Validity of formulas used in bioelectrical impedance analysis: which is most accurate in predicting changing amounts of fat mass during weight loss? Annemarie Nieberg Scriptie: 2010222 Juni 2010 Opdrachtgever: Mevr. A. Zuur, Kenniskring Lectoraat Gewichtsmanagement Hogeschool van Amsterdam Opleiding Voeding en Diëtetiek Docent: Mevr. A. Verreijen Hogeschool van Amsterdam Opleiding Voeding en Diëtetiek Bachelor opleiding Voeding en Diëtetiek Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 ABSTRACT Background The aim of this study is to validate predictive equations for bioelectrical impedance using air displacement plethysmography (ADP) as reference method to assess changes in fat mass (FM) during weight loss. The study of body composition in overweight populations during weight loss by techniques such as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS) requires validation based on standard reference methods. Methods This study included 81 male and 192 female subjects, 16–76 years of age, with a BMI between 25 kg/m2 and 35 kg/m2. Body composition was measured by BodPod, Tanita BC418 and BodyScout. Body weight (WT, kg) and height (HTM, m) were obtained by standard anthropometric techniques. Impedance (Imp, Ω), Resistance, (R, Ω) and reactance, (Xc, Ω) were also measured. PubMed was used for a systematic search for BIA formulas. By using the % correct predictions (within 20% of reference value), RMSE, Concordance Correlation Coefficient, and Bland and Altman approach the formulas were tested on accuracy and precision. Results en Discussion In total 20 formulas were found in literature and tested for validity. Also the measured FM according to the Tanita BC-418 and BodyScout were tested on validity. Almost all formulas predicted more than 50% of the change in FM lower than 20% within the measured value from the BodPod. The formulas of Kyle et al. 2003, Gray et al. 1985 and Segal et al. A and B 1985 predicted, within 20% of the measured value, respectively 17.3%, 21.1%, 21.0% and 23.0% correct. Values from the Tanita BC-418 and BodyScout were also compared to the BodPod. The BodyScout had better results than the Tanita BC-418 with a Bias of 0.1±5.1, a RMSE of 0.004 and 11.8% accurate measurements within 20% of the measured value from the BodPod. Conclusion The examined formulas are not valid when used to predict changes in fat mass when into weight loss. Within the examined formulas the predictions of Kyle et al. 2003, Gray et al. A 1989 and Segal et al. A and B 1985 performed best in predicting changes in FM. A new equation for subjects into weight loss, which compensates for the loss of water bound glycogen, should be developed to accurately predict changes in fat mass. Keywords Bio-electrical impedance; Body Composition; Equation; Validity; Obese; Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 2 SUBJECTS AND METHODS ................................................................................................ 3 Subjects ............................................................................................................................. 3 Measurements of body composition................................................................................... 4 Air Displacement Plethysmograph .................................................................................. 4 Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy ................ 4 Anthropometry ................................................................................................................ 4 Predictive equations........................................................................................................... 5 Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 5 RESULTS.............................................................................................................................. 6 Pubmed search.................................................................................................................. 6 Subject Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 6 Validity of equations ........................................................................................................... 6 Mean and bias as mean difference ................................................................................. 6 Percentage of Accurate Predictions................................................................................ 