MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Code: 12283 WINTER– 14 EXAMINATION Model Answer Page No: ____/ N Important Instructions to examiners: 1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme. 2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the understanding level of the candidate. 3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills. 4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn. 5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer. 6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on candidate’s understanding. 7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept. MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q Answer Remark No: Total marks 1.(A) Atte mpt any Three of the following: (a) State classification of drives giving example of each category. 4 marks 4 Ans : Drives are classified into five categories and with their example are as given below. for 1) According to mode of operation Continuous duty drives Short time duty drives Intermittent duty drives 2) According to Means of Control Manual Semi-automatic Automatic 3) According to Number of machines Individual drive Group drive Multi- motor drive 4) According Dynamics and Transients Uncontrolled transient period Controlled transient period 5) According to Methods of Speed of Control Reversible and non-reversible uncontrolled constant speed Reversible and non-reversible step speed control Variable position control Reversible and non-reversible smooth speed control classifi cation MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.(A) Explain with diagram four quadrant operation of hoist. (b) Diagram: Ope ration: * A hoist consists of a rope wound on a drum coupled to a motor shaft. One end of a rope is tied to a cage which is used for transporting material. Other end of the rope has a counter weight. * Weight of the counter weight chosen higher than the weight of an empty case but lower than a fully loaded cage. 2 mark for diag. & 2 marks for operati on * Load torque TL2 in quadrants I & IV represent speed torque characteristics of the loaded hoist. This torque is the diff. of torques due to loaded hoist & counter weight. 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Load torque TL2 in quadrants II & III is the speed-torque characteristics of an empty hoist. This torque is due to the diff in torque of counter weight & empty hoist. This is –ve because the counter weight is always higher than the empty cage. * Quadrant I operation – hoist requires the movement of the cage upward, which corresponds to the +ve motor speed which is in CCW (counter clockwise) direction. It will be obtained if motor produce +ve torque in CCW direction equal to TL. Since developed power is +ve, this is forward motoring operation. * Quadrant IV ope ration is obtained when a loaded cage is lowered. Since the weight of the loaded cage is > the counter weight. In order to limit the speed of the cage within a safe value, motor must produce a +ve torque T = TL2 in anti clockwise direction. Both power & speed are –ve, drive is in reverse braking. * Quadrant II is obtained when an empty cage is moved up since a counter weight is heavier than a empty cage, it is able to pull it up. In order to limit the speed to safety value, motor must produce braking torque = TL2 in clockwise direction. Since speed is +ve, developed power is, - ve. It is forward breaking operation. * Quadrant III – empty cage is lowered since empty cage weight is < counter weight motor produce a torque in clockwise direction. Since speed is –ve & developed power is +ve, this is reverse motoring operation. 1.(A) Draw circuit diagram of three – phase semi- converter drive. 4 marks 4 for (c) diagra m Equivalent circuit of motor are La, Ra and E (back emf). MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.(A) With neat circuit diagram explain operation of DC chopper using powe r MOSFET. (d) Ope ration : The chopper controlled circuit produces a rectangular voltage wave form that drives the power MOSFET. The duty cycle is controlled by the time period of the control circuit. When the gate voltage is high the power MOSFET is driven into ohmic range. Therefore the power MOSFET will function as a closed switch and the load is 2 mark 4 for diag. & 2 marks for operati on driven. When the gate voltage is reduced to zero, MOSFET turns off and the switch is open due to which the load is disconnected. 1.(B) Atte mpt any ONE of the following: (a) Explain how chopper can be used for regenerative braking of the separately excited d.c. motor. 1. The regenerative braking of DC motor is very useful for saving energy. 2. This method is used when the load on the motor overhauling characteristics as in the lowering of the cage of a hoist or the downgrade motion of an electric train. 3. Regeneration takes place when back emf Eb becomes greater then the chopper supply voltage. 4. This happens when the overhauling load acts as a prime mover and so drives the machine as a generator. 5. Consequently direction of armature current and hence armature torque is reversed and speed falls until Eb becomes lesser than V. 6. During the slowing down of the motor power is return to the line. 7. This may be used to upgrade and their by relieving the power house. 1 mark each for any of the 6 points 6 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ α Controlled circuit CHOPPER M 1.(B) (b) Classify the choppe rs conside ring their quadrant operation, giving example of each category. 