Changing the world through healthy living by putting YOU

Changing the world through healthy living by putting YOU first!
A Revolution in Age Reversal
TA-65 The Anti Aging Fountain of Youth Pill!
Associate chains: Supplements Plus in Toronto & Morning Sun in Alberta
Alive Green Coffee Bean
50% Chlorogenic Acids
The Original Razberi-K™
SHRINKS FAT CELLS! Concerned about
ALL over Body FAT? Dr. Oz’s miracle
supplement is… Raspberry Ketones. Dr.
Oz recently featured THE amazing weight
loss benefits of taking Raspberry Ketones. RK
was shown to: Slide under the cells and
cut fat. HOW? RK works with the protein
hormone adiponectin which tricks your
body into thinking it is thin and actually
will melt away your body fat. May sound
too good to be true, however Dr. Oz did an
incredible simulation of what happens to your
FAT cells, when you take RK. He showed it’s like putting your fat
cells into Liquid Nitrogen and watching the liquid ‘SHRINK”
your fat cells. Therefore it is not surprising when customers and
studies done on (Razberi-K™) report results within 5 DAYS! For
BEST RESULTS: RK’s efficacy is enhanced when combined with
other natural weight loss products that get to
the root of why you gain weight. Among the
most well known combination extracts for RK
are: Garcinia Cambogia Extract (Pg. 12)
Green coffee bean extract, White Kidney
Bean Extract, Saffron, Coleus Forskolii and
African Mango (Pg. 2). If you are working out
and eating right, but still are having trouble losing
weight, this may help you slip into that dress
120 Caps
that you have been yearning to fit into again!!
Save $13
LB s!
17 eeK
se W
Lo 22
Alive Raspberry Ketones 100mg
Dr. Oz has talked about Green Coffee
Bean numerous times on his show as it
gets people RESULTS without changing
diet or physical activity! Highlights:
Green coffee bean extract refers to coffee
in its rawest, purest form containing 50%
Chlorogenic Acid which helps to slow
glucose absorption and stop fat from
accumulating all over your body. An experiment in the Diabetes Journal found
when subjects consumed 800mg twice
daily In 12 weeks subjects lost an aver
average of 17lbs each - representing 10.5%
As Seen On
of their overall body weight and 16% of
their overall body fat!
According to Dr Lindsay,
who appeared on Dr Oz
show, it could be an effective weapon against
the obesity epidemic in North America. He
said Green Coffee Bean inhibits the release
of glucose in the body all while boosting
the metabolism. It works to inhibit the
absorption of fat and eliminate weight gain!
60 Caps
Combine Alive Green Coffee Bean Extract
Bean Extract with Alive Raspberry Ketones.
They provide different methods of attack to
get you down to your ultimate weight loss
goal. So how much fat do you want to lose?
120 Caps
5, 10, 20 lbs? NPN80037966
A Revolution in Age
Reversal - TA-65 The Anti
Aging Fountain of Youth
Pill! Cell Rejuvenation
through Telomerase Activation - what does this
mean? Telomeres are the
2 pair of protective ends
of the DNA. As the cell
divides, the telomeres
shorten. Science has
discovered the cause of
aging. They found that
when telomeres get too
short, cells no longer
divide. Cells only divide
30-70 times and then die. Keeping telomeres long lengthens
the life and health of the cell and prevents age decline and
age-related disease. You can fight telomere shortening with
diet supplements and exercise, but only up to a point. But now,
you can fight it with telomerase activation! Telomerase is an
enzyme that can add DNA repeats to chromosomes and actually
grow back telomere length. And now, you can activate your
body’s own natural telomerase with TA-65, the world’s first
proven telomerase activator! It is a naturally occurring single
molecule found in the molecule of a medicinal plant called astragulus in very high concentration. Based on the 1984 scientific
discovery that won the 2009 Nobel prize for 3 US researches,
TA-65 is the only double blind studied and safety proven
neutraceutical, to actually affect shortening telomeres in your
DNA. Suzanne Somers, living proof of staying young, takes TA-65
and has written a whole chapter on it in her book “Bombshell”.
Written and talked about on ABC, CBC & NBS, Scientific American
Popular Science, The Globe & Mail, and by Dr Gifford-Jones
who mentioned the 2011 study showing TA-65 use increases
lymphocytes and NK cells, which improves immunity in the
elderly. In other studies, TA-65 improved eyesight, sexual
function, blood cholesterol, bone density, blood pressure,
cognitive behaviour and verbal memory.
99 $
99 $
1-3 Bottles
Save up to $15
4-7 Bottles
8+ Bottles
Serving Your Health Care Needs With 29 Locations in Canada Since 1983
What is Your HEALTH Worth to YOU?
Often times when we are asked, “What is most important to us...” We
answer with family, friends or our favourite furry pet. Or sometimes it is
something sentimental like that watch your father gave you, or a ring passed
down to you from your Grandmother. We are all unique with a variance in
what is important to us and this is what makes our world exciting! With over
30 years of experience in the health industry, I have met quite the variety of
people and if there is one thing I can decipher after having many meaningful
conversations is that health is number one and absolutely PRICELESS. It
is not always front and centre, but as we gain more experience on this earth
there is always a point in one’s life where health trumps it ALL. We realize
that without health we don’t have a quality of life, we don’t have the
luxury to spend time with family, we can’t take care of our furry little
friends and we can’t even enjoy our sentimental prized possessions. Preventative health is right at your finger tips as Alive Health Centre, Morning
Sun and Supplements Plus are ready to assist you with your health aspirations. 2013 is your time to make some serious resolutions. This flyer we have some of the MOST unique preventative products out
there. TA-65 (Pg. 1) is defying the way we age. You can add QUALITY years to your life. Green Coffee Bean, Raspberry Ketones...
Garcinia Cambogia... confused on the right approach of how to lose weight? We have it ALL explained on page 2 & 3. We explain
Dr. Oz TOP Belly Blasting Supplements and Body Types such as the APPLE, PEAR and BOX shape. Not eating well? Try changing
just one thing by swapping out your unhealthy carb breakfast with a delicious protein shake. We have oodles to choose from. VegaOne (Pg. 11) or Prairie Naturals Organic Protein (Pg. 5). Are you constantly constipated? I have to ask because life doesn’t have to
be this way and we have Renew Life cleanses and products which specialize in digestive health. Remember your gut is where the
root of all health begins! Don’t wait until something happens where you realize you need to make a change and it’s too late.
Alice Chung has been in the health industry since 1978. She owns Alive Health Centres (BC), Morning Sun (Alberta) and
Supplements Plus in both (BC) and (Toronto). She is a young looking, energetic 65 years young and is a fervent believer that
leading a healthy lifestyle with nutritional supplementation contributes greatly to her success. You can find Alice at the
Oakridge location in Vancouver BC Thursday-Saturday: 604-263-3235 or toll free at 1-866-499-9546.
Customer Appreciation Day
First Tuesday of each Month is Customer Appreciation Day!
Additional Red Sticker Discounts
5% Off one single supplement
10% Off two to five of the same supplement
Buy 6 Get 1 Free of the same supplement
Expiry Date
January 31, 2013
Redeemable by bearer for mechandise
at any Alive Health and Supplements
Plus Store in B.C. when you purchase a
minimum of $30 (excluding tax).
Coupon must be presented at time of purchase.
One coupon per family. Not redeemable for cash.
Sale Ends January 31, 2013
Alive_Winter2012.indd 1
12/5/12 11:12 PM
To reach your weight loss goals, Multiple Products
can be used to target all your problem areas at once.
As Seen On
Alive L-Carnitine 500mg - UPPeR BoDY Fat?
Alive Relora™ – Conquers stress Related BeLLY Fat
The primary function of L-Carnitine is to regulate fat oxidation (burning). L-Carnitine is responsible
for transporting fat to the “fat furnace” in
our cells called mitochondria. Unless fat makes it to the mitochondria, it
cannot be oxidized, no matter how much you exercise or diet. The body
60 Caps
can make small amounts of L-Carnitine, however you need the amino
acids: L-Lysine and Methionine and vitamins such as Niacin, B6 and
Vitamin C. A shortage of any of these nutrients can lower L-Carnitine
levels and reduce your fat burning potential. Dr Oz discussed L-Carnitine is your ticket to faster post-exercise recovery, increasing fat burning
120 Caps
potential and energy production...What’s not to like! NPN80037313
sAVe up to $10
Take with Phase 2™, recommended by Dr. Oz, for Best Results! Relora will get rid of Old Fat
and Phase 2 will “FEND OFF” New Fat! Relora™ - is shown in human
studies to REDUCE Cortisol level s (-37%) and INCREASE Dhea
significantly (+227%). Cortisol - a NASTY little hormone can cause
pound after pound of excess body fat to accumulate around your
waist -a life threatening figure that is destroying the lives of 190
MILLION Americans! Dhea is a positive, anti-aging hormone: re60 Caps
duces cravings, anxiety, stress, elevates mood, energy and shrinks
belly fat. A customer, after using Relora for only ten days was able
sAVe $7
to wear her jeans which were in her trunk for 3 years!
Alive Chitosan - BUsT Your BUTT Fat!
Alive Coleus Forskolii (C.F.) Targets oLD FAT!
Chitosan is your FAT MAGNET! Made from the exoskeleton (the outer shell) of shellfish,
Chitosan serves as a dietary fiber that can actually inhibit fats
from being absorbed into the intestinal wall STOPPING
fat from settling in your buttocks. According to Dr. Oz, “Due to
genetics, some people are more prone to store fat in their rear end,
which from an evolutionary standpoint served to provide insulation and protection. If you have this body type, your butt is the first
180 Caps
place you gain weight and the last place you lose it, Chitosan is
your answer.” Dr. Oz tip, sit on harder chairs, rather than soft, this
sAVe $6
will help the firmness of the butt. NPN80038070
What is unique about C.F.? Dr. Oz discussed that by taking C.F. you are
burning the fat from the inside out and targeting the fat stores
not the muscle. This is crucial when trying to lose weight. Muscle
is important because it is your furnace and allows you keep your
metabolism going, it gives you energy and it allows you to burn
calories when you are sedentary as it keeps your resting metabolic rate elevated. In an 8 week trial conducted at Penn State
University College of Medicine a group of overweight women took
two doses of 25mg of Forskolin per day. They lost an average of
10 pounds and 8% of body FAT!
Alive White Kidney Bean – Phase 2 ™ THiGH Fat
Alive CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) BeLLY Fat!
Phase 2™ contains (Phaseolamin 2250) an exclusive all natural compound extracted from a
portion of the white kidney bean. Numerous studies found Phase 2 to
be effective in neutralizing carbohydrates as it prevents starch from
being converted into sugar, which would then turn into fat. BUT with
Phase 2 it excretes a solid waste of starch! Phase 2 works by binding
itself to the enzyme Amylase. Dr. Oz says, Diabetics may also benefit
from Phase 2, because it controls their sugar and insulin. Don’t let
60 Caps
troublesome thighs prevent you from wearing your favourite jeans. For
best results take Phase 2 before a starchy meal and replace your lunch
sAVe $7
with a protein shake like Vega One. NPN80036511
Take with Alive Relora to bust your belly fat. “Study finds CLA cuts fat!”
Researchers at the Univ. of Guelph & Univ. of Wisconsin -Madison, published
in the International Journal of Obesity in a six month study, found the group
taking 3.2gms (3,200mg) daily of CLA lost 2.2lbs of fat with a tendency
90 softgels
to shed it from the abdomen. The CLA group lost weight despite reporting
40% decrease in physical activity over six months. Andrea Buchholz, a
professor of nutrition at Guelph Univ. said CLA “increases fat-burning in the
body”, and “It also keeps fat cells from proliferating as it causes pre-fat cells
180 softgels
to kill themselves”. She still reminds people to continue with exercise and eat
sAVe up to $15
well “You want to maximize its effectiveness”. NPN80017761
hCG1234 - Ground
Breaking Weight Loss on Dr. OZ
Alive saffron extract
You had a tough day and you immediately
reach for comforting carbs. Why does emotional
eating (EE) occur? EE stems from low levels of
serotonin, which also triggers depression and anxiety. When you eat carbs, you turn on a “pleasure
sensation in your brain” and thus the detrimental
cycle of overeating and poor
food choices begins. How can taking Saffron
help? It provides pleasure in the brain like
carbs, without the calories=weight loss.
Dr. Oz did an experiment with two guest
60 Caps
over 3 days and found: Martha lost 3lbs,
and Devon lost 5lbs!! They reported that
their hunger was zilch and they liked that
unlike carbs, Saffron won’t pack on the
120 Caps
sAVe up to $13
Alive Green Tea & APPLe CiDeR
VineGAR - Weight Management
Green Tea extract containing Polyphenols (Catechins)
and Caffeine has been shown to induce thermogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation, boosting the
metabolic rate 4% without increasing the heart rate
(Dullo AG et al, Am J. Clin Nutr. 70 (6): 1040-5). Apple
Cider Vinegar helps with digestion and is a natural
remedy for heartburn. This is a great combination and if used with
a program of reduced intake of dietary calories
and increased exercise, together they can help
with weight management. This combination
contains 80% Catechins, 20% Caffeine and 50%
180 Tabs
EGCG - antioxidant polyphenol of green tea.
Apple Cider Vinegar can be combined with other
dietary supplements as well to help you reach
your targeted weight loss goal. What are you
360 Tabs
waiting for! NPN80021546
sAVe up to $15
natural Factors PGX
Daily - Hungry Free Forever!
Dr Oz’s Best Weight Loss of 2010 is
“Glucomannan” or Konjac Root fiber, which is the
1st ingredient in PGX. This “super fiber” has undergone extensive research at Univ. of Toronto, demonstrating impressive weight loss RESULTS. According
to Dr. Murray it works by “helping you painlessly shed pounds without ever feeling starved,” because PGX creates a feeling of fullness,
controls and balances blood sugar levels and
lowers the glycemic index of your meals by up
to 50%. Remember PGX is stimulant FREE and
therefore PGX® does not burn calories, but it can
120 softgels
make eating fewer calories each day much easier
for you, correcting your appetite and helping you
decrease the size of your meals. Therefore, you’ll
have less cravings for sugars and carbohydrates,
240 softgels
ultimately losing weight.
sAVe up to $14
Receive a FRee Alive Tote Bag with any purchase over $150*!
Alive_Winter2012.indd 2
Apple Shape s
from before co
steps that you
prevent the de
exercise, relaxa
refined sugar, c
Rhodiola, Sum
wangandha to
GABA regulat
(calming) exci
leads to impro
GABA is fast a
when taken as
little as five m
children over
ii ?
Pe TiC
T Y Be
Can’t stomach carrying around that unsightly,
health threatening belly fat ? Experts agree that
omentum fat is the most dangerous. It is sneaky as
it inserts itself around our vital organs such as the
heart. Belly fat is comprised of omentum fat. This
fat is different from subcutaneous fat (the fat you
can pinch) – it lies underneath and acts as a storage
facility for our fat ! SafSlim works by activating GOOD
hormones such as adiponectin which helps mobilize
dorment belly fat. It also helps
kick start the metabolism and
improve insulin sensitivity to inhibit belly fat
accumulation. It uses a special blend of NON
GMO high linoleic safflower oil which has been
shown to help reduce belly fat by up to 9.4% in
sAVe $6
only 16 weeks without diet or exercise!
You’re about to embark on an amazing
weight loss journey and begin achieving some
remarkable results, along with literally thousands
of other people who have done the same. HCG 1234™, developed
four different phases of the diet in order to comply with the
original Dr. Simeons hCG diet protocol.HCG (human chorionic
gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy that helps
the body bring nutrients to the baby even if the mother is not able
to eat. HCG signals the hypothalamus (area of the brain that affects
metabolism) to mobilize fat stores. You can
potentially lose a pound a day without feeling
hungry because the HCG simultaneously suppresses the appetite while metabolizing your
fat. This is a tool for those in need of serious
sAVe $8
weight loss, without having to use stimulants
Buy 2
such as caffeine.
