WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MARCH 1, 2016- 9:00A.M. NOTE: ALL PERSONS WITH CELLULAR TELEPHONES ARE REQUESTED TO TURN THEM OFF CALL TO ORDER- C hairman Joe Daughtery INVOCATION- Commissioner Edward E. C romartie PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. APPROVAL O F MINUTES - Wayne County Board of Adjustment - February 2, 2016 Wayne County Boa rd of Commissioners- February 9, 2016 and February 16, 2016 Pg 1-10 Pg 11-67 SPECIAL RECOGNITION- Sheriff Larry M. Pierce will present Representative John R. Bell, IV the 2015 Defender of Public Safety awa rd from the North Carolina Sheriffs Association in recognition and appreciation of outstanding public service through legislative initiatives. DISCUSSION/ADJUSTMENT OF AGENDA 9:15A.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Time limit oftwo minutes for non-agenda topics and four minutes for agenda topics All individuals who speak to the Board of Commissioners are asked to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner. The speaker must be recognized by the Chairman as having the exclusive right to be h eard. If a speaker intends to have handout materials for the Commissioners, those materials must be furn ished to the Clerk to the Board, not the individual Commissioners. Signs will not be allowed. The public comment period is a time for citizen input and comment on matters on the agenda to be acted on by the Board a/Commissioners. Speakers are encouraged to discuss only items over which the Board of Commissioners has some control. 9:30A.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS I. To Receive Public Comments on Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions Pg 68-81 2. To Rece ive Public Comments on Proposed Wayne County Zoning Map Amendments Pg 82-88 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONSENT AGE NDA - 5 Minutes I. Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Position Class ification and Pay Plan for Wayne County, North Carolina 2. Establish a Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment on April 5, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commiss ioners Meeting Room to Receive Public Comments on a Special Use Permit Request for Proposed Solar Facility Ruskin Solar, LLC, 413 Ruskin Road, Dudley, NC 3 . C hange March 15, 2016 Board ofCommissioners Meeting to March 16,20 16 4. Authorize Change in Hours of Operation at the Steele Memorial Library 5. Way ne County Public Library Policy Revisions in the Disruptive Behavior Policy, Meeting Room Policy and Registration/Circulation Policy 6. Budget Amendments Pg 89-92 Pg 93 -11 3 Pg 11 4 Pg 11 5 Pg 116-1 22 Pg 123- 132 NEW BUSINESS I. Duke Energy Progress Presentation on the Neighborhood Energy Saver Program in Mount Olive Neighborhood - 10 Minutes Pg 133- 145 Duke Energy Product and Service Manager Evans Taylor will update the Board of Commissioners on the Neighborhood Energy Saver Program to start in the Mount Olive area in the June 2016 timeframe. Duke Energy Progress District Managerfor Government and Community Relations Mille Chalk will also be present. 2. Motion to A :prove Bonnie Farms Preliminary Subdi vision Plat- I0 Minutes Pg 146- 148 Wayne County Subdivision Ordinance requires the Board of Commissioners to review and approve eve1y major subdivision before any construction or installation of improvements may begin. 3 . Department of Social Services Presentation on the North woods Proj ect - I 0 Minutes Pg 149-155 Social Services Director Debbie Jones will update the Board of Comm issioners on the improvements, cost savings and increase in productivity as a result of the Northwoods project. 4. Motion to Award Bid for County Office Building Parking Lot and Drainage System Project - I 0 Minutes Award bid to Barnhill Contracting Company, the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$ 193, 100. 5. otion to Approve Budget Amendment #3 17 for Wayne Community College - 5 Minutes Pg 156 Pg 157-1 59 The budget amendment re-appropriates $764,812.48 in unspent moniesfrom jiscal year 2014-2015 to be expended in fiscal year 2015-2016 for capital outlay at Wayne Comm unity College. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS - I 0 Minutes BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' COMMITTEE REPORTS AND COMMENTS - 15 Minutes CLOSE D SESSION REC ESS MEETING - Chairman Joe Daughte ry C OMMISSIONE RS LUNCH- Lunch with the Goldsboro City Counci l and Staff at the Go ldsboro Event Center, 150 I S. Slocumb Street, Goldsboro, North Caro lina ADJOURNME NT enotes - Action Requested WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY NOR T H CAROLINA To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners Phone: (919} 731·1435 From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~ Fax (919) 731-1446 Date: February 25, 2016 Subject: Recommendation on Changes to the Position Classification and Pay Plan As you recall, you approved changes in the pay grades for positions in the Sheriffs Office, Detention, and Emergency Medical Services. We realized later that we had not made those changes by resolution, and the adopting resolution for the pay plan calls for all changes to be made by resolution. We have prepared a resolution to take care of that oversight. It makes the same changes. In addition, we need to change the titles, but not the grade, for a Public Health Education Specialist, to match with the State's health department personnel system. We are recommending changing the title, but not the grade, of the Chief Information Officer. We are recommending changing the title, but not the grade, of the Maintenance Technician I and Maintenance Technician II. We are recommending that the grant-funded position for early reading readiness be added to the plan at Grade 64. We are recommending decreasing the salary for the Airport Manager from Grade 75 to Grade 73. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns on this matter. sq THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO, NC 27533 NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY RESOLUTION #2016- :A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN FOR WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has previously adopted on May 19,2015 a Position Classification and Pay Plan by formal resolution; and WHEREAS, that resolution requires that any amendment to the Plan must be done by written resolution duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the County Manager and Human Resources Director have recommended an amendment to said Plan, and the Board of Commissioners wishes to approve it; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners as follows: Section I: That the following changes to the Position Classification and Pay Plan are hereby adopted as an amendment to the Plan, and the County Manager and Human Resources Director are authorized to insert these changes in the Plan documents: Position DEPUTY - ENTRY LEVEL DEPUTY I DEPUTY II DEPUTY SHERIFF-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MASTER DEPUTY CORPORAL DEPUTY SHERIFF-CPL SARGEANT DEPUTY SHERIFF-SOT/DETECTIVE DETECTIVE DEPUTY SHERIFF-1ST SOT/DRUGS DEPUTY SHERIFF-I ST SOT/SO! DEPUTY SHERIFF-1ST SGT/TACTICA DEPUTY SHERIFF-DETECTIVE DETECTIVE SARGEANT LIEUTENANT CAPTAIN MAJOR DETECTIVE-DRUGS DEPUTY SHERIFF-SOT/ACE DEPUTY SHERIFF-SOT/CIVIL DEPUTY SHERIFF-SOT/COURTS DEPUTY SHERIFF-SOT/PATROL Previous Classification Grade New Classification Grade 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 65 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 68 69 67 67 67 67 67 69 69 70 70 69 71 71 71 69 70 73 76 80 69 70 70 70 70 72 NEW 65 65 65 65 DEPUTY SHERIFF-SGT/ SRO DEPUTY SHERI FF-SGT/ SS DEPUTY SHERIFF-SGT/ WARRANTS 65 65 65 70 70 70 DETENTION OFFICER- ENTRY LEVEL DETENTION OFFICER I DETENTION OFF ICER I I MASTER DETENTION OFFICER DETENTION OFFICER-CPL DETENTION OFFICER- I ST SGT DETENTION OFFICER-LT DETENTION OFFICER-CAPT JAIL ADM INISTRATOR-MAJOR 61 61 61 61 62 66 67 69 72 64 64 64 64 67 69 71 76 80 PARAMEDIC PARAMEDIC-LEAD PARAMEDIC-QRV PARAMEDIC-SH IFT SUPERV ISOR ASST EMS MGRICLIN ICAL EDUCATOR EMS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR WayneNET COORDINATOR 65 65 66 67 71 71 71 67 67 69 71 75 75 75 ADD 65 65 65 DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHIEF INFORMATIONAL OFFICER REMOVE ADD 85 85 MA INTENANCE TECHN ICIAN I LOCKSMITH MAINTENANCE TECHN ICIAN I REMOVE ADD 62 62 MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN II CARPENTRY MAINTENANCE TECHN ICIAN II REMOVE ON LIST 62 62 NEW 64 75 73 PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR-MINORITY H EALTH PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR-I PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION SPECIALIST REMOVE RE MOVE *** *** AS PER DHHS GUIDELINES*** LIBRARY ASST IV- ECRR COORDINATOR AI RPORT MANAGER Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Passed and adopted this the 1st day of March, 2016. Joe Daughtery, Chairman Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attest: Marcia R. Wilson Clerk to the Board MEMORANDUM To: Wayne County Board of Adjustment From: Chip Crumpler;Wayne County Planning Director/GI S Coordinator Date: February 19, 2016 Re: Special Use Permit for Proposed Solar Farm facilities located in 2011 Seymour Johnson Airspace Control Surface Area. Item: Ruskin Solar, LLC 413 Ruskin Road Parcel!D# 2595169640, 2595163070 Property Owner: Audrey S Brow Developer: Cypress Creek Renewables Surveyor/Engineer: Cypress Creek Renewables Brogden Township Background: The Wayne County Planning Board on December 8th, 2015 approved the site plan for Ruskin Solar LLC facilities located at 413 Ruskin Road, Dudley. The site plan was reviewed by the staff and has been determined to meet the minimum requirements of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities. Discussion: The proposed solar energy facility will be a 2.0MWac photovoltaic (PV) electrical generation facility. It will consist of PV modules affixed to ground mounted, fixed tilt tracks supported on driven piles. The facility will encompass 17.75 acres on two parcels. The solar plant will be interconnected to the local distribution system owned by Tri-County Electric. The site currently is agricultural. It is located on the west side of Ruskin Road (SR 1931), y, mile north of its intersection with Sleepy Creek Road (SR 1120). The property is zoned RA-20 (Residential Agricultural-20). Solar Energy Facilities are permitted as a special use under the Zoning Ordinance, Section 50- Establishment of Use Districts, 50.1.2 Special Uses Allowed (added November 5, 2014). The site is bordered by agricultural uses. The site plan meets the requirements as outlined in the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating Solar Energy Facilities for setbacks, fencing, landscaping buffers, signage etc. The property is within the following service areas: Fire- Dudley Fire Department EMS -Station 8 Water supply Watershed- Yes Voluntary Agriculture District- No Wetlands - No Board of Commissioners District- 2 The Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, Section Five, subsection (B) requires that any solar facility shall be considered a special use in all areas of the county covered by the Seymour Johnson AFB Airspace Control Surfaces as defined in the 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report or subsequent reports. Approval as a special use must be from the Wayne County Board of Adjustment. Section 54 of the Zoning Ordinance, Subsection 54.1 when issuing a Special Use Permit, the Board of Adjustment must consider that, permission may be granted for the establishment of special uses as shown in the district regulations if the Board of Adjustment finds from the evidence produced after a study of the complete records that: A. The proposed use does not affect adversely the general plans for physical development of the county and will not be contrary to the purposes stated in these regulations; B. The proposed use will not adversely affect the health and safety of the county residents and will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses; C. The proposed use will not be affected adversely by existing uses, and will be placed on a lot of sufficient size to satisfy the space requirements of said use; D. The proposed use will not constitute a nuisance or hazard because of the number of persons who will use such a facility, the vehicular movement or the noise or fume generation; and E. The proposed use shall be subject to the minimum dimensional requirements of the district in which it is to be located, and shall conform to the off-street parking and loading regulations. Additional Restrictions. A. The Board of Adjustment may issue a special use permit if its findings are favorable. As an additional safeguard, the board may impose or require as conditions such additional restrictions and standards as may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the community, and to protect the value and use of property in the general neighborhood. The next step is for the Board of Adjustment to consider the issuance of the special use permit. Recommendation: The Wayne County Board of Adjustment should conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Special Use Permit request. Supporting documents attached as evidence. Site plan Development application Ground lease agreement (redacted) Interconnection Request Decommissioning Plan SJAFB Input- Ruskin Solar LLC =--. ---- ~------~0- _ -~~~- ---- 0 ,---_ "r ~=--- 1° I ~\ . II .I I LT. ·I i~ '~ -~~ -"~:1' :' \_____ _J !i!T' l I !I I~ ' : II fl_i ' 'j _~:•_ I I u n ~.;; !> ~~ I ~ l!h"" ' H~ i~ o! j&812 IIIII iii!- n ~uu if hiU ~~;~~ n •'-·~i_, ~\l !!" ~~h~ ~~H~ ~~~-~ n i L J f. ,,.s~! ~i,, ~uh ·- ~ ~~ ~ ~ -- g 0~ I - c i' ·~ ' ~!~ ,I' !~8 ~St. U§ ,,! ' ~~~ ~~!: ~H !e- !I! ~~i !!· ~~~ ~~ ~ i~! a!:") r=~ CYPRESS CREEK~c' DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER W ING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC IWV 2 0 ?015 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Engineer 1095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 Mr. Walter "Chip" Crumpler Jr., Acting Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Crumpler This letter is in reference to the Ruskin Solar, LLC solar farm (NCUC Docket No. SP-71 00, Sub 0) being proposed on the north side of Ruskin Road just north of Sleepy Creek Road in Wayne County, NC. The property falls under the Outer Horizontal Surface as described in the Seymour Johnson AFB 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone report. The solar farm will not interfere with pilot vision nor will electrical emissions interfere with aircraft communications systems or navigational equipment related to Seymour Johnson AFB flight operations. We appreciate the opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely Attachment: Flight Track Map 1-- Arrival Flight Tracks 1-- Closed Flight Tracks 5 6 7 8 C IH c ~oti i\'So Departure Flight Track G F F .i E E N .5 J D Cl I I \ \ V Bl I u II /~ I I Proposed Solar Farm Ruskin Solar LLC I I '' "'-. \ I \ I \ ' I V'1 ' I \ I ~ i : ' I 6 I f 5 I 4 I I H B t ~ ;, -- 0 0 .250.5 I IC ~ ~ AI I D 3 ~ 1 Nautical Miles I 2 I j '""""" 1 o - - n •cn.c:, _ _ Cypress Creel< Renewahles, LLC 601-A W. Main St Carrboro, NC 27510 Tel919-240-4815 ccrcncw.com I I I , ._,.,,, DECEMBER 2, 2015 Wayne County, NC Planning Department PO Box 227 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Re: Ruskin Sola r, I.I.C Development Perm it for Solar Energy rann 160 Ruskin Rd (Tax Pin 112595163070, 2595169640) Dudley, NC 28333 Dear Mr. Chip Crumpler: Our Company, Cypress Creek Renewables, the Interest owner of Ruskin Solar, LLC is delivering a Development Permit Application package to your office regarding the above referenced so lar farm project located in Wayne County, North Carolina. This package contains the following submittals: o o o o o Development Permit Application Description of Proposed Technology for Ruskin Solar, LLC Redacted copy of Ground Lease Agreement Interconnection Request to 'J'ri-County Electric Membership Corporation D.:commissioning plan Mowing ami yard maintenance schedule Docket II SP· 7100, Sub 0 rourteen (14) copies in 10 x21 format and (1) 24x36 updated site plan o Shows proposed location of all signs o Shows vegetative buffer along road Thank you.. in advan ce for your assistance. Please contact me if you have any questions or requi re any additional information. Sin ce rely, Ph illip]. Martin Regio nal Zonin g Manager-Southeast 919-601-1135 DocuSign Envelope 10: 52BF2343-5184-4F7A-AF4E-943327725DEA Application For WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 10/16/15 Date Property Owners Name: Audrey S. Brow Mailing Address: PO Box 453 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Developer's Name: Ruskin Solar, LLC Mailing Address: 601 A W Main St, Carrboro NC 27510 Property Address: 168 Ruskin Rd Dudley NC 28333 Tax Map Number: 2595163070, 2595169640 Proposed Use: Solar Farm Township _D_1_1d_le.;..y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zone: RA20 Property Owner or Agent Application fee is $10.00. We accept cash or check. Completed application and fee may be mailed to: Wayne County Planning Department POBox227 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities in Wayne County Section 7.K Description of Proposed Technology for Ruskin Solar, LLC The proposed solar energy facility will be a 2MW alternating current photovoltaic (PV) electrical generation facility. It will consist of PV modules affixed to ground mounted, fixed tilt racks supported on driven piles. The racks will be angled at approximately 20 degrees. The facility will encompass approximately 17.75 acres of a 49.5 acre parcels. The solar plant will be interconnected to the local distribution system owned by Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation. The energy produced fi·om the plant will be sold to the North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation. /00 GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT TillS GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Lease") is made and entered into by and between Audrey S Brow ("Landlord") and Cooperative Solar LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company ("Tenant"), effective as of the date that this Lease has been fully executed by both parties hereto (such date, the "Effective Date"). WITNESSETH: ln consideration of the rent to be paid to Landlord by Tenant, as hereinafter provided, and ofth.e covenants and agreements upon the part of Landlord and Tenant to be kept and performed, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases !Tom Landlord, up to 20 acres and being shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit~-' and by this reference made a part hereof(the "1.ru!J!"), and all improvements, fixtures, personal property and trade fixtures now or in the future located thereon, together with all other appurtenances, tenements, hereditaments, rights and easements pertaining to the Land and the improvements now or in the future located thereon (the Land, together with the above-described property, improvements and appurtenances are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises"), to be occupied.and used upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. 1. Term of Lease: Renewal Teffils; Teffilination Rights; Contingencies/Due Diligence. (a) The term of this Lease (including any extensions or renewals, the "Term") shall commence on the Effective Date and shall end at II :59 P.M. local time on the last day of the th.ree hundred and sixtyninth (369tl') full calendar month following the Rent Commencement Date (as hereinafter defiued) (the "Expiration Date"), unless eKtended or sooner terminated as herein provided. (b) Tenant shall have the right to extend the initial three hundred sixty-nine (369) month Term for up to two (2) additional successive terms of five (5) years each (each a "Renewal Term" and collectively, the "Renewal Terms") by providing Landlord with written notice ofTenant's desire to extend the Term for the applicable Renewal Tem1 prior to the Expiration Date (or prior to the expiration of the first Renewal Teml, as applicable). (c) Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease as of the last day of the one hundred twenty ninth ( 1291h) month after the Rent Commencement Date (the "Termination Date") by providing Landlord with written notice of such tem1ination on or before the date that is thirty (30) days prior to the Termination Date. Additionally, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease in the event that its power purchase agreement, or other agreement under which Tenant provides power generated at the Premises to a third party, is tenninated'for any reason whatsoever. Upon a termination of this Lease by Tenant permitted hereunder, this Lease shall tenninate and become null and void, and Tenant shall have no further obligations hereunder other than those obligations incurred prior to the Termination Date. If Tenant is unable to satisfY the Contingencies (as defined below) to Tenant's satisfaction (d) prior to the Rent Commencement Date, or if Tenant otherwise determines that Tenant's leasing of the Premises is not feasible or desirable for any reason whatsoever, Tenant may terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Landlord prior to the Rent Commencement Date. (e) Prior to the Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall refine the site layout design and obtain a survey of the Premises (the "Survey"). The parties agree that the Survey's legal description shall be incorporated into Exhibit A as if fully set forth therein without amendment to this Lease, and that for purposes of determining the amount of rent payable hereunder, the size of the Premises as shown on the Survey, excluding any portions of the Premises located within a public road right-of-way, and any portions 10 I Pages 2-11 of the Ground Lease Agreement have been redacted due to confidentiality provisions. A memorandum of the Ground Lease Agreement will be recorded at the Wayne County Register