2 marks 6 for classifi CLASSIFICATION OF CHOPPERS cation,2 Choppers are classified as follows marks for Class A Chopper (Motoring operation of d.c. motor) Class B Chopper (Chopper drive of subway train) Class C Chopper (Machine tools drive) Class D Chopper (Reversible regenerative dc drive) Class E Chopper (Washing machine) diag.,2 marks for applicat ion Class A Class B MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class C Class E Class D MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Atte mpt any FOUR of the following: (a) With neat diagram explain speed control of induction motor using stator voltage 2 mark control method. for Circuit Diagram diag. & 2 marks for operati on Explanation : Two SCRs are connected anti parallel. During the positive half cycle SCR1 is triggered. The direction of the current in the stator winding is from the top to bottom. In the negative half cycle SCR1 is turned off and SCR2 is triggered. The direction of the flow of current in the stator winding is reversed biased. By varying the firing angles of SCR1 and 2, the magnitude of a.c. voltage across the stator winding of the motor can be controlled. This in turn will vary the motor speed. 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.(b) With neat diagram, explain the operation of slip energy recovery system method of 2 mark speed control of induction motor. for diag. & 2 marks for operati on 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.(c) Diode D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 acts as a rectifier. L, C1 and C2 form a pie network filter. SCRs 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 act as an inverter. The firing angle of the inverter can vary the amount of power extracted from rotor circuit and thus the rotor speed is varied. The power output of inverter circuit is fed back to the a.c. supply mains and t his forms a regenerative control. The system is made closed loop by comparing actual speed and torque and the desired speed and torque of motor with the help of tachogenerator. Draw the circuit diagram of chopper control of induction motor drive employing motor resistance control technique. Explain how the speed is controlled. MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks 4 for diag. & 2 marks for operati on Diode D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 and D6 acts as a rectifier. L,C1 and C2 form a pie network filter. The chopper is controlled at high frequency and thus connecting and disconnecting the external Resistance are in the rotor circuit at regular intervals. Hence the Motor speed can be controlled. The system is made closed loop by comparing actual speed and torque and the desired speed and torque of motor with the help of tachogenerator. 2 mark 2.(d) Explain closed loop ope ration of a drive. State why it is preferred over open loop. for diag. & Block diagram shows the closed loop control operation of an electric drive. 1 marks PWM circuit controls the speed of the motor. for The speed is sensed and a control signal is fed back to control unit. operati 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The signals are compared at the power modulator and hence the speed of the motor on & 1 is stabilized irrespective of the load. marks for differen ce Block Diagram of a simple electric drive: Open-loop control that simply changes the speed and closed- loop control that reduces the speed variation with load changes of the motor. Constant speed can be achieved and hence the stability of the drive can be obtained. MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.(e) Write basic equation and speed torque characteristics of separately excited motor. Basic Equation: VT = Eb + IaRa Where VT = total voltage applied. 2 marks 4 for equatio n&2 marks charact Eb = Back emf. Ia = armature current. Ra = armature resistance. Speed torque characteristics of separately excited motor: eristics MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2(f) State the transfer function of armature controlled dc motor and explain its stability 2 marks 4 with respect to characteristic equation. for transfer The transfer function from the input armature current to the resulting motor torque is functio n&2 marks charact = eristics equatio n Where, Tm = Motor torque Ea = armature input voltage θ = Output voltage The characteristic equation : ) =0 S = 0 or =0 S=0 & s= 3. As the poles are on the left hand side of the axis, hence the system is stable. Attempt any FOUR of the following: (a) Draw the circuit diagram of three phase dual converter drive and explain its operation with the help of waveforms Ans: Circuit diagram 2 marks, waveform 1 mark and explantion 1 mark 2 marks Circuit diagram , 1 mark wavefor m and 1 mark explanat 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ion Waveform: Explanation: It consists of two 3 phase full converters connected back to back converter1 and converter2 are operated in such a way that the sum of the firing angles is 180 degree. It has two modes of operation: circulating current mode & non circulating current mode 3. (b) Draw circuit diagram of single phase full converter drive and state the equation for its O/P voltage. Ans: circuit diagram 3 marks and o/p voltage 1 mark MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks 4 Circuit marks diagram , 2 mark wavefor m Output voltage , Vdc = Vm {1+ cosα }/π 3. (c) Explain the equation concept of stability w.r.t characteristic of motor. Ans: concept of stability 2 marks, characteristic equation 2 marks 2 marks 4 Circuit marks diagram , 2 mark equatio n Concept of stability: The steady state operation takes place when the motor torque equals the load torque. The steady state operation for a given speed is realised by the adjustment of steady state motor speed –torque characteristics such that motor and load MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ torque are equal. In the figure when the motor parameters are adjusted to provide torque speed curve 1, the drive runs at speed Wm1. Speed is changed to Wm2 when the motor parameters are adjusted to provide speed torque curve 2. 