IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 375 Sensitivity of Personal Computers to Voltage Sags and Short Interruptions S. Ž. Djokić, J. Desmet, Member, IEEE, G. Vanalme, J. V. Milanović, Senior Member, IEEE, and K. Stockman, Student Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper discusses the sensitivity of personal computers (PCs) to voltage sags and short interruptions on the basis of the extensive test results. Existing standards and previously published works are reviewed, and a description of a used testing procedure is presented. The following tests were performed: sensitivity to rectangular voltage sags with ideal and nonideal supply characteristics, and sensitivity to voltage sags caused by the starting of large motors. The results obtained emphasize the importance of clear definition of the malfunction criteria for this equipment. Index Terms—Malfunction criterion, power quality, short interruption, voltage sag, voltage-tolerance curve. I. INTRODUCTION P ERSONAL computer (PC) is a general-purpose, rather complex electronic computing device designed to be operated by one person at a time. Most often, and especially when used as an abbreviation, this term denotes an IBM-compatible (desktop) computer. The continually increasing ratio of computing power to cost, coupled with decreasing weight, size, and power consumption, as well as the introduction of more efficient and convenient (user-friendly) software influenced both the rapid development of PCs and extraordinary diversity of their usage. Today, PCs are standard, if not a basic part of scientific, engineering, business, industrial, commercial, educational, and other environments, affecting almost all aspects of life. PCs can be implemented as “real-time” systems (i.e., for real-time control of various external devices), for online control of communication between two or more locations, or as a part of continuous process-control applications. Such computers are often called microcontrollers, or programmable logic controllers (PLCs), or programmable electronic devices (PEDs). On the other hand, PCs can be used as an off-line tool in some action/time noncritical applications (e.g., offline computing, word-processing, computer-aided-design (CAD) applications, etc.). This categorization allows easier assessment of possible losses and costs related to power-quality disturbances that yield to malfunction of PCs. Malfunction of PCs incorporated Manuscript received April 8, 2003; revised October 13, 2003. This work was supported by the U.K.’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant GR/R40265/01, the Copper Development Association (U.K.), and Electrotek Concepts Inc. Paper no. TPWRD-00159-2003. S. Ž. Djokić and J. V. Milanović are with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester M60 1QD, U.K. J. Desmet, G. Vanalme, and K. Stockman are with the Department Provinciale Industriële Hogeschool, Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, Belgium. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.837828 Fig. 1. Rectangular voltage-tolerance curve. in a real-time system is related to potentially bigger consequences, because there are losses associated to the controlled system/process too. Malfunction of the offline used computer is usually associated with substantially lesser consequences (i.e., the loss of those pieces of information gained between the last save/backup and the moment of malfunction). The sensitivity of PCs to voltage sags is usually expressed only in terms of the magnitude and duration of the voltage sag. For this purpose, “rectangular voltage-tolerance curve” shown in Fig. 1 is used. This curve indicates that voltage sag longer than the specified duration and deeper than the specified voltage magnitude will lead to a malfunction (i.e., to a restarting/rebooting of the PC). The reported threshold values for voltage magnitude vary from as low as 30–40% to as high as 80–90% of rated in Fig. 1) and from as short as 1–2 cycles to as long voltage ( as ten cycles for the duration ( in Fig. 1) [1]. It may be possible, however, that the voltage sag (or short interruption) causes lockup of the operations performed by the computer and/or blockage of its operating system without the restarting/rebooting of the computer. This would mean that the voltage-tolerance curves obtained using restarting/rebooting criterion only are not conservative. Therefore, if only such voltage-tolerance curve is available, it may be misleading, especially in the case when the process controlled by the computer is of particular importance and interest. PCs are already identified as the equipment very sensitive to various power-quality disturbances and, therefore, their behavior during voltage sags and short interruptions should be assessed with respect to the additional malfunction criteria. This paper summarizes the results of a comprehensive study of the behavior of PCs during voltage sags and short