THE rEWINGTONIAN Nf<:WINGTON COLLH;f<:. STANl\IORE, S\'DNf<:\' •• .,le111or J.»uerllre. 0 J/o• l-:lli/111·: .J .•T. \\'\1'11:\(;. 1:1/ilflriu/ ('1rn1wil. I:. I.. \sTo'\, I·:. S. l'll\TT, I L F. ( HIPl's, <'. II \\'. l..\\\l s. \\.I·:. I 1,.;ttl·I:. I:. S. l:o111J1 ' · /'n'fn/~ . H. I·'. ('Htt'I""· \\.< .. I '. llRoll\, \\. S. \1·wro\, .I . .). \\'n1.1\l •. I'. \\ 1Ru. \. c. J.111. 1 11. \\. l.111·1:"'. 1:. 1•• \,.,Tu\. I·:. S . l't:ll'T. \\.I·:. F1 ... 111-1:. ~ / 1,11//111// l'u11/11i11.•. lst '\\ .. It. F. ( 1111•1•,.,: 1 i1·1·-<'1111/ui11. \\'. S. \'n1To'\: :!111( ' \ \ ... J. \1moT: :lnl X\'.. H. I '. \\11m. r:u1111"• l'11111111i//1·1 I:. 1-. < Hll'Ps. \\ .< .. I,. ll1<n11'\. \\. K \111 ro\, <.II.\\. l ..1\11 s, .J .• J. \\HI.I:\< .. II. 1:. J:1 : ' " n .. J. I >. l ' 1K1 :. n. t'ltriNliuu / 1tifl1t. l'n .•it/1111 , 1:. F. t Htt'l's: I i1·1 1•,.,.,,;11111 /. \\'. s. \1\\To\: /(1 '1'IJ1'di11 11 N1·1·n/U/'!f. \\'.(,,I-'. llt1tnl \: ('11/'J't '.• /lflltd 11111 N1t·J'f' /un1. t. I I. \\. l..1w1 s: Tn·urnn·r . •I . .J. \\ 1T1 l'\!i , No. CXXXIV. I SEPTEMBER, 1917. l•: l>IT<>H IA!,. '1'111.111-. is nolhi11g .\11 :-;lrnli11 llPl'lb -;o llllH'h, IH' 1·k1p-;, n ~ n prop<'l' idm ol' ed1u·al io11 a11d i11<·idp111<1ll,v a Ing her idea of r-itizemd1ip. I 1 will lw rellH'llthPrl'd that .\n·hhishop Kt>lly a -.hon• lime 11go r:1i,.1·d :l ,.,tol'lll or l'Ollll'O\'l'I'"'.\' h,1· l't'ferring (o lhl' "tl1•1·if's ll'Ol'k'' dolll' ill tlu• puhlil' ""'""''"· lia r.JI.\· an.l'olll' ,.;11pporll'd hi111, hut his 1·rili1·· is111 111pn•l.1· :-l'l'llWd to !!i\'l• tlw opp1>r!u11it.\· for :-u.nng- <-11111pli111l'lltar.1· things about 0111' wo11dt-r!'ul ".""h'Ul. 01ll' must l'l'rt:1i11ly admit lh:tt it has ...1•n1•d "" ll't>ll. \'!:'!'.\ fpw 1·01111tnl's 1·a11 point tu su 111a11y up-to-dull' :-l'hools, lo so few 1111ed111·a!Pd !'hild ren, or lo s1wlt a lar•g-1• J>l'l'l'l'lll:ti.n• of tl11N' who 1•:111 n•ad and write. I•~' l'l',Y0111• is ![i\'l'll thl• H'l',V Jwsl 1·hUlll·t' ot' worki11g· 11)1 h.\ meal!!" or :l l'lll'l'f'llll_\' gnll)llU(!'d S('l'll'S 01' eXalll>-. lllltil, h:tl ill_!!' )JUssed fill' L1·;11·i11i:- ('er!ifi1·uh>, 1111• lt11·ky 1·ai11lidale l'l':H·lll'" the C11i1·er>-il.1-. a11d ull hononrs lit• het'on• his eager pyes. But this 11 uiHll'rl'ul ....v:-tem 1s too maf<•rial. That i,.; lo ":1.\'· it ,,pp111s lo teaeh !liu! th1• <'hiPI' aim ol' P1hll'atio11 j.., lo 111ak!' good illt'lllhl'illlll'l'S ()(' liuys UI' g irls. ][ h:ll'd),\• '°'('l'lllS to dt•\·ote l'llUllgh 690 THE NSWINGTONTA ~. attention to the higher things of life. In s hort, it does not aim high enough. \\·hat a contrast between the~e and the old Greeian ideals! J<~duc·ation with them meant pra<-lic·ally (·it1zenship. The Greek was taught alone of the beautiful, both 111 the 111oral and material sense, mid lo,·e of tountry. rt must be admitted that Im e or the beautiful is not eulti,·ated in our sc•hoolt\, nor a sense of clnt,v and responsibility, while the Yery faC't that the men who break their solemn agreements without any snuples, and simply 1·11nnot do an honest day's work were edu<:ated in the same s<'hools, is an interesting eomruentary on their ellic·ien<'y in t'ertain dirertions. '!'he patriotism taught is 11ot or the highest type. 'l'here i,.. too umc•h of the jingoi1;tiC' and ftag-wa\"ing strain abont it. We should do well to follow the Japanese in this respe<'l. The .Tapanef'e c·hild is taught to Jo,·e his country, not bec•anse she !'an wipe the earth with an~· other nation, bnt bec·au!>e she is his c•m111try, is gloriously beautiful be<'aui>e of her traditions ancl history. he<"ause her s pirit is his spirit, a11d he<·an"<' her future hes in his hands. Our traditions and history ma~· 11ot go hac•k to the misb of time, but is not Australia ]O\·ely enough to Im e for what she is mu! may he, it" not for what <>he ha:-. been? \Ye, the present generation, are the maker::; not the heirs of traditions, but, if in the youth of Olli' ("lllllltry, ed11c•ution le111ls along the' \\Tong· path:-;, what ran he hopE'.d for in the future? An interesting <'ommentary on the present edu!'ational 1:>ystem wnws from Englnnd. Jn the rourse of nn addrc-!'is to a galheringot' headmaste1·s, l\rr. Hirhers, one of' l·~ng lan<l's l'ort'most husiness 1ne11, said: "Strong- pre;;sure is lieing hrong-hl to c•ommer<'ialise oi11· cduC'ati011 in order to make it 11 paying proposition, to makj it subservient to the god of wealth, ancl thus c·oll\·ert us into a mone.v- making mob." The1•e words might \ery well have been spoken in Australia of Australian edtH'ation. As ha.<.; heen !mid he l'ore, this is exartl.v what our eduC'ation 1s aiming- at. But a nation ean. It C'annot with impunity, it C'am10t, with C'Xiste1we, .go on disrega rding literature,, nature, eompassion, duty an.1 responi<ihility. Rut it is to this sy:-;tem that we c·1111 tnwe some ol' the roots of the present strike trouhle whi<"h is hringiug more 1li<wredit on the Au:-;tralian worker. There must he something wrong with an edue:ation that lean~s a man without any publie hones ty or "ense of responsibility, whiC'h so edm·ates a man that he thinks it c·le\•eme";; to rheat his employer right and left, anct whi('h lean,,,, him with so little real sense that lw <'annot II'-'<' till' pri\"ileg-P of' ,·oting in the proper way. Gi1·e Australia a proper s.\'::;tem or c>chwntion ancl industrial troubles will c·onsiderably lc>«'>en. politic·s will <·ome after, not bC'f'OI'<' palrioti;;m, 1mcl the 691 ~Hate he fore the part,\. that An;.lralia prodtH'l's Thl•rc ii'i a g-ra111 oi trnlh 111 the 1-illC<'r t11·0 thiu~o i11 al.H11Hlancc wool anll politicia11~ . 011e is for<·rd lo admit lhat Ar<·l1bi;.hop K ell ~ lnn<·h!'d the ~pot with his <•riti<•i;.111, hut it i~ with pride that we rralii:;r. th:-il among th<• Greal Puhli<· S<•hoolo al lcai:.t, the true spirit of cdnc·ation is hcmg- kept aJi,·e. ............................................................................ 12\ ~J l~J\ IOHl.\ .\l.;A.'\T F. H. Colwell. Jt wus 11 ilh tbt• deepe;.t t'egrl'! that <luring the l'Hl'I~ lJOl'liou of the tl'l'lll. Wl' hear<! of the dt•atb of Ha,1 ( 'olwpll . llP was :<t•ni11g 111 l"ranl'l' with till' i.;th Batta lion. and was :-:bot whlll• ll'alling hb :<<•dion "o,·er tlw top." lie wn:-: a promi11P11t m<•mht•r of the 8!'11001. a11d did 1·cl'.\' \\'t>ll 011 the 11u11lel'n >'idP. .\:-: a foothallel' Hu,1 11·11s among tlw 1·er~ hest, 1111d 11lu~·c<.1 with our 1!108-!l X\' . l'e rhups his 1'11ief d1untl'tl'l'i:<tk, und till' quulit~ h e Ii:; most l'e llll'lllhert•d for. 11·11;; a won<ll'l'ful !'1111 nu of miu111e1-. \ 'e r~· l'\'e11-te1111ierecl. he attrnc:ted e\·pryone lw c·umr 111 c·ontu!'t with. Befol'e enlisting lw was engaged as a l'l'J>ol'ter 011 the ··nuu~· Telt•gravb" stuff. and made man~· fril•nds. li e wn:< emi11('11tl,1· 11 sotiahle ft'llow, enjoying goud 1·01111muy, llll(I a gn•at ltll'l'r of home. l>ut "·beu the <'a ll <'Hille be 11c,·e1· lll'sitated. llis letter:-: horn<' were full of the ><11ualor and horror of the struggll', and of his 11mhitio11 to get hue k to d1·iJiun lifr. Cnclernculh it ull, 11·11s tlrnl quiet dele1'1ui11atio11 of bis lo i;tkk It out. HJl(I µ:o through to tlw t•111l. Hut it wa" ordered that bl' :<bou ld not >'<'<' the ('tHI on this earth. \\'hile le ading bis 111eu Ill' fell >'hot through the l11•u<I. Death was h1,.ta11h11lPou:-:. u111I auother ;.rnlla11t ft>llow 11a;. ucldell to our li~t of iru11tot'tals. \\'p c·nn sta1'1·ely moum. hut rathl'r fe('I, a tbl'ill of pride that be died Ihm;. T lw Sehoo l :-<ym11athises det>ply with the He1·. Colwell aud :.1 rs. Col well. 'l'TOOl'1'R W. TINK. \\'a Iler '!'ink ht'longe<I to a µ:eneration he~·ou1l the kt-11 of an,v JH'l'scnt \1•wi11gto11i1111s. :\ot ('spedn II,\' brilliant. his numc, Jlerhap::. is not fou11cl on till' sl'ltola rship ho11nls. Uut ht• was one of tho:se steud.1', :-<trnng 1'1111.rul'll'r, \\' ho ar<• so mul'l1 mis.~rd when they "go Wl'st." H e " ·as seninµ: in Sinai with thl' 7th .\.L.H. at the time of his death . Th<' l'P~inw11t was uc·ting with Englbh infuntn· a;.:nin>'I Caza. T h r 7th \\'('l'l' in llw thic-k of th1• tight. and Walter rl'<·ei\·ctl four mn<'bine-gun hullet,.; through till' storuad1. Thi>' was his fir:<I tilgbt, nncl within hulf an hour of its <·omnwm·eml'nt he was mortall~- wo1md<'d. 'l'h<'.1· mon' <l into al'lion amid the gardens and prkkl~· 1·11dm: lwclg<'s that su1Tm111d the town. 1111<1 \Ynltc:>r's i-quacl· ron hP<'Ulll<' tn11µ;l<'<l up In ;:mnc:> <ll'~P<'rate :<tre<•t fi.l!;hting. U c:> wns tir><t in n hayorwt 1·h111·.l!;l'. whi<-h 1·apt111·<·<1 t\\'o .l!;tlllS. ft here that lw fell. Iii;: friPIHI. \\'rlti11g of \\'u ltPr's cleath. ><RYS: ".\ grent frlc:>nd of mine. \Yall!'I' Tink . was shot in th<' ;:toma'd1. and <lie<l within half an hour. lh• wa;: c·onsl'iou:< to the end . . . . IIe took off hi" 11Ti><ll<'I 11·11t<'h 111ul han!lt•<l it 01·er with other thin.I!;!!, to l><' forwarded to his mother. . . . \\'alter wa~ u gl'und fellow. und '"II" 'l llL \J \\T'i(i10;-il \ ,\ . 69::! gn.•at watt !'-i. .\s \\"t' "t'l'P ;.:uiu:.: into ad iun hP sai<l to lllt', 'lltm <In yn11 likP 0111' 1 h111wP. \la1"." awl I said lh;1t \\t' woul<I ;.:o h1111w t o;.:t•tlwr 1111 tlH' s1111w hoa t." .\lr. Ti11k l'l'C'l'hc•d s,1mpathPti<' ll'lll•rs from lh<' llri;.:a<IP <"lllljt lai11. llllll from\\ al!Pr's trnop and "''lllll<lr1111 ka<IPrs. 'I Ill'.\ all l11i1I stn•ss 011 his <Jllil't. <'lllfl'll/.:"1'011"' 1·h11nwtPr. \\ !' '-."lllP<lthis!' l!'l'.I' drPpl,1 11 ith ~lr. 11111! \lrs. Ti11k. a11d whil!' it Is ;.:i11•11 111 lht•m to 111n11rt1 ll" \\!'II as to frl'l pr1111tl. 1lw H1·hool. \\hi• h shan•s th< loss, ''ill not foq.:c•t. H1·:1u,1 ..1.\'1 \. MARSHALL .. "t' "f'l't' 1 \\t• rh•Ppl,1 11111111'11 lht• loss of St'l'l-:l'llllt \. \larsl111ll. \1111<' 11f his l'UlllPtupurarit•s an• 11ith 11s 11t1\1, hut tlu• 111astprs ha1t• ,1 1ilid n•1·olll'di1111 uf hi.s ll'Ul'k a11tl 11orth. 011t• of t111'sl' sll'ad1. h11111•sl. strai;.:111-l'llllllill;.: fplluws . ht• ll'llS likt•tl Ii,\· 1'11'1',IOll!'. 111;<1 \\·hat is lllOl'l' i11q111rl1111t. !!Hi111•d th1• "'"'ill'l't ol' 1'\l'l',111111'. Ill' t11C1l, his \\ ork n•r,1· st'rio11sly. 11lli111atl'l,1· p11ssi11:: thl' 01<1 HP11i11r E~11111i 1111tl1111. thm• <11111lifyi11;.: for admitt11111·1• as a "lll'\'l',\ltl' 11111h•r thP <}11Pt'llsl11llll (;O\'l'l'llllll'llt Ht•;..:11latio11s. Ills st!'l'lill!! worth !!lliltt•d him tht' posilio11 11f l'n•fpd in t!ll I. 11 position lw tilh•tl with his usual tlwro11;.:l111!'H><. llP to11k part i11 all ~khool i.:111111•s. 11ilh t•11th11· i<iasm. tho11gh ht• Jlt'\'l'I' l'P11<"11t•<I 11 high tHJ><itio11 as a sports1111111. 111 1n1,1·s that 1'011111. huwp1·1•r. Ill' 11as alwa,1>< a sp11rls111a11 i11 tlw hi;.:l11•st "l'llsl' of thl' wont. \\'1• \\'t•n• not surprist•<I to h•arn that h1• hail 111h111tPl'rt'1l. and 1111 his \\II,\' to till' fr1111t Ill' l'allt•d al tht• Sdwol t11 ml't't thosl' \\ho kilt'\\ him. lit• hon• "ith him tht' l'nrdial ;.:ood "ishPs of all. lib ahilit,1 1111<1 diar:u·tt•r \\t'l't' rt'l'o;.:11is1•d l•.1· all. and lH• 11as 1111<' 11r lhnsp old ho.1·s. ;:0111111 1111<1 wholt•so111t• i11 1•1·l'r,1 way. that tlu• Hd11111l lil;!'s lo n•joi<'P O\'t•r as a prod1wt of its li!'st 1111rl\. Ill' was kilit'd i11 Fla11tlers 1111 thP ith of .J1111P. l\11 i. \\hilt• l'IJ:!H!!l'd 1111 a n><·o111111iss1lll<'l' his party was tin•d 011 "·' s11ip1•1·s <'!Ill· q•ah'll ill tht• ht'<kt•s. llis pal l\'lls 1\·011111!1'11 h1•sidP him. h11t \'all'o)' fl'll shnl thron;.:h th1• spi11t•. lit' 1liPd within tP11 111i11111t•'" \\ ithnlll again ><tH'ak i11;.:. \lr. 1111<1 \lrs. \l11r,.;hall l'l'<'"il<'d tt•sll11w11i<"• from lh1• li<'lllP111111t <"0111111a11di11;.: 8Pl'!!<'1111t \lar;:hall's ""111p1111,\. 1111<1 also fr11lll his fril'111l. l.11.tTJ . :\.l'.\..I 11. \\. BROUGH. \\par<' t"•pt•l'iall.1 forltmatl' i11 ha1i11;.: :tll dl'tails 11f lh<' lwrni" 1kath of 1.i!'llt. II. \\. l:ro11;.:h. It \\ll" d1:1ra<"IPris1ii· of him lh11t lu• ,..Jw11l!I han• diPd while trying to sa1p tl11· lift• of a f<'ll11\\ soldit•r. llrm1::h was at \l'Will!.'.11111 f1'l1lll 1\10."i-IHI I. 11111) was ill tlu• J,.;t ~\\'.of 1910. \\1• han• l\\o lt'I',\' h1•a11tif11l trih11ll's lo his p11n•. t'O\ll';l!!l'llllS d1:1ra<'11·1-. lllll' \\Tilll'll h.1· II frit•111l. 1111<1 thl' othl'I' h.1 his lirnth('I'. E;:sp11tlalb 11H111l,1· his fri!'11d "alls him: an all-r111111d "'P"rts1111111. has1•-h11lh•1". motor '"'"·list. fuothalh•r. tP1111is pl11.11•r. lit• 11as an Par11est !'hristia11. a11<1 his frl1'11d rt'l11t<'s 1111\\. \\'hilt• 011 a 111mpi11;.: trip tlwr 1\011ld tak1• it i11 turns. al 1>1"<111;.:h'" s11::!.'.l'sli1111. to n•ad a d111pt<'r l'\1'1'.