Installation of ST Series Automatic Transfer Switch

Installation of ST Series Automatic Transfer Switch
This manual serves to assist in the installation of the 200Amp Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
used in conjunction with the generator purchased. Electrical wiring is dangerous and if worked
on in the improper fashion could lead to serious bodily injury or even death. It is highly recommended that capable and trained personnel be utilized.
Aisikai SKT1-200 200Amp Automatic Transfer Switch
Manual and Automatic Capabilities
Rated Voltage 440V
Rated Amperage 200Amp
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
The Automatic Transfer Switch is encased in a Nema 3 rated steel enclosure. It is set up for outdoor use and is made to be wall mounted. The door is secured with two 12mm lugs. A manual
transfer handle and keys are included with the transfer switch.
1. Mount the transfer switch. Most place the box next to their service panel.
2. Set the switch to the O position. Do this before installing any wiring. Use
the provided manual switching handle to set the switch to the O position
between I and II.
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
3. Attach your G1(Generator L1) and G2(Generator L2) Lines from your L1
and L2 lugs on the generator to the REAR TOP lugs on the transfer switch.
NOTE: Take care as to run the matching G1 and G2 lines from the generator
to the switch as it is critical to the proper AUTO switching of the generator.
In the event you have trouble with the automatic switching of your gen set to
gen power, physically swap the G1 and G2 lines.
4. Attach your L1( Mains L1) and L2(Mains L2) lines from your service to the
TOP FRONT of your transfer switch.
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
5. Attach your L1(Load L1) and L2(Load L2) to the bottom of the transfer switch.
6. Attach your Neutrals to the Neutral Post
Note: You may have to add your own three way neutral splitter as it is not
provided with the transfer switch.
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
7. Run your sensing wires 48, 47, 39, 42 from the transfer switch terminal
block to the generator terminal block.
8. Use the grounding post to ground the box and ground connections. Note:
You may have to provide your own three way grounding terminal. This will
be determined and is at the discretion of the electrician.
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
9. Upon completion of wiring check and recheck that wiring is correct. The key position
should be place in the RED position. This will place the transfer switch in manual mode.
At this point turn on the MAINS power. Turn the key to the GREEN position. This will
place the transfer switch in AUTOMATIC mode. Once the Mains power is turned on the
switch will automatically change to the I position.
10. With the transfer switch wired in, merely set your generator to AUTO mode by pressing the AUTO button on your Deep Sea 7220 Controller. When the switch is on Mains
power the lever will indicate the I position as show below.
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
When the switch is on Generator power the lever will indicate the II position
as shown here.
11. The G1 and G2 lines will be wired to the breaker as follows
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288
If you have trouble getting your generator to transfer automatically there are
two things you can check.
Mains Fail and Gen Starts but no transfer
Mains Fail and Gen no start no transfer
Mains Resume and Gen no stop no transfer
Physically swapping G1 and G2 Lines
Check fuse in switch
Check fuse in switch
For further assistance contact 877-902-2288
4038 E Superior Ave
Suite 103
Phoenix AZ, 85040
Phone: 877-902-2288