November 2015 Volume 24, Issue 11 S-ke:g S

November 2015 Volume 24, Issue 11 
S-ke:g S-he:pjig Masad Comfortably cold month
Pages 1-4
Pages 5-6
San Xavier Mission
Page 7
Wa:k Spirit
Pages 8-12
Planning Dept.
Front Page
Ranger News
Page 2
Thanksgiving Arts &
Crafts Fair
Page 3
Toys for Tots
Page 3
Strengthening Our
Page 4
The San Xavier District Planning Department would like to update the community on the on-going
pedestrian access projects here on the San Xavier District. Currently there are 4 such projects, all at
different levels of progress, including Mission Gateway Path; San Xavier Road Pedestrian Pathway; and
Indian Health Services Pathway.
This pedestrian project is designed to be placed in the road right of way along the west side of Little
Nogales Road. It will begin at the south end of the Plaza at the Mission go south to the approximately the
north end of the Recreation Center site. This project is still in the design phase. We hope to finish the
design within the next 6-12 months. Currently, the SXD is getting the Joint Project Agreement (JPA)
approved with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the Tohono O’odham Nation. Once
the JPA and the designs are approved, ADOT will take over the construction phase, which should last
between 3-6 months. All costs are being covered through ADOT and Regional Transportation Authority
(RTA) funds.
This pedestrian project, which stretches from Little Nogales Road to the I-19 road right of way, along the
north side of San Xavier Road, was preliminarily designed by our consultants ten years ago. With that
preliminary design we were able to apply for and receive ADOT and RTA funding to complete the designs
and do the construction. We are currently in the process of approving a JPA with ADOT and the TON. We
should be able to approve the JPA within the next 3 months. Once approved, ADOT will take over both
phases, design and construction, for this project. All costs are being covered through ADOT and Regional
Transportation Authority (RTA) funds.
This pedestrian project spans the entire ADOT right of way at I-19 and crosses the Santa Cruz River.
Construction is complete on this project. We are now waiting for the final “Walk Through” to check the
construction details and to accept the project. A tentative date for the Dedication Ceremony has been
selected, November 10, 2015.
This pedestrian project is designed to reach from the I-19 Interchange to the front gate of the Indian Health
Services Clinic, traveling along the north side of San Xavier Road. Previously the SXD contracted with an
engineering firm to design the project. Those designs were submitted last year to the Living Streets Alliance
for construction funding, who submitted them to the Pima County Bond Advisory Review Committee. The
review committee approved this project for funding. The bond package will be voted on by the general
public in November, 2015. If passed the bond funding would be available for the project in 2017 for the
project and would cover the entire cost of construction.
If you have any questions related to these projects, please feel free to contact me, Michael Bends, SXD
Planning Administrator, or at (520)573-4071. I believe that the community is going to
really enjoy these projects once completed.
The deadline for the December issue of the Wa:k Newsletter is Friday November 13, 2015
Hello Wa:k Community
The Ranger Department would like to say “Thank You” to
two great guys Dispatcher Cyle Burrell and to Ranger
Damon Corella for their years of service to the community.
We really appreciated all the hard work you guys did for
the District and Community! Also “Thank You” to everyone
who came out helped out with the roadside cleanup last
month. There was a total of 20 individuals who came out
and helped. Thank you!
Stats for the month of September 2015
Community Assist – 5, Public Assist – 6, Animal Control –
5, Trespassing - 1, Vandalism - 3, Security/Welfare Check
– 2, Environmental – 4, Assist other agency/department –
4, Special Detail – 3.
Important Telephone numbers:
TO Police
622-1587, 879-8900
Ranger Department
Ranger Supervisor
Ranger cellphone
Ranger Supervisor cell 349-1359
Last month there were 4 Illegal dumping's in our
community, 2 of which were traced back to community
members. If you have someone or pay someone to take
your trash to the landfill please ask them for a receipt. That
way you will know that they properly disposed of your
trash. Also if there is a trash bin at someone’s home it
doesn’t give you the right to dump your trash in it. That
home owner got the trash bin for their use and they have to
pay out of their own pocket.