interruptions. After reviewing the existing standards and previously published work, the paper presents extensive experimental results that demonstrate that the sensitivity of PCs to voltage sags should not be assessed only regarding the hardware malfunction criterion (i.e., restarting/rebooting of the computer). Two additional software malfunction criteria that may result in 0885-8977/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 376 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 different voltage-tolerance curves for PCs were considered in the tests: a) lockup of a read/write operation, and b) blockage of the operating system (OS). Tests were performed with rectangular voltage sags and an ideal voltage supply, as well as with nonrectangular sags occurring during the start of the large motors. The influence of nonideal supply characteristics was also investigated. The paper presents and discusses the results of testing of PCs only. The conclusions regarding their behavior, however, are to some extent also applicable to microcontrollers, PLCs, PEDs, and other microprocessor/CPU-based devices that utilize the switch-mode power supply. II. EXISTING STANDARDS AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH A. Overview of the Existing Standards 1) General Power Quality Standards: Existing power quality standards [2]–[7] define voltage sags and short interruptions as a short duration variation of voltage of any or of all phase voltages of a single-phase or a polyphase power supply at a point in the electrical system. Although there are slight differences between the various standards, voltage sag is always expressed and referred to as a root-mean-square (rms) voltage event. It is defined as: “ sudden or temporary reduction/decrease of the supply voltage to a value between 1% (e.g., [7]) or 10% (e.g., [4]) and 90% of the nominal or declared voltage, at the power frequency, which is followed by voltage recovery after a short period of time” [2]–[7]. This “short period of time” is the duration of the voltage sag. It is usually defined as the time measured from the moment the rms voltage of any phase drops below 90% of the declared voltage to the moment when the voltages in all phases rise above 90% of the declared voltage. In standards, it varies from a 0.5 cycle (e.g., [4], [5]) or one cycle (e.g., [6]) to a few seconds (e.g., [2], [5], [6]) or even a minute (e.g., [4]). In other words, voltage sags are generally defined and described by only two parameters—magnitude and duration. It is assumed that the voltage magnitude is constant during the sag (i.e., the sag has a “rectangular” shape). For example, in [8], a voltage sag is described as “ a two-dimensional (2-D) electromagnetic disturbance, the level of which is determined by both voltage and time (duration).” Similarly to voltage sag, standards [2]–[7] define a short interruption as: “ disappearance, or complete loss or reduction of the supply voltage to a value less than 1% (or 10%) of the nominal (or declared) voltage, for a time interval whose duration is between a few tenths of a second (or 0.5 cycle) and few seconds (or minutes).” 2) Standards Related to Computers: Historically, the first and still one of the most involved community in defining and solving various power-quality problems was the computer-related community. This community proposed several guidelines for the equipment manufacturers and for the end users, which were subsequently incorporated in related standards ([9]–[11], see Fig. 2). Recently, their interest in this subject even increased, mainly due to the working strategies associated with the Internet ” and “aland the Web-based computer applications (e.g., “ ways on-line” concepts). The first standard proposed was the Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA) power Fig. 2. Power acceptability curves—trends in recommended power acceptability. acceptability curve [9]. The curve defines the tolerance level of “automatic data processing” equipment to voltage sags, swells, and short interruptions. Although it was originally developed for the equipment connected to the 120-V/60-Hz ac supply only, the curve has been widely used to evaluate the performance of various electrical and electronic equipment operating at different nominal voltages and/or frequencies, simply because there were no other appropriate standards (curves). After the extensive research in computer power supplies in 1995, the CBEMA curve was revised and “renamed” to ITI (CBEMA) or the Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC) curve [10]. The new curve was constructed in steps, which simplifies its realization and reproduction for testing and validating purposes. It should be strictly applied to single-phase “information technology” equipment with 120-V/60–Hz-rated conditions. Other voltages and frequencies, as well as usage in the case of three-phase equipment were not specified. Most recently [11], a similar curve was proposed