IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 2117 Ecoanalysis of Variable-Speed Drives for Flow Regulation in Pumping Systems Fernando J. T. E. Ferreira, Senior Member, IEEE, João A. C. Fong, and Anibal T. de Almeida, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Electronic variable-speed drives (VSDs) can produce large energy and environmental savings in variable-load variablespeed applications when compared with other conventional technologies. There are a very large number of applications (e.g., fluid motion, materials handling, and materials processing) which would benefit, both in terms of process improvement and energy savings, through the use of speed control. Previous studies have shown that the variable-flow fluid motion applications (pumps, fans, and compressors) have the largest savings potential. In this paper, an ecodesign analysis of two different technologies for the flow regulation in pumping systems—constant-speed pump with an output throttle valve (motor directly fed from the line) and variable-speed pump without an output throttle valve (motor fed by a variable-speed drive)—is presented. A European standard methodology for the ecodesign analysis of energy-using products is used in this paper. This paper includes a comparative analysis of the environmental impacts and life-cycle costs. The identified large environmental benefits on top of the energy savings provide a strong argument for an increased use of VSDs. The presented analysis is of major importance for industrial electronics manufacturers, designers, and users, widening their awareness to the importance of taking into account the energy and environmental issues when evaluating different system design options. Index Terms—Ecodesign analysis, energy efficiency, energy savings, environmental impact, induction motors (IMs), life-cycle cost (LCC), variable-speed drives (VSDs). I. I NTRODUCTION I N industrialized countries, electric motors consume, on average, more than half of the generated electrical energy. In the European Union, electric motors are, by far, the most important type of load in the industry, using about 65%–70% of the consumed electrical energy. In the tertiary sector (nonresidential buildings), although it is not so relevant, electric motors use about 1/3 of the consumed electrical energy. It is their wide use that makes electric motors particularly attractive for the application of efficiency improvements. In spite of the wide range of electric motors available in the market, threephase squirrel-cage induction motors (IMs) represent, by far, the vast majority of the market of electric motors [1], [2]. Manuscript received January 20, 2009; revised May 22, 2009, September 3, 2009, and October 19, 2009; accepted June 21, 2010. Date of publication July 15, 2010; date of current version May 13, 2011. F. J. T. E. Ferreira is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Institute of Coimbra (ISEC), 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal, and also with the Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal (e-mail: J. A. C. Fong and A. T. de Almeida are with the Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal (e-mail:; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2010.2057232 There are a very large number of applications driven by IMs which would benefit, both in terms of the process improvement and energy savings, through the use of speed control/ adjustment. Generally speaking, the variable-flow pumping, ventilation, and compressor applications, driven by IMs, present huge savings potential through the use of variablespeed drives1 (VSDs). The same can be said in applications with motion control in which the variable speed and frequent start/stop cycles are required. However, it must be stated that not all motor applications can benefit from the VSDs since, for constant-speed applications, they not only do not save energy but also lead to extra losses and capital expenses [3]–[5]. In general, power electronics provide very large potential for cost-effective energy savings and for the reduction of environmental impacts [6], [7]. Nowadays, for electronic equipment (such as the VSDs) designers and manufacturers producing either individual electronic units or integrated systems (e.g., variable-speed pumps), it is important to take into account not only the technical (mainly related to the equipment or system operation) and manufacturing cost issues but also the use-phase cost (related to the consumed energy cost over the system lifetime) and the environmental benefits and drawbacks (related to the overall energy consumption and the amount and type of materials used) when comparing different system design options. In the particular case of variable-flow pumping systems with centrifugal pumps driven by IMs, two widely used technologies can be compared (presented in Fig. 1): 1) throttle-based flow regulation (constant pump speed) using a line-fed IM and a throttle valve at the pump output; 2) speed-based flow regulation (variable pump speed) using a VSD-fed IM and no throttle valve at the pump output. In Fig. 2, an approximate comparison of the performance