Examination of the local power supply system in

Energy Savings in Urban Quarters
through Rehabilitation
and New Ways of Energy Supply
of the local
power supply system
in partner towns/regions
3.1.2 Output
April 2011
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Partner’s project responsible of the output: Agenda 21 consulting l.t.d (PP12
Cooperation: all EnSURE partners
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Examination of Local Power Supply System ........................................................................................ 4
PP 1 - City of Ludwigsburg (Ludwigsburg - DE) .................................................................................... 7
PP 2 - GAL Genova (Genoa-IT ............................................................................................................ 11
PP3 – SIPRO (Ferrara-IT)..................................................................................................................... 17
PP 4 – Faenza Municipality (Faenza-IT).............................................................................................. 20
PP 5 – KEK (Debrecen-HU) ................................................................................................................. 27
PP 6 - Gorenjeska (Kranj-SLO) ............................................................................................................ 28
PP 7 - PRAGA (Warsawa-PL) ............................................................................................................... 30
PP 8 – Sopot Municipality (Sopot-PL) ................................................................................................ 32
ANNEX I .............................................................................................................................................. 38
ANNEX II ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Notes .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Examination of Local Power Supply System
This document “Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions” (3.1.2
output) is part of the WP 3 “Concepts for an energy efficient urban development” and properly for the
Action 3.1 “Joint analysis of the current energy situation of urban district”.
It is included also in the complete version of the Handbook output (2.1.3.).
It is a sort of database on local energy supply systems in 8 cities/regions with the identification of
local power supply system defining type of fuels, type of power system (individual, centralized), age of
technology for all local partners.
Local partners:
PP 1 - City of Ludwigsburg (Ludwigsburg - DE)
PP 2 - GAL Genova (Genoa-IT
PP3 –SIPRO (Ferrara-IT)
PP 4 – Faenza Municipality (Faenza-IT)
PP 5 – KEK (Debrecen-HU)
PP 6 - Gorenjeska (Kranj-SLO)
PP 7 - PRAGA (Warsawa-PL)
PP 8 – Sopot Municipality (Sopot-PL)
Every partner had the possibility to fulfill a “checklist” for all data. It is a sort of map (see followed table).
It is divided in some sections in order to collect more data possible about the power supply system of local
partners. Some partners have utilized this tool, but other not, collecting in another way the requested data.
The following pages present all available data of all local partners.
Checklist for data’s collection
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) heating system
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
Installed power
Annual consumption
Type of fuels
Type of power system (individual, centralized)
Age of technology
Main past intervention
a2) air conditioning
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
Installed power
Annual consumption
Type of fuels
Type of air conditioning system (individual, centralized)
Age of technology
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Main past intervention
a3) lighting
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
Insallation of low consumtion devices
o Annual consumption
o Age of technology
o Main past intervention
b) Building
b1) Type of building
Historic value
Public services
b2) Condition of building
year of construction
construction material
doors and windows
location related to public transport
general state of the building
c) Social aspects
c1) Residential buildings
Type of ownership (property, rent, public, private)
Social condition: lower class, middle class, higher class
c2) Public buildings
Typology of users
c3) Business premises
Typology of enterprises
d) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey
on site inspection
all building inspections versus samople analysis
documentation already available provided (layouts, technical diagrams of utilities systems,
utilities manuals)
instrumental surveys (thermographic and thermoflow analyses, etc.)
documentation to be produced
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosis
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year)
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.)
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year)
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/ year)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 1 - City of Ludwigsburg (Ludwigsburg - DE)
Condition of power supply
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
City of Ludwigsburg has about 85.450 inhabitants
Density of population is in the City of Ludwigsburg 2.014 inhabitants/km², administrative district
Ludwigsburg: 751 inhabitants/km²
52.000 households in Ludwigsburg, number of flats is unknown
a1) heating system
Installed power
Our own public utility company Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim built up a new co-generation plant with a
yearly power of 10 Mio kWh electricity and 48 Mio kWh heating from biomass, supply of about 70% of
the whole district heating of the City
Annual consumption
Final energy consumption in the year 2007: 2.244 Mio kWh/a
Main Proportions: households 45% and traffic 28%
Per capita: average 25.700 kWh/a
Type of fuels
25% oil, 25% petrol, 29% gas, 18% electricity, 3% renewable energies (from the final energy
consumption); 2007
Type of power system (individual, centralized)
new co-generation plant with biomass (wood chips from the region)
district heating (new co-generation-plant): connection of new residential area “Hartenecker Höhe”, city
centre, public buildings, current plans for an extension of the district heating
six heating stations, three block heating stations (public utility company)
natural gas pipeline (public utility company)
local heating network: housing area “Sonnenberg” – geothermal energy
individual power supply – gas, oil
Age of technology
new co-generation plant was build up in 2009
Main past intervention
New co-generation plant from the public utility company Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim in 2009
Geothermal energy plant “Sonnenberg”
a2) air conditioning
--a3) lighting
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b) Conditions of buildings (construction material, roofs, insulations, doors and windows, location related
to public transport. Etc…)
Construction material
High proportion of listed buildings (baroque buildings, walling, timber framing, mansard roof, brick,
sandstone, exposed masonry, perforated facades)
architectural and artistic monuments: inner city 340, districts 93
Main proportion: post-war buildings (main challenge, typical building structures 1950s to 1970s)
New building areas with high energy standards, e.g. new building area “Hartenecker Höhe”, former
military site, now single familiar houses and multi family houses with high energy standards
Public transport
very good connection within the region of Stuttgart, fast accessibility (ten minutes by train to the
regional metropolis Stuttgart)
two sub-urban railway lines, further several direct train connections from Ludwigsburg to Stuttgart and
other cities in the region
Ludwigsburg: different bus lines, good accessibility of the whole City
c) Social aspects
c1) Residental buildings
Type of ownership
37 percent of the habitations are in ownership (source: Coummunal housing policy Ludwigsburg:
Weeber + Partner, page 29)
a high rate of ownership you can find in the districts of „Hoheneck“, “Oßweil”, “Neckarweihingen”
and “Poppenweiler” (50 percent)
Social conditioning
the population of Ludwigsburg is distinguished by a high wealth (like the metropolitan area Stuttgart)
the higher class and the upper middle class prefer the northern part of the east-district (Ost-Nord) and
the outskirts of Ludwigsburg e.g. “Pflugfelden”, “Hoheneck”, “Oßweil”, “Neckarweihingen” and
“Poppenweiler” (source: Coummunal housing policy Ludwigsburg: Weeber + Partner)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
c2) Public buildings
--c3) Business premises
--e) Key tools and indicators for energy and diagnosis
energy balanced sheet and CO2 balance sheet
1) energy consumption
the actual final energy demand in Ludwigsburg for 2007 was around 2,244 million kWh/a
the energy is attributed to households at 45%, followed by transport with 28%
Renewable energy contributes about 3% of the final energy demand in Ludwigsburg
2) CO2 - emissions
582 kt/a (7,1 t/a/capita)
2007: 539 kt/a (6,2 t/a/capita)
2010: 521 kt/a (6,0 t/a/capita)
these results includes all emissions of the whole city of Ludwigsburg (territorial principle)
Potentials for renewable energies
“This could cover around 38% of today’s electricity demand in Ludwigsburg. Photovoltaics would play the
major role followed by biomass (regional level) and hydro power use. If a 20% reduction in the overall
electricity demand by 2025 is assumed due to the implementation of energy efficiency measures, then
renewable energy could have a share of 47% in the City of Ludwigsburg.