for “semiconductor processing” equipment (SEMI F47). It is related only to sags and undervoltages that last between 50 ms and 1 s (three and 60 cycles in a 60-Hz frequency supply). This new curve incorporates a single change with respect to the original ITIC curve introduced to 50 ms–0.2 s time region. Overvoltages and exswells are not considered in this standard due to the “ tremely low number of semiconductor equipment interruptions” caused by these events [11]. It is interesting to note that the region encircled in Fig. 2 and initially identified at the CBEMA curve as a “problematic” cycle and 10–100 cycles), in two successive (sags between curves, still remains as the region of the “most interest.” This is the region where all three curves (illustrated in Fig. 2) overlap. 3) Standards Related to Testing: Current standards related to the testing of the equipment sensitivity to voltage sags and short interruptions suggest that the tests should be performed preferably at 0 point on wave of the voltage waveform [12]–[14]. Standard [14] concludes that testing of the equipcan start and stop at any phase angle” (preferably ment “ at 0 ), and suggests testing for additional angles only if they are “ considered critical by product committees or individual product specifications.” If so, a range from 0 to 360 (in steps of 45 ) is recommended for such additional testing. The testing is always related to simple rectangular voltage sags. There are Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DJOKIĆ et al.: SENSITIVITY OF PCs TO VOLTAGE SAGS AND SHORT INTERRUPTIONS no suggestions related to testing of the equipment sensitivity to nonrectangular voltage sags (for example, two-stage voltage sags), or voltage sags caused by the starting of large motors. The voltage waveforms used in the test should be the ideal sine waves at rated frequency. The allowed deviations in magnitude, frequency, and total harmonic distortion from the ideal voltage supply conditions (e.g., given in [7]) are not considered. None of the existing power-quality standards considers the influence of several disturbances occurring simultaneously (for example, cumulative effects of both voltage magnitude and harmonic content variations). B. Overview of the Previous Research The sensitivity of PCs to voltage sags is addressed in several references [15]–[19]. Some of these present results of testing only against short interruptions, some have results for both short interruptions and voltage sags, but none of them reported different sensitivities with respect to different software/hardware malfunction criteria. The results of testing presented in [15] show that the PC may malfunction (reboot) for voltage sag with the magnitude as high as 75% of the rated voltage and the duration as short as four cycles. However, only one table is presented in the paper without any further discussion. In [16], effects of various power-quality disturbances on PCs connected to a local-area network (LAN) were investigated. Several malfunction criteria were used in testing: lockup of the PC, slowdown of the network traffic, file corruption, etc. The behavior of the PCs, however, was assessed only with respect to short interruptions, but not with respect to voltage sags. It was concluded that: “ some PC’s can not ride through outages lasting more than 5–6 cycles ” and that both, the client and the server PCs (always) need to be rebooted if they cannot ride-through. Lack of the response to commands from the keyboard and restarting of the computer were used as the malfunction criteria in tests with PCs reported in [17]. There were no observed differences, however, in computer sensitivity for these two criteria. Reported voltage magnitude and duration thresholds for tested computers varied between 30–65% of rated voltage and 80–450 ms, respectively. The voltage-tolerance curves developed following the tests were rectangular, having the flat vertical and flat horizontal part with the sharp knee between them. Reference [18] reported results of testing of the variety of equipment used in the semiconductor industry (33 different types in total). The PCs and PLCs were identified as some of the most sensitive components to voltage sags. The results of testing of electrical equipment (including several different PCs) are also presented in [19]. The developed voltage-tolerance curves are of the same shape as those reported in [17]. The malfunction criterion for PCs was the automatic reboot occurring due to the voltage sag. Software malfunction criteria, again, were not considered. Sensitivity of PCs to nonrectangular voltage sags and the influence of nonideal voltage supply conditions on computer behavior during the voltage sags and short interruptions have not yet been reported in the literature. 