Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Dierential Delay Equations X. Mao Department of Statistics and Modelling Science University of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XH, Scotland, U.K. Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate the exponential stability of a nonlinear dier- ential delay equation x_ (t)=f (t;x(t);x(t? )). Introduce the corresponding dierential equation (without delay) y_ (t)=f (t;y(t);y(t)) and assume it is exponentially stable. It will be shown in this paper that the dierential delay equation will remain exponentially stable provided the time lag is small enough. Key Words: exponential stability, nonlinear dierential delay equations, Gronwall's inequality. 1. Introduction Many authors (cf. [1{8]) have recently devoted their interests to the asymptotic stability of linear dierential delay equations since delay systems appear frequently in science, engineering, physics, biology, economics etc. To explain the mathematical techniques used in the study of the asymptotic stability, let us consider a linear dierential delay equation x_ (t) = Ax(t) + Bx(t ? ): (1:1) Although there are several methods to study the asymptotic stability of equation (1.1), we shall only mention two here. One of them is to regard equation (1.1) as the perturbed system of the corresponding linear dierential equation y_ (t) = Ay(t); (1:2) and then to show equation (1.1) is asymptotically stable provided so is equation (1.2) and B is small enough. The results obtained in this method on the asymptotic stability are generally delay-independent, i.e. equation (1.1) is always asymptotically stable no matter how large the time lag is (cf. [1, 2, 7]). Of course, it is not quite practical to ask a delay system to have such property, although it is easier to deal with mathematically. The another method to study the asymptotic stability of equation (1.1) is to re-write the equation as x_ (t) = (A + B )x(t) ? B (x(t) ? x(t ? )) and regard it as the perturbed system of the following equation y_ (t) = (A + B )y(t): Partially supported by the Royal Society and the LMS. 1 (1:3) Obviously, if the time lag is small enough then the perturbation term B (x(t)?x(t? )) could be so small that the perturbed equation (1.1) would behave in a similar way as equation (1.3) asymptotically. For example, if equation (1.3) is asymptotically stable and the time lag is small enough, then equation (1.1) will remain asymptotically stable. This fact has been proved by several authors recently (cf. [3{6, 8]). Especially, in 1994 Su, Fong and Tseng [5, 6, 8] obtained several useful criteria for the asymptotic stability of the linear delay equation. In the direction of the second method, so far there are few results on the asymptotic stability of a nonlinear dierential delay equation x_ (t) = f (t; x(t); x(t ? )): (1:4) However, in the same way as above one can re-write this equation as x_ (t) = f (t; x(t); x(t)) ? [f (t; x(t); x(t)) ? f (t; x(t); x(t ? ))] and regard it as the perturbed system of the following non-delay equation y_ (t) = f (t; y(t); y(t)): (1:5) It is reasonable to hope that the delay equation (1.4) would behave similarly as equation (1.5) provided the time lag is small enough. The main aim of this paper it to show that if equation (1.5) is exponentially stable and the time lag is small enough then the nonlinear delay equation (1.4) still remains exponentially stable. 2. Main Results Consider an n-dimensional ordinary dierential delay equation of the form ( x_ (t) = f (t; x(t); x(t ? )); t > to ; x(t) = '(t ? to ); to ? t to : (2:1) Here f : R+ Rn Rn ! Rn is a continuous function, to 0; > 0 and ' = f'(s) : ? s 0g 2 C ([?; 0]; Rn). Introduce a standing hypothesis: (H1) There exists a pair of positive constants 1 and 2 such that jf (t; x; y) ? f (t; x; y)j 1jx ? xj + 2 jy ? yj for all t 0 and x; y; x; y 2 Rn. Moreover, f (t; 0; 0) 0. It is well-known that under the standing hypothesis (H1) equation (2.1) has a unique solution denoted by x(t; to; ') on t to ? . Moreover the equation admits a trivial solution x(t; to; 0) 0. Introduce the corresponding ordinary dierential equation (without delay) ( y_ (t) = f (t; y(t); y(t)); y(to) = '(0): 2 t > to ; (2:2) It is again well-known that under the standing hypothesis (H1) equation (2.2) has a unique solution denoted by y(t; to; '(0)) on t to . Moreover the equation admits a trivial solution y(t; to; 0) 0. For the purpose of this paper we propose another standing hypothesis: (H2) Equation (2.2) is exponentially stable. That is, there exists a pair of positive constants and such that jy(t; to; '(0))j j'(0)je?