The potential to use renewable energy for heat generation in Ludwigsburg totals around 350 GWhth (wood
on a regional level). This would cover almost 39% of today’s heating demand in Ludwigsburg. Solar thermal
will play the most significant role followed by wood use and surface geothermal heat collected through
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
geothermal probes and collectors. If a 40% reduction in the overall heating demand by 2025 is assumed
due to the implementation of energy efficiency measures, then renewable energy could have a share of
64.5% in the City of Ludwigsburg for the heating demand.” (source: Integrated Climate Protection and
Energy Strategy: page 5 and 6)
Methodology of Integrated Climate Protection and Energy Strategy
“The system boundaries for the analysis of the energy and CO2 emissions balance were drawn by the
physical borders, i.e. the emissions resulting from energy use in the city are attributed to the city (“bubble
principle”). One exception is electricity use, where the polluter pays principle was followed, for which
emissions from power plants providing electricity to the city will be attributed to the city although the
energy conversion takes place outside of Ludwigsburg. Another exception is the consideration of traffic
from the motor vehicle stock ascribed to Ludwigsburg, where the national German average kilometres
travelled and specific fuel consumption values differentiated by type of motor vehicle and engine design
were applied.” (source: Integrated Climate Protection and Energy Strategy: page 4)
Integrated Climate Protection and Energy Strategy: University of Stuttgart (Institute of Energy Economics
and the Rational Use of Energy), January 14, 2011
Coummunal housing policy Ludwigsburg: WEEBER+PARTNER (Institute of urban planing and social
research), August 2005
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 2 - GAL Genova (Genoa-IT
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) Heating system
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
In 2001 the total number of houses was just over 300,000 and about 270,000 were occupied; the average
area of each apartment was equal to 81,9 m2.
Surfaces and volume of houses
Surface (m²)
Volume (m³)
Installed power
As for the plants you find that about half of the housing is equipped with central heating system and the
remaining part has autonomous systems or equipment for each individual room.
Type of heating system for houses
Type of heating
Houses Number
Individual equipment
No installation
Annual consumption
Thermal quality
From the energy point of view, a survey conducted by ARE on a sample of 50 energy certificates for various
kinds buildings in the town of Genoa consisting of individual apartments, condominiums, office buildings,
schools, industrial buildings and sports facilities, showed a specific heat consumption in the real conditions
of utilization equal to 151 kWh / m 2 years compared with a mean value required by Legislative Decree no.
192/2005 and its updates equal to 40 kWh/m2 years.
This makes the civil service sector significant from an energy standpoint in that it provides big margins to
reduce consumption. This situation is due to the fact that most of the buildings was made before the first
regulation in energy consumption in the civil services, (Law 373/76), plus the high presence of load-bearing
masonry buildings that, contrary to conventional opinion, are particularly inefficient in terms of heat loss in
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
In addition, the twenty years 1970 ÷ 1990 saw a large diffusion of autonomous heating systems with
combined instant production of sanitary hot water that requires a strong oversizing of the boiler compared
with the loads for heating, predominant in terms of energy, and that is the cause of low efficiency and high
fuel consumption for the same service. Also the centralized systems are generally oversized, including
thermal stations renewed after the entry into force of the DPR 412/91.
Power quality
No data are available on the quality of building stock in terms of energy efficiency in electrical field and
there are no reference standards containing indices with which to compare the characteristics of the
Genoese buildings. It can be said that the situation is similar to other municipalities in northern Italy.
There is in particular a growing demand for summer cooling by using single air conditioners (portable or
single split type) low-cost and low efficiency. The entry in the market for non-specialized retailers such as
supermarkets and department stores that put on cheapness of the product rather than quality, has
encouraged the use of such systems, become available to consumers in all income classes. This process was
also supported by the absence of legislation equivalent to that on heating, regulating the design,
installation and operation of cooling systems.
The City of Genoa has joined in February 2009 the initiative the Covenant of the European Union with the
aim of reducing by 2020 over 20% of CO2 emissions. The Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) is a key
document that defines the energy policies, that the City of Genoa intends to take in order to achieve the
objectives of the Covenant.
Final Energy consumption - City
of Genoa – year 2005
Local and civil transport sectors
Natural gas
Gas oil
Combustible oil
Liquid gas
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Type of fuels
b) Building
b1) Type of building
Historic value
Public services
The building stock of the City of Genoa, according to the last census in 2001, has a little more than 33,000
buildings, of which about 32,000 used
Used buildings
Commerce and industry
communication and transports
sportive 242
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b2) Condition of building
year of construction
Regarding the construction period it is noted that in the late ‘20s and early ‘70s the residential construction
stock, which accounts for 89% of all buildings, has more than doubled, from about 13,000 to almost 28,000
buildings, to reach about 30,000 by the end of 2001
Period of construction of buildings used for habitation
before 1919
from 1920 to 1945
from 1946 to 1961
from 1962 to 1971
from 1972 to 1981
from 1982 to 1991
from 1992 to 2001
construction material
it is pointed out that, in the domestic field, the load-bearing masonry structure is the most prevalent in
buildings constructed before 1945 and was subsequently replaced by reinforced concrete pile-empty box.
Construction type of buildings used for habitation
bearing masonry
reinforced concrete ground floor 8.402
reinforced concrete ground floor 898
other (reinforced concrete and 1.882
masonry bearing, steel, wood,
general state of the building
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
The condition is quite good in terms of construction for 68% of the buildings.
Conservation status of the buildings used for habitation
Conservation status
Very good
Without indication
c) Social aspects
c1) Residential buildings
Type of ownership (property, rent, public, private)
Occupied houses by residents in residential buildings - 2001 Census.
City of Genoa
d) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey
on site inspection
all building inspections versus sample analysis
documentation already available provided (layouts, technical diagrams of utilities systems, utilities
instrumental surveys (thermographic and thermoflow analyses, etc.)
documentation to be produced
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosis
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year)
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year)
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/ year)
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Sustainable Energy Action Plan – Municipality of Genoa-Environment and energy department; ARERegional Energy Agency of Liguria Region; CRUIE-Research Centre in town planning and ecological
engineering of University of Genoa
Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the Province of Genoa – CO2 emissions referred to the final
Energy use – Province of Genoa- Environment department
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP3 – SIPRO (Ferrara-IT)
General information about the province
The area covers about 2,600 square kilometers and is bordered on the north by Po river and on the south
by the Rhine river. Originally dominated by forests, marshes and brackish valleys, this territory was
substantially modified over the centuries from multiple remediation make it more hospitable and
appropriate for productive activities. The territory of Ferrara has not yet reached its full formation and
transformation, and it is possible to observe big differences between the northern part of the Province,
called Alto Ferrarese, and the southern, called Basso Ferrarese. The average altitude is around zero, with
peaks of +18 (in the Town of Cento), vast areas of -3 (in the Municipalities of Codigoro and Comacchio, an
area of about 13,000 is under the sea level), and valleys, permanently covered by brackish water (15,000
The current physical structure of Ferrara territory is still influenced by several problems related to the
hydrographic network, to the natural and artificial subsidence, to the sea level rise and decrease of
sediment supply from rivers (in order to contrast the subsidence phenomenon).
The eastern part of Ferrara Province (named “Basso Ferrarese”), marked by significant thicknesses of
compressible deposits, was and is affected by significant vertical sinking of the soil.
This issue has important consequences in Ferrara urbanization generating into the “Basso Ferrarese”
dispersed residential areas which led to multiple " scattered houses " very far apart (not to be considered
as urban areas). There are many large areas for agricultural use, with few industrial sites grouped in a few
areas well defined and circumscribed. Moreover this part of the territory is characterized by important
protected natural areas (such as Parco del Delta del Po), which in order to be safeguarded require special
regulations over all the local planning policies.
The remaining part of the province (north-west) is characterized by a different scenario: there is much
more continuity in the residential urbanization, coupled with a broader industrial expansion that exploits
agricultural areas (which remain a distinctive feature of the remaining plain territory).
The environmental issue dealt with by the Region Emilia Romagna through the regulation about
ecologically and environmentally equipped industrial sites-AEA (i.e. new generation of industrial sites) have
recently opened a new period in the local economic development. SIPRO, as Managing Authority of the
future AEA, will be in charge of the redevelopment of 3 industrial sites, which include the implementation
of 7 photovoltaic plants, realized on industrial sites or landfill areas.
In addition the number of biomass plants is growing thanks also to the still very important agricultural
b) Building
b1) Type of building
Industrial-business incubators
b2) Condition of building-business incubators’ network
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
year of construction:The incubator of S. Giovanni di Ostellato was the first to be built, in 1999. The
other 2 incubators in Copparo and Ferrara were built in 2000-2001. Finally the incubator located within
the area of the Technological Pole in Ferrara was built in 2008.
construction material: Pre-stressed reinforced concrete, cement for the Technological Pole incubator
roofs: In San Giovanni di Ostellato there is pitched roof whereas in the other business incubators the
roofs are flat
Insulations: Some works for the insulation of windows and doors were concluded in 2008 in Copparo
and Ferrara (see following chart).
location related to public transport: The business incubators in Ferrara-Cassana, Copparo and S.
