TECHNICAL DATA AUTO-LINETM SERIES ARV TD-ALARV-04A FEBRUARY 2004 AUTO-LINETM AUTOMATIC AIR FILTRATION EQUIPMENT SERIES ARV INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE VERTICAL AUTOROLL & MANUAL ROLL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS for BLC’s VERTICAL AUTOROLL AND MANUROLL MACHINES ORDER NUMBER: SERIAL NUMBER: ! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (2-7) INSTALLATION ! CORE & TRUNNION INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION(10) (10) ! OPERATIONS CHECKLIST (8) ! ROLL MEDIA -INSTALLATION INSTALLATION(11) (11) ! DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE PRESSURE SWITCH SWITCH (9) DIFFERENTIAL ! the ARV --- LIST & ID (12-13) PARTS of - LIST & IDENTIFICATION (12-13) BLC Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 14187, Louisville, Kentucky 40214 Phone: (502) 366-6002 Fax: (502) 366-6255 E-Mail: BLC-WEST Phone: (480) 839-5333 Fax: (480) 839-1584 We reserve the right to make changes in product design and product specifications without prior notice or obligation. Breathe Easy, We Have The Line On Air Filtration. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for BLC INDUSTRIES, INC. VERTICAL AUTOROLLS & MANUROLLS I. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Locate and identify all crates and cartons. All units are shipped with an initial supply of roll media: either BLC-type GRM media or BLC-type SRM media. Spare roll(s) of roll media can also be shipped at the same time, if required. BLC-type GRM Roll Media. ! BLC-type SRM Roll Media. ARV Units with INSIDE DRIVE: Drive and controls are factory mounted with manual jog switch and media run-out signal light assemblies shipped in the accessory carton. ! ARV Units with OUTSIDE DRIVE: Drive and controls are shipped in a separate carton. Pressure switch (if required), jog switch and media run-out signal light assemblies are mounted on control box. With the INSIDE DRIVE, the 1/9 HP Motor is factory mounted and located inside of the air stream. TD-ALARV-04A -2- With the OUTSIDE DRIVE, the 1/9 HP Motor requires field mounting, is located outside of the air stream, and can be covered. ! PRESSURE CONTROL ARV UNITS: This control system has the differential pressure switch factory installed and preset to operate at 0.50“ W.G. The accessory kit with static tips and connection tubing is shipped in the accessory carton to be installed by customer. CHECKLIST ARV (or MRV) --- SECTION or SECTIONS. ROLL MEDIA and SPARES. DRIVE and CONTROLS (Mounted, not mounted). PRESSURE SWITCH (If required). ARV (or MRV) --- ACCESSORY PACKAGE (Containing: Trunnions, jog switch, media run-out signal light, pressure switch accessory kit or other loose parts required to complete installation). II. B. Once all crates and cartons are located and identified, store in a dry and clean area until equipment is needed. C. Identify unit section or sections and system markings. These will be located on the compression panel, at the clean roll end of each ARV section. Once identified, move unit section(s) to the proper system. D. Once the unit is located at the proper system, uncrate and dispose of all packing materials, except blocks that hold the compression panel off the media run-out switch(s). Leave these in place until roll media is loaded into ARV unit. See Part VI. E. Unit section(s) must sit on a solid, level foundation that will provide for a level and plumb installation when bolted in place. Recommended service area is 36 inches minimum, from the upstream face of the unit for standard air flow units; and 36 inches minimum from the downstream face of the unit for reverse air flow units. The filter system must have a plenum with access doors provided for installation and removal of roll media. INSTALLATION OF FILTER SECTIONS A. For Vertical AUTOMATIC Roll Machines (Vertical AutoRolls), refer to AUTO-LINETM Series ARV Submittal Data sheet located in the instruction packet to find details about type and size of roll media, section quantity, drive system, controls and unit options. For Vertical MANUAL Roll Machines, refer to AUTO-LINETM Series MRV Submittal Data sheet located in the instruction packet to find details about type and size of roll media, section quantity, manual system and unit options. TD-ALARV-04A -3- III. IV. B. Install unit section(s) as shown on the appropriate Submittal Data sheet. On compression panel, at the clean roll end of ARV (or MRV) section, you will find section markings and the “direction of air flow” label. Make sure the unit section(s) is (are) oriented in the proper direction. C. Once the ARV (or MRV) section(s) is set into place, level and plumb, the section(s) may now besecured to the ductwork. A 3/4 inch flange is provided upstream and downstream on the ARV (or MRV) section side panel for that purpose. If more than one (1) section is used, filter sections should be secured to each other. After the ARV (or MRV) sections(s) is in place, all joints should be caulked to prevent dirty air bypass. DRIVE INSTALLATION A. For Vertical AUTOMATIC Roll Machines (Vertical AutoRolls) with an INSIDE DRIVE, the drive mechanism is factory installed. No field mounting of the drive is required. B. For Vertical AUTOMATIC Roll Machines (Vertical AutoRolls) with an OUTSIDE DRIVE, field mounting of the drive is required. Refer to ARV Submittal Data sheet for drive location. Drive mechanism must be bolted to mounting brackets located on media housing panel by using four (4) bolts (5/16 - 18 x 1), lockwashers (5/16) and flat washers (5/16) supplied. Slotted holes are provided for proper alignment of drive shaft to drive core. C. For Vertical MANUAL Roll Machines with wheel advance or hand crank, no drive installation is required. Manual units that are chain and sprocket driven require installation of the crank handle to the pillow block shaft. A coupling is provided for handle installation. DRIVE CORE & TRUNNION INSTALLATION A. An empty roll media take-up core is supplied with each section, installed at the take-up end of each ARV (or MRV) section. B. For trunnion installation on the Vertical AUTOMATIC Roll Machines (ARV), refer to page 10 of this Technical Data document. Trunnions are located in the accessory package. Take-up core(s) must be removed to install trunnions. Refer to page 11 for core removal. Install trunnions and replace core(s). Empty Take-Up Roll Core C. If Vertical AUTOMATIC Roll Machines (ARV) are more than one (1) section, a trunnion and coupling trunnion must be installed to drive filter slave section. (Sections II and IV of larger units.) Refer to page 10 of this Technical Data document for installation. D. For Vertical MANUAL Roll Machines (MRV), drive core and trunnion installation differs according to type of manual drive: ! MRV Wheel Turn Units require no trunnion installation. Roll media is advanced by turning of the take-up core end plates. TD-ALARV-04A -4- ! MRV Hand Crank Units require trunnions only if there is more than one (1) section. There must be a trunnion and coupling trunnion between drive (Section I) and slave (Section II). If required, these parts will be located in the accessory package. Roll media is advanced by inserting a hand crank into the take-up core on the drive section of the unit and turning. The hand crank is shipped in the accessory package. Refer to page 11 of this Technical Data document for core removal and to page 10 for trunnion installation. ! MRV Chain and Sprocket Driven Units require trunnion installation. There must be a trunnion in the sprocket end of the take-up core. Roll media is advanced by cranking of handle. If there is more than one (1) section, a trunnion and coupling trunnion are required as in the Hand Crank units (see above). V. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION A. ARV units with a PRESSURE SWITCH (prewired to control box) will require installation of static pressure tips and tubing provided in pressure switch accessory kit. See page 9. B. For TIMER CONTROL UNITS, the timer becomes operational once power has been applied. The timer is controlled by the metering switch and cam located on the idler roller at the take-up end of Section I. The amount of media indexed into the air stream may be set by the timer dial located inside the control box. Settings can be at any point from 2 1/2 inches to 120 inches in a 24 hour period, depending on dirt loading conditions. The timer should be used in conjunction with a manometer to ensure that the pressure drop through the media is maintained at 0.50” W.G. C. FOR ARV --- INSIDE DRIVE CAUTION Prior to any electrical work, ensure that power supply is turned off and locked out. All work should be done by a qualified electrician. 1. Refer to wiring diagram in installation packet for wiring schematic. 2. Power lines, manual jog switch and media run-out signal light must be wired into main control box mounted to unit. (Jog switch and media run-out signal light are shipped in accessory carton.) 