$56.99 each
s !
Ki nG
safslim - Montel Williams RAVes
About SafSlim on the Dr. Oz Show
se AY
Lo A D
Irvingia, an extract of the West African mango, has
numerous studies demonstrating positive weight loss
results! In the two randomized trials in overweight humans using Irvingia, participants in the Irvingia group
lost on average 5-10 pounds/month compared to
the placebo group. Neither group made any lifestyle
changes during the trial. They also noted
that cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels
improved significantly compared to the control
group. African Mango works in 4 ways: 1)
Accelerates the metabolism naturally making
60 Caps
the body BURN STORED FAT. 2)Suppresses your
appetite by regulating Leptin 3)Delays digestion
= stay fuller longer and 4)High source of fibre
120 Caps
which suppresses your appetite/regulates
blood sugar. NPN80037209
sAVe up to $13
60 Caps
sAVe $8
Alive African Mango extract
Gets Rid of FAT in 4 Ways!
*Applies to price before taxes.
12/5/12 11:12 PM
people rest, mo
gandha has s
• Exhibit
system func
• As
with stress/f
the pepper fam
the body to ad
en On
APPLE SHAPE: Round Face,
PEAR SHAPE: Store Fat on Lower
Hips, Buttocks, Thighs, Belly Pouch.
Fat on Upper Back, Belly Fat and
Thin Legs.
Nutrition Expert, Dr Morrison said that
Pears have excessive estrogen which are
produced in the fat cells which spikes during
pregnancy and at each menstrual cycle.
During this time, the body stores fat in those
unwanted areas of the body and it is very
difficult to lose the fat! For as many as 2/3
women, the butt is the lst place they put on
pounds, and it’s the hardest weight to lose.
Health problems includes Osteoporosis,
Cellulite, Varicose Veins and Joint
Recommended products: EstroSense,
Her Energy, High Fibre Food.
Nutrition expert, Dr Morrison said Apple
Shape will have excess fat in the middle
section (belly) and is often caused by too
much stress. Stress prompts your body to
produce a hormone called Cortisol which
will deposit fat in the belly. High cortisol
levels can cause fat to accumulate around
the organs causing major health problems,
sufficating the organs due to lack of oxygen.
Health problems include Inflammation,
HBP, Diabetes, Breast Cancer,etc.
Recommended Products: AdrenaSense,
Stress-Relax, Relora (pg2), Lentils,
Protein, Spices, Eggplant, Red Peppers
d of Old Fat
Ve $7
BOX SHAPE: Combination of both
Apple & Pear Shape. Gain weight &
Fat All Over, Sagging Arms, Chin &
Mid Section, Loose Skin.
Dr Morrison said Box Shape is caused by Low
Thyroid Hormone which it is responsible for the
metabolism of the Whole Body. Lacking this
will slow down the metabolism, making the body
sluggish and make it impossible to shed the
pounds. This group has the highest risk of some
severe health problems because lack of thyroid
hormone can slow down the function of the entire
body which can cause some health risks like Depression, High Cholesterol, Enlarged Heart.
Recommended products: ThyroSense,
Greens+Extra Energy, Bamboo Silica,
Seaweed, Shrimps, Sunflower Seeds.
up to $15
heart rate
0-5). Apple
up to $15
e iC?
has underto, demonAccording
nds withf fullness,
up to $14
The adrenals release various stress response hormones that
guide our body’s reaction to a stressor. Our ability to adapt to
stress depends upon optimal function of the adrenal glands and
in particular, the regulation of the main stress hormone, cortisol.
Early symptoms of adrenal stress include: fatigue, depression, cold
hands or feet, dizziness, low back pain, sweet cravings, hormonal
imbalances, etc. These are signs of what is “adrenal fatigue”.
Apple Shape should be aware of these signs and find out where the stressors come
from before cortisol spike. The good news is that there are
steps that you can take to optimize your adrenal function to
prevent the deteriorating affects of adrenal fatigue including
exercise, relaxation techniques, restoring sleep and reducing
refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods. Take
AdrenaSense, an adrenal gland supporting formula with
Rhodiola, Suma, Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra and AshBuy 180 get
wangandha to help reduce stress and reduce cortisol level.
90 FRee
e Hi
PL e T
LLY Fat!
Stress & The Adrenal Glands
Ve $8
stress-Relax 100% natural GABA
Fast Acting Relief for Nervousness & Acute Stress
Everyday stress is a normal part of modern living, however,
excessive or accumulated stress can be overwhelming, leading
to anxiety, nervousness, insomnia and spikes in Cortisol level.
Stress-Relax is 100% GABA which is often viewed as the brain’s
“braking system” because when we become overwhelmed with
stress and anxiety the brain typically responds by producting
more GABA. However it appears that many people with anxiety
and insomnia do not manufacture sufficient levels of GABA.
Supplementation therefore is necessary for some.
GABA regulates nervousness and anxiety by inhibiting
(calming) excitatory neurotransmitter activity which
leads to improved relaxation and enhanced mental focus.
GABA is fast acting due to its natural form, especially
when taken as a chewable tablet. Effects can be felt as
60 Chewable
little as five minutes and can last from 4-6 hours! Safe for
children over 6 years of age.
sAVe $5
Fo T o
R oP z’s
oM eR
en B
noW Ashwagandha
Extract 450mg Ayurvedic Adaptogen
Dr. Oz’s TOP Adaptogen for women 40+! Amazing
for Menopause symptoms, decreases inflammation and
is therefore great for PMS which reduces symptoms of feel
feeling BLOATED. Dr. Maizes (specializes in women’s health)
guest on Dr. Oz show says: “Ashwagandha: comes from India
and it’s also a adaptagen great for people who are stressed out and
exhausted and can’t sleep, it’s one of the few adaptagens that helps
people rest, most are stimulating. Take 1000 MG a day.” Dr. Oz is not alone as Ashwagandha has shown over the span of 4000 years in Ayurvedic Medicine to:
• Exhibit antioxidant support, BOOST Energy, Promote immune
system function,
• As well as regulate the neurotransmitters that help you deal
with stress/fatigue thus supporting the ADRENALS.
Ashwagandha is a standardized extract that belongs to
the pepper family. Adaptogenic simply means that it helps
90 Vcaps
the body to adapt to stress. Let the trusted long history of
sAVe $6
Ashwagandha heal you with Now’s Vegetarian Formula!
estrosense® Balance Hormones
to Prevent Related Problems!
Estro Sense contains vital ingredients to help all woman to
balance hormones and to prevent hormone related problems.
Who needs hormone balancing therapy? All Pear Shaped women
and those with: Endometriosis, Fibrocystic Breasts, Perimenopause, Acne, Ovarian Cysts, Utervine Fibroids, PMS,
Flooding periods and Bone Loss. Symptoms of hormone imbalance are sparked by an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone, with estrogen
being dominant. EstroSense® is a complete natural
formula that helps maintain lifelong healthy hormone
balance from puberty onward. EstroSense is the ideal
hormonal health partner for women using oral contraceptives and those suffering from the symptoms of hormonal
imbalance: acne, breast health concerns, exposure to
xenoestrogens (pesticides, herbicides and toxins),
Buy 120 get
endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, heavy/flooding peri60 FRee
ods, PMS, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and more.
Ultimate Her energy - Reduce Excess
Body Fat by Restoring Healthy Hormone Balance
Pear Shape has excess Estrogen. Estrogen is produced in fat cells,
and spikes during pregnancy and during menstrual cycles. So every
time Estrogen spikes, the body stores fat and it is very difficult to
lose. Ultimate Her Energy supports healthy hormone metabolism
and partially blocks the negative effects of estrogen on cells.
It also enhances overall liver function, to aid in excess hormone
removal. It protects breast and uterine
cells and reduces inflammation, which
Pear Shape is prone to. Her Energy will reduce excess body
fat, especially in the belly pouch, lower hips, thighs and
butt. If you are over 35, you are probably experiencing what is
120 Caps
now referred to as Estrogen-dominance, in which healthy esFRee B12
trogens are pushed out of the way by unhealthy estrogens.
Her Energy is here to help!
90 Tabs
Alive Grape seed extract oPC
Kiss your Age Spots GOOD-BYE!
Are too many “sun kisses” also known as AGE
SPOTS getting you down? Alive Hi Potency OPC
Grape Seed Extract is to here to the recue! The raw
material is of the highest quality as it comes from
France with trademark “Biovin™”, which has all
the studies showing its effectiveness. Alive Grape
Seed is the most potent on the market making it an
easy first choice! Alive Grape Seed Extract is 500:1, which means it is
500 times stronger than regular grape seed! Grape Seed Extract is a
powerful antioxidant. BENEFITS Include:
• 50x stronger than Vitamin E, showed antimutagenic properties in vitro, improves circulation and vision problems, fades age spots,
strengthens immune system, prevents allergies
and helps to reduce wrinkles and blemishes!
90 Caps
Alive OPC Grape Seed Extract is a HOT product
sAVe $20
because it gets you results! NPN80013354
Thyrosense® Rapid Weight Gain?
You may be suffering from LOW Thyroid!
Approximately 25% of Canadian women have low thyroid.
What are the signs of an underactive thyroid? Tired?
Gaining Weight all over? Sagging Arms, Chin, Mid Section? Loose Skin? Drastic Weight Increases? Dry Wrinkled
Skin? Hypothyroid affects 20-25% of females and 10%
of males. An additional 20% may also have subclinical
or mild hypothyroidism. What to expect from Thyro Sense: Enhances
conversion of T4 to T3, improves weight loss,
reduces temperature sensitivity, reduces fatigue,
improves skin and improves the metabolism.
Additional with a low Thyroid, you may experiVcaps
ence menstrual problems or severe menopausal
symptoms. Combine ThyroSense with a good
Buy 180 get
Multi Vitamin/Minerals for optimal health.
90 FRee
greens+extra energy
Enhance Energy, Boost Mood
Box Shape because of deficiency in Thyroid Hormone are usually
Depressed, Tired, has Loose Dry Skin and Sagging Arms, Chin and
Constipated. greens+ extra energy contains a huge list of ingredi-
ents to combat all the above symptoms. It contains the amino
acids, taurine, tyrosine and glycine, kola nut, rhodiola, suma,
astragalus, spirulina, contains naturally occurring iodine, probiotics and antioxidants equivalent to 6 servings of organic fruits and veges which
helps to alkaline the body as well. Box Shape need to
exercise more but due to low thyroid hormone, they are
usually sluggish and don’t like to exercise which further
reduce their metabolism. greens+ extra energy contains
all the key ingredients for Energy including the complete
“famous” list of greens+ extra energyingredients to help
(cappuccino, orange)
Box Shape balance their thyroid hormone, get into shape
sAVe $20
and start to lose fat all over!
Japanese Mitsuwa Collagen Pure
Feel Fabulous Inside and Out!
Did you know that Collagen fibers make up
75% of your skin and are responsible for maintaining its structure, hydration and daily repair
and therefore VITAL to our health? If neglected
or exposed to damaging elements such as:
sun exposure, pollution, poor nutrition and
lifestyle habits; collagen loss directly influences skin deterioration and
speeds up the aging process. In fact collagen
starts to break down as early as in our 20’s!
Maintaining collagen in our body is absolutely
essential toliving a higher QUALITY of life. Col60 sachets
lagen makes up our tendons, ligaments, joints,
FRee Reishi
skin and more! Hate swallowing pills? Now you
Cream Large
can prevent/repair aches, pains and dreaded
125g ($39.99)
wrinkles by simply drinking the tasteless 100%
pure Mitsuwa Collagen every morning on an
2 x 60s
empty stomach!
Recycling Your empty Bottles = saving Money! 3
Empty vitamin bottles are valid for purchase of the same products only and receive 50¢/$1 off the purchase price of the same product. One empty bottle to one product purchased, presented at the time of purchase.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 3
12/5/12 11:12 PM
se Bes
Alive Bamboo silica Double Potency - Stunning Results!!
Alive Hi Potency Bamboo Silica is a pure
extract from bamboo shoots and it is shown to
improve the condition of:
• Hair, nails,
• Teeth, gums,
• Skin, ligaments & tendons.
Silica is the key nutrient to strengthen and beautify the body from
the inside out, making it a key anti-aging
mineral. It’s used to treat skin problems
such as psoriasis and eczema as well
as improve the cardiovascular system,
90 Caps
reduce blood clots and cholesterol. In
addition to Bamboo Silica this formula contains 200mg of calcium and 100 i.u. of Vitamin
D, which are there to focus on stronger bones
180 Caps
and tendon. Alive Bamboo Silica is waiting to
sAVe upto $9
strengthen you!
z: R
. o DA !
DR Ce Les
Re C
Vitamin K2 (MK-7)
Strong Bones, Healthy Heart!!
Many women think, “I take a calcium so I am
covered.” Ladies think again... research shows K2
helps guide calcium towards the areas of the body where
it is needed, such as your skeleton and bones, and away
from areas where it could have a negative effect. K2 is a
group of fat-soluble vitamins long known for their role in
blood clotting and for reduction of heavy bleeding during
menstruation, bruising and nosebleeds. Clinical studies
show that K2 deficiency in bone and in blood vessels
exists in many healthy adults. K2 was once found
in Green leafy vegetables, however, many foods
considered rich in K2 have proven to have much
less than originally thought. Preferred Nutrition’s Vi60 Vegicaps
tamin K2 (MK-7 form) is Highly absorbable and will
FRee Vit D3
help: promote cardiovascular health, healthy bones,
is ideal for osteoporosis concerns and
180 softgels
boosts the immune system!!
Womensense BiosilTM
Stimulate Your Collogen!
BioSilTM Regenerates Your Own Collagen with
Your Own DNA! Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines,
Maintain Thick, Strong, Healthy Hair, Strong Nails,
Increase Bone Density and Flexibility! Collagen is
your secret to prevent wrinkles from forming, give
skin elasticity, help to create
thick and strong hair, strengthen nails and
bones. You lose 1% collagen yearly starting at
age 21, by age 30, signs of reduced collagen
become visible. BioSilTM is not your ordinary
collagen. BioSil’s patented ch-OSA® complex
helps your body to GENERATE ITS OWN
COLLAGEN! Huge difference with ingested
45 Vegicaps
Collagen! BioSilTM works through your body’s
natural pathways, the collagen it generates
has your own DNA fingerprint! Therefore, you
90 Vegicaps
will see results very quickly!
Ultimate Bladder Control
by Brad King For Men and Women
Numerous individuals over the age of 40 experience an
ever growing problem regarding the weakening of the bladder and the sphincter muscle that controls the release of
urine. This condition often relates to an increased urgency
to urinate and/or the inability to control urination. Urinary
incontinence affects 48% of women and 17% of men
over age 70. Men and women suffer from these urinary
problems for different reasons. Women can suffer from a
weakening of the pelvic floor muscle and/or a weakening
of the bladder sphincter (the muscle that controls urine
flow). Men is due to various prostate disturbances that occur with increased
age. Ultimate Bladder Control contains 100% natural
form of a patented water-soluble pumpkin seed. This
one-of-a-kind ingredient is found to be far superior to
the conventional oil-soluble pumpkin seed currently
available in majority of the products. Ultimate Bladder
60 Vegicaps
Control is able to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
sAVe $5
of the bladder for women and to help prevent and
reverse prostate enlargement in men.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 4
ViVA Apple-Rose stem Cell Moisturizer
Protects Against UV & Harsh Dry Weather!
