FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY – NOVI SAD ТЕХНОЛОШКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ – НОВИ САД ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA - Novi Sad (formerly Zbornik radova Tehnološkog fakulteta and Proceedings of Faculty of Technology) publishes articles from all branches of technology (food, chemical, biochemical, pharmaceutical), process engineering and related scientific fields. Articles in Acta Periodica Technologica are abstracted by: Chemical Abstracts, Columbus, Ohio, Referativnii zhurnal – Khimija, VINITI, Moscow, listed in Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, and indexed in the Elsevier Bibliographic data bases – SCOPUS. YU ISSN 1450 – 7188 UDC 54:66:664:615 CODEN: APTEFF Publisher University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology 21000 Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, Serbia For Publisher Prof. Dr. Zoltan Zavargo, Dean Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Sonja Đilas Editorial Board From Abroad Prof. Dr. Živko Nikolov Texas A and M University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, College Station, TX, USA Prof. Dr. Erika Békássy-Molnár University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest, Hungary Prof. Dr. Željko Knez University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Maribor, Slovenia Dr. T.S.R. Prasada Rao Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun, India Prof. Dr. Đerđ Karlović Margarine Center of Expertise, Kruszwica, Poland Dr. Szigmond András Research Institute of Hungarian Sugar Industry, Budapest, Hungary Dr. Andreas Reitzmann Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, University Karlshruhe From Serbia Dr. Ratko Lazarević, Academician Prof. Dr. Slobodan D. Petrović Prof. Dr. Erne Kiš Prof. Dr. Petar Dokić Prof. Dr. Spasenija Milanović Prof. Dr. Vladimir Srdić ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) CONTENT FOOD TECHNOLOGY Biljana R. Cvetković and Marija R. Jokanović EFFECTS OF PRESERVATION METHOD AND STORAGE CONDITION ON ASCORBIC ACID LOSS IN BEVERAGES 1 Gordana R. Dimić, Sunčica D. Kocić-Tanackov, Dušanka J. Pejin, Jelena D. Pejin, Ilija J. Tanackov and Danijela Tuco ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF CARAWAY, GARLIC AND OREGANO EXTRACTS AGAINST FILAMENTOUS MOULDS 9 Ljubica P. Dokić, Marija I. Bodroža-Solarov, Miroslav S. Hadnađev and Ivana R. Nikolić PROPERTIES OF EXTRUDED SNACKS SUPPLEMENTED WITH AMARANTH GRAIN GRITS 17 Aleksandar Z. Fišteš and Đuro M. Vukmirović REDUCTION OF WHEAT MIDDLINGS USING A CONVENTIONAL AND EIGHT-ROLLER MILLING SYSTEMS 25 Gordana B. Koprivica, Nevena M. Mišljenović, Ljubinko B. Lević and Vjera S. Pribiš CHANGES IN NUTRITIVE AND TEXTURAL QUALITY OF APPLE OSMODEHYDRATED IN SUGAR BEET MOLASSES AND SACCHAROSE SOLUTIONS 35 Radomir V. Malbaša, Eva S. Lončar, Spasenija D. Milanović and Ljiljana A. Kolarov USE OF MILK-BASED KOMBUCHA INOCULUM FOR MILK FERMENTATION 47 Anamarija I. Mandić, Sonja M. Djilas, Jasna M. Čanadanović-Brunet, Gordana S. Ćetković and Jelena J. Vulić ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF WHITE GRAPE SEED EXTRACTS ON DPPH RADICALS 53 Spasenija D. Milanović, Mirela D. Iličić, Katarina G. Duraković and Vladimir R. Vukić TEXTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FERMENTED MILK BEVERAGES PRODUCED BY KOMBUCHA 63 Dragan V. Palić and Sophia E. Coetzee PROTOCOL FOR USING PROTEIN SOLUBILITY AS AN INDICATOR OF FULL-FAT SOYBEAN HEAT TREATMENT 71 Dragan V. Palić and Klaas-Jan Leeuw COMPARISON OF THREE IN VITRO METHODS FOR DETERMINING AND PREDICTING THE ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILITY OF COMLETE DIETS FOR RUMINANTS 79 Dragana Pešić-Mikulec and Gordana B. Niketić COMPOSITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL YOGHURT BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF VIABLE LACTIC ACID BACTERIA 87 Slađana M. Savatović, Aleksandra N. Tepić, Zdravko M. Šumić and Milan S. Nikolić ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF POLYPHENOL-ENRICHED APPLE JUICE 95 Mirjana A. Vasić, Biserka L. Vujičić, Aleksandra N. Tepić, Jelica M. Gvozdenović-Varga and Zdravko M. Šumić DIETARY FIBER CONTENT IN SOME DRY BEANS 103 Tanja D. Žugić-Petrović, Nataša M. Joković and Dragiša S. Savić THE EVOLUTION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA COMMUNITY DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATURE SORDOUGH 111 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Eva S. Lončar, Miroslava M. Radeka, Snežana B. Petrović, Andrea S. Skapin, Ognjen Lj. Rudić and Jonjaua G. Ranogajec DETERMINATION OF THE PHOTOCATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF TiO2 COATINGS ON CLAY ROOFING TILE SUBSTRATES – METHYLENE BLUE AS MODEL POLLUTANT 125 Nataša Lj. Lukić, Svetlana S. Popović and Jelena Dj. Marković MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF FLUX RECOVERY DURING CHEMICAL CLEANING OF TUBULAR MEMBRANE FOULED WITH WHEY PROTEINS 135 Nevena M. Mišljenović, Gordana B. Koprivica, Ljubinko B. Lević, Bojana V. Filipčev and Tatjana A. Kuljanin OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION OF RED CABBAGE IN SUGAR BEET MOLASSES - MASS TRANSFER KINETICS 145 Slaviša S. Putić, Marina R. Stamenović, Branislav B. Bajčeta and Dragana D. Vitković DETERMINATION OF TENSION STRENGHT IN THE LONGITUDINAL AND CIRCUMFERENTIONAL DIRECTION IN GLASS-POLYESTER COMPOSITE PIPES 155 Aleksandar R. Stanić, Saša I. Jovanić, Nikola J. Marjanović and Zvonimir J. Suturović THE USE OF L-ASCORBIC ACID IN SPECIATION OF ARSENIC COMPOUNDS IN DRINKIG WATER 165 Marina B. Šćiban, Mile T. Klašnja and Mirjana G. Antov TREATMENT OF SUGAR BEET THICK JUICE SPENT WASH BY CHEMICAL AND NATURAL COAGULANTS 177 Ivana M. Šijački, Radmilo R. Čolović, Milenko S. Tokić and Predrag S. Kojić SIMPLE CORRELATIONS FOR BUBBLE COLUMNS AND DRAFT TUBE AIRLIFT REACTORS WITH DILUTE ALCOHOL SOLUTIONS 183 BIOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING Marija M. Škrinjar and Nevena T. Nemet ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTS OF SPICES AND HERBS ESSENTIAL OILS 195 Dušanka J. Pejin, Olgica S. Grujić, Jelena D. Pejin, Irena S. Došenović and Sunčica D. Kocić-Tanackov THE INFLUENCE OF CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, XANTHAN AND GUAR-GUM ADDITION IN BREAD DOUGH BEFORE FREEZING ON METABOLISM AND VIABILITY OF Saccharomyces cerevisiae 211 IN MEMORIAM Prof. dr Nikola J. Marjanović INSTRUCTION FOR MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION 223 ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) САДРЖАЈ ПРЕХРАМБЕНА ТЕХНОЛОГИЈА Биљана Р. Цветковић и Марија Р. Јокановић УТИЦАЈ МЕТОДЕ КОНЗЕРВИСАЊА И УСЛОВА СКЛАДИШТЕЊА НА ГУБИТАК АСКОРБИНСКЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ У ОСВЕЖАВАЈУЋИМ БЕЗАЛКОХОЛНИМ ПИЋИМА 1 Гордана Р. Димић, Сунчица Д. Коцић-Танацков, Душанка Ј. Пејин, Јелена Д. Пејин, Илија Ј. Танацков и Данијела Туцо АНТИМИКРОБНА АКТИВНОСТ ЕКСТРАКАТА КИМА, БЕЛОГ ЛУКА И ОРИГАНА НА ФИЛАМЕНТОЗНЕ ПЛЕСНИ 9 Љубица П. Докић, Марија И. Бодрожа-Соларов, Мирослав С. Хаднађев и Ивана Р. Николић СВОЈСТВА ЕКСТРУДАТА СА ДОДАТКОМ КРУПИЦЕ ОД СЕМЕНА АМАРАНТУСА 17 Александар З. Фиштеш и Ђуро М. Вукмировић ЕФЕКТИ МЛЕВЕЊА ПШЕНИЧНОГ ГРИЗА У КЛАСИЧНОМ И ПОСТУПКУ СА ОСМОВАЉНОМ СТОЛИЦОМ 25 Гордана Б. Копривица, Невена М. Мишљеновић, Љубинко Б. Левић и Вјера С. Прибиш ПРОМЕНА НУТРИТИВНОГ КВАЛИТЕТА ЈАБУКЕ ПРИ ОСМОТСКОЈ ДЕХИДРАТАЦИЈИ У РАСТВОРИМА САХАРОЗЕ И МЕЛАСИ ШЕЋЕРНЕ РЕПЕ 35 Радомир В. Малбаша, Ева С. Лончар, Спасенија Д. Милановић и Љиљана А. Коларов ПРИМЕНА МЛЕЧНО-ФЕРМЕНТИСАНОГ ИНОКУЛУМА КОМБУХЕ ЗА ФЕРМЕНТАЦИЈУ МЛЕКА 47 Анамарија И. Мандић, Соња М. Ђилас, Јасна М. Чанадановић-Брунет, Гордана С. Ћетковић и Јелена Ј. Вулић АНТИOКСИДАТИВНА АКТИВНОСТ ЕКСТРАКАТА СЕМЕНА БЕЛОГ ГРОЖЂА НА DPPH РАДИКАЛЕ 53 Спасенија Д. Милановић, Мирела Д. Иличић, Катарина Г. Дураковић и Владимир Р. Вукић ТЕКСТУРАЛНЕ ОСОБИНЕ ФЕРMЕНТИСАНИХ МЛЕЧНИХ НАПИТАКА ДОБИЈЕНИХ ПРИМЕНОМ КОМБУХЕ 63 Драган В. Палић и Sоphia E. Coetzee ПОСТУПАК ЗА КОРИШЋЕЊЕ РАСТВОРЉИВОСТИ ПРОТЕИНА КАО ИНДИКАТОРА ТЕРМИЧКОГ ТРЕТМАНА ПУНОМАСНЕ СОЈЕ 71 Драган В. Палић и Klaas-Jan Leeuw ПОРЕЂЕЊЕ ТРИ IN VITRO МЕТОДЕ ЗА ОДРЕЂИВАЊЕ И ПРОЦЕНУ СВАРЉИВОСТИ ОРГАНСКЕ МАТЕРИЈЕ У ПОТПУНИМ СМЕШАМА ЗА ПРЕЖИВАРЕ 79 Драгана Пешић-Микулец и Гордана Б. Никетић КВАНТИТАТИВНО ОДРЕЂИВАЊЕ БАКТЕРИЈА МЛЕЧНЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ КОМЕРЦИЈАЛНИХ УЗОРАКА ЈОГУРТА 87 Слађана М. Саватовић, Александра Н. Тепић, Здравко М. Шумић и Милан С. Николић АНТИОКСИДАТИВНА АКТИВНОСТ СОКА ОД ЈАБУКА ОБОГАЋЕНОГ ПОЛИФЕНОЛНИМ ЈЕДИЊЕЊИМА 95 Мирјана А. Васић, Бисерка Л. Вујичић, Александра Н. Тепић, Јелица М. Гвозденовић-Варга и Здравко М. Шумић САДРЖАЈ ДИЈЕТЕТСКИХ ВЛАКАНА У НЕКИМ СОРТАМА ПАСУЉА 103 Тања Д. Жугић-Петровић, Наташа М. Јоковић и Драгиша С. Савић РАЗВОЈ ПОПУЛАЦИЈЕ БАКТЕРИЈА МЛЕЧНЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ У ТОКУ ФОРМИРАЊА ЗРЕЛОГ КИСЕЛОГ ТЕСТА 111 ХЕМИЈСКА ТЕХНОЛОГИЈА И ПРОЦЕСНО ИНЖЕЊЕРСТВО Ева С. Лончар, Мирослава М. Радека, Снежана Б. Петровић, Андреа С. Скапин, Огњен Љ. Рудић и Јоњауа Г. Раногајец ОДРЕЂИВАЊЕ ФОТОКАТАЛИТИЧКЕ АКТИВНОСТИ TiO2 ПРЕВЛАКА НА ЦРЕПУ КОРИШЋЕЊЕМ МЕТИЛЕН ПЛАВОГ КАО МОДЕЛ ПОЛУТАНТА 125 Наташа Љ. Лукић, Светлана С. Поповић и Јелена Ђ. Марковић МАТЕМАТИЧКО МОДЕЛОВАЊЕ РЕГЕНЕРАЦИЈЕ ФЛУКСА ТОКОМ ХЕМИЈСКОГ ЧИШЋЕЊА ТУБУЛАРНЕ МЕМБРАНЕ ЗАПРЉАНЕ ПРОТЕИНИМА СУРУТКЕ 135 Невена М. Мишљеновић, Гордана Б. Копривица, Љубинко Б. Левић, Бојана В. Филипчев и Татјана А. Куљанин ОСМОТСКА ДЕХИДРАТАЦИЈА ЦРВЕНОГ КУПУСА У МЕЛАСИ ШЕЋЕРНЕ РЕПЕ – КИНЕТИКА ПРЕНОСА МАСЕ 145 Славиша С. Путић, Марина Р. Стаменовић, Бранислав Б. Бајчета и Драгана Д. Витковић ОДРЕЂИВАЊЕ ЗАТЕЗНЕ ЧВРСТОЋЕ У УЗДУЖНОМ И ОБИМНОМ ПРАВЦУ У СТАКЛО-ПОЛИЕСТЕР КОМПОЗИТНИМ ЦЕВИМА 155 Александар Р. Станић, Саша И. Јованић, Никола Ј. Марјановић и Звонимир Ј. Сутуровић ПРИМЕНА Л-АСКОРБИНСКЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ ПРИ ОДРЕЂИВАЊУ РАЗЛИЧИТИХ ОБЛИКА АРСЕНА У ВОДИ ЗА ПИЋЕ 165 Марина Б. Шћибан, Миле Т. Клашња и Мирјана Г. Антов ТРЕТМАН ЏИБРЕ ОД ГУСТОГ СОКА ХЕМИЈСКИМ И ПРИРОДНИМ КОАГУЛАНТИМА 177 Ивана М. Шијачки, Радмило Р. Чоловић, Миленко С. Токић и Предраг С. Којић ПРЕДВИЂАЊЕ ОСНОВНИХ ХИДРОДИНАМИЧКИХ И МАСЕНОПРОЦЕСНИХ КАРАКТЕРИСТИКА У БАРБОТАЖНИМ КОЛОНАМА СА И БЕЗ УНУТРАШЊЕ ЦЕВИ СА РАЗБЛАЖЕНИМ РАСТВОРИМА АЛКОХОЛА 183 БИОХЕМИЈСКО И ФАРМАЦЕУТСКО ИНЖЕЊЕРСТВО Марија М. Шкрињар и Невена Т. Немет АНТИМИКРОБНО ДЕЛОВАЊЕ ЕСЕНЦИЈАЛНИХ УЉА ЗАЧИНА И ЛЕКОВИТОГ БИЉА 195 Душанка Ј. Пејин, Олгица С. Грујић, Јелена Д. Пејин, Ирена С. Дошеновић и Сунчица Д. Коцић-Танацков УТИЦАЈ ДОДАТКА КАРБОКСИМЕТИЛЦЕЛУЛОЗЕ, КСАНТАНА И ГУАР-ГУМЕ У ХЛЕБНО ТЕСТО ПРЕ ЗАМРЗАВАЊА НА МЕТАБОЛИЗАМ И ВИЈАБИЛНОСТ Saccharomyces cerevisiae 211 IN MEMORIAM Проф. др Никола Ј. Марјановић УПУТСТВО ЗА АУТОРЕ 223 FOOD TECHNOLOGY APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper EFFECT OF PRESERVATION METHOD AND STORAGE CONDITION ON ASCORBIC ACID LOSS IN BEVERAGES Biljana R. Cvetković and Marija R. Jokanović Global market is flooded with vitamin-enriched foods, mainly beverages. Major vitamins for enriching beverages are the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Ascorbic acid is readily oxidized and lost during storage of the beverages, at rates depending on the conditions of storage. This fact is of great importance for the consumer who must know how to store beverages and when to consume them in order to get the maximum benefit of added vitamin C. The objective of this paper was to determine the amount of ascorbic acid lost in beverages applying different preservation methods and storage condition. Beverage was made in laboratory conditions with synthetic L-ascorbic acid added according to the national legislations. After 30 days of storage at 4-8oC ascorbic acid overall loss was from 81.01% to 90.27% in thermally pasteurized samples and from 97.83 % to almost complete loss in samples preserved with sodium benzoate. KEY WORDS: L-ascorbic acid, colorimetric method, beverage, storage INTRODUCTION L-ascorbic acid is largely accepted as additive in human diets because of its antioxidative potential. The richest natural vitamin C sources are fruits and vegetables like pepper, rose hip, citrus fruit, and green vegetables. Fruits and vegetables supply more than 90% of vitamin C in human diets (1). A high recommendation of daily intake for humans has been suggested, since stress in modern life is known to increase the requirement for vitamin C (2). L-ascorbic acid is nutrient that besides its vitamin action is valuable for its antioxidant effect, stimulation of the immune system and other health benefits, such as prevention of scurvy and maintenance of healthy skin, gums and blood vessels. Vitamin C also reportedly reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and some forms of cancer. Vitamin C is a generic name for all compounds exhibiting the biological activity of Lascorbic acid (AA). AA is the principal biologically active form but L-dehydroascorbic Biljana R. Cvetković, B.Sc., biljana.cvetkovic@fins.uns.ac.rs, Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad; Marija R. Jokanović, M.Sc., Assist., marijaj@tf.uns.ac.rs, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 1 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper acid (DHA), an oxidation product, also exhibits biological activity (3). Addition of synthetic ascorbic acid increases content of vitamin C, influences maintenance of colour, flavour and universal stability of the food products (fruit juices, beverages, baby food, etc.) (4). Natural and synthetic L-ascorbic acids are chemically identical and there are no known differences in their biological activities or bioavailability (5). Based on available biochemical, clinical and epidemiological studies, the current recommended daily acceptance for ascorbic acid is suggested to be 100-120 mg/day to achieve cellular saturation and optimum risk reduction of heart diseases, stroke and cancer in healthy individuals (6). As a consequence of the common man’s increasing awareness regarding the importance of vitamin C, the global market is flooded with vitamin-enriched foods, mainly beverages. Major vitamins for enriching beverages are the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin C is usually added as ascorbic acid (7, 8). Fortification is a growing trend in soft drinks and in the dairy sector, and played a role in 8% of all new food and drink products introduced in 2003 (9). L-ascorbic acid application in the food industry increases quality and technological properties of food, as well as nutritional value (10). Ascorbic acid is highly sensitive to various modes of deterioration. The main factors that can affect ascorbic acid loss include temperature, salt and sugar concentration, pH, oxygen, light, metal catalysts, initial concentration of ascorbic acid, the ratio of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid, microbial load and protection by the container (11). The loss of nutritional quality during processing and storage of food has become an important problem. Since the discovery of the basic vitamins and their many forms, efforts have been made to retain them in foods during post-harvest, commercial processing, distribution, storage and preparation. Vitamin C is usually selected as an index of the nutrient quality because of its labile nature as compared to the other nutrients in food (1). The term beverages-soft drink originally applied to carbonated and non-carbonated drinks made from concentrates, although it now commonly refers to almost any cold drink that does not contain alcohol (12). Ascorbic acid added to beverages is readily oxidized and lost during staying, at a rate depending on the conditions of storage. This fact is of great importance to the consumer who must know how to store the beverages and when to consume them in order to get the maximum benefit of vitamin C content. (13). Determination of the nutrient content of foods is becoming extremely important as researchers learn more about the relationship between dietary intake and human health (14). Various methods have been reported in the literature for the quantitative determination of vitamin C in foods or biological fluids. The usual methods include titration (AOAC), colourimetric, spectrophotometry, fluorometry, electrophoresis, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Objectives of this paper were: a) preparation of non-alcoholic beverages in laboratory conditions with addition of synthetic ascorbic acid and two methods of preservation; b) analysis of the amount of ascorbic acid loss in samples during 30 days under different storage conditions, in closed glass bottles, storage in the refrigerator, and in the dark at room temperature and in a thermostat at 37oC. 2 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper EXPERIMENTAL Materials Beverage preparation. Beverage was prepared by diluting commercial beverage concentrate (Aretol no. 72 408, Celje, Slovenia) in water in a ratio 3:97. Sugar was added like inverted syrup (dry matter content in the final product about 9.5 %), and then citric acid was added to get appopriate sensory characteristics. There were alltogether prepared 12 samples. Ascorbic acid was added in two concentrations: 100 mg/l and 150 mg/l. For thermal pasteurisation were transferred into 200 ml glass bottles, second part of samples were first preserved with sodium benzoate and than transferred into 200 ml glass bottles. Preservation. Twelve samples (with both AA added concentrations) were divided in two parts: a) One part was thermally treated (pasteurisation). Thermal pasteurisation conditions (85oC, 15 minutes) were selected to be the same as in a conventional pasteurisation of industrially produced beverages. b) The other part was preserved with sodium benzoate in concentration of 130 mg /l, in the final product, which is in accordance with national legislations (15). Shelf-life study. Samples of beverages thermally pasteurised or preserved with sodium benzoate were stored in three different temperatures conditions: refrigerator (4-8oC), room temperature (20-22oC), and in a thermostat at 37oC. Samples were evaluated after 30 days of storage, by measuring ascorbic acid content. Method Determination of L-ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid content was determined using colourimetric method. L-ascorbic acid reduces the tetrazolium salt MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) in the presence of the electron carrier PMS (5-methylphenazinium methosulphate) at the pH 3.5 to a formazan (MTT-formazan), which is determined by measuring absorbance at 578 nm. Under the conditions stated in this procedure, assay is specific for L-ascorbic acid. The L-ascorbic acid content of these clear solutions was determined without any sample treatment. The detection limit of the method was 0.175 mg/l. Each value was measured in triplicate and averaged with standard deviation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION According to our results pasteurisation method had high influence on vitamin C content. Thermal pasteurisation gradually decreased L-ascorbic acid content. Ascorbic acid contents immediately after thermal pasteurisation in samples with 150 mg/l and 100 mg/l of added vitamin C, were 37.66 mg/l and 25.84 mg/ respectively (Table 1). 3 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper Table 1. Average ascorbic acid content with standard deviation and it loss in samples immediately after pasteurisation and preservation Samples 100 mg/l added ascorbic acid 150 mg/l added ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid content (mg/l) Pasteurisation Sodium benzoate preservation 25.84 ± 3.58 71.19 ± 8.02 37.66 ± 2.98 113.40 ± 8.35 According to Blasco et al. (2004), there are two different rates of ascorbic acid degradation observed during the heating process: an aerobic degradation followed by an anaerobic degradation. In the beginning of the heating process oxygen remains in the bottle and therefore aerobic degradation of the ascorbic acid with oxygen in abundance takes place. With prolonged time of heating the atmosphere in the bottle becomes saturated with vapour, so that the oxygen concentration is minimal and the ascorbic acid is degraded anaerobically (16). During the preservation of beverages with sodium benzoate the loss of added ascorbic acid was much lower than in thermally treated samples. Immediately after preservation, the loss of ascorbic acid in samples with sodium benzoate was 24.40 % and 28.81 % for samples with 150 mg/l and 100mg/l added ascorbic acid, respectively. 80 100 mg/l added vitamin C 150 mg/l added vitamin C 74.16 74.89 Ascorbic acid loss (%) 70 60 50 40 28.81 30 24.4 20 10 0 Thermal pasteurisation Sodium benzoate preservation Fig. 1. Ascorbic acid loss immediately after the two methods of preservation Table 2. Average ascorbic acid content (mg/l) with standard deviations in the beverages after 30 days of storage at 4-8, 20-22 and 37oC Storage temperature 4-8oC 20-22oC 37oC Pasteurisation AA AA 150 mg/l 100 mg/l 28.37 ± 1.26 2.17 ± 0.30 nd* nd nd nd *nd - not detected; AA- ascorbic acid 4 Preserved with sodium-benzoate AA AA 150 mg/l 100 mg/l 14.6 ± 1.99 0.43 ± 0.08 nd nd nd nd APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper 100 mg/l added vitamin C 150 mg/l added vitamin C Ascorbic acid loss (%) 120 100 99.57 97.83 90.26 81.01 80 60 40 20 0 Thermal pasteurisation Sodium benzoate preservation Fig. 2. Ascorbic acid loss after 30 days of storage in a refrigerator (4-8 oC) Storage temperature had a great influence on ascorbic acid loss. After 30 days of storage at room temperature (20-22oC) and in thermostat at 37oC ascorbic acid was not detected in any sample. After 30 days of storage at 4-8oC and thermal pasteurisation the overall loss of ascorbic acid was 81.01 % in samples with 150 mg/l added ascorbic acid, and 97.83 % in samples with 100 mg/l added ascorbic acid. In the beverages preserved with sodium benzoate after one month of storage at 4-8oC ascorbic acid overall loss was from 90.27 % in samples with added concentration of 150 mg/l to almost complete loss for samples with 100 mg/l of added ascorbic acid (Fig. 2). Heating method had a definite influence on the retention of ascorbic acid. According to Vikram et al. (2005), by each heating method of orange juice, temperature had a greater influence and the degradation was rapid at higher temperatures (17). The decrease of ascorbic acid concentration to levels unacceptable by declaration or industrial practise often defines the product shelf life. During storage, the vitamin C content gradually decreases at a rate depending on the processing and storage temperature. The more rapid decrease of ascorbic acid concentration at the beginning of the storage can be attributed to the immediate reaction of an amount of ascorbic acid with the dissolved oxygen (18). Degradation of ascorbic acid both by aerobic and anaerobic pathways depends upon many factors such as oxygen, heat, light, storage temperature and storage time. Oxidation of ascorbic acid occurs mainly during the processing, whereas, anaerobic degradation of vitamin C mainly appears during storage, which is especially observed in thermally preserved juices (10). CONCLUSION The decrease of vitamin C content to levels unacceptable by declaration or industrial practise often defines product shelf-life. During storage, the vitamin C content gradually decreases at a rate depending on processing and storage temperature. The more rapid decrease of ascorbic acid concentration at the beginning of the storage can be attributed to the immediate reaction of an amount of ascorbic acid with the dissolved oxygen (18). 5 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940001C UDC: 663.86:577.164.2:663.053 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 1-7 Original scientific paper According to Blasco et al. (2004) there are two different rates of ascorbic acid degradation observed during the heating process: an aerobic degradation, followed by an anaerobic degradation. In the beginning of the heating process oxygen remains in the bottle and therefore aerobic degradation of the ascorbic acid with oxygen in abundance takes place. With prolonged time of heating, the atmosphere in the bottle becomes saturated with vapour, so that the oxygen concentration is minimal and the ascorbic acid is degraded anaerobically (16). The experiments have shown that L- ascorbic acid added like additive in non-alcoholic beverage is extremely unstable in water solution. The samples with a lower initial content of ascorbic acid lose it faster than those with a greater content. Ascorbic acid loss was greater in preserved than in pasteurised beverages. It should be recommended that beverage with ascorbic acid added should be consumed after preparation with no long time of storage. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project TP-20068). REFERENCES 1. Erentuk. S, Gualaboglu M.S. and S. Gultekin: The effects of cutting and drying medium on the vitamin C content of rosehip during drying. Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 513-518. 2. Olivier Fain: Musculoskeletal manifestations of scurvy, Review, Joint Bone Spine (2004). 3. Lee S. K. and Adel A. 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Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 21-23. УТИЦАЈ МЕТОДЕ КОНЗЕРВИСАЊА И УСЛОВА СКЛАДИШТЕЊА НА ГУБИТАК АСКОРБИНСКЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ У ОСВЕЖАВАЈУЋИМ БЕЗАЛКОХОЛНИМ ПИЋИМА Биљана Р. Цветковић и Марија Р. Јокановић Светско тржиште је преплављено витамински обогаћеним производима, углавном освежавајућим безалкохолним пићима. Најчешће се производи обогаћују антиоксидантима, односно витаминима А, Ц и Е. Л-асакорбинска киселина у освежавајућим безалкохолним пићима врло брзо оксидише и разлаже се током складиштења, у зависности од услова чувања. Ова чињеница је од велике важности за потрошаче који треба да знају како да чувају и када да конзумирају освежавајућа безалкохолна пића (која су обогаћена аскорбинском киселином) у циљу максималне користи од додатог витамина Ц. Задатак овог рада је био мерење опадања концентрације витамина Ц у узорцима током различитих услова скледиштења. Освежавајуће безалкохолно пиће је припремљено у лабораторијским условима у складу са важећим Правилником, уз додатак синтетске Л-аскорбинске киселине. Током складиштења од 30 дана на температури од 4-8оС губитак аскорбинске киселине је 81.01- 97.83% у пастеризованом узорку пића, а у конзервисаном 90- 99%. Received 17 November 2008 Accepted 26 February 2009 7 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF CARAWAY, GARLIC AND OREGANO EXTRACTS AGAINST FILAMENTOUS MOULDS Gordana R. Dimić, Sunčica D. Kocić-Tanackov, Dušanka J. Pejin, Jelena D. Pejin, Ilija J. Tanackov and Danijela Tuco Inhibitory effect of caraway, garlic and oregano extracts (0.07, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2%), against four moulds species was investigated. The caraway extract had the strongest inhibitory effect by inhibiting the germination of Emericella nidulans, Penicillium commune and P. implicatum at the concentration of 0.1% and Aspergillus tamarii at the concentration of 0.5% during 7 days of incubation at 25oC. The extract of garlic only partially inhibited the growth of A. tamarii and P. commune. However, it inhibited completely the growth of P. implicatum and E. nidulans at the doses of 0.5 and 1%. Oregano partially inhibited all mould species, significantly reducing the growth of colonies, especially of E. nidulans (93.3%). KEY WORDS: Spice extracts, antifungal activity INTRODUCTION Moulds highly prevail in nature and frequently contaminate human food. Some of them produce secondary metabolites such as aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, stergmatocystine, which are cytotoxic and carcinogenic, and as such present a potential health hazard for humans (1). Medium moisture food (0.75-0.90 aw), low moisture food (< 0.75 aw) and sour food are especially susceptible to the presence of moulds. The development of moulds on food can be expected in cases when inappropriate sanitary practice is applied in production plants. Moulds occur more frequently than other microorganisms on food products during storage and distribution as a consequence of inadequate conditions. Essential oils extracted from spices and other herbs, as well as their biologically active components, have been intensively investigated for their potential role in the protection of food from microorganisms, especially the foodstuffs with short shelf-life, such as bread, bakery products, cakes, salads, fresh fruits and vegetable, fish, etc. which are the most susceptible to microbial spoilage. Being natural antimicrobial agents, their usage Dr. Gordana R. Dimić, Assoc. Prof., gordanad@tf.uns.ac.rs, Sunčica D. Kocić-Tanackov, M.Sc., Assist., Dr. Dušanka J. Pejin, Prof., Dr. Jelena D. Pejin, Assist., Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Dr. Ilija J. Tanackov, Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Technical Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Danijela Tuco, B.Sc. Etol JVE d.o.o., Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 40, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 9 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper can minimize the application of synthetic preservatives and additives, preserving simultaneously food freshness and sensory quality. Preserving properties of spices and their extracts have been recognized long ago; their residues have been found on old Egyptian mummies (2) and there are evidence of their usage as antiseptic agents (3). Studies have shown that some spices like vanilla do not possess antifungal activity (4) whereas some of them have a stimulating effect (5, 6, 7, 8). This study was aimed at investigating the antifungal potential of caraway, garlic, and oregano extracts against some food-borne fungi. EXPERIMENTAL Materials Commercially available food grade ethanol extracts of caraway, garlic, and oregano were provided from Etol, Celje, Slovenia. Test cultures for antifungal investigations, Aspergillus tamarii, Emericella nidulans, Penicillium commune and P. implicatum were taken from the culture collection of the Laboratory for Food Microbiology, Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, isolated from food. The cultures were maintained on potatodextrose agar (PDA) slants at 4º C. Preparation of inoculum Prior to the experiment, moulds were cultured on PDA slants for 10 days until fully sporulated. Spores were taken by adding 10 ml of medium which contained 0.5% Tween 80 and 0.5% agar in sterile distilled water (4), scraped with sterile loop and aseptically transferred into sterile test tubes. Spore suspension obtained in this way was adjusted to final concentration of 2×106 spores/ml using the hemocytometer, and used for further work. Antifungal test The inhibition of mould growth was determined by performing daily measurements of the radial growth of colonies cultured on PDA medium which contained spice extracts (each plate separately) in the following concentrations 0.07, 0.1, 0.5, 1 i 2% (v/v). For test moulds, PDA plates without any added material were made and used as control plates. The solid plates were inoculated with spore suspension containing 1µl (103 spores/ml) in the centre of the medium and were incubated for 7 days at 25oC. Diameter of the growth was determined by averaging the radial growrth of the colony in two orthogonal directions. Each test was run in triplicate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Inhibitory concentrations for caraway, garlic and oregano extracts against A. tamarii, E. nidulans, P. commune and P. implicatum are presented in Table 1. 10 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper Table 1. The inhibitory activities of spice extracts against moulds Extract Conc. (%) Caraway 0.07 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.07 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.07 0.1 0.5 1 2 Garlic Oregano A. tamarii 12.7 22.2 47.6 100 100 1.6 14.3 25.4 30.1 33.3 12.7 17.5 30.1 47.6 79.4 Inhibition colony growth (%) E. nidulans P. commune P. implicatum 20.0 14.8 11.1 33.3 37.0 77.8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 22.2 11.1 11.1 31.1 18.5 33.3 73.3 26.0 100 100 33.3 100 100 59.2 100 11.1 14.8 5.5 15.5 18.5 11.1 31.1 22.2 16.7 48.9 29.6 55.5 93.3 74.1 66.7 As can be seen from data presented, the caraway extract exhibited the strongest inhibitory activity that was particularly expressed against E. nidulans and both Penicillium species (P. commune and P. implicatum) which did not grow at extract doses over 0.1%. At this level, the growth of P. implicatum was markedly reduced (77.8%). The level over 0.5% was needed to completely inhibit A. tamarii. The garlic extract at 0.5 and 1% concentrations inhibited only partially the growth of A. tamarii and P. commune and completely the growth of P. implicatum and E. nidulans. If compared to A. tamarii, stronger antifungal activity against P. commune was observed in all applied concentrations. The level of growth reduction in the presence of garlic extract for A. tamarii ranged from 1.6 to 33.3% and for P. commune between 11.1 to 59.2%. Although none of the tested species was completely inhibited by the oregano extract, high concentrations were found to significantly inhibit the growth of colonies. The 2% extract inhibited almost completely (93.3%) the growth of E. nidulans. Against A. tamarii and P. commune, the same extract concentration exhibited approximately 70% inhibition rate (79.4 and 74.1%, respectively), whereas P. implicatum was found to be the least sensitive species. The effect of caraway, oregano and garlic extracts on the germination and growth rate of moulds is presented in Figures 1-3. At the concentrations 0.1 and 0.5%, the caraway extract delayed the beginning of germination of A. tamarii by two and three days, respectively, as compared to the control. The appearance of the growth of E. nidulans and P. commune was not under the influence by the increased extract concentration; however, the differences in their growth rate were noticed during the next days. At 0.1% concentration, colonies of P. implicatum became visible only on the sixth day after the inoculation of agar plates. 11 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper Fig. 1. Effect of caraway extract on the growth of moulds Fig. 2. Effect of garlic extract on the growth of moulds 12 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper The growth rate decline with increase of garlic extract contents in the agar medium was especially pronounced in the case of P. implicatum and E. nidulans, pointing to the greater sensitivity of these spesies (Fig. 2). Higher concentrations did not significantly influence the appearance of A. tamarii, whereas P. commune did not grow in the presence of 2% garlic extract until the fourth day. At lower levels of oregano extract (Fig. 3), the begining of germination was delayed by two days only in the case of P. implicatum, at the concentration of 0.5%. The 1 and 2% concentrations delayed the growth of P. implicatum by two and four days and E. nidulans by two and five days. The growth of A. tamarii and P. commune was delayed only at the concentracion of 2%, for three days. Stronger inhibitory effect on the growth rate of E. nidulans was noticed at the concentrations over 0.1% for A. tamarii and P. implicatum over 0.5% and at P. commune over 1%. Fig. 3. Effect of oregano extract on the growth of moulds The increasing concentrations of caraway, garlic and oregano extracts caused the absence or delay in germination of tested fungi, showing various inhibitory effects on the growth rate reduction. Caraway was more efficient at lower concentrations, compared to garlic and oregano. Moreover, it was the only extract to inhibit the growth of three species (out of the four tested) during the whole period of incubation (7 days) at 25oC. Previous studies also reported strong inhibitory effect of caraway on Penicillium species. Studies have shown that P. aurantiogriseum, P. corylophilum, P. commune and P. griseofulvum were completely inhibited at 1% dose (8, 9). Antifungal properties of the tested extracts are due to their major constitutive components, carvacrol (from caraway and oregano), limonene (from caraway), thymol (from 13 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940009D UDC: 664.5:66.061.3:582.28 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 9-16 Original scientific paper oregano) and sulfur compounds (from garlic) (10, 11). Phenol compounds such as carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, vanillin, geraniol and cinnamaldehyd are known antimicrobial agents (11-17). Phenolic OH-group is very reactive and easily forms hydrogen bonds with active sites in enzymes (6). According to Soliman and Badea (18), caraway showed inhibitory effect on Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus at 2000 ppm dose and on A. ochraceus and Fusarium moniliforme at 3000 ppm. Nielsen and Rios (4) showed that esential oils of mustard, garlic and clove are effective in preventing the growth of moulds usually present in bread. Garlic show antifungal activity against certain Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium species (19, 20). Guyenot et al. (3) investigated the protective effect of essential oils of 16 spices against xerophilic fungi from genera Eurotium, Aspergillus and Penicillium, common spoilage organisms in bakery products. It was also reported that oregano extract is capable to completely inhibit Aspergillus parasiticus at the level of 2% in agar medium (6), which is in compliance with our results. Essential oils of cinnamon and oregano proved to be very effective in growth inhibition of Fusarium proliferatum (21). CONCLUSION This study proved that the tested spice extracts can be potentially protective agents against filamentous fungi, frequent contaminants of food. Caraway extract exhibited high efficacy already at 0.5% dose. Garlic was the most effective against E. nidulans and P. implicatum. Oregano exhibited strong inhibitory effect although was unable to completely inhibit the fungal growth. 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Екстракт кима је имао најјачи инхибиторни ефекат спречавајући герминацију Emericella nidulans, Penicillium commune и P. implicatum при концентрацији од 0,1% и Aspergillus tamarii при концентрацији од 0,5% током седам дана инкубирања на 25°C. Екстракт белог лука је само парцијално инхибирао раст А. tamarii и P. commune и потпуно P. implicatum и Е. nidulans при концентрацијама 0,5 и 1%. Оригано је парцијално инхибирао све четири врсте плесни, али је раст колонија био значајно смањен, нарочито код Е. nidulans (93,3%). Received 24 July 2009 Accepted 14 September 2009 16 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper PROPERTIES OF EXTRUDED SNACKS SUPPLEMENTED WITH AMARANTH GRAIN GRITS Ljubica P. Dokić, Marija I. Bodroža-Solarov, Miroslav S. Hadnađev and Ivana R. Nikolić Extruded amaranth grain products have specific aroma and can be used as snack food, supplement in breakfast cereals, or as raw material for further processing. Extruded products of corn-amaranth grits blends, containing 20% or 50% amaranth grain grits, were produced by extrusion-cooking using a laboratory Brabender single screw extruder 20 DN. Extrudates with various texture were obtained. During extrusion process starch granules are partially degraded, hence rheological properties were examined. All samples exhibited thixotropic flow behavior. Those samples in which part of the corn grits was replaced with amaranth one had lower viscosity and exhibited lower level of structuration during storage. KEY WORDS ׃Amaranth, extrudate, proteins, starch, rheological, properties INTRODUCTION Amaranth grain has significant nutritional value. Its protein, mineral meters, fat and cellulose percentage are higher compared to cereals (1, 2). Since this plant has similar application as cereals, it is classified as pseudocereal (2). The origin of Amaranthus sp. is from middle and south America, but for the last few decades this cultivar was introduced in European countries as Austria, Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro (2, 3). Extruded amaranth grain products have specific aroma and can be used as snack food, supplement in breakfast cereals, or as raw material for further processing (4). Sanches– Marroquim et al. investigated extruded blends of Amaranth with wheat and outs flour. The optimal combination of these components, to their opinion is 50׃50, or 60׃40, respectively (5). Starch is an important industrial raw material for food products as well as for technical products. Corn starch is relatively easily isolated by wet-milling procedure. Amaranth Dr. Ljubica Dokić, Assoc. Prof, ldokic@uns.ac.rs, Faculty of Tehnology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Dr. Marija Bodroža-Solarov, Miroslav Hadnađev, M. Sc. Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Ivana Nikolić, B. Sc., Faculty of Tehnology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 17 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper starch is interesting because of its small granular size, 1–2 μm, which provides specific functional properties, as good freeze–thaw stability and resistance to mechanical shear. Amaranth starch content is approximately 63%, while protein content is 15%. The starch has „waxy” characteristics and specific molecular composition, while proteins have high quality and major content of S–amino acids and lysine (6). There is no effective and easy method to isolate the starch from amaranth seed because of its small granules and high protein content. Considering the fact that starch and protein are of high quality, some other methods were developed, like dry milling and separation or extrusion process with the aim to provide products useful for food or nonfood purposes. During extrusion process, properties of native starch granules are modified and pregelatinized starch with changed rheological characteristics is obtained (7). Numerous products with starch undergo thermal treatments during production and application, when starch gels with specific rheological characteristics are formed. Modification of rheological properties can be achieved by mixing different starches. The aim of this work was to investigate rheological characteristics of gels of amaranth and corn grits blends, before and after extrusion process. EXPERIMENTAL Amaranth and corn were acquired from local commercial sources. Grits was obtained by milling whole grain in laboratory mill (Bühler 202, Germany). Blends were prepared in the following ratios: amaranth:corn, 20:80, 50:50 and 0:100, respectively. Particle size distribution of grits is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Particle size distribution of corn and amaranth grits Sample Corn grits Amaranth grits Fractions remained on sieves of particular size, (%) 850 μm 650 μm 450 μm 350 μm 250 μm 1.2 44.1 50.3 3.7 0.7 0.8 43.0 41.2 9.0 6.0 Grits blends were extruded using a laboratory Brabender single screw extruder 20 DN. Before extrusion, the moisture content of the grits was adjusted to 16%. Such moisture content enables optimal extrusion conditions. It was fed to the extruder under the following conditions׃ Compression ratio 4׃1 Temperature of the first zone 120°C Temperature of the second zone 130°C Temperature of the third zone 160°C Die diameter 3 mm Screw speed 120 rpm The extruded product (flips) was analyzed for moisture (AOAC,1984, 8), bulk density and expansion ratio. 18 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper Extrudate density was calculated. Six products were randomly selected, weighted (m) and measured (L, D), and the density was calculated as follows: 4× m Density = 2 π×D ×L where m is the mass, L – length of cooled extrudate with the diameter D (9). Expansion ratio was calculated as the ratio of the diameter of extruded simple to that of the extruded die. Density and expansion ratio are given as average value of six calculations. Statistical Analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least significant differences (LSD) were performed by the Statistical Analysis System (Statistical, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA). Strength, hardness and plasticity were determined on a universal instrument for texture analysis INSTRON 4301. Determination of hardness was performed with head with 1.6 mm diameter running at speed of 60 mm/min. Softness of sample by cutting was examined using knife with 1 mm blade and at head speed of 60 mm/min. Probe for compression with 30 mm diameter was used to examine the force needed to compress extrudate from 1 cm length to 0.5 cm at the Instron head speed of 48 mm/min. The measurements were performed in the six replicates and average value for strength, hardness and plasticity were calculated. The gels for rheological measurements were obtained by heating 6.25% suspension of grits, in a Brabender viscoamylograph up to 95°C and then held at 95°C for 30 min. Gels were made from grits blends as well as from extruded products milled to grits on a laboratory mill. The obtained paste was cooled to room temperature and rheological measurements of the gels were carried out at 20°C. Measurements were carried out right after the cooling (0h) and 24 hours later (24h). Rheometer RheoStress 600HP (Haake, Germany) with measurement set plate–plate (PP60Ti), with 60 mm diameter and 1 mm distance, was used. Flow curves were obtained by hysteresis loop method by the following cycle: ramp up 0-500 1/s in 4 min 500 1/s in 2 min constant γ ramp down 500-0 1/s in 4 min. Micrographs were taken on a scanning electron microscope (JEOL–JSM–6460LV). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results of the determination of expansion index and density of extrudates are presented in Table 2. The initial moisture level drop from 16% to the final average level of 7.5% for extrudates, was within the expected range of 4-8%, reported by Koeppe (1987) as characteristic for an extruded snack products. The difference in moisture content of extrudates is not statistically important (Table 2). 19 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper Table 2. Extrudate properties Sample 100% corn grits 80% corn : 20% amaranth grits 50% corn : 50% amaranth grits Moisture content (%) (db) 7.6 ± 0.09a 7.4 ± 0.03a 7.6 ± 0.05a Expansion index Density (g/cm3) 4.03 ± 0.21a 2.83 ± 0.11b 1.83± 0.18c 0.095 ± 0.02a 0.132 ± 0.01b 0.346± 0.04c Results are mean ± SD of six measurements a Means with different letters in the same column for each sample are significantly different at the 5% level Addition of amaranth grits to extrusion blend proportionally reduced extrusion index and increased density of extrudates, due to its reduced expansion properties compared to corn. Reduced expansion resulted in a denser product with smaller air cell diameters as shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of amaranth:corn 50:50 (A) and corn extrudate (B) It is difficult to produce expanded products by extrusion cooking of amaranth grain alone, due to its high fat content (6-8% in whole grain). Fat provides a powerful lubricant effect in extrusion cooking and reduced product expansion (11). Flips of 100% corn grits have the highest expansion (4.03) and lowest density (0.095 g/cm3), which provides demanded crispy structure during eating. Blend of 50% corn and 50% amaranth grits resulted in a decreased expansion index (1.83) compared to control 100% corn grits by 2.2 times, but in increased density (0.346 g/cm3 ) by 3.6 times. Table 3. Texture of extrudates measured by Instron 4301 Sample 100% corn grits 80% corn : 20% amaranth grits 50% corn : 50% amaranth grits a Compression force (N) 13.2 ± 0.23a 20.8 ± 0.32b 24.5 ± 0.15b Penetration force (N) 3.2 ± 0.09a 5.1 ± 0.11b 11.6 ± 0.08c Cutting force (N) 19.2 ± 0.20a 18.8 ± 0.18a 18.4 ± 0.14a Means with different letters in the same column for each samples are significantly different at the 5% level Table 3 represents the differences in compression, penetration and cutting force (N) for the extrudate with amaranth grits supplement compared to the control with 100% corn 20 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper grits. Increasing the amount of amaranth grits in flips increased the resistance of extrudates, thus the difference in force for compression and penetration compared to corn grits flips is significant. Cutting force which imitates biting, is not statistically much different among treatments. Hardness of flips with 50% amaranth grits represented by penetration force (11.6 N) is by 3.6 times higher than the penetration force for sample with 100% corn grits (3.2N), which is a major difference. Generally, the addition of grits from whole amaranth grain, as a fiber–rich raw material in extruded product formulations, resulted in increased density and hardness of the product (12). Figure 2 presents flow curves of gels obtained from corn grits and blends of corn and amaranth grits in the ratios 80:20 and 50:50, determined immediately after the preparation and after 24h. All systems exhibited thixotropic flow behavior. Gels prepared from corn grits had the greatest value of shear stress, i.e. viscosity, and largest thixotropic loop area. The structure is weak and it was broken–down by low share rates. During storage for 24h the system with 100% corn grits is additionally structured and three–dimensional gel structure is formed as a result of retrogradation of amylase fractions. Since retrogradation is a process of binding by weak hydrogen bonds that are easily broken, the flow curve for 100% corn grits measured after 24 hours shows a peak characteristic for breaking such structures down at very low shear rates. Gels of examined grits blends had lower viscosity than corn grits and during storage they did not build additional structure. This is a result of replacing part of the corn grits, whose starch contains amylose and amylopectin, with amaranth grits whose starch includes small amount of amylose and high amount of amylopectin fractions (13). ### ### ### 120 140 100 120 100 80 τ (Pa) τ (Pa) B B B 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 100 200 300 γ (1/s) 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 γ (1/s) Fig. 2. Flow curves of the gels from corn grits and corn–amaranth grits in the ratios 80:20 and 50:50 determined in 0 h and 24 h 21 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper In such a way fraction which structurate during time (amylose) is partially replaced by non gelling fraction. Increased amount of amaranth grits decreased viscosity and surface of thixotropic flow curves. From the flow curves, in Figure 2, fitting data in Herschel–Bulkley equation (14): τ = τ0 • + k γn the values for yield stress τ0 and coefficients k and n were calculated. Yield stress decreased with addition of amaranth grits, as part of the corn was replaced. Also, values of yield stress τ0 increased for gel samples after 24 hours of storage due to the structuration. Values of viscosity behavior index n for all samples are smaller than 1, which is characteristic for thixotropic behavior. Table 4. Values of yield stress, consistency index and viscosity behavior index Sample Yield stress τo (Pa) 100% corn grits 80% corn : 20% amaranth grits 50% corn : 50% amaranth grits 100% corn extrudate 50% corn : 50% amar. extrudate 0h 3.97 1.96 0.72 0 0 24h 4.59 2.75 0.92 0.57 0 Consistency index k 0h 2.78 2.49 2.89 0.30 0.05 24h 10.46 6.75 3.93 12.59. 0.05 Viscosity behavior index n 0h 0.59 0.57 0.52 0.72 0.06 24h 0.38 0.41 0.44 0.21 0.06 100% corn extrudate corn/amaranth 50:50% extrudate 100% corn grits corn/amarnth 50:50% 120 100 τ (Pa) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 γ (1/s) Fig. 3. Flow curves of the gels made from the corn grits and extruded snack, and from 50:50% corn:amaranth grits and extruded snack Fig 3 presents flow curves of corn grits and grits blends of corn and amaranth in a ratio 50:50, as well as flow curves of obtained extrudated products. Flow curves of gels made from extrudates had lower viscosity than the gels made from corresponding grits. 22 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940017D UDC:664. BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 17-24 Original scientific paper Starch granules in extrudates after thermal treatment were partly damaged during extrusion process and they built weak gels. The obtained pastes had a lower viscosity, and they can be classified to the category of pregelatined starch granules. CONCLUSION Increasing amount of amaranth grits in the extrusion blend causes increase of density and hardness of the extrudated products and decrease in expansion index. When part of the corn grits is replaced with amaranth grits viscosity of gels decreases compared to pure corn grits. Also, extrusion process partially damages starch granules, thus obtained gels of extrudated products have lower viscosity than the initial grits. REFERENCES 1. Saunders, R.M., and R. 