7 RMSE and Concordance Correlation Coefficient ............................................................ 7 Bland and Altman analysis ............................................................................................. 8 Summary table of used bioelectrical impedance formulas .................................................11 Summary table of results ..................................................................................................13 DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................14 CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................................15 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................16 APPENDIX ...........................................................................................................................18 A. Used abbreviations ....................................................................................................18 B. Bland and Altman plots ..............................................................................................19 Page 1 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 INTRODUCTION In the Netherlands 35.4% of the adults are overweight (BMI 25-30 kg/m2) and 11.8% of the adults are severely overweight (BMI >30 kg/m2). [6] For a dietician it is important to know the body composition of a client. The body fat percentage in the human body is strongly associated with the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease. [1-5] To know whether or not the client is losing fat mass or fat free mass can be important information for the success of the diet, reducing the associated risk factors. [7] A weight reduction of 5-15% and a reduction of the waist circumference of 10% will strongly decrease obesity related health risks. [7,8] Several techniques have been used to assess body composition in controlled laboratory conditions. These include underwater weighing densitometry (UW), dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), air displacement plethysmography (ADP), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS) [when referring to BIA both bioelectrical impedance -analysis and spectroscopy are meant]. However, UW, DEXA, ADP and MRI are expensive, inconvenient for the participant, and not feasible to conduct in the field because they require large specialized equipment. For these reasons, their use in practice is limited. BIA, by contrast, is relatively simple, quick (takes only a few minutes), safe, reproducible when used by different researchers and non-invasive [9-11]. Segal et al. [12] demonstrated that bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy is reproducible with <1% error on repeated measurements on the same day. This technique became commercially available in the 1980s, and requires inexpensive, portable equipment, making it an appealing alternative to assess body composition in practice [13,14]. The disadvantage of using BIA are the formulas used to predict fat mass (FM) and fat free mass (FFM). These formulas use factors like gender, height and weight combined with the resistance and/or reactance measurements to predict FM and FFM. However it’s becoming clear that other factors like race and age can adversely affect the validity [14-16]. As a result some formulas may become inaccurate when it comes to exact individual predictions, especially when applied to other populations than the population for which the formula was developed. Taking this in consideration, it might not be the best way to measure exact body composition in individuals. However, since the reproducibility of BIA is high, monitoring changes in body composition might be possible. Therefore the aim of this study is: “Which formula used in bio-impedance analysis (BIA) and –spectroscopy (BIS) is most accurate in predicting the changing amount of fat mass in the overweight human body when losing weight compared to air displacement plethysmography (ADP)?” Page 2 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 SUBJECTS AND METHODS Subjects ................................................................................................................................................ The included subjects were participants in several previously executed weight loss studies performed by students from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Applied University of Amsterdam (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) from September 2006 until March 2010. The aim of these studies was to evaluate effectiveness of several hypocaloric diets using control and intervention groups. Both the intervention and control groups used hypocaloric diets but of different macro nutritional composition. Body composition was assed at baseline and depending on the length of the study after eight to twelve weeks. Subjects used for this study were adults (age ≥18 years) with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 35 kg/m2 that are healthy. The data of 273 subjects (192 women and 81 men) from both intervention and control groups were used in the sample. Subjects who did not fulfill these criteria or with incomplete measurement of BIA and ADP data were excluded. Figure 1: Exclusion results Page 3 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Measurements of body composition The following measurements were done: Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP), Bioelectrical impedance Analysis (BIA) and Spectroscopy (BIS). The measurements were taken according to the following protocol: All subjects were measured after an overnight fast, or being sober for at least three to four hours. The subjects drank a glass of water one hour before the measurements and had emptied their bladder just before measurements started. Subjects were asked not to do any kind of heavy exercise on the day of and the day before the measurements. Air Displacement Plethysmograph ADP measurements were performed using a BodPod (Life Measurement, Inc.). Subjects were wearing tight underwear/bathing clothes and a swim cap. The subject was measured twice. When the two measurements of volume were too deviant (more than 2%) then a third measurement was performed. The fat mass (FM) derived form the ADP measurement was considered as reference method in this study. The FM was calculated by subtracting FFM, calculated by the Siri formula [17], from the total body weight. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy BIA and BIS measurements were performed at the non-dominant side of the subject, using a Tanita (Tanita BC-418MA) Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer and a BodyScout (FresenuisKabi) Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscope. When using the BodyScout, the subjects were lying in a supine position for at least two minutes before starting the measuring procedure. Two current and two detector electrodes were placed on the dorsal surfaces of the hand and foot: on the distal portion of the second metacarpal, between the styloid processes of the radius and ulna, the distal portion of the metatarsal and at the anterior ankle between the tibia and fibula, according to the procedure described in the BodyScout manual. The current electrodes were placed farthest of the heart. The impedance, measured at a frequency of 50kHz using the Tanita and the resistance and reactance, measured at a frequency of 50kHz using the BodyScout, were used in the analysis. Anthropometry Height was measured with a wall mounted tape to the nearest 0.1 cm. The bodyweight was measured to the nearest 0.001 kg by the scale from the BodPod before the ADP measurements. Page 4 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Predictive equations PubMed was used for a systematic search for publications on formulas predicting fat mass (FM) and fat free mass (FFM) using Impedance, Resistance and/ or Reactance. The following Mesh-derived search terms were used: ‘Bioelectrical Impedance’ and ‘Body Composition’, and additional terms: ‘formula’, ‘validity’, ‘equation’, and ‘resistance’ in every possible combination. Applied limitations were ‘English language’ and ‘humans’. More references were obtained by screening cited publications. BIA equations were included when developed based on the following methods: MRI, DEXA, UW, ADP or another scientifically accepted reference method to measure body composition. Formulas constructed for the following populations were excluded: age <16 y, critically ill patients, athletes or when variables needed which were not available in our dataset, such as race. Also the predicted FM calculated using the manufacturer prediction imbedded into the Tanita and BodyScout was used. Statistics Data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL), except for Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) and Bland-Altman