sT€l, qlffi+o ggFI{ frf,{tr Tq sqqtffir qqe SI-{€TW futil-rr {trF-dI qftw frwrq ffsq zotz-te t fttfltfi d qrc at sTffi 6-si d sidq dt ftqq:- t q+an {qef{ tfl qr {F€l stw o\ srqr"c i srd"ift E\i d it\ erm 3Tffi o1 smc{f,dr 2011-12 t un orffi- ig ozz {s r6rq EcI: w€ i'f rseE fa!-ut{ +qq 6er 6qs7 U-w eH .rn e) r sQq frwrr q\{q 2011-12 ti scsrcq*o qRqrq gr{or{ qr& gs sfu-f, 1a d rowtl dxr frtql+i 6) frt) aw si s{m} scq of glai qlq '1ooo tft 3Tffi dq srrffi rsoF tq'F +qq 2012-13 d fu{ err}lrl qti qild ffi w f?,.qrci d frdMt * qqri d fa{ frtqTit t rflt} + (ax) cro ino mq osi or aes tt rE ds E1\ fr.lnT gtn q-qfua sqqTn w-emlrftd -i I il\iq q ctftF fiqum r\-{q zoiz-13 ti qF a{ffi .n{i d ft\ qn-ftq qrq ft;srii q qg qmn s'd-r A* a srori er.q vdFnd ol Frsfrd oq BTd gnqrrftq srfl ft-qq ol sqa-er Ts q{ qr't oTffi os vq sdhfti.T 6{qT o{ oslrlr qI=Ir 2. it {r.,rr ii frtqln} t =qron T@ w Se} qrc sn 3rEMft o-{i dRrq qrftq srs fufi, iffi (Primarv Airiculture Credit Co-operative Societies) gq dRRl (Large Area Multiplrpose Cogrrew {rwq srel qq srsho 3lr[ffi operative Societies) 3rftlTk orR-m-{ur et"i G nrq AS-s *rd a1 3IBqrft iq +sf, 3lftil{nr d-qTr sE-mTRdT ii'+rTrr Err srEquis {rGdr srfl si 3f$ftfi .il{+ ftTq fdf+}s a) 3ilclrqcn sEdrT T{n fusl qr}rTt sfqF-6 fufl{q qamq. rsrq 3. st{f, grrox swfffr qrq-d, grq vqq\€q 2012-13 d ftc ern or r-ei qffi'o fu.R'r ftqrrT. d enr sfiw ftqon qnnq rlqalr Xe Fnoo fttrtftf, foqT rrqr t :- tg uftw ftqun +€q 2oz-1s d 'gtE[qq' so '1250 /-cfr dtef, rrl;t ^-u4rad 'ts c' so 1280 / -qld tTlq oT 4 tffi \d dqs d *r erl0qih fu-qt 'rfl qrc vq sdl trFIgrGq qeqrqq qffin ow ftre qraa (v{-il) or €dfua fudT !-Eiem, ETrgsus gm fuqr qr]qrrq)-sd 3itflrr d t.ov" srs G etmo erT[tr Frrq fufr-s, ({-6 qfrrrd) ,erffi+t g_@ FTFt+{ui d tq qcrTs-ds g@ n t).iq d-'nt q-* w dq-s o\ vsp"or zsx oftqn gs 1.5% lrrrs+ls g@ Aq *n-t q0u {aq'r-q r}sq 2oi2_13 & qrro w{znr{ axr dqo cr<'^s'.fr gF{G-d 3rd-q tffi d fAr drfd gFtr$-d qd-s G d*" o\ tq dinr qftq nwn 'il*rq zorz-rs rTt{f, rrwR, lg|q. r{|ffi6 ftarq fr'*n.r d q{rd 192 (22)120r2-FC.A/cs, flfii.F 01.j1.2012, ETRr d".ctrd et .d t, ffi ET{lqfr erSc'no-r wt t tn{i d ft{ i-fll G dq-s f,t aq1 €'ifun wrgw qN gRr fu-qr qt\'illBclgm anr qfrfui d aqq q of erqerflr i qB-o zrqo c-{d s{d gxt {d d qrJ n 3Tfuqrfu 3{slcr orq ard .fr scdfud \d s;ftl s eiffi @rd ttrd 6( qfi fu-qr qnqr I sqBF trRr qqi l+rd .rA d.q-s. \'s eq.p-6q nffi, ure, edvfto fr*r -".,)*t ntqd fuT.r, sr*€ro-s, i; asr ftrqT wr$'n nen wq-fi ih) qrFrd fuqr fuqpftddt o) tw.o "]i-l o-{i q_ii-f, 3rffi ig tr€w { q derr) qr-dq t\1w ## e $t} *'* ur-{ qff Hq 'ir:Jr| Sry T6 SFit?