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Добијени су екструдати различите текстуре. Повећањем удела гриза од амарантуса у смеши за екструдирање долази до повећања густине, смањења степена експанзије, повећања тврдоће. У процесу екструдирања долази до делимичног оштећења скробне грануле те су испитане и реолошке карактеристике. Сви системи су по типу протицања били тиксотропни. Узорци код којих је део кукурузне крупице замењен амарантусовом имали су ниже вискозитете и показивали низак степен просторног структурирања током стајања. Received 15 June 2009 Accepted 9 September 2009 24 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper REDUCTION OF WHEAT MIDDLINGS USING A CONVENTIONAL AND EIGHT-ROLLER MILLING SYSTEMS Aleksandar Z. Fišteš and Đuro M. Vukmirović1 Possibilities for the rationalization of the wheat flour milling process using the eightroller mill on the 1M and 2M passages of the reduction system have been investigated. At the same roll gaps and under the same sieving conditions, the lower flour yield has been obtained using an eight-roller mill compared to the conventional milling system (5-8 %) followed by a higher energy requirements for grinding. By decreasing the roll gap setting and increasing the upper size limit of flour in the process with the eight-roller mill it is possible to increase flour yield and therefore decrease milling energy consumption per unit mass of flour produced without deterioration of flour quality as determined by ash content. With appropriate adjustments of the processing parameters in the eight-roller milling system it is possible to achieve similar milling results to those in the conventional system, while the overall investment, energy and maintenance costs are significantly lower. KEY WORDS: Wheat flour milling, process rationalization, eight-roller mill INTRODUCTION The objective of the wheat flour milling process is to separate the branny cover and germ of the wheat kernel from the endosperm and achieve as high as possible flour extraction with the lowest contamination of bran and germ that increase the ash content. Breaking the wheat kernel is affected by corrugated cast steel rolls that gradually separate the endosperm, bran and germ. Reduction of relatively pure endosperm to flour is achieved by using smooth rolls. Segregation between the kernel parts occurs in plansifters, where sieves separate particles of different size, and in purifires, where sieves and airflow separate particles of different size, specific gravity and shape (1). Ever since the grinding of grain has been known to the mankind, possibilities and solutions have been sought out in order to simplify the grinding process and make it more efficient. New concepts and ideas only have chance of being successful if the yield as well as the quality of the finished products are not affected and requirements such as reduction of investment, operating and maintenance cost are met (2). The traditional Aleksandar Z. Fišteš, M.Sc., fistes@uns.ac.rs, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Đuro M. Vukmirović, B.Sc., djuro.vukmirovic@gmail.com, Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 25 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper wisdom in flour milling is that after every grinding step the ground material should be sieved and the undersize material removed before regrinding (3). Over the years the main equipment used in the grinding system has been redesigned to such an extent that it has been possible to multiply the throughputs of these machines but flour process technology has not changed fundamentally since the introduction of the roller mill, the purifier and the plansifter (4). This is the reason why the double grinding of intermediate streams before sieving has been one of the most notable process developments in flour milling (3). Eight-roller mill (a total of 8 rolls in one housing) provides two grinding passages without any intermediate sifting. Compared to a conventional process with the four-roller mill, the introduction of the eight-roller mill into the milling flowsheet offers the following advantages (2, 4, 5-8): • fewer pneumatic suction lifts (conveying the stock from the roll to the sifter) – resulting in lower material and installation costs • lower pneumatic system air requirements – resulting in lower energy costs and lower filter surface requirements for cleaning the pneumatic conveying air • reduction of sifter surface • smaller number of roll stands • less spouting and auxiliary components • lower space requirements for equipment installation – resulting in lower building costs for the new milling plants or increase in grinding capacity within existing limited building space • more compact building design makes it easier to keep clean with less area to fumigate • with less equipment there is less cleaning and maintenance. On the other hand, twin stage grinding ignores the milling principle that, after grinding, coarse material is separated from the fines and therefore the conditions for controlled milling are less favorable. The decision as to how many double grinding passages can be applied in the flowsheet depends directly on the finished products to be made. It is not always possible to equip installations exclusively with eight-roller mills (4, 8). This is the reason why it is very important to define the passages and optimal roll parameters that allow the introduction of the eight-roller mill into the milling process without deterioration of the yield and quality of finished products. Even though the eight-roller mill has found its place in the modern flour milling process relatively little research has been performed on various factors affecting the milling results using this technique mainly focusing on the front passages of the break system (8-11) rather than the passages of the reduction system. It is evident that when the first and second breaks are combined into a twin passage, the particle size distribution of the stock will not be the same as with conventional single break system (2, 8, 11). There are several disadvantages of using this break system. First, it grinds fine material, coarse middlings, that should not pass to the next break roll, whose function is to separate endosperm from bran. Second, it produces more break flour and fine middlings and less coarse middlings and sizings that can be purified to produce clean middlings and low-ash flour. Third, the capacity of the lower roll is limited because the ground material is lower in density, which increases the volume to the roll (5). Tegeler (8) and Wanzenried (7) 26 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper stated that the granulation from flour produced in the eight-roller mill is finer while the flour color is slightly whiter compared to the ones in the conventional process. The research of Zwingleberg (9) and Zwingleberg and Artz (10) showed that appropriate adjustment of the roll parameters is needed regardless of whether the eight-roller mill is used on breakage or reduction passages. Under industrial conditions, only the roll gap settings and feed rate (to a limited degree) can be adjusted during the milling process. The aim of this work was to examine and compare the effect that roll gap changes have on the milling results (degree of particle size reduction, flour release, flour ash and milling energy requirements) obtained using the conventional process and process with an eight-roller mill employed on the 1st and 2nd midds (1M and 2M passages) of the reduction system. EXPERIMENTAL The samples were obtained from an industrial mill (120 t/day) intercepting the stream (middlings) that would have been sent to the 1M. In this particular mill (having five break, four sizing and six reduction passages) the eight-roller mills are not employed. The samples (50 kg) were separated using the automatic sampler divider (Gompper-Maschinen KG) into 0.5 kg batches and milled on a Variostuhl (model C Ex 2) – laboratory roll stand (Miag). Smooth rolls 0.1 m in length and 0.25 m in diameter were used. Table 1 summarizes the experimental range of variables tested. The experiments were designed to compare: a.) conventional milling system – the entire stock following 1M was sieved for 3 min on a Bühler laboratory sifter (model MLU-300) and the part of the stock held on the sieve fitted with 150 μm bolting cloth was milled on 2M b.) eight-roller milling system – the entire stock following 1M was milled on the 2M without intermediate sifting Table 1. Summary of experimental range of variables tested Milling system Roll surface Roll gap combinations [mm] Smooth 1M-0.10; 2M-0.08 1M-0.10; 2M-0.05 1M-0.08; 2M-0.05 Conventional Eight-roller Feed rate [kg/cm/min] Differential Fast roll speed [m/s] 1.25 5 1M-0.20; 2M-0.15* 1M-0.20; 2M-0.20 *The slower feed rate on 2M corresponds to the amount of flour removed by intermediate sifting of the stock leaving 1M Sieve analysis of the entire stock following 2M was performed on the above Bühler laboratory sifter for 3 min. For the conventional milling system the sieve openings were 250, 200 and 150 µm, along with the bottom collecting pan. For the eight-roller milling system three different stacks of sieves were used. The first stack was the same as that mentioned above. In the second, the sieve with the 150 µm bolting cloth was replaced 27 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper with a sieve having 180 µm bolting cloth, and for the third stack the sieve openings were 250 and 200 µm. Two samples were milled and sieved under the same conditions. The weight distribution among the streams was highly reproducible. Based on the 3σ rule, the 99.7% estimated confidence interval for the data (weight percentages) presented in the paper is ±0.37%. Flour yield F (%) in the eight-roller and conventional milling systems was calculated from Equations (Eqs.) [1] and [2], respectively. m2M * 100(%) M [1] m1M + m2 M *100(%) M [2] F (%) = F (%) = The symbols m and M stand for the weights of the flour and native feed, respectively. The subscripts indicate flour following 1M or 2M. The ash content of the total quantity of flour leaving the 2M was determined according to ICC standard method No.104/1 (12). The milling energy consumption during all grinding runs was determined from the wattmeter fitted as an integral part of the Variostuhl laboratory roll stand. Two different power readings were recorded corresponding to operation with (P, kW) and without (P*, kW) the material flow. The milling energy consumption, E kJ/kg, in the conventional and eight-roller milling systems was calculated by Eqs. [3] and [4], respectively. E= P − P2*M P1M − P1*M t2M t1M + 2 M m2M m1M [3] E= ( P1M − P1*M ) + ( P2 M − P2*M ) (t1M + t 2 M ) m2 M [4] Here m (kg) is the mass of flour obtained and t (s) is the time of the grinding run determined by the chronometer. The significance of the differences between milling results obtained using investigated milling systems have been tested by the paired Student’s t-test. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Changes in the particle size distribution of the stocks leaving 2M, brought about by the decrease of the roll gap, followed the same trends in both milling systems. Considering that the 2M feeds were different for the two milling systems, yields of the size fractions of the milling output are not to be compared because the cumulative size distributions (Fig. 1a and 1b) were given relative to the mass of the material milled on the 2M and only serve to show the general trends. By decreasing the roll gap, the quantity of material >200 μm (size fractions >250 μm and 250/200 μm) tends to decrease while the flour yield (<150 μm) increased. 28 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper Fig. 1. Cumulative size distributions of the stocks following 2M milled through different roll gaps in the a) conventional milling system and b) eight-roller mill system The factors affecting particle size reduction can be classified into those arising from the physicochemical properties of the material and those related to the design and operation of the milling equipment (13). In a roller mill particles are subjected to shear and compressive forces. The nature of deformation depends not only on the applied stresses but also on the particle components upon which the stresses act. Compressive stresses are more effective in causing the disintegration of the brittle endosperm material while bran (tough and fibrous) is more prone to the ductile fracture imparted by shear forces. The roll parameters such as roll gap, uniformity and the feed rate of stocks to rolls, roll velocities, differential and the type and condition of roll surface influence the magnitude of the stress and the relative contributions of compressive and shearing forces (14). Middlings are composed primarily of endosperm (they also contain adhering bran and germ) exhibiting viscoelasticity when fracturing. With roll differential closer to 1 the compressive forces dominate in the grinding zone. As the roll differential increases, greater shear stresses are imposed. Under the present grinding conditions, using the smooth rolls and relatively small differential – 1.25 (usual for this stage of grinding process), as the roll gap decreases greater compressive forces are imposed, thereby increasing the number of endosperm fractures creating more flour. Simultaneously, the tougher branny particles are flattened and remain in the coarsest size fractions of the milling output (>200 μm). In addition to that, decreasing the roll gap increases the grinding zone size (14) so the grinding action, under predominant compressive forces, is prolonged and also contributes to the greater flour release as a result of increased number of endosperm fractures. Ash is concentrated in the bran, with over half the total in the pericarp, testa and aleurone and the ash content increases from the inner (endosperm) to the outer (bran) 29 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper part of the wheat kernel (15). The increase of the ash content of the coarsest fraction of the stock following 2M, while roll gap had no influence on flour ash content (Table 2), proves that bran particles remain intact. Scanlon and Dexter (16) and Scanlon, Dexter and Biliaderis (17), in their studies of the effect of smooth roll grinding conditions on reduction of wheat farina, also reported similar findings. Table 2. Ash content in flour (<150 μm ) and the coarsest fraction (>250 μm) of the stock following 2M in the conventional and eight-roller milling systems Roll gap [mm] 1M-0.10; 2M-0.08 1M-0.10; 2M-0.05 1M-0.08; 2M-0.05 Ash content (%)dm Conventional system Eight-roller system >250 μm <150 μm >250 μm <150 μm 1.16 0.38 1.12 0.37 1.22 0.35 1.15 0.37 1.27 0.35 1.17 0.38 At the same roll gap setting and under the same sieving conditions, the flour release was lower in the process involving the eight-roller mill compared to the conventional milling system (Fig. 2) and the difference is statistically significant (p<0.05). In the conventional system, flour particles are removed from the stock before regrinding on 2M by intermediate sifting, while in the absence of intermediate sifting remain in the material feeding the lower pair of rolls of the eight-roller mill (stock following 1M). Fig. 2. Flour release following 2M in the conventional and eight-roller milling system 30 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper These particles take on some of the stresses in the grinding zone which otherwise would be used to reduce the remaining middlings to flour, thereby explaining the lower flour release in the process with the eight-roller mill as well as the finer flour granulation as a result of further grinding of flour particles. Only one sifting operation in the process with eight-roller mill, compared to two in the conventional system, also contributed to lower flour yield. The amount of the flour in the stock following 2M is considerably higher in the eight-roller mill process, so the other probable cause could be inefficient sifting of the flour. Sifting efficiency depends on a number of different factors such as disposable sifter area, cloth tension, number of gyrations per minute, feed rate to the sifter, etc. (18,19). However, under industrial conditions, replacement of the sieves in the plansifter (changing the sieve aperture) is probably the easiest way to change the sieving conditions and therefore influence the sifting efficiency. At the same, roll gap setting in both milling systems, by replacing the 150 μm bolting cloth with sieves having 180 and 200 μm bolting cloths in the process with eight-roller mill, similar (p>0.05) or significantly higher (p<0.01) flour yield has been achieved compared to the one in the conventional system (Fig. 2). It needs to be pointed out that increasing the sieve size contributes to more efficient sifting but at the same time increases the upper size limit of flour, both causing the increase of the flour release. By decreasing the roll gap setting in the process with the eight-roller mill compared to the gap in the conventional system, without changing the sieving conditions, it is possible to increase flour yield and it comes as a result of greater compressive forces imposed on the particles of the stock. Neither the roll gap adjustments nor the sieving conditions changes resulted in deterioration of flour quality since the flour ash remained constant (p>0.05) (Table 3). It shows that previously mentioned adjustments in the process were not followed by increased grinding of the bran which would otherwise pass into flour and increase flour ash. Table 3. Ash content in the total amount of flour following 2M in the conventional and eight-roller milling systems Ash content (%)dm Roll gap [mm] 1M-0.10; 2M-0.08 1M-0.10; 2M-0.05 1M-0.08; 2M-0.05 Conventional system <150 [μm] 0.39 0.36 0.36 Eight-roller system <150 [μm] 0.37 0.37 0.38 <180 [μm] 0.38 0.36 0.37 <200 [μm] 0.36 0.35 0.37 Eqs. [3] and [4] define milling energy consumption relative to the mass of flour obtained. Under the same roll and sifting conditions, the energy required for grinding tends to be higher in the eight-roller mill process compared to that in the conventional milling system (Fig. 3) (p<0.01). It is mainly due to the lower flour yield in the eight-roller mill process. The heavier load in the 2M grinding zone in the process with eight-roller mill increases the power requirements in the operation with the material flow (P) and also 31 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940025F UDC:664.71-11:664.762:66.012 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 25-34 Original scientific paper contributes to higher energy consumption. The higher feed rate to the lower pair of rolls of the eight-roller mill, compared to feed rate on appropriate milling passage in conventional milling system, is unavoidable because there is no intermediate sifting and therefore no removal of the undersized material before regrinding. By increasing the flour release in the process with the eight-roller mill, by appropriate adjustment of the sieving conditions and/or roll gap (following the data presented on Fig. 2), it is possible to reduce the energy required for grinding (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Energy consumption in conventional and eight-roller milling systems CONCLUSION Compared to conventional milling system, the introduction of the eight-roller mill into the milling flow sheet offers numerous advantages which significantly contribute to the reduction of the production costs. With the appropriate adjustments of the sieving conditions or/and roll gap setting in the process with the eight-roller mill it is possible to achieve similar milling results to those in conventional milling system. This justifies the use of the eight-roller mill on the 1st and 2nd midds (1M and 2M passages) of the wheat flour milling process. REFERENCES 1. Posner, E.S.: Wheat. In Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Eds. 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Корекцијом слога сита у поступку са осмоваљном столицом (повећањем величине отвора сејног ткива за одсејавање брашна) значајно се повећава принос брашна у поменутом поступку, што доприноси смањењу специфичног утрошка енергије за уситњавање. Такође, при томе није констатована промена садржаја пепела у брашну. Одговарајућим прилагођавањем процесних параметара могу се у поступку са осмоваљном столицом остварити ефекти уситњавања блиски ефектима у класичном поступку, а истовремено се остварују значајне инвестиционе и енергетске уштеде, што доприноси рационализацији технолошког поступка млевења пшенице. Received 11 June 2009 Accepted 15 September 2009 34 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper CHANGES IN NUTRITIVE AND TEXTURAL QUALITY OF APPLE OSMODEHYDRATED IN SUGAR BEET MOLASSES AND SACCHAROSE SOLUTIONS Gordana B. Koprivica, Nevena M. Mišljenović, Ljubinko B. Lević and Vjera S. Pribiš The paper describes texture and mineral content of apple, osmotically dehydrated in sugar beet molasses as compared to apples treated in saccharose solution. Osmotic dehydration was conducted at constant temperature of 55°C and atmospheric pressure. During the experiment, the concentration of sugar beet molasses was varied 40 to 80%, the concentration of saccharose solutions was varied in the range of 30 to 70%, and the most important kinetic parametars of the osmotic dehydration, after 1, 3 and 5 hours of immersion were observed. During osmotic dehydration, in the samples which were treated in sugar beet molasses, the content of minerals was increased to a great extent that enhanced their nutritive value. Textural quality parameter was evaluated from the maximum cut force, tested at Instron testing machine. It was found that the samples dehydrated in saccharose solutions had a softer and more gentle texture – the maximum force load decreased threefold as compared to the other samples. KEY WORDS: Osmotical dehydration, apple, saccharose, sugar beet molasses INTRODUCTION Osmotic dehydration is used as pretreatment in the process of extension of the sustainability of fruit and vegetable drying. The aim of osmotic dehydration is a partial removal of water from the material with a simultaneous reduction of solid gain, in order to obtain a better quality final product. In other words, osmotic dehydration is a process for concentrating fruit and vegetables (1). In the first phase of the process, fruits and vegetables are dipped in a hypertonic aqueous solution whereupon part of moisture flows from fruits and vegetables as a consequence of the difference in osmotic pressure of water in the plant tissue and hypertonic aqueous solution, through the cell walls and surface tissue which act as a semi-permeable membrane. However, as these structures are only partially permeable, at the same time there is a diffusion of solute from osmotic solution into fruits and vegetables (2). Gordana B. Koprivica, B. Sc., Res. Assist., gordanak@uns.ac.rs, Nevena M. Mišljenović, B. Sc, Res. Assist., nevenam@uns.ac.rs; Dr. Ljubinko B. Lević, Prof., megamum@uns.ac.rs, Dr. Vjera S. Pribiš, Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 35 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper In addition to these two dominant processes a diffusion of cell juices from the plant tissue into osmotic solution occurs, but to a much smaller extent, which is considered to be minor but also affects the nutritive value of osmo-dehydrated fruits and vegetables (3, 4). Partially, dehydrated fruits and vegetables can be used directly in human nutrition or as a material for further drying to the appropriate moisture content (5). The rate of diffusion of water from plant tissue depends on several factors such as: temperature and concentration of osmotic solution, the size and geometry of plant tissue, weight ratio of solution and plant tissue and the degree of solution mixing (6, 7). Dehydration rate is the highest at the beginning of the process of osmotic dehydration because of the large differences between osmotic pressure in the solution and the plant tissue, as well as a small resistance to mass transfer (8). The increase of the mass transfer rate during osmotic dehydration can be achieved in several ways - by applying vacuum, ultrasound, high pressure, centrifugal force, etc. (1). The choice of optimal hypertonic aqueous solution appears to be the key problem in osmotic dehydration. So far, pure saccharose or its combinations with other sugars and sodium-chloride has been proposed as the best solution for hypertonic aqueous solutions (9, 10). Besides saccharose, sugar beet molasses emerges as a suitable raw-material for the preparation of hypertonic solutions. Molasses is the last syrup, from is not possible to get the crystal sugar by usual procedures of crystallization. Molasses has a high content of solids (around 80%) and contains, in average, 51% saccharose, 1% rafinose, 0.25% glucose and fructose, 5% proteins, 6% betaine, 1.5% nucleosides, purine and pyramidine bases, organic acids and bases (11). In Serbia, sugar beet molasses has not yet been used as an ingredient in food industry. Hence, the extensive research activities have been going on with the aim of introducing molasses as a valuable ingredient in bakery, confectionery and meat processing industry (1, 5). Sugar beet molasses is a cheap material available in large quantities and could be used as a replacement for saccharose. The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of hypertonic solution (sugar beet molasses and sucrose solutions), used in the process, on the mechanical properties and mineral composition and nutritional quality of treated apples. EXPERIMENTAL Apples for the experiment, were purchased on the local market. Prior to the treatment, the apples were stored at 4ºC and then thoroughly washed and cut into cylindrical shapes, 20 mm in height and diameter with sharp apple corer. Osmotic solutions were saccharose aqueous solutions (solid content: 30%, 50% and 70%) that were prepared by mixing commercial sugar with heated distilled water (30ºC) to complete dissolution, and sugar beet molasses (from sugar factory in Bač, Serbia) with 40, 60 and 80% solid content. Solutions were made by mixing pure molasses with distilled water. 36 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Osmotic dehydration was carried out at 55ºC under atmospheric pressure. After measuring the initial mass, samples of apple were dipped into different concentrations of the hypertonic saccharose solutions and sugar beet molasses. Saccharose solutions had a concentration of 30% (in the study indicated as S1), 50% (S2) and 70% (S3), while the concentrations of sugar beet molasses solutions were 40% (in the further study indicated as M1), 60% (M2) and 80% solid content (M3). Temperature monitoring Osmotic solution T Samples Thermostatic bath Pumps Fig. 1. Setup for osmotic dehydration The material to hypertonic solution ratio was 1:4. The immersion lasted for 1, 3 and 5 hours. After osmotic dehydration, the samples were washed with water and gently blotted to remove excessive water from the surface. The next step was to measure the mass of the samples. After measuring the mass, dry matter content and content of some mineral matter (K, Ca, Na and Mg) were determined. The samples were kept in an oven (Instrumentaria Sutjeska, Serbia) at 105°C for 24h, until constant weight was attained. The solid content of osmotic solutions was determined refractometrically (12). The content of mineral matter were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer AAS 30 – Carl Zeis (12-Cacak) and the texture of apple was determined by Instron M4301 (13). All analytical measurements were carried out in accordance to AOAC methods (14). During the process the values of water content were followed as well as the changes in weight and in the content of dry matter. These values allowed calculation of the following parameters: water loss (WL), weight reduction (WR), dry matter growth (SG) (15). ⎡g⎤ w − w WR ⎢ ⎥ = o wo ⎣g⎦ [1] 37 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper ⎡ g ⎤ u − uo SG ⎢ ⎥ = wo ⎣g⎦ [2] ⎡g⎤ WL ⎢ ⎥ = WR + SG ⎣g⎦ [3] where: Wo - initial weight of the sample (g), W - weight of the sample after osmotic dehydration (g), uo - weight of dry matter in the fresh sample (g), u - weight of dry matter in the sample after osmotic dehydration (g). On the basis of these parameters, the rate of weight reduction (RWR ), the rate of growth of dry matter (RSG) and the rate of water loss (RWL) during osmotic dehydration are calculated. ⎡ g ⎤ WR RWR ⎢ ⎥= t ⎣ g ⋅ min ⎦ [4] ⎡ g ⎤ SG RSG ⎢ ⎥= t ⎣ g ⋅ min ⎦ [5] ⎡ g ⎤ WL RWL ⎢ ⎥= t ⎣ g ⋅ min ⎦ [6] where t is the duration time of osmotic dehydration. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Kinetics of osmotic dehydration Table 1. Kinetic parametars of osmotic dehydration of apple in sugar beet molasses Concentration of molasses, % d.m. 40 % 60 % 80 % 38 Time, h 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 WR x 102, g/g initial sample weight 15.477 22.483 32.155 17.760 32.690 42.298 24.851 37.506 52.634 SG x 102, g/g initial sample weight 2.216 2.951 4.410 1.539 2.471 2.905 1.182 2.036 2.624 WL x 102, g/g initial sample weight 17.693 25.433 36.566 19.299 35.161 45.203 26.034 39.540 55.258 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Tables 1 and 2 are show the changes of kinetic parameters during osmotic dehydration of apples depending on the concentration of sugar beet molasses and sucrose solutions as well as duration of osmotic dehydration process. Table 2. Kinetic parametars of osmotic dehydration of apple in saccharose solutions Concentration of saccharose solution, % d.m. 30 % 50 % 70 % Time, h 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 WR x 102, g/g initial sample weight 12.805 14.001 19.531 22.178 29.820 36.263 25.349 38.446 49.203 SG x 102, g/g initial sample weight 0.438 1.201 1.300 1.973 2.827 4.181 2.216 3.481 4.716 WL x 102, g/g initial sample weight 13.244 15.202 20.832 24.151 32.647 40.445 27.565 41.927 53.919 The process of osmotic dehydration decreased mass of the samples, weight reduction (WR) increasing with time and increase in concentration of sugar beet molasses. The apple dehydrated in the 80% sugar beat molasses shows the greatest mass loss of 52.634 x 10-2g/g of the initial sample mass. The SG value indicates the degree of penetration of solids from the osmotic solution to the apple sample. It shows a tendency to increase with increasing the immersion time, while increasing the concentration of osmotic solution reduces the increase of dry matter. Water loss is defined as the sum of weight reduction and solid gain. In all samples WL was increased with increasing dehydration time. Higher concentration of sugar beet molasses caused greater loss of water from the samples. Mass transfer rate during osmotic dehydration Tables 3 and 4 show the rate of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration as a function of time and concentration of sugar beet molasses and sucrose solution. The results show that the osmotic dehydration was most intensive at the beginning of the process. The rate of weight reduction is the highest in the first hour and 3 hours, after the process has a tendency of stabilization. The rate of weight reduction is greater when 80% molasses and 70% sucrose solution were used as the osmotic solution in that case the value of mass reduction being almost equal. Loss of water is fast at the beginning of the process of osmotic dehydration. The cause of this is a greater driving force in the beginning of the process of osmotic dehydration, i.e. greater difference in the osmotic pressures between surrounding hypertonic solutions and the plant tissue. 39 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Table 3. Rate of mass transfer in osmotic dehydration of apple in sugar beet molasses Concentration of molasses, % d.m. 40 % 60% 80% Time, h 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 Rate of WR x 104, g/(g i.s.w.· min) 25.8 12.49 10.72 29.6 18.16 14.1 41.42 20.84 17.54 Rate of SG x 105, g/(g i.s.w. · min) 36.9 16.4 14.7 25.6 13.7 9.68 19.7 11.3 8,75 Rate of WL x 104, g/(g i.s.w. · min) 29.49 14.13 12.19 32.16 19.53 15.06 43.39 21.97 18.42 Table 4. Rate of mass transfer in osmotic dehydration of apple in saccharose solutions Concentration of saccharose solution, % d.m. 30 % 50% 70% Time, h Rate of WR x 104, g/(g i.s.w.· min) Rate of SG x 105, g/(g i.s.w. · min) Rate of WL x 104, g/(g i.s.w. · min) 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 21.34 7.78 6.51 36.96 16.57 12.09 42.25 21.36 16.4 7.31 6,67 4,33 32.88 15.71 13.93 36.93 19.34 15.72 22.07 8.45 6.94 40.25 18.14 13.48 45.94 23.29 17.97 Mineral composition of apple before and after osmotic dehydration It is well known that the minerals in solution have irreplaceable importance for normal functioning and revitalization of certain cell elements, organs and organisms of plants and animals (10). Figures 2-5, show the changes of the contents of the analyzed mineral components (K, Na, Ca and Mg) in the apples dehydrated in saccharose solutions and sugar beet molasses. Since saccharose solution does not contain mineral component, a decrease in their contents was observed during osmotic dehydration. On the other hand, because sugar beet molasses is rich in minerals and other biogenic substances, and due to the diffusion of these substances from the hypertonic solution into the sample, an increase in the content of these components takes place in the treated apple. 40 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Time, h 5 3 1 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 loss/increase in the content of K, % saccharose-30% saccharose-70% molasses-60% saccharose-50% molasses-40% molasses-80% Fig. 2. Loss/increase in the content of K in the apples during osmotic dehydration Time, h 5 3 1 -50 0 50 100 loss/increase in the content of Na, % saccharose-30% saccharose-70% molasses-60% saccharose-50% molasses-40% molasses-80% Fig. 3. Loss/increase in the content of Na in the apples during osmotic dehydration From the results we can conclude that the content of K decreased with extending immersion time. Osmotic dehydration in solution S2, after 5 hours, led to the largest loss in K content in apple (34.77%), while the smallest losses of K occured in the sample S1, 41 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper also after 5 hours (19.68%). After 3 hours of immersion, content of K was the highest in the apple treated in the M3 solution and it was 159.06 mg/100g, and after 5 h of the process the increase was the highest in apple dehydrated in M2 solution (48.24%). The content of Na was the lowest in the apple dehydrated in S2 solution (50%) and the highest in the apple treated in the saccharose solution with 30% of dry matter (S1). Expressed in percentage, after 5 h immersion, the minimum loss was 26.91% and the maximum was 39.01%. After the first hour of immersion the increase of Na content was the highest in the M1 solution and it was 24.16%. At the end of the process of osmotic dehydration, after 5 h, the maximum increase was 83.99%, and it was in the apple dehydrated in 80% molasses (M3), but very similar results were achieved in the application of molasses with 60% of dry matter as osmotic agent. As in the previous two cases, the loss of Ca, during the process of osmotic dehydration was the smallest in the hypertonic solution with the lowest concentration of dry matter. The loss was minimal in the S1 solution, and after 5 h it was 18.34% and the highest in the sample S3 (37.4%). The increase of the content of Ca was the most expressed in the sample dehydrated in 80% molasses, and it was 142.43%, which means that the amount of Ca in that sample was about 2.5 times higher in comparison to the amount of minerals in the starting, non-dehydrated sample. Time, h 5 3 1 -50 0 50 100 150 200 loss/increase in the content of Ca, % saccharose-30% saccharose-50% saccharose-70% molasses-40% molasses-60% molasses-80% Fig. 4. Loss / increase in the content of Ca in the apples during osmotic dehydration 42 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Time, h 5 3 1 -50 0 50 100 loss/increase in the content of Mg, % saccharose-30% saccharose-70% molasses-60% 150 saccharose-50% molasses-40% molasses-80% Fig. 5. Loss / increase in the content of Mg in the apples during osmotic dehydration A very similar conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the results, shown in Figure 3 and related to the content of Mg in the apple sample after 1, 3 and 5 h of immersion. The loss of this mineral was quite large and after 5 h was 41.14% in the sample dehydrated in S3 solution. In comparison with the losses of other minerals (K, Na and Ca), the decrease in Mg content was the highest. The results of analysis of apple samples obtained by osmotic dehydration in sugar beet molasses after 1, 3 and 5 h of immersion, indicate a significant increase in Mg content in the final product. The best results were achieved by applying 80% molasses as osmotic medium, i.e. in the sample dehydrated in M3 solution. The quantity of the mineral was, about 2.2 times higher in comparison to that before the osmotic dehydration. On the basis of presented results, a general conclusion that the use of a sugar beet molasses as hypertonic solution has a significant advantage in comparison to the sucrose solution at all concentration and all immersion time. Table 5 presents the results of texture determination in nondehydrated and osmotically dehydrated apples. It is shown as an example of dehydrated apples in the sugar beet molasses and sucrose solution with the highest concentrations of dry matter. Based on the measured cutting force (mechanical properties of texture) it can be concluded that the samples osmodehydrated in sucrose solutions were softer and gentler because the cutting force was three times smaller in comparison to other samples of apples. There is no important difference in the strength between nondehydrated apples and osmotically dehydrated in sugar beet molasses. 43 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper Table 5. Cutting force for different samples of apple Sample Nondehydrated apple 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. average 9.4 8.6 9.9 8.6 10.3 10.6 9.3 9.5 7.3 9.0 9.25 Cutting force, N Apple dehydrated in saccharose solution (70% solid content) 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.2 3.0 2.6 1.8 2.66 Apple dehydrated in molasses (80% solid content) 10.3 10.1 7.0 7.1 8.7 6.5 8.1 9.0 10.2 7.7 8.47 Osmotically dehydrated apple, in sugar beet molasses, is enriched with the Ca2+ ions from molasses which bind to the R-COO– groups of pectic matter in apple. Therefore, the final product has approximately the same as raw material. CONCLUSION The process of osmotic dehydration is the most intensive in the first hour. Water loss and weight reduction after 5 h of dehydration are higher in comparison to the dehydration over a shorter period of time. During osmotic dehydration of apple at 55° C water loss, depending on the applied concentration of osmotic solution, is 6-22 times faster than the increase of dry matter, which is very desirable and the candying effect of fruit is avoided. By analyzing the content of mineral components (K, Na, Ca and Mg) in the samples osmotically dehydrated in saccharose solutions and sugar beet molasses, some advantages of applying molasses as hypertonic solution, were observed. Osmotic dehydration of apple with saccharose solutions decreases the content of mineral substances in the fruit tissue, while the osmotic solutions of sugar beet molasses increase the amount of mineral substances in the apple, and therefore increase its nutritive properties. Apples osmotically dehydrated in pure saccharose solution had a softer and more gentle texture in comparison to the apple dehydrated in sugar beet molasses with 80% of dry matter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is part of the project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, TR – 20112, 2008-2010. 44 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940035K UDC:634.11:664.854:664.126+664.15:543.92 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 35-46 Original scientific paper REFERENCES 1. Filipčev, B., Lević, Lj., Pribiš, V., D. Kabić: Melasa šećerne repe kao pogodan hipertonični rastvor za osmotski predtretman jabuke, XIII Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, Čačak, 28-29. Zbornik radova 13 (2008) 323-331. 2. Koprivica, G., N. Mišljenović, Lj. Lević, T. Kuljanin: Influence of nutrients present in sugar beet molasses and saccharose solutions on the quality of osmodehydrated carrot, PTEP 13, 2 (2009) 184 -187. 3. Mizrahi, S., S. Eichler, J.L. Cuq: Osmotic dehydration in gel systems, Journal of Food Engineering 49 (2001) 87-96. 4. Ramallo, L.A., R.H. 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Током експеримента мењана је концентрација меласе шећерне репе од 40 дo 80% и раствора сахарозе у опсегу 30-70% а праћене су и промене најважнијих кинетичких параметара осмотске дехидратације након 1, 3 и 5 сати трајања имерзије. Утврђено је да је осмотска дехидратација прихватљив поступак делимичног уклањања воде из свеже јабуке - ниво влаге је 4-5 пута мањи у односу на ниво влаге у свежем узорку. Током осмотске дехидратације, у узорцима третираним у меласи шећерне репе дошло је до значајног повећања садржаја минералних материја па се самим тим повећала и њена нутритивна вредност. На основу измерених сила сечења (механичке особине текстуре) закључено је да су узорци након осмотске дехидратације у растворима сахарозе изразито мекши, сочнији и нежнији - сила сечења је три пута мања у односу на остале узорке јабуке. Received 18 June 2009 Accepted 28 August 2009 46 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940047M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.047 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 47-52 Original scientific paper USE OF MILK-BASED KOMBUCHA INOCULUM FOR MILK FERMENTATION Radomir V. Malbaša., Eva S. Lončar, Spasenija D. Milanović and Ljiljana A. Kolarov In this investigation fermented milk beverages with 0.9% of milk fat were produced using 10 and 15% (v/v) of traditional and milk-based kombucha inoculum by application of appropriate technological process. Milk fermentation using two types and concentrations of kombucha inoculum were stopped when the pH reached 4.5. Sigmoidal fermentation profiles were noticed with traditional kombucha inoculums and linear with milk-based kombucha inoculums. Chemical content and physico-chemical characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages were typical and yoghurt-like for all obtained products. The best textural and sensory characteristics possesed beverage obtained in fermentation of milk using 10% (v/v) of milk-based kombucha inoculum. KEY WORDS: Kombucha, milk fermentation, milk-based kombucha inoculum, product quality INTRODUCTION Kombucha is well-known symbiotic association of several yeast species and acetic bacteria, whose metabolic activity on tea sweetened with sucrose produces a pleasant refreshing beverage, containing a number of useful compounds (1). In addition to sucrose, application of other sugars (glucose, fructose, lactose) is possible. This may have major effect on the formation of lactic acid as product (2). As far as lactose fermentation by kombucha is concerned, only a few investigations have been reported; Lončar et al. (2001) reported findings of metabolic activity of kombucha on milk (3), whilst, Belloso-Morales and Hernández-Sánchez (2003) described the production of beverage from cheese whey (4). Malbaša et al. (2009) investigated milk fermentation using kombucha inoculums with black, green tea and Jerusalem artichoke tubers extract (5). Investigations of Lončar et al. (2001) and Malbaša et al. (2009) shows significantly longer durations of kombucha fermentations on milk comparing to probiotic yoghurt fermentation (1, 5). This paper describes the manufacture of fermented milk beverages with 0.9% of milk fat using 10 and 15% (v/v) of traditional kombucha inoculum and also milk-based komDr. Radomir V. Malbaša, Assist. Prof., Dr. Eva S. Lončar, Prof., Dr. Spasenija D. Milanović, Prof., Dr. Ljiljana A. Kolarov, Assoc. Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 47 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940047M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.047 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 47-52 Original scientific paper bucha inoculum by application of appropriate technological process. It investigates quality of obtained products comparing chemical composition, physico-chemical, textural and sensory characteristics. EXPERIMENTAL Milk Homogenised and pasteurized cow`s milk with 0.9% fat, 3.3% protein and 4.8% lactose, produced in Novosadska mlekara, Novi Sad, Serbia, was used for the fermentation. Kombucha culture Local kombucha culture containing Acetobacter xylinum and at least five yeast strains (Saccharomycodes ludwigii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces bisporus, Torulopsis sp. and Zygosaccharomyces sp.) was applied for production of fermented milk beverages (6). Production of beverages Fermented milk-based kombucha beverages were produced from milk inoculated at 43oC. Two amounts of traditional kombucha inoculum (5) obtained on sweetened black tea of 10 and 15% (v/v) were used. The fermentations lasted up to reach pH 4.5. The obtained gels were cooled to 8oC, homogenized by mixing, and packed in plastic glasses. Two beverages marked T10% and T15% were obtained. Further, T10% and T15% were used as inoculums for the next fermentation on milk following the procedure described above. Inoculum amounts were 10% (v/v) of T10% and 15% (v/v) of T15%. Beverages marked MB10% and MB15% were obtained. Methods of analysis The chemical content of obtained products was analyzed using standard methods (7). Syneresis of whey was analyzed by method of Atamer et al. (8). Water holding capacity (WHC) (%) represents the amount of whey drained after centrifugation of 20 g of sample during 30 minutes at room temperature. Textural characteristics were investigated using Texture analyser TA.Xplus (Micro Stable System, England) at 4oC. Sensory characteristics of obtained products were examined by qualified evaluators, who assessed each particular element of quality as follows: appearance, colour, consistency, odour and taste. Possible marks for each separate characteristic were in a range from 1 to 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Fig. 1 are presented fermentation curves for both inoculums and their concentrations. 48 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940047M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.047 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 47-52 Original scientific paper T10% T15% MB10% MB15% 6.5 pH 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time [hours] Fig. 1. pH changes during kombucha fermentation on milk Fermentations with traditional kombucha inoculum were stopped when pH reached 4.5. It needed about 12.5 hours for both inoculum concentrations. During first 6 to 7 hours were not noticed pH changes which caused sigmoidal fermentation curves. Fermentations with milk-based kombucha inoculums were for about two times shorter. pH changes were almost linear. The reason for such behaviour was absence of period for adaptation to substrate which was necessary for microorganisms in traditional kombucha inoculum. The very important fact is reasonably shorter fermentation with milk-based kombucha inoculum primarily for the economic reasons. Obtained results with milk-based inoculums are in accordance to investigations of Lončar et al. (2001) and Milanović et al. (2002), where is proved that higher inoculum concentration affects shorter fermentation time (3, 9). Chemical content of obtained beverages is presented in table 1. Table 1. Chemical content of fermented milk beverages Beverage Component(%) T10% T15% MB10% MB15% Dry matter Fat Total proteins Ash Acidity (SHo) 9.52 0.86 3.13 0.72 28.6 9.55 0.86 3.06 0.66 31.6 10.09 0.89 3.61 0.84 27.6 11.01 0.88 3.44 0.82 31.2 Dry matter content is approximatly the same in T10% and T15%, and in MB10% and MB15% is slightly higher. In MB15% is measured the highest dry matter content which 49 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940047M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.047 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 47-52 Original scientific paper is logical because of applied inoculum that itself contains the higher amount of dry matter. The same explanation could be used for the ash and protein content which is higher in MB10% and MB15%. Values of acidity expressed in SHo were higher in samples T15% and MB15% which means that inoculum concentration affects acidity of product. Average chemical content of obtained fermented beverages is in a range of results obtained in earlier investigations of possibility of kombucha application in production of fermented milk beverages (5). In table 2 are presented some physico-chemical characteristics of fermented milk beverage. Table 2. Physico-chemical characteristics of fermented milk beverages Parameter Syneresis (mL) Water holding capacity (WHC) (%) T10% 35.0 34.5 Beverage T15% MB10% 34.5 29.0 36.3 32.0 MB15% 30.0 35.3 Values of syneresis were in narrow interval as well as water holding capacity (WHC). Higher WHC indicates better quality of products but it was not possible to point any of produced beverages in a view of this parameter. Similar results obtained Duraković et al. (2008) who investigated fermentation of milk with 0.9% milk fat with concentrated kombucha inoculums (10). Textural characteristics of obtained products are presented in table 3. Table 3. Textural characteristics of fermented milk beverages Characteristic Firmness (g) Consistency (gs) Cohesivity (g) Index of viscosity (gs) T10% 15.616 444.158 -5.340 -1.106 Beverage T15% MB10% 15.559 29.924 433.774 701.611 -5.678 -24.359 -1.235 -32.140 MB15% 15.525 408.725 -11.098 -6.777 Results presented in table 3 show that the highest firmness had MB10% and in the other samples firmness was very similar. The same pattern was for the consistency. Consistency value indicates higher density of the product. Higher negative value represents more cohesive sample. The maximum value of cohesiveness was noticed also for MB10%. The same manner was found for the viscosity index. Values of textural parameters of quality of MB10% were significantly higher in comparison to the other produced fermented milk beverages and that characteristics recommend this sample for further investigation and production. Sensory characteristics of fermented milk products are the most important for consumers. In table 4 are presented the results of sensory analysis. 50 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940047M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.047 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 47-52 Original scientific paper Table 4. Sensory characteristics of fermented milk beverages Characteristic Appearance Colour Consistency Odour Taste T10% 5 5 4 4.5 4 Beverage T15% MB10% 5 5 5 5 4 5 4.5 5 4 5 MB15% 5 5 5 5 4.5 Scores of sensory analysis indicate that usage of milk-based kombucha inoculum affect better characteristics of fermented milk beverage (Table 4), and taste of MB10% and MB15% was characterized as mild and refreshing, but at all it was better composed in MB10%. Appearance, colour and consistency of products were characteristic for the yoghurt-like products. Odour also was more intensive and typical in products obtained using milk-based kombucha inoculums for fermentation. The best sensory total mark is for MB10% which has the best textural characteristics too (Table 3). CONCLUSION Milk-based kombucha inoculum is better than traditional one because of economic reasons. It shortened milk fermentation for almost two times. Chemical content and physico-chemical characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages were typical for all obtained products. The best textural and sensory characteristics had beverage obtained in fermentation of milk using 10% (v/v) of milk-based kombucha inoculum which is potentially very interesting for further investigations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia is highly acknowledged (Grant TR-20008). REFERENCES 1. Dufresne, C. and E. Farnworth: Tea, kombucha and health: A Review. Food Research International 33 (2000) 409-421. 2. Reiss, J.: Influence of different sugars on the metabolism of the tea fungus. Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung 198 (1994) 258-261. 3. Lončar, E., Milanović, S., Carić, M., Malbaša, R. and M. 