Alpine roses grow at altitudes upwards of 3000
meters and shockingly can withstand the harsh
elements of UV stress, cold windy conditions
and severe dryness. NOW these resilient roses
can help you win the never ending ageing battle
for your delicate skin! Viva has yet again brought to you the most innovative
anti-ageing product containing: PhytoCellTec™ Apple Stem Cell and Rose
Stem Cell, Hyaluronic Acid, Grape Seed Oil, Glycerin, Squalene, Vitamin E,
Aloe which are all NATURAL! Together they help to: maintain skins stem
cells, boost the epidermal regeneration, improve
the skin barrier function, help the skin to be
able to cope with climate changes such as
when moving from HONG KONG to CANADA
and prevents premature ageing. When it comes
to skin, Viva always delivers clean, natural, non irritating,
innovative products that get you the RESULTS!
sAVe $6
Viva Pure Hyaluronic Acid
Eyes & Facial Toning Serum
Want to erase years from your face? Try this
concentrated serum. Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a
naturally occurring substance in the body which
unfortunately decreases with age. Its unmatched
hydrating properties PLUMP the skin from inside
out, reduce the appearance of Rosacea, reduce
dark circles, stimulate collagen, resulting in firmer, smoother and
youthful looking skin. Your eyes will look firmer, softer & radiant!
Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum Increases the Skins Moisture in Any
Climate and is a Deep Cellular Skin Hydrator.
When the air is dry and less humid, your skin
will lose moisture. Regular moisturizers
typically give about 30 minutes of topical
moisture and they “feel” moisturizing for
a brief period of time until environmental
elements dry their skin once again. This is an
absolute CUSTOMER favourite!!
sAVe $6
Viva Amaze Gel - naturally exfoliates!
Removes Dead Skin Cells Completely
Did you know that to help prevent fine
lines and wrinkles exfoliating is just
as important as the rest of your skin
care regime? Only when dead skin
cell tissues are removed, can new skin
cells emerge! This “amazing” gel is an
instant skin rejuvenation! Made with
Royal Jelly, Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Germanium Amaze Gel exfoliates your
skin so completely your skin instantly looks youthful and radiant! This is a
staff favourite as it is not harsh on the skin, but very therapeutic leaving your
skin feeling soft and silky. Customers often comment
it is like having a facial after you are finished. Apply
a small amount on your skin and you’ll be amazed to
see a large amount of dead skin cells coming off! This
gentle, non-abrasive gel is also great to remove blackheads, freckles and age spots! Your skin will instantly
sAVe $10
feel softer and lighter. Come in to get a demo!
Alive Cranberry extract
Hi Potency 18:1 UTI’s GONE!
18:1 means 18 times stronger than pure cranberry juice!! Many commercial cranberry juices are
loaded with sugar. Bacteria can cling to the walls
of the urinary tract and multiply, causing painful,
frequent urination. Research shows that cranberries
contain compounds that stop bacteria from sticking,
making Alive Cranberry Extract a
#1 Choice. We must AVOID sugar with blad
bladder infections because bacteria thrive on
sugar. This cranberry extract has no sugar and
is very effective for chronic or occasional
90 Caps
bladder infections. Cranberries provide antiadhesions so UTI bacteria cannot adhere. It
works so quickly & effectively that you can
say goodbye to antibiotics.
180 Caps
NPN 80002124
sAVe up to $8
Alive- Alpha Lipoic Acid Hi-Potency
“The Near Perfect Antioxidant.”
Dr. Oz recommends to take Alpha Lipoic Acid before your
lunch. Why? Because it helps to burn off FAT. Dr. Oz
discussed that ALA reduces inflammation in fat cells.
When fat cells are relaxed, they let go of that fat.You
also may have heard of ALA as “the miracle anti-oxidant”
. It’s an, ultra-potent antioxidant that is touted as THE
“universal antioxidant” because it’s soluble in both water and oil, which permits its entrance to ALL parts of your cells being
your best defence against free radicals! Externally, ALA diminishes fine
lines, gives skin a healthy glow, and boosts levels
of other antioxidants, such as vitamin C. ALSO,
Dr. N. Perricone in his book, The Wrinkle Cure,
highly recommends Alpha Lipoic Acid both externally
as a cream and internally as a supplement to maintain
60 Caps
our youth and prevent wrinkles. It’s definitely clear
that ALA is your answer to fighting free radicals
inside and out! NPN80013064
sAVe $10
bacteria. The 2
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digestive issue
new Roots Ageless Telomeres
Direct Route to Slow the Ageing Process!
AgelessTelomeres is formulated to help you live
longer, stay stronger and enjoy life to the fullest! Contains an extremely potent standardized
extract of astragalus which stimulates production of the enzyme telomerase, replenishing
telomeres and protecting cellular DNA during
replication. Healthy telomeres make your cells
more resistant to degradation, which allows you
to live longer and stay stronger, with fewer of the restrictions of
many age-related degenerative diseases. AgelessTelomeres also elevates immune system
function and antioxidant activity for better
resistance to bacterial illnesses as well as the
common cold and flu.
60 Caps
save $17
quartz crysta
which micros
is formed. An
Gel is absorb
beautiful skin
“Lustrous Ha
excellent sou
Silicic Acid.
sue loses its
and cellulite b
weak nails an
full head of h
providing a s
been a custom
new Roots Argan oil For skin
Celebrities Love It!!
New Roots 100% pure organic argan oil is pure, cold
pressed and is extracted from the kernels of the
argan tree - a unique tree found only in a small area in
Morocco. The amazing argan oil is rich in natural
antioxidants, essential fatty acids, carotenoids,
ferulic acid, sterols, polyphenols. It also contains remarkably high levels of vitamin E and
Squalene!! Argan Oil does not clog pores. BENEFITS... helps with
wrinkles, acne, dry skin, dry scalp, hair growth, diaper rash, cracked feet,
eczema and psoriasis. Argan oil is capable of
controlling the action of sebum, an oily substance
released by the oil glands present under the skin.
People with oily skin are extremely bothered by
the excessive oiliness caused by sebum. Join
other Argan oil users that are happy to be rid of
using harsh irritants such as benzoyl peroxide and
salicylic acid that just dry out the skin.
sAVe $3
linked to ha
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Biotin in yo
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Herbatint natural Hair Colour
Covers Grey Hair Completely!
Herbatint is manufactured in Italy and
has just been named as the CHOICE of
60 MILLION Consumers in Europe! WHY?
Herbatint contains NO: ammonia, smell,
perfume, alcohol or parabens!! In addition
it stood out among the other brands tested
for its natural look. Herbatint is the only colorant that enriches
hair colors with natural herbs. That’s why Herbatint gives your
hair a more natural and youthful look as opposed to that “blocked
look” you can get using synthetic colors. It
actually conditions your hair beautifully and
does not cause hair loss or dry hair, but
instead gives it a natural brilliance, shin and
lustre! FREE bowl and brush with a purchase
of 3 or more boxes of Herbatint!
sAVe $5
Can’t Find it? We Will Get it For You.
We can get almost any product from any brand we carry. Visit any of our stores or call us to place an order.
12/5/12 11:12 PM
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Experts concur that taking a PROBIOTIC everyday is one of THE most
vital things you can do for your health. A healthy, happy gut is what
can solve disease or just common disturbances such as excess gas
or uncomfortable bloating. Do NOT just take any probiotic, Renew
Life’s Brenda Watson Specializes in DIGESTIVE health and she has
you covered. Your digestive tract is home to trillions of individual
bacteria. The 2 most prevalent probiotics are Lactobacilli, which makes up the majority of
the good bacteria in your small intestines and Bifidobacteria
is the most prevalent good bacteria living in your large
intestines. Ultimate Flora contains 50 billion of Active Bacteria
with 30 billion Bifidobacteria and 20 billion Lactobacilli and
30 Vcaps
it is enteric coated to prevent acid breakdown in the stomach
to reach the small and large intestines where it is released to
do its work. Alice calls probiotics your “army & police” which
patrol your kingdom (your body) to protect you from harmful
invaders! You don’t have to be sick to take them as you need
60 + 12
your army all the time. If you take anti-biotics or have other
FRee Vcaps
digestive issues, you MUST TAKE IT!
Hubner original
siLiCeA Liquid Gel
Sold in Europe for over 50 years!! Scientists certified
the efficacy of Hübner’s Orginal silicea Gel on connective
tissue, hair and nails!* Original silicea Gel derived from
quartz crystals (the purest form of silica) is a liquid “colloidal” preparation in
which microscopic particles of silica are so finely dispersed in water that a gel
is formed. And, since the human body is a colloidal system, Original silicea
Gel is absorbed faster and more completely. The amazing mineral Silica for
beautiful skin, hair, stronger nails and bones, cellulite aid and more! You’ll have
“Lustrous Hair, Luminous Skin and Healthier Nails”! Hubner Silicea Gel is an
excellent sources of Silicon which is a trace mineral of
Silicic Acid. If Silicic acid is missing, the connective tissue loses its elasticity and becomes unstable – wrinkles
and cellulite becomes evident in such cases, including
weak nails and hair, dull skin and more. For women a
sAVe $10
full head of hair is one of the most important things for
providing a sense of security. Hubner Silicea Gel has
FRee Pill Box
value @ $5.99
been a customer favourite for years!
Your Hair and Style Can Create a Lasting Impression! If you have nice thick healthy hair, you can
have any style you want. Those with thin hair
can only do so much ... Billions of $ are used in
commercials promoting topical hair products, but
internal nutrients are a critical piece of the puzzle.
Biotin, one of the B Vitamins plays an important
part for hair growth. Deficiency of Biotin has been
linked to hair loss, brittle nails, dermatitis and more ... Biotin has also
been used to strengthen muscles, bone tissues, new skin cells making them healthier and more abundant. Biotin
converts fatty acids and glucose into fuel to
provide energy. Avoid uncooked or raw egg
if you experience hair loss because findings
100 Caps
show that this can prevent the absorption of
In addition
nds tested
t “blocked
n order.
sAVe $2
Menopause by A.Vogel 100% organic
Dr. Oz Menopause Miracle is sAGe!
As Seen On
Alive_Winter2012.indd 5
Royal Jelly: Longevity, Remarkable
Energy, Youthfulness & Productivity!
Consumers worldwide have chosen Alive Royal Jelly for
over 3 decades! A message from Alice Chung owner
of Alive Health Centre + Chains: “How do you prevent
signs of accelerated ageing such as premature memory
loss, pains, frequent infections, persistent fatigue,
digestion problems and age related illnesses. It takes
more than just exercise and healthy eating, it takes
vitamins and one of my favourite essential supplements
is Royal Jelly because it is truly one of the most all
encompassing nutrients out there. The abundance of
health benefits of the abundance of health benefits
makes the Alive Brand Royal Jelly PRICELESS! I often
kid that Royal Jelly is part of my health insurance.
1200 mg
In all seriousness, it is working for me every day by
protecting my body’s cells from free radicals, allowing the brain to focus, keeping healthy skin, hair and
nails, protecting my immune system, providing me
with antibacterial properties and countless other
functions and here I am still rockin’ at 65 years old!”
Royal Jelly is a nutritional powerhouse.NPN80034337
new Chapter Bone strength Take Care - From
Red Mineral Algae Highly Recommended by Dr Oz!
Plant Based for Highest Absorption!! What would be the
perfect calcium?? High absorption, top bioavailability, plant
based and 100% natural! Look no further, New Chapter
Bone Strength Take Care has arrived! The calcium complex
in Bone Strength Take Care is derived from a specific plant
form called Lithothamnion Calcareum, sustainably harvested from pristine shores along the Icelandic coastline. Much
like organic vegetables, this sea plant is allowed to mature
naturally and then sustainably harvested to deliver its optimal nutritional
value. TargetCal provides a highly bioavailable, bioactive, and long-lasting
form of natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7). Vitamin K2 is the
most active form of Vitamin K in bones and arteries.
This key nutrient helps put calcium into our bones
where we need it, and helps keep calcium out of our
144 Tabs
arteries, where we don’t. Vitamin K2 (MK-7), sourced
from fermented whole food, gently redirects “lost”
24 FRee TABs
calcium back into the bone bank. This is THE calcium
your bones are craving to beat Osteoporosis.
sAVe $9
As Seen On
Are you plagued with recurring urinary tract
infections that antibiotics never seem to cure?
D-Mannose just might be your answer!! Every
year millions of people (mostly women) suffer
with urinary tract infections (UTIs). Nearly 90% of
these infections are caused by the bacteria E.coli.
Overuse of antibiotics can encourage the mutation of bacteria,
creating antibiotic-resistance strains. Good news is you may never
need an antiobiotic for a UTI again! D-Mannose is an all natural
product which may prove just as effective as an
antibiotic. It serves as a kind of “magnet” in
the urinary tract, attracting any present E.
coli bacteria and keeping it from attaching to
the bladder lining and dislodging any bacteria
30 Vcaps
which are already attached! The bacteria
“cling” to the D-Mannose molecules, and are
flushed out with the normal urine flow. Bingo!
Just 1 capsule a DAY will keep those nasty hot
flashes away! Are you experiencing HOT FLASHES
and never ending NIGHT SWEATS?? Dr. Oz recommends Sage Extract in 2 of his recent shows for
above symptoms. He said that when a woman reaches the age of
40, your body is on a downward slide in which you may encounter
6 plagues that can rob you of your youth and vitality. Experiencing hot flashes and night sweats is one of them. To make sure you
get a good night sleep and are not stressed out by hot flashes all
you need is A.Vogel’s Menopause Sage formula. Remember, this
does not work the next day, BUT clinical trials
showed amazing improvements by 4 weeks
and SEVERE hot flashes were reduced by 79%
in just 8 weeks! With this amazing product
you will be feeling vibrant, looking younger &
30 Tabs
feeling energetic again!! This formula is also
sAVe $4
gluten and lactose FREE.
1 0,LD!
Quest D-Mannose
Stops UTI’s For Good
noW Biotin 1000 mcg
Want thick hair?
Biotin in your body, resulting in hair loss and
other conditions relating to Biotin deficiency.
Ro iLs
sT nA
“Ultimate Flora” Probiotic
50 Billion One-A-Day FREE CAPS!
sAVe $5
zen Harmony Menopause Formula
Addresses ALL 21 Symptoms!!
ZEN Harmony’s formula is unlike any other available
on the market! It addresses more than just hot flushes
as there are 21 symptoms that may be experienced
during your menopause years. Did you know that you
are not supposed to suffer during Menopause? Zen
Harmony makes this possible as it works specifically
on hormones and heat regulation to conquer ALL menopausal symptoms.
Cooling &Calming: Harmony helps cool the
heat; calm the mind; feel less irritable and sleep
soundly! Nourishment and Moisture: Harmony’s
nourishing formula prevents the vaginal dryness
60 Tabs
that comes with age. Hormone Balance: Harmony
targets the underlying cause of menopause that
are out of balance. We have numerous testimonials of positive results: One customer found
120 Tabs
relief when using Harmony after only using the
sAVe up to $8
product for 4 days!
Japanese Mekei Red Reishi
More Energy. Less Stress. Better Immunity.
Experience the hottest selling supplement from
Japan! (Yes-this is the one that everyone is talking about!)
Need a Boost? Fast Acting.
You’ll noticeably feel
Exclusive Offer
energized and less stressed!
from Alive &
In ancient Japan, this rare
Morning Sun
Red Reishi mushroom was
2 Boxes of
coveted by emperors and royals for its seemingly
60s for
miraculous effects. Today, this mushroom is known
as nature’s most powerful adaptogen – working to
normalize the body and increase its performance.
