qrw{etrI;T {ftrhTt omfdq srr+ftTfr elrgffi wN€l=T, utrqg{ 23i-rq-o-|t,rq-c, XrTfr?I|-srdr, riq-q-&. s-flgq 313001 phone: 0294-2523124 Emarl: acud?ipur@rajexc.ise..net website:https://rajexcise.gov.in sql-n q. 7 (o) (r) rtvn-ft /quer{/lrrq/2016/2qq f,{qr6 ,,!S/o9lrete Rs rtr{r ft\ frffi s-+-R o1 {nr$/rnn qi 'qrtt Eti Frqi-sq srr-{fiI-fr stg5, Tq{qIT;t, gcugv d {tprqt @-q (qq rifrET) 6G tg qfrfud .Fdla.g sut,T qi6-{q-q fr--s srTqhd qfi qrfr t r sr-gdfud frddrcrT of frqro. i\ vo q{ mo d fu ql=q d.fi t r (rrRr ur,qT filflq 6. 1T. 1 ofqfFru sqqtT Bg {tPHt qq c5'qg{ q-qf*-d Tffi Gr-gqti-a eTfi q|dtfl.d qtRT RTfrT 8,00,000/- 16,000/- t) qqt 200t- r. R-s qfrlfi vlRT d frn qrw R-s w zD)$ fr-qr-i qfr fuqr srt n qq-r gco, erftfuffi ert-qol-fr z. R-s q.l-l G rr-df*a E{flfilq, frqtRd urgm,(uvmrt) vEqgi, 2, etrqorfr qcFr, XqrFqrqTdT, vqqgq d .ft o-rqfd-q ftr{fr o-d ft-qs o} roq \ilrrr cF-{cn-6-{ .1.?:1.e.:.*9f.{..., qEIr€ qS qIK qro-fr qr website..... 6\ rz n-o orqlaq *r.rq fuq qT https://rajexcise.gov.in qI httpq:/qppp.rajasthm li fi €I$qdtg ftrd qT {Iqtd frs t t r ffi, fuq t t t crsq-o|s frd Tn ft-s qqr o-r frqfRn T@ RTfrT sqd zoo / -, fr-sEldt gt-{i ye-r?F t gq-e erhfttr 3ilqfift Gilgzm, (qeTrq-{) {|uN€rFI, d ltq € fr-s d qne-T {if,q or=TT d-qr r qf6{-{E Rs fufl-o. 19r19.;!orr ............:.......... oi Grtf{f€ z e-d ilqn tr{gd of q s-dTft d srfr frq Grqgr€ +.oo sqRem fus-qrf,Bri/$rd qfrfriM d rrqa fr'trFftq o-q q+frfr arT v<qgi sH qd.ft 3. rr-tfir{ Aq-dq qq qrfi sfr-Er o) Tfr-f,lq o.qi d frr ercq rS e darT qE frr{ft q ftft-o o) qr.Bqr frfrEr d ffi fi *Tm oi ftn ot$ on"r qary | Tq +. or qrd-ift I frFo wsq Tq ilfts fuqT qrgq. l d qr-E d fr frfq_flq qlw E\.ft sq q{ fr-qq .rfr qfrT{ qe d riler q{ zors-16 o-t M o-q gf,fi Trrrot q.{ deil eTrcffr-{ f,dffT gm uit tl rq-{ qn lqFrf, qRfrfr Tsgd fu-qT qFrT orfurd elqT s. R-s d v+rsT M o-q Trrrut t IErrS) G{hft{d sTl-{f,rfr GrfgcKI, (uenw) wnatFr, sEqgq v@wl;{ g70lY TTqfTq eilqqrfr otTgw,wrcm,sqqSv stawt qq - ytfrqr qTdr ffi ftft-{r g@ vrRr sqi (qqdf qlq 1. €RTT€I 2. frfrET e-{gd o-{i otfr -ll+l \cl slcp c.pt Yct I -: 6-r 3. frtq-m\ qqlbd 2 v44T - 313001 zoo,/- ffi fr\ f{fuET rqd q,t.Ts t) d fu\ f,qh<T q-d ol fu-ql .rqr 4. tl<.{ s. f,{frEl g@ q,t ttRT sq}........................m1 S.Srzilo-s +6 €cqT ' fuqien . .d arr qrTT orl fr 6. t,2aq......... fr eTfrftfi r\ epq e-Ffd q-s-n qRRrq q t et 'd *fl do.li s€ d sqfuo of Tg sri d qqr"r ii awrer-{ o-q fri r€rFT qt q-wrfr'-d qi €qr$ srTeeT Er 3ifu-d o1 q-$ t z,\, qwr{ v{q vdfuo qld d t) srTeaT d erSwn qra entm q{ ne]T gqfr r t qtt fuqi-6 sr qrd, 2018 gs erqp o\ qrrqqtr6 q6q'fr d qr-a qq d qlTil-q or fr-sEo fr-q-ilT rid-'q q-fur "qq" fr qFif, t ftqftd . fr 'Ig sffi ftfuEr qan o1 I ({.id q'ft Yg\ 8. erqlft 3{-d gq Branded Make q,t d-fr qtrd g. ii@T f,{frqT q.qqT q.ft eld nelr sd"q Pfte q of ti,zeqrt ggr {fr6n frt} T. fr-ft.q t ...gm cnft k{i-fi. .. qroT 'l-g o6EIT e cb' d fr\ frBqrq €'ft .ft rn rrdllT | 3{rrrq'tFnT of *gffi flqfdq t or-$ e}'.fi t t 3T]qrq ; ':- 10. eTfrftfi oilgffi (uvnsr) 3ne'o-ft fofl-,T, vflgt qIft sqi ffii-o' €@T ..... 11. d qqrqr Trdfq uhu s<ugt o-t ttQr d it qrnfi of qr*r er5qtRd B qr*r ibq sI 3TB6 12. gwd vrv M oq qff'fi \q M dr d qrq t tfo' trtvd/ffi +6 (emi sqn) €d-r{ fu-qr qrdl so-fi B B t :it t oq 3oft srIM E{ rqer fu-} qr*.t o. 13. .irS d oTrqtn{ fflTFr gnT qrft (dfe : srfiFT RqTrT Am 14. nftefurZ*f,r 15. Fs scrt g qrft PAN qt+fuT aTdt qt ............ q'Tg qfi prfi sfr €dr{ oqqr ut€{du B d sTfrfuffi ftls frrfl qrfl t t i.- t: t rorq o1 ot{ PTfr dfrtd qfi of -'Ai,: t pOn o.rqtcq oilq'mfi elrgffi, lTGNslT;[, vcugr dtfr t RstrdT ftr{rf,r qH srff $-r vot ffireq u!, '. ?*i1,. -*' t. enR o-r €ilE"rl qa rda'q s:d R€ dq'Ti rS o1 whff 16. q.ft pRltt No. I d gwren qq *at : (gor+) : : tffiq;r*q fr€-qrdT S gwrelq +rq t*E{ qfr ftfrEr d fuv frfrEr w vftEr qfr ?rt 1tfuv ftqq-os) ftsrft - F.h-flErdrcr\ o\ gq prd 6\ qrq'Errfr Tfo q-.eq "TR\ nen 3Tq-ft frfrilq fufi qqq F{q,t Wf F-i'T wafl o-qfi i. qrRt z. ftftET q'qET I t fr} ng ftffi d ergun s'fud sq t 5a< d< o-r+ I orr{fufi ffi 3. o\ f{frErcn "Gt ffi ars S (Bonafide Dealers) gm ftft=flq * qdfi | ffiT: t gs,3{r{, qrsq 1r i '- Frm gm' q}qqT dq-d qra q-qfl d o$ qTwfuo | Hq qTfq @- qdq g ror+r .n qT{qtrq or q+fl @-or enq-m-|-{I ot rorso q d-d-qrr am fr qf*.ft derr gq] qffiq * riR'qT d aleftq frr{ft fi qrfud t, qd d q-64 rrffq d gw r$f fu-+r qr*qr (1) r n qd n fuft Td qlrft<I{/,Tl=mr ai tdflq ar{|. s-d i (Tq oo ffiorq q€r fu-qT udqr q6r e cD o1 n {s-ft1 qq-Kr rTdT o\ qtri d fuq ffq T€t Ei qrfr G ddT Gt|erfirft o) qq rficr.rT n fufu-a E-{-qr{fl-qr q-qd qSl o-q d frq ad--qTi q,1 q-ftq qI qr( t s-q1* sq t rfrnl-{ ft1 G td t mft ffi fttS qFftffi qt1 rfiq B-q qrar o\ q|Eq dtfi nen qE €fufl d frd eqtqq d (2) v+fuqT $ wq-€T ft\ qqlw sv s-+gmft (M) E).fr | qfr'fi qq yiq-q qqtul-qr (Clearance Certificate) :- @f$.fi q-d-i ' s€chl qcf{Irq Rem t", qR {rGq q q-qfud M o-q GTHfrqq d 3rdqo v-fr-qa rft t n\ oa FhqT q-S tTr|frr+1 oq qfiqq €cqT o-r v"trq fr'qr q,;n 4. M o-q vrqRro q-+.d d qrFtvq o-r eriffi t M oq wgd fuqT qftr osfl'gffd nqT frfr-Er d r.e< o-q ftqr qrSil ilR\ cTerT qilErq !-qrur-qr | s. qrsq wr$ sT e-6-ur t *r-{ qri I tfud i\ ,T.ft ..T{ fu-ift q frft.o w ft-q-i r$ fu-qT $t'iTr | frft-fl-{rdT f,qfuET d q-du gts qq E{dT&r{ o-t n oerr erc i F.frET fr"fuET 6. o1 wrw qTd o\ 4\ qr{i d q-qpr i awTerq ov.n t Et yT-d qq Gid ffr i ffi rnr$'ft | ilst 6H Zeqr (Errors) \q /qT sqfu&-e-q q.-q Rqb TSt d-n t qR ot.