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Коларов У овом истраживању су произведени ферментисани млечни производи од млека са 0,9% млечне масти користећи 10 и 15% (v/v) традиционалног и млечно ферментисаног инокулума комбухе применом одговарајућег технолошког процеса. У свим ферментацијама је процес заустављан када је вредност pH достигла 4,5. Уочене су сигмоидалне ферментационе криве где је коришћен традиционални инокулум комбухе и линеарне за млечно ферментисани инокулум комбухе. Хемијски састав и физичко-хемијске карактеристике комбуха ферментисаних млечних производа су били типични и слични јогурту код свих производа. Најбоље текстуралне и сензорне карактеристике је имао напитак произведен ферментацијом млека са 10% (v/v) млечно ферментисаног инокулума. Received 9 July 2009 Accepted 9 September 2009 52 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF WHITE GRAPE SEED EXTRACTS ON DPPH RADICALS Anamarija I. Mandić, Sonja M. Djilas, Jasna M. Čanadanović-Brunet, Gordana S. Ćetković and Jelena J. Vulić Composition and antioxidant activity of grape seed extract (GSE) obtained from red grape varietes are very well documented, in contrast to the white varietes. This paper presents the results of polyphenols content of ethyl acetate extract of grape seeds, obtained from two white grape varieties, Italian Riesling and Župljanka, and their antioxidant activity on the stable DPPH radical. The influence of the addition of GSE to raspberry juice on the DPPH radical was also examined. Content of total polyphenols in GSEs ranged between 81.6 and 82.8% (w/w), and the contetn of flavan-3-ols between 66.2 and 91.0% (w/w). HPLC results showed that the most abundant components in the extract were (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin for both grape varieties. All tested GSEs exhibited good antioxidant activity. IC50 values for the GSEs of Italian Riesling and Župljanka were 0.79 and 0.95 mg sample/mg DPPH radical, respectivelly. Since the GSE of Italian Riesling possesed stronger antioxidant activity, it was used for further experiments. The IC50 value for raspberry juice was 4.18 mg raspberry juice/mg DPPH. The raspberry juice with addition of 0.60 µg/mL of GSE showed antioxidant activity of 39.2%. The same juice with the threefold concentration of vitamin C (1.81 µg/ml) exhibited similar antioxidant activity (33.9%). Antioxidant activity of the same amount of juice without added antioxidants was lower (15.7%). The results showed that the GSE of white varietes could be considered as a good functional food ingredient. KEY WORDS: Grape seed extract, white grape variety, antioxidant activity, polyphenolics INTRODUCTION The use of synthetic antioxidants in the food has been under scrutiny for toxicological reasons, and therefore the interest in the natural antioxidants has steadily been increasing (1-3). The antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of a large number of polyphenolic compounds isolated from plants have been studied (4-8). Green tea, grape seeds and skin Dr. Anamarija I. Mandić, Institute for Food Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Dr. Sonja M. Đilas, Prof., Dr. Jasna M. Čanadanović-Brunet, Prof., Dr. Gordana S. Ćetković, Prof., Jelena J. Vulić, B.Sc., Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 53 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper are considered as the remarkable rich sources of polyphenolics (6). Composition and antioxidant activity of grape seed extract (GSE) obtained from red grape varietes are very well documented, in contrast to the white varietes (9, 10). The GSE rich in polyphenols, is a mixture of proanthocyanidines: monomers, olygomers and polymers of flavan-3-ols ((+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-epicatechin-O-gallate, and (-)-epigallocatechin) linked with C4-C8 or C4-C6 bonds. The biological, pharmacological and medicinal properties of the bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins have been extensively reviewed. Besides the free radical scavenging and antioxidant activity, proanthocyanidins exhibit vasodilatory, anticarcinogenic, anti-allergic, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, cardioprotective, immunestimulating, anti-viral and estrogenic activities, as well as they act as inhibitors of the enzymes phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase (9). The aim of this work was to determine the polyphenolic composition and antioxidant activity on DPPH radical of GSEs obtained from two white grape varieties, Italian Riesling and Župljanka. Also, the influence of the addition of GSE to a raspberry juice on the DPPH radical was examined. EXPERIMENTAL Chemicals and Samples ll solvents used for the extraction and spectrophotometric determination were of analytic grade. Methanol and ethanol were purchased from Lachema (Neratovice, Czech Republic) and ethyl acetate from Kemika (Zagreb, Croatia). Acetonitrile and methanol, LiChrosolv, gradient grade for chromatography and vanillin were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil stable radical (DPPH), gallic acids, (+)-catechin and (±)-epicatechin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, MO). Folin-Ciocalteau reagent was obtained from Fluka (St. Gallen, Switzerland). he sample, pomace of Vitis vinifera cultivars, Italian Riesling and Župljanka, were collected at the “Navip” winery. The grapes used for processing were harvested at optium technological maturity, as judged by the indices of sugar and acid contents, established by the laboratory in the “Navip” winery. The average sugar content in grapes was 17.0%, and the acid content 6.4%. After pressing, the pomace was sampled for experiments. The seeds were separated from other pomace components (skin and stems), dried at room temperature, and stored at 24°C prior to extraction. aspberry sample was purchased from a local market. Juice was separated from the pulp, and the freshly obtained juice was two times diluted with water and used in the antioxidant assay procedure. Extraction procedure The extraction was carried out according to the method described by Pekić et al. (11). 100 g of grape seeds was extracted with 400 mL of 90% ethyl acetate in a sealed bottle at room temperature for 48 h, with occasional mixing. The obtained extract was filtrated, and the solvent was removed by evaporation under the reduced pressure to the volume of approximately 20 mL, at maximum temperature 40ºC. The concentrated ethyl acetate solution was mixed with a five-fold volume of chloroform and the formed precipitate was 54 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper separated by filtration through a nutsch filter B-4. The precipitate was washed with chloroform, dried in a vacuum desiccator and the yield of obtained GSE was calculated. Total phenolics and flavan-3-ols in GSE The amount of the total soluble polyphenols in the GSE was determined spectrophotometrically according to the Folin-Ciocalteau method (12). Gallic acid was employed as a calibration standard and the results were expressed as gallic acid equivalents in grams per 1 kg of dry seed weight. The amount of total flavan-3-ols was assayed spectrophotometrically by the vanillin method using (+)-catechin as a standard (13,14). The values were expressed as catechin equivalents in grams per 1 kg of dry seed weight. All analyses were performed in triplicate and the results were averaged. HPLC Analysis of GSE HPLC analyses were conducted on a Hewlett-Packard Liquid Chromatograph HP 1090 equipped with Diode Array Detector (DAD). A reversed-phase column (Zorbax SBC18, 5 µm, 3.0 x 250 mm i.d.), protected by guard column (Zorbax SB-C18, 5 µm, 4.6 x 12.5 mm i.d., Agilent, USA) was used throughout this research. The detection was performed at 277 nm and the absorption spectra of the compounds were recorded between 210 and 400 nm. The solvent gradient was formed by varying the proportion of the solvent A (1% acetic acid in water, v/v) to the solvent B (acetonitrile) (15). The solvent linear gradient elution programme was as follows: 0-20 min, 95-87% A; 20-30 min, 87% A; 30-46 min, 87-78% A; 46-55 min, 78-10% A; 55-65 min, 10% A. The column was equilibrated to the initial conditions, 95% A, 10 min. The flow rate was set at 0.300 mL/min. The column was operated at room temperature (22°C). The sample injection volume was 10 µL, and the injection was performed manually. The GSE was dissolved in 10% (v/v) methanol in water and the obtained concentration was 1.0 mg/mL. All solutions were filtered through 0.45 µm pore size nylon filters (Rotilabo–Spritzenfilter 13 mm, Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) before injecting them into the HPLC system. Phenolic components in a sample extract were identified by matching the retention time and their spectral characteristics against those of the standards. The purity of the peaks was determined to ensure the identification. The external standard method was a technique used for quantification. For each component, (gallic acid, (+)-catechin, and (±)-epicatechin) a stock solution was made from the commercial standards dissolved in 10% (v/v) methanol in water to obtain the concentration of 1.0 mg/mL. The diluted stock solutions were used for calibration. The final concentrations were in the range of 0.005-0.200 mg/mL. The peak areas from the chromatograms were plotted against the known concentrations of the standards. The equations generated via linear regression were used to establish the concentrations of the phenolic compounds in the extracts. When reference compounds were not available, the calibration of (+)-catechin was used. The results were presented as mean values with the standard deviations (SD). Spectrophotometric assay for DPPH radical In a test tube containing 3 mL of methanolic GSE solution, prepared at five different concentrations ranged between 0.1 and 3.5 μg/mL, 1 mL of c(DPPH radical) = 90 μmol/L 55 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper (dissolved in 95% methanol in water, v/v) was added (test sample). The blank was prepared by adding 1 mL of DPPH radical solution to 3 mL of 95% methanol. The reaction mixture was allowed to stay in the dark at room temperature for 60 minutes. The absorbance was read at 515 nm using 95% methanolic solution as a reference solution (16). The percentage of the remaining DPPH radical (%DPPHrem) and antioxidant activity (%AA) were calculated for each concentration of the GSE from the obtained absorbance for the sample (As) and the blank (A0) using the following equations: %DPPHrem = (As / A0)·100 %AA = 100 - %DPPHrem The values of the calculated IC50 were expressed as mg GSE/mg of DPPH radical. The IC50 value is the concentration of antioxidant, required for 50% scavenging of DPPH radical in the specified time period. Determination of DPPH scavenging activity of raspberry juice, vitamin C, and the juice with the addition of 0.60 µg/mL GSE or 1.81 µg/mL vitamin C, differed from the procedure given for GSE only in concentration range. Procedure for the scavenging activity of rasperry juice was as follows: 2 mL of raspberry juice, two times diluted with water, was further diluted to 50 mL with methanol, in order to prepare the stock solution. The final concentrations used for the assay were in the range of 0.05-0.50 mg/mL, which corresponds to 0.5-5.0 mL of fresh raspberry juice. Solution of vitamin C was prepared at five different concentrations ranging from 0.20 to 2.00 μg/mL. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Proanthocyanidins from the grape seeds are extracted with the methanol, ethanol, acetone and ethyl acetate, or with their mixtures for analytical and preparative purposes (17). The differences in the GSE yields could be observed due to the extraction method used. The yield of the GSE extract obtained with ethyl acetate for the Italian Riesling was 6.03 ± 0.53 g/kg of dry seeds, and it was higher than the yields (3.6-4.7 g/kg of dry seeds) reported by Pekić et al. (11) for the same grape variety. These differences could be attributed to the variations due to the seasons within the grape variety. Additionally, genetic potential of the individual species for the polyphenol biosynthesis and maturation stage may affect polyphenol content in seeds, along with the variations from season to season (18-20). The yield of the GSE extract obtained with ethyl acetate for the Župljanka was 7.01 ± 0.75 g/kg of dry seeds. In this paper, the total soluble polyphenols of the obtained GSE is expressed as gallic acid equivalents and for the Italian Riesling it was 4.92±0.30 g/kg of dry seeds, as regards 81.6% (w/w GSE). Content of total soluble polyphenols for the Župljanka was 5.80±0.28 g/kg of dry seeds, as regards 82.8% (w/w GSE). Comparing the yields obtained from the methanolic extracts, 1.84-4.07 g/kg of dry seeds, reported by Revilla et al. (21) for the white grape varieties, the yields were similar to or higher than those obtained in this research. The content of flavan-3-ols in GSE was 5.83±0.20 g/kg of dry seeds, as regards 91.0% (w/w GSE) for the Italian Riesling, and 4.64±0.20 g/kg of dry seeds, as regards 56 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper 66.2% (w/w GSE) for the Župljanka. It may be concluded that the GSE of Župljanka contains higher amounts of taninns than the GSE of Italian Riesling, due to the fact that despite of the higher yield and total polyphenolics content of Župljanka the content of flavan-3-ols was lower. The obtained results are in accordance with the results of Nakamura et al. (17). According to their results, the differences in the sensitivity to the flavan-3-ols assay were observed, higher reactivity was observed in procyanidins which are highly polymerized and lower reactivity was observed in catechins which are highly esterified by gallic acid. In addition, epicatechin was more reactive than catechin. Fig. 1. HPLC chromatogram of a GSE recorded at 277 nm. Peak assignment (tR, min): 1. gallic acid (9.3); 2. procyanidin-B3 (20.6); 3. procyanidin-B1 (22.4); 4. (+)-catechin (25.0); 5. procyanidin-B4 (27.5); 6. procyanidin-B2 (29.1); 7. (−)-epicatechin (33.4); 8. procyanidin-C1 (39.5); 9. dimer gallate (42.1); and 10. Procyanidin-B5 (49.9) A HPLC chromatogram of GSE is shown in Fig 1. The separation of the phenolic compounds in GSE was achieved within 60 min. Under the described chromatographic conditions, the components were eluted in the following order: gallic acid, procyanidinB3, procyanidin-B1, (+)-catechin, procyanidin-B4, procyanidin-B2, (−)-epicatechin, procyanidin-C1, dimer gallate, and procyanidin-B5. The content of the total phenolic compounds determined by HPLC in GSE was 150 ± 2.10 mg/g GSE and 114 ± 2.90 mg/g GSE, for the Italian Riesling and Župljanka, respectivelly. A dominant compound was (+)-Catechin, with amount of 32.2 ± 1.30%, followed by (−)-epicatechin, 22.3 ± 0.72% for the Italian Riesling, and 30.6 ± 1.13%, followed by (−)-epicatechin, 26.8 ± 0.93% for the Župljanka. The content of phenolic compounds in the ethyl acetate extracts reported by Guendez et al. (18) was on average three times lower determined by HPLC than the one obtained by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. These results are in agreement with the results obtained in this research. It could be assumed that lower results of polyphenolics content obtained by HPLC determination are due to the fact that only monomers, dimers 57 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper and trimers of procyanidins could be determined, while the obtained higher results for spectrophotometric assay are owing to the presence of highly polymerized procyanidins and other substances in extract. Antioxidant activity of GSE is assessed by scavenging of the stable DPPH radical. With increasing concentrations of GSE, antioxidant activity on investigated free radical increased. The IC50 for the GSEs of Italian Riesling and Župljanka were 0.79 and 0.95 mg sample/mg DPPH radical, respectivelly, and it is in the same range as the values obtained by Bakkalbaşi et al (22) for the GSEs of the white grape varieties using acetone for the extraction (0.52–0.82 mg sample/mg DPPH radical). The antioxidant activities of different concentrations of GSEs of Italian Riesling and Župljanka are presented on Fig. 2. Since the better antioxidant activity was obtained for the Italian Rieslings GSE, the extract of Italian Riesling was used for the further investigation. 100 Italian Riesling Župljanka 90 80 AA (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Concentration (µg/mL) Fig. 2. The antioxidant activities of different concentrations of GSEs of Italian Riesling and Župljanka on DPPH radical The IC50 values for the raspberry juice and vitamin C solution were 4.18 and 1.88 mg/mg DPPH, respectively. The raspberry juice with addition of 0.60 µg/mL of GSE showed the antioxidant activity of 39.2%. The same juice with the threefold concentration of vitamin C (1.81 µg/ml) exhibited similar activity (33.9%) on DPPH radical. Antioxidant activity of the same amount of juice without any addition of antioxidants was 15.7%. CONCLUSION The high flavan-3-ols content and the antioxidant activity on stable DPPH radical of the GSEs, obtained from white grape varieties, Italian Riesling and Župljanka, were determined. GSE exerts better antioxidant activity on DPPH radical in comparison with juice containing threefold concentration of vitamin C and juice without the addition of antioxidant. Antioxidant activity of GSE is further confirmed through the addition of GSE to 58 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper fresh raspberry juice, which resulted in stronger scavinging activity of DPPH radical than the activity of pure juice. Tested white grape varieties could be used as a source for producing GSE, like red varieties, which are commercially used for industrial production of GSE as a dietary supplement and a natural food additive. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT These results are part of a research on the project No. TR 23011, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES 1. Arvanitoyannis, I.S., D. Ladas and A. Mavromatis: Potential Uses and Applications of Treated Wine Waste: A Review. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 41 (2006) 475-487. 2. Pokorny, J.: Introduction, in Antioxidants in Food. Eds. J. 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Садржаји најзаступљенијих компонената, (+)-катехина (32,17 ± 1,30%) и (-)-епикатехина (22,30 ± 0,72%), утврђени су HPLC методом. Сви испитивани екстракти показали су добру антиоксидативну активност. Вредност IC50 за екстракт семена грожђа сорте Италијански ризлинг износила је 0,79, а за екстракт сорте Жупљанка 0,95 mg узорка/mg DPPH. Пошто је екстракт семена грожђа сорте Италијански ризлинг по60 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940053M UDC: 634.8.076:631.53.01:66.061.34:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 53-61 Original scientific paper казао бољу антиоксидативну активност, он је коришћен за даља испитивања. IC50 вредност за сок од малине износила је 4,18 mg узорка/mg DPPH. Сок од малине са додатком екстракта од 0,60 µg/ml показао је антиоксидативну активност од 39,2%. Сличну антиоксидативну активност (33,9%) имао је и сок од малине са додатком витамина Ц у три пута већој концентрацији (1,81 µg/ml). Антиоксидативна активност исте количине сока без додатка антиоксиданата је била знатно нижа и износила је 15,7%. Наведени резултати испитивања указују на могућност коришћења екстракта семена сорти белог грожђа као доброг функционалног додатка. Received 25 June 2009 Accepted 28 August 2009 61 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper TEXTURAL CHARACTERISTICS ОF FERMENTED MILK BEVERAGES PRODUCED BY KOMBUCHA Spasenija D. Milanović, Mirela D. Iličić, Katarina G. Duraković and Vladimir R. Vukić Rheological properties of fermented dairy products are very important parameters of the product quality. The behaviour of gel formed during fermentation of milk is influenced by a great number of factors, such as: milk composition, starter culture, flavourings addition, etc. The aim of this research was to examine the influence of fat content, and kombucha inoculum concentration on textural characteristics of fermented milk beverages: firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index after production and during 10 days of storage. Higher fat content of beverage affects the firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index, while higher amount of inoculum in beverages has an opposite effect on textural characteristics of samples during storage. KEY WORDS: Milk, fermentation, kombucha, textural characteristics INTRODUCTION Fermented milk beverages are very important in human nutrition due to their high nutritive value and high content of valuable components. The dairy beverages included in this group of food products differ by kind of milk, fermentation type, consistency, milk fat content, additives, etc. (1). Kombucha is a symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria, which is traditionally cultivated on black tea with sucrose addition. Product of this cultivation is a pleasant, slightly sour and slightly carbonated refreshment beverage. The previous findings showed that kombucha can be cultivated on different substrates such as black and green tea, beer, coca-cola, wine, molasses, topinambure extract, herbs and whey (2, 3). Besides refreshment effect, due to products of metabolitic activity, kombucha beverage has a wide range of prophylactic and therapeutic properties. Kombucha is used to treat headache, arteriosclerosis, reuma, problems with metabolism and immune system, burns, skin injuries, etc. Antibiotic activity of kombucha towards Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been proved, mostly due to the production of acetic acid during fermentation (4-6). Organic acids produced during Dr. Spasenija D. Milanović, Prof., senadm@uns.ac.rs, Mirela D. Iličić, M.Sc., Katarina G. Duraković B.Sc., Vladimir R. Vukić, M.Sc., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 63 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper fermentation are responsible for most of the characteristics of kombucha. The role of kombucha in detoxication is probably connected with the ability of glucuronic acid to bind toxins. Kombucha fermented beverage is suitable for milk fermentation (7, 8). The physicochemical and sensory characteristics of obtained beverage pointed to the posibilities and necesity of further technological investigations of this group of high-nutritive functional milk beverages. Generally, rheological properties of fermented dairy products affect significantly the quality of the product. The viscosity and gel structure are influenced by a great number of factors, including milk composition, especially contents of fat and proteins. In the case of low fat products, behaviour of proteins during the gelation process is of particular importance (9). The aim of this research was to examine the influence of different milk fat content and kombucha inoculum concentration on textural characteristics of fermented milk beverages: firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index after production and during 10 days of storage. EXPERIMENTAL Pasteurized, homogenized milk of 1.0% and 2.2% of fat content („AD IMLEK Beograd - Novosadska mlekara division“ Novi Sad) was used for dietary fermented milk beverages production in the laboratory conditions. The following materials were used for fermentation: 1) probiotic starter culture – Delvo-Yog MY-721, „DSM Food Specialites“ Netherlands, 0.005%; 2) inoculum (I) – tea fungus cultivated in black tea with addition of sucrose (substrate), as C-atom source was concentrated by microfiltration (using ceramic membrane - pores diameter 200 nm; temperature 25°C, pressure 40 kPa and fluid flow 5 L/min). Fermented milk beverages were produced from milk with 1.0% and 2.2% fat content according to the technological process previously described in the literature (10). Plan of experiment is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Plan of experiment No 1 2 3 4 Sample 1.0% fat 10% I 1.0% fat 15% I 2.2% fat 10% I 2.2% fat 15% I Fat content (%) 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.2 Inoculum (%) 10 15 10 15 Fermented milk beverage samples were analyzed by Texture Analyser TA XP (Stable Micro System, Godalming, England) through a single compression test, using a back extrusion cell (A/BE) disc (diameter 35 mm; distance 30 mm; speed 10 mm s-1) and an extension bar, using 5 kg load cell. Firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and index of viscosity were measured at 5°C during 10 days of storage . 64 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Firmness The change of firmness in samples obtained from milk of 1.0% and 2.2% of fat by adding 10% and 15% of kombucha inoculum, after production and during storage is presented in Fig. 1. 18.00 17.00 firmness (g) 16.00 1.0% fat 10% I 15.00 1.0% fat 15% I 2.2% fat 10% I 2.2% fat 15% I 14.00 13.00 12.00 0 5 10 time (day) Fig. 1. Firmness of samples after production and during storage The firmness of sample 1 (1.0% fat 15% I) was the highest (14.85 g). A decrease of firmness after storage was found in sample 2 (1.0% fat 15% I), and the lowest value after 10 days (13.58 g). The highest increase of firmness during storage was determined in sample 3 (2.2% fat 10% I). The obtained results show that higher fat content affects the increase of beverage firmness, while the higher amount of inoculum in beverage decreases the firmness of samples during storage. It is known that the increase of milk fat increases the firmness of yoghurt samples (11), while the increase of inoculum amount results in a decrease of firmness due to dilution, i.e. lower dry matter content in the sample. The biggest difference in firmness was noticed on the fifth day of storage and it was by 22.6% higher in sample 3 (2.2% fat 10% I) than in the other samples. Consistency Fig. 2 presents the change of consistency of samples produced from milk of 1.0% and 2.2% milk fat by adding 10% and 15% of kombucha inoculum, after production and during storage for 5 and 10 days. 65 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper 490.00 consistency (gs) 470.00 450.00 1.0% fat 10% I 430.00 1.0% fat 15% I 2.2% fat 10% I 410.00 2.2% fat 15% I 390.00 370.00 350.00 0 5 10 time (day) Fig. 2. Consistency of samples after production and during storage The consistency value indicates the density of the product. It is evident that the higher the value of the consistency, means the higher the product density. The results show the same trend as in the firmness analysis of fermented milk beverages. The highest consistency value after production (426.34 gs) was found with sample 2 (1.0% fat 15% I). However, the consistency of this sample decreased during storage, and after 10 days the consistency value was the lowest (367.02 gs). The highest increase of consistency during storage was found for sample 3 (2.2% fat 10% I). It can be seen that the obtained value of consistency for the sample produced from milk with 2.2% of fat and 15% of kombucha inoculum, increases by 29.0% between 5 and 10 days. Consistency of fermented milk beverage with 1.0% of fat shows an opposite trend compared to milk with 2.2% of fat. It is obvious that the increase of milk fat content results in an increase of the consistency level, while the increase of inoculum amount leads to a decrease of the consistency value of samples during storage. Cohesiveness Fig. 3 shows the change of cohesiveness of fermented milk beverage samples during 10 days storage. Samples produced from milk of 2.2% fat have greater cohesiveness after production. Fermented milk beverage sample made with 10% of inoculum showed the highest cohesiveness during storage, and the measured values were in the range from -7.72 g after production to -12.60 g after 10 days of storage. The lowest cohesiveness after production (-6.07 g) and after 10 days of storage (-9.53 g) was found for sample 2 (1.0% fat 15% I). The difference of cohesiveness values during storage between samples produced from milk of 1.0% fat is 23% on average during the storage, and it is significantly lower than for samples made from milk of 2.2% fat (63%). The obtained results show that higher 66 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper milk fat content affects the increase of cohesiveness, while the effect of inoculum amount increase is opposite, i.e. the cohesiveness of produced fermented milk beverage decreases. -5.00 -6.00 cohesiveness (g) -7.00 -8.00 1.0% fat 10% I 1.0% fat 15% I -9.00 2.2% fat 10% I 2.2% fat 15% I -10.00 -11.00 -12.00 -13.00 0 5 10 time (day) Fig. 3. Cohesiveness of samples after production and during storage Viscosity index -1.00 -2.00 index of viscosity (gs) -3.00 -4.00 -5.00 1.0% fat 10% I 1.0% fat 15% I -6.00 2.2% fat 10% I 2.2% fat 15% I -7.00 -8.00 -9.00 -10.00 -11.00 0 5 10 time (day) Fig. 4. Viscosity index of samples after production and during storage Similarly to cohesiveness, the lower measured value of the viscosity index, means the higher viscosity index (Fig. 4). The viscosity index after production and after 10 days of 67 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940063M UDC: 637.146.3:663.88:637.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 63-69 Original scientific paper storage was measured in sample 3 (2.2% fat 10% I), -2.70 gs and -10.68 gs, respectively. Samples made from milk of 2.2% milk fat had higher viscosity index after production. The lowest viscosity index after production (-1.48 gs) and after 10 days storage (-3.96 gs) was determined in sample 2 (1.0% fat 15% I). The obtained values are similar to the results of fermented milk beverages obtained from milk of 0.9% fat using concentrated tea fungus inoculum, 1.5% and 3.0%, regarding the decrease of textural characteristic values at increased concentrations of inoculum (10). CONCLUSION Samples that contained higher level of fat had much better textural characteristics from those of fermented milk beverages produced from milk of 1.0% fat content. Significant change of textural characteristics was noticed during the first 5 days of storage. Generally, the sample produced from milk of 2.2% fat with addition of 10% kombucha inoculum has the best textural characteristics during storage. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is part of the project TR-20008 which is financially suported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES 1. Tamime, A.Y. and R.K. Robinson: Yoghurt Science and Technology, Woodhead publishing limited, Cambridge, England, (2004) p. 619. 2. Malbaša, R., S. Milanović, E. Lončar, M. Djurić, M. Carić, M. Iličić and Lj. Kolarov: Milk-based beverages obtained by Kombucha application. Food Chemistry 112 (2009) 178-184. 3. Malbaša, R., E. Lončar, M. Djurić, and I. Došenović: Effect of sucrose concentration on kombucha fermentation on molasses. Food Chemistry 108 (2008) 926-932. 4. Sreeramulu, G., Y. Zhu, and W. Knol: Kombucha Fermentation and Its Antimicrobial Activity. 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Дураковић и Владимир Р. Вукић Реолошке особине ферментисаних млечних производа представљају веома важан фактор за квалитет производа. Својства гела добијеног ферментацијом млека зависе од различитих фактора, као што су: састав млека, стартер култура, аромe, итд. У раду је испитан утицај садржаја млечне масти (1,0% и 2,2%), и различитих концентрација инокулума комбухе (10% и 15%) на текстуралне особине ферментисаних млечних производа: чврстоћу, конзистенцију, кохезивност и индекс вискозитета, након производње и током 10 дана складиштења. Добијени резултати показују да повећање садржаја млечне масти доводи до повећања чврстоће, конзистенције, кохезивности и индекса вискозитета узорака. Ферментисани млечни напици произведени са већом концентрацијом инокулума комбухе имају ниже вредности текстуралних карактеристика. Највеће промене текстуралних карактеристика у узорцима уочавају се током првих 5 дана складиштења. Received 22 July 2009 Accepted 1 October 2009 69 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper PROTOCOL FOR USING PROTEIN SOLUBILITY AS AN INDICATOR OF FULL-FAT SOYBEAN HEAT TREATMENT Dragan V. Palić and Sophia E. Coetzee When the degree of full-fat soybean (FFSB) processing is determined using protein solubility as an indicator of heat treatment extent, a problem represents the lack of a standard with known value of protein solubility, against which the protein solubility of heat treated FFSB would be determined. Also, a special practical problem imposes the fact that universal ranges of units for describing the degree of FFSB processing are used globally, without taking into consideration specific regional differences. In this paper, a protocol was proposed for establishing unit ranges for defining under-, adequately- and over-processed FFSB when protein solubility is used as an indicator of the extent of heat treatment. KEY WORDS: Full-fat soybeans, degree of processing, extent of heat treatment, protein solubility INTRODUCTION The use of full-fat soybeans (FFSB) in animal feeds has been limited because of the uncertainty of the exact availability of the amino acids. This arises due to both the presence of biologically active substances with an anti-nutrient action, which are contained in raw soybean, as well as the effect that processing has on the availability of the amino acids contained therein. Processing of the raw FFSB by means of heat destroys the anti-nutrients, thus making them fit for use in monogastric diets. The problem relating to the availability of the amino acids in the heat-treated soybeans arises due to the fact that only an optimum level of heat treatment will produce maximal availability of the amino acids to the animal. Both under- and over-processing result in decreased availability of amino acids (4). Amongst other authors, Holmes (1), Ruiz et al. (2) and Zarkadas et al. (3) showed that moderate heating is necessary to increase the digestibility of soybean protein for nonruminants. A comparatively mild heating leads to partial protein degradation (denaturation of tertiary and quaternary structures), allowing more effective penetration by digestion enzymes. One of the major concerns is: what happens when FFSB is under- or over-processed? Is the one more detrimental than the other? To define under- and over-processing is easy Dr. Dragan Palić, dragan.palic@fins.uns.ac.rs, Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Sophia E. Coetzee, M. Sc., Agricultural Research Council, ARC-Animal Production Institute, Private Bag X2, Irene 0062, South Africa 71 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper in theoretical terms, but is it easy to define it in practice? The following mechanisms are involved in under- and over-processing: Under-processing: Residual trypsin inhibitor mediates its effects via the digestive processes, affecting both endogenous and exogenous amino acid losses. It also binds and inactivates the pancreatic enzyme trypsin (4). The result is that protein digestibility is reduced and swelling of the pancreas occurs, caused by the production of additional trypsin and chymotrypsin. Over-processing: In this process, proteins are more than partially denaturated and amino acid availability is reduced. This is because the Maillard reaction takes place, i.e. reducing sugars react with the epsilon-amino group of lysine (4). As a consequence, the objective of heating processes for full-fat soybeans, intended for inclusion in diets for poultry and pigs, is to maintain optimum balance between degradation of anti-nutrients on the one hand and maintenance of protein digestibility on the other. Commonly used methods for assessing the processed FFSB quality are those for the determination of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Urease Activity Index (UAI) Trypsin Inhibitor Activity (TIA) Protein Solubility in KOH (PSKOH) Nitrogen Solubility Index (NSI) Protein Dispersibility Index (PDI) Lysine availability In a critical assessments of methods, Palic et al. (5, 6), established that some of commonly used methods, e.g. UAI, have limitations, as they can be used only to determine the under-processed FFSB, that some of the methods are very complicated to perform, such as TIA and Lysine availability, and concluded that protein solubility is the best indicator for FFSB quality control and that therefore PSKOH, NSI and PDI methods would be the prefferd choice. A problem represents the fact that there is a lack of a standard with known protein solubility, against which the protein solubility of processed FFSB would be determined. Special practical problem imposes the fact that universal ranges of units for PSKOH, PDI and NSI methods, for describing the under-, adequately- and over-processed FFSB, are used globally, without taking into consideration specific regional differences (7). The aim of this study was to develop a protocol for establishing unit ranges for defining under-, well- and over processed FFSB, when protein solubility is used as an indicator of the extent of heat treatment. EXPERIMENTAL In the absence of a standard with known value of protein solubility, the solution is to use an “indirect” standard, which can be obtained through in vivo trial with animals. Therefore, the proposed protocol for establishing the degree of FFSB processing, when protein solubility is used as an indicator of heat treatment extent, consists of the following steps. 72 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper Step 1. Raw soybeans processing A number, but not less than five, samples of FFSB processed at different temperatures, i.e. exposed to different extents of heat, is produced. In this study, raw soybeans, with moisture of 10-11%, were processed by dry extrusion, using industrial „Insta-Pro 2000R“ single screw extruder at 8 temperatures: 110, 120, 127, 136, 140, 145, 151 and 165°C, with the processing time ranging between 30 and 40 seconds. Step 2. In vivo trial Samples of FFSB produced in Step 1 are fed to animals and their performance is monitored. In the work presented, a total of 384 male Ross broilers were randomly allocated to 48 pens, each containing 8 birds. On arrival, all broilers were sorted into equal weight groups, and assigned at random to the different treatment pens, such that initial average weight and weight distribution were similar for all pens. They were allocated to one of eight dietary treatments containing the processed FFSB. The average body weight gain (ADWG), in the period from 0 to 14 days of age, and feed conversion ratio (FCR), on day 14, were monitored as production parameters. Step 3. Choice of laboratory method A laboratory method for determining protein solubility is chosen. In this study, as a model-method for determining protein solubility as an indicator of the extent of soybean processing, the Protein solubility in potassium hydroxide (PSKOH), as described by Palic (8), has been chosen. Eight samples of FFSB processed in Step 1 were analysed for PSKOH in duplicates by five laboratories. Step 4. Establishing ranges of units for chosen method for describing the degree of FFSB processing The ranges of units for chosen method, for describing under-, adequately- and overprocessed FFSB, are established. An illustration of the relation between in vivo animal performance, measured by average daily weight gain (g), and the PSKOH values (in %) is shown in Figure 1. Assuming that the FFSB samples at 135oC and 145oC are adequately processed, the values X and Y of PSKOH (%) for those two samples, represent the border-points of the range of adequately-processed FFSB. Consequently, unknown FFSB sample, whose PSKOH protein solubility value falls between X and Y points, would be assessed as adequately-processed. 73 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper 120 100 115 Average daily weight gain (g) 90 110 80 105 X Y 100 95 60 90 KOH (%) 70 50 85 80 40 115 125 135 145 165 Temperatures (°C) AWG KOH Fig 1. Illustration of the relation between in vivo animal performance, measured by average daily weight gain (g), and the KOH protein solubility (%) for FFSB samples processed at different temperatures Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed using the statistical program SAS/STAT (9). The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with five replicates per treatment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for differences between treatments. Treatment means were separated using Fishers' protected t-test least significant difference (LSD) at the 5 % level of significance. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the in vivo trial are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. Table 1. Average body weight gain (ABWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) for chickens fed FFSB processed at different temperatures in the period from 0 to 14 days of age Temperature (oC) 110°C 120°C 127°C 136°C 140°C 145°C 151°C 164°C SEM1 LSD2 CV%3 a,b,c,d ABWG (g) 87.8bc 96.0bc 108.0bc 138.3a 132.0a 123.0a 97.2b 79.8c 7.94 22.81 19.1 FCR (kg/kg) 2.081d 1.893cd 1.768c 1.382a 1.466a 1.529a 1.679c 1.891cd 0.081 0.232 11.5 Values in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (P<0.05); SEM = Standard error of the means; 2LSD = Least significant difference; 3CV% = Coefficient of variation 1 74 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper 150 2.2 140 2.0 Body weight gain (g) 120 1.8 110 100 1.6 90 1.4 80 Feed conversion ratio (kg/kg) 130 Well prosessed FFSB range 70 1.2 60 50 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 1.0 170 Temperature (ºC) In-vivo body weight gain In-vivo FCR Fig. 2. Average daily body weight gain in the period from 0 to 14 days of age, and feed conversion ratio on day 14, of broiler chickens fed FFSB processed at different temperatures Statistical analysis of the results showed that the best performance was achieved by chickens that were fed the FFSB processed at 136oC, 140oC and 145oC and that there was no significant difference between them (P>0.05). However, the difference between the groups that received the FFSB processed at 1270C and 136oC, as well as at 145oC and 151oC, were significant (P<0.05). Based on these parameters, a relation between the temperature of extruding and the in vivo assessment of the degree of FFSB processing has been derived and is shown in Table 2. Table 2. Relation between the temperature of extruding and the in vivo assessment of the degree of FFSB processing Degree of FFSB processing Under-processed Adequately - processed Over-processed Temperature of extrusion (oC) < 136 136 – 145 > 145 The results of the protein solubility in potassium hydroxide (PSKOH) are shown in Table 3. 75 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper Table 3. Results of the determination of protein solubility in potassium hydroxide (PSKOH) in FFSB samples processed by dry extrusion at different temperatures Temperature (oC) 110°C 120°C 127°C 136°C 140°C 145°C 151°C 164°C 1 PSKOH (%)1 90.45 89.21 86.87 76.51 73.87 67.14 67.99 61.05 Mean values of the results obtained in five laboratories FFBS samples processed at temperatures between 136oC and 145oC, represented adequately-processed FFSB (Table 1). The mean values for PSKOH for these two samples, obtained at five laboratories (Table 3), were 76.51 % and 67.14%, or for the practical application, 77 % and 67% respectively. Therefore, the following ranges, shown in Table 4, for describing the degree of FFSB processing when PSKOH method is used, have been established. Table 4. Ranges for describing the degree of FFSB processing using PSKOH method Degree of FFSB processing Under-processed Adequately- processed PSKOH (%) >77% 67% - 77% Over-processed <67% CONCLUSION Using the protocol described in this study, the ranges for any laboratory method which uses protein solubility as an indicator of the extent of FFSB heat treatment, can be established. The numerical value of the units for the method(s) established by using the proposed protocol, take into consideration regional differences such as soybean quality and may be safely applied for FFSB quality control, regardless of what the globally accepted unit ranges for the specific method(s) are. ACKNOWLEGMENT This study has been supported by the Protein Research Foundation of South Africa. REFERENCES 1. Holmes, B: Quality control of raw materials and final products in fullfat soybean production. Proc. of Fullfat Soybean Regional Conference, Milan, 14-15 April 1987, Book of Abstracts, p. 246. 76 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940071P UDC:633.34:66.040.2:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 71-77 Original scientific paper 2. Ruiz, N., F. de Belalcazar and G. J. Diaz: Quality Control Parameters for Commercial Full-Fat Soybeans Processed by Two Different Methods and Fed to Broilers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 13 (2004) 443-450. 3. Zarkadas, L. N. and J. Wiseman: Influence of processing of full fat soya beans included in diet for piglets. 1. Performance. Animal Feed Science and Technology 118 (2005) 109-119. 4. Monary, S.: Fullfat Soya Handbook, American Soybean Association, Brussels (1989) p.6. 5. Palic, D., K. Moloto, E. S. Coetzee and O. Djuragic, O: Critical assessment of laboratory methods for full-fat soybean quality control. 1st International Congress on Food Technology, Quality and Safety, Novi Sad, 13-15 November 2007, Proceedings p. 197. 6. Palic, D., J. Levic, S. Sredanovic, O. Djuragic: Quality control of full-fat soybeans using urease activity: critical assessment of the method. Acta Periodica Technologica, 39 (2008) 47-53. 7. Palic, D: Quality control of processed full-fat soybeans: Choice of method. XI International Feed Technology Symposium, Vrnjacka Banja, 30 March–3 June 2005, Proceedings p. 96. 8. Palic, D: Quality control of processed full-fat soybeans using protein solubility in KOH: Critical review and modification of the method. 11th International Feed Technology Symposium, Vrnjacka Banja, 30 March – 3 June 2005, Proceedings p.106. 9. SAS/STAT User's Guide, Version 8, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC:SAS Institute (1999). ПОСТУПАК ЗА КОРИШЋЕЊЕ РАСТВОРЉИВОСТИ ПРОТЕИНА КАО ИНДИКАТОРА ТЕРМИЧКОГ ТРЕТМАНА ПУНОМАСНЕ СОЈЕ Драган В. Палић и Sophia E. Coetzee Када се растворљивост протеина користи као индикатор степена термичке обраде пуномасне соје, проблем представља недостатак стандарда у односу на који би се одређивала растворљивост протеина обрађеног сојиног зрна. Посебан практичан проблем представља чињеница да се за изражавање различитих степена термичког третмана, примењује опсег јединица које су глобално прихваћене, не водећи при томе рачуна о регионалним разликама у квалитету сирове соје. У овом раду је предложен поступак за утврђивање опсега јединица за дефинисање недовољно, адекватно и сувише термички обрађене пуномасне соје, када се растворљивост протеина користи као индикатор степена термичког третмана. Received 17 June 2009 Accepted 28 September 2009 77 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper COMPARISON OF THREE IN VITRO METHODS FOR DETERMINING AND PREDICTING THE ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILITY OF COMPLETE DIETS FOR RUMINANTS Dragan V. Palić and Klaas-Jan Leeuw In this study, the organic matter digestibility (OMD) of six complete diets for ruminants has been determined in-vivo in trials with sheep and in-vitro using two-stage Tilley and Terry (T&T) method, gas production (GP) technique and multi-enzyme incubation (EDOM) procedures. The mean OMD values obtained in vivo and using T&T, GP and EDOM techniques were 684, 716, 685 and 710 g OM/kgDM respectively and did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The obtained in vitro results were regressed against determined in-vivo values to derive prediction equations. Using the T&T technique, the prediction equation OMD (in_vivo) = -17.36 + 0.98 x OMD (in_vitro_T&T), (R2 = 0.75; RMSE = 37.59) has been obtained. The equation OMD (in_vivo) = 198.98 + 0.71 x OMD (in_vitro_GP), (R2 = 0.21; RMSE = 66.36) has been derived for Gas production procedure, while the equation OMD (in_vivo) = 102 + 0.82 x OMD (in_vitro_EDOM), (R2 = 0.86; RMSE = 27.30) has been generated for multi-enzyme incubation technique. The results of this study showed that the OMD of complete diets for ruminants can be successfully determined, and in-vivo values predicted, using multi-enzyme incubation procedure, which is important because of the fact that rumen liquor, needed for the in-vitro twostage T&T and GP techniques is not always available to analytical laboratories. KEY WORDS: Ruminants, complete diets, organic matter digestibility, in vitro techniques, prediction INTRODUCTION Energy value of ruminant feeds and its bio-availability is of great importance for animal feed manufactures and end users. The amount of available energy in feeds for ruminants is described either by its metabolisable energy or by organic matter digestibility (1), since the value of organic matter digestibility is very close to the corresponding digestibility of energy (2). The most accurate way of obtaining information on digestibility of organic matter of feeds for ruminants is by conducting in vivo digestibility experiDr. Dragan Palić, dragan.palic@fins.uns.ac.rs, Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Klaas-Jan Leeuw, M. Sc., Agricultural Research Council, ARC-Animal Production Institute, Private Bag X2, Irene 0062, South Africa 79 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper ments. Since this method is expensive and time consuming, laboratory methods for routine prediction of the in vivo organic matter digestibility of ruminant feeds are an irreplaceable tool for routine quality control in the feed industry. In vitro methods for determining organic matter digestibility (OMD) by the use of rumen liquor fermentation techniques have become well established despite the limitations on the use of rumen liquor for digestibility studies and the request for fistulated animals (which are not available to all laboratories) for the collection of fresh rumen liquor. Widely accepted in vitro rumen liquor fermentation procedures for determining the organic matter digestibility of ruminant feeds are the two-stage Tilley and Terry (T&T) method (3) and Gas Production (GP) technique developed by Menke and Steingass (4). The alternative to rumen liquor is the use of incubation of feeds with exogenous enzymes, which has the aim to mimic the digestive processes in the animal. Enzymes can break down different parts of the plant constituents, which can be divided into those that make up the structure of the plant (cell-wall constituents) and the material within the cells (cell-content constituents). Cell content is essentially completely digestible in vivo, whereas cell-wall constituents vary in digestibility (5). Enzymes therefore need to remove the cell contents and to solubilise unlignified and moderately lignified cell-wall to a significant extent. Most enzymatic methods for organic matter digestibility determination have been developed for forage feedstuffs, with a few used for compound feeds (6). Hvelplund et al. (7) used a multi-enzymatic incubation method for estimating the enzymatic digestibility of organic matter (EDOM) of straws. Palic and Muller (8) demonstrated the ability of this method to determine the OMD of a variety of other feedstuffs for ruminants. Apart from the above-mentioned two references, more citations of this method in the literature have not been found. The aim of this study was to compare the two rumen-fluid-based methods, i.e. the twostage in vitro method (3) and gas production (4) with the under-utilized, multi-enzyme incubation procedure of Hvelplund et al., (7) for determining the OMD of compound feeds for ruminants and to develop equations for predicting the in vivo OMD of complete diets for ruminants using results obtained by in vitro T&T, GP and EDOM techniques. EXPERIMENTAL Six complete diets for ruminants were used in this study. The chemical composition of the diets was determined by the Official Methods of AOAC International (9). The OMD of investigated diets was determined in the in vivo trial, as well as by three in vitro methods. In vitro procedures used for OMD determination were: Two-stage method (3). This method has two main stages. In the first, 0.5 g of dried sample is incubated anaerobically with rumen liquor inoculum in a buffered sollution, for 48 hours at 38oC in the dark. The second stage involves digestion with pepsin-HCl for 48 hours at 38oC. The OMD is calculated as the difference between the organic matter in the original sample and in the residue. Gas Production technique (4). An amount of 200 mg of dried sample is introduced into a special piston-syringe, after which rumen liquor is added. The production of gas is measured during a 24-hour incubation at 39oC and the OMD is calculated from the following equation: 80 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper OMD (%) = 14.88 + 0.889 x gp + 0.45 x CP + 0.65 x CA where: gp = Gas produced (ml) CP = Crude protein (%) CA = Crude ash (%) EDOM procedure (7). About 0.5 g of sample is incubated with pepsin-HCl solution for 24 hours at 40oC to dissolve protein, followed by incubation with a buffered enzyme solution (consisting of cellulase, cellobiase, hemicellulase and amyloglucosidase) first at 40oC for 19 hours and then at 60oC for 19 hours. The residue was dried and ashed, and the insoluble organic matter in the sample was determined as the difference. In vivo organic matter digestibility was determined according to Steg et al. (10) using four castrated adult male sheep per diet. Water was freely available at all times, while the feed was standardized at 1000 g of dry matter daily for each animal. An 11-day adaptation period during which the animals were fed the trial ration was followed by a 10-day collection period during which the exact amounts of feed, residues and the faecal production were recorded. The organic matter contents of both feed and faeces were measured and their difference represened the digestible organic matter. Data was analysed using the statistical programme GenStat (11). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The chemical composition of studied diets is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Chemical composition (%) of complete diets used in the study Diet 1 2 3 4 5 6 DM (%) 89.39 85.35 86.24 87.45 86.07 87.04 CP (%) 9.44 13.99 13.45 14.52 21.33 9.40 CF (%) 1.45 1.09 1.29 2.69 1.07 1.34 CA (%) 6.37 7.00 8.69 6.72 7.20 8.08 DM = Dry matter CP = Crude protein CF = Crude fibre CA = Crude ash The organic matter digestibility of complete diets for ruminants determined in in vivo trial and by three in vitro procedures is shown in Table 2. 