Seediscussions,stats,andauthorprofilesforthispublicationat: Variationofactivationvolumewith temperatureforFe,Si,andGe ARTICLEinMATERIALSLETTERS·SEPTEMBER2003 ImpactFactor:2.49·DOI:10.1016/S0167-577X(03)00310-0 CITATIONS READS 6 11 3AUTHORS,INCLUDING: BishakhBhattacharya IndianInstituteofTechnologyKanpur 62PUBLICATIONS150CITATIONS SEEPROFILE Availablefrom:BishakhBhattacharya Retrievedon:29September2015 Materials Letters 57 (2003) 4319 – 4322 Variation of activation volume with temperature for Fe, Si, and Ge K.K. Mani Pandey, Om Prakash1, B. Bhattacharya * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India Received 27 January 2003; received in revised form 4 April 2003; accepted 7 April 2003 Abstract In this paper, a new approach is presented to calculate the activation volume, which is based on Eyring absolute reaction rate theory. Emphasis is placed on the determination of activation volume from the indentation creep microhardness data measured using Vickers indentor at constant load for various dwell times and temperatures. Different materials like Fe (with metallic bonding), Si, and Ge (with covalent bonding) are chosen for the study. The results serve to validate the approach outlined here because direct comparison can be made with the data obtained through a conventional creep test of specimens. The result obtained also shows that activation volume increases with increasing homologous temperature. D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Activation volume; Indentation; Vickers; Microhardness 1. Introduction The deformation of crystalline materials at elevated temperatures is a thermally activated process. A crystal contains a distribution of obstacles of activation energy ( Q) towards the motion of dislocation during the deformation. Each obstacle is characterized by critical stress r0, which means that at 0 K, these obstacles are overcome by the dislocation under an applied stress r = r0. If a constant stress r is applied to the crystal, obstacles with r0 < r will be overcome at once by the dislocation, giving rise to instantaneous strain. When the measuring temperature is greater * Corresponding author. GE India Technology Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Whitefield, Bangalore 560066, India. Tel.: +91-512-2597824 (Off.), +91-512-2597913 (Lab.); fax: +91-512-2597408, +91-512-2590007. E-mail address: (B. Bhattacharya). 1 Present address: GE India Technology Center, Whitefield, Bangalore 560066, India. than 0 K, obstacles with r0 > r may be overcome due to thermal activation with a probability proportional to exp Q=ðkB T Þ . Hence, at higher temperatures, as soon as the dislocation is arrested at an obstacle with r0 slightly higher than r, the thermal energy predominates the small value of Q. This enables the dislocation to overcome the obstacle, resulting in rapid strain. 2. Model Under the thermally activated process, the dislocation can jump over the barrier with frequency m+ [1], which is given by Eyring equation: Q þ Va r þ m ¼ m0 exp ð1Þ kB T where m0 is the attempt frequency, Va is the activation volume, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T is 0167-577X/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0167-577X(03)00310-0 4320 K.K. Mani Pandey et al. / Materials Letters 57 (2003) 4319–4322 In an indentation creep test, the experimental data are in the form of microhardness variation with dwell time, where hardness itself is calculated from the applied load and the indentation size. For Vickers indenter with an included angle of 136j, microhardness (H) is given by [4]: H ¼ 2 sin 68j P MPa D2 ð6Þ where P is applied load [in N] and D is length of the indentation diagonal [in mm]. The strain rate was defined as [5]: Fig. 1. Variation of lnðð1=HÞðdH=dtÞÞ with H/(kBT ) for Fe. ės ~ temperature [in K]. Once the barrier has been overcome and the dislocation segment has fallen into the next trough, it acquires new energy to overcome the following barrier in a purely random process. Thus, there will be a chance to jump back with frequency: m ¼ m0 exp Q Va r : kB T 1 dD D dt using Eqs. (6) and (7), the strain rate may be written as: ės ~ 1 1 dH 2 H dt ð2Þ ės ¼ K1 Thus, the net forward reaction rate is given by: m ¼ mþ m Va r Q m ¼ m0 sinh exp : kB T kB T ð7Þ ð3Þ 1 dH H dt ð8Þ where K1 is a