3D-Cam FPV - Hobby Wireless

3D-Cam FPV
By EMR Laboratories Inc.
We trust the 3DCam will enhance your FPV (first person view) experience with amazing life-like realism
for many years. This 3DCam offers tele-presence unmatched by any other FPV camera on the market.
This camera is pre-set to work right out of the box. Get familiar with these instructions to get the most
out of this exciting product.
How it Works:
The 3D-Cam uses two cameras to generate field-sequential 3D video which is compatible with most
commercial 3D equipment. This video signal can be transmitted using standard NTSC video transmitters
and can be recorded using a standard VCR or DVD recorder. Using 3D capable video glasses or LCD
shutter glasses and a CRT (or 120Hz LCD) allows viewers to experience the scene in life-like 3D. The
depth perception provided by this 3D technology is a real asset when piloting aircraft remotely.
Figure 1: Location of camera controls
Setting Remote Control Function:
The 3D-Cam can be controlled remotely using a spare channel on the aircrafts receiver. This allows the
pilot to adjust camera settings while in flight to achieve the best possible video. The remote control
function can be set to operate in one of two modes, either 2D/3D Convergence Mode or Exposure
Mode. These modes can be toggled by momentarily pressing the push button switch (figure 1) on the
front of the board while powering up the camera.
3D Convergence Mode: The camera can be set to switch between 2D and 3D video as well as adjust the
3D camera convergence. In this mode, if the channels output is 0%-5% of full travel then the camera
operates in 2D mode. From 5%-100% the camera operates in 3D while adjusting the convergence from
0.5m to infinity respectively. If the convergence is set for 0.5m then only objects closer then 0.5m
appear to come out of the screen while objects further then 0.5m appear behind the surface of the
screen. This setting is best (5%-10%) when using OSDs (on screen displays). Note: If the remote feature
is not used or the remote feature is set to Exposure Mode the 3D convergence can still be set using the
trim pot (figure 1). Simply press and hold the push button while adjusting the pot. The setting is saved
in memory once the button is released.
Exposure mode: This mode compensates high contrast scenes for maximum visibility. When the
channel output is low (0%-50%) then the camera is in auto exposure mode. If the channel output is high
(50%-100%) then the auto exposure is turned off leaving the current exposure setting. This feature is
useful while flying in high contrast environments such as early morning or late afternoon to help keep
the ground clearly visible.
Setting White Balance:
The 3D-Cam can be easily set to maintain proper colour balance in demanding applications such as FPV
flying. When exposing the 3D-Cam to scenes containing a lot of blue such as the open sky, AWB (auto
white balance) circuits tend to over correct for the blue which washes out the scene creating false
colours. The white balance setting can turn off the AWB and lock onto the true color temperature of the
current light source, providing the best possible FPV picture quality. The White Balance modes can be
toggled to either AWB (auto white balance) or Custom White Balance by pressing the push button
switch on the front of the board. If the LED is off then AWB mode is active. The Custom White Balance
mode is set when the LED is on. To set the white balance in Custom White Balance mode ensure the
camera is first in AWB mode (LED off). Hold a white sheet of paper in front of the camera that is well lit
by ambient light. Ensure the scene in view of the camera is uniform white with no shadows. Press the
push button to lock the white balance setting. The LED should now be on. This setting is saved even if
the camera is turned off. If ambient lighting conditions change drastically (ie. bright sunshine to dark
and overcast) then this procedure should be performed again. The Custom White Balance mode is the
recommended setting for FPV flying outdoors. AWB (LED off) is best for indoor use.
Setting the Camera’s 3D Alignment:
After changing or adjusting lenses the vertical alignment should be performed. This is achieved by
pressing and holding the push button switch while the camera is being powered up and continuing to
hold it until the LED stops blinking (approx. 10 sec). Then the vertical alignment can be adjusted by
turning the trim pot on the front of the camera. The best way to achieve alignment is by watching the
video on a standard television or use video glasses without starting 3D mode. Adjust the pot until the
objects in the left and right eye image are the same vertical position (height on screen). Simply tap the
button to lock the vertical alignment and exit vertical alignment mode.
Tips and Tricks:
The 3D-Cam was intended to be installed by splicing the power and video connections directly
into the aircraft to save weight.
Use remote exposure when flying early in the morning or late afternoon. When flying away
from the sun, freeze the exposure while the land is clearly visible. The ground will then stay
clear and visible even if flying directly at the sun.
Set camera to 2D mode if capturing video for non 3D media such as internet video streaming
Set camera to near convergence when using OSDs to give a real HUD (heads up display)
Set the Custom White Balance every time you go to the field to ensure the most vivid and true
Image Sensors:
S/N Ratio:
Video Output:
483 Lines
3.0V/Lux-sec @ 5600K
30mm x 90mm
NTSC (2D mode) / Field Sequential NTSC (3D mode)
Questions or Comments? - support@emrlabs.ca