of Deeds when the project moves forward. If there are any questions, please contact Phillip Martin at Cypress Creek Renewables at 919-601-1135 \SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE TO GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Lease as of the later of the dates indicated below. LANDLORD: By: Audrey S Brow ',~,~'.,..6lJ,._~U6,£_ Name: j);<U: Date: Cooperative Solar LLC By: Name: Title: --~~~~~~~~~n1~£o~~~rtf~ ;I/1M,aj~-v Date: 12 /03 r ' Attachment 2 INTERCONNECTION REQUEST Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation Designated Contact Person(s): Tony Grantham or Bob Kornegay Address: P.O. Box 130, Dudley, N.C. 28333 Telephone Number: (919) 735-2611 Fax: (919) 734-6277 E-Mail Address: tony.qrantham@tcemc.com or bob.kornegay@tcemc.com An Interconnection Request is considered complete when it provides all applicable and correct information required below. Preamble and Instructions A Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation member who requests interconnection with Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation must submit this Interconnection Request by hand delivery, mail, e-mail, or fax. Request for: 0 Fast Track Process MJ Study Process (All Generating Facilities larger than 1000 kW I 1 MW must use the Study Process.) Processing Fee or Deposit Fast Track Process- Non-Refundable Processing Fees - If the Generating Facility is 25 kW or smaller, the fee is $50. - If the Generating Facility is larger than 25 kW but not larger than 1000 kW I 1MW, the fee is $150. Study Process - Deposit If the Interconnection Request is submitted under the Study Process, whether a new submission or an Interconnection Request that did not pass the Fast Track Process, the Interconnection Member shall submit to the Cooperative a deposit equal to the good faith estimated cost of the study. The minimum fee to participate in the Study Process is $500. Change in Ownership - Non-Refundable Processing Fee If the Interconnection Request is submitted solely due to a transfer of ownership of the Generating Facility, the fee is $50. /OY Interconnection Member Information Legal Name of the Interconnection Member (or. if an individual. individual's name) Name: Cooperative Solar LLC Contact Person: Cullen Morris 5003 Southpark Dr, Ste 210 Mailing Address: Durham City: - - - -- -- -- - -- Facility Location (if different from above): Telephone (Day): State: 168 Ruskin Road, 919·606·9026 NC Dudl~y. Zip: 27713 NC, 28333 (Evening): _ _ _ _ __ _ __ E-Mail Address: _ _ c~m '-'-o -=-r'-'-r= ls-=@ :;_c.:. o .;: . .o;:...o.;p:....:e'-'-ra =t.;,;_iv:....:e'-'-.s.=...o::...;l= a 'r ___ Fax: _ _ __ __ __ _ Alternative Contact Information (if different from the Interconnection Member) Contact Name: Latham Grimes Title: Manager 5003 Southpark Dr, Ste 210 Address: Durham NC 27713 Telephone (Day): _ _7 ;._.0.:. .4-..: . .; -5:..7;. -"5_ · 7-'37 .;_7__ Fax: _ _ __ _ _ __ Application is for: (Evening): _ __ _ __ _ E-Mail Address: - - - - -- - - -- -- - QI New Generating Facility 0 Capacity Addition to Existing Generating Facility 0 Transfer of Ownership of Existing Generating Facility If capacity addition to existing Generating Facility, please describe: {0 5 Will the Generating Facility be used for any of the following? To Supply Power to the Interconnection Member? 0 Yes 0 No To Supply Power to the Cooperative? To Supply Power to Others? ~ Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No For installations at locations with existing electric service to which the proposed Generating Facility will interconnect, provide: - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - (Existing Account Number*) Contact Name: Title: Address: Telephone Fax: (Day): _ __ __ _ ___ (Evening): _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ E-Mail Address:-- - -- - - -- - -- - - Requested Point of Interconnection: - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - Interconnection Member's Requested In-Service Date: Generating Facility Information Data apply only to the Generating Facility, not the Interconnection Facilities. Energy Source: I] Solar 0 Wind 0 Hydro 0 Hydro(Type e.g. Run-of-River) _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 Diesel 0 Natural Gas 0 Fuel Oil 0 Other (state type) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Prime Mover: 0 Fuel Cell 0 Reciprocating Engine 0 Gas Turbine 0 Steam Turbine 0 Micro turbine Type of Generator: 0 Synchronous I] PV 0 Other 0 Induction 0 Inverter Generator Nameplate Rating : 20.QQ_ kW (Typical) Generator Nameplate: Interconnection Member or Member-Site Load : 10 kVAR kW (if none, so state) Typical Reactive Load (if known): _ _ _ __ __ _ Maximum Physical Export Capability Requested: _ _1_9_9_9 _ _ _ kW Will the Generating Facility also have installed storage? Yes_ _ No~ List components of the Generating Facility equipment package that are currently certified: Equipment Type Certifying Entity UL 1. one (1) SMA Sunny Central 2200-US 2. _________________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ Is the prime mover compatible with the certified protective relay package? !lYes ONo Generator (or solar collector) Manufacturer, Model Name, & Number: _____::S::..:.M .:..:.:A ...!...!:S"-"u:.n :. ."'"'n'-Lv_,C::..:e::..:.n.:..:.t""" ra:.l:. .=2=20 : : :. 0;=---= U~S::._______ Version Number: ------------------------------------------------(Winter) 1999 (Summer) 1999 Nameplate Output Power Rating in kW: Nameplate Output Power Rating in kVA: (Summer) 2200 (Winter) 2200 Individual Generator Power Factor Rated Power Factor: Leading : ____ 1_ .0_______ Lagging : _____1_.0_______ Total Number of Generators in wind farm to be interconnected pursuant to this Interconnection Request: Elevation: ____________ Single phase Three phase ____ Inverter Manufacturer, Model Name, & Number (if used): List of adjustable set points for the protective equipment or software: Note: A completed Power Systems Load Flow data sheet must be supplied with the Interconnection Request. /07 Generating Facility Characteristic Data (for inverter-based machines) Max design fault contribution current: Harmonics Characteristics: 1.2 pu Instantaneous or RMS? ~ THO < 3% ---------------------------------------- Start-up requirements: -----------------------------------------Generating Facility Characteristic Data (for rotating machines) RPM Frequency: _ _ _ __ _ _ (*)Neutral Grounding Resistor (if applicable): ___ _ __ Synchronous Generators: Direct Axis Synchronous Reactance, Xd: ___________ P.U. Direct Axis Transient Reactance, X'd: P.U. Direct Axis Subtranslent Reactance, X"d: -----------,---- P.U. Negative Sequence Reactance, X2 : P.U . Zero Sequence Reactance, X0 : P.U. KVABase: ___________________________________ Field Volts: - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - Field Amperes:------- - -- - - -- - Induction Generators: Motoring Power (kW): I 22 tor K (Heating Time Constant): Rotor Resistance, Rr: Stator Resistance, Rs: Stator Reactance, Xs: Rotor Reactance, Xr: Magnetizing Reactance, Xm: Short Circuit Reactance, Xd": Exciting Current: Temperature Rise: Frame Size: Design letter: Reactive Power Required In Vars (No Load): Reactive Power Required In Vars (Full Load): Total Rotating Inertia, H: Per Unit on kVA Base Note: Please contact the Cooperative prior to submitting the Interconnection Request to determine if the specified information above is required. Ioco Excitation and Governor System Data for Synchronous Generators Only Provide appropriate IEEE model block diagram of excitation system, governor system and power system stabilizer (PSS) in accordance with the regional reliability council criteria. A PSS may be determined to be required by applicable studies. A copy of the manufacturer's block diagram may not be substituted . Interconnection Facilities Information Will a transformer be used between the generator and the point of common coupling? Yes (J Will the transformer be provided by the Interconnection Member? Yes at No 0 Transformer Data (if applicable, for Interconnection Member-owned transformer): Is the transformer: 0 Single phase ll Three phase Size: 2200 Transformer Impedance: >5.4 %on 2200 kVA Base If Three Phase: Transformer Primary: TBD Volts Transformer Secondary: 385 Volts Transformer Tertiary: Volts I<VA Delta _ _ Wye ~ Wye Grounded Delta Delta ~ Wye _ _ Wye Grounded _ _ Wye Grounded _ _ Wye Transformer Fuse Data (if applicable. for Interconnection Member-owned fuse): (Attach copy of fuse manufacturer's Minimum Melt and Total Clearing Time-Current Curves) Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ __ Type: _ ____ Size: _ _ Speed: _ __ Interconnecting Circuit Breaker (if applicable): Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Type: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Load Rating (Amps): _ _ Interrupting Rating (Amps): _ _ Trip Speed (Cycles): _ _ Interconnection Protective Relays (if applicable): If Microprocessor-Controlled: List of Functions and Adjustable Setpoints for the protective equipment or software: Setpoint Function Minimum !. _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ ___ _ _ _ Maximum _ _ _ _ __ 2. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ __ 3. _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. ___ _ _ __ _________ _ __ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ s. ___ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ ______ _ _____ 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ____ __ _ _ __ __ No 0 If Discrete Components: (Enclose Copy of any Proposed Time-Overcurrent Coordination Curves) Manufacturer: _ _ _ Type: _ _ Style/Catalog No.: __ Proposed Setting: __ Manufacturer: ___ Type: _ _ Style/Catalog No.: __ Proposed Setting: __ Manufacturer: _ _ _ Type: _ _ Style/Catalog No.: __ Proposed Setting: __ Manufacturer: _ _ _ Type: _ _ Style/Catalog No.: __ Proposed Setting: __ Manufacturer: _ _ _ Type: _ _ Style/Catalog No.: __ Proposed Setting: __ Current Transformer Data (if applicable): (Enclose Copy of Manufacturer's Excitation and Ratio Correction Curves) Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Type: ________ Accuracy Class: _ _ Proposed Ratio Connection: __ Manufacturer:-----------------------Type: ________ Accuracy Class: _ _ Proposed Ratio Connection: __ Potential Transformer Data (if applicable): Manufacturer:-----------------------Type: ________ Accuracy Class: _ _ Proposed Ratio Connection: __ Manufacturer:-----------------------Type: ________ Accuracy Class: _ _ Proposed Ratio Connection: _ _ General Information Enclose copy of site electrical one-line diagram showing the configuration of all Generating Facility equipment, current and potential circuits, and protection and control schemes. This one-line diagram must be signed and stamped by a licensed Professional Engineer if the Generating Facility is larger than 50 kW. Is One-Line Diagram Enclosed? QYes DNo Enclose copy of any site documentation that indicates the precise physical location of the proposed Generating Facility (e.g., USGS topographic map or other diagram or documentation). Proposed location of protective interface equipment on property (include address if different from the Interconnection Member's address): Enclose copy of any site documentation that describes and details the operation of the protection and control schemes. Is Available Documentation Enclosed? DYes DNa ,·u I i i ,\ I Enclose copies of schematic drawings for all protection and control circuits, relay current circuits, relay potential circuits, and alarm/monitoring circuits (if applicable). Are Schematic Drawings Enclosed? 