Agricultural Science Research Journal Vol. 2(1), pp. 1 - 12, January 2012 Available online at ISSN-L: 2026-6073 ©2012 International Research Journals Full length Research paper Sweet Potato Growth Parameters as Affected by Farmyard Manure and Phosphorus Application at Adami Tulu, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia Teshome Abdissa1, Nigussie Dechassa2 and Yibekal Alemayehu2 1 Adami Tulu Agricultural research centre P.O. Box 35 Haramaya University College of Agriculture and Environmental Science 2 Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT Sweet potato is among the most important root crops produced in the central rift valley of Ethiopia. However, the yield obtained in the area is far below its genetic potential. The major cause of the low yield is the use of poor agronomic practices. Specifically, scarcity of information on the appropriate rates of fertilizers to be applied for growing the crop is one of the problems limiting yield. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of farmyard manure and phosphorus on the yield and yield components of the crop at Adami Tulu, central rift valley of Ethiopia during the 2010 -1 main cropping season. The treatments consisted of five levels of FYM (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 t ha ) and three -1 levels of P (0, 90,180 kg P2O5 ha ).The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design in a factorial arrangement, and replicated three times. A sweet potato cultivar known as Belela was used for the study Analysis of the results showed that the main effect of FYM significantly (P < 0.05) affected tuberous root length and shoot fresh weight, However, the main effect of P had no any significant influence on all parameters studied except days to budding and maturity. Moreover, the interaction effects of FYM and P significantly (P<0.05) affected tuberous root diameter, vine length and shoot dry weight. Among those growth parameters studied, branch number/plant and number of tuber/plant is not significantly affected by either of the fertilizer. Even though it was in statistically parity at the other levels of farmyard manure, average tuberous root length increased by 17.07% when -1 the rate of FYM increased from 5 to 20 t ha .In response to increased supply of the fertilizer towards 15t -1 -1 ha and 20t ha shoot fresh weight increased significantly (P<0.05) by 33.03% and 54.96%, respectively. The earliest maturity was attained by plants grown under the treatment of combined application of 20 t -1 -1 ha FYM and 180 kg ha P2O5 (95), which was in statistical parity with the maturity days of plants that -1 -1 received 15t ha FYM and 180 kg ha P2O5 (96 days).Therefore, it could be concluded the tuberous root yield components of sweet potato was significantly enhanced in response to the application of farmyard manure, indicating that enriching the soil of the area with organic matter through the use of organic fertilizers holds the key for maximizing the yield of the sweet potato crop in the study area. Key words: Sweet potato, Belela, Yield component, fertilization INTRODUCTIONS Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an herbaceous dicotyledonous plant with creeping, perennial vines and adventitious roots, and belongs to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory). Globally it is among the important food crops in the world, after wheat, rice, maize, Irish potato, and barley and it ranks second following Irish potato in the world’s root and tuber crops production and third after Irish potato and cassava in consumption in several parts of tropical Africa (Linne 1991) 1 2 Agric. Sci. Res. J. In Ethiopia, sweet potato has been cultivated for many years and is important in diet where population growth is highest, land holding is least and threat of large-scale starvation is ever present (Habtu 1995). Over 95 percent of the crop is produced in the South West, Eastern and Southern parts where it has remained for centuries as one of the major subsistence crops especially in the periods of drought [Adhanom et al.1985] Adhanom (1985) reported that sweet potato currently covers about 75,000 hectares of land in Ethiopia with an -1 average national yield of about 8 t ha which is low compared to the world’s average production of about -1 14.8 t ha . Production is mainly for food and it is also cultivated to feed animals as well (Tesfaye et al.2008) Tenaw et al (2001) Reported that the potential yield