II. pueloh., Cilo. WSDl Mtlek . r ...! I A,,t]IhI. IN. Y. ISO I]libbills, liminn WtK;IW WS]DME ( hal.]is J. II{is{.r Jack K~li.,l Sheho/... Wi,. wgGG Ildar W~ (havoenr philip IToo ..... Chcaf,l Ill. o illed, hio WSDV Te iDtl bll~Ll, l']i I WTyll*I Illd. WDG(KV [i. V. A~lhdtSl,], (!ht''go, HL1 Till I., Ohio WgEDR W. O Killk Mi lhtlnp~eko hicaio, IIL. W913 PVx ... O. Ranlkln Piltsburigh,Pah. AliS1 W8FAP Williu !VIUR WeGTVL' e A.Igofa. N. Y. WGILIL H. E. ,Ow W!gVhQ LK. I,'..Y ohnsoI. i (hJ~~, AlL. 'I'oltd. Thhl W9GVY W8SGJQ pldwald (}oo;I \iVgVilI {G (~r II l k(Iik i st Irt't hVI {i. '~9(;\VZ ]1. A. Ololie, N. Y. ],skWisconstil Rapisll, Wis. WSIYL IIpt, q. GI;~lll~lig * Wm oQ WD}[( Win. (larkI Wallace Webte Wichifla.Ka WV1Go( H. Collii n Clio., miilh. WSKB Sg.. II.svrd, Io. Y J ai,d Fh.l~leha St. paill. l~[i.... l iebert }. Kueihn WPT[KF Akron, Ohio Wlke WSILIU It. W, (Co'K Jh.rll Bi, u i r I]l. EiO.. F~3 [.}t'i.kol~il Ihif 'T E,. aKm, Boibbitt [][. IlnigoW. Wf1[PlJ Va. WSLJX '¢qV X M 1¢. K. Fi IrJtrqheso E/mtrl F, KE.mannl I'<odaIi.ll W911Qj W8LMF W. A StevensonI Chetteaug.y, N.Y., Slboh. Wis, Wi91[VB Albeirt ]llabsd N. Y. W8LQT J. H[. 51ein,,omastr WtitcI ( it~tchIl W91D(; shllof S1,yg n Wsl Vic'tvr a piLLsburlgh, Pli. T. It. I.mtenwein W8iS,[Dx W9W I< m i?ll J, lieolmt ~,¥!}](I (iffitrd Bhfi T)'A,,, Mo. T levelanid, Leto (ere Lister WHN , I'l:l, Il., or . Wi/Iwlt J. Jkl~th,ln Wellt~ r e y r ]Oir'es Il'liit l, 1. Field [,yle Laikewoo.. , 01hi WilOcl W91Q A.c~ E. Iqal~l I hie...... llL V¢911] I Aithur A. Aver~y 1,23mhurst11.I{ ()h1i W80DX Adl[e. WillilaresTledo, LEdward TrybuskI h']i,ago, 111. I hieago. Ill. W91WIR N...m....l A, Pull~iam WgOVR Fred M. Dic~kinso Lima,,Ohio W9YKT lih~ingo, Ill. Noris Athens. Ohio. W9IWY W. IL. Witodard' WSPG;Q Wils~ W!JYM F~ Ver{l~l'J, 1Vtl A)LlllIlL, ll Goro Itavidkeo ][It... WilNst Willem I hwt. hmd. Ohi WsPKR J. W [htmiHl W9yKMl J. hhwaw, Ill, W[O0Atl Pi tlsbur"b, l'. WAQVE (Cnrle L. Kireh WflYRBl G"A. Robt,/ts W9¥J A0 1Ied I i lik Spr-ragriel, Me. Carl W. Bit~bher I falo., N. Y W8QZN WIgYWT Leon~~~~ hite . (hilrace,Il ¥¢9J Z (;illilit Gl. Ma.tthewsI h~¢ago, Ill. WillB WfIZIJQ WTgIPT W¥t'I~qtl, IO~ia F. N. ,Itephithoil f;. 11,11,v~I'icalr. Ill. Williami NI Gambl WA[iW itle F Paull J. Tillie sbgh, ... Pit. fet. 1J1ouis, Mo.. WSRHRI WgJZII (C. E, ]hibl on.. Ds (hale Moies ] Sprui PittM'ugh P., Iowa W8RA[J (C'lnal W9KB[DI ]eloc Luna Pill, Mich. WKSKO W. O. Bea, erda ms, (,,it. Willi %].33AF[Z Th .. as, Yates ]% A lllhn Mcm, Ill. G...o..g L. eden WguseoliOhio WBSX h' ].]:I 'L...r... o, Onit. SIll lirnvlt WgK N WHVAJ Le~thhrjde. A llta. ( e'le te VL4A~IM ({I. ]E. . ilrlnt E. WaLtonl WPKI'{ , oliet, LH. WgAET G..... 1 e [,,uec lo tillagn e. lml. I(altrnr. Alla. ([y Wle1 W9gAV 8l, p tilEied, IO. VI,]4RQ J. W Lhdlvtt W9ALE (h'orgI L. ii C ,Wual ic'g C]/[li AI t]h~. V]3TSA RT. G3 Stfi ~[l prvir soplingilkdd. o. W91,LDF WfIANET * Wil [~vIe1.1eolntirg i lbI Ili lff 1heIcall .IIA IJ~,f Ih¢ il Caa" l Ii .. IIIt,m[)er ~ ll I[Ih Ift1I , Faery I1,A~l e MH, II1oug)I Ii IhP3cannotl Ie .eaeht W7JE W7NSA W7RX W7SQ WUL Pali'lll! I\W. Otltl' Il C. T;. AidliO ],'e ,L TFolltt Nick l. oste, Vam . Williss or~~ld{r~ Ta'I I... l. Wall. Seatit'le. Willi I/itrigm',,Wash. FRATERNITY GROWS BY COMMUNICATION The Journal of ELECTSICAL WORKERS and Operators I ,st pll.>i-e these Ip,, A,,.,~~Itrent M~hrI l. ..Ulle aI th< fitIlt for thi first tiIr ii I , y,,t I the Iel -.tIe of Loct/l N,, katlilpourn( wiit lh It h]a/ i It tII bat e foI h i •<,PII liI]... each el, dill al .-apt h.I l b],ee,, ttpb'lerl I Mae I i-n.~ thi, I.a de h niuiIt-lt p . ,r aI, d iptit Illgnk re~re or pll oop I i like old potI*ges .. hl t-e > U.jiet~lr' L. I- NO. I- 129. N ASlII 1,ILE. TENN. 1ditor [hi, is mi* i . a..t.It] to Jithiel p, I and the other flllthsth Over the I 8. a] Cana~tda. tiM ii ,pi "w- eli* o Wll, dsgnated June 20. [h will take .ve t Ihe new "<epiie" k Brother N. A, Walker. ~ ~ ~ oile "Ikl oI Our -oIitheta. who, apl wprkil/itit of town. wilt nut reo[itigi sivo haill wh]enl the come Ii hoel aI,to r~ ires ideit. lrot her IV. J., seulilipp lhe hlall with fll1( upholstered e s. 8o hley (api. cometi . now without fiar of leaIitpg hnlf clad, leaving the other hWIf If thh elothts I,, the oht seats arid ohlf the old seats ii thI"r Iseats.' lgrpLlhej ptlip~anp is to iii- teolpr{uptulpt~et till this fine selection. The haill stiil ontines Bll hi' too sanll], piny have ti take over thl entire Ialiar tenplie, unless Br-other Tei Jd'tis, ouT hps'hess in tinhge r. stops his "nolkey busi ness'' Sixteen inewv iimmliers ielel itakei, i], n l 6. This hy [Iftis niele tolisJutnle 6'S rilletlbg "as lIp, tilt of heated aiguai-iIs, which keeps up itlterest. AIs*, nol'ninI~itiprIt were .. ado foraIItt.l..lnto" fo, the ltlliC eleettilm There wyr, pliet'' ef nomII ee firall i .fiees. xexept the real halrd jobs. Fiatial se-eltary Int treasurer. i Brother Dotss our ,haibal secretary, gave a short talk,. thefirst hhir I ,yIr herl make on ihr rlr, andi a pm.,l I.,e it d regartilt I the f;'thcon(iin ehleipi'tih., stilig that -egaltlesI po whether - 5C'Ut h a", didte it eleted or riot, to get IIeh.ipI the success f1l eanTdidte ind support h Ipi .... er cent. [ feel 1ts he d~oes. fir if we, ale ti, suceedi all 1enlihers Il, ist gI glt in firll. face all s-ituaticmrs tigi-thi-, -looperatios hats dom. this far Is. (hlr own local uiioI has,Il its nhemtlesllhil I-(t per cni nte Jantary l . 1941. This cuhld not have lbteen Eptle h5 etoy one individual. only3 BhI(OPRATION. well Iloys our election i over,I ahnal think the hst metn woii. Our new p~tesiheiil is Brother ,I- . Iti)rBd: Icl prsident. Ld melt "S1I rawerrv Blonde" *litre; fianeilpl WeAreti'.Wit. B. io,D uhlApeII ; treIe,urer-. H. O,. Potts P unp[)hioseul P business marlager. Tid p. Loftis,- who hadi a toughl opponent. b>it won iiii wa lk: reruorphig sceretant, . A %olker: Dressi -teeretary. t A. A. Walnt-e Ihe cexective' Ihoaird has six fine len. in ldi, Ig tloher Snm, Lewis. the only TVA employee elected to I.ate put of five 'IA ha-s. The rest "also ran" Thie ,[11nlPIii hti.r. is ex-ellen t The I,,s- tnielble the itionpilg omif-e,-s will run ir-tl i' the joh 'If IllII ing the shoos of outgoing ollietals who are tops. liere is ai su~rQtesien to lluisitlls ittnangers in whose ¥'it-anty lhae 'iiilie i a{ilning tr camp op alrtit post. wheirlue {hniay lie nleed if tt'i~itiirg for nmeri nt the ipnmtlun~ention $(4etirpii pOf the *n-tiv ipy1 the art of pole climibling. ((JflI sotinilei top volunteertheir servicet, for ont- or two bly', to assist in itstrueing these boys -oI, that trot I"lllsh" eIemyI .ole- oI tree I I'tpIle'l U iF I to eII i,' , .I asSiSt IlI way they Ca,' l Wn lthik tihn hiT e bilr they w-lll they tI.ay i;rly other w;lchiNl ~ apalpe" "21 a,prurd oF )'uiv~k,i aIraln, ltwedtitpt I.f 1! It is Fmtti, o00 {"ll [Fickur¥ -271h Vi,rihtmn G Ihth -[hes r t ,$ p. th,,- or fuIpt ill} ''ilhthont *--t mIi III of then t,npl th-ripele a, ppr in' "htlttle" or ''hrPr flhei ipanelts I IIvt I I he pI If ofth h:aw. ft Satpp s N"'ll to ;'t-lp tisrtrir. Fhtl A,,nuIrr JIIII- , Ib,, ]e, NIash,ill, lift 0 i., m , a, i. roit 1Il ervy rpp... hen.. are .. o.... of Fh (e i0th r I,",nt .ion. s ltruing Li, gft htablpid ai tt~itiot wttdipopV& int oI fotld a gu'l, I uble-tl P' ~atia? 11111Ac,,,dil, I, thOl sat~1DpR IIENT Illthe i,,rerpltptp&,pal [hrotherhood ONE Ill NIRlED AND Il 1IRTY-EhlIIl If Iur IBIptiiers, ii lie] pint si\ 'oars. 26 1 l;il I IIIII haeed of t. h. I klIty til If the -,p riot hait- been iave1 hut I ,,rtif itllup ningit beI IaI 4ll ..Iie n~f. 'exed I.~h ... t I.... titll rI' p fIr thI h, I sl Iosy'. let-' ill *et ehititd thi, inud s.. if llalor. befipp uaother Si yeats p...5. Iet tils iuplilet l w-n to "-ere" or el eho , to it, BIrothers. it has htIn a pItI asure tI Isemi II areti-es to tfi I'LRNAL t ilIll }o1 pe- tIle r-adits'g ot siolie jl out of my fl..I iN ll 55-1 7 I wiVh th .... saI Iyl to all mythi-.l. all ovt-, the eUiltrty, but, plea-se tealtjitit-t to write tie and I will ihe nore tlhtI.. glali tIp Best regards tt.. .n.t all. Jofirl I'. )IB;NAN, .;-Piess SeoI ptry I. LI NO. 1B-165, SAN DIEGO(, (ALIF. I itn enloing a 1 letil-e t taken at iI trtlris Ipar-ty given by I.ocal No.IB465 in hplx.r If one of its,etiir IlB-rthets. lrpth'er (. (. I-Il) H[a-IBns rthI ... Havens w:s intiptepi into Loc-al Tnion No. 1-7I f An Ildrsi, t Intl. tIl August 2'S0,19 iIt cIntinued .[ .rp... fronm thaI time on,. I, hl* haIct. IL tllIibl,er if localI !ino No R-.ll5 frpr :11 Ytir'l, mIst of thil limpl ill the capaity of a liIIIIcI-ew- fOlejijah Y oI th.- leill IaS aIn)] li-ct lro .ml>Jans lie retii.-{ Cfl',,p this tpusi tituir with the IoI .. impia A11i I t!f thi year. The gLPi If hpnop howll in i the ce.te.r if the lit'tr-, eatrep i thi- rockr w-hich rhI, hpm)itylIurltedl 0 in h it the rt3 Pt'ot~iot'lltly displayetd in the forIlground/ iS }ep]> birlhday cake, rblr, istipn of ,5 cars of beer hit -opties tiitii~rlapie to spell out Ilks Ie. Ihe eltpi ;shownnp th,;p d pii-tore ton, it-t'r? anI mn.all part tIf Those pre.ent, Iholei-fig atbtiut 21ki Iod frie ls onI han d t<, hiup>o hlin, Beer and1 spanlwiches were -er'-IL. ]pigil ilnel w'4 hilt. splices iadn,. hub-ll, dpi; aridl primri s -lit in, lie clear. rh, I,,tpl[lr, Of loIll Np, I bl it-ikh Rt] ",ittly D.l. II litrs of lh biest .l lifhIpe that he will thlromuhly ep*,I, his well earned ii. H' X4IONAN, lhpibets \fin at-rr L. I[. NO. I88, BRITIEj'ORT. COHINN. IfhlitIrSBltnrluy,.l;ay I7, was just allrther lay1,t thl iilprp- if fplku biother ulsn thipiet. hilt to lh, fouwhing teamll of loeal U]nio No t88, Br(lwtelart. ,on,-,it ws "The lay" if ihe y Ytt Yr. , -,r it halh renijir, an Ii1flrgtialh, event for nany a 'noon to cmeIlealld OI Il [4rlrthesl ."¥id vonl shrll hear the moIst envied tale W f the year. PI eloKirp he blovllingf sitgin the Ut.ea, chartelelld a 'its and toolk triptlo the great, The plans were: T. see g...i ball aliI. g u a lllI game it was. To have an eeganlt dihpner, anidl the to see one of the Itadwiy hits. All Iran.e..ents w. reI pled.huy Nick brptheiinlmulo, iho jilanlnI revey bltle detai l with the utmost ,at-r an..d e}itstuiI Ifel] lown, tio thi last laugh. Yolu know the ,Id saying If wishes were wingep, VI' h~ ill Plydise eell1 it thlat oUTr wihls Welr wilged, for olne had but til desire aI.l that pesire was fulfilled. Oar iIar~y tha.,k, go to Nitk. IUiliki the i [.h,)Veh, .. . thait "a line heginiwmg pI..tkes .1 happy eilltdig," we hai I. wutidtlIfuil endting, in1 spite if the fact that the weather ttlll Starteld of wih the Oark cloud, arid a rip-rIarig ItwlloPp. A oul. bus rolled tpward the distant city pI [otharil the heaens above hbcatelb, grey anti ikho cliuds thickened, gtrowing close in[tl heavy like pallM iilulDitijs both light isad blirtI'doy part ft,- Ill old timer', with a verly oinalt cake, wa I..iven by L- I)- N. B-465. Those ill thel pictue - Barkl row. Brol tensI . - Brown.l Ise9e - Sperry. auw .,MrIs.Chs Hilll. MecoY. flrtpwre , SeI,.Ilcond ro,,: B[rothes F Shut pin, ] , Hanrahan. Walker. At-Ii, Akelis Nea. Hyper T P GOarr-ml assistant iiltei'intnilepilt McIiTlye. Oitttngs, Si-IrekFront -ow- Brothetl McLean. High/. Shello. Hfaveis (ltss of hlnorL. Ayres. sIIlt.rintcnde1lt: SHipott, tapl. {?11iP JULY, 1941 stltlrHL~II lier n I beLct I) gl.,eI. . Ad Ins IIlu/ e LIoI t fI E ILf~f]ll'i aIb I (tL*,, i. it I....llkh fhlPlit flet plw i ~lrs O t, hl.,~ fl I w,,H It NOTICE ,Io AL. alll tltlillls flol etings:. ... ..We..wlisto wIn ll )i... h, I .. klarlt fer IhtI IILw dI, afifi J I 11, I,,, L.I1) ....P .... o ]{(,r I[ i. water~~~~ Hiu, I:v Ldh ItI, IhaILLo.LII ~~ ~ ~ ~JI rh L I LI ... b ~.r oM L Iu Lh hi]~/1 I LoI .,/Id) h,l~lll I; lb*I I l ;r,t ... f '" i) Ite I diI M, (I III, ~ ['}LIt W,, D llh, ILHt LL II, L'wt NI Witihl (IIhai I',t Wi [¥ c j.} CL [i.qqllinr o Lh hot}:tS PII, lti( ,L .... I :III[ 1 mi u , iola il I 2o. 61- I -l ]ll .'",mlrly No, IIiO tbo Ind t AI.... I I )IlII I(oL~9, if II I bI'. L }LtI ilI hl' LI I I1 I t I It ,io' flol IfLII, ' ki~ L I,f t,[i'Lilg dWI,, d, I ThIl L I ieo If, I. ,.tH [El ... h ~lle L ~i~s~ Ifill.I[ Ioth th t (;ta~f, 1HIl,:;7], fIiI, It, K I hrIId, A I... ~I II¥ I1 Lo W ,John Litle~l. louis, We1,, William West, Wil lin Semnm I Ir Wi um la tg Williamt "Idan Milliah(aaa~~,Abr Walkle, lsWhiteley a ' l,,*. Chh. ffe, J,,,,,lh Milie, I I, LI Tf,mase1i Nh,Io IhkLk. Hloi6, }4I~ and Shqphen J1. kilnnadi A11 I ...l]/hau],, Momb.r IIye, ho, ulaIet ifif~k,,, ld" Ire i1s olL o.. II WVillil~tl HI... k. I,, T,{ ';,L;Z(k phlilh, I ,,tm. WI Kk illlill, ]r k Mi.[zk. h t ka I I It hi I L .N.512. GRAkND FAd LI,,4 NEW ILO['NILAND 'Ioth tP ,a "Ithe E~~~~~~Ili Ih if I HeIII l II 'hill it W)Ltli I*H }I blow' IIt IIit H I LS t Iedd }I I 'l .1 llL ilS Lh "a' k 11ILt II IihI LIII Ee 1{1 w~I, II I; ~,,f iiP,d h . hi bt p~ pr ,,~th I1OIILLni~I,t I LiI I[IdkT I.... 1mri, ke l hI [1111I ls I Il "ss , } III hi, illId ar ,lit{ I.... I f ILL LItI~Is I e, , , *(ls.,lt IIl! II~ Iu III~ f~h k"i fillm t h,,Ik Ifil ILI the hus wh, LLrt h bef Zu~~~~ Ifa ,st I II "II.. L4,n;e if I II fI twoh i,,¥ Art o h. ' I nl hi, Il...ket1 :II ~ r~'l"tlll, III I>[Lt I : hi Ol lfqlil t irh Iarll I iI " t" 'I I; " I to LI In/ K 1 ah, JlLL' w l! ,11, rty LI~e If Ill f ~ f illlm hi>h r ILTA IL ,L ate I~Il, hel, vpr) f tih,~ frl ... ,F IkLa~ dIl fill( I h I't oxf ,I] d1 p]~u) edil t 1 I;ho!it L il."It lan] S lt B P t~~ m 1 ye , .Ihp ... I,kh i lo D. Illhh e n tire[ ll fi llb'~io ll~~( O It , hillt~ IOI lLIIIIpIanLoI"' h}l i IIio I an a[ ,~ l L~Ier H. I'urel,,,d Ill p l It Ih,1r ;L , '..It ~li ,IL I If.or~ Wili'd VI [i ht L , IIi;L I I 'vI] n LHID[ll I ~1(llle saf....... i faItoIf I ~oi 11IqIhe p ,ILL Ide It$I,I f. tIr ,l I Ifi o~' .... h'dhIIdfid i'LI ,da3 "t I , kod I...a i onel h.ur .1 I TU[ ... okr hi, ..... II z'Lel]INm I ;. fI~f pokr II II~ [h., I~t Ifo ,,thIer f i MyhLI ,1~ xal th, h-a i. I.een bu th, u.Mh, I ill eth,~I iI .. III1on 1 W11, ;I ]I, 1r~ ILI fall:f II LI ,r l J:~l ~ t l ie I'l ,didn, III.LIl abo, if :,h~,~~fil ailll ,]f{~"iled 2~e .wIeI .]H If II, if ..... sght, II ail~lli th, N L.. kill I Tih l eh La l OhffI....d LI I I'taLUL ,n~('Lt ILI ]~o~r I1, IIIII41 [[i5 ddhhe Iif,,~ i I> Lf and, )i... I ... t , il"'pre [{eh ... e [die the.. bus I 11p~ih bilame. It~ ...ILAImake w,Iuhl er ,IIt.. All m~ alI it Iore~oup~rfef~ll, Ilvid oril l} III be ill,} Ihatnk, }. ILL \i~k flf i~[11[ a., l bth thatr rt e¥ dtri .th~l 0, I'lI UtLe " ONhil~le W~I' alliJ¥d a[ th, IIheIIlb~, fhet~[ teel[h. and ,,xent b t~nenh tw~ne ll the LII"II , .... L~tfthp I: llh h;g, pl;,ppin"p p t l ]t*,r I L(Hl[l[ ,,Ih shLL. Ifd ho ,(r. I a tl . thanlIfil il any ilailt llil L ,'e I'll feet, Ihf Le 5 im Ofl y Dn II" I' Ihi, wLI Do I *I, ID [lit I, wa , Thl ,Lea. h re lIer I ,,, fe, eII ~hrl,,Ifh ,I II NIL, X(I, e I a tiuI bI pof t I ILI,. I I mI Off h~a,,,¥l, Il~l>kht ~l[t IhLL p.if, ilo[1 h ~l, h,1 Ii aH1 Oihol,,h lhe*hII the, Whit fill I'h, exitmt .a... Ia,1111 eat, .n. ba1'11fll ,ill f' Ienill :* ;fol[ gme [tlt i'llt ulti] t}H ]D, half of IthI billh ifminl dhI Ihe, ,,a u ILIJ.,,m iltrt[,1h A fildell high , II hit i IILfh e'nerI. I , ,l ,II llr tf"~F I I~ II/I)the oW h... o,f 41, bII, difty ~*t ti I, hele LIr ,~ Zffhoraek I [,e., I hiefie, it lhei, a(lll I. lud(] .. .... Lil er ~ tlfnll Of~d .... Itif In, [hcr{e~d Mo, 4 ILL.r. fo [I,, ii tlt L I1', 'I.Lls allrt t 'Ils~il] ()s bbinlyh..I1,1 rthunwill 8o~Il)$ hhilIn I ... ][ho, lia ffIn /1mw~ iL andtill ,hi., enolj ... , 1,L l ,,o fz an~tl Fo hm Bit ... ll wa it, Brother I IIuLL falil J niIIs. h, itfrail oI t Mk. IhII ft~ tl hahed which.. hi s f~iI ( p I o et it,11 h .. Afer t ,, ,Iltiuous 2.{ssio ,, te t olnf an. u dinne NIL imd. hlorh[ folwn R /1 L fill Just ," I 'l.. II if.] fll~tu i ,f II1..... .1ll aher ]i~~~~' ~IL rfi 111!" if W i, ITrot '.ILI~/ , ]II& 'i % IlL t , itnihf day. ++JI.11 II' Al.r ii ;ll ,R{il Aponse ll ] ...llodi LI~e 11 (;,,I~~,}g L".Il Ni IL" d by k IId ]If.,II1}]{ o l 11t Omc Loe Il. ld"l~~t II e]rit !n Pa S I p. ,e h) }{, R...IL Spns b , hiiTTllI If a trllit'.~][epflt ILL .ai, sfil ,1~sR, ShapMrh I, II h Wl iILI blCdlhpt~sdn 'Inple, sure' iIpI ILL{I it,] that was Ill' da}'. ius ..... LI.n m,a lfd I'lufldd awaIy. fil,lhl,~~ byl, ~ l{ No ,,, f ~ fl,, Atfd I....k , ,,lt. .,, 1ith t}/~ WOL ofi Madg ,Pilaff Ill <m[l oFt lb, D"fet ItILlr e / tedt, Ik... ld t h,~h ,nica ide 1I. atHI plthe I. !rag, lbth S ILLmf withf o111'f i', m. haen lb, t he fit Kill ... I ticke sltink lout I ,f [ Ihe4 took1 it WILLt a good if.... n,~ any pat hay L m if 4! ProposI' Wihy ALL lohe 'preltlno hi, 1 I~ .0 h'1t iq-i fden I., ~u. dqll d lssio Atli if (l(lal seg sh h X Ih nht ifd. I') lh,- Io", Offh x~h~ , .. i, mtqq ;t Oillr I~a 1h11 h ]~ )IlI]~! i,, I,* illd l~]]l[ ii ,t~ ol fftlier I, 3 lhe ..minute, billonb laughter, tLI.. 1,(]1¥d I 1 ovl I r III place. ilInll it M wILL I fHt, ~Ih O}n-I i~ll.. . I][1l,,& wodf ILea+ alIpLIh I'idl~n Ltho, Io . lilstIpovt Liur Ihe] dfiroL ~ 11.1 em I 1~ LityeOffe < h ,x~ o fb:U h. fvl I, h,{~1fillff "al hht, dglih I Mo "I ... hI. ill Ida It 3 LI,t o i II LIII t .... JoIII I.ff Illhe.. IfooI]l, ji, it ii, his p~kict InI thei iiLf"[]~1 (h sile, hadl suhsidf. ,,,f pilrlier 1 x Ap, n~ileat a ill d IaT ,A Ili '., l(a Lh IL[L A,,1 Iha bill Iud TomaitO Bill I'avanauI.hL Ii,! Steve pail,. all tl}[ll hI i dIII dg L, gkt thil [,il. ,qtrcch tm I.:lhmn, LIu.... bhin , g" ai" i lg , ll afl - this tbin fas, hill<a(dnbill l lH S.,Ibbefl]} it L.i~i, }1L h w~i~fl,,J! '[}nr. ,oI... mot. Il Iii, k s" gTald ], l.l"d hllJflle~ a,,II Kroim, hil the b,, . I mIT, IhIf da), FL, .MIbone Th(l II ....... Lonf lb( ,,. v~flltbliI s ,esulted fIna ittaI o I 1 wIch- ~,mdI ii+:,,I ,,l llI .1 I&II h" lin ttd LI5 I .Ia, ,, "Wmel aJlpl~i 1il this, affai, Ill' as flllhIs;eo¢ .... ... NJoh liIaInt oh . k .... . an lit h... MN , ik(][at...1,, Josep. h ZIJI .... a~k, 41lhn paill, ]Raph Pr dladhcn, ILI, h,11,t ai, Ifi ll ..... I1 1/ f }hother11 H IhII llH~,H "Il coul 9f1.0l F ki l,,d h mhqb t .... IIIo,],I. ('or.. tl L./ B .ik The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors 372 Lf ` air nIe .... lrnlk Shal 1 hleigh ilsi is tilkeT that IAl~LI No. 512 wouldl he rt,' ranted tIt.ll.y i... w rthetiit this vei'sittilr ittri L nily rtetomiitrllshiet Li ntl e iI.ti, ri d qLl? iottde, .tI. t hrpe, is haitt li rluax he with Is f r T.t.n. a year to ........ The lithes of St I iilda's Guihl l e hrt , eOtIlh imIenteiml zioti the rt tlrilerIl id \Ii} itrlce , the i [.YliLg ; tin t it s thhdut~ilt to atheLi trt Ly r,%hi> hirtl Ilre L ' ait [itise tler flht( ter nm teis htl, N inath the as frlloxws: ['resblentiri. ['. ShaiMghi; vie presidlenit, [,wis A -nlidI finariciol tecrltl..F, liona it] Crittll; .. e..ri.irig secr..C lry, Miley NSe :. t.Lasurer., flltert J. tiilie r. At thi, i,,ettti [brother il roi- k t:*ve Li intei, ely inl-trut-t-lct arid nteres{ting . Idr ,ess, the ]tntrri4llh xsairi of which v.a hi,'hiv a p ire ciatetl I) the. h...r...e. ant tit i it:Jni ity of the I,>tof thank which iutlinttii.tttd hi vnilu lisni 1 ltln i.