ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 ECUC Eddy CUrrent brake Compatibility DELIVERABLE D2.2 – 7 ECB requirements Contract number : 314244 Project acronym : ECUC Project title : EDDY CURRENT BRAKE COMPATIBILITY Deliverable number : D2.2 Nature : Dissemination level : PU (Public) Report date : 28 February 2013 Author(s): Brisou Florent, and Cabillon François Partners contributed : DB, SNCF, KB, Frauscher, CEIT, NRIL Contact : Florent Brisou Senior brake system expert ALSTOM Transport Av du Cdt Lysiack – BP359 -17001 LA ROCHELLE Cedex (France) Tel: +33546513084 Email: François Cabillon Chief braking engineer – Alstom master expert ALSTOM Transport 48, rue Albert Dhalenne 93482 St Ouen Cedex (France) Tel: +33157061971 Email: The ECUC project was funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) –Transport Coordinator: CEIT FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 1 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of versions............................................................................................................................. 5 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6 2. Functional requirements ............................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Standards and their requirements ......................................................................................... 6 2.2 Other requirements ............................................................................................................... 7 3. Requirements due to rolling stock integration ............................................................................. 7 3.1 Vehicle equipment ................................................................................................................ 7 3.2 Electrical integration .............................................................................................................. 8 3.2.1 Power supply ............................................................................................................. 8 3.2.2 Power supply characteristics ..................................................................................... 8 3.2.3 Electrical characteristics of ECB ............................................................................... 8 3.2.4 Isolation requirements ............................................................................................... 8 3.2.5 Earthing concept ....................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Mechanical integration .......................................................................................................... 8 3.3.1 General...................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.2 Dimensions................................................................................................................ 9 3.3.3 Weight ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Impact on other train equipment ........................................................................................... 9 4. Requirements due to signalling systems .................................................................................... 9 4.1 Relevant track circuits which have to be considered by the project ECUC........................... 9 4.1.1 Track circuits used in France .................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Track circuits used in Germany ................................................................................. 9 4.1.3 Track circuits used in the UK ................................................................................... 15 4.2 ERTMS Balises ................................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Balise....................................................................................................................... 16 4.2.2 Balise Transmission Module ................................................................................... 16 4.2.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 18 4.3 Wheel sensors (Axle counters) ........................................................................................... 18 4.3.1 Frequency management of the TSI CCS interface document to axle counter. ....... 18 5. Requirements due to infrastructure........................................................................................... 20 5.1 Requirements due to ballast tracks ..................................................................................... 21 5.1.1 Ballast tracks in France ........................................................................................... 21 5.1.2 Ballast tracks in the UK ........................................................................................... 25 5.2 Requirements due to unballasted tracks ............................................................................. 29 FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 2 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 6. Requirements due to operation of trains ................................................................................... 29 6.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 29 6.2 Service brake ...................................................................................................................... 29 6.3 Emergency brake ................................................................................................................ 30 6.4 Number of trains per time unit ............................................................................................. 30 6.5 Required deceleration ......................................................................................................... 30 6.6 Environmental conditions .................................................................................................... 30 7. Maintenance, tests and safety requirements ............................................................................ 31 7.1 Monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 31 7.2 Test ..................................................................................................................................... 31 7.3 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 31 7.4 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 31 8. Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 32 FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 3 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: test with FTGS 917M, test setup (source: test report 45.2-PR-1009-01) ..................... 12 Figure 2: test with FTGS 917M, example of results – ECB 100 % + E-brake (source: test report 45.2-PR-1009-01) ................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3: test with FTGS 917M, example of results – ECB 0 % + E-brake (source: test report 45.2-PR-1009-01) ................