0 Yes 0 No Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information provided in this Interconnection Request is true and correct. (' ·1 r.· /' For Interconnection Member: Date: 8/10/15 _\::..._..!'~~""...;..:_JU..._-0_..-_·,--:t-}·'_VJ...t:l,/l..~-'..:::\JVV~-~-- I II DocuSign Envelope 10: 52BF2343-5184-4F7A-AF4E-943327725DEA Decommission Plan for Ruskin Solar Farm Date \Z./J \ \ S Prepared and Submitted by Ruskin Solar, LLC As required by Wayne County, Ruskin Solar, LLC, presents this decommissioning plan. Decommissioning will occur as a result of any of the following conditions: I. The system does not produce power for a period of 12 months; or 2. The system is rendered inoperable and will not be repaired or replaced The operator of the facility will do the following as a minimum to decommission the project: 1. Remove all non-utility owned equipment, conduits, st111ctures, and foundations to a depth of at least three feet below grade. 2. Remove all fencing unless the owner of the leased real estate requests in writing for it to stay in place. 3. Restore the land to the condition in which it existed before construction of the Solar Energy System ("SES"), including by replacing a [ 12"]1ayer oftop soil where the existing top soil has been removed or eroded as a result of construction and operation of the SES. 4. Establish vegetative ground cover on the site with warm season grasses that are native to the Piedmont region, unless requested in w1iting by the owner of the real estate to not revegctate due to plans for agricultural planting or residential or commercial development. All said removal and decommissioning shall occur within 12 months of any aforementioned decommissioning condition. The operator of the facility, currently Ruskin Solar, LLC, is responsible for decommissioning the SES. The operator of the facility will provide Wayne County with an updated signed decommissioning plan within 30 days of change of Solar Energy System operator or propetty owner. Any updates to this plan will be submitted to the Wayne County Ordinance Administrator and tiled with the Wayne County Register of Deeds by the party responsible for deconunissioning the Solar Energy System. _,s"'E"'s'-'o"'p"'e"'ra:::to"'r-'s"ign=a'-"tu.,_.re'":Q~6.wc~:.~·::._,::~~S..;'..~------------ Date: _ II d-J s=-,.,____ _,_r"'-ZJL!i_,_I.LJ CYPRESS CREEK RENEWAOL ES ...:'/ EXHIBIT A MAINTENANCE SERVICES DRAFT VEGETA110N MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR RUSIUN SOLAR, LLC (EXCERPT FROM MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT) Item # Service Service Description Frequency 2. Site Property Inspection/Maintenance Vegetation 2. 1 Management Maintain vegetation and debris removal/control and landscaping, for all property within the fence line and all property immediately sun-ounding fencing (within reason), specifically ensuring vegetation does not encroach on modules. Good husbandry techniques with respect to vegetation, including but not limited to, proper pruning, proper fertilizer, and proper mulching shall be used so that the vegetation will reach maturity as soon as practical and will have maximum density in foliage. Dead or diseased vegetation will be removed and replanted. Monthly or As-Needed to ensure optimal operation of the facility and a well maintained appearance *This work has not yet been contracted, so we are unable to provide a name and contact number for the contractor. This information will be provided to Wayne County as soon as the work Is contracted. In the meantime, please contact Don Nista, Director of Operations and Management, at 919-230-2950 or nista@ccrenew.com. 60 1-A W. MAIN ST. CARRBORO, NC 275101 113 919.240.4815 CCRENEW.COM WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD MEMORANDUM WAYNECOUNTY N O RTH C AR O LI N A Phone: (919) 731-1435 Fax (919) 731-1446 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: George A. Wood, Wayne County Manager ~~ DATE: February 22,2016 SUBJECT: Change March 15,2016 Board of Commissioners Meeting Date to March 16,2016 The primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. This is also the date of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Therefore, I recommend the Board of Commissioners change its March 15 , 2016 meeting date to March 16,2016. The briefing will begin at 8:00a.m. The meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns on this matter. GAW/mrw /It TH E GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE . PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO, NC 27533 MEMORANDUM TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: Donna Phillips, Library Director DATE: February 22, 2016 RE: Request to change Steele Memorial Library's hours of operation RECOMMENDATION The Wayne County Public Library Advisory Board recommends a change in Steele Memorial Library's hours of operation. The proposed change is being requested based on the public's library usage, and will not require the addition of staff. Proposed hours of operation Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9:00a.m.- 6:00p.m. Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00a.m.- 8:00p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-3:00p.m. Total weekly hours of operation = 54 BACKGROUND Steele Memorial Library is currently open until 8:00p.m. on Tuesday nights. The public has expressed interest in the library being open a second evening during the week. Library usage patterns indicate that attendance is low before 10:00 a.m. on Saturday and drops off after 3:00p.m. Because of this, it is recommended that the library open an hour later on Saturday morning and close half an hour earlier on Saturday. This hour and a half, plus an additional Y, hour, would be added to the Thursday schedule. Current hours of operation Monday, Wednesday-Friday: 9:00a.m.- 6:00p.m. Tuesday: 9:00a.m. -8:00p.m. Saturday: 9:00a.m.- 3:30p.m. Sunday: Closed Total hours of operation per week= 53.5 /15 MEMORANDUM TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: Donna Phillips, Library Director DATE: February 22, 2D16 RE: Library Policy Revisions RECOMMENDATION The Wayne County Public Library Advisory Board recommends that the following policies be revised as written. BACKGROUND 1. Disruptive Behavior Policy: The policy has been rewritten to state that no food or drink is allowed in the library. Prior to this revision, drinks in covered containers were allowed. 2. Meeting Room Policy: The meeting room policy was revised to include both the Gertrude Weil Auditorium at the Goldsboro Library and the J.D. Evans Community Room at Steele Memorial. Item number 11 was also changed to read, "Regulations governing the public use of the meeting rooms can be revised only by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners." Meeting room use was formerly regulated by the Library's board of trustees. 3. Registration/Circulation Policy: The wording in section V was changed to reflect the fact that Wayne County Public Library will follow the NC Cardinal Consortia I Agreement regarding limiting the number of items patrons can have on reserve at any given time. II (o Wayne County Public Library Disruptive Behavior Policy Library users and staff have a right to assume that visits to the library will be free from harassment; free from physical discomfort and danger; free from psychological and emotional stress. The rights of both the public and the staff are sometimes violated by the attitudes and behavior of a very small minority of persons. It shall therefore be the policy of the WCPL Advisory Board to maintain in the library system a quiet, pleasant environment conducive to serious study as well as casual browsing. Any behavior that violates this policy shall be grounds for removal from the library. The following are some examples of what the Board considers to be unacceptable behavior: I. Loud conversation or laughter that is disturbing to others. The study tables and carrels on the adult side of the library are designed for quiet study at all times. Tables on the children's side of the library may be designated as quiet study areas when in the judgment of the staff they are needed for this purpose. Talking at a level that can be heard away from the table is considered to be a violation of this rule. 2. The use of tobacco products in all areas of the library, or on the grounds of the library closer than 50 feet to the library building. Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bid is, pipes, chewing tobacco, snus, snuff, and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products, including E-cigarettes. 3. Use of radios or other equipment that is audible to others. 4. Willful destruction of or damage to library property, removal of library property unless through established lending procedures. 5. Children ten years old or younger unaccompanied by an adult for the entire time he or she is visiting the library. 6. Soliciting or selling of any kind unless for a library sponsored project and the distribution of leaflets or the posting of notices without the specific authorization of the library director. 7. Attempts by groups or individuals to use any patt of the library (except the auditorium) for the presentation of programs or events of any type. 8. Sleeping in the library building or on the library grounds. 9. Bringing animals other than lead dogs into the library. I 0. Use of restrooms for meetings, consumption of alcoholic beverages or the illicit use or sale of drugs. II . Bringing food or drinks into the library. 12. Carrying weapons of any kind. 13. Following staff or users around the premises, harassing behavior, or the use of abusive language. 14. Loitering on library grounds (including parking lot and the front ofthe'building). The library director or his/her designee is authorized to request the immediate departure of any person violating this policy, and in his/her discretion may impose suspensions including a permanent ban from all Wayne County Public Library premises. The library director will call the police immediately if any criminal activity is observed or if a person refuses to leave the building after being asked. WAYNE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY- MEETING ROOM POLICY The following policy shall provide guidelines for public use of the meeting rooms available in the libraries of the Wayne County Public Library system. Wayne County Public Library will make the use of these facilities available for non-profit, civic, cultural, charitable and social organizations in Wayne County. The rooms are available on an equitable basis to these groups regardless of their beliefs or affiliations. Permission from the Library for an organization to use the rooms does not constitute the Library's endorsement of the organization or its beliefs. Public use of the rooms is subject to the following regulations: 1. The meeting rooms may be used at any time during the regular hours of library operation. Library sponsored events shall have priority in scheduling. 