CUFF-LESS BLOOD PRESSURE METER SYSTEM AMINURRASHID BIN NOORDIN A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Electrical - Mechatronics and Automatic Control) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2009 ABSTRACT Most of blood pressure (BP) measuring devices nowadays rely on a common concept of inflatable cuff to the arm which applied auscultotary or oscillometry principle. By having a cuff, the efficiency of the device will be reduced in terms power consumption, restriction of frequency and also ease of use. Therefore this project is aimed at designing a noninvasive cuff-less blood pressure estimation system based on pulse transit time (PTT) technique. Based on previous work of others, the photo-plethysmographic (PPG) circuit is designed to be interface to personal computer utilize PIC 16B77A as data acquisition system and Bluetooth as communication interface. The algorithm to measure PTT from R of generated electrocardiogram (ECG) to base point of PPG waveform was developed using Visual Basic 6 (VB6) which this programming also used to develop the graphical user interfaces (GUI) to display the estimated SBP and DBP by offline and online process. The results have shown that the PTT measurement between ECG and PPG of pulse oximeter have a great potential for blood pressure estimation. ABSTRAK Di masa ini, kebanyakan alat pengukuran tekanan darah bergantung kepada konsep yang sama iaitu pengembangan kuf di lengan yang mengunakan prinsip osilometrik atau prinsip auskultatori. Penggunann kuf ini menyebabkan kecekapan alat pengukuran akan berkurang dari segi pengunaan tenaga, keselesaaan dan kekerapan pengunaannya. Oleh itu, projek ini bertujuan untuk merekabentuk sistem anggaran tekanan darah secara tidak langung tanpa kuf berdasarkan prisip masa alihan nadi. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh penyelidik lain, litar foto-pletismografi direka untuk dihubungkan kepada komputer peribadi menggunakan mikropengawal PIC 16F877A sebagai sistem pemerolehan data dan Bluetooth sebagai antara muka komunikasi. Algoritma untuk menentukan masa alihan nadi dari nilai R elektrokardiogram terjana hingga ke dasar titik gelombang foto-pletismografi dibina menggunakan perisian pengaturcaraan Visual Basic 6 di mana perisian ini juga digunakan untuk mereka antara muka grafik pengguna (GUI) untuk memaparkan angaaran tekanan darah sistolik dan tekanan darah distolik. Keputusan menunjukan bahawa pengukuran masa alihan nadi di antara elektrokardiogram dan oksimeter nadi mempunyai potensi yang baik untuk anggaran tekanan darah. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Blood pressure is the most often measured and the most intensively studied parameter in medical and physiological practice. The blood pressure signal is important to determine the functional integrity of the cardiovascular system. Supplemented by information about other physiological parameters, the blood pressure is an invaluable diagnostic aid to access the vascular condition of certain illnesses (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005; Isik C., 2006). Blood Pressure measurement techniques are basically put into two classes: direct and indirect. The direct method measurement is used when the very high level of accuracy, dynamic response and continuous monitoring is required. In invasive or direct measurement, the operation uses a pressure transducer that is coupled to the vascular system through catheter that is inserted to blood vessel (Walter W et al, 1976; Isik C., 2006). In early eighteenth century, the first blood pressure measurement is attributed to Reverend Stephen Hales, who has conducted an experiment by connected water-filled glass tubes in the animals' arteries and correlated their blood pressure to the height of the column of fluid in the tube (Jeremy B., 1977). The classical method of an indirect measurement of blood pressure is by using a cuff over arm containing the artery. The indirect techniques are non-invasive, with improved patient comfort and safety, but at the expense of accuracy (Shantanu Sur and S. K. Ghatak, 2005; Isik C., 2006). This technique was introduced by RivaRocci, an Italian Physician during 1896 for determining of systolic and diastolic pressures using the devices that are ease of application, rapidity in action, precision, and harmlessness to patient (Jeremy B., 1977; Gareth B. et al., 2001). In early 1970, Penaz J. introduce a continuous blood pressure recording system using a pneumatic-driven finger cuff and then in 1980, Yamakashi, K et a1 extended the ideas and develop a continuous blood pressure recording system using water-driven cuff (Tatsuo T. et. al., 1997). At present, since technology grow, the development of wearable cuff-less blood pressure measurement device using new techniques, such as Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV), Pulse Transit Time (PTT) and PhotoPlethymoGramm (PPG) amplitude approach becomes interest among biomedical engineering researchers. Assist by nano-technology semiconductor, the bio-instrument can be designed smaller and light to carry around by users thus, their heath conditions can be monitored during daily activities. 