=4d .rrcr dm fu fu€ fi sm{p_n q ffi o) ;{q_flq ::)ll.t'r s dq sqarr 6. fu-srqi d wqq.q{ o1 eTrq T@ w trn R;fi ori d fi{ qlla q €Hr qg qrcftq ut-q.f+-{rq sFo q-ffi Cq d.wrr o) ue gft_R_+o arqT drrr d v,gtud iE B-nd qr" qoiw B ei< w 6r-<'it or ord qlfu-d rS Eil Ts I 7. tr"y orffi ^ f,af 3rffi ;;;** s'ft gs<ft en v'..o-o q-qrs o-lr) 3rercrfu \ t vron arr fiqffuo oeq of qrfu d t L qFI 3Tffi orql o-r enq rfiqrq onnclrqin et.n erb qtq ol qrcl frtqTii 6) Wq Ei sd t I E fu fu- *- ; rerus R.{ qq Fq non Van d erg:ro"r sfift or :re!. frtqT qror i ,_" _ sqrgffi fu-m qraotftor q_srfuortr q-<rffi F-* rtttrq-qffi tU-fl qB fu-or cdqo, qT-{frq grq ftm. fuq rouo grEqu-s {rGq Elq G sqtr iilq filft& s6nm FEiq6 q-d$.T rsrs fuorfl q+funrft rsrs sf,mlR-dr qqrffi ruw qR q-flfi-offi Tc's q-sTffi rcro-s w-fto orga-oq q+frft I ssEr I s{Rrl s{sl {t{g sitM T{srr fiq*T cd-< d fi*q rentisro, fu-dT B-s):T dq e. o{d-fr..o - sTeutel qesqfuqt or r-6{ -. {{sl w{gl HE_EI ffifu.d w t I fuqr qror i.t _ - dq W q-w d 3{taa Ts Hfr_q_ 'r0. sqii-fi qfrRzil d gn1 Bql6o oTd ffi qrsn _ *z ii qn erffi d rftftT i wliw yqR_rqrc; 3r-fl{fu wrft ri6iD--d I 3TEICT I vrErs sfuqt sfiql q(gl . ' sqs7f6 $ qrraE.t M a1 q.ff +qR o-qrT, ffi gm en-q ffi o1 siil!-ir t . ffii S eTrq orffi o{i ig isrfi q)rl of oaqaTr o-Eqrl . fu-srii il" d atcpayeechelue d. qwq ri .Jn-*o *1 *** . Xupanq{9 ern o) ytw o-tqr osTr tnc d .isri"T"ol sfuo qwq oEq . dd g qrgrqur qS, nq .r"ft, .i"ff eilR ; Eu* sc t €erwr Wnrc Vfrtrqd orqnl r qT{ ftffiq d ftl ilT ftan or qderq vq ftfuq ig 4-flan vq aqriqeft | 3Tre$ Fr{-d 6rqT | r r t . t qrq f+d ft'fitrT iS ,).ii o1 qq*sn Vo gqqdrwf orcq Rre qrqf, o) qrretq srq f+Tq d *iEifu-f, Tqft-6 d rilEtq qrTtr d E_{i fu +_d eqflqt ol;[ FCI o) faqr nEf, sri=[ dsrT s{$ irRr erRr cp-sqr # | . I rTdc i1. liqqE {rwq {nr qr fu-qr qrcr t t qn erffi qwsil cEr cdne{rr ft-o-s ergm qfuq, srq, fa-dR"r G sqlimT qrqd furq efuq, sroftoi lirrnr vfuo. a-6 fta)s sE-q, sru, vtffi4. ft-'d-{.r G sc.,rtq-r q;TA f&TFr qcrq.iqo, qT{ftq gI-€T fiqq lder fterTo, srcq.'s {tuq sTer oiefr-o 3ilTtr ftqq erffio 6.* fuqo soq)-q qfrM d{i d fdC Frftft oT _ stqel e-{€r I _ - qilq _ _ - II{W H{{ql q{Fr - I s{gl I qErq srfuqt I I 12. KMS 20i1-12 afr aEa rvs 2oi2_13 d +{ra rft eTrq erffi or eW^6T{ _i-w Cq d-qs d EnT rJqrfi{f, fuqT qdqrr wrorR-or A.r* * *elffi'f, fae{"r cq s!'qtfi q|qd fr.ry1 6 dr{r rlq 3Tffi d €e-r f f+qri-M fu-qT w+n Cs qR orrq$ q-6qfr d scttr-{ fulr o) qrc of ftftiq ocqros ftffi cfuqr it *iriuq qff oiltrqrkndr qdil| gq-$-q dqir c..t qffi dnT; f,d *.,n a qffin "n "sqrqT qr+o qrnftq stq ftqq d sqDn.iEld -ri fir] Sogqoeil'so ol ftqr sr{g--s qrGrr sril Tq ry Tti-"r.ergff .mllT 3II{i t+lTq. d \cqfud fudl qtiero ERr Enforcement orqlcD{ ts-$ qT{fiq y" ftT {qn.