\ 11ight from th<' t:ihlt•. This sll!!!!l'stion tlH\I' 111'\'l'I' 11'1'111 hat•k 011. \l\\'111"' f'111JsidPnttl' of otl11•r's ft'Plim!s. lit' "-a~ Hll ut1Pr :-:tran;.:T r 1o all. 1nali1·p :tnll sp11h·..1111p:-:s. and \\'hf'l'('\t'r IH• \l'f'lll mad!' frir1Hl s of' all. tri;: hrotlu•r uil·l's 11artl<-11lars of hi' lll'ath. Ill;: hatt1•1-.1 \\llS l<watPd In 11 dan;.:t•ro11 s 1·111l1•y. knm\11 111111111!.'. t lw llll'll a"' t hi' "\':1 ll!'.1· of D1»1 t h... 011 tlw a ft prnoo11 of t 111' l:.;t of \la.1". tlw Jl1111s put 11p a 1·11rtain 11f fin• ot ~ 111111 10 ind1 :.;hells. The hattt'Q' ;:IJffPrPd ><t•\·prel~-. nrul lln111;.:h rnn out to resl'llt' 1 G93 11 man l111ri€'1l hr 11 shC'll: whlll' doing- thi<: hi' wa" "·0111Hl('(l horribly 111 tlH' )!'g. Ill' dill 11ot. hoWl'H'I'. losP 1·011sc-io11s11P;;><. and uskl'd 1111' lllPdk:tl olli«l'r. " ll :in• I doll<' rkht ..,.. ))path •»till<' 011 tltl' wn,\· to tlu• hlls(' hospitnl. lip was h11riC'd with f11ll militar~· ho11om·,.:. a11d 1111' ho,n< hPa11tifil'd till' !.!ntYl' wilh primrns1•s und d:tisil's. . \ 1·ross was r11is1•d o\·pr it. with tlu• l'ollowi11!.! i11•wriptio11: .. In mt•mory or :!1111 l.IPlll. II. \\. 1:ro11;!h. 10.'.th ll11wit~wr llallPr.L lst \In~-. l!lli." llis fath1•1· aucl 111othPr a1·p missionnric•s in l1ulia. and :is h<' hn<l not sc•1•11 tlwm for 11111n.\· .n•111·s. th<' loss is nil thl' ;!rl'atl't'. Th<' Sd1nol ~.n11pathis1•s with \lr. and \lrs. 1:1·1111!,!h ill tlwi1· s:Hl hPrl'a\·1·111P11t. ne''''R .\. MAC DONALD. . \, \lad)onnhl will hP l'l'lll<'lllhl'rc•d witl1 ldtHhll'ss hy Olcl .\'l'w111!,!1 on la ns of his l:'l'lll'l':tl Ion. 11 l'. his hrotlwr. a 1ul hi'< h11 lfhroth1•1-. l\pith ('oul!·s. who was th!' son of \lr. . J. Con!l•s. till' \\·pJl(,nown IH'aclmn'<tt'r of .\'1•\\·lng-1011 in tlw Parlr l'il!htil•s. \\·pn• nil 111 sd1ool tog-PllH'l'. Ill' hnd nn ho11011nthlP «:tr1•1•r anrnn!.! us. tu ldn!,! his 11111·t In s1'11001 ga1111•s a1Hl work. Ill' won h,\· his moclPst hnt ' IPrlin!.! worth th1• g-00<1-will of all who kill'\\. him. \s In tlw 1·:tsl' of Eck11r Lnnl'. WI' nnfort11nai1•l~· know n•rr littl<' of how lw ml't his dl':tth. hut th1• nwr<' f1wt thnt w1• <HI' forc·pd to han• fp\\,.r li111•« nhn11t onp thnn 11ho11t nnotlwr llll'>tns nothin;!. tl\P 81'111111! l't'llll'lllh!'I'>' with prilll' 1111 lwr >'on,.:. \\'p 111011r11 with hi" \\·iclmn•d mot hPr m«•r t hl' loss of hPr !!II Ila nt son. E. LANE. l•:clg-a r I.ant' \\:ts 0111• of lhr<'<' hrollH'r><. 11ll Olcl .\'1•\\·in!!tonl1111-.. nncl .sons of' till' HP\·. 1:.<'. a mnn of 11111«h cll'h'rmhrntion :11111 for1·1• of <h:1rndl'l'. ,.:o th11t two of tlwm 11:1t11rnll.\· joim·<l thl' fightin!.! ru11k". 01H• rC'tnn11•d \1·ou1ul!'cl 11ft1•r ~t' 1Til'1• in (,;lllipoli. and this 0111' hll" ,.:n1·ritt..1•d hi" life'. l'ossPss(•d of gncul II \'l'l'llg'l' II hi Iii,\'. ht• did •·n•d Itu hi.\· Oil tlu• 111ock1·1r si<ll'. 1'1•1·ha )IS 1111 11111' of his <la.\· «lltl'n' d 111ort' fully into Pn•r.\· pnrt of sc·hool lif<>. or took a kN•1wr intPrPst in l'H'r~·thin::; lh11t t>ffl'l'll'<l ii. On lt'a\·in!.! 8"11001hi'1u1ss!'d into hnsim•s><. hnt lwnring tlw ('1111 of llw l·:mpin'. likC' ><o 1111111.r otlu•rs lw fomul it too ><trong. ITC> C'onltl not rl'fnsl' it. and join<'cl tlw .\.l.F. \ll hio.; hnp<'s nntl nspiration" \\l'l'I' s11nifil'l'<l with thnt g11it>tr so d111rndl'risti1· of him. 1-:ck:lr l.1111!' i" mw morl' of thos1' whom not 0111.r thC' SC'l11101. hut \11strn1in. cl!'light'< lo 1·1•111!'mht•r in hononr. \\"!' 11rP nnfort111111tl' in not hu\·in!.! fnll!'r J>nrtic·nlnrs of his fll'nth. ll11t nr<' s111·1• that hl' "wl'nt Wl'st" in his n<:unl g11ll11nt 11111nnl'r. ... '\mYTXflTON \ '\D TTTE RTRTT\E. .\s soon ns thC' strikl' ns'<\1111(>(1 i-!'rion<: JlrOJIOl'tion<:. Wl' 1vert> nil anxious to clo 011r llit: :1 ph1·11><<' hc•eonw ><ulli1·i<'ntl.r f111nlli:1r 1luring the• 111,.:t thn'l' .\'<'Ill'>'. Thi' clny ho,\·>' hnd no <lillieult~·. hut it w11s 111•«l'><s111} for 1111• hon nll'rs to i,:c.>I 111.•rmi,.:sion from hom<>. 'l'he tl'll'!.!l'll Jlh clPpartnwnt was p:-...1·pssin•lr h11s.r fo1· n C'Ollflle of clny><. 111111 th<' hll'ky onl'>< who n•c-pin•1l )ll'rml~sion. 1·omnw1H·l•1I to look for work. Ho ht•hohl a HI'\\' army or flu• unPmploye1l. fillP!l with 11 hurni11!.! dt>!<il'<' for work: n f1•Pli11g- 1ww to n111ny of II!< in p11rlk11l:1r. ancl to t111• 111H'lll(llo~·pf1 In ~1•111•r11J. Thi' g-P1wrnl l'Xodn~ 1·om- 694 Tnr Xr.w1 x<;Tox IA x. on 811t11 r<la \' IUOl'llill!!. :llHI Wl' \\'aJHIPrl'tl from Ecld,\"" \n•nut> to \Jr. lloau..and from .\lr. Doau lo umpll't'll Phillip 8tn·l't: from lht>n• 10 umpt~· Elizalic·lh Htrt><'t. a1ul tlwn on 10 11111pty-11mp1 ll1111tpr 8tr<'l't. \t tlw lattl'r plan• :<liuht •·0111..wstion m·t·111T1•tl owing lo 1111' 1·011n•r;..:P1u-1• of sPYen1l h111Hln•cl into 0111• cltu11'1\"ll,\". 8111111· w1•rt• hl<'ky: th1• mujorit~· \\'ere 11ot. 0111• work1•r hy usln;.: hi:< II,\' this tinw our intlul'JlC'l' 1111111a;..:1•<1 to ;.:<'t 11 joh nr X1•\\·1.,1stll'. romunti<· dr1·a111;; of driYin;.: hm·k strikpr" with n•\'oln·r:<. drpams of stokln;..: p11;.:i11Ps. ancl tln•ams of 1·ol11•di11;.: 1':11·ps, 1•k.. w1•r1• hl';.:l1111i11;.: lo losl' so1111• of the ir gl111110111'. It is onJ,,- fair to sny that t lll':<C' id Ioli< i<kas \H'rl' fostl'retl II\' sompoJH' \\'ho shou Jd ha 1•' kno\\'11 lll'tt1•1'. 1111d t hat llH',1' 1n•rt• as ;wthin;.: to lh1• iurld NJ1lt•11d11111 of his 011·11 hopt's in whid1 fixP1l ha,ronl'ts aJtpr11al!•d \\'ilh ,·oJll·~ firi11;.:. 011 811111111,\' 111'\Ys filtt•rt>d thrnu;..:h that \\'llitl'r:< ll"l'I'<' \\'Hllll'<I at J.:n•ll'i;..:h. and on .\lornltl.1· mor11i11g. l'nrly, 11 rush 1·n1111111•1u·pcJ. \rl111t was tlw surpri:<<' of all to s1•1• sittin;.:. \\'lli1i11;.: for 11 trnin. l\\'o promilw11t llll'lllhPrN of tlw ><<"111>01. 11pp11n•11tl~· ju"t n•<·o1·pri11;..: from 11 "l'l'<'l'I' drinking ho11t. lnquir,,· Plidtl'd lhl' fat ·I that llll',1 had hl'l'll doi11;.: 11ighl shift nt J•:n•Jpigh, :111<! \\'l'l'I' just n•1·01·1·1·iug frn111 tlw t•fl't•t·(s of 1:1 hours' 11·aitin:.:. 'l'lwy hnltltlt·tl not td' '..(J'l•1•11 fiPlcls. hut of ph1ll's :t111l ..::111,.:ag1»~. of lrni\·c·s nrnl sll':1ks. Thi• 1:1ri1•1.1 ot 1·ol01t1•s 011 lhl'ir fa1·ps woultl 1111\'t' cltllll' 1·n•tli1 lo a d1:11111'l1'011 gl'inw a11tl hla•·k 011 a 11ut11rn I h111·k'..(1·01111tl of .1·pJl011·-t i11ll'cl. wit It light ur1•t ·11. J:y :\Jo11d11.'· 111•arJ,\- l'\'l'J',1·11111' had s u•·<·1•1'<ll'cl i11 ;.:1•ltim: \\'ork of soml' ld11tl. Thus. as so111p11111• kincll,\" poi111nl 11111 111 thl' Jl>IJK'I'. till' so11s of 1·11pitnlists fomul thlil' lnll' ll'l'l'ls :is c·ll':tlll'r-.. \\':Ii h'I'". fit tl•r". PI!'. l·'or thl' fi r st tillll' in onr lin•s \\'<' had. mall,\ of 11s. lO wo1·k ph,1·s i<-11JI~'. anti not in tit..: 111111 ,:tarts 01· 111 till' pll'll"lll'I' 111' our ow11 ·<\\"\ <·t wills. hut l>1'<·a11sp \\'l' h:Hl to. l'his f:lt'I wus im111·t•ss1•cl 1111 us hy many t,\'l'llllllil-HI bossl'><. \\'1• mixc•tl with 1111 ki11ds of 1111•11. :tilt] fo1111<l lllllll,\' ill hi;.:b )lOsitiOllS Ill Ol't)illlll',I' tillll'S dt1ill;! SOlllt dirt,\· joh with llw h<>st of 11s. 'i'l't'dlPNs Ill ;;ny. <lirt,r is 11s1'd in ih primary Sl'llNl'. Self-<·ontrol !llHI politl'lll'""' i11 all t'irt·ll111-<t1111<1•s 11'1'1'1' 011 J~· two of the 11u111y thi11;.:s \\'l' ll'l'l'l' t 1111;.:ht. Thl'sl' 1·lrl llt•s Il l'(' 1'111<,I' pno11;.:h lllldt'I' Ol'(lilllll',\' dr1·11111st11nt·1•;;, hilt \\'llill'l'S l'N)ll't'i 1111.1· 11 1'1' 1111! to h1•1·01111• Jlt'l'\' l" h :llHl fr11~·1'<l in tl'mpl'r tmrnrds four. o'<·l<H'k In tlw mornin;.:. nut mm·p so \\'lll'n .1·oll 111·1' 11skpd If l'/.!;!" 1111<1 11111·011 nre on. 1111<1 han' to !'<land up to 11 flood or uhusl' If till'~· 111'1' not. ' l'lH'l'l' is no 1wed to t•x1ilu i 11 tlw r1•1't•l'(•JH·1• Io l';.:;.:s. ('1111 any wuill•r fm·;.:pt llwm·! En.'r~·onc' Sl'!'llll'tl lo 1·011sicll'r lhl'lll th<' lwli,:ht of luxury. .\notlwr di;;tind trial of lh1• flt•sh \\'Us our hl'lon•<l "hn•t hren." Tlw po Ike 1·oulll ha n• 111111;.: n 11,,· wn ill'r for his tho11i,:ht>< alo1w. \\'hl'n after four hours ;..:oi11;.:. ··1:n•thrl'11" toltl him to wash <lown hi" tnhle. and hl' woul<l "put 11ll lllP tra~"~ 011 \"Olli' tnhl<' now!" Brt>thren was 11J\1·uy,_; l11th·lik1'. !'\'I'll \\'IW11 i1 lousi \"I'. \\' I' JH'\'l'I' n•11 JJY lllHlersl ood .\·Iii t 011 's · IIJ It'. "Thi'\' n bo sl'I'\'<' \\'ho only "lnml an<l \\'Hit till." 1111til 1111'11. · YPt not nil honours uo to t lw 1Yaitl'rs. Tlw C'Jp11111•1·s. 11 lllPl'l',\" 1·r!'ll'. <lhl nohlt' \\'Ork. \\'hile the fittl'I'>' 1•111·1w<I i.:n•nt prnis<'. 'l'hpn• ""'" II rumour of a l"l'l'tain sol'iPt,\- among till' dt'llllt'I'". whosp s,\"·mhol \\'Its J>. I U . \'l· r~· fpw lt•n rnt \\'hat t ht•s1• m~·,..1 it· symhols 1111•1111t. \\'hil<' <lrt>n<lful tnles \\'l'l'l' tol<l of Ill!' ord1•11l to ht• 11111Jpr;..:on<' lwfor<' thl' nc·ol,Ytl' l'l'<'l'h'l'll tHlllli>'sion. Tlw \'l'l'.I" drin•rs \\"l'l'I' wont to pr11is1• thl' c·h•anlinl''<s of thl' l'ngilll''<, 1111tl lhosl' who know thut «llt•nt l':ll'l', \\'ill 1111tlersta1Hl lhl' ma:,.:11it11cJp ol' thP pr11ls1', llll'IH'('<i • 0 Tnr XrwrxcToxrA x. 695 Y!'s. Ill.I" mast!'rs. 1n1 hill'<' h!'<·onw n n•rsnlilt• sc·hool. \Yi> tur11 onr h:111<ls to :t nyt h in;.: 11011-. :t 1Hl <·11 n t i<"ldP t lw <·111·h111T!'tor of :t 11 l'n~lrw (hns 1111 l'll~inP 11 <"l1rh11rl'llor'.') or <·ook 1111 onll'll'tfo• wiln a nyon('. It is 1•x Jlt'l°l Pll that llw ki tdwn sta 11' w 111 1\!' ' li'<J l<'ll'<t>d \\"ilh in f11t11r!'. 8onlt' of II'< ll"<'l"l' hwky <'11011;.!h lo ;!l't trip" us lli<slstnut firt•11w11. 01111 \\"Pill 1lmn1 to \\'011011;..:011;..:. :1111! stl<"<"t'l'ilPll in ht•ln;..: st on!'<l h.1· st ri k<'1·s. st i fi<'d i11 Otfonl T111rnPI. 1111d tlwn 1·0111pl'ilt•d to sll'l'(I in a s1'1·0111l-l"lass "11l111rh:111 in \\·011011;..:011;..: railway ~·:irtls. \n~·thin;..: for <'XJll'rll'n1·t• ! .\notlwr h11d n trip to <:011lh11r11. whih• sl'n'ra I ot lwrs dill s11h11 rhn n trips. It ll":ts not Ion;.: hefon• t lt11 mor<' 11pno11s llll'lllh1•r:• iun•-:tl'<l in ··sqnirt"" ( ll11ll'alo Bill 11·u11hl not r1'1·0;..:11isP his hl'im·('d C'olt 1111<h•r ih:tt llllllll') . . \ ;..:ood '11>11 ! wi.s s11 id 11 hont t ht• proli11 hh• rt''-1111" to :1 ny lntl'rfp1·in)! stri kt•r-:. 811,11,• t'l't n ll"Pllt '-'O far 11'-' to 1·111T,1· n ~1111 in l'H< h 11:11111 11·h(•fl ll"1ilki11;..: down tht' li111• from 8~·1ltu•y nt ml<lni~ht. \\'p pn•s1111:1• 1ht'.I" Juul lot•<'ll to t111• ( 011s1·n11torh1111 of :\l11si<· or thl' '\:1ti01rnl \rt <lallt>r~". It ll'llf: all 111•11-. mul 1·arh·t.1· Is tlw hn•ath of 1ift'. \\'(• nil <·amp a1n1~ with Ill'\\" i1h•:is. hroadt•r-111i111lt•tl. :11111. it is to )l(' hoJK'tl. lllOt'•' S('llsihll'. It is <'II"·'· IHI\\" to ll)l)lr('t·iatP II ll'Ol'klll:tll"s fppJifl)!s. 111111 :111~·011t' 11 ho hpfon• h11tl llll\\"i'-'('l.1· rnilt'd at 1111io11'<. hl'<":tlllP II'-' i::ootl a 1111ionist :Is tlu• st1·ikpr,.;. OnJ.1· so far. of 1·011rsl'. as it i>: possihll' t'or :t seah to h<• 1111ythi11~ )!ood. Th<> wuit!'rs soon IPnrnt lw11· it frl'ls to ht• t:! hours on 0111•s frt't. ;.:oin~ 1·011ti1111011sl.1·: :t 11wn• sympntlwti1· fPl'lin;..: 1·:111 hi' look!'tl for in f11t11n• toll'nrds waitPrs 1111<1 waitrpssps, I 11 1111.1· 1·a"t' if Fat1• fo1·1·t•s :Ill,\' of 11s tn tlo physl1·:11 lnhour for our lil·in;..:s in th1• f11t111v. wt• shnll not ht' 11·ho1J.1· llll)Jl'(')llll'l'll. '" ('OIH"l11sio11. tht' (f(':Hl11111stl't' l'('l"('il'P<I 111·0 llll>'OlidtP<I tPsti111011l11ls with 1·p~nrd to lhl' )!oo<I hph111·iour of :'\1•ll'i11;..:to11i:111s ut Jo:n•it'l)!h. t:tkl' lhis opport1111ity of tlrn11ki11;..: our n•111·1•sl'11t11tilps for tlll'i1· ;.:ood 1·0111hwl. :111tl Ill'!' )!Ind that tht• ht111t1111· 1111tl di;..:11it.1· of lht' 81"!1001 \\'llS t'l'lllt'mht•n•tl 111Hll'r all t"i1·1·11m.,.l:111<·t's. "'<' FOOT ll \T, L. Owh1~ to t hP ln<lu>:t riu I strikt• 1111<1 the fac-t t hnt most of t lw footl1a lll'rs offt•n><I t h<>i r st•n·kp"· we w1•n• 1111:1 hll' to fini"h on r ro1111tl o!' <·n111pl'titio11 m11tdws thl" term. \ltlw11:.:h till' ft•:1m h11" not won manr matdH'"· 111111 \\'l' stantl 1·pry low it1 1111' 1·0111pt'titio11. still )!l't'at i111pro1·1•m(•nt 11·11f: ><holl'n all 1·0111111. It is pll'HSlllltl.1" notl<-111\hlp thut in tht' Sl'l"OIHl tl't'lll \\'(1 Slll"t·t•1•tlt•fl in n><l11t·i11;..: tlw m1111h1•r of poi11t>< st·or('<( a;:.:alnst us. It spt'Hks n1h111ws for till' <·011d1inl! of ,\Jr. BtH'hn111111 that s11l'h 11 happy stilt(' of nfl'nir;; wus hro11;..:ht :1ho11t. Th<> first 1111<1 011!.1· 1·om))('t itio11 111111<-h plit)'l'<l this t!'rm 11·11s :u:ainst 8t. l)!natius. un<l althon)!h \\'l' 10 ... t. the tt•am mu<lt> 11 :.:ornl sl10wi11;..: on n strnn~l' ~round. :'\pwi111'ton wi1111ini.: tlw tos>: took 11tln111tn;:rE' of a slli.:ht witul. Pl::y 11·as 1·pry l'\'t'll till from n fin!' Jl!l'-'sin:,: ru"'h <:ni""llll<' st·orPtl in th1• 1·01·11!'1'. S.I.. :l: \'.(' .. 