81 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper Table 2. The OMD of complete diets for ruminants (g OM/kg DM) determined in vivo and by three in vitro methods Diet 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean SD5 In vivo 595 716 674 710 781 628 684a 66.7 Organic matter digestibility (g OM/kg DM)1 T & T2 GP3 EDOM4 625 665 622 756 686 781 724 618 726 776 708 708 749 609 801 664 599 624 716a 685a 710a 58.9 43.1 75.8 1 Means of three replicates Two-stage in vitro method (3) 3 Gas production method (4) 4 Multi-enzyme incubation method (7) 5 SD = Standard deviation a Means with same subscript in a row do not differ significantly (P>0.05) 2 The mean values obtained by in-vivo, T&T, GP and EDOM procedures were 684, 716, 685 and 710 g OM/kg DM respectively, and did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The values obtained by laboratory procedures were then regressed against determined in vivo values and the functions for each in vitro procedure for predicting the in vivo OMD of complete diets have been derived. The following equation, shown also in Figure 1, to predict the in vivo OMD from the results of in vitro T&T method has been obtained: OMD (in_vivo) = -17.36 + 0.98 x OMD (in_vitro_T&T), R2 = 0.75; RMSE = 37.59 The regression of the OMD results obtained by Gas production method against the in vivo values, resulted in the following equation, shown also on Figure 2. OMD (in_vivo) = 198.98 + 0.71 x OMD (in_vitro_GP) R2 = 0.21; RMSE = 66.36 The equation, shown also on Figure 2, for predicting the in vivo OMD using Multienzyme incubation (EDOM) method, was as follows: OMD (in_vivo) = 102 + 0.82 x OMD (in_vitro_EDOM) R2 = 0.86; RMSE = 27.30 82 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper Fig. 1. Relationship between the OMD values of compound feeds for ruminants determined in vivo and by in vitro T&T method Fig. 2. Relationship between the OMD values of complete diets for ruminants determined in vivo and by in vitro GP method 83 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper Fig. 3. Relationship between the OMD values of complete diets for ruminants determined in vivo and by in vitro EDOM method The organic matter digestibility of complete diets for ruminants in this study was predicted best by EDOM method, closely followed by the two-stage T&T procedure. A low correlation between Gas production and in vivo results (R2 = 0.21) was somehow unexpected, since Palic and Muller (8), investigating the OMD of feedstuffs for ruminants, established an R2 = 0.81 for the relationship between the OMD values determined in vivo and by in vitro Gas production method. The prediction of OMD of compound feeds for ruminants by the use of enzymes have been up to date applied mostly to forages. Enzymatic methods have been much less studied with energy and protein feeds (6), and in those seldom cases, the authors used single-enzyme incubations. Dowman and Collins (12), using incubation with pepsin-HCl, followed by the treatment of 12 complete diets with cellulase, reported a correlation of R2 = 0.87 between in vivo and in vitro values, whereas Aufrere and Michalet-Doreau (6) found an R2 = 0.90 using 24 energy-rich feeds. The procedure of Hvelplund et al. (7) used in this study, might have an advantage over the above-mentioned, as it uses multienzyme incubation and therefore may better mimic the digestion in the animal gastrointestinal tract. CONCLUSION Although conducted on a small number of samples, the results of this study yielded a clear reference point and showed that the organic matter digestibility (OMD) of complete diets for ruminants can be successfully determined, and the in vivo OMD successfully predicted, using a multi-enzyme incubation procedure. This is important because of the fact that rumen liquor, needed for the in vitro Tilley and Terry and Gas Production techniques, is not always available to analytical laboratories. Further work, with inclusion of more samples of complete diets, is needed to confirm the results of this study. 84 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper REFERENCES 1. Barber, G.D., D.I. Givens, M.S. Kridis, N.W. Offer and I. Murray: Prediction of the organic matter digestibility of grass silage. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 28 (1990) 115-128. 2. Thomas, P.C. Predicting the nutritive value of compound feeds for ruminants. In: Feedstuffs Evaluation. Eds. W. Haresign and D.J.A. Cole, Butterworths, London (1990) p. 301 3. Tilley, J.M.A. and R.A. Terry: A two stage method for the in vitro digestion of forage crops. J. Brit. Grassl. Soc. 18 (1963) 104-111. 4. Menke, K.H.and H. Steingass: Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim. Res. Dev. 28 (1988) 7-55. 5. Jones, D.I.H.and M. K. Theodorou: Enzyme techniques for estimating digestibility. In: Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition. Eds. D. I. Givens, E. Owen, R. F. E. Axford and H. M. Omed, CABI publishing, New York (2000) p. 155. 6. Aufrere, J. and B. Michalet-Doreau, B: Comparison of methods for predicting digestibility of feeds. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 20 (1988) 203-218. 7. Hvelplund, T., M. R. Weisberg and K. Soegaard: Use of in vitro digestibility methods to estimate in vivo digestibility of straws. TSAP Science Conference, Arusha, 3-4 Aug 1990, Proceedings vol. 26, p. 70. 8. Palic, D., H. Muller: Prediction of the in vivo organic matter digestibility of feedstuffs for ruminants using in vitro techniques. Savremena Poljoprivreda 55, 1–2 (2006) 127-132. 9. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Official Methods of Analysis, 17th Edition, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2417, USA (2000). 10. Steg, A., J. M. van der Merwe, B. Smits and V. A. Hindle: Prediction of the digestibility of feedstuffs: recent developments. Annual report, ID-DLO, The Netherlands (1987). 11. Payne, R.W., D.A. Murray, S.A. Harding, D.B. Baird and D. M. Soutar: GenStat for Windows (10th Edition), Introduction. VSN International, Hemel Hempstead, UK (2007). 12. Dowman, M. G., F. C. Collins: The use of enzymes to predict the digestibility of animal feeds. J. Sci. Food Agric 33 (1982) 689-696. ПОРЕЂЕЊЕ ТРИ IN VITRO МЕТОДЕ ЗА ОДРЕЂИВАЊЕ И ПРОЦЕНУ СВАРЉИВОСТИ ОРГАНСКЕ МАТЕРИЈЕ У ПОТПУНИМ СМЕШАМА ЗА ПРЕЖИВАРЕ Драган Палић и Klaas-Jan Leeuw У овом раду је одређена сварљивост органске материје (OMD) у шест потпуних смеша за преживаре и то in vivo, у огледима на овцама, и in vitro, коришћењем двостепене Tilley и Terry (Т&Т) (3) методе, технике мерења продукције гаса (GP) (4) и поcтупка мулти-ензимске инкубације (EDOM) (7). Средње вредности сварљивости органске материје добијене in vivo и коришћењем Т&Т, GP и EDOM in vitro 85 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940079P UDC:636.085.1/.3:636.085.55:636.2+636.3 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 79-86 Original scientific paper метода износиле су 684, 716, 685 и 710 g органске материје/кг суве материје и нису се значајно разликовале (P>0,05). Регресионом анализом добијене су једначине за предвиђање in vivo OMD на основу резултата добијених in vitro методама. За Т&Т методу добијена је једначина OMD (in_vivo) = -17,36 + 0,98 x OMD (in_vitro_T&T), (R2= 0,75; RMSE=37,59, за GP технику OMD (in_vivo)=198,98 + 0,71 x OMD (in_vitro_GP), (R2=0,21; RMSE=66,36), док је за EDOM методу изведена једначина OMD (in_vivo)= 102 + 0,82 x OMD (in_vitro_EDOM), (R2=0,86; RMSE = 27,30). Резултати овога рада показују да се сварљивист органске материје потпуних смешa за преживаре може успешно одредити, и њене in vivo вредности успешно предвидети, коришћењем мулти-ензимске инкубационе методе, што је веома важно с обзиром на чињеницу да буражни сок, неопходан за Т&Т и GP методе, није увек доступан аналитичким лабораторијама. Received 17 June 2009 Accepted 28 Septembar 2009 86 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper COMPOSITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL YOGHURT BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF VIABLE LACTIC ACID BACTERIA Dragana Pešić-Mikulec and Gordana B. Niketić Yoghurt quality is particularly difficult to standardize because of the many forms, varieties, manufacturing methods, ingredients and consumer preferences that exist. Since these factors will always play an important role, it is unlikely that a uniform yoghurt quality concept will ever emerge, such as has been developed for other dairy products. There are a number of common denominators, however that have bearing on yoghurt quality. Since a number of producers are recognized within the broad category entitled yoghurt. This situation makes yoghurt an interesting, challenging, but also a confusing area to work in. The present investigation was undertaken to isolate from commercial yoghurt the strains involved in its manufacture and determine the characteristics of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus. This study is concerned with the lactic acid bacteria (L.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus) growth in yoghurt from involving different procedures and with the determination of the number of lactic acid bacteria in dependence of the temperature and acidity in the period of storage. Predominant samples of yoghurt were with 11-107/ml lactic acid lactococci (44.28%). KEY WORDS: LAB, yoghurt, viable lactic acid bacteria, probiotics INTRODUCTION One of the first records of yoghurt consumption comes from the Middle East during the times of the Conqueror Genghis Khan in the 13th century, whose armies were sustained by this healthful food. Yoghurt and other fermented dairy products have long been a staple in the diets of cultures of the Middle East, Asia, Russia and Eastern European countries, such as Bulgaria. Yet, the recognition of yoghurts special health benefits did not become apparent in Western Europe and North America until the 20th century, as a result of research done by Dr. Elie Metchnikoff. Dr. Metchnikoff (12, 13) is the first researcher who proposed fermented dairy products with beneficial properties. Conducted research on the health benefits of lactic acid-producing bacteria and postuDr. Dragana Pešić Mikulec, dpesic@sbb.rs, Senior research fellow, Department of Food Microbiology, Institute of Veterinary Research, Autoput 3, 11050 Novi Beograd, Serbia; Dr. Gordana B. Niketić, Research fellow, JPS Dairy Institute, Autoput 3, 11050 Novi Beograd, Serbia 87 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper lated that the longevity of peoples of certain cultures, such as the Bulgarians, was related to their high consumption of yoghurt and fermented dairy products. The benefits of yoghurt depends for „live active cultures“ or „living yoghurt cultures“. Yoghurt is made by fermenting milk with friendly bacteria, mainly Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Yoghurt is a traditional food and beverage in many countries and especially in Serbia. Yoghurt consumption in Serbia has increased during the last decade. Product quality and satisfaction of consumer expectation are discussed since they are essential for the continued successful growth of the yoghurt market. Much emphasis is placed on yoghurt flavor, body, and texture. The specific objectives of the study were: a) to determine the effect of cell lactis acid bacteria L.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus on growth in yoghurt from a different producers and b) to determine the number of lactic acid bacteria of the temperature and acidity in the period of storage (1,2). Initial counts of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus in the samples of yoghurts were in the range from 8 to 1x106 /g resp. Ratio of Lactobacillus : Streptococcus at the start of the test varied from 1:1 to 1: 2.7. EXPERIMENTAL Yoghurt production Yoghurt is made by fermenting milk with friendly bacteria, in Serbia mainly with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The milk sugar or lactose is fermented by these bacteria to lactic acid which causes the characteristic curd to form. This process gives yoghurt its refreshingly tart flavor and unique pudding like texture. The yoghurt qualities were judged to be satisfactory without defective taste. The baccilli/cocci ratio in the pre-fermented milk, unstable with free cells, was stabilized when the strains were enterapped. The yoghurt starter cultures play an important role during the production of yoghurt. High cell numbers to about 5-107 C.F.U. ml-1 with a steady bacilli/cocci ratio were present in the effluent milk. The starter culture for most yoghurt production is a symbiotic blend of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in relation 50:50. Although they can grow independently, the rate of acid production is much higher when used together than either of the two organisms grown individually. Streptococcus thermophilus grows faster and produces both acid and carbon dioxide. The format and carbon dioxide produced stimulates growth of lactobacilli. On the other hand, the proteolytic activity of lactobacilli produces stimulatory peptides and amino acids for use by streptococci. These microorganisms are ultimately responsible for the formation of typical yoghurt flavor and texture. Yoghurt that contains live bacterial cultures may help to live longer and may fortify immune system. The yoghurt mixture coagulates during fermentation due to the drop in pH. The streptococci are responsible for the initial pH drop of the yoghurt mix to approximately 5.0. The lactobacilli are responsible for a further decrease to pH 4.0. The following fermentation products contribute to flavor: • lactic acid • acetaldehyde 88 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper • acetic acid • diacetyl The acid also restricts the growth of food poisoning bacteria. During the yoghurt fermentation some flavors are produced, which give yoghurt its characteristic flavor. Cultured media for the enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus mixtures Yoghurt was sampled 1 day after manufacture and the samples were taken in the market. Samples from 2 replicate experiments were processed. There are at present several culture media for the differential enumeration of mixtures of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus. The use of these media is important for the control of the relation between these two microorganisms in the yoghurt production starter medium, as well as in the follow-up of both populations during the production and later ripening of yoghurt. The number of lactobacilli was determined on the MRS agar (6) and the number of streptococci was determined on M17 agar medium after 48 h of incubation was investigated, making use of the different morphologies of the colonies as a means of different enumeration. Total bacterial count was determined by direct counting on a microscope glass. Material for the research was 70 samples of yoghurt from 9 different dairy producers. The samples were from Belgrade trade market. As a laboratory control we used the mixed cultures of L.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S.thermophilus. Cultures enumerated in this study were lactic acid starter cultured used for manufactured of yoghurt. Lactic acid bacteria were enumerated using Elliker (7, 8) and MRS (5, 6) solid agar plates, used for the isolation lactobacilli (3, 4). Reconstituted milk powder was used for the storage lactic acid bacteria in the refrigerator. Strains of lactic acid lactococci were an aerobically transferred three times at 370C for 48 h (BBLGas Pak System). The species designation of isolated was confirmed by Gram stain colonial appearance. MRS agar plate was incubated at 37oC without further adjustment. Plates or tube prepared with MRS agar were placed in plastic bags in anaerobe conditions and then incubated. M17 agar plates were used for the detection of streptococci. Each plate was overplayed with the same solid medium and then incubated at 30-37oC. Duplicate plates were prepared for each medium for the required dilutions (7, 9). Plates were examined after 48 and 72 h. To evaluate the factors that might be responsible for excessive acid development during yoghurt storage, 9 brands of plain commercial yoghurt were purchased from local retail markets and stored at 8, 12, 20oC, and analyzed weekly for 288 hours to monitor changes in acidity (oSH), total viable Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, coliform, yeasts and moulds. Microorganisms Strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus isolated from commercial products were used. Commercial yoghurt samples were used with no modifications, mixing 1 g of yoghurt in 10 ml saline solution and effective successive dilutions from 10 -2 to 10-6. 89 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper Microorganisms: Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus isolated from commercial yoghurt were grown at 43oC in M.R.S. and M17 agar. Isolation and identification: The lactis acid bacteria were isolated by API system for lactobacili and streptococi identification. The API system was incubated at 37oC for 72 h. The various colonies formed were identified. Criteria examined included: Gram reaction, cell morphology, catalasa reaction, growth at 50oC, acid production from lactose, sucrose, trehalose, maltose and manitol, thermoresistence to 63oC, growth in NaCl 2%, hydrolysis of arginine, and growth at pH 9.6. Culture medium and growth conditions Enumeration of microorganisms: Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus were enumerated by surface spreading 0.1 ml samples on Elliker agar medium and by direct microscopic count on the microscope slade. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The optimum growth temperature for Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus occurred at 45oC and Streptococcus thermophilus has its optimum between 40oC and 45oC. The optimum temperature of the mixed culture was 45oC. The growth of these cultures at different initial pH in Elliker medium shows that the optimum pH for pure and mixed cultures is from 6.5 to 8.0. In Table 1 the results of the chemical analyses and total bacterial count (on the microscope slide) in yoghurt from different producers are shown. Table 1. Relationship between Streptococcus and Lactobacillus levels and average acidity 90 Producers Acidity (oSH) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (VI) (VII) (VIII) (IX) Control 40.00 43.00 41.00 39.00 37.00 42.00 38.00 42.00 40.00 32.00 Lactobacillus (L) 65 70 73 55 50 65 50 67 71 50 Streptococcus (S) 45 30 27 54 50 45 50 43 29 50 Relation S/L 1 : 1.4 1 : 2.33 1 : 2.7 1 : 1.2 1:1 1 : 1.44 1:1 1 : 1.55 1 : 2.44 1:1 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper 80 70 60 50 Lactobacillus (L) 40 Streptococcus (S) 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Fig. 1. Relationship between viable count of Streptococci/ Lactobacilli in the different commercial yoghurt samples The results of a brief microbiological evaluation of yoghurt and of a consumer preference survey are presented also in Fig.1. Lactic acid bacteria are broadly used as a starter cultures for industrial production of fermented food. The requirement of Serbian Regulation is a minimum number od 106 viable yoghurt organisms (L.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus) must be present The ratio of the yoghurt organisms is also important in determining the quality of yoghurt. In this study we determined the effect of cell for lactic acid bacteria (L.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus) on growth in yoghurt from a different procedures and made a quantitative estimation of the number of lactic acid bacteria the temperature and acidity in the period of storage. Material for the research were 70 samples of yoghurt from 9 different dairy producers. The commercial samples were from the Belgrade trade market. Lactic acid bacteria were enumerate using Elliker solid medium agar plates, MRS solid agar plates for isolation of lactobacilli and M17 agar plates for the isolation of streptococci. There was a wide range in the total number of LAB. Predominant samples of yoghurt were with 11107/ml LAB (44, 28%) of examined samples. Yoghurt taste is most satisfactory after 72 hours of storage at 8oC when acidity was 44.14o SH. Coliforms, yeasts or moulds were not detected at any time during storage. There were consistent differences in oSH among brands with means ranging from 54.1 to 40.28 at 8oC, 63.1 to 47.74 at 12oC, 64.46 to 45.96 at 20oC indicating that it was possible for the pH of yoghurt to remain ≥ 8.0. All brands showed initial counts of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus in the range 8 to 1x106/g resp. Ratio of Lactobacillus: Streptococcus at the start of the test varied from 1 : 1 to 1 : 2.7. The decrease in counts of Streptococcus and Lactobacillus in most of brand stored at 20oC. It is apparent that strain of bother Streptococcus and Lactobacillus vary in their survival and in their ability to maintain a higher oSH in yoghurt during storage. 91 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper Table 2. Temperature storage of yoghurt and the number of viable lactobacilli and streptococci at the corresponding pH Temperature storage (oC) 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 Time of storage (hours) 72 120 192 288 72 120 192 288 72 120 192 288 Number of viable lactobacilli and streptococci in the samples of yoghurt (in 000000) 1-10 11-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 1 3 2 4 0 4 2 3 1 0 5 4 1 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 1 5 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 3 1 5 1 0 3 2 4 0 0 7 2 1 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 Acidity (oSH) 44.14 40.28 51.24 54.10 47.74 53.84 52.00 63.10 45.96 51.52 64.46 59.21 The product is resulting from milk by fermentation with a mixed starter culture consisting only Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and these two organisms have a symbiotic relationship during the manufacture of yoghurt with the ratio of Streptococcus thermophilus to Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus constantly changing. Both organisms produce lactic acid as the main fermentation products. For a proper flavor development, the ratio of Streptococcus thermophilus to Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus should be in the range of 1:1 to 3:1. Consistency is an important attribute in evaluating the quality of yoghurt. There are numerous factors which affect consistency including milk composition, heat treatment, homogenization, use of stabilizer, yoghurt culture, and mechanical handling of the yoghurt. CONCLUSION During the past two decades, there has been renewed interest in the study of the nutritional and therapeutic aspects of dairy products (12, 13, 14). A majority of reviewed papers suggested potential therapeutic benefit following the consumption of fermented dairy products containing viable lactic acid bacteria (LAB) count and decreased coliform count in the intestine as observed in the analysis. The beneficial effect of normal gut flora temporarily brings yoghurt live microorganisms which have probiotics effects (3, 7). While numerous researchers have suggested that lactic cultures and cultured dairy products provide several nutritional and therapeutic benefits to the consumer there exist a few reports in which some of the benefits have been questioned. Lactic acid bacteria are broadly used as starter cultures for industrial production of fermented food. It has been known for many years that lactic acid bacteria may positively influence the gastrointestinal tract of human and other mammals. The beneficial effects include the inhibition of undesirable microorganisms, reduction in cholesterol level and reduction of the risk of colon cancer (10, 11, 14, 7). 92 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940087P UDC: 637.146.3:637.04/.05 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 87-94 Original scientific paper REFERENCES 1. 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Испитивања у овом раду обухватила су изолацију, однос и број бактерија млечне киселине (L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus и S. thermophilus) које се користе за производњу одређених варијетета јогурта карактеристичних за поднебље Србије. Одређиван је број бактерија млечне киселине у различитим комерцијалним узорцима јогурта. Квалитет узорака јогурта одређиван је у зависности од температуре и времена чувања. Код већег броја узорака јогурта нађено је 11-107/мл живих бактерија млечне киселине. Укус и арома јогурта били су задовољавајући након 72 часа при температури складиштења од 8оC. Однос бактерија млечне киселине Streptococcus и Lactobacillus износио је од 1:1 до 1: 2,7 код свежих узорака јогурта, да би даљим складиштењем на неповољним температурама дошло до поремећаја односа до 3:1 стартер култура јогурта. Received 5 May 2009 Accepted 2 September 2009 94 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF POLYPHENOL-ENRICHED APPLE JUICE Slađana M. Savatović, Aleksandra N. Tepić, Zdravko M. Šumić and Milan S. Nikolić This paper shows that it is possible to improve antioxidant activity of apple juice by extraction of polyphenolic compounds from apple pomace, as waste, and their addition to the apple juice. Raw apple juice was prepared by pressing of apple mash. After thermal treatment of raw apple juice, depectinisation, additional clarification and filtration, the clarified juice was obtained. In raw and clarified apple juice soluble solids, acidity, reducing sugar, total sugars and brown component content were determined, as well as total dry matter, ash, acidity, reducing sugar, total sugars, total pectins, cellulose and starch content in apple mash and pomace. The total cotent of phenolics in clarified apple juice and apple pomace extract, determined spectrophotometrically using the FolinCiocalteu reagent, was 0.496 mg/ml and 6.505 mg/g, respectively. The antioxidant activity of clarified and polyphenol-enriched clarified juice (with addition of apple pomace extract in the concentrations 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g and 1 g of phenolic compounds per liter of clarified apple juice) was examined on stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radicals. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that polyphenol-enriched clarified juice was more effective on DPPH radicals than the clarified apple juice. KEY WORDS: Apple, apple juice, apple pomace, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity INRODUCTION Different studies have shown that free radicals present in the human organism cause oxidative damage to various biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, and thus are involved in the initiation phase of degenerative disease. Phenolic and other phytochemical antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables are bioactive compounds capable of neutralizing free radicals and may play a major role in the prevention of certain diseases (1). Also, dietary supplements and food fortification may be an alternative route to the consumption of minor plant components that may have health benefits. Apple (Malus domestica) has been the leading fruit variety according to its world production. The most important industrial utilization of apple is the juice production. Apples contain 85% of water, 12-14% of carbohydrates, about 0.3% of proteins, minor quantity Slađana M. Savatović, M.Sc., Aleksandra N. Tepić, M.Sc., Assist., Zdravko M. Šumić, B.Sc., Milan S. Nikolić, B.Sc., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 95 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper of lipids (<0.1%), minerals and vitamins (2). The differences in chemical composition of apples are due to the region of growth, variety, ripening state during harvesting, agronomic and environmental conditions. About 80% of apple carbohydrates are soluble sugars: sucrose (~ 2.1%), glucose (2.4%) and fructose (5.9%). Apples contain about 2.4% of total dietary fibers, and it is proved that they contain sorbitol (2). Malic acid is the predominant organic acid in apples (80-90% of total acids), and its content varies depending on the variety, ripeness, and environmental conditions during growing and storage. The phenolic compounds content in apples is 36 ± 19 mg/kg fresh weight (3). The most important groups of phenolic antioxidants present are flavonols (with quercetin glycosides as the main representative), monomeric and oligomeric flavanols, dihydrochalcones (e.g., phloridzin), anthocyanins, p-hydroxycinnamic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids (3, 4). Apples are not rich in vitamin C (its content in fresh fruit can be only a few miligrams) (5). The technological process of apple juice production at industrial scale include raw material preparation for processing, mashing, pressing, thermal treatment, depectinization, clarification, filtration, pasteurization and packing. The raw material preparation for further processing consists of washing and inspection. During processing, losses of antioxidant components occur, especially due to the exposure of raw material to oxygen and thermal treatment of raw material and juice. The conventional apple juice production (direct pressing of apple mash or pressing after mash depectinization) results in a juice poor in phenolics and with only 3-10% of the antioxidant activity of fresh apples. The fact that in conventional apple juice production techniques most of the phenolics do not get deteriorated or lost during juice manufacture, but remain in the pomace, suggests that pomace can be considered as a source of phenolic antioxidants. Several possibilities exist in the juice production chain to enhance the phenolic content of apple juice, by the choice of cultivation methods, raw material, production methods, processing, storage and distribution conditions (3). Also, the juice with a high content of phenolic bioactive components can be produced by enrichment with phenolics from other sources. For this reasons, the possibility of utilization of apple pomace antioxidant compounds by their extraction, and enrichment of clarified juice, was examined in this work. The objectives of this study were: (I) to obtain raw and clarified apple juice; (II) to determine soluble solids, acidity, sugar and brown component content in obtained juices; (III) to determine chemical compositions of apple mash and apple pomace; (IV) to perform an extraction of pomace obtained after direct pressing of apple mash; (V) to determine phenolic content of apple pomace and clarified apple juice spectrophotometrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent; (VI) to obtain polyphenol-enriched apple juice, by adding pomace extract to the previously produced clarified juice, and (VII) to compare the antioxidant activity of clarified and polyphenol-enriched clarified juice on stable 1,1diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radicals. EXPERIMENTAL Chemicals and samples Methanol and sodium carbonate were obtained from „Zorka” Šabac (Serbia). 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and gallic acid were purchased 96 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper from Sigma Chemical Co. (USA). These chemicals were of analytical reagent grade. Other chemicals and solvents used were of the highest analytical grade. For apple juice production in laboratory conditions Red Delicious variety (from a local market) was used. Apple juice production Apples were washed and mashed, and the mash was pressed using laboratory cider press. The obtained raw apple juice was heated to 85-90°C and treated with 0.04 g/l Rapidase Pro (DSM) at 45-50°C, during 1.5 hours. After depectinization, enzyme was inactivated by heating the raw juice up to 85-90°C/2-3 min., cooled and treated with gelatine and bentonite solutions (0.005% and 0.05%, respectively). The clarified juice was filtered through Büchner funnel using vacuum, filled into PET bottles and stored at -18°C. Apple pomace that remained after juice production was stored in PE bags at -18°C. Determination of soluble solids, acidity, sugar and brown component content in raw and clarified apple juice In raw and clarified apple juice soluble solids, acidity and sugar content were determined according to valid Regulations (6). Brown component was assayed by measuring absorbance of the sample extract at 380 nm (7). Determination of chemical compositions of apple mash and apple pomace In apple mash and pomace total dry matter, ash, acidity, reducing sugar, total sugars, total pectins, cellulose and starch content were determined according to valid Regulations (6). Cellulose content was determined according to Kirschner-Gannak (7). Extraction procedure Sample of apple pomace (20 g) was extracted at room temperature using an ultrasonic bath, Heidolph DIAX 900 (Heidolph Instruments GmbH, Kelheim, Germany). The extraction was performed three times with different amounts of 80% methanol: 160 ml in 60 min, 80 ml in 60 min, 80 ml in 30 min. The total extraction time was 150 min. The obtained three extracts were combined and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The yield of extract was 2.65 g. Total phenolics Total phenolics in apple pomace extract and clarified apple juice were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (8). The reaction mixture was prepared by mixing 0.1 ml of water solution of extract (concentration 50 mg/ml) or 0.1 ml juice, 7.9 ml of distilled water, 0.5 ml of the Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent and 1.5 ml of 20% sodium carbonate. After 2 h, the absorbance at 750 nm (UV-1800 spectrophotometer, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) was obtained against blank prepared in a similar manner, by replacing the extract 97 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper with distilled water. The total phenolic content, expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents per g of apple pomace extract or per ml of apple juice, was determined using calibration curve of gallic acid standard. Apple juice enrichment Apple pomace extract was added to the previously produced clarified juice in the concentrations 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g and 1g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice. DPPH radical-scavenging spectrophotometric assay The potential antioxidant activity of apple juice was assessed on the basis of the scavenging activity of the stable DPPH free radicals according to the method of Yen and Chen (9). The juice (1 ml) was diluted with distilled water. The range of the investigated juice concentration was 5-50%. An aliquot (1 ml) of diluted juice was added to 3 ml of absolute methanol and 1 ml of methanolic DPPH solution (concentration 0.3 mmol/l). The mixture was shaken and left at room temperature for 10 min, then the absorbance was measured at 517 nm using a UV-1800 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The blank probe contained all components except the radicals. The antioxidant activity on the basis of the capability to scavenge the DPPH radicals (AADPPH) was estimated from the differences in absorbance of DPPH solution with or without juice (control) and the inhibition percent was calculated using the following equation: AADPPH (%) = (AControl - ASample)/AControl × 100 where AControl is the absorbance of the control reaction (containing all reagents except the juice) and ASample is the absorbance in the presence of the juice. The values of antioxidant activity were investigated for the various concentrations of the juice. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chemical composition of raw and clarified apple juice is given in Table 1. As previously said, the chemical composition of apples depends on the number of parameters. The yield of raw apple juice was 55.6%. The differences in chemical composition of raw and clarified apple juice are due to the influence of different treatments during juice production. Table 1. Chemical composition of raw and clarified apple juice Component Soluble solids (g/100g) Acidity (g malic acid/100g) Reducing sugars (g/100g) Total sugars (g/100g) Brown component (μg K2Cr2O7/ml) 98 Raw juice 15.15 0.21 11.41 13.67 117.5 Clarified juice 15.25 0.22 14.14 14.42 98.0 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper As can be seen from Table 1, soluble solids of raw apple juice were somewhat lower than in clarified juice (15.15% and 15.25%, respectively). Acidity of raw juice was also lower than that of clarified juice (0.21 g/100g and 0.22 g/100g of dry matter, respectively). Results of chemical composition of raw and clarified apple juice are in accordance with the available literature (5). According to Hui et al. (5), dry matter content in apple is somewhat lower than obtained in this research. Chemical compositions of apple mash and apple pomace are given in Table 2. Table 2. Chemical composition of apple mash and pomace Component Total dry matter (%) Ash (g/100g) Acidity (% malic acid) Reducing sugar (g/100g) Total sugars (g/100g) Total pectins (g/100g Ca-pectate) Cellulose (g/100g) Starch (g/100g) Apple mash 14.95 0.29 0.17 11.68 11.85 0.54 0.71 0.87 Apple pomace 18.65 0.35 0.15 11.5 13.3 0.19 1.58 2.11 The Folin-Ciocalteu method is a rapid and widely-used assay to investigate the total phenolic content. The content of total soluble phenolics of clarified apple juice and apple pomace extract was expressed as gallic acid equivalent and it was 0.496 mg/ml and 6.505 mg/g, respectively. The potential antioxidant activity of apple juice was assessed on the basis of the scavenging activity of the stable DPPH free radicals. Antioxidant activity of clarified apple juice without and with addition of apple pomace extract in the concentrations 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g and 1g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice is shown in Fig. 1. 100 80 juice juice + 0,05 g polyphenolic compounds per 1l 60 juice + 0,1 g polyphenolic compounds per 1l juice + 0,5 g polyphenolic compounds per 1l AADPPH (%) juice + 1 g polyphenolic compounds per 1l 40 20 0 5 10 25 50 Juice concentration (%) Fig. 1. Antioxidant activity of clarified apple juice without and with addition of apple pomace extract in the concentrations 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g and 1g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice 99 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper Based on the DPPH radical-scavenging spectrophotometric measurments, it can be observed that apple juice showed dose-dependent antioxidant activity (AADPPH). Also, it can be concluded that apple juice without addition of apple pomace extract was less effective on DPPH radicals than with addition of apple pomace extract. With increasing concentrations of added phenolic compounds ranged from 0.05 g to 1 g per liter of apple juice, AADPPH increased from 36.42% to 90.94%, at juice concentration of 5%. This indicates that enriched apple juice, with addition of 0.5 g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice, had an antioxidant activity that was 3.8 times higher than that of the corresponding clarified juice. The IC50 value is a parameter used to measure antioxidative activity and it is defined as the juice concentration required for 50% scavenging of DPPH radicals under experimental condition employed. A smaller IC50 value corresponds to a higher antioxidant activity. The IC50 values of apple juice without and with addition of apple pomace extract in the concentrations 0.05 g and 0.1 g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice, determined based on antioxidant activities, were 13.89%, 10.77% and 8.16%, respectively. It was observed that with increasing concentrations of added phenolic compounds to the juice antioxidant activity increased. The fact that phenolic compounds that contribute to antioxidant activity preferentially remain in the pomace offers a possibility for apple juice optimization with respect to phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Thus, it is a challenging option to search for methods in which the phenolics may be extracted from the pomace and later added to the final apple juice. CONCLUSION • • • • • • • 100 The differences in chemical composition of raw and clarified apple juice are due to the influence of different treatments during juice production; Soluble solids of raw apple juice were somewhat lower than in clarified juice (15.15% and 15.25%, respectively); Raw juice acidity was also lower than in clarified juice (0.21 g/100g and 0.22 g/100g of dry matter, respectively); The content of total soluble phenolics of clarified apple juice and apple pomace extract was expressed as gallic acid equivalent and it was 0.496 mg/ml and 6.505 mg/g, respectively; Apple juice without addition of apple pomace extract was less effective on DPPH radicals than with addition of apple pomace extract; With increasing concentrations of added phenolic compounds, ranging from 0.05 g to 1 g per liter of apple juice, AADPPH increased from 36.42% to 90.94%, at juice concentration 5%; The enriched apple juice by adding apple pomace extract in the concentration of 0.5 g of phenolic compounds per liter of apple juice, had an antioxidant activity that was 3.8 times higher than that of the corresponding clarified juice, at the juice concentration of 5%. APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper ACKNOWLEDGEMENT These results are part of the project No. 23011, which is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES 1. Kaur, C. and H.C. Kapoor: Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables - the millennium's Health. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 36 (2001) 703-725. 2. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp 3. van der Sluis, A.A., M. Dekker, G. Skrede and W.M.F. Jongen: Activity and concentration of polyphenolic antioxidants in apple juice. 1. Effect of existing production methods. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50 (2002) 7211-7219. 4. Escarpa, A. and M. Gonzalez: High-performance liquid chromatography with diodearray detection for the performance of phenolic compounds in peel and pulp from different apple varieties. J. Chrom. 823 (1998) 331-337. 5. 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Тепић, Здравко М. Шумић и Милан С. Николић У овом раду испитана је могућност побољшања антиоксидативне активности сока од јабука додатком полифенолних једињења екстрахованих из тропа, споредног производа насталог приликом добијања сока од јабука. Матични сок је произведен стандардним поступком производње – пресовањем каше од јабука. Након термичке обраде матичног сока, депектинизације, бистрења и филтрирања добијен је бистри сок. У матичном и бистром соку одређен је садржај киселина, суве материје, шећера и смеђе компоненте. Такође, одређен је садржај суве материје, киселина, шећера, скроба, целулозе, пектина и пепела у каши и тропу јабука. Садржај укупних полифенолних једињења у бистром соку од јабука и екстракту тропа, одређен спектрофотометријски, методом по Folin-Ciocalteu, износи 0.496 mg/ml 101 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940095S UDC: 664.11:663.81:543.645 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 95-102 Original scientific paper и 6.505 mg/g. Антиоксидативна активност бистрог сока, као и бистрог сока од јабука обогаћеног полифенолним једињењима (са додатком екстракта тропа у концентрацијама 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g и 1 g полифенолних једињења po 1l бистрог сока) испитана је на стабилне 1,1-дифенил-2-пикрилхидразил (DPPH) радикале. Обогаћени сок од јабука показао је израженију антиоксидативну активност на DPPH радикале од сока без додатка екстракта тропа. Received 9 July 2009 Accepted 11 September 2009 102 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper DIETARY FIBER CONTENT IN SOME DRY BEANS Mirjana A. Vasić, Biserka L. Vujičić, Aleksandra N. Tepić, Jelica M. Gvozdanović-Varga and Zdravko M. Šumić Dietary fibers are one of the main nutritive components, along with proteins, fats and oils, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Also, they are one of the basic parameters of dry beans technological quality and nutritive value. Physical characteristics and the main chemical composition of sixteen dry bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris) had been examined in this study. Using statistical analyses, correlation between certain parameters of chemical composition was established. KEY WORDS: Dry beans, physical characteristics, chemical composition, dietary fibers INTRODUCTION Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are very important in human diet (1, 2). They are one of the most important sources of plant proteins, carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fibers, certain minerals and vitamins (3, 4, 5). Dietary fiber content is one of the most important parameters of technological quality and physiological value of dry beans and other legumes (6). The definition of dietary fibers is still controversial and several definitions have been suggested. The most widely accepted definition is a physiological one, in which "dietary fibers" correspond to the plant wall residues that are resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis in the small intestine. A chemical definition describes dietary fibers as non-starch polysaccharides. The most commonly used definition of dietary fibers is the following: "dietary fibres are oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and the (hydrophilic) derivatives which cannot be digested by the human digestive enzymes to absorbable components in the upper alimentary tract" (7). Dietary fibers do not constitute a defined chemical group, but are a combination of chemically heterogeneous substances such as celluloses, hemicelluloses, pectins, lignins, gums and polysaccharides from seaweeds or bacteria. Celluloses, hemicelluloses and pectins, also referred to as structural components of cell walls are also classified as dietary fibers: secreted gums (e.g. gum arabic), reserve gums (bean gums, guar gums) and polyDr. Mirjana A. Vasić, senior research associate, vasicka@ifvcns.ns.ac.yu, Dr. Jelica M. Gvozdanović-Varga, scientific associate, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Maksima Gorkog 30, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Aleksandra N. Tepić, M.Sc., Assist.; Dr. Biserka L. Vujičić, Prof., Zdravko M. Šumić, B.Sc., Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 103 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper saccharides from seaweeds (carrageenans, agar, alginates); some workers also include resistant starch (fractions of starch that are not digested by small intestinal enzymes). Since then, intensive research of the role and importance of these compounds has been done (8). Dietary fibers show a number of health benefits, like prevention of cardiovascular diseases, decrease in blood cholesterol and glucose level, prevention of digestive system carcinogenic diseases, constipation prevention, etc (9). The aim of this paper is to compare dietary fiber content in Serbian and bean varieties from other countries. The hierarhical cluster method of the multivariate analysis was used to classify the tested varieties according to the chemical composition of all dietary fiber. Their relative relationship regarding the total dietary fiber content was also examined. EXPERIMENTAL Sixteen dry beans varieties - domestic (Levač, Panonski tetovac, Balkan, Dvadesetica, Aster, Belko, Sremac, Galeb, Zlatko, Jovandeka, Slavonski Zeleni) and foreign (Spinel, Naya Nayahit, C-20, Igman and Prelom) were examined in this work. All samples were grown at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Rimski Šančevi, in 2006. The physical analyses of dry bean seeds were done in sample of 50 seeds. Physical measurements were done in whole seeds. Classification according to color of seed coat was performed visually. Determination of shape of bean seeds was conducted by the method of Dekaprelevic (3). According to the seed length-to-width and thickness-towidth ratio, the examined genotypes were classified into five botanical forms or groups (10). Dry beans were milled and stored in hermetically closed jars. Chemical analyses included total dry matter (11); total dietary fibers (12); cellulose according to KirschnerGannak method (13), and pectin compounds (14, 15). Pearson coefficient of correlation among traits were calculated. Hierarchical clustering of varieties (Single linkage method or nearest neighbour by Euclidean distance for Distance metric) was done using a computer statistical package STATISTICA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As has been said above, eleven domestic and five foreign varieties were chosen for the study. Domestic varieties have been currently used in the industry (2), while foreign varieties were chosen due to their origin and wide dispersion (16). All beans are from Phaseolus vulgaris species, except for Igman, which is from Phaseolus coccineus. In Serbia, varietis with determinate growth (I type of habitus) have been grown, and these were the samples of this research. Five varieties were indeterminate, while three of them upright (II type of habitus), and Spinel was type III of growth. Variety Levač is typical tetovac, internationally recognized market class from the Balkan Peninsula with IV type of growth (17). The origin, status, type of habitus, seed color and shape, and 1000 seed mass are given in Tables 1 and 2. 104 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper Table 1. The main characteristics of dry bean samples No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Genotype Levač Aster Spinel Panonski tetovac Balkan Naya nayahit Dvadesetica Sremac Jovandeka Galeb Prelom Belko C-20 Igman Zlatko Slavonski zeleni Origin of genotype Serbia IFVCNS Serbia IFVCNS USA Serbia IVCSP Serbia IFVCNS USA Serbia IFVCNS Serbia IFVCNS Serbia Serbia IVCSP Bulgaria Serbia IFVCNS USA Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia IFVCNS Serbia Status Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Landraces Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Landraces Type of habitus IV I III I I II I I I I II I II I I I Seed color, seed shape and seed size according to mass of 1000 seeds are quality traits, important market characteristics and a stable cultivar trait (4, 18). Examined species could be distinguished according to seed color, and most had white seeds. The seeds had one of four shape forms (Table 2). The variation in 1000-seed mass from 161.8 g to 648.5 g measured in this study indicates that the tested genotypes differed significantly in their seed size. Table 2. Seed color and shape and 1000 seed mass of dry bean samples No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Genotype Levač Aster Spinel Panonski tetovac Balkan Naya nayahit Dvadesetica Sremac Jovandeka Galeb Prelom Belko Seed colour Seed shape English Form English Form white white white white white black white greenish-yellow seed coat patterns white white white albus albus albus albus albus niger albus griseus versicolor albus albus albus kidney cylindr. semi-flat semi-flat ellipsoid ellipsoid kidney cylindr. cylindr. ellipsoid ellipsoid ellipsoid compressus oblongus subcompr. subcompr. ellipticus ellipticus compressus oblongus oblongus ellipticus ellipticus ellipticus 1000 seed mass 592.7 412.0 329.9 394.8 317.7 168.3 339.8 349.2 405.0 353.7 223.0 294.1 105 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper Table 2. Continuation No. 13 14 15 16 Seed colour Genotype C-20 Igman Zlatko Slavonski zeleni Seed shape English Form English Form white white gold-yellow greenish-yellow albus albus aureus griseus ellipsoid ellipsoid cylindr. cylindr. ellipticus ellipticus oblongus oblongus 1000 seed mass 179.2 648.5 380.0 342.5 Dry matter symbolizes the content of chemical compounds out of water. It consists of soluble (sugars, acids, etc.) and insoluble compounds (starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, protopectin, etc.). In our research, the lowest dry matter was measured in the variety C20, and the highest in Igman (Table 3), which are higher values than those given by Kojnov (3), Costa et al. (6) and Todorović et al. (2). Table 3. Total dietary fiber (TDF), cellulose and pectin content (g/100g dry matter) in dry bean samples Genotype Dry matter TDF Cellulose Levač Aster Spinel Panonski tetovac Balkan Naya nayahit Dvadesetica Sremac Jovandeka Galeb Prelom Belko C-20 Igman Zlatko Slavonski zeleni Mean 90.57 90.67 92.00 91.32 90.65 90.61 90.46 90.85 91.69 91.11 90.83 90.80 90.45 92.46 91.27 91.05 91.05 21.22 26.97 30.62 21.74 17.98 30.96 31.69 19.20 27.58 30.93 19.12 33.76 26.50 25.14 23.82 27.55 25.92 4.23 4.84 4.36 4.84 3.88 3.68 5.33 3.93 3.47 4.29 4.52 4.15 4.05 5.45 3.65 4.20 4.30 pectin 0.61 0.66 0.45 0.54 0.38 0.28 0.41 0.34 0.38 0.35 0.38 0.59 0.42 0.31 0.47 0.35 0.43 Pectins pectic acid protopectin 0.23 1.16 0.27 1.78 0.25 1.46 0.19 2.46 0.24 2.00 0.14 1.51 0.15 1.47 0.19 1.20 0.15 1.24 0.17 1.59 0.19 1.51 0.22 1.23 0.17 1.28 0.12 0.87 0.19 1.32 0.19 1.48 0.19 1.47 total 2.00 2.71 2.16 3.19 2.62 1.93 2.04 1.73 1.77 2.12 2.08 2.04 1.87 1.30 1.99 2.02 2.10 As dietary fibers are compounds from edible parts of plants, resistant to digestion and absorption in human intestine, and prone to complete or partial fermentation in human colon, they have a growing importance in the diet of modern people, being exposed to stress and environmental pollution. In this research, cellulose, pectic acid and protopectin are characterized as insoluble, and pectin as soluble dietary fiber. 