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 4: Insulated rail joints schematic 1 ..................................................................................... 15 Figure 5: Communication between ERTMS balise and on-board equipment ............................... 16 Figure 6: Example for mounting positions of eurobalise antenna (manufacturer Alstom) ............ 17 Figure 7: Shape of the damped interference signal ...................................................................... 17 Figure 8 Wheel sensors, compatibility requirements for X direction ............................................. 19 Figure 9: Wheel sensors, compatibility requirements for Y direction ............................................ 19 Figure 10: Wheel sensors, compatibility requirements for Z direction .......................................... 20 Figure 11 Effect of ECB ............................................................................................................... 22 Figure 12 principle of CWR track design ...................................................................................... 23 Figure 13: Rail heating - cumulative effect of braking every 8min ................................................ 25 Figure 14: Rail heating – cumulative effect of braking every 9min ............................................... 25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Reference standards......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Track circuits FTGS / GLS - disturbing current limits ...................................................... 10 Table 3: Track circuits 42 and 100Hz - disturbing current limits ................................................... 11 Table 4: Balise mounting heights .................................................................................................. 16 Table 5 : rail stress depending on train frequency (France) ......................................................... 24 Table 6 CRT(W) adjustments for various track configurations (UK) ............................................. 27 Table 7 Critical Rail Temperatures for “standard” track (°C) (UK) ................................................ 28 Table 8 Hazard list ....................................................................................................................... 31 FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 4 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 TABLE OF VERSIONS Version Date Contributors 1 28-02-2013 ALSTOM First issue 2 16-04-2013 ALSTOM Update further 1st review 3 22-07-2013 ALSTOM Update further 2nd review 4 4-09-2013 ALSTOM Update further NRIL review 5 19-9-2013 ALSTOM Update further review by DB-CEIT 6 08-11-2013 ALSTOM Update further the decisions in the Steering Committee 7 14-11-2013 ALSTOM Review § by CEIT 8 19-11-2013 ALSTOM Complete review §5.1.1 by SNCF FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 Sections Affected 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 5 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes the different requirements to be complied with by a linear Eddy Current Brake (ECB) device in terms of functional and operational performances, vehicle integration, infrastructure and signalling system influence. 2. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 STANDARDS AND THEIR REQUIREMENTS Reference Issue Title TSI HS CCS 2002 Technical Specification for ,Interoperability – Control-command and signalling TSI HS INF 2008 Technical Specification for ,Interoperability – ‘infrastructure’ sub-system ofthe trans-European high-speed rail system TSI CR CCS 2008 Technical Specification for ,Interoperability – Control-command and signalling transeuropean conventional network TSI HS RST 2008 Technical Specification for ,Interoperability – High speed rolling stock EN15734-1 November 2010 Railway applications - Braking systems of high speed trains Part 1: Requirements and definitions EN50125 May 2000 Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 1: Equipment on board rolling stock EN50126-1 EN15273-2 March 2010 Railway applications – Gauges - Part 2: Rolling stock gauge prEN16207 2013 SAM F101 (IN2852) Feb. 2004 Braking — Functional and performance criteria of Magnetic Track Brake systems for use in railway rolling stock Rolling stock authorization specification (France) – Eddy current brakes Table 1: Reference standards Details on the main requirements out of the TSIs: TSI HS INF 2008: (see §4.2.13) The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand at least the following forces: a) longitudinal forces arising from traction and braking forces. These forces are defined in the High-Speed Rolling Stock TSI b) longitudinal thermal forces arising from temperature changes in the rail. Track shall be designed to minimise the likelihood of track buckling as the result of longitudinal thermal forces arising from temperature changes in the rail, taking into account: — temperature changes arising from local environmental conditions — temperature changes arising from the application of braking systems which dissipate kinetic energy through heating the rail FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 6 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 TSI CR CCS 2008: (see §5.2 and § The use of magnetic brakes and eddy current brakes is only allowed for an emergency brake application or at standstill. The Infrastructure Register may forbid the use of magnetic brakes and eddy current brakes for an emergency brake application. If stated in the Infrastructure Register eddy current brakes and magnetic brakes may be used for service braking. Specific case Germany: The magnetic brake and eddy current brake is not permitted at the first bogie of a leading vehicle unless defined in the Infrastructure Register. TSI HS RST: (see § As specified in the High-Speed Infrastructure TSI 2006, the use of this type of brake, independent of wheel/rail adhesion, on the lines (to be built, upgraded or connecting) of the trans-European high-speed network is permissible as follows: — For emergency braking on all lines except specific connecting lines listed in the infrastructure register. — For full or normal service braking on the sections of line where the infrastructure manager permits it. In this case the conditions of use shall be published in the infrastructure register. Trains equipped with this type of brake shall meet the following specifications: — Brakes independent of wheel rail adhesion are permitted to be used from the maximum operating speed down to 50 km/h: (Vmax ≥ V ≥ 50 km/h) — The maximum average deceleration shall be less than 2,5 m/s2 (this value, which is an interface with the longitudinal resistance of the track, shall be met with all brakes in use). — In the worst case, that is to say with the trainsets working in multiple to their maximum permitted train length, the maximum longitudinal braking force applied to the track by the eddy current train brake shall be: • 105 kN for brake applications with a force lower than 2/3 of full service braking • Linear between 105 kN and 180 kN for brake applications between 2/3 and full service braking, • 180 kN for full service braking • 360 kN in emergency braking It is permissible to include the contribution of brakes independent of wheel/rail adhesion in the braking performance defined in clause This is with the understanding that the safe operation of this type of brake can be assured and is not affected by any single point failure. 