11il. \'t>win:,:ton forwanls. who l\"l'l'l' 1111 plt1yl11)! a ;..:r<>at )!Unit'. <·11r1·il'tl tlw ht!ll Into tlwir oppont>11t~· tPnitory. wh<'ll from u frpp HPllllt'tt kit'kt'Cl a spJ('11tli1l pp11111t~· 1-:oal. 8.1.C .. :1: '\.C' .. :1 <:in•-111111-tnk<' pln,1· followt><l till lil'nr~·H 6!l6 THE NEWINOTO:"llAN. st•1·nre<l n p<•11:1lt.,· goal from n free. S.l.C .. Ii: '\.C .. ::. 8.1.<'. att:wkNl. nncl 0111.,· ,;ph'tHlifl ta("(;lin!! h.,. tlw ha< ks 111·1•,·pnfl•11 a >'!"On'. tlw pla~· lll'in;.: trnnsferre<l to hnlf·wa.r. ft-0111 whPr1• Cripps ,;1•1·11n•<l. ki<-kt•<l o\"l'r tlw f11ll-h11<"k >' hl'11<1. followl'd on. :111d s1·on•cl in a hancl.'· position. ne1111ett failP<l to a<l<l tlu• PXtnt 1•1ints. S.I.('.. Ii: '\.(' .. 6. X1•wington 1·ontin111'<l to 11tta< k. 111ul llosking lookl'<l likl' -<<"orinir. hut w:lf: t:wkll'<l on tl11• lint'. 'l'h1• haif·tillll' whlslh• '<ot11ult•<l. with 8.1.C'. ,;till on tlw tll'f1•11sin>. 011 n •s11111i11;.: tlw 8.1.C'. luH"k>; qni<'kly ;.:ot mm·ing. 1111tl nltho11::-lt kl'pt l>ll!"k h.r SOlllHI t111·kling for >'Olli(' tillll'. llt l11 ;;t >'llt"('('(•dt•<l 111 h1"<•aki11g thrnngh 11ncl s<"oring. 8.1.C' .. !l: \'.C' .. Ii. \ frt•t' kil"k 1,_, llt•11r.1·s from a mnrk (lilt S.l.C. ;;till f11rtl1Pr lit tht' h'H<I. 801111' 1111i11tt'n•sti11g pill,\" follo\\"Ptl. tlw >WOl'I' rpnmh1i11g 11n<"lt:t11gp(( till 11ho11t tl'n 111l1111tPs hpforP full-tinw. whl'n S.I.('. hrnlw through twit ..• 111 qulo-k stH'<"l'>:sion. 'l'lw full - tinw \\"hlstll' fo1111d 11s <lpfp1ui !nir harcl. tit!' final s<"on• hPing: S.I.('., lR; \.<' .. Ii. 0 l'OO'l'Jl.\ l,L UESlTIJl'S. Ym1-<'r1111rrlitirm lffl/f"lu·x l"t XT. l Iii\! l'><it\·. Lost. 1::-.;. S.I :.S. J.;1st ..i2-0. t nin•rsit~·. Lost.. ~-Ii. S.< . E.<:.S. \Yon. 2.i-1.i. S .. I.( '. Lost. '?."i-.i. 'l'.t\.S. Lost. 2;i-O. 'l'.l\.S. Lost. :11-0. 2ncl X \. l nin•rsit.r. Lo!':t. 12-:1. 8.1 LH. Lost. H-:J. llarkl'r Colll•;.:P. Lost. 1!\-:l. H.C'.J.:.<:.8. Jll'H\\'H; no ~{'(ll't'. S .. I .('. J.osl. I :l-0. s.1:.s. Lo"'I. 17-o 8.C.1':.<Ut Lost. :l-0. S .. J .S. Lost, :10-0. s.c.1·:.<0.8. Lo"'t. 11-!l. S ..J.< '. Lost. :1.1-0. T l\.H. Lost. :10-n. :lrd :X \'. DR. \(('LEA '1. Owing to th<' note>; ll('ing Jof:t. wt• rpgr<•t to stntp that wp 11rl' 111111hh• to (Hthlish a full ll!'<·o1111t of Dr. \l<-J.1•1111'>< l"ll<'l'dl. 1111\·1! 1~ '"'I'll 11 m1•mh('I' of thp A.l.F.. ''"' well n s of lhP l'ol11r Expt•rlitio11. ltP \\'11;1 :thh• to tl'll II,., SOllH' \"l'l'Y i1ttl'rt•st ing stol'it'S. As a tlodor. l1P nat111·1111.'· saw 11 i.:1·pnt 1111111~ ol' thl' ltotTor,; or thP pn•s l'nt war. nncl till' tl'rrihlP s11ffp1·i11!!s 0111· ho,n: 11t tit<• front THI·; ~J.\\'Jl\ffl01'1A;\. 697 h:l\l' to 1•111l11n•. Ill' toltl 11:-; of the ;..:n•al woralt• anti hnl\t'I',\' of till' trrn1p,.; amon;..: whi<-h he worlwtl. 'l'ltt'l'l' \\'l'l'l' ;..:n•nl illt•als In life \\'hid1 t•\'t•r,nme 011;..:hl lo II',\' lo oillaiu. I11 sOllll' 1·11;;1•s. llH'>W i1h'als were rea I is1•tl. wh lit• In othpr;; pradintll~· 110 all1•111pt \\as made lo n•ali:<t' lht•m. 81wh wa,; lh!' 1·asp with our soltlkr;; anti sailors. llt• himst•lf hatl sufferL'<I from Ill-health, 111ul Juul IJ1•e11 st•ut out to .\11:-;tralia to rc1·11p1•rale. lit' lt•1t\'l'N 11;..:ai11 for l-:11;..:laml nt•xl mouth. 1111\1 \\l' all join 111 \\'i'<hl11~ him "11011 n1ya;..:c." uml the hest of lut:k whilst atlemling lo the skk autl \\ ouutlcd. < 11.\l'l ..\I :\ Fn.\Nl 1s. D.8.0 . •\ ft•\\' wt•t•ks 11;..:o Wl' l'l'!'l'in~d a \'l'l'Y i11t1•1·1•sti11;.: atlcl1'\'::.S frum < haplain Frauds. D.8.0.. tilt• mort' i11ll'resti11;.: h1•1·a11s1• It is onl~· n short liml' ... im·t• ht• \\'ll>i a111011;.: us as a Dhinity ;;tt11l1•nt. In tl1l' ailst'll('t' of the prl'sitlt•nt. tl1t• ,·i1·e-prpsitlt>ul intro<l1H·1•tl the sveukl'l'. 11 ho was ;..:i\·pn a hl'1trt,\· \\'l'konw luu·k to his old honw. l'ltaplaiu l•'nuwis was not sun• \\hat we would like to hear. .. hut 011 ;;11hmlltin;..: this 11u1•sllon lo thosl' i1re;;Put. there wus tlauwur fur lalt•s of his 1•xpl'rkm·1•s whilst :-t•n·iu;..: in the rank1'. lie tohl 1is it w11" thn•l' ~Pars "i111·1• ht• hat! lt•fl XP\\·i11;..:ton to ;..:o to the wnr. 111111 w1•ll !lid ht• n•mt>lllhl•r t Ill' farC\\'l'll 1li1111er in the tllniu;..:-hull. I IP alwa,,·:- lt11•kPtl hat·k 011 the tiny:- Ill' "lll'lll at Xewi11;..:ton with ph•as11n'. It \\Us ;.:ootl to hnn• a ,·isio11 of the hl•st lhin;.:s of lifl'. ns tlw Oltl 'l'Pstauw11l lau;..:hl us. \\'h(•n• there was no s11d1 \'i1'ion. tlw 111•opll' n lwa~·" hp1·11 me a moll. 'l'hl•re \\'H" ahn1ys 1111 i11fluc111·!' \\ hidt t1•11dt•cl lo lift us to hi;..:ht'r ll'\'t•l,;. 'l'his i11flupm·e was t'allPcl I ht• 111a;.:1wtis111 of (;(I(]. 'l'hl' d('si 1·p of t h•• h 11ma11 sou I t h rou;.:ho11 t all thl' a;.:<'" has ht•t•n to fi1ul so111t•thl11;..: to satisf.\· it. 111111 spl'in;.: that (;II(( 1·n•atPd ma11. thnt sutisflldlon must he fournl in C:Oll alone. It is quill' 11 1·om111rn1 lhi11;..: to hear that tl1p answer to J>l'l')llrxitil'" is in .Jt•sus ('hri>'t. an!l yet \H' oft1•11 put il asidt'. \'olum1•s han• lil't'll wrilt1•11 11ho11t (;ocl. and t•n•ry rPli;..:ion has tlwm as its fu1111tlatiun. ,)('S\IS Christ is c:ot]'-; l'('\'elatio11 hilll>'t'lf. He \\llS :1lso tlw n•\·1·latio11 of whnt man t•oultl he. llt• >'how,; man'" impl'rfp,·li1111 a11tl possihlliti('s. Th1•n• i" alwa~·s a spark of ;..:ootl in man. \\'l' 1w1•tl to li\'t• n>< frl'l'lllt'n. a11t1,Jt•sus1·am(• to produlm till' luw of liht•rty. \\ l' 111'1.'tl to h1• frpp fr11111 ha1uls of i,.11orn111·e autl si11. :11111 ;;o \H' ll!'l'tl tu look to Tlim. \\'e 11t•1•d the ,.i,..io11 of Christ l11•1·at1>'t' il n•stnti11s us from thl' fon·1• of ll'mptatio11. ll will hl•lp us to raisp oursl'hl's ahun• clisal1Jlifips a11tl \\'l'akn(•sst•s. \\'1• an• lwirs to the ll1•sh, and we must remcllll>et· al>'o we an• heirs to i-n lrntlon. In 1·111wlu:-io11 \\'l' ma.'· state t1111t flit' Christian Pnion has l11•1·011w ,. f1011ri:-hi11,. i11stit11tiu11. tl11111ks to tht' PnPr:..r~· of the prp,;itlPnt ancl thl' olht•r 11u•mh1•rs of tht• ('0111111itl1•P. . \ 11·1·1•k of offt'ri11;.: \\:Is instit11tl'tl. 111111 1u•arl~· fi\'t• JH•11111ls was s1•11t to till' trcasun•r. I 11fort111111t1•l,\-. till' strikt• i11tl'rfcrt•d with our pro;.:ra111mC', !Jut \H' an• hopi11;..: to lrnn• a full list of 1']1eakcrH m•xl ter m . ... 'I'll I~ ,Jl'BI Lim OF 'ITIHH' COLLE<; I~. '1'111• T11ho11 ('oll\•;.:l' wns fon111](•1l fift~ ypar" 11;.:o h~· Dr. .\lonlton. aftt•rwards l'ri11dp11l of '\~•\\'i11.;..:to11. iu '1'011;..:a, Ull(I 011 the Ol't·asion of it" jullill't' this ~·ear. our lleatlmaster sent u lclkr 698 ' l' llt• .Nb\\ J 1'G'1'01'L\ 1'. of <·011;..:rntula1io11 to tht• llto;ttllmt:<tt•r of tlw l'ollt•;..:t'. 'ir. ( olhwotl. who \\a:; al 011t• timl' a mastt>r h<'l'I'. Tht• folio\\· in;..: ll'ltl'r of at·k110\\ IPd;..:mt•ut wa.- rc<·t·b·ctl : "D<>ar :.rr. l'n•.-1·ott. On behalf of 111~,;clf, stuff, and pupil.- of Tuhou ('ollt•;..:t'. I thunk ,1·011 for tht• ki1ull,1" lcttt•r of t·o11~ratul11tio11 011 tht• t·o111plctio11 of' fift,1· .n•ai·.- of >il'l'\'kt• of thl' T11hou Collt•;..:t'. Your l<'ltN' was t·o111·<·~·t•tl to uw h,,. UH• Ht•Y. Jo:<t•ph Bryant. am! n•ad at 11 llH'C'tin;..: of rt'lll'l'"l'lltlltin•s of tilt• wain puhlk interests of Ton;.mn lift'. hoth nath·e and l·:uro111.•a11. I aw lrnpp~· to l>e ahlc> to :<a,1· that till' puhlit· t·t>ll'l>rntioH:< pai;st•d off most sati:<fndoril~. From tlw 11atil·<· point of ,·ic•"" I think tht'.'' t·o11hl fnirly ht• de•>wrilwtl 11.- hrilliantly sul·tcssful. 111HI wt•re markt•tl throu;..:hout Ii,\ ;.:oorl lt'lllP<'r iuul h11ppi11t'""· Sot a littlt• of tilt• edat of the Jll'O<·t><'<lin;..::< wa,.; 'till<' to :-1 r. llr,n111(':; pr<•st'll<·c. \\'c thank you fur ,1"<•111' \\'i>-IH's for fntnn• nst>fuhu•ss. :111<1 trust that tilt·~· will Ue full~· realise<! 111 the• ~·ears that lie alwa<I of tilt• Collt•;..:t'. "\'ours Yery :;i11t·t•rl'l,1, "E. E. \'. C'or.wcoTT." TllE SL'OHT8. Tht• l•'ort.1·-s1•<·01ul \111111al Sport,.; :.IP<'liH~ of tlw Colll'l-(l' was hc>lcl on 811t11r<111.1'. Rth 81•ptpmh<•1". an<I nlthou;::h lhl' \\·patht'r in llw morn in;..: looked \'PI',\' s('l'<'l'l'. the :<Ull shont' hri;.:hl ly in the• aftl'r110011. 1111<1 lhl' JJH'l'tin;..: \\'a>< a ;..:n•at ><IH'<'Ps><. Th<' m ·al thi:; ~·par lookP<I pe•rhap;:; hl'tt!'r tlia11 !'\'l'r h<•forl'. thaHk:.; to a 11umhcr of t111• ho11rd1•r:; ll'hO 11ohl,\' "lll'rifi('ed tlwir sd10ol-tiuw to moll' the ;.:ras:; 111111 ll'h It p11·a,.;h t lw f<•n<·<'s. \\' e 11111·<' a;.:a in to tha 11 k Ila' l't'ter,.;ham Cadet lla11<I fur ;.:ratultously ;.:il·in;.: thl'ir s('n·i<·t•s for the nfti•r110011. therl'h,I" watl'rially a<ldin;:: to till' t•njoynw11t of th1• \'isitor,;, O\\'i11;..: to th<' ><trikt'. HIHI tlw nhse1wt• of a 1111111ht•r o( till' older of \'ohmtn r,1· \\'Ork. t hi11;..:s \\'Pre 1·011.-icl!•rnhly <lisa n·a 11;.::<'tl, atacl in till' l'IUI till' final dpdsio11 to hold th1• Sport,.; was 0111,1· 11u11lc• 011 ~10111111,1". Ht>pt. :inl. :\o i111'itatio11,; \\'l'l'I' i-;s\H'<I. so thnt t111' g111l11•ri11;..: of fl'i1•1uls a111l 1°!'latlo11>< \\'H" \'!'I',\' mud1 :<mallc•r than 11s11al. a111l tht• 1·01ulitio11 of 1111• 1·01111><•titors naturnlly '<hO\\'l~I hwk of trai11i11;.:. II O\\'l'\'t'I'. 11 1111111 ht•1· h1·a n•cl t h1• t ra 11sit cli fli<·11 Itl1•s. a 11cl t hc•rp was a fairl.1· n•pn•sentatil·!• ;..:11tl11•ri11;.:_ .\ 1111111h!•r of \\'ur Clll'st c·oll!'dor.s ::an• 11 patriolk tmwh to th1• prrn·1•1•11iJ1;..:s. all(I it is to lit' hopc·d t hut t hi',\' l'l'll )>l'll II la l').:I' ha l'\'l'SI . .\s re·;.:anls the• al'funl n11111i11;..:. thP 1·0111p1•titrn·" \\l'l'l' 1111fort1111:1t1• in h111·i11µ: a ,.;tron;.: \\'hul hlowin;..: :-.lra i;.:ht <lown thl' i.:rou1uls. 11·hkh prt'1·e11tc•1l all,\' fHst tiuu•s h!•i11;..: r<'<·onlPd. l1011·1•n'1'. smuP :..:011<1 l'H<'<'" Wl'r<' run. and C'ripp:< s11<·1·{'(.'dt'd in <'rt'atin;:: n 111•w '\('11·i11;..:to11 reC'<•nl for thl' Broad .Jump. dt'arinµ: :.?tft. 3lin. lip also 111111('xe<l tlw (ofh•;.:1• ('up for tlw fourth ~·1·ar in s111·<·1•ssio11. thus <'l't'atin:.: a n•c·ord that will m'l'<I a ;.:r<'at <l<•al of h1•atin;.:. . \hhott ii. am! Jlp1·t'ri<I;..:<' tiP<I for thp l "ll(ll'r 16 ('h11mpio11:;hip. and (;rn11ll•r pt>l'funnl'<I \'('I',\' 11·\'ll iu th1• l '11d1•r l I Di1·isio11. The pnl<'<'f'<ls \\'l'l'P 11:< u,;ual <l<'\'Otl'<I to a war fund. Ilt'low t:a r·mnpll'I<' list of tht• p1·e•nts. .\t llH' <·0111·lusio11 of tht• sports tlw priir.P 1·1>rtitkatt's \\'PI'!' prt•st>nted to tlw \\'ill11t'rs h~ "r,;, l'n's<·ot I. 1011 Yanls llarnllrnp. - Fi1111l: S<·1•11ts, l; \\ alkl'r, :.? ; On·hanl. :1. Tim!'. 11 2-Jsei·s. 2:w Yard~ ('hnmpion,.;hip (undPI' 16). lle1·1•ridgc, 1; .\lJl>ott ii .. :? ; Thomas, 3. Ti tac, 27 1-5sces. 'rrn, 699 .XEWJNGTOI'1Al\. :!:!O Yanls ( hampionship (OJll'll). H. 1·. Cripps. 1; 11. H. H<' ll111•tt. :.! ; (;, I'. Sf!'\\'art. :1. Tim!'. :.?5s!'1·s. 7.'i Yards ll111ulkap (umler 11). \\'ilki11so11. I; Lill'blipld, !:?. Tim!'. 12<'<"s. Ilii.rh .J11m1> < hnm11io11><hi11 (1111clpr 11 ). <:ranh't'. lft. Gin .. 1. .\la('plH'l'M>tl. lft. 1iin .. 2; ('hapn1a11. lfL .tin .. :1. 100 Yards ('hnmpion><hip (tm<ll'l' 16). llL''·erhl:.:l'. l; 'flwlllas. :! ; .\ hhotl. 3. Time, 12~se1·s. JOO Yarcls Championship (111Hll'l' Ll).-(:rauter, 1; llotli;son. :! ; )la1·piH'l'son iii.. :1. 'l'iml'. 12 1-Jse<·s. JOO lard" ('hnmpio11f\hit> (open). H. F. ('ri1111s, 1; 11. B. ill'lllll'lt.:.?: c:. I•'. St1•wart. :i. Time. 11 3-10f\e1·s. ll11rdll's < hampionship (uu<lt>r 16).-Xcwman, I; \Yalkcr ii .. :! ; )laq>hl'rson. 3. Timt•. Hi 1-3,.;ei·s. •J1111ior S:wk J:111·e. \latthew><, I; " ' ilkimmn, 2; '"l'lllish. 3. lli:.:h .Jump (harnpinnsltip (<>Pl'll). 11. ll. llc111wtt, Sft. ~in .. 1; LL F. ( ripps. .)ft. :!in .. :.! : ( :. F. Sh•\\'nrt. lft. llin .. :i. !:road .J11111p ( hampionship (open). H. F. ('rivps, :!lfl. 3:in .. 1; II. B. Hll'\\llrl. :!Oft. ,; i in .. 2; c:. F. 8tt>\\'llrl, 18ft. !qin .. 3. Hrrntd .Julllp (ha111pio11shi11 (u1Hll't' 16). lla111·0L·k. 17ft. J ~ ill .. l · lh111st1111. JGft. IOin .. 2; \\'alker ii.. 16ft. 8111 .. :1. 1'11tti11:.: l:!lh. 8hot Chnmpionship (oven). c:. Brnwn, :!!Jfl. lin .. I; I:. F. < rlpps, !!!lft. 1 '. in .. :.! ; Lawes. :.!'>ft., 3 . •Tunlor E:.::.: and SIJoon l:a1·t>. .\sprey. 1; Smith. !:? ; Steue, :1. 7:l 't ard:; llantl il'ap ( uncler 12). ,\Jaq>hcrso11 iii., J ; Ke11t ish, :! ; ~lol'lon, 3. 'l'imc, 10 1-5i:ers. 220 Yardi; llautlicav. flual: lluut, l: Potts. :.! ; \Yalkcr i., 3. Tillll'. !?G"'C('S, JIO Yards Jlunllc:; C'hampion><hip (open). Jt. l'. Cripps, 1; .J. S1·eats, :.! ; I l. B. Be111wtt. :l. 'l'lme, 17 l-:ise1·o,;. 100 Yards Jtuncli<'ap (under 13). )Jaq>hcrson iii.. 1; .\spr!'~'. :.! : 110\\·fl'l'. :;. Tinlt', 13sCL's. l.iO Yard" l!andimp (under 16). ThomaH. 1; (:rantl't'. :.! ; II odgsoll. :l. Ti 1111•, 1!J :.!<•<·s. 110 YanlH Championship a1ul Tl':tllls H111·c.