of -1 sweet potato reached up to 50 t ha on research station -1 and 17.5-30.50 t ha on farms with improved management practices. In addition, (Bwembya and Yerokun, 2001) reported that sweet potato yield under -1 research field ranged from 30-35 t ha with improved cultivars. According to (Teshome and Amenti2010), -1 average yield of 37.1 t ha was obtained for the Belela variety at Adami Tulu area without application of fertilizer. However, because of poor management practices, the actual yield obtained under farmers’ condition has been very low. A number of experiments were conducted in Ethiopia to determine the response of sweet potato to NP fertilizers. So far, the results of the experiments have showed that the plant does not respond to NP fertilizer application significantly as expected (Ambacha 2001) Farmers in the study area are aware of the response of sweet potato and other related crops to applied nutrients and raise the crop in homesteads using farmyard manure, household wastes etc. However, they do not know the rate of farmyard manure and its combined effect with inorganic fertilizers for high production of the crop In view of this fact, a systematic investigation into the effect of using commercial fertilizers like phosphorus and locally available, accessible and affordable farmyard manure is of paramount importance for increasing yield components of sweet potato that is a good estimator of yield. To address those problems, the study was initiated with the objective of investigating the effect of phosphorus and farmyard manure yield components of sweet potato. Material and Methods Description of the Study Area The experiment was conducted at the Research farm of Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre during the main cropping season of 2010. Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre (ATARC) is located in the central Rift Valley of Ethiopia at a distance of about 167 km South of Addis Ababa on the road to the town of Hawassa. It lies 0 0 at a latitude of 7 9’N and a longitude of 38 7’E. It has an altitude of 1650 meters above sea level with a bimodal and unevenly distributed average annual rainfall of 760 mm. Rainfall extends from February to September with a dry period from May to June, which separates the preceding ‘’short’’ rains from the following ``long’’ rains. The pH of the soil is 7.88. The soil is fine sandy loam in texture with sand, clay and silt in proportions of 34, 48 and 18%, respectively (ATARC 1998) Planting material A standard variety of sweet potato called Belela was used for the experiment by collecting vine cuttings from ATARC. The cultivar was selected because of its adaptability, high yield potential, diseases resistance and early maturity (90-120 days of planting the vine). Treatment and experimental design The treatments consisted of five levels of farmyard -1 manure (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 t ha ) and three levels of -1 phosphorus (0, 90, 180 kg P2O5 ha ). The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in a factorial arrangement with three replications per treatment. Thus, there were 5 x 3=15 treatment combinations, replicated three times numbering a total of 45 experimental units. Data Collection and analysis Data were collected on; days to bud sprouting, average length of tuberous roots shoot fresh weight, average number of branches per plant, average root number per plant, average tuberous root diameter, average vine length, and day to maturity. All data were subjected to analysis of variance using SAS statistical software (SAS, 2000) version 8.1. To evaluate the degree of association among dependent variables, correlation matrix was done using Gen-stat software whenever it was applicable. For dependent discrete variables whose data were heterogeneous, log transformation were done to ensure homogeneity. For treatments that were significant, mean separation was done using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at both 1% and 5% probability level. 