Maintaining Constant DC-link Voltage of Adjustable Speed Drive








Asian Journal of Research in

Social Sciences and


Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Vol. 6, No. 7, July 2016, pp. 608-617.

ISSN 2249-7315

A Journal Indexed in Indian Citation Index

DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00449.4

Category: Science and Technology

Maintaining Constant DC-link Voltage of Adjustable

Speed Drive using CUK Converter

Dr. K. R. Ramela*; Dr. J. Bastin Solai Nazaran**; S. B. Bharathi***

*Associate Professor,

K. L. N. College of Information Technology,



K. L. N. College of Information Technology,



K. L. N. College of Information Technology,



Three phase Induction Motors (IM) are normally used in industries. The continuous process operations of the industries are controlled by Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) fed IM. The power quality (PQ) problems which occur in the power system are mainly voltage sag and swell. They affect the performance of IM. This is due to the decrease in DC-link voltage of an ASD. It leads to the reliability problem and heavy financial losses happen to the industries. To maintain the constant

DC-link voltage of an ASD, ride-through alternate has to be provided.

In this paper, Cuk converter is provided as a ride-through alternate to mitigate both voltage sag and swell conditions. The MATLAB simulation and hardware validation have been done for 1.5 kW,

400 V, 50Hz three phase induction motor drive under type A voltage sag with 50% sag depth and instantaneous swell conditions.


Cuk converter, Adjustable Speed Drives (ASD), Induction motor(IM), power quality(PQ), Dc-link voltage, voltage sag, swell.


Remela et al. (2016). Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,

Vol. 6, No.7, pp. 608-617.


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