- H . F. Cripps. I ; Ord1artl. '! llcnn!'tt. 3. Timt', .37 -!-.>sees. ~ixth Form " ·on till' ' l\•am,; J:al'l'. lllgh .J 11rnp <ha111plo11shiJ> (1111tlcr 16). Dun:;t1111, ,;ft.. t; <.r·a11t1•l' and \\a Iker i., lft. Gin., <11•:111-hcat, :.!. l•'la:.: Han'. Sixth Form, 1: -!.\. :.! ; 3.\. 3. ::-iL•nior Ohslat'I<' !:an'. Palmer. l; )Imm. !? ; :\l'WlllaJI. a. ,Junior Ohst11<·Jp Ha!'C. J.'letdtl'I', L; J l a rr b:-011, !!. sso Yar(ls < hampionship. Orl'lmnl. t; ('ripvs. '!; Bomll'll, 3. ' I illll'. !!min. 17 \s('('s. 880 Yanls ( ha 111pio11ship ( u1uler 16). .\hliolt. 1 ; \\a lkl'r ii.. :! ; \1:11111. :1. Tiuw. :?min. :l lsc<·H. i\1111' ('hamplon><hip a11cl Jlandka11.- 01·1·hanl. 1; llm\'!ll'n. !! : l'ol h. :l. Tillll'. :imins. I :1 :.!-Sst•1·s. l IO Yards Jlanliil'H[l. l::i<·eats. l; lluul, :! ; Fi;.:ln'<" 3. Ti nil'. ''°' ;jG J-o,):-o;('('~. T11g-o'-\Yar. lloanll'rn h1•at Day Bo,,·s "·'· l\\'o pulls to 0111'. 'I hi' poiuls s1·on•tl i11 tlu· juuior 111111 :-1•11ior • 0111p1•litiom; Wl'rc: Colll•~c Cut>. C'ri11ps !!h. ll1•1111ett 1.;. On·ha rd 8. Stcwn rt. Bowclen. Scl.'ats, Bro\\'11 :1 l.'ad1; .Junior Cup, . \hhott ii. 6, Bcrnrill~c 6, \\'alk1•r ii. -!, ThomaH, :\e\\'mau, llum·oek 3 cneh. 'flit. 700 :'\F.\\ J;'.\GTO:\L\:\ , \LL SCILOOLS' Sl'Ol:T~. Tiu· 'l'w(•llt,\-thinl \11111111! Sporlo< .\ll'l'li11;..: of th(• Cn·at l'uhlit' h l'ltl at till' S~·clm','' ('ric-kt>t 1:ro1111Cl 011 Vritla,\' and S1it11nla.'. thl' I Ith a11!1 J.ith Sl'ptl'lllh(•r. 'l'hl' 111tPrl'st wu.- \l'l'.'' k!'l'll, all cl ;;onH• \ l'l',\' 1-{00(! ti 11ws \\'Cl'l' l'P•·ordPcl. 111 t hl' Sl'11ior ()j\·J;;(oll \\'(' \H'l'l' llOt \'('I',\' s\H'C'l'S"fttl. l'Xl'l'J>t ill thl' lli;.:'h ,)\1111(1. \\hPl't' l:l'lllll'lt (ll'l'form1•d spl1•1Hlitll~', 0111~· fail111;.: al .ift. lii11., 1111(1 ill lhl' .\Iii(• T1•a111,.; l:lll'l', ill \\'hil'lt \\'l' tame H \'('I'\' l'lm;p M'l'Ulld, th1111ks 111ailll,,· to l'oth Hild llo\\'d(•ll. \\'ho \\'l'I'<' fir"t' a11d >it'('Ollll i11 llu• Sl'1·01Hl Dh'islu11. antl tu Ord1anl, \\'ho ran \\\•II in th1• First lJiYisio11. 111 th1• ,f1111ior Dld,.;io11. ;.:n•at t'l'l'1lit 1,; clttt' to <o1·1111ll'r, \\'ho "l'l'lll'l'cl Pi;..:ht poillts out of t•ll'l'l'll in lht• l'ncl1•r 11 ('h11111pio11,.;hip,.;, and to Du11st1111. who "l'l'lll'l'ti till' rcmai11i11;.: thn•1•. thus t•111thli11;.: us to Iii' 11ilh S,nhu·~· Jli;.:'h Sc·hool for th(• .J1111ior I ha111plo11o<hi1'. \s most of our n•prPsPlltait1·1·,; ;ll't' olll,\ just lll'PI' th1• a;.:<' ol ~khools ''II" si\t\•p11. \\'P haYt' ho1ws of c\·eu ~reatt'l' :--tl<·<·t•ss llPXl .Yt'Hl'. ThP n•su Its \\'l'rt' lls follo\\'" : 100 Yan!;; Championship (oll('lll. E.\\. (an (H.t;.s.). 1: 1:. s ..\loorc (T.1\.S.). :! : l'. J. Smith (8.CE.<:.H.). :J. Timl'. Ill 1-j,.;('('>'. 100 Yar1I,.; Chnmpiollship (Ulldl'r IU).- 11. l:l'id ('1'.S.C ). I: C \\'.Smith (T .. \.S.). :! : L . .\lurra~· (8.ll.H.). :1. Tim('. 11 :I Ills!'<'. JOO Ynrcl,.; (1Ja111pio11ship (mJCh•r 11) \\'. E. t:n111tl'r (\.( .). 1; .\.E. 8llw~· (T..\.8.). :!: ll. \\'ootls (S .• J.C.). ::. Tillll'. U'.spc·,.;, Hrnacl ,Jump lhampiou,;hip (ltllll<'l' lli). 11. Hl'icl ('1'.H.I'.), IRfl. Rln., 1; H. ::iouth\\'l'll (S.ll.::i.). lSft.. :! : D. (i. ,\ltmro (H.<i.H.), lift. Sin .. :I. J:w Yan!,.; llul'tlll'" l ha111piu11shi11 (up1•u).- 11. 8. llnwkius (S.t:.S.). 1; .\. L. (oopt•r (S.t:.S.). :!; 1". l'rttis(' (H.l,(',), ::. 'l'illH'. 17 !J-IO>'l'<'S, ~)() Yarcls ll11nllt>s ( ' hampio11ship (11111l1•r Iii). I>. (,, .\l1111ro (8.C:.H.). I: I.. \l11rrnr (8.118.). :! : 1:. c. .Jam<'""11 (8.( .1·:.c;,1;.S,) ... :J. Timt'. 1:1 1-.i>'('<':<, :!:!O Ynt'!b ('hampi(lllship (111Hkr lli). 11. l:!'icl ('l'.H.l'.). I; (', \\'.Smith (T ..\.S.). :!: '\. c: ..\ll'lntosll (S.l .1•:.1:.s.). :I. Timt•. 2 ·l 2-.):-:(\(•:-;, 220 Ynl'll" th11mpio11-.1Jip (1111tlt•r 11). \. I·:. Ht:w~· (' l' .. \.H.). 1; \\', E. (;11;111h'r (:\.C.). 2: II. \\'ooclo< (8,,J.( .). :1. 'l'l111t'. :!i!'I'. 111;..:h .Jump< hampiouship (op<>u). II.<. llil1!-{s( ('l' .•\.8.) . .;n. liin .. 1: H. ll. HPlllH'lt (X.C'.) . .;ft. jin .. :.! ; 11. Howutrl'l' ('J'.KS.), nrnl F. K Stay·u<•r (S.11.S.). ;ift. .Jiu .. 3. Tl'lllll" Ha<·t• (lllHll'I' lli).-S.( ,E,(:.s.. 1: s.1:.s .. :! ; S.ll.I:) .. :i. Thnt>. 3mh1:<. 25 3-j;;t•i·s. l'utting the Shot.-F. <.. Byan tS.•l.C.l. :l!ifl. :qi u .. I: I' ( rui,;c (S.U'.). 3.ift. .;iu .. :!: \\'.II. .\ld'hit• ('l'.K.H.). :;,if(. :niu. ::. .\lilt• ('luunpiou-..hip allCl Tl•am 1:a<·1• First dlYision: 1:. S . llolc·omhc (S.<.l·:.1:.8.). 1: .\. L. Clo11Ps IS.< .1·:.c:.s.). :.! : I:. Cook<• (S..f.C.). 3. Tlmt•. ~mill>'. ;;:J :!-js(•1·s. H1,.·0111I clhision: J:. t:. l'otts (X.C'.), 1: E. K. llOl\'(lpu (:\.( .). :.! : c:. \\allis (8.t:.S.). a. Tinw. :imi11:<. l 1-5!'\Ct'"· 110 Yards C'hampion,..hip (op<>11) .. 1~. \\.Carr (S.c:.s.), I: (;, 8 . .\loo1·t• (T.K.S.).:?; .\. L. Cooper (S.0.S.). :1. TiHH', .;3 1-10:-;c<"" 8111111fr11lf'11 / lo '1'11 1' Yrwi11r1t1111ir111. .'i<'Ji/f'/11/wr. l !l17. ROLL OF HONOUR. KILLED IN ACTION. i\Tajor F. Campbell, 2nd Battalion. ~fajor l\foffat Reid, rst A.L.H. Captain D. S. Freeman, 15th Battalion. Captain A. C. A. Jekyll, R.A.M.C. Captain JI. K. l\leek, King's Royal Rifles. Lieutenant II. P. Barton. Lieutenant JI.\\'. Brough, r17th 1Jowitzer Battery. Ueutenant II. Dingle. D.C.M., A.'.M.C. Lieutenant D. Glasson, Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant G. Howes, Rajput Light Infantry. Lieutenant J\. S. I Iunt, 17th Battalion. Lieutenant II. K. Meek, King's Royal Rifles. Lieutenant \·. T. S. \\'arry, 25th Battalion. Company Sergeant-Major D. N. l\IcGregor, 3rd Battalion. Company Sergeant-1\Iajor Huxtable. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant L. F. R. C,rlwel!, .+Sth Battalion. c;. R. LO\'Ctt, 19th Batt. D. ill. ?IIurray. rst Battalion. J. L. Saunders. Corporal C. D. Holliday, S.+th Battalion. Corporal R. Lewin. Corporal N. Roberts. Lance-Corporal K. H. Jackson. Driver A. l\lacdonald. Trooper F. Guille. Trooper N. S. Jeffrey. Trooper L. R. Pountney, 5th Regt., A.L.II. Trooper \V. Tink. rst A.LI-I. Sapper\". T. l\Iarshall. (;turner R ] . Percy. 7th F .J\. Pri\'ate L. Arndell. PriYate A. Burling, 56th Battalion. Pri\'ate C. J. Bleazard. Private ]. Coutts, rst Brigade. Prh·ate K. Daniels, A.M.C. Pri,·ate F. N. Dash, rst Battalion. Pri\'atc G. B. F. l lunt, 17th Battalion. Private E. l\T. Lane. N11/1plr·111r11f to 'I'11r Yru-i11qtrmi1111, 81·11t1•111/wr. \'TH;, -~ PriYate Prirntc Priyatc Private Private Private Private \\'_ L Laing. 53rcl Battalion. Owen Lucas, 53rcl Battalion. 1\1. L. ~lacdonald. R. S. ·Meek. \\'. 11. N"icholson. P. J. Stewart, 18th Battalion. \\'_·] L R. Woods. MISSING. Sergeant(;_ R. Buchan, 13th Battalion. PRISONER OF WAR. Sergeant C. R. Crowther. 15th Battalion. INVALIDED HOME. C;ipt;iin C. .\. Brough. 2nd D.AC. E. ?d. Boyer. Chaplain. Lieutenant E. Bea,·er. Battalion. 11. L. Dill. l\l .C. .\. K. ~fancy-Lake. 7th .\.L.ll.(2ncl occ;isinn) ]. c;. l\lcKern. Tunnelling Corps. ]1. F. Murray. K. N. Patrick, r3th Battalion. ,, C. R. Wise, M.C. Company Sergt.-Major 0. Patison. \i\'. E. lluntlcy. Sergeant L. McManis, 14th Battalion. A. S. N. Pattrick, rst Batt. (re-enlistee!) . . \. C. \\'. l\IcKern, Battalion. Corporal 0. l\I. Barker, 12th A.L.lI. (discharged). S. Broome, 12th A.L.H. S. Hudson, 6th A.L.H. R. Lobban (re-enlisted). Driver B. \V. l\1arina, 3rd Batt., rst Field Artillery. Trnnpcr TT. .\. Brown, 2ncl L.T l. ]. S. Campbell. R.H. K. Clarke \discharged) . , l J. \\-_ Crane, 3rd Rfcts., 12th A .l~.IT. ( dischgcl.) ]. Simpson (re-enlisted). . S111111/l-111n1/ '" 'l'hr \t'1ri11!1/1111i1111. Nq1/r111/HT, IH!i. ;; Private R. J. F. Boyer, 26th Batt. (re-enlisted) . . \. T. R. Drown. E. C. Bush (discharged). " L. C. D. Cooper, A.J\I.C. (discharged). " \V. \Varlow Davies · ,." A. \V. E. Gardiner. 11. \!. (;cddes. J\. L. Lane, 3rd Battalion (discharged). " \V. G. McCourt, r7th Batt. (re-enlisted, H.ahaul). \V. G. Tasker, 13th Battalion (re-enlisted). " DISCHARGED ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH. Private 11. Langwell. A. Price. " RETURNED FROM RABAUL. Lieut. N. S. Bate. . Sergt. A N. Northcott (re-enlisted). MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES. Colonel 1. c.;. Mackay, D.S.O. (also ~econd bar). Major A. L. Dawson. ,. C. W. C. i\!Jarr. Captain A. !~. Colvin, M.C. F. Dawson, 1\1.C. ]. JI. J\lcDonald, J\l.C. " T. G. Millner, M.C. 11. ]. Orr, J\l.C. T. E. Parker. :\. J. Petersen, D.S.O. "., L. Rickard. 1\l.C. Lieutenant 11. L. Dill, l\I.C. 11. l\loffatt . .l\I.C. A R. Muir. ~LC. F. \\'inn. C. R. \Vise, J\I.C. " 0. II. Woodward, M.C. " Sergeant F. M. W. Crooke, D.C.J\I. ,. C. S. Crowley. D.C.M . ., ]. A. Sorrell, M.M. .. • H 8t1/1Jlff'l11t·11f ll/ '1'/t1· \ l'11·iuyfr111ir111. !:irp/1·111/w1'. l!lli. Corporal \V. C. Francis, D.C.M. ,, C. 0. Harrisqn. Sapper fl. de\'. .\lexander. Serbian Gold Medal. Cunncr L. Thompson. £,I.III. Private II. Dingle, D.C.M. B. 11. Howard. i\I.1\I. A. H. Pawley, M.M. " ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Colonel I. G. l\Iackay, D.S.O .. .+th Battalion. Lieut.-Colonel J. \V. Lucas. Licut.-Colonel A. L. Tebutt, i5th Field Ambulance. :\lajor A. L. Dawson, .+th Field ,\mhulance. \\'. :\1. .\. Fletcher. i\I.O., qth Battalion. E. S. James, O.C., Mobile \'et. Section. ]. l\Iailer Kendall, R.A.ThI.C. \\'. S. Lawry, Ist Regiment, A.L.ll. ,, N. :\le Taggart, Ist :Mining Battalion. C. \\·. C. :\larr. Aust. \\'ireless Squadron. J. :\Iorton, No. 3 A.ust. General Hospital. Peterson. Royal Engineers. C. Shellshear, .+th Aust. Aux. l lospital. (~. Short. Q l\I. lst Australian DiYision. • Captain ,, ,. ,, ,. " ,. ,. E. \\'.Atkinson, Adjt. No. 1 Command Depot. II. 0. Beale, A.M.C. D. Buchanan, rst Anzac Light l Jorse. B. l\I. Carruthers, O.C., 78th F. ,\mb., R.A.l\I.C. A E. Coh·in, 1\.1.C. P. H. l\I. Crane, Adjutant. F. Dawson, f..I.C., 58th Battalion. II. Dolman, A.M.C. S. N. Doust, R.A.1\1.C. F. C. E. Geyer, BY.O .. Jle~dquartcrs. Ist L.H. R. Gowing, A.Q.l\I.G. G. M. Hay, A.l\I.C. _\. L. Hewish. B. Coy .. 3rd Battalion. D. D. Hunter. Chaplain. D. P. Macdonald. Chaplain. R. E. l\IcC!elland. rst Aust. \.en. 1fospital. J. J !. i\IcDonald. i\I.C.. 2oth Battalion . •\. l\J'eek, Chaplain, 3rd F.A, .+8th Div., B.E.F. \V. L. l\Iillett, A.M.C. .'!/IJ!/1/1·111111/ lo 'f'hr· \ 1·1d11ylo11ir11t. Sl'JJ/1·111 fwr. 1H I 7. Captain T. G. l\Iillner, :M.C., A.Q.l\.I.G .. rst Aust. Div. II. H. Moffatt, l\I.C.. 1st Battalion. P .. \ . .:\]orris, A.l\I.C ,, S. C. l\Iurphy. Union Forces, South Africa. ., I J. J. Orr. l\l.C.. General Rfcts., A.l\I.C. ,, G. 11. Parker, rorst Howitzer Battery, rst Brig. T. E. Parker, 28th Div., Royal Engrs., Salonika. "., A. ]. Petersen, D.S.O., O.C., B. Batt .. 86th Brig .. RF.A., B.E.F. . ,, L. Rickard, M.C. A. F. Sutton. Den. Corps, IIth F. Amb .. Ai\l.C. " V. \\'. Thompson. Chaplain to Fleet. ll.l\L\.S. Encounter. ,, \\'. II. \\'addell. 34th Battalion. C. H. \Vesley, 1st Dermatological Hospital. " R. J. \\'hiteman. A.l\I.C. " Surg. 11. J. \ \'. Brennand, H.l\l.A.S., .i\lelbourne, IL \ ..l\. Lieutenant C. K. Allen, 13th l\liddlesex Regt., B.E.F. ,. G. D. Allen. Flying Corps. ,, J. Bowry, Tunnelling Corps . ., R J. F. Boyer, rst Battalion. ., A. T. Brine . ,. ]. \V. Cook, II7th Howitzer Brig.. 211cl F.,\. R. F. Corfe. ., F. \\'arrcn Crooke, D.C.l\I.. r8th 13attalio11 . M. Davies. ,," L. A. Dill, 3rd Battalion. W. M. Edwards, 12th B., E. Surrey, B.E.F. " H. ]. Englert. " K. I. Gill, rst Battalion. ,," C. Glasson. • A. A Goodall, Dental Corps. " C. (;reenwell. qth Rfcts .. r st Pioneer Batt. \\'. Gregg, RF.A. F. G. Griffiths, 17th Battalion. " F. R. Halliday, \\'ireless Signal Squadron. " N. ]. Hill. R A. Holloway, rst Pioneer Battalion. S. Holmes, 61st Battalion. Spencer Hordern, 12th A.L.H. " F. Jackson, 3rd Battalion. ,," F. Marshall, No. 3 Aust. Gen. Ilosp., Den. C. E. F. McDonald, 13th Battalion. " F. Meares, 5th Brigade, Field Artillery. I " S 811p11/n111'11/ lo 'J'hr· \<'ll'illf1/011ir111. 8rp/n11lwr. J!lli. Lieutenant R. ).lorrell, 6th Regiment, .\.L.11. A. R. l\luir, l\l.C.. 45th Battalion. A. Newman, Dental Corps. C. Nixon, Trench l\lortar Batt., Engineers. ,," II. \\'. Norman, Royal Flying Corps. A. N. Northcott, ist Battalion. A. S. N. Pattrick, A.S.C. A. T. Paull, 26th Battalion. " E. St. J. Pearce, 6rst Battalion. R. \V. Pettjt, 17th Battalion. K. F. Potts, r8th Battalion. C. G. Prescott, 3rd Battalion. " II. C. Price. 38th Battery. roth Brig.. F.A. " R. G. Price, 36th Battalion. L. ).I. Redgrave. r8th Battalion. 0. T. Rubertscn. 2nd •.\ust. ..\ux. l\Jech. " Transport Coy., A.S.C. D. S. Rowlands. J. L. Sandy, 1st Brigade, F .•\. \ \'. D. Scott, 45th Battalion. J. \\". Sinclair. 9th Batt., N'folk Rcgt., B.E.F. ., .\. Snelling. J.. \. Sorrell, M.M .. i3th Battalion. ]. Tarn. ,. ]. Tcrras, 6rst Battalion. Virgo. V. Walker, Australian Flying Corps. " , \. I~. \\I atson. R. l\l. K. Wilson, 6rst Battalion. F. C. \\'inn. l\Jachine Cun Coy .. 