Studies show strong anti-tumor/anti-cancer properties –
GET 30
an essential preventative approach to your health. Once
reserved only for royalty, Red Reishi was the most sought FREE Capsules!
after medicinal herb in Eastern medicine because of its
rarity and health benefits. Red Reishi contains unique compounds such as polysaccharides (beta-glucans), triterpenes
(ganoderic acids), and amino acids.
60 Caps
Prairie naturals Lean Whey™
Get Lean and Stay Lean
This high quality, easily digested protein
powder from Prairie Naturals promotes fat loss
and increases lean muscle mass. A proprietary
blend of pure, micro ultra-filtered, low- temperature process high quality whey proteins, LEAN
WHEY™ is sugar-free and super low calorie. All
natural. No artificial flavours, sweeteners or colours. Customers
are always amazed how it mixes instantly and tastes great. No
Bovine Growth Hormone. Other benefits include: An effective appetite satisfier & metabolic regulator,
Safe for diabetics, Fortified with proteindigesting enzymes, Easy to digest and
Economical. Available in several delicious
flavours including Chocolate Supreme,
French Vanilla Cream, Blueberry Cream and
Raspberry-Strawberry Swirl.
sAVe $14
Prairie naturals Family of oRGAniC
Protein - Hemp, Rice & Whey
Most women tend to be resistant, scared and even stubborn about the idea of PROTEIN. Women believe that
they will bulk up and this is FALSE! Dr. Oz and many
health professionals are setting the record straight.
WOMEN need protein to protect muscle mass and yes
LOSE WEIGHT!! Dr. Oz talks about 30 grams of protein
every morning and Prairie Naturals Organic Protein™ (PN) will leave you
impressed! If you have sensitivities, are Vegan or a Carnivore there are NO
more excuses, they have something for everyone: Hemp, Whey and even
Rice Protein, all of which are ORGANIC, taste wonderful, are pure and
micro-ultra filtered (for better absorption). PN Protein™ is: Delicious, Effective for FAT loss, Very low
in fat, carbohydrates and lactose, builds strength,
and has NO sugar, artificial flavours or colours. Let
the convenience of PN Proteins improve your health
no matter what gender,
age or activity level.
Wild Rose Herbal Detox
12-Day Program
The Wild Rose Cleanse is a simple, convenient detoxification program. The meal
plan included is designed to support and enhance the herbal
formulas. Customers love the meal plan because of the wide range
of choices! Weight loss, energy and better skin complexion
will be expected after the program. In just 12 days you can feel
lighter, refreshed and more active due to the cleansing process.
Why Cleanse? Your body builds up a surplus of acid due to a high
consumption of acid foods. Most holistic practitioners, agree that the
more acidic your body is, the more susceptible
your body is to disease. The best way to keep
the body in an alkaline state is to eat alkaline or neutral foods and this is the basis
of the Wild Rose Cleanse. The supplemental
12 day
herbs are an added method of cleansing the
sAVe $16
cells of toxic buildup.
Buy More, $ave More. see store for Details
Save even more on purchases of 2 or more of the same product.
12/5/12 11:12 PM
Create beautiful, healthy hair from within. Prairie
Naturals HAIR-FORCE™ synergistically combines
22 natural nutrients recognized for their role in
restoring, healing and nourishing hair. Now you can
stimulate maximum growth of the hair follicle while
minimizing hair loss. The combined effect of these
vitamins, minerals and nutrient co-factors directly counteracts the
hair-damaging negatives caused by stress, illness, hormonal imbalances and other health and environmental concerns.
Hair-Force™ contains, Biotin, B-Complex, LCysteine and vital minerals. The bonus shrink
pack offer comes with Vegetal Silica the most
well known herb to strengthen hair and fix hair
loss. BonUs: receive a 90 size of Ultra Sil™
FRee Ultra-sil
(Vegetal Silica $25.99 Value) FREE with the
90 Caps
purchase of HAIR FORCE™.
sisu ester-C® - Non-Acidic for
Sensitive Stomach BONUS
What Exactly is Ester-C?
• Ester-C® is a unique and patented form of
Calcium Ascorbate, which is created when
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is buffered with
• Ester-C® takes Calcium ascorbate and, using a
proprietary, water-based manufacturing
process, produces a pH neutral product that contains active
Vitamin C metabolites (that do not exist in any other form of
Vitamin C, including Calcium ascorbate).
• These natural metabolites provide quick
• Ester-C® also functions biologically
like other forms of Vitamin C, providing
25% MoRe
benefits for skin, joint and vision health,
cardiovascular support, antioxidant protec- Buy 120 Vcaps
Get 150 Vcaps
tion and immune system wellness.
In addition to the ingredients in the regular SISU
Ester-C® (see above), the Supreme contains 100
mg polysaccharides, quercetin and multi-anthocyanidins (bioflavonoids from bilberry, grape). These
added ingredients improve the formula for those
with allergies, spider/varicose veins and bruising. Bioflavonoids are crucial for repairing and
conditioning the small capillaries that help direct the blood flow
in one direction thus preventing the pooling that causes unsightly
bulging varicose veins. Quercetin, is vital
to help out of control histamine that is
produced when you are having an allergic
reaction to grass, trees and pollen for ex25% MoRe
ample. Find relief with the amazing
Sisu Ester-C® Supreme.
Buy 120 Vcaps
Get 150 Vcaps
Renew Life CleanseMore
NO Harsh Laxitives BONUS
Do you Empty Your Bowel At Least Once A
Day? If you are not, then you may be holding a lot
of unwanted toxic waste in your body causing gas,
discomfort and ill health. CleanseMORE does NOT
contain harsh laxatives such as cascara sagrada or
senna which can irritate and weaken the colon, and become habit forming with long term use. CleanseMORE enhances elimination through two
different mechanisms. The first mechanism is hydration of the colon. The
most common cause of constipation is dehydration.
CleanseMORE allows for proper hydration of the
colon by using the mineral, magnesium hydroxide.
Magnesium hydroxide brings water into the colon,
hydrating the area and allowing for stools that are
not hard and dry, making them easier to pass. 2nd:
Buy 120s get
helps with peristalsis (the smooth muscle contrac60 FRee
tion of the colon) which remove waste smoothly
(value @ $22.99)
out of the colon.
salus Floradix Liquid iron
NON Constipating BONUS
Extremely effective in treating inflamed
painful joints from Osteoarthritis or overuse.
Inflammation is subsided by MSM-a derivative of
DMSO. Together with Glucosamine painful joints
from diseases such as Osteoarthritis can become
manageable. Glucosamine helps to reduce pain,
build cartilage, tendons and ligaments allowing
for increased mobility. This formula is also
fantastic to prevent joint pain in the first place.
Athletes are huge advocates of prevention;
they know how important it is to replace and
90 Caps
to continually repair the joints. Therefore, the
combination of Glucosamine and MSM helps
increase mobility for elderly, for athletes and
people experiencing pain. Remember PREBuy 180 Caps
VENTION is key! It’s time to feed your joints!
GeT 240 Caps
Iron deficiency is America’s hidden epidemic, but
it doesn’t have to be! For over 90 years Floradix
liquid iron has been a woman’s first choice for
health, energy and vitality. Floradix contains an
easily assimilated form of organic iron, extracts
of carefully selected herbs, delicious fruit juices,
and vitamins C and B complex. It helps to utilise
food energy sources and has an important role in the maintenance
of normal health and vitality. Non-constipating,
high absorption and easily digested makes for
an excellent choice in iron. Ideal during pregnancy, for growing children, females, elderly,
athletes, body builders and runners. Floradix
500ml + 250ml
is brought to you from Germany. Floradix
is also Kosher.
sAVe $24
Freedom to MOVE AGAIN!! It’s time to get back
to moving around without having to think about
whether it’s going to hurt or not. Glucosamine
helps to build up those soft tissues, tendons,
cartilage and ligaments, but Chondroitin is the
secret to feeling the fluidity in your movement
again! It draws fluids and water into the joints providing lubrication. According to an article in the Vancouver Sun in 2006 those
with Osteoarthritis greatly benefited from this combination of
Glucosamine and Chondroitin (79% felt
improvements). As long as you stick to the
dosage and take it every day, you will
remember what it felt like to be 10 years
old as your flexibility and ease of
Buy 180 Caps
movement is restored.
Get 225 Caps
Alive MsM 1000mg
Pain, Eczema, Psoriasis BONUS
Does More Than Banish Inflammation! Inflammation is the
root of many diseases today. Eating a proper diet goes a long
way such as vegetables which are cooling and cutting out deep
fried foods which are hot, but sometimes this is not enough.
MSM a derivative of DMSO is extremely powerful and
non-toxic and has been used successfully for reducing
pain and inflammation associated with various joint disorders including
arthritis, fibromyalgia and bursitis. MSM also increases blood supply, reduces
muscle spasms and softens scar tissue. It has also been shown to support the
synthesis of collagen on the joints. Additionally many of our customers have found
complete relief from skin disorders such as acne,
rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. MSM is becoming
well studied and the findings are incredible! MSM is an
ANTIOXIDANT that cleanses the body of pathogens,
benefiting those who need seasonal respiratory support. This nutrient improves digestion and metabolism, Buy 180 Caps
increases blood circulation, and enhances memory
GeT 240 Caps
and concentration. NPN80009655
Renew Life First Cleanse
15 Days to a Better YOU! BONUS
A NECESSITY! We live in a toxic world with
chemicals from factories, trucks, and pesticides. These chemicals enter our bodies daily and destroy your
health from the inside out. Taking control of your health through
cleansing and detoxification is the first, and most important, step
towards better health. First Cleanse a 15 day all natural herbal
cleanse, formulated specifically for the “first time” or “sensitive”
cleanser. It is designed to stimulate the cleansing and detoxification process of the body’s 7 channel of
elimination: liver, lungs, colon, kidneys,
blood, skin and lymphatic system. First
Cleanse is strong enough to be effective,
15 day kit
yet gentle enough to avoid a “cleansing
shrink Pack
crisis” common among more advanced
cleanses. Take First Cleanse to jump start
your weight management regime!
Constipation Slowing You Down?
Get Relief with Stomach Ease! Nature’s
Harmony® Stomach Ease™ is a herbal formula
that acts as a gentle laxative to ease intestinal
discomfort and bring safe relief from constipation. Only 100% natural ingredients are used in
this formula. Stomach Ease™ contains senna
leaves, cascara sagrada bark, licorice root,
juniper berries, buchu leaves and oil of peppermint.
• Relieves occasional constipation
• Fast results
• Gentle and Effective
• With soothing peppermint oil
• Easy to swallow capsule.
Buy 250 Tabs
Get 100 Tabs
sAVe $8.59
Plus Ginkgo Biloba
Hi-Potency for Brain BONUS
With most Ginkgo Biloba, you must take
2-3 daily. You only need 1 daily with
this 150 mg formula. Ginkgo has been effective
for memory retention and is used by seniors,
students, executives and anyone who experiences memory problems. Excellent also for
circulation to the eyes and ears to improve
eye sight and hearing.
European studies have shown that ginkgo
increases blood flow to the brain and extremities, helping to improve memory and mental
90 Caps
sharpness. Ginkgo may be helpful for
the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease;
circulation problems, especially intermittent claudication; vertigo and tinnitus, of the
vascular origin.NPN80015342
Buy 180 Caps
GeT 240 Caps
Alive_Winter2012.indd 6
ing an overac
infections, im
Moducare® i
permanent d
sterolins are
then transpor
they are bene
the cell and m
can help cont
Alive Relora
in North Ame
DOSAGE: take
is it is
no drug inter
comes packa
sign of flu sym
ommended by
for the Montre
come in hand
Renew Life LiverDetox Kit - Do you know
toxins build up in your liver? BONUS
LiverDetox is a natural 2-part Liver Detoxification and Body Cleansing Program. A proper
functioning liver is vital to your health! If you are
experiencing: PMS, headaches/migraines or high
cholesterol, these are all signs of a sluggish liver
in need of some love. What is the liver and how
does it function? The liver is your largest internal
organ and it performs many functions including
detoxification of the body. The liver works by
both filtering toxins directly
and by altering toxins so
they can be removed at other stages of detoxification which will eventually be sent to the kidneys and colon for elimination. The LiverDetox
30 Day
is an easy-to-use, two-part program in capsule
form and it is formulated to simultaneously
Critical omega
support, protect, stimulate and assist with the
30 softgels
body’s natural detoxification of the liver.
Receive a FRee Alive Tote Bag with any purchase over $150*!
of the publis
the most sig
beginning o
of essential
process che
the intestina
tion and to c
correct defic
normal life.
nature’s Harmony
sU sT
stomach ease™ FREE 100s Size
Alive Glucosamine & Chondroitin
Sulfates (95%) 900mg BONUS
e !
on AY
sisu ester-C® supreme
Immune & Allergies BONUS
Alive Joint Formula MsM
& Glucosamine 1000mg BONUS
in F
PA Lie
Prairie naturals Hair-Force™
Love Your Hair Again! BONUS
*Applies to price before taxes.
12/5/12 11:12 PM
only a few yea
BUT she starte
young woman
and effectively
throat. Respira
allergies, hay
freer breathin
protection, an
tissues - conta
rs Floradix
hoice for
ontains an
n, extracts
ruit juices,
s to utilise
ml + 250ml
Todate, 20 scientific studies have been done on the
effectiveness of EMPowerPlusTM micronutrient on
children, adolescents and adults on mental disorders.
Results have been encouraging and significant. Dr.
Bonnie Kaplan, a respected behavioral research scientist and one of the principal researchers on several
of the published studies says, “If substantiated in controlled trials, the
normalizing of the mentally ill via nutrient supplementation would be
the most significant breakthrough in the field of mental illness since the
beginning of time”. EMPTM supplies a broad spectrum
of essential nutrients in a way that no other
supplement does using a 4 step manufacturing
process chelated to an organic ligand to help cross
the intestinal and cell walls for optimum absorp180 Caps
tion and to cross the blood brain barrier to help
correct deficiencies in the brain. You CAN have a
normal life.
ce root,
250 Tabs
100 Tabs
180 Caps
240 Caps
Protect yourself with A+ Oil of Oregano from Joy of the Mountains, and stop infections and their symptoms from developing.
Joy of the Mountains has built a reputation for the highest quality
Organic Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil, containing naturally
high levels of Carvacrol (75-85%). This improved formula
includes Vitamin A to boost immune health and fight infections
by maintaining cell wall strength
against viruses. A+ Oil of Oregano:
prevents colds, flus and other infections from starting,
fights infection whether fungal, bacterial, viral or
parasitic – from food poisoning to hospital infections,
relieves symptoms of cough, congestion, and nausea,
boosts immunity and acts like a preventative shield and
lastly relieves inflammation when applied topically
topically. At
home, work, or when travelling abroad, reach for A+ Oil of
Oregano and stop infection in its tracks! A+ Oil of Oregano
is used as a preventative, and at the first signs of a Cold or
Flu. If you are sick, take A+ Oil of Oregano frequently until
sAVe up to $13
symptoms disappear.
If you are
aines or high
uggish liver
er and how
gest internal
s including
Feels like you can’t breathe? Need the Puffer constantly?
Stuffy nose at night? Constant Infection? Respiractin, is
a century old liquid herbal remedy works to opens up the
airways, providing clearer breathing. REAL STORY: “We have
a customer who years ago as a child regularly contracted pneumonia and bronchitis as she had a very weak immune system
(both physically and mentally challenged). She was given
only a few years to live by her doctor as she suffered from infection after infection,
BUT she started taking Respiractin regularly and now 15 years later she is a healthy
young woman!” You don’t have to suffer from allergies or asthma anymore! RESPIRACTIN – Is a pleasant-tasting herbal liquid that naturally
and effectively opens up the airways and soothes the
throat. Respiractin provides fast relief from asthma, COPD,
allergies, hay fever, coughing, running nose and scratchy
throats. Respiractin can also aid athletes by providing
freer breathing, providing valuable anti-oxidant
sAVe $6
protection, and may aid in delivering oxygen to the
tissues - contains no caffeine, ephedra or alcohol.