*. tg.i-rT vrtnr ffit o) eTrl oT frorc G qn-6-q qrq f+Tq ol 3n$d farq "rd srd sr+d t siEiDa qd or qlir-fudT onqtr q<rfHr u,t +q-is q riqrftd tuqT q's'r yq d*T ol o.t tucqt # #H q-qffir of e)-.fir i"3l[tr 13 scr*-fr ql'm wplq {q q{ 3rD-o d orfuo dq yq tfiT at 3rffi- o-s s€ account payee cheque ET{r trtrf, ffit or W fr-di.;r qr"r cTq, n- oiSrrdE -ro, ^ TsTIqq q51 frt$T+ Q enq qjt qfurrs it fu-qr vR,rr t m-q crzrR or ror, d-lTqpqd-d qq< (qR sqror s\), qdsl{ !-{/qil(lilr q€ql;r q, or fu+rur, s-sd qrsr qfic €o soqr, mq # nA. 5q"n mc w-u|"o"", payee cheque arT tq{ Tq frr"i6, fu-qrn or ElTIeI{, tr-q 3lD-drff ot ewrer< grurfr eqdq (d d-rT srR{ r r.i_o fu-sn t vqq R\ qs&d 3rilflq -rn ai # vG ot q-cqlR-a qRfuR cq qdql{ q? hl s'iqrfrd cfrfdfr crq oi+ *.n r A-g .fi erq{ar t ffii @) crr< qr ds-{r +o ErRT Trdrr r€i ftqT #l s.D-I erffi Et-{r trzr ffii or ftfrer"r qrrd eqq ;q G ere.sfu-E{ q-q seftn -fqd frr {o gtu *1 drz o1 qrq arfr; srrr w 3{tcrwlc5 o*s€ A ; Fa G 3Tfunfu ord <rftn r.Eir fl 14. qf{fl qlldtr d ftf .lrr. \,q qq-d O1 t Ssqt fuilT Etrr rs..rft sqgw d o{rfi ur}X *'*O dr{ gq {qr€rs.4?Tc\ d 3qsR €i qrc fl ,rrq fu-ql qrhn G CMR q,1 3Jrqfd ?Tl{ffq e'o fiTq o) fr vd,frt oTd: 116 3TM t fu ffii d sgfud *i cu *r* o-{fqr wg fu n d-{f, qro-gar{ Vq Wr qc S €iifud A* q cd drfu q€ orilqrrff, cW c dt s-s.'s d ft\'furiRd aeq qf) qft ig ** efr {+fufficFr\ ETtr KMS 2oj2_13 I rKTD-oTfi datT ltclus rrrrrR*dr q<Tfu-mr€r wor+i5 51+; | 31cI: qtq <rqreii or sndqq oq ft,-qrci o\ q1n tnd-mq G ftqfR-d flsslii r) er+'ro osr+r dd t Err 31qi ft n 41 qN'ft \ti oEgq 1tre erca ol .trTffi tg c fu fu-sn' d fqfr'r \ftie/rifr'fl oq dcr E)-qr, fiilsfr dr{r ?tq"r ftrit * rffi q{6R "ft*-"i ; *-t.*- c d t qrrq Frd Er<r qFra at 3ilTtr {n qR n oedr o{qlqxd Td-o dt d sfu( 59 t stencilling ET dsTI machine stitching on tu-h qfr dR a1 <r t (qlt d cqq o1 drs+r) rrrqx f,{ft EtIfr dwr 16. qi q\t oT qqqr-i oTffii gxr cRr;lT drT. ffi qlEa g{oR q q-l qrftq flTsw leru Flq E:nT t-q d..TT I afu F-rtRd df aT Ts sro *fr g, ta6 31prc-<ott *o-4"* qqrs'd qrrqq t {c{f,: srFTT qrqa 'frgtq f+Tq d -ilEtit q ert{ffi n"cRstrd f,{ qgftq a" *o d A{d Bqfl qqcr orcr dqr I tIT;r oI sgfl qtcrcI n qffi{ cfrcrd oa xRqtR-o i'l 17. lil{d qi-Frq Erl fufiRn'ffs-d qrd-q d erard eT|q e1 3rffii 15 3{ffi oTffii t cfir) qrq an q)t n I qrq of {{r|rl q{ ftfti,T I qrero Froi tlil{d}q fui no d qd vq oeq Iire qrqd dgts I}rrq gnr 3riqrq ets liTq d trtrf, rffi ao A sri ig srdiT t qt{frq d rtrEtq t qr+a cR-{f,{ g-@ i-q e\-'rt qdt:1I'r 18. Eq & 3TFtcniq) 6q ertldo t tu oB mu ldr a1qrq at frfii'r qg w qqe c#6'a qr+a ffi @1 q*, ffi 3Tffi ftr.Tc rcto gre dqqx fuil ol