2.2 OTHER REQUIREMENTS Reserved 3. REQUIREMENTS DUE TO ROLLING STOCK INTEGRATION 3.1 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT Depending on the amount of braking power dedicated to the ECB the total power shall be split into several units operating completely independent from one another. A failure in one unit is not allowed to cause a subsequent failure in another unit. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 7 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 The degree of distribution of power over more than one unit depends on the failure effect analysis and shall be considered in the brake calculation. 3.2 ELECTRICAL INTEGRATION 3.2.1 Power supply General If the ECB is considered in the brake calculation the electrical energy shall be provided independent from the catenary supply. One recognized method is to use the regenerative capacity of the traction system. If the brake forces of the ECB are to be considered in the brake calculation, the energy supply shall be independent from the main energy supply. If the brake forces of the ECB are to be considered in the brake calculation, the energy supply shall be split into several units operating completely independent from one another. A failure in one unit is not allowed to cause a subsequent failure in another unit. 3.2.2 Power supply characteristics Power supply for the whole system: 750 to 4000 V – Compatible with a DC bus. 3.2.3 Electrical characteristics of ECB o Maximum voltage= 1800V o Maximum Power = 100 kW 3.2.4 Isolation requirements The overall isolation design shall be compatible with the installation in a bogie. 3.2.5 Earthing concept Isolated support 3.3 MECHANICAL INTEGRATION 3.3.1 General The vertical part of the reacting forces is supported by the axle bearings or the bogie frame, and the operation of the ECB shall not affect adversely the running stability of the train. In case of an unsprung support by the axle bearings the ECB counts as unsprung mass. In any case the axle load will increase by the amount of vertical forces developed by the ECB. Note that when in release position ( no ECB brake application), the ECB can be considered as part of the bogie frame and not part of the unsprung mass. Contact between ECB and rail shall be avoided in normal operating conditions, this for all track geometries on which the train can be operated. The normal operating condition for axle mounted components are defined in EN 61373:2000 chapter 8.1, table 1. However due to high accelerations caused by the dynamic effects, ECB may touch the rail for a short time. Therefore the construction of ECB has to consider these additional loads in accordance to EN 61373, section 10.5, table 3 without any functional restrictions: category 2 when in upper position and category 3 when in braking position. The brake forces shall be transmitted into the bogie frame considering the relevant loads. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 8 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Sensitive parts like the electrical wires of the energy supply of the ECBcoils shall be protected against flying ballast, etc. The ECB being in function is not allowed to effect any lateral forces to the bogie. 3.3.2 Dimensions The widths of the magnets shall remain within the envelope defined by EN 15273-2 They shall also comply with cinematic gauge of UIC505-1 for low areas of railway vehicles. The length shall be compatible with the installation in bogies having from 2.5 to 3.2 m wheel base. The height of the ECB should be compatible with bogies having the bottom of their frame 280 mm above the rail (with new wheels 920 mm) 3.3.3 Weight Maximum weight of ECB allowed: 850 kg for the bogie installed equipment Maximum weight of additional control equipment allowed: 80 kg for the body installed equipment 3.4 IMPACT ON OTHER TRAIN EQUIPMENT The ECB shall have no detrimental effect on the train equipment, and shall comply with requirements relative to electromagnetic compatibility. 4. REQUIREMENTS DUE TO SIGNALLING SYSTEMS 4.1 RELEVANT TRACK CIRCUITS WHICH HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE PROJECT ECUC 4.1.1 Track circuits used in France Different families of track circuits are used on the French Railway Network (RFN). Among these are UM71 track circuits and CTVM 430 track circuits which have been proved not being influenced by ECB. With UM71, the successive track circuits or the track circuits installed on a parallel track need to function with different frequencies. To this end 4 base frequencies are used: 1700 Hz, 2000 Hz, 2300 Hz and 2600 Hz. Regarding the other track circuits used in France, further investigations shall be achieved to study the interactions between the ECB and these track circuits. 4.1.2 Track circuits used in Germany Definitions The following definitions have been translated from [2]. drive unit (DU) = a drive unit is part of an influencing unit (IU). It consists of the collectivity of all traction units (TU) inclusive the auxiliary systems and other isolated energy supply systems which can be separated from catenary network in common (german description in Ril 807.0201: Antriebseinheit (AE)). influencing unit (IU) = the influencing unit is the collectivity of all coupled railway vehicles, e.g. a train in single traction or multiple traction, a single locomotive, several coupled locomotives, etc. ((german description in Ril 807.0201: Beeinflussende Einheit (BE)). FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 9 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 traktion unit (TU) = is the smallest part of the drive unit (DU) that can generate self-contained traction power or E-brake power (german description in Ril 807.0201: Traktionseinheit (TE)). Sum current = RMS-value of the current which shows the result of the AC mains power currents that has been evaluated with the amplitude transmission factor of the correspondent disturbing current filter. 