2. The capacity for the Gertrude Wei! Auditorium and for the J.D. Evans Community Room is 120 persons. 3. All programs and meetings must be open to the public. No admission charge may be levied. Non-profit groups may charge a materials fee to participants. This fee may not exceed the actual cost of the materials and may not serve as a basis to exclude auditors from any meeting. 4. Use of the meeting rooms for the promotion and sale of merchandise is prohibited with the exception of the sale of books by an author during a designated book signing event. The Library and Friends of the Library are exempt from this restriction. 5. Scheduling the use of the meeting rooms will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations for the rooms will not be taken earlier than four months in advance of the date of proposed use. No group may reserve the rooms more than twelve (12) times in a calendar year. The Library may preempt the reservation of another organization upon four weeks notice. 6. Programs may not disrupt the use of the library by others. Persons attending programs or meetings are subject to all library rules and regulations. The Library reserves the right to deny use of the facility for programs and meetings which in the opinion of the Library Director or Wayne County Public Library Advisory Board would be disruptive to the normal operation of the Library. 7. Library facilities shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. Groups or organizations using library facilities accept liability for any damages to the facility. The user at the conclusion of use must return the room to its original condition. 8. The Library does not provide staff for the set-up or arrangement of the rooms. The Library does not provide staff for the supervision of the use of the rooms. 9. Any group or organization using the rooms shall be responsible for the handling and security of their equipment and do so at their own risk. The Library shall not be responsible for theft or damage to property brought into the building or for materials and equipment left in the building. 10. Request for use of the rooms shall be made to the Library Staff. A written application will be required. If use of the facility is denied, the applicant may appeal to the Wayne County Public Library Advisory Board if a written request for such an appeal is received within five days of the denial. The decision of the Wayne County Public Library Advisory Board is final. 11. Regulations governing the public use of the meeting rooms can be revised only by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. 110 Wayne County Public Library Registration/Circulation Policy It shall be the policy of the Wayne County Public Library system which is comprised of all public libraries in Wayne County to register for library purposes all interested citizens of the library who meet the eligibility requirements (for the borrowing of public library materials) that are adopted and set forth by the Wayne County Public Library system. Procedures for Registration of Library Borrowers Those eligible for library cards may apply for a card at the headquarters or any agency of the Wayne County Public Library system. Identification verifying the name and current address will be required. I. Eligibility. A. The following are eligible to apply for library cards: 1. Residents of Wayne County 2. Owners of property in Wayne County 3. Students and teachers in Wayne County 4. Owners of existing companies or corporations licensed to operate in Wayne County B. Fee Card Persons who do not meet the qualifications listed above are eligible for a Wayne County Public Library card upon a payment of $15.00 non-refundable nonresident fee. This fee is a yearly fee and entitles the holder to all benefits provided by the Library system. This card must be renewed yearly. Valid identification must be presented in order to purchase a fee card. C. Institutional Card The library does issue institutional cards. 1. The company or institution must request a "Statement of Financial Responsibility" form from the Circulation desk. 2. This form must be signed by the Director or the person in charge of the company or institution. D. Temporary Card Temporary cards can be issued to persons who are living in Wayne County on a temporary basis, or who are currently living in temporary housing for longer than one month. These cards will expire after 3 months and can be renewed with proper documentation. No more than 5 items can be checked out using this card. II. Registration Procedures A. Identification All libraries will ask registering borrowers for picture identification and proof of current address. Examples of proof of current address include a driver's license, personalized checkbooks, or bills mailed to current residences, etc. Mail must be postmarked within 30 days. B. Teenagers (13 through 17 years) It shall be the policy of the Wayne County Public Library to issue library cards to teenagers on their signature alone. Proper identification is required. Parent's/guardian's address is also required. An alternative to picture identification is a signed form from the teenager's school librarian verifying the teenager's name, current address and date of birth. C. Children (12 years and under) The Wayne County Public Library system shall issue library cards to children who are 5 to 12 years old. A parent/legal guardian must sign the library registration form to ensure that he/she will be responsible for lost and damaged material. This preference is based on the following reasons: 1. It ensures that the child understands the privilege of getting a library card. 2. It ensures that the child has had the opportunity to understand the promise concerning the care of library books. 3. Finally, and most importantly, it gives the child a sense of individuality and selfimportance. It is one of the few privileges that children, just like any adult, may have all to themselves. III. Regulations A. Any change in name, address, or phone number should be reported to the library immediately. B. Upon acquiring their first library cards, patrons may check out no more than 4 items. C. After the first transaction, materials are restricted to these limits: Books, children and adult- 30 Videos -7 Magazines - 7 Story Totes - 2 Playaways - 2 Audio Materials- 30 Video Games - 2 During special seasons or during specific times of the year, certain collections may have limitations on the number of items that can be checked out, e.g. Holiday items or Battle of the Books. D. Customers will be responsible for all materials checked out on their cards if the materials are lost or damaged. E. If a library card is lost, it is the responsibility of the card holder to notify the library. We check out items to a patron who does not present a library card 3 times, using a picture ID instead. After that the customer must purchase a replacement card for $2.00. The replacement fee can be added to a patron's account. F. Library cards are issued for one year. G. Materials, with the exception of DVDs, can be renewed at any library agency within the Wayne County Public Library system, or by telephone with the patron's library card number. 2 IV. Library Card Renewals Customers' library cards are valid for one year. Library cards may be updated one month prior to the expiration date. One year after the expiration date, if a library card has not been updated, it will be purged. If the customer visits the library and his/her library card has expired and is no longer in the patron database, a new library card will be issued adhering to registration procedures; however, if the patron's library card has expired, but the registration information has not been purged, only the customer's registration information will be updated. Any customers having overdue books or owe monies to the Wayne County Public Library system will not be purged. V. Reserves Most materials may be placed on reserve, with the exception of reference and local history materials. The library will follow the NC Cardinal Consortia I Agreement regarding limiting the number of items patrons can have on reserve at any given time. Reserves cannot be placed if a patron owes $3 or more, or has any overdue material. A library card is required to place an item on reserve. VI. Overdue Notices and Fines 1. Fines accrue on overdue materials at 25¢ per day per item, except for videos. Videos accrue fines at $1.00 per day per item. The maximum fine for any one item is $10.00. Blocks are placed on library accounts when fees total $3.00 or more. 2. Courtesy notices of pre-overdue material are sent via email to patrons that have provided the library with an email address. 3. First Notices for overdue materials are sent after an item is 2 weeks overdue. Patrons who have provided email addresses will receive an email message; those without email addresses will receive a letter through the U.S. mail. 4. Second Notices are sent after an item is 3 weeks overdue only to patrons with email addresses. 5. If an item is 28 days overdue, it is marked lost, and the patron is sent a bill through the U.S. mail. 6. Once a patron accrues fines and/or bills for lost items over $50, the patron's account is turned over to our collection agency. An additional $9.00 is added to the patron's account for the collection agency's services. 7. If a patron returns the item, within a year of its due date, the cost of the item is removed from the bill. If a patron pays for the lost item, the overdue fines are removed from the bill. VII. Lost or Damaged Library Materials and Equipment When registering for a library card a borrower contractually agrees to pay whatever damages may be incurred in the use of the library books and/or other library materials and equipment. They further agree to refund the cost of all materials and/or books that are lost while in their possession. The borrower, through the signing of the card also agrees to reimburse the 3 Wayne County Public Library for all expenses incurred while lawfully attempting to recover any library materials detained beyond the contracted expiration date. The borrower whose library card was used to check out materials is responsible for payment for lost or damaged materials. In the case of children, the parent or guardian is responsible for payment. A. Lost or Replacement Materials Failure to pay for lost or damaged library materials and/or equipment automatically results in the borrower's library privileges being revoked. The library, as trustees of public funds, reserves the right to actively, through all legal means, seek retribution for all monies owed the Wayne County Public Library as a result of a borrower having unlawful possession of any library materials. All monies that are received as a result of payment for lost of damaged materials shall be turned over to the County of Wayne. The cost for replacing a lost or damaged item is based on the actual price of the item. If that cannot be determined, then the prices listed below will be used. Patrons may bring in an exact copy of the lost or damaged item in lieu of paying the replacement cost. Replacement copies must be in clean condition, without marks, stamps, or any other damage. Prices for Replacement Items Adult Non-Fiction Adult Fiction Adult Paperback Adult Audio Cassette Adult Magazine Video Cassette Children's Hardback Children's Paperback Children's Board Book Children's Cassette Children's Cassette/Book Children's Magazine $20.00 20.