-l> pr n'ed tha [ iour gennal ill[egLate it Li much a Ne'vfou...l ltlFtder as i of us. We *re plea.tdI to report that Ilriilher A. ((Vinners is o the job atiin afteritt tefSI illress, but reg1ret to state hat Blrither A, o ffin i still otI the •iek Ilr iluri we holpe that eery -.unn he Will hte It arid ;ith LS agIa in. It I&)NAI~r 4 ;R[ S['i Press Žecr~ slate it. ~ ~~u L . NO. 516. ;it-IOll LNo.7' ;i the otto-er. two, IIalx xas Ji lle Iear, ate il*.it-sienII arid l il for the n ext I~, Ist-e]it fezr the 'Fee the tit, ell'efi¥'* ltaril ilerhhljer-. Wiorking. ... t..tnisrS halve ]JtnFrr..s.tid die. ills the last two, yIIIr. hi.tI.. stIll hbill I I gr sh etleaIll ,'rnise hte. ult il tt i l n l i rit tiLe of ta~th th e saupervision anil ifo[l{ the ntilln 'i-s '%Iii, v,>rkt, urnier a t fc tiona l ,littna y ;azreee liet. Two itinmt. we all- still tr!,,l'r it re...iter ale that the curly hiid I... thy i tvt,, t ct-i t ll I ),lu,,m a~n} ni reft u heL hitly .i le'l he ,itLitt ]roduct naI that .... i't litengdln nIett( Fr utarl5) i..sti of CLIr ilistniF.ersta..i.... ii, annJe ;eerted in ehtit ieetioni with iH titi> flee -alie Lions, etc, he words detline JdlUa I Ktaln ~ ,I~II. ~ l ill, mla se cre tarly. A~. h~ tlllllllda} A A tie nt-urer. Paul Die }Iaaa;~ roe;,rding see:'t-tnn Mf. A. (iasanova. l'he two elective epeclitire h~oartl nell,)er, are Ilitliond Bierseth tid ,I. W E~r~stJhr f ritu it yl i 'etutni~itg lit 'eol I I. Jat-'s rlghil anlk . which wta fli-tal JaxnuiLry tIl,is netrly lack to, n.rln... Itil / Oit M. A. lIASAsioyA. L. 1. NO. [I-li. SAN DIEGO(), CALIF. Editer Jalne aSl eleetit.i of Iftieers l ilts {a);Iset] Ii L. U. Ni. l{-ltd; h.,s chost,, lh. foH.o,ills list of tHrilhers body for the to s.rye IS is guirlilig ears. Fnrlhirest, lelit. nlext two A. H. Niplpe; vice ilresident. cordey,~erllHvI W, busriness N Nulet: ht,,]~flls WVilliatm 14..qnith; finaileitl C It as ;ttsrirlQ iT- Ii b l t in rtlueed I Init... aid Ilitl.el > lti otL the the otuIy taime't he ll seiczetaIry illiningr, M, L. Rlatelidle. [{ay, M[. (ISmaill, K Ill Ill na1, ,t,:Ilj. f, if lb, hdghl) aeutzi,~a .In teil ... hlle I.g Isetinl its to hus h in ae it t fIL ioVer mI0(1veais if tirrhlli, with the iet zThe7rit, lttt these itt;. I IlI et I o Ir IBusistess M[anagfe }lal(:liIf, ~11,i has~ },e¢ri-anel a~week' vacatiot wlithp. ${, to somle lit-l -I eeL. earth Ititw. it.L *oirdlirt whabunt our labor hater w ill tisi Ciio a !iogr owthlai th. lRet! have ibeen frteri Vit la }eai;In ibs' cfl)itiitir,~ linati at.O tlhat IIhi,- IId e 'ihl,>a d:t l hiltel '' r wilH do to esta(l ' hi - oh-elluetilts if thI r1 s., oI thai nu( one *l]ace ... erth Wk safe frli11r attack .h'. ail. Cahfl ir-nirs has aili iih d th, whole Ilat I le] if se, il> S "Iht . r. le s uitiilr> litllticalt p II In 2ll tiI , (LXi. a I L I) eiiIn te r..I. fo l I.aIIt1 Ifr otf tI. l. L i Lthl , te t [LILruIt fIofIIIitll I ,V ret I L1I ic n . ill -, h eTn r ai r' I.-U. knot. N-O A'Il Li( Ithi Ifluit.,f t ' ir e t .ilitiii t.L rLte mL Ill f IIS :t 1 j2,l t A :i i Li .. i.i... I uI rin ttII l l ll I t I i UISL it.t hirl txn b,,a I a l , I h e,i l Ie:I .. F: Ie h/irI. s,s, , ItlI 1, 10 I, I , Ithsit till ILiit .iili't 1 I~tl. lii'- rihls'wirig SeatII F t 'A L, E I. . .. il. t lrttr ( th , 'ei ii i t 'hiat .il r.fut (HAFT ItEPRESENT.ATI"ES I n ki ll L srL Ia'. fI..'X1TA. MAY 24. i94l (LA., fo~r Dinee 1,-i l] up their she se~s antd I* Ih e de fe nls ( ;' ou r ariu.a S*i ,,rllle ma~ Wue bki ant r' feel w,,he er} to.. Pe..K""ttheill til Illry lrt it lm .. Si ht io il ltheir to jot, 4ii,i jult. W. re ati ,,nilv h ll } l fill n~ . "I'ltl ptms< till I, a ts1,i, build reli ef ras ( i t. e nndui-e 1t or , tM. se , aton ] ti l sili' tb u lliiivettl EVE HI W . Iii },I heir I'l-i. Seeretary l, I. NO. 5a8, LOWELl.. M ASS. Al sla ntl[l ie ctit l hi -I Jllnl 23. 3ll Ii l[, l r hiltild eeli-tliri was hld ithl the re.ulI Ihat lhe eIhtr Ir't } IiI officers Lwere e. -llitti ait io nlreif iy was titll Ihy I esr'}erii "lfill"] ) (itI assu l. mtie the dllias of )1rFss seert;Ir3 so will try it. .J I rie I', Iwi each i,liith, which I knIo.. will lit, mltteletlnsg rit i nily to lull own I others. iut forni el ti hlTu} .eIs .i1w .c.O.t leett l with uthlir loals. W ith thei l ii of riter ntlii , tl >]jtresenta tise Stennlr ille , tun, flew iiuen .tgr .. tI a sig iit euildlrh, for a n-al,'t r .... . anI illeri.r W dik i oityluslty s '" , ,so ' tiL$;3,Obll thi[ hiti Iii tiig prtojetis waisht'id u , ai d] thiiu.. h the coopelaii ,u tf "ither itea i the M el'l'intak Vtlls-. aill o.rL eliLep }ratve bI'eii kept ,,tlkitlg. etor uisinils .. l.tnagei. *'Larry" tPi ritil ha t B. u lil ar Li It .e, d E'scutii ht e t -Intpls , hls'ilr De i til -4 F, IA f I_ illet-!llAI hii, i ;~ it.]4 l lzree i e F - i;l,otl Ai.I i l fi la t:J, (;;I 2 Ill [ i !t, l the frildii ild Ilip cr /e fts 'h.e t, u.Ihi hier ii' A.-tl hea.(;.un .-a Ie [:mpoli s ])p:rI F ln Il.Ai ] 7, ,,f I.. 21. It'll. thE ifRl, i nIT ,sL i '', itiT nii teh!ttutixh edf ~i~iay .. la .t..-.. ,vou-'WI lI adopted : ('h16 IIl.ltrl,,tit .. it 1' il f o~r th l) pit~ 20 yt}~(al~s th¥ l~ riad ita l hiit hallirtleTmako*r lb ~-hop i h 'vhrke I.S III,I . 1illillial, ,I1 It*pav I iw kiFeli. lIl:*e-k. mitt,. i -eectrieirl i. . hair' reetixed t It1¥11 > Ci tiel t t I liiaI h r httur ir less- "W h seri r tale( i, r fl s i i .. ,,t l itii hr h,te A ltti~,~l> rl: nl have tim w ork , tt-tLrl t]r,lt h niz,rrl l~ ltiiL 1tiilt] ,FA, are uiting the most hl stlzo this gr Lat l itri fatv ....un ir ... I "Whernis the tusl th f lii has sttadily ittII -jeisel. i I. l hin tigr It ...e. le ,i ii i *4thauitn areat i the last h ie , t . D DIJiIrLtly an J I Iit. h I e tis tt e a d ailnt rk-ets I ,t .. I r ih lhsltltpre... sioI lhiltltifh .111a itt ~Iivi liilg I Jtitiiiig their le~ss fort[Inate fellow' xikersqt I.ho o thers w oul d have e attlla. w it-]out l he trihu~tmiry anvthirtnt rlmi }een alit l s-pletitoni withIiuuI l-, , eo eol rtla nie to'vatrfl hr r1un tht, itsistalthe ,of a -a jug-. a nti iiwilitriais the hlyivltv iif thee su. ~tdleih1i. mm-ieit il-invi l] U p i)ii to t, fa r . :J iii tiuti fia miria e s tit-ti suffering for w art of lieens. alry ft clithiilS. Ihillrenh ;Ltrll' ing selh ioel I.u'ilg iitlltarl Yasse(ti elack if lothintr equai l o tlis-he - ehitrhreT'ri "%Vhsrenii se l~yi eu, n ( haive. h il rep~reseritatr tnttu gh rr(rrnisst~ noi h''r' jr ii q',1 l jrl i t (c -es, the tirtie n trr tye d t h etri i e iui sast ' u~ ~le i nt Jo-lu-dl iv imuil re rtrtehln ilati ' s to I. B. E. W. RING Thl sort of cit an Vlcleriel (hgWurker would hi nigtI t h try W ite r I'll Itls tl[Iger-a treat Idea for irllo il e nlulein K. B. K ierl y, J. Wright and Isrothi,- Sullivan. Dcfelisc wItk is ,,ill keepilr/r a l/Te Dart I.NO. 632, A I.I\NT'.. I. math. to [~elI. WeLi , Ite ~ AIicL'ATLIIibx, ilis% r FXaariri E. (i;tlllett hIle[ t~i/]ll;~ IteL' }~pl~ li a nt[ in tcealu"], if I.tIIghF IeI II . h tiIk[niF ,ti II aI te IhIe <I ¥L, 'lt it, Si. ]louis, which h3 the s , Ihe hae en lt[egite i tsp aIteild. I !Lit VirtaI n il II t .eII Dlfl~eeils ~tt a ti etll Ih.... lalt ... t ,I p... i ah.IlI hlhe e il ItsI I F H". ploO e Ii"I TI. .c I ttIti t, lin t nhlli-t -ilay tplriw l the, MIK(htLge of $1tu,li"t I. * i DIefe e t i wIllII h u l,, h i unrl.>. ,~ ild i t estiablish a sIl ir[tIlc futL.I fIL I tildpihg p'l.ItIr iti adl further lb Li,..I e[ nrter-.hi k L\a , li>tt r ime is rLl h Il,d il [hi,,tg a d e,ense I I ,LhkeL . iLtiIL. trlt. 'ill h ve to [ -f r, l ,gth 5 t....s t [ilstantk )lale,' lin enLtice wily {Plut (ro>in the' d11,1i, dark htdt (,it ,cld of l nlh bra 1 h itg II .... n. treai high in li iliel rra, Ia iltg Iatril, PIitil i ltitle9 , I, 1. M' tIll/lgh. , E. P. Ilkerit, IE. F. JeRlien. F.,,ftlive brrhrll, L. Il )~I~s a I11 I l i ill, sti ttit t tIZIM , Tt [t h.I 1 I. i.. tiu~ ;ppeal iI 1F>{ till(ials L> allo . uill tetInt fu nd- . it i hittl in gc fliatl , , iLti i a uI' ig e. Ir ul ul I Ie I miil on, 4h , arid, rttlti*'e an' pirobably I.,, cllosely i.elatedA The I/ ,' ,t'ht d are. pre iilsntt Killu tak; Tic Iriiient. Chris Illi (l. all ~ilhi I1.L. lt,tier: the aitintlers hn'v., pI. .ljelt mid al]siti Cor fihe <urnet-ra lri'l ,trI i I'l in I F infirtit rIi. VWI, i iPe tk, l [itEre tra y qihrrw ca rds nut fi~tes et-t W4it' e- rnea I t i<l.. Ita I t, hl[.s ~,(, the a[hlit ltII, se thrti ,ir ih wiirrfa, aIS lItA Iot,rl'tI~Iiinb d t v~ ..h iI l, l tan vI S'rLild thtiJ ~ Yt it ~TM}'l II eL,~ i.... r3 ih"e r)Q\-t dIa ;t. wilt rtnl i ta e'nI¥d ... e tinFs il *as Wv hitlen to dlair u ~B t~L in *~ that _~ go l] ~~~~~~,h I - at ...... ¥e ii, sl ellel -- 9. T 'ihp 0 ®0 ~la "l~esivetl. l~eitt this, th e it ile s .tinredisin lu innleeas itn, i g tat . .urtI it, ]I ii]. i . IteI. t VtnI.t.t.s.i" , I nt. riit, d tttis thelefore he it of ollytsu tha t xe blbil we, the untlersignelil uit it trril or i:- lw, i([tIe ili ,te~ihte wltl rietreaise, to IU It hil in:l with other. siniLlilt- skilled w'm-ksw., I~diii the alhse'nee o~ftietilin Ily OUT utlthtors JULY, 1941 3/3 IIf*~1... h l~l~ eileci](m II iat l, iL~ ~ lIim ll11il~ll /%111 I fh UI t'ill ,,r . ,ohhe L pr I. hm~ diLL Ilam NIk]L11~, [l I ]iI . hf ll'l It, L id a, lie ]ILI thatI I II llho t]iff they L111gh LJ x1 9,['IIeht IIrbl,, afb~!Llr ff tho~1m , fl~ ~ i'l] George (,;aL Z m~,. ja;m m FkN , h IVkh IL dil ILL It I h IuIs h Lfd ,rrlel 1 ~, ...... Im. i. k I, ],him cMI] Ae~ ]:11 la' d h;, Ii iffi~mls qif ILL<, mintpllp),, am}I witnolhe * sehle 'o-hi, weekbu( I . ... [>oLpor..led arld ILL(ar d f o I lIle LleeILL I1o L~t wu fit Lhi, wiritimln . ill' N' ,.Wisnlr,,wln tE,~¥qK . "L:rite ILL 1%. ~~ v I;;ike, 1L,lr fut ~h;t Ih~ QEb ILL el. .} L, StL 11] ~ L, ;,1 L, 1, I:. I L II, :L ,, il LN Ih li I~rIL ,,t ]1L~ [.It" IIn.i JIh I~ II ,nopoi e L le IIJI [.I I L h)U~ ILB L. i. 11omII. It. IL lI~[[l]~, Ih I ~LL,, I I -6I'II:H , L O 11 , [hi p l l i~lo IllsI, i11 ,[ .11 ( l llm l h u i 4e,LL}l II l / l ik,,, iL LfL I Il - I I, % ~ ~ fill,~ !he, Th 21t1r, emp .d :[L l, tNL h lH11 /vIi I EL'[ bili'] i ]}i /%t. ii k, a~ LI w d f I LH~I...l Il~l , I ia h II Ill ' i~ Ii, 11d Lh ~ r1 L h~}~ Iraqi, a 1p111{I bpI .. I F.l L "'i i ;111t, I %]tk]i[1 %[11 [ t"" Ii`ll (lIo nL NO. i n.1 the I ] f-elm ILIqlO 1'' I'eM , t h A1 e Le I/Ii, ... l L~ L~ q maIlIl~ ffl n;aLL ,I1 atII ;~geeeh III .r ~ the ik l/p[1/,I11 I LI . .... ,] I 1'] MLne L A]H IJO};S. ]i t I,1 IL m ,an lh mI .LIB < I ], r[ iII {, I 1.¥ 111 tiI 1177. Z. ~ t}$1iq',JHl ll ltt gan' ttnll ,}t'o k Frli t, aklist Ihathe ]menk .... hIII p !, I~ /Li ... J,Ioh'. HItd..Iz kh £ft I351 4'lhL4el I~" re "ll~~~~~~i~ I, IL, l nty Me [,. ]}alae ,l] t er .. I i p ... Kliae haud fmliesf.lihaveh l ld [ 'iLpd L i]t~t l NIL [ hl pLtha,-ill fIE' !-~% AII il,(l L io 115 eLIr II 21 ~.i f (ILMIII` LIh' L LL Mt ,, elLLat" rlmtbm... IL. I:. "hI II, I A, ~. I ',lltis l~ o fffc Io , 14f; wILh1 NO. 870. (?U II THIS BUTTON IN Y 0 U R L A P E L fILLL.IIIII, Li ..... .. ('Lfb(,LbIl ,I I, 11, I IV, A h.I& ..... I, Id, ILL. ;!, ,"I , L IIII1,; I I .11 'Libl. .11 $ .85 1[{AN, M11). This phohmph t ...... Ih, LJk i, it pI plk.I 111 th~, Blltim, re.. ;tm[ Oild. h I);LadeL. ~l / 21. ;9] IL , I O r]: Iklli 1, Mld., by IIea] I ,L .0 LL H7 1. T. I. [,: W i ,ral, I111];tff ...... Ia~lw back ah L,, ILL 2. when e<,v NIL 3 ILL.... LILL1tto 1oL a,,ned t. l1ss tIll th.f hILke NIL 5. Lil alp111 if fL, Loera~ Ihll ¥IL-;e e fon l , he i '}ILL "ILL ilnal, If eng inermmLee m,I Li pulls hald] h-g £ ILI. . i~km alI .... "hitll N, 7 blows1 w~he.11fLeeiel, Ni I[lSe iN+- whic}l LL',Ii CRI[S'rOBAL,. L. it1 Fox. W 1,latL and J, IIltld fromII 1,1il iwI.l N', }{ ?U~ I Be,.,n ,[ O'4Ie tI al~,I I. M Smith fild l~lt I, c Ilh I... No 1~ XI I(, ,,e loca [ ~mm) N, Z21I, R F I1y[L. Lo ~lOl I] N, 7 Lit .... L% I N% .al, I"t,,c I ~/mr. NIL Bl I a I L a~sl ,, ¥h ~ ~ 1 ... fisdi I In...Z li ies'tb ox. :lI..... e I n k: : I luimtlb * ILL hIsIh~, I I,LIf rIh , .I LI, ¢ol~ Iag , Kt is, IIfl,hc haliml L"I~t IeLIL]Lrt, of orLa'i Ied ]a]IIIT fr I f LI IIII I.~]L Lf yeInI {II... L, L LII L p I ILaLN[ p P ICI II IS }{I [LL II I,I ifi HItffI I LI I I t" }1 1g, DIIL'f IL]IP r]th/i oll" ailr , L IIe [,f les(.., l la , .. a l , }[L l ]LIL.IaIkY ~1 i WI,. ,thl o~DmitL ue ,I'l I I )~ lb - Ill... il I ,,,L,mal ,LI;.I;7 i Limtillm "eiat 1 nI Ith, ~iho lb rlo, F-BIL /o; lt I.. Ba l Lher. F I,;pllSMmlu. whi theIh I or. hfrim l 'aaliat~ lioLltha I.- M,, LI h L ll-L ~l[lei It[ P I ( m[. ' i I. [:;ge e. 1- t }..... 1 A, .J;1mnh ] ( }hesand G} ; F~ Bf Tur ILLr, lIe ,er, iol'tia'~ it ;Qqit .. rwltl,. With Lb, *xep l ,> 1ltr,%he, ]lho.... ]I Illhe ,I u t...~ I", I f"LL,D I II:;{] ZoL le £a~loih.,. theh. is M GI[ M1lILI+ ',I( I SLe, TILLP,,I anIll.% H, I i~ e ,[L i lH 1re LT l I s nxif ILe.1 I hi I1 lL A0I 1e (I.,[ ~ 12 QU,. [o ; n i~ilifte }' 1:I A~kklrtlulll+ IL t~ Armldl,. kt, I : .i tzrellhl T I fllga,,.. L ~......~ I it.] (;e rg e LI hlleifib,~e I. ll 11-66J L, man PI esi,!lL el~~~~~~~~~~~~~I h!~l IlrtSI'il~he LhI. ;forL Tfl IInt W b I_ m ~h ] l Lii wt,] Lh , II hlvine E I... EL orlA II DorI J busws b 1,%m J ak ) ill, D11,i, IL,~s~ ~;,li~, tile /"I"'ha llql'IIL I E ,It IL IL 1r, IBesLLbe Xo d21 qre. !al l LI,l.. MLcI~p J I, "I.u [IL[ be, ILLcreDIr,; hi ,), [h TILd l,;lleNL the hI TlU t ( y ., lak im.qq)Iiml tIorN, crrnp[o ILLp.e te Lh pla iw, ehltL hedI.h..h, i~eativil k r []~ II drpsa s~lel L',1'Lrou ~tli( Oe d IIIIiffbl'e The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors tol keepl tin- gajm Ai hav tl,, Ito ... I... solidlate tlieru for our protection w~hen the shImp ri Imes. WI kAow that we eli hemIi our iiiii (Im the laihlror when soIe if the upstlrt l.raiziatjol built onIpHIspnlemiJtioris -ill rid up t1 he fit i-erze. We]], h.) , I hae saidt a, t foriim initial statedi these Ire the ,t111ili)eri,fi a hl1, line ]. it. local;w helihey .e i them [iI..It iheqii Itegatrnb to Brother Shavitng 4renni. L. I. NO. B-1073, AMBRIDI(; I PA. E:ditoi; AIII-rII o th. ninItIt mii L. VI Nil h7il iold the world tow eletitri train control o.eraIes with this float in 1,, Inltiroie aili, Ohio Day Di].ado at Cumberltand. hite foat tself Was a graphi, ihlityiu, wt, .x[Inahlyn, being glvel through the public f diless syet along all ihe liute of Ihlii ~,ode inu the enitre ruite of the peride. whieh wa, witnessed by huge eruwrH Meuie'-, f Local Inion i NO $70 ,,ld niatly ,1.. meftd fo'r thenl niriginal entry. IIAr, I). ]BACIUMAN;. K inaniia] Secretur!. L. U, NO. 887, CLEVELAND. 0111(O Editor: This hlidrg the "on..h iO June, this loui li ion t loyeeel l ti, elect soutie otflier,, lamIw ,ell t.tifwith tll iim record of the 'resent offliceiseleted thet again. Was surplaie to read ill the Juter issue Offt Brother Sentinel, Iu.. .. (h, tilte i(aech Ille back of [ irnliill rha,,, ,h oultit hbat (*h it, ill Iogralphy yet For hfi benefit, (lCloaend hat had aI writep in <dir pnld old Jr IINIt. sinee April 15, lIi2a We dlid .o.Imike i try as the electrical itokers oi the NeT, Isse York Central, Blit'moyre & Ohmi, Nickel Phlti, Erie anIld f T A I which thi, local unio. believ hiu kyelnig their fuel kil the groudtil wl heni they haven't IIy. thing eonlstructive to offer refrain fr¢uit, actinig like the little spinihuw inI th' tood .ld dax~ when horses wer t iunlerouls. who hahuiruteil oh the highway najil ew to a ]Jmh anti ]leginl to mtalk hinilfh] knlow,, to Ihe miltituld. Anay s entients expiessed by thi.I ea Inlion in the plites of the jotiNAL are Ihe holiest seatintents of the arid bees of this loeal union. We recently iI M t union raitucizing the ex ho .H, ... ni of our i.rm r p'es seceetar$y As the aniqa.ner ' I not put hi, naIttIll to hi, l t11tI a ,Id We were weHll .l..lati-nI with his balck,Aeu i cillnd krinw h, w as not speapitk i for the q tJl]iulied jiuiuhr ynel , nt' abers of his ]iruil we hiutt hed awl ile I'dl lore iI of this tri'I uill lh isI isj.. ei.] l six li i utiesf ... wfi trst asi l t't i that. we hiave Itlundled (it, duls In properiy titni then tri' to hil, 4fli I mr him, in to t~ik' eale of his /.urk and kee 1, alfter Ihi,, u til Ih I, Wit o no, believe it exithilts vry r.ood Il ltait li; to , nallt aild %tal) 'it the heels If our ititel-atiAl (feers Ht' coyrote at IerI.t s when tIh y air l II 'tt. or throuth the [:a ,( tf the ,hnl IINA[ . bers We hat¥x ;iIwuIas bhu',, able to took them ini fIha ,r' a Itd ..... ss our pro dlleine, exI ,rr-" out opinions arid hear their rea.sonsI fur their .etIot, This local Illi, has assi.ted in ere[.ktIil t wo du ijs or rlrruli uirirn n i? ntir'n' in ile .e ayl aidi are now 'atehaig lt' futile at tempts u.f anothot iitili otit in OIe ta, bark cIllntry. WI hope none of nLir gino Prcrh.'rs j in the fe[llw travelle s i tIh ofnilt. W e Itilow M'ha t t it tiLkitg. plite ilI h, ''lne tjijuts w it], pay i tI...e.. i... ,t. w'I If ills been slightly d lay eld. Lnu I,, ut-e l tlfi(hriI 'liar '-ic dent i~ ritjini :~lt ii hlii powtetr to ha-tt-n it. W e lilatwiM ' t .. i no. r age inC!4'iaki iioveineiit is pu'ile a-iun1 ii', riqaidt; is p ~ibu~ ile. If we fid l.tiI thiimkle wi'rue being givenl every Ihi of hilp poussiil]e unid+'a the tt IIi Ia Ilabor A, t we h w' lp an-all Ir sttv.i a heard y lipItII ' to on, t rI.. ti, uil, vice ilrident in elmrkof raihrads Thi rriter nlitd l otl i ire .. .....n.. It tl sh irk. in I'i i l, rtibroaI ls trudil y ,,Ikonl ulnurti, ro''e mninent colltrol. Sa " tin i ot-~a nitznt iolns huilt uip and I.o..rfi.l thh", the 1]t22 st)[k* and we lost evt'ythiug iTi, nIllly iittatiex N., it wasn't Bert lowell w'ho std us ou., b ut the ietioum rIf re ctIci ,IA a 'v, ]ill. t hbit Ilig ia ll...lf istrti ..i. ill Vashinugton, pult hl,,t hi sily voters, who tield L pI, with in juiistuiinuntil we hb}(l t si'ttde Jiiint thin In iT have. h l' I eIII red for ganuIio but theI II ih t Iv,Iip. k''pt W h bin , d-i I I r it'' t i u n' h a ,hisn' th omoavi il t, feir It. te ('t 0 1i . tn i W i- ' ili ,,IIIs f u wir dev oi , p et - Br n* fi v o i L, l t <' a ,ir i~ l zt i i4('t'i t f i n ii ei-emi es in '.-rLgse. withrmnt the u]iterci;ttiee nt' striking fi the uses sal s mn i ise' we, loin't have to strike to kili tin' boss friu1i ruttingk~ air WtLX&V h].' ns Io follow thl p,, ikl m, i f the Act t c,, utI or k''akqt uuii Wi- hate too riHliuw thu ]H~uv~'oiiit ii f Ihe' A.rtt1I, glet i r ul i's . 'theIl hkI, ifirr t s IIhlI chiefs are shiinl thell pant- lnl net did ll illyuthin. buI wihe'n he i, s k'n, what they tionId do to hasten the prntI' efillog 'hht they have not dIi.m' he ju t fi,,e nIlO kr.o.. but inruyw ays tihe- ii[iht tu ,ulo s,,maethin mne lie plar~ihabtv thiiuk" lieo S<talti, is ht tnlr anitioni.. I ire lsdent in itait If oulr frilen . ]Eld l Trtwn this I... l tat-o.t is d leer i, r'ld l;LVLIIJQ Ii~fltt er-ehei a l -IhI - I , l .u ml bt IL gaive at dletiol:isttjtiii oi ihe,, lippret iatIon fot li I~ aiili the splelldid tv~ik whic-h they did in n~egotiating ''Or new nta. This apirieeiation I..k the flro of votes (-a' ~or thee trlflera* trhen ihe' lan to, et, fi htioo recently,Tie fhllowi hlt ,ffieet were leieted to °,fte as a resttit If this election: Le, 5eirnert preslide Nick Pierce, v'e presiderit; Ste'e Sofariko, re cording steletary: Stelia Wojciechowskih fitliinemld i'errtaIy; Gieorge Un, I trvuIsurerI Earl Mitomh Cliff I'itidwelL, Bill) KOpp, anid Nitk Iilere to ti' executive hoard. Or delegates to coltelition are Leo Meit1 Ill Ilid Stella Wiljeieehowski with ('litr (aidwelt arI. Hluinieg A1 derAon as aiteralte, . Tihl :Ritie i'etillect board. 1 headed by And H'tteky. khanlied 'his elyetion with several hIltl tloI'llnI nllhnIer, i.cecogitated l> the }a'i tltrr4Nisr Ji our membiership ~¥e not; hate at uuipitihr-hi]p of Hmore than l*!