377 TABLE I TEST CONDITIONS III. TESTING OF PCs A. List of Tests Initially, sensitivity of PCs to voltage sags was assessed using simple rectangular voltage sags. The voltage sags were initiated at one particular point on the voltage sine wave, with fixed presag, during-sag and postsag voltage magnitudes, and with a constant phase shift during the sag. Two different presag and postsag voltage waveforms were used in this part: a) supply from an ideal voltage sine wave at 50 Hz, and b) supply from a % variation in voltage nonideal voltage source with up to magnitude, up to % variation in frequency, and with a different harmonic content with total harmonic distortion (THD) up to 20%. In all cases, the during-sag voltage was an ideal sine wave with rated frequency (50 Hz). The second set of tests involved nonrectangular voltage sags similar to those caused by the starting of large motors. Table I summarizes the tests that were conducted. B. Testing Procedure To ensure a high degree of repeatability for of all the tests performed, the testing was conducted according to a well-defined procedure. The following procedure was used in tests with rectangular voltage sags. 1) The computer (with all input/output (I/O) and pointing devices connected) was switched on and allowed to boot and load the operating system. 2) Read/write operation (copying of different files from CD-ROM to the computer’s hard drive) was initiated. 3) Voltage sags were applied in steps of 1% of rated voltage, starting from 0 V. The point on wave of the sag initiation and the phase shift during the sag were both kept constant. For each voltage sag magnitude, the duration of the sag was progressively increased until lockup of copying operation was obtained, or the operating system was blocked, or the computer was forced to restart, or if none of the former happened up to a few seconds. The critical sag duration for each of these hardware/software criteria was ascertained by up to ten repeated measurements for each value of the sag magnitude. In cases when the tested computer had different sensitivities to voltage sags with respect to different software/hardware criteria, it would first lock up the read/write operation, then it would block the OS, and, finally, it would restart. A recovery time of 5–10 s was allocated between the consecutive voltage sags. 4) The point on wave of voltage sag initiation was adjusted in steps of 15 (from 0 to 360 ) and the measurements described in Step 3 were repeated. 5) The phase shift during the sag was changed in steps of 15 (from 0 to ) and the measurements described in Step 3 were repeated. Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 378 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 TABLE II BASIC DATA OF TESTED PCS Fig. 3. Examples of the VSG outputs: (a) Programmed voltage sag (50% magnitude, 100-ms duration, and 100 point on wave). (b) The same voltage sag measured at the VSG output; voltage (dotted line) and current (solid line) waveforms of two voltage sags with the same magnitude and point on wave and different duration c) 50 ms d) 55 ms. C. Multiplicity of the Voltage-Tolerance Curves The tests described above may not therefore result in a single voltage-tolerance curve, but in a set of different curves corresponding to the one hardware and various software malfunction criteria. Each voltage-tolerance curve obtained in tests consisted of 101 magnitude-duration pairs, because the voltage is adjusted in 1% steps of rated voltage. The software criteria used were lockup of the read/write operation and blockage of the operating system. The first software criterion (the lockup or corruption of copying operation from CD-ROM to hard drive) was chosen because it was shown previously in [20] that the power/current consumption of the PC is the highest for this operation. It was assumed that the sensitivity of the PC to voltage sags for all other operations (e.g., copying from network/floppy/hard drive to a computer’s hard drive, formatting of the floppy disk, opening the file, etc.) would be between the two chosen software criteria. D. Voltage Sag Generator The characteristics of the commercially available voltage sag generator (Schaffner “Profline 2100”) used in the tests are given in [21]. Illustrative examples of the output of the voltage sag generator (VSG) for different sag characteristics are shown in Fig. 3. These waveforms were measured recorded by the independent data-acquisition system (Dranetz “Power quality analyzer,” Model 658) described in [22]. Preliminary measurements with this data-acquisition system showed that the VSG can reproduce desired voltage sag characteristics with an error of less than a few percent for all controlled parameters [see Figs. 3(a) and (b)]. Keeping in mind that this is the top of the range VSG, this small error was accepted as the inevitable and unavoidable at the present time. E. Testing Conditions and Tested Computers In order to assess and quantify the effects of the voltage sags and short interruptions on PCs in the most general way, dif- ferent computers, made by different manufacturers, with different switch-mode