We need to come together as a community and report any
suspicious activity or persons to the police department.
Last month there were several areas that were graffitied,
property vandalized and burglarized. Please do your part
to keep our community safe.
1. Easy & quick to qualify
2. Get FREE High Definition channels and save
hundreds of dollars over cable TV.
3. FREE movie channels for 3 months (HBO, Showtime,
Cinemax & Starz
4. Expert installation
5. Less start up cost than cable TV
FREEBIES: NFL Sunday ticket from Direct TV
Text “I want my TV” or call
Elizabeth Munoz 602 418-1325, or
Milan Miles 520 808-6888
Holiday Swap Meets
At The Farm
Friday, Dec 18, 2015 2:00pm-6:00pm
Saturday, Dec 19 2015 7:00pm-1:00pm
Pancake Breakfast Sale
DECEMBER 7, 2015
$10.00 A SPACE
San Xavier Co-Op
8100 S Oidak Wog
Tucson, AZ 85746
November 27, 28 & 29th
(Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Located in front of the San Xavier Arts and
Crafts Plaza 1959 San Xavier Road
Tucson, AZ 85746
Entertainment Schedule:
Saturday, November 2015
2:00-5:00pm Pablo Band
Sunday, November 29, 2015
2:00-5:00pm Gertie and the TO Boyz
3:00-4:00pm We:s Himajkam Kwail:ya dam
For more information contact Kim Encinas @
520 573-4007
Attention San Xavier District Enrolled Members
Please call Natana Gastelum at 573-4000 to sign your child up
for Toys for Tots
Parents/Guardian's must call in and provide a contact number
Toys for Tots deadline to sign up is
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Pick up for toys will be
Thursday, Dec. 17, Friday, Dec 18 and Monday, December
21, 2015
Strengthening Our
Friday, November 13th and
Saturday, November 14th, 2015
Friday– Family Fun Run/Walk/Bike
* Bike Decoration
SXD Multi Purpose Room
5:30pm Registration * 6:00pm Start
Saturday Registration begins at 7:00 * San
Xavier District Complex Sessions Include:
Traditional Clothing* Womanhood *
Clans * I:mig * Feast Committee’s * Tradionnal Games * Healthy Eating * Relationships
Breakfast (Menudo) & Lunch will be provided
There will also be informational Booths *
Arts & Crafts Booths * Snacks * Door
Prizes and the Uniting of Our Community!
A FREE event for each and every Wa:k
Community Member
For more information please
contact the San Xavier
Education Center 520 807-8620
SATURDAY, November 7, 2015
Speakers-Arts Activities– Reflection-Plans for Action
Elders, tribal leaders and young activists from several
Arizona Indian nations will speak about the complicated
history of a shared resource and the life-sustaining power of
water for their people. They will address issues related to
land and water rights that affect tribal nations today and
shape the future. The day culminates with students creating
art expressing their understanding of water and activism,
building a rainwater garden, and interviewing elders. This
event is intended to inspire Native youth to find their own
voice and to become involved in shaping a future grounded
in traditional values.
ALL PARTICIPANTS: Snacks, lunch, certificate of completion & movie ticket to next day’s screenings. TO ATTEND:
FREE. Open to middle school, high school, collage and university students by application. Applications due November
3, 2015
A p p l i c a t i o n
a v a i l a b l e
a t
: Call: 520 6262973
The water is Life Youth Summit takes place at the San Xavier District Administration Building and San Xavier Coop
Farm, Tohono O;odham Nation
San Xavier District Council
Meeting of November 3, 2015 at
7:00 P.M. – District Council
San Xavier District Council
Meeting of November 17, 2015 at
7:00 P.M. – District Council
San Xavier District Community
Meeting of November 21, 2015 at 9:00
A.M. – District Council Chambers
AGENDA Tentative
AGENDA - Tentative
AGENDA Tentative
Deadline date to submit items to the
agenda is November 13th at 5:00 p.m.