8th Brig. 0. H. \Voochvard, l\l.C., rst Mining Batt. Flight Sub-Lt. G. E. Johnson, R.N. Flying Corps, Eng. N" ;n·igating Lieut. S. R. Fletcher. 1st Class \Yar.-Officer 0. E. Gemell, Ord. Corps, A.S.C. \\'arrant-Officer :'\.. R. Ayres, rst .\ust. C ;en. llospital. ., II. \\'. Powell, Ord. Staff, Nu. 1 .\.l;.H. Staff-Sergeant I !olden, A.l-1.C.. India. E. R. J amicson .• \.11.C. Sergeant Annersley. H. L. Beale. " 0. Beale. R. G. Brown, Machi11e Gun Section. "., .\. R. Campling. 5th F. Amb., 5th Brigade . St1/1Ji/f'tllf'lll ff) 1'}11 rciri11!ffr111i1111. 8<'J1fn11lwr. l!JJ'i. U Sergeant l l. R Crammun<l. F.A. Officers' Sch., L'puol. K. \'. Coates. 55th Battalion. C. S. Cru,,·ley. D.C.11. ' D. Eager " L. Gall. " I I. E. (;issing, qth F. Amb., A.1\I .C. I I iggins, 7th Regt., A.L.II. " W. Hooper. " L. IIoskins, r 17th Howitzer Battery, F.A. " G. llowarcl, 1st Battalion. " S. W. Huntley. C. J. Kaeppel. D. Coy., qth Battalion. L. .\. Kelynack. 6th l\Iach. Cun Coy., 13th Rfcb 1\. C. K. ~IcKenzie, 2nd Aust. Gen. Hospital. " S. R. Lawson. 3oth B<ttt., 10th Brig.. F.A. Miller. " 11. K. I\ olan, 24th Rfcts., r3th Battalion. " R. K. Pountney, 2nd A.L.H. Prentice, A.11.C. " \\. E. Sharpe. F. ,\rt. Officers' Sch .. Lin;rpoul. 1l. C. Smith, 1st Brig, l E. R. Taylor, A.S.C. S. R. Traill, Ist Batt. Cl. G. Virtue. ,," R P. Walker. " Corp<lral C. Abbott, i2th Regt., A.L.11. K. v\'. Allen. " D. Arguimban, A.L.l-L S. F. Bryant, 1st :Machine (;un Coy. " I'. Cuthbertson, r5th Battalion. T. :\!. Doyle. 25th Rfcts., 2nd Battalion. \\'. C. Francis, D.C.l\I., r 3th Battalion. F. R. Galbraith. 2nd A.L.H. C. 0. l Iarrison, 4th Coy., Field Engineers. R S. I lawkins. 1oth Rfcts., 55th Batt. \'. \'. llulbert. F. J Jutton, Ilth Coy., Field Engineers . , R. \ \'. J. Lee, 3rd Pioneer Battalion . . \. E. i\filler, 13th Battalion. 11. I\lorrison, rst Rfcts., Cycle Corps. " B. E. C. l\Iussmann, A.I\J.C. " J. Nicoll, 7th Rfcts .. 56th Battalion. V. A. Nosworthy, 12th AL.11. 11. J. Pcisley, 2nd Battalion . .", L. Penman, A.M.C., Rabanl. ., . 10 811vvl1·1111·11/ Ju 'l'/u· :\ 1·1ri11u/<J11ill11, 8q1/1111lll'r. l!IJI. Corporal Il. G. Pickering, 9th F. Amb., A..M.C. C. Rixon, Trench l\lortar Battery. ,." V. l\I. Roper. 3rd Battalion. \\'.Rutherford. A Sect., 7th F. ,\mh., .\.llI.C. ,. R. J. Simpson, 9th i\Iachine Gun Co. Hombdr. ,, ,, ,, ., " F. B. Hull, D Sub. Sec., u6th Jlwzr. Batt., F .. \. L. K. Neale, qth Batt., Howitzer Brig.,. F.A E. G. Sutton, i5th Batt., F.A. \\'.G. Tasker, D Sub. Sec., n6th llwzr. B. F.A T. 1\1. \\'akott, Ist Sec., 2nd D.AC., 211d Div., F.A. R. S. \\'hiteman, roth Royal Fusiliers, B.E.F. K. R. \\'inn, Headquarters. Ist F.AB . • L.-Corporal R. E. Campling, 5th Field Amb., 5th Brig. , \. A. Crozier, 5th A.L.H. B. Findlay, 9th Battalion. " •\. Fynmore. B Coy., znd Battalion. " J. F. Harrison, -1-th Sec., 7th Fl<l. Coy., Engr::.. E. H. Leonard, Naval Rfcts .. Field l~ngrs. , 0. O'Reilly, ,\ Coy., 36th Batt., 9th F.A.B . B. Spedding, 2oth Battalion. . " DriYer ,\. Dronskill. No. 5 Aust. DiY. Supply Col.. 1\1.T. L. ,\. Crowther. Aux. Mech. Tran::;. Cuy., 1\.S.C. ,. J. Darton. A. I'airf ax. " J. \\'. Galagher, 38th Battery. roth l3rig.. F .. \. " A r-:. Gregg. uth Battery. 4th Brig .. F .,\. \\'. (;. Law. ,. R. Lobban, April Quota. F.A. N. S. :J\Iagee, B.A.C., 5th Brig., F.,\ . " ,\. 11cLaughlin. l\larch Quota. F.A. R S. llioore. \ \'ireless Troop. ,. K. B. Roseby. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F.A J. Shearston, 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, F.A. ll. F. \\'illiams, qth Battery, 5th F.A. 1\. \\'inter. K. C. B. \Viseman, r5th Battery, 5th F.A " Thlotor-Drvr. A. C. Rofe, 9th Field Amb., A.M.C. 211d • \ir 1\1 cchanic J. P. Bush. 67th Aust. Squadron, t ·. Flight, R.F.C. • 81111111!·1111·11/ lo 'l'lt1· \ f'lrillf1/r111ir111. Nq1ln11IH"r. t!lli. 11 Trouper S. Alexander, A.L.H. ,, 0. Allsopp. E. (~. Bracken, Camel Corps C. Cambage, 1st A.L.H. S. Gall, 2nd A.LH . T. 13. Y. I lunt, 7th Regt., .\.L.11. J. K. 11 cLachlan, 5th Regt., A.L.11. N. Moffatt, 6th Regt., A.L.11. ,, T. C. l\Iurrow, 1st A.L.H. E. Norman " Price, 2nd AL.H. " B .\ Rcddall. 28th Rfcts .. 1st AL.J l. K. C. Riley, 6th A.L.H. E. Roseby, ., I I. A. J\l. Sanely, 6th A.L.II. ,, R. G. Scott. S. J. Simpson, 12th A.L.II. " L. B. Steady. E. Steel, A.L.H. R. l\I. Steel, 2nd Di\·., .\.S.C., -1-th .\.L.TI. Brig . . \.].Trollope. 1Iach. Gl.ln. Sq., 211d Bg., A.LU. , C. \\'ells. i2th A.L.H . l I. W. Whyte, 12th A.L.H. .. . " <ircnadicr \\'.]. Colborne, 1st Light Trench J\lortar Batt. Gunner F. 11. .Albery, 19th Rfcts., i st Brigade, F.A ]). Buxall, Lt-th Rfcts., Ist Brigade, F.A. L. Bull. " ,, ]. A. Carlisle, -1-th F.A. L. Clarke. 211d Brigade. F.A. P. S. Dawson. C. A. Douzans. Ellis. \\'. S. Findlay, r17th Howitzer Battery. \\". Grant. C. J. von Hagen. F. l lalliday, 5th F.A. L .. \. I Tosking, 116th Howitzer Battery, F .. \. j. Johnson, 5th Rfcts., rrth F.,\ . .\. B. Killick. October Rfcts., F.A. l\f. Lawson, 5th Rfcts., uth F.A. I•:. N. Leahy. 3rd Rfcts .. 22nd Howitzer Batten'. C. S. Logan, 38th Battery, 10th Brig .. F .• \. • Moir. 1:! 811111J/r·111f'11/ /o 'l'ltr' \<'H"i11f1frmirt11. 8cp/n11/wr. l!Jli. Gunner C. l\loyes, r3th Rfcts., 5th Brigade, F .. \. J. L. Norman. llcadquarters, 2nd Aust. DiL \ \ . l . O'Reilly. R. \\'. Peel, 1st Sec .. 2nd D.AC., 2nd Div., F.A. R. ,\. Percy, 8th Rfcts., ist F.A. ,." S. Pring. C. S. Reddall, 1st Brigade, F.A. R. C. II. Roberts, II7th 1J owitzer Battery. " I I. de Q. Robin, 38th Battery, 10th Brig., F.A. P. ll. Samson. " H. S. Simpson, 2nd Anzac Heavy .\rt. Brig., 2nd " " ., ,." RE.F. A. Small, 16th Rfcts., 1st Field Artillery. J. Sweet. ]. I\I. Taylor, 13th Rfcts .. 5th Brigade, F.A. L. ll. Thompson. M.M .. jth Rfcb .. ist Field ,\rt. F. \Verner. \\'. H. Wilson. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F ..\. C. \Vippell. Sapper lJ. cle V. Alexander, Serbian Order. 4th Flcl. Cny .. G. Chandler. Engineers. 3rd ,-\.L.J I. . \. 0. Englert. l\larch Rfcts .. Field Engrs. S. l\lcKcrn, ist Field Coy. Engineers. D. A. Stuart, 6th Rfcts., 1st Pioneer Battalion . Signaller Salisbury, Engineers. • Private A Al·exander. ., \i\'. Andrews . G. Atkinson. " Barton. " E. Bembrick, l\Iachine Gun 5ection. " H. Bembrick, 9th l\Iachinc Cun Company. \\'. Bromwich. A.l\I.C. ]. Bryant, 53rd Battalion. " Burnham. " R. L. Campbell, General Rfcts., .\.1\1.C. " Cannon. l'. Carruthers, B. Coy .. 2nd Battalion. R. Coates. " R. de Coque. "., S. Cowled . ., E. A. Cull. N. Cull. ,. .\. Cuthbertson. 7th Rfcts., qth l\lach. (;un Coy. • .~111i1J/1·111l'I// to 'l'/11' \ "1·iri1111t1111ilf11. 8qi11·111IH·r. 1!)17 . l:J Private A. Dinning. R. Draper. J. Dugan, 6rst Battalion. C. ]. \\'. East. 19th Battalion. R. Forhes. Forsvth -Cheffins. 2oth Battalion. S. Freeman. T. \\'. B. Gale, A.l\I.C. Caursc, 35th Battalion. l\'I. Crainger. Jl. Grimes. I lamilton. 53nl Battalion. " C. P. I leath, 5th Rfcts., l st Pioneer Battalion. J.C. flicks. S. R. Tlinclmarsh. B.\\' . lloward. l\LM .. 8th Fieltl 1\mb .. ,\.:\l.C, I I. .\. lTnrclern, roth Rfcts .. 53rd Daltaliun . . \. \\'.James. 211d Battalion. E. (1. Jamieson, Dental Corps. R. Tamie.,on, A.1\1.C. Jefl'ries. S. Turd. J. Kearn. S. \\' . Korff. r7th Battalion. P. Larke. A. C. Lowe. V. J. Lowe, A.M.C. - Lucas. 25th Rfcts., 9th Battalion. R. Litms<laine. G. March. A. Martin. E G. Mayhew. [ T. M cCausland. \\' . G. 1\fcCourt. Tropical Forces, Rahaul. \\'. R. 1\IcCourt, 17th Battalion . • T. Miller. D. :Millett. 45th Battalion. R. C. S. E. " Miner. L. Moore, C. Coy., r8th Battalion. l\Ioulton. A. Murray. R. E. 1\[urray. r7th Battalion. Nelson. G. Newsome. P. P. Olden. I1 s11ppl!'111<'11f to 7'111 ·x1·1ri11r1/m1i1111. 81·1J/1·111lwr. l!Jli . • Pri,·ate 13. ~l. C. Palmer. _-\.i\I.C. i\. 11. Pawley, M.M . ...., " " " . \. Peel, :\.~i.e., -1-th A.G.II., Ran<lwick. G. :\I. Perrett . . \. Pickering-, 1oth Rfch .. 45th Battalion. 1\. E ..Ramsay, 36th Battalion. ,\ .•\. Ray. 18th Battalion. 0. A. Richards, A.M.C. Roberts . Robson, 6rst Battalion. J. C. Ross, Trench JVIortar Battery. R. C. Ross, Trench Mortar Battery. C. Scriven. F. Secomb. Shirley. Smith. \\'. Smith . . \. C. Ste\•en~on, 8th Rfcts .. 56th Battalion. IT. P. Talbot, A.S.C. 0. Tedd. Thorpe. F. \\'. Thompson. C. .\. Trollope, E Sec., 9th F. 1\mh .. 3rd Di,· . J\.l\ r.c. .\. JT. C. Way . . \. E. \Veakley. ~.C.O. ~chol~l. Li\'erpool. C. E. \\' eakley. W. \Veakley. G. Webb, A.M.C. ,. West. C. \\Tiesner, 2oth Battalion. 0. C. White. T. W. \Vhitton. V. S. \\Tilson, 13th Battalion. G. \\'inn. N. J. \\'inn. l\fach. Gun Coy .. 3oth Rattalinn. Bugler H. Barker. Canadian Regiment. MUNITION WORKERS. E. F. Campbell. S. F. Palmer. 0. Le l\[. Knight. P. Il. Ru:-sell. L. V. Palmer. K. ff. Swanwiek. 1'11/IJlflJl/l'fll '"'I'll! \1·iri11fJIOt1i1111. S1·11l1111l11r. rn1; , l'i ON HOME SERVICE. Chaplain-Col. C. J. Prescott, Acting Senior Chaplain. Colonel A E. Perkins, D.S.O., P.:.\!.O., 2ncl District. Lt.-Colonel Sir II er he rt :.\I aitland. I .icut.-Cnluncl \\";mien, Engineers. J\I ajur ( ;, } I. Abbott. C. 1\. Buchanan. J.C. I lalliclay. ~o. 4 AC.II., Ranclwirk. C. 11. E. Lawes, l'.:.\1.0., :.\lilitary Camp-.. !II uhs . Parker. .. Captain 11. Bu..,ln-. J\ .. \.:.\l.C. Reserve. I,, A I >l:,.. A.A:\I.C. Resen·e. C. I I. Nc;rthcntt . •\ .. \.:.\J.C. Reser\'l'. \\". ( ;_ Shcllshear, 1\.1\.:.\l.C. f{l•..;en e. . \. S. \Tallack, 1\ .•\ .:.\1.C. Rescrn:. l l. E. Budden. \\' ar Chest Commissioner. S. Leadley, Special Ccnoa. J{e\' . War Serdce, c/ o British Consul, C. Bavin, Y.J\1.C.i\. The Editor will be pleased to receive any corrections and additions. Arrangements are heing made to send copies of "The Newingtonian" to all Old Boys at the front whose addresses can be obtained. It is requested that these, when safely recei\ eel, should, as far as possible, be acknowleclged. THf ~F\\'JN<UONlA'\. 701 l'hp points ;.1·on•d i11 tlw "l'nior nncl junior a;.:i.:r1•;.:11h'" "1•re : 8P11ior: S,1dt1C'.' <;rammar St'ltool. :lG; S~·chw~· ( ' lturl'l1 or E11;.:J;c111J <.rnmmar HC'l10ol, 26; Tlw Kin;(s Sd10ol, 1.;; :\cwlu;.:ton ('olll't!l'. ll; HI. f;.:nalius' C'olll';.:l'. 6; St. Jo,.rpll"i-; (olll'l.(l'. 6; The .\nulcla IP HC'lwol. 5 . •J1111ior: 'il'\\i11;.:ton ('oll<':.:t•. 11: S)·dm>,1· lli;::h S<:hool, 11; ( h11r..J1 of 1':11;.:lancl (;rammar Sc-11001, 10; The St'ots ('olll'ge. 9; Till' \nuiclnlt• School. !I: 8~·11Jw.'· Grammar School, 7; St. Jo::;cvll':-; Coll\•gc>. !?. 1: \ IU~\\'Jo:LL TO ~tu. CLOH8. ,\ lr. (lo""· 11·ho c·11111t• to :\'pwi11;.:lo11 II" 11 urnsll'r HI the• lot•;.:i1111i11;.: of tht• ,l'C':lr. hll" HO\\" ll'ft lls tu joi11 tht• \.I.I".. Hild i11l"iclc•11lally tht• runks of tlw l:t•11l'dids. .\ltho11;.:h hc• wn,.; only with us H "hort lim!'. Wl' soon ll'art1Pcl lo rl';.:anl him al hb lr111• 11orlh: Hl' an i11l1•n•sli11g allll in,.;truc-ti\"l' ll'al'l1l'r. a kl'l'll licntt•nanl In llw C'Hcll'J,.:. a111l 1111 Pllthusiastit- folh111l'r aiul l'll JIJIOl'l\•r of thl' C'ollt•;.:t• ( 'hrisli1111 l'11io11. hi" dPparlnn• was ;.:rl'atl.1· fol( hy 1111 of Ill'.-.\>< a 111ark of lhl' lloarcl1•r,.:· 1•,.:fl'<'lll. thl' l1P1tclrnaslt•r 011 thl'ir hdmlf. ma ell' a f;J rl'lll'll ><J>l'Pd1 to ~I r. Clo""· \fh'r a (PW wl'll dao ...l'll l'l'llll'lll"l's. ha 11hic-h Ill' llll'llfiouctl thl' nspfnl l'l'l'l"ic·p" 11hic·h \Jr. ('Jo"" had 1·p11clNt'd whilst he w11s lll'rc'. a11cl tilt' n·;.:n•l \\ hid1 111• all fcolt at his cll'p:trllln'. thl' lf<:'aclma,•r c·allt•cl 11po11 tht• 11r11· 111o!C'rs lo 11utk1• thl' pn•sl'11fatirn1,. 11·llkh took the for111 of 11 sil1·1·r 1•11t n•1• cJi,.;h, fro Ill l he• J:oa rcJpr,.;. a ncl a spt of piJll'" fro111 ~I r. ( ho,.;s' 01111 sdwlnr,... \lr. < los,.: fhl'll 111aclt• a11 uppropriall' l'l'>'JIOlhl'. \\ t' Jake• thb opport1111it.'· uf wi,..hiu;.: .\J r. Closs 1•1·ery i'i\l<"t·c,.;s 111 till' fll!UL"l'. - l'Ol>TJ:Y ' 1111• follcm i11:.:: lh1• strik;o. It 111a.1 lo l'. Hcm1h. l·><q .. l'C'C"l'ilt•cl, hnl th:1t l"Olllcl he• 1'11111111 for OJ: .'iO'J"! is pri11tc•cl as 11111' of the• 11101'1' ,..c•rio11s pffc•c·ts of also 111• llll'llfiot11'cl that apolo:.::it•s h1111• ltc•1•11 ><Pill llo11,..1•lto11t-011-Ht,1·..,. .'io n•pl,1· lw:< "" far l11·p11 Is a1·c·ou11t1•cl for h~ the fac-t that 110 u,.;ht•l'los the tl'll'gntlll: '1'111-. 01.u F.DllLrAI! T111.\1;s. \Yhl'rl' arc• lhl',I' ;.:0111• lilt• olcl familiar•t·l<' I hacl a ltikt• lm·kl'r OJll"l'. It \\·1·11t ha flantl'''Yc·s ! wpnl in 11:11111•" 11111' durk 11i:!ht of horror ... ! 11. It i,.; ;.:11111'. tlH• ohl familiar ohjl'l'I. 'I ht•I'(' IH'l'l' "li)tJltll"ll'I',.;. tlll'l'l' IH'l'I' 1111 ,.:hirk t•rs ClllO \'. 111 lht• cla.1·s of tnppin;.: wlw11 thl' ,.;Jto\\"t•rs 11\'l'l' 1·olcl1'1', \II. all l>< :.::11111'. the olcl fa111ilia1· ><houti11g. l'hl'rt• w1•rc• "cli 1 i110,;" 011c·t•. war Iilw llw c-IL•1·11",.., c:nllanll.'