M.F.I.S. is a pure solution of Sub-Atomic Silver Ions making
it the most powerful and bio-available form of Silver on the
market. Most antibiotics kill only 6 or 7 different disease organisms, but silver is known to kill as many as 650 of these
organisms - almost 100 times more parasites, fungi, viruses!
These micro-organisms are suffocated rather than poisoned
which prevents resistant strains from mutating. This process is accomplished
within minutes!! M.F.I.S. contains 99.9% silver ions and
are 400 times smaller than your red blood cells allowing them to easily pass through cell membranes where
viruses reside! Interest in Ionic Silver has increased
recently, in part because illness causing organisms do
not build up a resistance to Ionic Silver the way they
do to other conventional antibiotics. We have many
customers raving about this product; one customer
used M.F.I.S. with Alive Cranberry Extract after trying
Antibiotics over and over again and finally M.F.I.S.
sAVe up to $4
STOPPED her urinary tract infection once and for ALL!
Dr Oz (Feb/2012) Recommends 1000mg of L-Lysine
per day for Improving Energy! L-Lysine helps to combat
colds, boost your immune system. The Herpes simplex virus
can be taken care of with the supplementation of L-Lysine,
a well-known amino acid. L-Lysine is one of the essential
amino acids that the body needs to manufacture proteins. It is
considered “essential” because the body cannot manufacture
L-Lysine. Its powerful antiviral properties help to prevent or
reduce the severity of cold sores, herpes, shingles and chicken pox. As soon
as you feel the tingling of a cold sore take it right away and remember if
you are regularly getting cold sores, there is a
deficiency and you should be taking it every day.
In order for L-Lysine therapy to really be effective in
preventing cold sores and outbreaks of genital herpes it is
important to avoid foods high in arginine like chocolate,
peanuts, almonds and other nuts, and seeds. It is also a
90 Caps
good idea to focus on foods that are high in L-Lysine such
sAVe $3
as most vegetables, legumes, fish, turkey, and chicken.
nAsoL - Your Answer to Cluster & Mirgraine
Headache, Allergies, Sinus Suffferers - Dr. Oz
Nasol is 100% Natural Homeopathic Nasal Spray with
Capsaicin. If you suffer from Chronic Congestion, Sinus
& Allergies, Cluster & Migraines or Sinus drainage, Nasol
is your answer!! Nasol is FREE from an additives and
preservatives of any kind and contains NO yeast, grains
or steroids. This formula is guaranteed non-caustic and
non-additive. Relief is often instantaneous. Imagine being
able to go for a walk, a run or even enjoy a picnic without
worrying about suffering from allergens. Your Nasol will
come in handy! TESTIMONIAL: “I
have suffered from migraine headaches and sinus
headaches for the past 23 years. I have used a
number of pain killers – prescriptions and over the
counter medications. Nothing compares to Nasol.
There are no side effects or drowsiness. It works in30ml
stantly. It has helped my headaches tremendously. I
sAVe $7
would recommend this product to anyone.” - June
Appelaniz, Bethel, CT
Pearls intensive Care
Probiotics (IC)
eL Le
Mission Falls ionic silver
Your Natural Antibiotic!
RespirActin Get FAsT
Relief from COPD Naturally
u know
You are at school feeling sick and you
have to write an exam what do? OSCILLO®
acts effectively within 48 hours to reduce
the duration of flu-like symptoms. The homeopathic Boiron OSCILLO® flu medicine
in North America & Europe is consumer’s first choice! At the first sign of flu
OSCILLO® will nip it in the bud: fever, chills, body aches, sneezing, run-down.
DOSAGE: take one dose of this amazing product in the morning & evening for 3
days. 3 doses if you already have the flu. The beauty of homeopathic medicine
is it is safe for children and the elderly. 4 randomized clinical trials showed clear
improvement within 48 hours! No known side effects;
no drug interaction, no contraindication. OSCILLO®
comes packaged in pre-measured, easy-to-swallow and
easy-to-administer doses. So remember: At the first
sign of flu symptoms, take OSCILLO®! OSCILLO® is rec30 Pellet Vials
ommended by Graham Rynbend, head athletic therapist
for the Montreal Canadians. Take a box on vacation, they
sAVe $24
come in handy!
Feeling sick, tired and overwhelmed? Protect yourself with
Immune 7® as it works to compliment mainstream treatments, increase energy, support the immune system,
help athletes who train hard, fights infectious diseases,
including cold’s and flu’s. Immune 7 is a Full Spectrum
product including mycelium, fruit, spores, primordial and
extra cellular compounds. Purica’s lab grown 5x Mushrooms: Sun Mushroom,
Cordycept™, Maitake, Shiitake, Cloud and the all mighty Red Reishi
mushroom, which together offer exquisite support for healthy immunity.
Mushrooms contain superb elements which offer benefits such as: increasing
oxygen efficiency to counteract the effects of pollutants and increase resistance to “disease.” For
those suffering from serious diseases, Immune 7® is a
safe yet powerful dietary food supplement that measurably reduces adverse effects of traditional therapies for
120 Vcaps
significant diseases. It is known to alleviate nausea and
increase appetite, energy, quality of life and immune
sAVe $8
system response.
Joy of the Mountains
A+ Oil of Oregano
As Italy is known for their shoes, Brazil is
known for their Bee Propolis. Brazil produces
the best bee propolis in the world because of its
climate, vegetation & bee species. Bee propolis is
produced from the resin of trees, and bee salivary
secretions and waxes. The bees use this propolis
to protect them against invaders and microorganisms. Propolis is used as an antiviral
against inflammations, colds, allergies, coughs, healing
the throat, gums and skin diseases.
Customers have been buying the Alive
Brazilian Bee Propolis for decades as there
is no comparison and it gets you the results.
We have had singers rave about the positive
effects it has for the throat.
sAVe $4
Alive Pure L-Lysine 500 mg
Kiss Your Cold Sores Good-Bye!
oscillococcinum - BUSTS
Fever, chills, body aches, headaches
Purica immune 7® Beyond
Immune Support VEGAN
ho experi
Clinically PROVEN to restore, strengthen and BALANCE
the immune system. Do you suffer from AUTO-IMMUNE
disorders, allergies, frequent common colds and chronic
illness? If so, Moducare is for you. Moducare is a patented
blend of the plant nutrients sterols and sterolins in a
clinically proven ratio of 100:1. This formulation has been
found to be effective at balancing the immune system i.e.
enhancing an underactive immune system and/or modulating an overactive one. Taken daily, it helps to prevent bacterial and viral
infections, improves allergy symptoms and is a strong anti-inflammatory.
Moducare® is a daily supplement as Auto-Immune disorders are usually
permanent deficiencies. How it works? Sterols and
sterolins are absorbed in the small intestine and are
then transported to the cell lipid (fat) membrane. Here,
they are beneficial to the messenger system within
the cell and modulate specific immune factors that
210s + 105s
can help control disease conditions. Complimentary
products: daily multivitamin, probiotics, garlic and
e $64.99
Alive Relora™.
e !
on AY
en effective
nature’s Harmony® Moducare
Auto-Immune Problems? BonUs
When it hurts to swallow because of a sore throat,
fast relief is needed to reduce discomfort. This
Clinically Proven combination of echinacea,
peppermint and sage is fast acting, cooling and
soothing to the throat. It has been clinically shown
to be effective and to have an anesthetic effect
that is as powerful as the leading pharmaceutical sore throat medication in Europe. A.Vogel
Echinaforce Sore Throat Spray is effective
against the pain of swollen
tonsils, pharyngitis and
general throat pain and inflammation. Finally something to help your throat instantly!
This is is a customer favourite and a top seller
for A.Vogel for a reason... it WORKS!
sAVe $2
Brazilian Bee Propolis
extract - Alcohol-FREE
Ts Re
GH o
Fi D s
sAVe $8
A.Vogel echinaforce® sore Throat spray
FAsT Acting! Find Relief in 1st Application!
Ti L
An iRA
eM LP He
Truehope eMP™ Nutritional
Support for Mental/Physical Wellbeing
Incredibly convenient, ready to go with you
anywhere, One-A-Day stable at room temperature
Probiotics! This is ideal for the busy person working
in an office, or for pretty much anyone who is on the
go! What do you do when your schedule says GO,
but your intestines say NO! Reach for Pearls IC. The convenience
and quality of Pearls IC is unmatched! You know you are in need of
serious support when your digestive system is calling out for relief
from intense discomfort! Go beyond basics and turn to Pearls IC. IC
provides more strains to promote deep intestinal
care and long-term colon health. Ideally everyone should take probiotics every day; it is as
important as taking a daily multivitamin. Taking
probiotics becomes a MUST when you have to
30 softgels
take anti-biotics to ensure you replenish your
friendly bacteria, which help to PREVENT yeast
sAVe $4
infections, digestive problems and eczema.
The First Tuesday of every Month is Customer
Appreciation Day! see stores for Details.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 7
12/5/12 11:12 PM
sierrasil: Shell Bussey felt knee
pain relief in 1 month! BONUS
Alive norwegian Ultra Concentrate
Omega-3 Fish Oil BURP FRee!
Want a supplement that relieves joint pain but
also does so much more? SierraSil is what you
have been waiting for! This amazing product
supplies the body with numerous essential minerals, which are required for thousands of daily
biological functions: energy
production, cell formation,
blood formation and regulation of acid90 Caps
The beauty of SierraSil is it
alkaline balance.
can be used with many complimentary ingredients such as glucosamine/chondroitin; it is
100% natural and vegan! SierraSil helps the
201 Caps
natural anti-inflammatory,
joints by acting as a natur
BonUs size
builds cartilage, and eases muscle
cle stif
It also aids in digestive conditions: leaky gut,
21 FRee Caps
IBS, Acid Reflux, and Crohn’s Disease!
sAVe up to $9
Alive Norwegian Deep Sea Fish Oils are One-A-Day!
Everything you could want in a quality fish oil is here. This
High Potency EPA Omega-3 Fish Oil is Molecularly Distilled, 3rd party tested and enteric coated/burp FREE;
no wonder customers love this product! Amazingly this
formula contains 790mg of EPA!! This is the essential fatty
acid for maintaining excellent cardio vascular health
and for reducing inflammation & serum triglycerides. DHA is also important
and this formula contains 140mg DHA to help support cognition and brain
health. Although Omega-3 fatty acids have been known
as essential to normal growth and health since the1930s,
awareness of their significant health benefits has dramati- 1/Day Formula!
cally increased in the last few years due to more research
and approval by Health Canada. In addition, Omega-3
has been very helpful to reduce pain associated with
arthritis, skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, pso60 softgels
riasis, mood/depression, ADD, memory, digestion,
sAVe $11
hair/skin and even healthy eyes. NPN80022457
Alive Flex-ok Joint Formula
Amazing Pain Relief in 2 Weeks!
What if you could move freely again? What if you could be
honest with your friends and family when you say that you have
NO: Back Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder
Pain, Wrist Pain?? Flex-OK takes your joint pain away!
Joint Care – Amazing Pain Relief Within Two Weeks says our
customers! Contains all essential ingredients to repair &
rebuild damaged tissues and joint cartilage, increase joint lubrication,
reduce inflammation and pain naturally and quickly without side effects.
Contains Glucosamine Sulfate & Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate, Devil’s
Claw, Boswellia, White Willow Bark MSM, Curcumin, Bromelain, Feverfew,
and others. Many formulas for joint pain can be frustrating
because there is always something missing. There are so
many ingredients to help with joint pain and often times
customers ask, “Isn’t there just one product I can take
that has everything?” Well there is a very complete for120 Caps
mula called Flex-OK. Customers claimed their pain reduced
significantly within just 2 weeks! Do not be a prisoner to
sAVe $8
your joint pain, try Flex-OK! NPN80028603
oz nsi s
Lie D
Re HeA
Alive Magnesium 250mg
w/Malic Acida
Do you suffer from High Blood Pressure, Fibromyalgia,
Chronic Fatigue? Magnesium may be the most important
mineral needed by the human body and is a co-factor
activating over 350 different biochemical reactions. North
Americans may be considered well fed, but we are under
nourished and this is why it is not surprising to hear that
over half North Americans are deficient in Magnesium!
It’s mind boggling to think that Magnesium is the
simple answer to a lot of our health problems today.
For patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and
fibromyalgia, magnesium may be the MOST IMPORTANT critical mineral according to the CFS Research
90 Caps
Foundation. In one clinical trial all 15 fibromyalgia
sufferers reported significant lessening of pain within
24 hrs of taking a combination of and magnesium and
malic. Studies also show this combination is especially
helpful for those with HBP, stress and migraines.
180 Caps
nutiva Coconut oil
Fight Alzheimer’s
CBN News Reports Coconut Oil Prevents and Reverses
Cognitive Disorders! Dr Beverley Teter from the University
of Maryland discussed on CBN News that something as simple
as coconut oil (CO)can prevent and reverse life threatening
diseases such as: Parkinson’s, ALS, Epilepsy, Dementia,
Schizophrenia and Autism. Over 70% of Canadian baby boomers are suffering from symptoms of Alzheimer’s, but we can do
something by taking (CO). The amazing story of Steve Newport’s Alzheimers disease
slowed and even reversed thanks to his wife Dr. Mary Newport. HOW? Alzheimer’s is a type of diabetes of the brain
where your brain cells no longer accept glucose for fuel,
which in turn kills the brain cells. (CO) contains KETONES
which are an alternative source of fuel for the brain that
it easily accepts!! For a year and a half Steve could not
read, but after taking coconut oil for 3 months he could
read again. Steve can now run and look after himself
with energy and enthusiasm. Do not be fooled, coconut oil
has been under misconception for years, but this is only if it
is hydrogenated, but Nutiva Brand is NOT, it is pure, healthy,
sAVe up to $3
safe and recommended by many health officials.
naturPharm Digestion
Formula Forte - Bloating, Gas?
Tired of embarrassing noises coming from your stomach? Do
you hate always feeling bloated and ready to burst right after
a meal? It is possible to enjoy food again! Digestion Formula
Forte is one of the highest labeled digestive formulas ever available in one product. What you can expect from this product:
Helps to normalize body weight (alleviate overweight or
underweight conditions). Prevents gas, bloating, belching,
heavy feeling or sluggishness after a normal meal,
constipation, diarrhea. Effective with food allergies,
immune disorders, candida, malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disorders. Improves absorption of nutrients
from food and nutritional supplements. Ongoing use
60 Caps
facilitates long-term cleansing of the intestinal tract
and the blood to some degree. Useful with inflammatory
conditions such as arthritis. Includes a high amount
of the fat digesting enzyme lipase which improves fat
metabolism and may help with weight problems. This
180 Caps
formula is a must for dieters and anyone over the age of
25 to prevent symptoms above.
sAVe up to $8
For more than 40 years, NuScience Corporation has
manufactured Everett Storey’s original CELLFOOD
formula containing 78 minerals, 34 enzymes and 17
amino acids. CELLFOOD utilizes a proprietary watersplitting technology that provides a powerful stream
of bio-available oxygen plus 129 nutrients directly
to the cells!! What does it do? Cellfood – Helps detoxify the body and balance pH and in a recent study, CELLFOOD was
shown to decrease excess free radical activity by up to 27%, increase
energy levels and brain function. In addition to the
numerous general health benefits, CELLFOOD
has now become the supplement of choice for
many professional athletes. In a study conducted
at the University of Pretoria, CELLFOOD was
shown to increase oxygen uptake (VO2 Max), in30ml
crease ferretin (iron storage), and decrease lactic
acid accumulation (muscular fatigue). Sounds
sAVe $8
incredible? It is!
nAKA Vital Greens = eneRGY!