~O0 iillAt oyeeI wth mre hl'norl aedlIltl ;ti th, oIllna-uiilitth B-li)73 vertaiiL IIl faml~ieFs hIit to extt'nd ronnlolence. to tsh (;eoilgt Zentiroir Jia,,es Shes, twreii liv,¥, all irf whiil wI-ti taken, foIin out, nlelmiership rolls by Ielsh reeerilly, Swile the i*etioni took uip .i.llh of o,11 l',e fr tilt, last renth anti Ill] tow eon tractt '>cupitd Of the.. t.hiS efore lhere is little else which may lIi written al, this him-ip,Of r reIx' ii',t etn. il I ;vilaHess nu~r( forwrnl stejs in the litt If tI'Sal N. B 1073 Ini until that time te 'if Litarenit- Steorpit ..... I TIrlyi'qi A. 0 Nsit,, Preas Se'-reI niy L. U. NO. B-11i89. TOLEDO. OiHIO Edlito: By tht! tile this islt. of thle oIqtNAI reaches ti, hanlde of oir emers all will have settled diwn fol.. their Vtain.Sjit I 3 Lu 13i me Ii one is e liuht go oIt with,,r lie rmenitill if one iiiruie .ill the ill flls as it Iteitn I.. really olf nor ha' . Ie,,er feil, i) I.rhave lust sotIieonte del Io hem 1e.tdanm lhe list are Sisters IhIhl Eddy ."d l~iie ta Fllep. Eddy t-o ni than at mrriits, was strlcken down again. At /list ,leokt the ins lan croul. y ill t/id 1o visitel *thIoId We krr hope ti hear of at, Jlal .lvIiitlent it oli coIildiln 'eoil. gi t tillt Feet after nil llries, of 12 wukls fIll artdhike her egItt, t the knee( ilt and ,ifter aIipploxhatel¥ five weeks ait tie ho>. litdi II LiIders..alId she, t. lzcin ritul'nei hoh hu.a..u. Tfi her wl wish a. e.... re. eevea-y Sid 'li arige- of Ictk. All,, ,o the itw lis'tn- ~xr i'ters rA . yllith. ltihl MWIr can and Mildred (Ishorf alse 1trluthr '2 Willn Ni Kirk whok havie returnyed to woirk. SHiser ,,niograss llst le r mother in jSister JOLY, 1941 315 Baranriak. her IrTr... lf. ther. locl nhigl N, B'I189 offer, deepest syn1patlh hihe folliw.n.. hat+v, been iiiiLitm l at t last few tI~eetihiys: Sisters kI't,lii'hlh, Ilbir, Elhie EItir, Mildr ed 0,1T. Lek Sm...ith. Il. Al BaIllie (Ol'I, Geor.e tyna ani d Fel, II "(~ lh,1arl 8w~z , IIl I 1I, ilI, lm,ldh Wo', Irikowski. h'L .'I, I Iltni Ift'p ,oIli.litil irs ei, their IILeldI ie'shi, i local .ii..'ii ari.. hope we ' yI.ihIva k hocig, happy ;LH Ichtiii t. igethl In th esi d a y, o l i ti,,rlaf iiseiikl y rind iii( yOtuntr menl Iq nixg rallhe, to the -i,1, ,' ily SoiiB el (o r iirrh ers will hi' iL I IIUZ [he e'hitseii frf,,i' lire I i tll, In I lthl Lst],s e [trother Chet Nttd,'lrL$ was p.t~ kIu('tetf th O' ii, 'L irir as d } {e i i d IC l '1hil i ll N'tji' ih'l/ lti itt INew ,Irkh, I it ~ d.'htiit g 'hi ,i v tIli ori ed OItil(,0 V eittfl~g **r~f'a',i j.... ,etIthe I .utllr of the ~ .... .lt... I m le '%t,'r erhpIhl'oet I bo1, allt,d1 Lrrii l lLriii n5¾1p sill .t Also we are Ihvli, the JOURNAL, tit Ii, tiI resie-tive e, ipis. We at their Ihe es joy pistuls Cruel them i r....iiL time il Te The new working contractIsi il, h, ibk ill,. The exlleitie, c.....rni.... of Sit rs Aleiam Milite 111([ hIaet Beote ziil[h.t. ers Elmer Waili, e "2 Way Vill irhk alid Irtn/k GJro v,'h,uski are fi r, ltlatirl c d will iL ii the inegetiate ,Tear fuitre, AI reported Ie Stage. ]tOtP ,' th Wiaite seemsfiit Ilik{ {}ie- [[i ate c,1i{7 lit horcjilt to BRil ',thOllie (;oz . .ow'ski ,I hI, i it I ... after ttiu fImgit fronm a ntihl r t IthIr T c] evsn who hli be sawa.' e .i T KI1o, ,h¢, dill it }thla k ,tn- j, f,'r this halIeI . '":e, 51ik'1 to Pill baIll tonight. 5A ,+'lIn eeI hi f Mildis full of iloating I dlitP"? Sister Miitti' hait didi 'is I l:m/ i lit-art whtni se saM. AlvinM, Io I stf what. l, Ioo...ki1 at"'' Sister Litt,. thI i.ught Schaeini wirs r¢uTlg to fight Joe' *I..T, il the chacn..l.. rlihi c, liht. lihother W:Lihite Se( her riht. What ... use siltt Betty Si[ittli]l' tTo fimlip $o mu, h le Itely rt irtei, T M Iti hills Ida..gero..lT MiIter D11 ... Itii khni'l real h,, a iliphie lesrripti.r. at I yIl ipho.... cl vt', ft wi sitent music lbut ml A[I<'Bdau all that i, Ii I ui terid, .... iil> ,, l e ... ... Il.,ilf5 T~rbo, I]Ot If sire yet. Nin< ' <huhI wi~th soi iiill% i mj l al i , matters cillt,.. . ll it presenl, 'thought fIT the Ilttith ]Ie'-,lv l' Aly t,,. o r P itii, ed grie';iIn 'v shuiht he g i il I , th, proper f i.....'pittlt l; n e liH:tll; li' ieltli, lils e icolk i;1 ii o ers iLhlil ~i <jl t m t/ ai I ih(iiis it.1 lIdifhiet id.. I Ill.. ~th I lsall C~/ki~{ 4l ha If diie" Eet li on, v A peolhil AionT, I f . ,l'r'ior fi, X. iibi, 'it m15 wla .,F ;~ I 'i'llI tilt'i tin.l presITT W [ISV, Lh~irtin W isc,'i; /lb ...c :IRussel] Art Mail. %IL IN', W\SA I, t ~ik ; F 'rn hr vict pie>/d, i . ALB I I) C. 1, fridayT te lor ,, ;lheirt Iubll , ' kAll(', NewI KNX. ll[lIyw EIT J, ¥lrIk: t, K IM) ll, ODitchaL U. M IjiLkeg', i .. e iltlt 'ilvlhfi lMa m , Ilk .i..ill dp. b hai VJ[i in i MIa31hit,'y, N pl s Neisn S tnt, . BBBM. RItei e; ~hka,, {l;t L[.m iii ' wIdl: DHl~ha~[. min rt. W [IA e it;: {iu igiliI tir Natilorrla P i I[. 'I. 1.' I.. .....atl , de.,.. I,I S A l,,,, Il~lti Imht, la, lai, A II T. I Illl s ]It l rr-rakv i tIii ert i .f lthe, it . i l.II iI :iti l A II fitifrd ,e. [ir phan. I.' h irry Valht'IRee..:IrIth, hlh, lRi, 'r¶ Piteherl,lilrht l Th>11. I'nn JS\; : BI Iik, IAINX X N t, leis t,,1, rty a goo..[ tiil/t, hd his b/ Mil. Iht' itOW latimin...I i t'i ' of A 1t. '. IT. elm led al the ric mlv igi . . .of the Jai ir..hl l eo u wl oasie in WX ,shir gtni ire. i resimiAI t, Tr]" lnal, At{ W 'I3M. ('hin.,,,,; vkie trio : *' p iile, W¶T,~ nor it: iOtea'l Brulhnikec. K, Il l od a bmAllre, ie fimmei.1 ~e",Ir; ei, 8ice, W JSk triiismIittee, It I.t..Ltii'I' Wa.ter ]irt "VVS\ m nnittl, ,stir the d....Ig., (}tt Si ,thers al W J.SV lir n hi, I A few .fthe fbi' p*eaL l¢n'r e f imi .kDi p uve i' nt 'a l trips r 'vrerul' T il Mol'iS l ,, with the ur.., ,lv-lilirl j i )~ t Hyie Park wlbe'r Pl' ,'< e'mt [lu t,,el Thr ae C, di LT ie , 'lhre id w, eMI....,. ial Da y rDi 'k P/ r nd ' ie if , en, ld , J le 2ii. w hll ere r i' mden't ][ s. ina ted his, ih ln¥r i lnnN nht a 3 Jrm u' ve l il pluggiing ini and flipping the switch is about the extent of our information. o hit'res TihUs dangerous ig.norane. But d... 'i! I d !sfl d tls. .. we're ,iot rcc.i....e.ti.iT. g ythate ll becohI e all amateur tinketer with y.o. elec. rical Itppmines. The experts rega d the hmtevtown ldectreiiaBi as a grave iell~iace Lo safety. BUt iltelligencee in the Ise of ele'trit-il l)p p .infcesis something else again Thie first ILI iI to reTga'i your Iee irieiai with, Ispect, t0 let hin, inspect boulr %w[iri 111ti applanesl ;,t 'eason;ible iiite vl' ¥ aitri [O tlol all h un1 for relmatrs. [on't try mal,-shift repair jIs or' home talent ar ' nnt re nhli titg that fectjve wvirring anld aplliaticts are Ic, sI..nsible fir ,a't,'l-] S30,00(KOIh1 iii k[Hp.vni rire loss each year ftIid .. rI ib arlg(! pet + '1 lltagt of the LrIBkFI0~ITI'aIISe, fire{ htllllge whIlch 'ulls $9!(I00OA001 yearl'. Get grood appliances and keep theIll ill ood shape. Do.iW p)lu toasters: nti i,'oIs illto the kitchen hilllp Towel 1~tl Aid I (ll C t~H)i] rlls 0iii, Jat, Ol Ih pl1/i1," t iin1.,Il i'c'd i11i1,r ir lbh Ihiq ~ I, i " ]LiT1Stig ;hile sht.. ,], ,ilf [l I'i I ,'iugh In IL'' l.Iqw stto 1, 1' ,io n i('e l thtI w it' mi "tl!' \ liaiit-&tm x', JLIre 0)nl C clt...i. r rliti li, , IlIiI i BIli I iter''iew euld ... m'lima gih... 21, A ltl IpIF 'ilril hile Im5DOL," r ~a'hw',lh.OIa the ',irnroutI(fiflgf terrutor' mi anr Armnl¢ ii I 6Ii tii'l 'he an t,'' it Ihs h 'atd iie r IA y-V ,Ill the piO,,L 'i 'tf' nl'nd, 'iTi (or Si. Ie~rnla [iii,'dDi ed t l~ t L ] bm ll i II',tlr hi iilg i tirm ul] ill ti ' aid lll , I11 W ite h i, h iLl I... .l' itl h, 6, t tie .x iI l ie W i muS t i' .ii ... ii' dl Ia 5 I t gel. i e ''iil ' tno t te . thi p in' ll Itir't he' ~q S h wegciul ei from, W A t ti c' ,I fauct, o, a urenL'it. if waslct Xahsll~n~{oi A.MERICIAN liAit)0 MEN TO INGLA NID }'osi. CAN GO .e. for \I..igy tl I e , th, W',hm tn, held b hi F I[i~ [w lHI frie , Hil ppg H, a Watrt steam ra liti'. BewaeI o having three and four-way I}IlgA il ore .il.l.t, niltiof lSigl spliccd-hut cords oir ctls stru..g il rIolnd ..v..' nRiJldings oT .. 1.IIc tgs. use D portable heaters ir hair dryers int the batIIei.r..Im ard be cuutius allbout electric razwt...hati watet. All things cosidered., ypin li..d 71o .t.o.omy iJi kim pi ig .. eIe4 0l i¢; I ri ie. Often, in fat, you'LiiI... an iimmediate saving on, y'u' liglht hill lb 4 aightlning outthe make-skifts in yourt ,ihijug. For Itij u i ng It i b a'.lit it id It p h a za Id ly oi c iv..te EfK i l] wh o hlmirleh I th e In j'iis il~,l I[IIh h d tr-allScitll ,t cIlay l]/i pi 'rtilT, ,g ih terview'id Idoh the ( i'rnl'i- r light ixure aind don't have aly appliaci's He-at' mHeanls v]lai w Its B'. ' tI e iii 1 e niek . i/ W'JS\ (D I Mf,'ii'LT e 23, r Ai .... ~ld ,llee l tiiila' IBack The pI.'.... .l i ed , f e.... hinLldinig Il t) the tec(hnieal "ill . i.chidlle I '.100 l ttchniciatnsT isi a/I 8)0{ ii, lirets oj' trainted eall W U3ueli. The I B I. V,\. has mili t1hvll'uitly juahlied fDr such wiok. li' grup pictured otn this pal& tie e ',t;ent:.tves nf radio [iits ill a ree. .it th'' tlng with tler' natio nal TInteria t'' 't atixe' a lhe tilonal Olhe' Thy include. stlutlilji: left to tight: Ellwinl F. I ~Uker. I. 1. XN, ~ 1215. Washingtit, 1). T; I]Tlei'ntima] llepiese; rl iv, F'tam ] I . Susi'lee; Nets P'. N'e u , I. I . Ni. 1221, Tilha,N db,.; ~S C At. [aker I, t No. 2,3, Iti'ininghaim t HI, eec viL} p~l l[ thin' Iifolh e'',, :a visit hu-u'e Ala.; bli,' J. Maybery, I, .N. 1212, lhN it~ W Vish i h'gti lL. ~V Uk'i' ll kirn lc g towig, New Y rhk tity;: . IIH ]{le I L 1. N i a su [,, 'ii e Lif , r .i 1228, lite.i., Mass; [nternational Iepi''A ui.'nm]:,cDnESTgFR, s1i.itL(ive I ALIt I Reed, intt tn tirnarl Ieu'm'u't] e'v. {t. In ett~itvt' I'lfori I. I,. Seated. Sonie "Ion'ts" For the Usgers of Electricity p t :1 t .XB WI *r WVINY D Ruzsll S ,nto. KNX, [[ddLy,,ld ... r tnihh ll sleL-, Le fDe-vb t.C W]UN, c hilli, I S lk, 1,. U. NO. 12J5. WASIIINGTON. lit' htut1lmiai rIs iaurant. FhoieI N at lul III (' icil ei 's, ERd Ilk 'r,. tt'ti WkA :W. AhFSVs In, ti fei lh, sa id hle a;d, L l l's u .diH ill T pi. I.qtt Imr , B rother I e' SII, itie,' aT w dit a tIhi ii' he ha, Tif-erd Ihe eXainiact t , l ibid is I[tetlihirg fl, '' s'hool. tItiliatr-d in N ,rth Caroinah . We,i I ii. m .If o Th~ to bill o ur s aill fii l ait hrioie o/1' iS piy'illfr theill pI p ' irsIfiti tax Iy cxeeuti%, on the 'l'un arh l , J .t.rt. II. t io'. . . I cithe t' tf thle ',l'l ,hl weil lIti' h n ;iitsnld joined lbt i;tti,,'Tii l nI cIieloi,' il lf AN 1. 'I. I ., who h ore ii 1W iki b rmgbomi i', tlheir rlt'imtu l iaitio....l cil.Verll i a Ofmnd lhe ii* lvt's thT Iut l]ilh 'icgttiomic l O ff]<.e. ciir itelJyivTIg a .span[Oigti hr. I < t Io! the J,, INAI, l, I'll, , histed in Owl Ail (I lp, appears in Ilt, hiTllblhe Icoge tdo sercv memtbehr a~t eelnaili ti, i-i - iI11il~I id l ilth Somel c"een'its'y Ignitr ita l it tboiut its .li.' ....u r l tHt' BEl 'RIN tAn I.,tt tu1nst lis' t Fio ri'ly t W-It Wi all e Uale er We know' too little g. d, ,. iu f aict left to light: Law ren e I [.- U No 1224.C'ncinnati . Ohi: tie"'lS I 'l ...e....tmtive Lawsl. n F [,e I)I'hincl . I. U. No. 715. kl. h%T,: A5thui J. M1tmi.[.. hiaiiir.... , hJternla tN% I)belTy; Miltwt' INo. 1220., ( ihi:t i uIll.silI S ~i~on It;c [, U Nit. 1226. Iipllvy'...o... ('alif: Business Matagel ... sst'l Renlak', t ,f L. I1. No. 122M, (hijaimi The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORERaeOpats · 76 1 It Ie I'llaeem i l otI L.. Icl.. Id 5; f Lh LInue S Ax IIII IN MEMORIAM I :0 An J(ep V.~.Gille sp lie L.' It.N . bl., ifL"ll tcei .... ll .~ l i939 h ',Er. G e~£ z U,Y.1 N., 11-309 111d he 1~A t IoI .lILIt c *T Id Irall pU lT loli, Ill LMI.anI e,I mm R~LV.lId Th.1 aII, Pid 11hilti III hto 1prea tIpo I. .. Ill1 m' nt. ,, copy , ]Ji ,aI oLn" .I ;l" " t . ]I 111IIII Aplw] mb ~ t2ttiem 1929 cta hT st~i~ ~f . ,II pI]lo 'Io'~ Lliz z "i [1 ll}~l I"t" U'll~l H~Sle b 461; i ,IT ll~"Wt i~t " fI~e tHv, ThL` ...ITllr~I o { tlt ,rt b II~l ;( illoid1hP1 -111~ 1111( 'If the 111 ]FxF*~ PI r'l'ot .... l . ...Ii e ~ld ; ~)y b "Ieylla,1 Iop. }e f~)kk; 11 l lt( ~ I~IIIIIII V.olllpl. ~(~]rll] fO~f illaJ, IL; fail, dL.LfL ,i, I DI tiS. them~,he~ .~f 1,ou~, I d", I'll t~) WC f peild ('LalelI'L lIlla WSafh.... I L.I 'h 1urI, ;: l ~, L, ['. NI. }1-: 17 o~lVI 3fl d~ i hi. LI 7d l!l93 IL11hjtd L iI pe l frz) it ]t : I1 x th ll~ "', l~~ ' i' So ~1a nll r~ zl, ...... l Pl tl "I I I,]rf 1Iti I "knlilt BI~ .... l f t I L ,,m LO.41 UrI liti NI ;1 5;ItL LI If~i,.J nIf3 tldRl ~ ex .... I sl( 'dit ,fuitth,,- s *11itt, I. 1ath~ Ilk [M l ,IkDll lh ~l ." ltht) ill lJ~ tnee] Lf, P L oL. zAj, nI... 1~LI1~ E OfitI i; u nl frp Ih,,.io~ 111~d'I lc ii,}el~l [oh 1[ I'llav d f~ife: ,,Ii ld 11 i t fL/ illI IIl, ,I.... Reso/x PALLh¥~i1ONROV.dfo IHiCh ~ ~ ~ 1:1~ a ,cop1 be, Isit (1o thl f ail/L, ili~l t Cop..ILIL slL1 IL th. Jo..l Li 1al Io pLII". lit 'n ARTHUyR I SC HROE}*;DER. GE~ORGE KIISFTI, 7H[EO L^ CI"AlELLE. ¢~ORGE SPATHI I;~,II B R 1"11 ,?II I, JOHN ]4ER{ T Ylrt hth l' M~, e~Lt'N,35 ifeI[e t[il 1.11( b? ~ ~~1;2 L, IUI No. 333 LOOUrHO EOh, 33* r Sirt,....... Io~) m~""FSG,.n ,lzt fill ..... s tS~h1s am 1Are1 I I ~11, II ' T' t.. ~k~} IL 11l,1CI elIal "I ". l~ittilt Jll I,, I W M o d~e n IVAN DE PUE~ EU G E]N E B~URNS. ii ItllS11II! IIi2~£ alf t a nmm- JARnSwahnik, 1-. U. No. 191 it ea.. , Il Pe1del1~,1 A, DOUI£]ErTY, V., P,,,,ir,,ddLI Andr Eickshl, IF ~ith{Ligil U{fti~ ILL} I ~W,I....] tGL H , fo J,, c~tv J ,N 1 we . 'IJi ,e Il 11~, o l I,, .... .... 1;LIMw¥, n~~ f-lU+ Ilr p:, 1,,ia ~ Lf It1IH .I L{IOI " 3 i.. I[mlhm ']ba IL JAMES L. HAIIT ZL.I . III No 6 !) I E, FI, I e{{u.Ie. l L U. No. 16I IlAlt ii, J..,, le l9 2419 wf, 'h~1{~ I.T ,E ffk I)X~,dPpefilreg ll .... I oc t1~al "')L ] If 1'od a1 expreII. ... 11 o[ thl fl~,liliOl, B~h ~lozll , 111{l~ok 41 y 'Iff +. Io ardI} /{ lwe Co11m1,l 1ee Niai~ It. M(s~L ,LL lll{t [I ·.... ill rh, D rIr ,¢~,ak tlllf ,},t l , till ~Jil'ill llqI~oh f..'M ille~] rW-y il passed~ O1 ueLEERH) L CAM1 Jt>LllllalA.... i1. l1ealo7 R dfLl "I 11]11 II .... tl "ublitiatJ, I I. l P IoIIIl .II Ine~ ILI Rt 3 DVR bap ,III ro ,,eo pmMe I h;, S.ItMm :a cI 4yie""Y IIIh, IImdl £ErOllie SLIv, f m ii ~H, i1 It h [nLOq~holal W,,.I e ~ of .Molh~ mn late I.I'l~l, I{g lha tfl S bc , ~9 1,1111 OH P CLCL ., I I,~~[Ifil~l Ge*)rg lI ' ... II" ,l~('iIl¢]a it $[I~.35 f L,,,[ tLILL fiell t nmuGD,, IfIL U*. .. flTh9, m, .d*491. Lltd3I6 11 e II I Ih~IhdI..t O L II. .....I, i, l an ~ he~ ,, t r t Rtimm :lweo b "I olv..d Thll"I We*L pa ItL~te Iito 11~i; ll, .. , LNIL 1.~h D~jn DI Lhld Ir11IinLi t ~dh ILr~ LHI Ell I LEIS ALqT ~INATO1xr. .('I) I'a,, Ld Clll itlc .ll Hilsd izl i l, lit Id w'" Wdl~t I IReII ID5 12 hmi 1,n1.1, ]Ll(ImI, ,, i IIIII til iokWs ~lft ,, yfl t liloI, Ih~ t~/ill of ll, ,,,i [Io~ fofli ~llf~l 11~ ~l l'eII~ I, Ill, IL. i I." 'e NN]I BZE 11 p R e fnlied H Ihth"TleoIL f L is o u~ti"AS b ]lp IlAtpeINdo Oda;a be~~RE HETHERNGTON IeN V, d ~ Is xtn .... ... 111r11fhlie Sto L~ be'av . N,,.~ 817 ~~ UL LIll.ak ,,e. 05illte DeI l ILmt v, av,,~ s r ~reatl~I111 Res~)l', a .. Ill m len Ld~ aGUY Th ac I. LI 19, IH *)' , I9 l {Ip, " f Ill!~ P."lilli Bilf41rd Wa-Illlefri 'h d hi111led $ fl IL35 f .. .. I PEiEl11 1 azd MAs.dthTelN , 0l~fth*F5ouE ol 'fred f 1' "ll anp 11"I]i,ied LhIf w. I."~be spldacIL, "'md t~tElec.' A CHl i*;1il~ ~lilk : 11~l' i ' l I ll LILL dhetpflll Rif ...I... ' Ll That I3} i II, .. I llLI I df 5 I. "lI, Wio111o1 411. fidli a,, ellpI h mi tL the ~f GeorgeIl Th~*l)Smld IP " --kI, . 1 hil 'I t II ... 'Pil~lO Ill m~H,,Il"t h...... lle b{ ent til his, tail. 1i om~~~~~~~ilrnmtes adaibe*n hhghlyte1,*~eled hy all Wh,, ki~l, IIPYzl]l tll I ll"", L..l. 1. Ull f. ll~lH L 4~ ' Coleman. EL.No l311 .!bl lllbe 3 I S;140 11 Lhd11{ LI ]or V t.1 ,pa~ ~LIb 1ohiSix mere plbIior I I. fall/iheHll, I ihl h-O ald oa mfil~l" asaFL ue o L.1 .... liiSN ATHURt Cz SCmsId{FoEDERi.Se ~Il,,ALl/,INf 311 JULY. 1U941 Illii, IC III........ 1 Iif ....... 'I Neso .. L. I . IN,,C 157 II Mi Will, I, " ill "IC,, "n'l, EC I II ii b", r fill, IV Ill'.'CI 15-,, .I, I II,, ;1IT'i "' I " ... ...I I ",'I El, ...I , , IIIIIIII Gid ill 'I 1111111 I...I.. C.... ...III,, WE I 'I'll", EI I El .... I I IC, IC III IC III,, 11IIII, "h.II 11 EII [,I IC 1,11 IIIIIIII ,,;I, ,I it C..... III, II;VzIi1 II "t".E, Eli II ,;I, , 11, IC,,". '111i, I, EC "El, HaV " EC: litriz, I IC,, V, .." 1, I, II JI. VICE f Ili ,,E.f Ili, , IC I 11111I. " III, I " It IC,, I II II, iti ,I,, ,,I , Ill I,, I ...4.1 Ed. 'hi'hs 1, eM ,nd I 01"Il; alld ~,VelpSItu ,Ie "I LhL~ alol Ilin, "I"l . I~HIIIInt h 'ICt, .....ICrlr e I In:I koJ I e1q~ iI la mI ... ... I' ~ol, HEY \1 71!, 11. f rsI..... itl \ All,, [;34 B, A. L. I . NEo nin lse 1;I:O, rI A . ll... I I01.3 . ]<mI _~7 I{ A1 AJNI!:N 1{ IT ( C)FFMCAN I mInJ.. iEI .,Allimd11q,11 IRiddlIe, tu VT>/l IC G,ICre OI. R lelnmtthd it,st L Talley IC. IN, N~). 3 ~,r mt~ emer,~ C":E'I NVi; Ell...Ica d t Aillhul It. VeC~nxsu, 1,.ytl A liatidaJll hi~ VE1 WI' Ai K, 1mil, I1). !~NiI .. , A. l bE~tl a4isll II I 920 A~l, q Ii 1,0011 h 1,01~llJIli ~ III'l, /i~l "it "I III', ql I ,, `vC A, [AICIE, O (I:I~i IsIi, E~ ~~~ ~l , JlllTu f l , 1MI, BI'd I I ,i ... IIII . OI Ii ftI is I~*... 2, ~ 5 ,f IC la Cd I !Fil]Ji1 PC"!k 51!i II, II( 0 V V Jurl~ ~~~~~~E llln., {. IV lOCA[' No, 11-J9 I 2I ~) IIe Ay L TS , I,,l ;I IIIi,1 tlrb ; 1 IaII I IIt I TV II[, Ut It_Ll1%thN, f' Ii fillil I l ;I 37 ~ In~lbN of I.. I I* tll ,I xp b t S~lL ~ L.J' N ( Jl-JJ)04I '11I, 211 11')? l I "I Pim~ I3IrH 111 I'~ I i5 l D1}[ ;It I him I ll~ D~']beJ it ds ..}L~iII) Cp ~,~ )lo~s .JtT~ta]14I1>~I1 imbhe SI~d -1A1r IV[ ] b t~ 11kt I'lD I OIqIO, E, BitMul ay M .. pei o dIIa If!10 Il:~ I'lld Ii reso Au I I EI "tt "Itf IIz , a rr , IpI >plea I I on rt)x IIC I q I'V, I ll ~ t)~ o h s famtlIi I Io 5 }( I 'lltN ;TICour 'l " I liOtI III BmiR e Mo9 II t) ,I" ' d IIC is I(] ,I, I,()('k'. I, IV, Itlte dtC, p:4~51 II II H ]. It. F. B~ {ilRDS F'OR{ Gill: ~'l CR-I( F~ 1 I 197.N .J-:! pi~l... I ]d4(1 n ~ ' III, I~*VE t II t I, I 1 ~ Iti, 1hk 11.,I1l h ...... tI , t W ... OU l s 7"Cal} , .... ltE H oCk DAPau 5[i on ielh [J'l410'l I I~ JM lre~ I 191i5 md 1ml Cltt~I( ict'. ",, ir { I1, , ~ ~~ .. ~ ~ ~ftls~ ~~..t Resotx ht [t I,"l e CIoII;]I I IK IC .I. 1.4i" m tH J1 A ,.1I f ]I1r L, VIC I 71;-I ['~tClI DI~IIIIlHI TV Ih EC NiT I 'i Im WCEII.L]A*M l1l IDISk:IIG R~icll ...I l S... iT IVIN ~ JLi~ ItH l .... If[I O I I)E.VI'II 1915 .qal *qt. Loli ... LAIMS I) kit) FROM .11 NEI:1 T'OJ~lNE 30, 1911 *S~l, i Doelr.dl. It)Al 192b ash. Milth 1927, I El I pusdra ian, It;l f'a, l!, I i1>, , ~ }l ... ~tI I t IR...... 71hiiia~c, CIV i, I .}tkil 7 IdgI I fill,a p. ll. ,I I E' .I~ ~ J1,0~111.0 ICDII. Co 1T.EIrk,~ .L .J I?)~J~ N E 11-2 113T > uffJhd ApIb~ lil1.~i 19/ I( ~ii~l!, fitd, I, O 4hI 7I7 I 01OVIl jV, \NI {}[i,1 , L. [.II No.III IlVhpI'leill IChE/i~t h[Z (} l illEC Atd~ ,,,l.d Itt Ill t~,II ake ,V~hy FZ+~ .1 11 It, [};l I, }, 11olil { l lioit I liall { hi [ ~I T L (-l2 [.. cl Il a [i lf I,>I ll ~,;iH, kr E, I S25.011 A ~ II CE. I 731 N fi II . A~l I% I *~ ?,;I I.,, >I" I..... E. I.......t Hi 0~ysI ;I i" < I C I II II Io flq.iI Iq} I[1 ( I~r~ IS{( I (?( I i I 'If HIbtlt11 l, ill, mi r ,t I 'if / ' ~IC... II, II tltoI , eC dEa,'V d I, nI, Der'oc of30v~> : Dp~~~~,C1 kr I JIH~(}.)I E Wth 't ~i C... iN>H 'V It i (o/ I,' + ....I veeIl IIE II~x1, IhIIC tHIfi, I.O1 in[~/ 1 Dli~ Cl gt CEii heC FIt IIFSN I)SHItIS I? EN[<A,~ ElD hoIsIId1 AoIII :41 'l ldr(1,11, le held {It St IL..uis IIl a ' }th, M, 1i ElaN~ [ I r I Ih1ql IIdtlI IiiSCUS~~~~~~~iOII~I ie n1sI~ ifliI tI (IO luoI /I1 1 k~ II I ftlIC I(],h I p tI1I he] leg " Tlll I .ntl bi g oftaltI tlg O ntttmdp ...tE1 I OI I tIi V,,;EP I}/ hill o il~l, "''il ~!.....ll ... If¥inllt >. I ales. Offiid [E >IIhe, unlion [Tl' W picparimg IlltI, I .f'lll~~t? III' I.... ]G}(t ,hi, I, aGle fo bp, I.......te t lWlE ftho ;q.... .. l I i 1...I I ,IiiIU.0 I, ctz[ ...lllay Fo/ the pH"Ail"'IL H. pfaM BARE 01 Khe N~ IN MIi ,,, JI IlII d .1 ~ ~ se p{.~,~,i tk 1 4f~1h rt, 1io~ h, IaI. Itlit.lstrp~ I I111/Ef fr)11t ai~ lt l,( ¢f {}ltl,- ~ lsill arl: The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 378 (Gratifying response to idea of unity and cooperation in the electrical industry is revealed. New manufacturers are being added to the list. TIlE (OMPLETE LIST IS AS FOLLOWS: Complete List CONDUl!IT AND FITTINGS ARROW CONDOITF & FIrrIxG;CORPt., 79O W lh Ave, II rooiklvn. N. Y. BRIDGEPORT SWITCH CO.. ridgepor., ConI. C(OHOES ROLLING MAIL CO,, Cohioc. N v CONDUIT CITTINGS CORp, 6400 W. 6"th S., C]hicago, It'. ENAMELEI) METALSS CL., El.a. pa. GARLANO MFIGt. CO, 013 ;raiit BldgI IPitsb~irgh, Pa, IlI pE EIECTRICAL PROIDTCTS tO . I53 Ho'¥den vAy., MIaplewood, I L. NATIONAi ELECTRIC p It 0 UIC TI LORP-. Ambrl~idlie Pa. NATION&L £EAMAi[,INI; & 5IFI;. (I., EFii. pa, SIM PLE EI].TIC A LO, 123 N Sat1gat moll S.. CLhiago, Ill. STEEL CITI lIY.CTlIoCC (!., PittsburghIi, Pa., STE1IUClrT IO..,Yugs n Ohil.. I BOM lS I mit., iii, 5 KIlt..r.M.T Eizabeth, N. .1, WIESM %NN FITTING (C.,Amhridge, P1 W"IEMOLD COMPANY, liar tord, C..b. SSWITCHBOARI)S, PANEl. BOARDS AND ENCLOSED SWITCHES Al) IN ELECTRIC I'D, FRANK, SI L.U', M1. AMERICAN ELECTRI' SWITCH CORP, Minerva, Ohio. AUTOMATIC SWITCH TO, 41 F.. Ith S1,New York Cily. IR.EXK ELCIRI C CO., 549 Fulton St., Chicago, IDI, DULLDOG ELECTRIC PRODUCTS CLO, 1610 J.Os,!. Canhpl Ac., 1Detroit, MBItS. CHICAGO SWITCIIIBOARID MFG. CO., 42 S. CHliton S, SI (].iago. ILU. CLEVELAND SWIrTIhIIOt'ARD COMPANY, Cl.veland, OhIo. C(OL ELECTRIC pROB) (T S COI, 130t0 Crescenlt St., Lng Islabd City, N. V. CO MMER!CIAL CONTROL & DEVICE CORP_. 