proportionality constant. Following Roebuck and Alomand [5] and Evans and Goetze [10], stress r is related to microhardness by the relation The net forward reaction determines the macroscopically observed creep strain rate of specimen subjected to external loading at a specified temperature; hence, steady strain rate ės is given by [2,3]: ės ¼ AT Va r Q exp kB T kB T ð4Þ where A is a constant. For moderate stress and narrow temperature range, Eq. (4) is simplified to the exponential form as [4]: Q þ Va r ės ¼ Aexp : kB T ð5Þ Fig. 2. Variation of lnðð1=HÞðdH=dtÞÞ with H/(kBT) for Si. K.K. Mani Pandey et al. / Materials Letters 57 (2003) 4319–4322 4321 Table 2 Activation volumes of test materials at different temperatures Fig. 3. Variation of lnðð1=HÞðdH=dtÞÞ with H/(kBT) for Ge. r = H/3. We substitute Eq. (5) into Eq. (8) and rearrange: 1 dH Va H ð9Þ ln þB¼ H dt 3kB T where B is defined as: B ¼ ln K1 ln A þ Q : kB T ð10Þ The plots of lnðð1=HÞðdH=dt ÞÞ versus H/(kBT) represent a straight line with intercept B and slope Va/3, where slopes directly measure the activation volume. 3. Results and discussion Indentation creep response is analyzed using the data of iron [6], silicon, and germanium [7]. The variations of lnðð1=HÞðdH=dt ÞÞ versus H/(kBT) are shown in Figs. 1– 3 for Fe, Si, and Ge, respectively. The test materials, their melting point, Burger vector, Table 1 Test materials, their melting points, Burger vectors (b), crystal structures, and their bonding SN Test Melting Burger Crystal materials point (K) vector (A) structure 1 2 3 Fe Si Ge 1530 1687 1211 2.48 3.83 3.99 Type of bonding bcc Metallic fcc (diamond type) Covalent fcc (diamond type) Covalent SN Test materials Test temperature (K) T/Tm Activation volume (b3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fe Fe Fe Si Si Ge Ge Ge 644 755 866 1173 1273 873 1073 1173 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.70 0.75 0.72 0.88 0.96 37.8 66.6 115.2 23.4 25.4 9.0 14.4 18.0 crystal structure, and nature of bonding are given in Table 1 [8], while the activation volumes of the test materials determined from the graph are given in Table 2 in terms of b3 (where b is the Burger vector). The results indicate that activation volume generally increases with increasing test temperature. For iron, the activation volume is 37.8b3, 66.6b3, and 115.2b3 at a homologous temperature of 0.42, 0.49, and 0.56 K, respectively, which is consistent with the earlier observed value [9]. The activation volume for silicon is 23.4b3 and 25.4b3 at a homologous temperature of 0.70 and 0.75 K. The activation volume for germanium 9.0b3, 14.4b3, and 18.0b3 at 0.72, 0.88, and 0.96 K, respectively. 4. Conclusion The temperature and time dependence of Vickers microhardness data of test materials are the result of plastic flow by glide process. This is a consequence of thermally activated motion of dislocations. Silicon and germanium have an ‘fcc’ structure and each atom has four nearest neighbours to which it is linked by four purely covalent bonds. On the other hand, iron possesses a ‘bcc’ structure at the temperature under consideration and has metallic bond. The iron, silicon, and germanium microhardness data are measured at the same stress. It is observed that the activation volume of silicon (23.4b3, 25.4b3) and germanium (9.0b3, 14.4b3, and 18.0b3) even at extremely high homologous temperatures is lower than that of iron (37.8b3, 66.6b3, and 115.2b3). This is due to the highly directional covalent bond of silicon and germanium in comparison to the weak metallic bond of iron. 4322 K.K. Mani Pandey et al. / Materials Letters 57 (2003) 4319–4322 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, for the financial assistance provided to this research. References [1] I.M. Ward (Ed.), Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymer, Wiley, Chichester, 1985. [2] C.J. Gosdoska, J. Am. Soc. 78 (8) (1995) 2085. [3] R.M. Hazime, C.S. White, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 18 (3) (1997) 445. [4] V. Lorenzo, J.M. Perena, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 11 (1992) 1058. [5] B. Roebuck, E.A. Alomand, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 1 (1982) 519. [6] R.K. Steel, M.J. Donachie, Trans. ASM 58 (1965) 273. [7] A. 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