of those two different systems is shown. The throttling system induces large losses for a part-load operation (output flow is lower than nominal), and therefore, its efficiency performance is much poorer [3]–[5], [8]. It should be noted that, when varying the motor speed to regulate the flow, the output pressure head also varies (approximately with the speed squared). The speed-based flow regulation can be applied in most pumping systems without a static pressure head (e.g., closed-loop systems). However, in pumping systems with a significant static pressure head (e.g., water lifting), the speed-based flow regulation use has to be carefully 1 Since the three-phase rectifier plus voltage-source inverter topology is used in the vast majority of the VSDs for medium–low power, in this paper, the acronym VSD refers only to that particular technology. 0278-0046/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE 2118 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 3. Integrated units (VSD–IM) from two different motor manufacturers. Fig. 4. Analysis methodology for ecodesign of energy-using products [9]. Fig. 1. Two different variable-flow pumping systems. (a) Constant-speed throttle-based flow regulation system driven by a line-fed IM. (b) Speed-based flow regulation system driven by a VSD-fed IM. Fig. 2. Input power for different flow regulation methods of a centrifugal pump: conventional throttle-based flow regulation using a throttle valve at the pump output versus speed-based flow regulation using a VSD-fed motor [4]. assessed in order to avoid inefficient pump operation when the speed is reduced [3]–[5], [8]. In the low power range (up to 45 kW), there are commercially available VSD–IM integrated units, which can be purchased as a single package/component, simplifying the installation and reducing the costs. In Fig. 3, two examples of such VSD–IM integrated units, from different manufacturers, are shown. These integrated products are potentially less expensive and overcome many of the barriers associated with the application of the VSDs, e.g., motor properly matched to the VSD, reduced overvoltage at the motor terminals due to the short length of the connection, and minimization of the radiated radio frequency interference [3]–[5]. Typically, the life cycle of the products can be divided into four phases: production (including material extraction), distribution, use, and end of life. In general, the use-phase cost of most constant- or variable-speed industrial IMs, including the consumed energy and maintenance costs, dominates by far their overall life-cycle cost2 (LCC). A study to identify and recommend ways of improving the life-cycle environmental performance of the electric motors and VSDs at their design phase was carried out for the European Commission, as reported in [1]. An ecodesign analysis methodology, named as the Methodology Study for Ecodesign of Energy-Using Products (MEEUP), for the assessment of the environmental impact and ecodesign of energy-using products was used, as outlined in Fig. 4 [1], [9], [10]. In the referred study, a comparison of different singlespeed motor efficiency classes (as defined in International Electrotechnical Commission 60034-30 Standard) was carried out, whose main results are reported in [1] and [10]. The results of that study show that if high-efficiency motors replace the current IE1-class standard efficiency motors, a significant reduction in the environmental impact3 will be achieved. A very significant reduction of the LCC for the low-power motors, with savings reaching more moderate levels as the motor power increases, will be also achieved. 2 The LCC is the total discounted cost of owning, operating, maintaining, and disposing of a product. 3 The environmental impact is evaluated through a set of the most significant indicators (e.g., global warming potential (GWP) emissions and waste to landfill) during the life-cycle of the product into easily comparable amounts. FERREIRA et al.: ECOANALYSIS OF VARIABLE-SPEED DRIVES FOR FLOW REGULATION IN PUMPING SYSTEMS II. E CODESIGN S TUDY OF VSD–IM I NTEGRATED U NITS To apply the MEEUP methodology/tool in the analysis of two different centrifugal pump flow regulation methods/ technologies, namely, the VSD–IM integrated units (i.e., variable-speed IM) and the fixed-speed IM plus throttle valve4 at the pump output, several preliminary assumptions were defined, which are presented in the following sections. The last mentioned technology is considered the base-case technology (BCT), and the other is the best available technologies (BATs) since it is the most efficient. In both cases, it is assumed to be standard efficiency class IMs, because the aim of this paper is to compare throttle valves with integrated VSDs and not the motor efficiency classes. The focus is on the LCC and the environmental impact assessment. A. Some Relevant Assumptions The product “electric motor” is defined as a device that converts electric energy into mechanical energy. The VSD–IM integrated units are assumed as “variable-speed motors”; therefore, they are considered equivalent to electric motors. According to the MEEUP