(t?to ) for all to 0 and '(0) 2 Rn . on t to The main aim of this paper is to show that under (H1) and (H2) equation (2.1) remains exponentially stable provided is small enough. This is described as follows. Theorem 2.1 Let (H1) and (H2) hold. Then equation (2.1) is exponentially stable provided < (=2) ^ , where = log(=0:9)=(0:9 ) and > 0 is the unique root to the following equation 0:9e + [( + ) + ]e2(1 +2) 1 2 2 (=0:9)1=9h 2 i exp 2 (1 + 2)e2(1 +2) = 1: (2:3) Proof. We divide the whole proof into two steps. Step 1. Fix the initial data to and ' = f'(s) : ? s 0g arbitrarily. Write x(t; to; ') = x(t) and y(t; to; '(0)) = y(t) simply. By hypothesis (H1), it follows from equations (2.1) and (2.2) immediately that for all t to jx(t) ? y(t)j (1 + 2 ) Z t to jx(s) ? y(s)jds + 2 Z t to jx(s) ? x(s ? )jds: The well-known Gronwall inequality yields that jx(t) ? y(t)j 2 Hence e(1 +2 )(t?to ) jx(t)j jy(t)j + 2 e2(1 +2 ) Z t to Z t to jx(s) ? x(s ? )jds: jx(s) ? x(s ? )jds (2:4) if to t to + 2. On the other hand, if t to + we can derive from equation (2.1) that Z t Z t Z s jx(s) ? x(s ? )jds 1 jx(r)j + 2jx(r ? )j drds: to + s? to + By changing the order of integrations one sees Z t Z s to + s? 1jx(r)jdrds 1 3 Z t to jx(r)jdr and Z t Z s to + s? 2 2 jx(r ? )jdrds 2 Z t to jx(r)jdr + 2 2 Consequently, Z t to + jx(s) ? x(s ? )jds (1 + 2 ) Z t Z t to jx(r ? )jdr sup to ? sto jx(s)j : jx(r)jdr + 2 2 to sup to ? sto jx(s)j : (2:5) if t to + . We now restrict to ? + t to ? + 2. Substituting (2.5) into (2.4) and using hypothesis (H2) one sees that Z t jx(t)j j'(0)je?(? ) + 2 (1 + 2)e2(1+2 ) + (2 )2 e2(1+2 ) to sup to ? sto jx(s)j : jx(s)jds (2:6) Note from the denition of that e?(? ) = (=0:09:e9)1=9 : Also Z t to jx(s)jds sup to sto ? + jx(s)j + Z t to ? + Substituting these into (2.6) one obtains that jx(t)j 2 (1 + 2 )e2(1 +2) Z t jx(s)jds: jx(s)jds to ? + 0:9e 2 ( + ) 1 2 + + [(1 + 2) + 2 ]e sup jx(s)j (=0:9)1=9 2 to ? sto ? + By the Gronwall inequality, one sees that jx(t)j C1 sup to ? sto ? + jx(s)j (2:7) for to ? + t to ? + 2, where C1 = (=0:09:e9)1=9 + 2 [(1 + 2) + 2 ]e2(1+2 ) i h exp 2 (1 + 2)e2(1+2 ) : Note that C1 < 1 from (2.3), since < . Write C1 = e?" with " = ? log C1=. It then follows from (2.7) that sup to ? +tto ? +2 jx(t; to; ')j e?" 4 sup to ? tto ? + jx(t; to; ')j (2:8) holds for any to 0 and ' 2 C ([?; 0]; Rn). Step 2. Fix to 0 and ' 2 C ([?; 0]; Rn) arbitrarily, and let k = 1; 2; . Denote x^(to + (k ? 1); to ; ') = fx(to + (k ? 1) + s; to; ') : ? s 0g which is regarded as a continuous function in C ([?; 0]; Rn). Note that the solution has the following ow property x(t; to ; ') = x(t; to + (k ? 1); x^(to + (k ? 1); to; ')) for any t to + (k ? 1). Hence, by (2.8), sup jx(t; to; ')j = to ? +ktto ? +(k+1) sup jx(t; to + (k ? 1); x^(to + (k ? 1); to; '))j to +(k?1)? +tto +(k?1)? +2 ? " e sup jx(t; to; ')j : to ? +(k?1)tto ? +k By induction sup to ? +ktto ? +(k+1) jx(t; to; ')j e?"k sup to ? tto ? + jx(t; to; ')j : (2:9) On the other hand, it is not dicult to show that there exists a C2 > 0 such that sup to ? tto ? + ? s0 Substituting this into (2.9) yields sup jx(t; to; ')j C2 sup j'(s)j : to ? +ktto ? +(k+1) jx(t; to; ')j C2 e?"k sup j'(s)j : ? s0 (2:10) Now for any t > to ? + , one can nd a k such that to ? + k t to ? +(k +1) and hence jx(t; to; ')j C2 e"?"(t?to ) sup j'(s)j : ? s0 But this holds for any to t to ? + as well. In other words, we have shown that equation (2.1) is exponentially stable. The proof is now complete. In Theorem 2.1, is chosen such that e?0:9 = 0:9, and it is not optimal of course. To get a better result, one may choose two free parameters 1 ; 2 2 (0; 1) and let = log(=2 )=(1 ), i.e. e?1 = 2. In this case, e?