· clC'l'l'11clinl! tlwir /111'<·.~ I'/ piwt/I'-~ . •\II, all 111'1' l.(Olll'. the old fullliliur fal'e:<. 702 'l'HE XEWll\GTOl\IAl\. \o more noarclt•r:-;' clrllls. at clull all(( cln•ur~ <1111\11, \\ ht•11 l''eu fill' lmr.r l'rcfrd s had to rise from Hhtmber. •\II, all arc ;.:out'. tile old fumlllar plca,.;un•:o« LA l'llOSTWA. (Thl' n•as(•JI for l'l1t1o>'i11;.: thi" ll<l('lll to parrnl.1 l>1 oln·ious. \11 rh.1111t•s 111111 appan•11tl~· tw rnctn• ar1• m•cded. l11to tltt• hur;.;uiu. 11111• lint• i,.; alrl'ady cloue.- Eo.) KULTUH. 'LIH' <:1•ru11111 TiWlllU>I .\tki11" has II d11·1·1·[11I pl1•a,.;1111t lot, \\ ith pros111·d>1 for tl11• ful un• if pt•rc-h11111·p he :<houlcl h1• shot. 111• lmow-; whpn IH' ha" tlmw hi-; hlt. tht• Ihm-; his c·urc·n"l' l10il. .\rnl lh1•11 ht• ;;crn•s cll'r \ ·aicrlarnl as h1hrkati11;..: oil. Th1·.1· l'tW<h his !Joucs, tht•y ;.;ri11d hi,; ll'cth wh1•11 tl1t'.1· hb c.:oq•s" ha n• stewed. To frrtilise the 1·ahh1t;.;('S Hiid :<cn·p till' ,.;\'11wt'ill a:< rood. Jli>1 hair the~· ,.;luff i11 pillom.:. while• from tel'lh lht'.1· 1•xtrnd ~old. "For uothiug now lllll:<l wasll'tl h(•:' to this all (:prma11s hold. Uil·p prai:<l' to llun11i:<h l'fl'orts ancl to lltmnish IJ1cl11stry. But thank ~·our :.:tars you do not lil(•/tlit• in k111t111·1•cl <•l'l'llllln.1 . - - - -+- ..ZEo.'' LEA \ .EH . •\ 11til'dti1•111u-. hrt'l'il(' whirlt>d aw111· from tiwir lll'ds. Lt•an•"' -;paltl'retl with .n•llows a11c1' cla11h1•tl o·pr with rl'd" .\ncl 1•ad1 ).(ll>'l lhrou;.:h tlw tn•c,.; tl11tt1•n•d 11111n• to thl' :,:round . . \JI() sc·atlcrPd till' tll'acl aml ll1t• clyin;..: arouucl. I Wa"' watd1i11;.: thl'111 rh.:i11;.:. a11cl 11·11td1i11;.; th1•111 rail. \\"hat I'\ 1·n·o11l' wa>1 tlwu;.:h I (·11uld 11ot l'l'«all. Till th1• w·i11tl "'oftl,1 11111rm11ri11;..: :.:uid in 111.1· c•ar. \\'h.1· ! tlw.1·'r1• thl' Ill'\\' le111·ps ~·ou·n· turm'll on•r this ,\Par. ... . \ STH I l\E l~ l •' l•'Ot:T. J11 fhl' .rnn l al En•lt'i:,:h. :.:ta1ull11J..( 111 thP s1111. 1 lwn· :11·1· hwomoti1·1•><. that hait• c·1•a,.,1•d to r1111. 111 thl' :-hed" ut l~ n·ll'l;..:h. 1·0Ju11tl'<' r"' art' fo1111<1. J>oillJ..( just their clunull•:.:t to mak1• till' 11 heel,.; J..(O ro11111I. Thc•rp 1trl' bo.1·:.: from (;rammar. :\1•111111-(ton. arnl Hhon'. \\ho\·c tm<,.:p<l 11:.:itlt• lhPir l.ati11 (till' l11K1ks th1'.1· all aclurP). 'l'o J..(o a11cl work thl' rnilway:.:. that w1• ma~· J..(11 to tu1111 . \11tl with tlw hl•lp of .l!'uller. to put thl• BiJ..( StrilH• down! t'bat the fnbll' or thl' a11de11ts 111a.1· .1 et hl' p1·01·1·11 (nit'. l'o show till' L' 11iu11 11atlt>r"' what oth1•r llll'll l'Hll clo, \ml that the nwc of "'trikl•rs may yt>t "tll'<'a.1· anti rot." . \ud tho' ,.:o!lle rne11 1·1111 keep their job yet oth1•r 1111•11 rnmwt ! 703 (\\ritl1•11 i11 all>'\H'L' to ".\11 l·;l1•i.::y writll•11 111 a t-;l'lwolro11111," lty th1• ".\Ian \\'ho Sta~t·tl at Sehoo1:· 1 I hi' fon•111a11 so11111I,.; tlu• lwott•r lhrn11;.::h thl' 111111·11. 'lht' \\orkprs sadly dou their tlu11;.::an•ps; \ 111n11;.:: I hPm :\1•wi11;.::to11hrns t·onw :tt tl11\\' ll, \\'ho h•a q• t111• !lpsk,.; to masters a11d to t ht•t•. •ll'.,l'1t1•tl \ 11<1 uow t ht• sl1011 it 11ast~· ,.;hriek 111;.:: Ii I Ii<. \ horrid n11ubli11;.:: lwats uvou the t•111', l)f trn111s 1111cl trai11:-;. of t•werr wht•t•ls 1111d drill,.,, \1111 ori·rh1•ad a trnin-cranc t·ha11;.::i11g ;.::l'ar. Om• dirl,1 jolt is that of 1·lca11i11;.:: whl'1•b<. \\ ith s n11dpupl'I', for,.:ooth a ;.::rill.\ pll;.::hl. \\ ith 0111.r out• hour':-; i11tl'r1al for 1111•al,.:, \1ul all lht• timl'. a foreman with kt•1•11 :-;i;.::ht. \11olh1•r that of !yin;.:: on thl' ;.::rnu1ul, l1Ph11rni:-hi11;: tlU' hotlom of till' ltoill'I'. \\ hilsl t'\PI' 1111<11111011 a lt>athsolllc 11w11111l. Of gn•a"<' autl dust mou11ts hlt::h llJHlll lht• loih•r. llow tlrPsoJUt'. loo. for biw wbo,..c tl11t~ lit•s. 111 \\:1iti11;:. waiti11i.::. waiting 011 lht• <To\\·d. I11 spr,·iu.:.: saui-.;a~ps and fruit aud pit's, \11d hastil,1 attt•t111i11;.:: onlcn; loud. c:Jnd ! :\ot th11t \\ortl, 0 ! l'ot•t. lt•ft al :-1'111101 ! \ 011 1111\·1· 111>t frlt lht• 1lbappoi11t1111•11t>- dn•ad Of ht'illJ.! 1·alh•tl a ><•·all mul <:1ffcr11111P11t's tool. \1111 s1•11t, 11 ll griu1,,·. lo a :slcc11lt•ss ht•d. OLI> J:OYS' LETTJ·:J:::>. Lit·ut. I\. Potts \\rill's frulll ::>alislJuQ, l'l/O/li: .' I n•n•ht•d >-t•n•1·al slid.1t wou111h al 1:ull1•1·uurt 011 th1• ::nl ,\In.'. hut llw,\· \'l'I',,. :-0011 ht•alt•ll. and 1 am 110\\ had' a;.::ai11 111 1·11m11. ha 1·i11;.:: r1•turm•d ulluut i<ix 1h1p; a:;o. Lieutp1ia11t L. ( ·. Ht>tl;.:r:n t' joim•d tlw hatta liuu shorll,\ aCtt·r lll> :-elf. I lhi111i he is 1111 old .\t'wiu;.:toui:t11. I hu\'l' H'l'll t'lurcuf'l' :-;c\·l'ral timt""· as Ill' is on•r hcrl' ul pn•sp11(. lll'l't Ha» is also hl'l'l'. allll CXIH.'t·l,; Jo n•joi11 tlw hattulio11 ill 11 ftow days. anti I am hn11i11;; to tlo till' "ailll'; hut it j,, 1 hP t·ustom aft Pt' lwi11;.:: \\'OlllHh'd to bt• kl•pl i11 1·amp sl'n•rnl "t•Pks, as nu>sl uf us after l1•a\"i11;: hospital an• rathl'I' soft anti 0111~· in fair 1·01111ilio11. I also Wl't "Fat" <·n•g;.: aml ",Im•" \\ah-oil just oul of Bapaullll'. lml as lh1•y al'l' iu till' ll..\.C'. lhl'.\ \H'l'l' 11ol ahlc to stop to ,ntrn, for whkh I was \'Cl'>' sorr.r. Lifl' with the battalion iu l•'rnm·t• is 11ot J11•:11·1,,· su hatl as l a11lid1111ll'1I. l'Xl'Clll. of l'tn1rs1'. duri11i.: a stuut. wht>u it is u111·0111fortahlt', tu sar the h•a,;t of il. Hut. wh1•11 t>lll' rl't11rns to the munolo11ou,; routi11t• uf a train· 704- THF. NEWINGTONIAN 111;..: 1·111np, the t111I~ dt';;in• ls lo rt'jui11 l/w \111111111011. whkh. l 111i;.:ht s11.r. b l'H!ry ;.:oml ;;oltlh·r·s u1111 hatt11li1111. Tht• w1u· 11ews hus ht't'll 1l'IY fim• 01·l·r ht'rc lall•l.1. null I .-ilwt>rt'ly hopt• 11 t• t·u11liu11P lo kPt'JI ;..:ui11;.: iu the <'allll' style.'' l'haplai11 E ..\I. Boyer writes from \\t\lll1<111th . '!7/l/1i: "l han• bt'ell uwn•tl uhout a ;.:uml dt•al si11n· lid11i.: u1·t·r hl•rc first to (:ranthatu (till' nmd1i11c-;.:u1111t•rs' rnmp). tlll'll to l'l'rh11111 1>01111,.:. 8albhur.1· l'h1l11,.:, null n ..'t.·e11lt~· to this llt•nuli(ul <llstrkt. l ' 11J'ort11m1tel,r my 11ork has hcc11 ;.:rl'atl.r i11tcrf1•1·t•ll with thro11i.:h rntht•r poor health; I was 111 hos11ital ut .\laudu•sll'l' for SOllll' fi\t• \\'l'l'kN. hut am frl'liui.: falrl~· tit uow. lar;.:l'i,I' uwitt;.: lo till' gp11i11i air ntttl l'iirnall' hl'l'l' at this time. The olll t·o1111l1·~ is ht•;.:i1111i11;.: tu .-lll lll' a;.:aiu aftt•r tlllC or lilt• most ri;.:orous wiutt•rs it has k11011 11. \'idorit•s anti spri11;..: an• so fillin;.: IH.'t.1plt•'s mouths lhut lht' food l'risis is takt>ll ttllitt• philosophintll,1'. IH.'l'hnps loo urndt ,.,o. \I l't'rham Downs l rnt'l out• of the oltl ho~ s ..\tki11so11. 11bo is atlju ta 11 I tlwre." l'a11tai11 K \\. Atkinson writes from lla11t s, l•:11i.:la11d , l.i/1/17: "It is n•rnarkahlt• how uuu1~· oil! ho~·,; olll' llll'l'( s al tiuw,;, ai1tl It is 1·cQ· ;..:rntifsinl{ to "CC l11P111 c111istl11:.: 11>< thl'Y Hl't'. J am adjutaut here uf al>out tu 1.0011 skk 111111 110111ulc!I iu llifferl'Hl slal-:l's of t·o11n1lcst·cm·c. I met <a1ilal11 Orr lll're. twu days a;.:u. Crt•sh from .\ustralln. and loukiu:.: 1·cry lit. I still ban• a stiff It•;.:. hut exJ>e!'l lo losl' that :;hortly. \\'p nrt• pl'l'Pari11i.: for tlw t•ll>t·tious hen•. and doing 011r 1111110,;t to J.:l'l t 11.. fl'lltJ\\·s lo 1·utl'; till'.\' tlo uot st'l'lll to 11·orr.r mtwlt us till' majority ha 1·e IJt>t'll a wa~· frmu . \ ust rn lia uow fur sollll' t wu Yl'a r:;, arnl Wt' lrnow 1·er,\' lilt le of what ii; ;.:oi11;.: 011. I. jll'l'souall,1·. a111 l't'I',\ sit·k of it all. 111111 \\'i:<h ror a speedy sl'ltll't11t•11t of' hostilities. Tht• llll'll clo nut lhi11;.: llH· (:t11Pr111ue11l has t1·1•11t1•tl lhp111 fairly. 0111· 1ilal poi11t is that 11ltho11i.:h 11 mau may hnn• a hi,;.: lTt•dit in his pay-IJook, Yl'l fo r :<0111t• llllat«·ountahll' rl'a>'on hi' is uot a llm1·t•ll to ha n• it. This hus IT\'a(l'll emllcss tllssali,;fa\·t ioll. llllll is, ill lll,I 011!11iu11. most unjust."' Cu11t11iu .\. L. Hewish 11ritt•,.; from 1•rn 1W\'. \111,1 l Ith. l!Hi: "I han• Ullll'h pll•as11n• in adrnowh•t1i.:i11;.: the D\•t'\'lllht•i· \ l'iri11yto11ia11, whid1 arrh·t·d a forlui;.:hl u:.:o 11·hllt' I was at 1111 ollit·t•r's sdrnol. Thrt•u;.:h hl'ln;.: at the sl'ltool I lllis:o;t•d the last lot Of fi;.:htill).( Oil tlll' JliJHil'lllJUl'/.: lilll'. lJU[ ~Ul'Ss (hill tlll'rc Will )Jt• pll'nt.1· iu ,;tore for u>i y·l't. Les. Dill, who mmc nway from .\ust rnlia with uw. was pronwlt'd from st•r:.:t•uut to se«ond licutl•111111t a t·ouplt• of months n:.:o, anti hatl tlH• hard hwk to he wountkd i11 this Ja>;t lot. The wcatlwr has turul'tl <Juite hut Jwrc; quite a drnn;.:e from what Wl' 11111·c hall up to dil tc. I am alway8 tilea,.;t'tl to ;.:rt an~· news of tlw oltl school. of whll'lt l oftcu get iuterestln:; a1·<·om1ts from my hrothcr." TnE NEWINGTONIAN 705 <•wpornl ~. F. Bryant writ Ps fro111 Engl:uHl. :W/2/ t7: " I <·11uw 1hro11;.d1tlw11\\'flll t>pi:<o<l<' nf tlw Somnw intnc·t. thunk :.rootlnt"'": hnt 0111.1· to hp hit hadly 111 Yprc>;.:. I \I'll" la id In 11 tlu:.r · 11ui. 111 nwait rill 11i;.:htf'11ll to hp :.:01 1111':1.1-. ll11t. no! Tht> 11111.s thn11;.:ht I h111I not hut! PJ1011;.:h. :-n th<'.I' <lro1>1K•tl a 111i111•11wprfl'1· loo111h 1111 top of the> tlu;.:-0111. hur~·in;.: Jill' :r11d ulso ;.:li:.rh1ly ).(ll:<l'ill;.: nw with th1• fnmP;.: of till' Pxplo!<in•;.:. This sli;.:ht Ppisrnl<• <·ost 111\' 11 twokl'll sho11hl(•r 111111 11 ft>\\' hpn( ribs :till! i11111111wrnhh• hr11isl'-<. I w:1s hl:wk :11111 hhw from lwa<l to foot. t11 a hP:1111if11I 1·11llllilio11. I ;.:ot t11 lhl' tlrt>ssin;.: -<l:rt io11 0.1\ .. !lll•l r:t111t1•tl thpn• t'ro111 In"" of hlootl and 1·0111·11;.:slo11. 111111 wok<• 1111 tPn d11,n: latPr 111 ll1111lo;.:1H'. Th\'11 I <·11 111t• to 11:11;.:lnntl ( l·~ p;.:om). Tl11•y h11d prnl'lknll.1 <·111·1•'1 111.1· rih;.: a111l hr11li<P;.:. -.:n till'." thon;.:ht I "'"" tit to mm·<>. I """"on m.1· ha1·k till ('hrl;.:tma;.:, tl•n wc>Pk«. 111Hl wa" "Ix ll'('('k!< 1·0111·11lt"·'<'Pnl. I a ;.:mid mnn.1· pill<'<'" tlnrin;.: thi;.: ri11w. i-o I0'-1 nothln:.r tlw1·pl1,1-. On rPt11rni11;.: to t111ty I ""'" 1·la;.:sifiP<l " l l" or fl'lll)lOl'll ril~· 11nfi1. lllUI .:.rot :I joh llS Jll'l'llllllll'lll ;.:nrrlson nt l'11rkho11l'P llospilal. 8:1llsh11r.1· l'li11•1. 111'1'1 I n11'1 "o. \, Hid1:t1•tl-.:. 1:0-:plo~·. \111ir. c:rl';.:j.!. \Yil-:ou. \'11r111an. 8lw11rston. and 1111111y olhPr>l." C'11plni11 II .. J. Orr ll'l'ilt"' from II trnm:port. S/ .. 117 :"Thi' fi 1·-.:t (ll'l':<Oll I 1111'( 11':11' Dil'l; llo.1·('1'. who II (t(•J' n I'll tll('I' t"\'.!'ill11;.: C'Xpl'l'it•twl' "" a prin1t<> at Callipoli 11u:.: i111·111i<1P1l homl' 11·ith l'llll'l'ii'. Otlu•r X1•11·l11;.:to11i1111>< I haw• uwt 1trP .J:wky Taylor 111111 .Im• 8 i111pso11. who 1111:< in tlw l!lO!l l><l X\'. Of <·oursP. \\'('ha<! :t X!•11 i11;.:to11i1111 r(•11nio11. 111111 !ln111k 1<11<·('(';.:!' to thl' old :;;dwol. of w hkh II'<' 111·p so prontl. \\'<• hn<I a j.!ronp t11kt'll, hnt 1111fort11111dl'l,1 it lnnwtl out 11 f:1ih11·p, I hC'lil'l'l' I nm tr111·l'lli11;.: h,r tlw :.:n mP ho:tl us Cl11rp111·1• ll'ft h.1· j11:.:t 1'! 111011th;.; n::o. 8111' i:.: h11IPt'<I :t ;.:r1•at :<h ip. and Ill' 111'(' all wpll 1irm·i<lP<I for. \I (•:tdt port of 1·:rll w1• pln<·Ptl tlw llH'll on thl'ir honour. n11<J tlw~· all !onk :1 <IPllghl in showi 11j.! tilt' 011t:.:i1J(• worltl thal lh<> .\11 strall1lll is n J.!<'11 11!·1111111. 11 ntl h1•1t:11·pd I hl'msPI n•s <'Xl'l'lll'ntl~· well. I nm 1101 nhll' to gil·p yo11 1111wh 111'11·s nhn11t oursp)l·p"· hut !':till ""' 11rP lwpi11;.: that thP :'\p11·l11;.:to11lu11 will h(• r<'l!nlnrly forwnrtlNl to ns." 811Jlfl<'l' <;. Chandler llTll('s from l~;.:.rpt, 28/1/17 :"'l'hPrP Is 1101 hi11;.: spriom<ly 11'1'011;.: with Ill('; Jnst n sli;.:ht opl'r111ion. whkh will for!·<• me to stny In hPd u f<•w w<>eks. nn!l n short 1·011111l<'s<·(•1J('{' to follow. so I h:n-e Jw1l<'s of lwln~ out in tlw fi!'hl 11;.:11 111 shortl,r, us I IHI\'<' h<'<'n here m·er fourteen <lnyf:. I ha1·p h:ul a 1·pr~· J.!OO<l t111w s in<·<' I t•nmP m·('r hPrP. hut this I:.: m~· firs t ri;;iit to 1111,1· of thl' l111·J.!(' E;.:yptlnn <'ill<>:<, nnd my <l(';.:t·rl11tion of Cniro would ht> 1·pr~· IHIOI'. ns I h111·p not S<'!'ll it pro1l(•rly ~·pt , l hall my first tn;.:tl' of 11dion ont hprp on tlw lust "!<tnnt." t1n<l admit l f(•lt rnthPI' 1>P<·111i:1r: hut that soon workpd off, and I rather enJo.1·p<1 it tmrn nls tlw finii.:h. Of <·our~e. T h111·e s<>en tlw other troop:.: in :w1io11. hut tlw l•:nl!inePt's don't 1-!<>t into the firln~ line, unll'ss ii is 11 11111·0hlnhlC'. Hild Oil thi-.: l)('('ll~ion lt 111'0\'Pd RO. I ll':lf; jolly ).(ln1J or ihP d1111wp to 110 n loit. as ll'P nrt• of!Pn within striking !ll«tu1wP. hut un• 1wt nllowp11. .