1.2 Problem Statement In modem world, demands to improve living styles causes most people not to really concerned about their healthiness (NHLBI, 2008), however since the awareness of high blood pressure is the biggest known cause of disability and premature death through stroke, heart attack and heart disease, medical doctor recommended a regular self monitoring of blood pressure to make sure of the necessary to control blood pressure and prevent it from taking the shape of either hypertension or hypotension (Martin Bald and Peter F. Hoyer, 2001; George Stergiou, 2004). R. S. H. Istepanian et al., (2004) mention that the evolution of e-health systems from desktop platform to wireless mobile shows the disadvantages of conventional blood pressure meter that limited their application in home monitoring. These conventional blood pressure meters can be consider as bulky and the capability to use these instrument several times for daily monitoring is inconvenience. Indeed, the invention of wireless technology in medical system and different approach to measure blood pressure is the basic motivation of the present work. Herein, this research is done to estimate blood pressure, using cuff-less method base on pulse transit time. In addition, a graphic user interface is designed to display the measurement of systolic and diastolic blood pressure via computer platform wirelessly to describe wireless mobile healthcare as future trend. 1.3 Research Objective This research is intended to estimate blood pressure different fiom conventional oscillation technique. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: To design a non-invasive cuff-less blood pressure meter based on pulse transit time (PTT). To display the estimated value of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure using graphic user interface. 1.4 Research Scope In order to archive the objectives, this project research is done guided by the following scope: Designing an electronic circuit which consists of sensor, amplifier circuit and a band-pass filter to obtain the PhotoPlethymoGramm (PPG) waveform. Calculating the Pulse Transit Time from generated ECG waveform and PPG waveform and then estimate the diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure base on equation describe by C.C.Y Poon and Y.T. Zhang (2005). Designing of micro-controller circuit to perform an analog to digital converter and to transmit the signal to computer via Bluetooth module interface. Designing software to perform an algorithm to measure the Pulse Transit Time and then a graphic user interface to display the estimated systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure base on equation describe by C.C.Y Poon and Y.T. Zhang (2005). 1.5 Thesis Outline This thesis consists of five chapters. Each chapter elaborates different stage development of this project until to conclusion. The first chapter of this thesis presents the background of the project, problem statements, objectives, scopes and project methodology. The second chapter of the thesis is the literature review to explain the overview blood pressure in terms of unit, classification, measurement technique, and further explore the current research on pulse transit time technique. The third chapter of the thesis describes the methodology used to ensure the smooth running of this project which is done step by step. The forth chapter of the thesis present the electronics design of the PPG circuits which includes the designs of current-to-voltage, band-pass filter that consists of high pass filter and low pass filter, amplifier circuit. Also include in this chapter is the graphic user interface design and algorithm to measure the Pulse Transit Time. The fifth chapter shows the result acquired fiom the experiment while developing the circuit and result obtain from the offline and online estimation of the system. The last chapter of the thesis briefly explains the conclusion and recommendation for future works of the project CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 A Blood Pressure Measurement Overview Blood pressure is the measurement of the force applied to the blood vessels during blood circulating which is decrease as it moves away from the from the heart through arteries and capillaries, and toward the heart through veins which is represent one of the principal vital signs often measured and the most intensively studied parameter in medical and physiological practice (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005; Wikipedia, 2009; BHS, 2009). For each heartbeat, blood pressure measurement varies between systolic and diastolic pressures. The highest pressure occurs when blood is travels through the arterial circulation by the contraction of the heart which known as the 'systolic' blood pressure (SBP), while 'diastolic' blood pressure (DBP) measurement is taken during the heart relaxes between beats when the pressure in the arterial circulation falls to its lowest level (Hellen, 2001). When the measurements are written down, both are written one above or before the other with the systolic being the first number, example 120180mmHg. Table 2.1 shows the standard categories of blood pressure related to measurement of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure for any adults which in the Stage 1 for high blood pressure is discovered from a systolic pressure measurement at more than 140 mmHg and/or from a diastolic pressure measurement if more 90 mmHg (S. Colak and C. Isik, 2003). 