TECHNICAL STANDARD – TS-110 CABLE STANDARD FOR 66KV UNDERGROUND CABLE Published: 3 September 2012 SA Power Networks. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable DATE Dec 08 3 September 2012 EXPLANATION New Document Company name change only. No other content of this Technical Standard has been altered. Any revision markings are from the December 2008 edition. SA Power Networks – SA Power Networks means Distribution Lessor Corporation subject to a two hundred year lease to the partnership of companies trading as SA Power Networks or SA Power Networks in its own right. SA Power Networks, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of: Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.2) Pty Ltd, ABN 19 091 143 038 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362 each incorporated in Australia CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880 PAI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 82 090 718 951 each incorporated in The Bahamas 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick, South Australia, 5035. SA Power Networks Disclaimer: 1. 2. 3. 4. The use of the information contained in this Technical Standard is at your sole risk. The information in this Technical Standard is subject to change without notice. SA Power Networks, its agents, instrumentalities, officers and employees: a. Make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this Technical Standard; b. Accept no liability for any use of the said information or reliance placed on it; and c. Make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information for any particular purpose. SA Power Networks and its agencies and instrumentalities do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this Technical Standard. SA Power Networks Copyright @ 2012: This publication is copyright. SA Power Networks reserves to itself all rights in such material. You must not reproduce any content of this Technical Standard by any process without first obtaining SA Power Networks permission, except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. All rights reserved. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 2 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. REVISION NOTICE TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 5 2.0 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 5 3.0 DESIGN INFORMATION ................................................................. 5 3.1 CONTRACT DRAWINGS .......................................................................... 6 4.0 SERVICE CONDITIONS ................................................................... 7 5.0 OPERATING CONDITIONS ............................................................ 7 6.0 CABLE CONSTRUCTION ................................................................ 9 7.0 CABLE TESTS .................................................................................... 9 8.0 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES........................................................ 9 8.1 CABLE TERMINATIONS .......................................................................... 9 8.2 CABLE JOINTS ......................................................................................... 10 8.3 EARTHING................................................................................................. 10 8.4 EARTHING AT TERMINAL POLE ....................................................... 11 8.5 JOINT BAY EARTHING .......................................................................... 11 8.6 SURGE ARRESTORS ............................................................................... 11 8.7 SURGE VOLTAGE LIMITERS (SVL) ................................................... 11 8.8 LINK BOXES.............................................................................................. 12 8.9 TERMITE BARRIER TAPE EARTHING.............................................. 12 8.10 FIBRE OPTIC CABLE .............................................................................. 12 9.0 FABRICATION OF ACCESSORIES ............................................. 12 9.1 GENERAL................................................................................................... 12 9.2 SURFACE PROTECTION........................................................................ 13 9.3 PAINTING .................................................................................................. 13 10.0 DELIVERY OF CABLE AND EQUIPMENT ................................ 13 11.0 INSTRUCTION MANUAL .............................................................. 13 12.0 SUB-ORDERS ................................................................................... 15 13.0 INSTALLATION .............................................................................. 15 14.0 TESTS DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION ........................ 15 14.1 MEGGER TEST (BEFORE INSTALLATION) ..................................... 15 14.2 MEGGER TEST (DURING INSTALLATION) ..................................... 15 14.3 HIGH VOLTAGE TEST ........................................................................... 15 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 3 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. CONTENTS TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable 14.4 OUTER SERVING HIGH VOLTAGE TEST ......................................... 15 14.6 EARTH RESISTANCE TESTS ................................................................ 