\'< ~·ou rnny im11;.:i1w. that i'< u hit <llsl11•11rtPni11;.:. Ion! t ill'~ 1ll'l' 01·clprs. nrnl 11·p must olwy tlwm." 706 'l'nF NF.WINOTO'.'IIAN. \lnjor C. "". C. Marr \YrltP>' from nn:::luln11. 1 R/7 /17: "It i,: n Ion!! ti111C' "intt' I "'1"· 11 1·01iy of fhp 81·hool p:l)K'r. so ~·011 lllll.\" hP "Ill"!' I 1111" hi:;:hl.\· lll'li!!hf Ptl llhl'll thl' \ c11·i1111/1111i1111 tnrnc><I 11p hr th!' 111,..t rnnil. I wu..; smT.,. to IH'>H of till' ti n'. hut J.:ilHl t h11 t it 11i1l not do morP 1111111:11-:P. It \\""" :;:ood to n•ntl t 1111 t llo11011r 1:011. :11111 to"<''' 01w·s 1111111(• ilwl11clPd i11 it. :1-.: lhP 011ly pill<'!' ill whi<-h I 1·1111 rc>«ollP«t my 1111111«' hPill!;' n•conlpd hpforP \Ills thl' t·or1wr of th!' hl:wkhonnl fnr d\'tPnlio11. nr t·111·n•1l i11 Ill\' clPsk in t ht• 1·111·io11s l'lm•><rom11s t hn t I ot·t·npil'tl fro111 t i nw to t imP. . 'l'hC' \rirPIC'ss Sq11a<lro11 that b llt llll"IH•d to thl' \fpsopol:1111i1111 Ex111•tlitlo11ar,1· l·'on·1'. 11111!1>1· <•Plll'l':ll ~l:1tlfh'. «111111' lo thi" c111111try i11 ~lan·h. l!JHi. a1Hl at that'tlmP I """ s1't·rnul i11 1·om111111HI. Two mo11ths lnt!'r 0111· 0.C'. wa>< i111·a1itlP1l. :11111 I took his pl:wP with prnmotion to tlw l':lllk of \lnjor \flt•r l:lammPrin:;: 11w11,\ 111 tlH' '1'111·ks for month nftpr month just hplow l\ut-cl-.\mnn1, Wt' P\"Pnt11111ly suc·t·Pl'tl('d 111 <·ro-.-.:i11::: th1• rh·pr 11t Sh1111rn11 llt•111 l. and it Wlls thc>n a <"llsC' of <"h11-.:i11;..: th!' rP11111:111t-. of llH' T11rldsh arm.1· to ll11;..:h1lntl. \\1• f:tt'l'll n -.fron;..: lwutl wiml tlu• whulp tl11w: tlu• '111..;t :11111 dirt \\"II" ><ilnpl_\. 11wf11I. and pn•1·p11tl'tl 11s f'rom '<t'l'lll!! thP IPni.:th of :1 hor:.;!' in front. With ]1p(11ll't <:tr11p)){'<1 tlown (sllJIJH•"('d) tl11 st · )ll'OClr ;.!O;!!!h''< tl\"t'I" lhP ('.\"l'>< anti h1111tlkt•rt"hiPf t it•tl O\'l'I' llOS(' 1111d 111011th you tlitl yo11r hPst to kt'l'Jl it out. hnt It w:1s 110 ns!' . .\I tlll' PIHi of t ht' duy- ~·011 p1•Pl!'tl off a 1111 fpl I i11to lht' rh·Pr. 1111d Whl'll you had w:ishf'tl away t'llOll!!h dirt to fiutl ~·our 111t1111h \\"I'll. you just 0111•1wtl ii 1111tl tlrnnk till' Ti;..:r11s to ~·our h1•art 's <'olllt'lll. What rnaffl' I' thi1t it wa,; 11111tltl.'· ! \\"lint malt PI' that 1111• ordt>rs \\"t'l't' tlrnt yon W!'l'I' not to drink w:tfl'I' without its hPi11:;: d1lori1111fp!]' \\"ho 1·1111 tl'H\'!'I tw1'11t.\· milPs 1~·r tl:l,\" throni.:h l'H!!ill!! tlll><I s ton11s. :11111 tht'll sit n11tl wnit for 1111 l1011r for tlw 1111tp1· to "l'lflt• 111'tt•r thP \LO. lrn<l <"hlorlnnlt'tl'! .\11 n•ry· \\"('II 111 thPPr~-. \\"p fnl\"Plll•cl 011. <1:1~· :iftt'r <lay. pa:.;sin;..: m1111~ dl'atl anti wo11uclt•tl on fht' wny; nl"o n11wh nmmnnitlon. :<tort';; nntl ;..:1111s l<•ff hrhi11tl hy .foh1111,\· Turk i11 hi;; hns t;v tlrpn1·t11rl'. until we• rpnr·ht'<l C'tl'slphon. fhl' point whld1 th!' Tm,·n,;c>ntl l~X J){'tlitlon 111111 n'ltdlt'tl in l!IJ.i. lh'l't' Wl' pa,;st•tl an on·lrnl'(l. nn<l thc> JK'Olllt' hron.:::ht u:< ont sonw orllll!!('"· I s l111ll n<•n•r for/!Pt tllt'ir SWC'('f tWs~ (tlw ol':ln~t•s, I m!'nn .). I c·an jn"t pi<·f11rP m~·;;pJr on hOr'-'Pl11wk. 1·0Y!'l'f'<l with tlusf anti dirt from !wad to foot. with half my fa<·l' huril'tl in 1111 ornn;..:t'. nntl n mixt11n• of j111t-s mntl tlrippln:;: oil' thf' <'11tl of my d1ln. llow<•n•r. Wf' \\'('rt' tll'li;..:ht f11ll.\· h:t]l)l.Y, fill(] thOs(' \\"('I"(' tlw hpst 01':111;.!t'S I hll\'(' prp1· ta>1IPtl. Wt• l'f'll<"h<'<l Rnl!h<lncl on \111 n·h 11. nntl ht•rp Wt' H l'l' -.rll I. Tlw Wl'H tlwr i'< fl>arfnll~· hot. nntl thf'rf' \Ylll prohahl.'· lw 110 fi:.:htln;..: till It t·ools down a hit. thoni;:h Wt' nr<' quitf' rra<l.'· for It whPn it tlm',; <'otlll'. For tht•f'f' <lny>i clnrin,::: thf' past WP<'k tht' offidal ll'111!)('1'Ht11r<' r<•«ortl('<l wn,. l 22tlE'/!.. 123rl e;.:.. 1ttHI 121 llf'I!.. hut 1•1·<•ry01w J-. h1111·ln<•t'tl thnt thi'< mnst llll\'(' h(•t•n t:tkt>n in 11 n•1·y Mol :-l )JOI. This tinw lu s t :l'<'nr we Wl'rl' st\l(·k ont in tlH' tl<'"t'rf in l<'nf>i. hnt now "onw of m:, at lc>ni<t. hn\·<' hon>'<':< in Tin!!l11ln<l. 1111<1 nr<' <'llllNl\"ourln;..: to milk<' onrsf'h«·~ 1·0111fort:1hlf'. Kt•t>p 011 s<•11<ll11;..: llw \ 1·11"i1111trmir111 nloni:: n« thf' l:t'"1f Ollf' hroui.:ht n r:notl tlPnl of plt•nHll'P with tlw Ii l'l• of nm' of t hi' Olt l Ho~·s. 'l'IH: .\'F.\\' l XGTONTA :'>. 707 \Jajor \\. ~I. \. Fletcher writl':< from Fran('I', G/G/ li: "OnP or tlw Inst olcl :\'ewin:ztoninn>< I snw somPWhl'rl' on tlw Homnw was l•'orl)(•s D11w"(l11 who hns just 1,.,1'11 1n·o111ot«.>d <·uptuin. untl t"o111111:111tls 11 • ·01111u111~ in lhl' .'iRth llatl11lio11. \\' p Wl'rl' hoth out of thl' 11111' \I h<•n \\'l' uwt. and Onw><on \1·11s ratlll'r plt>ll«(•11. us just hl'frn·<'. his t·o111pa11.1· had dmw :1 rnitl 1111tl rl'l Ul'IH'tl wilh olh' of Fritz's 11111 ..hilll'-g-uns. .Ju;.:t ht•forP I snw 1>11\\'>:on I rnn into LiPnl.. ( . . \. Br oug-h. up l111pauru«.> wa,r. Ill' mpsspcl with 11s tlrnt uli.:ht. 'l'wo lllOl'llillJ.:>' 11ftl'rll'anl>< half of till' rt'lllllhls of 11 stuhlt' \\hl'l'I' "" llll'>'>'l'd 1111s hlown up h,\' n C:pr111a11 milll'. lll('t'hanit'ull,r 1'\plod1•tl. \\ llil'l1 t':l\lsl'tl SOllH' t'as11:11li1'0<. . . . \'011 11111,\' hi' intl'l't'Sll'tl lo hP:ir 1h11 I Fril:t. is h1•i11;.: w1•il trPntl'tl with "irnn rnlim1s'' lht':<<' d11.1·s. 1111d \\' P furu·y IH• is ;_:(•ltin;.: lllOl'l' lh1111 lw t'llll ' lht' lust fl'\\' tl11.1·s with 1IH• ;.:h1sst'>< I ha\'<' SL'l'll his t 1·p111'11<•s hPillU WPll slwll<'il h,r our artill!'1',\'." •·ii('"" I·:. 1:. \\ . Brown writ(•>< from Frnll<'('. G/ i / li :- "\\'!' an• 11ho11t lo 11111k«.> 11 ''hi;.: push" on our front In u fP\\' iln.r><. 1111<1 I s11p1N1s1• w1• ,..hall lrn1·(• till' plt'nsurl' of tnkint: 11 f\'11· lho11sa11tl prbo111•rs: 1n• 111ak1• !!l'l'lll fun out of this "prismwr-t11ki11;.: h11sinP«>:." Last H111ul11.1· ll'Pl'k onr hoys 1·11ptnn•d 1·lo>:l' on .;no. 111111 th1• a11111si11;.: 1111rt or it was that wlwn 1h1• l11111s h11il hp1•11 s l':ll'f'llPtl 1111<1 111•n• ahoul to hi' mard1<•1J aw11.1· h1•hi11d tlw firi11;.: li111'. lhl'~ t'llhnl,\ thn•11· lhl'il' ,..t(·Pl lll'ltlll'(O.: H\\'11~. lllltl 11'01'(' lhPil' litlh• 1·11p,.,. u o.: 11111 ..h 11,.. to ,..11,1-. "I'm finislwtl with tlw war." \I~· hroth(•r hn,.. h1•p11 \\'IHllHled. anti is now i11 hospital i11 E11i.:l1111d. I l'l't'Pil'(•tl 11 sli::ht wo1111tl m1 tlw left hunll h,r n pil'<'I• of hi~h 1•xplo;;in• s h l'll. lint not ,.:prious 1>t11m;.:h to ;::t>l 11wa,r from tlw ho,1·,.:. \\'p arr 11:11 i11g 111ng11itil·p11t weatlwr now. uud thl' t"Ountr~· 011t><hlP tlw 1·11hwll town of reminds on!' of tlH• lp1·1•I \\' lwnt t'ountn· in :\'.8.\\'. llt111'1'\'Pl'. WI' all ho1w to IJ!' lmi·k h.1· twxt C'h1·i;;t11111~. l'o-d11y ls \n:1.111· ])11~-. nm! althou:zh onl.1· 11 fpw mill's lwhit11I thP 11111'. \\' (' hll\'(' tht' .ith Brlg111l!' Hand 1Zil'i11;.: II>' II 1·er~· plP11s1111t nft<•rnoon';; (•11Jo.n1w11t. plnyin:z nil thl.' lat<•st hits. On!' or Fritz':< '1'1111lws fl<'ll' 01·1'1'. nml t11r11Pcl hi>: nrn!'l1ine-:z11n 011 tlH' 11111111.r <·rowd of list<'IH'I':< :intl ll('l'fornwri-. Tnlk nhont a :<<'nit Pr: I think I 111110.:t hnn• dotH' tlH' h111uh·<'<l ,r11r<lo.: in p1·ens:· .\ o.:hort 110t1• wao.: r!'<'('il·rd from Dri\·(•r ll. LoJ1h11n. F..\ .. on till' OIT:lsioll or his l\•:11·in;_: for tbe front. Jlp JllPlltlOll'< that hi'!,; i<Ol'l'Y lw t"ouhl not t'ollll' out to >:!'(' 11>: all. un1l wi>:lws tlw 81'1wol ('\'PI'\' lit• ha>: aln•n1h· h!'t•n to th1• frn11t h1it s m"1·1•so.: !11 llw futurP. rH lll'llt'd 11·01111<ll'tl HIHI l'('·l'lllisted. 0 O('CASlOX.\L XO'l'ES. \\'p oll'l•r our >:lt1l'erPst i-,rmp~1thr to :\lr.•Jnl'l'it' on the dt>uth of hi>: hrotlwr. 'l'hl' Hdwol \\'ll>' rPpr«.>sPute>d nt the funeral h,r sl'\'(•ru I ho~"" \\' p 111·p ,.111t1 to !;P(' .\lr .• Joni'>: nmon~st us om·p ugnln nftPr hi~ ~ <·rlo11 " II llH"<s 1·:n•r,1·011p re;.:rl'ttPil his •mn voidn hie 11 hsPnl'e. • 708 • TnF ,\FwnrnTO'<IA:-1. \\ l' nfft•r 011 r h<'ll rt i<•s( 1·onl!ratnl11tlon-: to \I r. ('loss on hi•: lll111Tilll!t' with \lis,.; Ltu·ns. 1111<1 wi,.;Jt him l'\"t'I'." ltnpphu•ss in his f11 111rt> lifr. Thl' Rc-11001 will s11ffpr h~· his dl'p:1rt11rl'. t"•flP<·inll,\" 1111 I hi' 11:1 r:11lt• 1!1'01111<1. \\"p <lt><•pl,,· rt>i.::r<>t tlrnt \Ii"" Prt>s<·ott lrn ,.; IH•t•11 Ill. :11111 :ll'l' dud In ""«' hl't' 11ho11t ntrnln. It is wit h rn11d1 ph•:t><lll't' th:tt \\'I' 1n•l<·o111p \Jr. Frunklln i11to 0111· llli<l"t to fill flw position 1:1r·:tlC'd h.1· \fr. (loss. \\'(' <·011:.:ratnlntl' ""p"h'.'" ( 'oll<'I!<' 011 :.::lini11.i.:: thP firsl \ .C'. ol tl11• .' \Pw 8011th \\'nl<•s 111111 Yktoria11 (:r<»tt 1'11hli<' Hd1011l s . Th(' i->c·ltrH>l tllk(•s this opporttmlty of' 1·011:,.:rat11l:1ti11i,: Th<• l\ln!(;.; Hc-110111 011 wlnnin:.: tlw foothall 1·om1l<'titlo11. \\·,. 1·011:.:rnf11l:1tP FislH'r on hi>< :1ppointml'11t us l'n •f'c•<·t. 1111<! nli-<o l'ilw 011 his itwlt1slon in the Came':< ('ommitt<'t'. \Yp roni.::r11f11lnt<• ('rippi:: on wi11ni11i.:: fht> ( 'olll't::t• !'1111 for thl' t'onrth Y<'llr i11 sm·<·t>ssion. nrul abo .\hholl ii. :111d llt•\'Pl'id:.:P 011 sh:t rhu.: hl't \\'('II tlwm t h<' .T 11nior ('up. \\"p nlso ('011!!1':1111lnt1' tlw s~·dn<'~· Crfltnllllll' Sd1rn1l till Oil( I' mm·p wi1111ini.:: tlw \1hll'ti1• ('hnmpionship. \\"p hH \"I' <li,.;(•O\"{'l'!'(l t WO II{'\\" <lc>finitiom:. On(' who l'C'a<I,.; \ ristotlp"s rot t It•. \ ,,:~·sternati<nwthn•l or nppl,\'lllt:: 1·0111111011 spn,.;p with !':tst' lllHI flt ·<·lll'llC'_\". 'l'lit'1Jlo{li111111. lf11t111 ·m11li1·.q. l·:n!!lish II" slH' i~ ""pok!'.. · Fir"'t llo.r: •·r ~t'l'n you nn Sntnl'll:1_r." fk<·rnul !lo.'·: "'io. ~·on <li<ln't: h11t ~·on mi,!!hl or snw ml'. \\ P lwnr of :t Ill'\\ <-!nit ahont to it(' fornw1l. <·11llt•tl "Tlw l.11t1 lllnl:-:' l.(•:t ~IH'. nwmh!'I':< to Wt':ll' a :<pt-d11l h:ttl~t'. It is rpporlt>tl that lllPlllhPr:<hip will ht' :.:1·nntP1l to nll who 111uh•1·t11k1• not to 1·0111t• I'll rl.1· rnort' t ha 11 t wi<-1' 11 WP!'k. 'l'lw I 'rl't'ct"f I" \l'IJ11ltl hi' :.:lad to h11n• thl' 11a1111•;; ot' 1111' <-l11h"s o.Jlidals, for r<'f<'l'l'IH"\'. Lift• 111P11tht'r"hlp Ii-< Opl'n to t ho:<<• who n n• llPl' l't' l':t rl.r: ho1101·11 1-.1· 1111•111ht'1·;;hlp , 11111.1· ht> ~1·:111tt><l to tho><t' hn,·ing lnt<' JIC'1·mitl". .\ JIR.\l'(Y l.nrllll<' K (iri//t ll/llJffl!lil'.~ . ) '1 111'1'1' \\"II'< II ~·01111:,! fox_r 11111111'11 Jlli t::ht~. \\' ht'IH'H'r ht' -<tHlttl'tl :I fi!!ht ht' lla ... ht>tl Into t lw fruy \1111 thl'l'I' lw wonltl "ta.r. ' I ill lw"tl dwwPrl tt]I tlw do.!! who wonhl hltl' hl'. V .\LETR '\. El '\TllSI: ..... ( 111111' Ft'h .. l!t1:1: ll'ft .JtttH'. l!l17: ll.I'.. l!lli : \thlt'fl< ·"· !Ht.i-16: !!nil X\".. l!lHi: l><t X\'.. t!lt7'. ll. c:111m:. - (111111•. tnl:!: Jpfl .ltt11<'. t!ll7': l:<t X\' .. l~ltli 17. '\\".. t!llG-17'. I·:. \I ollltO\\'. ( ' :till('. l!l 1 ti ; Jpf( J 11111'. 1!I I 7' : l "t '\ \ .. l!l 17 : P111istl'<l \ , I F .. 1\117. J 111, :\1\I1:-ilolO"'J CILll \;<i, 709 C OLl' \I.:'\. BO\~· (1111· lll'arl,\ co11::rn111lati1111,.; arc• oll'l'rt'd lo .11111:.:P ll. I:. ( 11rh•\1 ts 11 hu """ apl'oinll'tl lo llH' posiliou lt'f[. 111c·anl h~· lht' dt•nth ol' .l11tl:.!t' l'ic khurn. \\t' Ill'!' ;:lad lo c·o11;.:rnlul11lt• llHll'l' l('c'ipit•Jlh of liu11011rs ror ,_t'l'I ic'('S at fht• rrn11(. fhOll;.!h cl\'lai\s lt:t\'l' 1101 ,It'( C Cllllt' to hllllfl. ( ap<11i11 Forh1•s llll\\,.;oll. Li1•11t. .\. 1:. \luir. arnl'lll. I .. l:ic·kanl lullt' all ht•t•11 all'nrclt•d 1111' \lililan· ( wss. aucl llH' l11,.;l-fu111u•d has nlso ht't'll 1111•ntiwu•d iu tlf',.;puld1t·~. anti p1·nrnolt•tl tu lht' ra11I; nl 1·aptai11. l'ri1atc• ll1•r11ard llm111nl (\.\I.(.) nud <:11111H•1· I.. 11. l'ho111pso11 {\.F.\.) ha1·1' 11'011 tlu• ,\lilitat',I' \lt•dal. a1ul Lan,·t• Corporal II. tit•\. \lt'!<:tlltll'r ha,.. ht•1•11 Jll't'sl'U(t'cl 11ith tht• l\ill;.: ol Ht•nl11's <:oJtl \lt'dal. Lit>lll. l'ra11k \\'iuu's 11111111• 11ls11 fii.:11n•s ill ill'><Jlll f l'IH's. Llt•111. ( .•\. J:rou;.:h. ll'ho ll'as adi11;.: as .\.Jl.( to (:{'111•1·al t:l•;.:;.:t'. has ht•t'IJ lr1111sfp1'J't'd to th1• :!1111 D .. \.{ '.. a11d pr0111olt•d to a 111pl11h1c·~. Ills h1·0llH'I'. Li1•11t. JI. \\. llron;.:h. has paill lht• :.:n•11t "lll'l'ili<'t'. ht'in:.: ldllPd ll'hill' IH'lpin:.: lo l'l'"''ill' a (·11111n1<1t• i11 !lilli1·11ltil's Hllll t'XJMISl'<l (11 thl' t'IH'lll,l' S fin'. 0 Thi• "l\illl'd 111 .\dio11" <'<•lnm11 i1t<Tt•as1•,.: 0111,1' fc~1 qni,·kl.1 ill our Holl of llclll<llll'. 1111<1 ll't' l'l'!!l'!'I to ha,·1• to acid s\'11'1'111 more• uamt's 10 ii in this is,.;111'. Lit•11t. l:;la11lt'.\' ll11nt t .\.F.