GENERAL DATA 1 LAWRENCE HALL - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE DESIGNATION CD2-1 CD2-2 CD2-3 CD2-4 CD2-5 CD2-6 CD2-7 CD2-8 CD2-9 CD2-10 CD2-11 AIR HANDLING SYSTEM AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ZONE AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 FPM 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 10 X 8 14 X 12 20 X 20 10 X 10 14 X 12 14 X 10 12 X 10 12 X 12 16 X 16 22 X 18 8 X8 IN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER REMARKS ZONE OPPOSED REMARKS 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. GENERAL DATA 5 WILDENTHALL LIBRARY - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE DESIGNATION CD5-1 CD5-2 CD5-3 CD5-4 CD5-5 CD5-6 CD5-7 CD5-8 CD5-9 CD5-10 CD5-11 CD5-12 CD5-13 CD5-14 CD5-15 CD5-16 CD5-17 AIR HANDLING SYSTEM AHU 1 AHU 1 AHU 1 AHU 1 AHU 1 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 2 AHU 3 AHU 3 AHU 3 AHU 3 AHU 3 AHU 3 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 FPM 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 56 X 16 44 X 16 38 X 14 42 X 14 48 X 14 40 X 14 40 X 14 38 X 14 38 X 14 48 X 14 36 X 12 44 X 16 24 X 12 26 X 18 48 X 12 26 X 12 84 X 18 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER REMARKS 1 ZONE ZONE IN REMARKS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. RETURN AIR DAMPER SCHEDULE RAD 3-1 RAD 3-2 RAD 1-1 MAB MAB LAWRENCE REMARKS AHU 10 AHU 2 GP1-2 GP 1-3 OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD356 CD356 CD356 CD356 CD356 FPM 500 500 500 500 500 IN. 48 48 48 60 60 MANUFACTURER SERIES AIR HANDLING SYSTEM GRAVES PIERCE GRAVES PIERCE AHU 9 TYPE MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY DESIGNATION OPPOSED AREA SERVED MAXIMUM WIDTH MAXIMUM HEIGHT RAD 20-2 IN. 24 24 24 36 36 REMARKS 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 2 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 3 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 4 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. CD8-1 CD8-2 CD8-3 CD8-4 CD8-5 CD8-6 CD8-7 CD8-8 CD8-9 CD8-10 CD8-11 CD8-12 AHU-A2 AHU-A2 AHU-A2 AHU-A4 AHU-A4 AHU-A4 AHU-B4 AHU-B4 AHU-B4 AHU-B5 AHU-B5 AHU-B5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ZONE AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY FPM 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 24 X 12 24 X 18 24 X 18 12 X 12 24 X 14 24 X 12 30 X 18 30 X 18 30 X 18 30 X 20 24 X 18 20 X 14 IN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER REMARKS GENERAL DATA LOCATION RAD 20-1 GENERAL DATA DESIGNATION 8 UNIVERSITY CENTER - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE REMARKS 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. GENERAL DATA 9 MUSEUM - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE DESIGNATION CD9-1 CD9-2 CD9-3 CD9-4 CD9-5 CD9-6 CD9-7 CD9-8 CD9-9 CD9-10 CD9-11 CD9-12 CD9-13 CD9-14 AIR HANDLING SYSTEM AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 AHU-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 FPM 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 18 X 14 10 X 14 8 X8 14 X 12 10 X 12 34 X 20 34 X 20 18 X 34 16 X 16 16 X 16 18 X 30 16 X 16 16 X 12 14 X 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ZONE AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY REMARKS WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER IN REMARKS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. 20 GRAVES PIERCE - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE CD14-1 CD14-2 CD14-3 CD14-4 CD14-5 CD14-6 CD14-7 CD14-8 CD14-9 CD14-10 CD14-11 CD14-12 CD14-13 CD14-14 CD14-15 CD14-16 CD14-17 AIR HANDLING SYSTEM MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 1A MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 2 MZ 1A-1 MZ 1A-2 MZ 1A-3 MZ 1A-4 MZ 1A-5 MZ 1A-6 MZ 1A-7 MZ 1A-8 MZ 2-1 MZ 2-2 MZ 2-3 MZ 2-4 MZ 2-5 MZ 2-6 MZ 2-7 MZ 2-8 MZ 2-9 ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY REMARKS WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER FPM OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 12 X 12 10 X 10 - 16 X 12 12 X 12 - - - 18 X 18 14 X 14 - 14 X 14 - - 16 X 10 - 30 X 14 IN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 REMARKS 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE POSITION. 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. DESIGNATION AIR HANDLING SYSTEM GENERAL DATA DESIGNATION ZONE AREA SERVED TYPE MANUFACTURER SERIES MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY WIDTH X HEIGHT DIAMETER REMARKS GENERAL DATA 14 FERGUSON - DISCHARGE DAMPER SCHEDULE CD20-1 CD20-2 CD20-3 CD20-4 AHU-GP1-2 AHU-GP1-2 AHU-GP1-3 AHU-GP1-3 2 3 2 3 ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED OPPOSED RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN RUSKIN CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 CD 35 FPM 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 IN 14 X 14 30 X 26 14 X 14 26 X 30 IN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 REMARKS 1 - DAMPER SHAFTS TO MOUNT HORIZONTAL. 2 - PROVIDE ALL EXTERNAL DRIVE SHAFTS AS REQUIRED FOR MOTORIZED OPERATORS. SHAFT TO BE 3 - PROVIDE BRACING AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL. 4 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DAMPER DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE 5 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL DAMPER. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL ACTUATOR AND ALL CONTROL APPURTENANCES. HOT WATER BOILER SCHEDULE OUTPUT FLUID ELEC GENERAL DATA DESIGNATION B1-1 B2-1 B2-2 BUILDING LAWRENCE HALL ACRC ACRC LOCATION BASEMENT SERVICE LAWRENCE HALL PATTERSON-KELLY BASEMENT ACRC, MORELOCK, BRISOCE PATTERSON-KELLY BASEMENT ACRC, MORELOCK, BRISOCE PATTERSON-KELLY B5-1 WILDENTHAL LIBRARY CRAWL SPACE WILDENTHAL LIBRARY PATTERSON-KELLY MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MANUFACTURER SERIES MODEL B12-1 B12-2 WARNOCK SCIENCE WARNOCK SCIENCE B14-1 B22-1 B22-2 B22-3 B22-4 FERGUSON GRAVES-PIERCE GRAVES-PIERCE GRAVES-PIERCE GRAVES-PIERCE BOILER BUILDING GRAVES-PIERCE, GALLEGO, POOL PATTERSON-KELLY BOILER BUILDING GRAVES-PIERCE, GALLEGO, POOL PATTERSON-KELLY BOILER BUILDING GRAVES-PIERCE, GALLEGO, POOL PATTERSON-KELLY BOILER BUILDING GRAVES-PIERCE, GALLEGO, POOL PATTERSON-KELLY 1ST FLR MECH. RM 1ST FLR MECH. RM BASEMENT FERGUSON, WARNOCK SCIENCE WARNOCK SCIENCE FLETCHER PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH MACH C-2000 C-3000 C-3000 C-2000 C-2000 C-2000 C-2000 C-2000 C-2000 C-3000 C-2000 C-1500 C-3000 C-3000 C-3000 C-3000 MAXIMUM LENGTH IN 77 64 64 77 77 77 77 77 77 64 77 77 64 64 64 64 MAXIMUM WIDTH IN 30 32 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 30 30 32 32 32 32 MAXIMUM HEIGHT IN 56 78 78 56 56 56 56 56 56 78 56 56 78 78 78 78 FRONT SERVICE CLEARANCE IN 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 SIDE SERVICE CLEARANCE IN 18 24 24 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 18 18 24 24 24 24 TOP SERVICE CLEARANCE IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALTITUDE FT 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 4,480 BOILER CIRCUIT - VOLTS/PHASE/HZ 120/1/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 208/3/60 120/1/60 120/1/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 WATTS 880 5820 5820 880 880 880 880 880 880 5820 880 880 5820 5820 5820 5820 BOILER CIRCUIT MOCP AMPS 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 OPERATING CAPACITY MBTUH BOILER CIRCUIT - COMBUSTION FAN 1,424 2,136 2,136 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 2,030 1,353 1,010 2,136 2,136 2,136 2,136 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER GPM 142 214 214 142 142 142 142 142 142 203 135 101 214 214 214 214 ºF 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 FLUID PRIMARY FLOW ENTERING FLUID TEMP. ºF 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 MAX. FLUID PRESS. DIFF. LEAVING FLUID TEMP. FT HD 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 HEATING INPUT MBTH 1,600 2,400 2,400 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 2,280 1,520 1,134 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 GAS FLOW (DERATED FOR ALTITUDE) MCFH 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 5:1 3 4.5 4.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4.5 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 THERMAL EFFICIENCY @ DESIGN NATURAL GAS B5-2 B8-1 B8-2 B9-1 B9-2 WILDENTHAL MUSEUM OF BIG MUSEUM OF BIG UNIVERSITY CENTER UNIVERSITY CENTER LIBRARY BEND BEND CRAWL SPACE 1ST FLR MECH. RM 1ST FLR MECH. RM 1ST FLR MECH. RM 1ST FLR MECH. RM WILDENTHAL UNIVERSITY CENTER UNIVERSITY CENTER MUSEUM, FINE ARTS MUSEUM, FINE ARTS LIBRARY PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY PATTERSON-KELLY % TURNDOWN RATIO MINIMUM INLET GAS PRESSURE IN WC MAXIMUM INLET GAS PRESSURE IN WC 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 INLET GAS CONNECTION IN. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 COMBUSTION AIR CONNECTION IN. 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 SIDEWALL COMBINED SIDE. COMBINED SIDE. CRAWL SPACE CRAWL SPACE COMBINED SIDE. COMBINED SIDE. COMBINED ROOF COMBINED ROOF COMBINED SIDE. COMBINED SIDE. AREAWAY DIRECT SIDEWALL DIRECT SIDEWALL DIRECT SIDEWALL DIRECT SIDEWALL COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE FLUE CONNECTION IN. FLUE DISCHARGE ORIENTATION REMARKS 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 SIDEWALL 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED SIDE. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED SIDE. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 COMBINED ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 COMBINED SIDE. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 COMBINED SIDE. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 SIDEWALL 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ROOF 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1 - CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO INCLUDE IN BID COST ALL NECESSARY GAS, WATER, FLUE, COMBUSTION AIR, STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL, AND OTHER APPURTENANCES AND SERVICES REQUIRED BY BOILER MANUFACTURER FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM. 2 - CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD-VERIFY INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATIONAL CLEARANCES AS REQUIRED BY CODE AND RECOMMENDED BY BOILER MANUFACTURER. SHOP DRAWINGS SHOWING FIELD-VERIFIED DIMENSIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO RELEASE OF EQUIPME 3 - PROVIDE UNIT WITH 4" HOUSEKEEPING PAD. PAD HEIGHT IS NOT INCLUDED IN SCHEDULE UNIT HEIGHT. REMARKS 4 - PROVIDE CIRCULATING WATER PUMP FOR BOILER IN ACCORDANCE WITH BOILER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. REFER TO BOILER HOT WATER PIPING SCHEMATIC AND PUMP SCHEDULE. 5 - UNIT SHALL MEET 2010 SCAQMD STANDARDS FOR LOW NOX BOILERS 6 - PROVIDE ACID NEUTRALIZATION KIT AND DRAIN CONNECTION. '7 - PROVIDE FACTORY-SUPPLIED BAROMETRIC DAMPER AT BOILER FLUE CONNECTION. 8 - PROVIDE COMBINED FLUE AND COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE FOR MULTIPLE BOILERS. PROVIDE ENGINEERED COMBUSTION ASSISTANCE FAN AND FLUE SYSTEM AS DESIGNED BY ENERVEX AND INCLUDING VARIABLE SPEED POWER VENTER, VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE, MODULATING DRAFT CONTROL WITH C 9 - BOILERS SHOULD BE SELECTED FOR DE-RATED CAPACITY BASED UPON ALTITUDE. SCHEDULED DERATION IS 20% OR 80% OF FULL RATED CAPACITY. 10 - PROVIDE INLINE FAN IN COMBUSTION AIR COMBINED DUCT. FAN SHALL BE EQUAL TO ENERVEX. ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER SCHEDULE HOT WATER COIL SCHEDULE DESIGNATION FLOOR MODEL VOLTAGE / PHASE kW AMPS CFM NOTES HWC 1-2B SC 407-1A SC 407-1B SC 407-2A SC 407-2B SC 407-3A SC 407-3A HWC 22-1 LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LAWRENCE WILDENTHAL WILDENTHAL WILDENTHAL WILDENTHAL WILDENTHAL WILDENTHAL GP POOL UH22-1 BOILER ROOM QMARK MUH03-81 3 208/1 14.5 350 ALL FIRST FIRST THIRD THIRD FIRST FIRST SECOND SECOND THIRD THIRD - UH22-2 BOILER ROOM QMARK MUH03-81 3 208/1 14.5 350 ALL SERIES HAND MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY FPM LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT LEFT 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 IN. GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROVIDE MOUNTING BRACKETS FOR CEILING MOUNT. 2. PROVIDE TRANSFORMER, ADJUSTABLE THERMOSTAT, AND CONTROLS. PROVIDE INTERFACE WITH EMS. SET THERMOSTAT TO 45 DEGREES INITIALLY FOR FREEZE PROTECTION. 3. PROVIDE MEANS OF ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT FROM UNIT. IN. CFM 5,500 5,500 5,750 5,750 11,500 11,500 9,500 9,500 9,000 9,000 4,600 COIL ENTERING DB ºF 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 COIL DISCHARGE DB ºF 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 MBTUH 272,250 272,250 284,625 284,625 569,250 569,250 470,250 470,250 445,500 445,500 300,000 GPM 27 27 28 28 57 57 47 47 45 45 30 ºF 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 MINIMUM COIL ROWS TOTAL CAPACITY HEATING WATER FLOW HEATING WATER ENTERING HEATING WATER LEAVING MAXIMUM WATER PRESSURE DROP ºF FT. HD. 140 140 140 140 140 140 EXPANSION TANK SCHEDULE 2 140 140 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 REMARKS 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1 - COILS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN EXISTING AIR HANDLING UNITS. 2 - ALL COIL DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY DIMENSIONS. 3 - CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE FURNISHED BY CONTROLS PROVIDER AND INSTALLED BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. CONTROLS SHALL PROVIDE ACTUATOR. 4 - COILS ARE 'SPLIT', LEFT HALF AND RIGHT HALF, INSTALLED IN ONE AHU. DESIGNATION ET1-2 ET5-1 TYPE DIAPHRAM DIAPHRAM 160 LOCATION LAWRENCE WILDENTHAL MANUFACTURER AMTROL AMTROL AX-40 AX-60 140 140 140 10 1, 2, 3, 4 10 1, 2, 3, 4 10 1, 2, 3 GENERAL DATA AIR FLOW HOT WATER REHEAT MFR HWC 1-2A MANUFACTURER MAXIMUM LENGTH MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS SERVICE HWC 1-1B REMARKS GENERAL DATA LOCATION MARK HWC 1-1A SERIES TANK VOLUME GAL 21.7 33.6 ACCEPTANCE VOLUME GAL 11.3 11.3 DRY WEIGHT LB 96 103 OPERATING WEIGHT LB 190 197 MAXIMUM WEIGHT LB 276 393 29 43 16 16 MAXIMUM LENGTH IN. MAXIMUM DIAMETER IN. REMARKS 1 PROVIDE HORIZONTAL TANK WITH SIGHT GAGE PUMP SCHEDULE BEF14-1 SIDEWALL FERGUSON FLUE ENERVEX RSV250 60 24 24 14 120/1/60 0.2 0.16 TEFC 483 NOTE 2 1600 10 1, 3, 6 BSF8-1 INLINE UNIVERSITY CNTR COMBUSTION AIR COOK 135TCNB ----460/3/60 0.75 -TEFC 2001 0.5 --4,5,6 BSF12-1 INLINE WARNOCK COMBUSTION AIR COOK 135TCNB ----208/3/60 0.5 -TEFC 1323 0.5 -4,5,6 DESIGNATION SHWP 9-1 SHWP 1-1 SHWP 2-1 SHWP 5-1 SHWP 22-1 SHWP 22-2 BCP-A BCP-B BCP-C IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE MUSEUM LAWRENCE ACRC WILDENTHAL GP POOL H&V GP POOL HX BLR CIRC BLR CIRC BLR CIRC TYPE GENERAL DATA BEF12-1 SIDEWALL WARNOCK FLUE ENERVEX RSV315 88 24 24 14 120/1/60 0.5 0.35 TEFC 1323 NOTE 2 1600 16 1, 3, 6 LOCATION SERVICE HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW MANUFACTURER B&G B&G B&G B&G B&G B&G B&G B&G B&G SERIES 80SC 80SC 80SC 80SC 60 80SC 80 80 80 MODEL 4 X 4 X 9-1/2 3 X 3 X 9-1/2 B 6 X 6 X 9-1/2 5 X 5 X 9-1/2 1-1/2 X 6-1/4 3 X 3 X 9-1/2 B 2-1/2 X 2-1/2 X 7 3 X3 X8 4 X4 X7 OPERATING WEIGHT LBS VOLTS/PHASE/HZ ELECTRICAL DATA BEF2-1 BEF5-1 BEF8-1 BEF9-1 INLINE INLINE SIDEWALL ROOFTOP ACRC WILDENTHAL UNIVERSITY CNTR MUSEUM FLUE FLUE FLUE FLUE ENERVEX ENERVEX ENERVEX ENERVEX IPVB-400 IPVB350 RSV400 RSV400 LBS 128 94 127 127 IN 57 52 26 26 IN 30 26 26 26 IN 27 25 18 18 208/3/60 460/3/60 460/3/60 460/3/60 HP 2 1 1 1 KW 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 TEFC TEFC TEFC TEFC CFM 1964 1297 2001 1944 IN. WG. NOTE 2 NOTE 2 NOTE 2 NOTE 2 1740 1740 1740 1740 FAN SPEED RPM 16 14 16 16 FAN INLET DIAMETER: IN REMARKS 1, 3, 6 1, 3, 6 1, 3, 6 1, 3, 6 1 FLUE EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE SIZED AND SELECTED BY ENERVEX, COMBUSTION AUTOMATION SYSTEM PROVIDER. 2 STATIC PRESSURE SHALL BE DETERMINED BY FLUE SYSTEM EXHAUST SYSTEM DESIGNER. 3 PROVIDE INVERTER-RATED MOTOR, VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE AND CONTROLS FOR FLUE EXHAUST FAN. DRIVE AND CONTROLS 4 PROVIDE INVERTER-RATED MOTOR. PROVIDE VFD SUPPLIED FROM CONTROLS PROVIDER AND INSTALL. 5 PROVIDE INTERLOCK AND CONTROLS INTERFACE AS RECOMMENDED BY AND SUPPLED BY ENERVEX. 6 PROVIDE FACILITY EMS INTERFACE. MOTOR SIZE SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY ENERVEX AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 385 220 570 430 88 220 205 220 230 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 208/3 3 3 5 5 1.5 3 2 3 3 VFD VFD VFD VFD STARTER VFD STARTER STARTER STARTER HP VFD/STARTER OPERATING POWER HP 2.7 15 3.8 2.5 0.57 15 1.7 1.9 2.6 MAX OPERATING POWER HP 2.9 2.5 4.3 3.1 1.1 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.6 MOTOR SPEED RPM 1150 1150 1150 1150 1750 1150 1750 1750 1750 FLOW RATE GPM FLUID PUMP DATA DESIGNATION TYPE LOCATION SERVICE MANUFACTURER SERIES OPERATING WEIGHT MAXIMUM LENGTH MAXIMUM WIDTH MAXIMUM HEIGHT VOLTS/PHASE/HZ MOTOR SIZE MAXIMUM OPERATING POWER MOTOR TYPE FLOW RATE TOTAL STATIC 270 112 450 297 30 112 141 188 272 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER TOTAL HEAD FT 28 35 25 33 35 35 30 28 28 SUCTION SIZE: IN. 4 3 6 5 1-1/2 3 2-1/2 3 4 DISCHARGE SIZE: IN. 4 3 6 5 1-1/2 3 2-1/2 3 4 IMPELLER DIAMETER: IN. 8.875 9.125 8.500 8.250 6.000 9.125 6.625 6.125 6.375 MAX IMPELLER DIAMETER EFFICIENCY REMARKS IN. % 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 6.250 9.500 7.000 7.000 7.000 71 1-4 67 1-4 75 1-4 74 1-4 56 1-4 67 1-4 63 1-4, 5 69 1-4, 6 73 1-4, 7 1. PROVIDE SUCTION DIFFUSER WITH INTEGRAL STRAINER FOR EACH PUMP SIZED BY MANUFACTURER. 2. PUMPS SHALL BE SELECTED ON CURVE TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 2 IMPELLER SIZES ON EITHER SIDE OF SELECTION POINT. IN ADDITION, THE MATCH EXISTING HEAD CONDITIONS FOR EACH LBS IN. IN. IN. FLUID FLUID FLOW FLUID ENTERING FLUID LEAVING MAXIMUM FLUID PRES DROP TOTAL CAPACITY INLET SIZE DISCHARGE SIZE PRODUCT PLATE MATERIAL PLATE VELOCITY IN. FLUID FLUID FLOW FLUID ENTERING FLUID LEAVING MAXIMUM FLUID PRES DROP TOTAL CAPACITY INLET SIZE DISCHARGE SIZE GPM °F °F PSIG MBTUH IN. IN. 6 GAL -- REMARKS 4. CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE FOR EACH PUMP. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAKE ALL AND INSTALL ALL LOW VOLTAGE WIRING, CONTROLS, HARDWARE NECESSARY LINE VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS. THE CONTROLS PROVIDER SHALL FURNISH 7. PROVIDE BCP-C FOR THE FOLLOWING BOILER CIRCULATION PUMPS: BCP 2-1, BCP 2-2, BCP 12-1, BCP 22-1, BCP 22-1, BCP 22-2, BCP 22-3, BCP 22-4 NATURAL GAS REGULATOR SCHEDULE 3 316 STAINLESS WATER 240 80 90 10 1200 6 (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPRINGS AND CORNER POCKETS) FOR BASE-MOUINTED PUMPS. THE 6. PROVIDE BCP-B FOR THE FOLLOWING BOILER CIRCULATION PUMPS: BCP1-1, BCP 5-1, BCP 5-2, BCP 8-1, BCP 8-2, BCP 9-1, BCP 9-2, BCP 12-2 36 WATER 120 130 110 20 1200 3 GPM °F °F PSIG MBTUH IN. 3. CONTRACTOR MUST INCLUDE IN NEW 4" CONCRETE HOUSEKEEPING PADS AND ASSOCIATED VIBRATION ISOLATION DEVICES CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE PUMP AND PIPING CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN BID THE COST TO PROVIDE PUMP IMPELLER CHANGE OUT TO 5. PROVIDE BCP-A FOR THE FOLLOWING BOILER CIRCULATION PUMPS: BCP-14-1 FPS CAPACITY REMARK S HX20-1 WTR-WTR GRAVES PIERCE POOL TRANTER UXP 500 36 24 GENERAL DATA DESIGNATION TYPE LOCATION MANUFACTURER SERIES OPERATING WEIGHT MAXIMUM LENGTH MAXIMUM WIDTH MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS SOURCE GENERAL DATA HEAT EXCHANGER SCHEDULE DESIGNATION BUILDING MAXIMUM INLET PRESSURE MINIMUM INLET PRESSURE MAXIMIUM OUTLET PRESSURE MAXIMIUM OUTLET PRESSURE CAPACITY PSIG PSIG INWC PSIG MBTH NGR 5-1 WILDENTHALL 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 8-1 UC 35 20 5 OUTDOOR NGR 8-2 UC 5 5 14 OUTDOOR NGR 9-1 MUSEUM 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 12-1 WARNOCK 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 14-1 FERGUSON 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 2-1 ACRC 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 1-1 LAWRENCE 35 20 14 OUTDOOR NGR 22-1 GPG 35 20 5 OUTDOOR NGR 22-2 GPG 5 5 14 OUTDOOR NGR 29-1 PLANT 35 20 15 OUTDOOR REMARKS REMARKS GENERAL DATA VOLTS/PHASE/HZ MOTOR HP NEW MOTOR REQUIRED NEW VFD REQUIRED MOTOR TYPE REMARKS DESIGNATION BUILDING UNIT(S) SERVED HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL ENVIRONMENT ELECTRIC MOTOR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (1) 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-4 3-5 MORELOCK MORELOCK MORELOCK MORELOCK MORELOCK H/V HP AHU 6 H INDOOR 208/3/60 25 YES YES ODP AHU 7 H INDOOR 208/3/60 25 YES YES ODP REMARKS 1 1 1 - PROVIDE PREMIUM EFFICIENCY VFD RATED MOTOR. 10-1 10-2 10-3 FINE ARTS FINE ARTS FINE ARTS 14-1 14-2 FERGUSON FERGUSON AHU 8 H INDOOR 208/3/60 25 YES YES ODP AHU 9 H INDOOR 208/3/60 7.5 YES YES ODP AHU 10 H INDOOR 208/3/60 7.5 YES YES ODP AHU 1 H INDOOR 208/3/60 5.0 NO YES ODP AHU 2 H INDOOR 208/3/60 15.0 YES YES ODP AHU 3 H INDOOR 208/3/60 25.0 YES YES ODP MZ 1A H INDOOR 208/3/60 7.5 NO YES ODP MZ 2 H INDOOR 208/3/60 10.0 NO YES ODP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 1-1 2-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 8-1 8-2 GALLEGO GALLEGO GALLEGO GALLEGO GPG GPG GPG GPG GPG LAWRENCE ACRC BRISCOE BRISCOE BRISCOE UC UC SCHWP H INDOOR 208/3/60 60.0 NO YES ODP SHWP H INDOOR 208/3/60 40.0 NO YES ODP AHU 2 H INDOOR 208/3/60 10 YES YES ODP AHU 2 H INDOOR 208/3/60 20.0 YES YES ODP AHU 14 H INDOOR 208/3/60 20.0 NO YES ODP AHU 15 H INDOOR 208/3/60 20.0 NO YES ODP AHU 16 H INDOOR 208/3/60 20.0 NO YES ODP MZA2 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 10 YES YES ODP MZA4 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 7.5 YES YES ODP MP2-1 SAF MP2-1 RAF MP2-2 SAF MP2-2 RAF GP1-1 SAF GP1-2 SAF GP1-3 SAF H H H H H H H INDOOR INDOOR INDOOR INDOOR INDOOR INDOOR INDOOR 208/3/60 480/3/60 480/3/60 480/3/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 208/3/60 15.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 NO NO NO NO YES NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ODP ODP ODP ODP ODP ODP ODP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RAS 1 RAS 2 RAS 3 PCHWP1 PCHWP2 PCHWP3 CWP1 CWP2 CWP3 CT1F CT2F CT3F GENERAL DATA DESIGNATION BUILDING UNIT(S) SERVED HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL ENVIRONMENT ELECTRIC MOTOR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (2) VOLTS/PHASE/HZ MOTOR HP NEW MOTOR REQUIRED NEW VFD REQUIRED MOTOR TYPE REMARKS REMARKS FAN DATA ELECTRICA L DATA GENERAL DATA FAN SCHEDULE - H/V HP 8-3 8-4 8-5 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 9-1 - UC UC UC WARNOCK WARNOCK WARNOCK WARNOCK LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY MUSEUM RAS RAS RAS CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP - MZB4 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 15 NO YES ODP MZB5 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 10 YES YES ODP SCHWP H INDOOR 480/3/60 10.0 NO YES ODP AH1 SAF H INDOOR 208/3/60 15 NO YES ODP AH3 SAF H INDOOR 208/3/60 20 NO YES ODP AH4 SAF H INDOOR 208/3/60 25.0 NO YES ODP SCHWP H INDOOR 208/3/60 10 NO YES ODP AH1 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 20.0 YES YES ODP AH2 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 15.0 NO YES ODP AH3 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 30.0 YES YES ODP SCHWP1 H INDOOR 480/3/60 15.0 NO YES ODP SCHWP4 H INDOOR 480/3/60 5.0 NO YES ODP AH1 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 40.0 NO YES ODP AH1 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 20 NO YES ODP AH2 SAF H INDOOR 480/3/60 7.5 NO YES ODP CHWP H INDOOR 480/3/60 7.5 NO YES ODP INDOOR 208/230 75 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 75 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 75 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 40 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 40 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 40 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 30 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 30 NO YES - INDOOR 208/230 30 NO YES - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REMARKS 1 1 - PROVIDE PREMIUM EFFICIENCY VFD RATED MOTOR. Sul Ross State University Request for Qualifications for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 G. UCRM 4 - BAS SCOPE OF WORK Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 G – UCRM 4 BAS SCOPE OF WORK Project – Overview For each of the items listed, either a new Schneider Electric Building Automation System is to be installed, or an existing Schneider Electric Building Automation System is to be modified and/or re-commissioned as described below. All existing control’s proprietary parts such as control panels and devices that cannot be re-used will be removed and replaced per specifications. Existing control and network wiring may be reused if it meets the requirements of system and has not been damaged. Sequences of operation will be provided detailing equipment control where modifications are to be made. All systems are to be performance tested according to a commissioning plan provided by Schneider Electric, and all enddevices are to be calibrated. Project Locations Main Campus Sites (Building Number): Academic Computer Resource Center Briscoe Administration Building Central Plant Ceramics & Sculpture Building Ferguson Hall Francois Fine Arts Building Gallego Center Graves-Pierce Complex Graves-Pierce Swimming Pool Industrial Technology Building Lawrence Hall Morelock Academic Building Physical Plant – Services Physical Plant – Operations University Center Warnock Science Building Wildenthal Library McCoy Museum Building Fletcher Hall Remote Sites: Turner Range Animal Science Center Centennial Building Customer Workstation – WKS-1: Continuum Software Upgrade The Andover Continuum software on the customer’s workstation will be upgraded to the most recent, stable version. Academic Computer Resource Center – ACR-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Existing System • Chilled Water System: One constant volume building pump fed by the Central Plant. • Heating System: One steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one constant volume building pump. • Fan Coil Units: Thirty-one (31) units, constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two or three way valve, hot water coil with two or three way valve. • Air Handling Unit 1: Constant volume supply fan, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water coil with three way valve. • Air Handling Unit 2: Supply fan with inlet guide vane, chilled water coil with two way valve, return air and outside air dampers, serves fan powered boxes with hot water reheat. • Fan Powered Boxes: Eight (8) units, parallel fan, modulating damper, hot water reheat coil with two or three way valve. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 7.5HP) for the existing building pump. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the chilled water system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Fan Coil Units – The existing Schneider Electric BAS has the units divided into thirteen (13) zones, with enable/disable control only. Currently, there are no zone temperature sensors and the owner can not change the schedules. Schneider Electric will expand the existing system to include one space temperature sensor for each zone for setup/setback operation, and enable the owner to modify the zone schedules from the central workstation. The existing pneumatic unit controls will remain. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of these enable/disable zones, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Air Handling Unit 1 – Schneider Electric will separate the chilled water valve and hot water valve into separate outputs. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit , as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Air Handling Unit 2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 15HP) for the supply fan. The pneumatic actuators on the valves and dampers will remain. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Fan Powered Boxes – The owner has converted three (3) of the VariTrane boxes by removing the plunger-type dampers and replacing them with round duct inlet extensions with pneumatically actuated butterfly dampers. The pneumatic box controls will remain and will be enabled/disabled through the BAS according to time schedule. Miscellaneous – The exhaust fans and relief dampers will be included in the BAS. The existing pneumatic relief damper actuators will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this equipment, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Academic Computer Resource Center – ACR-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam to hot water heat exchanger. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers in parallel, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. One variable volume secondary hot water pump (208/230V, 5HP). Three constant volume building (tertiary) hot water pumps that will serve ACRC, Briscoe Administration, and Morelock Academic Building, respectively. The controls for the building pumps at Briscoe and Morelock will reside on those buildings’ control systems. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the new hot water system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Academic Computer Resource Center – ACR-4: Existing BAS Validate and Re-commission the Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Briscoe Administration Building – BAB-1: New DDC BAS Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric DDC BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Air Handling Units 14, 15, & 16 – Schneider Electric will provide VFD’s (3 - 208/230V, 20HP) for the supply fans. The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-to- Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 pneumatic transducers. Replace existing pneumatic damper actuators with electronic actuators. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of these units. Split Systems – Schneider Electric will provide a room sensor to monitor the temperature of the Telephone Room, served by two (2) split systems. An alarm will be generated if the temperature exceeds setpoint. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission this new DDC control point. Fan Powered Boxes – The fan powered boxes with hot water reheat served by air handling units 14, 15, and 16 are scheduled with timeclocks (one per floor) and have pneumatic box controllers. The box controls are to remain, but the timeclocks will be removed and replaced with relays. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Briscoe Administration Building – BAB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – The new system will consist of the existing constant volume building (tertiary) hot water pump, which will now be served by the HW system to be located in ACRC. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. Central Utility Plant – CUP-1: Expansion/Upgrade of Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the new sequences of operation provided. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System • Chilled Water System: Three parallel water cooled centrifugal chillers with chiller evaporator isolation valves, three parallel constant volume primary chilled water pumps. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 • Condenser Water System: Three chiller condenser isolation valves. Three constant volume condenser water pumps, three parallel cooling towers, each with a two-speed cooling tower fan and a cell isolation valve. One cooling tower bypass valve that operates for both Cooling Towers 1 and 2. One cooling tower bypass valve dedicated for Cooling Tower 3. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 75HP) for each of the three existing primary chilled water pumps. Existing Onicon F-1210 flowmeters for the chiller evaporator bundles and chilled water bypass line (4) will be replaced with new. The pneumatic actuators for the chiller evaporator isolation valves for Chillers 1 and 2 are currently inoperable, and are to be retrofitted with new electronic valve actuators. Schneider Electric will validate and commission all existing control points to remain, and will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Condenser Water System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 40HP) for each of the three existing condenser water pumps. Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 30HP) for each of the three existing two-speed cooling tower fans, to be connected to the high speed winding of each cooling tower fan motor. Existing Onicon F-1210 flowmeters for the chiller condenser bundles (3) will be replaced with new. The pneumatic actuator for the chiller condenser isolation valve for Chiller 1 is currently inoperable, and is to be retrofitted with a new electronic valve actuator. Schneider Electric will validate and commission all existing control points to remain, and will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Ceramics and Sculpture Building & Industrial Technology – CIT-1: New Enable/Disable BAS Provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric Enable/Disable BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Ceramics and Sculpture Building – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new Enable/Disable controls of (2) wall-mounted evaporative coolers, (4) gas-fired unit heaters, and (2) interlocked outside air intake dampers and exhaust fans. Industrial Technology – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new Enable/Disable controls for (1) DX cooling-gas heating split system air handler, (1) gas heating only air handler, (3) cooling only window units, (3) evaporative coolers, and (5) gas-fired unit heaters. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Ferguson Hall – FER-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System • Chilled Water System: One (1) variable volume building pump, fed by the Central Plant, one (1) building bypass valve, one (1) building isolation valve. • Heating System: One (1) steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (1) steam 1/3 valve, one (1) steam 2/3 valve, one (1) constant volume building pump. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units AH-MZ1A, AH-MZ1B, & AH-MZ2: Constant volume fan, pre-heat coil with two way valve, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water coil with three way valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating return air, outside air, and exhaust air dampers. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AH-MZ1A – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 7.5HP) for the supply fan and eight (8) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be provided by and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this Air Handling Unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Multi-zone AH-MZ1B – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AH-MZ2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 10HP) for the supply fan and eight (9) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be provided by and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this Air Handling Unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Ferguson Hall – FER-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers in parallel, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. Two parallel constant volume secondary hot water pumps. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the new hot water system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Ferguson Hall – FER-3: Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Francois Fine Arts Building – FAB-1: New DDC BAS Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric DDC BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Air Handling Units 1, 2, & 3 – Schneider Electric will provide VFD’s (208/230V, 1 - 5HP, 1 15HP, 1 - 25HP) for the supply fans. The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will replace the existing pneumatic minimum outside air damper actuator with an electronic actuator. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of these systems. Air Handling Unit 4 & 5 – The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electricto-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will replace the existing pneumatic minimum outside air damper actuator with an electronic actuator. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of these systems. Air Handling Unit 17 – The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-topneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Fan Powered Boxes – The fan powered boxes with hot water reheat served by air handling units 1, 2, and 3 are scheduled with timeclocks (one per floor) and have pneumatic box controllers. The box controls are to remain, but the timeclocks will be removed and replaced with relays. