List of publications 17 Publications in Conference Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Page 1/4 - List of publications Javier Ojeda Ojeda J., Mininger X., and Gabsi M. An Active Piezoelectric Absorber for Vibration Control of Electrical Machine ICIT13, Cap Town, South Africa 25-28 February 2013 Ben Sedrine E., Ojeda J., Gabsi M., and Slama-Belkhodja I. Five-Phase Flux Switching Machine: Optimal current waveforms in order to improve open phase operation IECON 2012, Montréal, Canada 25-28 October 2012 Liang XB., Li G., Ojeda J., Gabsi M. and Ren Z. Comparative study of vibration and acoustic noise between classical and mutually coupled switched reluctance motors ICEM 2012, Marseille, France 2-5 September 2012 Boisson J., Louf F., Ojeda J., Mininger X. and Gabsi M. Magnetic forces and vibrational behavior analysis for flux switching permanent magnet machines ICEM 2012, Marseille, France 2-5 September 2012 Li G., Ojeda X., Hlioui S., Hoang E., and Gabsi M. Double and single layers flux-switching permanent magnet motors: Fault tolerant model for critical applications ICEMS 2011, Beijing, China 20-23 August 2011 Chareyron B., Ojeda X., Li G., Hlioui S., and Gabsi M. Model And Control Of a Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Machine For Torque Ripple Reduction Electrimacs 2011, Cergy, France 6-8 june 2011 Li G., Ojeda X., Hlioui S., Hoang E., Balpe C., Gabsi M., and Li Y. Design of double salient interior permanent magnet machine based on mutually coupled reluctance machine for increasing the torque density and flux-weakening capability ISIE 2010, Bari, Italia 4-7 July 2010 Ojeda X. ,Li G., and Gabsi M. Fault diagnosis using vibration measurements of a Flux-Switching permanent magnet motor ISIE 2010, Bari, Italia 4-7 July 2010 Li G., Ojeda X., Hlioui S., Hoang E., and Gabsi M. Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Authors Title Conference Year Page 2/4 - List of publications Javier Ojeda Comparative Study of Switched Reluctance Motors Performances for Two Winding Configurations and Excitation Modes IECON 09, Porto, Portugal 2-5 November 2009 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M., Kulcsar C., Raynaud H.F., and Lécrivain M. Design of Controllers: Vibration Damping of Switched Reluctance Machine by Piezoelectric Actuators Electromotion 09, Lille, France 1-3 July 2009 Li G., Ojeda X., Hoang E., Lécrivain M., and Gabsi M. A New Method of Current Density Distribution for Switching Reluctance Machine PCIM 2009, China 2-4 June 2009 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M. and Lécrivain M. Sinusoidal Feeding for Switched Reluctance Machine: Application to Vibration Damping International Conference on Electrical Machine, ICEM 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal 6-9 september 2008 Mininger X., Galopin N., Ojeda X., Bouillault F. and Gabsi M. Modeling of Magnetoelastic and Piezoelectric Coupling: Application to SRM Noise Damping IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC 2008, Athens 11-15 May 2008 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M. and Lécrivain M. Noise cancellation of 6/4 switched reluctance machine by piezoelectric actuators: Optimal design and placement using genetic algorithm Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2008. PEMD 2008. 4th IET Conference on, York, UK 2-4 April 2008 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M., Hlioui S., and Lecrivain M. Active piezoelectric vibration control for high speed switched reluctance machine Power Electronics and Applications, 2007 European Conference on, pp. 1–9 2007 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M., and Lecrivain M. Noise Reduction Using Piezoelectric Active Control on High Speeds Switched Reluctance Drives IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting , no. 1, pp. 2204-2209 2007 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Gabsi M., and Lecrivain M. Réduction des vibrations mécaniques et aérodynamiques des machines à réluctance variable par filtrage actif CSAME, Toulouse, France 2007 12 Publications in Journal Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Page 3/4 - List of publications Javier Ojeda Liang XB., Li G., Ojeda J., Gabsi M. and Ren Z Comparative Study of Classical and Mutually Coupled Switched Reluctance Motor Using Multi-physics Finite Element modeling IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2013 Boisson J., Louf F., Ojeda J., Mininger X. and Gabsi M. Analytical Approach for Mechanical Resonance Frequencies of High-Speed Machines Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume:PP, Issue: 99 2013 Ojeda J., Simoes M., Guangjin L. and Gabsi M. Design of a Flux Switching Electrical Generator for Wind Turbine Systems Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: PP , Issue: 99 2012 Li G., Ojeda J., Hlioui S., Hoang E., Lecrivain M., and Gabsi M. Thermal–Electromagnetic Analysis for Driving Cycles of Embedded Flux-Switching PermanentMagnet Motors Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 61 , Issue: 1 2012 Li G., Ojeda J., Hlioui S., Hoang E., Lecrivain M., and Gabsi M. Modification in Rotor Pole Geometry of Mutually Coupled Switched Reluctance Machine for Torque Ripple Mitigating Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 48 , Issue: 6 2012 Li G., Ojeda J., Hlioui S., Hoang E., Lecrivain M., and Gabsi M. Comparative Studies Between Classical and Mutually Coupled Switched Reluctance Motors Using Thermal-Electromagnetic Analysis for Driving Cycles Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 47 , Issue: 4 2012 Li G., Ojeda J., Hlioui S., Hoang E., Lecrivain M., and Gabsi M. Thermal-electromagnetic analysis of a fault-tolerant dual-star flux-switching permanent magnet motor for critical applications Electric Power Applications, IET, Volume: 5 , Issue: 6 2011 Ojeda X., Hannoun H., Mininger X., Hilairet M., Gabsi M., Marchand C. and Lécrivain M. Switched Reluctance Machine Vibration Reduction using a Vectorial Piezoelectric Actuator Control European Physical Journal Applied Physics, EPJ AP, Volume: 49, Issue: 3 2009 Ojeda X., Mininger X., Ben Ahmed H., Gabsi M. and Lécrivain M. Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Authors Title Journal Year Piezoelectric Actuator Design and Placement for Switched Reluctance Motors Active Damping IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume: 24, Issue: 2, 305-313 2009 Mininger X., Galopin N., Ojeda X., Bouillault F. and Gabsi M. Modeling of Magnetoelastic and Piezoelectric Coupling: Application to SRM Noise Damping IEEE Transactions on Magnetic, Volume: 45 , Issue: 3, 1218 - 1221 2009 Ojeda X. and Pichon L. Combining the finite element method and a Pade approximation for scattering analysis application to radiated electromagnetic compatibility problems Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, volume 19, Number 10, Pages 1375--1390 2005 Ojeda X. and Pichon L. Fast Finite Element Computation of Wave Propagation Problems Over a Wide Frequency Range Using Padé Approximation Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,Volume 27: Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2006 1 Publication in Books Authors Title Ojeda J., Mininger X., Gabsi M., and Li Y. Optimal Design and Placement of Piezoelectric Actuators using Genetic Algorithm: Application to Switched Reluctance Machine Noise Reduction Book Stochastic Optimization - Seeing the Optimal for the Uncertain Year 2011 Page 4/4 - List of publications Javier Ojeda