3. If ARV unit with inside drive is more than one (1) section wide, run-out switches to additional sections must be connected. Pin and socket connectors are provided for this purpose. Plug into appropriate receptacle of control box labeled for each individual section. 4. If ARV unit has a second motor, conduit and wiring (tagged for connections) are supplied to main control box located on Section I. Refer to wiring diagram for terminal connections. TD-ALARV-04A -5- 5. REVIEW WIRING DIAGRAM TO ENSURE ALL WIRING AND CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. 6. After power wires are connected to Terminals L1 and L2, locate media compression panel at clean roll end. If not already done, move panel away from media run-out switch and block out of way, so that panel does not operate switch. This procedure should be followed with each section or sections of ARV AutoRoll unit. 7. With power supply on, operate motor with manual jog switch. If motor does not operate, recheck power wiring and be sure the media run-out switch is not closed. 8. Once motor has been operated by the manual jog switch, remove block from compression panel and allow it to operate the media run-out switch. This will shut off power to the motor and turn on the red signal light indicating that media replacement is necessary. 9. If the ARV AutoRoll unit is more than one (1) section, each compression panel must be operated as described in above items 6 and 8. For Pressure Control ARV Units, the Pressure Control System is rated NEMA 1 or as specified. D. FOR ARV --- OUTSIDE DRIVE 1. Refer to wiring diagram in installation packet for wiring schematic. 2. Control box for outside drive unit is remote mounted. Mount in secure, dry place. 3. Power lines and motor(s) must be wired into main control box. For ARV units with one (1) or two (2) section(s), the drive motor is provided with six (6) feet of flex conduit for connection to main control box. For ARV units with more than one (1) motor, the drive motor for Section I is provided with flex conduit and wiring for connection to junction box. The second motor is provided with a junction box for connection to EMT conduit which spans the width of the unit to the junction box located on Section I. Six (6) feet of flex conduit and wiring is provided from junction box for connection to main control box. TD-ALARV-04A -6- E. 4. Each section of ARV unit is provided with a media run-out switch which must be connected to main control box. Each switch is provided with six (6) feet of extra wiring, plus pin and socket connectors. These connectors must be plugged into appropriate receptacle labeled for individual section. 5. Units with timer control require connection of metering switch to main control box. The switch is provided with six (6) feet of extra wiring, plus a pin and socket connector to be plugged into receptacle marked for metering switch. 6. REVIEW WIRING DIAGRAM TO ENSURE ALL WIRING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 7. After power wires are connected to Terminals L1 and L2, locate media compression panel at clean roll end. If not already done, move panel away from media run-out switch and block out of way, so that panel does not operate switch. This procedure should be followed with each section or sections of ARV AutoRoll unit. 8. With power supply on, operate motor with manual jog switch. If motor does not operate, recheck power wiring and be sure the media run-out switch is not closed. 9. Once motor has been operated by the manual jog switch, remove block from compression panel and allow it to operate the media run-out switch. This will shut off power to the motor and turn on the red signal light indicating that media replacement is necessary. 10. If the ARV AutoRoll unit is more than one (1) section, each compression panel must be operated as described in above items 7 and 9. FOR MRV --- VERTICAL MANUAL ROLL MACHINES This type of Vertical Roll Machines does not require electrical wiring. VI. MEDIA INSTALLATION Units are now ready for roll media installation, starting from the clean roll compression panel. Refer to page 11 of this Technical Data document for media core installation and roll media orientation. Clean Roll Compression Panel in a Media Roll Cover protecting integrity of the Roll Media. TD-ALARV-04A -7- For the ARV - OPERATIONS CHECKLIST F OR PRESSURE C ON T R OL T IM E R C ON T R OL P H OT OC E L L C ON T R OL 2 C ON T R OL S M E D IA TA K E - U P S L AV E S C T. M E D IA R U N - OU T D R IV E M OT OR TD-ALARV-04A # N O. C H E C K (# ) --- E QU IP M E N T OP E R AT E D S U C C E S S F U L LY 1. Pressure switch aluminum tubing: Installed and in correct position. See page 9. 