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Francois Fine Arts Building – FAB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – The new system will consist of the existing constant volume building (tertiary) hot water pumps, which will now be served by a new HW system to be located in the McCoy Museum Building. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. Gallego Multipurpose Center, Graves Pierce Complex & Swimming Pool – GPC-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Existing System Graves-Pierce Complex: • Chilled Water System: One (1) constant volume building pump, fed by the Central Plant, one (1) building bypass valve (located at AHU MP2-2). • Heating System: One (1) steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (3) steam 1/3 valves, one (1) constant volume building pump, one (1) two-way butterfly hot water bypass valve. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit GP1-1: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with threeway valve, hot water coil with three-way valve, outside air damper, and a return air damper. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units GP1-2 and GP1-3: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with three-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, modulating outside air damper, and interlocked exhaust fan, 3 zones (with one zone blocked). • Fan Coil Units 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve. • Fan Coil Unit 4: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, 100% outside air damper interlocked with supply fan. • Fan Coil Units 7 & 8: Constant volume fan and a chilled water coil with two-way valve. • Fan Coil Unit 15: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, minimum outside air damper. Graves-Pierce Swimming Pool: • Pool Heating System: One (1) steam to pool water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (1) steam 1/3 valve, one (1) steam 2/3 valve. Gallego Multipurpose Center • Multi-zone Air Handling Unit MPE-1: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water coil with three way valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, minimum outside air damper, electric duct preheat coil. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units MPE-2 and MPE-3: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water coil with three way valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, minimum outside air damper. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit MPE-4: Constant volume fan with chilled water coil with three-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, minimum outside air damper. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit MP2-1: Constant volume supply and return fans, chilled water coil with three-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, modulating outside air, return air, and relief air dampers. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit MP2-2: Constant volume supply and return fans, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve, modulating outside air, return air, and relief air damper. • Fan Coil Units 21 & 22: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with two-way valve. • Exhaust Air Fans MP-R-1 thru MP-R-5: Toilet and Locker Room building exhaust fans. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Graves-Pierce Complex: Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 60HP) for the existing building (secondary) chilled water pump. Schneider Electric will validate and commission all existing control points to remain, and provide, install, program, validate and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 40HP) for the existing building hot water pump. Schneider Electric will validate and commission all existing control points to remain, and provide, install, program, validate and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Single Zone AHU GP1-1 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 10HP) for the supply fan. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AHU GP1-2 and GP1-3 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 15HP) for the supply fan and two (2) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of these units, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Fan Coil Units 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Graves-Pierce Swimming Pool: Pool Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Gallego Multipurpose Center: Multi-zone AHU’s MPE-1, MPE-2, & MPE-3 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Single Zone AHU MPE-4 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Single Zone AHU’s MP2-1 and MP2-2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 30HP) for the supply fan and a VFD (460V, 30HP) for the return fan. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of these units, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Fan Coil Units 21 & 22 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Exhaust Fans MP-R-1 thru MP-R-5 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. These units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Gallego Multipurpose Center, Graves Pierce Complex & Swimming Pool – GPC-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – Four condensing boilers in parallel, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. One secondary hot water pump with VFD (208/230V, 40HP) serving Graves-Pierce Complex and Gallego Multipurpose air handlers, one constant volume secondary hot water pump serving Graves-Pierce Swimming Pool H&V Unit HV-1 and one secondary hot water pump with VFD (208/230V, 3HP), serving the swimming pool heat exchanger. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Heating and Ventilation Unit HV-1 – Currently not on the existing BAS, and not included in project GMC-1, a constant volume fan, steam coil with pneumatic valve, and modulating outside air damper with pneumatic actuator. As part of the mechanical project to install a hot water system for this complex, the steam coil will be replaced with a hot water coil. Schneider Electric will provide one (1) new three-way electronic valve for the new HW Coil. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new DDC controls necessary for the operation of this unit. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Gallego Multipurpose Center, Graves Pierce Complex & Swimming Pool – GPC-3: Validate and Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Lawrence Hall – LAH-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System • Chilled Water System: One (1) constant volume building pump, fed by the Central Plant. • Heating System – serving hot water zone reheats: One (1) steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (1) steam valve, one (1) constant volume building pump. • Multi-zone Air Handling Unit AH1: Two-speed fan, two (2) stages DX cooling in the precool position, chilled water coil with three way valve, steam coil with valve, four (4) hot water zone reheat coils with two way valves), linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating return air damper (currently replaced by a manual balancing damper), modulating outside air damper (currently closed during occupied hours). • Multi-zone Air Handling Unit AH2: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with three way valve (bypass line has been cut and capped), steam coil with valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating return air damper (currently replaced by a manual balancing damper), modulating outside air damper (currently closed during occupied hours). • Fan Coil Unit 1: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water coil with two way valve. • Exhaust Air Fan 1: Restroom exhaust fan serving floors 1, 2, and 3. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AH-1 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AH-2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (208/230V, 10HP) for the supply fan and eleven (11) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Fan Coil Unit 1 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Exhaust Fan 1 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Lawrence Hall – LAH-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Reference Appendix 2a and 2b. Hot Water System – One condensing boiler, with interlocked primary hot water pump. One secondary hot water pump with VFD (208/230V, 3HP). Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AH-1 – As part of the Mechanical project the existing steam coil will be replaced with a hot water coil. Schneider Electric will provide one (1) new two way electronic valve for the HW Coil. Multi-zone AH-2 – As part of the Mechanical project the existing steam coil will be replaced with a hot water coil. Schneider Electric will provide one (1) new two way electronic valve for the HW Coil. Lawrence Hall – LAH-3: Validate and Re-commission the Existing BAS Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Morelock Academic Building – MAB-1: New DDC BAS Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric DDC BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC controls points necessary for the operation of this system. Air Handling Units 6, 7, and 8 – Schneider Electric will provide VFD’s (208/230V, 25HP) for the supply fans. The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will replace the existing pneumatic minimum outside air damper actuator with an electronic actuator. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC points necessary for the operation of these units. Air Handling Unit 9 and 10 – Schneider Electric will provide VFD’s (208/230V, 7.5HP) for the supply fans and electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new return air dampers that will be installed as part of this project. The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will replace the existing pneumatic minimum outside air damper actuator with an electronic actuator. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC points necessary for the operation of these units. Air Handling Units 11, 12, & 13– The pneumatic actuators on the valves will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC points necessary for the operation of these units. Fan Powered Boxes –The fan powered boxes with hot water reheat served by air handling units 6, 7, and 8 are scheduled with timeclocks (one per floor) and have pneumatic box controllers. The box controls are to remain, but the timeclocks will be removed and replaced with relays. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Morelock Academic Building – MAB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – The new system will consist of the existing constant volume building (tertiary) hot water pumps, which will now be served by a new HW system to be located in ACRC. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. Physical Plant Services Building – PPS-1: New BAS Provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric Enable/Disable BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Physical Plant Services Building – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new Enable/Disable controls for (2) infrared gas heaters, and (4) gas-fired unit heaters. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Physical Plant Operations Building – PPO-1: New BAS Provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for a new Schneider Electric DDC and Enable/Disable BAS. This site will be integrated into the existing Schneider Electric workstation, and will be completely interoperable with the existing system. All controls will conform to the corresponding input/output points list, including quantities of control and monitoring points. Sequences of operation have been provided detailing control of devices. Reference Appendix 2a and 2b. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included: Physical Plant Services Building – DDC: o AH1 – Single stage DX cooling, single stage gas heating split system air handler. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all DDC points necessary for the operation of this unit. Enable/Disable: Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 o Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new Enable/Disable controls for (3) cooling and heating window units, (4) evaporative coolers, and (7) gas-fired unit heaters. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. The University Center – TUC-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System: • Chilled Water System: One (1) variable volume building pump, fed by the Central Plant, one (1) primary chilled water bypass valve, one (1) secondary chilled water temperature reset valve. • Heating System: One (1) steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (1) steam 1/3 valve, one (1) steam 2/3 valve, two (2) constant volume building pumps. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units MZ-A1, MZ-A2, MZ-A4, MZ-B1, MZ-B2, MZ-B4, & MZ-B5: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way or three-way valve, hot water coil with three-way valve, hot water preheat coil with two-way valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating outside, return, and relief air dampers. • Multi-zone Air Handling Unit MZ-A3: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with twoway or three-way valve, hot water coil with three-way valve, hot water preheat coil with two-way valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating outside air and return air dampers. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit SZ-B3: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with threeway valve, hot water coil with three-way valve, hot water preheat coil with two-way valve, modulating outside air damper and return air damper. • Fan Coil Unit FC-B1 : Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve. • Fan Coil Units FC-CS1 & FC-CS2 : Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, hot water coil with three-way valve. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 10HP) to replace the existing non-functional building (secondary) chilled water pump VFD. Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AHU’s MZ-A1, MZ-A3, MZ-B1, & MZ-B2 – Schneider Electric will validate and recommission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Multi-zone AHU MZ-A2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 10HP) for the supply fan and three (3) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AHU MZ-A4 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 7.5HP) for the supply fan and three (3) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AHU MZ-B4 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 15HP) for the supply fan and three (3) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AHU MZ-B5 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 10HP) for the supply fan and three (3) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Single Zone AHU SZ-B3 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Fan Coil Units FC-B1, FC-CS1, & FC-CS2 – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for these units on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The units will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 operation. Existing graphics pages associated with these units will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Freezer and Cooler Temperatures – Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission new control points necessary for the temperature monitoring of one (1) freezer and two (2) coolers. The University Center – TUC-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. Two constant volume secondary hot water pumps. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. The University Center – TUC-3: Validate and Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Warnock Science Building and Fletcher Hall – WSB-1: Validate and Re-commission the Existing BAS, Replace Non-functional VFD’s and Valve Actuator Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this building will be validated and re-commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Schneider Electric will provide and install the following Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) to replace the existing non-functional VFD’s: Chilled Water Pump: Hot Water Pump: AHU1 Supply Fan: AHU2 Supply Fan: AHU3 Supply Fan: AHU4 Supply Fan: 208/230V, 10HP 208/230V, 5HP 208/230V, 15HP 208/230V, 25HP 208/230V, 20HP 208/230V, 15HP Schneider Electric will replace the existing non-functional hot deck hot water valve actuator for Air Handling Unit 3. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Warnock Science Building and Fletcher Hall – WSB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. One variable volume secondary hot water pump, serving Warnock Science Center. One constant volume secondary hot water pump, serving Fletcher Hall. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. Wildenthal Library Building – WLB-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System: • Chilled Water System: Two (2) variable volume building pumps, fed by the Central Plant, one (1) chilled water bypass valve. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units AH1 & AH2: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, steam coil with valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating outside, return, and relief air dampers. • Multi-zone Air Handling Units AH3: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve, steam coil with valve, linked hot deck/cold deck zone dampers, modulating minimum and maximum outside, return, and relief air dampers. • Single Zone Air Handling Unit AH4 (Computer Room): Constant volume fan, DX cooling. • Fan Coil Unit FC-B1: Constant volume fan, chilled water coil with two-way valve. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will provide two VFD’s (460V, 5HP and 15HP) to replace the existing non-functional building (secondary) chilled water pump VFD’s. Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and re-commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Multi-zone AH1 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 20HP) for the supply fan and six (6) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AH2 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 15HP) for the supply fan and six (6) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Multi-zone AH3 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 30HP) for the supply fan and six (6) electronic modulating actuators for actuation of the new zone volume dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Single Zone AH4 (Computer Room) – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this unit on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The unit will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this unit will be validated and re-commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. Wildenthal Library Building – WLB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam - hot water heating system. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. One constant volume secondary hot water pump. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system Multi-zone AH1 – As part of a hot water coil. Schneider HW Coil. Multi-zone AH2 – As part of a hot water coil. Schneider HW Coil. the Mechanical project the existing steam coil will be replaced with Electric will provide one (1) new three way electronic valve for the the Mechanical project the existing steam coil will be replaced with Electric will provide one (1) new three way electronic valve for the Multi-zone AH3 – As part of the Mechanical project the existing steam coil will be replaced with a hot water coil. Schneider Electric will provide one (1) new three way electronic valve for the HW Coil. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Wildenthal Library Building – WLB-3: Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. McCoy Museum Building – MMB-1: Expand Existing BAS The existing Schneider Electric BAS is to remain in place, and will be expanded. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment currently controlled through the BAS will be validated and recommissioned, to function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Schneider Electric will verify that all existing control points and end devices are in working order and that all graphics pages are updated and accurate. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of the equipment below. Existing System • Chilled Water System: One constant volume building pump, fed by the Central Plant, two way chilled water primary isolation valve, back up air cooled chiller with two (2) three way diverting valves. • Heating System: One (1) steam to hot water heat exchanger fed by the Central Plant, one (1) steam valve, one (1) constant volume building pump. • Air Handling Unit 1: Constant volume supply fan, chilled water coil with two way valve, hot water preheat coil with three way valve and face and bypass damper, two position minimum outside air damper and return air damper, self contained humidifier • Zone Reheats 1, 5, 6, & 8: Hot water coil with three way valve, electric duct heater, self contained humidifier. • Zone Reheats 2, 3, 4, 7, & 9 thru 14: Hot water coild with three way valve, electric duct heater. The following is an overview of existing HVAC equipment and operational concepts to be included. Chilled Water System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Steam – Hot Water Heating System – Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all existing control points for this system on the existing Schneider Electric BAS. The system will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequence of operation. Existing graphics pages associated with this system will be validated and commissioned to ensure proper functionality. Air Handling Unit 1 – Schneider Electric will provide a VFD (460V, 40HP) for the supply fan. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 necessary for the operation of this unit, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Zone Reheats 1 thru 14 – Schneider Electric will provide and install a actuator for the actuation of the new VAV dampers that will be installed as part of this project. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of these units, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Exhaust Fans – Process specific exhaust fans or exhaust fans serving electrical or chemical storage rooms will be excluded from the BAS. All other building exhaust fans will be included in the BAS. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new controls points necessary for the enable/disable operation of this equipment. McCoy Museum Building – MMB-2: Expand BAS to Control New Hot Water System For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for the new hot water system that will replace the existing steam to hot water heat exchanger. Hot Water System – Two condensing boilers in parallel, with interlocked primary hot water pumps. One secondary hot water pump with VFD (460V, 3HP). Two constant volume building (tertiary) hot water pumps that serve McCoy Museum Building and Francois Fine Arts Building, respectively. The controls for the building pump at Francois Fine Arts Building will reside on that building’s control system. Schneider Electric will provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new control points necessary for the operation of this system. McCoy Museum Building – MMB-3: Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. McCoy Museum Building – MMB-4: Steam to Hot Water System Re-commission the Existing BAS, Excluding the Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS, excluding the steam to hot water heating system. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Turner Range Animal Science Center – RAS-1: Validate and Re-commission the Existing BAS, Replace Non-functional VFD’s Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. Schneider Electric will provide and install the following Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) to replace the existing non-functional VFD’s: Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Chilled Water Pump: Hot Water Pump: AHU1 Supply Fan: AHU2 Supply Fan: 460V, 7.5HP 460V, 3HP 460V, 20HP 460V, 7.5HP The Centennial Building – TCB-1: Re-commission the Existing BAS Schneider Electric will validate and re-commission all equipment currently controlled through the existing Schneider Electric BAS. All equipment will function according to the intended design and operate according to the original sequences of operation. END OF SCOPE Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 Items Removed From Scope of Work Some BAS items have been tentatively removed from the intended scope due to extended payback. They are shown below for reference. They can be included in the project scope of work if additional funding is made available. Academic Computer Resource Center – ACR-3: DDC Control of Terminal Units Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for eight (8) parallel fan powered boxes with hot water reheat. The pneumatic reheat valve actuators will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric is to provide, install, program, validate, and commission new controls for the boxes, as well as update the existing graphics with the new control points. Briscoe Administration Building – BAB-3: DDC Control of Terminal Units For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for sixty-three (63) parallel fan powered boxes with hot water reheat, one (1) parallel fan powered box without hot water reheat, and eleven (11) fanless boxes with hot water reheat. The pneumatic reheat valve actuators will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric is to provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new DDC control points necessary for the operation of these units. Francois Fine Arts Building – FAB-3: DDC Control of Terminal Units For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for thirty-one (31) parallel fan powered boxes with hot water reheat. The pneumatic reheat valve actuators will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric is to provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new DDC control points necessary for the operation of these units. Morelock Academic Building – MAB-3: DDC Control of Terminal Units For this scope item, Schneider Electric will provide DDC controls for forty-four (44) parallel fan powered boxes with hot water reheat, and five (5) fanless boxes with hot water reheat. The pneumatic reheat valve actuators will be controlled with electric-to-pneumatic transducers. Schneider Electric is to provide, install, program, validate, and commission all new DDC control points necessary for the operation of these units. Sul Ross State University Utility Assessment Report Appendix for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 H. UCRM 4 - BAS COMMISSIONING DETAILS BAS Construction Review Project: Date: Building: Unit: 0/00/09 Performance Engineer Date Device and Point to Point Checkout (Static Testing) The following procedures are required to be performed and documented for each and every point in the control system. The following procedures are minimum requirements. The control contractor is encouraged to identify more comprehensive checkout procedures in greater detail in their submitted plan. These procedures are not a substitute for the manufacturer’s recommended start-up and checkout procedures but are to be combined with them, as applicable. Procedures: 1. Verify that the wiring is correct to each point. 2. If the device is or has an actuator, verify full free movement through its full range. 3. Verify that the software address is correct. 4. For devices with a controller, verify that current software program with proper setpoints has been downloaded. 5. Device stroke/range calibration. This applies to all controlled valves, dampers, fans, pumps, actuators, etc. Simulate maximum and minimum transmitter signal values, verify minimum and maximum controller output values, and positively verify each and every control device minimum and maximum stroke and capacity range. Follow procedure below. 6. Verify that all sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of erratic operation. 7. Sensor calibration. Calibrate or verify calibration of all sensors and thermostats, including temperature, pressure, flow, current, kW, rpm, Hertz, etc. Verify that the sensor readings in the control system are within the sensor accuracies specified in this section, using hand-held or other external measuring instruments. Follow procedure below. 8. For controlled devices (dampers, valves, actuators, VAV boxes, etc.), after mechanical equipment control becomes operational, perform an operational test of each control loop. Device and Point by Point Checkout (Dynamic Testing) The following procedures are required to be performed and documented for each and every point in the control system. The following procedures are minimum requirements. The control contractor is encouraged to identify better and more comprehensive checkout procedures in their submitted plan. These procedures are not a substitute for the manufacturer’s recommended start-up and checkout procedures, but are to be combined with them, as applicable. Procedures: Each control point will be verified to be commanding, reporting and controlling according to their intended purpose. Every analog and digital input and output in the central control system shall be verified to be functioning properly. Points within and controlled by packaged equipment controllers do not require a point-by-point checkout except for actuator positions or other points listed in the specifications or manufacturer’s start-up and checkout procedures. For each output, commands will be initiated and verified to be functioning by visually observing and documenting the status of the controlled device (e.g., command cooling coil valve to full open, or command heating water pump off). For each input, the system or conditions will be manipulated to initiate the input response being tested and the response in the control system observed and recorded (e.g., high duct static pressure alarm). Sensors and actuators will also be calibrated according to the sections below. Sensor Calibration Methods: All Sensors Verify that all sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of erratic operation (in stratified air flow, touching coils, etc.). Verify that sensors with shielded cable, are grounded only at one end. For sensor pairs that are used to determine a temperature or pressure difference, make sure they are reading within 0.2°F of each other for temperature and within a tolerance equal to 2% of the reading, of each other, for pressure. Tolerances for critical applications may be tighter. Hand-held instrument readings should be taken at five or more locations for mixed air temperatures and three or more locations for hot and cold deck temperatures to ensure a good average value to check against the BAS reading. A. Single Point Complete Validation Procedure. Using approved test instrument, take measurement within 6 inches of sensor where available. Record measured variable and control system variable. Calibrate control system value to match measured value. Record offset inputted into control system. If measured variable and control system variable deviate more than the required accuracy indicated, further investigation will be required to determine if the device is receiving external influence or if the device is defective. B. Two Point Complete Validation Procedure. Using approved test instrument, take measurement within 6 inches of sensor. Two readings at a minimum are required. One reading should be taken at the low end of the device's span. The other should be taken at normal operating point of the device. Record measured variable and control system variable. If calibration cannot be completed at two separate points, then calibrate the device at its normal operating point. Calibrate control system value to match measured value. Record offset inputted into control system. If measured variable and control system variable deviate more than the required accuracy indicated, further investigation will be required to determine if the device is receiving external influence or if the device is defective. C. Critical Applications For critical applications (process, manufacturing, etc.) more rigorous calibration techniques may be required for selected sensors, such as making multiple point readings throughout the expected range of sensor operation. Describe any such methods used on an attached sheet. D. Terminal Unit Flow Sensors Flow sensors in air terminal units shall be calibrated using NEBB or AABC approved procedures. Reference Method This procedure makes sure that sensors are accurate relative to each other in a given piece of equipment. Sensors calibrated in this way, do not need separate calibration as given in Procedures A-D. For example, for a heating water system all the sensors in the fluid stream would be checked at one time, e.g., boiler entering and leaving temperatures, bypass, building supply and return temperatures. This would include building automation sensors, equipment panel readouts and gages. For an air handler it may include the return air temperature, coil temperatures and supply air temperatures. Calibrating sensors with this method is preferable to calibrating them each separately. Where possible, the most critical sensor should be used as the reference. For example, if chillers are staged off the secondary chilled water supply temperature, then that sensor should be used as the reference. The procedure is as follows: 1. Record all current sensor calibration offsets. 2. Remove all sensor calibration offsets. 3. Put the system in a mode that will offer constant flow of water or air past the sensors, e.g., turn off boilers; turn on pumps, or turn on air handler and close outside air dampers and heating and cooling coil valves, etc. 4. Check with the reference instrument that the temperatures across coils and dampers are equal indicating that there is no leak-by. 5. With the reference instrument record the temperature rise across fans. 6. Use the entering fluid temperature to the system as a reference by inserting a reference measuring instrument there. For hydronic systems, an immersion probe inserted into a P/T port is preferable. 7. Compare the sensor readings with the reference reading. Take into account temperature rises across fans and pumps. 8. Install offsets or replace sensors and gages as required so sensor readings, compared to the reference, are within the tolerances given in Section E above. 9. Record all conditions, readings and offsets and submit. 