Giovanni di Ostellato are all located within industrial sites, therefore well connected with the main
roads and highway, nevertheless no public transport is foreseen to connect these sites with the urban
areas. The Technological Pole incubator is located in the university area, therefore it’s connected also
with public transport.
general state of the building: Heat loss characterized the business incubators in Copparo, FerraraCassana and S. Giovanni di Ostellato, it was mainly due to a bad design of the heating system. The
problem was partially solved with some the works realized for the energy efficiency (listed in the
following chart)
c) Social aspects
c3) Business premises
Typology of enterprises
The enterprises located in the network are very different the one from the other: service companies as well
as productive activities are hosted in the premises. Here is a list of the main sector of activities currently
settled in the 4 incubators:
Technological Pole business incubator
technological transfer and industrial application of new polymeric materials;
services linked to space technologies and remote sensing sector;
system for measurement of ionizing radiations, particularly for Nuclear Medicine;
topography and cartography.
Ferrara business incubator
environmental services;
technologies for the sea fishing;
environmental engineering projects;
alternative energy sources
Copparo business incubator
business catering services;
metal-mechanical sector;
industrial automation and electrical plant engineering;
communication and advertisement;
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
San Giovanni di Ostellato
metal-mechanical sector;
Being the sectors of activity very different, the request for energy varies a lot and this implies difficulties in
the effort to implement a plan for the energy efficiency in the overall network.
In the past years several improvements have been adopted in the business incubators of Copparo and
Ferrara-Cassana mainly to optimize the isolation systems and to decrease the energy use.
In the following chart the main interventions have been summarized:
Type of work
Business incubator
Energy efficiency
Thermoregulation system for the Copparo and Ferrara
boiler switch on and off
Energy efficiency
Boiler replacement
Energy efficiency
Insulation of the pipes’ heating Ferrara
Floors Insulation
Insulation of windows and doors
Ferrara and Copparo
False ceiling installation
Thermal solar panels
The business incubator of the Technological Pole in Ferrara is slightly different as it was built several years
after the first 3 infrastructures, therefore some special works for the energy efficiency have been foreseen
since the very beginning.
It has been planned and realized with special systems for the use of alternative energy and the provision of
systems and facilities for the innovative enterprises hosted there and the environmental safeguard.
It is provided with a thermal solar plant, pre-setting for chimney extractor hood, pollutant liquids drainpipe,
gas supply plant in all premises, cooling and electricity generation with counters on each premises.
The infrastructure has also been pre-set for the supply of energy through district heating system, in
addition the incubator is provided with a co-generation system for the production of thermic energy and
electricity (produced by thermic wastes).
In the future, the possibility to implement some energy audits for the different business incubators should
be considered.
d) Methodology of analysis
on site inspection
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
General information about the energy system in the Province of Ferrara are provided in the Study about
the Technical status-quo. See the Annex I.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 4 – Faenza Municipality (Faenza-IT)
1) Via Ponte Romano
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) heating system
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served:
o Number of flats: 10 per building, total 80
o Equivalent inhabitants: mean 2 per housing unit, 20 per building, total 160
o Usable heated surface: approx. 41.2 m² per unit, approx. 412.5 m² per building, total approx.
3300 m²
Installed power: Approx. kW 4.8 (radiators), approx. kW 25 (generator)
Annual consumption: Approx. 840 Nm³ per housing unit (heating approx. 92%, domestic hot water
approx. 8%)
Type of fuels: Natural gas
Type of power system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: Late '80s
Main past intervention: Main renovations: works by individual users and / or by the jointly-owned
building, for example: replacement of the heating boiler, replacement of the windows staircases
a2) air conditioning
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served: Single /multi-split systems, if installed by the
Installed power: Variable
Annual consumption: Not available
Type of fuels: Electricity
Type of air conditioning system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
a3) lighting
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served
o Number of flats: 10 per building, total 80
o Equivalent inhabitants: mean 2 per housing unit, 20 per building, total 160
o Usable heated surface: approx. 41.2 m² per unit, approx. 412.5 m² per building, total approx.
3300 m²
Insallation of low consumtion devices: During the progressive replacement
Annual consumption: Not available
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
b) Building
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b1) Type of building
Private and/or Public
b2) Condition of building
year of construction: 1955
construction material: Plastered bearing masonry, concrete and masonry floors
roofs: Unheated attic and pitched roof
insulations: Broken Insulation; any thermal insulation interventions are not known
doors and windows: (Depending on the block) metal (also with double frame) or with PVC double
location related to public transport: Served by bus stop
general state of the building: Various
c) Social aspects
c1) Residential buildings
Type of ownership: property and rent; public and/or private
Social condition: lower class
d) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey: √
on site inspection: √
all building inspections versus sample analysis: sample analysis
documentaion already available provided: architectural layouts
instrumental surveys: thermographic and thermoflow analyses
documentation to be produced
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet: not available
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year)
o risc.: approx. 180
o a.c.s.: approx. 15
o tot.: approx. 195
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter
o housing units approx. 8.1MWh/ year
o entire building approx. 81MWh/ year
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.)
o approx. 85% for heating uses
o approx.15% for electric uses
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year)
o approx. 40 for heating uses
o approx. 22 for electric uses
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/year)
o single housing unit approx. 2,5 t/year
o entire building approx. 25 t/year
o block (n. 8 buildings) approx. 200 t/year
2) Via Corbari (Palazzi)
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) heating system
o Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served:
o Number of flats: 20 per building, total 40
o Equivalent inhabitants: total 130
Usable heated surface: approx. 59.5 m ² per unit, total approx. 2380 m ²
Installed power: Approx. kW 5.0 (radiators), approx. kW 25 (generator)
Annual consumption: Approx. 1075 Nm³ per housing unit (heating approx. 86,2%, domestic hot water
approx. 14%)
Type of fuels: Natural gas
Type of power system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: 1988
Main past intervention: Main renovations: works by individual users and / or by the jointly-owned
building, for example: replacement of the heating boiler, closure of the back loggias by metal
staircases single glass windows
a2) air conditioning
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served: Single /multi-split systems, if installed by the
Installed power: Variable
Annual consumption: Not available
Type of fuels: Electricity
Type of air conditioning system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
a3) lighting
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served:
o Number of flats: 20 per building, total 40
o Equivalent inhabitants: total 130
o Usable heated surface: approx. 59.5 m² per unit, total approx. 2380 m²
Insallation of low consumtion devices: During the progressive replacement
Annual consumption: Not available
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b) Building
b1) Type of building
Private and/or Public
b2) Condition of building
year of construction: 1988
construction material: Reinforced concrete structure and plastered brick cladding, concrete and
masonry floors
roofs: Concrete and masonry terraced floors with thermal insulation and waterproofing
insulations: Broken Insulation; any thermal insulation interventions haven’t been done subsequently
doors and windows: Metal double glazing
location related to public transport: Served by bus stop
general state of the building: Good
c) Social aspects
c1) Residential buildings
Type of ownership: property and rent; public and/or private
Social condition: middle class
d) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey: √
on site inspection: √
all building inspections versus sample analysis: sample analysis
documentaion already available provided: architectural layouts
instrumental surveys: thermographic and thermoflow analyses, thermo hygrometric survey.
documentation to be produced
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet: not available
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year)
o risc.: approx. 136
o a.c.s.: approx. 24
o tot.: approx. 160
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter
o housing units approx. 9.5 MWh/anno
o entire building approx. 381MWh/anno
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.)