sqf,er d{Tn r-i mq $ il# fur-rql e. ,il{ffq q'ierfi, fci # fo\'rg qrq o1 q[a1 a1 fd*t"t lT|{ftq s|q furq. fu-flqqq {l-qslil w tt G ttfr-.ilYtr fr'*, fu-dT 3n$ qoffir q'i {s iiqTq d rsflF fawTq +sq 2012-13 d +{t{ fr'eTii t enq 3{Fmfu o1 qrqa (CMR) !fi otsft qFfl Frfd ot fdfq d go.o+.zora co *,fr G cffin *- ftqq o\ SSd-ft a 3nB {iod. FI'fu a1 ftfu d gt ro zots f,dF *'ft o{rqx ""d" arr ei# 3o.4.2o13 ao erfffi f}-i 'rc trtq a) {ifurrri-flrii n ".fi o+o"i"rft-fl"tt arsd of qrrr ffi4 f,m t{t{ftq saq firm d riGiDf, qr'.n q{ftq trrei ft.rq am fu-q eilh orril 3rftsrd dqr G gsor 5qf,rc rrqr flFI Central Pool d fug qril wgrlT, 3fa: qd ;m A-sr+ T) 3Tffi fu-qr #rlft m qg qrc fl qffin er+a 3Tffii EriT ql{dlq srs i{rlq oJ sr'to 2013 e?F 3lT[ffi o{i of eltqdT E\'tfr 2e. frtetd t tTT;l Fq f,{i tg grE€Irs {Gq srel gq er$fto eqffi 1e. I t t ft.Tqjifrt-gdqrqRdfti.rq-g6sqqq{zoll_lzliela.go-1=$qno1 qd *a- B r ft;erir r\ oq Rtd 'rd flc d 1@ @T STdrr oEi ig sT{Yls fr* *t qq 3r$FcF 3ilTtr oTrq{[rdT eqvx 21. of fldfu" t fl@i ftqr fufi')s arr M 4) {RI sqf,er €.T fuqT ,rrT irdrtT d-,Tr t I ctflrn ft.qrrq d-qq (KMS) 2012-13 e q"{ff oqrdl qr$lt i errr. 3rDmft rif,fl. ffTUr I ontrT'- qTAn fuqr qtdl q 3rfi voTRrd fu-fl qrq | i fu w €f,fl 4\ sr{s.'s {qq{ d srtilqxul "0,/_ (a-or qqx RiEl. qrr+-x d efrqt t, :- srO c0-04 / 3Tfuqlfu ,/ 06 / 2012 /*'*, e-qi6 qfrftR - effiem, ss+tq iq, sii-€T, ii_fr of qd flss-s srdrt d orT,r* Gio it rorRTf, 6{i cq EHol 200 (d {n) eftRffi qffi {s.ftqp1 *1 sqqer oqri fu owftot 0/qEox d sfuqt /ifff, R-{io Frqio :- uto uo-o+/orffi /06/2012 qfrfdfr - q-ad'qrorr, sr{s.'s, ii* rd qa+ef w srcpqo ortdr$ ig Htqio oT,rgrRd t Eo/- qron d qfuqt gpia :- - cQ-o4l3Tftqlfu,/06/2012 /ii-fr, R'{i6 qfrftfr qTTftq $srt* d cqm qft-q/qmfiq -i*, qrq ft-drq \iq sqq}mT qrrd frnilT, d eirq rrfuq/5rcq qfuq d vfu'07wff wtr qfuqZc{fuqZs.ft fi'+rrilw8{/$fi qlrs-Ss 3ngfr/$fr BlTg_ff//s".ft sETsd i{Ayro @ra)/erfr fu-fl 3rrTtr trsTEloTtl, srrsrs *iq ftARTo, sr{srs {rcrt srq F-qq gi or$F=6 3rT[ffi ft'qq, erE€us, t-fr/ qfl ctirrfi (efal .rrcnq slgr ftTq, T6Tdi{ dqq n-{ t-s, t-fr,2sfr fudr cf qfi, {['q srdr Tq c$F--o Gil{tr fiqq, srrsrs of qsrTai gq eTro:rm @fisd ig rEIO - qqTffi/qfi ss erq-glftd t "--"% "* qqio :- slo qo-o4lcTfucrfu /06/2012 SlSlnA, fu{io - tl.- 1A- 3.o11_ qftftfq - efuq, qrro qrrox, sqrfffr qrqd \d glffif, qxqq, sru qq qtffi-fi frf,qq fr'llT, c-{ ffi,,/3req€T-*-9qtl fiiqfo, STEI ftJTq, q{eioIl q{rTrf e{Eqo-q oft{r$ Rot ig trs. Tg ftdl. o} 16-20 G To, The Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies Deparrment, Uovernment of Jharkhand, Ranchi. J 9'RJ Subject: Fixation of the provisional rates of custom Milled Rice Bags used-bv tn" ?