106 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper According to the literature, dry beans contain 15-25% of TDF (19, 20, 21, 6), which was also confirmed by this research (Table 3). Examined dry bean varieties contained 17.98-33.76 % (in dry matter), with mean value of 25.92%. According to the results of this work, dry beans can be characterized as rich in dietary fibers. Dry beans belong to cellulose-rich foods. Vasić et al. (22) reported cellulose content in dry beans of 3.83-5.43%, Granito et al. (21) 4.65-5.61%, while Tepić et al. (5) reported 3.47-3.89%. In this research, cellulose content in dry beans was in the range from 3.18% for Jovandeka to 5.04% for Igman. The mean value of 4.30% agrees well with the literature data. Pectin compounds are of polysaccharide origin, and are considered as soluble fibers. They can be found in all fruits and vegetables. Pectin compounds have beneficial effects in human organism, as lowering fats and cholesterol absorption, influencing the maintenance of glucose level in blood, increase the feces mass, thus preventing cardiovascular and digestion system carcinogenic diseases, etc. (9, 8). Because of the importance of pectins, dry beans should be included in the diet. Among examined dry bean varieties, Igman contained the least pectin compounds (1.21%) (Table 3). Panonski Tetovac was the variety richest in pectin compounds, with 2.91%. In average, the examined dry beans had 2.10% of total pectin compounds. Pectin content was the lowest for Igman, and highest for Aster (0.30 and 0.60%, respectively); lowest and highest pectic acid content was for Igman (0.11%) and Aster (0.24%), respectively; the poorest in protopectin was Igman (0.80%) and richest Panonski Tetovac (2.25%). The mutual correspondence between different pectin compounds is more obvious after the analyses of correlation between all features (Table 4). All pectin compounds are in significant correlation with total pectin content, with protopectin being in almost complete correlation (r = 0.95). Pectic acid and pectin are also in high correlation. However, they are not in correlation with protopectin. Dry matter TDF Cellulose Total pectins Pectin Pectic acid 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.51* -0.21 0.42 1.0 0.21 1.00 - 1.00 - -0.28 - - Seed shape 0.25 Seed color 0.25 Habitus Origin Habitus Seed color Seed shape 1000 seed mass Dry matter TDF Cellulose Total pectins 1000 seed mass Table 4. Pearson's coefficients of correlation between examined dry bean features 0.25 1.00 -0.29 0.44 0.25 0.25 1.00 -0.22 1.00 - - 0.36 1.00 - -0.60* 0.35 - -0.29 0.24 1.00 107 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper 1000 seed mass Dry matter TDF Cellulose Total pectins Pectin -0.23 -0.23 -0.25 0.43 0.21 - 0.25 -0.27 -0.23 -0.24 -0.23 -0.21 - 0.52* 0.57* 0.95* 1.00 0.70* 0.23 Pectic acid Seed shape Pectin 0.23 Pectic acid 0.28 Protopectin -0.22 *p = 0,05, r = 0.05 Seed color Habitus Table 4. Continuation 1.00 0.35 Among mutual correlation between pectin compounds, only two more signifficant correlations were observed – (dry matter content : 1000 seed mass) and (seed color : cellulose content) (Table 3). The dependence between seed color and cellulose content was also observed in previous investigations (3, 18, 16), especially when they were more detailed and connected with edible and technological quality of seeds (4, 17). In the research aiming at examining a larger number of genotypes, the most effective way of perceiveing the whole set of data is the use of some methods of multivariate analyses. The hierarhical cluster method (Single linkage method or nearest neighbor) of multivariate analysis was used to classify the tested varieties according to the chemical composition of all dietary fiber, out of origin, type of habitus and seed color and shape. The dendogram or Cluster Tree (Figure 1.) was constructed using the Euclidien distance. Fig. 1. Dendogram of connection of examined dry bean varieties depending on their dry matter and dietary fiber content The distances are not high (1.5), but from cluster tree, there are clearly distinguisheable three groups, with four members and four genotypes, which make a separate group. In each separate group, one genotype with colored seed, of domestic and foreign variety, of different type of growth is placed, which points out that TDF content was not in correlation with the main morphological features of dry beans. The dendogram starts with 108 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940103V UDC: 664.844:635.652:543.641 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 103-110 Original scientific paper the group of varieties with lowest TDF content, and ends up with the group of varieties containing a maximum of TDF. The most distant, i.e. the most different from other varieties, was Belko, with the highest TDF, and Igman with highest dry matter. CONCLUSION According to the correlation between pectin compounds content in dry beans, their mutual correspondence was observed. Two more significant correlations, between dry matter-to-1000 seed mass, and seed colour-to-cellulose content, were also noticed. The hierarchical cluster method of multivariate analyses showed that TDF content was not in correlation with the main morphological features of eleven examined dry beans varieties, which should be a subject of further research in dietary fiber distribution in dry bean seeds. However, on the basis of total dietary fiber content, dry beans can be characterized as dietary fiber-rich food. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is part of the Project No. 20077, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES 1. Abreu, J.M.F.A., and M. Bruno-Soares: Chemical composition, organic matter digestibility and gas production of nine legume grains. 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У раду су испитане физичке карактеристике и садржај основних компоненти хемијског састава шеснаест сорти пасуља селекције Научног института за ратарство и повртарство, са посебним освртом на садржај дијететских влакана. Статистичком анализом утврђена је корелација између појединих параметара хемијског састава. Received 1 July 2009 Accepted 6 October 2009 110 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper THE EVOLUTION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA COMMUNITY DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATURE SOURDOUGH Tanja D. Žugić-Petrović, Nataša M. Joković and Dragiša S. Savić In order to follow the composition and changes in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) population of rye flour sourdough that was continuously propagated by a repeated inoculation, sixty-two strains of LAB were isolated and characterized. The LAB were the only bacteria detected, both at the end of the second propagation step and in the stage of mature sourdough (after two weeks of continuous daily refreshment). The stable ecological system in rye sourdough could be established from the second propagation step onward. The predominant genera of LAB during the development of sourdough were lactobacilli, which were grouped in eight clusters. Heterofermentative lactobacilli were in majority in both propagation step two and a mature sourdough participating 56% and 70% of total bacterial count, respectively. The identification based on a phenotypic characterization that was carried out by using a set of 36 tests, showed that the lactobacilli contained in the two sourdough steps did not clearly belong to any known species of the genus Lactobacillus. In addition, the structure of the bacterial population were monitored by two statistical techniques (Hierachical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis), being applied to phenotypical characteristics of the isolates. KEY WORDS: Lactic acid bacteria, sourdough, Hierachical Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis INTRODUCTION Sourdough fermentation is a process in which a mixture of flour and water is fermented with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. It is an ancient way to improve flavor, texture and microbiological shelflife of bread and has a natural, additive-free image. Both nutritional and technological quality could be considerably enhanced in cereal foods rich in dietary fibers by utilizing sourdough. The LAB included in sourdough fermentation may originate from flour (spontaneous fermentation), preceding sourdough or a commercial starter culture. Spontaneous sourdough fermentation begins with aerobic fermentation immediately upon mixing flour and Tanja D. Žugić-Petrović, B.Sc., Nataša M. Joković, M.Sc., Dr. Dragiša S. Savić, Prof., savic@junis.ni.ac.rs, Laboratory for Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar oslobodjenja 124, 16000 Leskovac, Serbia 111 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper water. Once oxygen is depleted, anaerobic fermentation begins with the growth of LAB and yeasts. The production of acids by LAB enables their rapid growth when the pH value has dropped to low for other microorganisms to grow. So, the LAB become the most abound microflora in the sourdough, and they are therefore responsible for the final stages of sourdough (1, 2). This type of processing is still the basic practice for preparing so-named predoughs. When the fermented dough is used as an inoculum for a succeeding fermentation run, the adaptation of the microbial assotiation to the process becomes greater (2). The microflora of spontaneously fermented dough depends on the microflora of raw materials, and is variable in terms of kind, origin and storage conditions of the flour, as well as the technological parameters of the fermentation process applied. The impact of these parameters during a continuous propagation of sourdough causes the selection of a characteristic microbiota (3). The wholemeal rye flour may contain 104-106 cfu of unspecified bacteria per gram (1, 4, 5), in which 102 - 103 cfu g-1 belong to LAB (5). According to our previous research (1), LAB participated in one third of rye flour bacterial populations were detected on MRS agar. In mature sourdough, LAB ranged between 107 and 108 cfu g-1 (6). Microbiological studies have revealed that more than 50 species of LAB occur in sourdough (2). Sourdough LAB originate generally from the genera Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus or Weissella and the majority of the strains belong to the genus Lactobacillus (3). Since sourdough is a suitable substrate for most lactobacilli, more than half of the species in this genus occur in sourdoughs or in related cereal fermentations (7). Homofermentative (Lb. acidophylus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii, Lb. amilovorus), as well as heterofermentative (Lb. sanfranciscensis, Lb. panis, Lb. pontis) lactobacilli, were found in rye spontaneously fermented sourdoughs (8, 9). The isolation of the strains from microbial communities and their identification is still a necessary approach when the characterization of physiological and technological properties of microbial community members is of interest, as in the case of sourdoughs. Sourdoughs are microbial systems that have not been thoroughly investigated and new species of LAB may occur in this ecosystem due to the continuous propagation in the sourdough system (9). In this paper, the composition and changes in LAB microflora of a rye flour sourdough that was continuously propagated by a repeated inoculation, were examined. The results represent the resumption of those previously obtained (1). Statistical procedures applied to physiological characteristics of the isolates were used to represent the composition of LAB and detect physiological factors affecting their differentiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sourdough production and propagation Doughs were made by mixing 100 g rye flour ("Žitopromet" Zaječar, Serbia with 11.7 % and 0.99 % water and ash content, respectively) and 60 cm3 of sterile tap water in aseptic conditions (prior to work a mixer dish and blades were moistened with ethanol and flamed). Sourdough formation started by a spontanous fermentation followed by se112 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper veral propagation steps using 10% of previously fermented dough (calculated on a total dough weight) as inoculum for the next fermentation. Each of the sourdoughs were fermenting for 24 h at 30oC. Enumeration and isolation of lactic acid bacteria For isolation end enumeration of the bacteria, 10 g of dough were homogenized with 90 cm3 of sterile 0.85% saline. Serial dilution was spread plated on MRS (Torlak, Belgrade, Serbia) and incubated under the anaerobic incubation (GasPak, BBL, Cockeysville) at 30oC for 48 h. The isolation of bacteria was done both at the end of the second propagation step and after two weeks of a daily refreshment (the mature sourdough stage). After enumeration, the colonies were randomly isolated from MRS plates, transferred to MRS broth and, after the incubation (48 h, 30oC), purified three times by streaking on the MRS agar and then checked for morphology, Gram stain and catalase test (determined by transferring fresh colonies from agar medium to a glass slide and adding 5% H2O2). Each of Gram positive and catalase negative cultures were separated for further examination. Physiological characterisation of lactic acid bacteria A set of 36 tests (including morphology, Gram staining characteristic and a catalase test) was used to clasify the isolates. The tests used to determine catalase activity, gas production, arginine and esculine hydrolisis, the ability to acidify, cloth and reduce lacmus milk (1%), growth at different temperatures (15oC and 45oC) and the concentration of NaCl (4, 6.5 and 8%) were performed by using previously described methods (6, 10). Other tests were observing the growth on entero and citrate agar (HIMEDIA, Mombai, India) and the ability to form diacetyl (11) and exopolysaccharides (formation of slimy colonies on MRS agar with sucrose as carbon source, 20 g/dm3). Acid production from carbohydrates (L-arabinose, D-xylose, galactose, mannitol, trehalose, mannose, raffinose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, rhamnose, sorbose, ribose, salicin, cellobiose, melibiose, inuline, sorbitol, Sigma) was evaluated by the procedure as follows: filter sterilized solution of sugar was added to basal MRS medium (without glucose) and with 0.16 g/dm3 bromcresol-purple to a final concentration of 10 g/dm3. The filter sterillized (0.22 μm, Millipore, Saint-Quentin, France) sugar solution was dispensed (0.9 cm3) in the microtube (1.5 cm3). The cells suspension (0.1 cm3) obtained by centrifuging 5 cm3 of 16-h old MRS broth culture and resuspension of the sediment in 5 cm3 sterile saline was used to inoculate microtube. The apperance of yellow color in medium after the incubation (48 h at 30oC) was considered as a positive result. Determination of TTA and pH Total titrable acidity (TTA) and pH of sourdough were determined on an aliquot of 10 g sourdough, blended with 90 cm3 destilled water. The pH of this suspension was determined by using HANNA HI 9025 meter. For TTA determination, the same aliquot was titrated against 0.1M NaOH to final pH 8.5. TTA was expressed as the amount (cm3) of NaOH used. 113 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper Statystical analysis The relationship among the isolated strains was determined by Hierachical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using Statistica 7.0 (StatSoft Inc. USA) for Windows. The results of phenotypical tests were coded as + positive, - negative or +- weak positive or delayed (positive after 7 days of incubation) reaction. For morphology, three codes were used – cocci, + long bacillus cells and +- common bacillus cells. HCA was carried out using the algorithm Unweighed Pair-Group „Average Linkage Analysis“. Distances between the clusters were assessed using „Percent of dissagreement« and its translation in »similarity level“ assuming that 0% disagreement=100% similarity. PCA was implemented using the state-of-the-art algorithm known as NIPALS (None Linear Iterative Partial Least Squares). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The total cell count of the continuous rye flour fermentations was determined over 3 propagation steps (PS) and in the stage of mature sourdough (MD) after two weeks of daily propagations. The additional characterization was achieved by the pH and TTA measurement at the end of the first three propagation steps, as well as in mature sourdough (Figure 1). The significant increase of the number of bacteria was observed only at the end of the first 24 h fermentation after flour and water mixing, reaching the level of ca 8 log cfu g-1 which varied slightly during the propagation period and the formation of the MD (Figure 1). The pH values that reached 3.7 at the end of PS2 were maintained till the end of the study, and TTA were ca 13 from the second refreshment onward (Figure 1), thus demonstrating the acid production in the sourdough. Fig. 1. The kinetics of pH (■), TTA (▲) and the number of lactic acid bacteria (•) in start dough (SD), sourdough et the end of propagation steps (PS1, PS2 and PS3) and mature sourdough (MD) after two weeks of continuous daily propagations The acidity, the viable count, and the composition of LAB microflora during repeated succeeding spontaneus fermentations were related to the first 2-propagation step. The lac114 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper tic acid bacteria did not dominate microflora in the initial dough (as a consequence of not dominating in rye flour, as well), making one-third of bacterial population that can be detected on MRS agar (Figure 2A), but their acid resistance enabled them to continue growing during a natural sourdough fermentation. The LAB dominated the entire sourdough microflora (ca 80%, Figure 2A) at the end of the first propagation step, but maximum values of acidification were not achieved yet. Maximum acidification was achieved and varied slightly after the second propagation steps (Figure 1) when LAB were the only bacteria found in sourdough (Figure 4A). The number of bacteria found in sourdough (8.0-8.7 log cfu g-1) during all propagation steps was in accordance with previously published results where counts of soudoughs LAB determined by enumeration on MRS ranged between 107-108 (6, 9). It can be assumed that the stable ecosystem of mature sourdough could be established from the second propagation step onward, when the pH and total titrable acidity of sourdoughs were ca 3.5 and ca 13, respectively as the consequence of the action of LAB that were at the level of 8.0-8.7 log cfu g-1. Fig. 2. Participation of LAB in microflora determined on MRS (A), and particule genera in lactic acid bacteria population (B) in rye flour - RF, propagation steps 1 - PS1 (1) and 2 - PS2 and mature sourdough - MD On the basis of the tests applied, sourdough anaerobe and/or facultative anaerobe isolates fall within well-recognised LAB genera. The strains of genera Enterococcus found in rye flour remained in the first two propagation steps, and the participation of enterococci in LAB count were significantly reduced from 70% in rye flour to 3% in PS2, and were not detected in MD (Figure 2B). Some enterococi were reported as common inhabitants of vegetables (12) and were isolated from rye flour (E. faecium, E. avium, E. casseliflavus and E. durans - 4) and sourdoughs (4, 6). Greater LAB diversity was observed at the end of the first 24 h fermentation and 6 genera were detected: Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Weisella, Pediococcus and Lactobacillus (1). It was shown (16) that in the sourdough obtained by continuous daily refreshments at 30oC, subdominant LAB such as E. faecium and P. pentosaceus are stronger acidifiers than Lb. sanfranciscensis at the beginning of the sourdough production. Those species inhibiting indigenous microorganisms other than LAB by lowering 115 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper the pH, might prepare the environment for the establishment of typical species (e.g. Lactobacillus spp.) of mature sourdoughs. Their most crucial role was played at the beginning of the sourdough production (13). Nevertheless, once lactobacilli colonized dough this determined a rapid decrement of LAB cocci which remained at subdominant concentrations or at the concentration that enabled their detection (13). There is no work reporting on the prevalence of enterococci strains in the sourdough environments at the stage of mature sourdough. After the first propagation step, lactobacilli were detected totaling up to one-third of the entire LAB community and all of these were homofermentative. After the second refreshment, lactobacilli comprised the greatest group of LAB (97%), while MD microflora consisted only of the strains belonging to the genus Lactobacillus (Figure 2B). This confirmed the already published reports (9, 6, 14) that rye and wheat sourdoughs microbial populations were dominated mainly by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. The heterofermentative lactobacilli were first detected at the end of PS2 (56%) and in MD participate with 70 % of bacterial count. With the increasing fermentation time, a shift towards the predominance of hetrofermentative lactobacilli was reported in rye sourdough (14). A rather stable association of lactobacilli was a result of the selective pressure exerted by the environmental conditions through a continuous propagation, adding flour and water at regular intervals (14). The identification of lactobacilli strains was not possible because they did not conform to any species description. A high percentage of disagreement was accounted between our isolates and the obligately homofermentative (Lb. amilovorus and Lb. acidophylus), facultatively heterofermentative (Lb. plantarum) and obligately heterofermentative (Lb. sanfransciscensis, Lb. brevis, Lb. fermentum, Lb. fructivorans, Lb. pontis, Lb. panis) lactobacilli commonly isolated from sourdoughs. The main goal of this paper was not to fully identify the isolates, since it is well known that it is very difficult to distinguish lactobacilli by their physiological properties (9, 16), especially in fermentations of non-sterilized substrates. Environmental parameters lead to a well-adapted, stable flora within this dough, and physiological properties could not be assorted to reference organisms from other habitats as a result of adaptation to different environments. Statistical procedures based on phenotypic properties have been commonly used for the analysis of sourdough microbial communities (6, 16). The techniques appeared to be very effective in representation of the composition and a relative position of LAB communities. In fact, in most papers statistical analysis was based on clustering of isolates and on the presentation of distribution of isolates in graphical formats. This kind of representation had significant advantages, allowing a direct comparison between the groups and detecting physiological factors affecting the differentiation. Thirty-two and thirty strains were isolated at the end of PS2 and MD, respectively. All of these were Gram-positive and catalase-negative, and all, but one, were rod-shaped. The one remaining LAB isolate was coccus-shaped. The similarity among strains of LAB isolated from PS2 and MD, as well as from propagation step 1 (our previous work, 1), is summarized in the dendrogram shown in Figure 3, while the phenotypic characteristics of the clusters are summarized in Table 1. Nine diferent LAB clusters were identified at the 80% similarity level. Within the clusters, the profiles were not identical but very similar. 116 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper Fig. 3. Dendrogram of similarities based on phenotypic tests of 80 LAB strains isolated at the end of propagation steps 1 (1) and 2, and from mature sourdough. Note: Grouping was performed by Hierachical Cluster Analysis using „Unweighed Pair-Group Average Analysis“ algorithm All isolated lactobacilli grown at 45oC produced acid on glucose, maltose and sucrose and could not be grown on entero agar (Table 1). The heterofermentative lactobacilli of PS2 and MD dominated LAB microflora with 56% and 70% of total bacterial count, respectively. Only the homofermentative lactobacilli of cluster VII showed the imposibillity of growing both in milk and fermenting lactose (Table 1). Eight strains of cluster VIII were the only lactobacilli that could grow in the presence of 6.5 % and 8 % NaCl. It was not possible to identify lactobacilli isolates on the species level scoring the results of the tests applied with the species literature description (6, 8, 17). One of two lactobacilli types of isolates from PS1 clustered together with isolates from PS2 and MD with ca 80% interspecies similarity level (cluster VII on Figure 3 and Table 1). The lactobacilli of this cluster from PS2 and MD explicitly differed from those from PS1 (1) in producing acid from mannitol, as well as in disability to grow in the presence of 8% NaCl (Table 1). Another lactobacilli cluster from PS1, containing only two isolates, was separated in cluster I and showed to be most related to cluster II (ca 70 % similarity level) consisting of five isolates from PS2. The coccoid isolate from PS2 deemed to belong to genus Enterococcus according to its ability to hydrolise esculine and to grow at 15oC and 45oC, as well as to grow in entero agar and in the presence of 6.5% NaCl (12, 18, 19). The identification of enterococcus was not possible because they could not be related to known species description. Enterococci isolated from PS1 and PS2 were comprised in one cluster with ca 78% interspecies similarity level (Figure 3). When compared to those from PS1 (1), the enterococci isolated from PS2 showed to be different in fermentation mannose and raffinose. 117 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper Table 1. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of the clusters of the lactic acid bacteria isolates from sourdoughs after propagation step 1 (1) and 2 and from mature sourdough Cluster No Number of LAB1 Morphology2 CO2 from glucose Growth at 45oC 15oC Arginine hydrolysis Esculin hydrolysis Growth with 4%NaCl 6.5%NaCl 8%NaCl Growth in milk3 Entero agar Citrate agar Diacetile EPS production Acid from L-arabinose D-xilose galactose mannitol trehalose mannose rafinose lactose fructose rhamnose sorbose ribose salicine celobiose melibiose inuline sorbitol I 2+0+0 B + - II 0+5+0 B + - III 0+4+6 B + + -* -* IV 0+5+8 B w + + - V 0+6+5 B w + + w* VI 0+3+2 BL w + + + - VII 8+5+4 B w* + - VIII 0+3+5 BS w + + IX 8+1+0 C + + + + + + +* -* + + + + + +a - +ac - -a* - +acr* - +acr* - + r w* -* -* -* -* - + + +acr + -* r + +acr + -* +* - + + + +* + + + -* w w w - + w + w + + + +* w w* - + + + + -* + - + -* +* + + w* +* - +* w + + +* + + + w + + +* - + + w + + + w - + +* -* + + -* -* - + + + w + +* + + + w + +* +* +* +* +* + + + + + - + positive, - negative, w - weakly positive, All strains produce acid from maltose, sucrose and glucose. 1 the first number represents number of isolates from propagation step 1, the second from propagation step 2, and the third from mature sourdough 2 C: cocci, B: rods, BL: long rods 3 acidification (a), clothing (c) and reducing (r) of lacmus milk, 1% * - properties differ among strains of the same type In addition, PCA was performed in order to evaluate the similarity among lactobacilli isolates and detect physiological characteristics affecting their differentiation. The physiological characteristics for isolated strains showed that four principal components (PC) were able to explain 50 % of the variance (data not shown). The plot of the first two components (Figure 4) made it possible to separate the 71 lactobacilli strains (10 from PS1, 31 from PS2 and 30 from MD) into distinct groups (Figure 4A). Enterococus cluster 118 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper was explicitly separated from all lactobacilli (data not shown) and was not included in further statistical analysis. Figure 4. Scores plot (A) and loadings plot (B - the loadings less than 0.5 not presented) from PCA of the physiological properties of lactobacilli isolated at the end of propagation steps 1 (1) and 2, and from mature sourdough Note: The explained variance by PC1 and PC2 were 21 % and 12 %, respectively. Numbers represent clusters from Figure 2 The clusters formed by HCA analysis (Figure 3) can be observed on plots from the PCA (Figure 4A). Each cluster of strains was represented by the prediction interval ellipse for its samples, as a measure of dispersion. The coordinates for the ellipse were computed from the data and a number of observations given, and showed the prediction interval for a single new observation (13). The prediction interval ellipse desribes the area in which a single new observation can be expected to fall with the probability of 90 % (a coefficient that controlled the ellipse was chosen to be 0.9). As shown in Figure 4A, lactobacilli from clusters I and II formed by HCA could not be clearly separated by PCA and made a single ellipse (I-II) representing related isolates. The Principal component 1 (PC1) that explained 21 % of total variance in the data, clearly separated clusters VII and VIII from other lactobacilli types, while PC2 (account 12 % of total variance) separated clusters I-II, III, VI and VII from clusters V and VIII (Figure 4A). According to Figure 4B, PC1 distinguished the strains according to CO2 production, growth at 15 oC and 45 oC, growth in medium containing 6.5 % NaCl, as well as the acid production from mannose, raffinose, arabinose, fructose and mannose. PC2 differentiated the strains according to their growth in milk and fermentation of celobiose. Only PC3 which explained 15% of the variation (data not shown) was defined by the cell shape (long or common rods). The growth in medium supplemented with 4% NaCl and acid formation from galactose, trehalose, sucrose, galactose, salicin and ribose, as well as growth on citrate agar, had low loadings on PC1 and PC2 (close to zero). Therefore, it could be concluded that these properties had no significant influence on the attained classification of isolates. Ne119 APTEFF,40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940111Z UDC: 664.654.1:664.64.016.3/.7 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 111-122 Original scientific paper vertheless, the ribose and citrate fermentation had a significant influence on PC3 and PC4, respectively (data not shown) and they could not be omitted from further studies of the classification of isolates. The lactobacilli of cluster VII were assembled in the upper left part of the graph (Figure 4A) that displayed homofermentetative bacilli with the ability to ferment fructose and mannose but not lactose, raffinose, melibiose, xilose and arabinose (Figure 4B, Table 1). The strains grouped in the lower left part of the graph represented cluster VIII. The isolates from this cluster showed growth in 8% NaCl, with the ability to hydrolyze esculin, ferment inuline, and some strains had the potential to produce diacetile (Figure 4B, Table 1). Six strains isolated from PS2 and five strains from MD were located in the lower right part of the graph (cluster V). They displayed a high activity in milk and arginine hydrolysis. Two thermophilic isolates from PS1 and the majority of strains isolated after PS2 (clusters I-II, III, IV and VI) which were located in the upper right part of the graph, were characterized by disability to grow in 8% NaCl, to ferment sorbitol and to form diacetyl. CONCLUSION In this study, the statistical analyses provided indices for the evaluation of the distances among the population members and their differentiation. Principal component 1 from PCA succeeded in differentiating homo- from heterofermentative isolates with the exception of only cluster I-II. This cluster comprised homofermentative lactobacilli and was located among other heterofermentative clusters (III, IV, V and VI). PCA differentiated strains on the base of, mainly, pentose fermentation (Figure 4B) and the bias was introduced because the strains from cluster I-II ferment arabinose (Table 1). Although the strains may differ, pentoses (arabinose, xylose or ribose) were usually fermented by obligately heterofermentative and seldom by homofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Further investigation of the isolates (for example DNA-DNA hybridization, rRNK sequencing and GC spectrum) is necessary to reveal whether the isolates belonged to some hitherto unknown species of the genus Lactobacillus. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported under the project PTR 2042 by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES 1. Savić, D., T. Savić, M. Škrinjar and N. Joković: Profile of lactic acid bacteria in rye flour and sourdough. J. 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Савић У циљу праћења састава и промена популације бактерија млечне киселине (БМК) у киселом тесту припремљеног сукцесивним свакодневним премешавањем теста од ражаног брашна, 62 сојева БМК је изоловано и окарактерисано. БМК су једини микроорганизми изоловани на крају другог премешавања, као и у фази зрелог киселог теста (након 2 седмице свакодневног сукцесивног премешавања). Стабилни еколошки систем у киселом тесту припремљеном од ражаног брашна успоставља се након другог премешавања. Род БМК који доминира у току развоја киселог теста су лактобацили и који су груписани у 7 група. Хетероферментативни лактобацили доминирају од другог премешавања, као и у фази зрелог киселог теста, при чему учествују са 56%, односно 70% у укупном броју БМК. Идентификација на основу фенотипских и физиолошких својстава (применом 36 теста) показала је да се лактобацили иззоловани из киселих теста не могу јасно сврстати у до сада познате врсте рода Lactobacillus. Поред тога, праћена је структура бактеријске популације у киселом тесту применом две статистиче технике (хијерархијска кластер анализа и анализа главних компоненти) на фенотипска својства изолата. Received 28 August 2009 Accepted 6 October 2009 122 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS ENGINEERING APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper DETERMINATION OF THE PHOTOCATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF TiO2 COATINGS ON CLAY ROOFING TILE SUBSTRATES - METHYLENE BLUE AS MODEL POLLUTANT Eva S. Lončar, Miroslava M. Radeka, Snežana B. Petrović, Andrea S. Skapin, Ognjen Lj. Rudić and Jonjaua G. Ranogajec The photocatalytically active mesoporous coatings, based on titanium dioxide sols (Degussa), of the fired clay roofing tiles substrate were prepared by using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) M-600 and M-4000, as the structure directing agents. The coatings were deposited using spray technique followed by thermal treatment. Photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 coatings was evaluated by aqueous solution of methylene blue as model dye, deposited on the top of the coatings, after irradiation with UV light. The results were compared with the photocatalytic efficiency of some commercial self-cleaning products (clay roofing tiles, glass). The newly design coatings showed an interesting decolourisation performance (over 30 % after 24 h). It appeared that the procedure of photocatalytic activity determination, in the case of porous substrates, should be renewed by a preadsorption process. KEY WORDS: ТiO2 coatings, clay roofing tile, photocatalytic activity INTRODUCTION Semiconductor photocatalysis (SPC) has attracted a great deal of attention over the last 30 years. The application of semiconductor in heterogeneous photocatalysis in order to eliminate various pollutants including many pesticides, surfactants and carcinogens in aqueous systems and in the air (1-7), has been extensively investigated. Titanium dioxide (TiO2 - titania) appeared to be the most suitable photocatalytic semiconducting material due to its high stability toward photocorrosion and relatively favorable band-gap energy. Titania occurs in three crystalline forms: brookite, anatase and rutile. Rutile is the stable phase while anatase and brookite are metastable. Anatase TiO2 has become the foremost semiconductor material for SPC application since it is biologically inert, mechanically robust, relatively inexpensive and highly reactive. Dr. Eva S. Lončar, Prof., Snezana B. Petrovic, B. Sc., Ognjen Rudic, B. Sc., Dr. Jonjaua G. Ranogajec, Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Miroslava M. Radeka, Assoc. Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Dr. Andrea S. Skapin, Ph. D., Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, 1000 Ljubljana, Dimičeva 12, Slovenia 125 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper Photocatalytic chemical reactions occur on the surface of an SPC material. The photocatalyst generates electron/hole pairs which are capable to initiate a series of chemical reactions when it is illuminated by appropriate light source: UV light (λ≤387 nm) (4, 5, 8-11) or visible light (artificial solar and sunlight) (1, 2, 12-17). Pairs of photo-generated hole (h+) and electron (e-) induce the formation of aggressive species such as hydroxyl or superoxide radicals from the moisture and atmospheric oxygen. These species are strong enough to oxidize and decompose organic materials or smelling gas and kill bacteria (5, 11, 13, 15-17). The process is predominantly determined by the fundamental physical properties of the SPC material surface. Mesoporous coatings are predicted to have great potential to increase the photocatalytic activity by enlarging the specific surface area (18). High surface area and interconnectivity in the porous network of mesoporous coatings are desirable in order to optimize the activity of the surface and provide diffusion, charge or light transfer or reactant access into the cavities. The coatings with a greater surface area can improve the degradation rate of organic pollutants by the adsorption and the concentration of the reactants, but still allowing the latter to diffuse from the adsorption sites to the TiO2 surface. To assess the photocatalytic efficiency of a TiO2 coating a broad range of pollutants, both of organic and inorganic nature, can be used. They can be classified into three categories: • Dyestuffs (19, 20), • Organic compounds (21), • Inorganic gases (22). Dyes are degraded by TiO2 under the influence of UV or solar light. The decomposition is assessed by decoloration measurements (color removal ratio), as well as chromatographic investigations. The widespread application of, for example, methylene blue (MB) originates from the fact that it is mainly nontoxic and convenient for the use as a dye. MB exibits strong absorption in the visible light (λmax =664 nm; ε664 = 7.4×104 M-1 cm-1) but not in the UVA region. This fact presents the perceived effectiveness of the MB test, which is considered by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) as a standard test for photocatalytic surfaces (16, 23). However, the assessment of decomposition processes of dyes by decoloration measurements is still a subject of discussion. The present research was focused on obtaining mesoporous coatings using TiO2 and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) of different molecular weight, as a structure directing agent applied on ceramic roofing tile surface. The functionality of these coatings have been tested by the photocatalytic decomposition of MB in aqueous solution. These values were compared with the activity of the commercial products (clay roofing tiles and glass samples). Major attention has been devoted to the selection of a suitable sample preparation. Namely, ceramic roofing tiles as a porous material, without photocalytic coating, also adsorb a certain quantity of MB solution decreasing its concentration. In order to assess the contribution of the photocatalytic activity of the prepared mesoporous titania coating, the photocatalytic tests were modified compared to the tests where a non-porous substrate was used. The precursory adsorption of methylene blue was established until the adsorption process of the dye was complete. After that the decomposition rate of the dye under the UVA light irradiation (photocatalytic activity) was determined by recording its absorption spectrum. 126 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper EXPERIMENTAL Photocatalytic dispersion. The photocatlytic dispersion, sol, was prepared by mixing 2.5 mass % TiO2 aqueous (deionised water) colloidal dispersion (VP Disp.W 2730 X, Degussa, Frankfurt, Germany) and PEG (HOCH2(CH2OCH2)nCH2OH) with molecular weight 600 (M-600) or 4000 (M-4000), (Baker, Germany). Titania particle size in colloidal dispersion was reported to be (d-50= 50-100 nm), dry matter content 30.0 +/-1.0 mass%, and pH value 5-7. Tile substrate. The clay roofing tiles produced in the industrial conditions (a.d. Polet, member of Nexe group, Novi Bečej, Serbia ) were cut in the form of square-shaped slabs (dimensions 3.5 x 3.5 x1.5 cm) and used as substrates for photocatalytic coating preparation. The used raw material for the tile production was based on illite-kaolinite clay material and carbonates (dolomite, calcite). Preparation of TiO2 layer on clay roofing tile substrate. The photocatlyic sol was frequently stirred in order to obtain stable coating solution. The stability of the suspension is essential to achieve the necessary consistency. Three layers of the photocatalytic sol were deposited by spray technique on the top of the clay roofing tiles. Drying of the photocatalytic sol layers lasted 30 min at 25oC and 50% air RH. They were subsequently heated in an oven at: 290oC for 30 minutes, case of the sol based on 2.5 mass% TiO2 and PEG 600 (marked as NM 600), and at 400oC for 30 minutes, the sol based on 2.5 mass% TiO2 and PEG 4000 (marked as NM 4000). Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 coatings. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 coatings was evaluated by examining the discoloration of the methylene blue, in the procedure adjusted to porous substrate, as follows. As first, the degree of adsorption of the dissolved MB molecules, by the surface of the mesoporous titania coatings and tile substrate, was measured by a pre-adsorption test. A cylindrically shaped glass cell with the inner diameter of 3 cm and a height of 6 cm was attached to the substrate using silicon glue. Both the test cell and substrate are marked as a test sample. The concentration of MB for the pre-adsorption test and for the photocatalytic test was 20 and 10 μmol/L, respectively. Twelve milliliters of the MB for the pre-adsorption test were poured into the test cell. The part of the tile was drowned into the MB solution of the same concentration. The adsorbtion of the MB (20 μmol/L) by the tile sample proceeded in the dark for 12 h. The procedure was continued in the dark with the test solutions of MB (10 μmol/L) for 24 h up to 36 h (until the adsorption of the dye was completed). The adsorption was considered complete if the differences in the concentration of MB measured after 30, 60, 120 and 150 min were less than 5%. In the above procedure, the adsorption of the dye was complete and the test samples were irradiated with UVA light (Osram Eversun lamp / I= 0,67 mW/cm2/ distance between the UV lamp and the reactor 18 cm) for 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 24 h, Fig. 1a and 1b. The emission spectrum of the lamp light and absorption spectrum of MB are shown in Fig. 2. The maximum irradiation of the lamp is in the range of 320-380 nm. It is evident that the absorption spectrum of MB is not in the range of the emission spectrum of the lamp. 127 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper a) b) Fig. 1. Measurement of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 coating: a) in the protective box, b) schematic view of the measurements Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of MB and the emission spectrum of the light source The photocatalytic activity of the materials was monitored on a UV/VIS spectrophotometer (Evolution 600 / Thermoscientific, England / water as the reference sample) by measuring absorption spectra of MB (λ=664 nm) as a function of the irradiation time. Photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 coatings was calculated using the relation 1: TiO2 activity = [(co – c)/co] x [c1/co] x 100 [1] where co is the concentration of the test solution of MB before irradiation: c is the concentration of MB after UV irradiation, and c1 is the concentration of MB after the preadsorption test. The concentrations c and c1 were determined from the calibration curves showing the dependence of the absorbance at λmax (664 nm) of MB solutions as a function of the concentration of MB solutions. The above procedure was applied on the clay roofing tile samples with mesoporous coatings (NM 600, NM 4000) and clay roofing tiles without catalyst-mesoporous coating (marked as N), as well as on the commercial self-cleaning products (clay roofing tile-E / Germany; glass-SG / France). For each experiment four measurements were performed. 128 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The clay roofing tiles (a.d. Polet, member of the Nexe group) are complex materials with total porosity of about 13%. During the firing procedure stable secondary mineral phases as gehlenite, anortite or diopside, are formed. Besides stable mineral phases, a certain amount of ″active centers″ are present on the porous tile surfaces. These centers can influence different adsorption processes. Evidentlly, the porosity of the tiles increases the consumption of the applied titania dispersion prepared for self-cleaning and decreases the photocatalytic activity of the formed titania coating. The mesoporous TiO2 coatings based on PEG 600 (NM 600) and PEG 4000 (NM 4000) have similar surface area (≈100 cm2/g). Both coatings have an average pore size diameters about 10 nm. In the case of the NM 4000 samples the pore size distribution was wider, with a higher amount of small pores (24). The thickness of the coatings NM 600 and NM 4000 was about 3 μm. Fig. 3 shows the SEM micrograph of the sample NM 4000 (thickness about 3 μm). Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of the mesoporous TiO2 coating NM 4000 (x5000) The photocatalytic activities of the TiO2 coatings were evaluated by using the aqueous solution of the MB, according to DIN 52980:2007-11 (25) and ISO/DIS 10678 (23). The photocatalytic activity of the mesoporous coatings can be defined as a two step process: pre-adsorption (elimination of the influence of MB adsorption) (20, 26, 27), and MB irradiation test (determination of the photocatalytic activity). Maximum absorption appeares at λ=664 nm and gradually decreases during the irradiation time. Like many thiazine dyes, MB has a tendency to dimerise. The dimer of MB, (MB)2, has an absorption maximum at 614 nm (28). As a consequence of dimerization the size of the MB molecules increases, which can be an important step in the catalysis since diffusion towards and from catalyst surface is an important step in the decolorization of MB solution. The decrease of the absorption maximum at 614 nm indicates that the photocatalytic coating possesses a photonic efficiency for degradation, Fig. 4. The decrease of the concentration of MB solution at 614 nm and 664 nm, during irradiation time, clearly shows that the sample NM 600 is active. 129 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper Fig. 4. Dependance of the absorbance spectra of MB solution (10 μmol/L) in contact with NM 600 on UVA irradiation time The photocatalytic activities of the samples were calculated from equation 1. The activities of the samples NM 600, NM 4000, were compared with the values for the commercial self-cleaning products: glass- SG, clay roofing tiles-E and clay roofing tiles without mesoporous TiO2 coating (N), Fig. 5. 100 N SG Activity (%) 80 NM 600 E NM 4000 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (h) Fig. 5. Photocatalytic activity of tested samples during the irradiation time Several conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 5. Firstly, no significant differences in the activity were obtained after 24h irradiation time of the samples NM 600, NM 4000 and E. The activity of the commercial glass-SG was lower in comparison with the samples NM 600, NM 4000 and E. Secondly, these differences are greater up to 3.5 h of irradiation. These results demonstrate the fact that samples NM 600 and NM 4000 are the most active ones. The MB molecules were probably more adsorbed (24) in the case of these samples due to the fact that the coatings have a higher surface area and, consequently, the decrease of the MB concentration in aqueous solution was more pronounced. Later (after 24h irradiation), a deactivation phenomenon was observed. The active catalyst sites were probably blocked by the formation of the intermediate products and, consequently, the photocatalytic activity of these systems was decreased. This conclusion is in concordance with our previous investigation (29). Namely, the samples NM 130 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940125L UDC: 666.74:666.3.017:666.3.052:549.514 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 125-133 Original scientific paper 600 and NM 4000 can be partially regenerated by washing with water (rainfall simulation). A control photocatalytic experiment, to evaluate the dye decolorization, was carried out with the irradiated samples without catalyst (N). The obtained results indicate that decolorisation of the MB was not negligible, Fig. 5. It seems that MB is not an ideal model pollutant, probably the surface of the clay roofing tiles has also some redox potentional. More reliable values of the photocatalytic activity could be the difference between the activity values of NM 600 and N samples / NM 4000 and N samples. Unfortunately, this procedure was not possible to apply in the case of the commercial products (the reference samples for these experiments were missing). CONCLUSION The photocatalytic activity of the samples based on 2.5 mass% TiO2 and PEG 600 (NM 600), 2.5 mass% TiO2 and PEG 4000 (NM 4000), clay roofing tiles without catalyst - mesoporous coating (N), commercial roofing tiles (E) and commercial glass (SG) were determined as a two - step process: pre-adsorption, and photocatalytic test. Their efficiency in regard to the MB degradation was found to vary significantly in the laboratory conditions. The activities of the mesoporous coatings NM 600 and NM 4000 were higher up to 3.5 h of irradiation time than the activities of the commercial samples. After 24h of irradiation the efficiency of the prepared mesoporous coating NM 600, NM 4000 was equal to the values of the commercial self-cleaning ceramic roofing tiles (E), while the activity of the commercial self-cleaning glass (SG) was significantly lower. 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Раногајец Фотокаталитички активне мезопорозне превлаке нанете на површину глиненог црепа направљене су од сола титанијум диоксида (Degussa, Germany) и поли(етилен гликола-PEG) М-600 и М-4000 који је носилац мезопорозне структуре. Превлака је нанета коришћењем спреј технике и термичког третмана. Фотокаталитичка активност TiO2 превлака је процењена коришћењем метлен плавог као модeл боје, постављене на превлаку, након зрачења UV зрацима. Резултати су поређени са резултатима фотокаталитичке активности неких комерцијалних производа (глинени цреп, стакло). Новоформирана превлака је показала значајан ниво обезбојавања раствора (преко 30% после 24h). Установљено је да поступак одређивања фотокаталитичке активности за случај порозног црепа би требало да буде иновиран увођењем процеса предадсорпције. Received 25 August 2009 Accepted 7 October 2009 133 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF FLUX RECOVERY DURING CHEMICAL CLEANING OF TUBULAR MEMBRANE FOULED WITH WHEY PROTEINS Nataša Lj. Lukić, Svetlana S. Popović and Jelena Dj. Marković Membrane process efficiency in the dairy industry is impaired by the formation of deposits during filtration processes. This work describes cleaning procedures for ceramic tubular membrane (50 nm) fouled with whey proteins. Also, mathematical modelling was performed to obtain models which allow deeper insight into the mechanisms involved during cleaning procedures. The caustic solutions (0.2%w/w, 0.4%w/w and 1.0%w/w NaOH) and the mixture of two commercial detergents (0.8%w/w P3-ultrasil 69+0.5% w/w P3-ultrasil 67 and 1.2% P3-ultrasil 69+0.75 P3-ultrasil 67) were used as chemical cleaning agents. The results showed that the best flux recovery was achieved with 0.4%w/w NaOH solution. After analyzing the experimental data, five parameter and six parameter kinetic models were suggested for alkali and detergent cleaning, respectively. The changes of total and specific resistances, as well as the change of the effective pore diameter and deposit thickness during cleaning are estimated by applying these models. KEY WORDS: Ceramic membrane, whey proteins, kinetic models, alkali cleaning, detergent cleaning INTRODUCTION Membrane separation processes are commonly used in the dairy industry as they alone provide possibility for achieving both the fractionation and concentration without phase change while preserving physical and chemical characteristics of the main dairy components. Recently, the application of ultrafiltration and microfiltration has become increasingly widespread for the production of whey protein concentrate, a product with high nutritional value. However, membrane application is often restricted by membrane fouling, which inevitably leads to flux decrease throughout the membrane. During ultra and microfiltration of whey, fouling is mainly governed by pore plugging and gradual adsorption of whey proteins at the membrane surface (1). Consequently, membrane cleaning is an essential step in maintaining the permeability and selectivity of membrane processes. Nataša Lukić, B.Sc., Junior Res., nlukic@tf.uns.ac.rs, Svetlana Popović, M.Sc., Assist., popovics@tf.uns.ac.rs, Jelena Marković, B.Sc., Assist., jmarkovic@tf.uns.ac.rs, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 135 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper Chemical methods are mainly used and most efficient cleaning agents are: alkali solutions (2-4) and formulated detergents (5, 6). Mathematical models of cleaning give the possibility of getting a deeper insight into the present cleaning mechanisms. Some authors (2, 7-9) have proposed models which describe mechanisms of membrane cleaning by applying certain chemical agents. The main objective of this work was to propose kinetic models for alkali and detergent cleaning of tubular ceramic membrane that was fouled with whey proteins. EXPERIMENTAL Experimental apparatus and materials The schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus, made of stainless steel, is shown in Fig. 1. The feed solution was circulated by a rotary vane pump PO511 (Cmf, Italy). During an experimental run, the permeate and the retentate were recycled back to the feed reservoir to avoid feed concentrating. Flow rate and transmembrane pressure (TMP) across the membrane module were simultaneously adjusted by a bypass valve and the main flow valve. The TMP was monitored with manometers and the flow rate was measured using a rotameter. The feed solution temperature was kept constant and measured by a digital thermometer mounted inside the feed reservoir. The permeate was collected and weighted continuously on a digital balance (EW 1500-2M, Kern, Germany) and the data were transmitted to a personal computer (PC). Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus The experiments were carried out using Membralox™ monotubular ceramic membrane, 250 mm long, with 7 mm ID and 10 mm OD (Pall Exekia, France). The total filtration area of the membrane was 46.2 cm2. The membrane, with mean pore size of 50 nm made of ZrO2 layer on an α-alumina support, was investigated. 136 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper A reconstituted whey solution from a whey powder (donated by Novosadska mlekara, Serbia) of the following composition: 11.8% (w/w) protein, 75.0% (w/w) lactose, 3.3% (w/w) fat, 9.5% (w/w) ash and 2.3% (w/w) water, was employed for all fouling experiments. The feed solution was prepared by dissolving the whey powder in deionised water to obtain a concentration of 10 g/L. The pH value of the prepared feed solution was 6.0 for all experiments. Deionized water was used for rinsing steps which were performed before and after each fouling experiment occurred. Two alkaline cleaning agents were used during membrane cleaning: sodium hydroxide and a mixture of commercially available detergents P3-Ultrasil 67 and P3-Ultrasil 69 (Henkel, Germany). Studied concentrations of alkali solution were 0.2%w/w, 0.4%w/w and 1.0%w/w, while detergent solutions were prepared using the following concentrations: 0.8%w/w P3-Ultrasil 69+0.5%w/w P3-Ultrasil 67 and 1.2% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.75 P3-Ultrasil 67. According to the manufacturer, P3-Ultrasil 67 is a neutral detergent which consists of alkylaminoxide (15-30%) and proteolytic enzyme (<5%) while P3-Ultrasil 69 is a mild alkaline detergent which consists of phosphonates (5-15%) and salts of organic acids (5-15%). Cleaning solutions viscosity are supposed to be equal to the viscosity of water (5.47·10-4Pa·s, at 50°C). Operating conditions Each experiment consisted of the following steps: pure water flux measurement, fouling, rinsing, chemical cleaning, rinsing, and pure water flux measurement. Since the enzymes in detergents show the highest activity at 50°C, all cleaning steps were performed at this temperature. The cross flow velocity during fouling was low to intensify formation of the fouling layer. However, the cross flow velocity during rinsing and cleaning steps was higher to enhance removal of the fouling layer from the membrane surface. The operating conditions are briefly outlined in Table 1. Table 1. Operating conditions for the experimental procedure Step TMP (kPa) t (min) T (°C) Pure water flux measurement v (m/s) 1.73 30 30 25 Feed stream Water Fouling 0.43 30 60 25 Whey (10g/L) Rinsing 1.73 30 30 25 Water Cleaning / / / 50 NaOH/ Ultrasil P3 Rinsing 1.73 30 30 25 Water Pure water flux measurement 1.73 30 30 25 Water Kinetic model The total resistance (Rtf), due to the deposition of fouling material at surface and inside pores of the membrane, was chosen as a value that represents fouling intensity in the most suitable way. Kinetic model which estimates time change of total resistance (Rtf), which should be reduced during chemical cleaning, was introduced. Furthermore, 137 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper the model predicts the change of the effective pore diameter and deposit thickness during cleaning. The total resistance (Eq. [1]) can be presented as the sum of the individual resistances: the resistance of membrane (Rm), the resistance due to concentration polarization (Rcp), the hydraulic resistance of deposits at the membrane surface (Rc) and the resistance due to in-pore fouling (Rin). [1] Rtf = Rm + R f = Rm + Rcp + Rc + Rin The model involves Darcy’s equation: J cs = TMP μ cs Rtf [2] also used to calculate the initial membrane resistance: Jw = TMP μ w Rm ⇒ Rm = TMP μw J w [3] The resistance due to concentration polarization was omitted since the membrane was rinsed with deionized water. The cake resistance (Rc) was calculated assuming a firstorder change of time derivate of the cake deposit (7): dRc [4] = − p1 Rc ⇒ Rc = exp(− p1t + p 2 ) dt The resistance due to in-pore fouling can be determined as a function of second order (alkali cleaning Eq. [5a]) and as a function of third order (detergent cleaning Eq. [5b]): [5a] alkali cleaning Rin = p 3 a t 2 + p 4 a t + p 5 a detergent cleaning Rin = p3 d t 3 + p4 d t 2 + p5 d t + p6 d [5b] After replacing all specific resistances into Eq. [1], the kinetic model attains the form: [6a] alkali cleaning Rtf = Rm + exp( − p1t + p 2 ) + p3 a t 2 + p4 a t + p5 a detergent cleaning Rtf = Rm + exp( − p1t + p2 ) + p3 d t 3 + p4 d t 2 + p5 d t + p6 d [6b] Modified Karmen-Kozeny equation shows the connection between effective pore diameter (de) and the in-pore resistance: 36hk (1 − ε )2 l [7] Rin = = k ⋅ d e−2 ε 3 d e2 Combining Eq. [7] with Eqs. [5a] and [5b], parameters ka (in the case of alkali cleaning) and kd (in the case of detergent cleaning) can be calculated using conditions at the end of the cleaning process: 2 alkali cleaning [8a] k a = d e2 (t end ) p 3 a t end + p 4 a t end + p 5 a detergent cleaning kd = d 2 e ( (t )( p end ) 3 3 d end t +p t 2 4 d end + p 5 d t end + p6 d ) [8b] Detailed description of the applied calculation procedure can be found in other papers (10, 11). Mathematical models for effective pore diameter result from equations [5a] and [5b] using the determined k values: 138 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper ⎛ ⎞ ka ⎟⎟ d e ( t ) = ⎜⎜ 2 ⎝ p3a t + p4 a t + p5 a ⎠ alkali cleaning 0 .5 [9a] 0.5 ⎛ ⎞ kd ⎟⎟ d e ( t ) = ⎜⎜ 3 2 ⎝ p 3 d t + p 4 d t + p 5 d t + p6 d ⎠ Deposit thickness during cleaning (δ(t)) can be estimated as follows: d − d e (t ) d e (t ) = d o − 2δ(t ) ⇒ δ(t ) = o 2 detergent cleaning [9b] [10] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fouling of membrane Since the fouling steps were carried out under the same operating conditions, the same extent of fouling was achieved in each experiment, as shown in Fig. 2. As expected, significant permeate flux decline occurred during filtration of reconstituted whey solution until the pseudo-steady state, approximately 8.1% of the initial value, was reached. It can be observed that the flux decline is sharp within the first few minutes due to the formation of the concentration polarization layer. Further flux decline, yet at a smaller rate, can be associated with the gradual adsorption of protein deposits on and inside the membrane surface. 200 0.2% NaOH 0.4% NaOH 1.0% NaOH 0.8% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.5% P3-Ultrasil 67 1.2% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.75% P3-Ultrasil 67 180 Permeate flux Lm h -2 1 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 t, min Fig. 2. Permeate flux during fouling Cleaning of membrane The permeate fluxes achieved during the steps that followed the fouling experiments (rinsing, chemical cleaning and final rinsing) are given in Fig. 3. Rinsing with deionized water (a-series in Fig. 3) was implemented so that loosely bound deposits are removed 139 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper from the membrane surface. Since the achieved rinsing efficiency was close to 20%, which is less than required, chemical cleaning was needed. 350 0.2% NaOH 0.4% NaOH 1.0% NaOH a) Pre-rinsing b) Chemical cleaning c) 350 Final rinsing a) 250 200 150 100 50 A 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 t, min (a) 60 70 80 90 100 b) Pre-rinsing 300 Flux recovery, dm3m-2h-1 Flux recovery, dm3m-2h-1 300 0.8% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.5% P3-Ultrasil 67 1.2% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.75% P3-Ultrasil 67 c) Chemical cleaning Final rinsing 250 200 150 100 50 B 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 t, min 60 70 80 90 100 (b) Fig. 3. Flux recovery during alkali (a) and detergent cleaning (b) Detailed information about rinsing efficiency can be found elsewhere (12). Permeate flux curves for the NaOH solutions and for detergent solutions, during cleaning, are given in Fig. 3 as b-series. It can be noticed that the permeate flux increased within the first few minutes and more or less remained constant during the rest of cleaning time. Considerably higher flux recovery was achieved during cleaning with NaOH solutions compared to detergent solutions, especially with 1% w/w solution of NaOH. Flux curves during final rinsing, that followed cleaning steps, are given in Fig. 3 as c-series. Considerable increase in permeate flux, compared to the flux obtained during cleaning, can be observed. These results indicate significant influence of the final rinsing on flux recovery. The highest flux recovery was achieved by cleaning with 0.4%w/w alkali solution, which can save large amounts of chemicals compared to 1.0%w/w NaOH, recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Mathematical modelling - total and specific resistances The total resistance, Rtf, during chemical cleaning was determined according to Eq. [2]. The results (ten representative points in Fig. 4) show considerable decrease of the total resistance at the beginning of cleaning. Further, as alkali cleaning progressed (Fig. 4a), the decrease weakened till the end of cleaning, while in the case of detergent cleaning (Fig. 4b), even a slight increase was noticed. Mathematical modelling, through applying Levenberg-Marquardt method (ORIGIN 6.1) on Eq. [6a] and [6b], was carried out using the Rtf data in order to estimate parameter values for both alkali and detergent cleaning. The parameter values were than used to calculate total and specific resistances (the cake resistance, Rc, from Eq. [4] and the inpore resistance, Rin, from Eq. [5a] and [5b]). The resistance of the membrane, Rm, was determined applying Eq. [3] to the pure water flux measurements. 140 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L 6.00E+012 A Cleaning agent: 0.4% NaOH Rtf=4.94E11+exp(-P1*t+P2)+P3a*t^2+P4a*t+P5a Goodness of fit: R^2 = 0.98675 3.50E+012 3.00E+012 2.50E+012 2.00E+012 1.50E+012 Rtf 1.00E+012 Rin 5.00E+011 Rm Rc 0.00E+000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Total and particular resistances (m-1) Total and particular resistances, m-1 4.00E+012 UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper B Rtf 5.00E+012 Rin 4.00E+012 3.00E+012 Cleaning agent: 0.8+0.5% w/w Ultrasil(69+67) Rtf=Rm+exp(-P1*t+P2)+P3d*t^3+P4d*t^2+P5d*t+P6d Goodness of fit: R^2 = 0.99754 2.00E+012 1.00E+012 Rm Rc 0.00E+000 35 0 Cleaning time, min 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Cleaning time, min (a) (b) Fig. 4. Total and specific resistances during alkali (a) and detergent cleaning (b) Since the resulting curves for total and specific resistances show similar trends during cleaning, only two representative cases are presented: cleaning with 0.4% w/w caustic solution and 0.8% w/w P3-ultrasil 69+0.5% w/w P3-ultrasil 67 (Fig. 4). By analyzing specific resistances an exponential decrease of the cake resistance within a few minutes was observed. The in-pore resistance decreased slowly during the alkali cleaning. However, re-fouling was noticed during second half of detergent cleaning. Statistical parameters obtained for all cases of cleaning solutions are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Model parameters for alkali and detergent cleaning NaOH concentration p1 P2 p3a p4a p5a 1.65±0 27.72±0.07 (4.58±2.59)·108 (3.49±8.10)·109 (1.12±4.60)·1010 0.4%w/w 2.85±0.58 30±0.38 (17.10±4.16)·108 (-7.54±1.35)·1010 (1.68±7.86)·1010 1%w/w 1±0.12 27.9±0.03 (6.49±1.5)·108 (-3.18±5.26)·1010 (111.98±3.83)·1010 Ultrasil (69+67) concentration p1 p2 p3d p4d p5d p6d 0.8+0.5%w/w (15.07±0) (29.15±0) (13.44±1.08)·107 (-81.47±5.21)·108 (145.6±6.99)·109 (38.44±2.21)·1011 26.26±0.36 (6.68±3.88)·107 (-3.86±1.88)·109 (5.70±2.51)·1010 (406.74±7.96)·1010 0.2%w/w 1.2+0.75%w/w (4.63±0)·1010 Mathematical modelling - effective pore diameter and thickness of the layer Protein adsorption within membrane pores leads to pore narrowing, which manifests as the in-pore resistance according to the Carmen-Kozeny Eq. [7]. Model parameters 141 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper were obtained by fitting experimental data (Eq. [8a] and [8b]) and the results (changes in effective pore diameter and deposit thickness) are shown in Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b, respectively. It can be noticed that the greatest effective pore diameter was achieved during 30 min cleaning period with 1%w/w alkali solution. However, a maximum pore diameter after 20 min cleaning period was achieved with 0.4%w/w alkali solution, so it can be concluded that higher concentration of alkali solution is unnecessary. By analysing deposit thickness it can be concluded that some amount of proteins remains in the pores throughout the entire cleaning process. Deposits are present inside pores regardless of the applied cleaning solution and its concentration. It is worth mentioning that the lowest deposit thickness is achieved for cleaning with 1%w/w alkali solution but after 20 min of cleaning the deposit thickness is the same as for 0.4%w/w alkali solution. This confirms previous statement that it is unnecessary to use higher concentrations of alkalis. 0.2% NaOH 0.4% NaOH A 1.0% NaOH 0.8% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.5% P3-Ultrasil 67 1.2% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.75% P3-Ultrasil 67 4.50E-008 4.00E-008 3.50E-008 3.00E-008 2.50E-008 0.2% NaOH 0.4% NaOH 1.0% NaOH B 0.8% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.5% P3-Ultrasil 67 1.2% P3-Ultrasil 69+0.75% P3-Ultrasil 67 2.00E-008 1.80E-008 Deposit thickness, m Effective pore diameter, m 5.00E-008 1.60E-008 1.40E-008 1.20E-008 1.00E-008 8.00E-009 6.00E-009 4.00E-009 2.00E-008 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cleaning time, min Cleaning time, min Fig. 5. Effective pore diameter and deposit thickness during A) alkali and B) detergent cleaning CONCLUSION Defining mathematical model for both alkali and detergent cleaning gives possibility to predict changes in total and specific resistances with time as well as the changes of the effective pore diameter and deposit thickness. A five parameter model for alkali cleaning and a six parameter model for the detergent cleaning were suggested. The models confirm the decrease of total resistance within a first few minutes and almost complete elimination of the cake resistance. The in-pore resistance decreased during alkali cleaning whereas during detergent cleaning even an increase was observed. It can be noticed that even though deposits are present within pores after cleaning, further rinsing with deionized water contributes to the enhancement of cleaning. Alkali solution of 0.4%w/w NaOH was proved to have the highest cleaning strength which guaranties almost full flux recovery. 142 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940135L UDC: 637.02:542.816:66.011+66.013.8 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 135-144 Original scientific paper ACKNOWLEGMENT This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project No. 142045). REFERENCES 1. Ramachandra Rao, H. G.: Mechanisms of flux decline during ultrafiltration of dairy products and influence of pH on flux rates of whey and buttermilk. Desalination 144 (2002) 319-324. 2. Bartlett, M., Bird, M. R. and J.A. Howell: An experimnetal study for the development of a qualitative membrane cleaning model. Journal of Membrane Science 105 (1995) 147-157. 3. Bird, M. R. and M. Bartlett: Measuring and modelling flux recovery during the chemical cleaning of MF membranes for the processing of whey protein concentrate. J. 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Поповић и Јелена Ђ. Марковић У индустрији млека мембране се чисте веома често због интензивног прљања мембрана протеинима. У овом раду описан је поступак хемијског чишћења цевне керамичке мембране запрљане протеинима сурутке. Такође су предложени модели који описују чишћење мембрана алкалним растворима и растворима детерџента. Резултати су показали да се најбоља регенерација флукса постиже 0.4% раствором NaOH-а. Након анализе експерименталних података, модели са укупно пет и шест параметара су предложени за алкално чишћење и чишћење детерџентом, респективно. Дефинисање модела омогућује процену промене укупног и појединачних отпора као и промене ефективног пречника пора и дебљине слоја адсорбованог унутар пора мембране током времена. Received 17 June 2009 Accepted 9 September 2009 144 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION OF RED CABBAGE IN SUGAR BEET MOLASSES – MASS TRANSFER KINETICS Nevena M. Mišljenović , Gordana B. Koprivica, Ljubinko B. Lević, Bojana V. Filipčev and Tatjana A. Kuljanin The paper describes a study of osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses of different concentrations (40, 60 and 80%) at 50°C and under atmospheric pressure. The best results were obtained at the sugar beet molasses of 80% as an osmotic medium. The most important kinetic parameters of the process were determined: water loss, solid uptake, weight reduction, normalized solid content and normalized moisture content. The kinetic parameters were determined after 1, 3 and 5 hours. Mass transfer coefficients were calculated using Hawkes and Flink’s model and the results indicate that the diffusion of water and solids was the most intensive during the first three hours of dehydration. KEY WORDS: Osmotic dehydration, red cabbage, mass transfer kinetic, sugar beet molasses INTRODUCTION Osmotic dehydration is an effective way to reduce the water content in plant and animal tissue with minimal negative effect on nutritive and sensorial properties of the final product. Osmotic dehydration, mainly of fruits and vegetables, is performed by immersing them in various hypertonic solutions. Concentrated saccharose solution, sodium chloride solutions and their combinations are usually used as hypertonic solution (1). At the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, a method has been developed for osmotic drying in sugar beet molasses as hypertonic solution. Sugar beet molasses appears to be an excellent medium for osmotic dehydration, primarily due to the high content of dry matter (80%), which provides high osmotic pressure in the solution (2), as well as the specific chemical composition, characterized by high contents of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and betain (3). Nevena M. Mišljenović, B.Sc., Res. Assist, nevenam@uns.ac.rs, Gordana B. Koprivica, B.Sc., Res. Assist., gordanak@uns.ac.rs, Dr. Ljubinko B. Lević, Prof., megamum@uns.ac.rs, Bojana V. Filipčev, M.Sc. Res., bojana.filipcev@fins.ns.ac.rs, Dr. Tatjana A. Kuljanin, Assist. Prof., kuljanin@uns.ac.rs, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulеvar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 145 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper The complex cellular structure of plant tissue acts as a, not completely selective, semi-permeable membrane, which allows two main countercurrent flows: water from the plant tissue flows into the osmotic solution whereas osmotic solute diffuses from the solution to the tissue (4, 5, 6). During osmotic dehydration, the tendency is to increase the diffusion of water from the sample into the surrounding solution and decrease penetration of solids from the solution into the plant tissue, on the other hand (7). However, in the case when sugar beet molasses is used as hypertonic solution, the penetration of mineral substances, vitamins, etc. to the tissue can be considered as favorable because the nutritional value of thus treated fruits and vegetables is higher (8). The rate and dewatering degree of the material and changes in its chemical composition depend on the sort of the osmotic solution used, the kind and the size of raw material, as well as the ratio of material to osmotic solution, temperature, dehydration time, and type of apparatus. Rate of osmotic dehydration is the highest at the beginning of the process. It results from the largest difference of osmotic pressure between the osmotic solution and the cell sap of the material and small mass transfer resistance at this stage of the process (9). Red cabbage after osmotic dehydration in sugar beet molasses can be used in the baker industry for the production of a nutritionally valuable food. Breads are darker and with a very pleasant, caramel-specific, taste, which is derived from sugar beet molasses. Antioxidative potential of breads were significantly increased (10). The influence of different concentrations of sugar beet molasses and dehydration time on the efficiency of osmotic dehydration process of red cabbage was examined in this study. Kinetic parameters, rate of mass transfer and overall mass transfer coefficients for water and solute were determined in this paper. Mass transfer model During the osmotic dehydration process, three main process variables are usually measured: moisture content, change in weight and change in soluble solids. Of these, water loss (WL), weight reduction (WR), solids gain (SG), normalized moisture content (NMC) and normalized solid content (NSC) were calculated as follows: ⎡g ⎤ w − w WR ⎢ ⎥ = o wo ⎣g ⎦ [1] ⎡ g ⎤ u − uo SG ⎢ ⎥ = wo ⎣g⎦ [2] WL 146 ⎡ g ⎤ = WR + SG ⎢g⎥ ⎣ ⎦ [3] APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper NMC = X/Xo [4] NSC = u/uo [5] where: wo– initial sample weight (g), w – sample weight after osmotic dehydration (g), uo – initial solid content in the fresh sample (g), u – solid content in the sample after osmotic dehydration (g), Xo – initial moisture content of the fresh sample before osmotic treatment (g), X – moisture content in the sample after osmotic dehydration (g). A model was proposed by Hawkes and Flink (9) to describe the kinetics of moisture loss and solid gain: NMC = 1 - kwθ -0.5 [6] NSC = 1 + ksθ -0.5 [7] where kw (s-0.5) and ks (s-0.5) represent the overall mass transfer coefficients for water and solute respectively, and θ (s) is the dehydration time. Under static conditions mass transfer coefficients depend on the solution concentration and contact temperature. Based on the above parameters, the rate of weight reduction (RWR), rate of solid gain (RSG) and the rate of water loss (RWL) were calculated. ⎡ g ⎤ WR RWR ⎢ ⎥ = ⎣g ⋅ s⎦ θ [8] ⎡ g ⎤ SG RSG ⎢ ⎥ = ⎣g ⋅s⎦ θ [9] ⎡ g ⎤ WL RWL ⎢ ⎥ = ⎣g ⋅ s⎦ θ [10] EXPERIMENTAL Red cabbage was purchased on a local market in Novi Sad, Serbia and stored at 4°C. Prior to the treatment, the red cabbage was thoroughly washed and cut into cubes, dimension 1x1 cm. Sugar beet molasses in different concentrations (40, 60 and 80% dry matter) were used as osmotic solution. Sugar beet molasses was obtained from the sugar factory Bač, Serbia. For dilution of sugar beet molasses distilled water were used. Osmotic dehydration was conducted in an apparatus at 55°C under atmospheric pressure (Fig. 1). 147 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper Temperature monitoring Osmotic solution T Samples Thermostatic bath Pumps Fig. 1. Apparatus for osmotic dehydration The material to solution ratio was 1:4 (w/w). Finally, the cabbage pieces were removed from the osmotic solutions, washed with water and gently blotted to remove excessive water. The samples were weighed. Kinetic parameters were determined after 1, 3 and 5 hours. The samples were kept in an oven (Instrumentaria Sutjeska, Serbia) at 105°C for 24 hours until a constant weight was attained (11). Moisture content of the samples was determined by the oven drying method according to AOAC (12). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 shows changes in dry matter content in the samples of red cabbage during osmotic dehydration as a function of the concentration and dehydration time. The increase in concentration and immersion time during the osmotic dehydration resulted in higher content of dry matter in the samples of red cabbage. The highest value of dry matter content in red cabbage (29.35%) was achieved when 80% solid content sugar beet molasses was used as the osmotic solution, and when the immersion time was 5 hours. In addition to the changes of dry matter content, the changes in kinetic parameters during the osmotic dehydration of red cabbage are also shown in the table 1. During the dehydration, mass of the samples was reduced. Higher value of WR parameter was found when the immersion time and concentration of sugar beet molasses were higher. The red cabbage dehydrated in the 80% molasses for 5 hours, lost about 45% of the initial weight. The SG value indicates the degree of penetration of solids from the osmotic solution in the samples. Solid gain, during the osmotic dehydration of red cabbage, showed a tendency to increase with increasing the immersion time and concentration of molasses. 148 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper Penetration of the solute from the osmotic solution into the sample can be limited by applying starch edible coatings (13). Table 1. Changes of dry matter content and the kinetic parameters during osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in the sugar beet molasses Concentration of molasses, % d. m. 40 % 60 % 80% Time, (h) Dry matter, (%) WR, g/g initial sample weight SG, g/g initial sample weight WL, g/g initial sample weight 1 13.63 0.163918 0.031934 0.195852 3 17.46 0.235882 0.051424 0.287306 5 19.17 0.262369 0.059420 0.321789 1 16.18 0.210605 0.042771 0.253377 3 23.44 0.349175 0.067584 0.416758 5 24.34 0.375188 0.067084 0.442271 1 16.48 0.214393 0.049435 0.263828 3 24.62 0.368816 0.075422 0.444238 5 29.35 0.456772 0.079420 0.536192 Increasing the dehydration time caused greater loss of water from the sample. Higher concentrations of molasses increased the osmotic pressure in the hypertonic solution, and therefore the driving force for dehydration was higher. The highest water loss (WL) (0.5362 g / g of initial sample weight) was observed in the sample which was dehydrated in molasses with 80% solid content for 5 hours. Table 2 shows the mass transfer rate during the osmotic dehydration as a function of the immersion time and concentration of sugar beet molasses. The results show that the osmotic dehydration was the most intensive at the beginning of the process. The rate of mass reduction, the rate of water loss and the rate of solid gain were the highest during the first hour of the process. Mass transfer rate decreased continuously from the first to the third hour, and after the third hour showed a stabilization tendency. The mass transfer rate was the most intensive when sugar beet molasses with 80% solid content was used as osmotic solution, which can be explained by greater driving force during the process of osmotic dehydration, i.e. by the greater difference between the osmotic pressures of the hypertonic solution and the plant tissue. The objective of osmotic dehydration is the removal of water from plant tissue and, at the same time, minimizing the penetration of substances from the osmotic solution into the vegetable tissue. The increase in the rate of solid gain is directly dependent on the concentration of osmotic solution and inversely proportional to the size of sugar molecules (4, 9).The results of this work indicated that water loss from the samples was faster than the penetration of the solute into the samples (Fig. 2). Broken line in Fig. 2 is a theoretical case which shows the situation when the rate of water loss is equal to the rate of solid gain. The slope of the straight line indicates the ratio of water loss and solid gain rates. During the dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses (40% of dry matter) water loss was 6.6 times faster than the solid gain. 149 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper Table 2. Mass transfer rate during osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses Concentration of molasses, % d. m. Time, (h) Rate of weight reduction, g/(g i.s.w.·s)·105 Rate of solids gain, g/(g i.s.w.·s)·106 Rate of water loss, g/(g i.s.w.·s)·105 40 % 1 4.55 8.87 5.44 3 2.32 5.05 2.82 5 1.46 3.3 1.79 1 5.85 11.9 7.04 3 3.43 6.64 4.09 2.46 60 % 80% 5 2.08 3.37 1 5.96 13.7 7.33 3 3.62 7.41 4.36 5 2.54 4.41 2.98 i.s.w. – initial sample weight y = 0.6603x - 0.4399 R2 = 0.9988 7 y = 0.5606x + 0.3683 R2 = 1 6 y = 0.4688x + 0.9017 R2 = 1 5 4 5 RWL*10 (g/g i.s.w.*s) 8 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 6 RSG*10 (g/g i.s.w.*s) Fig. 2. Comparison of the RWL with the RSG during the process of osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses (● - 40% sugar beet molasses; ■ - 60% sugar beet molasses, ▲ - 80% sugar beet molasses) Typical results of the change of the dehydration parameters (NMC and NSC) for the red cabbage immersed in sugar beet molasses (40%, 60% and 80%) at 55°C are shown in Fig. 3. With increase of the solution concentration, an increase in the dehydration rate was observed. Extensive dehydration took place within the first 3 h, during which the water removal ranged between 30 and 50% of the initial moisture content in the plant tissue. After the third hour, the water diffusion slowed down and for the next two hours the water content was reduced by 3 - 10%. The results of this work indicated that the time of dehydration can be limited to 3 hours. During 5 hours of dehydration there was the diffusion of the solute from the osmotic solution into the plant tissue, although the most 150 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper intensive diffusion took place within the first 3 hours of the process. After the third hour of the process, in the samples dehydrated in sugar beet molasses with 60% and 80% solid content, the increase in solute diffusion was very small, whereas in the sample dehydrated in 40% molasses, the diffusion continued at a greater rate. Lazarides et al. (14) indicated that the diffusion of the solute into the plant tissue can be limited by lowering the temperature to 45 °C, since the selectivity of the semi-permeable cell membrane of plant tissue reduces at the temperatures above 45°C. 0,80 40 % molasses 2,0 0,75 1,9 0,70 1,8 60 % molasses 0,60 0,55 80 % molasses 1,6 80 % molasses 0,50 60 % molasses 0,45 1,7 40 % molasses NSC NMC 0,65 NMC NSC 1,5 1,4 0,40 1,3 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (min) Fig. 3. Influence of dehydration time and concentration of osmotic media on the NMC and NSC parameters The overall mass transfer coefficients for water and solute was determined on the basis of equations 6 and 7 (Fig. 4 and 5). Mass transfer coefficients depend on the temperature and concentration of hypertonic solution. At a constant temperature, the dependence of these coefficients was studied as a function of the duration of immersion time and concentrations of sugar beet molasses. A increase in the mass transfer coefficient was observed for water and solute with increasing concentration of the osmotic solution of sugar beet molasses. The mass transfer coefficient decreased with the immersion time. Higher values of mass transfer coefficients for water in the samples obtained during the first hour of osmotic dehydration can be explained by a higher driving force during the process, i.e. by the higher concentration gradient of moisture in the initial stages of osmotic dehydration, during the diffusion of free water. 151 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper 0.006 0.005 40% sugar beet molasses Kw (s-0.5) 0.004 60% sugar beet molasses 0.003 80% sugar beet molasses 0.002 0.001 0 1 3 5 Time (h) Fig. 4. Mass transfer coefficient for water during osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses at 55°C 0.012 0.01 0.008 Ks (s -0.5 ) 40% sugar beet molasses 60% sugar beet molasses 0.006 80% sugar beet molasses 0.004 0.002 0 1 3 5 Time (h) Fig. 5. Mass transfer coefficient for solute during osmotic dehydration of red cabbage in sugar beet molasses at 55° 152 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940145M UDC:635.34:635.078:664.15:66.012.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 145-154 Original scientific paper CONCLUSION Sugar beet molasses seems to be a osmotic solution suitable for the osmotic dehydration of red cabbage. Higher solution concentration caused higher water loss, higher solids gain and higher mass reduction of red cabbage. Osmotic dehydration was the most intensive in the first hour of dehydration. After 3 hours of dehydration the rate of mass transfer decreased so that the processing time can be limited to 3 hours. About seven times higher was the rate of water loss than the rate of solid gain, which is very desirable in order to avoid the effect of sugar penetration into the sample. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is part of the project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, TR – 20112, 2008-2010. REFERENCES 1. Jokić, A., J. Gyura, Lj. Lević, and Z. Zavargo,: Osmotic dehydration of sugar beet in combined aqueous solutions of sucrose and sodium chloride. Journal of Food Engineering 78 (2007) 47-51. 2. Lević LJ., V. Filipović and T. Kuljanin: Osmotski tretman oblikovanog korena mrkve u saharozi i melasi. Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture 11, 3 (2007), 132-135. 3. Šušić S. and V. Sinobad: Istraživanja u cilju unapređenja industrije šećera Jugoslavije. Hemijska Industrija 43, 1-2 (1989) 10 -21. 4. Kowalska, H. and A. Lenart: Mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of plant tissue. 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У раду су одређени најважнији кинетички параметри процеса: губитак влаге, прираст суве материје, губитак масе, нормални садржај суве материје и нормални садржај влаге. Кинетички параметри процеса су одређени након 1, 3 и 5 сати дехидратације. Коефицијенти преноса масе, одрeђени према моделу Hawkes-а и Flina–а, указују да је дифузија воде и растворка најинтензивнија у прва три сата дехидратације. Received 16 June 2009 Accepted 13 October 2009 154 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper DETERMINATION OF TENSION STRENGTH IN THE LONGITUDINAL AND CIRCUMFERENTIONAL DIRECTION IN GLASS-POLYESTER COMPOSITE PIPES Slaviša S. Putić, Marina R. Stamenović, Branislav B. Bajčeta and Dragana D. Vitković Polymer composite pipes with glass fiber reinforcement have today a wide usage in the chemical and process industries. The basic subject of this paper is the determination and distribution of stresses and strains in longitudinal and circumferentional directions of glass-polyester pipes under tension test. Also, the tension strengths in both directions are determined out. Tension test was performed on an electro-mechanical test machine on flat samples and rings obtained by cutting of pipes produced by the method “Filament winding” with glass fibers reinforcement ±55°. Also, the micromechanical analysis on fracture surfaces was done by SEM, which provided the knowledge about models and mechanisms of fracture on applyed loading. KEY WORDS: Glass-polyester composite pipe, tension test, ring test, micromechanical analysis INTRODUCTION Traditional materials in the chemical and process industries are today successfully replaced by composite materials. More and more pipes, tanks, reservoirs, pressure vessels are made of these materials. The advantages are in relatively small mass with good strentgh/stiffness ratio, good static and dynamic properties, as well as good resistance to corrosion. The basic subject of this paper is to determine distribution of streses and strains in the longitudinal and circumferentional direction of glass-polyester composite pipe of defined construction subjected to tension. The basic hypothesis is that the current standard of choice, design and production of glass-polyester composite pipe does not give enough information about the behavior of pipes during the internal pressure, and this problem is still connected to the individual investigations which are conducted in individual world laboratories. Dr. Slaviša Putić, Assoc. Prof., slavisa@tmf.bg.ac.rs, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Marina Stamenović, M.Sc., Belgrade Polytechnic, Brankova 17, Belgrade, Serbia; Branislav Bajčeta, B. Sc., Dragana Vitković, B. Sc., Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 155 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper An example of research is the paper (1) in which authors studied the dependence of reinforcement angle in polymer composite pipes subjected to internal pressure. The relationship between stress in circumferentional and longitudinal direction (2:1) in the case of different angle of reinforcement has been checked out. Hoffman’s criteria of crack was used. The analysis showed that angle of reinforcement has a great influence on the pipe strength and the optimal value for glass-epoxy, carbon-epoxy, and boron-epoxy composite pipe is approximately 45°÷55° (1). Deviation of this values increase the possibility of finall fracture. There is a resemblance between the paper (2) and presented experiment. Mechanical properties of glass-polyester pipes with angle of reinforcement of ±54° and 90° were tested (2). Experiments were carried out with internal pressure and stresses and strains were measured in the logitudinal and circumferential directions. In (3), the authors also tested composite pipes subjected to internal pressure and found the values of stresses and strains in both directions. Also, they investigated the influence of stress distribution on creeep. The subject of paper (4) is also the determination of stresses and strains in the longitudinal and circumferentional directions, conected with the investigation of crack initiation and propagation. The final result was the knowledge about stress in both directions which does not cause cracks in the pipe and their propagation until the final fracture. EXPERIMENTAL Composite pipes have been fabricated in the lab conditions. The properties of used glass-polyester pipes were given in the official certificates of the particular producers of components. The producers of reinforced glass fibers are A.D. “OHIS” and “Vidoe Smilevski-Bato” from Gostivar (Macedonia) by certificate confirm “E” glass with 1% of alkali. Thermo-reactive resin was used as matrix by the producer “Color”-Medvode (Slovenia). Certificate was given for “COLPOLY 7510” for the type: UP/SOM- highly reactive, with low viscose polyester on the basis of ortophthalic acid and standard glycol. Fig. 1. Scheme of cutting of the test pipes; (left) flat samples R-BR; (right) rings P-BR 156 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper The pipes were made by the method “Filament Winding”, with ±55° angle of glass fibers reinforcement. The specimens for tests, (flat specimens, R-BR, and rings, P-BR), were cut from the samples of pipes according to the standard dimensions, Fig. 1., the flat specimens 250x25(20 gage area)x3.5 mm, and the rings φ70x35x3.5 mm (average values of all tested samples). The cut was done on machine type NC-2010 (Nr 95110, Ar 001) by the tools with diamond top and the moving speed which lowers the heating of the sample. Testing of flat test specimens was done on a servo-hydraulic testing machine SCHENCK TREBEL RM 100, and ring test on the servo-hydraulic testing machine INSTRON 1332 with the controller INSTRON FAST TRACK 80800, using of hydraulic jaws. The testing was defined by standard ASTM D 3039 (5, 6). Six flat test specimens (P-BR) and six rings (R-BR) were tested. Loading was registered with measuring cell of the capacity of 100 kN. Displacements were measured by double extensiometer HOTTINGER DD1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Stress, σ (MPa) During the test the diagrams stress-strains (σ-ε) were plotted, Fig. 2. 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 4 P-BR 1 2 6 3 6 5 2 1 4 3 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 R-BR 3,0 Strain, ε (%) Fig. 2. Comparison of the stress-strain (σ–ε) diagrams from the two tests Tensile strength was calculated according to the Equation [1] for flat test specimens (longitudinal direction), and, according to the Equation [2] for the rings (circumferentional direction): R m ,l = Pmax b⋅d [1] 157 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper R m ,c = Pmax 2 ⋅b ⋅d [2] where: Rm,l, in MPa, is the tensile strength in the longitudinal direction; Rm,c, in MPa, is the tensile strength in the circumferentional direction; Pmax, kN, is the maximal applied load force; b, mm, is the width of test specimen (flat specimens or rings); and d, mm, is the thickness of test specimen (flat specimens or rings). Module of elasticity E(l,c) (GPa) was calculated using Equation [3], and the relationship ΔΡ/Δε was determined by linear regression of rectilinear parts of obtained stressesstrains curves. E( l , c ) = 1 Δσ ΔP = ⋅ Δε Δε 2 ⋅ b ⋅ d [3] Tension strentgh in longitudinal direction (flat samples, R-BR) The calculated values of tensile strength and module of elasticity in the longitudinal direction are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Test results of flat samples Sample R-BR-1 R-BR-2 R-BR-3 R-BR-4 R-BR-5 R-BR-6 Width of test Thickness of test specimen specimen b (mm) d (mm) 16.50 3.62 15.72 3.41 15.45 3.72 13.55 3.48 14.95 3.62 15.15 3.48 Cross section A0 (mm2) 59.73 53.61 57.47 47.15 54.12 52.72 Maximal load force Pmax (kN) 2.74 2.57 2.47 2.08 2.81 2.85 Tensile strength Rm,l (MPa) 46 48 43 44 52 54 Module of elasticity El (GPa) 8.90 8.90 7.54 10.90 12.20 9.75 The relative agreement of the obtained values of maximal load force Pmax can be noticed, except for the test specimen R-BR-4, which is of smaller geometrical dimensions area, and which crashed much earlier than the others during the test. That is the reason why this test specimen has the smallest maximal load force. According to the results of six tested specimens, the average value of tension strength is 47.8 MPa, and the average value of module of elasticity 9.70 GPa. It can be concluded that for this kind of mechanical testing, there is relatively small deviation of measured and average values for tensile strength and module of elasticity. For tension strength minimal deviation is 0.4% for test specimen R-BR-2, maximal 13.0% for test specimen R-BR-6. As for module of elasticity, minimal deviation is 0.5% for test specimen R-BR6, maximal 25.8% for test specimen R-BR-5. The explanation for higher deviation of result of the module of elasticity is the fact that it was relatively more difficult to determine precisely the module elasticity because of the relatively unstable linear part of diagram in Fig. 2 and relatively small starting curve stress-strain (σ–ε). As for the tension strength, it is known that because of the angle of winding fibers and different distribution of tension along the axis of fibers, all the 158 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper fibers are not loaded in the same way. The result of that is the different moment of breaking fibers, that is, some fibers break under lower and some under higher loading (Fig. 3). Fibers that break easier cause disturbance in the zone of breaking and local tensions occur next to the broken fiber, so that it leads to different maximal loading force on the fracture. Important influence of shear components of tension can be seen in the dependence of tension-strain (σ–ε), which is not linear (Fig. 2) for most of composites. Non-linear characteristics occurred on approximately 20÷25% of value of maximal stress. The increase of stress brought to the debonding and cracks between fiber-matrix connection and macro-cracks which cause fracture. The result of that is the break of fibers and local delamination, but pipe still carried out the loading. With further increase of load force, the local deformations were spreading, the whole groups of fibers broke, resulting in progressive delamination and final fracture. The fracture was followed by strong acoustic effect which was a consequence of the break of a great number of fibers. Delamination of layers is certainly a phenomenon of destruction of these test samples. The delamination has the appearance (Fig. 4) which matches the interlaminar shear stress. The confirmation of these conclusions is the SEM micrograph shown in Fig. 5, where under the higher magnification we can see the previously mentioned phenomenon. Fig. 3. Different time of fibers breaking shown by SEM Fig. 4. Delamination of test specimen during the load Fig. 5. Delamination under the interlaminar shear stress; SEM micrograph 159 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper Tension strentgh in circumferentional direction (ring samples, P-BR) The calculated values of tension strength in circumferentional direction and module of elasticity are shown in Table 2. Table 2. The results of testing of all ring samples Sample P-BR-1 P-BR-2 P-BR-3 P-BR-4 P-BR-5 P-BR-6 Width of ring b (mm) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Thickness of ring s (mm) 3.35 3.35 3.25 3.15 3.3 3.45 Cross section 2.b.s (mm2) 234.5 234.5 227.5 220.5 231.0 241.5 Maximal load force Pmax (kN) 19.13 18.47 15.86 19.48 21.47 17.21 Tensile strentgh Rm,c (MPa) 82 79 70 88 93 71 Module of elasticity Ec (GPa) 13.5 13.1 13.0 12.9 13.6 12.8 The relative agreement of the obtained values of maximal load forces Pmax can be seen, except for the test ring specimen P-BR-3, where the smallest value was obtained (Table 2). This ring cracked earlier than the others during the testing, so its calculated tension strength in circumferentional direction is the smallest. It is assumed that because of this there is slightly irregularly set tool inside the ring which caused irregular increase of force, curved ring and earlier crack. The average value of tension strength in the circumferentional direction is 80.5 MPa, and the average module of elasticity 13.2 GPa according to results of six tested rings. Minimal deviation is 1.9% for the ring P-BR-1, maximal 15.2% for the ring P-BR-5. As for the module of elasticity, minimal deviation is 0.8% for the ring P-BR-2, maximal 3.0% for the rings P-BR-5 and P-BR-6. The explanation of the presented results is relatively similar as with flat samples (RBR). For the module of elasticity the fact that it was relatively difficult to determine precisely module of elasticity, because of relatively unstable linear part on the diagram and small starting curving of curve stress-strain (Fig. 2). It must be taken in consideration that the test was done by modified and specific method of testing of rings for tensile strength, so a specially made tools were used. Because of that, there were certain irregularities in the measurements that affected the results. As for the analysis of the break itself, it has to be said that it occurred with a great stretch of ring samples (Fig. 6) and strong acoustic effect. It is characteristic that all tested rings had evident break with cracking of fibers in two directions (conditionally, crossed ±45°). Also, stretching and bursting of fibers is characteristic which can be a consequence of the lack of matrix (Fig. 7). The fibers did not crack on exactly determined surfaces but randomly in all directions. Also, the stresses-strains (σ-ε) curves shown in Fig. 2., are not linear for this testing either. The nonlinearity occurred on approximately 40% of the value of maximal load force. That is also the confirmation of the important participation of shear components of tension. The starting crack initiated in one of the layers by the breaking of connection fiber-matrix or cracking of fiber, which caused increased concentration of tension, was spreading further and caused the occurrence of macro-crack, leaving one group of fibers still together. 160 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper Fig. 6. Straining of rings during the testing Fig. 7. Stretching and bursting of fibers under the lack of matrix With a further increase of the loading and tension of macro-crack spread in the adjacent layers, causing delamination, but the ring still carried out the loading. Delamination is a phenomenon of the destruction of all rings (Fig. 8). Fig. 8. Delamination of rings Comparison and analysis of results of the two tension tests Now we compare and analyze the results obtained in the both tests. Fig. 2 shows comparative stress-strain (σ–ε) diagrams, Fig. 9 the comparative calculated tension strengths and Fig. 10 module of elasticity from both tests. This kind of presentation is justified having in mind the condition of tension in pipes (cylindrical samples) and the fact that in the circumferentional direction there are twice as high stresses compared to the longitudinal direction. In our experiment this ratio is approximately 1.7. On the other hand, it was expected because the structure of composite pipe is neither heterogeneous nor homogenous, and composite materials have different and specific mechanisms of damages and breaking. Some major differences in the values of module of elasticity obtained in the two tests do not exist. It was real to expect that higher values would be obtained for the module of elasticity in the circumferentional direction than for those in the longitudinal direction. In this case their relation is approximately 1.4. 161 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Tension st rength Rm (M Pa) (l, c) Module of elasticity E(l, (GPa ) c) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 Sa 4 m pl 6 3 e 2 1 BR P- 5 R P-B 5 Sa BR R- 4 m pl 3 e 2 1 Fig. 9. Comparative presentation of the tension strength obtained in the two tests BR R- Fig. 10. Comparative presentation of the module of elasticity obtained in the two tests CONCLUSION The aim of the paper was the determination and distribution of streseses in glasspolyester composite pipes in the circumferentional and longitudinal directions. Also, the tension strentgh in both directions were calculated. In the previously standard tests, performed on flat test specimens and rings, these properties were determined to get some starting points for further tests. Fig. 2 can be used to explain the mechanisms of damage and crack behavior during the loading in both tension tests. The nonlinearity of diagram stress-strain was found (σ–ε) in both tests. It occurred at approximately 20÷25% of value of the maximal load force for samples R-BR and 40% for samples P-BR. This nonlinearity occurred in the first part of the curve, but it is continued in the whole process. The decrease of the curve slope occurred with increase of tension load in both tests. Thus, based on Fig. 2 the following conclusion can be drawn: 1. Linear part at the beginning of the curve for samples R-BR is much lower than for samples P-BR. Besides the determination of the curve defining the module of elasticity is difficult. As a result, maximal deviations of the calculated modules of elasticity for R-BR was much higher (25.8% compared to 3.0%). The cause of this nonlinearity in the beginning shows the fact that because of tension in the longitudinal direction sliping of fibers occurred, and this caused first cracks between the fibers and matrix and creation of zones of increased concentration of tension. On the other hand, during the streching of rings strength of wound fibers was higher and they carried the loading; 2. We can explain the fact that the curve slope and values of tension strength of the samples P-BR are higher than for samples R-BR. During the loading of samples P-BR the matrix was streching until it cracked, which the wound fibers where 162 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940155P 3. UDC: 678.7+666.189.21:539.41 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 155-163 Original scientific paper carrying the loading. The crack appeared on the thickness of the ring, but the following layers took over the loading. The case of samples R-BR is different, and with these curves in the second, growing part, slight curving was seen. It can be concluded that even at a higher tension, there is seen almost linearity (to approximately 90% of maximal tension). This means that after the first cracks there was dominant shear stress which caused progressive delaminating and gradually, but equally lead to the final crack; It is obvious that samples P-BR have higher tension strentgh, but also withstand higher strains. REFERENCES 1. Ni, Ai-Qing; Zhu, Yi-Wen; Wang, Ji-Hui: Effects of winding angle on the strength of composite pipe under internal pressure. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 28, 3 (2006) 10-13. 2. Karpuz, P. : Mechanical Characterization Of Filament Wound Composite Tubes By Internal Pressure Testing, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Ankara (2005) 104. 3. Guan, Z. W., Boot, J. 