methodology, the primary and secondary performance parameters were defined on the basis of the functional aspects of the product considered. In this paper, since the overall pumping system (including motor and pump) is being considered, the assumed primary functional parameters are the pump-output hydraulic power (the provided hydraulic power at the pump output) and the respective output flow. The assumed main secondary functional parameter is the pumping-system nominal efficiency, corresponding to the full-load (or full-flow) efficiency. An IM is normally repaired at least two times during its lifetime, but this can happen up to four times [1], [10]. Typically, the repair process includes rewinding and bearing the replacement. A value of 2.5 repairs is assumed for IMs operating 8000 h/year. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the number of repairs decreases linearly with the decrease of the operating time. For the VSDs and valves, no repairs were assumed due to the lack of reliable data. In all LCC calculations, a discount rate (interest minus inflation) of 2% is assumed [1], [10]. Concerning the material recycling at the end of life, it is assumed that 5% is not recovered (landfill), 1% of the plastics are reused (closed-loop recycling), 9% of the plastics are recycled, 90% of the plastics are thermal recycled (nonhazardous incineration optimized for energy recovery), and 95% of the metals are recycled. Since the study on motors covered the power range of 0.75 to 200 kW (1 to 275 hp), three motor output powers were considered in the analysis, namely 1.1, 11, and 110 kW. For the sake of simplicity, it is considered that the motor efficiency remains constant, regardless of the motor frequency, voltage, and load. However, it is well known that the motor peak efficiency achieved at frequencies lower than the nominal is lower than that at the nominal frequency. Nevertheless, since modern VSDs can search for the peak efficiency values at any speed and load, the variation of the motor efficiency is attenuated, even for the small IMs [5], [11]–[13]. The IM and/or VSD–IM system efficiency maximization capability at any particular motor load point (by means of a proper magnetizing flux regulation) is an important advantage of the VSDs, which can compensate the IM additional losses caused by the VSD output pulsewidth modulation voltages) [4], [5], [14]–[16]. Typically, at the rated frequency and voltage, the IM peak efficiency occurs between 65% and 85% load. The efficiency of commercial VSDs depends on its rated power, load, and brand [5], [17], [18]. For the sake of simplicity, an average efficiency of 95% is assumed for the VSDs over the considered operating speed range (50%–100%), corresponding to the BAT in the market (high-efficiency VSDs). Lifetimes of 12, 15, and 20 years for the 1.1-, 11-, and 110-kW motors are considered, respectively. In terms of motor price distribution, the average list price of the standard efficiency class IMs ranges from 160 C (EURO5 ) for a 0.75-kW motor to 15 000 C for a 200-kW motor [1], [10]. In general, the market is very competitive with large discounts offered to original equipment manufacturers. At higher power ratings, there are lesser pressures as the degree of competition is not considered fierce. For this paper, an average 40% discount below the list price is assumed, and the prices for the VSD–IM integrated units are assumed as three times the price of the motor individually [these values are shown in Tables VI–XI]. In most cases, the prices of the throttle valves also benefit from a 40% discount, where the discounted prices are around 90 C and 1440 C for the sizes 32, 100, and 350 (inner input/output diameter), which are typically used in pumps driven by 1.1-, 11-, and 110-kW four-pole IMs, as can be seen in Tables VII, IX, and XI. The average electricity price of 0.0754 C for a European industrial consumer was used [1]. B. Bill of Materials The integrated VSD–IM units are available for low- and medium-power levels. Therefore, the respective bill of materials (BoM) were estimated based on the small units and on the material fractions for the separated VSDs and IMs provided by manufacturers for the larger units. Regarding the BCT, the BoMs in kilograms per kilowatt (materials average values) for the IM alone are shown in Table I. In Table II, the BoMs in kilograms for the throttle valves’ materials considered in the BCT are shown. In Table III and Fig. 5, the BoMs for the BAT (VSD–IM integrated units) are shown in kilogram per kilowatt and percentage, respectively. It should be noted that the BoMs for the motors were established on the basis of the average values provided by the European Motors and Drives Manufacturers Association (CEMEP6 ), and since most small motors sold have an aluminum frame, that material portion is higher than that for the larger motors. The larger motors typically have cast-iron EURO ( C ) = 1.385 USD ($), March 3, 2011. Européen de Constructeurs de Machines Electriques et d’Electronique de Puissance. 