2015-001-E - City of Winnipeg

Winnipeg Information Bulletin
See the subsequent pages to view the PowerPoint presentation from the electrical code
seminars at the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre on August 19th & 27th, 2015 presented by:
Don Hallock, Chief Electrical Inspector
Jason Singbeil, Commercial Electrical Inspector (signs)
Shirley Jenken, Electrical Technical Support Officer
Stan Yee & Wade Lewis, Housing Inspectors
September 1, 2015
Issued by:
Shirley Jenken, CET, Electrical Technical Support Officer
Development & Inspections Division, Planning Property & Development Department
65 Garry Street • Winnipeg • Manitoba R3C 4K4
Page 1 of 1
2015 Electrical Code
August 2015
What Permit ??
“He said he was coming
“ What cover ?? “
Why Arc Fault Protection
How fires start
High voltage 25KV fire
Winnipeg Electrical By-law
Adopts the latest version of Canadian
Electrical Code published by CSA
Amends certain rules and establishes
interpretations for local standards
Needs to be used in conjunction with other
Standards, Regulations and Codes
Coming into Effect
October 1, 2015
Applies to all permit applications made on
or after that date.
City of Winnipeg Electrical
Divided into 3 Areas
Community By-law Enforcement and Fire
Prevention Branch
Manitoba Hydro is responsible for supply
and metering
The Inspector
The Electrical Inspector is not required to
furnish engineering or technical service in
any form other than that of an inspection.
We generally do not inspect without a
permit first being obtained except for
special circumstances.
An application is not a permit.
Housing Branch
Responsible for one and two family
dwellings, row houses and related structures
and equipment (garages and pools).
Appointments booked in advance
Chief Housing Inspector Mr. Miles Watts
Ph 204-986-2079
Commercial Electrical
Responsible for all other electrical
installations within the City of Winnipeg
including signs, travelling shows, high
voltage, new and existing construction, and
voice, data and video
Chief Electrical Inspector Don Hallock
Ph 204-986-2651 or dhallock@winnipeg.ca
Commercial Inspections
Done same day whenever possible
Appointments are made by phone between
8:30 am and 9:30 am, Mon to Fri
Hard to schedule in advance but we will
accommodate if possible, particularly
occupancy inspections.
6 Commercial Districts
Electrical Permits
Housing: Can be obtained by licensed
electrical contractor or homeowners
Commercial: Will only be issued to licensed
electrical contractors
Contractors’ Examinations are held 4 times
per year
Contact Helen Paulic 204-986-5189
After Hours Inspections
Schedule in advance whenever possible.
City of Winnipeg does not have “standby
inspectors,” nor does the City of Winnipeg
guarantee same day response.
Emergency response is obtained via 311.
There is an extra fee in addition to the
permit fee.
After Hours Inspection
Service connections are dependent upon
Manitoba Hydro availability and
Manitoba Hydro requires COW
authorization prior to reconnection of
electrical supply.
Communication is key.
Canadian Electrical Code
23rd Edition
Adopted by Provinces at varying times,
sometimes 2 years after publication.
Establishes safety standards to prevent fire
and shock.
Not an instruction manual for untrained
Other Standards
CSA Z32 Essential Electrical Systems in
Health Care Facilities
CSA C282 Emergency Electrical Power
Supply in Buildings
ULC 524, 537, 536 for fire alarm systems
Manitoba Building Code
National Building Code (see Appendix G)
Code Information
CSA Seminars
Electricity Forum
Electrical Contractors Association Manitoba
Manitoba Hydro Seminars
Winnipeg Construction Association
Manitoba Homebuilders Association
Canadian Electrical Code
Please turn to Preface
City of Winnipeg Electrical Bylaw 77/2015
amends or changes some Canadian
Electrical Code rules. See page I
Important to note COW amends the Object
Section 0 and the Administrative Section 2
quite extensively 2-000 to 2-040
Please turn to By-law Amendments
Approved Equipment
All electrical equipment shall be approved
as per W.E.B. See Bylaw definitions and
T.I. for Rule 2-024
Office of The Fire Commissioner (OFC),
Technical Services Branch 204-945-3373
Approved list of Standards
Field Evaluations
All equipment or assemblies that are
manufactured or altered in the field (i.e.: not
within an approved manufacturing plant)
will require inspection and re-label by SCC
approved agency or OFC
Technical Interpretations
The Technical Interpretations (T.I.’s) are
not amendments but clarifications of how
the associated rules are interpreted by the
City of Winnipeg
Generally align with Manitoba Hydro
See Table of Contents pages 25-27
T. I.’s
Please turn to T. I.’s in Winnipeg Electrical
Electrical Sign Permits
All signs require a sign permit (SP)
Signs connected to electrical power, or
other wise illuminated, require a separate
ES permit (lower fee)
This includes lighting and services for signs
or electronic reader boards, etc.