o approx. 80% for heating uses
o approx.20% for electric uses
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
o approx. 32 for heating uses
o approx. 25 for electric uses
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/year)
o single housing unit approx. 1,9 t/year
o entire building approx. 76,2 t/year
3) Via Corbari (Villette)
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) heating system
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served:
o Number of flats: 9
o Equivalent inhabitants: 4 per housing unit, total 36
o Usable heated surface: approx. 120m ² per unit, total approx. 1080m ²
Installed power: Approx. kW 9.0 (radiators), approx. kW 25 (generator)
Annual consumption: Approx. 2200 Nm³ per housing unit (heating approx. 88%, domestic hot water
approx. 12%)
Type of fuels: Natural gas
Type of power system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: 1986
Main past intervention: Main renovations: works by individual users and / or by the jointly-owned
building, for example: replacement of the heating boiler
a2) air conditioning
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served: Single /multi-split systems, if installed by the
Installed power: Variable
Annual consumption: Not available
Type of fuels: Electricity
Type of air conditioning system (individual, centralized): Individual
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
a3) lighting
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served:
o Number of flats: 9
o Equivalent inhabitants: 4 per housing unit, total 36
o Usable heated surface: approx. 120 m² per unit, total approx. 1080 m²
Insallation of low consumtion devices: During the progressive replacement
Annual consumption: Not available
Age of technology: Variable
Main past intervention: Not available
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b) Building
b1) Type of building
Private - Residential
b2) Condition of building
year of construction: 1986
construction material: Prefabricated system made of lightened reinforced concrete (vertical panels
and floors)
roofs: Unheated attic and insulated pitched roof
insulations: EPS type (intermediate insulation into the walls and under covering surface)
doors and windows: Timber-wood double glazing
location related to public transport: Served by bus stop
general state of the building: Good
c) Social aspects
c1) Residential buildings
Type of ownership: property and rent; private
Social condition: middle class
d) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey: √
on site inspection: √
all building inspections versus sample analysis: sample analysis
documentaion already available provided: architectural layouts
instrumental surveys: thermographic and thermoflow analyses.
documentation to be produced
e) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet: not available
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year)
o risc.: 122 ÷ 136
o a.c.s.: 16 ÷ 18
o tot.: 140 ÷ 155
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter:
o housing units approx. 16.8÷18.6 MWh/year
o entire building approx. 151÷167.4 MWh/year
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.)
o approx. 75% for heating uses
o approx.25% for electric uses
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year)
o approx. 30 for heating uses
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
o approx. 28.5 for electric uses
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/year)
o single housing unit approx. 23.5 t/year
o entire building approx. 211.5 t/year
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 5 – KEK (Debrecen-HU)
Kek partner has provided a complete document on “Examination of the local power supply system in
partner towns/regions” mapping the energy sources of the city of Hajdúszoboszló. This report it
provided by StrateGIS Szolgáltató és Tanácsadó Kft, expert in that.
Below we present the index but to have a complete view of the document, see the Annex II.
Index of the report
1. Introduction of Hajdúszoboszló
2. Electricity supply
3. Natural gas supply
4. Propane gas supply
5. District heating
6. Solar power
7. Wind power
8. Hydropower
9. Geothermal energy
10. Biomass
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 6 - Gorenjeska (Kranj-SLO)
a) Condition of power supply system
a1) heating system
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served / no flats
Installed power / 50kW
Annual consumption / cca 6000 l
Type of fuels / light oil
Type of power system (individual, centralized) / central heating
Age of technology / 1978
Main past intervention / 1978
a2) air conditioning
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served / no flats
Installed power / 300W
Annual consumption / 90kWh
Type of fuels / electricity
Type of air conditioning system (individual, centralized) / local ventilation of sanitary premises, other
part of the building natural ventilation through windows
Age of technology / 1985
Main past intervention / 1985
a3) lighting
Number of flat (families, n. of peoples, surface) served / no flats
Insallation of low consumtion devices / no installed saving lights
Annual consumption / no info
Age of technology / 1956
Main past intervention / 1985
b) Conditions of buildings
construction material / armed concrete, full brick
roofs / flat AB plate with z bitumen hidroisolation
insulations / hidroisolation of roof plate
doors and windows / massive woden door, woden windows with double glazing
location related to public transport / 300 m
c) Methodology of analysis
on desk survey / no tecnical documentation exist
on site inspection / visual overview of the building was made
all building inspections versus samople analysis/ detailed overview of the building follows
documentaion already available provided (layouts, technical diagrams of utilities systems, utilities
manuals) / only one shematic tloris is available
instrumental surveys (thermographic and thermoflow analyses, etc.) / no
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
documentation to be produced /architectual measurement of the building, elaborate - study of the
construction phisics of the existing state of art, "PZI rebuilding of the object and energy sanation of the
building with overview of the necessary work and costs, elaborate of the construction phisics o the
d) Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
energy balance sheet and CO2 balance sheet/ data after analysis
annual energy consumption per surface unit (kWh/m2/year) / data after analysis
total annual energy consumption of the building and the quarter/ data after analysis
distribution of consumption by type of usage (heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.) / data after
CO2 emissions per surface unit (kg/m2/year) / data after analysis
CO2 emissions from the building and the quarter (t/ year) / data after analysis
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 7 - PRAGA (Warsawa-PL)
Condition of power supply system
heating system
Residential buildings: 215
Buildings with usable space: 11
Total number of buildings: 226
Living premises: 16.628
Usable premises: 430
Total number of premises: 17.058
Number of living rooms : 55.753
Living surface (m2): 862.886
Usable surface (m2): 55.437
Number of cooperative members: 16.547
Inhabitants number (appr.): 50.000
Installed power
o 72,65 MW heating
o 19,88 MW hot water
Annual energy consumption(for 2009)
o 496760,05 GJ heating (137 989 MWh
o 250477,47 GJ hot water (69 577 MWh)
Type of power system: Central heating installations in RSM "Praga" are being supplied by cenral heating
system of city Warsaw. The source of heating is electro power station "Żerań" which is powered by
Age of technology: The age of central heating installations is different (installed 1961-2010). Old cental
heating and hot water installations are being consecutively replaced by new ones (pipes and valves) or
modernized (installing of thermostatic valves and automatic). This works are conducted according to
the needs and financial possibilities.
a2 Air conditioning: There is no in RSM "Praga"
a3 Lighting: There is no data. Collecting of this data would require a lot of time and costs.
b Conditions of buildings: Multi family buildings constructed in period 1961-2010
construction material: mainly concrete big plate
Insulations: In period 1961-2010 buildings have been constructed according to the different heat
protection engineering standards.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Before changing the
November 2008
Type of elemet
External walls
0.55-0.73 0.30-0.50
Flat ventilated roof
Attic roof
≤ 0.22
1.7 - 1.8
(independence on the
climatic zone)
Insulatin works on RSM "Praga" buildings are being consecutively conducted. 180 buildings (out of 215)
have been already insulated. Flatroofs have been insulated in 41 buildings.Windows have been exchanged
in common spaces of 78 buildings
C Methodology of analysis
Analysis are based on invoices from energy suppliers, analysis of architectonical projects, observations and
inspections. Full analysis (energy use balance) for purpose of cental heating and hot water for all buildings
have to be done
d Key tools and indicators for energy diagnosys
Annual energy consumption: in everage 123,35 kWh/m2 for heating
Everage annual CO2 emissions: 42,1 kg CO2/m2 in a year
Total annual CO2 emissions: 70 988 t CO2
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
PP 8 – Sopot Municipality (Sopot-PL)
Condition of power supply system
A1) heating system
The heating power supply system in Sopot is:
About 262 local sources (the amount changes with new emerge sources and liquidation of inoperative
ones)and the biggest one has a disposal raw = 16MW. Some big sources work for local heating plant
networks and serve several buildings. There is 16 of this kind of local networks, 4 of them are exploited
by owners of buildings and boiler houses, the rest by OPEC (District Enterprise of Energetics, Gdynia).
The biggest heating plant is 16MW and serves 114buildings, the total installed power is 87WM. This
heating system supports about 54% of flat usable areas, 90% of commercial areas, and all public
The dominant fuel is gas – 86% of heat, 7% is coal and fuel-oil.
Heating plant network, GPEC (District Enterprise of Energetics, Gdańsk. It serves the south part of Sopot
– about 13.0MW
Individual heat sources in dwelling houses and commercial areas, exploited by users. It’s about 28% of
usable areas and some commercial areas, 4 of them by heating pump (0,5MW). The dominant fuel is
gas – 85%, 11% coal and solid fuels, 2% fuel oil. 2% of dwelling houses uses electric power.
Heat requirement, status quo = about 113MW and 794 TJ
a2) air conditioning
We don’t have any local supply system so every flat/building administrates its apart system.
a3) lighting
The source of the energy in Sopot is transformer station 110/15kV (GPZ – Transformer/Switching Station; two
transformers, the power 25MVA each). Double track line is provided do GPZ from “Gdańsk Leźno”, and that
is connected with track line 110kV with network supply 110kV from Gdańsk and Gdynia. Switching station
15kV GPZ supports the power distribution 15kV. It works with rings system, that provides the bilateral
powering from the Transformer stations 15/0,4kV. 15kV network provides energy to transformer stations
15/0,4kV. From the station threw low tension network 0.4kV is distributed to receiver.