Deadline date to submit items to
the agenda is October 27h at 5:00
1. Welcome and Opening
2. Invocation:
3. Review and Approval of
4. New Business:
A. Ms. Agatha Miguel, Wa:k
Ceksan Royalty Coordinator –
Introduction of the new title
holders for Wa:k Ceksan royalty
and presenting reports from the
outgoing royalty.
B. SXDC Recommending
Committee quarterly reports for
July, August & September 2015.
5. Chairman/Vice Chairman
Activity Report:
Deadline date to submit items to the
agenda is November 10th at 5:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks:
2. Invocation:
3. Review and Approval of Agenda:
4. New Business:
San Xavier District Administration –
To present the District monthly financial reports in a closed session.
2. Invocation:
3. Call to the Audience:
4. Lt. Martin Robledo, TOPD San
Xavier Sub-Station – Present
the monthly statistics report.
5. Chairman Activity Report:
5. Council staff – To present the
Council department power
point presentation.
6. Vice Chairman Activity Report:
6. TOLC Reports:
7. Minutes:
7. SXDC Reports:
8. Announcements:
8. Announcements:
6. Minutes:
7. Announcements:
► District Council meeting is
scheduled on November 17,
2015 at 7 p.m.
► District Community meeting is
scheduled on November 21,
2015 at 7 p.m.
► District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 1,
2015 at 9 a.m.
► District Community Christmas
Party tentatively scheduled on
December 12, 2015.
► District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 15,
2015 at 7 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the
Council Chambers
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks:
District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 1, 2015
at 7 p.m.
District Community Christmas
Party tentatively scheduled on
December 12, 2015.
District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 15,
All Council/Community meetings
will be held in the Council
► District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 1, 2015 at
7 p.m.
► District Community Christmas
Party no items will be scheduled
and tentatively scheduled on
December 12, 2015.
► District Council meeting is
scheduled on December 15, 2015
at 7 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the
Council Chambers
8. Adjournment:
Copies of resolutions and related information can be obtained at the San Xavier District Council office, upon proper request
San Xavier District Council Resolutions adopted for the month of October 2015
Res. No.
“Approving a Monetary Donation to the Wa:k Ceksan Tas Event scheduled for October 15, 16 & 17, 2015”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Brandon Havier, tally results; 3 for, 0 against, 0 not voting,
2 absent. Motion carried.
“Approval of a new Applicant to be added to the San Xavier District Voter List”
Motion made by Brandon Havier and second by Janice Felix, tally results; 3 for, 0 against, 0 not voting,
2 absent. Motion carried.
“Supporting the San Xavier District and San Xavier Cooperative Association Request Funding from USDA”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 3 for, 0 against, 0 not voting,
2 absent. Motion carried.
“Accepting the Minutes of August 4, 2015 as Amended”
Motion by Janice Felix and second by Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 3 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 2 absent.
Motion carried.
“Approving Joint Project Agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation for the San Xavier Road
Pedestrian Pathway”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting,
0 absent. Motion carried.
“Approving Joint Project Agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation for the Mission Gateway
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent.
Motion carried.
“Supporting a 3-Way Stop at Los Reales & Mission Road Intersection”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent.
Motion carried.
“Approving a monetary donation to the Strengthening Our Community event on November 14, 2015 towards
food items”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0
absent. Motion carried.
“Agreeing to Conduct a Closed Session for the SXD Monthly Finances Report:
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent.
Motion carried.
“Approving a Financial Assistance Request for Irene Ortega”
Motion made by Janice Felix and second by Dennis Ramon, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent.
Motion carried.
Copies of resolutions and related information can be obtained at the San Xavier District Council office,
upon proper request.
Sunday, Nov. 1
District Cemetery Mass for the Dead
Mass will take place in cemetery at 4:00 PM
Baptism Class: Nov. 17
Baptisms: Nov. 21
Adult Sharing Sessions:
Father Tom will lead discussions on Pope Francis’
Encyclical on the care of our “Sister, Mother Earth.” All are
invited to join us
10:00 AM in St. Clare on six Tuesdays.
