CARRIE PETTUS-DAVIS Washington University in

Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1196
St. Louis, MO 63130
[o] 314-935-4777 [e]
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Social Work
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
University of Kansas Department of Psychology
Assistant Professor. Washington University in St. Louis. Brown School.
Faculty Affiliate. Center for Violence and Injury Prevention.
Faculty Associate. Center for Social Development.
2011 – present
2011 – present
2011- present
Criminal Justice Interventions. Washington University in St. Louis, Brown School 2012-present
Substance Use and Abuse. Washington University in St. Louis, Brown School.
2011- present
Evaluation of Programs & Services. Washington University. Brown School.
2011 - present
Longitudinal & Multilevel Analysis (GTA). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2010
Statistics Camp and Stata. SE10. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Seminar in Professional Issues. University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare.
Advanced Community Organizing & Advocacy Practice. University of Kansas.
Grantwriting & Fundraising. University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare.
Social support intervention development for current and former prisoner populations.
Trauma, victimization, and violence in justice-involved adult samples.
Substance use disorders, mental illnesses, and co-occurrence in justice-involved adults.
Co-mentor. Joseph Galanek. Postdoc Center for Mental Health Research & Services. Brown School
Co-chair. Nora Wikoff. Washington University in St. Louis. Brown School.
Member. Donna-Mae Knights. Washington University in St Louis. Brown School.
Member. Kristen Saey. Washington University in St. Louis. Brown School.
Member. Chris Veeh. University of Denver, Graduate School of Social Work.
Research Practicum Supervisor. Vithya Murugan. Washington University, Brown School.
Research and Teaching Supervisor. Allison Dunnigan. Washington University, Brown School.
National Institute of Health Intervention Research Summer Institute
Dissertation with Distinction University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Society for Social Work and Research Dissertation Fellows Award
Impact Award - External award from the Graduate Education Advancement
Board. Award for research with high impact on North Carolina.
Royster Society of Fellows award.
Fahs-Beck Scholar in Research and Experimentation.
WCHL Village Pride Award.
University Research Day social sciences oral presentation runner-up.
Shaver Hitchings scholarship award for service in the area of addictions.
Outstanding Doctoral Student.
Margo Award for Outstanding Advanced Standing Practicum Placement.
Excellence in Social Work Practicum.
William and Monte Murphy Award for Outstanding Potential
Psychology Honors research thesis. Victimization with peers and siblings and
symptomatology in adolescents receiving inpatient psychiatric treatment.
Consulting Editor. Social Work Research
Ad hoc Reviewer. Journal of Criminal Justice
Doctoral Fellows Award Society for Social Work & Research
Annual Conference Abstracts Society for Social Work & Research
Ad hoc Reviewer. Crime, Law, and Social Change
Ad hoc Reviewer. Criminal Justice and Behavior
Special Issue Reviewer. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Ad hoc Reviewer. Journal of Forensic Social Work
2012 - present
2013 - present
2013 - present
2013 - present
2013 - present
Boundary Spanner. University of Kansas & Kansas Department of Corrections. 2002-2006.
Collaborative funded position. Developed and facilitated collaborations with 42 community, local,
and state organizations for resource and service delivery to former prisoners at high risk for reimprisonment.
Justice & Reentry Projects Manager. University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare. 2002-2006.
Managed three federal grants including co-investigator duties.
Group Facilitator. Douglas County Jail. Lawrence, Kansas.
Group facilitator of cognitive behavioral intervention for jail inmates. Implemented and adapted
existing prison-based intervention for jail population.
Intervention Research Associate. Office of Mental Health Research and Training. KU.
Implementation of evidence-based practice fidelity research and training program at selected
community mental health centers as a part of the Johnson & Johnson and Dartmouth University
Community Mental Health Evidenced Based Practice project.
Policy and Practice Consultant. Kansas Department of Corrections. Topeka, KS.
Co-designed and trained correctional staff on transitional program delivery for special prisoner
populations, specifically older prisoners and those with mental illnesses. Advised on policy
construction and analysis in the areas of domestic violence, medical and mental health care for
prisoners, and community based case management.