which were analyzed with MedCalc. software (MedCalc. Software BV, Mariakerke, Belgium). A negative or positive difference between the change in FM according to ADP (the reference value) and the predicting formulas was indicated respectively as an underestimated (<-20% from reference value), an accurate (>-20% and <20% from reference value) or an overestimated (>20% from reference value) prediction. The root mean squared prediction error (RMSE) was used to indicate how well the formulas predicted FM individually. The CCC was also used to show the precision and accuracy of the formulas. The CCC was calculated using Pearson correlation coefficient multiplied by a correction factor for deviation from line of identity (x=y). P values <0.05 were considered significant. Bias was calculated as the mean of the difference. Limits of agreement were calculated as ±1.96*SD by using the Bland and Altman approach and was considered a measure of validity on a group level. The Paired samples T-test was used to calculate the significant difference in body fat percentage between the ADP values and BIA formulas. Page 5 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 RESULTS Pubmed search The Pubmed search produced 20 suitable formulas, found in 16 different articles as shown in table 2. Of these 20 formulas, 3 used impedance as a variable, whereas the other 17 formulas used ether resistance, reactance or a combination of both. Subject Characteristics Data of 273 overweight subjects (192 women and 81 men) were used in this study. The subject characteristics are shown in table 1, grouped by gender. The subjects’ ages ranged from 18 to 76 year. Table 1: Subject characteristics Total Group N= 273 Age (years) 43.2±12.1 Height (cm) 170.8±9.5 Body Weight (kg) 87.3±12.9 2 BMI (kg/m ) 29.8±2.6 Weight change -2.5±3.1 BodPod (kg) FM change -2.5±3.5 BodPod (kg) Woman Men 192 42.9±12.1 166.6±6.6 82.7±10.2 29.8±2.6 -2.3±2.7 81 43.8±12.2 180.0±7.9 98.1±12.1 29.9±2.6 -2.9±3.8 -2.4±3.0 -2.9±4.5 FM change is shown as mean, the percentage bias, the RMSE (in kg), the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), the percentage of accurate predictions, the percentage of under predictions, and the percentage of over predictions (table 3). Validity of equations Mean and bias as mean difference The mean and bias as mean difference was calculated for all formulas. The BodyScout had the lowest mean difference compared to ADP with -0.02 kg, but the highest standard deviation (5.1). Kyle et al. 2003 had the second lowest mean difference compared to ADP with 0.03 and a standard deviation of 3.1. Page 6 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Percentage of Accurate Predictions A negative or positive difference between the change in FM measured by ADP and the predicting formulas is indicated respectively as underestimated, accurate or overestimated predictions. The percentage of accurate predictions as well as the over- and underestimated predictions is shown in table 3 and figure 2. Remarkably, almost all formulas predict more than 50% of the change in FM lower than the actual change in FM according to ADP. The highest score of accurate predictions is 23.0% for the Segal et al B 1985 formula, whilst the lowest scoring formula (Wang 1995) only predicted 4.9% of the predictions accurately. Figure 2: Accuracy of formulas predicting changing FM compared to ADP in percentages. RMSE and Concordance Correlation Coefficient The RMSE and Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) were calculated for the total group. A prediction equation with relative low RMSE and high CCC was considered to be a good predictor of lost FM. The RMSE ranged from 0.002kg to 0.150kg (figure 3) and the CCC ranged from 0.2220 to 0.775 (figure 4). Kyle et al 2003 had a RMSE of 0.002 kg and a CCC of 0.651. Gray et al. A 1985 had a RMSE of 0.016 kg and a CCC of 0.678. Segal et al. A and B had respectively a RMSE of 0.013 and 0.022 kg and a CCC of 0.710 and 0.775. Page 7 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 3: Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the mean difference in changing FM predicted by the formulas compared to ADP. Figure 4: Concordance Correlation Coefficient of the predicted change FM compared to ADP. The measured change in FM from the ADP and BIA equations were compared with use of the Paired Samples T-tests. Of all the compared equations seven formulas were