Nov. 10, 17, 24 and Dec. 1,8,15.
If you plan to come, call 294-4639 by Nov. 3rd.
We will order the books ahead of time. Cost of book is
Wa:k Spirit
S-ke:g S-he:pijig Masad (November)
Pleasant Cold Moon
Recognition Wall
Challenger Middle School Student of the Month
**Santa Clara Elementary School Student of the
Month (Not Pictured): Kaylee Weber & Siria Lopez
Gertie Lopez was selected to receive this year’s
Arizona Library Association Outreach Services
Award. Each year AzLA gives Service Awards to
individuals and groups making a difference in Arizona libraries. These awards are presented at the
AzLA Awards Luncheon at the Annual Conference
on 11/20/15. We are proud of her!
These brothers Angel Bear and
Dancing Bear Osegueda have
been doing an awesome job at
learning as much as they can
within the O’odham himdag.
They take pride in who they
are and are inseparable.
Sandra Alvarez,
Education Department Administrator
S-ke:g Tas, Our new fiscal year has started and we are eager
to implement our new goals. We have 5 goals and 36 objectives. Goal 1: To support SX students in the improvement of
grades, attendance, and character. Help students increase their
motivation in learning and foster their creativity and goals in life.
Goal 2: To increase parent involvement in school and department programs. Goal 3: To provide classes and programs to the
community to enhance knowledge of the TO language and culture. Goal 4: To provide a comfortable, secure, accessible
Learning Center (library) where all generations gather for enriched social, intellectual, educational, and cultural experiences.
Goal 5: Administration provides leadership and oversight of the
department to conform to SX Community Plan, policies, procedures, departmental goals and budget. We will plan activities,
workshops, and meetings to accomplish these goals.
11/13 & 11/14. The Fun Run with glow sticks will be in
the evening on 11/13. Then we will start off the Winter
Season with STORYTELLING! On 11/14 we will have
sessions on Womanhood, Clans, i:mig, healthy eating,
healthy relationships, traditional clothes, traditional
clothes, and feasts information. We will have many
booths providing information about their company and
San Xavier community vendors selling their Arts and
Crafts. Please join us!
Get your DIPLOMA. If you stopped attending school
and are 16-21 yrs old, stop by to learn about Graduation
Solutions. Ask for Sandi, Carmen or Sara.
Please stop by to visit us to hear about all our programs.
Stacy Hernandez
Community Liaison
Sara Williams
Community Liaison
Hello Wa:k Community,
I hope you are all in good spirits and ready for the
holiday season that is fast approaching. I hope you get to
enjoy time spent with loved ones. November is Native
American Heritage Month so be on the lookout for events
that will take place throughout the month (in the Community U of A, PCC, Museums, Libraries, schools, etc.).
All our programs are under way and we have
been receiving great turnouts. We are currently have 28
students for After School Program (eight 4th and 5th graders) and have a good mix of high school and middle
school students for Voices of Our Youth. The VOY group
currently has 34 members! They have all been doing a
wonderful job representing our community and have taken
the initiative to get more out of the program. It has been
fun thus far and look forward to upcoming events.
I would like to remind parents who use the
missed bus service that they must call the Education Center (520.807.8620) by 7:30 am. I know some students do
not get picked up until after 7:30 am but if think you’re going to be late call anyway; you can always cancel the call.
Parents must call the education center to give us permission to transport their student. We have had children call
requesting for rides but it is the parents who should be
making the call. When you do call for missed bus we need
the students name, the address, a phone number and the
name of the school the student is attending. Students have
been showing up to request a ride. We do not want to prevent students from attending school, but you must understand that the Community Liaisons have other engagements so when we make two missed bus trips it delays our
Have a wonderful November!
I cannot express enough how excited I am to one, be
working for the Wa:k Community and two, in the capacity
as a Community Liaison for the Education Department. I
am a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation and my
family is from the West Villages of the Chukut Kuk District.