2 Abdissa et al. 3 Table 1. General characteristics of the planting material 1 2 3 4 5 Characteristics Maturity Root colour Taste Market preference Root growth habit 6 Vine development 7 Preference of Farmers’ Variety (Belela) Early (90-120) days in the study area Light white while raw and yellow when boiled Milder Moderate to high Vertically downward(carrot type growth root system) - Easy for farmers while they harvest root for consumption and market display -Vertical up ward and free of soil born disease and insect pest that will be aggravated by rainfall splash. - Easy to conduct different cultural practice because of the manageable vine. Highly preferred because of easy to operate management practice, high yield and early maturity Source: - Abdissa et al, 2011 Table 2. Pre-planting soil test result of the study area Particle size (%) Sand silt Clay 44 34 22 Textural class OC (%) TN (%) AP ppm loam 2.38 0.389 37.41ppm Exchangeable Cation (cmol(+)/kg soil) Mg Ca K Na CEC(meq/100gsoil) 3.06 22.95 1.8 4.42 15.70 Key: - OC: organic carbon; TN: Total nitrogen; AP: Available Phosphorous; CEC: Cation Exchange Capacity RESULTS and DISCUSSION Days to bud sprouting Selected Physico-chemical Properties of the Soil of the Experimental Site The main effects of phosphorus and FYM significantly (P < 0.01) and (P < 0.05) influenced the days to bud sprouting of sweet potato, respectively (Table 10). Similarly, this trait was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by the interaction effect of FYM and phosphorus. -1 Combined application of 20 t FYM ha and 180 kg P2O5 -1 ha gave bud sprouting of 23.29% earlier than control treatment (Table 3). This result indicated that even though most of the yield and yield component parameters were not responsive to combined application of the two fertilizers, the crop benefited much from integrated application of P and FYM to produce buds at earlier time. As the combined application of the two levels increased, the crop required fewer weeks to sprout. The results of the soil analysis before planting showed that the soil was sandy in texture (44 % sand) but it falls under loam in soil textural classification (Table 2). Even though the current pH result seems to be neutral (pH 7.32), the previous land history and analysis indicated that the soil was strongly basic and calcareous (ATARC1998). The soil test results before planting showed that the Exchangeable Cation (Mg, Ca, K, and Na) was in the range of high availability to plants. The available phosphorus of the soil fell under the range of high availability (42.29 ppm) according to Landon (1991) (Table 2). However; the results showed that total nitrogen and organic carbon contents of the soil were low. This finding further signifies that the soil requires external application of nutrients for high growth and yield of the crop. Average length of tuberous roots The current finding revealed that farmyard manure did not interact with phosphorus to influence the length of sweet potato tuberous roots. However, the main effect of 3 4 Agric. Sci. Res. J. Table 3. Interaction effect of applied farmyard manure and phosphorus on days to bud sprouting of sweet potato at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Sweet potato days to bud sprouting -1 kg ha P2O5 90 19.3cde 19.33cde 19 00def 18.66efg 19 00ef Treatments -1 t ha FYM 0 5 10 15 20 F-test 0 21.33a 20.66ab 21.00ab 20.33abc 20.00bcd ** LSD (P*FYM) 3.6 CV (%) 180 19 00efg 18.30efgh 17.66gh 18.00gh 17.33h 1.165 Where **= Significant at P<0.01 probability level;.means within and between a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% level of significance Table 4. Main effect of phosphorus and farm yard manure on average tuberous root length and shoot fresh weight of sweet potato at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Treatment 0 5 10 15 20 F-test LSD (0.05) -1 Kg ha of P2O5 0 90 180 F-test LSD(0.05) CV (%) -1 Root length (cm) 12.88ab 11.42b 12.17ab 11.91ab 13.37a * 1.607 Shoot fresh weight (t ha ) 82.41b 87.60 b 92.08 b 109.63ab 127.70a * 35.10 12.33 12.22 12.48 Ns 1.245 1 3.6 87.65 99.44 112.55 Ns 27.19 18.59 Where *=significant at p<0.05 probability level; Ns= non-significant; CV = coefficient of variation; means within a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% level of significance farmyard manure significantly (P < 0.05) affected average length of tuberous roots whereas phosphorus did not have significant main effect on this parameter of the plant (Table 10). Even though it was in statistically parity at the other levels of farmyard manure, average tuberous root length increased by 17.07% when the rate of FYM increased -1 from 5 to 20 t ha (Table 4). This indicates that on top of providing a wide range of nutrients, farmyard manure enhances the bulking of tuberous roots through improving the bulk density of the soil. This result is corroborated by those of Abdissa et al.