Mr. Jason Singbeil 204-986-2289
2015 Electrical Code
August 2015
Rule 2-020
The designated employee may re-inspect if
and when he or she reasonably considers such
action to be necessary.
Rule 2-024
Use of Approved Equipment
(1) Electrical equipment used in electrical
installations shall be approved, and shall
be of a kind or type and rating approved
for the specific purpose for which it is to
be employed.
(2) No person may connect unapproved
electrical equipment.
Rule 34-200
Neon supplies, switches, timers, relays,
sequencing units, and other similar devices
shall be enclosed in suitable electrical
enclosures unless they form part of an
approved assembly.
New TI 34-200
Approval of Remote Power Supplies for
LED Signs
Approval of remote power supplies is NOT
included in the approval of the sign and
they are NOT considered approved
equipment unless specifically marked
New TI 34-200
Remote power supplies must be approved
for the purpose in accordance with 2-024.
Must be marked w/ supply voltage, current
rating and frequency.
Separate Sign Permit
Electrical Sign Permit
Application Form
Sign Permit (SP)
Quantity of Signs
2015 Electrical Code
August 2015
Notes from Plan Examination &
the Permits Office
Some areas of concern:
Permit application forms
Patient care areas
Engineered projects
Licensed care facilities
Smoke alarms & smoke detectors
Contractor licensing
Permit Application Forms
Important to complete your application
forms properly so your permit can get
issued as soon as possible.
Permit Application Forms
Permit applications are processed by clerks.
The clerks do not have experience in the
electrical industry.
They do not know industry slang.
What’s a wall pack? Combo unit? Would
your next-door-neighbour know?
Permit Application Forms
Always include the Unit # and tenant name.
Provide the related building permit number
when applicable.
Search the bldg. permit number online via
the “apply for a permit online” bubble on
the Electrical Info Centre.
Electrical Info Centre
Many informational brochures available
Help Us Help YOU brochure
Help Us Help YOU!
Read and reference the Help Us Help YOU!
brochure whenever you apply for a permit.
It will save you loads of trouble.
Newly updated.
Pick up your copy TODAY!
Downloadable Forms &
Downloadable Forms &
Patient Care Areas
On what type of projects should I be
concerned about patient care areas?
Who determines if my project has patient
care areas?
My project has patient care areas. What’s
the big deal?
Patient Care Areas
Guide & Declaration Form
Patient Care Areas
Patient Care Declaration
Patient Care Areas
Contractors & Engineers – You are the
“experts” in Electrical Code.
Review the Guide with the facility
administrator and help him/her complete the
Declaration Form.
Patient Care Areas
All areas that are newly established as
patient care require engineering.
Provide grounding/bonding detail.
Engineers – DO YOUR RESEARCH! You
are expected to inspect the installation &
guide the contractor when necessary so you
MUST be knowledgeable in this type of
Engineered projects
IMPORTANT: All changes to projects
sealed by an engineer MUST come to us via
the engineer.
Licensed Care Facilities
More recently are processed as housing
permits (HO/ER).
Check out Information Bulletin 14-006-E
under the Industry Notices bubble.
Licensed Care Facilities
Combo packs
are not permitted
to be installed in
licensed care
facilities except
under special
Smoke detector or smoke
Is there a difference? YES!!
Smoke detector ≠ smoke alarm
Important to use correct terminology
Smoke detector
24V device.
Defined in the Manitoba Building Code.
Connected to a fire alarm system.
When smoke is detected it sends a signal to
the fire alarm control panel which then
activates the building’s audible devices.
Does not have an audible feature.
Smoke alarm
120V hard wired device.
Alarms w/ 10-yr lithium battery can still be
used in some older bldgs.
Also defined in the Building Code.
Is a combination smoke detector and alarm.
Is required in residential occupancies.
Is wired to a lighting circuit.
Smoke detector vs alarm
Important to know the difference when
completing an electrical permit application.
Indicating detector in lieu of alarm could
unnecessarily delay issuance of your permit.
Indicating alarm in lieu of detector could
lead to embarrassing setbacks on site.
Contractor Licensing
Ensure authorized signees & contact info
are correct.
Especially email address.
Did you receive the email notification about
this seminar?