The network is after renovation and most of it is in a good technical condition. The networks density of
15/0.4 kV, especially in 1 part of Sopot (Dolny Sopot) is small, it causes decrease of tension.
Street light, installed power: 487191 Watt
lighting fitting tipe
power [W]
Fluorescent lamp
b) Building
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
b1) Type of building
Register of Historic Monuments
ul. 1 Maja 10
1893, 1913
23 Marca 72
23 Marca 74
23 Marca 68/70
3 Maja 16
ul. Abrahama 10
Al. Niepodległości 618
1870, Stone
Al. Niepodległości 752
2nd part of Stone/timber
XVII, the end frame
of XIX
Al. Wojska Polskiego 1
Ul. Andersa 25
Armii Krajowej 68
Ul. Ceynowy 3
Chmielewskiego 9
Ul. Chopina 36
Ul. Chrobrego 48
Czyżewskiego 12
Czyżewskiego 13
Goyki 3
1st part of XIX cent
1894, 1933
Grottgera 3
Grunwaldzka 11
Grunwaldzka 17
Grunwaldzka 33
Grunwaldzka 70
Grunwaldzka 4/6
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Helska 1
Jagiełły 10
Jagiełły 12
Kazimierza Wielkiego 1
Kościuszki 29
Kościuszki 63
Królowej Jadwigi 3
Królowej Jadwigi4
Królowej Jadwigi5
Królowej Jadwigi 6
Królowej Jadwigi 7
Królowej Jadwigi 9
Lipowa 9
Majkowskiego 8
Malczewskiego 30-35
Małopolska 5/7
Mickiewicza 12
Mickiewicza 36
Mokwy 5
End of XIX c
Mokwy 6
Mokwy 7
Mokwy 5b
Moniuszki 10
Morska 7
Obr. Westerplatte 3
Obr. Westerplatte 24
Obr. Westerplatte 30
Obr. Westerplatte 18-20
Paderewskiego 12
Parkowa 10
Parkowa 24
Parkowa 43/45
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Parkowa 5
Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja
1899 – 1901
Plac drojowy 1
Poniatowskiego 8
Powstańców Warszawy 2/4/6
Powstańców Warszawy 12/14
Powstańców Warszawy
Sobieskiego 35
Struga 6
Władysława IV 30
Władysława IV 32
Władysława IV 37
Władysława IV 48
Wybickiego 30a
Wybickiego 43, 43a
According to the Communal record of antique buildings:
There is a list of 1257 buildings from the XIX and XX century. About 70% are made of stone (brick), about
15% are timber frame/stone construction.
During last 13 Years thanks to “Revitalization of the historic part of Sopot” 279 elevations were renovated.
Industrial: no industrial buildings
Residential cooperative => about 134 multifamily buildings
Residential „Przylesie”
9 multifamily buildings - 20758,92m2,
4 utility objects –> 20 premises 1439,53 m2,
1460 citizens
792 flats: 694 owner properties
14 tenant flats
4 rented
6 social
(unfortunately I have only from one residential so detailed information)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Education and bred: 23 public + 2 un-public
Public utility: 8 objects
Sport and culture department: 20 objects
7 churches and 2 sacral objects
Free standing business objects: 11
Administration: 2 objects + other office buildings = 42 000 m2
Touristic objects: 35
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Energy System of the Province of Ferrara
“Assessment of the current situation and of the energy supply system”
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Examination of the local power supply system
in PP 5 KEK partner regions
(Basic data on energy supply in Hajdúszoboszló and its region)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
EnSURE project
Energy Savings in Urban Quarters through Rehabilitation and New Ways of Energy Supply
Output 3.1.2
Examination of the local power supply system in partner
(Basic data on energy supply in Hajdúszoboszló and its region)
WP3: Concepts for an energy efficient urban development
ACTION 3.1: Joint analysis of the current energy situation of urban districts
Prepared by:
StrateGIS Szolgáltató és Tanácsadó Kft.
Project partner name and identification number: Eastern Hungarian European Initiations Foundation (KEK) PP5
Responsible name and surname: Dr. György Norbert Szabados
Function: project manager
Contact details (tel. and email address): +36 20 51 99 585, szabados@agr.unideb.hu
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
It is a well –known fact that prevailing politics have a determining effect on the energy
supply of the World and of course Europe and Hungary as well. Being aware of this situation, more
efficient and more economic exploitation of energy sources must be aimed at. To achieve these
particular targets, detailed mapping of the region, and within it, the city of Hajdúszoboszló has to be
realized to gain more information about the presence of conventional (fossil) and alternative
(renewable) energy sources. Since energy prices are determining factors in all areas of life,
rationalizing its utilization in order to achieve sustainable development and to sustain the quality of
life is an absolute necessity.
Our mission was to contribute to a better standard of living of the city of Hajdúszoboszló by
detailed mapping of its energy sources.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Introduction of Hajdúszoboszló ...................................................................................................43
Electricity supply ..........................................................................................................................48
Natural gas supply.........................................................................................................................53
Propane gas supply........................................................................................................................54
District heating ..............................................................................................................................56
Solar power ...................................................................................................................................59
Wind power ...................................................................................................................................61
Hydropower ..................................................................................................................................62
Geothermal energy ........................................................................................................................63
Biomass .........................................................................................................................................66
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Introduction of Hajdúszoboszló
Hajdúszoboszló is situated in the north-eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, 200
kilometres from Budapest and 21 kilometres from Debrecen in Hajdú-Bihar County. It the centre of
the Hajdúszoboszló sub region (Figure 1.) that was named after the city itself. Here you can find
the largest thermal spa in Hungary.
Figure 1: Geographical location of Hajdúszoboszló
Source: www.googlemaps.com
More specifically the town is located in the region of the Hajdúhát, the Hortobágy, the Great
Sárrét and the Berettyó. The landscape of the city is primarily determined by the fact that it is a
flatland accompanied by smaller and larger earth heaps, loess and sludgy areas, with wavy
elevations. The Eastern Main Canal runs along the western part of the city and smaller rills and
brooks trickle across the town.
Due to the Great Hungarian Plain character of the land, the city is characterized by warm
and dry climate. During the summer season the number of the daily sunshine hours is especially
high, which is beneficial for the city from the aspect of tourism. Despite the little precipitation in
Hajdúszoboszló there is always appreciable air movement. It is very rare when the air is calm. The
favourable climatic properties also supported the development of this curing resort.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
The accessibility of the town is ideal due to the closeness of the seat of Hajdú-Bihar County
(the town in only 21 kilometres from Debrecen) and some of the main traffic lines in Hungary. The
railway line No. 100 and the highway No. 4 run through the town. The transport-geographical
position of Hajúszoboszló was improved on with the completion of motorway M35 in 2006.
Although the motorway does not cross the area of the city, it reaches highway No. 4 at Ebes – near
Hajdúszoboszló – which allows quick access to the motorway. Beside the good road system the city
lies between two regionally significant town – Derecske and Balmazújváros.
The 1st chart shows the main demographic data of Hajdúszoboszló.
Demographic data
238.7 km2
23,282 people
99.9 people/km2
Table 1: Demographic data of the town of Hajdúszoboszló
Source: own edition based on www.wikipedia.com
As summarized in chart 1 the area of Hajdúszoboszló is 23,870 hectares, its total population
is 23,282 people and its population density is 100 people per km2. The city is the center of the sub
region named after the city. This region is a medium-sized area of Hajdú-Bihar County with a
medium population. The micro-regional role of the city is important.1
Local Sustainable Development Plan of the City of Hajdúszoboszló (Local Agenda 21)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
The following picture (Figure 2) illustrates the settlement units and structure of the city:
Figure 2: The settlement structure units of Hajdúszoboszló
Source: Local Sustainable Development Plan of the City of Hajdúszoboszló (Local Agenda 21)
The settlement structure of the city is characterized by a bipolar structure. The city centre
includes the residential area of the former medieval town. It is surrounded by the outer ring of the
suburbs developed from the orchards and gardens of the medieval town.
Experts of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy – during the planning of the function
upgrade rehabilitation of the town – distinguished two characteristic structural parts of the city that
are important in terms of the regional development.
The Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Medical Spa, which is located in the north-north-eastern part
of the city, induced the development of a complex holiday resort supplied with services in
large quantities and high quality.