power-supply characteristics, different operating systems installed, and manufactured between 1996 and 2002, were tested. The list of the PCs used in tests is given in Table II. All tested computers were in normal exploitation before the tests were performed. During the testing, a rated voltage (having ideal or nonideal supply characteristics) was applied to the PCs before and after the voltage sag. The first software malfunction criterion (lockup, interruption, or corruption of read/write operation—copying files from CD-ROM to the computer’s hard drive) was identified in tests by obtaining the “blue screen,” or “fatal error,” or “source/task/file cannot be identified” messages. As a consequence of the malfunction, some of the files copied before the disturbance could not be deleted from the hard drive. Otherwise, after the termination of the unsuccessful read/write operation, the computer remained in normal operating state, with the operating system running. The second software malfunction criterion (blocking of the operating system) was identified as a “frozen screen” and a lack of response to any command issued from the keyboard, pointing device, or other I/O device. Hardware malfunction criterion was identified by automatic restarting/rebooting of the computer, or as a permanent “black screen” after which manual restarting was necessary. After restarting the computer (sometimes in the “safe mode”), the following happened: surface scan disk was performed, screen resolution, and other settings were changed, and system registry errors were reported. IV. TEST RESULTS A. Testing of Computers With Rectangular Voltage Sags The results of computer testing are presented in the form of voltage-tolerance curves. 1) Supply From the Ideal Voltage Source: First, the PCs were tested using simple rectangular voltage sags. It was found that voltage-tolerance curves (of all tested PCs) have two distinctive parts: a flat vertical part, and a flat horizontal part, with a very sharp knee between them. It was also found that different points on wave of voltage sag initiation and different Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DJOKIĆ et al.: SENSITIVITY OF PCs TO VOLTAGE SAGS AND SHORT INTERRUPTIONS 379 Fig. 4. Test results for computer PC1. Fig. 5. phase shifts during the sag do not have any noticeable influence on the PC’s behavior during the voltage sag. The detailed test results for computer PC1 are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that there are significant differences between voltage-tolerance curves developed using different malfunction criteria. In Fig. 4, two software criteria used (lockup of read/write operation and blockage of operating system) resulted in a wider vertical part (a family of vertical lines whose boundaries are shown in Fig. 4) than the restart/reboot criterion. This is due to different power consumption related to different stages of operation and different OS execution states. The hardware criterion, however, resulted in a single vertical line because it is related to the limit of the switch-mode power supply. There are also significant differences in the horizontal parts of these voltage-tolerance curves. The curve corresponding to the read/write operation lockup criterion has the highest (the least tolerant), and the curve corresponding to the restart/reboot criterion has the lowest voltage magnitude (the most tolerant) threshold. The internal dc voltage at the computer power-supply output (5-V dc output) was also monitored during the tests. It was found that for the PC1, it starts to decay at about 200 ms after the initiation of the voltage sag. The voltage sags and interruptions shorter than 200 ms, therefore, will not influence the behavior of the PC1 at all. This happens because there is enough energy stored in a dc bus capacitance of the power supply to maintain correct operation of dc voltage regulator (i.e., correct operation and functioning of the PC1). If the voltage sag lasts between 200–250 ms, and has a magnitude lower than 46% of the rated voltage, the dc voltage starts to decay, initiating the corruption or interruption of the ongoing process. There is, however, still enough energy in a dc bus capacitance to maintain functioning of the operating system. If the voltage drops below 36% of the rated voltage and such condition lasts between 260–380 ms, PC1 becomes useless as its operating system gets blocked. There is still no shutdown/restart of the computer. Only if the sag magnitude drops below 21% of the rated voltage and sag lasts longer than 380 ms, the PC1 will restart. The difference in sensitivity thresholds between curves obtained using the first software criterion (lockup of read/write operation) and the hardware criterion (restarting/rebooting) is almost 100% for the voltage sag duration and more than a 100% for the voltage sag magnitude. This difference indicates the range of possible error if ride-through capabilities of the PC1 were