Student Finance England Complex Assessments

Student Finance Complex Assessments
March 2016
EU & EEA Migrant Workers
Daniel Swinburne
Senior Assessor – Processing Services
EU Tuition Fee Loan Eligibility
Tuition Fee Support Only
EU National or Family Member of an EU National
Eligible course
Resident within the EEA / Switzerland for the 3 years prior to the
start of the course
Subject to standard Previous Study criteria, with the exception of
students in Wales where overseas Previous Study is discounted
Migrant Workers – Full Support
Full Support available for the relevant domicile and cohort
EEA National in UK employment or Family Member of an EEA
National who is in UK employment
Resident within the EEA / Switzerland for the 3 years prior to the
start of the course
Resident in England on 1st Day of the 1st Academic Year of the
All periods of UK residency for non EEA Nationals must be Lawful
and registered with the Home Office
MW Process
Subject to standard Previous Study criteria, with the exception of
students in Wales where overseas Previous Study is discounted
Employment evidence is now needed each term to ensure
continuing funding
Evidence is required after the start of the 1st Day of the 1st
Academic Year. Then prior to Term 2 & Term 3
Assessments show as fully approved on SIS, however any relevant
Maintenance Payments are held by SFE if the required evidence is
not received
MW Process
Students are contacted in advance of the required dates by email &
SMS to request the relevant evidence
Cover Sheets are sent with the email so that the student can send
these with their evidence to ensure that the Continuing Evidence is
identified when received and passed to the Migrant Worker Team to
review as priority
Students can also email their evidence if they wish, however the
preferred method is post
Reminder emails and SMS messages are issued to any students
who have not responded to the evidence requests
MW Funding
Migrant Worker status can be lost or gained at any point during the
Academic Year
Funding is awarded pro-rata on a day by day basis
If a student is initially approved for EU Funding only and then
subsequently is awarded Migrant Worker status then the EU
funding is cancelled, this includes reversal of the Tuition Fee Loan
in order to transfer the student to SFE
If a student loses their Migrant Worker status part way through the
Academic Year they will remain with SFE but Maintenance Support
will be removed for the remainder of the Academic Year
Independent Students
Jonathon Vinton
Processing - Senior Assessor, Independent Team
Independent Students
Categories of Independent Status
There are 8 categories a student can fall under as an Independent student. They are as
A student’s parents cannot
be found or it is not
reasonably practical to get
in touch with them.
The student is irreconcilably
estranged (has no/limited
contact with) with their
parents and this will not
change. Estrangement
At any point from the age of 16
to the start of their course, the
student has not been under the
legal care of their parents; and,
for three months or more, they
have been in the custody or
legal care of, or have been given
accommodation by, a local
authority. Care Leaver
The students parents are
living outside the European
Union and the assessment
of their financial
circumstances would place
them in jeopardy.
The student has applied for
student finance before, and
the sole parent who was
assessed for a contribution
has died.
Both the students parents
have died.
The students parents are
living outside the European
Union and it would not be
reasonably practicable or
possible for them to send
you money.
The student has supported
themselves financially for a
total of three years
or more prior to the start of
the first academic year of
their course. Self Support
Independent Students
Student’s who are 25 or over on the first day of the academic year, who have either child
dependents or who are married/divorced/separated are automatically classed as
Independent and are therefore not processed by the Independent Team.
The Independent processing team handled around 25,000 applications where students
had applied as an Independent student in the 2014/15 academic year.
15,826 (65%) of all students who applied were awarded Independent status.
3,287 (13%) of all students who applied were deemed dependent.
1,401 (6%) of all students who applied were non-income assessed either for paid
placement years or were applicable for a NHS bursary.
The remaining 4,486 (18%) have yet to supply sufficient evidence for Independent status
under any category or have yet to supply any evidence after the first request.
Independent Students
5,954 (38%) of the successful applicants were awarded Independent status on the basis
that they were supporting themselves financially for 3 years or more prior to their course
5,860 (37%) of the successful applicants were awarded Independent status on the
grounds that they were estranged from their natural/adoptive parents.
2,727 (17%) of the successful applicants were awarded Independent status on the
grounds that they are Care Leavers.
The remaining 8% fall in to the other 5 categories.
Independent Students
 Each application for Independent status is dealt with on a ‘case by case’ basis
 For returning estranged students all previously received evidence is reviewed before a
decision is made
 Students aren’t classed as Independent if they have simply moved in to their own term
time address (Halls of residence or other housing for higher education studies)
 If a student’s parents refuse to provide their details in support of the application, the
student can still be considered for Independent status
 All Care Leavers & Self Supporting students are awarded Independent status for the
duration of studies
 10% of Estranged Students were awarded Independent status for the duration of their
studies in the 2014/15 academic year
Independent Students
What support is available?