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 17.95 15.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 3.00 B. Return Materials Materials that have been checked out for more than 1 year will not be accepted for return, nor will replacement copies be accepted. Patrons must pay for the items. No refunds will be given if a customer has paid for lost materials. C. Payment Plan for Lost or Damaged Materials In the case where a customer has over $50.00 of lost or damaged materials and/or fines, a payment plan may be set up for that patron. Payments will be $20.00 per month until the account has been cleared. 4 County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 3, 2016 Memorandum Sheriff Larry M. Pierce From: Wayne County Board of Commissioners To: County Manager & Finance Officer Via: Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Wayne County Sheriffs Office be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.299.002 Misc. Supplies-Concealed Weapons Permit Misc. Supplies-Fingerprtg. REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue 110.3431.41 0.001 110.3431.410.002 Concealed Weapons Fees Fingerprint Fees 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Increase Decrease 1,105.00 1,190.00 $ $ Increase $ $ Decrease 1,105.00 1,190.00 To record receipt of revenues for Concealed Weapons & Fingerprint Fees collected at the Sheriff Office window. Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommendingcYdisapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~disapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. colliitianager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioner FEB 2 z 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 22, 2016 Date Memorandum Sheriff Larry M. Pierce From: Wayne County Board of Commissioners To: County Manager & Finance Officer Via: Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Wayne County Sheriffs Office be amended as follows: $13,328.67 110.4310.353 M & R VEHICLES REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase 110.3839.890.008 Insurance Refunds & Recoveries $13,328.67 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Increase Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease To appropriate money received from claim for Batchelor. Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending approval/disapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ¥ CountyFillll ~ \ 2016 ~)-\.~ Coun Manager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commisioner County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 4, 2016 Date Memorandum From: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners Via: County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.540 REVENUE Code Number Wayne County Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure Capital Outlay-Vehicles $1,950.00 Increase Source of Revenue 110.3835.820 Sales of Assets 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Increase $ Decrease 1,950.00 To appropriate money received from Sale of Assets-GovDeals, Inc. Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ----------2016 Chairman Board of Commissioners FEB 2 Z 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 02/12/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Tim Rogers, Solid Waste Director Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number REVENUE Code Number 624.3472.330.010 624.3991.991 _____S::.;o:.:l:.:ld:...:W=as:.:t.:o.e_ _ _ _ be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Source of Revenue CWRR GRANT 2015 FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as fol ws: $ Decrease Increase Increase 17,913.06 Decrease $ 17,913.06 Community Waste Reduction Grant 2015 Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending a prova disapproval ' Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendi~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. CountY FlnancOffe ~ 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners FEB 2 3 Z016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 11, 2016 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Wayne County Sheriff's Office Description/Object of Expenditure be amended as follows: Decrease 110.4310.353 M&R VEHICLES REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase 110.3839.890.008 Insurance Refunds & Recoveries $1,000.00 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as fottows: Increase $1,000.00 Decrease To appropriate money received from claim for Ebersole. e Endorsement 1. FoiWard, recommendin pproval isapproval CountY ¥ Endorsement 1. FoiWarded. recommendin(ilpprov~sapproval nan 9ffiCel' 2016 \~ ~'~ Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Bu'dget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commisioner ;;/. FEB 2 3 Z016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 15, 2016 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Wayne County Sheriff's Office Description/Object of Expenditure be amended as follows: Decrease Increase $17,649.68 110.4310.540 CAPITAL OUTLAY-VEHICLES REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase 110.3839.890.008 Insurance Refunds & Recoveries $17,649.68 Decrease To appropriate money received from claim for 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Ryan Mitchell. e Endorsement 1. FoiWard, recommending pprov 1/disapproval County Endorsement ~. 1. FoiWarded, recommending~.\(IJisapproval Fmnc O'Cer ~~ \ 2016 ~~~ County Manager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commisioner '"\ t' . l', '1-;· . 'i FEB 2 '1.. 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 02/17/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Kevin Johnson, CEO, Cooperative Extension Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 117.5808.126 117.5808.121 117.5808.182 117.5808.183 117.5808.231 117.5808.220 117.5808.260 117.5808.311 117.5808.329 4-H- 21st Century grant 117.5808.XXX be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease Salaries- Extra Help Salaries Retirement Hospitalization Program Supplies Food Office Supplies Travel Other Communications REVENUE Code Number $ Increase 25,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Source of Revenue Increase 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: ~ Adjustments in line items for anticipated needs to finish school year 2016 an·d·· summer gra2f No County Funds- 21st CCLC grant funds .· . /' / // Decrease f'~rtt ending 09./30/16 / / ~ -/ Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement ,-------;,.,, 1. Forwarded, recommendin~Jtllisapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Managert'Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners FEB 2 l. 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments ,, ' #316 02/18/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Allison Speight Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number _ _____:W,::a::.~y"'n"'e_:C::::oc::ue.:n!.ltyc.:S~c:::.h::::oc::oe::ls:___ _ be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure REVENUE Code Number 488.3593.330.001 $ Carver Heights-Lottery 488.5901.580.050 Increase Decrease 11,502.00 Increase Source of Revenue NC Public School Capital - Lottery Funds Decrease $ 11,502.00 Close out of Carver Heights lottery project 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending -o-approval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval County Manager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners fjO FEB 2 2 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 02/17/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Kevin Johnson, CEO - Cooperative Extension Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 11 0.4950.693 Cooperative Extension 110.4950.XXX be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure N. C. State University Payments REVENUE Code Number 110.9910.991 .001 Decrease $ Source of Revenue Contingency $ Increase 7,389.16 Decrease Increase 7,389.16 2. Reason{s) for the above request is/are as follows: To cover wages and related fringes for County Bonus paid in September 2015 for See attached listing. Endorsement 1. Forward, recommendingB isapproval County Fin Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~. ~~~ recommendln~lsapproval 1~~ 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners /3 / FEB 2 3 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 02/22/16 Date Memorandum From: To: VIa: Subject: Brian Smith Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It Is requested that the budget for ~l EXPENDITURE Code Number Wa:tne Co. EMS be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease Increase ' 622.4370.450 622.4370.452 622.4370.353 Insurance & Bonding Vehicle Insurance Maintenance & Repairs-Vehicles REVENUE Code Number 10,075.00 $ 6,100.00 3,975.00 $ $ Source of Revenue Increase 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: To cover costs of EMS property & vehicle Insurance premium for FY 15-16 ~ Decrease ..._ 1-r--. '-~ tks' Department Head Signature Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending c/.isapproval Endorsement r~. 