2. Pressure switch aluminum tubing for blockages and obstructions. 3. If velocity of system exceeds 500 FPM and media usage is excessive, pressure switch set point may be raised. See page 9 for adjustment instructions. 4. Dirt load such that unit runs all the time. Pressure switch set point must be raised. See page 9 for adjustment instructions. Maximum set point of pressure switch is 1" W.G. In resetting switch, a manometer should be used across media to determine clean air pressure drop. See page 9 of this document. 1. See if timer reset switch (metering switch) is plugged into proper receptacle of control box. 2. Plug in from timer reset switch must be fully seated and locked down. 3. Ti mer reset switch wiring at switch to make sure wiring contacts are intact and properly wired. 4. See if cam on idler roller activates timer reset switch. (With power "ON", rotate idler roller. Drive motor should stop and start as switch is activated by cam.) 5. With pow er turned "OFF". Using a multimeter, check continuity of three (3) wires from timer reset switch to 24 volt terminal board. Wires should be removed one at a time and checked to ensure against feedback. Also check for continuity from plug-in receptacle to 24 volt terminal board. These checks should be made by a qualified electrician. 1. The photocell is factory adjusted for normal dirt load conditions. Varying field conditions may require that the photocell be readjusted. 2. Adjustment: To adjust sensitivity, turn the adjusting screw (with a small screwdriver) clockw ise to increase sensitivity. This allows for greater dust loading on the media before the indexing motor is energized. Turn the adjusting screw counter-clockw ise to decrease sensitivity. All adjustments should be made with a manometer reading the pressure drop across the media to ensure the desired pressure drop is obtained. Normally, it should be 0.50" W.G. 3. I f media is not advancing often enough: Check sensitivity adjustment for "too high" setting. Readjust. See above item number 2. Check photocell alignment to light source. Gunsight type lens molded into the top of the case of the photocell and light source must be directly in line with each other. 4. I f media is advancing too often or running continuously: Check sensitivity adjustment for "too low" setting. Readjust. See above item number 2. 5. When working on equipment, be sure to read operation instructions supplied with equipment in regard to cautions. *** NOTE: For AutoRoll units combining tw o (2) types of control, review this checklist for both types of control. 1. I f media take-up is not occurring: Check to see that core drive trunnion is properly inserted in drive sprocket and take-up core. 2. See if all sprockets and chain are in working condition. 3. See that main power supply has not failed. 4. See if media is installed properly. 1. I f slave section is inoperative: See if trunnion and coupling trunnion are installed properly, page 10. 1. I f too much media remains on the media core, decrease the length of compression panel's adjustment bolt to engage run-out switch later --- by resetting hex nuts. 2. I f no media remains on the media core, increase the length of compression panel's adjustment bolt to engage run-out switch earlier --- by resetting hex nuts. 1. I f output motor does not operate: Internal gears may be stripped or windings may be burned out. 2. See that main power supply has not failed. -8- TD-ALARV-04A -9- II. I. IMPORTANT NOTE B. 5. 3. 4. 2. 1. Use a “T” assembly with three (3) rubber tubing leads, all as short as possible and with the entire assembly offering minimum flow restriction. Run one (1) lead to the pressure switch, another to a manometer of known accuracy and appropriate range, and apply pressure through the third tube. Make final approach to set point slowly. Note that manometer and pressure switch will have different response characteristics due to different internal volumes, lengths of tubing, oil drainage, etc. Be certain switch is checked in position it will assume in use (i.e.: vertical, horizontal, etc.) The following is a recommended procedure for calibrating or checking calibration: To adjust the set point, turn the slotted adjustment screw clockwise to increase the set point and counter-clockwise to decrease the set point. A. If an adjustment is required, observe the following procedure: IF AN ADJUSTMENT IS REQUIRED The differential pressure switch has been preset at 0.50" W.G. Check the set point before placing in service, to