Consultant. Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Kansas City, MO.
Updated and revised evidence-based practice manual and policy guide.
Program Director. Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Douglas County. Lawrence, KS.
Juvenile Offender Mentoring Program.
Clinical & Correctional Internships. Leavenworth Penitentiary Psychology Department; 1997-2001
Kansas Department of Corrections; Shawnee County Probation. Griffith University in Brisbane,
Australia, Methodone Clinical Trial. Internships completed consecutively.
Senior Clinical Research Assistant. The Menninger Clinic. Topeka, KS.
Longitudinal 12-month outcome evaluation of current and former adolescent psychiatric hospital
Manuscripts under review
Pettus-Davis, C. Howard, M.O., Murugan, V., Roberts-Lewis, A., Scheyett, A.M., Botnick, C., &
Vance, M. (under review).Acceptability of a novel social support intervention for prisoners
with substance use disorders reentering communities.
Pettus-Davis, C. Howard, M.O., Dunnigan, A., Scheyett, A., Roberts-Lewis, A. (under review).
Using Randomized Controlled Trials to Evaluate Interventions for Releasing Prisoners.
Grady, M.D., Edwards, D., & Pettus-Davis, C. (in revision). Does treatment really work? An
evaluation of an intensive sex offender treatment program for incarcerated sex offenders.
Kennedy, S.C., Tripodi, S.J., Pettus-Davis, C., & Ayers, J. (under review). Examining the doseresponse relationship between childhood victimization, depression, psychosis, and substance
misuse from women prisoners.
Published Peer Reviewed
Pettus-Davis, C., Scheyett, A.M., and Lewis, M. (online first, 2014). Is positive social support
available to former prisoners? It depends on who you ask. Journal of Forensic Social Work.
Pettus-Davis, C. (online first, 2014). Social support among releasing men prisoners with lifetime
trauma experiences. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.
Kennedy, S., Tripodi, S.J., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2013). The relationship between
childhood abuse and psychosis for women prisoners: Assessing the importance of
frequency and type of victimization. Psychiatric Quarterly, 84, 439-453
doi: 10.1007/s11126-013-9258-2
Tripodi, S. J., Onifade, E., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2014; online first, 2013). Non-Fatal Suicidal
Behavior among Women Prisoners: The Predictive Roles of Childhood Victimization,
Childhood Neglect, and Childhood Positive Support. International Journal of Offender
Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58(4). doi: 10.1177/0306624X12472879
Pettus-Davis, C. (2012). Reverse social work’s neglect of justice-involved adults: The
intersection and an agenda. Social Work Research, 36, 3-7.
Scheyett, A, & Pettus-Davis, C. (2012). “Let momma take 'em:” Portrayals of women supporting
male former prisoners. International Journal on Offender Therapy and Comparative
Criminology, 57, 578-591. doi:10.1177/0306624X12438367
Garland, E.L., Pettus-Davis, C., & Howard, M.O. (2012/2013). Self-medication among
traumatized youth: Structural Equation Modeling of Pathways between Trauma History,
Substance Misuse, and Psychological Distress. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 36, 175185. (Online first, 2012).
Scheyett, A, Pettus-Davis, C., McCarter, S., & Bringham, R. (2012). Social work
and criminal justice. Are we meeting in the field? Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 32,
Grady, M., Edwards, D., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2013). Sex offender recidivism: Does
volunteering for treatment matter? An assessment using propensity score analysis. Sexual
Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 25, 319-346. (online First, 2012)
Severson, M. & Pettus-Davis, C. (2013). Officers’ Experiences of the Symptoms of
Secondary Trauma in the Supervision of Sex Offenders. International Journal on Offender
Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57, 5-24. (online first, 2011).