SLC work in conjunction with other companies and charities in order to help students obtain
the best advice and information possible before, during and after their application as an
Independent Student.
All students are prompted to visit their own institutions Student Support officers/advisors for
additional support and information. In addition students also have the opportunity to visit
charities and external student support groups such as NASMA (, Stand
Alone ( who specialise in estranged students, the National Network
for the Education of Care Leavers ( & Propel ( who both
specialise in Care Leavers.
Independent Students
What support is available?
Contact Details
• Independent Enquiries Inbox:
• Practitioner Support e-mail:
• Practitioner website:
• Student Website:
• Customer Service Centre Darlington: 0300 100 0607
• Practitioner Helpline: 0845 602 0583
• Student Support Helpline: 0845 300 5090
Questions so far?
Grants for Dependants
Support for students with child or adult dependants
Ryan Swann - Grants for Dependants, Team Manager
Department overview
Understand Grants for Dependants products
Understand how to calculate GFDs
Understand why grants may change through the academic
Key changes since last year
Understand common questions, complaints and challenges
when processing GFDs
Overview of other GFD activities
Department Overview
Student Finance England
• Based in Lingfield Point, Darlington
• 112 assessors, 9 team managers and 1 operations manager
• 9 assessing teams (7 day shift and 2 back shift)
• Additional dedicated teams for quality assurance, fraud
prevention, finalisation, discretionary payments, high level
queries and complaints
• Using OpX software to manage SLA
Student Finance Wales
• Based in Llandudno Junction
• 12 assessors, 4 up-skilled GFD assessors in their Resolve team
• 1 assessing team manager
Expected volumes in 2016/17
• ADG/PLA 65,000
GFD Product Overview
Grants for Dependants teams assess all core products for our
Grants for Dependants covers three main support products
• Parent’s Learning Allowance
• Adult Dependants’ Grant
• Childcare Grant
Same basic eligibility as core products
Applied in addition to any core loans or grants
Fully means tested
Evidence will likely be required
Available for English full time students
Available for Welsh full time & part time students
GFD department also processes some aspects of Special
Product Changes in 2016/17
All GFD support in the 2016/17 the same as 2015/16
Special Support
• 2012 cohort had Special Support Grant
• The student is a lone parent who is responsible for a
child or a young person aged under 20 who is a
member of the student's household, and who is in fulltime education
• The student is a lone foster parent of a child or young
person aged under 20
• The student has a partner who is also a full-time
student and one or both of them are responsible for a
child or young person aged under 20 who is in fulltime non-advanced education
• 2016 cohort has Special Support
• Loses grant, but gains additional loan
• “Eligible for benefits”
GFD Products – PLA
Any student who has a dependant child
Evidence of child identity dependence required
Doesn’t have to be a biological child
Couple who are both students can both apply for full PLA for the
same dependant
PLA cannot be claimed for an unborn child
No child upper age limit
Child can’t be in receipt of a statutory award
Full Time
Full Time
GFD Products – ADG
Dependant partner of a student over 25, or
Dependant spouse of a student, or
Other adult dependant of a student
• Clarification of relationship, income and residence
• Financial evidence required annually
• Can’t claim for a child, even if over 18
Full Time
Full Time
GFD Products – CCG
85% of childcare costs during term time and holidays, up to a
maximum cap
Eligibility requirements
• Childcare must be registered with relevant authority e.g.
• Children aged under 15 at the beginning of the academic
• Under 17 if they have special educational needs
• Student or partner must not be claiming the Childcare
Element of Working Tax Credit / Universal Credit
Initially issued on estimated childcare costs
Estimates capped if no provider given
Confirmed three times within the academic year
Multiple students claiming CCG for same children – currently
under review
GFD Products – CCG
Maximum award is 85% of costs e.g. £100 costs would give £85
childcare grant
Cannot confirm costs without giving childcare provider
Grant suspended if CCP’s registration can’t be confirmed
Full Time
Wales (2015/16)
Full Time
not given
1 child in
2+ children
in childcare
(all costs given per week)
Questions so far?