51 4 In this paper, ball valves [19] are considered because of their low friction when totally open. 2119 6 CEMEP—Comité 2120 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 TABLE I AVERAGE B O M S FOR S TANDARD IE1-C LASS IM S TABLE II B O M S FOR BALL VALVES TABLE III E STIMATED B O M S FOR I NTEGRATED VSD–IM U NITS Fig. 5. Percentage of materials mass per kilowatt for each rated power considered. (a) Single IMs. (b) VSD–IM integrated units. frames. The BoMs for the ball valves were provided by a large European manufacturer [19]. C. Load Profile Regarding the pumping system load, the typical profile shown in Fig. 6 is used, which is defined on the basis of the results of the EuP Pump6 study [20], resulting in a timeweighted average of 75% flow. Four scenarios are considered for six different operating times: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 h/year. The base scenario of 4000 h/year is used for the present ecoanalysis. A typical 60% load factor is considered for all motors, based on previous findings [2]. 7 EuP—Energy-using Products. Fig. 6. Considered pumping system load profile [20]. FERREIRA et al.: ECOANALYSIS OF VARIABLE-SPEED DRIVES FOR FLOW REGULATION IN PUMPING SYSTEMS 2121 TABLE IV U SE -P HASE E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT ( IN P ERCENT ) OF VSD–IM I NTEGRATED U NITS , C ONSIDERING O NLY L OSSES AND 4000 h/year Fig. 7. Total energy [gross energy requirement (GER)] reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve, wherein the latter is the reference. TABLE V U SE -P HASE E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT VARIATION (VSD VERSUS T HROTTLE VALVE ), C ONSIDERING O NLY L OSSES AND 4000 h/year III. E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACTS On the basis of the presented results, in a pumping system, when using a VSD (i.e., the BAT) instead of a throttle valve (i.e., the BCT), the majority of the environmental impacts are in the use phase. In Table IV, the use-phase environmental impact (in percent of the entire lifetime environmental impact) associated with the BAT is shown, considering a 4000-h/year scenario and the electrical energy consumed in the motor and in the VSD (i.e., their losses). In Table V, the use-phase environmental impact variation associated with the replacement of the BCT by the BAT is shown, considering only the losses and a 4000-h/year scenario. The reduction in the environmental impact when the throttle valves are replaced by the VSDs is significant, which is more than 14% in all the evaluated indicators but reaching near 40% in some of them. For example, about 37% reduction is expected in the greenhouse-gas emissions. In Figs. 7–10, the variation of the main environmental impact indicators is shown as a function of the number of operating Fig. 8. Electricity part (in primary megajoule) of the total energy (GER) reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve, wherein the latter is the reference. time, demonstrating that only below 2000 h/year does the environmental impact reduction starts to decrease sharply when the throttle valves are replaced by the VSDs. The percentage reduction ΔQ(%) of each presented quantity is given by (1), where QIM+VSD is the quantity associated with the IM+VSD system and QIM+valve is the quantity associated with the IM+valve system QIM+VSD · 100%. (1) ΔQ(%) = 1 − QIM+valve In Figs. 11–14, the variations of all the environmental impact indicators for the 1.1-kW case are shown. In all the cases, for an operating time longer than 2000 h/year, the environmental impact reduction is significant for all integral horsepower ranges (≥ 1 hp), demonstrating the benefits associated with the VSDs in variable-load variable-speed motors. 2122 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 9. Waste nonhazardous/landfill reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve, wherein the latter is the reference. Fig. 11. Total energy (GER) reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve in the 1.1-kW system, wherein the latter is the reference. Fig. 10. Greenhouse-gas (in GWP 100) reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve, wherein the latter is sthe reference. Fig. 12. Water (process) nonhazardous/landfill waste and hazardous/ incinerated waste reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve in the 1.1-kW system, wherein the latter is the reference. IV. LCC (3) Fig. 15 shows the percentage segregation of the LCC (excluding the repair and maintenance costs) of the IM+VSD and the IM+valve systems, evidencing the much higher relevance of the consumed energy cost in relation to the overall system initial price. The percentage LCC reduction ΔLCC(%) is given by (4), where LCCIM+VSD is the LCC associated with the IM+VSD system and the LCCIM+valve is the LCC associated with the IM+valve system LCCIM+VSD ΔLCC(%) = 1 − · 100%. (4) LCCIM+valve Tables VI–XI present the LCC for the three analyzed VSD–IM units, considering a different lifetime in each case. In Fig. 16, the percentage LCC reduction when a VSD is used for the flow regulation instead of a throttle valve is shown. It is clear that there are economic and environmental In an approximate form, the LCC is given by (2), where P P is the initial system purchase price, OE is the operating expense, including the consumed electrical energy and the repair and maintenance costs, and P W F is the present worth factor. The P W F is defined by (3), where n is the product lifetime (in years) and r is the discount rate (interest rate minus inflation rate) LCC = P P + P V F · OE 1 1 . 