7 Table 2.1 : Classification of blood pressure for adults (C. Isik, 2006) Blood pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer which consists of a combination of cuff, inflating bulb with a release valve and a manometer. A manometer is a device which historically used the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure. Sphygmomanometer has been the "gold standard" in noninvasive measurement for over 100 years (C.C.Y. Poon and Y.T. Zhang, 2005). Figure 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 illustrate the apparatus used to measure blood pressure invention on 1881 till today. Figure 2.1 : Von Basch's sphygmomanometer invented about 1881 Today blood pressure values are still reported in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), though electronic devices which eliminate the used of mercury. In future, invention of nanotechnology promises a better innovation in medical instrumentation which optimistically sustains human healthiness r=l PleMry Mood pressure gauge Figure 2.2: Mercury and aneroid blood pressure gauges Figure 2.3: Digital blood pressure meter 2.2 Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques Blood pressure measurement techniques are generally put into two basic methods; namely direct and indirect. Direct techniques or invasive techniques provide continuous and much reliable information about the absolute vascular pressure from probes or transducers inserted directly into blood stream. But the additional information is obtained at the cost of increased disturbance to the patient and complexity of the equipment. Meanwhile, the indirect methods or non-invasive techniques consist of simple equipment and cause very little discomfort to subject but intermittent and less informative (Walter W et al, 1976; R.S. Kahndpur, 2005). However, the accuracy gap between the invasive and the non-invasive methods, and has been narrowing with the increasing computational power available in portable units, which can process signal algorithms in speed of nanosecond (Isik C., 2006). Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 draw some further differences between the direct and the indirect techniques. 2.2.1 Direct (Invasive) Technique The operation of direct measurement uses a pressure transducer that is coupled to the vascular system through catheter that is inserted to blood vessel. The measurement is done to a very high level of accuracy and repeatability and is continuous, resulting in a graph of pressure against time. Therefore the direct technique is used when it is necessary to accurately monitor patients' vital signs during critical care (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005). Figure 2.4 shows a typical setup of a fluid-filled system for measuring blood pressure which consist of catheter that is inserted to blood vessel, pressure transducer and pressure monitor for continuous monitoring blood pressure for patient in intensive care unit. The invasive techniques will not be further discussed in this research. Figure 2.4: Typical setup of a pressure measuring system by direct method (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005). 2.2.2 Indirect (Non-invasive) Techniques The conventional technique of making an indirect measurement of blood pressure is by the used of a cuff over the limb containing the artery. This technique was introduced by Riva-Rocci for the determination of systolic and diastolic pressures (Jeremy B., 1977). The majority of blood pressure measurements do not require continuous monitoring or extreme accuracy. Therefore non-invasive techniques are used in most cases, maximizing patient comfort and safety. Currently available devices for non-invasive measurement are manual devices that use auscultatory techniques, semiautomatic devices which use oscillatory techniques and automatic devices whereas most of these devices use oscillatory techniques (Isik C., 2006). Auscultatory Technique Auscultatory techniques use a stethoscope over Riva-Rocci cuff to observe the sounds made by constriction of the artery which is introduced by a Russian surgeon, Nikolai Korotkoff in 1905 (Jeremy B., 1977). Korotkoff found that there were characteristic sounds at certain points in the inflation and deflation of the cuff. These 'Korotkoff sounds' were caused by the passage of blood through the artery, corresponding to the systolic and diastolic blood pressures. A crucial difference in Korotkoffs technique was the use of a stethoscope to listen for the sounds of blood flowing through the artery during inflation and deflation of the cuff. Figure 2.5 below shows the appearance of the first Korotkoff sound is the systolic pressure value and the diastolic pressure value is fixed by the last Korotkoff sound is heard. When the cuff pressure is above the systolic pressure, blood pressure cannot flow and no sound is heard (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005; Isik 2006). Figure 2.5: Principal of blood pressure