not significantly different from the ADP results (table 3). Bland and Altman analysis The predictive equations were also tested for relative bias and 95% limit of agreement with a Bland and Altman analysis. The results are summarized in table 3 and illustrated in the appendix as the Bland and Altman plots. Kyle et al. 2003 (figure 5) had a Bias of 0.03±3.1 kg, Gray et al. A 1989 (figure 6) had a Bias of 0.30±2.8 kg and Segal et al. A (figure 7) and B (figure 8) 1985 had respectively a Bias of 0.21±2.8 and 0.35±2.8. These formulas also had the lowest limits of agreement (as shown in figures 5-8) ranging from -4.0 to 4.7 in Segal et al. B 1985 to -5.5 to 5.5 in Kyle et al. 2003. Page 8 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 5: Bland and Altman plot Kyle et al. 2003 Figure 6: Bland and Altman plot Gray et al. A 1989 Page 9 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 7: Bland and Altman plot Segal et al. A 1985 Figure 8: Bland and Altman plot Segal et al. B 1985 Page 10 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Table 2: Summary table of used bioelectrical impedance formulas Publication Boulier et al. [19] Year 1990 N= 202 Equation FFM= 6.37+0.64WT+0.40(HTCM2/IMP)-0.16AGE-2.71SEX (SEX: 1=male 2= female) Reference UW 13 FFM = 0.698*l04*(HTM2/R)+3.55+9.4 UW 1990 Subjects Healthy adolescents and adults Healthy, adults Young adults Deurenberg et al [20] Deurenberg et al. [21] 1989 246 FFM= 0.258*104*(HTM2/IMP)+0.375WT+6.3SEX+10.5HTM-0.164AGE-6.5 (SEX: 1=male 0=female) UW Deurenberg et al. [22] 1991 Adults 827 FFM= 0.340*104*(HTM2/IMP)+15.34HTM-0.127AGE+4.56SEX-12.44 (SEX: 1=male 0=female) UW Gray et al. [23] 1989 Healthy and obese adults 87 A) FFM = 0.00139 HTCM2-0.0801(R)+0.l87(WT)+39.830 FFM = 0.00151 HTCM2-0.0344(R)+0.140(WT)-0.158(AGE)+20.387 B) FFM = 0.000985 HTCM2-0.0387(R)+0.158(WT)-0.124(AGE)+29.612 UW Kushner et al. [24] 1992 Adults 41 FFM= (0.59ZI+0.065WT+0.04)/0.732 Kyle et al. [25] 2001 Healthy adults 343 FFM= -4.104+0.518ZI+0.231WT+0.130 R+4.229SEX (SEX: 1=male 0=female) Isotope dilution (H218O) DXA Kyle et al. [26] 2003 Healthy adults 5635 FFM= -4.211+0.267ZI+0.095WT+1.909SEX)+-0.012AGE+0.058Xc (SEX: 1=male 0=female) DXA Lohman [27] 1992 Black and white adults 306 Male: FFM=0.485ZI+0.338WT+5.32 Female: FFM=0.475ZI+0.295WT+5.49 Lukaski et al. [28] 1986 Healthy adults 114 FFM=0.756ZI+0.110WT+0.107Xc-5.463 40-K spectrometry and densitometry UW Page 11 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Segal et al. [29] 1985 Adults 75 A) LBM= -8.98751+0.36273ZI+0.21411HT +0.13290WT-5.61911SEX B) LBM=-10.54635+0.48271HT-0.04426R +0.12869WT5.56699SEX FFM=LBM*0.97(male) FFM=LBM*0.92(female) (SEX : 1=female 0=male) Total body electrical conductivity Segal et al. [30] 1988 Adults, obese adults 1567 A) Male LBM = 0.00132HTCM2-0.04394R+0.30520WT-0.16760AGE+22.66827 Female LBM = 0.00108HTCM2-0.02090(R +0.23199WT0.06777AGE+14.59453 B) Male LBM = 0.00066360HTCM2-0.02117R+0.62854WT0.12380AGE+9.33285 Female LBM = 0.00064602HTCM2-0.01397R+0.42087WT+10.43485 C) Male LBM = 0.00088580HTCM2-0.02999R+0.42688WT0.07002AGE+14.52435 Female LBM = 0.00091186HTCM2-0.01466R+0.29990WT0.07012AGE+9.37938 FFM=LBM*0.97(male) FFM=LBM*0.92(female) UW Sun et al. [31] 2003 White and black adults 1829 Male FFM= -10.68+0.65ZI+0.26WT+0.02R Female FFM= -9.53+0.69ZI+0.17WT+0.02R Multi component model Suprasongsi n et al. [32] 1995 Young adults 56 FFM=0.524ZI+0.415WT-0.32 Isotope dilution (H2180) Wang et al. [33] 1995 808 FFM = 0.427ZI+0.132WT+0.206HTM-19.71 DXA Wattanapen paiboon et al. [34] 1998 Healthy adults black white and asian Adults 196 Male FFM= 0.4936ZI+0.332WT+6.493 Female FFM= 0.6483ZI+0.1699WT+5.091 DXA FFM = fat free mass; LBM= lean body mass; HTM= height in meters; HTCM= height in centimeters; WT= weight; AGE= age; SEX= gender; R= Resistance; 2 Xc= Reactance; ZI = HTCM /R; Page 12 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Table 3: Summary table of results Predictive equations N= BIA* BIS Boulier et al 1990 [19]* Deurenberg et al 1989 [20] Deurenberg et al 1990 [21]* Deurenberg et al 1991 [22]* Gray et al A 1989 [23] Gray et al B 1989 [24] Kushner et al 1992 [25] Kyle et al 2001 [26] Kyle et al 2003 [27] Lohman 1992 [28] Lukaski et al 1986 [29] Segal et al A 1985 [30] Segal et al B 1985 [31] Segal et al A 1988 [32] Segal et al B 1988 [30] Segal et al C 1988 [30] Sun et al 2003 [31] Suprasongsin et al 1995 [32] Wang 1995 [33] Wattanapenpaiboon 