10. Return systems to normal. Required Instrument Accuracy and Calibration Tolerances – Standard Applications More stringent Contract Specifications supersede this document. BAS Field Device Required Accuracy Table 1 Reporting Accuracy Measured Variable Space Temperature Ducted Air Outside Air Dew Point Water Temperature Delta-T Relative Humidity Water Flow Airflow (terminal) Airflow (measuring stations) Airflow (pressurized spaces) Air Pressure (ducts) Air Pressure (space) Water Pressure Electrical (A, V, W, Power Factor) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reported Accuracy ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) ±1.0ºC (±2ºF) ±1.5ºC (±3ºF) ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) ±0.15ºC (±0.25ºF) ±3% RH Drift over 5-years | ±1% RH Drift over 2-year ±2% of full scale ±10% of full scale (see Note 1) ±5% of full scale ±3% of full scale ±25 Pa (±0.1 in. w.g.) ±3 Pa (±0.01 in. w.g.) ±2% of full scale (see Note 2) ±1% of reading (see Note 3) ±5% of reading +/- 50 ppm or +3% of reading | +/- 30ppm +/- 5% of measured value Note 1: Accuracy applies to 10% - 100% of scale Note 2: For both absolute and differential pressure Note 3: Not including utility-supplied meters Table 2 Control Stability Requirements Controlled Variable Air Pressure Airflow Space Temperature Duct Temperature Humidity Dewpoint Fluid Pressure Control Accuracy ±0.2 in. w.g. ±0.01 in. w.g. ±10% of full scale ±1.5ºF ±3.0ºF - Heating ±1.0ºF - Cooling ±5% RH ±3.0ºF ±1 psi ±1 in. w.g. Range of Medium 0-10 in. w.g. -0.2 to 0.2 in. w.g. 1-150 psi 0-50 in. w.g. Table 3 Instrument Utilization Variable AHU Temperatures Air Flow Units o F # of Points Varies F 1 V 1 2 Hydronic Gauges fpm 2 Amperage Hydronic Temperatures Amps 1 F 1 Humidity Space Temperature %Rh 1 Non-Pitot Tube Voltage Hydronic Pressure ±5% of Reading ±2% of Reading ±5% of Reading ±2% of Reading ±1% of Reading ±5.0% of full scale ±1% of Reading ±2% of Reading o 2 Air Velocity Minimum Instrument Accuracy ±1% of Reading Flow Measuring Device Digital Manometer Digital Manometer Digital Ammeter Digital Thermometer Digital Hygrometer Digital Hygrometer Digital Multimeter cfm in. w.c. Air Pressure Instrument Required Digital Thermometer o psi 2 ±2% of Reading Instrument Calibration Interval Calibration Method 1 Year Multiple Varies Two Point 1 Year Two Point 1 Year Multiple Single Point 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year Reference Single Point Single Point Single Point 1 Year Two Point 1 Year 1 Year Notes Traverse for MAT Pressure drop curves, Kfactor formulas, flow hood, pitot tube Rotating vane Valve and Damper Stroke Setup and Check A. Actuator Arrangement Verify that the actuator is using its full stroke to move the damper or valve through its full range of motion without sacrificing kinematics. Verify that linked or paired actuators are arranged the same. Verify that the linkages and ball joints are lubricated and that linkage rods are not binding or bent. B. Spring Returns For valves and dampers with spring returns, apply or remove power to the actuator and see that it moves to the correct position and that the spring has enough torque to fully close or open valve or damper. C. BAS Readout and Stroke For all valve and damper actuator positions checked, verify BAS address and the actual position against the BAS readout and verify that the valve or damper strokes fully and that “normal” position is correct. Set pumps or fans to normal operating mode. Command valve or damper closed, visually verify that valve or damper is closed and adjust output zero signal as required. Dampers shall be adjusted to provide a tight positive closure. Command valve or damper open, verify position is full open and adjust output signal as required. Command valve or damper to at least 3 intermediate positions. If actual valve or damper position doesn’t reasonably correspond, replace actuator or add pilot positioner (for pneumatics). Remove the control signal to the valve or actuator from the BAS. Observe that the failure mode (current position, open, closed) is as per specifications. D. Closure for heating coil valves (NO) Set the heating setpoint 20°F above the room temperature. Observe valve open. Remove control air or power from the valve and verify that the valve stem and actuator position do not change. Restore to normal. E. Closure for cooling coil valves (NC) Set the cooling setpoint 20°F above the room temperature. Observe the valve close. Remove control air or power from the valve and verify that the valve stem and actuator position do not change. Restore to normal. Coil Valve Leak Check A. Method 1--Water Temperature With 2- or 3-Way Valve. Calibrate water temperature sensors on each side of coil to be within 0.2°F of each other. Option 1 Test Across Coil--for valves that are tight against AHU cabinet or valves that are away from the cabinet. Turn off air handler fans, close OSA dampers; keep pump running and valve open. Fix the supply water temperature setpoint. Place one sensor in moving supply water stream P/T plug or use strap-on sensor and insulate. Place one sensor on the return side of the coil, but not in the main return stream from other coils, ideally in a P/T plug, or strap-on and insulate. Sensor on the valve side of the coil must be on the far side of the valve from the coil. Verify that temperatures on both sides of the coil read the same. If not the same, record differences and compensate in the next part of the test. Close the valve by software command. After 10 minutes, observe water ∆T across coil or valve. If ∆T is not greater than 2°F, leakage is probably occurring. If leaking, reset valve stroke to close tighter. Repeat test until in compliance. Option 2 Test Just Across Valve—for valves more than 4 feet from the coil. Command the valve closed and measure the temperature difference with one sensor in the moving water stream on one side of the valve and one in the dead water at least 3 ft. from both the valve or the coil if the fan is on, if the fan is not on it can be closer to the coil than 3 ft. After 10 minutes, observe water ∆T across valve. If it is not greater than 2°F, leakage is probably occurring. B. Method 2--Air Temperature With 2 or 3-Way Valve. Calibrate air temperature sensors on each side of coil to be within 0.2°F of each other. Change mixed or discharge air setpoint, override values or bleed or squeeze bulb pneumatic controller to cause the valve to close. Air handler fans should be on. After 5 minutes, observe air ∆T across coil. If it is greater than 1°F, leakage is probably occurring. Reset valve stroke to close tighter. Repeat test until compliance. Water leak-by less than 10% will likely not be detected with this method. END OF INSTRUCTIONS (See documentation forms on following pages) Installation Checks Project: System: Example Example Terminal Interface and Sub-Panel Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment General appearance good, no apparent damage Equipment labels affixed Layout and location of control panels match drawings Areas or equipment panels served clear in control drawings Wiring labeled inside panels (to controlled components) Controlled components labeled/tagged BAS connection made to labeled terminal(s) as shown on drawings Shielded wiring used on electronic sensors 110 volt AC power available to panel Compressed air available to panel (if applicable) Battery backup in place and operable Surge suppression in place and operable Panels properly grounded Environmental conditions according to manufacturer’s requirements System date and time correct Old control devices have been removed Pneumatics are removed where applicable Mechanical Room is clean All material has been removed from mechanical room Comments: Signature Date Example Additional Comments: Unit Tag Signature Sensor or Actuator Tag & Location Location Acceptable Y/N Point Address Type Sensors installed in the unit at the factory with calibration certification provided need not be field calibrated. All test instruments shall have had a certified calibration within the last 12 months: Yes/No___________. All field-installed sensors and gages, and all actuators (dampers and valves) shall be calibrated. Sensor and Actuator Calibration System: BAS Value Date Instrument Measured Value BAS Offset Final BAS Value Pass Y/N Comments BAS Point to Point Verification Sensor Calibration Name & Location System: Signature Device Tag Date Valve Direction Spring Dmpr Blade BAS Observed Positive Type of Flow Insulated Return Arrangement Value Shutoff Position (2-way, 3Position (If Correct (Yes / No) or Valve Cv (% Open) (% Open) (Yes / No) Applicable) way, etc.) (Yes / No) Example Spring Range Pass (Yes / No) Comments and that "normal" position is correct. Set pumps or fans to normal operating mode. Command valve or damper closed, visually verify that the valve or damper is closed and adjust output zero signal as required. Dampers shall be adjusted to provide a tight positive closure. Command vavle or damper open, verify position is full open and adjust output signal as required. Command valve or damper to 50%. If actual valve or damper position doesn't reasonably correspond, replace actuator or add pilot positioner (for pneumatics). Remove the control signal to the valve or actuator from the BAS. Observe that the failure mode (current position, open, closed) is as per specifications. Test Procedure: For all valve and damper actuator positions checked, verify BAS address and the position against the BAS readout and verify that the valve or damper strokes fully Valve & Damper Functionality Test Example Signature Enable Enable Status Relay Flow Manufacturer, Relay wired point wired (Normally Device Tag Switch Model #, Type in proper in proper Open or Functional location location Closed) System: Chiller Setpoint (Remote / Local) Reset Functional (Yes/No) Date Pass (Yes/No) Comments Chiller Functionality Test Device Tag System: Signature Enable Manufacturer, Relay wired Model #, Type in proper location Example (Normally Open or Closed) Enable Relay Status High Limit Operating point wired Thermostat Thermostat in proper Setting Setting location Low Fire Hold Setting Date Pass (Yes / No) Comments Boiler Functionality Test Example / No) Signature (Yes / No) Rotation is No visible Device Tag Correct (Yes leaks System: (Yes / No) Motors or VFD's Only Motors or VFD's Only (% Speed) Voltage Amperage Insulated (L1/L2/L3) New (L1/L2/L3) New BAS Value (% Feedback) Observed Position Date Pass (Yes / No) Comments Pump Functionality Test Example Signature (Yes / No) (Yes / No) VFD's Only VFD's Only (% Feedback) Observed Position Date Condition Belt Amperage Fan blades Voltage Rotation is BAS Value of Belts is Tension (L1/L2/L3) (L1/L2/L3) Device Tag Correct (Yes free of dirt New Motors or New Motors or (% Speed) acceptable acceptable / No) (Yes / No) System: Pass (Yes / No) Comments Fan Functionality Test VFD Functionality Test System: Example Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to functional testing. This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by others). General Installation Permanent label affixed Drive is securely mounted Drive location and installation not subject to excess temperatures Drive location not subject to excessive moisture or dirt Drive size matches motor size Drive is properly grounded Drive shuts off with keypad Drive can be manually controlled from keypad Controls Static or differential pressure sensor or other controlling sensor properly located and per drawings Safeties (High Pressure cutout) Verified Controlling sensor calibrated Motor Electrical Data (Input to VFD) Nameplate Voltage Nameplate FLA Nameplate RPM Measured Voltage L1-L2 L1-L3 L2-L3 Percent Phase Imbalance = (Maximum-Minimum)/Average Final VFD restarts after power failure Fan or pump rotation has been verified All safeties installed and functional Factory startup report completed with this checklist attached Value / Verified Notes Example Safety Type Function Final Setting All safeties will be verified for functionality. All device settings will be set by the contractor and final settings documented. System: Comments Hard-wired Safety Verification and Setup Outstanding Items Summary System: Device Tag Example Item Description of Work to be Completed Date Required Example BAS Graphics Checklist Site Building All Inputs & Outputs are displayed Reviewed By: Checklist Completed By: Graphic Page All critical setpoints are displayed & adjustable Navigation to & from page is acceptable Page Complete Date Date Associated time Airflow & piping diagrams schedules are are representative of actual clear units Date Initials Each graphics page on the system will be verified for proper content, system representation, and functionality. Date and intial each row indicating that each graphics page meets all the basic requirements. Project: Sul Ross State University Request for Qualifications for Energy Service Company Performance Contractor RFQ No: 758-11-07006 I. MANUFACTURER’S DATA OVERVIEW This section contains manufacturer’s data for the following scope items: Lighting Upgrades…………………………………………….2 Water Conservation…………………………………………..74 Mechanical Modifications…………………………………….107 Building Automation System Upgrades…………………….149 The manufacturer’s data for material listed here is for the project as developed and may include materials not required for for the final construction contract based on options selected by the University. SUL ROSS EL CFL TWIST LAMPS DULUX® EL Twist Electronic Compact Fluorescent Lamps Key Features & Benefits • Energy saving alternative to incandescent lamps saves up to 75% energy compared to similar lumen output incandescent • Variety of medium base shapes and wattages to satisfy most applications • Long life: 6,000 – 12,000 hour average rated life • Flicker-free starting • Micro-Mini LED Night Light configuration now available • Micro-Mini configurations are TCLP-compliant SYLVANIA offers DULUX EL self-ballasted medium, candelabra and GU24 based compact fluorescent lamps in a variety of Twist designs including: Twist, Mini Twist, Super Mini Twist and 3-Way Twists. With a reduced T2 tube diameter, Micro-Mini Twist lamps are the smallest CFL lamps available in the industry, further addressing sustainability objectives with long 12,000 hour life and TCLP-compliance. The Colored Mini Twist lamps are ideal for holiday decorations and festive celebrations. The industry exclusive Micro LED Night Light combines a Micro-Mini T2 CFL with an LED night light and has the same small size as a 23W Micro-Mini. The Dimmable Twists offer smooth dimming down to 20% of rated light output. With improved efficacy, smaller profiles, excellent color rendition and a broad range of color temperature options, DULUX EL CFLs provide a brilliant alternative to traditional incandescent and halogen light sources • Increased energy savings with dimmable 14W and 24W twists • Colored twists available in red, yellow, green, blue and blacklight blue • 82 CRI • Available in a variety of color temperatures: ––2700K ––3000K ––3500K ––4100K ––5000K ––6500K and are suitable for many different types of luminaires. They complement the DULUX EL Covered family of CFLs described in companion Product Information Bulletin CF047. Product Offering Lamp Type Wattage Micro-Mini Twist 5W, 10W, 13W, 20W, 23W, 26W Super Mini Twist 7W, 11W, 13W, 19W, 23W Mini Twist 4W, 7W, 11W, 13W, 19W, 23W Micro LED Night Light 23W Twist 27W, 30W, 40W, 65W Twist GU24 13W, 23W 3-Way Twist 12/19/28W, 12/22/33W, 20/30/40W Colored Mini Twist13W (red, yellow, green, blue, orange and blacklight blue) Dimmable Twist 14W, 24W Application Information Applications Application Notes • Ceiling fixtures • Chandeliers • Decorative & vanity fixtures • Difficult to service areas • Recessed downlights • Sconces • Security lighting • Table lamps 1. Do not install DULUX EL lamps on dimming circuits, unless the lamp is labelled as “Dimmable” 2. Outdoor application — use only in enclosed fixtures to avoid exposure to weather 3. Do not use in emergency exit fixtures or lights 4. Do not use on electronic timers, photocells, lighted switches or any other switches that do not meet UL20 Sec. 7.6.15 5. Meets CSA, FCC and UL requirements 6. Use only 120V AC, 60Hz circuit 7. Install and remove lamp from fixture by handling plastic base, not lamp glass 8. Best performance achieved when operated at 77°F/25°C CF048R6 1/10 Specification Data Catalog # Project Type SUL ROSS Comments J. CAIN Prepared by Date Ordering Information Item Ordering Bulb Number Abbreviation Pkg. Type Base Micro-Mini Twist* 29160 CF5EL/MICRO/827/RP2 2/box. 12/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29133 CF5EL/MICRO/827/C 1/box, 6/cs MIcro Mini Candelabra 29401 CF10EL/MICRO/827/RP2 2/box, 12/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29727 CF13EL/MICRO/830/RP2 2/box, 12/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29898 CF13EL/MICRO/830/ECO 1/box, 6/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29734 CF13EL/MICRO/C/827/RP2 2/box, 12/cs Micro-Mini Candelabra 29728 CF20EL/MICRO/827/RP2 2/box, 12/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29899 CF20EL/MICRO/830/ECO 1/box, 6/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29895 CF23EL/MICROLED/827/RP*** 1/box, 6cs Micro-Mini Medium 29901 CF23EL/MICRO/827/ECO 1/box, 6/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29941 CF23EL/MICROLED/827/HVP/RP 6/cs 1/SKU Micro-Mini Medium 29729 CF23EL/MICRO/827/RP2 2/box, 12/cs Micro-Mini Medium 29026 CF26EL/MICRO/827/RP2 2/box,12/cs Micro-Mini Medium Super Mini Twist 29707 CF7EL/SUPER/827/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29708 CF11EL/SUPER/830/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29710 CF13EL/SUPER/827/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29588 CF13EL/SUPER/850/BL 1/blister, 10/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29717 CF13EL/SUPER/865/BL 1/blister, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29693 CF19EL/SUPER/830/RP 1/box, 12/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29683 CF19EL/SUPER/850/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29720 CF19EL/SUPER/865/BL 1/blister, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29712 CF23EL/SUPER/830/RP 1/box, 12/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29714 CF23EL/SUPER/835/BL 1/blister, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29699 CF23EL/SUPER/850/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium 29674 CF23EL/SUPER/865/RP 1/box, 6/cs Super Mini Twist Medium Mini Twist 29733 CF4EL/MINI/830/RP 1/box, 12/cs Mini Twist Medium 29379 CF7EL/MINI/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29451 CF7EL/MINI/827 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29378 CF11EL/MINI/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29409 CF13EL/MINI/827 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29376 CF13EL/MINI/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29781 CF13EL/MINI/835/DAY/RP 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29567 CF13EL/MINI/841 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29700 CF13EL/MINI/O 1/box,6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29701 CF13EL/MINI/R 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29702 CF13EL/MINI/B 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29703 CF13EL/MINI/G 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29704 CF13EL/MINI/Y 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29705 CF13EL/MINI/BLB 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29608 CF13EL/MINI/C/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Candelabra 29410 CF19EL/MINI/827 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29396 CF19EL/MINI/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29411 CF23EL/MINI/827 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29397 CF23EL/MINI/830 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29784 CF23EL/MINI/835/DAY/RP 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29564 CF23EL/MINI/841 1/box, 6/cs Mini Twist Medium 29793 CF30EL/MINI/835/DAY/RP 1/box,6/cs Mini Twist Medium Nominal Wattage 5 5 10 13 13 13 20 20 23 23 23 23 26 7 11 13 13 13 19 19 19 23 23 23 23 4 7 7 11 13 13 60 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 19 19 23 23 23 23 30 Incan- descent Initial Wattage Lumens 25 200 25 200 40 600 60 825 60 800 60 800 75 1,280 75 1,280 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,750 25 375 40 600 60 880 60 880 60 880 75 1,200 75 1,200 75 1,200 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 25 250 25 375 25 375 40 600 60 800 60 800 13 800 60 800 60 – 60 – 60 – 60 – 60 – 60 – 60 800 75 1,200 75 1,200 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,600 100 2,000 Color/ Color Temp. CRI 2700K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 5000K 82 6500K 82 3000K 82 5000K 82 6500K 82 3000K 82 3500K 82 5000K 82 6500K 82 3000K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 3500K 82 4100K 82 Orange – Red – Blue – Green – Yellow – Blacklight Blue – 3000K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 2700K 82 3000K 82 3500K 82 4100K 82 3500K 82 Avg. Rated Life (hrs.) 