Tripodi, S.J. & Pettus-Davis, C. (2013, online first, 2012). Histories of childhood victimization and
subsequent mental health problems, substance use, and sexual victimization for a sample of
incarcerated women in the US. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36, 30-40
Pettus-Davis, C., Howard, M.O., Roberts-Lewis, A., & Scheyett, A., (2011). Naturally
Occurring Social Support in Interventions for Former Prisoners with Substance Use
Disorders: Conceptual Framework and Program Model. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36,
Pettus-Davis, C., Grady, M., Cuddeback, G.S., & Scheyett, A. (2011). A practitioner’s
guide to sampling in the age of evidence-based practice: Translation of research into
practice. Clinical Social Work, 39, 379-389. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-011-0345-2
Cuddeback, G.S. Pettus-Davis, C., & Scheyett, A. (2011). Consumers' perspectives
on Forensic Assertive Community Treatment. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35, 101109. DOI: 10.2975/35.2.2011.101.109
Scheyett, A., Pettus-Davis, C., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2010). Constructing community change:
Assertive Community Treatment for persons with severe mental illness as a community
change intervention. Journal of Community Practice, 18, 76-93.
Cuddeback, G.S., Scheyett, A., Pettus-Davis, C., &, Morrisey, J.P. (2010). General medical
problems of incarcerated persons with severe and persistent mental illness: A
population-based study. Psychiatric Services, 61, 45-49.
Scheyett, A., Parker, S., Golin, C., White, B., Pettus-Davis, C., & Wohl, D. (2010).
HIV-infected prison inmates: Depression and implications for release back to communities.
AIDS and Behavior, 14, 300-307.
Pettus-Davis, C. Scheyett, A., Haley, D., Golin, C., & Wohl, D. (2009). From “Streets” to
“Normal Life”: Assessing the role of social support in release planning for HIV-positive and
substance-involved prisoners. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 48, 367-387.
Pettus, C.A. & Severson, M. (2006). Paving the way for effective reentry practice: The critical role
and function of the Boundary Spanner. The Prison Journal, 86, 206 – 229.
Rapp, C.A., Pettus, C.A., & Goscha R.J. (2006). Principles of strengths-based policy. Journal of
Policy Practice, 5, 3-18.
Allen, M.D., Pettus, C.A., & Haider-Markel, D.P. (2004). Making the national local: Specifying the
conditions for national government influence on state policymaking. State Politics and
Policy Quarterly, 4, 318-344.
Severson, M., Smith, S., Ortega, D.M. & Pettus, C. (2004). Judicial efficiencies in child custody
disputes: Comparing mediated and litigated outcomes. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage,
40(3/4), 23-40.
Vaughn, M., Pettus-Davis, C., & Shook, J. (2012). Conducting research in juvenile
and criminal justice settings: Issues and Strategies. Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
Pettus-Davis, C., & Garland, E. (2010). Ban juvenile transfer to adult court in homicide
cases: Brain development and the need for a blended sentence approach. In N.A. Frost, J.D.,
Freilich, & T.R. Clear (Eds)., Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy
Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference (pp. 311-320). Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Press.
Pettus, C.A. (2004). Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Criminal Justice.
Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Research and Policy Reports to Community Agencies.
Serdyuka, M. (2013). Pettus-Davis, C. (faculty supervisor). Success Beyond Recidivism Rates: A
mixed-method evaluation of STAR. Prepared for the St. Louis Alliance for Reentry.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2012). Social Support for People Transitioning from Prisons to Communities:
An Exploratory Study. Prepared for the North Carolina Department of Corrections.
Cuddeback, G.S., Scheyett, A., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2008). Impact of Assertive Community
Treatment: A Qualitative Study. Prepared for: The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services
Pettus, C.A. & Rapp, C.A. (2002). Kansas Mental Health Authority: Encouraging Competitive
Employment Outcomes. Prepared for Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services. University
of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, Office of Mental Health Research and Training.
Rapp, C.A. & Pettus, C.A. (2002). The State Role in Promoting Improved Client Outcomes through
Evidence-based Practice. Prepared for Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services.
University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, Office of Mental Health Research and
Smith, S., Severson, M., & Pettus, C.A. (2001). Judicial Efficiencies in Child Custody Disputes:
Lessons and Directions for Social Worker Mediators. Prepared for Kansas Judicial Center.
University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare.