(2010), who reported that different media like farmyard manure, termite tomb, coarse sand and red ash were used to make ideal soil conditions, which best supported tomato seedlings and other crops like root and tubers by providing good aeration and better water holding capacity at Adami Tulu areas. These results are also in conformity with the findings of Ojeniyi et al., (2009) who reported increment in cassava root length in response to the increased application of -1 -1 organic manure of palm bush ash from 0 t ha to 5 t ha . This indicates that crops grown for their roots and tubers 4 Abdissa et al. 5 Table 5. Interaction effect of farmyard manure and phosphorus on shoot dry weight of sweet potato at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season -1 Shoot dry weight t ha -1 Treatments -1 FYM t ha P2O5 kg ha 0 90 180 0 13.38b 10.51b 25.58 a 5 10.60b 14.20b 11.10b 10 11.41b 12.51b 10.92b 15 9.61b 11.79b 9.83b 20 8.10b 12.92 b 8.47b F-test ** LSD (P*FYM) CV (%) 6.182 16.30 Where **=significant at p<0.01 probability level; CV = coefficient of variation ;means within and between a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 1% level of significance Table 6. Main effects of phosphorus and manure on the number of branch/plant and root number/plant of sweet potato at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Treatment 0 5 10 15 20 F-test LSD (0.05) -1 Kg of P2O5 ha 0 90 180 F-test LSD (0.05) CV (%) Number of branch per plant 8.04 (0.897) 7.44 (0.8472) 8.79 (0.9200) 8.47 (0.8894) 8.29 (0.9020) Ns 1.794 (0.953) Root number/plant 3.49 (0.2527) 5.74 (0.3721) 4.75 (0.2965) 5.65 (0.3367) 6.44 (0.3941) Ns 2.958 (0.100) 8.39 (0.913) 7.68 (0.855) 8.55 (0.9044) Ns 1.38 (0.0738) 22.87 (11.18) 5.98 (0.3227) 4.89 (0.3141) 4.77 (0.354) Ns 1.82 (0.0775) 47.30 (31.66) Where NS= non-significant; CV= Coefficient of variation; Means in parentheses represent log-transformed values. benefit from organic manures not only as a source of nutrients but also as a room for good root extension and tuber bulking. Worldwide, manure has been used as a source of organic matter to improve soil bulk density creating a conducive environment for crops like sweet potato (Arriaga and Lowery, 2003), water-stable soil aggregation (Estevez et al.,1996; Whalen et al., 2003), microbial biomass and activity (Gunapala and Scow, 1998), and crop yield (Arriaga and Lowery, 2003; Nyiraneza and Snapp, 2007). Manure can also increase soil C and N reserve by increasing protected SOM within aggregates (Aoyama et al., 1999). Even though it was not significant at alpha level of P < 0.05, average tuberous root length development was negatively correlated with shoot fresh weight (r = -0.198), Shoot dry weight (r = 0.210), vine length (r =-0.11) and average branch per plant (r = -0.10). This result indicated any treatments that favoured the aforementioned parameters negatively affected average tuberous root length that is a good yield estimator of sweet potato. 5 6 Agric. Sci. Res. J. Table 7. Interaction effect of applied farmyard manure and phosphorus on average sweet potato root diameter at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Average sweet potato tuberous root diameter (cm) -1 Treatments -1 FYM t ha 0 5 10 15 20 F-test 0 5.87bcd 5.13bcd 4.84d 5.59bcd 5.97bcd * LSD (P*FYM) 18.69 P2O5 kg ha 90 5.93bcd 8.52a 4.96cd 5.91bcd 6.79abc 180 4.71d 5.55bcd 6.22bcd 5.34bcd 6.96ab 1.84 CV (%) Where * = Significant at P<0.05 probability level; CV= Coefficient of variation; Means within and between a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% level of significance Table 8. Interaction effect of applied farmyard manure and phosphorus on average sweet potato vine length at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Treatments -1 FYM (t ha ) 0 5 10 15 20 F-test CV (%) Average sweet potato vine length (cm) -1 P2O5 kg ha 0 90 98.33e 136.33abcd 118.87cde 124.57bcd 137.00abc 136.00abcd 153.00ab 149.33abc 168.67a 137.87abcd * LSD (P*FYM) 33.76 15.08 180 110.33cd 133.77abcd 139.10abc 129.70abcd 134.67abcd Where * = significant at P < 0.05 probability level; CV: Coefficient of variations; means within and between a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% level of significance Shoot fresh weight Similar to the other most growth parameters of sweet potato, shoot fresh weight was not affected statistically by the combined application of farmyard and phosphorus (Table 10). However, the main effect of FYM was significant, while