DO PHYSICS ONLINE FROM IDEAS TO IMPLEMENTATION 9.4.3 ATOMS TO TRANSISTORS SEMICONDUCTORS ENERGY BANDS Diamond is a very good insulator. The electronic configuration in the ground state is 1s2 2s2 2p2. It might appear that diamond is a conductor because it has only two electrons in the 2p energy level and that the 2p band is only partly filled. However, there are two distinct 2p energy bands separated from each other by an energy gap of 6 eV. The lower 2p band is completely filled. At room temperature, energy due to thermal motion is only about 0.03 eV, much small than the energy gap, so virtually no electrons will be found in the upper 2p energy band. Silicon has a much smaller band gap and therefore less energy is required for electrons to be free and take part in conduction, therefore, silicon is classified as a semiconductor. energy bands for diamond insulator C Z=6 energy bands for silicon semiconductor Si Z = 14 1s2 2s2 2p2 forbidden band exists between two 3p bands forbidden band exists between two 2p bands 2p conduction band Egap 2p Egap valence band 3s 2p 2s 1s 3p 3p valence band 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Egap ~ 6 eV 2s Egap ~ 1 eV 1s Fig. 1. Energy band diagram for diamond (insulator) and silicon (semiconductor). When an electric field is applied to a material, only if electrons can gain sufficient energy to move into the conduction band, will they move freely to establish a current. The greater the number of charged carriers in the conduction band, the better the conduction. 1 electron energy insulator semiconductor conductor Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of energy bands for different materials. INTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTORS An intrinsic semiconductor is a pure crystal, for example, silicon or germanium. Germanium was the first semiconductor widely used because it was easier to purify than other semiconductor materials. The first transistors were made from germanium. However, there are thermal problems with using germanium in semiconductor devises. The small energy band gap in germanium means that electrons can be easily excited into the conduction band and so the conducting properties of germanium devices were sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. Today, silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material. In metals, the charge carriers are the free electrons. However, in semiconductors, the charge carriers are electrons and holes. When an electron is freed from being bonded to a particular atom, it leaves behind a vacancy called a hole in the electronic structure of the crystal. An electron requires little energy to move into the hole, but as it does so it leaves a new hole in its previous location. So holes move like a positive charge carrier with the mass of an electron. Therefore, in a semiconductor, holes drift in the direction of the externally applied electric field and the free electrons move in the opposite direction. E C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C hole (vacancy) propagates to the in the direction of applied electric field electron propagates in a direction opposite to the direction of the applied electric field as the electron moves into the vacancy and creating a new vacancy in its former position Fig. 3. Movement of electrons and holes through an intrinsic semiconductor under the action an applied electric field. 2 electron energy Fig.4. Semiconductor energy band structure showing the movement of the positive holes and negative electrons as the charge carriers for an electric current. EXTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTORS The conductivity of semiconductors is markedly affected by slight amounts of impurities. When a pure (intrinsic) semiconductor has controlled amount of impurity atoms embedded within its crystal structure, it is called an extrinsic semiconductor. Suppose we add arsenic atoms to a silicon crystal. Silicon like carbon and germanium has four electrons in its outer most shell, whereas an arsenic atom has five electrons in its outer shell. Since only four of the five electrons of an arsenic atom can be shared with four neighbouring silicon atoms in a covalent bond, the remaining electron needs little energy to be detached and move about freely within the crystal. In terms of an energy band explanation, the effect of the arsenic impurity is to create an energy levels just below the empty conduction band in which electrons must be present in for conduction to take place. These levels are called donor levels, and the material is called an n-type semiconductor because electric current in it is carried by the motion of electrons (negatively charged). bonded electron pair increasing energy Si conduction band - - electrons need little energy to move from a donor level into conduction band As donor levels valence band semiconductor: silicon Eg = 1.1 eV As extra electrons can move freely through the Si crystal Fig. 5. n-type semiconductor (+5 valency impurity atoms).. Donor levels due to presence of arsenic atoms in silicon crystal. Conduction is by means of excess electrons. 3 Suppose we add gallium atoms to a silicon crystal. A gallium atom has three electrons in its outer shell, and their presence leaves vacancies called holes in the electronic structure of the silicon crystal. An electron requires little energy to move into a hole, but as it does so it leaves a new hole in its previous location. When an electric field is applied to the crystal in which gallium is present as an impurity, electrons move towards the positive electrode by successively filling holes. The current is best described in terms of the motion of holes, which behave as though they are positive charges since they move towards the negative terminal. A material of this kind is called a p-type semiconductor. In the energy band diagram, the effect of gallium as an impurity is to create energy levels called acceptor levels just above the valance band. The electrons that enter these levels leave behind unoccupied levels in the formerly filled band which makes possible the conduction of current. bonded electron pair Si increasing energy Ga electrons need conduction band little energy to move from valance band to an acceptor level - - acceptor levels hole hole Ga valence band hole semiconductor: silicon Eg = 1.1 eV electrons can move freely through the Si crystal by filing vacancies creating a new hole Fig. 6. p-type semiconductor (+3 valency impurity atoms). Acceptor levels due to presence gallium atoms in silicon crystal. Conduction by means of holes (+) in the valance band. 4 valency 3: p type semiconductor impurities valance electrons: # electrons in outer shell valency 4: semiconductors 3 4 valency 5: 5 type semiconductor impurities 5 Fig. 7. Section of periodic table showing the elements used for doping (adding controlled amounts of impurities) to create p-type and n-type semiconductors. 5