€ gRqT olft didr sE s,s t q,t rnrfr "TR\ "TRr r+Fo vq q{ a'g Erfl&tv frr} qfi <t t vtunar=T M oq vq dd-q M o-$ e1 q|Rr 61 qQrm' n/ 1" lr$-o.R t nsrqT "TR\ "Ttrt I 7. qt qeiq {er-q do w.eiem vqo o1 Hrft oefi w,ft c{"JEFrfr (lncidental) "TR\ q.ilRi of effi-m o-r+ zrRq; s;ftq qqTq} uwri 6 qq6i t qtf q qqs ot ertft o) $rF-d m-rqr derT qqcnn aq ot'{ qr$ qr€T (mrfo)ur qR{f,{ eqR\ "TRq $-r qqcnTq arcr Trf,rq ogl f,our ETdqT nerT qrd ft1 rlEen em e+fffit d qM w fr qd.ft r qftt qri il-A qrd tn.Rrfnq sqq)'T d ftid eYfr i',gq q{ Tj.ft $r (er+-ptu)ot grrdlq og fout vm' t | 3TtT: gq (t n g.ft o-q \d renft-q qr-er 3rTfr o\ wF-d €l o-Eqr | qR sftt qri a-A rTm g{: M o-{i d ftrn qT M "TR\ fg frffi qra d frMlT d sq n sq-qil t di o\ t n\ qq etr n gfr o-r (efr-rflq)qq qerrfrq q,-t o) qilF-d fuqT qr$'rTT I W a;t seTr i frFa qrsq t 1'o. t qflq-qa rlET$ orrteT d v+rQr rr$gf, frrqT ril-$qT I , :r 8. i: et\ of gcq :- {lsfrefiq d qrfi ?ht sqt grql de]T {fq{erFT d .ftoq of sq wql am, d Flofi d er<rfa 1ou erBon d fuu c{UEd q-fr t, ftfrffi e*\ ot gEqT tn{i t. ynINeTFT M o-q q,1 ift d wfrd o6 fo-cr qd,TT wqfu ffi fu+t o-q d gsi er-Ed fuw qit.n (1) r (z) qrw*pnq d fidr qfr .FqT d vrq-q o-q qrt RIRT ET qflfr'd fu-fl qrffr n d of gan o-qi qrq, rm{errq M t 9. Xe uDun ,- T* 3r{Uqq otrze#}qrq-61 1l\'N€.n-q d sfl'H gRr sg|ka qr sT rNN€r=T d er6r s€lHr ErqT sgtkd qr ftfffuo qTdi o1 gdqT fr'ffiFd qra) w i qwrq o-u (vrwrern 10. 11. ffi qrcrar qrq elft d sflH oi eTfUqTTdT) fr'qq, rggs '- ftfuETq vr-d sH qfi @t ft-fio. t d er5v+R fr qrt.ft t ft-q qr6 qrt ei-qfu d ftrd fr-fs | Gr-J+tRn qils-m-di (ewr+<)d ftd qa rfirfl qrS,TT qrt v€i q-ffq qtt qri er.ft qw, dfuRtdyn', qr*r,i-o \u Xt+t 3rTR of qTqtrr-fr Ttrfi qiq o-q fr t t qR sd gq yTd d ftxft qm, dfufr;-deTq, fl{q Gilft d 3IREI d qrn n of$ rr-i6 Ei e\ qs rifr-ET qq F{flTer{ qti-i t W, ts-S d-il orffi @\ l$ql nen vst} acgeif o1 w*-o-qq wH 12. otfi r o-rft riF--T o} q. us6 ftffi r1n!1=T qrq o\ fr"ft q€ q)t'ff qr sq-qt (Sub-Let)w rS tTr Ad-qT{ erq Vffi d ftrS I 1a lJ. friq fr-{q"T (dR+Rrdvr,) :- of G rrrfr q-qq ftR'ET n frqfR-d rqfufrdsrq, tsqrd d ryfe-orcr5sq E).'ft q6T q-i rq3ri of en{ q-{r orri dfufud'pTq, d' qwv erten qfr e'}, vq 'r$ .--+ ..J ,)t-.,a) )., \,, ,,c\,, ,,-,c ,\ -) ^3i-g5q {Er -+ oT w 5q TJ {s|{rlrtrfr-q|q -: o deIT sq tl-{ T6 ffiqt 6FTI-. 6t;II (r) no-o ilRq ll >t t/4 zt{ "Tt6g r 4 o-qfo' +t qwr) ol lgler ci-EdRd qTn ergsq ntqa\ qEI otg R-ft.ET qT crgqlRf, q{qr q nefi erq q+r*rft dar froqlT of ucg o-r rERI fuqT qt',TT I ri-cn ai,ercgf,q Tur+mT qfrfr 6-r gs \Efftr-.rr fu eqr rsrq qt1 T{ q-qq dfrftrsrTq d ergsq oen trqr q-R @f$ E\, d cil-jqri t, fu-qr qqT frsfq ftfuqTqia'rcil d fuq sTfrq rq (2) diqTfuT d .... t d *'n lrqrcI,srar ero\ d sfffi/ t $i t t tqa, q-q $qt. 1 qme gq qrrd 6-r su-s- ftE-fl-flaT q6 flT€ tTT et qTdldq./c-qq efri ud o-d s'q q"T ,zve)r/qqoir of lsg<,ff d R-{io /'qr- +t cmts d frri qeil frffRE ft"-qqq \.q XlTq-mT d qsv q.ft T*t defi {s epq d qr+E-< qT s+ eEmRf, q,1 ddT s'-m qrdldi/aqeif or ffierq s-{ frqI d qq qTdf of sqn 3i-qfu E vmr q-67drZfrseTf o) o-q ftqr E\, qR _____ffi eqsv =rff qrqt q-{rr sT qqrw E} Tn *- fiw vw sq-iY.fi frq-i.f qti Xwccr r{q-eT ddT ftdq eTfuq q Enr a} ddl sfiI qla/rdri/ovgeri o\ qr srd vs qrq- ft\ s-m frfrwr gq 1oTq-GT d ergsq sq {qq ftr} T€f qd HdqT iqc q,-{i ftrn erfuEd *qr r qEq qqF+rd q"rml{dv/qr$ ffiaT ftt dfuq w *ft d?-TT qrfr $rft o\ o-{i qrfftI sqcr€T arg d-n ftfu.qqrdl, qR s,,q\ tqT o-{i d fti} tbEI qil d oa W rTrer srTR an qr vsd B"s sFr ddT GTffi gRr vEE or frqr -rqr *, qea trn,erqerT ftfuil{rdr W eTfr d ftd grrdn o-tqi st gq-q .T{ qid n sffiqq d o-rqq vsq | {s-q fr Tg ot-$ .ft qra {Er Rifufl o erfuq sT d frrqft ci-q GTfum-R w uft-op q',Trq r€l sfqrerT vs v+q.q n ddl srdrft (3) t ----ffi i / / t o{ffi ol n t qffi d d I ) dR ffi qri td t sTffi t fi t t4. ffi61q:- orffi (o) ddl sT vstn'r frfu-q-d qIDE-d eftftD,q$ gfug_n s'fud qqd w q-Erq $'f,f d qR€-i n qdfi derT q6 frffiuT 61 e'fuqT d +{=T qr ssd erE +€T .ft frRqd fu-qT \aTful, frffi .ft vrqq qTd\Zsq-fi-iqi/qqH q'l qTq-fr si strd)qla o-r ftfterq Tq q.iq sri q,1 prfu l-d,TI I (u) FE-fl-qrdT srq-i olqfd-q qRqr.-ililq \-E Td?TIq or, qar qq ftfreT"t fu-ql qt E-m-f,r t, T"f scTT. ss qfu d qrq q qi d qlreT tTI fr-s-S vs q-qlsq d ftrn qt'dt osr *'nt s-q m d qrqd i qt q+srq t Ti sq t ehv gq t,s-+ ilo.-d t qm' qRqq trr rqf, o-sqr qrfiqm' *rn t 15. qTi or-$Ifr t r*fun a{gsn d ftr} F.R'ETeTi d ft.frffi aqeif d d r$ q-qd ftrt qn'i qRT sfud vq t q-6 q,1 'd t 16. qrlTft BTF'I ftfrerq rre'gBRao q,-{i d pg fo-+ qdrlT fu n rqR'RdRl{ qT q-gq}Rfl q{r\ d e+5sv t I qai q-q nwrg fu-qrnn vFIFT gq qfter.il d q-RurTr€-sq fr-trd v*fufu-Slrq d lmq d eqsq qrfl qf}.r, B-€ uwri rnq fi qlw S-fiT{ fu-qr fl-}'n qt1 t ftterr qr qffem d driTq q\ qigt 3r-i+fud Tfr ot rnd.ft v€ rqq frrqT qltfl 6erT frfuflfldr gnT s€ ddT 3lfffi ErqT Ffr"-d fu-t .Tt qq-q d .ft-dr 3lqft €ti of arro q'{ q{dl Hr\'.rt q,1 arork-o sltrTmnnT d orq"r, ryf ur efrfRr-fi sq i €) o.nft, qR q-{flt mld s-{ Tqgsr\ d Ereaqr qlw (Feasable) q€t s+qsr srt n\ d-dl 3TPrf,rft ft.B-fl-fldl ft\ g"ql{ frtd qA or gn sfrd 3r-{q'{ t-si tt oT-wl'i s q\ erftfufuo fu} qrti. Gr5$fu e+ d t svgm qrRT ft1 o-*fr otqr r gs q-cFTq ft1 'I.fr azYft 17. gq-E o-iq1 (Rejection):-(r) I erfuq d"ift t s-€ l-.cq ft-{i et {{qrT qrw o-{i t rs frq d qr erft d ftd tfta-q Edr A,Tr ge-S qTE d-dr o{ffi frtft fi q-dn-r{ of atft, ofr qq v+ o*ger\ o1 siil{qTfi qS d.Ti aen sd ftE"qT-EIdI @t qtfu'q \'q s€-S fu ffi oe g'fuf, qq+, ffi o\ erf*or-q dqT ts. \q-< at Id} q-rgeii o\ ftR--qT<iflI I 1e. frf,aqrEKI sfud griT qRerf,{ urwfi-df q'Rt T ftr$ s-c-rqTfr d'n nrm uge,t-a,weo qT qrgqrq Raft q B-q-n oT-i &Tfr q E\ nar lf,q {"QId q{ sTEt q,-{i 6} qlqs d d qra a1 Egd-rft et 3fd ERTI i qTK d r{d | frffi g-mrr fu EIfr, eTfr, qrlA i