measurement based on Korotkoff sounds (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005). Figure 2.6 explain that when the artery is fully closed or when the cuff is inflated to maximum by squeezing the bulb, no sounds is heard, in while the air in cuff is released gradually by opening the bulb valve artery is opened slowly and sounds heard. Then there is no sound is heard means artery is fully opened when the cuff is fully deflated. The mercury manometer or aneroid gauge can be used to indicate the measurement of systolic and diastolic pressure. Sphygmomanometer Uo sounds (artery is closed) Sounds heard (artery is opening and closing) '40 sounds :artery is open) ounds are he rith stethosco Nbbefcuft tery - .,.., ai.."d"m d L squeezabhe bulb inflates culY with air Figure 2.6: Illustration of the auscultatory measurement technique Oscillatory Technique Most automatic devices and semi-automatic devices base their blood pressure estimations on variations in the pressure of the occluding cuff, as the cuff is inflated and deflated. Similar to the auscultatory technique, oscillometric also applies an inflated cuff to the arm or wrist. These variations are due to combination of two effects that are the controlled inflation or deflation of the cuff and the effects of arterial pressure changes under the cuff. Instead of detecting the Korotkoff sounds, a pressure transducer is used to record the cuff pressure oscillation while the cuff is being slowly deflated. Therefore in the oscillometric technique, high environmental noise levels such as those found in a busy clinical or emergency room do not disturb the measurement. However any movement or vibration during the measurement will cause inaccurate readings (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005; Isik 2006). The oscillometric technique operates on the principle that as an occluding cuff deflates from a level above the systolic pressure, the artery walls begin to vibrate or oscillate as the blood flows turbulently through the partially occluded artery and these vibrations will be sensed by the transducer system that monitoring cuff pressure. As the pressure in the cuff further decrease, the oscillations increase to maximum amplitude and then decrease until the cuff is fhlly deflates and blood flow returns to normal. The cuff pressure at the point of maximum oscillations usually corresponds to the mean arterial pressure. Figure 2.7 shows the point above the mean pressure at which the oscillations begin to rapidly increase in amplitude correlates with the diastolic pressure. Figure 2.7: Oscillations in cuff pressure (R.S. Kahndpur, 2005) These correlations have been derived and proven empirically but are not yet well explained by any physiologic theory. The actual determination of blood pressure by an oscillometric device is performed by a proprietary algorithm developed by the manufacturer of the device as shown in Figure 2.8. Blood Pressure Estimation/ Display 4 Pulse Profile/ Feature Extraction Cuff Pressure Measurement 4 Figure 2.8: A typical organization of algorithms components of oscillatory blood pressure measurement (Isik C., 2006). Most available product is automatic type where instead of manually inflated the cuff, the automatic devices taking cuff-pressure measurements while releasing the cuff pressure in a controlled way. Pulse Transit Time Technique Studies by N. Lutter et al. (2002) express that the blood pressure slightly depends on blood density, blood viscosity and damping, but essentially relies on the pulse wave velocity (PWV), the pulse transit time (PTT), the velocity pulse, the arterial diameter and the reflection coefficient. Thus, BP can be calculated by continuously and simultaneously determining the R wave of electrocardiogram (ECG) and the pulse oximeter waveform utilizing the pulse oximeter of PhotoPlethysmoGrarnrn . Works by J. Y. Lee et al., (2005) then has shown that low accuracy and incompatibility of using oscillometric. Then by utilizing a blood pressure measurement in finger artery the authors come out with new measurement algorithm for systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurement utilize PhotoPlethymoGramm which is measured in finger branch and tip for calibration. K. P. Sanghvi and Peter Steer (1998) from their experiment for two month at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Brisbane confirmed that non-invasive measurement of systolic blood pressure with sphygmomanometer and pulse oximeter is accurate and reliable. Khalili GT et al. (2002) later then make a comparison between blood pressure measurement using pulse oximeter method and conventional technique to determine that blood pressure reading based on pulse oximeter is in best agreement with value obtained by conventional method during slow inflation and deflation of cuff. As a result, blood pressure reading during inflation of the cuff gives the best correlation between systolic blood pressure and pulse oximeter blood pressure. Foo et al. (2005) in his experiment found that the PTT measured from finger PhotoPlethysmoGramm (PPG) will increase when the position of tested arm was vertically changed. C. C. Y. Poon and Y. T. Zhang (2005) successfully developed