Yummy Convenient Liquid Greens
Dr. Oz has a question for YOU: “Do you feel irritable, weak and
exhausted all the time? You may be suffering from a magnesium
deficiency. Magnesium is a crucial, but frequently overlooked,
part of a balanced diet. It’s responsible for more than 300 bodily
functions – many of which give you energy!” Did you know that
Magnesium has more health benefits attributed to it than any
other mineral including calcium! Studies show that mineral citrates have superior
absorption especially when taken on an empty stomach. Magnesium is an important
electrolyte which helps the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Magnesium is required
for the B vitamins to work properly and is absolutely
necessary for the utilization of thiamine. Magnesium is
90 Caps
necessary for growth and development, wound healing,
immune system function, temperature regulation and
many activities of the brain and nervous system. Shaky
hands, nervousness/stress, muscle spasms, irregular or
rapid heartbeat, all respond favourably to magnesium.
180 Caps
Don’t like Gritty Powdered Greens? No Time or
Too Messy to Mix? Join the LIQUID GREENS Revolution! This great mint tasting Greens features:
• Over 40 herbs, 15 Vegetable Juice Extracts and
Super foods sweetened with Stevia, suitable for
Diabetics or those on sugar restricted diet.
Vital Greens is the ideal choice to help: Energize
and Detoxify the body, Provides a Strong Foundation
for Weight Loss, Prevents Cravings, Aids Digestion, Balances ph levels, Supports Better Elimination. For those who
do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, this
is a great supplement. Vital Greens is the Official Green Food of the Hockey Hall of Fame!
Comes with FREE pill box with purchase of
sAVe $17
Vital Greens.
FRee Pill Box
Recycling Your empty Bottles = saving Money!
Empty vitamin bottles are valid for purchase of the same products only and receive 50¢/$1 off the purchase price of the same product. One empty bottle to one product purchased, presented at the time of purchase.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 8
your medic
is an all too
these days.
at home ca
relaxed, be
and evenin
sleep! Safe
CeLLFooD World’s #1
Selling Oxygen
Alive Magnesium Citrate 150mg
Dr. oz TOP Mineral for HBP & More!
little as 60 se
most often re
special struct
natural polym
effective tran
trigger break
Important: Ke
the Gel.
prevent recur
sAVe up to $15
Dr. Bryce Wylde described the importance of the liver on
the Marilyn Denis show: “The Liver is our first line of
defense against toxins as it acts like a filter in preventing
toxic substances from passing into your blood stream
and especially into your brain and nervous system by
converting them into harmless substances that the kidneys
can excrete in the urine. The GOOD news is that the liver
is the only organ in the body that can completely
regenerate.” How? Dr Oz (Feb. 2012) said Milk Thistle
contains Silymarin which helps to produce Glutathione
in the body (Super Hero of Antioxidant) which is very
important to stimulate good cells and dislocate toxic
90 Caps
cells. Scientific studies and clinical trials over
the last 40 years have shown that milk thistle
protects the liver against acute & chronic viral
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, harmful environmental
chemicals, toxins in our food and water, long180 Caps
term alcohol consumption and prolonged use of
sAVe up to $15
prescriptions. NPN80032615
in RG
CK ne
Ki H e
With recent advancements in science, the
ubiquinol form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is
now available as a nutritional supplement. The
latest research shows ubiquinol CoQ10 is more
absorbable than the standard ubiquinone form
previously used as a nutritional supplement,
making it more effective for supporting heart
health, increasing energy, providing antioxidant
protection, and maintaining health as we age. Ubiquinol CoQ10 is
quickly becoming the preferred choice of doctors, nutritionists,
and consumers. Daily supplementation with
Ubiquinol QH Active CoQ10, with superior
bioavailability, enhances blood levels of CoQ10,
provides sustained, natural energy to fight
60 softgels
age-related fatigue, supports heart health, and
provides antioxidant protection to cells.
sAVe $16
oz sTe
You have a fascinating, vibrant, and active life! Don’t
let occasional joint pain or stiffness take you out of
play. SISU No7 Joint Complex is the next generation
of alternative joint care after glucosamine to increase
mobility, flex
ibility,, and range of motion in sensitive
joints. IIn strong, healthy joints, ligaments and cartilage
absorb impact and allow for smooth, pain-free motion. This breakthrough
formulation brings together 7 bio-active nutrients that work together in
just 7 days to relieve joint pain and stiff
stiffness so you
can get back into the action - without the potential
side effects/risks of over-the-counter pain killers
or anti-inflammatory prescriptions. By using Sisu
30 Veg Caps
No7 the following therapeutic ingredients: 5-Loxin
Advanced®, standardized Boswellia extract, therapeutic dose Collagen, enhancing with white willow
and ginger extracts, will have you back to your old
90 Veg Caps
self in no time. Enjoy life without restrictions with
natural Factors Ubiquinol QH Active
CoQ10 100 mg - Extremely Bioavailable!
sisU no7 Joint Complex - neW!
Relieve Join pain and Stiffness in 7 Days!
Plus Products Milk Thistle
Dr. Oz’s Herb for the Liver!
12/5/12 11:12 PM
L-tryptophan. T
required for he
the deficiency?
symptoms of d
obesity and ad
5HTP include:
duction and Al
belly fat (Pg. 2)
regulate Seroto
didn’t have to g
tive to re-estab
for emotional a
or travelling fo
a special formu
effective for ins
getting a good
you from worry
Rescue Sleep a
bedside, no mo
glass of water t
L !
sU o
Re W Y
Clear 60 Ultra Gel - Amazing
Discovery for Psoriasis, Ezcema & More!
he liver on
ood stream
he kidneys
at the liver
up to $15
Alice Chung: For the lst time in my 34 years in the
health industry, this product blew my mind away when
I saw the incredible before and after photos of those
who suffered from Inflammatory conditions like Eczema,
Psoriasis, Acne, sistic acne, nail fungus, rosacea, infected
fingers and many more. Many experienced relief starting as
little as 60 seconds, often visible improvement in 60 minutes and the problem
most often resolved within 60 days (or less depending on the severity). The
special structure of Ultra Gel is composed of highly stable, dermal-compatible
Nano-Crystals that easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. This
Nano-Crystal delivery system is implanted within a
natural polymer that mimics collagen and promotes
effective transfer rates that make it a powerful Anti-Inflammatory. Formulated to help eliminate irritants that
trigger breakouts and control swelling and redness.
Important: Keep affected area “moist” at all times with
sAVe $6
the Gel. Maintain with Clear 60 Intense Rejuvenate to
prevent recurrence.
Hyland’s Calms Forté™ - Homeopathic Answer
For Nervous Tension, Depression & Insomnia
, Gas?
t right after
on Formula
las ever avail-
, belching,
up to $8
in RG
CK ene
ration has
mes and 17
tary waterrful stream
s directly
Helps deFOOD was
%, increase
suitable for
es ph lev
Pill Box
Have you tried it all, but continue to feel like you have lost the person
you once were? You are not alone as Health Canada estimates 2
million Canadians are suffering from depression. Don’t surrender
to depression or sleep disorders. Clinical studies have shown that
supplementing with 5-HTP can help improve mood and relaxation
by normalizing serotonin levels in the brain. 5-HTP is a substance
produced in the body after eating foods that contain the amino acid
L-tryptophan. The body uses 5-HTP to produce serotonin, an important neurotransmitter
required for healthy nerve and brain function. What causes
the deficiency? Excess stress and poor diet. What are the
symptoms of deficiency? Depression, anxiety, sleep disorders,
obesity and addiction. Other supplements that work well with
60 Caps
5HTP include: Vitamin B6 a critical nutrient for serotonin production and Alive Relora™ to help combat against stress and
belly fat (Pg. 2). Two commonly prescribed medications used to
regulate Serotonin levels are: SSRI’s and MAO; imagine if you
didn’t have to go down that route! 5-HTP is a natural alterna120 Caps
tive to re-establish normal Serotonin levels. NPN80021612
Bach Rescue Remedy
& Bach Rescue sleep
Bach Rescue Remedy is extremely effective for relief of
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Insomnia and even Emotional Animals.
What sets the Homeopathic Bach remedies apart from other anxiety products is that it provides instant
relief. Rescue Remedy is excellent
for daily stress, emotional upheavals,
exams, fear of dentist, job interviews,
fear of flying, bad news, anxiety & panic
attacks. Veterinary doctors highly recommend Rescue Remedy
for emotional animals that are uneasy with new situations
or travelling for example. The Bach Homeopathic line also has
a special formula for sleep called Rescue Sleep and it is very
20ml spray
effective for insomnia due to stress and anxiety. If you are never
getting a good night’s sleep and have tried everything to stop
you from worrying, give the all natural with NO side effects Bach
Rescue Sleep a try. It is convenient, as it is ready right by your
bedside, no more getting up in the middle of the night to get a
glass of water to swallow pills.
Rescue sleep
Bell Skin Disorders is causing so much excitement across
North America due to the OUTSTANDING RESULTS. Health
Canada approved claim: Clarifies and supports healthy
skin from the inside out, by purifying the blood; Contains extracts of Oregon grape root, sarsaparilla, juniper
berries, bittersweet, neem; Is safe and it is effective in
as little as 2 days. If you have ACNE, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, PIMPLES, RASHES and you have tried everything
under the sun, try this product. These testimonials are from REAL people
and Bell will provide phone numbers: Terrible Acne – Mylene, 19, QC – 3
years on Benzoyl Peroxide, Proactiv, etc. no help.
After 4 days on Skin Disorders, skin started to clear
up, from terrible to beautiful skin! Within 6 days
Eczema Cleared Completely: Latifa, 43, ON. I had
Severe Psoriasis over 95% of my body. Last 5 years
90 Caps
I stunned every doctor and dermatologist. Within 2
days on Skin Disorders I saw my skin clearing up,
sAVe $4
I’m speechless, Jessica, BC.
Alive Lutein eye
FloraGlo™ Vision Protection
Not all lutein is the same! Look for genuine Alive
FloraGLO™ Lutein. Why? FloraGLO™ Lutein is patented. Its
purification process is unique and innovative to have earned
patent protection in the United States, Canada and other countries. Nutritional supplement companies worldwide recognize
FloraGLO™ Lutein as a quality ingredient that will maintain its
stability and potency. FloraGLO™ Lutein is used in more clinical trials than
any other lutein. If researchers trust the efficacy and quality of FloraGLO™ Lutein,
you can too. Alive Lutein Eye Formula 18 mg also contains Blueberry &
Bilberry. This unique formula is a must for anyone with
macula, cataract or other eye and vision problems.
This formula is recommended for prevention also. Scientists believe that lutein filters out the blue light from the
retina and prevents oxidative stress or free-radical damage
60 Caps
to the eye’s macula. Without sight, the world
sAVe $12
is dark! NPN80021624
Alive Bilberry for Glaucoma
Dry and Strained Eyes
Alive 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) BeAT:
Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Disorders
C ?
ni Ks
Hyland’s Calms Forté™ provides 100% all-natural,
temporary symptomatic relief of simple nervous
tension and insomnia (sleeplessness). This
product has been around since the early 1900’s
and it is still one of the most affordable, popular,
trusted and effective homeopathic remedies for
relieving anxiety, insomnia, depression and stress
related symptoms, with no contraindication to
your medications. Living with chronic stress at work or at home
is an all too familiar scenario for many of us
these days. Chronic daily stress at work and
at home can take its toll. You will feel more
relaxed, be able to deal with things more
100 Tabs
effectively and productively during the day
and evening and be able to get a good night’s
sAVe $2
sleep! Safe for children and adults!
#60 Bell skin Disorders
Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne?
Alive Bilberry Extract is High Quality Indena Grade from
Italy. Bilberry is a powerful antioxidant containing a group
of flavonoids called anthocyanosides which increases
production of collagen, vital to our whole body. Bilberry
(Vaccinium myrtillus), also known as the Whortleberry and
Blaeberry, is a small shrub found on heaths where it grows
to about 60 centimeters tall. Research shows Bilberry to be
effective for improving night blindness and hemoralopia (day blindness), glaucoma, diabetes, floaters & cataracts. WHO can benefit from taking this? Truck
drivers, pilots, students, people driving long hours, flying or before computer
screens can greatly benefit with Bilberry. During World
War II, British fighter pilots reported improved nighttime vision after eating bilberry jam. Bilberry has also
been suggested as a treatment for retinopathy (damage
to the retina) because anthocyanosides appear to help
120 Caps
protect the retina. Bilberry has also been suggested as
sAVe $10
treatment to prevent cataracts. NPN80002163
Alive Black Cherry extract
Do you suffer from GOUT?
Black Cherry Extract STOPS the Build up of URIC ACID
Giving you Bounce Back in Your Step! Do you or someone you know experience intense needle like pain in
THE big toe, knees, fingers or ankles? IIf so, this may be
a sign of Gout. Gout is a common type of arthritis that
occurs from a buildup of Uric
Acid in the blood, tissues and
urine. Once the buildup occurs, the uric acid crystallizes in the shape of a needle and literally jabs its
way into the joints. So what can you do? Many
60 Caps
people have found relief from taking the convenient
form of Black Cherry Extract in capsule form as it
neutralizes the build up of Uric Acid ridding you of
the jabbing PAIN. Diet is also an important component to fighting Gout such as avoiding: red wine
and asparagus. Take a step in the right direction to
banish the pain once and for all! NPN80022934
120 Caps
sAVe up to $12
Alive Turmeric (Curcumin)
New Formula 2X Stronger
Increased to 500mg - Help for Alzheimer’s and Cancer
Prevention! (Vancouver Sun) & UCLA reported that
“curcumin may slow Alzheimer’s diseases” and also
may help with cancer prevention. In India, where curries
(which have curcumin) are eaten daily, Alzheimer’s rates
are 4.4 times lower than North
America! Looks like it is time for
North Americans to spice up our life with Turmeric!
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for 4,000
years to treat a variety of conditions. Studies show
60 Caps
that turmeric may help fight infections, reduce
inflammation, treat digestive problems, liver
problems, skin diseases, and wounds. Curcumin is
a powerful antioxidant and it also stops platelets
from clumping together to form blood clots.
120 Caps
Turmeric TARGETS Inflammation which is the root
of all disease and thus offers health improvements sAVe up to $15
for just about everyone. NPN80032709
natural Factors Ps
Phosphatidylserine Brain Power!
Y just misplaced your glasses, again. You were
introduced to someone only yesterday and you can’t
recall their name! Sound familiar? The sobering truth is
that as we age, we can lose over half of our ability to
perform tasks related to memory, learning and concentration. This process in cognitive decline can already
begin as we hit our forties! Phosphatidylserine or PS
is a nutrient that shows much promise in improving
cognitive function in most people, but esp as we age. PS is a building
block for nerve cell membranes which revitalizes
all nerve cell functions and is highly concentrated in brain cells. ... PS gives brain nerve cells
and cell membranes renewed vigor and facili
facilitates energy across the entire cell. Numerous
60 softgels
double-blind studies with as many as 425
significant improvements in even severe
sAVe $22
cognitive impairment.
Bell Blood Pressure Combo
High Blood Pressure??
Purica R
Beyond pain relief
Recovery goes beyond pain relief and is actually
used by health practitioners for injury and surgery
rehabilitation as it digs deep to repair damaged tissues.
