Instruction Working Title: Ohms Law Topic This

Design Template
Instruction Working Title: Ohms Law
This instructional design will focus on the basic concepts of Ohms Law that are
necessary for a foundational understanding of electronics.
The theory behind this instruction is based on a systems approach wherein the
ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model
will be used to develop this content. This instruction will be developed using a
needs assessment, documenting objectives, development of the curriculum
content, appropriate delivery methods, and course outcome evaluations of the
Ohms Law concepts.
Many students find it difficult to grasp the concepts of basic electronics including
Ohms Law. One reason is the focus on algebra mathematical skills required to
model resistive circuitry. Another reason is much of the electronics theory is
based on mathematical models that can be difficult to visualize
The content of this instruction is for students with some algebraic mathematics
skills. Without these basic skills, the student will find it hard to work through
some of the lengthy problems used to solve the functionality of the resistive
circuit. The purpose in this basic training is to equip the student with the skills to
continue on in the advanced studies of electronics.
This instruction set is designed to provide the basic skills necessary to
understand the early building blocks of electronics. Once the student masters
this skill set they will be able to make application of the theory in a laboratory.
The application of the learned theory in the laboratory will serve to provide
evidence that the mathematical models do operate as described in the
Design Template
The design of the instruction will be to present the foundational concepts of the
configuration of a resistor. Subsequent instructions will include some basic
theory of a resistor design, what defines the operation of the resistor, and how to
determine its value.
General learning expectations
The student will be able to determine the value of a resistor and it function in a
circuit. Additionally, they will be able to determine the resistive circuits
mathematical model.
Learning goals and objectives
At the end of this course students will be able to successfully:
G.1. Learn the basic configuration of a resistor
O.1. Students will understand the design of a resistor.
O.2. Students will learn the basic function of a resistor in an
electrical circuit.
G.2. Learn how to determine the value of a resistor
O.1. Students will learn how to determine a resistors value
O.2. Students will learn how to read resistor color code
O.3. Students will understand how resistors work in a circuit
G. 3. Learn how to measure the value of a resistor
O.1. Students will learn how to measure the value of a
O.2. Student will learn to determine if the measured value of
resistance matches the value markings on the resistor by
using the Ohms Law formula
Design Template
Learning Activities
1) The student will start learning about resistance and Ohms Law by reading
the text materials provided with the course
2) The student will be able to explain the composition of a resistor
3) The student will work the solutions to examples of resistors to define its
value using Ohms Law
4) The student will demonstrate how to measure the value of a resistor
5) The student will demonstrate how to configure a resistor in a circuit
configuration in a laboratory environment
6) The student will take a comprehensive quiz of resistor design,
measurement and application
Design Template
Completion outcomes
The main outcomes of the instruction include:
1) The physical design characteristics of a resistor
2) The proper methods of defining the value of a resistor
3) Definition and demonstrating the use of Ohms Law
Technology required
Learners will have access to either a computer to view related materials or view
and read the printed material handouts. Eyesight, hearing and eye-hand
coordination are required for this instruction.
The process of instruction and assessment should take no more than 30
Design Template
Example Rubric
Rubric for Project B
Materials, Job Aid, Design Document Feedback
Student has:
Previously read the text handout related to resistors and Ohms Law
Verbally described the physical make-up of a carbon composition resistor
Defined how to determine the value of a resistor
Defined the Ohms Law Formula
Demonstrated the use of the color code chart for carbon composition resistors
Demonstrates ability to measure a resistor using an Ohmmeter
Completes quiz on resistor and Ohms Law theory
Bonus: Submits research defining resistor tolerance
Total points
General feedback:
Design Template
At the conclusion of the instruction, did you feel that you learned the proper steps
needed use Ohms Law?
At the conclusion of the instruction, did you feel that you learned the proper steps
determine the value of a resistor?
Were the directions and text handout appropriate?
Did the visual information provided with the handout allow you to learn these
Did you think more or less visual information was needed?
Do you feel that you were successful in reaching the goals that the instructor set
out for you?
What do you think can be improved concerning this instruction content?