assessed only on the basis of the hardware malfunction criterion. Similar sets of voltage-tolerance curves were obtained for all six tested PCs (see Fig. 5). As with computer PC1, the general shape of the voltage-tolerance curves is the same: flat vertical and flat horizontal parts with almost instantaneous transition between them. The voltage sag magnitude threshold for the tested computers varied between 20–65% of rated voltage, and the duration threshold varied between is 40-400 ms. The ITIC and SEMI F47 power acceptability curves are also plotted in Fig. 5 (with thick solid and thick dashed line, respectively). It can be seen from Fig. 5 that all tested PCs satisfy the ITIC power acceptability curve. On the other hand, all of them except one, violate the most recent SEMI F47 standard. Regarding the SEMI F47 standard, results for computer PC6 are of a particular interest. If only the hardware criterion is used for assessing the ride-through capability of this PC, the relevant voltage-tolerance curve would be practically at the borderline of the SEMI F47 curve. However, the voltage-tolerance curve related to the software malfunction criterion violates the SEMI F47 standard and emphasizes the ambiguities associated with PC6 ride-through capabilities. (Note: The ride-through capability of the computer is usually specified by the manufacturer only for hardware criterion and with regards to some of the above mentioned power acceptability curves. The inclusion of the software malfunction criteria in the manufacturer’s specification and the provision of the exact information about the magnitude and duration thresholds would make purchasing a PC with appropriate ride-through capability straightforward, even for the users with sensitive processes). In addition to the tests described above, two different computers (PC2 and PC3) were tested with the same power supply. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that they have almost completely identical voltage-tolerance curves. Although PC2 and PC3 have very similar specifications, they were assembled using different hardware components and different I/O and peripheral devices. This suggests that the behavior of the PC during the voltage sag and short interruption is influenced more by the characteristics of its power supply than by its hardware configuration. One of the tested computers (PC1) had a built-in switch in a power-supply case that permits connection to either 230-V/50-Hz or 110-V/60-Hz power supply. Different sensitivities obtained for these two specified rated conditions are illustrated in Fig. 6. Higher sensitivity (about 10–15% for the vertical part and about 3–5% for the horizontal part) was obtained in the case of the 110-V/60-Hz power supply for all Voltage tolerance curves for computers PC1 to PC6. Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 380 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 Fig. 6. Computer PC1, different rated supply conditions: 230 V/50 Hz and 110 V/60 Hz. tested software/hardware criteria. (This can be explained by the fact that due to the reduced supply voltage, the current limits of the components were reached faster). [Note: Very high peak-inrush current was observed (measured) for all tested computers during the transient from during-sag to postsag voltage waveform. If both the PC and the monitor/video display unit (VDU) are connected to the same supply circuit, minimum 10-A C class automatic fuse is necessary for normal operation (4-A and 6-A fuses would blow). If only a PC is connected, a 4-A fuse would suffice, but the inrush current may be up to 20–25 times greater than the rated current [24]. It was also found that the sensitivity of the individual PCs to voltage disturbances is not affected if two computers are connected to the same supply circuit. Finally, it should be mentioned that one monitor and one computer’s power supply were permanently damaged during the tests]. 2) Supply From the Nonideal Voltage Source: During the second stage of testing, the PCs were supplied from the nonideal voltage source. Deviations from the ideal supply characteristics were within the following limits: voltage magnitude variation up % of the rated voltage, frequency variations up to % to of the rated frequency, and different harmonics superimposed to the fundamental frequency waveform with the THD not exceeding 20%. The above disturbances were applied to both, separately and simultaneously, in order to assess their individual and cumulative effect on the PC’s sensitivity. The influence of voltage magnitude variation on the PC1 sensitivity to voltage sags is illustrated in Fig. 7. Results of the tests performed show that the sensitivity thresholds change for all criteria. The change, however, is only in the vertical part of the related voltage-tolerance curves. If the supply voltage magnitude is 10% lower than the rated voltage, the sensitivity of the computers to voltage sags increases. If the supply voltage magnitude is 10% higher than the rated voltage, sensitivity of the computers to voltage sags decreases. (Generally, the shifting of the vertical line of the sensitivity curve depends on the amount of energy stored in the dc bus capacitance ( CV ), as it is the only available source of energy during the interruptions and deep sags. With a higher presag supply voltage, there is more energy stored in the dc bus capacitance than with a lower presag voltage. The horizontal part, on the other hand, depends on the amount of the power that can be handled by the switch-mode power supply. This power depends on the current rating of the switch-mode supply. It is determined by the Fig. 7. 