fr'h-qT-qTf,T ITFI qrwqtC Wqe qr ftq{rq (ffiw)ur ftrift ofi d €\i d qd w qrfi'rft VS EIB qrq tntrl fu Tffi H-{r sq epftrq\ +t rniqlfit&I"T fuT 6Ti d far s-corflfi e\-,n r e-q-d ftri o}g GTfrftfi anrrcI TSrfiTq lfr q't qrq'ft | tg g1hET o\ qR qra o1 q-a-ri dal 3lffi o1 €-gfu d ergen T€I ot qffi t, e\ Ffr--qr-qror o\ gqqr{ oi'T6 gfugffi 3i-'f{r{ ti d ETE dm sd-ffi frtff fi eru fttrqa (Repudiate) ffr vroar t I TE gs ffiI{ fr{rE-d o-{i d 20. trqp. ol-i'il o\ erF.fufuo mtn t zr. frF+cqrdT ol vrrd'eftftfq of en{ r} o-q=TI gm' rqt-R q,t q.r-fdT (Disqualification) ot'n *fr t eitrqr qer qqelq r qry'ft qE eqrg q't qfleIT effits d fiffi ...................e'fi q1|ftId 1IF{FI ft1 ewr$ o-{i zz. (1) ggdrft erqB:GrAan5qTq s-seT sT sTtf€leT s-q frE-Er-qrdl ffi Ffr'EI d-fiTq of t r{q-qT n ERld qrer d 3{0.fr d - 3trdq oi fu-i t tri,- f,+h<Tqwri at Tffi o-{i d fuq opq m *att frql "TmT t e\ ftfrqT-qTal el*f}-d (z) qwr e1 {fflr .T{ erd w Rq qr q-d'} wE eirn t Tq, qTeql (Repeat orders) frhET n fr qkTri srd q6 fu ts g'TqIi?T Til t5q n sftft 'rft qrx of soqRYrd ao o1 q,1 3ffif} 3lfrq qrd qilq zn-{i d \F d S dn f,en tS 3rTtPT n erqrqet saer B lgwr$ qr6 3TDs qrE qi q-€i dn' t oR Ff+qrqrar ddl erPrmT-fr erqtq qFil"T et {irdr$ o1 qq{ar {ftfr-d fr.fuqT Fl-qt qI sraieTT fr\ d -rA z\. t t ti ts s€ ffi6 * ffi.R t o{i + ftr sqc-q d"n oen q\ ffiqTqrdr i\ qv{8 +t wr=ft fr Qrf,Rffi dr{rfl qq qrt qtq.ft ss-frl t GTffi frt* frft.qo aqefr of Eftq Tfr o-{m g qT ftfuET q.rt ii frffi€ qar t o-q qr;ll t qra u-fieoT t .d Ffr-'qr<rdT frffi $ftrqPd or a&q (e) qR ddl q-{i d 23. ft\ oTftEf, =rS e}'q (3r{€ Tqt=rT {rRT r Tft) -' Tq d ZX o1 qi t dm. gveTd-or im aRr q-qd iht \ilT.ft I {q-d ncT Ffr-qrcn q{ frqn qfr fu-qT qr\'fi t fm' Fqeltfi-i to etfrfu eflaqv7 ongffi @ wW( d qw ii S-qT dlT (o.) ( | )ftfuET d rner qqmr iTRr cfgqTftd fi t gwm q),T sqqw d "TBd ( ll ) B-{ wqT of qi fttqTo, vdtT fun \rsrT q ffi fu n sftr Fs t :: j v'NqH d qrs v_SEd t sq q-* A {fu-q<-€ frt ,T{ d nen s-stT frqTrr gm urft T, frmi qFiBd EF{i o1 r{qrT fr Rqt\ Tq fthqr-qrdrcr\ oi 3rgqTFd Tfl d r% qrt Ei t qTrT nRr mT *fi grqe +s{ *-oArsr rn f-qr wrf'n to XrqeZ*fr +6 etff ataof ofgf (evtsnt sW( d w fr qn Ef+r qrBn d gqam qhq v@gt fi qrrm rl;{ o1 srqr ufr nrgo o-S w 1 ot q.RETq (Refund of Earnest Money)-crsrrn-cT nh-qrcrdr ot qqmr -tpr fth-qT o\ eTftq sq t dro-ri ori d erE qrr=ft (s) qqfqT vtRr "h-rfr d=E w{mrr qd qqqern rncFfr Grr-€{.FlT q-fr B (.T) d sq-@q} o} ot{ {qrfl r irRr u-qo o.ri +t t (q) er$Rd of s-fterr 6{i qrft uf vq< o1 T$ qfrqrcTT d Wf d rrfi d orqq fr'.+rqZffiqfeq d qnr \ilril qqlqT vrRT/qh*fi fte)q o\ T$ ftfr'qrcrJ d fuq {smr rrRr/e'ftTfr qq d sh eqqtfud l-€f fuqT wgn I qR cfr frft-Er gq: 3rTrihd q,t qrfr d\ Td ii qqr Erqnr qrRr or BqzilT +i fuqT qr soar t t 24. qqrn ttRT (cr{-$d fuqr qKqr t l-ft) or sqrripT qqrfl qrRr o-r FlnfufuT qqdi fr eqq-{d o-{ - (r) qe ft'hqrqrdT FfuqT EH d qrE fuE ftfuEr q,t SfiTq qr-{i o) ilqs ddT or vsi s-qsmq (Modification) oEor t t (z) qq d gd u-wra I fr'hsT-qTdl fr'frfdE vl*ru d .ft-ffi futrd fr;qft orrq o) qR fti{ Mn =rS o=rot e\ (s) qq Fh-fl-qrdT qqrtFft d fr\ oTfe?T ti d eTE qfuIfr vrRr q,Tr qfr o-qror j\, EI (+) qe oa fttrc qqq d er{trr-d vror eA,. d t .ftdR qwr$qlipT d erEwn q-Ef of vrqri qrrsq qr-{i fr 25. (1) o-iR Tq qfu'1fr frdq ( Agreement and Securty Deposit ):- eirtfl d ffK Eti t z Rq q,t 3Tqfu d fr-dr qrgq rz ti ({N) d fu frfr-qT{ o-q-{r *qr nqr fuq rlnri t'6'6-tn * ffi {$-6Tr ftt Tfr g s-q-d Xe d s qhqrd d cir-fl sfutr q"qr orrfr e\-.ft | q6 qF-Ifr nq'T d srl ftqiff t fus-m} frfuqT d TS-mTq fr\ Efi of qan vS fr TS t, rs frq t fi-dr qqT m.-{rft qn'ft i qm-a Fft--qrErdT o't I ii frfrEr d lntrq sqr o-srft .rft qqr+ irRT oi qfrTfr q,t iTRT d fr\ eqqtfuf, fu-fl q\'.n I efrltft of qtfu fu-ift ?fi qqTr fr qql-{r qIfrT t o-q q€f etft t iii qfr-I, srRr w frqrT gr-{I q\rT o-r grrdn q€t fuqT \fll{Ti lv Hql-d {ITYI O Sg F|FT qcFl-t EIII- t-6 grveT# *o oen qq-mTft GTq-tr nq{anq,v<iq'g{ rfls-r{ am frqtRf, qE ii rnqr ttRr d qran q't irftq ftt efr d ltq t (o.) v. g6 wrrr w sftq t i:,. d qq-d t oq GrriRT d qrsq | GrgqR q.q\ qrt 3Tfuq Hwd t gqt qr6 d fior oen qR gg{-ft o} rlrcq (Staggered ) fuur qror at rrfrET d qfr1qsrr6. wq rl X'f o-< R\ qfi d erE sl qr6 d .ftdr s-wd qr .nso-& et Gmts qR d d w+rw d qrE qi rft efE d aen vgq 6 st Hri w fu' frh-qiqror d fts-q of{ fu qsrqrd (Outstanding Dues) rS Et t qfr"I' qrRr o-r q-Rqq frrqr qr\'fl (2) i *i i F.ArTo. vflY',T fuqrq,qrqqern ffi fu {M t d qns t rffiqd qq1 o\ sq qqFT d qe-+r r\ t q-ftqq qrt frBq-d figv+rFrd gm qfr q-sgf, fuT qd Tr qqrq itRT d gqdfq t qiRro. ge fr \ilT.ft oer i F.frET d ergqrtrd 1e d' r ltfuTd Efr qr qr efuIfr frdq o-r Trdrr otft n s!-S snr fr*qro' vqnT t ii dq eT-i r{.fr-r{ G q|-s{err-q s{tFTq d s'q6-q qfr.IF qft qqr o-{fi t Tqf, r qqcf6{ur:- qR.'1 q,t RTRr o\ gof sT oTrRro A qITIdI q _l]Eq{A FFqT qKTI_ (3) qfu1fr ftelq ^_-a=-G_ ]qFITFIICKI cn-r \ (o) w+ rifrqT of qrd m-r Bre.q=T ss t four rqT d qq{r$ aq t q,-{i q Gr{l-rn-fr car eT (T) qfr''tfr ftdq irEqq-d q,-{i d qq-d fr gfffiWffi Euo Td +E-s ft=qT \il\''r I gs qr*t-.rT n ddT eTfffi o-r ffi grftq Ei-,Tr (u) v-o fr'h-Ej-qrdT qryf t t qt o\ T"f 6,ii G vs q{ rd;wT d,Tfi 6-r qq fifi-fl-ildr g.M e6-{ fo-qT qTqqT oen futilT o\ vs oqlr qrt ffi wrfud- e'ffiq (Counter (q) s-cv Foil ) fr:ego' q-qd 26. at w1'rft | vlryfl q-d H q. Is,s ETsd-i d qfu rner goror r\-w q11''r ;qR qrqrq ,)-q fuqT qror t swnr rr-q go-rqT Et d\ q'qq-s-df (ewrcr<) d R-d t t s-s qrt (1) d s q'frsrd o1 qq t (z) emem fr-d (R.R.) fufl=ft'q d-n q.ilt d Umn o-ri w frry W s-6-q f,s\ ort'i G) a1 ilq-fr q,1 qr\.ft qrrqq d {M | . ftMTd n ffi qrfl ilRq r |w rrrR ( Remittance charges ) ffitrqldr Er{r r 27. fiqT'- (r) vren qddr -ilqlq w qfr qaTr 1@q|q qrqrq t ggd frry qN.t t qR qqrqq zrt i fu o) q),fr qpr sT erq gRr sT cilrf qld +sq q-q-ri d eTaretT (d$-g-€,ffi6,qn wR ) arr ETfr aT q.6 qsr rE-i d qT "hr{ur fiqT orT q-d-qT I qE fiq1 $rR ftB-fl-qrdr gr{r r6-q fu-qr qirrrn ner qR t-s q-q f,+T qrd ni rrq d qq yqrt o-r grrdlq tn-{i o1 erien q-S of wq.ft t t f qR dnr arr qr6r rRrT d ni +dr o1 aFkT w .ft q{ Tqgafr or ftqr cxErT qr\'-rT I tt qqd) t firT q*q qlr-frq fr-q-{ fiqt ft-tq qT Bqftt q6rcr6 vnsrerT _;___-f {f 4-{|{IT q|;Ir ql-gq (z) I 28. Smlrq:(1) trdq \d frRte qqcrt S (z) qq n-o qerort d qq R{-qrq erB'e g.r-on orqqT qEqfr srffi ll-drq ftfr-qrcrdl Anr dtrr furfi d ergwn Ra u-qn m-S dRI Te=T fu\ qK.} w r8i fuqT qrt'n.l q d wq d fr\ sFrr;T o1 Ey{rft E\ sfud qrsq Hr+nq G d-sl qK'r[ q.fi fu-fi nen ]qur $fl-r frfr-qrqr.fl i ffi.q | d t g're;41 fr qtft (s) fr-flqrcq-E q-d ro zs e'RRTd n-o tor .,rK-.n oerr ss fuqrE or frem E\ "Tri qr BHor Urrdrq oq frqr ffTrrT (+) sq qTq-dt d vrq-q n m-+ qftem q,-{i +1 qs-{d yrorq 6q fu-ur Er\rq-r qc q$ery tnq \il\'T derT srq gq qfteT"T q-firnq frtrd *ffiF;;nq d d d I i srgsv 29. t ft\ d'i r i fu fufrffE wrq o1 rifrET d vm wq i srrsT qryqT dsr r{rr-d Ffr--qT-fldr @rdr Grg-mT'ft t qd orrd{ d qRT eli e cmfu d ft.dR qwrg (1) fth'ET qq-r ct\r ll I Eydrft d p) qftftutRa eft ( Liquidated Damages ) q-afrqi'Ra eTfr d vru Eg*'ft d ernm w B-c €I{ qqdit F|ETfrfu-d 3i-qfu n gR ff-c d qq-d n ry*" d {d * tq at flr{"ft ffi frfr'o-qrdl qwrg q,-{i n 3l-stnd s5r t- (1)(cft-Fdggfrfiemgolq6qtsa{effiBT6*n-aqdft\z'sqfrgra (s) \-fi +er{ 3Tq'fu + 3TB.F frE fr'trfl q',t 3]Teft 3i-q'B t ei-q'O-o d ft\ s qfusrd + 3ffiE.q' (.T) 3rTen 3mB i 3{fuq' fuE fr'Rd 3i-qfB d ftq derd 3i-qfU d fug z.s qfrYrd t 3TB'o. d fr-dq d fu to% (q) frFd q-qB of fi-q t t ' (2) "\slT{ frE.q q,t 3i-qD n 3ilrr) R-{ cF-s qFI (3) qRFqfRr t &Tfr Et oTts'qt-dq oi st's ft-qr vrqar I trRI to qR:ld dr'fi : " r qffirrd qra of €wrg d 5 o-{idfrq{{{qigRoEqI"I6iITtn\q.efrfudtggqrfffioigTdfi eFTr d qe-a Eii oiTT ffi qETq,ff e 31tfu fuqT t | fu-g rE ssd fr\ ftaE-{ drfts d qrq ot'n qFrd (+) qR u-ouo-ef(ewrov )frd q-{ T{m vs rrqq ow o fu eieTr3ii d orsq wf EIi *1 ButRa t qR qra of qwrg e-{i n g-fl*T g{ erur ftF.E* d ft'{rqlT t qt 6T-i'il qr qR-o of qr sdrft g{ d d E5{-ft of 3i-qts n gE onn-,tno &TR qtrd (5) ii I qqfr :o s-qftl-di'- qRfrelfRd erd ,6q swri 'W qz'{lfi q't ]Tfi oqe\ d fr\qc\ ot qrell{q sq t fr.d t t e1 uTR'ft I oq qqr€ ,W qe' q< fu$ {q dl t sr-d q-fr ftqr e-o qfrT al .fi t'fti qT qdtn oen qR eETITR g+fs ) d vru qqft s-q-ftl tq iTRT ( qE-dnT t d q'RfrqiR-d au (ftrrfrg}s qfrlfi frelq i\ of qry'ft | qR s-qtft qtv;TT s'rTq dues ) q-o frurir d qrq BqnrcI q't q d d 115NeIFi fi S 3TR \rfe'qr qfil fr'S erq 'ilT{ d 3r<'fd 6T-ffi qrsft :r. r Ffr-<rqTdreit @trcen s-{ft oi qR sTltrgq?F'd a\ elrqrf, anq-$q erq 6Ti d fr\ "TR\ 3il-fr Tqri q't | 32.qRfrR<r-qrortmITfrqTtfr'-do-EorBq\gq.qqFrdqIdTdsTRftffitrqrg.id frq n t a\ B-s-+t ftfr'ET q1\ rifBK sq s E'Tffi q'{ r{< or frqT wwr q{l qTlEil uTr\'Tn a16l dcF' frrfi fi v5n n E-r-h t frrqfi .ft eT-d oi {s-sT{ ftu gur q-e n mq sq t s-dfuo q ddT eTffi s-tr uit fur w f,48<T {ffi d I of ftrqr .rqr d t 10 erffi fi qi u\ srrrrq-fi- 6q t q{ of ftfr.fl T€I t d-mTr q,-{i furT o'r€ orgq Erildrd fu-{fr fi FfrET o\ r.e< m-Ei rn fu-r oqen d frr frfr-qTErdr i fr'frET fr t , vq lnq d ft\ qr ftrft Ts'qr Grbo. d ftr frfuqT rftqtrq o-G qr gfi q.{/ r{FTrq{ fr orfuo d T<N q,t qq} o\ ffif, qr-{i d erD.6TT oi urqi qns ensfso rd,TT 33. d-dT fulfr fr'frET Rfqdq I 34. frfufl-qrf,T oqx ol frqrkd o-Ei vrqq ffifod <Kffq q-$gd trt-.n,- qr,ffi sd E) d) qtrn<rt ffis (qrffirq +s) qrt 1nF Grft eqTprd qfr (z) qR qFffi sd rFd€Tq ofrq. s=ii d qffi q'fu-qd EY dr q'fuqq q-sT \zi (1) qR vs+-r qS t gf, qn wlfue d qtqt t eril-q \-q orqfdq Fr qcrT, ffiq qRR qtE-d (+) oqfr d t oq=X d {fdllTi gr*r urft fu-qr rqr q'rur q-{ qR rifu-qT d frfqq (lnterpretation) eTrrq qt rffuqT at q-dT d s."iqq 6 qqcl n qf$ fr--qrE s'ffi;q daT t e) qemrt grfl q-q-& o\ fr,flTrtqel o\ ,lw qrqqT q\ sq' fuil-E d fr\ Tm' qre stznqt Ff"m 3rTffiidi) d g.q n Grq-i qREmq sq (s) I | 35. 3Tfffi qfr fuiq erfu'q e)rn 36. an Jt. ot'n r q6 sq @ 3lffi Err rffrET € vrq-+r rS EiTr dqtT sschl I Hrf{fl frE'fr oTffi,q'R r{Rem fu-qr qr;n 3ft15fi5 E} di frxfi .ft qqtc5-rr (vrox rrt &b-qR ) arqT B-qqW qnrrrcr t E qpT q,t qt\.ft 3rqtr iRT TS +1 qt\.n sqd d Mi sTRR-fi wei enqrffi' Ei qlqFq futq \q tsT G vrqqenq eilo g.ww fr qr-{RtdT erDftqq zorz ii fr+r zors d qaeTrq arg d.n aTd r Annexure qdq B't fr-sfldT frsfl-ar ql-q stcD o.r voi (50rr) ffiqq-i d awrerq qq qlw ffiq rqr 2& Rs-arr d awrerq qq qlrq 1-t Annexure A : Compliance with the Code of Integrity and No Conflict of Interest Any person participating in a procurement process shall _ a) b) Not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain financial or other benefit or avoid an obligation; Not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or indirectly in exchange for an unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise influence the procurement process; a) d) e) a :. Not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the procurement process; the Not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and ; Bidders with an intent to gain unfair advantage in the procurement process; " Not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening to , - do the same, directly or indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the procurement process; f) g) h) Not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement Disclose conflict of interest, if any, and process; ; Disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in lndia or any other country during the last three years or any debarment by any other procuring entity. Conflict of Interest :The Bidder participating in a bidding process must not have a Conflict of tnterest. A conflict of Interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests that could improperly influence that party'sperformance of official duties or responsibilities,cantractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 1) ' a) b) c) d) e) f) A Bidder may be considered to be in Conflict of Interest with one or more parties in a bidding process if, incruding but not rimited to: Have controlling partners/shareholders in common; or Receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or Have the same regar representative for purposes of the bid; or Have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding the bidding process; or The Bidder participates in more than one bid in a bidding process. participation by a Bidder in more than one bid will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the Bidder is involved. However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating as a Bidder, in more than one bid; or The Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the Goods, Works or Services that are the subject of the bid; or g) Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity as engineer-in-charge/consu lta nt for the contract. t2 zA. Annexure B: Declaration by the Bidder regarding qualifications Declaration by the Bidder In relation to my/our Bid submitted to ...................in response to their Notice Inviting Bids No.................. dated ...|/we hereby declare under Section Procurement Act 2012, that t. .........................for procurement of 7 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public : l/we possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial resources and competence required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring_Entity. 2. l/we have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to t*-re Union and the State Government or any local authority as specified in the Bidding Document; 3. l/we are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not havg my/our affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/our business activities suspended and not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasoRs; 4. l/we do not have, and our directors and officers not have been convicted of any criminal offence related to my/our processional conduct or the making of false statements or misrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings; 5. llwe do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding Document, which materially affects fair competition; Date: Signature of bidder Place: Name: Designation: Address: L3 Annexure c: Grievance Redressal during procurement process The designation and address of the First Appellate Authority Govt. of Rajasthan is : Finance Department, The designation and address of the Second Appellate Authority is: *Excjse_.lgommi-ssioner, Laiasthan, Udaipur. l.Filing an appeal lf any Bidder or prospective bidder is aggrieved that any decision, action or omission of the Procuring Entity is in contravention to the provisions of the Act or the Rules or the Guidelines issued thereunder, he may file an appeal to First Appellate Afuthority, as specified in the Bidding Document within a period of ten days from the d*G of such decision or action, omission, as the case may be clearly giving the specific !round or grounds on which he feels aggrieved: Provided that after the declaration of a Bidder as successful the appeal may be filed only by a Bidder who has participated in the procurement proceedings: Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the technical bids before the opening of the financial Bids, an appeal related to the matter of Financial Bids may be filed only by a Bidder whose Technical Bid is found to be acceptable. 2. The officer to whom an appeal is filed under para (1) shall deal with the appeal as expeditiously as possible and shall endeavour to dispose it of within thirty days from the date of the appeal. 3. lf the officer designated under para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed within the period specified in para (2) or if the Bidder or prospective bidder or the procuring Entity is aggrieved by the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, the bidder or prospective bidder or the Procuring Entity, as the case may be, may file a second appeal to Second Appellate Authority specified in the Bidding Document in this behalf within fifteendaysfromtheexpiryoftheperiod'specified in para (2) or of the date of receipt of the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, as the case may be . 4.Appeal not to lie in certain cases No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Procuring Entity relating to the following matters, namely:- a. b. c. d. e. 24. Determination of need of procurement; Provisions limiting participation of Bidders in the Bid process; The decision of whether or not to enter into negotiations Cancellation of a procurement process; Applicability of the provisions of confidentiality. 1.4 ; 5. Form ofAppeal a. An appeal under para (1) or (3) above shall be in the annexed form alongwith as many copies as there are respondents in the appeal; b. Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any, affidavit verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of c. fee. ':. Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered post or authorized representative. I 6. i) Fee for filing appeal . Fee for the first appeal shall be rupees two thousand five hundred and for second appeal shall be rupees ten thousand, which shall be non-refundable. . ii) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or bankers' cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India payable in the name of Appellate Authority concerned. 7. Procedure for disposal of appeal a. The First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, upon filing of appeal, shall issue notice accompanied by copy of appeal, affidavit and documents, if any, to the respondents and fix date of hearing. b. On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or Appellate Authority, as the case may be, shall d. - i) Hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and (ii) Peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies thereof relating to the c. Second matter. After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents and relevant records or copies thereof relating to the matter, the Appellate Authority concerned shall pass an order in writing and provide the copy of order to the parties to appeal free of cost. The order passed under sub-clause (c) above shall also be placed on the State Public Procurement Portal. / 15 Annexure D : Additional Conditions of Contract l.Correction of arithmetical errors Provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the procuring Entity will correct arithmetical errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the following basis: (i) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shail govern and the unit price shail be .': corrected; ''?. {ii) lf there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of,sub totals, the subtotals shallprevailand the totalshallbe corrected; and (iii) lf there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case amount in figures shall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) the above. , lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept the correction of errors, its bid shall be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid securing Declaration shall be executed. 2.Procuring Entity's Right to Vary euantities (i) At the time of award of contract, the quantity of Goods, works or services originally specified in the Bidding Document may be increased or decreased by a specified percentage, but such increase or decrease shall not exceed twenty percent,of the quantity specified in the Bidding Document. tt shall be without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions of the bid and the conditions of contract. (ii) lf the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than the quantity in the , Bidding Document due to change in circumstances,the bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the conditions of contract. (iii) In case of procurement of goods or services, additional quantity may placing a repeat order on the rates and conditions of the original be procured by order. However, the additional quantity shall not be more than 25o/o of the value of goods of the original contract and shall be within one month from the date of expiry of last supply. lf the supplier fails to do so, Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange for the balance supply by limited bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the supplier. 16 3. Dividing quantities among more than one bidder at the time of award (ln case of procurement of goods) As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be procured from the bidder, whose bid is accepted. However, when it is considered that the quantity of the subject matter of procurement to be procured i.s very large and it may not be in the capacity of the bidder, whose bid is accepted, to deliver the entire quantity or when it is considered that thb subject matter of procurement to be procured is of critical and vital natu$, i" such cases' the quantity may be divided between the bidder, whose bid ii accepted and the second lowest bidder or even more bidders in that order, t$,.a fair, transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the bidder, whow Sid is accePted' { n 4]'"., :a Ft-t .''= 'e' .,:,i f it. l . 17 :.i Annexure - E FORM NO.1 (See rule 83) Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act 2012 Appeal No.................. of Before the .............. t. ...................(First /second Appellate Authority) Particulars of appellant i (i) Name of the appellant _ : . (ii) Official address, if any: address: (iii)Residential , 2. .; Name and address of the respondent(s) : (i) (ii) (iii) 3. Number and date of the order appealed against and name and designation of the officer/ authority who passed the order (enclose copy), or a statement of a decision, action or omission of the Procuring Entity in contravention to the provisions of the Act by which the appellant 4. is aggrieved: lf the Appellant proposes to be represented by a representative, the name and postal address of the representative : 5. Number of affidavits and docuhrents enclosed with the appeal : 6. Ground of appeal :.................... (Supported by an affidavit) 7. Prayer Place : Date: Appellant's signature 18 : v{ffit gs' tfu ni,zeqi frq qrd/r#zsqo-sq-) * frfuqr<rar gm tilvun fr/aq dEUTr mrd gq*/fu sqoT/sild ld/s Ms frdt_o/qThqd S-aqrz*erqlr1|d qfur qwrq \due t;i ftq fttuil fr t ffidr/da i,zt . r qR qa qlEun oi-{rr{r qr{ wq d m1g rft erq ftTffi*#b'* I W Sg H eqqffi, q'l fuql ET\-IT neTI ftfu'fl st fugr fiqr e-o uq 1ftnn fu?II .qr t, ..q1g-* ftqp w\'.n'I 'lr ftfrErErar il\, 19 d swre-r Annexure - G TENDER I!9.. / roR SUPPLY , Pated O_F' STATTONERYT GENERAL PRgFILE OF TENDERER 1 Name & address of the tenderer with telephone No., Fax No., e-mail address etc. 2 Date of establishment. 