Quantum information processing in phase space: A modular variables approach A. Ketterer,1, ∗ A. Keller,2 S. P. Walborn,3 T. Coudreau,1 and P. Milman1, † arXiv:1512.02957v1 [quant-ph] 9 Dec 2015 1 Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS UMR 7162, 75013 Paris, France 2 Institut de Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, Bâtiment 350–Campus d’Orsay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France 3 Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68528, 21941-972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (Dated: December 10, 2015) Binary quantum information can be fault tolerantly encoded in states defined in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Such states define a computational basis, and permit a perfect equivalence between continuous and discrete universal operations. The drawback of this encoding is that the corresponding logical states are unphysical, meaning infinitely localized in phase space. We use the modular variables formalism to show that, in a number of protocols relevant for quantum information and for the realization of fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, it is possible to loosen the requirements on the logical subspace without jeopardizing neither their usefulness nor their successful implementation. Such protocols involve measurements of appropriately chosen modular observables that permit the readout of the encoded discrete quantum information from the corresponding logical states. Finally, we demonstrate the experimental feasibility of our approach by applying it to the transverse degrees of freedom of single photons. PACS numbers: 03.65.Ta, 03.65.Ud, 03.67.-a Introduction Quantum information protocols were initially formulated in terms of qubits that are manipulated unitarily in order to realize computational and communication tasks that may over perform their classical analogs [1]. A different, but widespread approach to process quantum information involves using continuous variables (CV) [2]. Among the most important advances in the field of CV quantum information are the realization of quantum teleportation [3, 4], as well as quantum cryptography protocols, which rely on states defined in a continuous variables representation [5, 6]. Universality for manipulation of continuous variables quantum states was defined in [7], and subsequently measurement based quantum computation was generalized from the discrete to the continuous realm [8, 9]. Manipulating quantum information in continuous or discrete variables, on its usual circuit based formulation, involves the application of unitary gates. While such gates, in the discrete variable (DV) case can be expressed in terms of su(2) transformations, a general unitary in CV is composed by polynomials of conjugate operators with a continuous unbounded spectrum, such as position and momentum of a particle, or the electromagnetic field quadratures. Even though, in the general case, a direct correspondence between universal operations in DV and CV has not been established, it was shown in [10] that such a correspondence exists for a family of states that, while being defined in CV, can be used to encode a qubit. Moreover, the encoding proposed in [10] is also at the heart of the demonstration showing that fault- ∗ Electronic † Electronic address: andreas.ketterer@univ-paris-diderot.fr address: perola.milman@univ-paris-diderot.fr tolerant measurement-based quantum computation with CV cluster states is possible [11]. A drawback of the encoding proposed in [10] is that it relies on non-physical states, and physical states which are close to them are of extremely challenging experimental realization with field quadratures. In addition, the encoding proposed in [10] has the specific purpose of quantum computation applications. In the more general context of quantum mechanics, quantum computing presents the particular aspect of requiring measurements realized in the computational basis only. However, a number of important quantum mechanics or quantum information related tasks, as Bell inequalities violation [12], quantum state tomography [13], and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics [14, 15], rather rely on the recovery of binary information through the measurement of different mutually unbiased bases. For these applications, one should build a formalism offering an analogy of Pauli matrices in phase space not only from the operational point of view, as proposed in [10], but also from a measurable perspective. Moreover, in order to build a complete toolbox to manipulate and measure discrete quantum information encoded in CV, one should also define how to perform rotations between different measurement bases. In the present Letter we create a framework to manipulate and measure binary quantum information encoded in continuous variables using the formalism of modular variables (MV) [16], that allows us to naturally identify discrete structures in continuous variable states. We further introduce adapted operations and observables which enable us to manipulate and readout the encoded discrete quantum information in terms of the corresponding CV logical states. Our formulation