* l9^Ig: Sir, *9":"f il::l'.",il?U:"11'Jilrf"'"d (cMR) (FAQand cost of new co""-*"ni"iii".tr,""o Rice(FAQ) and its agencies flor the r"' ir'"'cLrer-rsql a",rie'ii" ii".rr I ' am directed to convey the approvar following provisionat rates of iu.torn'nniu"J of the Govemment of India for payrnent of the iai*'iCvfnt (FAe) for ioot under prrce support operation to rhe Government the of rnaidrr"na-ant iG'"s;;;;";;ri; rhe Marketing season 20r2-r3 it"m *is"-aetu'ir, Kharif #p."*rl."", Commodity Pai-boiled rice Common 2147.00 Note: incidentar are annexed. fRs./qtl.) Crade 'A' 2t94.63 costing is for new gunny bags only. In case DrocuremAnf nf na,r.r,, :^ doneinonceused _-This r__ . gunnies,separateordersiil|U"i.r'""J-iJ";;;;;i.''""t"mentofpaddvis 2' The payment of commission to societies will be subj-ect to the conditions laid Deptt.'s order No.t e2(4)/2003_Fc.Ar;;ry;Liitl"iea'io., vide this o.zo rz 1"r"."*lLottion to the above, the folrowing elements/items are also to be reimbursed to the state (i) Guarantee Fee, if it is actually oaid by the agencies to the state.Govemment would be pavabre on actuar for obtaining credit, of 1/8yo of MSp worked our on the .b;ir, G";;i;;';;;", estimared quantitv of oaddv derivered .6 rci pr"""ili under price Support scheme (pSS) for the Central Pool. (ii) for transportation of paddy lrom storage point tornills and_of rice from mills to storage point' transportation charges wirr u" p"yuui" ono.iJi"ri, r^tes fixed by the district collectors of the state or FCI's ,ut",'*hi"h"u". i. "r,r," il;;iiffi"d'on*u.d, for the actuar distances. 4' Ir/iting charges have been.alrowed @Rs.20 per qtr. for par-boiled rice (excruding as rransporrarion charses upro 8 Rs.5 per krns. ri",n ,rr" r"irri ""' Llrl!""'",* and frorn rnills to godown! on to mi's iadcly as *"ll qt- ;;;;;: ";;#'rrd;';;. -i< : 5. The custom Mified Rice would be delivered by the procuring agencies io FCI, in new 50 kg bags only, in its local godowns upto the scale point and ttt" rt*tin"e li th" rii goaown witt ue done by FCl. 6' The rate/cost of c-ustom Milled -(cMR) and other elements as indicated above are ptovisional' The state Govemment should.Rice send it3 claims for final incidentais alongwith accoufits audited bv the auditors the comptrolrer e"oir", d"";;;il; il;-;*y ;# and detailed justification for each item at the eaitiest after ""Jthe end orthe season. 