Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Applies to: SAP NetWeaver BW 3.x.For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage. . Summary The objective of this paper is to explain the use of Data Selection Types in InfoPackage which allows extracting the data selectively according to user requirement. Author: Rudra Pradeep Reddy Neelapu Company: Mahindra Satyam Created on: 3 July 2009 Author Bio Working as a SAP Technical consultant with Mahindra Satyam.Skill set includes SAP Business Intelligence, ABAP and Business Objects. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 1 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Table of Contents: Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................3 Background Information......................................................................................................................................3 Step-by-Step Procedure: ....................................................................................................................................4 Business Scenario #1 .........................................................................................................................................6 Business Scenario #2 .........................................................................................................................................9 ABAP Routine: ..............................................................................................................................................10 Business Scenario #3 .......................................................................................................................................12 Related Content................................................................................................................................................16 Disclaimer and Liability Notice..........................................................................................................................17 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 2 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Introduction For periodically loading the data from the source system into the SAP BW system we need to change the Selection field contents periodically (for example, date fields). We can attain this by choosing one of the following selections in the Type entry column (Variable Changing of Selections with Background Processing) from the Data Selection tab page of an Info Package. Types (Variable Changing of Selections with Background Processing) are of 3 types: • 5 Free temporal selection (for as many fields as you like) • 6 ABAP routine • 7 OLAP variables Background Information Below is a generalized scenario explaining this: I have an ODS (ZSOURCE) with Monthly historical data, which need to be loaded into the Data Target Cube (ZSELEC), whenever the data is loaded from the ODS (ZSOURCE) to Cube (ZSELEC) based on the field 0CALMONTH. For the above scenario during the data extraction process, all the three Variable Types (“Variable Changing of Selections with Background Processing“ ) are implemented on the 0CALMONTH for selective data extraction. Below is the Source Data: The raw data in “ZSOURCE” ODS contains the Product Code (ZORG) for a month (0Calmonth )along with a code of Index(ZAS_CIRC ) and the number of products/items (0NO_POS) received by a customer. We need the above data to be selectively loaded to the target “ZSELEC” based on business scenarios. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 3 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Step-by-Step Procedure: Prerequisite Create a Cube : ZSELEC To maintain the monthly based Product Code ,Product Index and number of items. Below is the structure of my Data Target ZSELEC, taken same as that of Source. Time Characteristics: Key Figures: SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 4 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Below is the Generated InfoSource: Assigned the Info Source 8ZSOURCE to Target ZSELEC and create the Update rules. Create the Info Package for Loading the data from ODS (ZSOURCE). SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 5 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Business Scenario #1 Loading the data using the Variable Type: Free temporal selection (for as many fields as you like). In the Data Selection tab of Info Package we had the privilege provided to load the data selectively. You need to select variable type for a field, confirm the selection, and then choose Detail for Type, an additional dialog box appears. In this dialog box you can freely restrict the values of the fields. InfoPackage: In the Info Package select the Types, which results the below Variables. In the first scenario, let us load the data or transactions for the month s of 05.2009 to 06.2009 using the option of Free Temporal Selection “5”. Type 5 gives you a free selection of all fields. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 6 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage For the desired field 0CALMONTH we have confirmed variable type “5”. On conformation it pops up a screen for entering the from value of 0Calmonth, To Value of 0Calmonth, Next Period from Values and Period indicator. By providing these values you will be driven for entering the value for Number of Periods until Repetition. In my scenario, from value is 05.2009 and to value of 06.2009 With the above selection the data requested for time span 05.2009(200905) to 06.2009(200906) including both the limit values. Next period from value indicates the period for Second Data Request which spans between 07.2009(200907) to 08.2009(2000908), In Period Indicator Type we have Year-Like Period (ongoing) and Year/Period-like. We need to select the Period Indicator “1” Year/Period –Like which is sensible, with period type “0” the request is carried out with ongoing values. After the 8th run the system starts counting from 01.2010 (201001), as the Period Indicator is “1” Year/Period – Like. If the Period Indicator Type “0” (Year-Like Period (ongoing) is selected for the above scenario… After the 8th run instead of starting the load from 01.2010 (201001), the scheduler starts over again with time span 05.2009(200905) to 06.2009(200906) which is not sensible. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 7 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage On scheduling the Info Package, in the monitor screen you can observe the Selection field with Temporal Free Selection Variable Value (200905-200906) in the header tab. Below is the required data in Target ZSELEC, which are the list of products in the months 05.2009 to 06.2009. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 8 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Business Scenario #2 Loading the data using the Variable Type: Abap Routine “6”. My Business scenario is to load the transactions of last month. We can create an ABAP program that restricts the Info Object data or field data to be requested here based on month (0CALMONTH). The ABAP routine has access to all selection fields and is the last to be processed in the runtime. If you select this variable type for a field in info package data selection tab and confirm the selection as Abap Routine “6”, it pops up for a window to name the Routine This further drives to code editor screen for Info package routine. DATA: l_idx LIKE sy-tabix. READ TABLE l_t_range WITH KEY fieldname = 'CALMONTH'. l_idx = sy-tabix. *.... MODIFY l_t_range INDEX l_idx. p_subrc = 0. Above is the generated code with the fieldname = ‘CALMONTH’,We need to include our lines of code in between to achieve the previous month by taking the system date as input. When determining the data selection by routines, the single value selection and intervals were automatically set for l_t_range-option = "EQ" and l_t_range-sign always = 'I'. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 9 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage ABAP Routine: Info Package: SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 10 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage On scheduling the Info Package, in the monitor screen you can observe the Selection field for CALMONTH as 06.2209 (200906) which is the result of the routine. Below is the required data in Target ZSELEC, which are the list of products for the month of 06.2009. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 11 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Business Scenario #3 Loading the data using the Variable Type: OLAP Variables “7”. My Business scenario is to load the transactions of last month. The variable has to be a SAP- exit or customer-exit variable so that it can run as a background job. Variables are placeholders for values and are not replaced by concrete values until a data request is made. From the ROOSFIELD table you would be able to know the permitted select option for a variable like EQ, BT, LT and CP. In such a case even if you use OLAP variable “7” it won't work for LT as the permitted values are EQ, BT and CP. Select the variable type” 7” OLAP Variables, confirm the selection, and then choose Detail for Type, On selecting the Detail Type, a screen pops up, where you had the option to select the SAP defined Variables or you can use the created Customer Exit variables based on the requirement. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 12 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage To meet the requirement we need to select the variable 0CMLMON defined on field 0CALMONTH, you can even find the User defined variables highlighted in Blue, which can be created at the Query Designer for an Info Object with variable type Customer Exit. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 13 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage On confirming the selection and executing the Info Package, in the Header tab of the Monitor we can observe that the value of 0CALMONTH is 06.2009 (200906) i.e. Previous month. Below is the required data in Target ZSELEC, which are the list of products between for the month of 06.2009 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 14 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Additional information for selection option types for a variable: Below are the possible options for the fields from Data Source 8ZSOURCE, we can get the details from ROOSFIELD. The way the selections are filled at runtime depends on the Processing Type for the Variables .For the time selections, you cannot use any variables that use a replacement path or require manual entry. The system displays the selections in a table ROOSFIELD that would be determined with a data request. An error occurs, terminating the process, if the variable is not suitable to determine the selection conditions. Below are the possible select Options permitted for fields in the Data Source. Here you can observe that CALMONTH (fieldname) is of type 7, which permits the Selection EQ, BT and CP. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 15 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Related Content Taken most of the inputs from sap help in preparing this Article. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 16 Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Disclaimer and Liability Notice This document may discuss sample coding or other information that does not include SAP official interfaces and therefore is not supported by SAP. Changes made based on this information are not supported and can be overwritten during an upgrade. SAP will not be held liable for any damages caused by using or misusing the information, code or methods suggested in this document, and anyone using these methods does so at his/her own risk. SAP offers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the content of this technical article or code sample, including any liability resulting from incompatibility between the content within this document and the materials and services offered by SAP. You agree that you will not hold, or seek to hold, SAP responsible or liable with respect to the content of this document. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - | BPX - | BOC - 17