This formula is particularly effective for areas affected
by arthritis and other painful inflammatory conditions
to recapture mobility. REAL testimonial: “After 27 Years
Joint Pain Gone. I have been in constant pain with degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis since the age of 32. After no difference with anti
inflammatories, I soon realized that nothing works like RECOVERY®. At 60
years old I feel like a kid some days. My hands are free from pain and my
energy levels are up so the extra weight is falling
off, thanks to RECOVERY®.” Don’t wait 27 years to
find your relief! This formula is also for the young
as a preventative or to help those that are afflicted
extra strength
with pain from sports injuries, which inhibit their
normal activities. Contains all natural ingredients
360 Vcaps
without side effects of prescribed inflammatories.
Formulated by a Master Herbalist, Bell Blood Pressure
Support Combo unites cutting-edge fish peptides with
health-enhancing herbs backed by centuries of traditional
use. BENEFITS include: Phyto-nutrients backed by science, Promotes flexible relaxed blood vessels, Optimizes
the whole circulatory system, Helps maintain healthy
blood pressure and Contains superior quality fish peptides. “What is a fish peptide?” Peptides are bioactive food-based proteins
that are believed to perform important physiological functions within the body.
Researchers have suggested that among these functions,
fish peptides appear to positively influence blood
vessels and blood pressure. TESTIMONIAL: “BP from
160/95 down to 124/82 in 4 weeks! In the last 3 years
I had ups and downs in my blood pressure and many
60 Caps
tests were made. After taking Bell Blood Pressure
Combo #26 for 3 weeks it was down to 145/89 and in
sAVe $4
week 4 it was 124/82. Strongly recommended.”
The First Tuesday of every Month is Customer
Appreciation Day! see stores for Details.
of purchase.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 9
12/5/12 11:12 PM
s !
Platinum super easymulti
45+ Men & Women
Using the award winning OST™ (Omega Suspension
Technology), a process that fully suspends active ingredients in Omega Oils, Platinum Easy Multi is easier to swallow,
digest, absorb and more stable in a liquid softgel. Super Easymulti Plus contains a powerful combination of antioxidants
proven to fight age-related degenerative diseases and reverse the signs of aging
from inside out. These antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, unstable
atoms that cause damage at the cellar level, ultimately
causing the body to age. This is not your average mediocre multivitamin, this is the ultimate multivitamin designed
specifically for HIS and HERS. Men and women are made
60 softgels
up differently and thus demand different formulations
and Platinum Naturals has answered. Additionally it is no
secret that in your 40’s is a good time to start thinking
about taking CoQ10 and Hawthorn Berries to protect
the heart and Platinum has it. You wouldn’t want to buy a
120 softgels
house with a faulty foundation. Don’t let your health slip
sAVe up to $27
through the cracks, you are covered with Platinum!
Ascenta nutrasea
Omega-3 Fish Oil
NutraSea, the Omega-3 rich fish oil with the tasty
aroma of a gourmet oil, provides benefits for
inflammatory conditions like Eczema, Rosacea,
Joint Pain, Depression and Heart Conditions. The
liquid NutraSea features a delicious lemon flavour, a rich
source of EPA and DHA, natural processing, 2.5
times better absorption and guaranteed purity.
240 softgels
Because it contains high amounts of DHA, this
is excellent for children or anyone who wants to
improve brain function. Why you need omega-3?
Omega-3 fatty acids are “good fats” that are
essential for optimal health. Like vitamins and
minerals, omega-3 must be provided by our diet
as it is not produced by our bodies. EPA and DHA
are the active forms of omega-3 required by the
body to perform vital functions.
Antarctic KRiLL oiL
Omega-3 500mg
Krill are small shrimp like crustaceans, and constitute one
of the most abundant sources of marine nutrients on earth.
The harvesting of krill is regulated by the Commission for
the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
(CCAMLR). Sunforce krill is harvested from the most pristine
water on earth, using sustainable and ecologically sound
high tech methods. Krill oil is high in
Omega-3 and some research points out that it reduces cholesterol and lowers LDL more dramatically than
fish oil. Another is, krill contains an antioxidant called
ASTAXANTHIN. The algae that krill eat produces the
60 softgels
bright red pigment astaxanthin. Unlike many other
antioxidant, aastaxanthin crosses the blood-brain
barrier, where it could theoretically protect the eye,
brain and central nervous system from free radical
damage. Unlike fish oil, krill doesn’t cause
120 softgels
fishy burps or an after taste. Not recommended
sAVe up to $13
for those with bleeding disorders.
Omega-3 consumption has decreased to one sixth
the level found in our food supply in the 1850s! Of
all the essential nutrients, essential fats are by far
the most abused because they are perishable,
chemically unstable foods. Almost all supermarket oils, have been damaged
by destructive processing techniques such as overheating. Deficiency leads
to deterioration of every cell, tissue, gland,
organ and organ system. Favourite uses are
in salads and protein shakes. The Perfected Oil
Blend includes oils from fresh flax, sesame
and sunflower seeds, as well as oils from
evening primrose, rice germ and oat germ.
Nothing is left to chance with Udo’s, treat your
body right with this fantastic product.
sAVe up to $7
Alive_Winter2012.indd 10
Alive Cinnamon extract 20:1
STOP Type 2 Diabetes NOW!
ABC News – Resveratrol can reset
set the biological cloc
– youthful, energetic, less heart diseases, osteoporosis,
trol, a polyphenol
ent cancer and more. Resver
found in the skin of grapes and in red wine has shown
supportthe most promise for this anti-aging antioxidant support
ing healthy aging and longevity, helps to metabolizes
glucose and other sugars. In 2006, researchers at Harvard Med. School
found that mice receiving supplemental
mental resv
resveratrol live over 30% longer
than the other groups! Nov 2008, researchers at Cornell Univ reported
that dietary supplementation
mentation with Resv
significantly reduced plaque formation in animal
brains, a component of Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases. Alive Resveratrol is extracted
from 100% red grapes from France and not from
120 Caps
Knotweed Root, which are in many other brands.
sAVe $12
According to the Diabetes Association more than 3 million Canadians have Type 2 Diabetes and it is growing rapidly, but there is a solution, by taking Alive Cinnamon Extract 20:1! Sprinkling Cinnamon
on your cereal won’t cut it, you need cinnamon in a concentrated
form. A recent study headed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) has identified a link between cinnamon intake and reduced
risk of diabetes AND heart disease. According to the research,
cinnamon extract, which is high in
antioxidants, helps to decrease glucose levels in the blood as
well as reduce oxidative stress in the body. We have had 100’s
of customers who were pre-diabetic shock their health care
60 Caps
provider with Alive Cinnamon Extract as their insulin resistance
was corrected! Remember, high blood sugar is SERIOUS. If
you don’t pay attention over time high blood glucose levels
can damage your eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart. HOW? Your
cells, which is what your organs are made of are being starved!
120 Caps
Beat Type 2 diabetes, this disease is in your control with Alive
sAVe up to $8
Cinnamon 20:1 Extract, it WORKS! NPN80013266.
Kyolic Aged Garlic extract
“KYO” Means Strength in Japanese
Alta Lab omega-3 Deep sea
Wild Salmon Oil for Heart & Brain
Elevated Homocysteine, Serum Cholesterol,
Triglycerides & Platelet Aggregation?? This is a
recipe for disaster! Kyolic has been proven to:
• Enhance circulation and
• Reduce a wide range of cardiovascular
risk factors.
Garlic has been dubbed a
“Wonder Drug” with a reputation in folklore
for preventing everything from the common
cold, flu and even the Plague! Studies have
antioxishown Aged Garlic has a powerful antioxi
180+90 Caps
dant effect and is a powerful natural antibiotic. Garlic has been added to many skin
problem & cleansing formulas to increase
their effectiveness. Heal yourself inside
360 Caps
and out with the amazing Kyolic!
Pe os n
oR o !
M Gn
An iT
Ce iVe
Imagine you are always forgetful or your
memory capacity slow down, or you are doing
an exam, or at a very important corporate meeting
brain storming and you can increase your
cognitive ability to:
Cerebrum - Increase Your Cognitive Ability
by 10% For a Six Hour Period After Taking It!
Increase cognitive per
Improve working memory capacity
Increase attention accuracy
Enhance working memory
30 Fish Gels
Cerebrum with Cereboost will Come to your
sAVe $7
Rescue! All data above has been clinically
$5 oFF
Please ask!
Genuine Fast Joint Care+
Works in 7 DAYS!
Udo’s oil
3-6-9 Liquid Omega 3
Alive Resveratrol Antioxidant
Longevity & Anti-Ageing!
Genuine Health Fast Joint Care + is Proven
to get you moving! Don’t have time for
joint pain, but still feel like you have tried
everything? Look no further and find your solution with Genuine Health’s effective product
called Fast Joint Care +. It is shown in numerous studies to start
getting you the results in as little as 7 days, with just one capsule a day! Complete Joint Care + uses NEM (Natural Eggshell
Membrane) a new super food for your joints
which includes:
• Collagen, glucosamine,
• Chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid!
The time for joint relief, repair, reduced
inflammation and flexibility is here with Genuine Health’s Joint Care +!
30 Caps
sAVe $13
Alta Lab Deep Sea Wild Salmon Oil is an
excellent source of Omega 3. Salmon Fish Oil
contains EPA and DHA , which is well documented
showing their wide range of benefits for radiant
skin, joint pain relief, depression, acne,
maintaining healthy heart condition, brain and
cognitive improvement. In
addition these essential fatty
acids help all inflammatory conditions. Inflammation is the root of many diseases such as
heart and joint pain. Omega-3 also help to
180 softgels
increase “good” HDL cholesterol levels.
DHA is important for improving brain function, mood & memory. This Wild Salmon Fish
oil is molecularly distilled to reduce fishy taste
and toxic chemicals and is government approved
360 softgels
with an NPN80002421 from Health Canada.
sAVe up to $17
Lastly, this fish oil is also 3rd party tested.
sible for caus
B vitamins, fo
strong, health
hibits the enz
down the con
terone (or DH
of hair follicle
to contribute
and with Aliv
have a family
oversupply o
damages hai
tion is taken.
chemo thera
by thyroid dy
fungus that i
of iron defici
giving birth w
natural Factors Coenzyme Q10
100mg High Potency! BonUs
Why is CoEnzyme Q10 so vital? Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is
required by every cell in our body and is key to the chemical reactions that produce cellular energy. An automobile
engine with poor spark plugs will sputter and choke with
carbon. Like a cellular spark plug, CoQ10 ignites the cell’s
oxygen to produce energy. If our cells don’t burn oxygen
properly, damaging compounds such as free radicals are
formed. A misfiring automobile will eventually break down.
Recent studies show that Coenzyme Q10 “can slow the decline of early diagnosis of some serious neurological disorders (e.g. Parkinson disease),” besides
heart health (NF Profile data). Those given the largest
dose of CoQ10 (1200mg daily) had 44% less decline
in mental function, motor movement and ability to
carry out daily activities. Those given 300 and 600mg
Buy 120
also had less decline than the placebo group but their
decline was not as pronounced, but significant. Natural
Factors CoEnzyme Q10 is in softgel form in a base of
Get 30 FRee
rice bran oil for improved absorption.
have time for
your body fee
the body’s to
these substa
works by dire
thistle, adand
liver’s produc
the bile, whic
where it is ab
for eliminatio
the bud with
Trophic Methyl B12 & Folic Acid
Vegetarians and 50+ !!
Dr. Oz said by simply taking sublingual Vitamin B12 you can help
prevent: Dementia, tingling in limbs and lack of energy. Recent studies suggest anywhere from 15-40% of Americans don’t
have adequate levels of B12 for optimal health. In the body,
Vitamin B12 is used in the regulation and the formation of
red blood cells and helps in the uti
utilization of iron and has been shown
to assist in lowering homocysteine
levels. Deficiency is usually due to a problem in absorption
90 Tabs
or as Dr. Oz says it can be from: “Regular consumption
of aspirin is also associated with a higher risk of B12
deficiency (approximately 1 in 5 adults is taking aspirin
every day or every other day), as is the diabetes drug
Metformin.” Who else needs B12 since the vitamin is absent
180 Tabs
from most fruits, vegetables and grains, Vegetarians
are more susceptible to deficiency
deficiency. Folic acid is there
Quick Dissolving
as it plays an essential role in the synthesis of DNA and
RNA and is also key in the formation of red blood cells,
sAVe up to $7
protein metabolism, reproduction and growth.
Buy More, $ave More. see store for Details.
Save even more on purchases of 2 or more of the same product.
12/5/12 11:12 PM
filtered and p
Western and
and to
Wu/Fo Ti
the rate of dr
waste produc
and hence liv
used to treat
Milk Thistle, B
“Flush” out t
illion Canadi
Canadiut there is a soing Cinnamon
of Agriculture
e and reduced
up to $8
& Brain
n Fish Oil
brain and
up to $17
e Q10
0 (CoQ10) is
the chemiutomobile
s the cell’s
break down.
early diagbesides
ic Acid
Rericans don’t
n the body,
up to $7
H Lo
Bio-Fen® Plus for Men & Women AiR Pe
Lo CiA
Treats Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia
Bio-Fen recognizes that both men and women experience !
hereditary androgenic alopecia (AGA, or male / female pattern baldness) and have made improvements based on the
latest science. Bio-Fen Plus contains scientifically calculated
proportions of extracts of fenugreek seeds, saw palmetto
(men’s formula), iron/silicon (women’s formula) berries and
flax lignans. Each are known to possess
an inhibitor of the enzyme responsible for causing male or female pattern baldness.
B vitamins, folate and biotin help support the growth of
strong, healthy hair. For men saw palmetto extract in- sham/Cond 250ml
hibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This action slows
down the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (or DHT) – too much causes the miniaturization
of hair follicles. For women Silicon has been shown
to contribute to hair shaft strength and healthy hair
60 Caps
growth. For best results use with Bio-Fen shampoo
sAVe up to $23
and with Alive Hi-Potency Bamboo Silica!
Alive extra LHT
Powerful Sex Enhancer!
LY !!
AL s
Re oRK
Men are Ecstatic.. and Satisfied ... Really
Works! Extra LHT enhances both desire and performance and increases testosterone production!
It enhances:
erection, excitability and better
• Stronger
Contains 100:1 Tongkat Ali (eurycoma longifolia jack), horny
goat weed, tribulus, maca and more to let you achieve the best
orgasm intensity and duration. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what
we were born to do and Extra LHT is here to help
you to reach the ultimate sex experience you’ll
ever have! Alive Extra LHT truly works for optimal
performance, we have customers raving about this
30 Caps
product as they do not have to use medications with
side effect. Use only prior to activity. You will be
glad you tried it! EN-159537
sAVe $10
Bell sToP Hair Loss
for Men & Women
Brad King Ultimate Male energy
Big Belly Getting You Down? BONUS
Men, it’s time to:
We naturally lose 50 to 100 hairs everyday and new
strands should replace them, but this is not always
the case. The most common type of hair loss is male
pattern baldness. It is thought that the follicles are
programmed to stop hair production when there are
high levels of male hormones. Dr. C. Hammoud, Ph.D.
recommends BELL STOP Hair Loss for the following
candidates: Early prevention of baldness for those that
have a family history. Pattern baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) is caused by
oversupply of hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). It
damages hair follicles over time unless preventive action is taken. Help for people who are on radiation or
chemo therapy. Recommended for problems caused
by thyroid dysfunction. Can remedy underlying skin
120 Caps
fungus that is the cause of hair loss. Helps in cases
(2 months)
of iron deficiency and lastly feeds women’s hair after
sAVe $8
giving birth which may cause hair loss.
Renew Life Rapid Cleanse
Only 7 Days to a WHOLE New You!