45 Roehlig St.. rooklyn, N. V .. CReCeIR E[LECTRIC MUF. CO., 1O!1 W, lake SCt, CIhiago, ]][. REFICTRIC SUERVIDE IN TTBL. INC., S!O,*" New~,ark, N. J. lFECTCIiC STI:I.T, ijXI & MVl CO . 50A1 S, Throop SI., CNhl'ao. IlL EMPILE SWITC(II(IAIIII III. S1C Iih Ave,, TrofkDyn. . ¥. ERICKSON, REUBfEN A., 364. ECItot Ar, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~CMAY (~hiicago, I" ia. FEIDERAL A ELECTRIC PRODCUECI I E'O 50 'arts St, N, j.pENN I':tll St., Nt~ .N. J. Newar. FRIED/MAN (O., I. r., 53 M1ei IIr Neow It I York City. (;ERTrII)Ll) E[LECTRIC C( .. GUS, ]? N, I)ell Plafize St., ChIcago. I1L GILLiSi IF. F9U I PMENTi CIl I . ?l.og Island (IDy, rid,1ro Plaza North, N. V. UDll ELIECTRIC COIL..I2kZ iO We42 C1rand Al'.., Chicago, ]l]. L:A.GANKE ElECTRIC (COMPANY., (LWeN laln. Hlii.. LEONAU) ELECTRIC COMpANY, (I]e e[arid, Ohi. IENIN{CTION ELECTRIC PRODUCTS, CO., I~ . lOth St, Ne~v YOik ity , MAJO1R E(t I'pENT ('o.I I113 I'thenin All.. LIlIctgo, IlL. M¢ANyPENNy, J.. P_Clililtbh]i a. pa. Mt11T i9F'ITF T1FE.V C (i11 3,1 NI l p19jalts St., Chilago., IlD METRO POLITAX IEIECTRIRC M}'. CO., 22-48 5Steinay SL. Atoria, L I., N. V. PENN' ELECTRICAL COMPANY.I. ¥rw. n, ELECTRIC SWITCH1 CO., Oosh~eti, PENN pANEL ANTI) BOX CO, PhIladtiph I, PETERSON & LO., C, J, 725 W. Fu tol It.. (]iCragl IlL, 4. -S1 East 7L1i POWERIIT COMPAN L SI. PlEv T ad. Ohio. PRINGLo.: El ECITRI CA. MFG CO.*, THIE 1906-12 N. 6th St., Plblladelphia, Pa, ROYAl, SWITCHBOARD CO., 460 DIrgg A¥Vt., IBri.okllyt, N. V. STANDARD SWITCBBOVRI) CO, 134 NolI St . Drorikyly. N. Y. 'f¶i(.iiiiOiRD AIpARABTUS CO.. 23115 W. Erie Si. !liragn, XII. WiA WOnRsi I LEC TRIC MFG. CO. INC. {c' Ky. WURDACK It's VI ELCTRICT MFG. CO.. WIT,UMAM. St. IouiuN, Mo. ~ngton, E'LECTIRIC SIGNAL APP ARATIS, TELPI'HONES AND TELEPHONE SU'PPLIES A.lBE FIRE ,AL.ARM L0-. a1 West ISth Si_ New York (Iit AtHIII FLECTiI(,%L SPEiCIALTY CI0l IN( , 421 Fast 3;rI SI., Neu York CitO LECICTRIC C ., Bid,W AUli MITI libilrel St., 'hicago., 11] OEVSFIL ER, INC , L. J , hI51-3 W.Iest New 1,ork (ii, a. SIt ,L M.IILLION RA.IOtt L1l'ORATORIES, AND TELEVISION 685 Wecst Ohio S'.. Chicto, STANILE & pATTERSON, ,larirk :,. New York (Cry. INC., 150 OU.TLET BIOXES AILI'TW CONU I I FITTI; IS ORBI', ~(J0 %Vythle Ae. BRrooklyn N. I. BELAMONT IMETA' PRtODUCTS CO(. pf]deilphia. Pa. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CO. 22111 N, 2801 SLe, P¥i.Mld Ihod,P.. HIIPlE ELECTII AL, PIItDUCTS CO.- Ill Boydeit Ave ,, MaIidcwood. N. 4. ]FI 'I;RtOX]!EL(TRIC C O., lG11*l.wod, 1[] KiNI(;IIT ELEITRICAL.I,PRODC C'It (C - t35?-61 tlatic A e., ITrookivi'. N. Y. NATIONA'. ELF CTIlC p It 0 D [ ' .i $ AOIGAP ItitTh ridl , I'a PENS PAN EL AN H BOX CO., pIilliddecphl, Pa. STAINDARII El !CTRIC SUPPLY CO. 223 N. 1311, Mi, PItitae'plphia, Pa. ST£EL (IT¥ ELECTRIC CO., pittsiurgh. Pa UNION INSULAGI.'N ILL. parkersbIrg. W. ¥a. JULY, 1 941 379 WIlRE,CABLE AND CONDU IT ACI¢IR ICoi I'll LITTO'E SIIIII~irl., WIRl'I0(,. 22 )]. N, King I5. 31)11111 ] e,,,1,l~i [laild I ill, II ~. (11iIIY{F: I IN~;UL I1 D WIR Vll tl I %I~I, J II', ~i t~m~c et I 1.TI 1N TtBEU.13 TI1 AXA~CONI)C% WERE I CAME4,. III~ ooL,'.~ ~ G},N IIll r I I( +[~ I (;N~I,, II L, I;}N ~IIIAI IO-mli 1, II11,11ED %¥1RIE WO)RKS, Wilk..-H~~ ... Pa. CABLE[In NMISOUR~ ACT VIETAL COOCIAN, IRE I I (},. It:Lri.S II?.ZARDI (ABIk TC o I (o, III al i.A I N II,, N R E~O *pI V C,~,IILL I~II pI~ NATIONAL C!LIICTII~C 140~1 1 1L o1D I~ I T I~ A,I I. p11 N IN,]1. I CIollot1 P LIGHtTING FIXTURlES AND LIGHlTING t,:QU.IPMENTI AeirI ~11 " FIXTU RI G I fI lT;i FIXl 111t;. C( ., 3917ith Av,.. Io~n) olil JACK ¥. lli, I ,I I.., k ( ily (C~OTIIA L , I~F C~. INC, 2G F!, 13tJL I~ It,, A rk ICil, GRANI) ILAPiDS WII I r )RFt IEQk ....... I 1{I 13~0 I*Xl Ales ,1, W1.. Granld I~tK 10INC, New ¥nl1h (ill. A-1%¥ M[ANClA~C11JEING AND ~IPL ~, ARtT(I AIT VICM.((Ol., INI 1.h1A(IIeIphIIa, Il,a I, ~ BI N1I~N DIN]CEAY, (CI, 372 BI ... m $L. NIII 11irk CIly. toR~)~ CH:~.~DFAACH Col~m,C}.T Rol.. il ,Il .... I Ill_, Brockil, N N, 'I~LL.., IC 1, !30~7 %.y. 7lh St.*C., A~,tgle, CO,, ~l~l SC, l, SI.,4 III, aIll~ HEIF,1IATT (,OC¥ CI)I. 6A~ 3414 J1rollki)V BLA(K , Ell VVRI.M ~IFl ,, BIII I¥ ,St I lv 112AI- 1eAtr A RLACI)'-,I Wade,1er 11, Lo1Ng 1 .ih 3 . ¥. {O, "Al'eT k, iN' ~!J ~l2l,IlL I~.,, City HIG ., 'O " ,5l tLd,, L.,on, M~, Clly K [~'FIllINI£ ( ITER , }'IX1.1 CO, II,~y, I,, ¥orOly Iw 131, 131 NC~f*V, (o'O,MP{,.,C .I Boll~lyl, NCV. I/G IIEX FT 3~Ihb Aoui. S.1o CO., 2705IPIW.r R land (!i), ; IOCITRIM~ iC, 1 IN! Al) I * o Yril*%k W l NN 1,IFG. N() I.I BIA~E 1 01ht~:li I I, I7CI. 1 INC].- 11LIGTO I(KI "'Al CRAL E! S ,(lolk~ Al'!i ... C oy N ~,NC.1~el¥ ~ II17 Ilol l li,, N,~y V~I. C11I¥ .1-WIAL 1%pINC. ~ToTIP Mi SI,5 ~ff. ]Lh .1., Nl WY r l.~ CLINTON ~11"FTC-L MFG.UR 4!,IO ] ~{ Nt'w ¥1~ 21 S-N.t IIy II',,,I MC I, OiTl, 'go 1', IA.0"eA". B]Vd ., LOS llgJ,, a COK,11IL I;'~ll COASTC, Fow ~'etr F.. VoW.,,o I*. gd!.W's, I (!N, V (ALE I!l)I II(.IC, sV*, 320 It] * o CEITMIFI LT{o.FIXIII ISI.. Ilsl Y'.k Cot~ 0.II) 9 F "IIr ¢*¢ METAL F~TIC . IR FLSTV.R1 IC- , W. l11 SI.v, III, Angelek (*ay. '0 Iol!~,C MFG. AOt10 l. Wo~tl I,%R'rILCTXB~OC MET111Al, wlr Ni, VOl~l, CAXo 1 ¥ol,, (!L,. o",,( CAST,~ . B 387 ].eii Ax(~, lre UmNF}ID Li. F1~II{ It ~IF11,,1 ph L1TErlCIMli, UF1111(1 () Il X0u "rl-e pLaaA.",Lon lIu Ct (OREL~IIA~MI ITEO.S, RVI),4al~k~ -I'J~ 2&92 W"~ ItR* . ChRAFl~ ]''UIOfi~3Bom HUD11~OU Cl. FIX. METl ~It. Nl~ ii]I)G k C lidt, 11 a1ChTMBA FCOKE]TB! CORPT Newf .~e·PJA depl ~ INC *I A~ GII~} , L C I~ l iaA I'1., I SAIIIINAT, FlAOREICINT II""'. Mil W ... it, SI., II. IIIII, Cill, 1111,111N TICIMACHEI CIC. IS( , M cooV III. 'N". ),Ilk (it, 1560 vit St. 1101,IIIANol MoUllitti 111TUIL II'. Ill 11.1I St., Nwak. II L PFERIESI 11,117, Miloi. CO- HI 1111.1-11, II'. v.,k f a, PITRIESI LAIC II 110 llr.,.dI 1. 1, pVRLA, IM . Fit RICAN, 176 II 11., NW A.Ik Co, ,crFINGFIC-111111LI11 IM, Ill loliol It., B.I M.', I'll II METIl(FACT I 1111C_ 40 1IWoWV It_ N1W VIIlk (ily PITTSBURGO REFLECTOR ( 11 . FillihkIIh. P., PURITAN LTC, III, (11 I 11 11.,Ilill III. fo,,.kly., I 1. qt AlIl I I IIENT (I 1,11 I C"".. 11 C hilltit 1". NVW VIIII, Cill 11 A 11 ITl Ell I III, I N Z 17 (I Ill 11 81, Ell, .,it it,. HAII111T Ll1F ( little, -'11-79 ShVlolot A,,,., N.,,Ol, 1. J. RADIANT 1,71i 111. Ill 11 M.1111k St, ,%'I. ,,,k I Al, RAMBUSCH DE(ORAIING Co, 332 E. Rol 11., II. 1,,,k ( fly. 11111111 1,1131TINO; COI, 94 NI. All, I 11, R1111TER IFIALIRAFT Iloi M ,;,,oS, "', Ill. ,," Co, RO111 FLAIIIIESCENT Co. To,.t.., 1. 1. RVICI LAMP MER. Ill.. 41 W. 1411, SC, N'. Vok Co, SCHAFFER (.C, IIA1. 11.11 I M.1l.. AC,.., lo..Ily., I 1. SIMES Coll INC.. 2? W. lath SLI N.. VWK City, IIIIIT-11111.51AN CO, 320 N. 1.,[V..Wd All,, I.,1,,,,W.d. C.IAI 1111,11 111;111 INCr FIXTURE C, I 444 N VVoIt,,ol 1,,_ II.,, Ili CIML IPIAR 1,11;. 111. Co, 11 CtIWV St., lo..klm N. 1, IPILLITE, 1,11%, IIW 1o,..l,",k, N. J. ,FAI LTG. FIX. (C., INC, 67 Illi.,; SI., Nlw Viol, Cio. STEINMETZ "'II CIC, 11ol.dIlbri, II., STE11LAIT MITRE M, PO_ 416 11111W.Il II, ,I. I'll, 'I., 11 111CIL III-1 FIT W-G FRARD. 2404 W. 71h SI, L., A.11111. I !I'll 1111.11;IIT 11111.111`111 Cll, INC, 226 P.Vi1V II- 111.,Iklm N V. 117PIR11111 11111111FI(P.S.1 LIC. ('ooll. I'll Col. Al.. 'Ir.,.kl,.. I I 111AIlot I,11;111111; Ill, Ill IIIII.1,0Ill AVIV I It,.k, 1, 1. III ECII. INI.. I" I oll. 11. NW VIllk I ity. IOIGHT COMP11", Plil.11111111a, Pa WAGNEI 111C. I 11, I IIARCC1. 13:1 Middill.. III, ticket. N. I 111AIII.W111111RI IF CO, Ill S. Mill, ill. L., AIMIII (illo 11IEII1lo 111ASI (o , F W,. V".M., Chi., WALTEII I IIINI. li, V- T!' II "M 11., Nlw I.rk ( 11, 11NITIII I ( 11 Ill11111, J . 2 Woll R,1h IL, 1, 1, I W1111111,11 COICASV. 11.1oll.1d, 111TILITI 1101PAIV, C1.111, .1. 1, W11CF1111. HINRY I... 603 Alkoll All,, o.".. W." The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS andi Operalots COIN-OPER AT'ED MACHItNES ii1 U I I IY E, MAyNUF.AATURING COMI 'N . 1221 V/el[ Litly SI., C h 11oI. ~IUCA FV~ Lake, 11. Mt 'y; ';A STI.M. I huai;D'. IlA l~,;IlFl IXMINOUI' S FRANCE MFG, eOIp~.Al '. Ctvlan~d. "Y""FII" 12Z3 CO. , IRIt~lid). RCID AII.RO~ (Ir.LDFOERf; "I . IC, a, E, °-6t SI * IIe* I.Ol ctiT (;OODILITC CO. * 1t (re SI_ SI.; iork ICit$. C(;OOD~ , I.MP AtC. ZNVCV40 %~ G;tlt St. I(TIVE LASIp NOR NITIG( Il. (;11l' INC_ 121 2,1s ~.R O LCCp ,* VF(;C < O N(l SRt N2~ I ,,yR'. ACiL,G A1 INC ART MLF:'.L £;t ILD CO . INC.* 999 Metr,,¥ I. l.,e*IR11od1,11rl, PtI. .i rl NCR*395 Itll, AMC, MFG, A'). Al,Z I I;I' V (4}Rp I K Halit] ~IIM LD ;. l INC( .itV; . fftll II- 7it L.N( York 27tZ' N. I.,Gh TyUEE HI~NSON I ) , INC . 5 E. 2filh ".. "~'%~ CiS',5T _. 1S1.A 0hS. i2gh I;IHIR CHIt & C1 . IN(' JL SIR, }ttrk A]r HOe SCr~ (IMIG VM N 1 LECTRil AORPl)RATIRN. ~lh LrtoVl~¥,, ~*X N ~,~L I0J C * IN,, p 9!~0fl ~9 }.1141U1 l, OS111Ix/( , 3(15 l. 4;t 1 SI XI', l FN LAM;~P SHADE I) r INC. ,~ ;% ~ri S.N ~%Ok(i OFr ) Z ' I . Sl ' I.AI ~ov I(, 15 Q tiy~ I TV2~l e 1 Ci ~t C RI S. I. ~II ~~ ~~~~~~SIA NR% IN( RI. TP ICHIATi'. (I}Rp., I7 3,11h II., BROSRI~iI. N, A PAYL. I (I . I".. EDWIARDIp- 43 AV 3th ; . 1~i~ Y.o, ( jl:. PIqRO NAi' LAX%51p "ID 't}E (I1 . 1T~ if A,,S,,Al, Nfo~i . A. IRSOCAT}I. 111"U'IKI I}E. W0;.12.1~ SI. N'e .11( idll II, ()~;0 . INC, A.ttliEl ART SHADE- SI;II Iii11. ',IC Y,,'kIC,F I, 111IIIT LA2.Cp SCSAt~c",1 CO. ;% i tll I11 Br.AVX A RT LAMPIS,& NI) CO_.1 ~D E, 9.. NCl¥ (qL~1 Iol I 51 IUA FI(,S1 E:]~I], !4~. NIS, York (!illI N. VSN GBEll, A., 27 Ay. 2411, $1Y, NCW York I ill BE1NNETT,. IN(., J., 3601 F1br..b It., INDUSTRIAL $I'll",S IN". 67 35thI I,-. N 1. Al..... h~~~~i"N A BAILTIC MFG. CO.* IN(C.. 135 W. U1th 8I.,ITRAINLALAIICOPlUAL1CII 1 A,,., 1GXTIONAL, A PN]AV,"E N'V,, York CLty. 44~ Hro]~~ 5..1 TOXSICk I(O* MICHAEL. 13 W 25~h, SL., AVON BFlA]A CI , III Welt 24th II.S. Ne'. l~iyrity. V.l. ICiy N",i V.rol City. I ARACIAL CO., INCe , 87 Vith It. BrooIkll., lIE(G-O-Pli (D (IS C411.P , II W.r]9th, IN.YV. St.. Ne. York City CEL-.*()I,[TE CO)., 1141 BIllladlsy. SI. RESSLER. INC , FARTEN L, 119 W Z11 ih. York City SI,. NIIw Y~or]4 Ciy, CHIELSEA SITLKCLAMP SHARIE TO, 122 AAAONS LEI Ill., INC.. 2.$~ lbh AI,* N;y. W 261h St., Ne V Y lk Fil *lork CitydNw ,,k('l r . CI(EI RI) I CO.. 48 I 251Jl Sl, 1l'w ¥~/~lk LAGOSICO*, NATHi AN. ,I W. Nth11 *TA .I ll'~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ulCy, VAM~P 11111E IFG; ('I , 14 LBAIIONI CITyT AI.AMP1H.AVI) (q), iN( . Ill IV f]~l St., Nfw York C1i. W,I' 18th $~, TO Ii~C111 1.0, e .1 -1I.,d l AMIlG CORPVI, LANCR (OIA.)NIAI, SILKC LAM~P SCIA/ID 17 E1 21,1 Sl, N.,, Io k Fil ,lyar NAw YorkI ('HyCI COIGINMT ME~TAL CRAFTSMAN. 35 R. LI,11tTLIEI TO., 316 Ularcmo~1~1 II.xe, Jler/ Ciet, N.1, ,II 211t St.. Nhi YI' k I ~1,Y,~ D~%CO~CO~p. 40 W ~~., Nel l'1 iTL[;LI COUPI.. 29 E1 Il AAACOR 4t At, V7C11lSCV~~ C01i t. I, .Ik P.H1~IA.. IN( . IT MlaIRT LAY.Ip SIAIII~D DAN CART LAIMP S[ILI}S, IN(',(. 6 U, [Ih St. 1,,w N I~ ell,. 146 Mi 211), SI- Itr I'lilk e,"IMIDAVYRT. INC.. 16 AV 3Ybt SL., Nlli YIrk METROPOLITAN O}NYX I~lltl1L MAR O. CRY. 419 IV. 5tthII S CN,~Aol Ck -f DVAPA E;LRIq CO, INC . IRA FlSr 5, St ME*YER CO,. M'IIVl:I! F.. 1 ]ll I' I", Iroyl.N* . Slyork1 C~lty. Ne% DII 21W. MG. T_ 21hINC, 11, MILER LMC IIAIIICO_ 1 W 11h DELT. V1F,. Ct.~ IN( II SAW Y$th , IMERL~ SI~.D V O ~l l Fly. EN( "I I'll, ]~[Y(; MOI)F~RN1 IDOIIIS LA*MpSHIADI, INC' J11 E. ]6th, 1,, NS. Vork cic,. AGRoc...aI All.. F Sk ,n, it,. STAY VITAL LAMP MOUN1TYN1; (O1 . 21 E. EAS~TERNt ART STUDIO0S. 11 AV. 32.~d L, ,C, York City 22fld~ $1 , Nel~ Yt.rk Y!JItv i1;L71) LAMP ISdIFIARPI TUA~][ rIS. II- W, 'qOVA MF(. CIA . R9 11.g.1{ S I , bfrdlOlJbr, Ill1, SC t,* Y.I 'okeily N. ¥. EVITi G;LASS CO.. INC.. II l~ V . 1 1ld ; . NYA T EAL I"1,T~1(;UC.1 N,,, Via! eLty, %.,Ytli5i1A SI- "Ill~ 1IO~'ll EX(ELICIARF ART STUD[IRS, 20 I, 21lC OiIT"~ER (O., S. 36 IV, 2lth IC, IC;, Atk SC. N~~~~w Y.Ck Til, (it,. , t I ¢)lwrABLE LAMPS. LAMP, SHADES AND ELE£CTR[(.L, NOV ELTIES DIVlISION I l T X ER pI'R, AI CORP11.12C AB[IEY O 1 LAMPT CO1 30 Vf. 211ih S.St * g . 'k.~ City VICELS AVASSERBCER(G & 111, INC.. *_3 F: %i'& Nrk C0t,. ,".IIEI W.ASSEIGIAGR( & (o*- INC. 23 F.L A A~ ,'11A LION1 .11111 TACIT RING; IO~ 111. C UE'TRANSFORMERS YLIAIIIRIl£ NTTIIkX;.q111IOLM5ER .El('ITRICAIL Ili, 11.Ne A I)ll CAC~. 2]3"IIN ~', L:~51 &,cft% ~;(O. ' et ok Fl CO.;l INC I.. I, I, ,,k(l F..L.21 U, $1]l1 ICOSLSVELD I. CId. IN'( .I..I¥l, RN w I't. II ,G O G .I ih11 I .lb (H Y.IG N ~~E.y ( .3 11..T 1_3 "IIP I IN A YIilk F it& Vd ~{ 2~J &iio INC.. W. & GL.a.N S~I,. N (LC,,MFill. I IoCk St delI 1111, d. .1114t 1CLf I, ,I "% IUZIG.ICI 1 'l1. S N" I ~.(!. Il ]4E !L1 11. 1W 7ISy ~ ~ I L'1_ N .,4-1 II L.11111~ ]UYl.l {il''N. v (O , SPE(ICAL N TRADERI LA.Mp & SHADI) il l , 318th N,. STARAI A CO* JOSEPH. ~Z %V~ " Iil NFLI O. F.Tl, II.N S V] $rSIt ART LAIH- MFG, FO(RTL. 10J9-13 ,i. 51 11. o1 N, . . LAMP SHIAPE Oliptl, 11I'RIAT:I "Ii NI ,, 1 IV.k CAI,sh [,N ; t Cit,}:11,N 1 V t 1-II l ~121 TRIOA.LA Ni)V. C('(. 24 W*. ?5t11 SI,, \,W~ A k Fl , tI~IQ!IF SILK LAM.ISI'C~DE ell, ISC . 18 I6 1~111,M;., New York City. A~li.,e. NA. l~{ICOR MF; , C0.. "IIt' V~~ l " VCC1111 N-10Ii y RI. AM M GAIII 3Ae WR 1 -1,,A I il ITGHF1'1%{( E~ORIE]$I, ( . "I) fy ZAR, S;t" III, Y% IRk City. WE1AI APTIyE OP 11 EYE E~~~~~~~'LFA]TRIC COIfteWABAISH PCIOIT(~ZLAMI co1qp., JI(%NI)A~;E.CI-~' L M (O SI~' II~CkO N,;{l)[[I ) 3 ELE¥VATOR (CONTROL,BOARIDS AND)cOrNm!OLLIN(G D)EVICES ANDERSON; FO (l~CJ. St . hiII"o* C IlL. 212 W.. IIubbard HICAT11S~$E ELU( i'll(!tl E~(GINEICING CO_. FAA3II 111-1;.1 NeR TIC, I il, HtOFFCt. N-114OON II, t. ARlbl~ N. Y. 115-A 71h ELECTRI(CAI, SPECIALTIES 11 IT1D0(~ ELE(!TIIC PRIIIII!CIA$ 0,~ O.~ 1. 11,CTRICAL MA~NUIACTIFIIGj UNIO1 IdLTN(; RU*SSEL L I STOL.L CO)MPANY*, Iil ITS~1.1 SI_$1Nelw York Cill. ELECTRICAL METAIL MOLIA)NG AND SURIFACE METAL RACEW~AY NATIONAL ELECATIRB P K O1D U ( I' I WIREMOLG COIMpANy, Ib1fldo~, (on.C* C. P~a~krsl"II, I 381 1941 JULY, REFRIGERA:TION -LEy tORPOR' (IRO All, ~.401 C o.ervin I'1TN. II, cilicinhao,, . RADIO MANITFACT[ RIN( ,in p11101)l¢(1S I'Nl Ill BOt , $ra n' tM ., 1 3 7 CI .A N IL F A R .A M1) Mti' It. WI)AI Be (Ii.. KAoE l( Pl STFI 1I. York (!it'. E XI'OfI' iIII1ONATIR ,l Cai . RAlO, Nt'i. SI 4t INC.. I4, A I'¢l", St, N. V. CORP' (tEN EIIAIL (ORPOIIAN1i IN STRUIM Illtibh lh. N. 4 rlION. 129 Nw.ark Ayec. SlI HI I[AMIITON RADIO MFI(; (!., ]42 Vrrk iItl . 26th1St New C hluti r, 1ELIEVISI N AN> W Aic,eS Ohio St. 4 RAIOII} MllOLl{)N T. llI}OIIArl!ORI/ IN lvd .. (hi- Ill. 2" WVElLL-CARD NER & C0.. A,,t., Cluteao, RLi III. (hia'.~, 1W. tVast~lil, iI' * 2225 C{)11} t'R(tDUCTS CO., 179 Wllolster It.. New ¥Irk tCity. TIIAV-LER KARENOIA ItAtHO & TEIll VISION CORP.. lOSSW03t ¥;., illtron St.. MI-MI OFl ANMERIA, CORP.C CIMSLINE City. N. % ls[~tlid Nail hler¥] l~vd., Ltibfi NA.V V1lIE & JkEt*VI ION, Ave . New lorl I ill, CIi' I.rk (;ARO,) RADIO CORP.. 71 Washngton yVlrk Cil. II(I EN CO.. 1* , IIA.IlI), Ill Il~rota dvli: . New AlitCY York C(NIMER!CIAI. IIAI)[I~-SOt:NII CO1I'., 370 Lix ingtrn Aye., Niw York (City. (CONNIIEN S[11 (A)itUOI}ATION Ill ANI tI(A, South I'l]inll,[d, N. ,1. SI. , 6¶IF E st. ICOSMIC I LA III t, ( 0 111P Sl,.tt McOU. lW6-I) L~Ayctte1 ItA'1)11) Bro..iklyfl, liroax, ,PIILOr "AMI, (O1W_. 3>7-06 111 SI. Ll.oi Island (Iity. N. v It tIC) CON II)ENS it (I IM, A NI, I!,. (Doleritil St. New ]/[ N V, AI TOMAI TI C WINDING Ii 4- TNI AV4,,, l1h,st Ni.tark, N. J.1 I'iss.... 1 ] I.AlI I}N+ T III'O T El. [5 Is-it)? .XD] ~N) %11 A It~I~) EIt) t. fl.itd St . D etro 'tlllI AT] (N , 1301 (I tO&Il*, ILEI . V ,rk (Cit. 476 Ilroad'ay. %MEI1C AN iItIIFIS I, INC.. 1523-2 Eroolk~lxi. N V IIAR ItW l.A 1)1 63Rd St . 1.5)tfCaItN BnIH.i, (O.- N. Ki ldarc WIRING( DEVICES lM l INT 1 21 0S TAT Se IErl rT4 ¥. 220 WI,,, 141h11, t.. Ill. (O1l"., Iil@ Airk SOCKETS, STREAMERS, SWITCH PLATES INSUtFIN1v (I11N1 WOO III I'arkerlb,,,,, III. I.ICTR1IC (MPANY, C. It_ 82b FLASHLIGHTS, FLASHIAGIHT BATTERIES I IIE-I) STATES EmAF¢ RI(C ME(. CORP jirk ( It, ?70 Wcst 14th St., New OR)'Y CELL, BAT'rlERIESANI) FUSES ACMIE IIA.TTERX, Brooki,,ii N A , MO)N AII(I1t N. % a, "It , .V. 1~2Ž-jR 0EL A It D. roln St.. Pearl A .NI., FUIL I., METrtoPOLITAN Soll'l STATES ELECTRIC Slorl l 20 West 14th Si., New JIamcitob 0. IN{. St-. Wa'h"Inton ril , IIF, Erill .. I I ori'a. Co. N V. FlG. CORP · (Il ELECTROI)E MANUFACTIURING C.x{; NE .RICNG GILASS LABORATORIES. INC . :12 ¢Green Si, Ncs ark, N. I. (1R111'.. 4$2?; S. $IENT]FI 1NEhFIMA Ve, (Ilicago. IlL Kedne (tIltcAGOO ELITROI)iI.LAII tRAIT 111 FI, 10 Slate stre L, St. (arles. Ill. lNC. 331.[ . I EV I(VS. 'EL'ETR(N!' Western A,,.. I1,r In. I1. It'MINO1 S T!IE FI",t TROIIE (0.- 4424 N. %shland Ave *( iiraigl. ill. Sit. V/{LrAItC TIRES, IN(., 2'1 Ilah . N FLOOR BOXES NATION AL El .I TIl]C Ai.lbridlgz. l., (!(Oll (I,OLAPANII. 125 I.r&ASTlL Itt& S ill, St., New York (ltv, SIEEIL CITV ILI.C]II ( COMPANYy, Pill- P I41) D U C i TOO M S I& "FrTS &i E!li abelh. N. J. III;lticr St.. ISEHOLI) APPLIANCES HOU i'OT)tJC'U4S (0114., 39211£ahim(Il 111CRlO .' e., Chicatgo. lli EL ECTRIC BATTERIES NI)ONARK B ATTEh I (l'i lVO. ¥ I fl.T .IAGE( FE)11)IL SITI It. ( t[I{rawl Ave., thicbtw, 1 IA ERSAL 'A'TCliHI . INC., r IlI i45 WsI,( NV (flit'PAII UI. S. L. [IATTERY COlIp-. {)dallhonl. City, Ilk[a. Ch aigo, IlL. CONTROLLER IEV ICES .ARMA.I' HE ANID MOTOR WINDlING. AN) 0[[ECTRI I FN(tING ELRIN(. 1 O Killt; Ne~ e. , WI1LI,?AI, I. Vkdal.ilI.. Iill -, tIEC(l II( ('i., 60 ]iff St , N'l N I MIIt Il k (it,. AN!I RKP'[R IN EclEAE MI"roR INKSF II hic; ,I. I1 . ]442 W. I.n 1ithrelt N. E.l-F1111[( CiNTItP[It1SIF 1 0 . IS %hi,4' I St.I~ ,i VqrI HI:llANztIS EN El F.15ftI C I.[ FN'GI] EFlt INC~ CO.. O53 4th~ 'V.x! , New %ork ('It IRtAO "11 +1,14t N I.IC ( ARL. SI Loin' {OY I)'(T(}IR MIISCEI,LANEOI S I III* R'PI I HF (!., CO RIFLEf(TOR wer. St. loutV.. ELECTRIC C.nn. HNSON11- SIPIIATiV KOLUX * <0 , A N WI N KI .E-M N. MatSawan1 DEVICE NEN Sciardint, lAITER1S "xNIll I % , ,ork Io. !II',ork Ii N* . II N I.A*I(WATOIES1. MFG C.. (C. l11-Iiiiolson 531h St. Rt New lrk NGCORP,,.24 I 11% ROYAL. ILECIRI C CO SAI SON INITED . 'Il Ohi.ltINSIT I'IN N-UNION ILIE-CrRIC (CO"p,, I]1.Stale a.NSA SIt .Iril. FIIFITO lktaom.., lId. h. Illo E'tC , (C1 ,IEC ... MPAN . .I.11XKII~ 6l1,2- Ito,.w rd St., Ir incton. N.J C T I R1OI) N ATIONAL FL-CTRI C C!ORP. .4mhbridg,, Pa S4011c mit , CIMPORATINfl. ORtI ,ilAITION. FG, !47 I; Iern....St, Ml' A.a SI. So00 S.t'. (0, N EC. [nLSO), !hicago, Ill. TLYCTRIC PIIOl)tTVS (0.otIULDOC; , Metroil, ?610 Josei, (.!iflalJ} A.v.. DAY-HalTP ER cI I'R[:tL E.NI;IN FtRINGI PI1lMI lN,-tt V¥)n City (0.Or1 3$S %%c9( Broad wa I[ ARE IB C)MI"'ASNT, 11ilI Iatkee. Wi'. ZE*IThi £LECTRIC (O.. og3 Sm. lb Wi[I] All (Igo. b s.h.. Ws I'll[.t, ket. t P;illr I oi,,dW~tl, N. Y CiI'MP- Yt!I RI tR NSON PROlDUCTS. IN{.. 127 . New Vo, I It M1 I .LIl tO. Jersey CRIts. N. J. T tANS TI IF. FIGHTl I EIG I N 'EE"III C CtM P AN 1 0,P r1su~ N(+., WI11 A U SW 011T C IN, El .ECTRIt CIM'l, Ky, CO The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 382 U. S. HlOPlES TD G0 ON "GOLD STAN).IAD" DIET IConinllued rom. page 3491 teachers. and i>lihr professional workers ill the newei knowl dge of nutrition. (51 The bihilizatmin of everbdy tii tienal method Io splread knowledge of ntritilon annag laymen by nleanb of the sehools, mo(, the radio. heb publhic press, roin and con/munity ltel(matratlens. and all other suitable ai.ans. (6) Mobilization of all neighborhol.., 'omniuni ty, slt(t and national ations aid services that can contribute iil any way to raising the nutritional level of the people. The state nutrition co.nmilttes can. perform an especially lseful function in o'gailizing this effort. (7) Vigorous and continued attack on the fundamental problems of unenploymeat, insecure employment, and rates of pay inadequate to maintain an American standard of living. It has beeu abundantly proved in many cases that unleinourish..ent and ignorance are twils saitartnce to greater averabge, of hire. snid grejitir i['erutge )tictiual putwe-s. This canl 'l ilone In thie onquest of hurrel nnt only the ,I,),iu~ls hnuger han has al way known. hIt lte hi un urger [ lh [b7modern, si iehmw. The inlited States is prob ably the it-fel nnMmu iin lhe world today. Il but. cnnnlot aflord to judge ouiurIs aids. W, should jiuane .l<ndard hY external nurelves of .i.i own peoteiutialities standy tilt uur resources in fnnoh ii, techniral developments, in sclentijic knowledge. 