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~\'cl..":, I 2016 ~00~ County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners The Neighborhood Energy Saver Program The Neighborhood Energy Saver Program (NES) is an energy efficiency program targeting Duke Energy Progress' (DEP) low-income residential customers. The NES Program will provide information and energy conservation measures to encourage and reduce energy consumption and costs. The program will be provided to selected neighborhoods at no cost to the residents. The NES Program: • • Will be delivered only to individually-metered residential homeowners and tenants within DEP selected neighborhoods (this program is not open to any/all customers). The criteria D EP uses for neighborhood selection: o Eligible low-income neighborhoods will be defined as those where the majority of residents have household incomes equal to or less that the eligibility requirements set by the Department of Energy to receive Weatherization Assistance Program services which is currently 150% of the federal poverty level limits Will provide each resident: I. A home energy assessment 2. Installation of several energy conservation measures (ECMs) 3. Energy education that will enable the residents to make behavioral changes to reduce and control energy usage In addition to energy education materials, the program offers the following energy efficiency measures: (a) Compact Fluorescent Bulbs - Up to ten (I 0) compact fluorescent bulbs will be provided to replace incandescent bulbs. (b) Water Heater Wrap and Insulation for Water Pipes- An external insulation wrap to the water heater and adjacent hot and cold water pipes will be provided and installed. (c) Water Heater Temperature Check and Adjustment- The temperature of the water being produced by the water heater will be checked and adjusted to the recommended range offering, upon request. (d) Low-Flow Faucet Aerators - Up to three (3) low-flow faucet aerators per household will be installed. (e) Low-Flow Showerheads - Up to two (2) low-flow showerheads per household will be installed. (f) Refrigerator Coil Brush - A coil brush, demonstration of its use, and information on suggested frequency of use and anticipated energy savings will be provided. (g) Refrigerator Thermometers - One (I) thermometer in the food compartment and one (I) thermometer in the freezer of the refrigerator will be installed. Information on optimal refrigerator settings will also be provided. (h) Wall Plate Thermometer- One (I) wall plate thermometer will be installed in each home. (i) HV AC Winterization Kit - A winterization HV AC kit for wall/window AC units will be installed, if seasonably applicable. Each household may receive or have installed up to three (3) kits. Customer will be provided education on the proper use, installation, and value of the winterization kit as a method of stopping air infiltration. (j) HV AC Filters - The proper method for installing a replacement filter will be demonstrated and a one-year supply of HV AC filters will be provided. (k) Change Filter Calendar - Each participant will be provided a Company magnetic calendar. The calendar provides monthly reminders to the resident to clean or change their HV AC filter. (I) Air Infiltration Reduction Measures - Weather stripping, door sweeps, caulk, foam sealant, and clear patch tape will be installed to reduce or stop air infiltration around doors, windows, attic hatches, and plumbing penetrations. (m) Energy Savers Calendar - An Energy Savers wall calendar will be provided to each participant. The calendar will provide energy saving tips for each month of the year. Customer Education Strong emphasis is placed on educating the resident on each of the conservation measures being installed at their residence. Energy conservation education is important because knowledge equips individuals to control and to modify behavior to achieve desired results. Proper energy related behavior of occupants will ensure the sustainability of the improvements that were made at each home. An energy focused explanation of the measures installed and other observations will be given one-on-one to each resident. Sources of reducing energy usage that exist outside the scope of the NES, such as additional insulation opportunities and refrigerator replacement opportunities, will also be shared with the resident. Educational brochures covering energy saving recommendations will be provided. Information and literature will be provided explaining other "Low Income Weatherization Assistance Programs" and energy efficiency incentives. Instructions and contact information will be provided and the resident will be encouraged to apply. Field Implementation A vendor (Honeywell Utility Solutions) will be utilized to conduct the energy audit, to install the energy conservation measures and to provide the energy education. The program will be delivered going home-to-home to all residents within the designated neighborhood. Neighborhood Energy Saver Program: Helping neighbors save energy and money. /35 Available energy-saving measures include: Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) CFLs use 75 percent less electricity than traditional lights and last far longer. Faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads These devices save water - and the energy needed to heat it. Help us help the community. Be a part of the Duke Energy Progress Neighborhood Energy Saver Weatherstripping and door sweeps By stopping air leaks, the home's heating and cooling costs are lowered and comfort is improved. Program. This program offers FREE energy-saving home improvements to selected communities. Duke Energy Progress chooses com munities where t he p rogram wou ld be m ost beneficial by targeti ng low-income Refrigerator thermometers A thermometer in the food compartment and freezer unit provides an easy way to maintain ideal temperatu re settings. neighborhoods. - ( )j ~ Water heater and pipe wraps How the program works. Qua lified customers receive a FREE wa lk-through assessment of their home. Our energy specialist identifies opportu nities for energy savi ngs. Based upon the needs of the home, cust omers ca n then receive up to Special insulation keeps water hot longer - with less energy. Wall or window air conditioning covers These specially fitted covers block air leaks through air conditioner vents. $2 10 in energy-saving improvements. Th ese im provements and their insta llation are completely free. Air filters The other important component of the program is the opportunity A one-year supply of air filters helps heating and cooling equipment run more efficiently. for one-on-one energy education. Each resident receives education on energy efficiency techniques and is encouraged to m ake behavior Switch plate wall thermometers cha nges that wi ll help them reduce and control their energy usage. This provides an easy way to monitor the indoor temperature and maintain the recommended settings of 78-80 degrees in summer and 68-70 degrees in winter. Refrigerator coil brush Regular coil cleaning helps the fridge operate more efficiently. Air infiltration reduction Air leaks around doors and under kitchen and bathroom sinks are sealed with foam or caulking. Your support makes a difference. Once a neighborhood has been selected, Duke Energy Progress notifies eligible customers through flyers, postcards and commu nity meetings. You can help by taking part in our neighborhood event to launch the program . Also, we ask for your partnership to help spread th e word and encourage all qua lified customers to pa rt icipate. Together, we can be great neighbors. Look for our next commun ity event. And help spread the word about the Duke Energy Progress Neighborhood Energy Saver Program. We look forward to working with you to help the community - one neighbor at a time. 13 (7 -n ~ m r z j= r U> U> co -l 0 ::0 0 U> -l COBB ST OLIVER 2/22/2016 Neighborhood Energy Saver Program (NES) (~ DUKE '{; ENERGY. The Neighborhood Energy Saver Program • An energy efficiency program targeting Duke's lowincome customers • Delivered by neighborhood segments • Provides each resident: Home energy assessment 2 Installation of several energy conservation measures 3 Energy education that will enable the residents to make behavioral changes to reduce and control energy usage (~ DUKE '{; ENERGY. 1 2/22/ 2016 . NES Target Market -Eligibility • Eligible neighborhoods are those defined segments of Duke customers where approximately 50% of the households have incomes equal to or less than 150% of the federal poverty level*. • Duke determines eligible neighborhoods • Duke prioritizes neighborhoods and specifies the implementation order ( -, DUKE <{; ENERGY. NES Energy Conservation Measures • • Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL's) (1 0) • Refrigerator I Freezer Thermometers (2) • Water Heater Wrap & Insulation for Water Pipes • Wall Plate Thermometer • Water heater temperature check & adjustment • A year's supply of HVAC filters • Low Flow Faucet Aerator (3) • Change Filter Calendar • Low Flow Showerhead (2) • Air Infiltration Reduction Measures • Refrigerator Coil Brush • AC Winterization Kit (3) • Energy Savers Calendar ( -, DUKE 4 <{; ENERGY. 2 2/22/2016 . Program Implementation Marketing -work with local community leaders, notify residents in advance, build awareness & acceptance of program in the community and arrange access to customer residence The Home Improvement Process involves teams of surveyors and installers going door-to-door delivering services to each customer's residence 1. Energy assessment 2. Installation of measures 3. Energy education ( '"') DUKE ENERGY. ~ - - NES Neighborhood Selection • 2009 Asheville - 862 homes 2016 Tabor City - 400 homes Dillon SC - 2010 Florence, SC - 792 homes Marion , SC- 543 homes Raleigh, 1315 homes Norlina - 993 homes Goldsboro- 1570 homes 2015 Sanford - 1284 homes Roxboro - 1043 homes Hartsville, SC - 1228 homes Whiteville - 579 homes 2011 Wilmington - 1262 homes Hamlet - 952 homes Asheville - 818 homes Dillon, SC 1067 homes 20 12 Kingstree, SC- 1031 homes Henderson - 1371 homes Elizabethtown - 914 homes Bladenboro - 704 homes Fairmont - 696 homes 6 20 13 Fairmont- 379 homes Maxton - 1022 homes Rowland - 393 homes Canton - 391 homes Sumter SC - 1796 homes Wilmington - 440 homes IY-1 2014 Wilmington - 953 homes Raleigh - 1157 homes Darlington SC- 914 homes Troy 479 homes Asheboro - 840 homes ~'"'> ~~~GY. 3 2/22/2016 Mt Olive Neighborhood ,DUKE ENERGY. . Duke & City Leaders at the Kickoff 4 2/22/2016 Residents Listen to Program Overview (~ DUKE ~ ENERGY. Dinner is Served . - (_~ DUKE ~ ENERGY. /4 3 5 2/22/2016 Crew Install the Energy Measures • ( '"'> DUKE '{; ENERGY. 