the main effect of P was not at P < 0.05. -1 Increasing the rate of P from 0 to 180 kg ha P2O5 did not affect shoot fresh weight significantly (Table 4). But, the result of the current finding indicated that sweet potato fresh weight is highly responsive to increased levels of farmyard manure. This is because, as -1 -1 the rate of FYM increased from 0 t ha to 20 t ha , the green top yield increased significantly and linearly. Even though it was statistically insignificant, as the rate -1 -1, of farmyard manure increased from 0 t ha to 10 t ha shoot fresh weight increased by 11.61%. But in response -1 to increased supply of the fertilizer towards 15t ha and -1 20t ha shoot fresh weight increased significantly (P < 0.05) by 33.03% and 54.96%, respectively. From this result, it can be deduced that, as the rate of farmyard manure increased, the development of green top at the expense of production of tuberous root yields was promoted. This might be attributed to the fact that farmyard manure constitutes important mineral nutrients such N, P, K, as well as micronutrients, and provides decomposable organic matter thereby increasing soil aggregations which in turn improves physico-chemical 6 Abdissa et al. 7 Table 9. Interaction effect of applied farmyard manure and phosphorus on days to maturity of sweet potato at Adami Tulu during the 2010 main cropping season Treatments -1 FYM t ha 0 5 10 15 20 F-test CV (%) Sweet potato total days to maturity -1 P2O5 kg ha 0 90 121.6ab 123.6a 120b 123.3a 124.3a 116c 115c 115c 122.3ab 121.6ab ** LSD (P*FYM) 2.682 1.39 180 115c 115c 100d 96e 95e ** = significant at P<0.01 probability level; CV= Coefficient of variation; means within and between a column for a factor sharing common letter(s) are not significantly different at 1% level of significance conditions of the soil such as water holding capacity. In addition, the carbon content in the manure is utilized as food by soil micro-organism, which increases microbial activity to convert unavailable plant nutrients to available forms through biological transformation (mineralization) (Gupta, 2000 and Balesh, 2005). This property of manure may have promoted sweet potato leaf and vine growth and expansion in this experiment. It is evident that, although the green top and tuberous root fresh weights correlated positively, the correlation coefficient was low (r = 0.057) indicating minimum linear relationship. This result also indicates that applying farmyard manure beyond the optimum need of the crop becomes uneconomical when the crop is grown for its tuberous roots, which holds true for sweet potato. But, if the crop is produced for livestock feed (Tesfaye et al.,2008), application of the maximum farmyard manure helps for better fresh foliage production since increasing farmyard manure application and foliage development are positively correlated (Table 3). Shoot dry weight The analysis of variance indicated the main effect of farmyard manure resulted in significant (P < 0.05) variation in shoot dry weight while P did not. Shoot dry weight of sweet potato was also highly responsive and was significantly (P < 0.01) affected by the combined application of farmyard manure and phosphorus (Table10). -1 -1 As the rate of FYM decreased from 20 t ha to 0 t ha and concurrently as the rate of P increased from 0 kg -1 -1 P2O5 ha to 180 kg P2O5 ha , shoot dry weight increased by 215.8% and was statistically significant at P < 0.01, but it was in statistically parity with the shoot dry weight obtained at the other treatment combinations. This indicates that even though shoot fresh weight is benefited at the highest level of farmyard manure, shoot dry weight was increased as the proportion of farmyard manure to phosphorus decreased. (Table 5) This result is consistent with that of Naidu et al (2000) and Singh and Singh (2000) who disclosed that increased supply of phosphorus increased shoot dry weight. The correlation values showed there were negative and significant (P < 0.05) association of this parameters with root dry weight (r =-0.32*), root fresh weight(r =-0.241) and marketable root weight (r = 0.326*) indicating any fertilizer inputs that favoured shoot dry weight was negatively affecting the economically important part of this crop and vice- versa. Average number of branches per plant The analysis of variance for average number of branch per pant showed that this trait was not influenced statistically by the interaction effect of FYM and