13y that standard. we fall far short of uur goal No nation, certainly nn greatnatinn. has ever truly ... q.Ieredl htilgcr. the oIdest atnrn of man. Sluh nil imi is not top high,. su(, a goal is not too dig..cumlt. for the penpll of the United States It is in line with our tradition oC pioneering on row frontiers, It is a tlartiiularly fitt/i task fOr uI in this day when democracy shouhal pt,, lhe way to a new andII better eivilization for ,ipred peoples il oe the earth. TEIIRFE HAITE GENERATING PLANT iContinued from page 35e§ t. which the COdd tilh arid recive ca cinapem-ation in1 its de, e p-rogl-aal. When it wan..ted new tools avid wsntctd snlellt, t. nilke. thes. too1., organized labor was the very ConVeni lnt tool of the g(ivemn..ent in filndilng th, haul with the skill tlu make these tools apl vital iillnational defense. When the final chIpter iS w'vitteii (amid writtel by -an in. poartial author), the pages will tell i story never- befae written of the ,sources that were so ealdy at hand an.I could be so quickly niobilized and utilized as were made available by rganmized labor. Finally, lot us renembher that labor is doug and will continlue to do far more tha.I work. Labor will continue to ftrnilh convenient and effective machinery through which the governme nt nay administer its dfenste progran. At scarcely a ;inlte point will the gloerinent be Inable to find in -rgoiiisdlabor a willing right hand to carry out the chIns. a willing nind to advise aid heilj i, the councils Of war. M..oreover, the worker sariffce-. He and his family illl l log to break up hoeie ties fr a season, to forego the modernizing of the telemetering and pleasurs and to enlure hardship and ,ilivaload-controlling equipment, that wili bring horn of the same mother poverty. Ef tions in order that the government may be thepc e power exchange metermade ready. The worker will pay taxes, he forts to improve nutrition should he ing diret to instruments at the will buy thrift stunlis. and in many ways powerful stimulus to greater effort to Ill station, where these valle will Dresser be i,give of his .oney and his means to the teviate and eventually eliminate poverty. chanically and electrically balanced and iliancial support of the defense program. P81ull use of any practical d st14 Ive's, through these balances will automatically Neither shloulhd le overlook the fact that from, as the so-called Stlbop Plan, free sch.ol regulate the loading of the station to keep the rank and file of the workers of the nhunchesm ad(low-cost inik distribution which the exchange of power at pro-determined tlon rust conic the soldiprs themselves, those will bring nourishing, adeumate to Ioah yioung menl who will stand behind the guts, values. those who could not otherwlse afford the,,. will fly the planes and man the ships. That The transmuision of metering values and at the same time help to distribute fuont froml power exchabig, points to the surplus;es at a fair return to the farmer. v)res- the worker, the lalorewr. ill be loyal to the atiunl anld to the nlation' ideals. constantly (t) Efforts to i ,provefood distributliUr ser station is doen, by .arier.urre. .t on the alert for aunpatlroti practices aIn includlig processing marketinr. packaging. radio imposed on the power transmi ssion subversive influences, arid will continue to be and labeling, to bring about greater real lines. froilm the Itelemiltg pIlits to the disfirst to cry out against tese. to take effective economies for the consumer. These Wffort patching center it the Lenre suImlteasures to 'tanp them out, ndI to fill their uIald uicluid vigrous prosecution of illegal station. near Indiamapolis, where the places with the America i deals. practices. mete6ring is totaiblad: and finn theie It labor and national defense, the two are f10i Encouragement in all practical way nsepar-able. each is inldispensable to the the Dresser stationl oer the 132 kilovolt of greater prodiction by a rricultore of the ether. Of coIurse labor iay make,ilstakes, lites to Dressei-, wl'emit is sed in thfunds needed in more abundatce, a.cordin.i the governmentrt nay make mistakes, industry to the newer knowledge 0f nutrition., in the automatic equlipmnent to control the D~resmay make iiLakes. Power in any handsmay average American diet. These fods indlutle ser loadand hold the power exchang, at he abused. But is it iot time to cease harkmilk anti milk product, eggs, vegetablle. the desired value. litJ[ng, stop rllaing the kettle black and rruits and, in the clt. of nany families, ean, The ennot-tt,itori of the entir. exiun- together in a spirit of unIty resolving tn light meoats. sion progri'aln. with the exception of the deoc{racy's battles in a true spirit of li-ing I) Equailly, encouragement of me procontrol feature, was completed, as stated democracy? duetion for home us' by rural tieopit. tsl before, in,18 months, under orgai zet The defonse of Anieria is in the hanids of eia ly those at low inome levels. Large ni .. m the nIanager:,. engilcers , and wornker, of labor conditions. The electrical co/strueber, of farm fanti les can greatly imp ruve American industry. Morever,. theanswer Lion was tinder th, jurisdiction of Local their nutritional status by making mO1re(.:u the quest~un. "Will lrittaln hold?" depends plti use of the resources on their o,,in No. T25, William Pryton, business manfrs. upon the werkers at the bench ian ¢12) The "enrihImetlt " of certain staphe ger,. Local No., 13-9 has jurisdiction ewe- the aseniibly line in the factories, n food products, such as tlour and blred, with the, ope rat.lig, min ,Ia c conlstru. t ion one end of Amereic to the other. ThuI, if nutritive elements that have been t.ernovn. and distribution personnel of the operoAmerica is to hleotine the 'arsenal of anl-ri froin them by modern mInilliug ard retining tion company, the Public Service (om race'y it will depend inxthe final onalysi in processes. Penrding rllrther dvelopements in the wo.ksr aho sta*d, bark of the A pally of Indiana, rarkhl)rthe milling or so asto Itatus retain their flt, The natioi exiecte our d efense inlustries natural nutritive valus.,enrichment i"ni to contine uperat ion w ithout interru.ption y A. F. OF L. I AS ALWAYS DEFEND1I) econ oni 'cal way to improve Aniericulen diet a..iti strikes or lockouts. It expects and iniists that almost universally, without i .erfe. ig wi th AMERICA u antageInen[ and workers will reconcile their dreidy inrained .oodhabits. I Contnu~ed rrorn] page 3531 diffterentes by voltatasy or legal n.-a.s, I, V. These broad reonimentlations ar-, ll.a UlitinUe to proudie the supplies that ire so workmen have shownt a degree of elf ective as the basis for a national nutrition sorely needed. loyalty that ought to call forth the adanid fn action ]lroram that can reach lowll Here,th. the stuation., put fraikly to to *.very ennlm uiration of every A nerical. indiifty,if poseible every labor antd maragen t with a sense n f the individual Jn the lad 1 id the presenlt ilier Then, too, hlb..r has made a signifcant gravity of the present crisis. cenIey. but the ..nference also wishes to put contribution to notihllal defense thnough (II What s labo r' attitude towa rd this on recorl its belief that such a policy a "ai its organization. anme may criticize orpresent tbttle forf reedom and dlemioc..racy Vlrngraml have implications that go beyontI ganized labor for certain practices. Lawhich is now being wmged? (2) Il tlahr irethe present emnermrelny. pared to rerunri bor itself namy be critieal here and there its differences with [manThere seens no reason to doubt, {i the agrnment in the defense industries by vlhiiand willing to admit n.istak-es. But when basis of present evidenre, that just as, by the tory means in the present crisis? i3) What one comnes to sumntllari~e the facts and sup use of modern med cal science, we hove conftartnrdls bhalr sk to uphold i.. .t.. vey those forces whilch were aviulable qereld diseases that took an enorm.ou toll nertion with the defese program? Theie are of life in theIlawt, soby the use of the modern from the very start, we find light here the three basic questions which the public is knowledge of nutrition we can build a better one of the strongest. For be it i'nlmsager to know about American workers in the and stronger a race, with greater average rebered that organized labor -as the first [resent w~orltdcrisis. r shall attempt Ito in- JULY, 1941 3a3 terliet labor>$ poiiit if viw fr. ni the rie -or, 1'rmIl the speeches ofa hI.i... rd labor lead els, a survey of their ,/'emi j'inluI Is, and[ the Letionl if appl.roxiliately Ic0 st ,I iiiq ns. ItoIoe usd uumtuon .lbodies in the past six I.ioilths. lab ,r has re'orie' ii, IIllnrhalillIed aid whloehearted sulpnorir of the ;irn'eit~n battle for ileil tiutr acy al.t] fre d'iiii in h I ,e w orluL [;i r to Ia nlr this is a batth f'- sirviv a[. ['here caii unioniilii i1 atlanid] <if tiitalitaiian etltriship, a there- ein be no die tutorship in a hatiil whilr- trade unionism exists, [t it nI. aidnulehit that til' firist thing that Hitler did when lie illegial/ll seized power in GIrIn .. I, was to liirilite the (rt-man trade uhiltirm. enlfi..ate thei, plroelt-rtie, u and in trion nhiany of their It-ai. ,s IIr he knew Ihat Iso log as the (;,rIii../i Tederation of Tr,.de Unoiml exist.d ther' was one group ill thMt Ilaid .truggliuig Ipi hri-e ve deinoerac abd Ill [I liberties I very utitry whe l legions of the ,Iazii have ,one. thuru the trade ui..ons have Iiewn either cuurrlete'ls ipqeu omt.t as {Bi F.ranie.. Austria. l'.lLan I r.I h'ho ..akia , Ihanzi~ ault Menmel. (r they hiave . been hirn of their mower, as~In I, lgUil NuIrwav. Dlen hiioI free- trade nlark and loI/ausd In the last 18s ninnitlis trm'h~e niontoh repive I .0{ijiii wIvorker, xetting a total of Iver their beiit'ttia] funul[ have been wiped out: looted: their proiprty nfiseatet. ; .niny If their leaders i.....islhoel and notit afwtour dIre. The fight to ,lake the world Iaf fo. thi-ioer.Icy is "las or' fight"' Tiu tnity ma3e ,aell to add that for lal,o, this to the uiuM' if freet illotion a.i tlnuioeraey is age oIl. Tridme bIiio ii.. il is both a clibuseIlnd .Ipr oduct of il...iu.s-rae I 'The trade uni.11 is the bulark of doh-I,yara It i. Is will a syniih ioof the filedi.l.i. il the worker from11 ,ppreIsIio Tll cteBlb oIIr% :ltp,nrsdsleath Ie. support of both hlenIIrrua I arid hresulonI it has been the uaiiuhcIllieh fine of nazism. fiscisnti ,n! coili'nl iisii. khese systems of philosophiies of goivt'riinuenit ale to be fount! 'in uliffeient landb ijlner di'Ieritng iton omin eimn i littns and, with thit, dlilereril coltire, shunts. [n the last analys<is all of them att fl~rnus of tvr~ulunn api,] oppressio'n whether froni the right or le.ft Ire rbod loabor Cr Vesdiem oil. It Itiia exlierit'Vleed the tinttic (of the cinnlianu sts boistiig fromil within their o%%n uniOns: it is ne.t dheceivedl t3 their slogans. The eorriln,uinists p£ath-l soli~tlatit) aii,]1 practice disruption.i The effort <if the fascists and the nais uuiiiunis to ureadli to stir up rlu,'oil tnul strife within religitous in ttlJIi, have thus fur provred to be ltutavauiling l.abor is olipiuset dl'o all t~les,' formis of tyrannly as 1 deiiital of those basic plin the oih f humuani bro~tht.rho,yil arid equality o~f soilplnitnit ~ which liss al tlhe fotinil~ali~ofu our wiiy of life. N<mleader in Anlerica has spoken ou]t witth ~Tr ealer Williua fisrthirghtnms Green in, boh leleration of Labor [haul has l>r's'ideuit If o~f the knp'r iilain in su por oif foll aIid ''WV' knowif [ritain wins i win; weIIrh if lieyi up, crush ibis tepiuti; nve'meiit if hl' can IsU ititnt' leasol arid ciitIIed in telI e f the prlniutIpe lift.. ill hI tIin.g t AmeriI l is safe . ltW Dilusth urr' e send" to pihysical and mni' I;rent Brit air i-;l, .. a. we ha~ e o mloral stru'nigflh. The An,,ur[u-miu l b'eulalion of uI.... will mank,tih, our chief tilmjet. to senil a stetady stl.uuint of 'vr uii/1 e,u-ltl, o f the which hI ritain iii i,,s aiostitf al] in this ho LuroIll the , r fatestn lee]. so) that light , lhey can •uecu-sSfiil~l win the great l~et us turn to the pp ,id oI.fthe, si juestitonis. i11laiorfs a ttitude tuIwrl the retorueilirug of its dilffereinces with nui]tnuhainerent in the +il Neps'industries hi suilpitlry p'ltal, withoill pe IIrt to strikes. T'hat is nirlmiredly a ihuor hiicult tquestioi to -es. oll itld iet I believe he pI...spects are , ood. Ther, have been, soein strikes in defense industries.But far more differes have in fact been resoled by vnllhoIaary m.eans tihan by I'srit tI strikes. several of the strikes ill aliiano plians hlve hIn, highlighted in the [[1*.e andt the ibssue e...ih.Mif. Bilt il, the agfregalte thestoppaLges I th Illhave Inot Inffq, lian¢ly or tIi IIIUs. Presk dPI(rem: hlts recently utit red;a complete dlai'.cbner far aI thIr ft'lerItIorI is c cerl.d Said he; "i,: tlllgenI (I any one It, ...Iit t. ni single IeI.t.est fIr help and ro- the goveni.iaellt of the United I IperiatirI .rIIn States w;hich has not received an instant and aka/ response f~iori thelemhadors 0 f the AnrIei ai, he.,erati n .I [otI. I hallenpId p II sJingl. trike hi any leIldration £f Iihr union whidh hias deira ed oIr ilneilse the ritatinsl idefese illy one to point Artiericar I.r(igrjlt.ll hallenge [ ni oie to point th, a smnl instance where ,h, Illy ... nihfle official {if hi, Aineli'an, Fleleratn[o if laihor has attrnltld to ehuarra., or s:±Intilwethe ni,tit.d .lrfeise pl'rtktramII for sellsh reasons, for i',guiuiati .... l adinitgl[e Isr for anti Antr'le±n political etlds." But the IIoo q..soo is white ter thereis a IYllol.~sa on the part of the ,¢s;,ongiblr I"~d, I~,f labor to reennile th ir idifferenes with. IigeieIt I ,voliitI.r heas.I . with Itt rtecurse En srhikes 'lo this question I w'Iiuld reply Y., thsar ire nInn uidnie auid ssuu'llanuea ly lahbor ¢ ai willingness to silk 'I' ¢srt to strike, i plae of voluntary arhit ratn" I're ike jhni P. lre'. speak ;g in bIehal oif tiel3 great unions in the Metal T]lades Departmenpt Of thle Federation oif Labor. pIreseiting ulpwnrds re of S50.1EHh workers in the defense itite ... . announcets th. adoption of ; olic3 that thele shall le no stopp'Iage f work in he defehse inilstries I:t[.[ + l, ' Thoroughfltng toleatioi, jst lie estnblsl~pd between ,iranillul, eit an ]aior thli ouh ,tirect contact h~etwi'iri their chosen' The rule~ tip govern vol represenutatives.. unitary arbitration andI the selectuig of thle arhitrnLih. pr.ersonnII-l niist i.e the joit ie qinisiliilitv reeflu of ttatrei... niHlia }1i~e,init ii rhlst are ulitm ethods of slaiid four suiare in ,upportIf the national progrnaYi. .t on selves to toil str ikes, nt ni, for trilial remt .. s, iIt fipr -,earelv li fitls Can urihiss [jittiticuhr cort beloe Ie.. .. thly uIIiI, riahlv. I.e arc riTady ts iixtke all reaIoiioble and neees ar' Icrilliee I srliresi uh i thZ, governI...Iet Inn) be fored v, call iipilI .ll] ettllens to make in, the oihllF of ev:ens. We say to our govern...... n 1: 'Sho" w whalt II, ..i..l I to ioII all see wIll ,h, it, shin If a;n> s:'ciees ire ne..esk..r. iw why they are'iiestty. chm-er fuully agree to Ih1(111 an e( tip we, 'vill hwith y-ni to ii,' inish Ih.t , thie ljlo If tile Arerhi'ari lFederation of Labior.' This wil iines on tie, part of the eadlers i rll.t. wll a the iuik a"nl file to reIIi, ,ib difftrenes with tIanlgt'ii.e.ullut wvith.itit it II, strikes tIurinff the [iree..t crisis d... mtean a perrnIan.e.. l a"lio athioI of a basci righ, Iut it do es I iorriI.' full the terrible Ilrgd'll' oIf t.he present Ine , fIr a -In ei iLitpait of' Idl nrhpers of ihe wi,' cabinet American labor wIlH.II,Ill jIL (]id Tiint. lIe no¢ less iatriotie a"id selZf-'evying illn t sirr i...l ¢risis It ought hi, ite ahbled that slklay trIdI' tunuli today II hi ,ovrulnmental empiio al oil th.e raiiroadis hia'w ttrltlaetual agreeiTt nits Iith employers while prohibit both thi right, to strike on the Ilalt uf labor and[ Lhb [oek'Lt iy the employer. I/1 PIres i wais ent quite right whenlis thlk-,I lolhIl the faCt tIlts WI v;±Hioit expect 'lhldIusul l ,rills or the usual stoaid t[4[N ur] oar anid workink hours. All these taIna.r. ha e h'to , alIulse.. iil te ijew and siulrceted to an appraisal ruom, a crisis view.point. What is Iiw in,[Irtiit is that if there ,1to ie certaiI ehanges I. l $tii... l... if hiurs reI, hle I- nthen', I aid wae pegged ho Iseep them from l.i.etu.iuing i.H.Irmll,. .. such changes as ar- mide sholM le for the hit'rid of the eniergeni tuly anil riot aer'I to prejudrice vonuhrtirs iii the post-wta period. This tnie IIi.. itatiimn t, thelperiol of the edrurgency, hliratig t fact that these are tempiioratry andi i.,t luribanehi changes . il rodnt et a wholly r~w, psyi hulogr sj> far Is labr is conerned in oiisimlering this whole IIa ten. The Itimof the whoe DtI tier is this. L.abo,I, as perhaps no other section of the corn nIiunity, reco~gnizes tonday that the strugle wthi h is going .i, us a iot only f(i Ituggle prese.ration of their tI.n orgailiatiot thI is voluiltist 3 agen- wtthinhe h,:Iinlunity hut for the .ory basis if our eivilizacion. La Ior is p.rep.aredI all-out for an aetivity. I predict that there will hIea growingcooriinai... if the.abor Iorces of th, i Imr; thee will ie I closer Ioi. rinatiin, of all of their reltioInshrIlp with indlustry: and t riduc tivity which within iI 1 iorIhs period will stagger the imagibiat ion of the American peiri Dd the '.orhl' ;ant[ ernpoi-e ** ianocacy arippiedl to .i iititionl/ emergecty" pi/eslin-nt Groen has <mitoe even mlore sue eificull' ahdotis .anil, i, these words: Wv fi'i',e imI sireiI I'red the right to strike. But they did it nily for the dLlratiii of the war and in view ol the fact that they had promilenit h'Iucts of labor.uch iFrnest Beyin ant, as lierlttt Morrisonl within the b overnment as ... ,iftons anld tihe Mlies hilh are irlvel in, the presen1 lia tle whi-h it beliln waged. If Aleliea is iIat Iint. the einfikIt, it i, nij iisiidlred olilniori hal ill Alliliatn [ii0tIi woull l t',Ipt as a l. I,ts if ,Krgurenut that whl~ich appealed to Bzitish labor ini her h,, nrit> nuni, V hat alt list; ef strength betwee.t eiiitdlt and .pnllnht(e hoult] b, aIl jiurd utill the wsI, wke over and it was iletenennpL[ will,Ihet thcen wts to be a,8, ,e, Iiie order in shieh spidh tsis of strehgth wutl bie tolerated 'neid with ,.h hastrg ihfor thlel ld 'if, of he nation, British Il- REA' BRINGS NEN ARCIIITECTURF TO 1 ASI I N(;TON Coklllun -. i..... d iltol, heillIy-rh ,p- a47? tuot 5hlliple, tot, severe; but if the arhiiect understands his job, after a while his work begins to flsinate just because of its sinuplicity ull itt,Jsrejeciion of .alse .oI.meutality Mall factor, have elin coinciding tII briIg b.hout the nW lnui.....t. first ti t ai], a strlving after simplicity, a reacthin agaiast. th, very Ift., filli adornm...ts I piled o facades. on walls,. n furniture., el-.. an the conviction that the outside If I hjilhing should nit be a kinl If alfistic vIask. plated .. eI to piease the eye. hut that it shiruhil (NIWrSS whatevtr thi illsde of the budfing needs, If virdtow should be ill II citain place, it shoul n othe b windows eat uiaft(d: should not be added jus, for the sake ot iirnttim.i..t MIItifs of past rentuies shoul I Ie h placid ot iif she.r t'adltion. The inside and oitsilde of a IhuiIling should form a true unity and the ferm Of the rilsile the ..o.iserli.iif ' Ilk