Treatment Manuals
Pettus-Davis, C. (2013). Reentry First Aid: An Intervention for Families to Improve Positive Social
Support for Former Prisoners, Reduce Tension and Stress, and Improve Stability and Sustainability
of Support to Reduce Risk for Recidivism. Reentry First Aid is an integrated intervention of Family
Intervention for Dual Diagnosis, Strengthening Families Program, Powerful Tools for Caregivers,
and Behavioral Couples Therapy.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2011). “Support Matters:” An Intervention to Build and Strengthen
Positive Social Support for Men Transitioning from Prisons to Communities. Tested using a
randomized-controlled trial in collaboration with the Center for Community Transitions and the
North Carolina Department of Correction. Informed by the Network Therapy work of both Amelia
Roberts-Lewis and David Galanter.
Current Support.
2012- 2013
Principal Investigator. Arlene Rubin Stiffman Junior Faculty
Research Award. Intervention development award.
Co-Principal Investigator St. Louis Community University
Health Partnership Funding Program. Partnership development
award. ICTS/CTSA National Institute of Health funded center.
Co-Principal Investigator Center for Violence & Injury
Prevention Seed Project. Centers for Disease Control funded center.
Principal Investigator. Center for Mental Health Services
Research Pilot Award. National Institute of Mental Health funded center.
Completed Support.
2012 – 2012
2010 – 2012
2010 – 2011
2010 – 2011
2010 – 2011
2011 - 2011
2009 – 2011
2009 – 2011
2009 – 2011
2009 – 2011
2002 – 2005
2004 – 2005
2002 – 2005
2002 – 2004
2000 – 2001
Attendee. NIH Summer Institute on Social and Behavioral $3,000
Intervention Research. National Institutes of Health.
Consultant. Center for Behavioral Health Services
& Criminal Justice Research. National Institute of Mental
Health funded center. Principal Investigator. Stephen Tripodi
Principal Investigator. Royster Society of Fellows.
Principal Investigator. Brody Funds.
Principal Investigator. Furstenberg Qualitative Research $650.
SSWR Doctoral Dissertation Fellows
Principal Investigator. Armfield Reeves Innovation Funds. $17,700.
Principal Investigator. Frank A Daniels Chair &
School of Social Work Funds.
Principal Investigator. Turner Fund
Principal Investigator. Fahs-Beck Experimentation Fund $5,000.
Project Manager. US. Department of Justice.
Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative.
Principal Investigator: Margaret Severson.
Consultant. US Department of Education.
Life Skills Program for Prisoners.
Principal Investigator: Margaret Severson.
Consultant. Kansas State Sentencing Commission.
Prison-based Therapeutic Community.
Project Manager. US Office of Justice Programs: Center $250,000.
for Sex Offender Management.
Statewide Evaluation of Sex Offender Management.
Principal Investigator: Margaret Severson.
Consultant. Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters Juvenile Offender Mentoring
International (Referreed)
Tripodi, S.J., Golder, S., & Pettus-Davis, C., Bender, K., & Ambrose, G. (2013, July). The
influence of victimization on involvement in the criminal justice system and recidivism:
Comparing women in prison to women on probation. Paper presentation at the International
Academy of Law and Mental Health International Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Tripodi, S.J., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2012, July). Histories of Childhood Victimization and
Subsequent Mental Health Problems, Substance Use, and Sexual Victimization for a Sample
of Incarcerated Women in the US. Portsmoth, UK. British Society of Criminology.
Tripodi, S. J., & Pettus-Davis C. (2011, May). Incarcerated women in the United States: The
influence of victimization, mental health, and substance abuse. Paper. Pink Crime: Women,
Crime & Punishment, Ariel & Netanya, Israel.
Pettus, C.A. & Severson, M. (2005, April). Paper: Total System Management of Sex Offenders and
the Narrative Accounts of Parole and Treatment Professionals. International Association of
Forensic Mental Health Services. Melbourne, Australia.
Pettus, C.A. & Severson, M. (2004, June). Paper: Spanning the Boundaries of Communities,
Corrections and Health Care Systems. International Association of Forensic Mental Health
Services. Stockholm, Sweden.
Phelps, M. & Pettus, C.A. (2003, April). Paper: COR-Pathways – A Comprehensive Transitional
Release Planning Program for Mentally Ill Offenders. International Association of Forensic
Mental Health Services. Miami, FL.