16,7 Hz-traction (15 kV) The following given values are an abstract from [2] and are valid for DU as well as for IU (Imax DU ≤ Imax BE). Relevant for the reliability from disturbing current limits in the given frequency ranges are the limits given in column 4. These values are sum-currents which must not be exceeded within the filter bandwidth of the relevant channel for times t ≥ 40 ms. If the sum-current does not exceed the given limits than the IU fulfills the requirements within the given frequency range. GLS 9/15 FTGS 46 1 2 3 4 5 Channel middle frequency fK [Hz] 3dB-originalbandwidth BK [Hz] Max. permitted disturbing current for 3dB-originalchannel bandwidth [A] Max. permitted disturbing current for 3dB-120Hzmeasurement bandwidth [A] 4750 200 1 0,79 5250 206 1 0,78 5750 214 1 0,77 6250 220 1 0,76 9500 410 113 64 10500 500 104 53 11500 535 91 45 12500 635 86 39 13500 565 71 34 14500 660 67 30 7 FTGS 917 9500 360 330 199 10500 7 380 330 194 11500 7 400 330 189 12500 7 425 330 184 13500 7 445 330 180 14500 7 470 330 175 15500 490 330 171 16500 510 330 168 Table 2: Track circuits FTGS / GLS - disturbing current limits 7 For a generous authorization and operating permission on railway infrastructures of the Federal Republic of Germany the more restrictive limits oft he GLS-9/15 track circuits are mandatory. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 10 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 100 Hz 42 Hz The 42 Hz disturbing current shall be measured within the frequency range 40 Hz to 44 Hz (B = 4 Hz). Permitted values: a) For one single DU: IDU42 ≤ 2,0 A for t ≥ 0,5 s b) For one IU: IIU42 ≤ 2,8 A for t ≥ 0,5 s The 42 Hz disturbing current shall be measured within the frequency range 98 Hz to 102 Hz (B = 4 Hz). Permitted values: a) For one single DU: IDU 100 ≤ 2,0 A for t ≥ 0,5 s b) For one IU: IIU100 ≤ 2,8 A for t ≥ 0,5 s Table 3: Track circuits 42 and 100Hz - disturbing current limits Examples for test results FTGS 917 M The following information is an abstract from [6] and from the homologation process of the German high speed train ICE3. These tests were done in December 1999 in the area of responsibility of the interlocking Burgsinn located on the high speed line Würzburg – Fulda. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 11 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Figure 1: test with FTGS 917M, test setup (source: test report 45.2-PR-1009-01) FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 12 of 32 ECUC Delivverable D2.2-8 Due d date: 28th Fe ebruary 2013 Figure 2: test with FTGS 917 7M, examp ple of results – ECB 100 % + E E-brake (so ource: testt report 45 5.2-PR-1009 9-01) FP7 TRAN NSPORT Contract No. N 314244 1 Sep ptember 2012 2 - 31 August 2015 Pa age 13 of 32 ECUC Delivverable D2.2-8 Due d date: 28th Fe ebruary 2013 Figure 3:: test with FTGS 917M M, example e of results s – ECB 0 % + E-brake e (source: test reportt 45.2-PR-1009-01) FP7 TRAN NSPORT Contract No. N 314244 1 Sep ptember 2012 2 - 31 August 2015 Pa age 14 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 4.1.3 Track circuits used in the UK It has been identified that the track circuits which represent the biggest population in the UK, hence the highest impact for compatibility are the DC track circuits. AC track circuits are used as well. DC track circuits use a variety of voltages from 3V to 20V on rails in both double rail and single rail configuration with and without traction bonding. Their immunity characteristics are fully documented in TS50238-2. The influence of the operation of ECB on these types (DC and AC) of track circuits shall be analyzed during the project. Specific studies or measurements are foreseen to understand the impact of eddy current brake going over insulated rail joints. Figure 4: Insulated rail joints schematic 1 One of the risk been that an arc goes over the joint (current limit in the UK: 13V) The impedance bonds and possible saturation effects will be analyzed as well. 4.2 ERTMS BALISES ERTMS balises on the track or the on-board system (Balise Transmission Module) can be two victims of the interferences from Eddy Current Brake. Therefore, the main characteristics of these systems are defined in this section. The communication between these systems is based on the diagram shown in the following figure. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 15 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Figure 5: Communication between ERTMS balise and on-board equipment The On-Board Antenna provides power to the balises by generating a magnetic field. The magnetic field shall be produced at a frequency of 27.095 MHz with a tolerance of ±5 kHz. For the uplink transmission, the Balise generates a magnetic field that shall be picked up by the On-board Antenna Unit. The balise transmits the data by means of a FSK modulated signal (two frequencies at 3.951 MHz and at 4.516 MHz). EMC requirements for both systems are described in subset 036 of the ERTMS/ETCS System Requirements Specification. The interactions between Eurobalise / BTM transmission and ECB will be studied. Indeed this system is used throughout Europe and demonstrating the inocuity would go in the direction of interoperability. 4.2.1 Balise This system is located on the track at a distance from the top of rail. The lowest and highest positions are defined in Table 4Table 4. Debris layer Highest position of any Balise: Lowest position of Standard Size Balise Lowest position of Standard Size Balise (transversal and longitudinal mounting) Class A and B Class A Class B Class A Class B The distance from top of rail to reference marks, Zb: 41 -93mm -190mm -210mm -150mm -193mm Table 4: Balise mounting heights Susceptibility Requirements The Up-link Balise shall comply with EMC requirements defined in section 5.8 of subset 036. The susceptibility requirement does not apply for the in-band frequency band between 1 and 7.5MHz, nor for the frequency range ±500 kHz centred on the Tele-powering carrier frequency. 4.2.2 Balise Transmission Module This is the on-board system which communicates with the balises on the track. Section 6-7 of subset 036 of the ERTMS/ETCS System Requirements Specification defines the EMC requirements for BTM. These requirements are divided in in-band and out-band susceptibility, where the operating frequency bands are between 2.5MHz and 6MHz and the frequency range ±500kHz centred on 27.095MHz. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 16 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Mounting positions of antenna for the euro balises on the vehicle The following figure shows an example of possible mounting positions of these antennas on the vehicle. For general definitions refer to [3], [4] and [5]. 