wht.ever is hlsidh AS early as the h)-ginning of the century, this thouht. wts x pressed by Adilf Loos and Walter (G..pius, toniam s.meiuc 'If the very first. TlgIther with the ;I .. e factors e, tnt' inn inllux of ih bilerials. which gave greater and other possibilities. Parallel with thi ,ame the teirndeny to use more rational methods in lt'e prdtuctio.n proc-ss. All these The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 384 fIetors led awly from 'facade buileidLi" to "functional building.' Be-auty, hewever, is not saerifihed to function, b.t arises out of perfection and the tieat simplicity ef ...e, color and propititi.. l. The last and perhaps the mnost iianrwlt,'lt influence ill modlrn architecture is the s]IIy dev iebldjL ttiic jit£ ti hlettel humlan rettllitnh ill nd,,trY and ust munlty life, and the recognition that lil the ,,imers of the col LnuI .ty have a night to live an.I work in isenutirtd enviironnent. APPRENTI(E SYSTEM STRU('K BLOWS IN MICHIGAN Coriltiued'I ftorln page 3421 won, get soilt, Ltelerans, letters, ph.oe calls ill to Piat Van \agoener and to Ken nedy (the ral governor solie say) and when the darned thing finally becomes law, I proniise you we'll have a real cele bration, and I know at whose expense." Efforts areIbnIi gnad]e throughout Ihe month of dnen to secure the veto of I he Michigan bill by the governor .. tbL state., It believed is that the Michigan legislature wuhld pass the bill over the Lt.eernor's veto. H(owever, labor, taken tff guard at first, is now mnobilizing to resle the emasculation of the apprentieeship prograin in Michigan. GREAT FIGHIT ON PIULILC POWER' I'MAICY iCostinlltd from page 345i Mr. Lilihnthal oulines further the aw fI stake in the present struggle tween those and those control: who want centralized .ont ro who want decentralized inventiveness to plotect ourselves agai st the dangers which we kn.ow alt Itw latent il vast 'ide rid oel-centrnized control. "A central goIr..e... like a central .Iusihess empire, is I...e.l to suffer fronm lack of kero letige ijf I a .l....llilions an d ..... I L vouait.ry ts vast as the lfrnitetd States, the raspnnI.sibilitl o. government .. cannot wisely eeadu...nistered entirely gront the national capital. In Washington it is ton; easy, for exasilne, to overlook the dlistinctive conditions of thel seni-arid regions, or tile centuries of traditi.oe behind the elttsto..s ef the Spanish-Ameria.. citizens too eal*y tD fI...e't how,il.ere.ii, their may nieitinmie to prienmote the teinl l1o elitvr[I rileittr Ihani weJtate Of our citizes,I. liket. wise, it must be corn.ed.I. that e xcessive e-t0ralizatmin at W alltingt n anU, .... ]....j eleIs anti vexd, ig t fithys I e rriving at Ie-'-sire..s and rutting Lhe", into effect in tile field. When every i-eapiei rileatlon, eahti regulation, .nd r{I ( rIq iitmins . u..est ill he esu snittetd fur ,M snui ef, atlap proval. ul.d action at heLdllun-tl -s noethineg can ble Tont vt PIronptly; mlull delay frequently s(11s it weill arnehothg ,,t ire the fleld not inl lefeat fIr a P]..g.'.ei. . I. iopIe themiseves'" Phe ( Ilunl , Po1'wer Tades Creitr... c hi's enlisted in the prenrit struggle for its,iej'ation. It takes the posltionl that it is inherentmgerrI the federl g.overnment to private indutrytl } accept rculleetive as a worthy nationil Ili,-y arid it to workers en projet. ill tuLn, by the reierl l clvcrri]elt. Th, iii lmtMthat lbarriilli,,g thn, Irdy contrnlled (]IOinlmbj lower Trades (ounctil takes the iasitiren that the experience of guverinent corporations in every part of tilt, world hits dmnonst.tte d the advantages of it proper inte~gati(li of oIt Jewers and funrtens inl the matter nf f(oorl cnn.trolki. irrig list liver inlipl'..e.b..nt in a. a democratiallly (etre/I-lI regional e/ J authority. as It- "Undo oernII(O' cond itionrs the granting of additional to the eiitral national authority was inevitable and was essential to the best interests of the whoIe public. If I understood the issues in the last national campsig, this general proposition was not disputed by itlher party. Yet if we are candid and realisit we must all be quick to recognize and nid,it that centralized authority crates many dangers, that it is subjeet to tfenptations and abuses sin ia, to those that have characteriled certain phases If tht management of centralized business. True, thIaI public usually can call prompt halt to such excesses in gLvernment more quickly than when those abuses cropp in business. Sut the need is hardly less urgent for that fact. lIhe advantages of centralized pubic control we utst retahi, but for these benelfis We ,must not force our s elves to pay ito high a price. We must use nur inteligenee and itlstoms. II vestt prfldlealts are. for t'sjtllde, frel of the men ant. wlmee wh.. lHes beenspent ill the nio/ntleiji If thie South lhess :ire dil<f ferenlces th aiL uire vj il inltportati~t w htel aI national IIIO ia.. it IPl/l it[ to the met jll te w eieleri iii Ii ,e, l...I vilhIt es andI f(tirni for appliei-ti r. wh n thl i'r iaiy live-, i-e visibly affieted WhenV thea diltlstites ilr ellsnteils ir in the plhysicial cOu,'iitioi/s o a f region ,re forgotten, when regulatfion..s out , CaI ho.. Lte aplon nilti.. . iiIr, asis witl...ut i'e..-I L,, Lllust leg euaIl eli -e eces, the!, htltli Ie ill the South- BEVIN'S voicE ('RossEs [rBE ATLANTIC OCEAN OCoInf it'd page 3]! lerstantdiig of its rapacity anddestiue live genius. We ,eve, believed ill appeasemetirt. We aeIeptted the view that youi historic piast? A which may we, iii all aodesty. c .a preduced imit many of thpioneers who heipteId to make your ow grout c.ountly a... who, for a vld-iety If reasoels, hft otu shoI-s, found their way across the sezt, I Id have carliled oll it' great ti-adilite.)f liberty. YouJr rea President, ini slpee-hes. strikes the mitne note with even greater force, We feel that no o. e i.l the wlrld has seen licie cleariy thlan he the logica events l would be ir lalzlisi w ere nlt defeatid. The liisttegy that the nazis have fellewed is qiti.' and. if, purely i the light of war and the sIr'ess of waI. nay II legsfrded as successfuI. Fi st, by what is known as fifth tIlmethods - b-ibery of those who a-c Iln willing to be br i .bed I.hemoraleand on fidenee of the people undermined. Nest, overwhel ig forces are placed on the frontiers; and, ait the psychological .n..ent., the weakkned neighbour is struck down. Then Lhe tuntm'y is not oc- cupied by military forces, but, by the most terrible methods, the people are ellaved, ill order to make themr serve the victor in the production of in.. nition0 of war tu be used for still fill'ther aggression, Pe- haps the mo)st dastaidly thing of ll is the introductio of the Gestapo. It is difiicu lt for those who have not been near and ween it it) ope'ation to appiecahe diiiidetstartl foulness of it. A f rtIher conception of ii would produce the idel all idea which produces r'voIt inl us that one race is so atperior that all whoI they mlay co.nqu(r with material force will be forever regarded as inferior beings,. This nazi p/olicy is the very antithesis of that ol the United States itself. You are a great, wealthy ati,] powerfui people, but, iln spiLe of that, you have not use-t that power to ,rush your neJghbiours ilt the American continent. What has been sO veiy enent'aginig iln the evolution of could not appease, and that eve rylhinf your relationships has been the growl h of you gave to it only increased its deviish the poliy Ilf good nei ghbourlin. es ne appetite. oL will undersCtalnl that we which has emc()urtged eve-y lover of the felt: "Better dea th than surren(der." At rights ofi man all over the world. It ,tinnIs least, death incant that we would p1as o, out as such a t remendou s contrast to the to the rising gellirationl the spirit of the conlcepo tio of the nazi militarism einm fighter for freeldo. If we tried to ,aVe dlomination. Equally within the Mlitias ourselves by Sil-'Ieer, we shouleI gt Commonwealth a rid with the races that go. dlown for liistr-y as craven cowatdlh to make it up, the whole tendency for Ithe and the very slpirit that made the ri tish last hundredte yeas . as, boon to enabi, people what they would have bet. .-. self-gove'tntIlnl t be established, e[en ohIite.a ted, Then, aglai, Britishlabour the mainspring of the moinve(.ent is a s]piri tual one. After all, Lim whence did we get our ideals? Over a hundred years ago out ni v no t) was hall I ay reury reeted in the villages, in the local ehurches and c hapels ad the adlut schools before ever Britain had cxtended uLiversal educationfot r her chl dctn Out of this primitive oppLortuily there sp rig .. en and women with thet desire to shake tiff all the shackles thai bounid thema, and to establish a great unity and feedoen which would enable labour to get back into its own standard of life the fruits nf this glorious earth which it had toiled to produc, Therefore., labour, in cOmmon with the whole ltiteni is determined to see this bitter struggle through to a victorious end. What else coul it do, iT view or its to bring the peoples to such a stage 4~r devlopmeint that they become capable tif adm inistering their own affairs. Is it to.t true, too, that both you and we have bee welking fur at number of years tn the basis that tile pruslerity of on.e nation cannot be fil'ldy i sf.u red by the impover ishment of another? We are cony ... e.I that the right way to a correct eii -ium is to a... ie tLI standard of li'vinig, to expand the lights of free association. BMitain has been willing. largely on Ilhe initiative of la""ut> to cellaboati I order to find the ntrest mlethod to disti bute the na w materials of the world s,, that they wouhl contribute to the abolition of poverty. 'ilhs decision was procalraed by suctessiv( statesmeil, not in the name of a par-ty, hut in the name tf the whole British Commonwealth. Is it not Hlear evidunce that it was not the means to Ille that th, nazi was iLftt), JULY, 1941 305 but the power to dominate, tP thwairt, and to m.ake I elless suberviet to his will? In piursuit f this policy. he has not attempted to limit the war to the ilinlbs iln the Iid. or' to the navies on the sea. Ii has tried to bieak the spirit of Iur. opli of our by the indiscrriminate bo..bni pop.plation,, with the belief that if only the devltst~rtianr votrlal suced were great 'iounagh. be For over a y-a, the peolh' of fhili oll' ty have stofod these brutal attacks, but they have deitmonstr'atedH thatthe hata ter if hie I..ptpI, is not dtermined by ther station in life. The sam chat.Iettritic'r of counags and conlhidne have hen revealed iprespective' of Lith Inour t has ba. Toned, Peehaps the oi sin nil ing tIhI g of this var'hhas beN th< (e . age an, r..silerice of the comumoni I.uIlh' BrItish labour, then, will never yield. inl our historical arts, our statutrn am'l tilr ll tellero ials , we art rim milb ld if' the great events of the past. Off sirees. paiks~.c i thetial, churches cIn him t. the monuents of those hio battle-flhgs ant hla.e led the forces of Bruitain ill )rtvlOUS Si rtilggie& anal t~hee who have eont ~i'i hted to tie art, scieoce and literature tif their rexiwetiVe periods. They remind IS, too. alai'sOf the goeat p]eachers. thinkers, m]len]a{Id leaders and included ( .. hear e the impressive figures of you[1, own Wasbington and Linchl, But a fiew emorial of this great sti...ine will lit designed. It will be exp.Isse.d when, vitory is won in a n wnar rid better B ritain a newer and b[tter' B Iiri ri the ]esigr f whitIh will typify the unI.peop. le fromt bloken sphiit If the cortn¥ the umble . of our greatcities anI vi ilager. story wvat us tofl about dlose aill Metbe yon is Iak Inc to tob, it to yto, huh?' "Sure, Juiles, go ahemt!" "W ell, 'Its u. w at of ppofrI L mu, taxi aUgto, te oar party of de Mohawk Ijua is start out to riak' dte e-;ter.minait' of in.itdr tribe. ey }I hureeusg t-ic tanot overlan' nxl' dIm. DTey Es aIL know d. e nadig at' if I, river I , de yis 'etzt two squaw tit n' a,~ t iie W'n rilght. hm i..s...'. di, .a[... anl' is she is rom,. tiu bat ae Illp tie dien tegealer to midw (C> £ ' anteI. she K kip or. paddlhr. ley' is lhih dle ('mine of d .O.p .. ol. t , woao, oi 'at'h side of de dhtlers Dot[. Qina%% do, is kili paddle goin' toni. [line'.. ,ey is 'tgir to hear n4t roar of dose fbill n' st"irt' { tdooe w'arrior i wake up aII mak' s'aicIi i., dose squaw, albout. dat roar. hItl iltes qulo is say 'Ia. noise, the is niak' i' noddtr ahee rte- r,. w'vat Iru into dIis wanrl, sao tIe goiH, 'leep So¥e ,' fas'er al' f:s'er otre D)o',' .ano..e Ia ki giahi' alt' h t hi 'ne'by3 fCrr ' c ia.. , sht is git ''are ii, i' m ik' Ie lae r arlhu ma airft' t }i s all wake up, hut] it is tot) late an ,by ] aIll wep' oer de tll nir w eIli 'oi i ai7 dos,, bl no nl i {'d for l ,m t ra I, you w'al iN ple a." How did the two lOnitni. '.ttn' . ut, Julest' "*W'err de is ImInk fat sure ase canoe is houn' to go oer de fall. hey is joop out of ,teir canoe art' s~ei~T', [Ik hII Ir tile shore wan is driown wit' ae res', hut rehder wan, she is saye he's'[ w'en slt is ketch Il..l' ort hush oan de hank, right w au Ieri fall is ,oak' ie hear drop," "Hedads. if they'uI hmd ii few Irish Indians in that w p var airty, ,lule, they wudda made it all right! Well, let's fet gol',>' As usual, hkles tha, etliI an' I follered wid the pack tin' paldle. the windilY' trail was so steIp. lt t lintr s. expie. ted to filid Jules toIplin' bark o,,il, i ut Somehow the wiry litte' iivil. by .i. nngin' to get hand birts luere an' fool, holts there, finally won IIs way to the top at'[ we stepped oiut in full view iv wan av the tt-st sivhts nl ale life WOMAN'S WOlRlK I[Ceitl.iB ec TO THE DIP, DIP OF PADDILES IN THIE SHADE roioitntitW frontI fagt' 354 Kape on paridlin', little man,' said I. "so that the end av the can... yer 'estin' in don't bIeak off an' drift down stream wid ye!" The roar av the falls grew louder at,' we had U. grips the aribs a e canoe will our khees, bend our backs an' thrmow our weight inta our deep lippin' paddles to nmuke headway. We was jus' a litltl nor' than holdin' o r own ,hi.n Juils shoutd, "Paddhl lak hal, wan m nu ... . more, dnak'de shot into dir Tefry. an' we is shore. We quickened our stroke an' put ivmythin' we had intll it an'. [ns whiun it seented we must he swept hack, J Cls shouted, "Lef' paddle ' A few desperate strikes won us clear a' the swift-plunginm' trean int the slow-crclin' waters av a qiet, back-wash pool where the flat, low hank made an aisy b.l.din' fer us. We Stolipe. Io get our breath an' mop the sweat. off av otur faces, · 'Saysai od 1. -What iup the .,o),d po ye to paidle i, lohre whii I wau waria'el uip gi* all setrto paildde on an' right, o er she top av tIlin falls?" "¥oa i chanrge your miii', N a', ttr Ca1ev .'eni you is see lose fall. Dey is k.titris or di-Iriawv'at isi I d l Forl'.o... t.h,,' , l ii tl o l i ! 358)i rising soda ill ooking, It is also water soluble. vwhih dictates that drainings from cooked veget abiue~ sbiotld be saved and used. NICOTINIC ACID: This has nothing to do with nicotine no' tobacco, but is a part of the vitanini B failihly. Used i concentrated fer1 for rapid cure of that dread disease of m.alnutrition, peIlagara. If you are obtahiing a sufficient quantity of B:, ribofiavin., itamin A, calcium and iln the niotiinic aidl will take care of itself because it i contained in tiany of the foods vo, will be usiri, inc.luding milk, green vegetabies, iver. kidney. fish, I.a.. .eat and dritd yrhst. WS OMEN'S AUXILIARY Continued foem paro, Presid•ent Flynn i.a. 35!,, falilily will soon ped three week's veattonmiB i, .Montan a where louiaginff, vlsitinli anid fishing will be ,he oidtler of he ah1 , lht Sminhb are pla',ring to spend 'a eoupl.' of weeks at Mona B[asit; Edith Gnl]1tg[a1i is s, leaving oo for Oregon where she will .pen... seampeetime at her Jorriner h Iate. anby a.Id visit reha* tives Ind fI, erd there and in that vicinity. Mas, ESiT]{ C. GAII.AN, 3a;29 Atllniic St. WOMEN'S At XILIARY. L. V. NO. 32. NEWARK, N. J. Edilo, ~ Ili) Wed'sLa3 - Jule 4, the clIsinr oleet Fir tf {} sIto a Om a held with a sh.rt .myeting,. diroolq arof theatre pr~ty K'v¢ryIoo, e113oyet tI.I,a 1,' anId at the close of the in [d i e t arate wan;, in e¥+'nr g ~ .e111 oi>] frin hd and me.. boers I *line.n S 11I I Jnlle 14, Siistei ai)d Broihl r .o. k opvn]d ot,:Lg at Gklenood Lake Io uI,. for a ni4 Du hII to uInseI tleIId w eat, her e hII ,tIhlr aid 'er'y plea> ..l.t andl ,roouit leaolo To wear in your coat lapel, carry thi' emblem and insignia iof the I. B. E. W. Gold faced aid ... led... - $1.50 Y Could not at 'lrd lie trust al will enjoy their vacations aid retrn, to ,ut m1eetinlg on September 3. , Plh rt,,e' ,'t igi r, At this tOro we wuld like to extend our yeat rond wishle, fr prospertly tI Ite IrIely for-nnd , . n e.'. u uIWi]iaries 1,1.1{Aht rl'!i W . M ANil)tvi I. ,5,eortl... A , hab,lewood, N .1 IIUGE POWE IOUTIPT INVOLRI':l IN ST. LAWRENCE ICiiliti~tlei riorn page 345) tPisive hea Ii/l{gs aint debates. The U. S. Dnpartmiullt of ('flmerce, thi F.ederal Powr' (O liniil,,[ the Power Authority If the State of New York. 1I state goverlTiiets Suld il,.n.erous .omn.ercialaIll ildustrial ihterests and private assoetltions went OIl record. ill favor al proeo irli with tbe seaway and power projects. The devel upt utlt was opposed by representatives, of iIitetlal waterwit.. , ,a lrais antd Atlantic and Gulf Coast polts in the gIotls that they woul h. iljured by such L a sea way and that it bernefits woula nt ijutify its cost. Finally, in March, '98l tQe treaty was stbnitted to a vote, In the meantime the depression was taking it, toll aid the cost factors hadl :ssumrela tintviely greater ihportancet, Tilough a miajoi ty of the Senate voled in favor of Tatiffiation, the neastre failed for lach of the required two-thirls 'ote. A new entergeney now brings the ,utlif subject onlie ;itfil to the fo agri ould. The hylr.elet' ti project calls for th, cotnstrctleion Ifa power plant at the Illtarnational lt;uilils section of the St. lawirtle Rivetr. The waterflow at the rapids eages aibout 220.00f cubic feet per set, cf calmbin of producing about 1,650.000 kilowatts. of which the United States' shale x adid he approx iatly 820,000 kilowatts It is estimated that from this capacity aI annul alerage I,aids of 5,7 billion kilowatt bour's caiiradl to! IlU'Ieed for ti United States and an equall . a.ui. .L..i fI' DIAMOND-SHAPED BUTTONS , Hin hut lhnse who were forllnate eoiugh to go orjoYrd a rradIday, At our last noet''tng tentatile plani wele made foriI pi d I aarty inI the roll. Pii tsa ktep tlII inl illin4l wew ould litoe to h.i.. he support of Ill. ince. it is for aery vr'Irhy 'lusa, II ( Io be aor I nalued ]alit, Cilrlna. ity tIt'rrilv, thse figures fail to re"a",t the pr ofound social ara. eIonI oroic sigii'nific e of the aawejrject. Substantial thiugh it is, the relal ishitp tezitiMl (rfthe St. L awru c'. D. O 'aipacity .f 820,000 kilowatt s .I otelitia]l riullu l p.irniltion of 5,7 billion kilt, w att hlitiu , in Solai tjlitelJ States rapaeity of The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors 386 ij,pproxhnitty i tnillh.. kIIhvatt and total t iIi IedStates lirodL Ii,,L ,) I T oIt II i IlioI kil,'lwLtt hours, NLaye:j ile IIb l to an uLndereML nm a tion oU 11 itellin taieuL to L he A mer VaT 1a Ir"oITOnLof t.,e St, , Iaren> prowe, develop ,jerIt Mo,e reveai n,1 iL oLpriroisng the vo]lue if the )lzohet I N lh,fact thI a tiledalelen ,prt )tat Is It ... illmy nIifr..nt.T ] with a power shertag{ That IhI'ttItgc is glow m,(LeasIi ]y acute withir I ooty NhmTt tih e Ior I ,he reasH that re;al d(lcntr prodution, as distngatished front ptnIg l Ttid tooling, is ihrtl Pew hlegitaiii Io fft utItler wy. Fleet!rie power is the m ust uLiversally eseltrig eliiteIt in noedei inldustriil pnduction. Yet estimates f electIric power requirements for tel( near future dIlsdose a capacity shortage of from 15 to 20 mt iion kilowatts -subject to indefinite revision upwards This actual and prospecti¥e power short- dn, m ,I width St iLt s II 'n,c, Iill d~s....I .. h,n m[lo . I, ilo, aditillIol d spaitty I'he t tI ,, i.nlboItinlg 2q.I,(IO II l,h 'vaitt ei Ia psalL43 eit Canada in the ltufTIdl.Njiagata t. spiitT of which th . o s a Tli<,rfge i, n if ig r w fo r .xistiing rtq uii qn~tnnl it, that vi iot y But, the lIncrusIijI bLrhto, which the Wafr lies itriposeu] upon (ual~lalit vhpeiaw:L ly II,, lIs tII GreaLT Ill taii' l f the th etre i pI.qe%,itIg which had TI.r.t rly bey n dIorie in Nr, wy. IIa i... Ihe IhLL I.wr pbhqll Iddi ti.inn.lly crittcl t lere (ioTidiaT, itmdLlSt ry haLLs rIot 1iee able to parti-t nte fLiy I,, ai, hiig C;re11t,[{r aittn becus ... erI i~lldtstralextal StIt Is lttuneq tipit a pritwer Iotn expt sio , Si'lce it iS prr...dbl that (aL will a shortly he oihrlied to cease the .exi..irti.itn oh elot tiqoliIeLnergy to the rlitd Statts. whithL she mi pIdhient to our ali', right to d.o uIlder e stin g agreI'oeits, the drugiton in the BLiffIIl-Niatara area, will Iye even furthel aLgaVL..ted.. d'efene tffort, eve a it ...stituted a serious difficuiLty during the last War and is cau1ing increasing diffIuhties ill (anIada's present strugrles. Power i, more important today thai, ever before because if the great metalIurgieal and engaged Jn the production of uhlln-um magneslum and metal alloys. The Dillce of Production ManagemenT has estimated that ltlu,,iNni pr)o- 'I NMw York area is riot he only one factd with shorta powerg es.Mainy setris of the courtniy are haviffw : similar experience. 