National (Referreed)
Tripodi, S.J., Kennedy, S.C., & Pettus-Davis, C. (accepted). Using the dose-response model to
assess the influence of child victimization on adult mental health and substance use
problems with women prisoners. Poster presentation to be given at 22nd National Institute on
Mental Health Conferences on Mental Health Services Research, Bethesda, MD.
Pettus-Davis, C and Tripodi, S.J. (January, 2013). Women Prisoners with Mental Illnesses
Experiences of Social Support. Society for Social Work and Research 17th Annual
Conference, San Diego, CA.
Pettus-Davis, C. and Howard, M.O. (November, 2012). Paper. Social Support Oriented Reentry
Programs: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. The American Society of
Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Pettus-Davis, C., Howard, M.O., Roberts-Lewis, A., & Scheyett, A. (January, 2012). Paper
Incorporating Social Support In Interventions for Former Prisoners with Substance Use
Disorders: Results From a Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Society for
Social Work Research. 16th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Pettus-Davis, C., Howard, M.O., Roberts-Lewis, A., & Scheyett, A. (March, 2012). Feasibility
evaluation within a randomized controlled trial of a social support program for former
prisoners with addictions. 5th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional
Health. Atlanta, GA.
Tripodi, S. & Pettus-Davis, C. (March, 2012). Childhood victimization and subsequent sexual
victimization, mental health, and drug problems for incarcerated women. 5th Academic and
Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Atlanta, GA.
Scheyett, A., Pettus-Davis, C., Tripodi, S., Edwards, D., & Carbone, J. Paper. Mental health
changes and reincarceration of individuals with mental illnesses. (March, 2011). Academic
and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Boston, Massachusetts.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2011, January). Paper. Corrective Statistical Modeling in Program
Evaluation: A Comparison of Propensity Score Methods and a Conventional Covariate
Control Analysis Using a Sample of Treated and Untreated Volunteers for a Sex Offender
Treatment Program. Society for Social Work and Research 15th Annual Conference,
Tampa, FL.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2011, January). Symposium paper. Does Sex Offender Treatment
Work? Using Propensity Score Analysis to Understand the Effects of Volunteerism and
Treatment On Recidivism. Society for Social Work and Research 15th Annual Conference,
Tampa, FL.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, November) Paper. “Support Matters:” Randomized
Controlled Trial of a Social Support Intervention for Substance Dependent Former
Prisoners. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, October). Paper. An Evidence-Based Practicum:
Incorporating Field Placements Into University-Community Applied Research Partnerships.
Council on Social Work Education 56th Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.
Scheyett. A., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, October). Paper. Healthy Community
Reintegration for HIV+ Former Prisoners: The Role of Social Support. Council on Social
Work Education 56th Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, January). Paper: Crime, Intervention, and Prisoner Reentry: A Systematic
Review to Inform Social Work Research and Practice. Society for Social Work and
Research 14th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Tripodi, S.J., Pettus-Davis, C., Bender, K., Vaughn, M. (2010, January) Symposium: From
Prevention to Reentry: Understanding Predictors of Crime and Desistance from Criminal
Behavior. Organizer: Stephen Tripodi. Society for Social Work and Research 14th Annual
Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Pettus-Davis, C. & Scheyett, A.M. (2009, November). Paper: Criminal Justice Content in SW
Education: Where We Are, Where We're Going. Council on Social Work Education 55th
Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Epperson, M.W., Tripodi, S., Pettus-Davis, C., Scheyett, A., McCarter, S. (2009, November).
Panel: Criminal Justice Content in SW Education: Where We Are, Where We're Going.
Organizer: Matt Epperson. Council on Social Work Education 55th Annual Meeting, San
Antonio, TX.
Pettus-Davis, C., & Garland, E. (2009, November). Ban Juvenile Transfer to Adult Court in
Homicide Cases: Brain Development and the Need for a Blended Sentence Approach.