3. (d) Explain how phase locked loop can be used controlling speed control of DC motor. Ans: diagram 2 marks 2 marks 4 Circuit marks diagram , 2 mark explanat ion Explanation 2 marks: Two pulse trains i.e reference frequency f i and feedback frequency f o are compared in the phase detector which produces pulse width modulated output. The pulse width depends on the difference between the two frequencies. This output is filtered by a low pass filter to obtain a dc signal and applied as a control voltage to a voltage controlled oscillator. At steady state both the frequencies become equal and the loop is set to have locked 3. (e) State drive requirements for textile mills. Ans: Drive requirements for textile mills: 1. Ginning motors: The speed range should be of 250 to 1450 rpm. 2. Blowers: Three phase induction motors are used. The speed range should be of 1000 to 1500rpm. 3. Cording: For this, three phase induction motor with high starting torque is used. 4. Spinning: It should have smooth acceleration. It should be able to work at high ambient temperature. It should be able to totally enclosed 4 marks 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.(A) Attempt any THREE of the following: diagram 4 4 marks (a) Draw the block diagram of microcontroller based stepper motor control. Ans: 4.(A) Draw block diagram of microprocessor based DC motor speed control method. diagram 4 marks (b) Ans: 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ any 4 4.(A) State advantages of microprocessor and microcontroller for dc drive applications. points (c) 4 marks Ans: Advantages : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. These are very compact control systems The processing of speed and angular position is digital, hence it is more accurate. Less expensive than analog discrete drives Very high quality of performance Very high reliability High precision These drives are very flexible and adaptable for applications of all types. High level of sophistication. Four quadrant operation of drive is easily possible. This type of control is free from the drifts and parameter variations taking place due to temperature changes 4 MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.(A) State the advantages of phase locked loop controlled DC motor drive. (d) ( B) Ans: Advantages 4 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 marks Better speed regulation (0.002) Inexpensive control economical and simple PLL control improves the speed of response of drive. 4 Attempt any ONE of the following: 6 (a) Compare DC drives & AC drives with at least 6 points 6 6 points Ans: 6 marks Sr No DC drives AC drives 1 Used to control speed of DC motors Used to control speed of AC motors 2 Speed is controlled by change in armature voltage or field current Speed is controlled by changing the voltage and frequency 3 Speed of DC series or separately excited motors can be controlled Speed of induction or synchronous motors can be controlled 4 The maximum speed of operation is limited due to the presence of brushes in dc motors. The maximum speed is much higher that that of dc motors due to absence of brushes in ac motors 5 The power circuit used to control the speed is an AC-DC converter using SCR Power circuit used for speed control is an inverter. 6 Used in machine tool industry, traction applications etc Used in machine tool industry, textile, traction applications, etc 7 Frequent maintenance needed due to presence of brushes Less maintenance needed as the brushes are absent. 8 Cannot be used for applications in petroleum or chemical industries as sparking takes place at the brushes. Can be used in these industries as the brushes are absent. 3 (b) MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suggest suitable drives used for the following applications and justify your answer. i) cement mills ii) sugar mills Ans: Cement mills 3 marks Drives used for cement mills are: 6 marks 1. Raw mill drives and Cement mill drives: slip ring induction motors are used because they have high starting torque and good overload capacity. 2. Kiln drives: DC motors controlled by Ward Leonard method Synchronous motors are used 3. Crusher drives: slip ring induction motors are used because they have high starting torque and good overload capacity. 4. Blower drives: slip ring induction motors are used with rotor resistance starter because they have high breakdown torque. 5. Compressor drives: Squirrel cage induction motor is used because they have constant speed. Drives used for sugar mills are: 3 marks 1. Centrifuge: The motor used to drive the centrifuge is a variable speed motor like slip ring induction motor. Regenerative braking is employed. Stator voltage control can be used. 2. A synchronous motor or converter fed induction motor can also be used for speed control purposes 5. Attempt any TWO of the following: (a) Explain the equation concept of stability w.r.t characteristic of motor. Ans: Concept of stability: 4 marks , characteristic equation: 2 marks ,equivalent ckt 2 marks Concept of stability: The steady state operation takes place when the motor torque 4 marks 8 for dia &4 marks for explanat ion MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ equals the load torque. The steady state operation for a given speed is realised by the adjustment of steady state motor speed –torque characteristics such that motor and load torque are equal. In the figure when the motor parameters are adjusted to provide torque speed curve 1, the drive runs at speed Wm1. Speed is changed to Wm2 when the motor parameters are adjusted to provide speed torque curve 2. separately excited armature controlled DC motor : In a armature-current controlled motor, the field current f i is held constant, and the armature current is controlled through the armature voltage a V . In this case, the motor torque increases linearly with the armature current. The characteristic equation of separately excited armature controlled DC motor is: ( b) With neat equivalent circuit, explain the load torque characteristics of separately excited dc motor. Ans: Equivalent circuit: 2 marks, characteristics : 2 marks, working: 4 marks Equivalent circuit: 2 8 marks, charact eristics : 2 marks, MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ working :4 marks, diag Separately excited dc motor Working: When a separately excited motor is excited by a field current of i f and an armature current of i a flows in the circuit, the motor develops a back emf and a torque to balance the load torque at a particular speed. The i f is independent of the i a .Each windings are supplied separately. Any change in the armature current has no effect on the field current. Characterisitics: Equation or MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) What are the advantages of converter fed Induction motor? 8 points Ans: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6. 8 marks 8 marks Smooth speed control is possible Soft start and acceleration at constant current torque are possible. Less noise than motors operated from direct supply No switching surges and special starting equipment not required even at higher ratings. Fewer losses by using PWM inverter, harmonic content can be decreased and torque pulsations can be avoided. Single and multi-motor operation is possible using VSI Regenerative breaking is simple. Quadrant operation is possible. Attempt any FOUR of the following: (a) State limitations of induction motor. 4 points 4 4 marks marks Ans: 4 points 4 marks 1. The efficiency of induction motor varies with speed. 2. In induction motors, the flux and armature (stator) current cannot be controlled separately, as there is only stator winding and rotor is not accessible for the user. 3. The harmonics of the converter causes heating of the induction motor. 4. Torque pulsations will be observed (b) Explain voltage, current and frequency control method for speed control and induction motor. Ans: circuit diagram/ block diagram is optional 2 marks and explanation 2 marks Diagram for voltage,current and frequency control method 4 circuit diagram/ marks block diagram is optional 2 marks and explanation 2 marks MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explanation: (c) 3 phase a PWM bridge inverter may be used. The circuit uses a transistorized inverter. They can be replaced by MOSFET’s or IGBT’s. The signals are shifted by 120 degrees which drive the base of the transistors Q1, Q3 & Q5 and the signals are shifted by 180 degrees which drive the base of the transistors Q4, Q6 & Q2. The output voltage of the PWM inverter is varied by varying the modulation index. The output frequency of the PWM inverter is varied by varying the frequency of modulating signal. Describe the role of drives in paper mill Ans: Drives used in paper mills: any 4 points 4 marks (d) 4 mark s Grinding Wire couch section Pressing Dryer Calendar Reel section For these sections, DC motor or AC motor is used. DC motors having Ward Leonard speed control provide smooth variable speed. These motors are capable of inching so that it is possible to clean the web. The starting and acceleration of the sections must be smooth as well as quick State the requirements of motors used for cranes & hoists. Ans: any 4 points 4 marks Requirements of drives used in cranes and hoists: any 4 points 4 marks The motion of the crane hook is in all directions. any 4 points 4 marks 4 mark s MAHARAS HTRA S TATE BOARD OF TECHN ICAL EDUC ATION (Autonomous) (IS O/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e ) The acceleration and retardation must be uniform. Very low speed is required for accurate positioning Mechanical braking must be available. The drive must have high speeds in directions. Braking of the motor during overhauling must be possible. Able to work in dusty environment and should handle high ambient temperature. State advantages of microprocessor and microcontroller for dc drive applications any 4 points 4 marks Ans: Advantages : any 4 points 4 marks These are very compact control systems The processing of speed and angular position is digital, hence it is more accurate. Less expensive than analog discrete drives Very high quality of performance Very high reliability High precision These drives are very flexible and adaptable for applications of all types. High level of sophistication. Four quadrant operation of drive is easily possible. This type of control is free from the drifts and parameter variations taking place due to temperature changes. A. Jayalakshmi (Moderator) 4 mark s