For five years, I have been a proud Governing Board
member for Baboquivari Unified School District. I have
experienced a number of challenges and many successes
throughout my own journey to improve the quality of
education for our Nation’s children. I believe education is
the key to opening the door to more prosperous future for
our Nation and its members. Because of that belief, I have
devoted a significant part of my life thus far to advocating
for improvements within tribal school systems and
providing equitable educational opportunities for Native
American students and their families. Having the
opportunity now to work with our O’odham children who
attend schools, within and beyond the boundaries of the
San Xavier District, will allow me to continue that advocacy. Having spent the last few weeks within some of the
schools our district children attend, as well as, working
with our children within the Education Center, I honestly
and respectfully say, that we have some challenges to
overcome. I make this statement not to alarm any of our
members but to motivate each of us to be a part of the
solution in overcoming those challenges. In my heart, I
believe our children can dream the biggest dreams and
attain those dreams with not just hard work but with the
supports we provide, the motivation we instill and the belief that they can and will be successful. With all that said,
I am extremely happy to be a part of this community and a
part of the education team. I thank you for the opportunity
and look forward to working with your students and their
Gertie Lopez & Therese McCarthyLearning Center
Greetings from the San Xavier Learning Center Library. Home of the Wa:k O’odham.
We have been extremely busy here in the library thanks to you all for coming in to use our resources. We would love very much for you all to continue
as we have added another program called “Coffee In the Library”. Every Monday mornings from 9am—10am we welcome you to come into the
library, have a nice hot cup of delicious coffee, read the newspaper, read a magazine, browse thru the library, pick out a good book and just relax. Or
if you’d rather use our computer to scroll the internet to see what is going on all over the world you can do that too.
Our after school program is on the upswing. We would like to give thanks to the Indian Health Services for providing some healthy educational
programs to our students. Ayana and Yvette thank you for providing an excellent dental presentation. Another excellent Nutritional presentation was
done by Ruby Flores.
This next article you will be reading is from the “Parents” Magazine OCTOBER 2015 PARENTS.COM
“There are just too many shots”...and other reasons some parents don’t want to vaccinate. Here’s the science behind the concerns. By TARA
HAELLE. LAST WINTER, when 147 cases of measles spread into seven states, plus Canada and Mexico, parents were unnerved, partly because the
outbreak started at Disneyland, in California. But it could’ve been so much worse. If there were no measles vaccine, we’d have at least 4 million cases
in the U.S. every year. Before the vaccine arrived in 1963, nearly everyone got the disease in childhood, and on average 440 kids died from it annually
in the decade prior. Fortunately, today between 80 and 90 percent of kids receive most vaccines. But in some regions in the U.S., growing numbers of
parents are opting out. When that happens, they up the risk of outbreaks in their community. The most common reason parents skip vaccines? Safety
concerns, despite over whelming evidence that they’re not dangerous. The most recent proof: an exhaustive 2013 report by the Institute of Medicine
that found the U.S. childhood-immunization schedule is effective, with very few risks. (And we’ll get to those.) Perhaps the most important health
invention in history, vaccines are a victim of their success. “They’re so effective, they take diseases like measles away. But then we forget those
diseases are dangerous,” says Kathryn Edwards, M.D., director of the Vanderbilt University Vaccine Research Program, in Nashville. Misinformation
about vaccines also contributes to anxiety, and sorting truth from fiction isn’t always easy. The misconception that the measles-mumps rubella (MMR)
vaccine might cause autism has lingered in some parents’ minds for more that a decade despite more than a dozen studies showing no link between
the two. Vaccines do have risks, but our brain has a hard time putting risk in perspective, says Neal Halsey,M.D.
Rowena Carlyle Language and Culture
S-ke:g Tas Wa:k,
There are MANY changes happening with the O’odham, as many of our cultural and traditional beliefs are fading, not many have the knowledge as
the old people once did. When looking at traditional O’odham and the way of life, it was very strict, and as some might say there were lots of
“superstitions”, but to the believers it was/is just the way of life in how one was supposed to follow. Then there are also those who get caught up in
the rest of the world that they choose not to believe. Last month we had an eclipse occur, and I wanted to share a little from what I have learned
about O’odham beliefs when this happens.