assure it has not shifted in transit. PRESET AT 0.50" W.G. ADJUSTMENT LO F OR I NSIDE D RIVE U NITS Roll Media HI Differential Pressure Switch Static Pressure Sensor Only the “LO” side static pressure sensor requires installation. The “HI” side static pressure sensor is factory installed. FLOW AIR Static Pressure Sensor STANDARD O UTSIDE D RIVE INSTALLATION (For use with Pressure Switch only) Differential Pressure Switch - Static Taps TD-ALARV-04A - 10 - Media Core Media Support Plate Assembly Core Driven Trunnion S ECTION II - S LAVE S ECTION IV - S LAVE Media Support Plate Assembly Core Coupling Trunnion S ECTION I - D RIVE S ECTION III - D RIVE MULTIPLE SECTION UNIT TAKE-UP CORE Check rotation for proper air flow. Install into tracks of media support plate assembly. No core trunnions are required. C LEAN R OLL M EDIA C ORE Driven Trunnion Inside Drive Plate Assembly Driven Trunnion Core Media Support Plate Assembly Drive Sprocket Motor Assembly Drive Shaft Drive/Motor Trunnion I NSIDE D RIVE T AKE -U P C ORE Media Support Plate Assembly Core O UTSIDE D RIVE T AKE -U P C ORE Core and Trunnion of the ARV - INSTALLATION TD-ALARV-04A - 11 Media Support Plate Core Locking Plate Core CLOSED POSITION Core Locking Plate Core 6. Complete Complete roll media roll media installation installation as perassteps per steps 9 and 10 of “Starting 9 and 10 UpofNew “Starting Installations” Up”. in this page. 5. PlacePlace trunnions trunnions in empty in empty core core from from cleanclean roll end roll and installend as and take-up install core. as take-up core. 4. Remove Remove dirtydirty roll(s) roll(s)of of media. media. REMOVE REMOVE CORE CORE TRUNNIONS TRUNNIONS and discard and discard dirty dirty roll(s)roll of of media. media. 3. Attach Attach paperpaper leader leader of clean of clean roll to rolltrailer to trailer of dirty of roll. If attached dirty roll. properly, If attached the trailer properly, will the pull trailer the new will media into place pull the at the newtake-up media.end. 2. InstallInstall cleanclean roll ofroll media of media into machine. into machine. Check Check rotation of rollrotation for proper of roll air for flowproper direction. air flow direction. 1. Remove Remove emptyempty core from coreclean from roll clean endroll of end filterof section(s). filter DO NOT section(s). DISCARD. DO NOT DISCARD. T O I NSTALL R EPLACEMENT M EDIA CLOSED POSITION Media Support Plate 11. For units For units with more with more than one than (1) 1 section, section,install install media as inmedia first section. as in first Make section. sure Make driven suretrunnion driven and coupling trunnion trunnion and are coupling engaged, trunnion so that are slave engaged section core will so that rotate. slave (Refer section to page will rotate. 10 for details.) 10. Operate Operate manual manual pushpush button button switch switch to ensure to ensure media is being media taken is being up. taken up. 9. Pull media Pull media end end to take-up to take-up core.core. Insert Insert media media leader underleader retaining under wire retaining of core wire and make of coretwo and (2)make or three (3) wraps two (2) around or three core(3) in direction wraps around of rotation core in for system air flow. direction of rotation for system air flow. 8. Take-up Take-up core for core used for roll used media roll media is factory is factory installed, but will need installed, to be removed but will need for installation to be removed of drive fortrunnion. (Refer installation to page of drive 10 about trunnion. “Core (Refer and to page Trunnion Installation”.) 10 about “Core Remove and Trunnion take-upInstallation”.) core and install trunnions. Remove Make take-up surecore coreand is replaced install trunnions. securely and trunnions Makeare sure engaged. core. 7. FeedFedd paperpaper leader leader underunder idler idler rolleratattake-up take-upend. end. 6. Start Start paperpaper leader leader of media of media around around idler idler rollerroller and pull mediaand down pull through media down guidethrough channels. guide channels. 5. Secure Secure in place in place by replacing by replacing corecore locking locking plates until they snap platesback until into theyposition. snap back into position. 4. InstallInstall cleanclean roll media roll media into channels into channels of media of media support plates. support Checkplates. rotation Check of rollrotation media for of roll proper media air flow direction. for proper air flow direction. 