1. Industrial plant consumes the active power with power factor 0 76

AE1B15EN2 – Compensation of reactive power
1. Industrial plant consumes the active power P  1280kW with power factor cos   0, 76 .
Calculate consumed apparent power and find out how the power factor is changed if we
add a capacitor bank with the size Qc  550kvar (reactive power).
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Fig. 1 – Phasor diagram (by compensation)
Calculation of apparent power:
 1684kVA .
cos  0 ,76
The power factor cos   0, 76 corresponds to sin   0 , 65
The reactive power:
Q  S  sin   1684  0,65  1095 kVAr
Adding the capacitor bank (see Fig. 1) compensates the reactive power Q partially to the
Q k  Q  Q c  1095  550  545 kVAr .
Before compensation:
tg 
Q 1095
 0,86 ,
P 1280
tg k 
 0,43 ,
P 1280
The phase angle is   40,7  .
After compensation:
This corresponds to the phase angle  k  23 . The power factor after compensation will
be cos k  0 ,92 .
AE1B15EN2 – Compensation of reactive power
2. Industrial plant is supplied from 22 / 0, 4kV transformer with nominal apparent power
S n  800kVA . Mean consumed active power is P  460kW with power factor
cos   0, 79 . Calculate the needed reactive power for compensation to the power factor
cos k  0 ,95 for the mean consumed active power. Further calculate the reserve of active
power which can be added to the transformer.
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Fig. 2 – The proportion before and after compensation (while the same size of
apparent power)
The power factor before compensation cos   0, 79 corresponds to tg  0,78 . After
compensation power factor is cos k  0,95 and this corresponds to tg k  0,33 .
Consumed reactive power before compensation:
Q  P  tg  460  0,78  359 kVAr .
Reactive power after compensation:
Q k  P  tg k  460  0,33  152 kVAr .
Reactive power of capacitor bank:
Q c  Q  Q k  359  152  207 kVAr .
Before compensation the reserve active power Prez can be calculated from the relation:
Sn 
 P  Prez 
 Q2 ,
AE1B15EN2 – Compensation of reactive power
Prez  S 2n  Q 2  P  800 2  359 2  460  255 kW .
After compensation the reserve active power Prez is higher:
Pk rez  S 2n  Q 2k  P  800 2  152 2  460  325 kW .
3. The asynchronous motor 1600kW is working in discontinuous operation. It is working
with nominal power with current 350 A for three minutes and in no-load mode with active
power 100 kW and current 150 A for two minutes. The nominal voltage is U n  3kV .
Design the capacitor bank so that the power factor is cos k  0 ,96 for nominal power
loading. Check up the power factor in no-load mode.
The motor nominal apparent power:
S n  3  U n  I n  3  3  10 3  350  1,82 MVA .
The power factor without compensation:
cos  
Pn 1600.103
 0 ,879 .
Sn 1,82.106
The apparent power in no-load mode:
S 0  3  U n  I 0  3  3  10 3  150  779 kVA ,
and corresponding power factor
cos 0 
P0 100
 0,128 .
S0 779
The reactive power without compensation:
Q  P  tg  1600  10 3  0,543  869 kVAr .
The reactive power when power factor is cos k  0 ,96 :
Q k  P  tg k  1600  10 3  0,292  467 kVAr .
The power of capacitor bank (for assigned power factor cos k  0,96 )
Q c  Q  Q k  869  467  402 kVAr .
The reactive power in no-load mode before compensation:
Q 0  P0  tg 0  100  10 3  7,75  775 kVAr .
Capacitor banks after compensation contribute 402 kVAr of the reactive power. The
consumed reactive power from power grid in no-load mode after compensation will be:
AE1B15EN2 – Compensation of reactive power
Q 0 k  Q 0  Q c  775  402  373 kVAr .
This value is equal to power factor after compensation in no-load mode with this
Q0 k  P0  tg 0 k ,
tg 0 k 
Q0 k 373
 3,73 .
P0 100
Power factor in no-load mode after compensation: cos  0 k  0,26 .
The capacitor bank is constructed from three capacitors connected to the triangle (delta).
Each capacitor supplies reactive power:
 134 kVAr
Q c1
134  10 3
 47,4 F
  U 2 100    3000 2
Q c1 
Capacity of each capacitor:
C1 