P. Similarly, the main effects due to farmyard manure and phosphorus were not significant (Table 10). Although average number of branch per plant is one of the most important yield components of root and tuber in general and sweet potato in particular, the result of the current study showed that the main effect of both fertilizers did not result in statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences for this parameter (Table 6). Consistent with the current findings, Zelalem et al. (2009) and Mukhtar et al. (2010) found non-significant increase in 7 8 Agric. Sci. Res. J. Table 10. Means square for yield component of sweet potato Source of variation DF Block Farmyard manure Phosphorus Farmyard manure X Phosphorus Error CV (%) 2 4 2 8 28 Days to budding 0.2Ns 1.64* 25.8** 4.34** 0.485 3.6 Means squares Days to maturity Vine length Shoot fresh weight 4.3Ns 201.6** 1276.6** 291.7** 1932.8* 1600.8* 220.3Ns 862.7* 10252.7** 3118.8 * 2326.9Ns 1886.7Ns 2.56 1.39 407.49 15.08 Shoot dry weight 45.41Ns 61.95* 25.7Ns 50.81** Branch number 13.6 16.3 1401.9 18.59 91.7** 2.2Ns 3.2Ns 4.52Ns Root number 13.2Ns 11.6Ns 6.5Ns 8.53 Ns Root diameter 0.66Ns 2.83Ns 3.50Ns 2.87* 2.82 11.18 5.69 31.66 1.21 Root length 2.6Ns 5.4* 0.25Ns 3.9Ns 2.47 13.6 Where Ns = non-significant (P < 0.05); * and ** =Significant at P < 0.05and P < 0.01 probability levels, respectively stem number per plant of potato in response to fertilization. This could be because this trait is much more influenced by the inherent characteristics of the crop than application of fertilizers. In agreement with the result of the current study, different scholars reported that stem number is determined very early in the ontogeny of plant (De la Morena et al., 1994; Lynch and Rowberry, 1997). According to Susnoschi (1982) and Peter et al. (1988), among the three major yield determining factor of potato (number of stem per plant, number of tuber per stem and average tuber weight), average number of stem per plant depends more on the intrinsic potential of the cultivar than on addition of inputs such as fertilizers. Thus, stem number may be influenced by other factors such as storage condition of tubers, genetic potential of the cultivar, number of viable sprouts at planting, sprout damage at the time of planting and growing conditions (Zelalem et al., 2009). Average root number per plant The interaction effect of P and FYM was statistically non-significant (P < 0.05) on average tuberous root number of sweet potato per plant. Similarly, the main effect of FYM and P resulted in statistically non-significant effect on this parameter (Table10). Even though there were non-consistent and statistically non-significant differences in the values obtained at the other levels, increasing -1 FYM from 0 to 20 t ha tended to increase average tuberous root number per plant by 84.5 % (Table 6). Among all levels of FYM, treatments that received zero FYM resulted in the lowest root number per plant. Similar to average number of vine per plant, tuberous root number developed from a plant is highly dependent to the genetic makeup of a given plant than fertilization. The result is in conformity with the finding of Parwada et al. (2011) who found insignificant root counts per plant of sweet potato in response to chicken manure applied at planting. But similar to the current farmyard manure, according to this authors’ non-significant and slight yield variation observed was chicken manuring supplemented with ridging helped as a room having ample space for free root proliferation compared to planting without ridging. The beneficial effect of organic manure on yield may be due to an increase in organic matter rate caused by the generation of carbon dioxide during compost decomposition and improvement of the soil structure conditions, which encouraged the plant to have a good root development by improving the aeration of the soil (Arisha et al., 2003). 