3. To install To install cleanclean roll media, roll media, remove remove corecore locking locking plates from plates tracks from by pulling tracksoutward. by pulling outward. 2. ReferRefer to diagram to diagram to determine to determine how the howmedia the media unwinds from the unwinds cleanfrom roll end the and clean is roll wound end up and atisthe wound used roll end. up at the used roll end. 1. Determine Determine direction direction of airof flow air through flow through filter section(s). filter Standard section(s). or reverse Standard air flow. or reverse air flow. STARTING UP N EW I NSTALLATIONS Idler Roller Edge Seals Idler Roller Idler Roller Edge Seals Used Media Roll FLOW AIR Idler Roller Clean Media Roll Brake Plate REVERSE AIR F LOW Used Media Roll FLOW AIR Clean Media Roll Brake Plate STANDARD AIR F LOW Roll Media into the ARV - INSTALLATION Parts of the ARV - LIST (Refer to page 13 for identification of parts) N O. D E S C R I P T I O N O F PA R T N O. D E S C R I P T I O N O F PA R T M AI N F R AM E C O M P O N E N T S 56. R e l a y 1 2 0 / 2 4 Vo l t 1. ( Re f. Only) - S i d e P a ne l A s s e m b ly 57. Tra ns fo rm e r 1 2 0 /2 4 Vo lt 2. ( Re f. Only) - E nd P a ne l A s s e m b ly 58. D i ffe re nti a l P re s s ure S wi tc h 3. ( Re f. Only) - M e d i a S up p o rt P la te C ha nne l 59. Ti m e r M o to r 4. ( Re f. Only) - B ra c e C ha nne l, D o wns tre a m 60. Ti m e r P o te nti o m e te r wi th K no b 5. ( Re f. Only) - B ra c e C ha nne l, Up s tre a m 61. P us h B utto n 6. ( Re f. Only) - M e d i a Gri d wi re , D o wns tre a m 62. P us h B utto n wi th E nc lo s ure 7. ( Re f. Only) - M e d i a Gri d wi re , Up s tre a m 63. Run-Out L i g ht 11 . M e d i a C o re A s s e m b ly --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) 64. Run-Out L i g ht wi th E nc lo s ure 13. C o m p re s s i o n P a ne l A s s e m b ly, Ve rti c a l --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) 65. Run-Out S wi tc h 2 4 Vo lt Id le r Ro lle r A s s e m b ly - Outs i d e D ri ve o r C le a n Ro ll E nd --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) 67. Run-Out S wi tc h B ra c k e t, Ve rti c a l 15. 68. M e d i a Ind e x S wi tc h 2 4 Vo lt 69. M e d i a Ind e x S wi tc h B ra c k e t 16. Id le r Ro lle r A s s e m b ly - Ins i d e D ri ve --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) 17. M e d i a Ind e x Ro lle r A s s e m b ly - Outs i d e D ri ve , Ti m e r Uni ts Only --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) 18. M e d i a Ind e x Ro lle r A s s e m b ly - Ins i d e D ri ve , Ti m e r Uni ts Only --- ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 F t. W i d th) M E D IA S U P P OR T P L AT E C OM P ON E N T S D R IV E C OM P ON E N T S 75. D ri ve n Trunni o n 76. C o up li ng Trunni o n 77. M o t o r Sp r o c k e t 78. M o t o r Sp r o c k e t K e y 32. ( Re f. Only) - A s s e m b ly - C le a n Ro ll E nd - To p , Ri g ht 79. D ri ve C ha i n - Outs i d e 33. ( Re f. Only) - A s s e m b ly - C le a n Ro ll E nd - To p , L e ft 80. D ri ve C ha i n - Ins i d e 34. ( Re f. Only) - A s s e m b ly - D ri ve E nd - B o tto m , L e ft 81. D ri ve C ha i n C o nne c to r 35. ( Re f. Only) - A s s e m b ly - Outs i d e D ri ve 82. D ri ve n Sp ro c k e t A s s e m b ly wi th B us hi ng 36. ( Re f. Only) - A s s e m b ly - Ins i d e D ri ve 83. D ri ve n Sp ro c k e t B us hi ng 37. S ub -A s s e m b ly - Ins i d e D ri ve , Ve rti c a l 84. S na p Ri ng 39. Ha nd P ull - To p 85. D ri ve /M o to r Trunni o n 40. Ha nd P ull - B o tto m 86. D ri ve /M o to r Trunni o n K e y 41. M e d i a S up p o rt C o re B lo c k S e t 87. S ha ft B us hi ng - To p 88. S e t C o lla r E L E C T R I C AL C O M P O N E N T S 51. C o ntro l B o x - Outs i d e D ri ve 89. D ri ve n Sp ro c k e t 52. C o ntro l B o x - Ins i d e D ri ve 90. D ri ve n Sp ro c k e t K e y 5V3 0. Ge a rhe a d M o to r 1 /9 8 HP, 1 20 V 91. D ri ve S ha ft 54. Te rm i na l B lo c k 1 0 P o le 92. S ha ft B us hi ng - B o tto m 55. Te rm i na l B lo c k 6 P o le 93. D ri ve /M o to r P la te A s s e m b ly TD-ALARV-04A - 12 - TD-ALARV-04A - 13 - O UTSIDE D RIVE M OTOR & C ONTROL I DLER R OLLER AND R UN -O UT S WITCH STANDARD DRIVE MOTOR IS 1/9 HP, 120 V. 50/60 HZ. SINGLE-PHASE. I NSIDE D RIVE M OTOR & C ONTROL DETAILS OF CONTROL P ANEL SLAVE SECTION TRUNNION TAKE-UP OF USED MEDIA FOR TIMER UNITS ONLY C LEAN M EDIA END U SED M EDIA END REQUIRED FOR USE WITH SLAVE SECTION S EE D RIVE M OTOR ASSEMBLY D ETAILS CLEAN ROLL COMPRESSION PANEL FOR TENSION ACROSS THE MEDIA FACE Parts of the ARV - IDENTIFICATION