The spatial centre of the city allows the access and use of public services mostly for the local
These two central parts are separated from each other both geographically and functionally.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Utility services
Piped water
Street lighting
Constructed road
Table 2: Utility services in Hajdúszoboszló
Source: own edition
The town's access to public services can be considered advantageous, as the 2nd chart shows
as well. The length of the constructed drinking water network was 108.2 kilometres in 2008. As
Figure 3 shows, with the construction of the drinking network the number of homes connected to it
was continuously increasing (with 17.05% within 10 years). In 2008 the number of homes
connected to the water network was 10,523.
Figure 3: The changes of public utility gap in Hajdúszoboszló
Source: szferastudio.hu
The year of 2005 was of great importance in terms of the development of the public sewer
network as in this year, due to the support of the European Union, its length doubled. At the present
it is 82 kilometres long which means that 758 meters sewer pipe comes to 1 kilometre drinking
water pipe. The number of homes connected to the sewer network doubled in 2005 as well and it
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
slightly increased until 2008 (7896 homes). The sewer network is still incomplete in 47 streets – the
city submitted an application for the building of the missing sections which is under processing
already and hopefully it will close the slightly opened public utility gap of the town. The following
figure shows the size of the utilities in the town.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Electricity supply
The electricity in Hajdúszoboszló is supplied by the Debrecen region of the E.ON Tiszántúli Áramhálózati Zrt. The amount of the supplied
electricity is 94,389,000 kWh. 15,314 customers are connected to the network and most of them are qualified as household customers (figure 4).
Figure 4: The typical power consumption data between 2000 and 2008
Source: KSH T-Star
The number of household electricity consumers since has increased by 21% since 2000. The
quantity of electricity supplied to households has increased more dynamically with 44 %. The
latter has increased thank to the spread of modern household appliances and computers which
are continuously increasing the energy consumption despite of the technological development.
The total amount of the supplied energy shows an increasing tendency as you can see in figure 5,
except the year of 2003.
It can be stated that more and more electrical energy is needed to meet the demands of the
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 5: The total amount of the supplied energy
Source: own edition
Hajdúszoboszló and its farmland are equipped with 138 transformers. In the inner city you
can mostly find underground cable network which is 24 kms long while in the suburbs are supplied
with landline network which is approximately 16 kms long. We can state that the quality of the
cables is safe and satisfactory.
The medium voltage network is supplied by the Hajdúszoboszló substation with a 20 kV
landline cable. The length of the low voltage network is 122 kms of landline cable and 72 kms of
underground cable. These lengths are increasing year by year as you can see in figure 6. Low
voltage networks are networks that are not greater than 1 kV nominal voltage and they transmit
power to the consumers.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 6: The length of the low voltage distributing network
Source: own edition
The electricity from the power stations gets to the consumers through the national energy
grid. At the present the energy grid – after gradually joining the independent blocks with higher and
higher quality level – consists of a nationwide connected line network and the substations placed on
its nodes. The line network constitutes a coherent, well-organized and high-order configuration.
According to the mode of the bond we distinguish radial network, closed circular line and loop
network. The last link in the national grid is the consumptive network to which all the small
consumers are connected.2 The consumptive network somewhere is radial and somewhere is loop
network. Voltage level: 400/230 V.
The open line network that is supplied from one feeding-point and branches off towards the
consumers is called radial network (Figure 7). The figure shows that the failure of one line involves
the failure of the next line supplied by it. In terms of safety of operation it a disadvantageous quality
but the operating is easier and the costs are lower. The radial network is the part of the distributing
network that supplies the small consumers directly (e.g. rural network).
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 7: Radial network model
Source: www. elmu.hu
If we join the branches of the radial network by its endpoint we get a closed circular line (Figure 8).
In case of circular line if the line breaks the energy supply of the consumers does not stop as they
can be supplied from both directions.
Figure 8: Closed circular line model
Source: www. elmu.hu
The loop network is used for the energy supply of industrial works. In the loop network the
cables create a multiple connected closed system thereby ensuring the energy supply of the
consumer from more sides (Figure 9). That kind of solution offers high safety of operation but the
costs increase significantly and the operating is more complicated as well.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 9: Loop network model
Source: www. elmu.hu
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Natural gas supply
Figure 10 shows the total and the domestic natural gas consumption between 2000 and 2008.
Figure 10: Natural gas consumption of Hajdúszoboszló
Source: KSH T-star
The amount of natural gas supplied for both the population and the municipal and economic
has dynamically increased between 2000 and 2003. However, after 2003, due to the
increase in the market price of gas, consumption decreased by almost 10% mainly in the population.
After 2006, thanks to gas price subvention, another decreased can be observed in domestic
consumption. The figure clearly shows that changes in local consumption are determined by the
population. Domestic consumption is mainly characterized by heating purposes. The difference in
the amount gas consumption during winter time is usually compensated by wood or different kinds
of carbon with a high sulphur and ash content which – due to inappropriate heating technologies –
have an adverse effect on the town’s quality of air.
The establishment of public utilities is favourable and the amount of coverage is 95%. The
number of natural gas consumers in Hajdúszoboszló is more than 10 000, while the number of
domestic consumers is 9 936 and the amount of total transit gas supplied is around 23 500 m3. The
number of households linked into the district heating system is 1215.
Gas supply in the town works on a 6 bar system. The map of this medium pressure network system
in Hajdúszoboszló can be found in Annex 2.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
According to the relating legislation ‘natural gas universal service provider: is the holder of
authorization who has been authorized by the Hungarian Energy Office to trade with universal
service packages for small-scale consumers’. Domestic households and other consumers with a
capacity not more than 20 m3/hour can be supplied by natural gas market undertakings with an
operational licence issued by the Energy Office in the specific operational area. TIGÁZ Zrt. (a
universal natural gas distribution service provider in the North-East region of Hungary) is one
example for this since they have the license for universal service and natural gas trade.
In case of universal service providers, the conditions of licensing includes, amongst others,
the operation of a telephone, electronic and office customer services for clients to manage their
notifications, to investigate and solve their complaints and to inform public citizens.
The degree of the highest tariffs to be paid for the use of the natural gas system is
determined by the Minister responsible for energy policies. Tariffs of gas sold to consumers by gas
traders are determined by common agreement or it is included in the gas trader’s regulation. Tariffs
of natural gas traded within the framework of universal service – in line with legislative rules and
determined in accordance with the license approved by the Hungarian Energy Office – is included
in the business rules of the universal service provider.
In the case of Hajdúszoboszló, the provider of universal service is the TIGÁZ Zrt. Current tariffs
determined and applied by the company are listed in Table 3.
Valid tariffs of natural gas by unversal sevice of TIGÁZ Zrt. from 1
April, 2010
sales categor
below 20 m3/h
between 20-100 m3/h
between 100-500 m3/h
above 500 m3/h
basic fee
HUF/piece; HUF/(m3/h);
12 000
19 068
1 000
1 000
gas fee
Table 3: Universal service tariffs of the TIGÁZ Zrt.
Source: Hungarian Energy Office
Propane gas supply
The Pébé-Coop Ltd. was established in 1990, its members were individuals and a former gas
supplier company. Its objectives were clearly focused on the area of propane gas supply. It intended
to be a supply company which provides propane gas for domestic and public consumers. The
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
company served its customers in the most overall way as possible: this service included the design
of consumer systems up to execution and after it the company supplied the consumer systems with
gas. They obtained the most high-tech tank cars that meet the requirements of the official licences
and it started as the only fully Hungarian owned propane gas supplier company. The company
received the licences for supplying propane gas in 1992. At the same time another company was
established which aimed the use of propane gas as propellant gas in the same propane gas sector.
These are usually used in some cosmetics and other aerosols.
The Pébé-Coop Ltd. still has these services and continuously expands them. Currently their
service covers the examination and the licensing of propane gas tanks.3
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
District heating
The Hajdúszoboszló Utilities Water, Sewer and Heat Supply Ltd. was established by the
Hajdúszoboszló Local Government Plc., the Hajdúszoboszló Spa Inc. and the Hajdúszoboszló
Town Management Plc. At the time of the foundation the ownership percentages were divided
into equal parts among the three owners. In 2003 the Hajdúszoboszló Spa Inc. and Town
Management Plc. sold their ownership to Hajdúszoboszló Local Government so it became the
owner in 100%. The ownership rights are exercised by the Representative Body of the city of
Hajdúszoboszló, while the supervision is performed by a three-person supervisory committee.