1998 [34] 266 252 263 248 263 263 248 173 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 Mean equations1 (kg) -2.28 -2.55 -4.77 -2.81 -1.59 -1.87 -2.24 -2.11 -2.64 -2.15 -2.51 -1.93 -2.57 -2.33 -2.19 -1.88 -1.34 -1.72 -2.23 -1.70 -0.18 -2.18 Mean Bodpod2 (kg) -2.55 -2.53 -2.56 -2.54 -2.56 -2.56 -2.54 -2.36 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 Bias±SD3 (kg) Pvalue4 Accurate predictions5 Under predictions6 Over Predictions7 RMSE8 (kg) CCC9 (p) 0.27±3.1 -0.02±5.1 -2.21±2.8 -0.27±3.7 0.97±2.0 0.78±2.3 0.30±2.8 0.25±2.5 -0.10±3.8 0.39±2.8 0.03±3.1 0.61±2.6 -0.03±3.6 0.21±2.8 0.35±2.8 0.66±2.7 1.20±1.9 0.82±2.2 0.31±2.9 0.84±2.5 2.36±1.8 0.36±3.0 0.137 0.860 <0.001 0.197 <0.001 <0.001 0.074 0.129 0.676 0.040 0.850 0.001 0.906 0.187 0.014 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.091 <0.001 <0.001 0.071 8.1% 11.8% 9.5% 15.7% 10.7% 14.9% 21.1% 20.4% 10.9% 16.1% 17.3% 12.9% 13.7% 21.0% 23.0% 16.2% 7.8% 13.3% 16.1% 10.9% 4.9% 12.9% 65.8% 57.7% 42.6% 47.6% 76.4% 68.6% 55.9% 54.1% 53.2% 59.3% 51.4% 62.5% 53.8% 53.6% 58.5% 64.4% 78.4% 70.6% 56.5% 66.4% 83.8% 58.9% 26.2% 30.5% 47.9% 36.7% 12.9% 16.5% 23.1% 25.6% 35.9% 24.6% 31.3% 24.6% 32.5% 25.4% 18.6% 19.4% 13.9% 16.1% 27.4% 22.7% 11.3% 28.2% 0.017 0.004 0.136 0.017 0.060 0.043 0.019 0.016 0.008 0.025 0.002 0.039 0.002 0.013 0.022 0.042 0.076 0.053 0,020 0.054 0.150 0.023 0.616 0.355 0.220 0.597 0.738 0.734 0.678 0.711 0.518 0.580 0.651 0.585 0.525 0.710 0.775 0.626 0.584 0.678 0.595 0.515 0.262 0.544 *Formulas using impedance measured by the Tantia BC-418 1 2 3 Mean predicted amount of lost FM. Mean amount of lost fat mass calculated using BodPod (in the same population used by the formula). The relative bias of the 4 5 equations. P-value showing significant difference at P=<0.05 Accurate predictions: The percentage of subjects predicted by this predictive equation within 20% of the 6 7 measured value. Under predictions: The percentage of subjects predicted by this predictive equation <20% of the measured value. Over predictions: The percentage of 8 9 subjects predicted by this predictive equation >20% of the measured value. Root Mean Squared Error. Concordance Correlation Coefficient. Page 13 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 DISCUSSION In total 20 formulas were found in literature and tested for validity. Also the measured FM according to the BIA and BIS were tested on validity. This study shows that the examined formulas were not valid. Almost all formulas predicted more than 50% of the change in FM lower than 20% within the measured value from the BodPod. Within the existing formulas the predictions of Kyle et al. 2003, Gray et al. A 1989 and Segal et al. A and B 1985 performed best in predicting changes in FM. Kyle et al. 2003, Gray et al. 1985 and Segal et al. A and B 1985 predicted, within 20% of the measured value, respectively 17.3%, 21.1%, 21.0% and 23.0% correct. The BodyScout was more accurate in predicting changing fat mass compared to the Tanita BC-418. Scoring higher in almost all categories: Accurate predictions, RMSE, Bias and Bland and Altman, compared to the Tanita BC-418. However the use of a separate formula might be most accurate. Measuring FFM, FM and TBW is heavily discussed in literature. Many ways of measuring the body composition have been developed over the years [35-38], BIA being one of them. Several articles show that absolute measurements on an individual level, predicting body composition using BIA, are not accurate. [9,23,38-43] BIA has been shown to give inaccurate predictions because, the weight changes that occur over longer time periods, such as during weight loss or weight change in pregnancy, affect the TBW. [39-43] Deurenberg et al. 1989 [40] suggested that because of changes in TBW as a result of depleted water bound glycogen stores after weight loss, the BIA measurements might be disrupted, causing an overestimation of FFM and therefore an underestimation of FM. To our knowledge, this is the first study which compared the changes in FM and not the absolute measurements. The validity and accuracy of the absolute measurements is not under discussion in this article but could provide insights on the reasons why the used equations did not provide accurate predictions on the change of FM. Fields et al. [44] published in a review an analysis of the validity of ADP relative to UW in male and female adults, aged between 