American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Pettus-Davis, C., & Severson, M. (2009, November). Paper: Parole Officers Experiences of
Secondary Trauma in the Supervision of Sex Offenders. American Society of Criminology,
Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Cuddeback, G.S., Pettus-Davis, C., Scheyett, A., & Morrisey, J.P. (2009, February). The Primary
Health Care Needs of Justice-Involved Persons with Severe Mental Illness: A Populationbased Perspective. Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida. (Accepted. Conference postponed).
Pettus-Davis, C., Scheyett, A., & Cuddeback, G.S., (2009, February). Implementing, Sustaining,
and Evaluating Interagency Programs for Justice-involved Persons with Mental Illnesses.
Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
(Accepted. Conference postponed).
Pettus-Davis, C., Washington, T., Nwabuzor, I., & Mercado, M. (2008, October). The Search for
Theory in Social Work Research: A Social Identity Perspective. Council on Social Work
Education 54th Annual Meeting, Philadephia, PA.
Scheyett, A., Parker, S., Wohl, D., Golin, C., White, B., Haley, D., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2007,
October). HIV+ Inmates and Mental Illness: Description and Implications for Release
Planning. American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
Allen, M.D. & Pettus, C.A. (2002, April). As the Founders Intended? Vertical Diffusion of Policy
Innovation in the American States. Midwest Political Science Association Annual
Conference. Chicago, IL.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2013, March, invited). General Session Key Presentation. Engaging Families
in the Reentry Process. St Louis Alliance for Reentry Summit. St. Louis, Missouri.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2012, March, invited). Keynote Speaker. Social Work and Criminal Justice: The
Intersection and the Opportunity. Field Instructor Appreciation Day. Brown School.
Washington University in St. Louis.
Pettus-Davis, C., (2011, November). Incorporating Naturally-Occurring Social Support into
Interventions with Former Prisoners with Substance Use Disorders: Findings from a
Randomized Controlled Trial and Implications for Practice. Missouri Re-Entry Conference.
Osage Beach, MO.
Pettus-Davis. (2010, November, invited). Social Support Resources and Clinical Interventions for
Recently Released Prisoners with Substance Use Disorders and their Loved Ones. National
Association of Social Workers Local Practice Unit, Continuing Education Training.
Charlotte, NC.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, March). “Support Matters”: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of a
Social Support Intervention for Recently Released Prisoners with Substance Use Disorders.
6th Annual University Research Day, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel
Hill, NC.
Pettus, C.A. (2005, April, invited). Re-entry from Prisons to Communities: Snapshot of National
and Kansas Movement. Kansas National Alliance on Mental Illness, Topeka Chapter,
Topeka, KS.
Pettus, C.A. (2005, March, invited). Panel member. Inequities of Inclusion in Lawrence. Kansas
National Association of the Advancement of Colored People, Lawrence Chapter, Lawrence,
Pettus, C.A. (2005, January, invited). Keynote Speaker. Communities Meeting the Need: Housing
and Former Prisoners. 2nd Annual Town Meeting on Homelessness. Hosted by the City
Mayor. Lawrence, KS.
Pettus, C.A. (2004, October). Spanning Boundaries of Communities and Corrections: Housing
Former Prisoners. Fifth Annual Statewide Homeless Summit. Lawrence, KS.
Phelps, M. & Pettus, C.A. (2003, April). COR-Pathways – A Comprehensive Transitional Release
Planning Program for Mentally Ill Offenders. Mental Health in Corrections Consortium.
Kansas City, KS.
Severson, M. and Pettus, C.A. (2003, October). Results of a University and Department of
Corrections Collaboration: Shawnee County Reentry Program. Kansas Correctional
Association. Topeka, KS.
Guest Lectures
Pettus-Davis, C. (2011, October). “Job Talk Strategies.” Professional Development Series for the
Doctoral Program. Brown School of Social Work. Washington University in St. Louis, St
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, April). “Social Work Practice with Vulnerable Populations.”
Seminar in Service Learning. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
Pettus-Davis, C. (2010, September). “The Search for Theory in Social Work Research: A Social
Identity Perspective." Conceptualizing Social Problems to Inform Interventions. School of
Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pettus-Davis, C. (2008, October). “The Search for Theory in Social Work Research: A Social
Identity Perspective." Conceptualizing Social Problems to Inform Interventions. School of
Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pettus, C.A. (2004, November). “Social Work Administration - In Practice.” School of Social
Welfare, University of Kansas.
Pettus, C.A. (2003, October). “ Community Organizing: Engaging and Maintaining Key
Stakeholder Involvement.” School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas.
Pettus, C.A. (2002, July). “White Privilege / Anti-racism and Practice in Social Work.” School of
Social Welfare, University of Kansas.
Pettus, C.A. (2002, April). “Program Evaluation in Social Service Agencies.” School of Social
Welfare, University of Kansas.
Pettus, C.A. (2001, July). “White Privilege / Anti-racism and Practice in Social Work.” School of
Social Welfare, University of Kansas.
Pettus, C.A. & Mann, S. (1999, May). “Exploring White Privilege in Diversity Training courses
for BSW students.” School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas.
Presenter. MSW and MPH Admitted Student Day. “Criminal Justice in the US: Why
it Matters to Social Work and Public Health”
Reviewer. EMDRIA Research Foundation Research Grant Awards.
Panel Member. Career Development. Job Search. TREC/PECaD postdoctoral
2012 – present Member. Community Engagement committee. School of Social Work.
2012 – present Member. Grand Challenges committee. School of Social Work.
2012 – present Field Instructor. Three MSW/MPH students working with the Justice Group at the
Brown School and partnerships with St. Louis City community agencies.
2012 – present Co-developer. Creation of six new criminal justice based practicum placements
for social work students.
Reviewer. Doctoral admissions applications.
Key note presenter. Field instructor appreciation day
Member. City Hall, Department of Public Safety – University Community Task
Presenter. Doctoral program. “Job Talk Strategies”
2009 – 2011 Field Instructor. Five students total. Three masters-level social work students from
University of North Carolina at Charlotte. One masters-level social work student
from Winthrop University, South Carolina. One masters-level rehabilitation
counseling student from the University of South Carolina, School of Medicine.
Students assigned to the Support Matters program at the Center for Community
2009 - present Co-developer and Administrator. Criminal Justice and Social Work Website. Interuniversity collaborative effort.
2008 - 2009 Co-coordinate Doctoral Peer Pairing Program. University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, School of Social Work.
2007 – 2008 Doctoral Program Committee. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
School of Social Work. Student representative.
2000 – 2001 Accreditation Committee. University of Kansas, School of Social Work. Student
2000 – 2001 Faculty Search Committee. University of Kansas, School of Social Work. Student
Project Cope Project development team advisor
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis Alliance for Reentry Steering Committee.
St. Louis, Missouri
2011 – present. Steering committee member.
STAR Summit. General Session Key Presenter (2013, March).
Passage Home – A reentry program for formerly incarcerated women.
Raleigh, North Carolina
2008 – 2009 Volunteer consultant. Helped the agency to create data tracking mechanisms and to
streamline collection of program outcome data.
Non-affiliated Community Collective
Lawrence, Kansas
Founder. Local group for collective involvement in the well being of formerprisoners and their families living in the community.
Kansas Governor’s Office
Topeka, Kansas
Appointed member. Kansas B.E.S.T. Team charted out of Governor’s office.
Members selected by Governor’s committee. Statewide offender re-entry.
Community Center
Lawrence, Kansas
Co-founder and co-chair. Community Outreach Team. Local community center.
Kansas Social and Rehabilitative Services
Topeka, Kansas
Member. Kansas Commission on Mental Health Courts.
Non-affiliated Community Collective
Lawrence, Kansas
Volunteer. Lawrence Living Wage Alliance.
Lawrence Community Drop-In Center
Lawrence, Kansas
Board member and volunteer staff member. Community Drop-In Center.
Menninger Foundation Clinic
Topeka, Kansas
Volunteer evaluator on Menninger Foundation retrospective research project.
Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center
Lawrence, Kansas
Compeer volunteer in social support program at Bert Nash Mental Health Center.
2009 – present
The National Association of Social Workers
2008 – present
The American Society of Criminology
2007 – present
The Council on Social Work Education
2007 – present
Society for Social Work Research
1998 – 2003
The National Association of Social Workers