Contractor Licensing –
Authorized Signees
For your own security, if you are the
contractor license holder for the company you
work for and you leave that company:
Notify Helen of the change.
Remove authorized signees if no longer
Change online password.
CEC Errata
From time to time, CSA will publish errata
to the Canadian Electrical Code.
First errata to 2015 CEC has been published
but not yet posted.
Will be available for free download via
CSA’s online store at:
CEC Errata
CSA note:
“A list of errata exists
for this standard. Click
here to download your
free copy today.”
Keep your book
Food For Thought
Use the Electrical Info
2015 Electrical Code
Seminar – Housing
August 2015
Wade Lewis
Stan Yee
Housing Branch – Code
These are not all the changes to the Code;
these are the highlights or things of
particular interest to the Housing industry
but are not exclusive to it.
Housing Districts
Districts are determined by the rivers:
EAST of the Red, SOUTH of the
Assiniboine, and NORTH of the
Assiniboine including west of Henderson
Please try and direct questions to the
inspectors in that District.
Inspectors no longer book their daily
Housing Appointments
Book appointments in advance by calling
Don’t cut the service off unless you have an
Incorrect and incomplete permit
applications get put on hold and may holdup
any attempt to get work inspected.
Better description of the work that you are
responsible for aids us when you are not on
Code Enforcement
Effective date is October 1, 2015.
The Code that will be applied will depend
on the date of the housing permit
application for renovations and new houses.
For electrical work only, it will be the date
that the electrical permit is applied for.
4-006 Temperature Limitations
4-006 By-law subrule (2)(a) and (b)
unmarked equipment will be rated at 75
degrees C.
Overhead services on line side of the meter
will be the same size as the load side of the
meter (3/0 copper and 250MCM aluminum
for 200 amp services)
4-024 Size of Neutral
Neutral conductor is based on Table 16A.
200 amp services copper or aluminum will
now have a #4 copper or #2 aluminum
neutral conductor.
6-200 Existing Hot Splitters
Upgrading to a 200 amp panel ONLY will
mean that the hot splitter will be removed –
existing 2/0 conductors will be allowed
however insulation and vapour barrier must
be installed.
If conductors become too short, then the
new conductors must meet the 2015 code.
6-400 Metering Equipment
Underground meter sockets must have ½”
Multi family residential meters must be
permanently labelled as to their suite or unit
(spray paint or metal stickers accepted).
Manitoba Hydro gives the meter location –
the service attachment point and head must
meet code.
Table 39 Sizing of Residential
This table will not be recognized by the
City of Winnipeg.
10-802 Aluminum Ground
Aluminum ground conductor is allowed
under certain conditions.
10-802 T.I. states that bare aluminum
grounding conductors and connections
installed in any corrosive environment must
have corrosion protection. Ex. A bare
aluminum conductor can not be in contact
with masonry(concrete), copper or earth.
10-812 Grounding Conductor
A #6 copper or #4 aluminum ground
conductor will be accepted.
26-712 Dining Room/
Breakfast Nook Circuit
A separate circuit will no longer be required
in these areas.
26-712(a) and (c) Outlets installed in these
areas must meet the 1.8 meter (6 foot) rule
of finished walls.
26-702 Exterior
Weatherproof Covers
There is a deviation to this rule.
Bubble type weather covers will not be
required (Refer to the C of W by-law).
Standard weatherproof flip covers will be
Use of Arc Fault Receptacle
26-712(g) The arc fault receptacle must be
installed at the first outlet.
The wiring method between the overcurrent
device and the first outlet must consist of
metal raceway, BX, or NM conduit or
26-724 Arc Fault Exemptions
As per 26-724(f), (g) and T.I.’s
Bathroom and washroom,
In kitchens – refrigerator, counter outlets,
island and peninsula outlets,
26-724 T.I. exemptions for dwelling units will
be reviewed in August 2016
Arc Fault Exemptions – con’t
Single receptacles used for sump pumps,
HRV, central vac unit, freezers, washing
machines, overhead garage doors,
microwaves, and gas ranges, (the branch
circuit does not supply other receptacles)
Detached garages or other out-buildings,
Outdoor receptacles (driveway and deck)
excluding those in non-enclosed balconies.
AFCI’s for Existing Buildings
Replacement of wiring to receptacles that
require AFCI protection in the 2015 WEB
shall require those receptacles to be
protected by AFCIs.
Panel changes or service upgrades where no
wiring of receptacles takes place AFCI’s
will not be required.
68-058 Pool & Hot Tub
A #6 copper bond must be installed and run
back to the panel board feeding the pool
equipment or hot tub (68-402).
Thank you for coming