3 Whether Proprietor / Partnership Company (Enclose copy of document) 4 Name of owner/partners Directors with full address. 5 Name of 6 PAN No. nI TIN No. 8 Banker details: a) b) c) 9 the / Offered Product Name Branch No. Address Bank Account No. 10 Tlpe of Alc : Saving / Current/CQl any other 11 IFSC code 13 Are you exempted from paying, custom Duty/ excise Duty/Sales Tax, if yes give details. T4 Any other important information related to the tender requirement. Signature of tenderer with official stamp Date & Place: A 2 \-. 20 Annexure - H frfu s'qr( a1 vferqfr wrqrr fr dt\jtr & * furww d oTqkq oTr*orft oil-gffi, ttfsefiq, gqtrg{ T$g ffi]-qFr qq @. -; v. frtutr srgqlT-+if qo,z oqi} qfd mT qrrT ---J TEKT vcntv q\ vtcl --------l QCDIQ \\-lfl \-Cl o-{ 1 q'rdl GSM 2 Fra €e {Iq 44-75 1300 e 600 ftq rs - zs d. rF'g:e). eT.gq.ql. qd, fifi-ffi, G d (te). dw.fr Al\fl Rq t'd, ftq)-ffi, GSM 3 qR-d 10 T-{Iq. 3lq:rtl t-de 4 {f,{ 10 Tgtl\f. 3TR:KI q cpc 5 qftrd Yrtr{q 20 q cpc b $zq q'qilclct -# q;r{-d a.s 200 v?q qqilclcl 100 7 $z9 q'qllclcl -# 8 2 I 10 11 qfu€q qn \tqrc\ 100 ----.--F---+ \J?zl crqllc'lcl qfu-{e{ - qR \t\I tC\ 50 Tqt $uq cfqllc'lCl 50 \J?q qqllc'lcl -.st l\n tct 50 \JEzl cfqllc'ICl --^s( l\rltc\ Tqt A-rqN A-4 {fu-€{ zgz \ t\t tcY -+ c1lv-l ql\ \l\rl tc\ 8 12 $?q crclllclcl qq{ ('1rQ-l 6 100 Yl\n Tqt silQ-l 4 TtrI \61€cl/ tc( qR dtcd 116T (q€dl -...# tq -# ff{q, "4.,, \lqrc\ 14 otf+-rT trq 15 {{]-RI rrc qtqq l0 3rlrfmT. Eqfq q€ to €fgr qs q"g 10 3Tqi-6T, gfrq vs 17 tdrild 19 6qrq Lp lLr) q€o d smt 1000 $zq qqilclcl 6qlq ps wl llrccD ct?lcs 2000 qqllclCl $zq -------G,_O, 6qlq lgl d qrfr1 ,.---,-{---rc1 il\-ca cIttc\9 - 1000 frrrT* 21 6-rn5 rr@ ry11-ffi ftilDT+ 44 qr*q ZU s-qET. 1000 .{4 sr$-s 18 100 FS rfl-$q Lclll\cc{) cplcs .lM \J?q crqllc'1cl I 000 \Jzq c{qllqlcl 11"X5" zl\-. 6qr{ -.# 21. 6qlq ffiI. TME fr=qq"T 22 ftrqr$ X 18" 23 I ea\er 12" 20000 I 5000 4" g|ot x $Eq c{qllc'lcl 6qlq \Jzr.{ I 6qI{ c{qilc'lcl 6qTt g.rft1 |dql$ 9" 6qrq - c'l \D I rf) n" x 5" 24 ,,,r-\, t\ \J?tl crqllc'lcl 2000 crq llc'l c -...# \j!q 25 lc'lLplrD 10000 26 tclrDtw 500 dlul q6d. fr-iT +ft 500 cl 500 dtst qf,d. €Rr 6.5" x 3.5" gffr l r" 27 28 x 30 x 3.5" 31 (ro inq\/ \crcl \ +1<ll-l (z+ lwt) 32 *C 33 LC4 Y v til 200 I Eq.Iq qIdT 6qlq 9tl qiqT \J?q crqllc'lcl -...# 50 cpl\H, cpill\q, +lcr$ qPh{ 50 +\cpl\\-1. =-:cpr I l\c). flcfi1 q{il{ 300 -:sct l\.(-1, -jcD I I l\o, }| cf(l i\--J- 200 cpl\t-|, =-:cprll\q, -:\icrfl .)\--)LIcl,)C 100 Bell, Horse, Poney, v crrc 500 Bell, Horse, Poney, :\-)qcl)c Zebra $Etl c{qllc'lcl )->Ll c.pc qqr) €w{ 12a +llCl HdE r1{q wfit<-6/ \) cf, Etrl cf) c4ctsl -} \cLgl\ q$fq 11e l\rl +16c1.61(l 4" T{dE lc'lrplLn 6.5" 29 lq? lC,1Lf) 9" EqIq x 5" rr*E LI CDC qq<) 34 ^..---..4\ti I glV l'l 35 (A 36 RI-RI Erg, ( 1") 100 37 Erarq' ffqq 100 Zebra ytr -.# 38 (%") rllq L{l$s\ -ilE 40 Tqtlc-r 41 w-fd q-s 10 150 M.L. 15 qlrr 50 100 8000 r .... -\tt-ll9\c'l t.l€ 150 43 t..ilQ{(4 €tq\l 50 45 20 47 c t-\------.\ I lchc4l Camel, Kores LhqltClcD, Ll lSlelIEC $?q crqilstcl 6{lClC1 TII TTT _ _----G._A \J?q crqllc4cl TII \JEq qqilc'lcl TIT \Jzrl crqllc'lcl TII -.# +-# lc gcp t lcl 150 (zz ;rw<) 46 c4 cpc'1\/ :-L]-l =-f\(Cv\9 -\ 'l crq ll -..# 42 \vtq \J?zl cpc -# qffi 39 44 q -..# ..#- /,-i- \Jzq cfqllc,lcl rre $o 4qq 1.3 qqv) :\9lq\l <llC EUl9 --.--.--.aF .-:--{ iT.dqrTq qr oodl. Tg.Yq 150 frilTqq qr oofr. ITI 50 Ts.\,-q , ,,r-., f\ \JEq c{qllslcl ilT - z\, TI|- 22 48 , ,.r>, wTr{str {EICT F't€{ (-\, ,, f\ \JEq c{qilstcl 500 A4 qTI - tdTtWcF Vd FIc' { 500 \J?q c{qllc4Cl TIT 200 \JEq cIqilc4Cl qri 200 --,---,.+:---+L \J?q cfqllC'lCl - l\LDc'1 \\9\tlC4 200 $?q crqilclcl 53 .--------\- -),\S\nc'1 t1'l 400 ----4.-- 54 6llsl Ll-l 400 ft 49 AA na 50 , ,,r), !dTt{<cF , lTfq F]-€{ FS 51 \(4il\ccp \c'1 Lplc,\9\ FS 52 55 a.},, 10 Ll ffi \-)- ticcrfl, \.'1 Ic 5, -;-) \:l c'l --.---,.J-s--{,} \JEq c{qilc'1cl - Ll'l 20 TII Tq- 58 59 <lc'll cr.l OU ,,-r\,^\wl lt\ccD tlllcpl cLl qqq dd EldT (Y,") 100 :\.--).q q?C lcllQc, cPlY'tl, vcil, oc|"fl( qT \J?q qq llclcl TII igl q.r qr&) +{fl o-r-q rideqqS(1") 57 \- TII I )\--)\<Pcl -l ...,(:\6lEcllVc (n}-or .6J- \tqctY, lg|q?, \-ilc\9, TIT 50 qu-s{ qI qtrt TII 50 qrsq gI qtR TII 50 \Jzq c{qllc'lcl TII 50 qqllc'l cl \Jzq --,---s.--a c{qllc'1cl \Juq ----.--4.--A' TII ----A q\51 / ol (l,,^il\ v<l-l gslcf) oz qld-s Sf, 72 gs OJ ssr" 100 qTI - gs 2 \J?q qqilqlcl Trf -.# o4 65 oo 67 68 69 70 R-d q'tr$FT GAsg Aql\tcDl lqq vl\il+1.1 -.:6GA59 A \l\nt<( Q-lcp<l+l.c GA173 lqlc{)cfll cr_{q Lll\tcDl Lll\tc.Dl ct-4q ;5- ql2l gv-e dilor 2 I I \J?q qqilclcl TTT \J?q crqllc'1cl TII \Jztl crqllc'lcl TIT _...1_|\ -....# I crqllc4cl \Jzq ----,--6-.A I ,,,t\ \Jzq q'qilqtcl'\ cAl03 xrYv qfidoT GA-sl .=T(E e'filq 200 72 73 74 lrl I --t---,,-{s-J} $?T.{ crqllc'lcl - I \J?rl c{qllc4cl -# 71 TTI - agTq rlfffeFr 7 9s $zq cfqllc'lCl 'tqc|)l<l rifu-mT 1oo qE ,;r\, , , ^-^,,. \-Clcp 9l\rl c.pl \tl\VlS - rr,, t.;IL_^+ rctq? Lil\tcnt wts t5 $zq cfqllc'1Cl qq qq -.....'.......s 8 \Juq crqllc4cl T|" 8 \Jzrl cfqllc'lcl qTI -..# 24"-\ qII -J->--lI - ^.'.......'.....{.* \t{lc{)l\-f|cp qIT 23 75 -.;tf)l\ --L ttlvgl Ll?lgs\ 76 \<o c'l 77 100 s0 lrcc'l 12" q-rgd qf,q d|q q'ER t+*+- ,,,1-\, n \J?q crqllc'lcl $zq crqilqlcl -"# 100 crqilclcl szq --.---,--t-r.