8 Abdissa et al. 9 In contrast to the application of FYM, as the level of P -1 increased from 0 to 180 kg P2O5 ha average root number per plant decreased by 20.3%, indicating the contribution of FYM to creating conducive environment by reducing soil bulk density for the emerging root till the final harvesting than that of the application of inorganic fertilizer. beds, mounds (where bulk density is low) than on the flat. This was attributed to chicken manuring which may have enhanced soil aeration, resulting from both a greater soil surface to soil volume ratio and a lower bulk density. These attributes would have enhanced root growth and nutrient uptake, hence better root growth and tuber yield like that of the current farmyard manure. Average tuberous root diameter Average vine length The analysis of variance for tuberous root diameter showed that the main effects due to farmyard manure and phosphorus were non-significant (P < 0.05) on tuberous root diameter. However, this parameter was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the interaction effects of FYM and P (Table 10). The highest tuberous root diameter was obtained when -1 -1 5 t ha FYM and 90 kg P2O5 ha were applied in combination. Even though this value is in statistically -1 parity with the combined applications of 5t FYM ha and -1 180kg P2O5 ha it resulted in 18.31% root diameter advantage (Table 7).This indicates that minerals supplied from both P and FYM had the most profound effect on increasing this parameter of the plant. Evidently, the lowest tuberous root diameter was recorded from the treatment that received no farmyard manure at all. Generally, good tuberous root diameter was obtained in treatments that received more FYM than the rest even though the values were not consistent across the all -1 rates. Thus, the tuberous root diameter attained at 5t ha -1 FYM integrated with 90 kg P2O5 ha was superior to the -1 one recorded at 0t ha FYM integrated with 180 kg P2O5 -1 ha by 80.8%. In general, a close look at Table 7 indicates that as the proportion of FYM to P increased, root diameter also increased progressively. This may be attributed to enhanced availability of micronutrients as well as organic carbon as food for soil biota. This may have enhanced release of nutrients from the soil thereby promoting root growth and nutrient uptake, hence better root growth and tuber yield. This result is also in agreement with the suggestion of Palm et al. (1997) that one of the beneficial effects of combined organic and mineral fertilizer application is that organic materials influence nutrient availability through addition of nutrients, mineral immobilization patterns, as an energy source for microbial activities, as well as precursors to soil organic matter (SOM), and by reducing P absorption of the soil. In addition, manure may also improve the synchrony of release of nutrients with the time that the plant needs the nutrients for uptake since the release of nutrients is slow (Kramer et al., 2002). Howeler et al., (1993) also reported the superiority of planting sweet potato on chicken manure, ridges, raised The analysis of variance for average vine length showed that the main effect due to farmyard manure was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The main effect of phosphorus was not significant on this parameter. However, vine length was highly influenced by the interaction effect of FYM with P (Table 10). -1 -1 As application of 0t FYM ha +0 P2O5 ha increased to -1 15t FYM+90kg P2O5 ha , average vine length increased by about 51.86% and it was statistically significant at P < 0.05. In response to keeping the level of P constant (90 -1 kg P2O5 ha ) and continuously increasing the supply of -1 FYM to 20t ha , average vine length increased by 71.53% even though it was statistically insignificant -1 compared to the vine length obtained at 15t FYM ha + -1 90 kg P2O5 ha (Table 8).The current finding is consistent with that of Najm et al. (2010) who found a highly significant vine development of potato in response to application of cattle manure. The increase in vine length in response to increased rate of FYM may be ascribed to increased availability of nutrients in the soil for uptake by plant roots that may have enhanced vegetative growth through increasing cell division and elongation (Halvin et al., 2003). For this particular result, better vine development was obtained where the proportion of farmyard manure to that of P was high indicating that sweet potato benefited little from P to increase its canopy compared to the benefit that it derived from farmyard. Similar to the current finding, Gonzalez et al. (2001) reported that organic manure and inorganic fertilizer supplied all the essential nutrients at seedling stage resulting in increased measured variables like plant height. Corroborating this result, Bwembya and Yerokun (2001) also reported that plants treated with both inorganic fertilizer and manure were significantly taller than those that received either