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Испитивање затезањем је изведено на електромеханичким кидалицама на равним узорцима и прстеновима сеченим од цеви произведених методом намотавања, са намотавањем стакленог ојачања под углом ±55°. Микромеханичка анализа је изведена на површинама прелома коришћењем СЕМ, на основу које су претпостављени модели и механизми настанка лома услед примењених оптерећења. Received 22 July 2009 Accepted 22 September 2009 163 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper THE USE OF L-ASCORBIC ACID IN SPECIATION OF ARSENIC COMPOUNDS IN DRINKING WATER Aleksandar R. Stanić, Saša I. Jovanić, Nikola J. Marjanović and Zvonimir J. Suturović1 Arsenic speciation, besides total arsenic content determination, is very important in analysis of water, foodstuffs, and environmental samples, because of varying degrees of toxicity of different species. For such purpose hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry can be used based on the generation of certain types of hydride, depending on the pH value and pretreatment in different reaction media. In this study, we have investigated the effect of L-ascorbic acid as the reaction medium as well as the pre-reducing agent in speciation of arsenic by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry in order to determine monomethyl arsonic acid (MMA) in the presence of inorganic forms of arsenic. KEY WORDS: Total arsenic, speciation, L-ascorbic acid, atomic absorption spectrometry, hydride generation INTRODUCTION Although content of arsenic in lithosphere (without atmosphere and hydrosphere) is relatively low (5·10-4 mass %) (1), high toxicity of arsenic demands continuous determination of total arsenic as well as its different species in the environment. Reported concentrations of arsenic in soil are between 0.1 and 40 mg kg-1 (2), while in non-contaminated soil average concentration is 5- 6 mg kg-1 (3,4). By using arsenic based pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation, fossil fuel burning, disposal of industrial and other waste products, humans are exposed to the action of arsenic in the environment (5). Arsenic concentration in the parts of plants used for human nutrition is usually low, even when grown on contaminated ground (6), despite the fact that higher concentrations are found in plants grown on contaminated soil near mines and smelteries (7-10). Monomethyl arsonic acid (MMA) and dimethyl arsinic acid (DMA) are better absorbed and also better assimilated (incorporated) by plants than arsenic inorganic compounds (11). Arsenic concentration in marine water systems is in the range of 2 - 3 μg/l (12), while in marine organisms it is in the range of 1-30 mg kg-1 of arsenic (13) as arsenobetaine (14). Rivers, lakes and groundAleksandar R. Stanić, B.Sc., Saša I. Jovanić, M.Sc., Institute of Public Health, Zmaj Jovina 30, 24000 Subotica, Serbia; Dr. Nikola J. Marjanović, Prof., Dr. Zvonimir J. Suturović, Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulеvar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 165 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper water contain up to 100 μg/l of arsenic, drinking water of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India contains more than 100 μg/l of arsenic (15). Arsenic is one of the elements of public concern because of its highly toxic and carcinogenic properties (I group) (16-19). Exposure to arsenic can cause a variety of adverse health effects, including dermal, respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal changes. Also, arsenic is genotoxic and mutagenic (20, 21). Inorganic forms are highly toxic, and arsenite is apparently more toxic than arsenate. The methylated organic species (MMA) and (DMA) are less toxic than the inorganic forms (20, 22, 23). The Serbian Regulation on Hygienic Propriety of Drinking Water (25), European Union regulation (Directive EU 98/83/EC), directive of WHO (World Health Organization) and EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) prescribe maximum contaminant level of arsenic in drinking water of 10 μg/l. However, these standards define only total arsenic MRL (Maximum Residue Level), regardless of arsenic forms and without request of arsenic speciation. Besides, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in toxicological profile for arsenic, specifies the level of 0.3 μg/kg of inorganic form per day, as a limit under which there are no toxic effects in case of human oral consumption longer than one year (24). Arsenic speciation can be very important in the analysis of water, foodstuffs, and environmental samples, besides of total arsenic analysis. Possible method used in the speciation of arsenic compounds is atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation, and it is based on the generation of certain types of hydride, depending on the pH value and pretreatment in different reaction media. The aim of this work was to explore the impact and the possible use of L-ascorbic acid as the reaction medium and the pre-reducing agent for hydride generation of different arsenic compounds in the process of speciation, in order to determine MMA in the presence of inorganic forms of arsenic. Until now L-ascorbic acid was used as a chemical agent for arsenic preservation and stabilization in samples with arsenic concentrations 1mg/ml (30, 45, 46). L-ascorbic acid is also used as pre-reducing agent for the determination of total arsenic and total inorganic forms [As(III) and As(V)], in the presence of thiourea (28, 31) or in combination with KI (33, 34, 36, 38). In other cases, mixture of L-ascorbic acid and KI was used for reduction of inorganic As(V) and organic compound arsenic MMA by using cryogenic or HPLC separation (26, 27, 29, 32, 37). Anderson et al. (44) reported KI utilization in the determinations of total inorganic arsenic forms. In this paper, results of the study on the effect of L-ascorbic acid as the reaction medium and the pre-reducing agent are given. To the best of our knowledge, there are no data about the L-ascorbic acid usage in the determination of MMA in the presence of inorganic forms of arsenic by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry. EXPERIMENTAL All chemicals were of analytical grade unless otherwise specified. Water used was obtained from a purification system (Elga) and the conductivity of reagent water was 0.05 μS cm-1. The arsenic stock solutions were prepared as follows: 1 mg/ml As(V) (As2O5·2H2O in H2O) (Carlo Erba Analytical), 6.6495 mg/ml NaAsO2 (Merck), 1mg/ml MMA and 0.039376g original solid disodium methyl arsonate hexahydrate >99% (Chem 166 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper Service) were dissolved in 10 ml reagent water; 1mg/ml DMA and 0.028568g original solid sodium cacodylat trihydrat >98% (Fluka) were dissolved in 10 ml reagent water. Working standard solutions were prepared daily by diluting appropriate volumes of stock solution in reagent water. Sodium hydroxide p.a. (Zorka Pharma), sodium tetrahydroborate p.a. (Fluka), hydrochloric acid 37% (Merck), potassium iodide p.a. (Fluka), L-ascorbic acid p.a. (Zorka Pharma). Reagent water without detected presence of arsenic compounds and drinking water with 3 and 4 μg/l of total arsenic were used as samples. Analyses were performed on an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Shimadzu AA-680 with Hydride Vapour Generation (HVG-1 3 channels, Shimadzu) connected to the instrument. The sample solutions were pumped into a manifold where they reacted with acid and sodium tetrahydroborate solution. Using nitrogen, the generated arsines were swept to a gas-liquid separator and then to a heated T-shaped absorption cell. The possibility of using L-ascorbic acid in speciation of As(V) and MMA in drinking water was investigated on three channels system with peristaltic pump (HVG-1) for hydride generation. Through the channel for the sample aspiration, water solutions of arsenic compounds or solutions of arsenic compounds with hydrochloric acid, L-ascorbic acid or KI were introduced. Hydrochloric acid was introduced through the second channel and through the third channel reduction solution of sodium tetrahydroborate. After appropriate investigation and statistical treatment (“t”-test), calibration curve was made using standard solution of As(III). During the determination of MMA it was necessary to wait longer for the hydride generation and extended washing of hydride system was also necessary. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During investigation of the influence of L-ascorbic acid on hydride generation, through channel for acid were introduced different concentrations of L-ascorbic acid. The effect of 1-10% L-ascorbic acid on the absorbance signals, in the absence or presence of HCl in sample is shown in Fig. 1. The absorption signals of As(III) and DMA increased with the increase of L-ascorbic acid concentration, while the response for As(V) and MMA was low, caused by the different degrees of protonation of arsenic compounds. Protonation and the formation of arsines are pH dependent. The pK values of arsenite-As(III), arsenate-As(V), MMA and DMA, are 9.23, 2.25, 2.60, 6.19, respectively (47). Under these conditions reduction products (arsines) appear, AsH3 from arsenite-As(III) and arsenate-As(V) (boiling point 55ºC), CH3AsH2 from MMA (boiling point 2ºC) and (CH3)2AsH from DMA (boiling point 35.6ºC) (47). All obtained signals were lower than in case when hydrochloric acid was used in hydride generation as reported previously (27). The obtained results were similar to those obtained by applying the other organic acids like oxalic acid, acetic acid, tartaric and citric acid. They were also in accordance with the investigation of Anderson et al. (44). In the case when HCl was present in the sample, higher values of analytical signals (Fig. 1, dashed line) were obtained and maximum values of relative sensitivity were obtained when lower concentrations of L-ascorbic acid was used (Fig. 1). 167 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper DMA MMA A s (III) A s (V ) D M A + 0 .1 m o l/l H C L M M A + 0 .1 m o l/l H C L A s (III)+ 0 .1 m o l/l H C L A s (V )+ 0 .1 m o l/l H C L 120 100 80 Abs 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -2 0 L -a s c o r b i c a c id m a s s c o n c e n tr a tio n (% ) Fig. 1. Effect of L-ascorbic acid concentration on the absorption signals of As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA. Three-channel system: the first channel with sample of arsenic (10 μg/l As each) in water (dashed line, sample in 0.1 mol/l HCl), the second channel with different concentrations of L-ascorbic acid and the third channel with 0.4% NaBH4 in 0.5% NaOH Similar effect was observed in the case when KI was added as pre-reducing agent in the samples (Fig. 2). There was no reduction of arsenic(V) compounds and MMA, because pH value was not sufficiently low. MMA was reduced partially when KI and 0.1 mol/dm3 HCl were added to the sample (Fig. 2, dashed line). Because of the relatively high pH value, the reduction of As(V) practically was not observed. D M A M M A A s (III) A s (V ) D M A + 0 . 1 m o l/ l H C l M M A + 0 . 1 m o l/l H C l A s ( I I I) + 0 . 1 m o l/l H C l A s ( V ) + 0 . 1 m o l/l H C l 100 80 Abs 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -2 0 L - a s c o r b ic a c id m a s s c o n c e n tr a tio n (% ) Fig. 2. Effect of L-ascorbic acid concentration on the absorption signals of As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA. Three-channel system: the first channel with sample of arsenic (10 μg/l As each) + 1.5ml 40% KI in water (dashed line, sample in 0.1 mol/l HCl), the second channel with different concentrations of L-ascorbic acid and the third channel with 0.4% NaBH4 in 0.5% NaOH 168 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper The effect of potassium iodide concentration on the degree of As(III), As(V), DMA and MMA reduction, without or with L-ascorbic acid (Fig. 3, dashed line), was studied. KI concentration varied within the range of 0.5-3% and results of this experiment are shown in Fig. 3. As(III) is the reduction form of arsenic and the presence of KI or Lascorbic acid has no efect on reduction and generation of its hydride. In the presence of L-ascorbic acid, DMA was not reduced, neither hydride was generated, because the pH value of the solution was too low. In the absence of L-ascorbic acid in the sample, reduction of MMA was low or there was no reduction, while when L-ascorbic acid was added, reduction of MMA was complete. Reduction of As(V) was complete in the presence of L-ascorbic acid. Similar results were obtained by Anderson et al. for As(III) and As(V) in the absence of L-ascorbic acid (44). These characteristics of As(V) and MMA were used for the arsenic speciation, in order to determine MMA in the presence of inorganic forms of arsenic. The results of this investigation has shown that very good arsenic reduction was obtained when the KI concentration was about 1.5 %. Burguera et al. in their investigation (47) reported similar observations. 280 M M A +KI A s (V )+ K I A s (III )+ K I D M A+KI M M A + K I+ L -a s c o rb ic a c id A s (V )+ K I+ L -a s c o rb ic a c id A s (III)+ K I+ L -a s c o rb ic a c id D M A + K I+ L -a s c o rb ic a c id 230 Abs 180 130 80 30 -2 0 0 0 ,5 1 1 ,5 2 2 ,5 3 3 ,5 % KI Fig. 3. Effect of KI mass concentration on the absorption signals of As(III), As(V), DMA and MMA. Three-channel system: the first channel with sample arsenic (20 μg/l As each) + different concentration KI in 2 mol/l HCl (dashed line, sample with Lascorbic acid), the second channel with 5 mol/l HCl and the third channel with 0.4% NaBH4 in 0.5% NaOH The influence of the time needed for complete reduction of As (V) and MMA under optimized experimental conditions is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows that at least 10 minutes were needed for the complete reduction of MMA and about 40 minutes for arsenate-As(V). DMA was not reduced, neither hydride was generated, because of the solution pH value (42, 44). 169 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper MMA A s(V ) A s(III) DM A 280 230 Abs 180 130 80 30 -2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 tim e (m in ) Fig. 4. Effect of time needed for reduction with KI on the absorption signals of As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA. Three-channel system: the first channel with sample arsenic (20 μg/l As each) + 1ml 40% KI + 1ml 5% L-ascorbic acid in 2 mol/l HCl, the second channel with 5 mol/l HCl and the third channel with 0.4% NaBH4 in 0.5% NaOH MMA As(III) As(V) DMA 280 A-0,6%NaBH4+0,1mol/l HCl B-0,6%NaBH4+5 mol/l HCl C-0,4%NaBH4+0,1mol/l HCl D-0,4%NaBH4+5 mol/l HCl 230 Abs 180 130 80 30 -20 A B C D combination NaBH4-HCl Fig. 5. Effect of different reaction media on the generation of arsines of As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA. Three-channel system: the first channel with sample of arsenic (20 μg/l As each) + 0.125ml 40% KI in 5 mol/l HCl, the second and third channels are described as A, B, C and D 170 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper In an attempt to find optimal experimental conditions under which L-ascorbic acid was used in process of speciation of As(V) and MMA, four experimental conditions were applied (A, B, C and D) as shown in Fig. 5. Under condition of “D” (Fig. 5), MMA signal was low. The condition “D” was used for the determination of total inorganic arsenic [As(III) and As(V)], despite of the presence of L-ascorbic acid. In the case when Lascorbic acid was added, MMA was determined too. Concentration of MMA was obtained as the difference between As(III)+As(V)+MMA in the presence of KI and L-ascorbic acid and As(III)+As(V) in the presence of KI only. Namely, the aim was to obtain minimal value of the analytical signal of MMA, not the maximal difference between the analytical signals of MMA and of inorganic arsenic compounds. Using appropriate conditions developed in this study, two different samples were analyzed (reagent and drinking water). Under investigated conditions As(III) was completely reduced and its hydryde was generated, while hydride was not generated in case of DMA (because of low pH) and only the content of As(V) and MMA were determined. As(III) and DMA behave equally both in the presence and in the absence of L-ascorbic acid, so investigation under chosen conditions had no effect. The results are shown in Table 1. After separate examination of all standard solutions (As(III), As(V) and MMA) for calibration curves construction and after the conduction of “t”-test (ttab=2.10, degree of freedom was 18, number of replicate was n=10, α=0.05), for calibration range of 0.004-0.018 mg/l t value of 0.21-2.07 was obtained. Values of “t”-test indicate that there is no significant difference between the previously mentioned standard solutions, so As(III) was chosen for the calibration curves definition. Table 1. Results for water samples, % recovery and % RSD Sample typea Analyzed speciesb RW DW RW RW DW RW DW As(V) As(V) As(V) As(V)+MMA As(V)+MMA As(V)+MMA As(V)+MMA Total arsenic concentration (ppb) before spiking 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 Added (ppb) As(V) 8.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 MMA 8.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 Total arsenic concentration (ppb) after spiking 8.1 10.5 3.7 14.0 17.7 7.3 11.7 Recoveryc (%) (n=5) RSD (%) (n=5) 101.3 88.8 92.5 87.6 89.1 90.7 92.1 1.2 2.4 2.0 1.3 1.3 2.1 2.7 a- RW-reagent water and DW- drinking water, b- reaction media is D (Fig. 5); for determination As(V) only KI is added, for determination As(V)+MMA KI+L-ascorbic acid are added, c-recovery of analyzed species Results reported in this study showed that the recovery of added spike was 82-101% and RSD (%) was 3.6, which are acceptable results for this level of content (ppb). It was confirmed that the addition of L-ascorbic acid to the samples as the pre-reducing agent enables the arsine generation from MMA and it was shown that these analyses can be used in speciation of arsenic compounds. Ascorbic acid is frequently applied as a prereductant for As(V) and MMA together with iodide in order to prevent the liberation of 171 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940165S UDC: 628.1.033:628.16:546.19:577.164.2 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 165-175 Original scientific paper iodine. The influence of ascorbic acid on the generation of hydrides of various arsenic species has not been previously studied in detail. In reference (35) it was mentioned that there is a possibility that this phenomenon is the result of better protonation in the presence of L-ascorbic acid or easier approach of the pre-reducing agent (KI) to methylated arsenic compounds. It is evident that in the process of reduction agent iodine was made and it was reduced with L-ascorbic acid into iodide, which entered into the process of reduction of arsenic compounds again. The detailed conclusions about the L-ascorbic acid influence could be obtained by the investigations of kinetics of these chemical reactions. Based on the results obtained by the determination of As(V) and MMA in water samples it can be concluded that L-ascorbic acid can be used as the reaction medium and the pre-reducing agent for hydride generation of different arsenic compounds in the process of speciation, in order to determine MMA in the presence of inorganic forms of arsenic. REFERENCES 1. Arsenijević, S.: Opšta i neorganska hemija, Naučna knjiga, Beograd (1986) p. 82. 2. Kabata-Pendias, A.: Trace Elements in Soils and Plants, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000) p. 225. 3. Bowen H.J.M.: Environmental Geochemistry of The Elements, Academic Press, New York (1979) p. 333. 4. 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Burguera, J.L., M. Burguera, C. Rivas and P. Carrero: On-line cryogenic trapping with microwave heating for the determination and speciation of arsenic by flow injection-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta 45 (1998) 531–542. 48. Chanthai, S., N. Suwamat, C. Ruangviriyachai and P. Danvirutai: Speciation Analysis of Arsenic (III), Arsenic (V) and Total Arsenic by Continuous Flow HG-AAS in Thai Fruit Wines and Distilled Spirits. ASEAN Food Journal 14 (2007) 181-196. ПРИМЕНА Л-АСКОРБИНСКЕ КИСЕЛИНЕ ПРИ ОДРЕЂИВАЊУ РАЗЛИЧИТИХ ОБЛИКА АРСЕНА У ВОДИ ЗА ПИЋЕ Александар Р. Станић, Саша И. Јованић, Никола Ј. Марјановић и Звонимир Ј. Сутуровић Приликом анализе различитих врста узорака вода, животних намирница и узорака из животне средине, указује се потреба да се осим одређивања садржаја укупног арсена изведе и одређивање различитих облика арсена. Атомска апсорпциона спектрометрија са грађењем хидрида је метода којом је могуће одредити различите облике арсена применом различитих услова стварања хидрида. Л-аскорбинска киселина се може употребити као реакциони медијум, односно као прередукциони агенс у стварању хидрида арсена током специјације. Циљ овог рада је да се испита могућност коришћења Л-аскорбинске киселине при одређивању органског облика арсена, монометил арсонске киселине (ММА), у води за пиће у присуству неорганског арсена (Аs(III) и As(V)). Received 18 May 2009 Accepted 28 July 2009 175 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper TREATMENT OF SUGAR BEET THICK JUICE SPENT WASH BY CHEMICAL AND NATURAL COAGULANTS Marina B. Šćiban, Mile T. Klašnja and Mirjana G. Antov The possibility of treatment of wastewater from bioethanol production by aluminium sulfate and natural coagulant extracted from common bean seed was studied. The highest coagulation activity at pH 6.5 is reached with analum dose of 1 g/l, but only a little lower coagulation activities were obtained by the dose of 0.05 and 0.10 g/l, which is more favourable for economic and environmental reasons. When natural coagulant from common bean was applied the highest coagulation activity, 14.3%, at pH 6.5 is reached with a dose of 0.5 ml/l. However, when common bean natural coagulant was used simultaneously with alum, the highest turbidity removal resulting in 24% coagulation activity was achieved and this was more efficient than when alum or natural coagulant were used. KEY WORDS: Tick juice stillage; coagulation; alum; natural coagulants INTRODUCTION Sugar beet and intermediates from beet-processing are very good raw materials for bioethanol production, due to their content of fermentable sugars which can be directly used for fermentation without any pretreatment. Molasses is a traditional raw material for distilleries, but it is not sufficient for bioethanol production as a fuel. Raw extraction juice has the lowest price from beet-processing intermediates, but its disadvantage is low storability. Thick juice is more expensive than extraction juice but its storability is excellent, that is comparable with molasses (1). Effluent originating after alcohol distillation, known as distillery wastewater, spent wash, stillage, and so on, is highly loaded and causes extensive soil and water pollution. The production and characteristics of spent wash are highly variable and dependent on feedstock and various aspects of the ethanol production process. For example, an average molasses based distillery generates 15 L of spent wash per 1 L of ethanol produced (2). Elimination of pollutants from distillery effluent is becoming increasingly important from the environmetal point of view. Due to the large volume of these effluent and presence of certain hardly biodegradable compounds, the treatment of this stream is rather chalDr. Marina B. Šćiban, Assoc. Prof., msciban@uns.ac.rs, Dr. Mile T. Klašnja, Prof., Dr. Mirjana G. Antov, Assoc. Prof., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, 21000 Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, Serbia 177 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper lenging by conventional methods. Therefore, to improve the existing treatments, a number of novel phisico-chemical and biological treatments have been conducted (3). The main objective of the present study is preliminary investigation of the usage of aluminium sulfate and/or natural coagulants from common bean, in the treatment of thick juice spent wash. Aluminium sulfate (alum) an inorganic salt is the most widely used coagulant in water and wastewater treatment. The disadvantage of this process is the presence of aluminium in the obtained sludge, which causes further environmental problems. Moreover, the obtained sludge can not be used as a feed. Our previous studies indicated the ability of extract from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed to act as a natural coagulant (4). In this study, common bean natural coagulant will be investigated for its suitability to substitute alum in thick juice spent wash treatment. EXPERIMENTAL Wastewater Wastewater was collected from the Laboratory for ethanol and yeast, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad, after bioethanol production experiments (1). The characteristics of wastewaters are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Typical characteristic of thick juice spent wash Parameter pH Settleable matter (ml/l) Suspended solids - SS (mg/l) Total solids - TS (mg/l) Total fixed residue at 550 oC (mg/l) Total volatile residue (mg/l) Chemical oxygen demand - COD (mgO2/l) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen - TKN (mg/l) Range 4.68 – 4.85 1.8 – 3.5 8540 - 9815 31900 - 32830 2937 - 3200 28963 - 29630 85230 - 90000 980 - 1005 Average value 4.74 2.5 9322 32345 3150 29220 87600 995 It can be seen from Table 1 that the thick juice spent wash is highly acidic in nature, and highly loaded with organic matter. It contains high suspended solids, making about 30% of total solids. These suspended solids have poor settleability, which is indicated by very small amount of settleable matter. Analysis of the data demonstrated that the thick juice spent wash has a little better characteristics than molasses spent wash (5, 6) - the large advantage of thick juice spent wash is that it does not contain coloured pigments. Because these pigments are hardly biodegradable, thick juice spent wash is much easier for treatment than the molasses one. Coagulants Al2(SO4)3x18H2O (alum) was used as 5% sollution. Natural coagulants were obtained in this way: white common bean seeds were ground and sieved through the sieve with pore size of 0.4 mm. An amount of 10 g/l of a smaller fraction was suspended in 0.5 mol/l NaCl solution. This suspension was stirred for 10 minutes on a magnetic stirrer in 178 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper order to extract active coagulant components. After that, the suspension was filtered through arugged filter paper. The obtained filtrate - crude extract was stored in a fridge at 5ºC. Coagulation test Jar test was carried out to evaluate coagulation activity of alum and natural coagulant. A volume of 100 ml of wastewater was filled in four 500 ml bakers. Before coagulation the pH was adjusted by 1 mol/l NaOH or 1 mol/l HCl to a desired value. The coagulants were added to the beakers at different doses, and the content was stirred at 200 rpm for 1 minute. The stirring speed was then reduced to 80 rpm and was kept for 30 minutes. Then, the suspensions were left to allow sedimentation. After 1 hour of sedimentation, an aliquot of 10 ml of clarified sample was collected from the top of the beaker and pH and COD were determinated. The residual COD of sample was CODS. The same coagulation test was performed with no coagulant as the blank. The residual COD in the blank was CODB. Coagulation activity was calculated as follows: Coagulation activity (%) = 100⋅(CODB – CODS)/CODB [1] Analytical methods pH, settleable matter, suspended solids, total solids, total fixed residue at 550 oC, COD and TKN were analyzed in conformity to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (7). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Coagulation with alum As the first step in our investigation was studied the influence of pH and alum dose on efficiency of the coagulation-flocculation process. Table 2 shows theeffect of different doses of alum on the coagulation activity at the original wastewater pH of 4.64. The application of alum at the original wastewater pH was not appropriate because of the very low coagulation activity achieved. This might be expected considering that recommended pH range for alum application is from 5.5 to 7. Because of that, the pH value of wastewater was adjusted to 6.50 before coagulation. The results of these experiments are presented in Table 3. Table 3 shows an important improving of removing of colloidal particles from investigated wastewater by alum. The highest coagulation activity at pH 6.5 is achieved with analum dose of 1 g/l, but only a little lower coagulation activities were obtained by doses of 0.05 and 0.10 g/l. Coagulation with low alum dose is very favourable because of lower treatment costs and lower aluminium concentration in the obtained sludge. 179 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper Table 2. Effect of alum dosage on coagulation activity at pH 4.64 Alum dosage (g/l) 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.250 0.500 * Coagulation activity (%) 3.99 3.99 NE* NE NE pH of water after treatment 4.65 4.64 4.64 4.62 4.58 No effect Table 3. Effect of alum dosage on coagulation activity at pH 6.50 Alum dosage (g/l) 0.013 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.250 0.500 1.000 2.000 3.000 * Coagulation activity (%) 7.94 NE* 10.70 10.70 8.02 NE 3.78 12.30 NE 4.23 pH in water after treatment 6.50 6.50 6.45 6.40 6.37 6.31 6.14 5.93 5.52 5.25 No effect In the further experiment, natural coagulant was added solely to wastewater at pH 6.50. The optimum pH for coagulation with natural coagulants from common bean was above 9 (Šćiban et al., 2005), but the adjusment to this pH requires large amount of an alkaline solution, and this pH is not appropriate for alum coagulation. Table 4 shows the effect of different doses of natural coagulants on the coagulation activity at pH 6.50. The highest coagulation activity of natural coagulants at pH 6.5 is achieved with a dose of 0.5 ml/l, and only a little lower coagulation activity was obtained at a dose of 0.25 ml/l; to obtaine these doses of natural coagulant it was necessary to extract 5 mg and 2.5 mg common bean seed, respectively. Table 4. Effect of natural coagulant dosage on coagulation activity at pH 6.50 Natural coagulant dosage (ml/l) 0.250 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.00 * Coagulation activity (%) 10.9 14.3 NE* 5.8 NE NE No effect In the next experiments, the effect of natural coagulant doses was investigated with simultaneous addition of fixed dose of alum 0.05 g/l (Fig. 1). 180 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper Coagulation activity (%) 30 25 with 0.05 g/l of alum 20 with natural coagulant 15 10 with alum + natural coagulant 5 0 0.25 0.5 1.0 Natural coagulant dose (ml/l) Fig. 1. Effect of natural coagulant dosage on coagulation activity at pH 6.50, with addition of 0.05 g/l of alum Very good removal efficiency of organic matter from water was achieved when alum and natural coagulant were applied in combination 0.05 g/l and 0.25 ml/l, respectively. Moreover, when common bean natural coagulant was used simultaneously with alum, the higher turbidity removal was achieved in comparison to sole application of alum or natural coagulant. Although the coagulation activity achieved might seem relatively low at the first sight, the maximal achievable coagulation activity in this wastewater can be about 32% (see ratio suspended solids : total volatile residues from Table 1). CONCLUSION When natural coagulant from common bean was applied for wastewater treatment, more efficient removal of suspended solids was achieved. According to the results, common bean could be used as a substitute for conventional chemical coagulants such as alum. The highest coagulation activity was obtained when natural coagulant and alum were added to wastewater simultaneously. Regarding its biodegradability, food grade and renewable nature, common bean has a bright future as a source of coagulant for both water and wastewater treatment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The financial support of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project No. 20009) is greatly acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. Dodić S., S. Popov, J. Dodić, J. Ranković, Z. Zavargo and R. Jevtić Mučibabić: Bioethanol production from thick juice as intermediate of sugar beet processing. Biomass Bioenergy 33 (2009) 822-827. 2. Beltran F.J., P.M. Alvarez, E.M. Rodrigez, J.F. Garcia-Araya and J. Rivas: Treatment of high strength distillery wastewater (cherry stillage) by integrated aerobic biological oxidation and ozonation. Biotechnol. Progress 61 (2001) 462-467. 181 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940177S UDC: 628.3.034.2:664.1:628.345 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 177-182 Original scientific paper 3. Pant D. and A. Adholeya: Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater: A review. Biores. Technol. 98 (2007) 2321-2334. 4. Šćiban, M., M. Klašnja and J. 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Најбоља коагулациона активност је постигнута на рН 6,5 са дозом алуминијум сулфата од 1 g/l, а само нешто мање коагулационе активности су остварене са дозама од 0,05 и 0,1 g/l, што је веома погодно како са економског, тако и са становишта заштите животне средине. Када је примењен само природни коагулант на рН 6,5, постигнута је коагулациона активност од 14,3% са дозом од 0,5 ml/l. Када се природни коагулант применио истовремено са алуминијум сулфатом, постигнута је највећа коагулациона активност од 24%, која је боља од коагулационих активности постигнутих појединачном применом алуминијум сулфата и природног коагуланта. Received 25 August 2009 Accepted 6 October 2009 182 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper SIMPLE CORRELATIONS FOR BUBBLE COLUMNS AND DRAFT TUBE AIRLIFT REACTORS WITH DILUTE ALCOHOL SOLUTIONS Ivana M. Šijački, Radmilo R. Čolović, Milenko S. Tokić and Predrag S. Kojić Simple empirical correlations were developed to predict gas holdup, liquid circulation time, downcomer liquid velocity and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in dilute alcohol solutions in bubble columns and draft tube airlift reactors with single orifice sparger. Also, new experiments were conducted with diluted alcohol solutions to n-octanol, expanding the experimental data from C1 up to C8. The proposed empirical correlations include, beside the superficial gas velocity, the alcohol chain length as the only factor to characterize the liquid phase. The suggested correlations have shown good agreement between the calculated and the experimental data. KEY WORDS: Bubble columns, draft tube airlift reactors, dilute alcohol solutions, hydro-dynamics, mass transfer INTRODUCTION Bubble columns and airlift reactors have important applications as bioreactors (in biomass production or production of different metabolites), as chemical reactors and as contactors in the wastewater treatments. In these contactors, the properties of the liquid phase strongly affect hydrodynamics, bubble behavior and mass transfer rates. Dilute alcohol solutions are important, as the liquid phase. They can be used to simulate the liquid phase behavior in bioreactors and in coal liquefaction (1). The only property of these solutions, which differs considerably from water, is their surface tension (2). The influence of alcohols on the gas holdup is proportional to their concentration and to the length of the carbon chain in the alcohol molecule, in the bubble column (BC) (1, 3), continuous BC (1), external loop airlift reactor (EL-ALR) (4), draft tube air lift reactor (DT-ALR) (5,6) and split rectangular airlift reactor (SR-ALR) (7). Also, the addition of alcohol influences volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa). The increase in both the alcohol concentration and the length of the straight chain of alcohol molecule results in the increase of kLa, in the BC (3), the EL-ALR (4) and in the DT-ALR (5,6). Ivana M. Šijački, B. Sc., isijacki@uns.ac.rs, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Radmilo R. Čolović, B. Sc., Food Institute, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Milenko S. Tokić, B. Sc., Predrag S. Kojić, B. Sc., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia 183 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper Only a few studies on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in dilute alcohol solutions in bubble columns and draft tube airlift reactors with single orifice sparger have been published, so far (3, 5, 6, 8). The correlations for prediction of gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient were proposed in various forms based on investigations in different systems. Some of the correlations can be used for predicting hydrodynamics and mass transfer in aqueous solutions of alcohols with an acceptable error (3, 5, 6, 9). In deriving the correlation, the main issue was choosing a representative characteristic of the liquid phase. In the case of addition of alcohols, it is obvious that the only physical property that is to be different from water is the surface tension (3, 5, 9), as the change in viscosity and density is negligible, or the surface tension gradient can be used in correlations (6, 10), in order to include the effect of solution concentration on physical properties. The aim of this paper was to propose simple correlations that could be used to predict the main characteristics: gas holdup, liquid circulation time, downcomer liquid velocity and volumetric mass transfer coefficient, in BCs and DT-ALR, with aqueous solutions of alcohols and with a single orifice sparger as a gas distributor. In order to improve the correlations and validate their form, the existing experimental data (3, 5, 6, 8) were broadened by additional experiments, conducted in DT-ALR with dilute alcohol solutions from methanol to n-octanol. The concentration of each alcohol was chosen based on the research of Keitel (11), as the value of the upper limiting concentration. It has been shown that increasing alcohol concentration above the limiting value, only enhances the bubble coalescence and liquid phase frothing (2, 8), with no major influence on hydrodynamics. In case of isopropanol, the concentration is chosen equal to n-propanol. EXPERIMENTAL The experiments were conducted at 20±1°C and atmospheric pressure in a glass DT-ALR, with geometrical details presented in Fig. 1. The air, sparged through a single orifice into the draft tube, was used as the gas phase. Tap water and diluted alcohol solutions from methanol to n-octanol were used as the liquid phase. The concentrations of the alcohols and the physical properties of the liquid phase at 20°C are summarized in Table 1. Densities of liquids were measured by a densitometer AP PAAR DMA46 with ±0.1 kg/m3 accuracy. Surface tensions of liquid phases were obtained by tensiometer (Torsion Balance Model OS) with ±0.0001 N/m accuracy. The surface tension gradient (-dσ/dCA) was estimated from the slope of the experimental σ versus CA curve (Fig. 2). 184 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper Fig. 1. Experimental setup Fig. 2. Evolution of surface tension with concentration of aqueous alcohol solutions 185 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper o Table 1. Surface tension and surface tension gradient of used liquid phases at 20 C Liquid Concentration CA, wt % Density ρ, kg/m3 tap water Methanol Ethanol n-propanol Isopropanol n-butanol n-pentanol n-hexanol n-heptanol n-octanol 0 3.2 0.46 0.036 0.036 0.011 0.0057 0.0051 0.002 0.002 1000 921.61 988.06 999.10 998.99 999.74 999.87 999.89 999.96 999.96 Surface Tension σ, 10-3 N/m 72.4 66.1 70.4 71.9 71.7 71.8 71.7 69.9 67.8 65.0 Surface Tension Gradient - dσ/dCA,10-3 N m2/mol 0.006 0.025 0.067 0.080 0.199 1.082 1.985 4.141 15.205 The overall gas holdup was determined by the volume expansion technique with an error less than 10%. The aerated dispersion height without foam was used for calculating the overall gas holdup. The gas holdup values along the column were obtained by measuring the differential pressure at five points (in the draft tube and in the downcomer) using the piezometric tubes. The relative average error of the measurement was up to 2%. A hot probe method, developed for this purpose, was used to determine the liquid velocity in the downcomer (12). The mean relative error of this method was ±5%. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The main aim of this paper was to suggest simple empirical correlations to predict crucial hydrodynamic and mass transfer quantities. The processed data in this investigation, beside the ones obtained in these experiments, were taken from the experiments of Pošarac and Tekić (3), Albijanić (5), Albijanić et al. (6) and Camarasa et al. (8). In these studies experiments were conducted in BCs and DT-ALR with single orifice as air sparger and with dilute alcohol solutions as the liquid phase. As already mentioned, a representative characteristic of diluted alcohol solutions might be surface tension. Fig. 2 shows evolution of surface tension with the concentration of alcohol solution. The surface tension gradient was estimated from the slopes of these experimental curves (Table 1). It is obvious that the surface tension gradient is a function of CN-value. By applying the regression analysis (13) on these experimental data the correlation was obtained in the following form: 1.31⋅ C N dσ e − = 0.0034 ⋅ dC A CN [1] with the coefficient of determination R2=0.99. Assuming the linear relation: surface tension vs. alcohol solution concentration, with the surface tension gradient as a slope, and having in mind the connection between sur186 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper face tension gradient and the CN-value, it can be concluded that surface tension is also a function of CN-value. Recently, Zeppieri came to the same conclusion, i.e., he noticed the relation between the surface tension and CN-value (14). A strong relation between the CN-value, on one hand, and the surface tension and the surface tension gradient on the other, suggests that the CN-value could be the only variable which expresses the influence of dilute alcohol solutions on hydrodynamics and mass transfer. So, simple correlations were introduced by processing the data obtained in our experiments and the experiments of other authors (3, 5, 6, 8): y = p1U Gp2 (1 + C N ) p3 where y represents: ε G , t C , WLD or k L a . [2] An additional corroboration of the suggested equations was performed through the comparison of the experimental and calculated values in the case of n-propanol and isopropanol, with the same number of C-atoms. A good agreement is achieved, regardless of the structural differences between these two alcohols. Table 2 contains the values of the estimated parameters in the proposed equations, along with the standard quantifiers - the coefficient of determination (R2) and the errors of parameters (expressed as a % of a value). Table 2. Values of correlation parameters for the gas holdup, liquid circulation time, liquid velocity and volumetric mass transfer coefficient y (Eq.2) εG tC (s) WLD(m/s) kLa (s-1) Regime I II III I II III p1± Error(p1) 1.58 ± 5.7% 2.46 ± 4.9% 5.07 ± 5.7% 1.15 ± 11.3% 3.09 ± 19.1% 0.63 ± 9.5% 3.11 ± 12.8% 1.45 ± 14.5% p2 ± Error(p2) 0.86 ± 2.3% -0.29 ± 3.4% -0.11 ± 9.1% -0.56 ± 7.1% 0.61 ± 6.6% 0.27 ± 7.4% 0.74 ± 5.4% 1.24 ± 3.2% p3 ± Error(p3) 0.18 ± 5.6% 0.06 ± 16.7% 0.16 ± 6.2% 0.16 ± 6.2% -0.12 ± 8.3% -0.18 ± 5.5% -0.16 ± 6.2% 0.41 ± 9.8% R2 0.93 0.98 0.87 0.94 0.93 0.89 0.91 0.90 n 349 24 36 34 29 45 65 159 δ (%) 26.4 1.8 2.9 2.6 3.9 3.4 4.0 22.6 For the gas holdup, Eq. 2 predicted about 68% of experimental data with an error of 20% or less (Fig. 3). The parameters for liquid circulation time were calculated based on data of Albijanić (5) and Albijanić et al. (6) as the only available data. The parameters for liquid circulation time and liquid velocity (Table 2) were calculated for three different bubble regimes: regime I (small bubbles in the downcomer), regime II (stagnant swarm of bubbles in the downcomer) and regime III (circulation of bubbles through the column). 187 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper Fig. 3. Comparison between calculated (Eq. 2) and experimental values of gas holdup Comparison between calculated and experimental values both of circulation time and liquid velocity is given in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The correlation for volumetric mass transfer coefficient predicts about 52% of experimental data, in a range of 20% error (Fig. 6). However, a significantly smaller error was achieved for the higher superficial gas velocities. 188 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S Fig. 4. Comparison between calculated and experimental values of gas holdup UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper Fig.5. Comparison between (Eq. 4) calculated (Eq. 4) and experimental values of downcomer liquid velocity 189 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper Fig. 6. Comparison between calculated (Eq. 4) and experimental values of volumetric mass transfer coefficient CONCLUSION Simple correlations were proposed for prediction of basic hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of BCs and DT-ALRs with dilute alcohol solutions (from methanol to n-octanol) and with single orifice as a gas distributor. The correlations include the number of C-atoms in a molecule chain, as the only variable to specify the physical properties of dilute alcohol solutions. A good agreement between the experimental and the calculated data was achieved. Based on the simplicity of the proposed correlations it is to be expected that their useful application in reactors design. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by the Ministry for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. (Project No. 142045). Notation: CA = concentration of alcohol, wt% kLa = volumetric mass transfer coefficient, 1/s CN = number of C-atoms in alcohol molecule chain tc = liquid circulation time, s d = diameter of the orifice, mm UG = superficial gas velocity, m/s 190 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940183S UDC: 66.011:66.069.82:661.722 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 183-192 Original scientific paper D = diameter of the column, m WLD = downcomer interstitial liquid velocity, m/s DR = diameter of the riser, m Greek letters: δ = average relative error εG = gas holdup ρ = density, kg/m3 σ = surface tension, N/m Subscripts: C = circulation D = downcomer G = gas phase L = liquid phase R = riser REFERENCES 1. Kelkar, B.G., S.P. Godbole, M.F. Honath, Y.T. Shah, N.L. Carr and W.D. Deckwer: Effect of Addition of Alcohol on Gas Holdup and Backmixing in Bubble Column. AIChE J. 29 (1983) 361-369. 2. Freitas, C. and J. 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Којић У овом раду предложене су корелације за предвиђање садржаја гаса, времена рециркулације течности, брзине течности у силазној цеви и запреминског коефицијента прелаза масе у барботажним колонама са и без унутрашње цеви, са једноструким уводником као дистрибуторoм гаса и разблаженим растворима алкохола као течном фазом. Расположиви експериментални подаци употребљени за извођење корелација проширени су новим експериментима са разблаженим раствoрима С1-С8 алкохола. Предложене корелације укључују, поред привидне брзине гаса, дужину ланца молекула алкохола (број С-атома), као једину величину која карактерише течну фазу. Предложене корелације омогућавају врло добро предвиђање експерименталних података. Захваљујући једноставном облику, може се очекивати успешна примена изведених корелација при пројектовању оваквих типова реактора. Received 4 May 2009 Accepted 27 August 2009 192 BIOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTS OF SPICES AND HERBS ESSENTIAL OILS Marija M. Škrinjar and Nevena T. Nemet Spices and herbs have been used as food additives since ancient times, as flavouring agents but also as natural food preservatives. A number of spices shows antimicrobial activity against different types of microorganisms. This article gives a literature review of recent investigations considering antimicrobial activity of essential oils widely used spices and herbs, such as garlic, mustard, cinnamon, cumin, clove, bay, thyme, basil, oregano, pepper, ginger, sage, rosemary etc., against most common bacteria and fungi that contaminate food (Listeria spp., Staphylococcus spp., Salmonella spp., Escherichia spp., Pseudomonas spp., Aspergillus spp., Cladosporium spp. and many others). Antimicrobial activity depends on the type of spice or herb, type of food and microorganism, as well as on the chemical composition and content of extracts and essential oils. Summarizing results of different investigations, relative antimicrobial effectiveness can be made, and it shows that cinnamon, cloves and mustrad have very strong antimicrobial potential, cumin, oregano, sage, thyme and rosemary show medium inhibitory effect, and spices such as pepper and ginger have weak inhibitory effect. KEY WORDS: Spices, herbs, antimicrobial, antifungal activity INTRODUCTION In the recent years, consumers have become more concerned about the processed food they eat. Syntehtic preservatives, which have been used in foods for decades, may lead to negative health consequences (1). Besides, the use of synthetic compounds have significant drawbacks, such as increasing cost, handling hazards, concerns about residues on food and threat to human environment (2). Therefore, there has been increasing interest to replace synthetic preservatives with natural, effective and nontoxic compounds. Those are, in the first place, extracts and essential oils (EOs) of spices and herbs (3). As natural foodstuffs, spices and herbs appeal to all who question safety of synthetic food additives and demand high-quality products that at the same time are safe and stable (4). Spices and herbs have been added to food since ancient times, not only as flavouring agents, but also as folk medicine and food preservatives (5-7). Spices occupy a prominent place in the traditional culinary practices and are indispensable part of daily diets of milDr. Marija M. Škrinjar, Prof., skrinjarm@uns.ac.rs, Nevena T. Nemet, B.Sc., nevenan@uns.ac.rs, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 195 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review lions of people all over the world. They are essentially flavouring agents used in small amounts and are reported to have both beneficial effect and antimicrobial properties (8). Nowadays, plenty of spices and herbs are valued for their antimicrobial activities and medicinal effects in addition to their flavour and fragrance qualities (9). Spices and herbs There is no particular definition of spices, mostly because they are derived from different parts of the plants, such as cardamom from seed, bay leaf from leafs, clove from flower bud, pepper from fruit, cinnamon from bark or ginger from rhyzome. Furthermore, there is no a common method to classify spices. They can be clasiffied by their flavour and colour, i.e., hot (pepper), pungent (garlic), aromatic (cinnamon, clove), colouring (turmeric) and herbaceous (rosemary, sage), or according to their taste, such as sweet, spicy, sour, bitter and astringent (10). Numerous studies have been published on the antimicrobial activities of plant extracts against different types of microbes, including foodborne pathogens (5, 11, 12). It has been reported that spices owe their antimicrobial properties mostly to the presence of alkaloids, phenols, glycosides, steroids, essential oils, coumarins and tannins (13). As reviewed by López-Malo et al. (14), some of antimicrobial components that have been identified in spices and herbs are: eugenol from cloves, thymol from thyme and oregano, carvacrol from oregano, vanillin from vanilla, allicin from garlic, cinnamic aldehyde from cinnamon, allyl isothiocyanate from mustard, etc. Among these products, particular interest has been focused on essential oils (EOs) and their components (15), because they are known to be active against a wide variety of microorganisms, including food-borne pathogens and spoilage bacteria (16, 17). EOs are aromatic and volatile oily liquids of an aromatic plant’s secondary metabolism. They are normally formed in special cells or groups of cells, found in leaves and stems, and commonly concentrated in one particular region such as leaves, bark or fruit (18). EOs have long served as flavouring agents in food and beverages, but they are much more important because of their antimicrobial activity, which is assigned to a number of small molecules of terpenoids and phenolic compounds (thymol, carvacrol, eugenol) (19, 20). Antibacterial activity of EOs Nedorostova et al. (21) identified antibacterial properties of EOs in vapour phase against five foodborne bacteria - Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis and Staphylococcus aureus. In vitro antibacterial activity of 27 EOs in vapour phase was evaluated by modified disc volatilization method (22) at eight different concentrations (0.0042–0.53 µl/cm3), and the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were recorded. The MIC was expressed as microlitres of EOs per volume unit of atmosphere above the organism growing on the agar surface, and it was defined as the lowest concentration which made clearly visible inhibition zone. Results are summarised at Table 1. Thirteen of the 27 EOs were active at least against one bacterial strain in the range of tested concentrations. The most effecient was Armoracia rusticana (horseradish), which 196 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review inhibited both Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains with MIC 0.0083 µl/cm3, and Allium sativum (garlic), which was significantly more active against Gram-positive (MICs 0.0083 µl/cm3) than against Gram-negative (MICs 0.26–0.53 µl/cm3) bacteria. It is important to notice that P.aeruginosa was inhibited only by these two, horseradish and garlic, EOs. S. aureus was the most susceptible bacterium (inhibited by all active EOs), followed by E. coli > L.monocytogenes > S. enteritidis > P. aeruginosa, which was the least inhibited. In general, Gram-negative strains were somewhat less inhibited than Gram-positive strains. Findings of this research suggest that horseradish, garlic, oregano, marjoram, savory, thyme, large thyme and wild thyme EOs are highly effective in vapour phase and could be potentially used to fight against foodborne bacterial pathogens. Table 1. MICs (µl/cm3) of essential oils in vapour phase effective against foodborne bacteria (21) Plant species Allium sativum Armoracia rusticana Caryopteris x clandonensis Hyssopus officinalis Mentha x villosa Nepeta x faassenii Ocimum basilicum var. Grant verte Origanum majorana Origanum vulgare Satureja montana Thymus pulegoides Thymusseryllum Thymus vulgaris Yield % 0.33 0.03 Gram-positive LM SA 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 Gram-negative EC PA SE 0.53 0.53 0.26 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.15 - 0.53 - - - 0.16 0.83 0.33 - 0.53 0.53 0.53 - - - 0.08 - 0.53 - - - 0.53 0.8 0.28 0.15 0.27 0.23 0.066 0.26 0.26 0.53 0.26 0.53 0.017 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.017 0.26 0.066 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 - 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.033 Yield – in % (v/w) of fresh weight; LM – Listeria monocytogenes; SA – Staphylococcus aureus; EC – Escherichia coli; PA – Pseudomonas aeruginosa; SE – Salmonella enteritidis. Zhang et al. (23) studied the antibacterial properties of 14 EOs (clove, oregano, rosemary, pepper, nutmeg, liquorice, turmeric, aniseed, cassia bark, fennel, prickly ash, round cardamom, dahurian angelica root and angelica) against four common meat spoilage and pathogenic bacteria (Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Lactobacillus sake) and their results showed that individual extracts of clove, rosemary, cassia bark and liquorice contained strong antibacterial activity, but the mixture of rosemary and liquorice extracts was the best inhibitor against all four types of microbes. These herb extracts are widely used in the food industry and are generally regarded as safe (GRAS). Hence, they may be considered as natural preservatives acceptable by the food industry. 