ANALOG ELECTRONICS ASSIGNMENT-1 1. E xplain and analyse with the help of circuit diagram, a current-shunt feedback amplifier. 2. A negative feedback of β=0.002 is applied to our amplifier of gain 1000. Calculate the change in overall gain of the feedback amplifier if the internal amplifier is subjected to a gain reduction of 15%. 3. D raw the block diagram of a negative feedback amplifier. Derive an expression for the voltage gain of an amplifier of gain A when subjected to negative feedback with a feedback fraction B. 4. S how that the negative feedback in amplifiers increases the bandwidth and improves signal to noise ratio. 5. D raw and explain the current shunt feedback. 6. W hat are the four possible topologies of a feedback amplifier? Identify the output signal X o and feedback signal Xf for each topologies (either as current or voltage). 7. E xplain and analyse with the help of circuit diagram, a current-series feedback amplifier. 8. I f the open loop gain Av =10,000 and feedback factor β=1/10 then for a negative feedback, find the percentage change in closed loop gain varies 50% with temperature. With the help of this example show that the stability increased with negative feedback. 9. G ive complete classification of feedback amplifiers with the help of neat diagram. 10. D raw the block diagram of a negative feedback amplifier. Derive an expression for the voltage gain of an amplifier of gain A when subjected to negative feedback with a feedback fraction B. 11. D iscuss with the help of a circuit example, the purpose of providing (i) negative feedback (ii) positive feedback in amplifier 12. W hat are the four possible topologies of a feedback amplifier? Identify the output signal X o and feedback signal Xf for each topologies (either as current or voltage). 13. L ist the steps required to carry out the analysis of a feedback amplifier. Explain in brief. ASSIGNMENT-2 1. E xplain in brief with help of circuit diagram, with bridge oscillator. Also determine the equation for oscillating frequency? 2. F ind the C & hfe of a transistor to provide resonating frequency to of 10 KΩ of a RC phase shift oscillator. Given R1 = 22 KΩ, R2 = 68 kΩ, Rc = 20 kΩ, R = 6.8KΩ. 3. S tate the barkhausen conditions for an electronic system to oscillate with feedback. 4. D raw the circuit diagram of a colpitts oscillator and explain its working. 5. D raw the circuit diagram of an RC phase shift oscillator and obtain an expression for its frequency of oscillation. 6. D ifferentiate between the Monostable and Bistable multivibrator. 7. W rite short note on crystal oscillator? 8. E xplain working of Transistor Colpitt oscillator with neat circuit diagram? 9. S ketch the circuit for a wein bridge oscillator. What determines the frequency of oscillation? Will oscillations take place if the bridge is balanced? 10. D raw and explain the operation of Schmitt trigger circuit. Also draw its transfer characteristics? ASSIGNMENT-3 1. etermine gain bandwidth product, unity gain frequency using hybrid configuration. 2. D model for CE A CE-connected amplifier has Ccb= 5pF, Cbe= 12pF, hfe=100 and hie=1.5kΩ. Determine input capacitance to the circuit for a circuit collector resistance of 12Ω. 3. D erive the expression for the CE Short Circuit Current gain Ai as a function of frequency? 4. D raw the circuit diagram of emitter follower at high frequencies. Also explain its behavior at high frequencies with necessary expression and parameter? 5. A transistor with alpha cut-off frequency =5MHz and hfe or =50 is used in a CE configuration. When connected to an amplifier, it has stray capacitance of 80pF at the output terminals. Determine the upper 3dB frequency when (i) RL= 10kΩ and (ii) RL=100kΩ. 6. E xplain how you would arrive at the hybrid π equivalent circuit model in CE configuration at high frequencies. Explain the different parameters involved in the circuit. 7. F ollowing transistor measurements made at IC = 5mA, VCE = 10V and at room temperature. hfe = 100, hie = 600Ω |Ai| = 10 at 10 MHz and CC = 3 pF. Find fβ, fT, Ce, rb`e, rbb`. ASSIGNMENT 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. W hat is a parallel resonance? What are its features? How is it different from series resonances? Ex plain the reasons for potential instability in tuned amplifiers. Draw the circuit diagram of a collector tuned amplifier and derive expressions for the voltage gain at the tuned frequency and bandwidth. Ex plain in brief the advantage of using double tuned circuit over a single tuned circuit. Draw the circuit diagram of double tuned amplifier and its frequency response. Dra w circuit of single tuned amplifier and explain its working with frequency response curve. Dra w parallel resonant circuit and obtain the expression for its bandwidth. Ex plain the frequency response of stagger tuned amplifier? Dra w and explain the circuit of double tuned amplifier with the help of frequency response? Th e single tuned amplifier with capacitive coupling consists of tuned circuit having R = 10Ω, L = 20 mH, C = 0.05µF. Determine a) Resonant frequency b) Q-factor c) Band width of amplifier. ASSIGNMENT 5 1. W hat do you understand by class A, B and C power amplifiers? 2. S how that maximum collector efficiency of class A transformer coupled power amplifier is 50%. 3. D raw the circuit diagram of a push pull amplifier. Explain its operation. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. 4. D etermine the overall efficiency of class b power amplifier when VCC = 20V and VCEmin = 2.5V? 5. D raw the circuit of class D and Class E amplifier and their application.