of the treatments indicating positive interaction effect of the two fertilizers on this trait. Similarly an experiment conducted on potato in Kenya, Powon et al (2005) reported that combined application of -1 -1 100 kg P ha and 20 t FYM ha gave the highest plant height compared to control treatment which resulted in the lowest height. But for vegetable crops like onion, 9 10 Agric. Sci. Res. J. Islam et al. (2007) found the highest plant height for plants treated with phosphorus at the rates ranging -1 from130 to 260 kg P2O5 ha . Days to maturity The main effect of FYM and P were statistically (P < 0.01) significant on days to maturity of sweet potato as well it was affected by the interaction effect of the two fertilizers (Table 10). Days to maturity decreased by 23.57% and were statistically significant (P < 0.01) at the combined -1 -1 application of 10t FYM ha + 0kg P2O5 ha . The result on days to maturity obtained at this combined level of phosphorus and farmyard manure is in statistically parity -1 with the result obtained at 15t FYM ha +180 kg P2O5 ha 1 , at which the crop mature 22.76 % earlier than the one -1 obtained at combined application of 10t FYM ha + kg -1 FYM ha (Table 9) The results clearly indicated that days to maturity were prolonged in response to increased levels of farmyard manure with respect to reduced rate of phosphorus. This may be attributed to the role that manure (which contains high amount of nitrogen) plays in promoting vegetative growth before the start of tuberous root development. This is in line with the suggestion of Marschner (1995); Gupta and Sharma (2000) that nitrogen promotes vegetative and lush growth thereby delaying plant maturity. This indicates the nutrients taken up by plant roots from the soil will be used for increased cell division and synthesis of carbohydrate, which will predominantly be partitioned to the vegetative sink of the plants, resulting in plants with luxurious foliage growth (Marschner, 1995). Significantly delayed time of maturity of tuberous roots was observed at the peak application of phosphorus combined at any level of FYM. The result on days to maturity obtained in this experiment is in line with that of Ajay et al., (2000) who reported that medium levels of phosphorus reduced the days required to mature by crops, compared to small doses. Similarly, Gustafson (2010) also reported that increased application of phosphorus fertilizer facilitated early maturity. Consistent with this result, Halvin et al., (2003) also stated that if nitrogen is used properly in conjunction with other nutrient sources, it can speed up maturity of the crop nutrient management. Thus, information on soil fertility status and crop response to different soil fertility management practices is very important to come up with profitable and sustainable crop production. In line with this, research was undertaken to investigate the response of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) to the application of farmyard manure and phosphorus at Adami Tulu, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia that has average rainfall of 750 mm per annum and characterized by sandy loam soil with slightly alkaline and basic pH. High yielding, adaptable, disease resistant/ tolerant variety of sweet potato called Belela was used to evaluate its yield and yield components by using five levels of FYM -1 (0,5,10,15,20 t ha ) and three levels of P (0,90,180 kg -1 P2O5 ha ) combined in factorial arrangement with three replications. Significantly highest mean value of average tuberous -1 root length (13.37 cm) was recorded at 20 t FYM ha and the smallest tuberous root length (11.42 cm) was -1 obtained at 5 t ha FYM. Similarly the highest green top -1 -1 (127.70 t ha ) was harvested from 20 t ha FYM followed -1 by 15 t ha FYM that gave a green top yield of 109.63 t -1 ha . Among all levels, the control treatment gave the lowest (82.41 t) even thought it is in statistically parity with above ground growth obtained at the remaining treatments This indicated that in arid and semi arid areas like Adami Tulu and similar agro-ecologies where, rainfall is marginal, unevenly distributed and where crop residues are removed for fire wood and supplemental feedings, application of farmyard manure not only supplies nutrients but also improves physicochemical properties of the soil thereby significantly enhancing the yield of the crop. 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