The objectives set up at the foundation are still valid. So the task of the company is the following:
to run the town’s water and distant heating system at the highest possible level
to ensure the adequate quantity and quality drinking water, to purify the waste water with
high quality and to ensure the necessary supply of heat service
These objects have not changed during the years and their job is to carry out these objects.
During the last years every development was made to realize to stated goals. The few years that
followed the foundation were of great significance in the development of the company. The
organization need to be evolved and the technical and technological background need to be assured
after the formation of the company. After the initial difficulties a stable employee circle was
developed and the necessary technical and financial background for the operation was set up. Over
the years the primary goal was the continuous maintenance, repair and to satisfy the new demands.
The activities can be divided into three main groups and there is a fourth activity group covering all
the three areas as well. These are the drinking water service, the sewage disposal and cleaning,
distance heating and the administration service that contacts these three fields together.
In the city the company supplies 1,216 homes and some public consumers with distance
heating and hot water. The consumer base increased with 10% thanks to the successful
developments in the last few years. In 2004 more than 150 consumers were connected to the system
with the reconstruction and construction of the cable in József Attila Street. In 2005 the
condominium next to the Forrás Áruház was connected into the system with the future possibility of
connecting new customers. It also supplies schools and public institutions. The distance heating
plant was built in 1985 with 7+7 MW nominal capacity and hot water boilers. In order to be more
diversified in the future they expanded the service with a small gas-driven power station that in its
actual condition can generate 1.5 MW thermal powers and 1.5 MW electric powers. In spite of the
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
continuous gas price increase the company managed to keep the heat charges at a tolerable level for
the customers. The service provider gives all the assistance to those customers who are trying to
achieve savings with the upgrading of their systems. The task of the following years will be the
modernization of the hot water production urged by the law as well. The Local Government of
Hajdúszoboszló acknowledged the work of the company with the Kovács Gyula Prize on 2
September 2005.
The Representative Body of Hajdúszoboszló – authorized by the Act XVIII. of 1998
paragraph 53. (8) point e./ about District Heat Supply and the Act LXXXVII of 1990 on Price
Setting that was amended several times – creates the supplement of 15/1999. (IX.30.) regulation as
the following:
Basic rate
a./ Communal
- heat
- warm water
2./ Heat-charge (metered)
- heating
- water heating
Table 4: Price of district heating
Source: www.kozuzemikft.hu
The heat-charge in the chart was the initial heat-cost in 2007. The price need to be paid is 3200,FT/GJ + VAT from 1 August 2010.
In Figure 11 you can see the central heating plant of Hajdúszoboszló:
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 11: Central heating plant
Source: own picture
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Solar power
If we look at the sunshine duration map of Hungary (Figure 12) we can see that
Hajdúszoboszló is located in an area where the number of annual sunshine hours is approximately
2000 hours.
Figure 12: The number of annual sunshine hours
Source: Hungarian Meteorological Service
It means that in the 22.8% of the whole year (8760 hours) there is direct sunshine which
theoretically can be used for energy production. In the remaining daylight hours (2380 hours/year)
there is diffused sunshine which is not suitable for energy production. Under these circumstances
the power producer systems can only reach the 10-30% of their capacity. In a year the town receives
1250 kWh/m2/year on the average which allows the practical use of solar power in the town’s
administrative area (in a year and for one m2 1000 kWh is equivalent to the amount of energy
contained by about 100 litres oil fuel). In case of single and twin-flat houses – with usual sizing –
the 60-70% of the annual hot water demand can be supplied. During the summer season almost all
the necessary heat energy can be supplied by the Sun. With warm water preparation solar systems
the 30-45% of the global solar radiation can be utilized, with the more effective vacuum tubes this
is 40-50%.
We can state that solar energy offers a real alternative solution for those citizens of
Hajdúszoboszló who would like to choose an environmental friendly way for the energy supply of
their homes or workplaces. A system that can supply a part of our everyday needs – talking about
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
either warm water or heat – can be built up with a sufficient amount of deductible and tender
resources. Beside the many advantages of the solar systems the activity factor and the pay-out
period of the investment need to be considered as well.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Wind power
The wind power potential of Hajdúszoboszló can be characterized with the relative energy
content of the prevailing winds.4 This – as its name says – is a relative quantity that shows the
difference between the amount energy supplied by a prevailing wind direction and by a wind
direction that is not typical to the area. Based on this, the largest amount of energy is provided by
the S-SW winds typical from January till March. The spring and summer seasons are characterized
by N-NE winds. During autumn after a major drop the S-SW wind directions supply the most
energy. So we can see that the distribution of the wind directions is not steady. From the aspect of
utilization we can see seasonally variable N-NE and S-SW prevailing wind directions.
Figure 13: wind speeds height distribution of Hungary
Source: Hungarian Meteorological Service
For wind power exploitation the best are the wind speed over 3 m/s. To characterize the
potential of this we need to examine the vertical distribution of wind speeds for which we used the
maps of the Hungarian Meteorological Service.
The average wind speed increases with the growth of the above ground level. The minimum
needed 3 m/s speed can be expected from 10 meters above ground level already in the region of
Hajdúszoboszló. But for the cost-effective working of the wind turbines and wind power machines
the necessary speed is at least 4 m/s which can be found stably over 50 meters above the ground.
Barabás et al: Local Sustainable Development Plan of the City of Hajdúszoboszló (Local Agenda 21), 2010
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
The necessary speed zone for the operation of high-capacity wind turbines can be found over 75
Based on the distribution of wind speed accordance to direction and height we can state5 that
the wind power potential of the region enables the operation of low-power agricultural wind power
machines for water pumping or a small-scale isolated residential energetic utilization but because of
the high investment costs and from nature conservation aspects it is not suitable for the installation
of large wind turbines.
The energetic utilization of the Eastern Main Canal, that serves agricultural purposes in the
border of the town, is not practical.
Barabás et al: Hajdúszoboszló Város Helyi Fenntartható Fejlődési Terve (Local Agenda 21), 2010
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Geothermal energy
Hungary has significant geothermal energy potencies compared to the neighbour countries.
This is particularly true in North Hungary and the area of Hajdúszoboszló. Figure 14 shows the
characteristics of temperature of geothermal water resources in North Hungary.
Figure 14: Temperature of national thermal waters – Eastern Hungary
Source: www.energiakozpont.hu
Methods of direct use of geothermal energy:
Heating of houses and public buildings
Heating of greenhouses and walk-in plastic tunnels
Drying of crops
Poultry breeding , tempered water fish breeding
Utilization of heat by heat pumps: heating/cooling
Spa, balneology
Drinking water
Industrial utilization
Main areas of utilizing geothermal energy in Hungary are direct heat utilization and balneology
(medicinal wells, medicinal waters used in Spas). Currently, the number of operating thermal wells
in Hungary is approximately 900 (over 30˚C at outflow) of which around 31% have balneological
purposes, more than one quarter of them is used for drinking water production and around half of
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
them is for direct heating purposes. Heat content of exploited thermal water is mainly used to heat
greenhouses, buildings, swimming pools, to produce drinking water and is sometimes utilized in
district heating. It is very important to mention that the utilization of thermal water is state privilege
and one who intends to utilize geothermal energy has to acquire the necessary licences. Thermal
water can be utilized with medical; health; drinking and sparkling water production; bathing;
disposable hot water and hot water production; heat supply and electricity production purposes.
When planning the utilization of thermal water, its use has to be multipurpose, repeated, and
efficient. The utilization of potential accompanying gases also has to be analysed. When
establishing thermal water plants, thermal water rolled out has to be channelled, placed, and
returned harmlessly.
In Hajdúszoboszló, besides balneological purposes of thermal water utilization, it is used for
electricity production as well:
• Gas engine: 1339 kW
• Heat pump: 2x635 kW
• Thermal water: 1200 kW
Viesmann gas boilers: 1200 kW
Figure 15 represents the places where geothermal medical facilities are established. The one in
Hajdúszoboszló is an internationally well-known Spa centre.
Figure 15: Location of medical purpose thermal water places in Hungary
Source: VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute Quality Assurance and Control
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Besides mainly using geothermal energy with a heating purpose (individual or centralized) it
can also be used for electricity production, although geothermal energy based electricity production
do not exist in Hungary at the moment.