('.). \\ho"\' hrot ht'l' I: run• wa:-o l'P~ ·put 1,,. ki I h_•tl. has a )so ..;!otlt' wp:--.1 :· Ill\ wa~ 1•11::a;.:1•d iu 11111ki11;: fli:.!11ts ht'lll'\'\'11 l.011tlrn1 anti Sc·otla11tl. t11'·i11;.: uhs1•natio11s. autl l11•i11;.: 1111 till' look-out for l'IH'l11\' r:ti11t•rs. 01: 0111• of lhp,.;p t'\)lt'<litio11s ht• ll'Hs 1l1'dtlp11tall,I' killl'cl: Spr:.:t. I". 1:11,1 (oll\'l•l l. I.ii h I :a I ta Iio11. Ha pp1•r O. T. \I 11 r,.,h.ll ', 11·host' l't'Htl,1 \\it is still n•n11•111hl'l't'tl nl tl1t• (olil':.'.t'. llrht'r .\. ~l11<·d1111aill. lil'llt'I' 10101111 "" "t11ll' of lh1• tll'ius." l'l'il'lilt' l.111'11,., (.i::nl llattalio11). a11tl l'rin1tc• I.. . \r11d1•ll. pn·1·i1111sl,1 l'l'JIOl't"d 11dssi11i.: si111·p ,\111,1. ha1·1• ;Ill h\'1'11 <·allPd 11po11 lo ;:il't' lht'll' Iii-..,; .'pro patria." 011r ,.:,1111palh,1· ;:rn•s 0111 to lhust• lht•,1 111111• ll'ft hl'hin<I The• folio\\ ill:: 1•\lrad frnrn lht• S1111 1·111w1•n1s au 0111 'l'\lill'!lo11ia11: /'1111r /ll/1/., i11 11 8/111/ 1/11/1, S1•r;.:Pa111 ~t'lll,\11 l:oloi11. a ""II oJ \lr,.,. II t:ohi.11. uf \11ts111a11 . ll'ho \\'lls \1·0111Hll'd i11 lht' hatth• of .\lpssilll',.,, hnd a n•111arkahlt' t•\ 111•ril'll<'t'. whi<-h i lh1st l'il It's t hi' 1\'t111ilPrf11I t1•11adt,I' of lh1• \11,.,frnlia11 soltli1•1-. ll11rl11;: lhl' :1th·111w1• al :: p.111. 011 .111111' i ht• ll'as shot fhro11i.:h tlw 1'.lt'. \ft1•r h<'i11:: 111wo11'do11-. fol' six holll'" h1• fmmtl hi111s1•1f I,\ i11;.: ill a sht'll·holP wil h a II hi-- <"lllip111t'llt ;:11111•. Ht1111t' of lhl' pa:ssi11;.: \11,.1rnli1111,.,, l'\'ltJ.•1111,v thi11ki11:: that Ill' ll'as dt'ad. had llltl\'t'd him to tl11• 1·111·t'r prm idt•d h,1· I ht• <'l'il I t'I', II PI ph•ss and 1111c-011st·io11s most of t ht• t i 1111'. h" la ,\' 111 tltl' lwh• 1111111 I p.111. "" ,)11111' t I nlmost t'onr <la,\:; 1d1ho11t. frn>1l 01· ll':tt1•1·. Th1•11 tll'o \!'\\' Zt•alantlprs clis1·01·pn•cl him. t'Hl'l'il"t him to lhl' fiPld hospitul. \\'hl'l'I' what wns ll'fl of his l',\'I' ll':ts 1·1•11w1·1•tl. 1111d hi' ll'llS th1•11 takt•n to l.01111011. ltohi11. 11·hosp 1rnsl' \\'lls :11,.,o f'l'ilt'llll't'd h,1 thl' h11llt't 11·hi<'11 passt'tl lhrou;:h his (',\'!'. ,,.,,,., 111ald11;.: ><Uti,.:fn<'ltH',\ )ll'O;.:'l'l'>'S when 111• \I l'Otl' 1'i.\ l\'('('k,.; ago:· 710 ( orporu l 0. O'Hcllly and <•u1111t•r I:. \\". l'ed hll\l' lluth ht•cu l'li;..:htly wuu11dl'tl. the former in the ht>el a111l the luth•r In tlw arm. llut "c l>Clh!\"C the~· hu n• rt><·u,·cred from tlwir wo1111<ls. Corporal Stuart Law><on has had the unplea,..ant t•x11eril'lll"l' of lwi11;..: duu;..:erou><ly ;..:u>"sl'd. hut latest r!'ports an• fa\·ourahll' l'rinttt• Fn111k Cork's 1111me has also fii;:urNI in till' st•n•n•I\ '' ot111•l<"I lbt. l•llllllCr \\". 8. 1"111dlay (.\.F.•\.) has bct•n 111 hospltu1 lu tilt• :\ortll of Fmut·c. sufft•rin;..: from shell slH><"k, hut "l:khn t"'I is hiru"clf uguin."' Bu;..:ler ll. Barker (Canadian Fon·cs) hu>< Just bccu :-.clll to h ospita l witll trcud1 fe,·er. ' l' ra11,..ports ;..:o and tn1ns11ort:-; 1·ollll'. 1111!1 \\C' an• ;..:h11l tu \\1+ <·01nc l11u·k tu .\11:-itrulia thos1• of u11r 1111mhpr who hnn• n•t11rned from cl ol 11;..: :-ipleuditl work ou the other ,..iclt• uf tl11• world Li<>ut. ,J. Cl. fllt-1\em lun<lt•d home :-;ome weeks a;..:o afll'r >'l·n·i!-p with tlw En;..:lllt'ers !11 l•'ram·e. and hy the ><ame lxlllt Ch1111lul11-C'uptui11 I·:. .\I. J:o~·cr r etu rm•cl 011 tl'llll>'port tlut~·. \\"hi I(• in l~ui;:lu rnl tlw 111 t t er was ahle to >"e(' hi,; hrotber. Lieut. 11. F. Bo.H'I'. alld s1•\Pl'11 I otl11·r uld Sc•wi11;..:to11l1111,.;. 8h1<·t• hi,.; rt'tur11 hi,; fulhl'r hud 1111ss1•1I awu.1·, lllld thP "YlllPUth~· of his old "l'hool fellow" Is lt•ntll•r!'tl to him in his hcrPn\·emellt. <"11ptui11 E. 1:. lleu,·1•r (Hth Battalio11) is also ho1u1'. Hild 11\1\\' udin;..: 11,.; .\.D.(. to tlw 8tute Commalldnnt. llri;..:111tl1•r-<:e11l'r11I (,pp, 0 Lit•ut. .\. I\. .\laue.r-Lake, who ll'ft .\11str11li11 for lht• >'l'i'OIHl tirut• llOt lollg- "ilw1•. IHl\' ill;..: sl'en ,.;t•n·kp in <;allipoli. is hat·I.. a;..:11111 ulr1•1uly. 011 rcudilni;: E;..:n1t bp wus m ·t•rtuk1•ll h.' a11 111·1111• attm·k of llPJH.'lltlidti;;. 1111d ordered home immt•tliall'I.\·. Lil'ltt. JI. Lp;;lit• IJill. ~1.C.. (Jrd Battaliou) i,.; lh1• most n•t'l'lll arrirnl. anti I,.; at prt•scllt 111rnrtpred at Ha111lwi<·k lloi;pltul. \\"hilt• ht Frallt't' IH' was 111 frpqueut t:onta('l \\'ith ('11pt11i11 .\. L. llt•wl:-<h 1u1d Lil'ut. ('. (0. l'rt'"<'ott. both of thl' >'HIJIP hattalloll. aucl olhl'r oh! (;.J>.8. ho,\'li. Ill• \\'Oil hi,; 1\liiitar.r C'ro>'>' ill .\prll al lll'rmil',... uHd wa,.; wou11cled In the hUl·k h.,. a pie!·c oC :<IH'll 011 tltt• sllllll' <la.1·. .\l ajor \\'. F. J,11\\'r.r ( l,.;t L.ll.) i,.; hollll' for four mm1ths' furiougb, 111Hl Lieut. ('. H. \\'i>'P ( "l\t•ll,,·") of thl' 8011th \\nil'"' llorclPrer,... ls 1•x1X'dt•tl home i;hortly. ('1q1t11ill T. I·:. l'urkl'r. H.. .\ .•\J.(" .. who has >ot'l'll st•nit·p in lll'lgiuw, Fntll!'l'. uml 8alonlku. <'011trudecl malnrin 111 till' H11ll..11ns. n11d \I'll:< ;..:n111tt•d six months' furlou;..:h. now 1warl.v 1•xph·1•(l. ( '.:-i•.\I. n. \\'. l'ettit has re1:eb·l'tl his 1·0111111bsio11. ht'111;..: pro· moted 011 tb1• field to hi' 11 ,.;e<·1md lieutl'm111t. \s w1• ;..:o to pn•ss. \\l' lwar of 11 :<lmllur honour for C.S.•\I. F. \YnrrP11 C'rookP 111:<0. ( aptuill II. Dolman (.\ .. \ . .\J.C.) hn" for som1• tinw h1•1•11 11 llll'tlintl otli1·1•r at tlw .\loon• l'ark (amp. \\'ithill a frw tht.'·s' ti1111: of hi..; inl<'tHlt'tl dl!lllll'tun• for tht• frollt Ill' 11wt with all 1wd!IPnt to his IP;.:. 111111 wa,.; ohli;..:e<I to remaill behirnl for llw t irnt•. l1ut has ,..1111·1• left Oil tl1P l\arooln. (;1111nt-r~ \\". C'. o·Helily and I~. HnlP Taylor ( \.F.•\.) ban• both hpe11 for n 10111-( time awniting cletiuitt> or<Jpr,.; for n depart11r(• (or tll!' front. l'erhap,; \\'hPn the Htrike >;t'l'~ fit to <'Ollnpse they will wait no longer. , Tui:: XFwrnGTOl\'UN. 711 Amoni,:st l"('<"('llt rc><·ruit,; we notice the followini,: O.X.'R: Cuptuln l'. \. :\lorri~ ( .\.:\f.{'.). Prirntes A. K \\"enkiey nnd S. Cowl('(!. who <•nh•n><I t·nmp top;etlwr. Private ~. Cull, and Staff-Seri.:eunt .J. flohh•11. who ex1w<·t<'!l to leu,·e almo~t lmnwclintely for I ndlu with 11 <"lwmlsts' nnit. Some of theRe re<·ently \' l"itecl tlw C"ollPi,:c>. 111ul wen• nuule wekonw. K :\forrow. <'Pntre forward of thP S<"llOol lst X\" .. In thE' tiri'lt hnlf of the foot hall spnson. matll' ntliunt pfforts to 11011 khuki. lntr h!'lni,: r!'je<·tNl. hn:< l!OllP to lead the :<imph• lif<• in tlw 1·01111t 1·y to mnkt• hilll:<l'lf fi1 for llw h•st 11ext timE'. Till' 11Pw ll 1st Hn t ta lion seemi;; to Lin\"(• ~omc at tru<"tion for 0.X.'s. ns \\' <' hn\' (' nlrendy heard of sP\'E'rnl lwini: trnn!lfPrrNl thitlwr. Li<•11t. H. :\I. K. 'Yil:<on. Lieut. S. Llohnl'" 1111d Lieut. E. l'euJTP were 'lnadP know11 to ea<·h other by soml' 1·11:<11111 n•mnrk at lll!'l<S uhout .'.°\('winl!ton. nnd then Pri\·ute .J. Du~nn uml PriYute Hohson W('l"l' also 11is<•o\·erecl in the i-'Ume unit. Foothnll nml r ri<-ket lt'!t ms hi\ \'t' 11 lrend~· IK'en forml'd. Lil'nt. Wilson h('ini.: n111d1 of thP fornwr. and 1·nvtain of thl' lattt•1". 1111<1 showh1~ sonw of hi:< olcl fm·m with llll' hall. Prin1te Dnp;nn is 11 promhu>nt nwmhPr or tlH' footlut II tl'U m. \\"hill' 011 tlH' topi<' of " JlOrtR. we wi"h we <'Onld gh·e nn 111·1•011nt of nn army foothnll mutl'l1 against a \\"el:<b team. in whi<'h (orpornl \\". (:. Tusk1•r nnd <:111111Pr .T. :\I. Tn.,·lor hotll took pnrt. lint WP 1111\' <' to thunk thf' rnthle;.:,., suhmnrilll' wnrfnre of the Hun for thp 11011-11pp1•11r1111<·P of the letter whi<'h horc the new,,. \\"e f('p\ quite ,.,nr<' that '\t•\\·in;.:to11\: rc•putation cli<l not sntft>r nt the hand.;; of "Twit'' un<l ".lohnniP." .\l tlw Fir,it .\11;.:trnliun Di\"lsion l3n!';e Depot. grnnd ~port" WPrl' orgnni;.:pd for .\n:1.n1· na~· hetwf'en till' \11straii11n and '\t>\\' ;/,p11hrncl tlPpots. In whll'l1 it m11Rt hi' frankly nllmlttt>d. our .fl'IP!Hl" or tlw s ll\'Pr fl'r11 1·111111' out on top. "\'p\·prtlwlt'"" llw spsort ;;. whkh hncl hPen ('nth·l•i.v nnnni:ed hy Lieut. C. G. Pres1·ott. werp thoroughly enJoyP<l, hPln~ 11 welcome hn<'k to the or<linnr~· ro11tlnc or ('flffiJl ltf('. ,\. R. ~h1t ·clon11 Id . who !':hone out in our 1!116 footha II team, hnR not loHt hlR nrt. nntl nt Duntroon. where he i" now trnlnlng Cor th<' army. he hill< h('en n prominent memher of tlw XY.. tllld 1loei-< 1110,..t or the ~0111 - kkklng. Iii!-< play was ;;p<'<·inlly mentioned In thE' 11111t1·h 11g11lni-<t .Jeni>< Buy. RP\". II. \Y. \\"oodhon"l' hns heen nppoinNI hon . military <'hnpln in to Duntroon. Trooper <:. Cnmhnge. who left ;.:om(' month:< ngo with rl'inf1m·ement-: to tlw lst L.ll.. hncl the hnd lnc·k to p;et s11n><trn1·k wl!Pn on till' point of joining up with his regiment. .\ fter hdng in hospitnl nt \hns><ill. h(' wn>; i;:i\·t>n n poRt in thr tnnreen nt )fonska. wher<• WI' lwur lw wn:< PlllJllo.H'<l. Pxd11111ging Engli><h 111111 nutiYI' mone.\·. Y1•t W<' 111\rn~·s tho11~ht lle(ltf. wn>< 11ot purtknlarl.\· fond of fil.(lll"('Jo;. ( 'ongrnt11l11tion~ to C . •\ . White. a full -hnrk of the lst XY. n fl'W .venn• ni,:o. on ltif; PIP<'tion n~ nlc1Prm1111 of the mnnlripnlity of 712 'l'H1; :\i<'.\\'J'l()T0:"/1 IN . In meruo1·.1· of "Boh.. Holli<.ln.1' , who fPll 11t Fll'lll'haix, .Tnt,1-. l!l 16. 11 pPrpPruul :;C'holnr:<bip has ht>Pll fotmcll'<I at '\pwin~lon hr . his mothPr. It ll'ill hp awartlPrl for till' firsl limp at ('hri:-tmas. C . •lt-n11i11;.:,.:, who IPft last .1·e11r aU1•r n J..(oofl iunln)..(:< al Jhp Sd10ol. i>< 11011· 11 m:t><ie1· :it .\,.:hfit>lcl l'rPJ>:trntor,1· Sdwol. Oltl :\(•\\·in)..(tonhtns lta1·p not hP('ll found wuntim: in lhi:< :-;t rik•• 1·1·isis, till!] \l'P notit·P<I 11. ~I. T11.1·tor. t'. ll. l•'11rlH'l'. I. Hos><. and ollwr:-; at lhl' parlY 1loors for 1·oh111tPC•r,.:. nrnl ,.;0111(' nrP ;.;till HI \\'ork. 1.. II. [lp1·pi·i<l;!I' :111'1 c:. C' l(•nlf•nt>< ha1(• for tltr tiuw h(•in!! 1111·upcl into amatP\ll' mim•1·><. tilt> fornlf'r nl HPll1n11hi, :ltHI lhl' lullt•r :11 C' 111lP11 H11llP11. 1YotHll'r if tlw.1· an• re<·o.:.:ni:<able 11t'tp1· :1 tlu.r',.; work! "'p Sews h:ts jn,.;t l'(•adw1l n;; of tlw 1loi11gs of' thr('(' O.,.'s. lliP hn1thp1·>< 1'11 hnPr. of' tlH' earl\· ninPt ip:;, I: \I. <'. I 'a luw1· i:; on s1•1·1·iel' ll'ith lh<' 1:.•\ ..\l.C'.. wltiit• L. \ '. :111tl S. 1:. an• hoth m1111itio1111111l;i11 .~ in l~ll!!laml. \\'p n•J<rl't to lwar. a>< 11"<• J..(o 10 ]II'!'""" <•I' tlw "tlfldt•n tlPnth fl'Um J llWltllloJiia (11' Thos. 'l'al"kPl'. toll'll <'ll'rk of t'ondoholi11. llis ln-ot hen: nan'. who s('l'l'(•1l in t hP !~01•1· \\'a r. n llll ·'' I' ll' 11 r1•<'Pll t 0 . .\ .. :11·1· IHI\\' :<l'n·iu!! with llw .\rtil!Pr.1-. will hl• l'('llll'lllh1•1·p1J. '\\" a lso lwar that "'l'll'it" hus lt('Pll ;.!:l>'l"l'<l. lmt is L'C'l'O\!'l'ill)..(. '\\'C> urP i1111Pll1Pd lo tlw lforli<·r lfor11iu!I I/oil for 1111 i11tPl'Psti11;.: Pxtntd from H IPlt\•1· f'nn11 Captain .\. L. ll<•wl,.;h (:In! !!all.). 10 hi,; fa mi!~'. lh> 11·11,.: rp1·1•11t l.1· i11 1·01111111111d of a 1:0,1':1 I <lnHl'll or ll1HHllll' 10 11.1:.11. 111<' l>tlk(> of ('onnau;.:hl. of whil'\t l1t• :;a,1·:;: ' ·It \\'II>' <'Olllposl'd of lll'o ollif'l'I':< and IOU ltl\'11 of olh(•r rn11ks. i111'1t11li11;.: 1111 otli1·Pr witll till.' ~lilii:t1·1· ('rn:<s. 11 st'l'~l'a11l ll'ilh llH' \ ' idoria C'rn:<,.;, fo11 r llll'tl with Di:<ti ngn ished Comlud ~I Pda Is, mu! l'i)..(h t 1111•1.1 ll'ith ~lilitary \lpclal:-<. It 11·11,., 11t1itl' n 11·011flt•1·rn1 holly ot' 1111•11 1111' lit11';o;t hmHlrl'd ill tlH• \l'Ol'lcl . .\o lllllll 11·11:< llllliPI' ;,ft. l lin. ill hPi)..(ht. I think I tol1l ,1·ot1 of tlu• 1·i«10 1',1· 11t.1· " 0111pnn.1· J..(lli111·d i n 1hP milit1t1'.1· 1·01t1J1Ptition><. Thi• <'0111111111.\' j,.. n o\\' 1·han1pio11 of !lit' llil'i,.;ion. h:tYi11i.: \\'fill till' 1.'i J..(llilll'll:< <'tl)J. Tht> ,;1·or1'" Wf'l'f' : ll Coy .. :1nl llallnlio11 , .17:! points; I) C'o,I'.. IOth llatt11lio11. ;;10 poi1ds: .\ ('o.r .. 8 th Batralioll point:;. YPstpr1h1~· 11·e t111·m•1l out to SC'l' 11·hnt lw him:;plf ('nlled "Tlw IHI(',;( thin:; from \n:-;(rnlia i.<' .• "'" " " .\. lfolman." 'l'ht> l11tP:<f -:11Ti1·pf! ITat1,.,porf,; han' l'l'lt11·11p<( ju:<t in linH' Ju l'urni,.;h a fl>ll' morP itt>ms <·0111·pr11i11)..( O ..X.'s. l<olllP of ll'ho111 !tan• l'('ftll'llf'd qnitP llllPXP<.'l'tPlll~'. C'11plni11 (', .\ . ll1·on)..(h ( \rtill('l'.I ). Hpt·i.:t. ,\. T . I:. l!roll'll. l'tt'. \ ' . llo1wr (:Jnl. l:atl.). 1111d '1'1·1J111w1· H ..\. i;l'OWll ( 2 n1l L.11.). ill'!' Otll'l' ltlOl'l' h11l'k i11 .\nstrnlia. Hild Old \pwini;:toninns \l't>konw tlwm holll('. it:·· '\O'l'WI~ TO fWBSCBTnEHS. 'l'lu• V<·11·i11f1tm1ir111 i" i:<s11Pd qn,trtf>rl.r. \ <·opy flf i>a(']1 numhl"r <lnrln~ 1111• yP1n· will lip forwurclp1l to all who rl'rnit ~/6 tn tlJI" f·:ditm· of 'I'll<' \1' 11·i11!1lo11i1111. •\p11·ini.:ton ('ollt•){e, 8tanmon•. 'l'l1is will iw·lude po,.;tnge.