1− PWF = r (1 + r)n (2) FERREIRA et al.: ECOANALYSIS OF VARIABLE-SPEED DRIVES FOR FLOW REGULATION IN PUMPING SYSTEMS 2123 TABLE VII LCC FOR 1.1-kW IM P LUS VALVE (12-Y EAR L IFETIME) TABLE VIII LCC FOR I NTEGRATED 11-kW VSD–IM U NIT (15-Y EAR L IFETIME) TABLE IX LCC FOR 11-kW IM P LUS VALVE (15-Y EAR L IFETIME) Fig. 13. Greenhouse gases (in GWP100), acidification, volatile organic compounds, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and particulate matter reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve in the 1.1-kW system, wherein the latter is the reference. TABLE X LCC FOR S EPARATED 110-kW IM P LUS VSD (20-Y EAR L IFETIME) TABLE XI LCC FOR 110-kW IM P LUS VALVE (20-Y EAR L IFETIME) Fig. 14. Heavy metals and eutrophication reduction, as a function of the operating time, when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle valve in the 1.1-kW system, wherein the latter is the reference. TABLE VI LCC FOR I NTEGRATED 1.1-kW VSD–IM U NIT (12-Y EAR L IFETIME) benefits associated with the replacement of the throttle valves by the VSDs. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, the improvement potential in terms of the environmental impact and LCC for two different flow regulation technologies in pumping systems has been analyzed, and the main outcomes of this paper have been reported. It has been concluded that, in variable-flow IM-driven pumping systems operating more than 2000 h/year, the use of the VSDs instead of the throttle valves to regulate the flow can produce a substantial reduction in both the environmental impact and the LCC. The estimated reduction in the greenhouse-gas emissions can reach over 35%, with a low dependency on the motor rated power, and the LCC reduction can reach over 25%, with a significant dependency on the motor rated power. Therefore, aside from the well-known direct process benefits to users (e.g., better process control and less wear and tear in the mechanical components), the VSD–IM units are an important technology to reduce the environmental impacts of many motor applications, particularly in pumping, ventilation, and compressor systems, over their useful lifetime. The identified large environmental benefits on top of the energy savings provide a strong argument for an increased use of the VSDs in a wide variety of applications. The environmental 2124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 15. Percentage segregation of the LCC (excluding the repair and maintenance costs) of IM+VSD and IM+valve systems, as a function of the operating time. (a) 1.1-kW system. (b) 11-kW system. (c) 110-kW system. Fig. 16. LCC reduction as a function of the operating time when a VSD is used for flow regulation instead of a throttle, wherein the latter is the reference. benefits come virtually free since, in many cases, the VSDs are cost effective due to the achieved energy savings. R EFERENCES [1] A. de Almeida, F. Ferreira, J. Fong, and P. Fonseca, “EuP Lot 11 motors, ecodesign assessment of energy using products,” ISR—Univ. Coimbra, Brussels, Germany, DG-TREN, Apr. 2008. [2] A. de Almeida, P. Fonseca, F. Ferreira, F. Guisse, A. Diop, A. Previ, S. Russo, H. Falkner, J. Reichert, and K. Malmose, “Improving the penetration of energy-efficient motors and drives,” ISR—Univ. Coimbra, Brussels, Germany, DG-TREN, 2000. [3] A. de Almeida, F. Ferreira, P. Fonseca, B. Chretien, H. Falkner, J. Reichert, M. West, S. Nielsen, and D. Both, “VSDs for electric motor systems,” Univ. Coimbra, Brussels, Germany, DG-TREN, 2001. [4] A. de Almeida, F. Ferreira, and D. 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FERREIRA et al.: ECOANALYSIS OF VARIABLE-SPEED DRIVES FOR FLOW REGULATION IN PUMPING SYSTEMS João A. C. Fong received the Licentiate degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Coimbra (UC), Coimbra, Portugal, in 2005. He is currently a Researcher with the Institute of Systems and Robotics, UC, where he is participating in projects on energy-efficiency-related areas. 2125 Anibal T. de Almeida (SM’03) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Imperial College, University of London, London, U.K. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers, University of Coimbra (UC), Coimbra, Portugal. He is also a Consultant with the European Commission Framework Programmes and the U.S. Department of Energy. He is the coauthor of six books on energy efficiency and more than 200 papers published in international journals and conference records and presented at meetings. He has coordinated eight European projects dealing with energyefficient motor technologies. He was also a Consultant on several international projects to promote energy efficiency in developing countries. Dr. de Almeida was a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications Society Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference.