LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER II Table II.1 Table II.2 The four levels of description in the Sabi Abyad ceramic typology. Estimates of firing temperatures based on sherd colour. CHAPTER III Table III.1 Table III.2 Table III.3 Table III.4 Diagnostic sherds in sublevels of level 6. Diagnostic sherds in sublevels of level 5. Diagnostic sherds in sublevels of level 4. Diagnostic sherds in sublevels of level 3. CHAPTER IV Table IV.1 Table IV.2 Table IV.3 Table IV.4 Table IV.5 Table IV.6 Table IV.7 Table IV.8 Table IV.9 Table IV.10 Table IV.11 Table IV.12 Table IV.13 Table IV.14 Table IV.15 Table IV.16 Table IV.17 Table IV.18 Table IV.19 Table IV.20 Table IV.21 Table IV.22 Table IV.23 Table IV.24 Table IV.25 Table IV.26 Table IV.27 Table IV.28 Table IV.29 Table IV.30 Table IV.31 Table IV.32 Table IV.33 Table IV.34 Table IV.35 Table IV.36 Table IV.37 Table IV.38 Table IV.39 Table IV.40 Amount of sherds from secure contexts. Inclusions in level 7. Shapes in level 7. Different bowl shapes in level 7. Base types in level 7, loose bases and complete shapes included. Decoration in level 7. Firing temperatures in level 7. Firing atmospheres in level 7. Level 7, proportions of ware per type, frequencies of types. Inclusions in level 6. Shapes in level 6. Different bowl shapes in level 6. Base types in level 6, loose bases and complete shapes included. Decoration in level 6. Relative firing temperatures in level 6. Firing atmosphere in level 6. Level 6, proportions of ware per type, frequencies of types. Inclusions in level 5. Shapes in level 5. Different bowl shapes in level 5. Base types in level 5, loose bases and complete shapes included. Decoration in level 5. Relative firing temperatures in level 5. Firing atmospheres in level 5. Level 5, proportions of ware per type, frequencies of types. Inclusions in level 4. Shapes in level 4. Different bowl shapes in level 4. Base types in level 4, loose bases and complete shapes included. Decoration in level 4. Relative firing temperatures in level 4. Firing atmospheres in level 4. Level 4, proportions of ware per type, frequencies of types. Inclusions in level 3. Shapes in level 3. Different bowl shapes in level 3. Base types in level 3, loose bases and complete shapes included. Decoration in level 3. Relative firing temperatures in level 3. Firing atmospheres in level 3. 15 Table IV.41 Table IV.42 Table IV.43 Table IV.44 Table IV.45 Table IV.46 Table IV.47 Table IV.48 Table IV.49 Table IV.50 Table IV.51 Table IV.52 Table IV.53 Table IV.54 Table IV.55 Table IV.56 Table IV.57 CHAPTER V Table V.1 Table V.2 Table V.3 Table V.4 Table V.5 Table V.6 Table V.7 Table V.8 Table V.9 Table V.10 Table V.11 Table V.12 Table V.13 Table V.14 Table V.15 Table V.16 Table V.17 Table V.18 Table V.19 Table V.20 Table V.21 Table V.22 Table V.23 Table V.24 16 Level 3, proportions of ware per type, frequencies of types. Comparison: inclusions in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: shape groups in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: bowl shapes in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: pot shapes in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: jar shapes in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: goblet shapes in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: base shapes in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: handles in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: surface treatment in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: decoration in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: firing temperatures in levels 6 – 3. Comparison: firing atmospheres in levels 6 – 3. Jar shapes at Tell Sheikh Hamad (after Pfälzner 1995: 132-161). Correlation of Sabi Abyad and Sheikh Hamad sequences. Correlation of Sabi Abyad and Sheikh Hamad sequences, comparing individual shapes. Relative sequences of Sabi Abyad and other sites. Overview of the different modes of production after Peacock (1982: 8-11), Rice (1987: 183186), Pfälzner (1995: 27-30). Archaeometric groups and comparison with field ware groups and shape types, suggesting the possible origin of the clay and including sample numbers used in Appendix D. Samples from level 7 are underlined. The preparation of the clay body and frequencies of the different wares. Ware groups X and Y were found among the unfired vessel fragments and kiln wasters at the site (only diagnostics described by the author). Potter’s wheel rotational direction as reconstructed from spiral traces on vessels. List of the vessel types made in each technological group. Decoration techniques used at Sabi Abyad. Patterns of decoration. The relation between firing atmosphere and surface and core colours. Numbers and percentages of sherds fired in different kiln atmospheres split according to ware. Comparison of ware groups and kiln atmosphere. Frequencies of roughly estimated firing temperatures. Vessel shape related to firing temperature. Number and percentage of bases with base cracks, according to base type. Firing temperatures in sherds with lime spalling and firing temperatures in the whole assemblage. Methods and location of repairs on damaged vessels. The capacity of vessels with impressed or incised marks. Position of the painted signs on different kinds of vessels. The capacity of vessels with painted signs. Comparing firing temperatures between levels. The diversity index Shannon’s H and equitability index EH for the rim types within each level. Table showing the rim types and percentages for the first ten most popular rim types per level. Bowls and strainers, mean rim diameters (mm) organized into size groups. Deep bowls and pots, mean rim diameters organized into size groups. Mean rim diameter (mrd) and CV values (in %) for selected rim types per level and for unbaked pottery fragments. Between brackets: these values are not valid because of a very small sample size. Between square brackets: values for sherds from the pottery workshops only. Table V.25 Table V.26 Comparing some CV scores for rim diameter measurements on vessels from different ethnoarchaeological contexts. Most measurements stem from single (or a few) production events or from single (or a few) potters (based on Roux 2003: tables 4, 6 and 7; Kvamme et al. 1996: table 4; Arnold and Nieves 1992, based on table 4.2; Longacre 1999: table 4.5, Underhill 2003: table VI). Comparing some CV scores for measurements on vessels from different archaeological contexts (based on Berg 2004: table 1; Benco 1988; Stein and Blackman 1993: table 3; Coursey 1997: table 4.6; Costin and Hagstrum 1995: table 4). CHAPTER VI Table VI.1 The functional aspects of vessel shape listed for each vessel type. APPENDIX C Table C.1 Sizes of updraft kilns at Sabi Abyad. APPENDIX D Table D.1 Table D.2 Table D.4 WD-XRF analyses of the chemical composition of local clays. Comparison of the chemical composition of sample J730 with a selection of Sabi Abyad clays. Comparison of the chemical composition of sample J728 with a selection of Sabi Abyad clays. List of thin-section sample numbers. APPENDIX G Table G.1 The location of burning traces on carinated bowls. Table D.3 17 18