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 Ordering Information (continued) Item Ordering Bulb Number Abbreviation Pkg. Type Base Nominal Wattage 29969 CF14EL/TWIST/827/DIM/RP 1/box,6/cs Twist Medium 29968 CF24EL/TWIST/827/DIM/RP 1/box,6/cs Twist Medium 29412 CF27EL/TWIST/827 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29415 CF30EL/TWIST/827 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29792 CF30EL/TWIST/827/RP 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29395 CF30EL/TWIST/830 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29147 CF40EL/TWIST/827** 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29786 CF40EL/TWIST/830/RP** 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29508 CF65EL/TWIST/841 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 29957 CF13EL/TWIST/GU24/827/RP 1/box, 6/cs Twist GU24 29172 CF23EL/TWIST/GU24/827/RP 1/box, 6/cs Twist GU24 29162 CF13EL/TWIST/GU24/830/BL 1/box, 10/cs Twist GU24 29163 CF23EL/TWIST/GU24/830/BL 1/box, 10/cs Twist GU24 3-Way Twist 29523 CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/827 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium Twist Medium Twist Medium 29351 CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/830 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium Twist Medium Twist Medium 29785 CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/830/RP 1/box,6/cs Twist Medium Twist Medium Twist Medium 29913 CF33EL/3WAY/830/RP 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium Twist Medium Twist Medium 29134 CF40EL/3WAY/TWIST/827 1/box, 6/cs Twist Medium 14 24 27 30 30 30 40 40 65 13 23 13 23 12 19 28 12 19 28 12 19 28 12 22 33 60/ 120/ 150 Twist Operating temperature range of all DULUX EL lamps is 0° to 100°F. * T2 tube diameter **Designed for base down orientation only Incan- descent Initial Wattage Lumens 60 75 100 100 100 100 150 150 200 60 100 60 100 30 70 100 30 70 100 30 70 100 50 100 150 20/ 30/ 40 800 1,500 1,750 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,600 2,600 4,200 800 1,600 800 1,600 600 1,100 1,800 600 1,100 1,800 600 1,100 1,800 600 1,600 2,000 1,000/ 2,050/ 2,650 Color/ Color Temp. CRI 2700K 2700K 2700K 2700K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K 4100K 2700K 2700K 3000K 3000K 2700K 2700K 2700K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 3000K 2700K ***2W during LED night light operation 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 Avg. Rated Life (hrs.) 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 6000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 Lamp Comparison DULUX® EL CF5EL/MICRO CF10EL/MICRO CF13EL/MICRO CF20EL/MICRO CF23EL/MICRO CF26EL/MICRO CF13EL/SUPER CF19EL/SUPER CF23EL/SUPER CF4EL/MINI CF7EL/MINI CF11EL/MINI CF13EL/MINI CF13EL/MINI CF19EL/MINI CF19EL/MINI CF23EL/MINI CF23EL/MINI CF14EL/TWIST/DIM CF24EL/TWIST/DIM CF27EL/TWIST CF30EL/TWIST CF40EL/TWIST CF65EL/TWIST CF13EL/GU24/TWIST CF23EL/GU24/TWIST CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST (12W) CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST (19W) CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST (28W) CF33EL/3WAY (12W) CF33EL/3WAY (22W) CF33EL/3WAY (33W) CF40EL/3WAY (20W) CF40EL/3WAY (30W) CF40EL/3WAY (40W) 1 Compact Fluorescent Lumens Life 300 12,000 600 12,000 825 12,000 1280 12,000 1,600 12,000 1750 12,000 880 10,000 1,200 10,000 1,600 10,000 250 8,000 375 8,000 600 8,000 800 8,000 800 10,000 1,200 8,000 1,200 10,000 1,600 8,000 1,600 10,000 800 8,000 1500 8,000 1750 10,000 2000 8,000 2600 8,000 4200 8,000 800 8,000 1,600 8,000 600 8,000 1100 8,000 1800 8,000 600 8,000 1,600 8,000 2000 8,000 1000 10,000 2050 10,000 2650 10,000 Energy savings over life of DULUX EL lamp at $0.10/kWh Similar Incandescent 25A/W 40A/W 60A/W 75A/W 100A/W 100A/W 60A/W 75A/W 100A/W 25A/W 25A/W 40A/W 60A/W 60A/W 75A/W 75A/W 100A/W 100A/W 60A/W 75A/W 100A/W 100A/W 150A/W 250A/W 60A/W 100A/W 30A/W 70A/W 30A/W 100A/W 100A/W 150A/W 60A/W 120A/W 150A/W Incandescent Lumens Life 270 1000 465 1500 850 1000 1,170 750 1,690 750 1,750 750 850 1000 1,170 750 1,690 750 270 1000 160 2500 465 1500 850 1000 850 1000 1,170 750 1,170 750 1,690 750 1,690 750 850 1000 1,170 750 1,690 750 1,690 750 2640 750 3800 1000 850 600 1,690 750 270 750 860 750 1,130 750 800 750 1,690 750 2,640 750 850 600 2,000 750 2,640 750 Watts Saved 20 30 47 56 77 74 47 56 77 21 18 29 47 47 56 56 77 77 46 51 56 70 110 185 47 77 18 51 72 38 78 117 40 90 110 Energy1 Savings $24 $36 $56 $67 $92 $88 $47 $44 $77 $16 $14 $23 $37 $47 $44 $56 $61 $77 $36 $40 $44 $42 $88 $148 $37 $61 $14 $40 $57 $30 $62 $93 $40 $90 $110 CFL Life vs. Incandescent 12 x 8x 12 x 13 x 13 x 13 x 10 x 11 x 13 x 8x 3x 5x 8x 10 x 11 x 13 x 11 x 13 x 8x 11 x 11 x 8x 11 x 8x 8x 11 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 5x 5x 5x 16 x 16 x 16 x Lamp Dimensions CF5EL/MICRO CF10EL/MICRO CF13EL/MICRO/C CF13EL/MICRO CF20EL/MICRO CF23EL/MICRO & CF23EL MICROLED CF26EL/MICRO CF7EL/SUPER CF11EL/SUPER CF13EL/SUPER CF19EL/SUPER CF23EL/SUPER CF4EL/MINI CF7EL/MINI CF11EL/MINI CF13EL/MINI CF19EL/MINI CF23EL/MINI CF14EL/TWIST/DIM CF24EL/TWIST/DIM CF27EL/TWIST CF30EL/TWIST CF40EL/TWIST CF65EL/TWIST CF13EL/GU24/TWIST CF23EL/GU24/TWIST CF28/3WAY/TWIST CF33EL/3WAY/TWIST CF40EL/3WAY/TWIST (A) MOL (in.) 3.3 3.61 3.61 3.70 4.29 4.45 4.5 4 4.2 4.06 4.70 5.06 3.10 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.80 5.75 4.63 4.75 6.10 5.13 5.25 7.85 3.95 4.36 5.75 5.28 5.5 (B) Diameter (in.) 1.64 1.53 1.53 1.53 2.02 2.02 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.40 2.40 2.40 1.58 1.82 1.82 1.82 2.25 2.25 1.75 2.37 2.28 2.50 2.69 4.12 1.81 2.34 2.60 2.55 2.8 (C) Base Width (in.) 1.5 1.60 1.50 1.66 2.14 2.14 2.0 1.4 1.6 1.90 1.80 1.80 1.26 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.05 2.05 1.73 1.73 2.17 2.17 2.06 2.76 1.51 1.80 2.17 2.50 2.5 B B A C C B B A C A C A Technical Information Sample Specification 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 80 PERCENT RATED LUMENS Normalized Spectral Power 0.10 0.12 0.10 70 0.08 60 0.06 50 0.04 40 0.02 30 0.00 0.00 20 350 350 400 400 450 10 450 500 500 550 550 600 600 650 650 700 700 750 750 WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH (nm) (nm) 20 40 60 80 100 85 80 75 70 65 60 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 350 350 55 Lamp shall be 23W Micro LED Night Light with a maximum overall length of 4.45" and a CCT of 2700K and a CRI of 82. Lamps shall be T2 tube diameter, TCLP compliant and have an average rated life of 12,000 hours. 450 450 550 120 140 160 180 200 550 650 650 750 750 850 850 WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH (nm) (nm) 50 0 0 90 0.14 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 12,000 BURNING HOURS PERCENT RATED LIFE 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 550 550 600 600 650 650 700 700 750 750 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 0.14 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 0.14 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 0.14 350 350 Lamp shall be a Colored 13W DULUX EL Mini Twist and have colors red, yellow, green, orange, blue or blacklight blue. The lamps shall have an average rated life of 8,000 hours. Lamp shall be a DULUX® EL 27, 30, 40 or 65 Watt Twist electronic compact fluorescent lamp. Lamps shall have a 2.05" (30 Watt Twist) or 2.1" (27, 30, 40 or 65 Watt Twist) base diameter. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K, 3000K, 3500K or 4100K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be (6000, 8,000 or 10,000) hours. 350 400 400 450 450 500 WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH (nm) (nm) DULUX EL 3500K 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 600 650 650 700 700 750 750 800 800 850 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 0.08 0.06 0.04 350 400 450 500 WAVELENGTH (nm) 550 600 650 700 750 WAVELENGTH (nm) DULUX EL 5000K 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 0.06 0.04 0.02 OEM/Special Markets Phone: 1-800-762-7191 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 350 750 400 450 500 WAVELENGTH (nm) 550 600 650 700 750 800 WAVELENGTH (nm) 13 EL / MICRO / C / Compact Wattage: Electronic Bulb Type C = Candelabra Fluorescent 13 watts Ballast Micro-Mini, Super Mini, Base Mini Twist, Twist, GU24 = GU24 Micro LED Base Sylvania is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. DULUX is a registered trademark of OSRAM GmbH, used under license. 830 Display/Optic Phone: 1-888-677-2627 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Canada OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. 2001 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4 Ordering Guide CF 1-800-255-5042 1-800-255-5043 National Accounts 1-800-562-4671 Phone: 1-800-562-4674 Fax: 0.08 0.00 United States OSRAM SYLVANIA 100 Endicott Street Danvers, MA 01923 Trade Phone: Fax: DULUX EL 6500K 0.16 0.08 Lamp shall be a DULUX® EL 13 or 23 Watt Twist electronic compact fluorescent lamp with GU24 base. Lamps shall have a 3.95" (13 Watt) or 4.36" (23W) maximum overall length. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8,000 hours. * Not a specification or standard. Actual results may vary. 0.00 400 850 0.10 0.02 0.00 350 550 600 DULUX EL 4100K 0.16 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 500 550 WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH (nm) (nm) 0.16 350 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL Dimmable Twist (14 or 24 Watt). Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 2700K and a CRI of 82. Average rated 8,000 hours. DULUX EL 3000K 0.16 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) DULUX EL 2700K Lamp shall be a DULUX EL Mini Twist or Super Mini Twist (7, 11, 13, 19 or 23 Watt). Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K or 6500K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be (6000, 8,000 or 10,000) hours. / 8 = 82 CRI 27 = 2700K 30 = 3000K 41 = 4100K 50 = 5000K RP2 RP = Retail Pack HVP = High Visibility Pack 2 = 2 per pack Trade Phone: Fax: 1-800-263-2852 1-800-667-6772 OEM/Special Markets/Display/Optic Phone: 1-800-265-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 © 2010 OSRAM SYLVANIA 1/10 Photography 95 0.16 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 90 0.12 PERCENT (W/nmSURVIVING per 1,000 lm) Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 Lamps shall be a DULUX EL Micro-Mini Twist (10, 13, 20, 23 or 26W). Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 2700K or 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 12,000 hours. Lamp MOL shall not exceed 3.54" (10W), 3.70" (13W), 4.29" (20W), 4.45" (23W) and 4.5" (26W). The lamps shall be TCLP-compliant. Lumen Maintenance Curve* 100 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) Typical Fluorescent Lamp Mortality* 100 SUL ROSS 15W & 25W T8 LAMPS OCTRON® 800 XP® SUPERSAVER® ECOLOGIC®3 EXtended Performance Fluorescent Lamps Key Features & Benefits • Energy savings compared to standard 32W T8 lamp – 22% with the 25W XP®/SS – 12% with the 28W XP®/SS – 6% with the 30W XP®/SS • Retrofit lamp for existing T8 instant start systems – 40,000 hours rated life @ 12 hours per start • 94% lumen maintenance • Lead free • Made in the USA • Dimmable (see application note 5) • TCLP and RoHS compliant • Increased life on SYLVANIA QUICKTRONIC® PROStart® PSX and PSN programmed rapid start ballasts – 42,000 hours rated life @ 12 hours per start • Available in 2, 3, 4 and 8-foot and eXtended Life (XL) types SYLVANIA OCTRON ECOLOGIC3 T8 fluorescent lamps pass the Federal Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)1 criteria for classification as non-hazardous waste in most states2. E COLOGIC3 represents a more comprehensive approach to sustainability encompassing high efficiency, long life and RoHS/TCLP compliance. The OCTRON 800XP SUPERSAVER T8 fluorescent offering includes a full complement of lengths and wattages, ensuring there is an energy-saving lamp to satisfy nearly all applications. These lamps operate on standard T8 instant start systems and provide up to 22 percent energy savings over 32 Watt lamps. At 10¢/kWh and 4000 hours of operation per year, the 22 percent energy savings translate to a savings of $11.20 per fixture per year for a 4-lamp fixture. The initial lumen output, lumen maintenance and high color rendering of the OCTRON 800 XP SUPERSAVER/ECO3 lamps help ensure that lighting quality is maintained while energy is saved. These lamps pass the Federal TCLP test, classifying them as non-hazardous waste in most states and feature lead-free glass, bases and manufacturing process, reducing overall environmental impact. For optimal performance and system warranty, pair with QUICKTRONIC® electronic ballast systems. 1. TCLP test results are based on NEMA LL Series standards and are available on request. 2. Lamp disposal regulations may vary; check your local & state regulations. Product Offering Lamp Type FO17/15W/800XP/SS/ECO3 FO25/21W/800XP/SS/ECO3 FO32/25W/800XP/SS/ECO3 FO28/800XP/SS/ECO3 FO30/800XP/SS/ECO3 FO32/25W/800/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 FO28/800/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 FO96/50W/800/XP/SS/ECO3 FO96/54W/800/XP/SS/ECO3 Wattage 15 21 25 28 30 25 28 50 54 CCT 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3000K, 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3000K, 3500K, 4100K 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3500K, 4100K, 5000K 3500K, 4100K, 5000K Application Information Applications Application Notes • Cove • Direct/indirect luminaires • Recessed troffers • Schools • Valance 1. FO25, FO28 and FO30 SUPERSAVER lamps are recommended to be used on F32T8 instant start ballast with minimum open circuit voltage of 550V RMS at the lamp. a. Electronically ballasted fixture configurations which operate lamps remotely, such as Master/Satellite applications, can cause reduction of lamp open circuit voltage, in the remote fixture, below the minimum required for reliable lamp starting. For more information, please call 1-800-LIGHTBULB and ask for Ballast Technical Assistance or call your fixture manufacturer. b. Not recommended to be used: (1) in remotely ballasted fixtures with lamp open circuit voltages below 550V, (2) with Rapid Start ballasts unless the lamp open circuit voltage is greater than 570V, (3) in air handling fixtures, (4) on low power factor ballasts or (5) inverter operated emergency lighting systems unless the equipment is specifically listed for the particular lamps. Any of the above situations could result in lamp starting and stabilization problems, or system compatibility issues. 2. FO96 SUPERSAVER lamps are recommended to be used on F96T8 instant start ballast with minimum open circuit voltage of 725V. 3. If an operating lamp is exposed to drafts or the ambient temperature falls below 60°F (70°F for 25W), striation (a rhythmic pulsing pattern of light running down the tube) and/or reduction in lamp brightness may occur. While visually disconcerting, neither behavior is damaging to the lamp and removing the cause (draft or temperature) will return the lamp to normal operation. 4. Fixture must conform to ANSI C78.81–2005 requirements for luminaire design. 5. FO96 types are not dimmable. For all other types, contact OSRAM SYLVANIA for approved dimming ballasts. FL056R14 1/11 Specification Data Nominal Item Ordering Length Initial Mean Lumens Number Abbreviation Watts (in) Lumens Lumens1 per Watt ® ® ® OCTRON 800 XP SUPERSAVER 22405 F017/15W/830/XP/SS/ECO3 15 24 1200 1128 80 22406 F017/15W/835/XP/SS/ECO3 15 24 1200 1128 80 22407 F017/15W/841/XP/SS/ECO3 15 24 1200 1128 80 22408 F017/15W/850/XP/SS/ECO3 15 24 1200 1128 80 22394 F025/21W/830/XP/SS/ECO3 21 36 1925 1810 92 22395 F025/21W/835/XP/SS/ECO3 21 36 1925 1810 92 22396 F025/21W/841/XP/SS/ECO3 21 36 1925 1810 92 22397 F025/21W/850/XP/SS/ECO3 21 36 1925 1810 92 22232 FO32/25W/830/XP/SS/ECO3 25 48 2475 2327 99 22233 FO32/25W/835/XP/SS/ECO3 25 48 2475 2327 99 22234 FO32/25W/841/XP/SS/ECO3 25 48 2475 2327 99 22235 FO32/25W/850/XP/SS/ECO3 25 48 2400 2256 96 22177 FO28/830/XP/SS/ECO3 28 48 2725 2562 97 22178 FO28/835/XP/SS/ECO3 28 48 2725 2562 97 22179 FO28/841/XP/SS/ECO3 28 48 2725 2562 97 22184 FO28/850/XP/SS/ECO3 28 48 2600 2444 93 22063 FO30/830/XP/SS/ECO3 30 48 2850 2679 95 22060 FO30/835/XP/SS/ECO3 30 48 2850 2679 95 22062 FO30/841/XP/SS/ECO3 30 48 2850 2679 95 22202 FO30/850/XP/SS/ECO3 30 48 2800 2632 93 ® ® ® OCTRON 800 XP XL SUPERSAVER 22349 FO32/25W/830/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 25 48 2400 2304 96 22222 FO32/25W/835/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 25 48 2400 2304 96 22223 FO32/25W/841/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 25 48 2400 2304 96 22166 FO28/835/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 28 48 2600 2496 93 22167 FO28/841/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 28 48 2600 2496 93 22326 FO28/850/XP/XL/SS/ECO3 28 48 2600 2496 93 ® ® OCTRON FO96 XP SUPERSAVER 22420 FO96/50W/835/XP/SS/ECO3 50 96 5400 5076 108 22421 FO96/50W/841/XP/SS/ECO3 50 96 5400 5076 108 22422 FO96/50W/850/XP/SS/ECO3 50 96 5400 5076 108 22100 FO96/54W/835/XP/SS/ECO3 54 96 5700 5360 106 22101 FO96/54W/841/XP/SS/ECO3 54 96 5700 5360 106 22347 FO96/54W/850/XP/SS/ECO3 54 96 5700 5360 106 Average Rated Life Instant Start Prog. Rapid Start 3 hrs/ 12 hrs/ 3 hrs/ 12 hrs/ start start start start CCT CRI 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 3000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 3000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 3000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 3000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 3000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 85 85 85 80 85 85 85 80 85 85 85 80 85 85 85 80 85 85 85 80 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 3000K 3500K 4100K 3500K 4100K 5000K 85 85 85 85 85 80 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 3500K 4100K 5000K 3500K 4100K 5000K 85 85 85 85 85 85 1. Measured at 40% of rated life. Ordering Guide FO Fluorescent OCTRON 30 / 8 Actual Wattage Actual CRI 15, 21,25, 80 or 85 28, 30, 50 and 54 35 Color Temperature 30 = 3000K CCT, 35 = 3500K CCT 41 = 4100K CCT, 50 = 5000K CCT XP / SS / ECO3 EXtended SUPERSAVER ECOLOGIC3 Performance Lamp Dimensions (A) Max. Lamp Overall Type Length (in.) FO17 23.78 FO25 35.78 FO32 47.78 FO32/25W FO28 FO30 FO96 94.00 (B) Base Face to Opposite Pin (in.) Min. 23.41 Max. 23.50 Min. 35.40 Max. 35.50 Min. 47.41 Max. 47.50 (C) Max. Base Face to Base Face (in.) 23.22 (D) Max. Outside Diameter (in.) 1.1 35.22 1.1 47.22 1.1 Min. 93.42 Max. 93.65 93.30 1.1 D Ballast Technology Applications & Specification Guide (Literature code: ECS-Electronic2009) QUICKTRONIC® High Efficiency NEMA Premium Guide (Literature code: ECS112) QUICK 60+® System Warranty (Literature code: ECS140) FL056R14 SYLVANIA, ECOLOGIC, OCTRON, QUICK 60+, SUPERSAVER and XP are registered trademarks of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. QUICKTRONIC is a registered trademark of OSRAM GmbH. Project/Job SYLVANIA lamp SYLVANIA ballast Notes Sample Specification Lamp shall be OCTRON® 800 XP® SUPERSAVER® ECOLOGIC®3 (15W, 21W, 25W, 28W, 30W, 50W, 54W) lamp having medium bi-pin bases or 50W and 54W lamp having single pin bases. Lamp shall be designed to pass the Federal TCLP test in force at the time of manufacture. Lamps shall have initial lumens of (1200, 1925, 2400, 2475, 2600, 2725, 2850, 5400, 5700), mean lumens of (1128, 1810, 2304, 2327, 2496, 2562, 2679, 5076, 5360) and a correlated color temperature of (3000, 3500, 4100) Kelvin or initial lumens of (2400, 2600, 2800, 5700) and mean lumens of (2256, 2444, 2632, 5360) and a correlated color temperature of 5000K. Lamp shall have an average rated life of (24,000, 40,000, 42,000) on (instant start, programmed rapid start) ballasts, 94% lumen maintenance at 40% of rated life and a CRI of (85, 80). The OCTRON XP SUPERSAVER ECOLOGIC3 lamp shall be operated on QUICKTRONIC® electronic, high frequency ballasts with complete system warranty from the manufacturer covering lamps and ballast. United States OSRAM SYLVANIA 100 Endicott Street Danvers, MA 01923 1-800-255-5042 1-800-255-5043 National Accounts Phone: 1-800-562-4671 Fax: 1-800-562-4674 OEM/Special Markets Phone: 1-800-762-7191 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 A B C For maximum energy savings consider pairing with the following electronic ballasts: Type Trade Phone: Fax: A B C Related Literature Fixture Description D Display/Optic Phone: 1-888-677-2627 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Canada OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. 