How GFDs Are Calculated
Calculate the maximum potential grants
Calculate the household income
Calculate how much of that income is disregarded
Subtract the remaining (residual) income from the available
How GFDs Are Calculated – Maximum Potential Grants
40 weeks
£200 / week
85% = £170 / week
Sponsor Income
Add all
Disregarded Income
Overall Household Income
How GFDs Are Calculated – Household Income
Standard Disregard – English Students
Proportion of the income is not taken into account
Additional commitments must be finalised annually
Pre 1st August 2013
New Starters
Student with no
dependant children
Couple with one
Couple with two or
more children
Post 1st August 2013
New Starters
+ commitments
+ commitments
+ commitments
Lone parent with one
Lone parent with two
or more children
Gained extra
Lost ability to
claim additional
for partner
Standard Disregard – Welsh Students
Proportion of the income is not taken into account
Similar to pre-August 2013 English students
Additional commitments must be finalised annually
Additional Disregard
Student with no dependant
Couple with one child
Couple with two or more children
Lone parent with one child
Lone parent with two or more
Ability to claim additional
financial commitments for
partner (if married or over 25)
Disregarded Income
In example
on slide 7,
would be
Add all
Overall Household Income
Sponsor Income
How GFDs Are Calculated – Residual Income
This Example
England, 2015/16
Married, 2 Children
Standard Disregard – £9,627
Maximum ADG – £2757
Maximum CCG – £6800
Maximum PLA – £1573
How GFDs Are Calculated – Deduct From Grants
Income is then deducted from grants, in a certain order.
Household income
Full CCG - £6,800
Household income
Full ADG - £2,757
Full PLA - £1,573
Household income
Partial CCG - £5,184
Full PLA - £1,573
Partial PLA - £757
Grants are always removed in a certain order – ADG first,
followed by CCG, then lastly PLA
slide Are
Calculated – Change of grants inside year
Change of financial situation
• Current Year Income assessments
• Change of disregard following finalisation
Change in childcare costs
• Updated estimates from student
• Confirmed costs different to estimates
• Reduced estimates following CCG2
Change of dependant status
• Gain / loss of partner
• Gain / loss of child
Can look at discretionary payments is student is in financial
Questions so far?
Processing Challenges
All common challenges of a large financial organisation
• Seasonal workflows (20 day SLA)
• Forms can’t be open to interpretation
All common challenges of core processing
• Verification of Household Income checks (VHI)
• Separated / divorced sponsors
• Split assessments
• Compelling personal reasons
GFD-specific challenges
• Annual income check
• Valid evidence for all dependants
• Change of number of dependants
• Non-return of CCG2s
Processing Challenges - PLA
Must be in student’s
name. Dual names
are accepted
Must be for valid year
Must name all
Age checked
Childcare Element
checked for CCG
Processing Challenges - PLA
Must be in student’s
name or a linked
Most recent Child
Benefit letter
Must name all
children as
Age Checked
Processing Challenges - ADG
Other ADG evidence requirements can be high
• Dependence on student
• Dependence on more than one person
• Income (including non-taxable)
• Country of residence
Dealt with on an individual basis
Under 25 and married – evidence required
• UK issued marriage / civil partnership certificate
• Non-UK marriage certificate – must be recognised
• Original and translated version may be required
Processing Challenges - CCG
Bulk estimates / costs given
Processing Challenges - CCG
Unclear exception weeks
Processing Challenges - CCG
Required details omitted
Processing Challenges - CCG
Completed childcare costs unclear
Processing Challenges - CCG
Costs appear to be overwritten
Childcare Audit
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
15% of SFE students in 2014/15
30% of SFE students in 2015/16
• 20% of Period 1 – Period 3
• 10% ad-hoc audit
10-15% of SFW students in 2015/16
Audit direct email -
Audit process:
• Providers manually identified by random selection
• Audit form sent directly to CCP with 4 week deadline
• Reminders are issued with 2 week deadline
• Non-response to all reminders – CCG can be removed
Potentially passed for further investigation
Childcare Audit
Objectives - Summary
Department overview
Understand Grants for Dependants products
Understand how to calculate GFDs
Understand why grants may change through the academic
Key changes since last year
Product changes
Department changes
Understand common questions, complaints and challenges
when processing GFDs
Overview of other GFD activities
Any Questions?
SFE Practitioners Website
SFW Practitioners Website
Childcare provider reports (90% 95% of all registered childcare providers)
General guidance on student finance
CCG forms and guidance
Daniel Swinburne
Senior Assessor – Processing Services
 01325 215604
Jonathan Vinton
Processing – Independent Team
 01325 215139
Ryan Swann
Grants for Dependants - Team Manager
 01325 215239