--{+ - TII TII )L+q C,PC qdd 100 $ztl c{qllc'1cl FIQ-q (usB t6 cB) 30 Hp, Sandisk, Ball TIT Fr{q (USB 32 cB) 40 Hp, Sandisk, Ball qrf 100 $?q cfqllqlcl -....s $Ez{ c{qllc'1cl 7R -....# 79 q-q an )v-l 81 qrfn lTd 82 wr4,-T Compact Disk Rewritable With Cover 20 qTI qT -# (Branded Make) +cr)l\'(-1, cprll\q, q? cPl6l-l 9q\ 84 \9lcp Lls, Lpl\ qit-reZiq qTA 20 $?q ciqllclcl TII' E|-RT g-s WrgT 100 3TPI]-M'T, TTTCST, TII- 85 -l lc'1 10 | +lcftl Trl qfiq 86 clrelQe rd{ 12 lgfse 15 >'+^+ Pl\1.tl l, ltlCl\tl-l TTI (erlkcn) 87 88 ffi'T qg qpftq l0 ,----,1- ;I tcf)\ qn cpl\\1, cprll\q, f|crfi ITT 20 TII 89 vlc.pcl l\lrfrc'l {+{}- 50 TII- 90 ,,,,(, ,\\ 9tcp\ cptc\rl 20 TTI 91 urd*z da 50 TTT 92 *-)---..x- )\{ l\I+lc v\9 20 qII 93 st(f) qs 20 TIT 94 ),,,, 99\ 50 qT 95 --J--A cnz-i.l 50 ilT l0 TTI' 200 TIT 20 qTI 100 TII 20 qTI , ,,Y vv cDC\ - dt-rl'w 97 98 ql-\-l c'l Hc'l {+-.|+ tq-l cg<t-t tssl i I l-C 99 tf) lV C'1 100 sqRaft {fuor qq C'l zoo a-, \/) 24 fu-9fl-dT q-q silcD cDl /--\ I qCl tqcpl-l \€ --\--..--s+ll6llsel ---l+st --:--lq\9qlCl cf) 6{(|lfl( - +i<.,1 +l l6Y : : \ f\,,\ Cgl lLfrl-l .lftq\ : - RsfldT 4. 25 o gwrerq qq qt-F{ Annexure-lX AGREEMENT (See Rute 68) An agreement made this-----day' of'-------(hereinafter calied "the approved supplier", which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs suceessors, executors and administrators) ofthe one part and the Covernment of state of Rajasthan (hereinafter called "the Government" which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his suceessors in office and assigns) ofthe other part. 2"whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the.Government to supply to rlle................ of the State of Rajasthan at its Head office as well as at branches offices throughout Rajasthan, all those articies set forth in the schedule appendedhereto in the manner setforthintheconditionsofthetenderarrdcontra;tappendedherewithandattherateSsetfortlrincolumn schedule. 3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of in ............................ (l) Cash/Bank DrafVChallan No./Banker cheque .... (2) Post office savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental Rs. No: i .r dated authority. .: f (3) National Savings CertificateslDefence Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras, or any other script/instru}ent under National Saving Schemes for promotion of Small Savings, if the same can be pleased under the relevant rule. (The ;l;;;,; ffi; ;ili;; at surrender value) as security for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has u..n ror,nuliy=ilrgi;;il;;; departmental authority. 4 Now these Presents r.vitness (l) ln consideration ofthe : payment to be nrade by the Covernment through appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles ser forth in .......... the conditions ofthe tender and contract. at the rates set fbrth in rhe Sclieciule nereto thereof in the nranner sbt fbrth in and (2) The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclosed to the notice No .................... dated............. zLncl ,. irlso appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as part of this agreement on the parfies executing tSis agreenrelt 1nd are binding on the parties executing this agreement. (3) Leners Nos """"'.........'........ received from tenderer and letters Nos............. issued by the Government and appended to this agreement shall also form part ofthis agreement. (a)' (a) The Government do hereby agree that ifthe approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles in the manner afbresaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the Govemmeni will through ................pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amounipayable for eact, ano every consignment. (b) The mode of Payment will be as specified below:I 2 (5) The delivery shall be effected and completed within the period noted below from the date Items Quantity ofsupply order - Delivery period 6' (l) (i) in case of extension in the delivery period'"vith riquidated damages the recovery shall be made on the basis of following percentages of value of stores which the tenderer has failed to supply,:- ,!lJ ?.1"y upto one fourth penod ofthe prescribed delivery period exceeding one fourth but not exceeding haifofthe prescribed delivery !U] letay letar exceeding one fourth.but-not exceeding three fourtli ofthe prescribed detivery (d) Delay exceeding three fburth ofthe prescribed delivery !9J 2,/z%o period period. Note (i) Fracrion ofa day in reckoning period ofdelay in supplies shall be elinrinared (ii) The maximum amount of agreed Iiquidated damages shall be l0%. 5% period. 7t/z%o lyt/zVo if it rs less than halfa day. (iii)-lfthe supplier requires an extension oftime in completion ofcontractual supply on account ofoccurence ofany hinderences, shall Ire apply in writing to the authority which had placed'the supply order, for the same immediately on occurence of the hinderence b^ut not after the stipulated date of completion of supply. (2) Delivery period may be extended with or *litrout liquidated damages if the delay in the supply of goods is on accounr of hinderences beyond the control ofthe tenderer. 7' All disputes arising out of this agreement and all relating to the interpr€tation of this agreement shall be decided by the Government and the decision of the Govemment shall_questions be final. In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the ................. day of 20ld. Signature ofthe approved supplier Signature for and on behalfofCovernor Date.:. Witness No. 1 Witness No. 2 Designation Date:. l- Witness 2- Witness 39