'ITe progra . .If Ii. hIs expandII..... o rapidly IhaTt etimates of future loaT. becomeo obsolete 'withil a period of two or three months. 'The lroble1m confronting those iesp~oisibie fari I .iIted Stats dIefense is therefore crucial Ati Its the ho.iol is sea rrIched for 15 to 20 age Lilly e the graII.s.t ENAMELEl)EMBLEMATIC JEWELRY FOR I. B. E. W. MEMBERS N~ N o. iiuihlli, k i w I ttI of power I ll mes the St. law reli I.oI,t aIs l.-I h LIargest tigLe soit ce availjrthh ITs I.ot Itil cLIllp eity nI, kos it I e,, , to...l hj, I ,tl sittgIL aisI... poweI "ouTIe tit the 'itiol, eNTceldeI nIty by The St II i I I b >l~ irtLatit e Ih[ aT tI y project IiTc gti}Ips 4I thL IIdt eI ieode ItI thtveh1 IitI.,iit ini practical. It tl,]1OSC siiuIts ... that tie St require wehors an ,f all kinds tO such project c R I6 ~ N1. I , only at the exIIIeIse oi iore vital defenme iIIIds Oppoirits aN inset that the CLins.r.t.qL euhl dot tIe ror..IjIlted soon enIlv. to be of value il the present nergency. Thre. .i.I other grotindits if pp...ios.itwIn ton, inictulding those Whith Ijeut thl proga.i. as beiLng uraecontI..ica.l tealse it wolSd injure soiLecnIImuitieM to i greaIter extent than it wosld benetit others. It is ILiril..s that the samne "inemr.eicy argu'nlen wire used iII the period or W'orhtl War I, alid yet dtring the years of ep ression, the projet wLs dismissed as one which wits lntlecessIl y inIl which we could not aflord. Tho pirem.ises purporting to support CI,1eluIsions that the St. Lawrence developt ii will hie too litt to affect defense beteficiaay have been dlIslosed as gratuitous a..Lunip tuins. Last month the council of the Offlce of Productin Management which includes the Secretalies of War and of the Navy in its eInllershi p wentt on record in favor of "both thie wateiway and eleetrie power phases of the project a. part of the all-out dfrense effort." President Roosevelt h.. the lack of logic of those who appose the St. Lawrence p r oSra l because .. it will rTqole about four yeats tI complete, while thly endorse a battleship building prodam whlilt requilre It Iltst as long. l o y the Ilreover, U{V'Iy No . that ake the iS ronteuticl[ bi Lawritite would materials o h t(!s~sigrnei whit h {Oulit TIesTt hits to thei gflqLithik 26a00 IUlAJl$. (All Cuts uetual size) TO FIND FINGER SIZE FOl RING IUse narrow s{illITpof P or ti t II ruI litnger. t this Place sItIp I scale, oe Liid at "A." The scale ,itnh' pa!itJd by othor (mi oF strip rates size. Then enter the size with IIIq I IsI a ...di- O u1I I I A No. No. No. No. No. No,. No. No. No. No. a*AILIDas HANOBOOO OF E CtjR$CIT¥ For Engineer..F3ecrlcfr% Btudenrs and all [nt~ereted In EleRIcity. A quick, aitiplitbeJ ready t¢fercot ge~ivin 1 ccomphettiat/[inatrm and ttc iIca #[matf o andc . I Vt understand. A. rela]¢ aut hoity mad a &m~dy1 that flf 'C~e i ii~lI~e ,,to n * INSIDE TRAbE INFORMATION ON The Ruin and L[.t. of hectotnwt yMaiatenargec ofMS I Gold Filld Button Gilt Tie Claspl. 2 10 kl. kilhl Lapt Buttoil , 3 Rolle (,od MTld (iforladies) 4--tllded Gold LapI Bultt on5 10 It. G Button udd Roled Cuhl TI 'lasIp 6 10 kt. (Thll Lapel Button 7 10 kt. Lapel Butc liLtot 8 10 kt, (ld BuHtton IRolled Gold 'ri, Clmasp9 10 kt. GIld Vest Slide Chit,-um 10 10 St. (Gold Ring ....... $ .8$I .85 I .60 1.75 1.00 2,25 9.00 Order froml G. 5I. Bugniazet, Secretary 1200 Fifteenth St. N. W. Washingln., D. C, chi ery~-,AC and D.C. M etoror&ArmaltoLre WVindinq and RP ojir~W irtng Thagrara1'ovsc LighdI,,~Pno e Wiring.Cahle Sr ilng'Merers$..aoeee~i.,Trnfo c~s l~~va~ , Oh* E crtkiCrsncs . lRatll ys-BctlsSigna F tashcn-T et. ,b c~I gmteon-Pi ~qo principles. P. l e~~hgertson-A aCto~nd itionlng,.Oji I auner-i 4 Cac~mp>essrs-Wepllcatng, ~YO catradersaand.atF./b -,.. A To get t his assisean~ f* r~r~rtC~If.dpt 1 i a !t UC U O e o ~~ a LaE.. ., . .. Llz--~~- - . ~ ~ .ac JULY, 1941 P'r"hdin'I [itl, Iiflhlnr 387 a~h",clilm latl October ei d.eferle fund$ to puwet of one riII the A ri' he[l will for less than inAny other Nor woilld tillis project destroy the valtil, s IfO ineo l III it full fIo Ie hlb I bole al P ower I iaf s e [timatecd that a hl ,b Ii r, aII. l ii. the It... . e. uiri ,d !L/iit earf ...lllp ,i~" , ' LC.... tI U,h I... iis ohvhMjs that the Mt. L a .i.. rint ,i ...I" it ifF t..... earurunt be ehet rieuI ~r ih,i po wer'.it itrtherr/iore i w,,ulnI erI , , f, I he 'oust highly And.ustI .atid ,f~thl, .f the Itabjo .. The Federal Pow ( suir aI tlhe New Yerk State P, wer Atiuthiu'ts hunt: e}Tiuiit llIe that St. [awreme po wer ~art ('J'i elto lcaily transmU tte l (0 nmiles. Ihi, w .r] include not only upper NewI York. hilt the entire state, northern l>etimsl,,·na 'lli a d I New Jersey. and mot of New E~lg~lallt a tl"Ita ,&uth a porlation o II 4i,1rhkfhli), lit a,, enertelwy it eoti(i serve thIt, area huidI4eit hy Chicago. on he west, ~Va h. it ontt,il D' IK, on ith south, e anid lflrktli. .i. the iortlih li, with ,eoiomy which the St LILrerle pwer can ie developedl is noi less i.portant than it, vobroe. The eheapes~ ft er source li the I4ftied States today is Bo ne. Ile ,,he. thb it-site rate is $14.-S per kilowatt 'eer. bit int turn co mpares with the tpical ch rgeI of $ , 75 pier k[il att Iea. fro.. the Niagara Flalhs po¥er plant, which s a]-o one of the chiea.pept p .ersources. Yet the FIId e [ Iioer CommI engineers eititne Ilssion' hat the s etr k lowat£I ,t year of St. [aw rence P~ower wIill Ib ess than sI12t'. SuIeh vcroralS] piil rodmtion make the dispers-iin of its use o Ifr a great are a .conom..e . fr even with the wided .ost of transf sii... I he Ili pt"sent thie area primarily to be ...... I!,1I1iI0(I kilowattS It limrtial~il that ify I19 l i, the II I I IlI rquir, I load i . . o r ispetive capa iy. li IHisiI Hoatkltliclal eoLst. 'vhclh (tcOV!Th rt he ~ ~o t,~ri 'tie s in irea t a pi ,olun ~ Jot liii l}w t',,ue industry is I.catettd in thll arv IIItII, pfwel de hyd.U .electi' itnd ii Ii til, takC in tel'ating Ixtitilim faci/lies,. ].irk Q,,QF )r~it~c( lf Imet the natiol.s ne ' (If e hQeti will ... i.h 5,3140(}0 ki lowatts, the ,St{ l wreilae even greaT. t iiipertan"t Ih, t te...i.aela ., ]rates f eecu'trict y it; New York State are the highest in iii islie'try+ xcept for sonie t N iagarahyhto to.r. hIIa i[ inidIustrialelectric rates Ill ter ]its reached by SUCh production., i11d the Ili( It~ehi Iprriluots r between, all regions oif Itt II ele States is such that fill I hIe'ne 'bfit, If the rfrrow Stirdenis ef private }trItlt I relied on. Iowevr, the St tLawrI ce Irtnjeet wvill never be ttik.n. inrle s ituni.ut n 'Il nr lrix lte pro Fit are rio t vr ildt it e toifti... Jniwi< tit l/ is the objective. . . rivntt [ll~[ l~ tuii freqube',l]y i[icejeaste by ccliii u U} i, i ltltL il. On the o ther haI . vee it i,,,hlIetiort ,v al1 ays d e strir iisrin di uln.rtito i 'ru..... Tf.'he nerie ... t'ee .Ti. tn i'r yT . it (IIe'rgelf. .. e eu irtgr uti has ualruuud3~lei'rd severe jolts becauise of thi' · .d t euinl'" iomplaee T eoIf thii l Wlh e haitt ,uTn4[ training ledl them to confuse pntetits with, ;'nmhction. St. lnwrvri'e projert huat uaIiqtue 'irtues l 'cauq f its iireneites, tost if lhe Iglres here presented [ ikvti, ,' there is no merit ill the bland I.. ...eari.rtg (...lIlset that he St. Lu'wrenre rproiijt shouldIbe put off until I utnier idy. [he is a power shortage now There is an airplane shIrtage now, There is a tramspor- rehlutt tatiort shortage Fri rt'lntiiuo to defense or to tutu', tittUstry,} therdfore, the tin defense. }Jt here nut [Dal pear'- is a stgniticneait InlelblLimf Ii`h. t plrner delopnient' efttets iii rirituII ] tilie . TeierIisV of the plr{e fet high of lekitrcity iIl New York State. the 'Ist resitlithiil use of electricity there in lower thant that of thie UEtled States is whole. Ih. uyer.tresidenttia eonsum'r In New Y'ork Statil uses les, than half f the electrical eIergy used by the average resi.ential [ ehinsum er ii the eoll munitics y the TVA. rhe hneitti of the St. iawrtene project proistett ti> sttimul~ate industry b)3 eerl]]Oill}te plu~~ll ~ l atiol:i the --trie 1 timle incre;set now, There is it shortage of p.r.{.s... d light and heavy metals f which ,rm the miis runenutl of defense must be niatde, Ith.ut the nieided iower, without the needed airhnltietriiitt without the tieeihsl ships, ihere siiiv n. ver I.. a.&t.ter da' THIS BUTTON IN YOUR LAPEL !Inrint..ull irtuititit It.......iiit~rhtp In hl' ITB E W. A hlnllklli bit of cii i~ g old y Iii JumlW }i tI, 1 1 Solid g It er Iti ~lz1%t ·. * .88 he .tiilerire] 'tairearIl of lilnge. These benefits 'ilt not he at th.e expense of oth .r indutries 'I of other , . 'he'aper prunuletti ba 'eIn (td ee on.. ttles benefits all mar PRICE LIST OF SUPPLIES Arear, . Ofln ii;l N.i6ite o[ per 100l IAoik lMiale . k or hook. Ioll ar olnli tr R. · . (large) uilt ItHet 3.0) ISI .05 eipl Ilook$ C har~ te', flrpu m~ii ,blirip[tt ... i it .. ,ra (oI t t Iti ll. Ali loll KIi.iel cu ipit'. .00 " i ,. ]I li a (inall), 1 La bet, 00 libe l'. ?NlelL eIr 'slie r, per per , t II Ii 0(I 4)0 itO above See- edger,. per T0 100 pal;s ~0( N401 O page~ .. e, lxi rat Ffeai' Binding "edgrIno'r-Iaf . re4earsi. itit it ni l. bs 61.50 I 50 2.50 3I.60 a lint m5EFrAL IIIOITS--The Ii;~ ie IhIe mdI i. I lher;~ i. oI 4e lies vhaiges s, pe 1 I filllit IgeistIoll I ( 1 1) I ok Oertime assessmint (2mi Iterettipl 1toji. Tlertimne assesnilent (75O ret., pit ) RIelcipl Itnolk. Tlempiorary (750 receipt,) " Pe I.i....ok. TeAI oI ary (00 rer pis) Ite eipi B oo~n, linancia er'retuarv', R eett'lpi lijok. Treasuji r' --. Iefipt IHotIlers, each hti'starchi weekly report iiiT,. ier lls I ;5 .17 ali 350 Th,i IltiI the XiI, iRNf .00 7.51{ Seal FOR E. II. IB A. tOI I it iIul i It...i I, 1.75 ."I 3.50 WSal(uaki .,ek. .71 I 15 3 5§1 ~ (C It,, 12+0 I.0 Booiks Minutre Chnte erisI i it iiuii 1.00 I5 Led,,f. Fl ..hial erreraryv'. l~edger, M'(retar~', Li~,nlgc Finanrial 1i sj.. i.i. IS'l '.... IrV'" L 2,oo 2 Or) ,pplteaiit /,~5t Ottorattreceipts) l;i'lr ie'lt) itre u m M. .hs. I n b r , (20 1 rt .iei nt ) Iteccel lnk. Member' (730 rlecip,,) i I'll l~edger. loo' ted bf rider Fi nancial rtlary+s 2f1lab index ledger lIe, epl~Ie..... Iitutil. ,1. ..1 7,5On Electrical Workei, SnihtserTHtonx pr year Embhiem. Ait~oim(lile · En', uplDle,"n .s tI k, I. t t ie pr ]0 I.aIei... Ie. anomani Ledger ,tieis ltti abc~t,, per l~apcr, ofifhir/alLetter. per 1~0 Rtit.l. "I rua, each ..... OlAe i I N; IIt --..,;] S , I]t , 'II, h N, , A ul let " )M LABEL rLitices will hle Sil"plied ,hv'in III ere..Islli trnotinit of ... li ;'roi.ip. ti... ' it' orde r w ilti ol ht ri'II. . ni. I'i . A I ii i...i sent liv h i i aw, l,i..t r'ii i dre ADDRESS, G. M. BUGNIAZET, 1. S. Old IN Addlte: -- hTI y/I Zllo 'I... )1ol .. [¥ I; f I I I, chn 1~,, of t,IietwtI, I l Oil"O. Wit rns ( io1h e itt th e ]llte~rinatiiaI ro.herhood hl .. If Wonr ke rs 1200 15th St., N. W. Washhngtoi, 1). C. E lectrical MA'Y13' ILOCAL U-NiON OFFICIAL RECEIP-TS FR-OM 19453 B 184783 264852 B134271I 375001 I64968 2tl501 324320 ;{~5211 190549 241511 2415112 418171 416SI 6Y.93 62(;797 9D~73 452230 58316 WHO9 145015 206119 9!7653 AJ 21113 AJ 28O1 4Ap 113 WI 295 DS 12304 DBM 24.'1 {I 39({5 H 4085 [1 425M HI 457 11 4(]02 1 11317 1 10723 1I 1022 I ~1M22 1 11404 ! 11654 OA LDS OA 5773 OA 6H1 OA 635't t~A MM9 OA 6778 OA 7?I15 OA 7255 OA 769{ XG 8USES XG U06"3 BF 6348 Br M B]F 7247 HLQ PIGS {B., Wl9 UL DIM6 BLOOD2 EL 9617 10911 B 132919 II'll,~k DOWN9 96766 Al 6311 AB 10752 AB 10979 AB 11074 AB 11312 AJ 11401 AJ 1784 AJ 2191 OA 8201 B-9- 145017 3118204 3438 fi317 371 81 10~79 591772 1100 671129 11.2130-iB90i Ivio - 4124{) 1791 4wll 1942 12--299 2195 299 ~276 223164 256 781612 2753 I6--481 2910 4M5 176 457555 iWq B-17-2320 B IMM68 MOB 00251 .'m9 447067 4095 { B 45i2844 574501 4529 B.18EG 8137872 2115094 04! 319953 10763 10942 589785 11100 970862 11302 22--122 11694 580 620 164513 86 439136 B-23-B 174841 6400 2I9]4 7195 7f.44 7160 61§4 8214 i 602Pn 64044 4 11128 926512 9NG~91 2,06 239439 3 126 15502 45-. 46- i0696 i34870 1t1uW NW,~t 30900 kl4046 373261 591[797 6~1200 92I]285 412416 W3250 43'{{00 130711 30075*0 447071 45292 574770 137918 285314 4(10,494 589828 9709i2 142753 1(~.02 439284 174885 29 1750 9'*tOi0 11i155 926514 91555~fl -31-B 47340 1249~. 274867 9202B31L 9575 ! 9923 I026 10,51 MS 34- B 75,15M 104750 114754 127254 926 445451 OHIO8 445769 932250 165711 I06100 11 NIA ~I M~b9. 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B77-45I475687 213215 [ B IY~ 13616 2015 B 213213 B 20401 64 BDI 1] 471C45 B1~01267 28DA ]* NOW0 2092 252012 2.a20:k~ [ 339751 339812 11 ]614HI1616"I' 2137] *21201 B317531 ~ 18072 XGB 3 B_12 234_ 3145 40292 ]84242 410652 410937 40a41 SNOW0 OOO010 4 1~11513 919N91 9121123 I1-7844731 i B~412510 412588 6- 47171 472NO 41-$050D B0928 IS~324 97312 H.19-~ 120579 120670 245549 245550 i 205493 29662D 718189 718370 [ 673fi1 N5i6H9 B 2fi5511 40M71 721501 722741} 4,4559 EL T0414 EL BOOM3 [~ 201185 [~ 274-719 2741t01 {48081 521306 83143 181792 202610 225530 2391NG0 49181. Bi 747571 11-125-192400 {9'234 279111 279340 222{74 22MI71] 5988t8 598M > B 21-,721 217950) 127-MM5~8 2nK36~11 B 223fi5 y2957691 29695 123366 an",37 BI'm 167M9 17 2y.2441 2Y2445 9q2315 982430 52-{03988 103995 510429 50,4323 202~~93 11 223172 78]§40 FI 2~7981 491819 W11327 127142 6.W0 { low{ '{315 W,4 L. U. It I 230I- t llllt 2W5342 24317 i H 918-§05 w.214 95275 i Z~] B 97596 I$26 MM59 {~-234-W9747~ 7 B121 4152 647113 11.211,- L. 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U. $99643 OF 169322 664:375 522944 ,68]5§4 7/50297 334176 1421/3 142197 1109 2133219350 2.17844 247160 M1-- 62~- 151[45:/ 621JW 151812 62 40 536101 5336I/5 7463W2 74§3358 260911i1 2793~ 131435 83,1~5 4:3779D 4.378157 ",1 255]3 B-624-B1311424 319777 31 I42(] 319779 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators L. v. B-624--(Con.C) l~ 750857 756365 625-3465911 346,503 893974 396000) 29l-63 0631-632-63 3 634-- 643-644-- 709831 709875 487139 4671983 271I713 271722 333001 594466 76139] 333008 59442 761400 128552 128571 SWISS9 507548 7i5-q{1~ 519874 60- 12310)1 198778 417000 123126 198§52 452859 7{8-719-- 269975 429 15§ 254340 277580~ 254341 277612 2205225027 424891501) 8892886021 324386 324429 9719972148 726- 413373 58§0,37 94925 413396 58604G 94523] 6103614931 In- 257075 279863 257076 Z7990G 20 021 ]~335706 3187972 398052 $03251 66.-422217 755966 419335 i98194 374719 110356115, ]48811, 2;]I643 320400l 755582 257422 389703 761850 695-697-- 970871 872564 '~75473 18593 20§500 88982~ 398975 50371 422181 755957 419375 1968197 3747 So5 425088 425091 'l b7?37 76T196 698-- 110844 255091 255112 5013 176015 5641 176856 2273Y. 327435 712501 227394 327447 712611 119601 1196401 51553 215836 450066 851317 51581 216000 450591 8513201 GN1(35 1(1372 245149 {D49,8 34490 345100 13314251 314314 8 336710 33§712 457766 457795 7180-42102] 421028 563915 563917 11402]8232 1833{ 23013 23250 89663 89675 135855 13586? 226607 226718 2w9~w 239593 280501 218080 28664§ 286150 315622 311194 {3487338 47396 512061 512158 548251 548269 SIMI0 55803,' 589967 590085 192550 59255G 644331 644351 812942 813000 83625 3346,47 926~{6 928934 15-753-B 300431 300437 39 3500¢5 B 290711 8049666 846963 40314,0630 127089 127100 72 2174500 ]] 722724 722730 201 301047 B-706B.667-]] 722651 722560 ]~27281}2 272893 783006 783028 2961292719 707-B 32,5561 325669 18053 18054 ;33:550 104495 10452.3 663 753453 7534~5 822586 972537 972559 I{)--4878 1480861 66989704 179377 179412 10~26819126§80 670210162 210164 137558 137861 B-111-671-284768 2848801 320317 =0370 B 311479 311142 672-854111 354307 730427 750435 712B.67 3 62868 62874 56 {546 561507 171608 171629 191915252 B411~B-675loans~ 190910 27360 38819] 7511 447979 448049 174711 475015 22382[1 9~1I 1I;! 128766 I!~9724 !7 8 711;g 116 []1715(I B1-711-1307618 317154 7940§] 794055 88161 603562 98268 608564 II 237463 475899 475983 948213 175782 1226335 175783 122580D 4140:14 11-79F8- 4149381 4351747 536401 4357560 536419 16841{4 474~65 9C'448 474697 969538 542281 401333 398869 787-- 791-- 626328 734-- 228489 neo2n 643201 133~82 1t14237 11.735-iI 2181274 420148 {{225]] 642951 736-243313 740-400897 7144 413251 IM~4a127290 }3723291 747-297565 959740 748-]89501 821937 n.449216494 39,327 B 500091 21171 565,]0 1{-754-251768 755294779 4572~3 772184 756-145904 757-96n,79 57§734 996 N211 836109 2288017 981441 11-785-128741 }3 1997621 537312 360987 ]241 21464 559373 110794 25142 227412 482479 781 537095 366751 171182 64336! 761-762-- 561751 616892 961425 756881 9053 403721 B4.632501'/3 442553 B 510208 764-173611 109762 912759 '{68-- 783484 71466 815083 7743391 77797 833{{30 5{{5 39 6 7!_ 108480 130779 108624 108653 B 7449ff7 7449101 200243 f(01ig) 781332 7611841 24240] 431608 755393 424(16 431610 7554()0 266333 266,336 (AI) S6IVAS 2(]6736 L, U, 7169822 523812 769050 1811657 308675] 409~96 444803 11125o 306876 4097 12 444809 311&)47 8115123 324295 908544 908563 32925 85112 584888 744841 950627 852-429794 587602 854 241367 855-2118 $56429398 38929 5111300 R2- 429407 170971 "7o9!) 445394 415181 ~86,519q 88656o 325527 263012 325685 422198 422197 $65-114261 85971 30§149 469857 305100 469872 888-- 09772 $89-- 917042 917051 B-833B92212 92250 * 286~{6998 am B 297751 297836 733168 733176 B-835-251613 2517D0 543751 54377] 818918 118995 B-$37-B 81m)2 B150,52 983168 0831B2 192[29 [~ 131711 26105 23 298207 192184 2347118 270601 420261 499134 9 11-- 11 1788126 .1~6001 8allow 270653 420,300 499108 I' l 173:121 3~6024 817500 !)6791 oS6117 255608 255613 910878 9]089M 907728 9077519 137155 637197 3X792 28]090 330908 281095 46,8334 474031 641638 474171 641665 286088 402530 266060 402539 904088 984051 ]749]8 17030D 174919 779323 172213 749634 749155 336018 422476 725250 114~33 1417491 83.1)01 4224169 72.1217 2782018 939676 2732i6) 039691 171,959 800785 860764 900822 419674 75(185 419 77 7150720 5031474 513494 842-90o-- 96841 0682641 66958 66964 8195668 (95734 91~ 247575 247593 657548 657550 B-921-B99899 99984 2{85088 185N84 932-~44133 449415 1B.92, 27258 27259 B 223951 223956 ,'07822 307823{ 485751 11.926-B 2431)13 243019 343581 84362 B-.927-FR2({0579 2007014 928-]63876 1631177 195,88 195091 800803 300643 i]6424 B 234755 l{ .3mB name9 3{{995 931-248124 92-176779 781101 L. U. B-947-B 759512 759537 760790 760600 948367858 367427 7771579 777599 11M)149-391860 391B75 B.951418008 4150(~ ]742635 7426,47 11.952-919294 919300 947831 947850 503598 508599 95 -[58002 18825{) 472501 472573 61976J 619763 956-716826 716290 ])-959-*138114 402776 402778 *59a58934.4 293209 556192 699144 783953 880904 689(J 10=339 556157 89900 783932 879983 "I98ll B.843-I'll] 103368 ]0428 88113 891-- 841-- 2172 217157 351030 890-- 89~ 139267 417970 440875 {3217137 B1851034 Ill00.5 111031 892-- ]23960 25802 287177 11924{4 311451 4]2852 412686 B-868-R 93036 93109 ]3 297045 2972:~ 887-- 887504 70823 { 708264 }B2`{{ 144 258748t 865- 4]524 4]~08 297141 (Or~g.) 99731 2747389 2146 80M ~O97 873-]B 305747 305760 164236 164247 397298 30973(}7 8{)9-787052 7817702 1265123155 255336 255364 228786 334848 GI1-87e417753 19 8 017 19P8029 760102 '/6011 l 87_ 813-576204 576218 37985 38124 81-159255 15930~ 380286 360~9 Bs2-IS 740785 740780 149362 ]49405 B 22M;RB 220387 427409 310023 310024 971823 971900 an817-30846 94288 94245 69973 70019 342759 343120 92~ 274721 11-9614-123888I 2580011 I{ 267119 1-90~ ]B 1;:J171 417963 440868 il.907-]3 2100, 241399 81771 861-- 216315 429844 5876O5 898703 859-- 13 21627I 902-8874115 684892 744851 950630 293429 2934,3 769724 769727 ,3232853 7 74-- L. U. 847-- 214477 11.684- 189- 118706 232]58 963346 755041 687-- 683449 L. U. 779--(Co1I~( ) 6141f I 78090442 480§0 1 5 90301~ 900 L 782-- ;2' 713 717-- 269974 429099 68~ 740042 416881 ~11735 §[~9501 706009 347251347308 3NO997 357000 363553 363673 ]B.651,B I)3225 93258 GOMM4 908,G2 B-657-327953 327995 404972 440482 66,- 44690 343571 519867 18561 664- L. U. 714-- 14493 343501 198751 416065 25076 227410 4{12458 B.645-146801 B 231041 B 820199. 755577 64a25740[ 188701 7818~0 650 2111727 979612 651-872531 652-775455 662-- L. U. 116470 234757 290336 3899;B 248130 1767112 78111{{ 21"161 748453 748402 ] 262641 5({5398 79{7,46 1,4936B 3,11862 320794 4(}7338 937-5912445 9391 240638 {{.941B 218853 252349 B{ 352216 {]5876 9422268501 910212 262674 565399 791754 BI750897 I{ 269'786 B-94 5 13 262860 {] 978817 750900 270006) 28311 320795 403343 591246 249652 252371 352218 658982 122007 971338 B [{20719 :/2072~ }~ 335707 335716 5117611172 B1-961-115711115132 6588650890 I1744023 I1-962-145402 145410 B 143158 2439380 * 262739 262744 {1M964-94569 911605 8 21945, 26945 i{*965-]00788 1008019 II 108705 108720 13116454 1163470 * 117084 117093 ]3117862 117873 [* ]]735 118751 BI119381 119895 *I1201wJ 120112 Y3120922 1209:~ *122512 122544 [*123189 123200 *123822 128830 It124;18 124651 B 125367 125370 B 126854 126868 * 127591 127801 UB128412 128428 IS 129125 1291;16 ]3 291542 291545 429336 429341 761882 711]868 762224 762229 76V 90 762798 763367 763368 763691 7636914 764019 764027 764283 76~281 810248 810278 811646 8~1162 814754 814786 815335 815A44 968-611756 611767 1S.969-B 196829 196B71 416251 4102731 B.975-486610 481145 582655 582857 1{.979-]B 276666 276670 40043] 400345 B.981-{] Swan~ 2780311 412727 412729 478667 478689 B-985-62341 62395 581143 94Saw, B-.997-]] 1012883 ]R 104491 B3229711 {]252751 B.-989]3 200D27 762311 991-302§48 4]5306 R-992-*260843 * 801501 8]5,0] ]* 952469 ]B-993]09107 ~B10451 946f()0 1028!)4 194490} 228000 252937 200135 302S50 418317 2680844 ;{0]525 8] ~,q5 952o001 101204 JU/LY, 1 941 391 L. 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I17~. 296. .... , IS9, ;~2, 1-1015--I 'll l-.- ', IS 784 85". ~*,ODl B ;SIl-- 15 11698l 119516 ;f;o27 41- I5tal 134, 62049 B- 2W~ 38- I~5 B 109332 ]Bolln-}32343201 Ill ~04 51211 "1I'll tl 153B;32, 702, 7161, ?49, 15, I-l"3. 107-- 114227} 1208~ I3.I3ll,14 M25232 Ul31 tB ;217017 3 7:142171-727 42 75441247770 621473 {Org. B 7543~tL I6f0H~71-79, 251-- 111212- 21:1497 ~90. - 451I& 9.11211.210, 1 I521 :711 6 45 2160~1531 11 II& 0191 B SI35952 5208~901 5257,51-9§55 lil0 III39 312-- 1:13 1220--4 4911429-4.W, 7532721:H1 32743012004 917,01-4711. 12, 4- B 114433. 442- 4521{., 1317. I45. IN* 2(4. 279. J20, 2] ()AWill, 41111, 2510L412S, 63.6486. (]7~l~l 708 115;103¢. IN9, 267. Il, :141417, .13, 329 3~f.,32. 14.52 IO1 3837011-740L 7.~7-- ;.92254-27(L. I11. D]II, g0144, pIl[0 1111113,MINI0, .131. WNW2. ~170 , Ill4 MAg9. 52910g "ll, Il M8iN. I9ll Il]~-17 9]82 !~]19SIDI. 9714. !}774. 9I)23. 1{}054. 11~15. 10524. 10593, IS317.318 B 21Wfl, O,4420.5089. IDIOMS. 59841 B1283431D t~ 127G17 ]78753 B 8738513 B19317 159L~54 243001 243015 6465i1, 167~ 112 I 1101NI17 .I-494-73I5,45. 122172 WON3. 18fi70, 1a752. 19=2~2 1§479, I gC9l 913,142-42 I, :1947t1, 74fi, 1~377, 3N-7. IN,0 29 70,w73 =I(2M. 9857 121 V~ 6IN 01905 II162-95 7~:t411-2110 I 1 2-154- Il 122[-939751 11 794621 IS 279992 B13120111 13 989203 H11104-- 741918 11-37-SM 11)15~,587 615, (Ill, t;20, Ii/1,. (/9. 699 122, 13 96~197 901-9021 904-905. !III 943. 974~ 183. l] 12211 3583K4 171, 145} 11,51 3526 V07. B-13,2187~2, 319, 37747I 1l 125(1- ]~ 375052 B-1172- 6 ;3161117611 I;2351 W 3 132511 B-741-- S-2722 2 5 ~101431, 741, 3116:~0 I 4C~ 12412417242426 151156 84550 19 1,5i 475,611 -71. 19371, 3372 615 935 l953, 22.123 361, 830 7g ~ 21471;-- 7 1§5726~I~l 16423,5 50342 211]8 iSKt5-811L 110311792Ui 98231D. 32 B 6230§ 109]-141196 B 65102 III;, 093-100. 79 t749!11750 131188710! 12DT262510 1211- 36217 I l1 : 1 ID 1323]26l I~245251 243613- B 366601 5P.~01 110659 24418I ,71-- 18L. 22. 11-48~ 165759 790. 823,1 197 B-11)S,- 314~17 $1111 Ul0 Ill 175 2747201 ]I5.H~.119 71":45l 2~5,92 3292802 3,15~111900 I11~46(] 651296 3 920 244OW N'746N 5330 Il13 10115 I- 1194~ 8 3¢57:17 B 304539 3:2 113g-541704 ,5449l 14]-145DI 30i142 8a 1-836. 838- i{611 R125~ 111-57-- B 1521 42711111 I1141179laa) 11-10N-lB I]94fN5 896 412Y4, 1 }111125-1394251 339725 121211 B 315SHH L, U. 971w. 1141- 73A 7NN0 11-1041-11 101721 10t828 B ]89851 19;MN * 240001 241 SW F* 351751 351q B I8"204 4 I2122 E~:1 11791 A4IUDI Sl79 9657~9 113115 227178 996210 1794531 IS B3-117U5317o I 3045,~ B278881 IS35154§ B1-104S[B 179440 I 10117 102118 ~3270129!1270217 IS-124:3I~ ]051417 )05529I B 238424 238500 IS 371251 372122 686251 17148 121111 26213252;12 6727 71274 1174-41 1165-- L. U 117(11 B 51¢09 B 244623 11 233032 213170 103,-WM 266946 77700711DI 1044-- 2I824 2t~1~1 174I B 247191 11~5-- I~12795 I 2i1117 1075o3 3a338ao 119311491.1 2!189II 13 237953 6726 111 1 114(117 B~197851 197852 3111390114 7519551 I12133N 5]366N 771149 DI.Ill16 B 6878 II. [127-[l 102445 11 X:1327 1,29-1714il 321017 fl.1030l R 227177 FBIN ]Si BI[031-3WN 1~32- 9~2115 ]:lT(D'~ 261{~10g1 B 748521 *10221-B 513625 }3288028 i~ 290!}05I B-1 1IllI~ 25~121 . L. U. 115871 B 250327 L~251 1014 IR 136975 [B2W6I L. U I17S- B 329731 13300011 IB35775l 3571960 11-100~l B11.215 B 225426 . L. U. 9D143, 145. 1--57 7 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators 392 fL. U, L, U.· 146-:41211115 4091443996 11e7125 ,23. 248T751k iG4- 246525. 177 3E693. 6198 592962. B7757, I181249200, 75980, 117258l 11.202B 278033, 0BS. Il5, 210, 214, 218, 218202. .55, B21. 9M2, 914. 5i20t8, 1o6. 163D 2144645162. 249137880. 18-246353- 095. 62667., 359-. 2717 200950 90085. 316503. 549. 278467253, M0O20, 558487, 523, 590. 618, 695. 554. B-29-8 215261-270, 291841779. 409,r 450 {{-347'5,-. l .. 357-;188744, B- 3--324107. 153218. ]1250839--840 3442-722630. 515049, ne- 5776!,q I.. U. 50,>-(ont1~ all9 04). ,11,912. 909, !14, 931, 943. !!ll 958, 975, 91J 988. 992, E:14953395, ihIII1 0440. (15], 053, 067411114, (199, 107, '75, 21)4, 039600 ~00k W9! 7:47, 752, '76, 816. La878 724598, 010, 62L3.653. 674, 7m, 833. I35,950, 98.7 711600, S37- 32002. 539- 4072502. 11-414-439127. 415219829. 13425419500. B-435650145-146. 440255832. 8,712, 11-45322M936, 683627 629. 648, 687, B-456B W7817-8119 13-465524989. 467-755046. B.477-13290557. 739327, 342 2.31546, 603261 153724, 5E7.S4. 301-774, 797. 800SI0. 814. 81m4. 755704, {B.302-840, 646519. 553. 55W. 019294. 993r 620009, 1624126. 7929m5, 478, 404.490, 622A51. 856. 488983, 986, 900400. 480554, $04B- 309214040, 21§5203, 146555. 622. 660, 696, 773. 280508, 59342, 365873, 876, 464. 060144. 319922, 938, 071. 719892, 5051,316-. 19131]. 321, 404, 75 354. 359. 419 325-447. 542972, ID2555, 50., 602. 5gm,90, 924, 970. 987, 406440, 628170, 0130041{12187, 020. 031-032, 557-558- 674- 724481, 330E44. 1H51 U1-122. 917- 697- 4511127, 132. 76042I{]27, 708- 016, J435q4. 551, 5B3 II- 93791746. 9~8~ B-9529{11295, IS1-019735. 88a9r3. 730. 77"5 188766, 779, 142440 7233M2. 420860. 62251., 527, 643062, 07, ,t-569- 201832. 840, 950, 654925 457297, 302. 294762, 766. .445:446,308, OrI1s,4 91)4992 99" i395009. 5143-EW-51838. [}2{]l2. ;Li 774- 1628lFJ. 833858. 223814. ?446-537203. U11440- 108625. 39?592-- .5959 06 0811,--O 160{]64:172 373 3093137321. 307,548. 254334. 64I-257071, R.6455655-75NEW9 131]5. 205171 189773, 713. with reunemployneni ?ultant lack of opportunity for young people brought about crietinn by the government of various progeams of work and training, The object, almost everyone ]ast in part, the morale, skill, work habidts and earning lower which other generatiois have been able to find by obtaining a job in private idiustry. An informatie, review of what form these programs have taken the CCC, the NYA, employment of young perseus in the WPA how many have been bonefited. what has been accomplished with the money expended (a half billion litalts, fo hr c, mphe. durine 1939-19401 ha, n riecenly heen published by the Aric C'uncil on Education. Lewis L. Lorwin the authr,. widely known fo, his studies in fields of co no0~tie.sleiology and international Iry lations,. ... nl..des that gove,,l lnilnil'eponwbihlbity uist be assured wheneŽver -e...o...nic cpoditotns are Emih that younig make the transfer oeonle cani.. readily 124- B W0574s. 756. Bs113li. I4n, 7S1. 7517 1{-133-733175. ]{-R46161240 300804. B]710. 867- 412656. 1470-- 200. 145303. 316 328 B 27213. 1n10788.400. 119-940. 944. ]34i W.8,B 9359 172- 5511150, 158, 695 723. 4MK6E). 9'4. 946. 959. 447025, (fl7, 167. 916840,5 567- XI4i).11 t11.I 441),4 r54:4, 58L,599. 644. 8{~61114 12, .442. 451L II-{I 22-B1315113 615, 769. 274725 2O27. II 2127, 142. 123101 247174 727000. i9i- 72$2284. 56154 6, 14{4[73. Widespread is good: to supply, at 67;,- E. U 66-724421-450. L~ U U, We6- 133, 211 22o, "Youth Work Programs" xill .d.hit, l, 9'39342I, 11-1003B 433037. II- 030R 996208-210. B-106'I{I 17414.SAM646. B-10671 250327. B11061aB 254,427, 29(45(49 1072-97174. B-I 07-1 366621-625. B-108R8B 20N63-283 81-1130-1BIE5492 II.)-{42]!)2, 2)4. 1141l313,±0-527. 1;707117, 721, Il8017. B-1146-- 1t{4242. 4740,.1. 4025{2. 81M7640311-0Mr 4447-,W-I IS-,5 2rM482]I.826 11-1)5 2LI 23{]22.];0:0 046, 061, 2060,0 115184MlI77051 B 145877, {I 146)2. 064. 070, 084, , {6, 116, 147. 551if2. PREVIOUSLy LISTED MISSINO RECiEIVED B-2145010. 46445337.360. 842487EI-77c. ¶16461977. 995. 647{43, l In. 152-153. ]55. 209-I!H%96. 798. 801-B02, f-244628088, 18 B1-2 B 3108639. 8?4. B-289-]21570, B 2f0152741-,~ 32.344-4089$. ]2406], 139, 672454, 939757. 87 3- 643.1415 1238633177, B-1242B4'(0205, B-113432 2B 209,40251.I1. ' 12192'(;10,l11 62i, 625-W26. 955, 027. 217474. 486-521101412. 334 l44..152. 72324)9-30(4, 392-420)57- 86, B-640.580011-401 643257071, 807 294712, {]B717. 773-774. 2667117 111 90,%103347-341[, 6:43887. I -9 953- . 755. B-9931(B102.111]5 996393418, B-103l394779. B..10334WB603-605. B-1047-926021 (42.~ B-lO$U- 050-l B {837!{5. B 4:;49{:-498, 1059125714-720, 722. 723, 1],1134 II 334310 1-1146620001-0015. 1B-1150IS 323022 (430, ]46, 051, {]65. 067, 069 024674575. 11866414045 752244- 24)0. B- 1242B 10208I. 095. 113-115. BLANNK I (43"281 250, 26-.955S,530, 164246B20, 1B-292-931271-273. 326112555, 627630. 406285. 407.4994-W00. 567723299-300, 358-360. 928806-810 11-942-B 750607-900, B 269786K 270000, from school and faniy-dependence to work and self-support. Whether this prin- New Agreement to be seen, ciple applies now remaimn Such programs shuldl /lot, hnweere, be patterned in aim and method on those used in totalitarian countries. Dr. IorWin says: "If we can mnake these programs serve the needs of youth il a democratic way, the faith of youth will become more firmly attached to democratic ideals aInl institutions. * * * ThEse irograms have thuls been palliative in character, not preveyouLli yak tive, The task ahead is to n work prograni, a part of a general plan for the eduaont ul aid care of youth, on the one hand, and of i progranl of social eco nomic adiv ld ,' Ient, on th oth oth. DD, international -.prtA. It. Jobi.. sentative, I. B. E. W\., announces the signing of a new closed shop agreemeat with the Garland Manufacturing Company by L. U. No. B-1103. VEST CHAIN SLIDE CHARM Local Union No. B-309 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers opera Iesaci a column iil this enterLocal Mnion No. prising publication 13-309 has paid for the sub cmption of every mmbrnl" of the local union tn the A watch charm so fine looki'g youll enjoy wearing it. Of 10-karat gold and clearly displaying the I. B. E, $4 W, insignia. Price only Ray Lang of the Labor Rehations Departmnent of th, I VA died suddenly in Knoxville late in June, The Missouri Trade Unionist givws servhce P. local u Lions by carrying regofeatures do:crih {arly wekly f tile local unions. atcbitites Mitsouri TIrade UIt ng the r LYON AGAIN O This is a little adventure in the life of Brother Lyon. Jncidentally. Irother Lyon's wife, whose natIe is vy, cals hin ,StreamlyonW' and he, not to be outdone, affectionately calsi her "poison" (you boys al know how that i so we'll just skip over it * TIN PANTS * AND B.ViD.'s a I1 you'-e seen all winds of weather. Rain and snow anI sleet, how men will curse it And heard When tr.umho disturbs their sleepSomihal it hurts their pride 'Io work in wid andI snow When the could bIe in a CoZy room With the family and a radio. lightly). Well. Brother Iyout was all dressed up the other night ready to step out to his regular monthly meeting (which always a on Friday night for sIne reason tinto s or other). Going out to the kitchen whlere was washing the dishes, he sain, '' a new suit of pajamas, so I think I'll need atop and buy then on my way to the meeting. So long. Poison, I'll be seeing you," "SO long yourself, Streamlyon. Don'tIget lost in then revolving doors, and Iolt out for the doubleI doers that swing hath ways, if you know "hat I imea, and I'. sure you do." After the snieting, BIrother Lyon andI a had mnre unfinished huslness boys fw of the that had to be fiuished, the result Iheln that he did not arrive at home until very early SUNDAY morning (3:30 a, m, to be exact' lie got the door orened without a soundl and was half way up the stairs when a votro he knew qlite well said. "Well, well, if it isn't the old pajama mIan in peton. Coie on baclk nown here Streamlynyo and eli MAMMA all ahl.n...t that "PAJAMA HUNT",'' nd it hilad btter be goo. Start lyin' Mr. Lyon." "Oh Gosh, Ivy, have a heart. I've had one hock of a tirne The first store I went into, the clerk asked Ie what I waool and I told him I wanted a suit of pajamas. Then he Ibng. He dlnnnel a little ltl the fur, nith jig ani shouted, 'IIoot Mon.,' I wonder how ho knew I wa S ,'ehh?" "ie probhale sm..elledc it on yourbreath. diateo hat tell ino, Where is that suit of pnajamnas?'' 'Listen, Ivy. honey, I didn't buy any." "And why not. you toble liar ?'" "They lini't have any with two pair of panits K. Isjust your P, V. D.'s: L. U No. 5, Pittsburgh. Pa. With power and night. They fearle ,sy fight For lenoeraleyg' sacred rights/ (*au ralgenus anitheItave, They valiautly pave x atIed heights TIlE FIRST INVASION Thi's country, *'our I p ted States, The natives once were braves, Then hi.te men Cane and settled And infeteed it with slaves, The megin was i.ported here And lsei] for trade and barter, White non were then the foreigners That thdl Indians whId slrughter. star enslaved nationn They'll tani;p tyranny ouft And y bring about Disaster-st riekeyn Eu rope's liberatien[ Ann CttCgc, L U1 No. B 3. AN OFF YEAR I fear the Inemployment boards will sadly miss us, Still, I [i], there is such a place Out here on Paget Suuld Where grass grows green tIIe year around. And robins sinr fhrhil roundelay, At dl a fresh newIhwer blooms for your hat band every day. The ocean tides boom on the sandc, And Nature sinli's its this happy land; The rains rall softly, warm winds blow, or our way The even ten a not Iefonled by sleet and snow "heP rat us arewelcomed by ranchers with ers, took thisland We, the ,t F ora chieftains far and near,. And kilhd the first Anteorbiau With cann/n, gun anti ,near They were happy as a people, lke the P[lish, Dutlb and Finn; ame thle I,/itukrieg if the white i an tiroubles did begin. Anld tir glee. While io t B. V. I).'. Wear yo ur an-c Waniting fOr trueks that ai r't to blanil lEngland now is being raided, By this master mind. the Fuehrer, on't recall they ever tried to kiss us! MAIIRHALi, LTA¥IT, L. U. No,. 124, aill democratic and all-wool sorks I're habd enough Here! Take in mackinaw Of icy wind anid snow aI] sleet covered wire, And standing ar-ond an X-arm fire nevercaee, Waiting for lunches that tIsnrrek, thell Napoleon, First hten the Kaiser tried it. too; And snw a common paper hbngier Is telling us what to do: And a big ..acaroni-bonder Is giing Thnt a hiansh ouIghnut he got into Greece And tik, a Andi then, his army ral. Koliig Neel toi drive out the cidngP'1 still take .n.e a rid give len ty thanks In miy B. V. IP'? sdi my old "tin pants." "SMOKE¥ Jil `Moflr.ASO*" FRlOM I. U. No. 77. '"Tin pani, ane water-repella.t, heavily raralned canva., worn over work clothes. The coat and panis will shed water like a duck. EPITAPH coutntriva Much sufferim I .i .. t endire Whn, klows? We ma bhecalled upon Indiansof the pa st, Like the our lands. our To give up Our hIenl. To this new invadinrg IlaSS i.itSO "tin parts" and] wear Pouron the inlnIathwn, you Blrothers who are tough, yon ust lile or weather wild andt rough! Pull on yoltr wonllas, Scotch cala and big old mitts, Our forefathers left the homeland For the right to worship free, For dirtsatre then were plentiful If we can believe our history., '[he Polish, Dutch arid Fre nch man, AS the Blelgian. Finn, and Jew, ,arlyAmnerican 1n1lit Like the Must seek happiness anew, Arid R A F shall go F A R ASa ~uidlinL And save Ivery inbeams dance aIrant Id So I Ice nnd .. I on the earth se far T[hat one would hardly ever think "Tin pants" wire a necessity there IT{ BeoOiOK:, RHYMED DEFINITIONS: R A F lory''s roa IoI You.e also hear]d of weather 'flat fits yeI to a "T" When all the "'inlation"you aned A lineman went to a super bold Andi asked for a job of work: nil ail to stop hit Should England f And he decides to CIli Iver here Then we white American Indians Must keep, our loved ones clear. Ouir front line lefens e is England, We rolust lend, lease or give our all. And show that paper hanger Tlhat we Indiians shall not fill. EDWARxD [q> DUKrSflIhr, "The Duke of Toledo", L. U. N,, 24I~. The super smile'd and affably said. "I have riothnig for you, Mr. Ilolrke; are fall and business is .ul. Thie gan.I qru'th he. , But drop aroun tomorrow." "And whatever you do'" the supor said, *Don't do anything till you hear irom me." TIE DID NOTHING This was ahotnut March 15, 1941. And he died of starvation about April 15, 1941, Still no word from the super. With greetiigs to all my frieunds JolN, F' M/A$,TEIRSON, L, U. No. B-39, "U NIONISM is, in this respect, not unlike patriotism which may and does demand of the citizen the supreme sacrifice, when the integrity of the national territory is at stake. Just as a mere pooling by 40,000,000 Frenchmen of their individualistic selfinterests will not yet produce a patriotic France, so a bare adding together of the individual job interests of 5,000,000 wage earners. united in a common organization, will scarcely result in a labor movement. To have a really stable unionism and a really stable labor movement, the individual members must evince a readiness to make sacrifices on behalf of the control by their union of their collective 'job-territory,' without stopping to count too closely the costs involved to themselves. And like nationalism, unionism is keenly conscious of a 'patria irredenta' in the non-union portion of its trade or industry." SNIAG PERLMAN.