Lose weight & FEEL great! What can cleansing do for
YOU? Increase HEALTHY eating habits, increase ENERGY,
eliminate harmful toxins, reduce constipation, improve
nutrient absorption and decrease risk of disease!! Don’t
have time for a 30 days cleanse and want something that is not too harsh?? NO
PROBLEM!! Total Body Rapid Cleanse is DONE in just 7 days without leaving
your body feeling irritated! It works to stimulate the body’s 7 channels of elimination. The cleanse enhances the normal process of detoxification (processing
the body’s toxins, free radicals, and pollutants) and cleansing (eliminating
these substances through the bowel, urinary tract, and skin). Rapid Cleanse
works by directly stimulating the organs. It contains \herbs, such as milk
thistle, adandelion, and turmeric, which stimulate the
liver’s production of bile. The liver transfers toxins into
the bile, which is then carried into the small intestine
where it is absorbed by fibre and brought to the colon
7 Days Vcaps
for elimination. Nip those extra Christmas POUNDS in
sAVe $6
the bud with Rapid Cleanse!
omega Alpha Liver FlushTM
What happens when your Liver is Toxic?
The liver filters toxins from one quart of blood every
minute, 24 hours a day. After the liver processes these
endotoxins (produced in the body), exotoxins (from outside
the body) and other waste, they are sent to the kidneys and
colon for elimination. If your liver is toxic and not cleansed
regularly, it cannot function properly and the toxins are not
filtered and processed for proper elimination. Liver FlushTM combines both
Western and Eastern Medicinal Herbs to assist in the detoxification process
and to “tonify” and “replenish” the “vital energy” to the liver using Ho Shou
Wu/Fo Ti which can also increase blood flow to the liver, which will increase
the rate of drainage of toxins from the liver. Chinese
Wormwood helps increase secretion of bile into the
gastrointestinal tract thus aiding the liver in draining its
waste products. Fructus lycii acts to protect liver cells
and hence liver function. In TCM, this herb has been
500ml (30 day)
used to treat liver ailments. Liver Flush also includes
Milk Thistle, Burdock, Dandelion, and more. It’s time to
sAVe $5
“Flush” out those toxins!
• Enhance libido! Increase testoster
testosterone to
optimal levels and reduce excess body fat!
Reduce Harmful Estr
Estrogens and
Maintain P
Prostate Health!
If you’re a man over 35, you are probably already starting to feel the debilitating effects of lower
testosterone and higher estrogen levels. Restoring testosterone
to optimal levels has been proven to: increase muscle mass
(which sets the stage for a decrease in body fat); boost
brain function, including memory, visual acuity and
concentration, strengthen the bones, lower insulin and
protect the heart-reducing virtually every cardiovascular
risk factor, including high cholesterol, high blood sugar,
abnormal clotting and stress. The world of hormones is a
constant battle, but Brad King has you covered.
60 Vcaps
150 Vcaps
30 FRee!
Alive High Potency Pygeum &
saw Palmetto - Prostate Health
Prostate problems keeping you awake? This
excellent combination of Hi-Potency Saw Palmetto,
Pygeum and Nettle is very effective to help men
to reduce frequent urination or trouble with
night urination, due to an enlarged prostate. Saw
palmetto berries contain compounds that naturally
support hormone metabolism. The fat-soluble extract
is most helpful for symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH or benign
prostatic hyperplasia). Pygeum reduces swelling in the prostate thus
supporting healthy bladder function for regular and
complete urination, while nettle prevents
bladder infection. Alive formula ADDRESSES:
frequent urination, incomplete emptying of
the bladder, urinary urgency, pushing and
180 Caps
straining while urinating. Men it’s your time to
get back to the man you were; take CHARGE and
sAVe $17
be comfortable below the waste! NPN80026759
Vega/sequel MacasureTM Him & Her
Increase Libido, Male Impotence
Also, for HIM and for HER!! Known as the “Peruvian
Ginseng”, Maca has been shown in human trials to
increase libido by 180% and sperm count by 200%. If
trying to get pregnant, this is a fantastic natural tool to
get those sperms swimming strong in the right direction! In laboratory studies with
rodents, Maca increases mating
frequency by 400%! What do
doctors have to say about Maca:
“Maca is very useful in treating
120 Vcaps
male impotence, erectile dysfunction, menopausal
symptoms and general fatigue,” Dr. Aquila Calderon, MD, Lima, Peru. MacaSure is excellent and
can be combined with Alive Extra LHT for Men.
Duo Pack
MacaSure is the maintenance keeping the blood
120+120 Vcaps
flow and libido in check while Extra LHT is for the
FRee Maca
men’s performance! Please pick up a pamphlet for
more of what doctors say about Maca.
Chocolate Bar
Alive Bioerect Him & Her!
Improve Your Sex Life Today!
Many marriages and partnerships are missing
intimacy. When we were less stressed and working
normal hours, maintaining romance in the bedroom
was a non-issue. Now with Alive BioErect
Reclaim your virility and self-esteem and “see
the fireworks!” Be the lover you once were with
this African herb. You and your partner will enjoy an:
• Increase in stamina,
• Increase in se
sexual desire and
• Be impressed by a longer performance.
BioErect is equally effective for men and women
and both of you can be in ecstasy! Use only before
activity, not every day; it works in less than 1 hour!
Now you can both enjoy each other without the use of
drugs, but with Alive Bio-Erect formula which is 100%
30 Caps
sAVe $10
Vega one Health optimizer
NEW Taste Same Quality!
THE Whole Food Meal Replacement...Making you Alive and
Thriving!! – If you could only buy one shake, this would be it!
Vega One is all encompassing. It is good for your body and the
planet, Vega One Nutritional Shake is the clean, plant-based
—without comprochoice to fuel your healthy
healthy,, active lifestyle
mise. Made from natural, whole food ingredients, Vega One
is a convenient, all-in-one supplement, packed with: 50%
daily intake of vitamins and minerals, 15 g protein, 6 g fib
re, 1.5 g Omega-3, Antioxidants, Pro biotics and Greens. Formulated by Brendan
Brazier, professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling
author on performance nutrition, Vega One is free from
neW Lower Price
dairy, gluten and soy, and contains no added sugar,
artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners. Available in
Berry, Chocolate, Vanilla Chai and Natural flavour, enjoy
Vega One shaken with water, juice or a non-dairy beverage
of your choice, and as a delicious, nutrient-supplementing
sAVe $25
addition to your favourite smoothie recipe.
Bell Prostate ezee Flow Tea
Frequent Bathroom Trips?
Platinum Activ-X- Certified for
Sport™ by NSF International
Benefits of Bell Prostate Tea take the frustration out
of life. Here are a few:
FREE of Banned Substances! You work hard, you
play hard and you train hard! You constantly raise
the bar. You need every advantage you can find to
push your body and your mind to new limits, you
NEED ACTIV-X. Contains unique blend of antioxi
antioxidants, omega oils and adaptogens in addition to
essential vitamins & minerals using the Omega
Suspension Technology to
maximize absorption in a
softgel. Added adaptogens give athletes or high
stress individuals the boost they need to improve
60 softgels
physical & mental performance. Separate formulas for men and women. Parents, if you are sending your kids off to university for the first time,
Platinum Activ-X has everything they need to
help them focus in school as well. This formula
120 softgels
is not just for athletes, but for people who are
sAVe up to $22
studying, active and in need to energy.
• Makes
Mak peeing comfortable. No more
embarrassing dribbling, painful urination,
frustration or urgency.
• Cuts down how frequently you need to go. Gives you restful nights
and restores yyour youthful vigour.
• Comes in an easy
easy-brew tea. Bulk packaged to save you money. No
side ef
Real TESTIMONIAL: “Hey guys! This tea really
works! I suffered with prostate problems for the
last 5-6 years. After the first 2 weeks this Bell
Prostate Ezee Flow Tea #4a cut my trips to the
bathroom in half and after the 3rd week it took
me back where I was twenty years ago. Another
good effect of this tea is a great night’s sleep.”
Can’t Find it? We Will Get it For You.
We can get almost any product from any brand we carry. Visit any of our stores or call us to place an order.
Alive_Winter2012.indd 11
12/5/12 11:12 PM
Strauss Heart Drops
Dr Oz NEWEST, FASTEST Fat Buster! No Exercise! No Diet! No Effort!
Alive Garcinia Cambogia Extract GCE
Unclogs Your Arteries!
Strauss Heart Drops is your answer! Strauss: reduces your lousy cholesterol LDL, widens large blood vessels, stimulates warm blood circulation,
promotes regular heart heat, reduces blood pressure, promotes better
blood flow and widen capillaries. Alive+Chains have received countless
testimonials from customers over the years saying how
Strauss HD gave back their lives. They feel elevated
from the stress of having prevented themselves from
undergoing the knife of Heart Surgery. Merle: “This
customer had 2 x 100%, 1 x 90%, 1 x 80% clogged arteries. After only
4 months with Strauss HD, his checkup at St Paul’s hospital showed
all of the four arteries were unlogged! Do NOT let yourself become a
statistic of having heart failure or a stroke before your time! If you have
a family history of heart problem or are a baby boomer prevention is
your best friend and it is possible with Strauss Heart Drops.
A Me Te!
o i
Alive sineQuanon
Cleanses/Scrubs Colon
If you are not eliminating your bowels daily,
feces literally become lodged inside you. Sheets
of this waste cling to the walls of the colon/large
intestines and then dry as the moisture along with
the toxic waste seeps back into the blood stream
causing poor digestion, constipation and poor skin.
Over the years, without regular colon cleansing this
compacted waste can start to add up to several
pounds of toxic weight! This amazing little tablet
does wonders for constipation and cleansing,
even for bowel obstruction! Sine Qua Non is
100% organic as well as NON-HABIT FORMING.
50 Tabs
Results and benefits include: weight loss, no
bloating or gas & beautiful skin due to ridding
your body of harmful toxins! For best results,
take with Alive Acai Berry, Dr. Oz’s amazing
90 Tabs
antioxidant that will help remove free radicals
sAVe up to $9
and toxins from the body. NPN80023701
Alive Vegetal silica
Healthy Hair, Nails and Skin!!
Do you feel helpless when you look in the mirror
due to thin, weak or slow hair growth/HAIR LOSS?
Unfortunately when you suffer from weak hair it
usually means you struggle with poor skin, bones
and nails because they are all related and you are in
desperate need of a customer favourite Alive Vegetal
Silica! It has been shown to significantly improve the
conditions listed above. You cannot see bone loss,
but Osteoporosis is running rampant among women
in North America. Don’t wait until it is too late; take
silica BEFORE the fracture happens! It works amazingly with the Alive Coral Calcium as silica helps
90 Caps
enhance the absorption of Calcium! It’s time to
PREVENT fractures, increase bone density, improve
hair, strengthen nails and find the lustre in your skin
again due to Silica’s ability to help the body pro180 Caps
duce COLLAGEN (the glue that holds you together
sAVe up to $9
keeping you YOUNG)! NPN80022946
Alive_Winter2012.indd 12
According to Dr. Julie Chen who appeared on the Dr. Oz Show on Oct 29, Garcinia Cambogia is THE
most exciting weight loss breakthrough we’ve seen yet!! Dr. Chen and Dr. Oz HIGHLY recommend this
magic ingredient Garcinia Camobogia which comes from the rind of a tropical fruit that looks like a
mini green pumpkin. Not just any Garcinia Cambogia will do, it MUST have 50% HCA (hydroxycitric
acid) and Alive does!! Researchers claim that HCA can DOUBLE OR TRIPLE
ONE’S WEIGHT LOSS. HCA helps to Block Fat and it Suppresses Your Appetite. HCA blocks fat by inhibiting a key enzyme called Citrate Lyase that
your body needs to make fat from carbohydrates. Usually carbohydrates or
90 Caps
sugars that are not used immediately are converted into fats. When HCA inhibits citrate lyase, the
fat-making process is halted. HCA also suppresses your appetite by increasing serotonin levels,
a neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you feel good which will reduce the urge to react to
stressful situations with food. This process will also reduce your cortisol, which is the belly fat mak180 Caps
ing hormone. As you eat less, your body senses this and it releases stored fat from your fat cells.
sAVe up to $12
HCA improves Lean Muscle Mass so you will notice a reduction in dress size as well!!
Alive Acai Berry Pure
Dr. Oz’s Powerful Purple Food!!
Alive Acai is certified to contain 500mg of 100%
pure acai berry extract 10:1 (this means it’s 10 times
stronger than Acai Pure Juice or Acai Powder). Dr.
Oz has talked a lot about Acai Berries for a good
reason as Acai berries do have one of the highest
concentration of antioxidants compared to other
fruits to help combat free radical damage to the
body, including premature aging. One of its
unique abilities is to give you sustained
energy when consumed. Acai has been helpful
to stimulate a sluggish metabolism, to burn
calories when sedentary and to reduce hunger.
60 Caps
When SineQuaNon Colon Cleanse (product on
left) & Acai Berries are taken together you will
see weight loss speed up much faster resulting
in a Healthy & Slim Body!
120 Caps
sAVe up to $7
Alive Japanese okinawa
Coral Calcium Highly Absorbable
The Most Absorbable Calcium on the Market and
the most requested calcium by women today!
Alive Coral Calcium contains 74 Trace Minerals,
Magnesium, Vitamin D & HCL! Alive coral calcium is
a high grade marine coral calcium, above sea level
and ecologically safe. Coral minerals are naturally
ionized (nature’s smallest form, 1000 times smaller than
collodial) allowing for almost total bioavailability.
Together with 74 trace minerals and added vitamin
D and magnesium citrate, this coral calcium absorption is very high. Testimonials from coral calcium
90 Caps
are endless: Amazing relief from twitching, bone
pain, heart palpitation, acid reflux (ph 8.6), fatigue,
insomnia, joint pain, tendonitis and this is just to
180 Caps
name a few. Don’t let Osteoporosis sneak up on
you, beat it with Alive Coral Calcium!
sAVe up to $11
Alive Hyaluronic Acid - 95% Pure
Erase Years from Your Face!
According to Woman’s World Magazine:
“This amazing molecule can erase years
from your face, protect your joints and
more!” How? HA works by acting like a
sponge holding up to 1000 times its own
weight in moisture: erasing fine lines and
wrinkles. Our bodies naturally produce about
3 grams of HA daily when we’re young. Unfortunately, the ability to produce HA drops as we
age. In the past, the only way to get more HA
was by injection, but it’s now possible to get HA’s benefits from a
tiny capsule. Imagine if you could:
• Banish wrinkles by taking HA for just 4 months as it will
boost collagen production almost three-fold, resulting in
more youthful looking skin.
• Eases joint pain and impr
improves your vision.
Speed the healing of injuries and prevent scarring with
HA. It has been shown that HA not only speeds the healing of
wounds, but it also will slowly get rid of old scarring. This is
especially helpful for people who suffer or who have suffered
from acne in the past and now are dealing with the scars and an
uneven complexion. Leading researchers have found that taking
just 140mg of HA a day shortens the time it takes a wound
to heal by 40%!
Most H.A on the market are from rooster or chicken source and
only contain 15% HA, but Alive H.A is 95% pure and is extracted
by bacterial fermentation from Europe & is therefore
highly absorbable. One customer says: “Age is just a number
with the amazing results of Alive H.A!” Next to Royal Jelly,
H.A is a must for Alice Chung owner of Alive Health Centre +
Chains: “I take it every day and the reason HA is so vital, is
it keeps the moisture in our skin. It also
protects our joints while boosting our
level of collagen. Remember collagen is
the main protein of connective tissue. It
60 Caps
is in our muscle, skin and throughout the
entire body. It is a major component of
sAVe $11
what holds us together!” NPN80025549
12/5/12 11:12 PM