“Long ago, in the O'odham Culture, an ECLIPSE was/is considered a sacred event, and dangerous. When people saw its approach they went indoors and hid from the light. A Dying Moon or Sun was highly respected. Especially a Moon as it is the woman's symbol. Traditional O'odham and
Yaqui still hide away. The younger generation doesn't understand this, as science takes over the O'odham ways. An eclipse slows down the pumping heart, makes your vision blurry and your spirit weak. When a spirit is weak, it becomes vulnerable to anything”
If you want to learn more about your identity as O’odham, seek it. Ask a knowledgeable elder/person and teach it to your kids. It is who we are.
These winter months, we will be hosting some storytelling's. Mark your calendars!
NOVEMBER 13TH— Strengthening Our Community Event– After the Fun run/walk beginning at 6pm
Michael “Mikey” Enis will be sharing some O’odham legends.
NOVEMBER 19TH— Storytelling at the Chambers with Daniel Preston (Community member), Jesse Navarro (O’odham)
and Nyona Smith (Community member). 6pm-8pm. A meal will be provided.
The December storytelling schedule will be put out in next months newsletter. Thank you and have a good Thanksgiving Holiday!
Carmen Martinez
Administrative Assistant
Hello Wa:k Community,
As we enter into a month that always brings friends, families,
and thankfulness to mind, I would just like to take a moment
to reflect on unending, unwavering, and unstoppable levels of
support, caring, and strength that we each show for each
other and those around us.
As promised, here is group picture of the Voices of Our Youth
that attended the out-of-state college campus tours to the
University of San Diego & San Diego State University on
Sept. 15-18, 2015. Not only did we visit the two colleges, we
also had the opportunity to visit Old Town San Diego,
Gaslamp Quarter, Seal Beach, Belmont Park , and the local
beach. In addition, we were given the opportunity to meet Mr.
Antonio Rosales who is an Offensive Lineman for the San
Diego State University football team and is a San Xavier
District member. Not only did Antonio give us the tour
personally, he also shared his story as a Tohono O’odham
student/athlete and how his experience has been mentally
and physically challenging and awarding at the same time.
What a wonderful experience this was for the youth! For
some of these students, this was their first time visiting San
Diego, as well as getting their feet wet in the ocean.
Nov. 2nd
Deadline for Tuition and Books Grant
Nov. 4th & 18th SUSD Governing Board Meetings 6:30
Nov. 7th
Water is Life Native Youth Summit,
Nov. 10th
Parent/Principal Meeting at Education Center
(Focus is on Bullying)
Nov. 11th
Veterans Day-Offices & Schools CLOSED
Nov. 13th
Fun Run & Story Telling behind District
starts at 5:30pm– bring your flashlight
Nov. 14th
Strengthening Our Community Event at
DistrictComplex for Wa:k Community
starting at 7 am.
Nov. 25th
Deadline for Bus Passes
Thanksgiving Day- Offices CLOSED
Nov 27th
Dec 8
Parent/Principal Meeting, 6pm at the
Education Center (Focus is on College
Preparation &other topics)
Enjoy this beautiful season and best wishes for a happy,
healthy, and joyful Thanksgiving holiday!
San Xavier District of the
Tohono O’odham Nation
2018 W. San Xavier Road
Tucson, AZ 85746
Phone: (520) 573-4000
Fax: (520) 573-4089
Attention Community Members
Financial Assistance will be available January, 2016. the application process is as follows:
 Complete the SXD Financial Assistance form (available from the receptionist)
 View the educational financial assistance PowerPoint
 Provide a copy of your bill you are seeking assistance with (we will work directly with the
 Complete the General Welfare application
 Provide Proof of Income
 Please note that it may take up to two (2) weeks to process applications and the District is
not liable for disconnections or disconnection fees.
As a reminder in published in November 2014 newsletter, the Community members who
requested Financial Assistance in January 2015 will not be allowed to request for financial
assistance until 2017. This is a result of community services hours not being fulfilled. This
will give the applicants over one (1) year to complete community service hours.