6 Computer PC1, nonideal supply ( 10% magnitude variation). Fig. 8. Computer PC1, nonideal supply (third harmonic only, 20% THD). Fig. 9. Computer PC1, nonideal supply (fifth harmonic only, 20% THD). minimum dc link voltage that allows normal operation of the power-supply voltage regulator. As can be seen from Fig. 7, the horizontal part of the characteristic is independent on the presag supply voltage). % of the rated frequency do not Frequency variations of have any noticeable influence on the sensitivity of tested PCs. The influence of different harmonic content (third, fifth, and seventh harmonic with 20%THD and different phase angles) for computer PC1 is illustrated in Figs. 8–10. Different harmonic content and different phase angles of the harmonics superimposed to the fundamental have significant influence (up to about 30%) on the vertical part of the voltage-tolerance curves. This influence is strongly related to the voltage crest factor (CF) and the shape of the distorted waveform. The Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DJOKIĆ et al.: SENSITIVITY OF PCs TO VOLTAGE SAGS AND SHORT INTERRUPTIONS 381 Fig. 10. Computer PC1, nonideal supply (seventh harmonic only, 20% THD). Fig. 12. Representation of voltage sags due to the startup of large motors. TABLE III TIME FOR THE PC1 TO RESTART/REBOOT (IN ms) AS A FUNCTION OF THE INITIAL VOLTAGE DROP AND THE VOLTAGE GRADIENT 6 Fig. 11. Cumulative influence of nonideal supply ( 10% voltage magnitude and third harmonic with 20% THD). CF and the shape of the distorted waveform, on the other hand, will depend on the magnitude and phase angle of the harmonics presented in the waveform, so the general conclusion about the influence of the individual harmonics cannot be drawn. It can be said though that if the harmonics reduce the CF (e.g., third with 0 ), the vertical part of the sensitivity curve will move to the left (increased sensitivity). Otherwise (e.g., 3rd with 180 ), it will move to the right (decreased sensitivity). Finally, the cumulative effect of both voltage magnitude and harmonic content variations (both in magnitude and phase angle) is illustrated in Fig. 11. Only the most and the least sensitive voltage-tolerance curves are presented (boundary cases) in this figure. It can be seen that the simultaneous variation of the presag voltage magnitude and the harmonic content has a tremendous effect on computer sensitivity to voltage sags. (The observed variation in the “set” of “critical” sag characteristics is between 110 V/110 ms and 48 V/560 ms for different malfunction criteria). Similar behavior of all tested computers was identified when nonideal supply conditions were used. B. Testing of Computers to Nonrectangular Voltage Sags The last set of tests was performed with the nonrectangular voltage sags. Here, the influence of voltage sags, similar to those caused by the startup of large motors, was investigated. Fig. 12 illustrates the general shape of this type of sag. After an initial instantaneous drop down to 30% of the rated voltage, the voltage recovers progressively to the rated value. Five different voltage recovery gradients for various initial drops were applied to PCs. Results related to time needed for the restart/reboot of the PC1 are shown in Table III. The critical sag duration causing the restarting of the computer is almost constant (differences are inside 5 ms). This suggests that the vertical part of the voltage tolerance curve is flat and not affected by the shape of the voltage sag. Similar responses were identified for all tested computers. V. CONCLUSION The paper presented the results of the investigation of the behavior of PCs during the voltage sags and short interruptions. Extensive laboratory tests on different computers were carried out, including testing with rectangular voltage sags, nonideal voltage supply characteristics, and nonrectangular voltage sags. The results of the tests clearly show that the response of PCs to power-quality disturbances can be rather complex. Beside the standard restart/reboot (hardware) malfunction criterion, two additional software criteria (lockup of read/write operation and blockage of operating system) were introduced. It was found that they may result in a substantially higher sensitivity to voltage sag characteristics than the hardware criterion. The following specific conclusions can be drawn from the tests performed. • Although the computers tested covered a wide range of model, type, and hardware configurations, the tests highlighted a few fundamental differences in general behavior of the computers. • The voltage-tolerance curves for different computers have the same rectangular shape with two clearly distinctive parts: vertical and horizontal, with a very sharp “knee” between them. • A wide ranges for both voltage sag magnitude and duration thresholds were identified for tested computers. Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 382 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 • No correlation between the age/price/operating system installed and the sensitivity to voltage sags has been found/established for tested computers. • When the computer is designed to operate connected to either the 230-V/50-Hz or 110-V/60-Hz power supply, somewhat higher sensitivity is to be expected in the latter case. • All tested computers satisfy the ITIC standard voltagetolerance curve. However, all of them except one, violate the most recent SEMI F47 standard. • The point on wave of voltage sag initiation and the phase shift during the voltage sag do not have any significant influence on the computer sensitivity to voltage sags. • Nonideal supply characteristics (variation in the supply voltage magnitude and different harmonic content) influence only the vertical part of the related voltage-tolerance curves (i.e., duration threshold). The identified differences may be significant, especially when variations in supply-voltage magnitude and harmonic content are introduced simultaneously. • When two computers are connected in parallel and supplied from the same power point, they do not influence each other’s sensitivity to voltage sags and short interruptions. • For some computers, three different voltage-tolerance curves were obtained for lockup of read/write operations, blockage of the operating system, and restart/reboot malfunction criteria. The shortest duration threshold was determined for lockup of read/write operations, and the lowest voltage magnitude threshold for restart/reboot malfunction criteria. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank the European accredited laboratory “LEMCKO,” Belgium, for the access and use of their equipment. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions that M. T. Aung, Dr. C. P. Gupta, Prof. D. Kirschen, and Prof. G. Strbac made to this research project. REFERENCES [1] M. 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Djokić received the Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Niš, Niš, Yugoslavia, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K. Currently, he is a Research Associate with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., where he has been since 2001. From 1993 to 2001, he was with the Faculty of Electronics Engineering at the University of Niš. Jan J. M. Desmet (M’01) received the polytechnical engineer degree from the Polytechnic, Kortrijk, Belgium, in 1983, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Vurije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, in 1993. Currently, he is a Professor with the Department “Provinciale Industriële Hogeschool,” Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, Belgium, where he has been since 1984. Mr. Desmet is an IASTED member and a member of SC77A (IEC) and TC210 (CENELEC). Greet Vanalme received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in sciences from the University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, in 1994 and 2000, respectively. Currently, she is a Researcher with Department “Provinciale Industriële Hogeschool,” Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, Belgium. Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DJOKIĆ et al.: SENSITIVITY OF PCs TO VOLTAGE SAGS AND SHORT INTERRUPTIONS Jovica V. Milanović (M’95–SM’98) received the Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. Currently, he is a Reader with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., where he has been since 1998. He was also with “Energoproject-MDD,” Belgrade, Yugoslavia, consulting and engineering company, as well as the Universities of Belgrade in Yugoslavia and Newcastle and Tasmania in Australia. His research interests include power quality and power system dynamics. 383 Kurt Stockman (M’02) was born in Kortrijk, Belgium, on September 24, 1972. He received the industrial engineer degree in electrical engineering from “Provinciale Industriële Hogeschool,” Kortrijk, Belgium, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 2003. Currently, he is with the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, Belgium. Authorized licensed use limited to: Belgium Hogeschools Consortium. Downloaded on March 20, 2009 at 11:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.