Until the utilization of domestic thermal water for electricity production can only be
limitedly realized due to expensive heat-exchange technologies, there are other sources that are, at
least supposedly, suitable for this purpose, such as waste waters and other effluents. Figure 16.
shows that the amount of solutes in the water in Hajdúszoboszló is the highest in the EasternHungarian area. This is one of the causes why the water of Hajdúszoboszló has such a good effect
on the human body. However, high salt content causes serious legal and technological problems
such as frequent and expensive desalting of the heat exchangers and the pipelines.
Figure 16: Solute content of thermal wells in Eastern Hungary
Source: Buday, 2011
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
The solid firing biomass in the region is typically firewood and wood chips from forestry
activity, looping from horticultures and straw as the by-product of plant culture.
The biogas potential development can be seen in the following diagram (Figure 17) :
Figure 17: Biogas potential of Hajdúszoboszló
Source: Szendrei, 2005
The biomass utilization opportunities in the region of the town can be considered ideal both
in terms of geographical location and soil conditions due to the large extent of 32 AK (Golden
Crown) lands.
The characters of biomass as energy source:
it is stored as chemical energy in the organic materials generating in plants
the energetic utilization must be achieved without rising the amount of carbon-dioxide in
the atmosphere, so the ecologically beneficial energy utilization needs special technical
with appropriate use the emission of harmful substances (CO2, CO, SO2,) is significantly
less compared to fossil fuels
the lands released by the improperly structured food production can give a realistic basis
for the rational exploitation
it has positive impact on rural development and job creation
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
Figure 18: The distribution of agricultural lands from the aspect of cultivation in the administrative are of
Source: KSH T-Star
The land use of Hajdúszoboszló is contained by Figure 18. The great proportion of arable
lands (over 80%) is eye-catching. The biomass from these lands is primarily contains agricultural
by-products (cutting, maize stalk, sunflower stalk and head, straw). However the large arable lands
provide a basis for further expansion of biomass production (e.g. creating rape plantations). In
terms of biomass production the 776 km2 area of herbage cannot be taken into account. The low
proportion of forests means a significant disadvantage for the city. On the one hand it spoils the
microclimate of the region and on the other hand a significant part of the easily usable biomass of
the world comes from forests. Therefore the expansion of forest areas is not only reasonable from
an environmental aspect but also from an energetic aspect.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
1. Balneology
Napjainkban, amint a 19. ábra mutatja, a hajdúszoboszlói fürdő hazánk legjelentősebb és
legismertebb gyógyfürdő fürdőkomplexuma.
19. ábra: Magyarország termál-és gyógyfürdői
Forrás: http://www.gama-geo.hu/kb/okt/geoterm/Balneologia_11_24.pdf
A balneológia a gyógyforrásoknak, gyógyvizeknek a gyógyfürdői alkalmazásával és
hatásaival foglalkozó tudomány, azaz gyógyfürdőtan, ami az ásványvizek, iszapfélék, tengeri és
folyami fürdők gyógyítási célokra való felhasználásával foglalkozik. A gyógyhelyeken nem csak a
gyógyvizet használják fel kezelésre, hanem iszapkezelést, ivókúrát, inhalálást, mechano terápiát
(gyógy-masszázst) és étrendi gyógykezelést (diétát) is alkalmaznak. Ezekhez még hozzájárulnak a
klíma, a környezetváltozás, és a lelki hatások is. A felsorolt gyógy-tényezők együttes alkalmazása
segíti a szervezet regenerálódását. (Egészségügyi ABC Medicina Könyvkiadó Budapest, 1974)
Napjainkban csak balneoterápiás kezelést önállóan nem adnak, azt különböző beavatkozásokkal –
például iszappakolással, gyógytornával, elektroterápiával, vagy gyógy-masszázzsal kombinálják. A
balneoterápiát szinte valamennyi klinikai ág felhasználja gyógykezelésében, ideértve a műtétek
utókezelését, valamint a rehabilitációt is. Az alábbi, 5. számú táblázat ismerteti a hazai gyógyvizek
típusait és élettani hatásukat előfordulási helyük szerint.
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
5. táblázat: A Magyarországon előforduló gyógyvizek típusai
Forrás: saját összeállítás www.a gama-geo.hu alapján
1925-ben Hajdúszoboszlón mélyfúrás következtében a földből kb. 1100 méter mélységből
75°C-os meleg termálvíz tört elő. Analízisek alapján megállapítást nyert, hogy a mélyfúrásból
jódos, brómos, konyhasós, hidrogén-karbonátos termálvíz tört fel. A vizsgálatok kimutatták, hogy a
víz tartalmaz bitument és ehhez kötődő ösztrogént, továbbá még különböző nyomelemeket: titán,
vanádium, réz, cink, ezüst, stroncium, bárium és ólom formájában. Dr. Dalmady Zoltán
balneológus, egyetemi tanár szerint "... a fizikai chemia szempontjából rendkívül érdekes vonása a
hajdúszoboszlói vizeknek, hogy töménységükben és összetételükben aránylag igen közel állanak az
emberi szövetnedvek összetételéhez.”
Különös figyelmet érdemel a tengeri fürdőkkel való összehasonlítása, hiszen a
Konyhasótartalmánál fogva körülbelül ötszörösen hígított tengervíznek tekinthető, de a tengervíztől
eltér csekély magnézium, calcium és jelentékeny hydrocarbonat tartalmánál fogva. Ennek dacára
éppoly joggal használható úgy a gyógyításra, üdülésre, mint bármely más olyan tengeri fürdő, mely
vizének hígítottságánál fogva hasonló töménységű.
A következő, 18. számú ábra a hajdúszoboszlói termálvíz pontos összetételét mutatja:
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
20. ábra: A termálvíz alkotórészei
Forrás: www.hungarospa.hu
A következő két ábrán (19. és 20. számú ábra) látható a kétemeletes fürdő központi gyógyászati tájékoztató térképe:
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
21. ábra: A fürdő központi gyógyászati tájékoztató térképe, földszint
Forrás: www.hungarospa.hu
22. ábra: A fürdő központi gyógyászati tájékoztató térképe, emelet
Forrás: www.hungarospa.hu
A kalciumos és a jódos vizek gyulladásos mozgásszervi megbetegedések esetén hasznosak. A kéntartalmú vízben való fürdőzést a degeneratív
gerinc- és végtagízületi bántalomban szenvedőknek javasolják, de a bőrbetegeknek is jót tesz. A szénsavtartalmú vizeket szívbetegeknek,
perifériás keringési zavarokkal küszködőknek ajánlják. A konyhasós vizek nőgyógyászati és urológiai gyulladások mérséklésére alkalmasak. A
radonos gyógyvizek elsősorban fájdalomcsillapításra használhatók.
A hajdúszoboszlói gyógyfürdőben alkalmazott fürdőkúra gyógyító hatást fejt ki a következő
betegségek esetén:
Idült ízületi gyulladások (polyarthritis chr.sec.)
Degeneratív ízületi elváltozások (arthrosis)
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions
A gerinc különféle idült gyulladásos degeneratív megbetegedései(spondylosis
M.Bechterew, chondrosis)
Idült idegfájdalmak, ideggyulladások (neuralgia, neuritis)
Heine medin kór utáni, valamint agyvérzés, agyműtét, vagy más okból kialakult
bénulások utókezelése
Idült izomfájdalmak (myalgia)
Sérülések, sportsérülések utókezelése
Elhúzódó, nehezen gyógyuló csonttöréseknél a callusképződés elősegítése
Érszűkületek egyes formái
Idült nőgyógyászati megbetegedések (adnexitis, chr.)
Idült bőrbetegségek (ekcéma, psoriasis, pruritus)
Heveny gyulladásos megbetegedés
Rákos, rosszindulatú daganatos megbetegedés
Keringési elégtelenség
Súlyos vérnyomás emelkedés
Gümőkóros megbetegedés
Súlyos központi idegrendszeri megbetegedés
Fertőző betegség
Fertőző, undort keltő bőrbetegség
A gyógyfürdőben több mint negyven féle kezelés áll a betegek rendelkezésére. A különböző
gyógykezeléseket kombinálva alkalmazzák. Többek között masszázst, iszapkezelést, súlyfürdőt, víz
alatti masszázst, víz alatti gyógytornát, különböző elktroterápiás kezeléseket és a legmodernebb
szoftlézer-kezelést is alkalmaznak.6
Examination of the local power supply system in partner towns/regions