7' To ensure proper utilization.of funds/subsidy b-eing released by the FCI may insist on requisite certificates from the state Govemmen,the Government of India, unJ ii, ug"n"ies before incidentals on account or statutorv charges i.e. Mil"t F;;; ;{D;; ;". as per past ;:i""l*:t 8' These ratevcost sheets are only for paddy/cMR procured by the state agencies/FCl and not for. any.other party acting either on 6ehalfof such state agency or the FCI. These rates would not be benchmarked to fix rate for such parties. g' F A / 12 This issues with the approval of the Integrated Finance Division vide their Dy. No. 1967l dated 26.t0.2012. yours faithfully, Dated l- l 1.20 t2 /'->nv(Sanj ay,Kumar) Under Secretary to the Government of India Tele: (01t) 23073799 Copy to: t , 3' 4. 5. 6' 7. L5t#,"il:ffail.,":tor ffiHfil,il;J?I:"* @rocurement), Food Corporation of rndia" 16-20, Barakhamba Lane, (Finance), Food corporarion of rndi4 16_20, Barakhamba Lane, The Senior Regional, Manager, FCI Regional office-Jharkhand, 9s Flour Mahabir Tower, Main Road Ranchi-834001, Principal Director of commerciar Audir & Ex-officio ]h9 Member Audit Board _10 Bahadur Shar Zafar Marg New Delhi _ I10002. The Principar Director of commerciar Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board _ IV, North Zone, 2nd Floor, Khadya Sadan, I d-20, B;;;kh;;a Lane, New Delhi_ I lp00 t. Adviser (cost)as(p&FCI)/Director(py)/ Guard File. Director (Finance)fuS (Finance)fuS poricy _I t"" * (Sanjay Kumar) Under Secretary to the Covernment of India 2 l-4 )$: 0.192 / "''fi"li|[::;;i"ff T"fr ,$,lT,f (22J/2012-FC.A/Cs. Annexure ifi"irl.,:l!,#l*#*,;irir*:*1*111gn"",, s. Item of incidentals No. I ) Par-boited Rice Comm.t" Grade A Minim"'. __----... c ".ppurr rrlce (MSp) : MarketfeelZF 1250.00 1280.00 3. 12.50 12.80 4- 7.09 7.09 12.83 I2.83 sroraae tre to Doinr temPorary 5 q 31.2s 32.00 4.16 4.t6 24.79 25.38 20.00 20.00 31.25 139-1.87 32.00 1426.26 13. 68% 68Y" 14. 2049.81 2097.44 15. 69.42 69.42 16. 27.77 27.77 2147.00 2194.63 E,"i"dy & Mrt"fi""* i;"x"ffi perqtl. permon,n 8. 9. I:il'^o.l*':l l0- , ,o., *on,ilFi;:..lM .'*,* #;:? ffi mrtts on paddy as well rice. :,ffi AdministrationH ":'h"il IL 12. *Paymenl OutrurnraH :::::1I of market fee would besubject,o fu*irhinffi:vant notification in proof. ffi H3 jl:[Xffijga:ff:""*:,::1.r;ffi ;:x:';,;,J#,1""j,:;a certificate - --" rrrvu'rsu uy It' ::?:"^::::ir",r,".."i"'.e*i;1,'.*;:":H:1lil"lf i: *Includes branding charees L.,epartmental charges, "d"i to condition c.ess, education rnlerest:,itch, , ::.T:1 and railwav inspection charges, addl. *.,"u, "jj1r:*C_!I, ?,:,llii"-:ffi laid down vide letter i-!::x'::":*nn:"t::j"1'yl;;'J:'xi:ffi i" fX!::: t6.t0.20t2 No. gZ(4)/2003 I $ Cunny depreciation or, ,,ovided Dated: l.lI.Z0lZ by the _F r"*:TH1 C.A/cs. (Voi.U)Dared is for procurement ofpaCdy in new gunny.bags. €w..^ .under secretary ," ,n" o"r,"lifrI?rl$rrffig 1$'