150 mm 150 mm 4 5 3 1 2 Top of rail Figure 6: Example for mounting positions of eurobalise antenna (manufacturer Alstom) In-band Susceptibility The noise level in the air-gap zone between the balise and the BTM depends on the geometry and position of the possible noise sources (radiating cables, reflecting surfaces, etc.), with respect to the position chosen for the Antenna Unit installation. Therefore, the relative position of the on-board antenna from ECB is a requirement to be defined. This in-band susceptibility is defined in section of subset 036 and the following shape of an interference signal is defined, whose parameters are Fs, self Frequency, Df, decaying Factor and Bmax, Magnetic field strength: Figure 7: Shape of the damped interference signal Nevertheless, there is not at the moment any standard which defines the rolling stock emission from the point of view of the balise reader. Subset 116 will be the one to define it, but it is not yet releaseded. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 17 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Out-band Susceptibility Out of the operating frequency band the immunity requirements are defined by the standard EN 50121-3-2. As it has been said before, this requirement does not apply for the frequency band 2.5 MHz to 6.0 MHz, nor for the frequency range ±500 kHz centred on the Tele-powering carrier frequency. 4.2.3 Conclusions These systems shall be analysed in the model of WP3, in order to confirm there is no risk of incompatibility between ECB and balises or BTMs. Nevertheless, the frequency bands (2.5-6MHz and 27.095±500 kHz) and the location of the antenna and the balise are the main parameters to be considered. 4.3 WHEEL SENSORS (AXLE COUNTERS) The compatibility of the ECB towards the wheel sensors shall be analysed during the project. The positioning of the wheels sensors relative to the rail head is defined the documents [8] and [9]. 4.3.1 Frequency management of the TSI CCS interface document to axle counter. Extract from [1] chapter The compatibility requirements specified in this section apply for AC power systems. The compatibility requirements for DC power systems are: [open point] The frequency management defines three frequency bands: 1) 27 kHz – 52 kHz for band 1 2) 234 kHz – 363 kHz for band 2 3) 740 kHz – 1250 kHz for band 3 These requirements have been derived for the compatibility with axle counters. The requirements for electromagnetic fields related to compatibility of rolling stock with other kinds of train detection systems are: [open point] The subsequent figures illustrate the compatibility limits for x, y and z directions. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 18 of 32 ECUC Due d date: 28th Fe ebruary 2013 Delivverable D2.2-8 Figure 8 Wheel se ensors, co ompatibility y requireme ents for X d direction In-band Ou ut-band Magnetic field emission limits (RMS), Y-direction [dBuA/m] 150 Band 1 14 40 Ban nd 2 Band 3 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 10 100 f [kHz] 1,000 10,00 00 Figure 9: Wheel sensors, s co ompatibility y requirements for Y direction FP7 TRAN NSPORT Contract No. N 314244 1 Sep ptember 2012 2 - 31 August 2015 Pa age 19 of 32 ECUC Delivverable D2.2-8 Due d date: 28th Fe ebruary 2013 Figure 10: 1 Wheel sensors, s co ompatibilitty requirem ments for Z direction 5. REQ QUIREME ENTS DUE TO INF FRASTRUCTURE E The fo ollowing pa arameters are a used by the infrastrructure man nagers to set the requirements to o the EC CB for compatibility with the trackk o m te emperature Rail maximum o Maxim mum mecha anical stresss o Maxim mum attracttive force o Maxim mum lateral force o Maxim mum longitu udinal force o Type of track o Type of rail o mum inclina ation of the rail Maxim o Minim mum speed o Saturration effectt of the rail o ECBs pro ovides the heating h of th he rails and d vertical atttraction forcce to it. The use of Regarding the verticcal attractio on forces, additional a re equirementss have been put to the e design off the switch hes, and op perational ru ules apply about a metallic equipme ent left along g the track. FP7 TRAN NSPORT Contract No. N 314244 1 Sep ptember 2012 2 - 31 August 2015 Pa age 20 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 5.1 REQUIREMENTS DUE TO BALLAST TRACKS 5.1.1 Ballast tracks in France The French infrastructure department has got a very important experience regarding the use of ECB on ballast track. However all that experience is based on the operation of the current ECBs as used on the ICE3 trains. During the development of the project it shall be analysed the alteration of the following listed data (mainly temperature increase of the rails as a function of the train operation and the produced effort either in service brake or emergency brake) that could arise from different/improved design that could be considered for new generation ECBs. The available information is the following: Effect of the ECB operation The ECB braking energy of each train is dissipated thermally in the rail. The heating effect of this braking energy on the rail is: F.l = C.μ.l.δT F = braking force (for one rail), l = rail length, μ = rail mass (per length unit), C = thermal capacity of rail steel in, δT = initial heating in °C. Cooling behavior is determined by the equation: δT = δTinitial × 2 −t τ To illustrate the effect of ECB, for an ICE train for example, service braking produces a force of 105kN. if a series of ICE trains brake in the same location every 7minutes, the rail temperature will be increased by 17K. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 21 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 Figure 11 Effect of ECB Stresses in the track (constituted of Continuous Welded Rails – CWR) are modified by this heating and increase the risk of buckling. It must be considered in rail line infrastructure design. Design principle for the CWR stability The longitudinal forces that exist inside continuous welded rails (CWR) may cause track deformations such as buckling or chord straightening. The principle of CWR stability studies is to determine whether the lateral resistance of the track is higher than the stresses in the rail. The basic principle for a CWR design is to determine in any point of the considered track, the mechanical resistance of the track (blue bar in figure 12). Then the stresses in the corresponding zone of the track are listed and added: Longitudinal forces at the origin of rail stress are: • • • Increase of the rail temperature due to climate conditions (red), The temperature increase caused by the climate conditions is calculated considering that the maximum temperature of the rail due to climate conditions cannot exceed 60°C, as the installation temperature is 15°C. Therefore the rail may suffer, due to the climatic conditions a variation of the maximal stress equivalent to 45 K. Note: by convention, the unit to assess the rail temperature is the degree, and the unit for the stress variation is assessed in equivalent kelvin (considering an expansion coefficient of the rail steel of 1.15 mm/m/°C). Increase of the rail temperature due to maintenance operations (green), Current maintenance operations of the track may lead to temporary heating of the rail (welding, grinding, …). When a piece of rail has to be exchanged, the variation of the metal quantity (replacing a portion of rail by a shorter or longer piece) may lead to a stress increase. More (or less) metal means different expansion behaviour. In a similar way, a change in the position of the track may lead to elongations equivalent to variations in the metal quantity. Stress due to mechanical braking (yellow) Due the continuous nature of the rail, the braking or traction efforts created at the train wheels, provide normal effort not only to the portion below the train, but to the portions of the track which are located before the head or after the tail. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 22 of 32 ECUC • Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 Additional stress due to singular track elements: bridges, turnovers… (orange). Variations of the normal effort may appear from sudden changes in the rail sectional area, or sudden changes of the ambient temperature. The normal effort cannot be discontinuous, therefore it appears a transition area for the normal effort with the relative move rail vs. support. This is the case for example when different rail profiles are connected, or in switches (where 4 rows of rails are connecting to 2) or at the end of tunnels. For the bridges, the expansion of the structure, which may not be in the same thermal range than the rails, can create forced move of the support generating increases of the normal effort in the rails. Rail temperature (°C) Rail stress/ Track resistance Equivalent buckling Track resistance Design margin Braking Maintenance Singular track T° =60°C elements σ = 45K Nominal T° of release Minimum T° of release σ = 0K T° =0°C Rail stress Track resistance Figure 12 principle of CWR track design As seen above, the ICE3 ECB system creates a force of 105KN for service braking, creating rail stress equivalent to 17K for one braking operation every 7 minutes. Track must therefore resist to a delta of 68K (45K for climate conditions, 6K for maintenance operations and 17K for ECB effects). Track resistance depends on type of components, and radius of curves. For a standard HSL lines in alignment, equipped with rail 60E1 (60kg/m) and sleepers M450 spaced of 600mm, track resistance is equivalent to 80K. Once each stress in the rail and lateral track resistance are determined, it is possible to evaluate the risk to track stability: • If lateral resistance is higher than the accumulated stresses, track stability is assured FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 23 of 32 ECUC • Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 If rail stresses are higher than the lateral resistance of the track, there is a risk of buckling So, stability is assured in the major part of HSL (lateral resistance of 80K is higher than stress of 68K). But for specific points, a number of track design rules have been defined to limit this risk and ensure track stability: • • • • Lateral resistance is reinforced o in turnouts through the use of embedded ballast profiles, o 50m on both sides of turnouts using reinforced ballast profiles, o 200m at the end of CWR sections using reinforced ballast profiles. Minimum distances between singular track elements are defined so that that intermediary track can absorb the stresses of each element: o approximately 100m between two bridges, o 100m between turnouts and bridges, Specific studies of the interaction between bridge expansion and CWR are conducted for particular bridges, Connecting lines, where there are often bridges, and curve radii that are smaller than on other sections of HSL track are studied separately. On connecting lines, small radii and bridges increase stresses in CWR and have an influence on track buckling resistance. Considering a standard bridge of 90m, rail stress would increase an additional 6,4K, so track in this case must resist to 74,4K. Lateral resistance for HSL line in a radius of 900m is equivalent 65.2 K. This value is calculated based on track with 60E1 rails, M450 sleepers and standard ballast profiles. So, rail stress is higher than lateral resistance. CWR deterioration risk mitigation Because of these considerations, the margin of CWR risk calculation dedicated to ECB must be reduced and adapted. The two methods can be applied to adapt this margin: • • enforce the lateral resistance of the track operational scenarios limiting the number of trains per hour, based on heating / cooling model calculations: reducing train frequency reduces the amount of heat energy to be dissipated by the rails. Number of trains Rail stress Train every 8 minutes 15 K (- 2 K) Train every 9 minutes 13.5 K (- 3.5 K) Table 5 : rail stress depending on train frequency (France) FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 24 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 8 min 16.000 14.000 Echauffement durail (K) 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 0:00 3:30 7:00 10:30 14:00 17:30 21:00 Base de temps (H) Figure 13: Rail heating - cumulative effect of braking every 8min 9 min 16.000 14.000 Echauffement durail (K) 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 0:00 3:30 7:00 10:30 14:00 17:30 21:00 Base de temps (H) Figure 14: Rail heating – cumulative effect of braking every 9min Considering a train every 9 minutes (calculated rail stress is equivalent to 64,5 K) and track with a 900m radius (lateral resistance equivalent to 65 K), track stability is ensured. 5.1.2 Ballast tracks in the UK In the UK there is not so far experience about the use of ECB on national tracks. In the frame of this ECUC study it will be necessary to estimate, on the basis of the different expected operations of ECB equipped trains, the risks to exceed the acceptable rail temperatures. A recommendation shall be made how to mitigate these risks either by additional equipment and/or operation limitations. The Critical Rail Temperature (CRT) values for standard track are defined hereafter: FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 25 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 “Standard” track in the UK is 56 kg (CEN 56E1) flat bottom rail continuously welded (CWR) on spade ended steel sleepers or concrete sleepers at 26 per length or S&C on concrete bearers. A length is nominally 60’ (18.288m) and 26 per length converts to a nominal sleeper spacing of 700mm. 28 per length is a nominal sleeper spacing of 650mm and 30 per length is a nominal sleeper spacing of 610mm. Note: the HS1 in the UK is equipped with UIC60 rails. As the difference in size is not so different 56E1 (or BS113A) vs. the standard UIC60 rail. an estimation based on the UIC60 data shall be done in order to justify the results with this rail. Rail is stressed to a nominal stress free temperature of 27 °C. Adjustments are made for