Lecture 2: Semiconductor Electronic Structure MSE 6001, Semiconductor Materials Lectures Fall 2006 2 2.1 Energy Band Structure of Semiconductors Electrons in energy bands Some of the electrons from the atoms in a semiconductor can be freed from their chemical bonds and can move through the crystal, either by being pulled by an electric field or by diffusion from a region of high electron concentration, n measured in cm−3 , to low concentration. However, the wave-like properties of the electrons and their collisions with atoms and other electrons are important. The possible electron wave states that can exist in a crystal are described by a dispersion diagram, which depicts how electron states of different momenta are dispersed over energy. In a crystal, these allowed energies of electron waves lay within bands of energies due to the contructive 2: Semiconductor Electronic Structure and destructive interferencesLecture of the electron waves within the periodic crystal lattice. MSE 6001, Semiconductor Materials Lectures Electrons in motion Figure 1 gives a dispersion diagram an electron moving in free space in Fallfor 2006 one dimension. For an electron with momentum pe and mass me , the energy is 2 Energy Band Structure p2e of Semiconductors E= (1) 2me 2.1 Electrons in energy bands Each point on the parabola is an “electron state” that corresponds to the possibility of an electron of the electrons from the atoms semiconductor can be freed their chemical with that E andSome pe , moving at the velocity ve = inpea/m gives the from curvature of the bonds e . The mass and can move through the crystal, either by being pulled by an electric field or by diffusion dispersion curve. If there actually is an electron in a given state, we say that state is “occupied”. If from −3 a region of high electron concentration, measured cmthis , to lowaconcentration. we have some concentration of electrons n moving at a nvelocity ve , in then gives current densityHowever, the wave-like properties of the electrons and their collisions with atoms and other electrons are of important. The possible electron wave states that can exist in a crystal are described by a dispersion diagram, which depicts how electron states of different momenta are dispersed over energy. In a J = −qnv , (2) crystal, these allowed energiesnof electronewaves lay within bands of energies due to the contructive destructive interferences of the×electron waves within the periodic crystal lattice. where −q is the and electron charge, and q = 1.602 10−19 coulombs. Electrons in motion Figure E1 gives a dispersion diagram for an electron moving in free space in one dimension. For an electron with momentum pe and mass me , the energy is p2e (1) 2me Each point on the parabola is an “electron state” that corresponds to the possibility of an electron with that E and pe , moving at the velocity ve = pe /me . The mass gives the curvature of the dispersion curve. If there actually is an electron in a given state, we say that state is “occupied”. If E= 0 pe F IGURE 1: Dispersion diagram for an electron in free space. 2-1 F IGURE 2: Band structure of GaAs. The dispersion of electron states is plotted for two directions. (http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/SVA/NSM/Semicond/) Electrons are quantum mechanical objects, with wavelike properties described by a wavevector ke = pe /h̄ and frequency νe = E/. When considering electrons as quantum mechanical objects, the dispersion is often plotted as E versus ke . Band structure In a crystal, electron wave interference dictates which waves fit around the atoms, and the energies of possible states disperse over wavevectors in complicated ways. Figure 2 gives a dispersion diagram of the electron states in GaAs. The states below E = 0 are essentially all filled with electrons and correspond to electrons held in chemical bonds between atoms, and these bands are referred to as the “valence band” of energies. The states that lay at energies greater than Eg above the valence band maximum are all essentially unoccupied with electrons, and this higher band is the “conduction band” of energies. No wave states are possible, because of interference, in the energy range Eg , which is called the semiconductor bandgap. For most of the semiconductor materials properties needed for devices, the states that make a contribution to the value of the property, such as α, are those near the top of the valence band edge EV and near the bottom of the conduction band EC , just below and above the bandgap. Consequently, a simplified dispersion diagram is used, with the dispersion of the band edge states fit with parabolas near these energies, as depicted in Fig. 3. An electron moving in the conduction band occupies one of the states on the parabola. The curvature of the parabola is different from that for an electron in free space, corresponding to a different mass, the electron effective mass mn . Optical processes A semiconductor generally only absorbs light with photon energy hν ≥ Eg , exciting an electron from a valence band state to a conduction band state. An electron from the conduction band can move to an empty valence band state and emit a photon with an energy given by the energy difference of these states. These processes are at the heart of solar cells and optical detectors. An electron can also make this downwards transition by losing energy without emitting a photon, for example by giving energy to a crystal lattice vibration (a phonon). Photon emission is used for LEDs and lasers. 2-2 E Conduction Band empty states EC Eg = EC - EV EV filled states Valence Band ke F IGURE 3: GaAs dispersion diagram near the band edges. E Conduction Band empty states Valence Band filled states EC EV x F IGURE 4: Band diagram for a semiconductor, plotting E versus x. 2.2 Band diagrams The principle way a semiconductor material’s electronic structure is represented in a device is with a band diagram, which plots the band edge energies EC and EV and other energy levels versus position x (Fig. 4). Light absorption, with photon energy hν ≥ Eg , can be depicted as a valence band electron making a transition to a conduction band state. Light with photon energy hν ≤ Eg is not absorbed and passes through the material. Electrons and holes Electrons tend to move to the lowest energy state available, which corresponds to moving downwards in the band diagram. In the valence band, this means that the empty states tend to bubble up. Because the negative charges of the valence band electrons are balanced by the positive charges on the crystal atoms, the valence band empty state has a positive charge. These empty states, which have a positive charge and can move around bubble-like, are called “holes”, and they have an effective mass mp given by the valence band curvature. The concentration of holes in a material is p. A hole moves to a lower energy state by moving upwards in a band diagram. 2-3 2.3 Electrons motion in bands: Current density An electric field E appears in a band diagram as a local slope in the band edge energy levels EC and EV . (Fig. 5) The electric field is given by E= 1 dEC . q dx (3) Electrons and holes are accelerated in opposite directions in an electric field, though because they have opposite charge, their current densities are in the same direction, where the total current density for electrons and holes drifting in an electron field of J = Jn + Jp = qµn nE + qµp pE, (4) with µn and µp the electron and hole mobilities. 2.4 Doping The concentration of electrons and holes may be controlled through doping the crystal, introducing trace amounts of chemical impurities. For example, replacing a silicon crystal atom (with 4 valence electrons for bonding) with an arsenic atom (with 5 valence electrons), leaves an extra electron not needed to bond to nearby silicon atoms. This extra electron is only loosely held by the arsenic atom and easily breaks away to be donated to the conduction band. The concentration of donor atoms is ND , and if only donors are present, the chemical impurities are generally chosen such that n = ND . A crystal can also be doped with an atom with one-fewer electron than is needed for bonding, which can accept an electron from the valence band, leaving a free hole behind. The concentration of acceptor atoms is NA , and if only acceptors are present, the chemical impurities are generally chosen such that p = NA . 2.3 Electrons motion in bands: Current density An electric field E appears in a band diagram as a local slope in the band edge energy leve and EV . (Fig. 5) The electric field is given by EC E= 1 dEC . q dx Electrons and holes are accelerated in opposite directions in an electric field, though becaus have opposite charge, their current densities are in the same direction, where the total c density for electrons and holes drifting in an electron field of EV J = Jn + Jp = qµn nE + qµp pE, with µn and µp the electron and hole mobilities. 2.4 Doping F IGURE 5: Band diagram with an electric field. The concentration of electrons and holes2-4may be controlled through doping the crystal, introd trace amounts of chemical impurities. For example, replacing a silicon crystal atom (with 4 v electrons for bonding) with an arsenic atom (with 5 valence electrons), leaves an extra electr