6 2/22/2016 Crew Install the Energy Measures ( '-> DUKE ENERGY. <{; Crew Explain Energy Saving • 7 MEMORANDUM To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners From: Chip Crumpler, Wayne County Planning Director Date: February 18,2016 Re: Subdivision Preliminary Approval Item: Bonnie Farms, Preliminary Owner\ Developer: Outlaw MH, Inc. Surveyor: B.R. Kornegay, Inc, L-944 Brogden Township, Pecan Road (SR 1918) & Genoa Road (SR 1927) Lots 1- 121 Discussion: Sec 70-74 of the Wayne County Subdivision Ordinance requires that for every major subdivision within the territorial jurisdiction which does not qualify for the abbreviated minor subdivision procedure, the sub divider shall submit a preliminary plat which shall be reviewed and approved by the board of commissioners before any construction or installation of improvements may begin. This preliminary plat for Bonnie Farms subdivision consists of l2llots, 2 permanently protected open space areas and lO proposed streets. The subdivision will be built on 110 acres located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Pecan and Genoa Roads. The proposed development is zoned Residential- Agricultural 30 (RA-30) and Residential- Agricultural 20 (RA-20). RA-30 requires minimum lot sizes of 30,000 square feet and RA-20 requires minimum lots sizes of 20,000 square feet. The proposed area of the subdivision located in RA-30 is within an area with an average noise level equal to or exceeding ldn 65 decibels. Any building located, constructed and or renovated within this district must comply with noise attenuation standards to achieve a -25 dB reduction. These reductions comply with the aicuz standards for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The average lot size is 27,313 square feet. lO new streets containing 9,88l.87linear feet ( 1.87 miles) in length will be installed per requirements of the NC Dept. of Transportation. Building lots will utilize public water. Two permanently protected open space areas consisting of 18.03 acres will be dedicated to a homeowners association. The property is shown within the Urban Transition area in the Wayne County Comprehensive Land Use plan. Urba11 Tra11sitio11 Areas include those parts of the planning area that are not currently urban in character but that, during the next two decades, are likely to reach a level of development requiring urban services. These areas may have some services already in place including, particularly, centralized water and sewer. The property is within the following service areas: Schools - Southern Wayne HS, Brogden Middle, Brogden Primary Water- Southeast Wayne Sanitary District Fire - Dudley Fire Department EMS- Station 8 Transportation -Goldsboro MPO Water supply Watershed- No Voluntary Agriculture District- No Wetlands - Yes Board of Commissioners District - 2 Recommendation: The Wayne County Planning Board recommends that the plat be approved. )lr/ ' _·_c._~ '@ ' ~~~i ·I'' ··I ® @ :f :) ' / .. i .I ........ l·l=~: ;l;j!i ',, ,.__..,__1iL ·-·r~~·7; t,; I !' ' l' I r I I' ii I I -~ ' 'I ~ l I j:: ~ ~;,i ~"II!' tb l! i l I ~"Ji ..t~ ~ ·~~' ,, 1: ' ~:~~ t= '! 2 / ~ ~~~~ ,,, I ~~~ ~; ~~·::; ~i ' j!' ·~ i!~ h ., 1:,, m I• ,;. ~~~ ' 8"ji; .,~i h.,·~ '~~~i;~. Hi! Ii §IIi ~~ I "'• ~~~~ ~g "'I'• ! g~ l' ~~i ;! i o,i~ .~~. m ·':! ,., !i l-0~~ ,-r, ~~I! m m ..."" ;ij! '• m al .~3 -~ ~! ·~ ·"":i~ ~~~" ·n:~i H ~; ~~t ~;;~~ l !' t~ ~~· ~-d I 1 if h,, ,., ·•· ~~~~ I ~ii ' I I !I!! R~!i m; I ~~ !~ ; H !-; ~ i' ~~[ ,~·· ~! ·~< !l!!l!,!l ·r·H .t.lf ~· n;~.· imii ;~ iiiim~l ' H .,~I,, !'" ~ji ~; i~ l~~i ~! ~~H ·~ I T2c'~~~~~=s)i1lliil\iilii;i;l;mn1iii1iiil1;il;;mmm;;mili!liiiii~il;iiiimli1immmmnmmmmmmmmm ~t ~". ~· ~o' <~::~ ~ '·•~~~~~-~~ e~ "~"~ ··~:~;"Hi< ~~ 1~ :;n~< ~·: >O~ ~· on~' ~~;.u ~; H~•~·~; ~::; g~o; ! e•. •, o' •e • >. 3 • ""' ( ,, •• >' "' ;u·, •••• o•' 2/23/2016 NORTHWOODS The Journey ... Ending the Old The "Neutral" Zone ------+~ Beginning the New @ ® ®@© © Comfort Discomfort & loss Unce rtainty & Opportunity Promise 1 2/23/2016 DSS STAFF Training Sessions for Fonn Developers 144 hours Training Sessions for Compass Appointments 195 hours Trai ning Sessions for Compass Pilot I,560 hours Training Sessions for Compass Co-Pilot DSS Staff spent 2,031 hours in training to learn Compass Products. ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Improve client flow Staff are notifi ed within min utes of client arri val. If not seen wit hin an appropr iate time, escalates to superviso1·. •!• ''( 'om{Xt~ Appom/111('11/.\ !Willy ht'lp!:o cllt•lll ;s f{Oing 10 bl! {1\Jij(nl:'d JJJI! 111 a J.'ilgning dtem s to 11 vrkt1r J. 7hen1 IS no ~m:s.ni'Ork as to who tlu• If a cltent forgi!IS u·h o their ( IJ)fJOII/tment was with or wh(lltiml'. I ccm t'(Hily look i t lf(J. ·· •:• "( 'ompass /)IIut has been u·onderjld to use. 7his program has really helped tremendously: h£'fim.• ('ompass Ptlot came we wae wurkmg Jwtce as hard dealing w11h J lu .J lugs a day trying to ke('P records ofthe di£•111s. ('ompa.-;s also has helped om wilh geuing the paper 10 the worka Now u·eJl'·'' scan to ll'orker and gil'e the pap£• nmrk hack to clients with a receipt that it has h<,''" srmmtd. 11tat S heen a IHg plrf-'i in our book ·· {50 2 2/23/2016 ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Improve client service Staff are a ble to spend more time with citizen providing se rvices. •!• ··compass has prowd to hi.• i.' Xintmdy helpful during times wlum NC l·ifS I' i.f experiencmg d!lficult~t•s. Applications and forms can still bt• done dectronically. An addi.•d plus is thl! forms can also be do11e \'ny quickly. a.f the l):ifem populates much of th<• needt•d information. ·· ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Improvc case management accuracy Staff have the tools to doc ument as they go r ather than when they return to the agency. •!• ··1 absolttte~r lm·e llrl! 1l,mls.1 I fi•el that/ tmJ able 10 sp~nd morl! ,;me \l'ith my cliews aud u nwke., domg the nm-ralin>:~ a bree:t•' Compass makes lhing.,· t l lot more cmwenient wnh hm·in~: i.' l't'f)'thinp on oue .\JMem rather than lrxJkmg up families in fiq• difjl!rt'lll .\ySII!IIIS1 G rt•at idea'" /51 3 2/23/2016 ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Sharing of information throughout Agency Staff have access to needed in formation upon receipt. ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Increase effi ciencies Eliminating 3 positi ons and l'~ea ll ocat e d 3 positions • Positions from Clerical to Income Mai ntenance. 4 2/23/2016 ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Provide mobility tool Workers have iPads to do their job while in the field with citizens. •:• "/ mjoy '"'' acct:s!Jibility of hal'ing t!WIJ'Ihiug we n.:ed in one systf!m. Anotha bent:fit of uult:i"g comJXISs and tht• tPad is usmg them out in the fi<•ld m• now haw act.·,•ss to forms and documents in the fit!!d. liS lt't!ll as bei11g abl.: to clo cumrnt home t·isits while intht•homt•. " •!• "/ Jm·t• our new tPads. It makes my ll'ork so much mort! I IIIII! efficiem and easier by hm·iug all the fam ilies info whm I make home t•isits. I also hart• ot}u.•r info regarding the family S senkes they recein: from the agency a1 my finge r tip.,· if/need ro look up. II is ea.~>ier to comp!t•te forms with the jamilit•s and submitw other prol'iders m1fl or agt!m:y. Ijef..•l more organiud and currem 011 nmulfiws on a daily ba~is. 17wnk you llhyne Coumy for our Ht'll' comprtta !))'llt!m m f(/ Wads. " ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Reduce reliance on pa per I other supplies 175,748 pages have been scanned. Savi ngs $ 12,563 dol lar savings- suppl ies Confidential Records Management, Inc. (CRJ\11) savings of$81 ,826 5 2/23/2016 ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Reduce routing of hard copy case Iiles 0 hard copy fi les being created ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Eliminate lost Iiles 0 lost til es at this time •:• ''Jhert' is no lost /XIJNniOI'k uoh Pilot. When <I cW:.tn brmgl· 111 fxrpt'nl·vrk. it g~tls lmmwd Jtrcrixht into the computer ro tht! worka uho llt' t'ciS 11. No lost tillli.' St'arc hillg f o r fXlfJt' fli'Otk (III)'IIIO!Y! " 15L/- 6 2/23/2016 ANTICIPATED & ACTUAL OUTCOMES Redu ce file storage space • I 00 file cabinets emplied. THANK YOU For providing DSS with the tools needed to be more efficient and better serve the needs of the citizens in Wayne County! !55 7 WAYNE COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE WAYNECOUNTY N O RTH C AR O L I NA Phone: (919) 731-1424 Fax (919) 731-1388 February 23,2016 From: Noelle Woods, Purchasing Manage@ To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners George Wood, County Manager Cc: Ref: Bid Award for Site Work and Paving Services for the County Office Building On January 26, 20 16, Request for Bids were sent out to area contractors. The RFB was posted on our website and a legal ad was placed in the Goldsboro News Argus. We received five bids on Tuesday, February 16,2016 and the breakdown is shown below. Total Company Chance & Smith Builders Greenville, NC $192,700.00 Barnhill Contracting Company Kinston, NC $193,100.00 Hine Site Work Goldsboro, NC $209,400.00 Allen Grading Goldsboro, NC $218,674.00 Sal Construction Cary, NC $220,250.00 After checking references and speaking with the lowest bidder we understand that the bidder plans to subcontract the majority of the work to an unlicensed contractor. Due to the cost and complexity of the project we would like to award the contract to the second lowest bidder, Barnhill Contracting Company. The difference in price is $400.00. In Article IV section I of the Request for Bid it states the contractor will provide the required services and wi ll not subcontract or assign the services without the County' s written approval. Due to cost and complexity of the project the County does not plan to give approval for an unlicensed subcontractor. We are requesting approval to accept and award to Barnhill Contracting Company our lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533-0227 !5&> FEB 2 2.2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 01/11/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Allison Speight Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for _ __:W.:.:a:.~yc:.n:.:ec.:C::;o::;m=m,.,u:.::n:.::it:Ly..:C:.:o:::ll:.::e,..ge=---- be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 121.5922.630 Description/Object of Expenditure Capital Outlay REVENUE Code Number 121.3991.991 Source of Revenue Fund Balance Appropriated 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: 15-16 for capital outlay. Decrease $ $ Increase 764,812.48 Increase 764,812.48 Decrease To re-appropriate unspent monies from 14-15 to be expended in DepartmentHad iatlie Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending cisapproval County Fi Endorsement ~1. Forwarded, recommendin~disapproval ~~\ 2016 ~~~ Count/~anager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners 157 14-15 Analysis of WCC Capital Project Line Item 14-15 Original Budget $ 14-15 Budget Amendments $ 482,155.64 $ 1,064,805.64 14-15 Amended Budget 582,650.00 $ $ (301,988.09) Balance $ 1,994.93 14-15 Carryforward Request $ 764,812.48 14-15 Actual Expenditures 14-15 Balance Remaining 762,817.55 Accumulated Interest on Cash I wee- County Projects Outstanding I 'I @ June 30, 2015 - WCC Figures Pine Roof (FY15) Azalea 2nd Floor Lighting (FY15) Nursing Simulati~~L~b(f:v:l.5) - (i) _s;; ------------ 1 j 14,000.00 ___ LI [ j ' __ ... -- ··-·· 7,283.00 30,000.00 49,64o.oo_i_ 1 ------ . 20,000.00 20,()00.00 I I' --- ---~----- -==~ 30,000.00 . 70_,~:1_6.00 1 · -T- 769,404.oo -----·-- ··r··. 423,5oo.oo : I 168,388.oo --- 1 ., ' $ $ ----- - , 77,000.00 .. ... _ _______ -~ 70,516.00 [ 30,000.00 _ __ __ __ s --107-:-ooo.oo s 70,516.oo I Totals 305,000.00 29,500.00 75,000.00 14,000.00 41,465.00 7,283.00 ! ------I 20,000.00 20,000.00 77,000.00 P~~~~-1 12-13 Budget 41,46~.00 ,__ I Fiber Optjc_Nitw~r~ l.o_i-l~ngar (FY13) Colleg_E! Transfer Advising Center______ _ (Remaining Student Services Renovation funds) ----·--· .------- ! 30,000.00 49,640.oo J. Auditorium Updates (FV14) cashier'sAreaupgrades (FY14) Submeters for all buildings (FV13) I 14,!JOO.O() 41,465.00 7,283.00 , Electronic Key Management System (FY14) Childcare- Play Tunnel (FV14) --- 305,000.00 • 29,500.00 i . 75~00_().00 305,000.00 29,500.00 _75,0()_0.00 Jo_h_~ Deere Power_B_r:9om (FY15) Magnolia Auto Exhaust (FY 14) Hoc~tt HVAC Upgrade (FY14) 14-15-B,;dget! -13-14 Budget 30,000.00 49,640.oo ---- 20,000.00 _20,000.00 77,000.00 30,000.00 70,516.00 769,4o4.oo ~~m