cuff-less blood pressure measurement technique based on Moens-Korteweg's formula as describe by N. Lutter et al, (2002). In the modeling, by substituting Young's modulus, change in arteries dimensions, and neglected some changes in undesired factor, into MoensKorteweg's formula, the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure then can be estimated from the equations as below which conclude that the difference in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure is inversely proportional to the square of pulse transit time (PTT). SBP = DBP + (SBP, - DBP, Harry Asada et al (2005) then has been working on the development of BP sensors based on PhotoPlethysmoGram (PPG) which is a non-invasive circulatory signal related to the pulsatile volume of blood in tissue, displayed by most pulse oximeter along with the computed arterial oxygen saturation. PPG is a desirable sensor modality for wearable health monitoring, since it is miniaturizable and consume low power. Figure 2.9 illustrate the layout design of devices have the potential for long-term, continuous monitoring of pulse, oxygen saturation, and pulse rate variability and proposed by Hany Asada research team. con- Po1,luer Actuator is ylchorrd to the control unit at con-,e Polymer Xctu3tw these points Control / unit Photo I ----' LED Amy 7-- Conducting. Polymer Actuator is anchored to the sensor unit at this point Figure 2.9: Illustration of the conducting polymer actuated wearable blood pressure sensor Yinbo Liu and Y.T Zhang (2006) then studies the phenomenon describe Foo et al. (2005) to hrther the potential used of the Pulse Transit Time based approach to monitor peripheral blood pressure non-invasively while allowing the limb maintaining at different positions from heart level. Carmen C. Y et al. (2006) then developed novel technologies that enable the wearable devices and body sensor network for telemedicine and M-health for noninvasive monitoring especially for blood pressure by cuff-less pulse transit time technique. Even though the PTT based technique have to comply with Advancement of Medical Instrument (AMMI) a standard which is required 5*8mmHg difference between the estimated and reference diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Y. T Zhang et al. (2006) and Iris R.F Yan et al. (2007) then evaluate the prototype of wearable medical devices using wireless heart rate finger ring sensor and watch utilize personal digital assistant PDA for wireless and cuff-less blood pressure meters to introduce long-term monitoring of heath condition utilize body sensor networks (BSN). The designed uses electrodes and infrared sensor to estimate blood pressure based on pulse transit time (PTT). Result from their experiment, shows the PTT based technique almost achieved a B grade in British Hypertension Society (BHS) protocol. Sujay Deb et al. (2007) conduct an experiment to estimate systolic blood pressure using Pulse Arrival Time (PAT) using linear regression model and then compare with estimation of systolic blood pressure using Pulse Transit Time using regression model. Determine the PAT and PTT from ECG and PPG waveform taken from brachial and finger using algorithms developed in MATLAB by offline process. The research teams then conclude that SBP variation is more closely related with PAT variation which is summation of PTT and pre-ejection period (PEP) compare to variation due to PTT. In experiment conducted by Klein J. D et al. (2008), they measured the PTT at different position on body which is right finger, left finger and left ear and then applied linear fitting to measured systolic arterial pressure. Via National DAQ Card the data is collected by National Labview software and by performing offline algorithm to select the R wave of ECG to search the valid PPG signal give conclusion that is possible to estimate systolic arterial pressure. Stefan Hay et al. (2009) in his studies for psycho-physiological stress monitoring measured the pulse transit time fiom ECG and finger probe PPG conclude that a disadvantage of this method is a sudden movement of hand will cause a big signal distortion. Based on previous work of the researchers, then it is decided to estimate the BP using the pulse transit time method. This PTT will utilize pulse oximeter and ECG as describe by Stefan Hay et al. (2009) and the estimation will base on equation (2.1) and equation (2.2) modeling by C. C. Y. Poon and Y. T. Zhang (2005). The different is the ways of using sensor circuit configuration to construct the PPG waveform utilize the finger probe oximeter to detect the light in appearance of finger in between the light source and the photo detector sensor. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Project Approach In order to design this blood pressure measurement system, a stage by stage problems needs to be go throughout in this research. At the beginning, initial studies of blood pressure concept in-term of measurement, techniques and related research is done and then a measurement method based on Pulse Transit Time (PTT) is proposed for this project. Based on the chosen method, the PhotoPlethymoGramm (PPG) circuit is designed to acquire PPG waveform. Here the concept on how it works for the finger probe sensor, amplifier circuit, filtering circuit is studies. Then it is decide to use ECG generator to acquire ECG waveform. Both data from PPG and ECG then is used for offline measurement to ensure the algorithm to measured PTT from ECG and PPG is corrected before online measurement is made. Then the software is developed for PTT measurement algorithm and a graphical user interface (GUI) to display the estimated systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure measurement is designed. This software is designed to be able to perform offline and online estimation. For the online estimation, the integration of software and hardware is connected via Bluetooth interface to describe the m-health system. The ideas on how to do this research is describe in Figure 3.1 where the offline measurement is initially done before the online measurement is tested. The experiment procedure is described in section 3.4 of this chapter. hod ction uit Desi~ Data Acc Genera Software Development C stimation C stimation 6 Result Figure 3.1 : Flowchart of Research Methodology Debugging 3.2 Chosen Method Blood Pressure measurement based on Pulse Transit Time (PTT) approach is chosen for this project. As being describe in chapter 2, PTT is a delay time measured from R wave of electrocardiogram (ECG) to base point of PhotoPlethysmoGramm (PPG). Since PPG can be acquired from finger, ear, brachial or toes, in this project the PPG is taken fiom finger utilize the finger probe of pulse oximetri. Figure 3.2 describe the PTT which is measured from time of peak of ECG (R) to the foot point of PPG corresponding to the R wave before it rises. -+ Pulse transit time (PlT) I I I I \ ,/ .u Figure 3.2: Measurement of pulse transit time from ECG and PPG (Stefan Hay, 2009) Then based on estimation equation of diastolic blood pressure (equation 2.1) and systolic blood pressure (equation 2.2) provide by C. C. Y. Poon and Y. T. Zhang (2005), the blood pressure is being estimate using PTT measured from R wave of generated ECG waveform and PPG measured from finger using Nellcor Pulse Oximetri Sensor. 3.3 Apparatus A block diagram of the equipment used is shown in Figure 3.3. Sensor for this project is Nellcor Finger Pulse Oximeter Sensor while the ECG data is generated by software. ECG Generator 1 Sensor b Signal Conditioning & Amplifier Unit b Data Acquisition - To PC through Bluetooth Interface 1 Offline Measurement 1 Online Measurement Figure 3.3: Basic block diagram of measurement system 3.3.1 PPG Circuit Design To acquire the PPG waveform, the circuit is constructed from a sensor unit designed by Nellcor consists of Red LED, Infra Red LED and Photodiode Detector is used which is special designed to be pulsed so that the peak power can be increased without increasing the average power and this is possible to detect light transmitted through the finger with a solid-state photodiode. Through several op-amps, the signal from photodiode is amplified and filtered before it being converted to digital format through microprocessor. Through digital oscilloscope the signal is verify and the data is log for offline analysis. Detail construction of the PPG circuit and acquisition system is reported in Chapter 4 of this thesis. 3.3.2 Digital Blood Pressure Monitor For calibrating and comparison the blood pressure was measured by Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor model UA-774, A&D Medical, Japan. .-- !--f :' DIA I - . -. . * \ I -**--Ad PUL Figure 3.4: Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor (Model: UA-774, A&D Medical, Japan) 3.3.3 ECG Generator In this research a Java ECG Generator Version 1.0 as shown in figure 3.5 is used to provide ECG waveform. This software is available online provided by Patrick E. McSharry and Gari D. Clifford, Biomedical Engineering MIT. Java ECG Generator and all its components are free software under GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. The parameter for Generated ECG is set based on standard ECG devices with sampling frequency 256 Hz (0.004s) and based on Heart Rate Mean taken from automatic blood pressure monitor (Model: UA-774, A&D Medical, Japan). Wahoo ECG kbb mvllns ' 7 7 muww hunwn.hWV w.n,*mwhn~ Jsoo ? Figure 3.5: Java ECG Generator 1.O (MIT, 2003) 3.4 Software Visual Basic 6 (VB6) was selected to develop the algorithm and graphical user interface (GUI) for the blood pressure reader system. This programming language Visual Basic is chosen because it takes a different approach to programming for GUI system where it provides interface builder and there is no longer 'program' but rather draw the interface. Later on, the code is simply attached to the interface and the software is ready to execute (Vincent Himpe, 2002). In addition, a few applications such as Excel, Word and Access all include a subset of Visual Basic programming language which enable programmer to used it function to manipulated the data such as data plotting (chart) in Excel application and data selection using Access function. Moreover, it also includes a programming philosophy called Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Figure 3.6 illustrate the GUI in object classes that was designed for this project.