(? ) = and C1 becomes 2 e (=2 )(1?1)=1 2 e ]e2(1+2 ) C1 = (= )(1?1 )=1 + 2 [(1 + 2) + 2 2 h i exp 2 (1 + 2)e2(1+2 ) : 5 So if is chosen so small that C1 < 1 then equation (2.1) is exponentially stable. That is, we have established the following more general result. Theorem 2.2 Let (H1) and (H2) hold. Let 1; 2 2 (0; 1) be two free parameters. Then equation (2.1) is exponentially stable provided < (=2)^ , where = log(=2)=(1 ) and > 0 is the unique root to the following equation 2 e 2(1 +2 ) + [ ( + ) + ] e 1 2 2 (=2 )(1?h1)=1 2 i exp 2 (1 + 2 )e2(1+2 ) = 1: (2:11) Obviously Theorem 2.1 is a special case of Theorem 2.2 when 1 = 2 = 0:9. It is open what the optimal parameters 1 and 2 are. The above results are established in the case when the time lag is a constant, but it is easy to see that these results still hold when the time lag is a variable of t. More precisely, let : R+ ! [0; ] be a Borel measurable function, where > 0. Consider a dierential delay equation ( x_ (t) = f (t; x(t); x(t ? (t))); t > to ; x(t) = '(t ? to ); to ? t to ; (2:12) where f is the same as before and ' = f'(s) : ? s 0g 2 C ([?; 0]; Rn). For this delay equation we have the following result. Theorem 2.3 Let (H1) and (H2) hold. Let 1 ; 2 2 (0; 1) be two free parameters. Then equation (2.12) is exponentially stable provided sup (t) < (=2) ^ ; t0 where and are the same as dened in Theorem 2.2. 3. Examples We give here two simple examples for illustration. Example 3.1 Consider a one-dimensional dierential delay equation ( x_ (t) = sin(x(t)) ? 2x(t ? ); t > to ; (3:1) x(t) = '(t ? to ); to ? t to ; where ' = f'(s) : s 0g 2 C ([?; 0]; R). The corresponding dierential equation has the form ( y_ (t) = sin(y(t)) ? 2y(t); y(to) = '(0): t > to ; (3:2) It is easy to check that the solution of equation (3.2), denoted by y(t; to; '(0)), satises jy(t; to; '(0))j j'(0)je?(t?to ) ; t to : 6 Hence one sees easily that the standing hypotheses (H1) and (H2) are satised with 1 = 1; 2 = 2; = 1; = 1: To apply Theorem 2.1 we calculate = log(1=0:9)=0:9 = 0:117. Also equation (2.3) becomes ? 0:89e + 8:072 (0:1755 + ) e1:417 = 1 (3:3) which has the root = 0:028. Therefore, by Theorem 2.1, the delay equation (3.1) is exponentially stable provided < 0:028. Example 3.2 Consider a two-dimensional dierential delay equation ( x_ 1 (t) = ?2x1 (t) + sin(x2 (t ? )) x_ 2 (t) = ? sin(x1 (t)) ? 2x2(t ? ) (3:4) on t > to with initial data x(t) = (x1(t); x2(t))T = '(t ? to ) on to ? t to , where ' = f'(s) : s 0g 2 C ([?; 0]; R2). The corresponding dierential equation has the form ( y_1 (t) = ?2y1 (t) + sin(y2(t)) (3:5) y_2 (t) = ? sin(y1(t)) ? 2y2(t) on t > to with initial value y(to) = (y1(to ); y2(to ))T = '(0). It is easy to check that the solution of equation (3.5), denoted by y(t; to; '(0)), satises jy(t; to; '(0))j j'(0)je?(t?to ) ; t to : Hence one sees easily that the standing hypotheses (H1) and (H2) are satised with p 1 = 2 = 5; = 1; = 1: To apply Theorem 2.1, compute = 0:117. Also equation (2.3) becomes ? 0:9995e + 14:238 (0:234 + ) e3:33 = 1 (3:6) and it has the root = 0:0143. By Theorem 2.1, one sees that the delay equation (3.4) is exponentially stable provided < 0:0143. We now show that one can apply Theorem 2.2 to improve this result. To do so, choose 1 = 0:8 and 2 = 0:95. Then = 0:0641 and equation (2.11) becomes ? 0:938e + 8:871 (0:1282 + ) e1:138 = 1; (3:7) which has the root = 0:0184. Thus, by Theorem 2.2, one can now conclude that the delay equation (3.4) is exponentially stable provided < 0:0184. This improves the previous result by 28.7%. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank the anonymous referee for his helpful suggestions. 7 REFERENCES [1] Brierley, S.D., Chiasson, J.N. and Zak, S.H., On stability independent of delay for linear systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control AC-27 (1982), 252{254. [2] Kamen, E.W., On the relationship between zero criteria for two-variable polynomials and asymptotic stability of delay dierential equations, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control AC-25 (1980), 983-984. [3] Mori, T., Criteria for asymptotic stability of linear time-delay systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control AC-30 (1985), 185{161. [4] Mori, T. and Kokame, H., Stability of x_ (t) = Ax(t) + Bx(t ? ), IEEE Trans. Automat. Control AC-34 (1989), 460{462. 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