2001 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4 Trade Phone: Fax: 1-800-263-2852 1-800-667-6772 OEM/Special Markets/Display/Optic Phone: 1-800-265-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 © 2011 OSRAM SYLVANIA 1/11 Photography Ordering Information SUL ROSS SYLVANIA 200W & 320W PULSE START LAMPS METALARC® PULSE START High Lumen Maintenance, Reduced Color Shift, Premium Metal Halide Lamps Key Features & Benefits METALARC PULSE START Lamps • Excellent lumen maintenance • Quicker hot restrike* • Long average rated life 175 Watt PULSE START • 50% longer life than standard 175 watt • 21% higher initial lumens and >50% higher mean lumens than standard product • Available in universal operating position 200 Watt PULSE START • 20% energy savings over 250 watt lamp • Available with Compact ET23.5 version for higher luminaire efficiency SYLVANIA METALARC® PULSE START 175, 200, 250, 320, 320/350, 350/400, 400, 750 and 1000 watt lamps provide less color shift, high lumen maintenance and a long life. Their premium performance provides opportunities for higher maintained illumination levels and substantial energy savings. Additional increases in optical efficiency may be gained by fixture designs using compact outer jacket configurations. All high wattage pulse start lamps, 200W-1000W, are lead free. SYLVANIA METALARC PULSE START lamps combine new metal halide lamp technology with proven ignitor technology. The result is a more transparent arc tube over life yielding less color shift and high lumen maintenance. 250 Watt PULSE START • 20,000 hour life rating for MS types (doubles the life of standard 250 watt) • MP type has 50% longer life than standard 250 watt • Available with PRO-TECH® design for open fixture use • Available in universal operating position 320/350 Watt PULSE START • Available in PRO-TECH design for open fixture use • Lamp can be operated on 320 or 350 watt ballast 350/400 Watt PULSE START • Incorporates PRO-TECH design for open fixture use • Lamp can be operated on 350 or 400 watt ballast 400 Watt PULSE START • 24% higher mean lumens than the M400/U and 16% higher mean lumens than the MS400/BU-ONLY • Less color shift over lamp life* • Available with Compact BT28 version for higher luminaire efficiency • Available in universal operating position 750 Watt PULSE START • 25% energy savings over standard 1000 watt metal halide • Compact BT37 outer jacket 1000 Watt PULSE START • Compact BT37 outer jacket • Available in universal operating position *Compared to standard metal halide lamps. 320 Watt PULSE START • 100 initial lumens per watt for clear lamps • May be operated base-up through horizontal • Compact BT28 size allows higher luminaire efficiency Product Offering Product M175/PS/U MS175/PS/BU-ONLY MS175/PS/BU-ONLY/MED MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 MS200/PS/BU-ONLY MP250/PS/BU-ONLY MS250/PS/BU-ONLY M250/PS/U MS320/PS/BU-HOR Lamp Finish Clear Clear & Coated Clear & Coated Clear Clear & Coated Clear & Coated Clear & Coated Clear Clear & Coated *See Notes Section for more fixture information HID021R24 11/10 Fixture Type Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Open or enclosed Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Product MP320/350/PS/BU-ONLY/BT28 MP350/400/PS/BU-ONLY MS400/PS/BU-ONLY/BT28 MS400/PS/BD-ONLY/BT28 MS400/PS/BU-ONLY M400/PS/U/BT28 M400/PS/U MS750/PS/BU-HOR/BT37 M1000/U/PS/BT37 Lamp Finish Clear & Coated Clear & Coated Clear Clear Clear & Coated Clear Clear Clear & Coated Clear Fixture Type Open or enclosed Open or enclosed Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Open or enclosed* Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Enclosed fixture only Application Information Applications Application Notes Ballast Information Ambient lighting: Industrial and Commercial Canopy lighting Flood lighting Parking lots Security lighting Operating orientation: Base-up only or base down only within 15° of vertical. 320W and 750W lamps may be operated base-up through horizontal. M250/PS/U, M400/PS/U, M400/PS/U/BT28 and M1000/ U/PS/BT37 may be operated in any operating position. All lamps will operate on ANSI Pulse Start ballasts with ignitors for metal halide lamps as noted in the Ordering and Specification Information section (page 3 of this PIB). Fixtures Consult your local fixture agent for available fixtures. Socket Information Lamps operate in standard mogul HID sockets rated to withstand 4000 volt pulses. Exclusionary mogul sockets are recommended for the METALARC PRO-TECH (MP) versions. Lamp Comparison Lamp Type 400 Watt PULSE START MS400/PS/BU-ONLY Initial Lumens 42,000 Mean Lumens 31,000 Hot Restrike 5 to 7 min. Average Rated Life (hrs.) 20,000 400 Watt SUPER METALARC MS400/BU-ONLY 42,000 26,000 7 to 12 min. 20,000 400 Watt Standard 36,000 23,500 7 to 12 min. 20,000 • 16% higher mean lumens than the 400 Watt SUPER METALARC lamps • 24% higher mean lumens than the standard 400 Watt METALARC lamps • 50% longer average rated life when operated on a 120-hour cycle — average rated life of 30,000 hours Installed Savings Lamp Type M400/U MP350/400/PS/BU-ONLY Watts 400 350 Number of Lamps 500 500 • Lowers energy costs • 5600 hours/year, $0.1 kWh; 458W per fixture for the 400W lamp, 400W per fixture for the 350W lamp. HID021R24 Energy Cost per Year $128,240 $112,000 Savings per Year $0 $16,240 Specification Data Fixture Description: Type Project/Job: SYLVANIA lamp: SYLVANIA ballast: Notes: Ordering Information Item Ordering ANSI2 Number Abbreviation Watts Finish Bulb Base Code 64171 MS175/PS/BU-ONLY/MED 175 Clear ED17 E26 M152/E, M137/E5 64170 MS175/C/PS/BU-ONLY/MED 175 Coated ED17 E26 M152/E, M137/E5 64319 M175/PS/U 175 Clear BT28 E39 M152/E, M137/E5 64815 MS175/PS/BU-ONLY4 175 Clear ED28 E39 M152/E, M137/E5 4 64816 MS175/C/PS/BU-ONLY 175 Coated ED28 E39 M152/E, M137/E5 64837 MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 200 Clear ET23.5 E39 M136/E 64838 MS200/PS/BU-ONLY4 200 Clear BT28 E39 M136/E5 64839 MS200/C/PS/BU-ONLY4 200 Coated BT28 E39 M136/E5 64789 MP250/PS/BU-ONLY 250 Clear BT28 EX39 M153/O, M138/O5 64790 MP250/C/PS/BU-ONLY 250 Coated BT28 EX39 M153/O, M138/O5 64578 MS250/PS/BU-ONLY 250 Clear BT28 E39 M153/E, M138/E5 64617 MS250/C/PS/BU-ONLY 250 Coated BT28 E39 M153/E, M138/E5 64320 M250/PS/U 250 Clear BT28 E39 M153/E, M138/E5 64507 MS320/PS/BU-HOR 320 Clear BT28 E39 M154/E, M132/E5 64646 MS320/C/PS/BU-HOR 320 Coated BT28 E39 M154/E, M132/E5 64391 MP320/350/PS/BU-ONLY/BT28 320 Clear BT28 EX39 M154/E, M132/O5 350 M131/O5 64349 MP320/350/C/PS/BU-ONLY/BT28 320 Coated BT28 EX39 M154/O, M132/O5 350 M131/O5 64769 MP350/400/PS/BU-ONLY 350 Clear BT37 EX39 M131/O5 400 M155/O, M135/O5 64770 MP350/400/C/PS/BU-ONLY 350 Coated BT37 EX39 M131/O5 400 M155/O, M135/O5 64189 MS400/PS/BU-ONLY/BT28 400 Clear BT28 E39 M155/E, M135/E5 64191 MS400/PS/BD-ONLY/BT28 400 Clear BT28 E39 M155/E, M135/E5 64525 MS400/PS/BU-ONLY 400 Clear BT37 E39 M155/S, M135/S5 64527 MS400/C/PS/BU-ONLY 400 Coated BT37 E39 M155/S, M135/S5 64188 M400/PS/U/BT28 400 Clear BT28 E39 M155/E, M135/E5 64321 M400/PS/U 400 Clear BT37 E39 M155/E, M135/E5 64787 MS750/PS/BU-HOR/BT37 750 Clear BT37 E39 M149/E3 64822 MS750/C/PS/BU-HOR/BT37 750 Coated BT37 E39 M149/E3 64351 M1000/U/PS/BT37 1000 Clear BT37 E39 M141/E Average Rated Initial Mean Color Life (hrs.) Lumens Lumens CRI Temp 15,000 17,500 12,800 65 4000K 15,000 16,600 12,500 70 3700K 12,000V 14,400V 10,000V 65 4000K 9,000H 12,800H 8,300H 15,000 17,500 12,800 65 4000K 15,000 16,600 12,500 70 3700K 15,000 19,000 13,300 65 4200K 15,000 19,000 13,500 65 4000K 15,000 18,000 12,800 70 3800K 15,000 22,500 17,000 65 4000K 15,000 21,000 16,000 70 4000K 20,000 23,000 17,000 65 4200K 20,000 21,500 15,500 70 3600K 15,000V 21,000V 15,400V 65 3800K 12,000H 18,000H 11,000H 20,000V 30,000V 21,000V 65 4300K 15,000H 28,000H 19,700H 20,000V 30,000V 19,700V 70 3900K 15,000H 28,000H 18,400H 20,000 28,600 21,000 65 3800K 20,000 33,500 24,000 65 3600K 20,000 27,700 19,000 70 3600K 20,000 32,000 22,000 70 3600K 20,000 33,000 24,500 65 3700K 20,000 40,000 29,500 65 3500K 20,000 32,000 23,000 70 3500K 20,000 39,000 28,000 70 3300K 20,000 40,000 32,500 65 4100K 20,000 40,000 32,500 65 4100K 30,0001 42,000 31,0001 65 4000K 20,000 42,000 35,700 30,0001 42,000 29,0001 70 3600K 20,000 42,000 35,700 20,000V 36,000V 25,500V 65 4000K 15,000H 31,000H 22,400H 20,000V 36,000V 25,500V 65 4000K 15,000H 31,000H 22,400H 20,000V 78,000V 67,000V 65 4000K 9,000H 68,000H 56,000H 20,000V 75,000V 63,000V 70 3700K 9,000H 65,000H 53,000H 15,000V 110,000V 96,000V 65 3800K 9,000H 107,800H 86,300H Lamp Efficacy (LPW) 100 95 82V 73H 100 95 95 95 90 90 84 92 86 88V 76H 94V 88H 94V 88H 89 96 87 91 94 100 91 98 100 100 105 105 105 105 90V 78H 90V 78H 104V 91H 100V 87H 110V 108H Notes: 1. Based on 10 hrs/start operating cycle. On 120 hrs/start, life rating increases from 20,000 to 30,000 hours and mean lumen point is at 12,000 hrs. 2. For lamps with 2 ANSI codes, the first is the new ANSI code and the second is the original code. 3. When operated on ballasts having a sustaining voltage less than 310V, lamp life may be significantly reduced. 4. Contact your local OSRAM SYLVANIA sales representative for availability. 5. When operated on ballasts having a sustaining voltage less than 270V, lamp life may be significantly reduced. 6. For lamp wattages of 360W and greater, it is recommended that lampholders with nickel-plated copper alloy center contacts (with spring) should be used rather than electrical contacts made of stainless steel. E = Lamps classified as E-type are to be used ONLY in suitably enclosed luminaires. See lamp warning. O = Lamps classified as O-type, comply with ANSI standard C78.389 for containment testing and may be used in open luminaires. See lamp warning. S = When operated within 15 degrees of vertical, this lamp may be operated in an open luminaire provided the installation is not near people or flammable or combustible material, otherwise it must be operated in a suitably enclosed luminaire. See lamp warning. HID021R24 Technical Information Sample Specification Typical Mortality Curve Typical Lumen Depreciation 100 Percent of Initial Lumens 80 Clear Coated 70 60 50 20 726 710 694 678 662 646 630 614 598 582 566 550 534 518 502 486 470 454 438 422 406 40 390 Percent Survival 90 30 400 Watt: Lamp(s) shall be (a) 400W METALARC® PULSE START lamp(s) exhibiting initial lumens of 42,000 with a 74% mean lumen maintenance and capable of operating on a M155/M135 ballast. Lamp construction shall include a lead-free welded base with a maximum temperature of 250°C. 100 WAVELENGTH (nm) 10 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Rated Life Percent of Lamp Life 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 Typical Spectral Power Distribution Wavelength (nm) Lamp Dimensions C (A) MOL 5" 6-29/32" 8-5/16" 11-1/2" C(C) (B) LCL 3" 4-1/2" 5" A 7" Bulb Diameter 2-1/8" 2-15/16" 3-1/2" 4-5/8" OSRAM SYLVANIA National Customer Service and Sales Center 18725 N. Union Street Westfield, IN 46074 USA C A A A B B B Industrial Commercial B Phone: 1-800-255-5042 Fax: 1-800-255-5043 National Accounts Phone: 1-800-562-4671 Fax: 1-800-562-4674 Ordering Guide MS 320 M = METALARC Metal Halide S = SUPER high output P = METALARC PRO-TECH® open fixture rated Wattage: Finish: PULSE 175, 200, 250, ___ = Clear START 320, 320/350, C = Coated 350/400, 400, 750 or 1000 watts / _________ / PS / BU-ONLY BU-ONLY = Base up only U = Universal BD-ONLY = Base down only BU-HOR = Base up - Horizontal Safety Information OEM/Special Markets Phone: 1-800-762-7191 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Display/Optic Phone: 1-888-677-2627 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 In Canada OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD Headquarters 2001 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4 WARNING! THESE LAMPS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS SKIN BURN AND EYE INFLAMMATION FROM SHORT-WAVE ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION IF THE OUTER ENVELOPE (GLASS BULB) OF THE LAMP IS BROKEN OR PUNCTURED. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety precautions are used. Lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is punctured or broken are commercially available from OSRAM SYLVANIA Products Inc. THESE LAMPS CONFORM TO FEDERAL STANDARD 21 CFR 1040.30 in the U.S. AND SOR/80-381 in Canada. Industrial Commercial Phone: 1-800-263-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 HID021R24 Visit our website: SYLVANIA, METALARC and METALARC PRO-TECH are registered trademarks of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. Special Markets Phone: 1-800-265-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 © 2010 OSRAM SYLVANIA 11/10 Photography Ordering Abbreviation ED17 ET23.5 BT28/ED28 BT37 C Product Information Bulletin 200W COMPACT SUPER METALARC® PULSE START High Lumen Maintenance, Reduced Color Shift, Reduced Outer Jacket, Premium Metal Halide Lamp PULSE START Technology • Quicker hot re-strike* • Extended average rated life • Less color shift over lamp life* COMPACT Lamp Design • Compact ET23.5 outer jacket • 50% longer life than standard 250 watt SUPER Lamp Design • • • • • Optimized light output Energy efficient Lead-free welded base Whiter light: CCT = 4200K Enhanced efficacy = 95LPW *Compared to Standard Metal Halide Lamps Product Availability Wattage 200 SYLVANIA COMPACT SUPER METALARC PULSE START lamps combine the advantages of PULSE START lamp technology with a SYLVANIA COMPACT METALARC and SUPERSAVER® lamp design. The end result is an energy efficient lamp with high lumen maintenance and less color shift in a small outer jacket to improve system efficiency. Bulb Shape ET23.5 SYLVANIA 200W COMPACT SUPER METALARC PULSE START lamps provide increased system efficiency, less color shift, high lumen maintenance and a long life. Their premium performance provides opportunities for higher maintained illumination levels and substantial energy savings. The compact design offers the ability to improve fixture optics. Lamp Comparison 64837 versus 64457 and 64507 Lamp Type 200 Watt PULSE START** MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 250 Watt Standard M250/U 320 Watt PULSE START MS320/PS/BU-HOR Hot Re-strike Avg. Rated Life (Hrs) Outer Jacket LCL MOL 4 to 7 min. 15,000 ET23.5 4.5" 6.9" 10 to 12 min. 10,000 BT28 5" 8.3" 4 to 7 min. 20,000 BT28 5" 8.3" ** 30% higher mean lumens than the standard 250 Watt METALARC lamps Application Information Applications Ambient Lighting: Industrial & Commercial Parking Lots Canopy Lighting Application Notes 1. Operating orientation: Base-up only, within 15° of vertical 2. Lamps operate in standard mogul HID sockets rated to withstand 4000V pulses. Fixtures Contact your local fixture agent for available fixtures. Contact your OSRAM SYLVANIA Representative for a list of compatible electronic operating systems. HID045R1 Sample Specification Installed Savings – Lowers Energy Costs! Lamp(s) shall be (a) 200W METALARC PULSE START lamp(s) with a 15,000-hour average rated life capable of operating on a M136 ballast. Lamp construction shall include a ET23.5 outer jacket with a lead-free welded base with a maximum temperature of 250°C. Item Number 64507 64457 64837 Ordering Abbreviation MS320/PS/BU-HOR MS250/U MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 Watts 320 250 200 Number of Lamps 32 32 32 Energy Cost per Year*** $4,485 $3,504 $2,803 % Savings vs. 250W 320W – – – – 20% 38% ***4380 hours/year, $0.1kWh Ordering and Specification Information Item Number 64837 Ordering Abbreviation MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 Watts 200 ANSI Spec. No. M136/E Bulb Base ET23.5 E39 Average Rated Life (Hrs) 15,000 Initial Mean Lumens Lumens CCT CRI 19,000 13,300 4200K 65 Notes: 1. Based on 10 hrs/start operating cycle. On 120 hrs/start, life rating increases to 30,000 hours and mean lumens will be 28,000. 2. When operated on ballasts having a sustaining voltage less than 270V, lamp life may be significantly reduced. E = Lamps classified as E-type are to be used ONLY in suitably enclosed luminaries. See lamp warning. Ordering Guide MS S = Super Metalarc High Output Metal Halide 200 Wattage: 200 watts / PS PULSE START / BU-ONLY Operating position: Base up Only / ET23.5 ET = Ellipsoidal Tubular 23.5 = 2 15/16" bulb diameter Dimensions A C MS200/PS/BU-ONLY/ET23.5 (A) MOL (B) LCL (C) Bulb Diameter 6.9" 4.5" 2.94" National Accounts Phone: 1-800-562-4671 Fax: 1-800-562-4674 OEM/Specialty Markets Phone: 1-800-762-7191 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Photo-Optic 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Typical Mortality Curve 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PERCENT OF RATED LIFE 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF RATED LIFE Phone: 1-888-677-2627 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 In Canada OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. Headquarters 2001 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4 Industrial & Commercial Phone: 1-800-263-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 Special Markets Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure WARNING! THESE LAMPS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS SKIN BURN AND EYE INFLAMMATION FROM SHORT-WAVE ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION IF THE OUTER ENVELOPE (GLASS BULB) OF THE LAMP IS BROKEN OR PUNTURED. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety precautions are used. Lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is punctured or broken are commercially available from OSRAM SYLVANIA Products Inc. THESE LAMPS CONFORM TO FEDERAL STANDARD 21 CFR 1040.30 in the U.S. AND SOR/80-381 in Canada. Phone: 1-800-265-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 Visit our website: SYLVANIA, METALARC and SUPERSAVER are registered trademarks of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. © 2004 OSRAM SYLVANIA Phone: 1-800-255-5042 Fax: 1-800-255-5043 Typical Lumen Maintenance Curve PERCENT SURVIVAL Industrial & Commercial Technical Information PERCENT OF INITIAL LUMENS OSRAM SYLVANIA National Customer Service and Sales Center 18725 N. Union Street Westfield, IN 46074 Printed on recycled paper. 7/04 B SUL ROSS SYLVANIA COVERED CFL LAMPS DULUX® EL Covered Electronic Compact Fluorescent Lamps Key Features & Benefits • Energy saving alternative to incandescent lamps saves up to 75% energy compared to similar lumen output incandescent • Variety of shapes and wattages to satisfy most applications • 6000 – 10,000 hour average rated lamp life • Colored PAR38 lamps available in red, yellow, green and blue • Available in a variety of color temperatures – 2700K – warm white, similar to incandescent • Flicker-free starting • Dimmable 14W/R20, 15W/BR30 and 19W/BR40 lamps offer smooth dimming from 20% to 100% light output SYLVANIA offers DULUX EL self-ballasted medium and candelabra base compact fluorescent lamps in a variety of covered designs including: Classic, Globe, Décor and Reflector types. The colored PAR38 CFLs are ideal for party/decorative indoor/outdoor applications. With excellent color rendition and a broad range of color temperature options, these CFLs provide a brilliant alternative to traditional incandescent and halogen light sources and are suitable for many different types of luminaires. They complement the DULUX EL Twist family of CFLs described in companion Product Information Bulletin CF048. • Medium and candelabra base for easy replacement of ordinary incandescent lamps – 3000K – soft white, similar to halogen lamps – 5000K • 82 CRI Product Offering Lamp Type Classic Globe Bullet Decor Reflector Dimmable Dimmable Cold Cathode Colored PAR38 Wattage 9W/A15, 14W/A19 9W/G25, 14W/G30 14W/B20 4W, 5W, 7W, 9W 9W/R20, 14W/R20, 16W/BR30, 19W/PAR38, 20W/BR40, 23W/BR40, 23W/PAR38 14W/R20, 15W/BR30, 19W/BR40 5W/B10, 5W/A15 23W (red, yellow, green and blue) Application Information Applications Application Notes • Chandeliers • Sconces • Vanity bars • Table lamps • Ceiling fixtures • Recessed down lights • Ceiling fans • Decorative & vanity fixtures • Security lighting • Difficult to service areas 1. DULUX EL lamps cannot be installed on dimming circuits, unless the lamp is labelled as “Dimmable” 2. Outdoor application — use only in enclosed fixtures to avoid exposure to weather (except for PAR38) 3. Do not use in emergency exit fixtures or lights 4. Do not use on electronic timers, photocells, lighted switches or any other switches that do not meet UL20 Sec. 7.6.15 5. Meets CSA, FCC and UL requirements 6. Do not disassemble or modify DULUX EL lamps 7. Use only on 120V AC, 60Hz circuit 8. Install and remove lamp from fixture by grasping plastic base, not lamp glass 9. Best performance achieved when operated at 77°F/25°C CF047R3 6/09 Specification Data Catalog # Project Type SUL ROSS Comments Prepared by Date Ordering Information Item Number Classic A-line 29743 29665 29526 29575 29468 29485 Bullet 29196 Globe 29414 29495 29528 29195 Décor 29135 29121 29750 29742 29039 29167 29584 29600 Specialty 29789 Reflector R20 29638 29640 29624 28998 29587 Reflector BR30 29465 29496 29539 29591 29565 29590 Reflector PAR38 29359 29897 29625 29744 29902 29903 29904 29905 Reflector BR40 28997 29452 29442 Ordering Abbreviation CF5EL/A15/DIM/827/BL1,2 CF9EL/FAN/827 CF9EL/FAN/830/BL2 CF14EL/A19/827 CF14EL/A19/830 CF14EL/A19/830/BL CF14EL/B/830/MED CF9EL/G25/827 CF9EL/G25/830/BL CF9EL/G25/830/BL2 CF14EL/G30/830 CF4EL/B10/C/827 CF4EL/B10C/830/BL CF5EL/B1O/C/ADP/827/DIM/RP1,2 CF5EL/B10/C/ADP/DIM/8301,2 CF7EL/B10/827 CF7EL/B10/830/BL CF9EL/B10/C/827/BL2 CF9EL/B10/C/ADP/830 CF14EL/A19/YELLOW/RP CF9EL/R20/827 CF9EL/R20/830/BL CF14EL/R20/827 CF14EL/R20/827/DIM/RP1 CF14EL/R20/830/BL CF15EL/BR30/DIM/8271 CF15EL/BR30/DIM/830/RP1 CF15EL/BR30/BL CF16EL/BR30/827 CF16EL/BR30/830/BL CF16EL/BR30/830 CF23EL/PAR38/827 CF23EL/PAR38/GL/827 CF23EL/PAR38/830/BL CF23EL/PAR38/GL/830/BL CF23EL/PAR38/R/RP CF23EL/PAR38/B/RP CF23EL/PAR38/G/RP CF23EL/PAR38/Y/RP CF19EL/BR40/827/DIM/RP1 CF23EL/BR40/827/RP CF23EL/BR40/830/BL Pkg. 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 2/blister, 12/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 2/blister, 12/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 2/blister, 12/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/box, 6/cs 1/blister, 6/cs Base medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium candelabra candelabra candelabra candelabra medium medium candelabra candelabra medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Bulb Type A A A A A A B20 G25 G25 G25 G30 B10 B10 B1O B10 B10 B10 B10 B10 A19 R20 R20 R20 R20 R20 BR30 BR30 BR30 BR30 BR30 BR30 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 PAR38 BR40 BR40 BR40 Replaced Incandescent Wattage 15 40 40 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 60 15 15 15 15 25 25 40 40 n/a 40 40 60 60 60 65 65 65 65 65 65 75 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 90 Nominal Wattage 5 9 9 14 14 14 14 9 9 9 14 4 4 5 5 7 7 9 9 14 9 9 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 19 23 23 Initial Lumens 200 450 475 800 800 800 700 495 495 495 725 160 170 200 200 280 280 450 450 405 300 300 495 500 500 600 600 560 750 750 750 1200 1000 1200 1000 — — — — 900 1250 1250 Color Temp. 2700K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K 3000K 3000K 2700K 3000K 3000K 3000K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K — 2700K 3000K 2700K 2700K 3000K 2700K 3000K 5000K 2700K 3000K 3000K 2700K 2700K 3000K 3000K Red Blue Green Yellow 2700K 2700K 3000K CRI 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 — 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 — — — — 82 82 82 Notes: 1. May be used with standard electronic incandescent wall dimmers. 2. Cold Cathode technology. Operating temperature range of all DULUX EL lamps is 0° to 100°F. Operating temperature range of Bullet lamp is 0° to 122°F. Ordering Guide CF 14 EL Compact Fluorescent Wattage: 14 watts Electronic Ballast / A19 Bulb Type: A, FAN, BR, B, G, R, PAR number indicates diameter of bulb in 1/8" / 830 8 = 82 CRI 27 = 2700K 30 = 3000K 50 = 5000K / BL Blister pack Average Rated Life (hrs.) 25,000 8000 8000 6000 6000 8000 6000 8000 8000 8000 6000 6000 6000 25,000 25,000 6000 6000 8000 8000 6000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 6000 6000 6000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 Lamp Comparison Compact Fluorescent Lumens Life 200 25,000 450 8000 800 6000 800 8000 700 6000 495 8000 700 6000 200 25,000 160 6000 280 6000 450 8000 900 8000 475 6000 495 8000 495 8000 600 6000 750 8000 1250 8000 1200 8000 1000 8000 DULUX® EL CF5EL/A15 CF9EL/FAN CF14EL/A19 CF14EL/A19 CF14EL/B/830/MED CF9EL/G25 CF14EL/G30 CF5EL/B10 CF4EL/B10C CF7EL/B10 CF9EL/B10/C CF19EL/BR40 CF14EL/A19/YELLOW CF9EL/R20 CF14EL/R20 CF15EL/BR30 DIM CF16EL/BR30 CF23EL/BR40 CF23EL/PAR38 CF23EL/PAR38/GL Similar Incandescent Lumens Life 210 1500 370 1500 850 1000 850 1000 850 1000 370 1500 680 1500 210 1500 125 1500 210 1500 370 1500 680 2000 550 1000 370 1500 330 2000 620 2000 620 2000 1300 750 650 2000 900 750 Incandescent 25A/W 40A/W 60A/W 60A/W 60A/W 40G25 60G25/W 25A/W 15B10 25F/CL 40A/W 75BR40/FL 60A/Y/RP 40R20 50R20/FL 65BR30/FL 65BR30/FL 90BR40/FL 75PAR/W 75PAR/W Watts Saved 20 31 46 46 45 31 45 20 11 18 31 56 46 31 36 50 49 67 53 52 *Energy savings over life of EL lamp at $0.10/kWh Lamp Dimensions (A) MOL (in.) 3.97 4.00 4.75 5.00 5.50 4.25 5.40 4.6 4.25 5.00 4.25 3.94 5.00 4.50 5.63 5.70 5.75 6.50 6.25 5.40 CF5EL/A15 CF9EL/FAN CF14EL/A19 CF14EL/A19 (29485) CF14EL/B CF9EL/G25 CF14EL/G30 CF5EL/B10 CF4EL/B10C CF7EL/B10 CF9EL/B10C CF9EL/R20 CF14EL/R20/DIM CF14EL/R20 CF15EL/BR30/DIM CF16EL/BR30 CF19EL/BR40/DIM CF23EL/BR40 CF23EL/PAR38 CF23EL/PAR38/GL (B) Diameter (in.) 1.98 2.20 2.40 2.33 2.40 3.13 3.40 1.44 1.40 2.88 1.70 1.68 2.50 3.25 3.72 3.75 4.62 4.69 4.75 4.82 (C) Base Width (in.) 1.37 1.70 2.10 1.88 2.40 2.61 2.00 1.44 1.58 1.63 1.70 1.69 2.00 1.90 2.36 2.00 2.00 2.16 2.13 1.77 B B B B B A A A A C A C C C C Energy* Savings $50 $25 $27 $36 $27 $24 $27 $50 $6 $10 $25 $44 $27 $25 $28 $30 $39 $54 $31 $42 CFL Life vs. Incandescent 16 x 5x 6x 8x 6x 4x 4x 16 x 4x 4x 5x 4x 6x 5x 4x 3x 4x 10 x 4x 10 x Technical Information Sample Specification Typical Fluorescent Lamp Mortality* 100 90 95 70 60 50 40 30 20 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 23W PAR38 reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K or 3000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. 90 85 80 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 23W PAR38 flat glass reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K or 3000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. 75 70 Lamp shall be red, blue, yellow or green colored DULUX EL 23W PAR38 reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. 65 60 55 10 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 200 1000 2000 3000 4000 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 600 650 700 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 15 Watt BR30 dimmable reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K or 3000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 6000 hours. 0.06 0.04 0.00 550 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 14W Bullet, compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 6000 hours. 0.08 0.00 500 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL Décor (Flame shaped) in 4, 5, 7 or 9W electronic, compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 2700K or 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 6000 or 8000 hours. 0.10 0.02 350 750 400 450 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 0.14 0.14 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 19 Watt BR40 dimmable reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 2700K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. 0.12 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 5 Watt A15 dimmable cold cathode compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 25,000 hours. 0.10 0.08 * Not a specification or standard. Actual results may vary. 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 5 Watt B10 dimmable cold cathode compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700 or 3000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 25,000 hours. Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 14 Watt R20 dimmable reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 2700K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. DULUX EL 5000K 0.16 350 550 WAVELENGTH (nm) WAVELENGTH (nm) DULUX EL 3500K (Daylight EXTRA™) Lamp shall be a DULUX EL 14 Watt A-LINE electronic, compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of 3000K and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 6000 hours. Lamp shall be a DULUX EL Globe (9 or 14 Watt) electronic, compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K or 3000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be 8000 hours. 0.12 0.02 450 8000 9000 10,000 DULUX EL 3000K (Soft White) 0.16 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) DULUX EL 2700K (Warm White Deluxe) 0.16 400 7000 BURNING HOURS PERCENT RATED LIFE 350 5000 6000 350 WAVELENGTH (nm) 400 450 500 550 600 WAVELENGTH (nm) 650 700 750 United States OSRAM SYLVANIA 100 Endicott Street Danvers, MA 01923 Trade Phone: Fax: 1-800-255-5042 1-800-255-5043 National Accounts Phone: 1-800-562-4671 Fax: 1-800-562-4674 OEM/Special Markets Phone: 1-800-762-7191 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Display/Optic Phone: 1-888-677-2627 Fax: 1-800-762-7192 Canada OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. 2001 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4 Trade Phone: Fax: SYLVANIA is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. Daylight EXTRA is a trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. DULUX is a registered trademark of OSRAM GmbH, used under license. 1-800-263-2852 1-800-667-6772 OEM/Special Markets/Display/Optic Phone: 1-800-265-2852 Fax: 1-800-667-6772 Photography PERCENT SURVIVING 80 © 2009 OSRAM SYLVANIA 6/09 PERCENT RATED LUMENS 100 Normalized Spectral Power (W/nm per 1,000 lm) Lamp shall be a DULUX® EL 15 or 16 Watt BR30 reflector compact fluorescent lamp. Lamp shall have a correlated color temperature of (2700K, 3000K or 5000K) and a CRI of 82. Average rated lamp life shall be (6000 or 8000) hours. Lumen Maintenance Curve* Category: ECS Prefix: Fixture Series (Name): Energy Conservation Series ECO EcoLyte EcoLyte Series high performance fluorescent high/low bay luminaire GENERAL DESCRIPTION The EcoLyte (ECO) Series has been developed as an energy efficient alternative to HID lighting systems. This series utilizes “High Intensity Fluorescent” technology to dramatically reduce energy consumption, improve quality of light and provide instant-on operation. It also offers many switching and sensor options. Typical applications for this type of product are interior spaces with high mounting heights where high lumen output is required. Applications include: • Retail – “Big Box” – Distribution Centers and Warehouses • Industrial, Commercial and Manufacturing Areas • School Gymnasiums, Auditoriums and Convention Centers • Ice Rinks, Indoor Courts and Sports Arenas DESIGN FEATURES / SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION • Precision die formed from 22 ga. cold rolled steel. • Mechanically fastened or resistance welded depending on model. • Heavy gauge steel (CRS) or aluminum alloy may be custom ordered. • Finish to be pre-painted gloss white polyester powder coat. • Post-painted polyester powder coat finishes are available. Consult factory for all special colors and finishes. • Heavy guage steel (NYC) and heavy guage aluminum are available as alternate materials. REFLECTOR • Precision die formed optics which has been designed for maximum efficiency and photometric properties using the latest CAD software. • Choice of optics includes focused, normal and spread beam distribution. Consult factory for custom optics design and spacing criteria options. • Choice of materials include: - Alanod Miro4® Enhanced Specular Aluminum, 95% total reflectance, 25 year warranty. - Enhanced Specular Aluminum, 92% total (min.) reflectance, 25 year warranty. - High Reflectance White Powder Coated Aluminum, 91% total reflectance, 10 year warranty. - Polished Aluminum, 87% total (min.) reflectance, 25 year warranty. - Consult factory for availability of all other material choices. LAMPHOLDERS • Vossloh-Schwabe® premium type featuring: - Anti-vibration internal lamp locking design - High temperature resistant ("T" marking). - Heat and UV blocking shield to prevent degradation of material. - Multi-point contact design for optimum lamp pin contact. - Produced in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 and IEC standards. BALLASTS • All standard ballasts are electronic, energy saving, thermally protected, Class-P, non-PCB, Sound Rated “A”, 0 degree (Type 1 Outdoor). Verify with factory for latest information regarding High Temperature (HT) or Extreme Low Temperature (XLT) rated ballast options. • UL/CSA certified, where applicable. Compliant with Federal Ballast Law (Public Law 100-357, 1988). • Choice of ballast factors. L=Low, N=Normal, H=High. • Choice of dedicated, universal or special voltage Consult factory for available options. • Warranted by ballast manufacturer. Typical ballast warranty is for 5 years (120-277v) and 3-years (347-480v). Consult factory for latest warranty information. LAMPS • Supplied by others unless otherwise specified. • Factory installed if required - Consult factory. • Lamp type, CRI ratings, temperature colors, lamp life ratings are all viable options which can be supplied - Consult factory for information. LAMP SHIELDING • Lamp shielding options include: - Heavy duty painted or zinc-plated wire guards. - Flat or drop dish lenses, clear acrylic, clear polycarbonate, high light transmission white, prismatic and linear prism lenses. - Louvers and cross-blade baffles - Consult factory. MOUNTING • The luminaire may be surface mounted or may be suspended by pendant, threaded rod, hook, chain or cable. (Mounting hardware supplied by others unless otherwise specified). • Custom mounting options / accessories. ELECTRICAL • Luminaire is bi-national listed and labeled (UL 1598 and CSA C22.2 No. 250.0-00) and is suitable for damp locations. • Product includes luminaire disconnect as specified in NEC 410.73(G), 2005 Edition, and CEC part I, rule 30-308(4), 2006 Edition. QUALITY CONTROL • All fixtures and retrofit kits are designed, fabricated, assembled and tested at RENOVA's manufacturing facility. All fixtures are 100% lamp tested, inspected and labeled prior to shipment. GUARANTEE • RENOVA warrants all fixtures to be free of defects in manufacturing and workmanship for a period of (1) year from date of purchase. This warranty excludes damage of any kind resulting from improper installation, misuse, abuse, accidents, mis-application, or natural disasters. Please refer to the "Terms and Conditions" section of the RENOVA website for additional information. Note: RENOVA products are constantly being improved; therefore, the information shown is subject to change without notice. Always consult your lighting representative or RENOVA Lighting Systems, Inc. for the latest information. RENOVA Lighting Systems, Inc. • 15 Wellstown Road • Ashaway, RI 02804 • (800) 635-6682 • RLS-4865A-3