Supply List MS 16-17 - Edwards

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(This list is subject to change)
English 9
three-ring binder with dividers, blue or black pens, #2 pencils, 1 large durable pocket folder,
highlighters, Post-It Notes
English 10
pocket folder or binder, lined paper or notebook, blue or black pens, Post-It notes
English 11 & 12,
College English 12
5 subject notebook, homework folder, blue or black pens, 3x5 index cards, Post-It notes
Global History 9 & 10,
Model OAS
1.5" three-ring binder with lined paper or a notebook, pocket folder, blue or black pens
US History 11
blue or black ink pens, pocket folder or binder, lined paper or a notebook, pencils
AP US History
1.5" three-ring binder, lined paper, blue or black pens, pencils
Govt. & Economics
#2 pencils, spiral notebooks, blue or black pens, pocket folders
Algebra, Geometry
three-ring binder (may be shared with other subjects), pocket folder, pencils, blue or black
Alg 2/Trig
three-ring binder, pencils, blue or black pens
three-ring binder with paper or spiral notebook, pocket folder, pencils, blue or black pens
College Algebra
three-ring binder with paper or spiral notebook, pencils, blue or black pens
AP Calculus
three-ring binder with paper or spiral notebook, pencils, blue or black pens
**Graphing Calculators** Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Precalculus, College Algebra and AP
Calculus students will be issued a graphing calculator for use during the school year. For
all other classes graphing calculators will be available for classroom work only. It is not
mandated that a graphing calculator be purchased. However, if you wish for your child to
have a calculator for use at home we recommend the TI 84 or TI 84+ or 84+Silver
*Note: If your child uses an Android mobile phone he/she has access to a free graphing
calculator App. Look for wabbitemu in the google play store. It is also available on iphones
but it is not free.
Living Env. & Lab
1.5" three-ring binder, pens, pencils
Earth Science & Lab
three-ring binder, folder, lined paper, basic calculator, pens, pencils, ruler (cm), eraser,
colored pencils
Chemistry & Lab
three-ring binder, scientific calculator, pen/pencil, paper
Physics & Lab
three-ring binder, lined paper, scientific calculator, pens, pencils, paper, protractor w/ruler
AP Biology & Lab
1.5 “ three-ring binder, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Anatomy & Phys
1.5" three-ring binder, pens, pencils, colored pencils
paper, pencils, red pen, pocket folder
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(This list is subject to change)
Career/Fin Mgmt
1" three-ring binder, 1 pocket folder, paper, pens, basic calculator
HS Health
three-ring binder, pocket folder, pen or pencil (tests taken in pen), lined paper
Resource Room
pencils, pens, planner/assignment book
pencil for rehearsal, black pants or skirt and white dress shirt or blouse for concerts &
pencil for rehearsal, black pants or skirt and white shirt for concerts
Art History
pen/pencil, spiral notebook OR sketchbook, 3"x5" index cards and index card holder for
flash cards
Drawing & Painting
pencil, eraser, art portfolio (at least 23" x 31" - Walmart, St. Lawrence Book Store, etc.)
Optional: fine & extra fine black Sharpies, basic paint brush set
Fashion Design
pencil, erase - during school year you will be responsible for purchasing certain materials
such as fabric and clothing patterns
camera* (digital point & shoot, camera phone, or digital DSLR), 2"three ring binder, clear
page protectors, SD card (for digital cameras at least 2 GB), USB flash drive (at least 2 GB)
* Mrs. Impey has a small assortment of cameras if none are available at home. These will
be able to be signed out and must be returned in the same condition as received)
Studio Art
pencil, eraser, fine & extra fine black Sharpies, art portfolio (at least 23" x 31" - Walmart, St.
Lawrence Book Store, etc.)
swimming suit, towel, goggles, fee for certification card
Physical Education
athletic shoes (sneakers), socks, athletic shorts or sweat pants, t-shirt or sweatshirt (no
spaghetti strings, and preferably no tank tops), swimming suit (girls should have a
competitive swim style tank), towel, goggles (not face mask), personal items
Agric. Mechanics
2 pocket folders, paper, pens, shop clothes
Animal Care
2 pocket folders, paper, pens, barn clothes as needed
Elec & Tractor Driving pocket folder, paper, pen/pencil
pocket folder, paper, pen/pencil
1" three-ring binder, pocket folder, paper, pen/pencil
1" three-ring binder, pocket folder, paper, pen/pencil
2 pocket folders, paper, pens, shop clothes
pocket folder, paper, pencils
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