16 14.7 VERIFICATION OF SCREEN BONDING FOR CROSS-BONDED ARRANGEMENTS .................................................................................... 16 14.8 CONDUCTOR AND SCREEN RESISTANCES .................................... 16 14.9 SURGE VOLTAGE LIMITERS (SVL) ................................................... 16 14.10 POSITIVE AND ZERO PHASE SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE .............. 16 14.11 INDUCED VOLTAGE ON CABLE SCREEN ........................................ 16 15.0 DEFECTS LIABILITY ..................................................................... 16 16.0 APPENDICES ......................................................................................... 17 16.1 APPENDIX A: TYPICAL INSULATOR PROFILE .............................. 17 16.2 APPENDIX B: TYPICAL OVER/UNDER POLE ARRANGEMENT . 18 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 4 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 14.5 MEGGER TEST (AFTER INSTALLATION) ........................................ 16 TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable INTRODUCTION This standard sets out the design, manufacturing, delivery, jointing, terminating and commissioning requirements for 66kV Underground Cables. The installation of the cable shall be in accordance with Technical Standard TS-085 - Civil Works Standard for Underground Cables. 2.0 DEFINITIONS SA Power Networks means:SA Power Networks, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of: Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.2) Pty Ltd, ABN 19 091 143 038 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362 each incorporated in Australia CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880 PAI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 82 090 718 951 each incorporated in The Bahamas 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick, South Australia, 5035. 3.0 DESIGN INFORMATION SA Power Networks will supply specification information relating to the cable. The information to be provided will include the following; Conductor size Continuous summer rating Method of cable installation Nominal circuit length (allowances to be made by SA Power Networks for joint overlaps) Conduit requirements Circuit route with suggested joint bay locations Drawing A1-DH1625 – Pole top termination support if applicable Purchasing guidelines in accordance with AS/NZS 1429.2 Appendix B Spare equipment requirements Substation sealing end support structure drawing if applicable Terminal pole sealing end support structure Joint locations and approximate drum lengths shall be determined by SA Power Networks. The contractor shall familiarise themself with local conditions in relation to joint location with regard to avoiding road intersections, existing buried services etc. and would cause the least disruption to road traffic. Whilst suggested joint locations are shown on the purchaser’s drawings, the contractor is free to offer drum lengths and joint locations as they see fit. However, joint bay locations will require the approval of SA Power Networks. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 5 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 1.0 TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable Designs must adhere to the requirements of all relevant SA Power Networks EDrawings and specifications, in particular: 3.1 E1510 66kV Over/under Termination – Earthing Arrangement E1545 66kV Over/under Arrangements CONTRACT DRAWINGS Within three months of the date of an order three copies of each contract drawing shall be submitted to SA Power Networks for approval. For equipment made outside Australia, a further copy of each drawing shall be supplied to SA Power Networks. All of the following drawings shall be submitted: 1. General arrangement of the cable system including: detailed earthing system including sheath bonding; joint bays; detailed conduit plan including size and layout; trench cross section showing depth and spacing requirements; any other drawing appropriate to the installation the equipment. 2. A detailed general arrangement drawing and material list for each accessory, including, but not limited to: outdoor sealing end and support structure dimensional requirements; each type of joint; each type of link box i.e. joint bay and sealing end types; cable screen surge diverter; each type of special tool or die; link box and covers. All arrangement drawings shall be drawn to scale. The drawings shall be modified by the contractor as required by SA Power Networks and resubmitted for final approval. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 6 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. Within six weeks of the date of an order the contractor shall submit details of their designs for the cable installation. These details shall include a drawing to show the electrical design, and a complete list of the materials required for the installation. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable SERVICE CONDITIONS The thermal rating of all equipment shall be based on the service conditions detailed in this specification. The plant shall be suitable for operating continuously under the following ambient conditions with particular attention being paid to the performance of the sealing ends: (a) Altitude Less than 1000 m above sea level (b) Ambient air shade temperatures Maximum 50oC Maximum 24 hour average 40oC Minimum -5°C Frequent rapid drops in temperature give rise to condensation in enclosed compartments. (c) Solar radiation Maximum on horizontal surface 1.1 kW/m2 (d) 5.0 Wind loading (Reference AS/NZS 1170.2) Basic design velocity 50 m/s Terrain category 1 OPERATING CONDITIONS The cable system will be part of SA Power Networks’ 66 kV distribution system and in particular will form the underground portion between the locations as specified. SA Power Networks’ distribution system generally utilises a solidly earthed neutral however, small neutral reactors or resistors may be introduced in the future. System characteristics are detailed in the following table. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 7 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 4.0 TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable Details of System System nominal voltage System highest voltage Frequency Number of phases System neutral 66kV 66kV 72kV 72kV 50Hz 3 solidly earthed, or earthed through a small resistor or reactor for future system configurations Fault conditions - fault current (3 phase or single Phase) - fault clearing time Details of Cable Installation Power Cables Rated voltage Rated throughput (per circuit, summer continuous) Nominal route length Insulation levels - power frequency withstand (core-sheath) - lightning impulse withstand Thermal resistivity - soil (maximum) - "controlled bedding" (maximum) - sand backfill material (maximum) Intensity of solar radiation Soil temperature - winter - summer Cable construction - type of cable - conductor - number of cores - screen (XLPE cables) - anti-termite tapes Maximum conductor temperature - under continuous full load conditions - under fault conditions (1.0s) - conductor - screen Terminations Issue: 03/09/12 31.5kA 1.0 second 66kV MVA, to be advised metres, to be advised 95kV (rms)86kV for 24 (rms) h for 15 min 325kV (p) °C m/W 1.2 1.2 1.2 with 5% moisture 1.1kW/m2 15oC 25oC tree retardant cross linked polyethylene copper single core stranded copper stainless steel or brass 90°C 250°C 160°C (A higher temperature may be permitted based on the outer sheath material) to be specified by SA Power Networks (Outdoor or indoor) Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 8 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. Table 1 – Cable Operating Conditions sheat TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable CABLE CONSTRUCTION The cable shall be XLPE insulated, 66kV three phase (3 x single core) in accordance with this standard. The construction shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 1429.2. The moisture barrier shall be lead alloy E sheath, corrugated stainless steel or corrugated aluminium. The insulation, sheath and serving materials shall be selected and proportioned such that the thermal and mechanical conditions, during a fault shall not give rise to any deterioration. Protection against subterranean termite attack shall be provided. A continuous extrusion of black PVC compound, or similar material, shall be applied over the screen to form a bedding for termite protection tapes. The thickness of the bedding shall be sufficient to provide a smooth profile for the application of the protective tapes, prevent contact between these tapes and the sheath during manufacture and handling at site, and withstand a 5 kV dc l minute test between the tapes and the screen after laying. The tapes for protection against termites shall be of nonmagnetic stainless steel or brass and consist of two layers, wound so that each layer fully covers the bedding with 50% overlap. Each tape shall have a minimum thickness of 0.1 mm, and be electrically continuous. At each joint position a connection shall be made to the anti-termite tapes and brought out to the earthing link box for testing purposes. The non-metallic sheath shall comprise a compound of ultra-violet stabilised high density polyethylene (HDPE). Meter marking on the cable sheath shall be provided. 7.0 CABLE TESTS The cable shall be tested in accordance with AS/NZS 1429.2. Test certificates are required to be submitted for all tests performed on the equipment prior to the delivery of cables. For type tests, a test assembly shall be prepared. This shall include at least 20m total length of cable between accessories, terminations and joints of the types proposed for the contract installation. The cable shall include a length which has been subjected to the bending test. 8.0 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES 8.1 CABLE TERMINATIONS Silicon compound terminations are the preferred termination type. Porcelain terminations maybe specified where silicon compound terminations are not suitable eg. areas of high bird activity. Terminations must comply with the ratings stated in this standard and any specifications issued by SA Power Networks. All terminations will generally be in accordance with AS/NZS 60137. Refer to Distribution Engineering Standards branch for approved 66kV terminations for use on the SA Power Networks network. Contractors shall submit with their offers fully dimensioned drawings of the terminations and showing the complete profiles. The drawings shall show the working stress levels (kV/mm) in all critical areas. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 9 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 6.0 TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable Each outdoor sealing end shall be fitted with a tinned copper or gunmetal terminal palm dimensioned in accordance with palm terminal No 5 of AS 62271.301 and an earth terminal clamp suitable for connection of a 185 sq mm copper conductor earthing cable. Attention shall be paid to connections between dissimilar metals. The Each sealing end shall be supplied with an insulating base using porcelain stand-off insulators capable of withstanding for one minute a test voltage of 15 kV dc. Contractors shall describe the cable terminating methods in outline, and provide a list of any special tools required for the proposed method. Terminal poles and substation structures will be supplied and erected by SA Power Networks. A suitable sealing end support structure will be supplied and erected on poles by SA Power Networks. The Contractor shall be responsible for mounting, terminating and clamping the cables, earthing and for the supply and fitting of a 3m high galvanized steel cable guard at the base of the pole. Refer E1510 series and drawing A4-4111/00/034 in Appendix B. Note: Cables shall be installed on the pole so they are facing away from oncoming traffic. Terminations shall be filled with an insulating fluid compatible with the cable materials. Stress cones may be of the pre-moulded rubber type. 8.2 CABLE JOINTS Cable joints shall be suitable for direct burial in backfilled joint bays. Contractors shall include details of the protective coatings applied over joints to provide sheath/screen insulation and protection from corrosion. The insulation shall be at least equal to that of the cable serving. Where "coffins" are used the halves shall be secured together using bolted flanges. Contractors shall provide drawings of each joint and an outline of the jointing method. The drawings shall show the working stress levels (kV/mm) of all critical areas. 8.3 EARTHING SA Power Networks’ system incorporates a common, multiple earthed, high and low voltage neutral. SA Power Networks will specify whether a single point bonded or cross bonded sheath/screen earthing arrangement will be used. Refer E1510 series for varying earthing arrangements. The Contractor shall describe in detail, with drawings, the arrangements proposed to use for bonding and earthing of the complete cable systems and shall include calculations of sheath voltages and, (where cross-bonding is used) circulating currents. The cable earthing arrangement shall be designed to ensure that, under normal conditions, the sheath voltage will not exceed 65 V ac rms at any Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 10 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. The external creepage distance over the termination shall be not less than 1380 mm. point in the installation and that sheath losses due to circulating currents are minimized. Where cost-effective, SA Power Networks will consider designs that have sheath voltages higher than 65volts, but, these designs must be submitted for approval by ETSA. It shall withstand the transient overvoltages and 50 Hz ac fault currents required in this specification. Earthing cables shall be insulated and have a 185 mm2 minimum cross section copper conductor. All joints and earth stake connections shall be fully sealed against ingress of moisture. 8.4 EARTHING AT TERMINAL POLE The maximum value of earth resistance at each over/under pole shall be 5 ohms (in dry conditions when link to overhead CMEN conductor and underground cable is temporarily disconnected). Earth electrodes must be connected if the footing alone is more than 5 ohms. If the required resistance can not be achieved with four electrodes then refer to SA Power Networks for further consideration. Earthing electrodes shall be stainless steel clad mild steel of not less than 12 mm diameter. 8.5 JOINT BAY EARTHING An earthing electrode system shall be provided at each joint bay and shall comprise as a minimum an earth stake in each corner of the bay. The maximum value of earth resistance at each earthing location shall be 5 ohms. Link box casing, the common neutral earthing conductor and frames and supports of any other ancillary equipment shall be connected to the joint bay earthing system. 8.6 SURGE ARRESTORS Surge arresters are to be installed at each termination to protect the underground cable. These are to be mounted on the same support structure as the terminations. Refer to SA Power Networks E drawing series E1510. The earthing arrangements for both the termination and surge arrester can also be seen on these drawings. Surge arrestor taps shall be kept as short as possible (refer E1510 sheet 2.2). Only surge arrestors approved by SA Power Networks shall be used. 8.7 SURGE VOLTAGE LIMITERS (SVL) The cable sheath insulation shall be protected against impulse, switching surge and 50 Hz overvoltages resulting from cable or system faults by sheath surge diverters utilising Zinc Oxide elements. Constructional and electrical details shall be included in the tender. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 11 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable LINK BOXES Cross bonding of cable sheaths shall be affected using waterproof link boxes located in pits on the footpath adjacent to the joint bay or on sealing end structures where applicable. At the Over/Under poles earth links shall be mounted on the pole above the cable guard in a suitable weatherproof box at a minimum height of 3.6m above ground level (refer E1510 Sheet 5). Refer to cable manufacturer for suitable link box with suitably rated earth bar (refer Table 1). Where link box case and lid are fabricated from ferrous material they shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication. If made from other non-corrodible material e.g. stainless steel, no further surface protection is necessary. Disconnecting link support insulators shall withstand 15 kV dc for one minute. Links shall be of tinned copper and clearly labelled (on each side of the link) with the phase identification "X", "Y" and "Z". A durable label shall be fixed to each link box lid showing a diagram of the link connection arrangement. The metallic link box casing shall be connected to the joint bay or sealing end earthing electrode system. Where surge voltage limiters (SVL) are installed in the link box, the 66kV surge arrestor earth connection shall be directly bonded to the earth bar (refer E1510 Sheet 3.1). 8.9 TERMITE BARRIER TAPE EARTHING Termite barrier tapes shall be earthed through insulating links to facilitate testing of screen insulation. 8.10 FIBRE OPTIC CABLE Where fibre optic cable is included, it shall be terminated in a suitable junction box below the termination frame unless otherwise specified. Note: Do not bend the fibre optic cable below minimum bending radius (refer to cable manufacturer for details of specific cable). 9.0 FABRICATION OF ACCESSORIES 9.1 GENERAL The equipment shall be entirely suitable for continuous operation under the conditions specified herein and shall include everything necessary for safe and convenient installation, operation and maintenance. The equipment (excluding the cable itself) shall be designed to carry shortterm load current of up to 150% of the continuous summer rating for periods of up to four hours. The equipment shall be so constructed that: (a) it is not affected by normal handling during transport, installation, inspection and repair, (b) maintenance can be carried out conveniently and safely, Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 12 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 8.8 (c) 9.2 the design, materials and dimensions of all parts are such that the stresses to which they are subjected shall not render them liable to distortion or damage, under the most severe operating or fault conditions likely to be encountered in service. SURFACE PROTECTION Except where otherwise stated, all metallic surfaces shall be given protective coatings. The Purchaser prefers the use of non-corrodible materials. Where practicable all ferrous metal external surfaces shall be galvanized. 9.3 PAINTING Where applicable, paint work shall be in accordance with AS 2312"Guide to the Protection of Iron and Steel Against Exterior Atmospheric Corrosion", unless otherwise specified herein. Non-ferrous metal surfaces to be paint finished shall be prepared for painting by decreasing in accordance with AS 1627.1. 10.0 DELIVERY OF CABLE AND EQUIPMENT After testing at works every length of cable shall be sealed. The cable shall be despatched on substantial drums which will adequately protect the cable during transport and site handling. The cable drum shall be arranged to take a round spindle and shall be fitted for shipment with strong closely fitting battens to prevent damage to the cable. Spare parts shall be crated separately. Each crate shall be marked with: Purchaser's name Delivery point Purchaser's specification, item and order numbers Manufacturer's serial number Crate number Gross mass In addition, each cable drum shall be marked with: The section of the route to which the particular drum applies (Section A – B) An arrow indicating the direction of rolling The length of cable The cable voltage and size 11.0 INSTRUCTION MANUAL The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer, before the first delivery of the equipment, four copies of an instruction manual giving all the information necessary for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of each portion of the equipment. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 13 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable The manuals shall be suitable for accepting A4 size sheets and all drawings shall be suitably folded or photographically reduced for convenient filing in the manual. Within three months after the date of an order a draft instruction manual shall be submitted for approval. The equipment shall be considered substantially incomplete for the purpose of payment until the approved copies of this manual have been received. Each instruction manual shall comprise the following: A cover suitable to withstand normal field handling A comprehensive index of all material in the manual A description of the cable system A summary of all electrical parameters and the performance data of the cable system. Calculations of the electrical design, cable ratings and sheath induced voltages. A general description followed by a detailed technical account of the operation of each portion of the equipment. This shall include the drawings, diagrams, graphs, and photographs needed to ensure clarity. A copy of each type and routine test certificate and report. A copy of the results of all tests made after delivery and installation. A sketch showing thermocouple locations and formulae and graphs to compute the conductor temperature from the serving temperature. Information on the inspection, testing, installation and maintenance of all equipment. This shall include: Instructions for installing each item of equipment and material. These shall include detailed cable jointing and terminating instructions. The instructions required to dismantle and assemble each item of equipment, where appropriate. A schedule of the tests, adjustments, replacements and other work required to maintain correct performance. Values, with permissible tolerances, to be achieved in the scheduled tests and adjustments. Maintenance procedures during service. Any other information that the Contractor considers to be useful or relevant to the particular installation. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 14 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. Each manual shall relate solely to the equipment supplied, and shall not contain any material which is not applicable to this equipment. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable 12.0 SUB-ORDERS Castings Welding assemblies Bushings and insulators Protective and measuring equipment, and Any other major sub-assembly Each sub-order copy shall be provided immediately after it is prepared. If the equipment is manufactured outside Australia, one additional copy of each sub-order shall be provided. Each sub-order shall state that the work is subject to the requirements of this specification, as amended by approved departures, and shall be marked with: The number of the specification SA Power Networks’ order number 13.0 INSTALLATION The Contractor is completely responsible for the, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the cable system as specified in the contractual arrangements. SA Power Networks is prepared to purchase appropriate special tools and equipment used by the Contractor for the jointing and terminating of the cables provided that they are in a satisfactory condition. The Contractor shall list the tools and equipment available for purchase in the prices schedule. 14.0 TESTS DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION 14.1 MEGGER TEST (BEFORE INSTALLATION) A Megger test of each core and each screen is to be carried out while still on the drums after delivery if the ends are accessible. 14.2 MEGGER TEST (DURING INSTALLATION) A Megger test of each core and each screen is to be carried out when it is laid in the trench or conduit and before the terminations are commenced. 14.3 HIGH VOLTAGE TEST The cable system shall be subjected to power frequency withstand test for 24 hours. 14.4 OUTER SERVING HIGH VOLTAGE TEST The outer serving of each section between joints shall be subjected to 10 kV dc for 1 minute and have an acceptable leakage current. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 15 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. The Contractor shall provide one copy of any sub-order placed for: TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable Megger values shall also be taken of each section using a 2.5 kV (minimum) megger. Minimum acceptable values shall be: (i) Outer serving (termite tapes to earth) - 500 M ohm (ii) Bedding for termite tapes (termite tapes to screen) - 200 M ohm Note - For (i) above the Purchaser expects values in excess of 2000 M ohm and values less than this will require explanation and possible correction. 14.6 EARTH RESISTANCE TESTS After the installation of each joint bay electrode system by the Contractor, standard earth resistance tests shall be carried out and the results of these tests shall be provided for approval. 14.7 VERIFICATION OF SCREEN BONDING FOR CROSS-BONDED ARRANGEMENTS After installation of each section the Contractor shall demonstrate that the cross bonding system is effective. This may be done by three phase current injection into the cable cores and measuring the resultant screen current. Temporary redisposition of the bonding links to simulate erroneous bonding should indicate the presence of substantial screen current. NOTE: Surge Voltage Limiters (SVL) should be temporarily disconnected. Voltages between screen and earth shall be measured and when corrected for the declared cable current rating shall not exceed the guaranteed levels. 14.8 CONDUCTOR AND SCREEN RESISTANCES The conductor and Screen do resistances shall be measured to verify circuit continuity. 14.9 SURGE VOLTAGE LIMITERS (SVL) With the three active leads connected to the earth lead and all four disconnected from earth, the resistance between the link box containing the SVLs and the four leads shall not be less than 10 megohms when measured at 1000 volts dc. 14.10 POSITIVE AND ZERO PHASE SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE Tests shall be made to establish the positive and zero phase sequence impedances and verify the guaranteed values. 14.11 INDUCED VOLTAGE ON CABLE SCREEN The Contractor shall carry out tests to verify the calculated induced screen standing voltages. 15.0 DEFECTS LIABILITY The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of any defects in the completed cable system for a period of 24 months after take-over. Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 16 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 14.5 MEGGER TEST (AFTER INSTALLATION) TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable 16.0 APPENDICES WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 16.1 APPENDIX A: TYPICAL INSULATOR PROFILE Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 17 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer. TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 16.2 APPENDIX B: TYPICAL OVER/UNDER POLE ARRANGEMENT Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised by: J Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 18 of 18 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks Disclaimer.