different track forms based on additions and subtractions to the standard track form critical rail temperature. In additions to reductions in temperature for the track configuration and construction, additional reductions in critical rail temperature are also made for other deficiencies or disturbances that affect the lateral stability of the track such as tamping or shortages of ballast. These are normally managed on a local level with site specific speed restrictions during exceptionally hot weather. The CRT (W) is the maximum allowed temperature that we allow rail to reach before we appoint a watchman. The CRT (30/60) is the temperature at which we apply a 30mph speed restriction for all freight vehicles and a 60mph restriction for all passenger vehicles. CRT (20) is the temperature at we apply a blanket 20mph restriction for all traffic. I would take the CRT (W) values as the nominal maximum rail temperature allowable in service. The maximum allowable rail temperature would need to take into account the existing rail temperature due to weather and solar heating as well as the currently unknown thermal gain from the use of electromagnetic braking either as a service brake or as an emergency brake The maximum rail temperature for standard track (sleeper spacing of 700, concrete sleepers and CEN 56E1 rail) which is fully ballasted and the ballast consolidated would be; 27 °C + 32 °C = 59 °C. For modern track with concrete sleepers at 600 or 610 mm per 60 foot (18.288 m) with CEN 60 rail the maximum rail temperature would be; 27 °C + 32 °C + 4 °C = 63 °C. For very tight curves less than 400m radius the maximum rail temperature would be; 27 °C + 32 °C – 8 °C = 51 °C. On a hot day the rail temperature can be expected to reach an air temperature + 19 to 21 °C due to solar gain. This means that rail temperatures of 50 °C plus are not uncommon during periods of very hot weather. Track conditions that might be at risk of track buckle A buckle is rarely created solely by hot weather. Buckles are often triggered by the presence of at least one other factor (a disturbance, a deficiency or incomplete preparatory maintenance work). The most common are: a) ballast disturbance (e.g. tamping, stoneblowing or opening out); b) ballast deficiency (e.g. insufficient ballast in the cribs or on the shoulder); c) seized joints (e.g. over tightened fishbolts, lack of lubrication); d) rail creep; e) low joint closure temperature (because expansion gaps are too small); FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 26 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 f) a low stress free temperature; g) poor top and/or line (e.g. voiding sleepers, misalignments); h) sleeper changing. Due date: 28th February 2013 A record of stress condition for all CWR is recorded in a national database (‘Stressroute’ or ‘Rail Stress’). The original installation stress-free temperature (SFT) may be adversely affected (i.e. reduced) if: a) the rail is broken, or b) the rail is cut (e.g. for the purpose of renewing or replacing insulated joints, catch points or S&C components) and not stress restored, or c) the track is slued or lifted (see NR/L2/TRK/001/mod03 for details), or d) the track is re-ballasted, re-sleepered or re-laid, or e) an underline bridge or level crossing is reconstructed or repaired (if this requires the track to be removed or its alignment disturbed). Record any reductions to the SFT in the stress database The following tables are taken directly from the NRIL stress management standard Change to “standard” configuration Track curvature radius between 1500m and 800m radius between 800m and 400m below 400m Sleeper/bearer spacing (Sleepers/60ft) 762 mm (24) 700 mm (26) 653mm (28) (RT60 and NR60 S&C) 610 mm (30) Rail and sleeper/bearer type FB on hardwood or softwood BH on concrete BH on timber crimp-ended steel Other Train operated catch points (where not clipped out of use) Change to CRT(W) shown in the next table subtract 3 subtract 5 subtract 8 (but 5 if lateral resistance plates are fitted subtract 2 Zero add 2 add 4 subtract 8 in plain line, or 5 in S&C subtract 5 subtract 9 subtract 27: CRT(W) not to exceed SFT+5, CRT (30/60) not to exceed SFT+8, and CRT(20) not to exceed SFT+11 subtract 15 Table 6 CRT(W) adjustments for various track configurations (UK) FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 27 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 Track condition CRT(W) = SFT+Deg CRT(30/60)= SFT +Deg +32 Max Allowable Rail Temperature (°C) 59 +37 CRT(20) = SFT +Deg +42 Undisturbed, fully ballasted and consolidated Re-railed only (no other disturbance or deficiency) Tamped/lined with slues/lifts up to 25mm Tamped/lined with slues/lifts > 25mm Mechanised stoneblown Tamped or stoneblown S&C Ballast shoulder complete but level with sleeper top over any length (no other disturbance or deficiency) Ballast generally full between sleepers and on shoulders, but not consolidated (8 beds or more) Ballast generally full between sleepers and on shoulders, but not consolidated (less than 8 beds) Severe shortage of ballast between sleepers and/or part sleeper ends exposed, extending 8 beds or more Severe shortage of ballast between sleepers and/or part sleeper ends exposed, extending less than 8 beds Measured shovel packed/hand-held stoneblown (any distance) 3 or more consecutive slurried beds, where ballast is not compacted against the sleeper ends 3 Consecutive sleepers voided at 15mm or more +32 Period for which CRT shall apply Permanently 59 +37 +42 Permanently +22 49 +26 +29 3 days +20 (*) 47 +23 +26 5 days +20 +20 47 47 +23 +23 +26 +26 5 days 7 days +27 54 +32 +40 Until shoulder is restored +15 (*) 42 +18 +20 As Note below +15 42 +18 +20 5 days +10 37 N/A (apply 20 ESR at SFT+13) +13 Until fully ballasted, then as note below +10 37 N/A (apply 20 ESR at SFT+13) +13 Until fully ballasted, then 5 days +17 44 +20 +22 3 days +10 37 +13 +15 Until packed and then 3 days +17 44 +20 +22 Until packed and then 3 days Table 7 Critical Rail Temperatures for “standard” track (°C) (UK) FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 28 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 5.2 REQUIREMENTS DUE TO UNBALLASTED TRACKS For lines with unballasted tracks no limitations of brake applications with ECB are known. In the frame of this project it shall be investigated to the German Infrastructure Manager whether or not that a max value of 290 kN per train in service braking is permitted on German network (on lines where ECB use for service brake is allowed)? 6. REQUIREMENTS DUE TO OPERATION OF TRAINS 6.1 GENERAL Should a train be equipped with an ECB, this shall comply with TSI requirements. If trains with ECB are operated on lines which do not permit their use it shall be possible to deactivate and reactivate the ECB without stopping the train. The safety of this switching functionality shall be demonstrated in accordance with EN 50126-1. Note: As foreseen in the system requirement specifications for ETCS (Subset 026) there shall be interfaces between the signalling equipment and the ECB control system to achieve this switching functionality. The ECB may be used form maximum speed of the train down to a speed that is not lower than 50 km/h. The de-activation speed threshold shall be defined according to admissible forces generated in bogie and track. Operation of a brake when the brake on the opposite side of the bogie is inoperative shall not be possible. It shall not be allowed for one magnet to function without the opposite one in the same bogie to function as well. It is to be avoided that the ECB comes into contact with the rails during normal operation and when encountering all track geometries. This in particular means that the static air gap shall be defined taking into consideration possible deformations of brakes during operation. Power supply of ECB shall be activated only when brakes are in operating (low) position. Power supply shall be switched off before activating lifting-up devices. If air pressure is necessary to move the magnets into the working position or into the resting position: • The compressed air shall be stored in a dedicated reservoir. • It shall be possible to perform three application cycles even if the reservoir is not replenished from the main air supply. 6.2 SERVICE BRAKE The ECB is a further service brake on board and shall be as well controllable as the conventional brakes. The ECB could be managed in the same way as the electro-dynamic brake either in a separate way or through the automatic brake control. The control command is recommended to be computer assisted, and blending with other braking types is recommended in order to use in priority wear free brakes. FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 29 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 In the worst case, that is to say with the train sets working in multiple to their maximum permitted train length, the maximum longitudinal braking force applied to the track by the ECB in service braking shall be (for the whole train) : • 105 kN for brake applications with a force lower than 2/3 of maximum service braking. • linear between 105 kN and 180 kN for brake applications between 2/3 and maximum service braking. • 180 kN for maximum service braking 6.3 EMERGENCY BRAKE If the ECB is used during emergency braking : • It shall have sufficient thermal capacity to achieve an emergency brake application from the maximum train speed. This thermal capacity shall be in addition to the capacity required to achieve the specified service braking duties. • The application of the eddy current brake shall be commanded by venting the brake pipe or by interrupting the emergency brake loop (de-energize to apply). The emergency brake force shall not be dependent upon communication via the train bus. The safety of the system shall be demonstrated in accordance with EN 50126-1. In the worst case, that is to say with the trainsets working in multiple to their maximum permitted train length, the maximum longitudinal braking force applied to the track by the ECB in emergency braking shall be (for the whole train) of 360 kN. The definition of max value of 360 kN cited in TSI HS RS 2008 as a max instantaneous or max average value should be clarified during this project. If the electrodynamic brake is taken into consideration in brake calculations and provides power supply to ECB in this braking phase, case A of TSI High Speed corresponds to the isolation of 1 electrodynamic brake unit + 1 ECB unit (provided that 1 electrodynamic brake unit does not power more than 1 ECB unit). If the electrodynamic brake is not taken into consideration in brake calculations, case A of TSI HS corresponds to all electrodynamic brake units isolated + 1 ECB unit isolated. In this case, power supply of ECB may be provided by electrodynamic brake units if this can be performed independently from high voltage power supply. 6.4 NUMBER OF TRAINS PER TIME UNIT Not stated at this stage. Regarding operation it is of course expected to be able operating short headway between them: 2 to 3 minutes is the target. However The main limitation in this area comes from the infrastructure and its capacity to support frequent application of the brakes: see chapter 5 6.5 REQUIRED DECELERATION Compatibility with TSI HS RST 2008 ("brake performances") is required for the complete train 6.6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Compliant to EN50125, categories A1 and T3 FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 30 of 32 ECUC Due date: 28th February 2013 Deliverable D2.2-8 7. MAINTENANCE, TESTS AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 7.1 MONITORING Complete or partial isolation of any braking units either voluntarily or automatically shall immediately and permanently be reported to the driver. The eddy current brake shall be monitored in such a way that any reduction in capacity below that required for an emergency brake application shall result in an automatic train speed limitation and/or other operational limitations or if suitable in an information for the driver. Undue activation of ECB (lowering or/and powering on) shall be detected and reported to the driver. If a pneumatic pressure is required to lower the brakes in operating position or lifting them in inoperative position: • The availability of the compressed air shall continuously be monitored. • A failure in the availability of an independent unit shall be indicated to the driver. 7.2 TEST Lowering and energizing the eddy current brake shall be covered by the routine test of the brake system. 7.3 MAINTENANCE In order to maintain the specified performance during the service life, the gap between the ECB and the rail surface shall be capable of being checked and adjusted. Checking and adjustment of the gap shall be easily possible in the workshop by simple tools. 7.4 SAFETY The occurrence probability of each of the following undesirable events shall meet the specified values. Undesirable events ER1 ER2 ER3 ER4 ER5 Undue ECB activation on non authorised line, or activation under 50 km/h No application of one or several ECB units, not detected Generation of lateral forces having an impact on bogie stability No pneumatic supply of all ECB, not detected (if ECB are used during emergency braking) Application of a vertical force greater than the limit allowed by infrastructure Occurrence probability Failure level ≤ 10-7 h-1 1 Tbd ≤ 10-7 h-1 1 ≤ 10-7 h-1 1 ≤ 10-7 h-1 1 Table 8 Hazard list FP7 TRANSPORT Contract No. 314244 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015 Page 31 of 32 ECUC Deliverable D2.2-8 Due date: 28th February 2013 8. 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