20–56 years. In 5 of the studies used in the review no significant difference between the two compared methods was found. In the other studies that did show a significant mean difference, the direction of the differences were inconsistent. Fields et al. [44] also states that even though many studies consider ADP as a reliable and valid technique, it should also be noted that more validation studies are required using a four compartment model as a reference standard, rather than UW (two compartment model), when validating ADP (two compartment model). Fortunately there have been studies since, which validate ADP against 4 Compartment Models. [45] It could be recommended based on this information to conduct studies on the validity of ADP compared to a 4 Compartment Model during weight loss. When looking to BIA and BIS, the BIS predictions stand out. Scoring high in almost all categories (RMSE, BIAS, SD, Bland and Altman) the BIS might be a usable instrument to measure changes in FM without the use of a separate formula. BIS (Fresenuis- Kabi – Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscope) uses Resistance (Ω) and Reactance (Ω) in the formulas to predict body composition whereas BIA (Tanita - Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer) uses Impedance (Ω). The three formulas derived from Boulier et al. 1990, Deurenberg et al. 1990 en Deurenberg et al. 1991 used Impedance as variable whereas the other formulas used Resistance, Reactance or both. These different instruments measure at different frequencies: BIA at 50 kHz and BIS from 5 kHz to 1 MHz. To compare the outcomes all the equations used the measured values at 50 kHz. However, because of the different devices used to measure impedance, resistance and reactance, it might be possible that the measurements taken differ from each other. It could be recommended to not only validate the formulas, but also to validate the used devices. It should be noted that ethnicity can influence the validity of predictions [14]. However, in the used database, ethnicity was not recorded properly. Also obesity influences the validity of the predictions; a Page 14 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 high BMI (kg/m2) can adversely affect the accuracy. [16,23,36,41] For future research it is recommended to include ethnicity and create subgroups based on BMI(kg/m2). CONCLUSION The examined formulas are not valid when used to predict changes in fat mass when into weight loss. Within the examined formulas the predictions of Kyle et al. 2003, Gray et al. A 1989 and Segal et al. A and B 1985 performed best in predicting changes in FM. A new equation for subjects into weight loss, which compensates for the loss of water bound glycogen, should be developed to accurately predict changes in fat mass. 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Bland and Altman plots Figure 9: Bland and Altman plot BIA Figure 10: Bland and Altman plot BIS Page 19 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 11: Bland and Altman plot Boulier 1990 Figure 12: Bland and Altman plot Deurenberg 1989 Page 20 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 13: Bland and Altman plot Deurenberg 1990 Figure 14: Bland and Altman plot Deurenberg 1991 Page 21 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 15: Bland and Altman plot Gray A 1989 Figure 16: Bland and Altman plot Gray B 1989 Page 22 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 17: Bland and Altman plot Kushner 1992 Figure 18: Bland and Altman plot Kyle 2001 Page 23 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 19: Bland and Altman plot Kyle 2003 Figure 20: Bland and Altman plot Lohman 1992 Page 24 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 21: Bland and Altman plot Lukaski 1986 Figure 22: Bland and Altman plot Segal A 1985 Page 25 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 23: Bland and Altman plot Segal B 1985 Figure 24: Bland and Altman plot Segal A 1988 Page 26 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 25: Bland and Altman plot Segal B 1988 Figure 26: Bland and Altman plot Segal C 1988 Page 27 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 27: Bland and Altman plot Sun 2003 Figure 28: Bland and Altman plot Suprasongsin 1995 Page 28 of 31 Annemarie Nieberg 2010222 Figure 29: Bland and Altman plot Wang 1995 Figure 30: Bland and Altman plot Wattanapenpaiboon 1998 Page 29 of 31