197 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review There has been several more general studies about antimicrobial activity of EOs. One of them is the work of Gutierrez et al. (24), who evaluated EOs of lemon balm, marjoram, oregano and thyme, and applied them on food model media based on lettuce, milk and meat. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined against Enterobacter spp., Listeria spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. According to the results, shown in Table 2, the average efficacy of EOs against Listeria spp. was in the following order: oregano>thyme> lemon balm, while the efficacy order of EOs against the spoilage bacteria was: oregano>thyme> marjoram. Table 2. MIC of EOs used in this study against the selected bacteria in TSB (A), lettuce leaf model media (B) or beef extract (C) (24) Microorganism (A) Enterobacter cloacae Listeria innocua NCTC11288 Listeria monocytogenes IL323 Listeria monocytogenes NCTC1194 Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas putida (B) Enterobacter cloacae Listeria innocua NCTC11288 Listeria monocytogenes IL323 Pseudomonas fluorescens (C) Listeria innocua NCTC11288 Listeria monocytogenes NCTC1194 Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas putida a Oregano Thyme Marjoram Lemon balm 400 200 200 200 2000 2000 600 200 200 200 2000 2000 6000 ND ND ND 50 000 50 000 NDa 2500 2500 2500 ND ND 250 20 20 250 250 30 30 250 2000 ND 2000 2000 ND 250 ND ND 60 60 1500 1500 125 125 2500 2500 ND ND 12500 12500 500 500 ND ND ND, not determined. As has been shown by some other researchers, the use of antimicrobials can reduce or eliminate specific microorganisms but it may also produce favourable conditions for other microorganisms (25). It is recognized that this situation is less likely to develop towards substances that have more than one mode of action (26), so it is suggested that the antimicrobial activity of EOs is attributed to more than one mechanism (27). Thus, combining EOs could lead to useful efficacy against both spoilage and pathogenic target organisms. Gutierrez et al. (24) tested the synergy of EO combinations and expresed it as fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) index, in the lettuce leaf model media. The FIC indices were calculated as FICA+FICB, where FICA=MICA,combination/MICA,alone and FICB=MICB,combination/MICB,alone. The results were interpreted as synergy (FIC< 0.5), addition (0.5<FIC< 1), indifference (1 <FIC<4) or antagonism (FIC> 4). See Table 3. 198 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review Table 3. FIC values of EOs combinations in lettuce leaf model media (24) EO combination Listeria monocytogenes IL323 2.00 (I) NDa ND ND 1.50 (I) 1.25 (I) 0.88 (A) 1.00 (A) 1.18 (I) 1.38 (I) ND ND ND 0.75 (A) 1.25 (I) FIC< 0.5), addition (A, 0.5 <FIC<1), indifference (I, 1<FIC< 4) or Enterobacter cloacae Oregano+marjoram 1.75 (I) Oregano+lemon balm ND Oregano+thyme 0.75 (A) Thyme+marjoram 1.00(A) Thyme+lemon balm ND Results are interpreted as synergy (S, antagonism (AN, FIC> 4). a ND, not detected. Pseudomonas fluorescens Listeria innocua NCTC11288 Results from Table 3 show that - with reference to the FIC scale - no synergistic effect (<0.5) was found, but addition occurred with a number of combinations. More incidence of additive effects was found with EO combinations against Listeria strains. Combinations of oregano with thyme or lemon balm were more effective against Listeria monocytogenes. The combination of thyme with lemon balm had greater efficacy against Listeria innocua. Only one combination (oregano with thyme) had additive effects against both spoilage microorganisms. No antagonism was observed for any of the combinations evaluated. These results can be observed as an addition to some earlier studies of the same author, Gutierrez et al. (28), considering the synergistic effect of marjoram and thyme with some other EOs (Table 4). Table 4. FIC indices of marjoram and thyme EOs combinations against L. monocytogenes IL323 (28) Combinations Marjoram or thyme + Basil Lemon balm Marjoram Oregano Rosemary Sage Thyme Marjoram Thyme 0.75 (A) 1.25 (I) 1.18 (I) 1.03 (A) 1.00 (A) 1.55 (I) 0.94 (A) 1.25 (I) 1.55 (I) 1.18 (I) 1.06 (A) 1.00 (A) - . For successful applications of EOs in different food systems, potential interactions between EOs and food components have to be determined. There is a number of examples where some studies have shown that plant extracts are useful for reduction of pathogens in some food product, while others reported very low antimicrobial activity or no effect when the same EOs were applied to other product. Thus, the application of plant EOs requires the evaluation of efficacy within food products or in model systems that closely mimic food composition, because the efficacy of many antimicrobials may be reduced by certain food components (29). This was also investigated by Gutierrez et al. 199 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review (28). In this complex task, they studied the effect of food ingredients and pH on the antimicrobial efficacy of EOs using a number of model media and L.monocytogenes IL323 as indicator strain. The EOs used in the study were oregano (30 ppm) and thyme (60 ppm), and they were assessed independently. Results, expressed as lag phase duration and maximum specific growth rate of L. monocytogenes, are shown in Table 5. Table 5. Lag phase duration (λ) and maximum specific growth rate (μmax) of L. monocytogenes IL323 grown in model media containing oregano (30 ppm) or thyme (60 ppm) (28) Model media Oregano Λ [h] µmax[h-1] Λ [h] Thyme µmax[h-1] Controla Λ [h] µmax[h-1] Beef extract 1.5 7.39 0.034 9.15 0.079 8.01 0.054 3.0 7.81 0.076 11.79 0.146 6.14 0.074 6.0 10.75 0.099 10.94 0.195 6.48 0.117 12.0 10.79 0.195 9.75 0.200 6.33 0.215 Starch media 0.0 15.01 0.185 12.06 0.250 7.80 0.238 1.0 13.96 0.208 11.69 0.271 7.04 0.268 5.0 9.71 0.142 8.87 0.164 7.58 0.147 10.0 8.84 0.098 8.43 0.104 8.04 0.097 Sunflower oil media 0.0 15.23 0.240 15.05 0.231 7.75 0.279 1.0 14.21 0.226 12.54 0.209 7.31 0.223 5.0 10.50 0.208 9.22 0.235 7.24 0.200 10.0 9.17 0.174 9.47 0.220 7.33 0.170 pH TSB pH4 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 TSB pH5 12.43 0.004 10.13 0.016 9.55 0.017 TSB pH6 7.70 0.141 9.48 0.175 6.75 0.173 TSB pH7 9.50 0.284 10.80 0.328 6.88 0.261 a Listeria monocytogenes grown in model media without any EO was used as the control. Model media comprised the following: (a) water soluble starch from potato in TSB; (b) beef extract in deionized water; and (c) sunflower oil in TSB. The pH of each model medium was adjusted to 7.2. To determine the effect of pH on EO efficacy TSB was adjusted to pH 4, 5, 6 or 7 with 1 M HCl solution The lag phase of Listeria monocytogenes grown in beef extract containing oregano was longer than the control at protein concentrations of 6% and 12%. The efficacy of oregano and thyme was greater at higher concentrations of protein, probably because peptones from beef extract may have hydrophobic properties which facilitate dissolution of EOs in this medium. In addition, the growth rate of L. monocytogenes decreased at higher starch concentrations. The EO efficacy was reduced at high concentrations of starch, in contrast to the general observation that carbohydrates in foods do not protect bacteria from the action of EOs as much as fat and protein do (30). 200 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review The growth of L. monocytogenes was monitored in model media containing four different sunflower oil concentrations (0, 1, 5 and 10%), in order to determine effect of oil on the antimicrobial activity. High concentrations of sunflower oil had a negative influence on the antimicrobial activity of oregano and thyme EOs. Effect of pH was evaluated using TSB at pH 4, 5, 6 and 7. L. monocytogenes did not grow at pH 4. The lag phase of Listeria grown in pH model media with EO was longer than in EO free controls, especially at pH 5, however, the lag phase was also greatest at pH 5 in control media. The growth rate of L. monocytogenes increased at higher pH values, regardless of the presence or absence of EOs. Some previous studies showed that the inhibitory effect of plant extracts was greater at acidic pH values (31). The susceptibility of bacteria to EOs appears to increase at lower pH since the hydrophobicity of EOs increases at low pH, enabling consequently easier dissolution in the lipids of the cell membrane of target bacteria (32). Antifungal activity of EOs All mentioned investigations have demonstrated anibacterial properties of EOs against pathogenic and spoilage bacteria in food. However, the presence and growth of fungi in food may also cause spoilage and result in a reduction in quality and quantity (33-39). As reported by a number of authors (38-45), some Aspergillus species are responsible for many cases of food and feed contamination, and Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are able to produce aflatoxins in food and feedstuffs, which are known to be potent hepatocarcinogens in animals and humans (46). Aspergillus flavus Link and Aspergillus parasiticus Speare are major storage fungi found regularly in important cereal grains cultivated and stored throughout the world (47), which produce aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2. The biosynthesis of aflatoxins can be inhibited by extracts and EOs from certain plants toxic to fungi and can control the fungal growth and mycotoxin production.(48). Omidbeygi et al. (49) evaluated the antifungal activity of three EOs (thyme, summer savory and clove) in culture medium and as a real system in tomato paste (in vitro and in vivo). Results clearly showed that in vitro each EO had notable antifungal activity. Thyme EO has the highest antifungal activity, followed by summer savory and clove EOs. Complete inhibition of growth of Aspergillus flavus was observed at 350 and 500 ppm of thyme and summer savory EOs, respectively, while 500ppm of clove oil had inhibition of 87.5%. In vivo studies was performed in tomato paste, and while in vitro experiments showed that 500 and 350ppm of thyme oil could inhibit the growth of A. flavus completely (100%), inhibition in tomato paste were 87% and 42%, respectively. Also, in other treatments inhibition in tomato paste was lower than in culture medium. It has probably been related to the more complex matrix of tomato paste than culture medium. However, the need to use plant EOs at higher concentrations in food than in laboratory media is believed to be due to the more complex growth environment in food, which provides microbial cells with greater protection from antimicrobial agents. Atanda et al. (50), evaluated essential oils of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), cassia (Cinnamomum cassia), coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) for their potential in the growth control of aflatoxigenic fungus Aspergillus parasiticus CFR 201 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review 223 and aflatoxin production. Results, expressed as mycelia dry weight and aflatoxin production in basal medium, are summarised in Table 6. Table 6. Effect of different concentrations of spice essential oil on the mycelia dry weight and aflatoxin production in basal medium (52) Essential oil Cassia Sweet basil Coriander Bay leaf Concentration [%v/v] 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Mycelia dry weight [g/ml] 0.50 0.38 0.40 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.65 0.70 0.75 Aflatoxin [µg/ml] B1 G1 0.050 0.046 0.029 0.027 0.012 0.011 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.045 0.042 0.040 0.038 0.038 0.035 0.024 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.045 0.042 0.040 0.038 0.030 0.035 0.023 0.020 The EOs of sweet basil inhibited completely mycelia growth and prevented aflatoxin formation at the concentration of 5% (v/v). At the same concentration, oils of cassia and bay leaf reduced the aflatoxin concentration (B1+G1) of the fungus to 0.002 µg/ml (97.92%) and 0.043 µg/ml (55.21%), respectively. Cassia and bay leaf EOs stimulated the mycelia growth of the fungus, while coriander oil did not have any effect on either the mycelia growth or aflatoxin content of the fungus. Tzortzakis et al. (51), tested antifungal activity of lemongrass (Cympopogon citratus L.) oil (range concentration between 25 and 500 ppm) against Colletotrichum coccodes, Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium herbarum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus niger in vitro. Oil-enrichment resulted in significant reduction of the subsequent colony development for the examined microorganisms. Fungal spore production was inhibited up to 70% at 25 ppm of lemongrass oil concentration when compared with control samples (equivalent plates stored in the ambient air). At the highest oil concentration (500 ppm), fungal sporulation was completely retarded (Table 7). Lemongrass oil reduced spore germina202 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review tion and germ tube length of C. coccodes, B. cinerea, C. herbarum and R. stolonifer with the effects dependent on oil concentration. This study indicated that EOs may possess antifungal activity and can be exploited as an ideal treatment for future plant disease management programs eliminating fungal spread. Viuda-Martos et al. (52), investigated the effect of the essential oils of lemon (Citrus lemon L.), mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi L.) and orange (Citrus sinensis L.) on the growth of moulds commonly associated with food spoilage: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium verrucosum, using the agar dilution method. The essential oils of lemon, orange, mandarin and grapefruit at the concentrations assayed (0.27-0.94%) all showed the capacity to reduce or inhibit the growth of the named moulds. The growth of A. niger was completely inhibited when a concentration of 0.94% of any of the EOs was used. Orange EO produced the greatest reduction in mycelium growth with this fungus, and it is followed by lemon EO, then the mandarin, while grapefruit EO caused the lowest percentage of mycelial reduction in A. niger. In the case of A. flavus, efficacy of EOs was in the following order: mandarin>lemon>grapefruit>orange, while total inhibition of growth was obtained with all the EOs at the highest concentrations of 0,94%. The same concentration for growth inhibition was found for P.verrucosum and P.chrysogenum, and the order of oil efficacy against these moulds was grapefruit>lemon>orange>mandarin. Table 7. Impacts of lemongrass (Cympopogon citratus L.) essential oil-enrichment on spore production (number of spores×106) of tested fungi grown on PDA (51) EO concentration [ppm] 0 25 50 100 500 Colleotrichum coccodes Botrytis cinerea Cladosporium herbarum Rhizopus stolonifer Aspergillus niger 12.10 5.13 2.55 1.53 0.00 14.28 4.30 5.23 5.75 0.00 79.35 47.70 45.38 39.88 0.00 14.13 9.23 8.63 5.00 0.00 169.50 99.35 62.93 63.13 0.00 In the study of Vilela et al. (53), the Eucalyptus globulus Labill. EO and its major compound 1,8-cineole were evaluated for antifungal activity against A. flavus and A. parasiticus, as well as on aflatoxin production. Results of this study showed that Eucalyptus globulus oil had clear dose-dependent antifungal activity on both fungal species. Complete fungal growth inhibition was verified at the concentration of 50 ml oil per millilitre of medium in the contact assay. The antifungal activity offered by 1.8 cineole only showed effects at the highest concentration tested, which indicated the major oil constituent is not the only component responsible for limiting fungal growth. Inhibition of aflatoxin B1 production required a higher oil dose than was required for inhibition of fungal growth. Škrinjar et al. (54) examined an inhibitory effect of various concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%) of mint (Mentha piperita L.) and caraway (Carvum carvi L.) on the growth of some toxigenic Aspergillus species and aflatoxin B1 production. Mint showed 203 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review stronger inhibitory effect than caraway. Concentrations of 1.0. 1.5 and 2.0% reduced the growth of all tested Aspergillus species, which was poor and hardly visible, while concentration of 2% of caraway was needed to achieve the same effect. The applied concentrations of mint and caraway inhibited completely the production of AB1 by Aspergillus flavus. Yeasts are widely distributed in nature and are able to spoil many foods such as wines, cheese, vinegar, beverages, juices, fruits, salads, sugar and meat, causing changes in odour, colour, taste and texture (55). Many of data indicate the EOs inhibitory effects of various spices and herbs on these microorganisms. The study of Souza et al. (56), aimed at verifying the effectiveness of oreganum (Origanum vulgare L.) EO to inhibit the growth/survival of various food spoiling yeasts. Results, expressed in millimeters of yeast growth inhibition halos, are shown in Table 8. Table 8. Origanum vulgare L. essential oil MIC on food spoiling yeasts determined by solid medium diffusiona (56) Origanum vulgare L. essential oil [µl/ml] 160 80 40 20 10 5 2.5 Candida albicans 38 28 20 12 10 0 0 Candida krusei 32 25 15 12 0 0 0 Candida tropicalis 35 27 21 14 11 0 0 Pichia minuscula 39 36 31 21 16 11 0 Pichia ohmeri 33 28 16 13 10 0 0 Rodotorula rubra 38 34 30 28 14 0 0 Saccharomyces cerevisae 26 22 14 11 0 0 0 a Results expressed in millimeters of yeast growth inhibition halos. Yeasts 1.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The results showed that the EO had a substantial inhibitory effeect on all assayed yeast strains, noted by large growth inhibition halos. Most assayed strains showed an MIC of 10 µL/mL. The highest inhibitory activity was observed against P. minuscula (the lowest MIC of 5 µL/mL) and the largest growth inhibition halos. On the other hand, S. cerevisae and C. krusei were the least sensitive yeasts with an MIC of 20 µL/mL; however S. cerevisae showed the smallest growth inhibition halo diameters when compared to all other strains. This high antimicrobial activity of O. vulgare EO supports the results found by other researchers (57,58). CONCLUSIONS Food contamination is enormous public health problem, but it could be controlled by the use of natural preservatives such as essential oils obtained from spices. The fact that many EOs possess antimicrobial activity has been proved by plenty of investigations in the recent years. The type and optimal concentration of EO depend on the product used and against which species of bacteria or fungi it is to be used. But if EOs are expected to be widely applied as antibacterials and antifungals, the organoleptical impact should be considered as the use of naturally derived preservatives can alter the taste of food or exceed acceptable flavour thresholds. 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Овај рад даје литературни преглед нових истраживања која се тичу наведене активности есенцијалних уља широко распрострањених зачина и лековитог биља, као што су бели лук, слачица, цимет, кумин, каранфилић, 208 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940195S UDC: 664.5:582.28+577.18 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 195-209 Review ловор, мајчина душица, босиљак, оригано, бибер, ђумбир, жалфија, рузмарин и др., против најчешћих бактерија и гљива које контаминирају храну (Listeria spp., Staphylococcus spp., Salmonella spp., Escherichia spp., Pseudomonas spp., Aspergillus spp., Cladosporium spp. и многи други). Антимикробна активност зависи од врсте зачина, врсте намирница и микроорганизама на које се примењује, као и од хемијског састава и концентрације екстраката или есенцијалних уља зачина. Сумирањем резултата добијених од стране различитих аутора, може се извести закључак о релативној антимикробној и антифунгалној ефикасности одређених зачина и лековитог биља, према коме цимет, каранфилић и слачица имају веома јак антимикробни потенцијал, кумин, оригано, жалфија, мајчина душица и рузмарин имају средњи, док бибер и ђумбир имају слаб инхибиторни ефекат. Received 23 July 2009 Accepted 15 October 2009 209 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper THE INFLUENCE OF CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, XANTHAN AND GUAR-GUM ADDITION IN BREAD DOUGH BEFORE FREEZING ON METABOLISM AND VIABILITY OF Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dušanka J. Pejin, Olgica S. Grujić, Jelena D. Pejin, Irena S. Došenović and Sunčica D. Kocić-Tanackov Doughs were prepared with different concentrations of carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan, and guar-gum (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% in doughs), freezed at -20°C and analyzed after 0, 7, 15 and 30 days. Pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture was isolated from dough and was cultivated under optimal conditions during 24 hrs to determine the following parameters: specific growth rate, fermentative activities and cytochromes contents in intact cells with the aim of determining the respiration intensity. During freezing of dough for 30 days, the percentage of living cells from dough surface was 53.11% and from the middle 54.95%. Carboxymethylcellulose in concentration of 0.3 and 0.5% increased number of survived cells on the surface to 70.64, and 70.28% and in the middle to 74.79, and 76.54%, respectively. Guar–gum increased number of survived cells only in concentration of 0.1% on the surface to 70.17% and in the middle of the dough to 75.26%. The mean specific growth rate decreased by approximately 10% during 30 days of storage at -20°C. Content of cytochromes in intact cells decreased in all samples during freezing. KEY WORDS: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, frozen dough, metabolism, viability INTRODUCTION The process of manufacturing bread from frozen dough is widely utilized in the baking industry (1). In bread making baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encounters many stresses, such as freezing, heat shock, osmotic stress and air-drying stress. Such freezing can thus cause cell wall and membrane damage, protein and DNA denaturation and decreased cell survival. After the dough thaws, yeast cells show dramatically decreased fermentation activity (2,3). Survival of frozen yeast cells depends on several genetic, physiological, and environmental factors (4). A number of factors can affect yeast cells damage, depending on whether ice is formed intracellularly (high freezing rates) or extracelularly (lower freeDr. Dušanka J. Pejin, Prof., Dr. Olgica S. Grujić, Prof., Dr. Jelena D. Pejin, Assist., Sunčica Kocić-Tanackov, M.Sc., Assist., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; Dr. Irena S. Došenović, Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 211 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper zing rates) (5). Yeast cells are damaged during the freezing process, while the thawing regime affects insignificantly the survival of yeast cells. Several ways of decreasing the effect of freezing and frozen storage on yeast cells survival and fermentative activity can be found, even on improving the characteristics and quality of frozen dough and obtained bakery products: addition of hydrocolloids, lower water content in prepared dough, higher amount of yeast compared to traditional production and shorter dough fermentation before freezing, use of instant yeast, use of cryotolerant and/or cryoresistent baker’s yeast strains, and use of modified yeast strains (6). Hydrocolloids have been widely used in food products to modify texture, improve moisture retention, control water mobility, and maintain overall product quality during storage (7,8). The effects of hydrocolloids on the functional properties of dough and bread quality depend on the nature origin and particle size of the hydrocolloid, and the dosage of the hydrocolloid incorporated into dough formulations. Protein and polysaccharide functions are greatly affected by their interaction with each other and with other components of food system (9). Different hydrocolloids like carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan, and guar-gum have been successfully used in wheat bread production (10). Hydrocolloids when used in small quantities (<1% (w/w) in flour) are axpected to increase water retention and loaf volume and to desrease firmness and starch retrogradation (11). Ribotta et al. (7) showed that the addition of guar gum (0.5% (w/w) in flour) improves volume and texture of bread obtained from non-frozen and frozen dough. Sharadanant and Khan (12) investigated the influence of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) addition in three different concentrations (1, 2 and 3% (w/w) in flour) on bread quality. The doughs were stored frozen for up to 16 weeks. Although the external and internal characteristics of bread deterorated with storage time addition of CMC improved the characteristics compared with control after each storage period. The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan, and guar-gum use to protect yeast cells during dough freezing. EXPERIMENTAL Average quality commercial T-500 flour was used for the production of dough, which was frozen later. Quality characteristics were analyzed according to the Regulations on methods of physical and chemical analyses for quality control of wheat, milling and bakery products, pasta and fast frozen dough (13). Doughs were prepared according to the following procedure: flour+water+fresh commercial baker’s yeast (2.5% calculated on flour) were placed in the spin kneading machine with helical agitators, and mixed for 10 min at 85 rpm (control). Temperature of mixed dough was 20±1°C (14). Carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan, and guar-gum (Fluka AG, Buch, Switzerland) were added as a component into the dough prepared according to the described procedure. Doughs were prepared with different concentrations of hydrocolloids (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% in doughs), divided into portions, frozen at -20°C (freezing rate was 1°C/min), stored at -20°C and analyzed after 0, 7, 15 and 30 days. The number of living Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was determined according to the method given in the Rulebook on methods performing microbiological analyses and super analyses of food products (15). The samples were thawed at 4°C for 12 h, and for additional 1.5 h at 20°C. The number of living Saccha212 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper romyces cerevisiae cells (viability) was determined by spreading samples on YPD agar and counting colonies after 3-4 days of incubation at 30°C (16). Colonies of pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture were transferred into the liquid nutritive medium for yeast (17) and cultivated under optimal conditions (aeration and temperature) during 24 h. Specific growth rate was determined according to Pejin (18). Fermentative activity was determined using Einhorn method described by Reiff et al. (19). Cytochrome content in intact cells (with the aim of determining the respiration intensity) was determined according to Oura and Suomalainen (20). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During freezing of dough for 30 days, the percentage of living yeast cells from dough surface was 53.11%, and in the middle 57.87%. These results are in agreement with those of Ribotta et al. (21). Comparing these results, it can be presumed that the cells in the middle of the dough were protected from low temperatures and because of that the number of survived cells was higher. Carboxymethylcellulose in concentration of 0.3 and 0.5% increased the number of survived cells on the surface to 70.64, and 70.28% and in the middle to 74.79, and 76.54%, respectively (Fig. 1). Percentage of living yeast cells 80 On the surface In the middle 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control sample 0.1 0.3 0.5 % of carboxymethylcellulose Fig. 1. Percentage of living yeast cells in dough compared to initial number before freezing (on the surface and in the middle) with the addition of carboxymethylcellulose (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%) after 30 days of freezing. Values represent means calculated from three determinations Addition of xanthan to doughs did not have a great impact on percentage of living yeast cells after 30 days of freezing (Fig. 2). Guar–gum increased survived cells number only in concentration of 0.1%: on the surface to 70.17%, and in the middle of the dough to 75.26% (Fig. 3). Hydrocolloids can modify the dough structure, bind the free water and control water migration in the dough. Binding immobilization of water decreases the ice crystal formation and also the damage of gluten and yeast cells (22). In the further investigations, yeast cells were isolated from the middle of the dough and propagated for the determination of specific growth rate and cytochrome content 213 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper (dough with 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose, dough with 0.5% xanthan, and dough with 0.1% for guar-gum). On the surface Percentage of living yeast cells 70 In the middle 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control sample 0.1 0.3 0.5 % of xanthan Fig. 2. Percentage of living yeast cells in dough compared to initial number before freezing (on the surface and in the middle) with the addition of xanthan (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%) after 30 days of freezing. Values represent means calculated from three determinations On the surface Percentage of living yeast cells 80 In the middle 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control sample 0.1 0.3 0.5 % of guar-gum Fig. 3. Percentage of living yeast cells in dough compared to initial number before freezing (on the surface and in the middle) with the addition of guar-gum (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%) after 30 days of freezing. Values represent means calculated from three determinations There is today enough evidence to conclude that the exposure to low temperature protects yeast cells against freeze injury through the cold-induced accumulation of trehalose, glycerol and heat-shock proteins (23). 214 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper Specific growth rates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae pure culture decreased constantly with a longer freezing of dough. The mean specific growth rate decreased by approximately 10% during 30 days of storage at -20°C (Table 1). Table 1. Specific growth rate μ (h-1) of pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture isolated from frozen dough samples during 30 days of freezinga Specific growth rate μ (h-1) CMCb Xanthan Control sample (0.5%) (0.5%) on the surface 0.1425 0.1430 0.1430 0 in the middle 0.1452 0.1370 0.1390 on the surface 0.1510 0.1430 0.1390 1 in the middle 0.1540 0.1360 0.1320 on the surface 0.1420 0.1360 0.1380 7 in the middle 0.1300 0.1353 0.1320 on the surface 0.1350 0.1381 0.1370 15 in the middle 0.1300 0.1362 0.1290 on the surface 0.1340 0.1380 0.1300 30 in the middle 0.1300 0.1380 0.1290 a Values represent means calculated from three determinations b CMC - Carboxymethylcellulose Days Dough sample Guar-gum (0.1%) 0.1430 0.1425 0.1395 0.1360 0.1370 0.1360 0.1300 0.1260 0.1300 0.1290 Fermentative activities of pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures isolated from frozen doughs containing carboxymethylcellulose (0.5%), xanthan (0.5%), and guar-gum (0.1%) are given in Table 2. Fermentative activities decreased during 30 days of freezing. By addition of hydrocolloids to dough, fermentative activities decreased less compared to control samples. The best protection of yeast cells was provided by carboxymethylcellulose. Table 2. Fermentative activity of pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures isolated from frozen dough samples during 30 days of freezinga Fermentative activity (cm3 CO2/L g dry matter in 15 minutes) Control sample CMCb Xanthan Guar-gum (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.1%) on the surface 46.41 47.78 49.50 50.72 0 in the middle 41.62 46.76 47.80 49.27 on the surface 43.80 48.74 49.32 49.80 1 in the middle 42.26 41.98 46.20 48.30 on the surface 43.90 49.50 49.20 49.70 7 in the middle 41.90 49.10 48.20 47.30 on the surface 43.00 47.33 48.30 49.20 15 in the middle 39.80 37.23 40.18 42.76 on the surface 42.04 44.56 45.80 44.30 30 in the middle 34.48 39.80 37.80 35.20 a Values represent means calculated from three determinations b CMC - Carboxymethylcellulose Days Dough sample 215 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper Higher fermentative activities were determined in yeast samples with higher specific growth rates (Tables 1 and 2), which is in accordance with results of Van Hoek et al. (24). Contents of aa3, b, and c cytochromes in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from the surface of doughs and cultivated under optimal conditions for 24 h are presented in Figs. 4-7. Yeast cells were isolated from the dough middle. Individual and total cytochromes contents decreased during dough freezing, especially cytochrome aa3. Cytochromes contents in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from doughs with the addition of carboxymethylcellulose showed the smallest decrease during freezing (from 25.85 to 20.12). 30 Cytochromes contents 25 20 a a3 b 15 c Total 10 5 0 0 1 7 15 30 Days Fig. 4. Cytochromes contents (moles 105/kg of yeast with 25% dry matter) in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from control dough. Values represent means calculated from three determinations 30 Cytochromes contents 25 20 a a3 b 15 c Tota l 10 5 0 0 1 7 Days 15 30 Fig. 5. Cytochromes contents (moles 105/kg of yeast with 25% dry matter) in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from dough with the addition of carboxymethylcellulose (0.5%). Values represent means calculated from three determinations 216 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper 25 Cytochromes contents 20 a a3 15 b c Tota l 10 5 0 0 1 7 Days 15 30 Fig. 6. Cytochromes contents (moles 105/kg of yeast with 25% dry matter) in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from dough with the addition of xanthan (0.5%). Values represent means calculated from three determinations 25 Cytochromes contents 20 aa3 15 b c 10 Total 5 0 0 1 7 Days 15 30 Fig. 7. Cytochromes contents (moles 105/kg of yeast with 25% dry matter) in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from dough with the addition of guargum (0.1%). Values represent means calculated from three determinations Codón et al. (16) showed that after prolonged freezing viability decreased in the frequency of respiratory-deficient (petite) mutant formation. This indicated that mitochondria were not stable and were incompatible with the nucleus. Recently, Stoycheva et al. (25) showed that freezing has mutagenic effect on mitochondrial DNA of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which induces respiration mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. However, in this study petite mutants were not observed. Content of cytochrome, which shows intensity of aerobic metebolism, decreased during freezing. The decrease of aerobic metobolism leads to lack of energy, which can induce decrease of specific growth rate. 217 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper CONCLUSIONS Addition of hydrocolloids to dough protects yeast cells during freezing. Carboxymethylcellulose in concentration of 0.3 and 0.5% increased the number of survived cells on the surface to 70.64, and 70.28% and in the middle to 74.79, and 76.54%, respectively. Guar–gum increased survived cells number only in concentration of 0.1% on the surface to 70.17%, and in the middle of the dough to 75.26%. Fermentative activities decreased during 30 days of freezing. By addition of hydrocolloids to dough fermentative activities decreased less compared to control samples. The best protection of yeast cells was provided by carboxymethylcellulose. Individual and total cytochromes contents decreased during dough freezing, especially cytochrome aa3. Cytochromes contents in pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture cells isolated from doughs with the addition of carboxymethylcellulose showed the smallest decrease during freezing. REFERENCES 1. Yokoigawa, K., M. Sato and K. Soda: Simple improvement in freee-tolerance of baker’s yeast with poly-γ-glutamate. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 102 (2006) 215-219. 2. Pejin, D., I. Došenović, S. Popov, Z. Suturović, J. Ranković, S. Dodić, J. Dodić and V. Vučurović: Influence of dough freezing on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Matica Srpska Proc. Nat. Sci. 113 (2007) 293-301. 3. Nakamura, T., H. Takagi and J. Shima: Effects of ice-seeding temperature and intracullular trehalose contents on survival of frozen Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Cryobiology 58 (2009) 170-174. 4. Tanghe, A., A. Teunissen, P. Van Dijck and J. 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Коцић-Танацков Хлебна теста су припремана са различитим концентрацијама карбоксиметилцелулозе, ксантана и гуар-гуме (0,1; 0,2 и 0,3% у тесту), замрзавана на -20°C и анализирана након 0, 7, 15 и 30 дана. Чиста култура Saccharomyces cerevisiae је изолована из теста и култивисана под оптималним условима 24 часа. Следећи параметри су одређивани: специфична брзина раста, ферментативна активност и садржај цитохрома у интактним ћелијама у циљу одређивања интензитета дисања. Током замрзавања у трајању од 30 дана, проценат живих ћелија са површине теста је 219 APTEFF, 40, 1-220 (2009) DOI: 10.2298/APT0940211P UDC: 664.64.016.3/.8:664.644.7:664.037.5 BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2009) 40, 211-220 Original scientific paper био 53,11%, а из средине 54,95%. Карбоксиметилцелулоза је при концентрацијама од 0,3 и 0,5% повећаала број живих ћелија на површини на 70,64 и 70,28% и у средини на 74,79 и 76,54%. Додатак гуар-гуме је повећао број живих ћелија само у концентрацији 0,1% на површини до 70,17% и у средини теста до 75,26%. Средња специфична брзина раста је смањена приближно за 10% током 30 дана чувања на -20°C. Садржај цитохрома у интактним ћелијама је смањен у свим узорцима током замрзавања. Received 16 July 2009 Accepted 8 October 2009 220 In memoriam NIKOLA MARJANOVIĆ (1945 - 2009) Prof. Nikola Marjanović was born on August 16, 1945 in Novi Sad. He spent his childhood and adolescent years in Salajka, popular old part of Novi Sad. As a talented sportsman, but also with extraordinary achievements at school, he finished the prestigious high school “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” in 1964. After that he enrolled in the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, from which he graduated in 1968 by completing his diploma work entitled "Separation of Chlorophyll and Carotenoids on the Starch Sucrose Column". As an extraordinary, prize-winning student he became in 1969 a teaching assistant of the newly introduced subject Technical Analyses, which, together with his mentor, the late Prof. Miroslav Turčić he has constantly endeavoured to improve, both in the academic and research sense. At the same faculty he defended his MS thesis "An Attempt in Coulometric Determination of L-ascorbic Acid" in 1972 and his PhD thesis entitled "Kinetic-catalytic Determination by Fast Anodic Polarization" in 1979. From the very beginning, his scientific interest has been in the field of instrumental analytical methods. He became an assistant professor in 1980, associate professor in 1985, and full professor in 1990. In that period he introduced the teaching subjects Instrumental Analysis of Food, Instrumental Analysis, and Measurement Techniques, the last one being a subject of crucial importance for process engineering. There are few individuals in our academic environment that would possess such allembracing knowledge, both in the theoretical and practical sense, as Prof. Marjanović, and even a smaller number of those who are ready to share so unselfishly his knowledge with the others. He was an excellent leader of the Instrumental Analysis Group, founded by himself, to which he devoted all his professional and organizational capacities, meticulousness and readiness for collaboration. Thanking to the well selected and trained associates, laboratory equipment procured, and the results achieved in both education and research and in the domain of diversified collaboration, his laboratory has become recognizable in the present state and the whole space of the former Yugoslavia. To his associates he offered unlimited help in their academic development and he thus created a pleiad of followers of respectable capacity and achievements; an imperative for his successors being to keep on the inherited high professional and scientific standards. In the eighties and nineties of the last century, in his full academic maturity and at the climax of creative activities, Prof. Marjanović implemented the best of his knowledge and skills into the prospect of the Faculty of Technology and University of Novi Sad. He was supervisor of numerous diploma works, MS and PhD theses. He authored and coauthored several books and textbooks and a lot of educational materials, to cover almost completely all teaching subjects he has taught with his associates. In the last decade of his 223 life he organized the Laboratory for Quality Control, and he was the initiator and genuine creator of the new majoring profile Quality Control and several new subjects in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. In addition to the constant care of improving the existing and developing new subjects and major profiles, Prof. Marjanović has enthusiastically worked on the development of instrumental methods and techniques and construction of laboratory instruments. For the development of a versatile system for electrochemical stripping analysis and other analytical instruments, in 1989 he was awarded the Novi Sad Prize. Besides, he published numerous papers and presented contributions at scientific meetings from the domain of research and development projects. In the course of an almost four-decade long work, in addition to his academic-pedagogical, scientific-research and professional activities, Prof. Marjanović has been involved in the work of the bodies of the Faculty and University, as well as in the other relevant segments of public life. He served three terms (1991-1996) as the Vice-dean for Finances of the Faculty of Technology, Vice-rector of the University of Novi Sad (19961998) and Dean of the Faculty (2003-2004), and since 2004 he has been Head of the Chair for Applied and Engineering Chemistries. By nature of things he has also been active in, at the time inevitable, self-government bodies at the Faculty, University, and legal-competence self-management associations. He has been bearer of high public recognition such as the Science Committee Award of the SAP Vojvodina (1990). He has also been part-time professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad and Faculty of Technology in Banja Luka. By his high ethical standards, human qualities, and academic-professional achievements, Prof. Nikola Marjanovic will permanently remain in our memories, with the unlimited gratitude for everything he has done for the affirmation of the Faculty and education of numerous generations. His untimely departure from our midst is an irredeemable loss, first of all for his family, our Faculty, University of Novi Sad, and wider academic community. In everything by which he dealed with he set extremely high standards and system of values, so that those who remain to follow his path must have the strength and endurance to continue on from where he made an untimely stop. Prof. Dr. Jovan B. Jakovljević Prof. Dr. Zvonimir J. Suturović 224 INSTRUCTION FOR MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Acta Periodica Technologica, Novi Sad publishes reviews and scientific papers covering all branches of technology: food, chemical, biochemical, pharmaceutical, as well as process engineering and related scientific fields. Acta Periodica Technologica is published in English. The journal may include supplements from congresses, meetings or symposiums. Submission of Papers. All correspondence, including submission of the manuscript, notification of the Editor’s decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail: sdjilas@tf.uns.ac.rs or bastajab@uns.ac.rs. Submission of paper implies that - it has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as a whole in the proceedings of papers of a scientific meeting, or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), - it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and - it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. If the paper was given, wholly or in part, at a scientific meeting, this should be stated in a footnote on the title page. Preparation of manuscripts Language: Manuscript should be written in English. Typing: Manuscript must be written in Word with a font size 10 pt, double spaced with wide margins (3 cm) on A4 pages (max. 10 pages for scientific papers). Number all pages of the manuscript. Import tables and figures into the text. General format. The manuscript should contain the following in this order: Title page, ABSTRACT and KEY WORDS, INTRODUCTION, EXPERIMENTAL, RESULTS and DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and REFERENCES as well as ABSTRACT IN SERBIAN LANGUAGE. Title page: On the first page should be the title without symbols, formulae or abbreviations (capital bold letters). Full name (name, initial and surname) of each author and co-author, without degrees, professional or official titles should be given under the title, written in italic. Title should be concise and explanatory of the content of the paper. Abstract of the paper (100-250 words, written in italic) should be given under the title and authors. Abstracts should contain the aim of investigated work, methods, results and conclusion. Key words (normal letters, max. 5 key words) should be listed afterwards. Introduction should state previous relevant work with appropriate references, the problem investigated and the aim of work. Experimental. The methods and materials used should be stated clearly in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated by others. Only new techniques should be described in detail; known methods must have adequately references. Results and Discussion. Results should be presented concisely, with tables or illustrations for clarity. The significance of the findings should be discussed without repetition of the material in the Introduction. Adequate number of illustrations, graphs and chemical formulae used must be kept on minimum. Conclusion should indicate the significant contribution of the manuscript with its applications. Acknowledgements: These should be kept to a minimum. References cited should be indicated in the text using Arabic numerals in brackets ( ), in the order of appearing. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references given on a separate page. Abbreviations of journal titles should be given according to the International Codex for Abbreviations of Journal Titles (Chemical Abstracts). The list of references should be arranged according to their appearance in the text. Give names of all authors (do not use „et.al.“), with their initials before respective surnames. Include article titles in journals. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 2005 edition, and supplements. The abbreviated titles should be followed by the volume (in bold), number (if exists), year (in parentheses) and first and last page numbers. Examples: Journals: E.C. Pascual, B.A. Goodman and C. Yeretzian: Characterisation of Free Radicals in Solubile Coffee by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 21 (2002) 6114-6122. If pagination repeated in each number of one volume it is necessary to add this particular numeral. Books: W. Banks and C.T. Greenwood: Starch and its Components, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh (1975) p.98. Book with more chapters: C. Mercier: Extrusion Cooking of Starch, in Polysaccharides in Food. Eds. J.M.V. Blanshard and J.R. Mitchell, Butterworth, London (1978) pp. 152-170. Book of Abstracts: W. Noe, M. Howaldt, R. Ulber and T. Scheper: Immunobase elution assay for process control, 8th European Congress on Biotechnology, Budapest, 17-21 August 1997, Book of Abstracts WE 163, p. 246. Thesis: J.B. Linstead: Effects of adding natural antioxidants on colour stability of paprika, Ph.D. (or M.Sc.) Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2006. Patent: B.O. Miller: U.S. Pat. 2542356 (1962), Dow Chemical Comp.: Abstr. 51 (1961) 2870. Unpublished data: Should be cited with one of the following comments „in press“, „unpublished work“ or „personal communication“. Online citations: Should include the author, title, website and date of access (example: Wright, N.A.: The Standing of UK Histopathology Research 1997-2002. http://pathsoc.org.uk (accessed 7 October 2004)). Abstract in Serbian language should be given at the end of manuscript (after references), in extended form (max. length 1 page), printed in Cyrillic (normal letters) with the title (capital letters), full name(s) of each author(s) and affiliation(s) (italic letters). Chemical nomenclature and units. Authors are requested to use SI units and chemical nomenclature following the rules of Chemical Abstracts whenever possible. Tables. Each Table is numbered with Arabic numeral, followed by the title (Table 1. Result...). Figures. Each drawing or figure should also be numbered with Arabic numerals followed by the title (Fig. 1. Chromatogram of...). Graphs and charts must be prepared by Microsoft Excel or Origin. Schemes must be prepared by Microsoft Visio or Corel Draw. It is necessary to submit them in original extension (xls, vdr, cdr). Scanned black&white schemes should be submitted in tif, wmf, or bpm form. Colour and black&white photographs should be submitted in jpg form. Formulae and Equations. Type formulas and mathematical equations clearly, accurately placing superscripts and subscripts. Equations should be indicated in the text using Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ]. Abbreviations and symbols-notation should be explained at first appearing, or on a separate list at the end of manuscript. Additional information Manuscript should be sent in one hard copy to the address: Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, to the editor: Professor Dr. Sonja Djilas (for Acta Periodica Technologica) and electronic form to the e-mail: sdjilas@tf.uns.ac.rs or bastajab@uns.ac.rs. Authors are expected to propose the category of manuscript (review, original scientific paper). Review process. All papers submitted to the journal will be reviewed by at least two independent referees who will be asked to complete the refereeing job within 4-6 weeks. Final decision on publication will be made by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts may be sent back to authors for revision if necessary. Revised manuscript submissions should be made as soon as possible (within 2 weeks) after the receipt of the referees comments. Proofs. One set of page proofs will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding Author. The author may list the corrections and return to the journal in an e-mail. Proofs must be corrected and returned to the publishers within 48 hours of receipt. Offprints. The corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a 10 free paper offprints. Author service. For inquiries relating to the submission of manuscript, please send an a e-mail to the Editor. THIS ISSUE OF ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA IS FINANCIALLY SUPPORTED BY: Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Belgrade Cover design Živojin Katić ∗ Typsetting Branislav Bastaja ∗ Printed by VERZAL, Novi Sad FORMER EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Prof. Dr. Adalbert Šenborn (1967-1970) Prof. Dr. Radivoj Žakula (1972-1975) Prof. Dr. Miroslava Todorović (1976-1994) Prof. Dr. Biljana Škrbić (1995-1998)