shows that, if one is interested in recovering quantum information by mea- 2 p ` x p x S SLM Screen FIG. 1: Schematic representation of (a) the unbounded position and momentum eigenspectrum together with their discretization into boxes of length ` and 2π/`, respectively, and of (b) the bounded spectra of the modular position and momentum operator. The red arrows indicate the displacements implementing the logical Pauli operators X̂, Ŷ and Ẑ. (c) Representation of the transverse distribution of a single photon created in a source S with a Gaussian wave function which is transformed into a periodic diffraction pattern by passing through a grating with slit distance L. In experiments, such a diffraction grating can be implemented easily using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM). suring binary observables defined in CV, one can loosen the requirements imposed on the states introduced by Gottesman, Preskill and Kitaev in [10], called from now on the GKP states. Our result has immediate experimental impact, and we briefly discuss an experimental system, composed of single photons, where our findings can be implemented with current technology. Modular variables formalism: In the modular variables (MV) formalism, pairs of canonically conjugate observables are expressed in terms of modular and integer parts, respectively. In the case of the position and momentum operators this leads to [16]: ˆ, x̂ = N̂ ` + x̄ p̂ = M̂ 2π + p̄ˆ, ` (1) ˆ = where h̄ = 1, N̂ (M̂ ) has integer eigenvalues, and x̄ (x̂+`/4)mod[`]−`/4 (p̄ˆ = (p̂+π/`)mod[2π/`]−π/`) is the modular position (momentum) operator with eigenvalues in the interval [−`/4, 3`/4[ ([−π/`, π/`[) (see Fig. 1 (a) ˆ, p̄ˆ] = 0 and (b)). Further on, it can be shown that [x̄ [16], which leads to the definition of the modular baˆ, p̄ˆi} and consequently to a new representation sis {|x̄ R 3`/4 R π/` |Ψi = −`/4 −π/` dx̄dp̄ Ψ(x̄, p̄) |x̄, p̄i, with a normalized wave function Ψ(x̄, p̄), referred to as modular representation. A formal definition of the modular basis and related expressions, as well as an example of Ψ(x̄, p̄) can be found in the Supplementary Material [17]. The separation (1), in modular and integer parts, proved itself useful for the detection of entanglement in spatial interference patterns [18–20]. Furthermore, measurements of specific modular variables, namely periodic functions of position and momentum operators, have been used recently in proposals to test the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) [21, 22], the Leggett-Garg [23, 24] and noncontextuality inequalities [25–27]. Throughout this manuscript we will refer to such specific modular variables as modular observables, in order to avoid ambiguous notations. Here, we provide a general framework suitable to deal with measurements of such modular observables based on the above introduced modular representation, which is especially convenient when dealing with periodically symmetric states, e.g. GKP states. As a matter of fact, using the definition of [10] and the notation {|0̄i, |1̄i} for the logical GKP qubits, one has simply that, in the modular basis: |x̄ = 0, p̄ = 0i = |0̄i and |x̄ = `/2, p̄ = 0i = |1̄i, showing that the GKP states naturally emerge from the modular basis. A possible experimental platform allowing for the production of such periodic states is given by the transverse degrees of freedom of single photons, as illustrated in Fig. 1(c). Definition of logical states: Labeling quantum states using bounded continuous variables enables the definition of two disjoint sets of equal size for each one of the variables. Such a splitting can be done in infinitely many ways, and in order to illustrate the principles of our ideas we discuss in detail the splitting of the domain of the variable x̄ into two subintervals [−`/4, `/4[ and [`/4, 3`/4[. As a consequence, we obtain a continuum of two-level systems spanned by the states {|x̄, p̄i, |x̄ + `/2, p̄i} in terms of which we can express a general state |Ψi as [17]: Z `/4 |Ψi = Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|Ψ̃(x̄, p̄)i, (2) −π/` where |Ψ̃(x̄, p̄)i = cos (α(x̄, p̄)/2)|x̄, p̄i + sin (α(x̄, p̄)/2)eiφ(x̄,p̄) |x̄ + `/2, p̄i, with R `/4 (3) a complex function f (x̄, p̄) such that R π/` dx̄ −π/` dp̄|f (x̄, p̄)|2 = 1 and two real functions, −`/4 α(x̄, p̄) and φ(x̄, p̄), defined on [−`/4, `/4[×[−π/`, π/`[. Equation (2) can be seen as a weighted continuous superposition of pure qubit states |Ψ̃(x̄, p̄)i for each subspace with fixed x̄ and p̄. We stress that, so far, no approximation has been made, and state (2) is simply an alternative way of looking at an arbitrary state expressed in a continuous basis. Note that the choice of ` is also arbitrary, and modifying it for a given state modifies the definition of the functions appearing in (2) and (3). The representations (2) and (3) explicit how to identify discrete features in CV states. We can chose, for instance, the general encodR `/4 R π/` ing |0L i = dx̄ −π/` dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|Ψ̃(x̄, p̄)i and −`/4 R `/4 R π/` |1L i = dx̄ −π/` dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|Ψ̃⊥ (x̄, p̄)i, where −`/4 3 where ˜ σ̂x (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄|| + ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||, (6) σ̂z (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|| − ||x̄ + `/2, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||, (7) p ̃ x x 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 ˜ -10 with {||x̄, p̄i, ||x̄ + `/2, p̄i} = {e−ip̄`/4 |x̄, p̄i, eip̄`/4 |x̄ + `/2, p̄i}. We thus see that the Weyl-Heisenberg operators act as ordinary Pauli operators (σ̂z and σ̂x ) on each of the qubit subspaces defined by {||x̄, p̄i, ||x̄ + `/2, p̄i} [17]. We complete the set of logical Pauli operations with the operator -5 0 x ̃ 5 1 Ŷ = iX̂ † Ẑ † = 10 |Ψ̃⊥ (x̄, p̄)i is defined by α⊥ (x̄, p̄) = α(x̄, p̄) + π/2 and φ⊥ (x̄, p̄) = φ(x̄, p̄) + π. In the following, we will focus on the special case where α(x̄, p̄) = φ(x̄, p̄) = 0. This leads to the logical R `/4 R π/` states |0L i = −`/4 dx̄ −π/` dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|x̄, p̄i and |1L i = R `/4 R π/` dx̄ −π/` dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|x̄ + `/2, p̄i, with f (x̄, p̄) being an −`/4 arbitrary function. In Fig. 2 we illustrate these states in the case where f (x̄, p̄) is a two dimensional Gaussian centered at the origin with standard deviations ∆ and κ in the modular position and momentum variables, respectively. In position space the same states are represented by two shifted combs of Gaussian spikes with width ∆ and Gaussian envelope of width κ−1 (for details see [17]). This example corresponds to the well known non-perfect GKP states introduced in [10]. We now discuss the manipulation of the introduced logical states through appropriate unitary operations and their analogy to ordinary Pauli matrices. Pauli/Weyl-Heisenberg group: In the modular representation, displacement operators in conjugate variables in phase space can be written as: `/4 Z −`/4 X̂ = e−ip̂`/2 = π/` Z dx̄ Z Z (4) dp̄e−ip̄`/2 σ̂x (x̄, p̄), (5) π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄e2πix̄/` σ̂z (x̄, p̄), −π/` `/4 −π/` `/4 Z π/` dp̄e2πix̄/`−ip̄`/2 σ̂y (x̄, p̄), (8) dx̄ −π/` −`/4 FIG. 2: (color online) (a) Density plots of the probability distributions of the logical states |0L i and |1L i, respectively, in the modular representation (see Eq. (2)) with f (x̄, p̄), √ α(x̄, p̄) and φ(x̄, p̄) chosen as explained in the text and ` = 2 π. The full widths at half maximum (FWHM) of√the distributions √ ˜ = 2 2 ln 2∆ and κ̃ = 2 2 ln 2κ. (b) Plot are indicated by ∆ of the wave function ψ0,1 (x) of the same two logical states in the position representation. In momentum space the same ˜ and κ̃ represent the logical functions with switched roles of ∆ states |±L i = √12 (|0L i ± |1L i). Ẑ = e2πix̂/` = Z where σ̂y (x̄, p̄) is defined analogously to Eq. (6) and (7), such that the commutation relations [X̂, Ŷ ] = 2iẐ † , [Ẑ, X̂] = 2iŶ † and [Ŷ , Ẑ] = 2iX̂ † , and the anticommutation relations {Ẑ, X̂} = {Ẑ, Ŷ } = {X̂, Ŷ } = 0, are fulfilled. Note that the vanishing anti-commutators reflect the fact that the area enclosed by the three displacements implementing the respective Pauli operations has to be equal to π/2 (see Fig. 1(b) and [26]). However, despite the similarities, the above defined logical operations are not completely equivalent to a Pauli algebra in the general case. This, for instance, can be seen by computing: Ẑ 2 = e4πix̂/` = Z `/4 Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄e4πix̄/` 1(x̄, p̄), (9) −π/` with 1(x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|| + ||x̄ + `/2, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||, which differs from an identity through the appearance of a x̄ dependent phase factor under the integral. Only in the specific case when applying X̂, Ŷ and Ẑ to perfect GKP states, i.e. modular eigenstates (which are a special case of {|0L i, |1L i}), they operate as usual Pauli matrices. Restricted to this subspace, our logical Pauli operations act as Hermitian operators and the above commutation relations become those of a perfect Pauli algebra. Moreover, as discussed in [17], one can map well defined Gaussian universal operations into Clifford ones as long as they apply to GKP states. Thus, the modular variables representation provides a general framework from which the encoding of [10] naturally emerges. We will now show how measurements of suitably defined modular observables allow to retrieve binary quantum information that is encoded in our CV logical states. State readout with modular observables: We start by defining the observables Γ̂α , which are the analogous to the Pauli matrices from the point of view of a measurement: Z `/4 Z π/` Γ̂β = dx̄ dp̄ ζα (x̄, p̄)σ̂α (x̄, p̄), (10) −`/4 −π/` with β = x, y, z, ζβ (x̄, p̄) a real and bounded function and σ̂β (x̄, p̄) defined as in Eqs. (6) and (7). As we 4 BS L L SLM BS FIG. 3: (color online) (a) Quantum circuit allowing for the measurement of the observables (10). Ĥ depict Hadamard gates and a controlled unitary gate Û is applied if the ancilla is in the state |0i. The expectation value of (10) is given by p0 − p1 , where p0 (p1 ) are the probabilities of detecting the ancilla in the state |0i (|1i) [17]. In the case of the specific example mentioned in the text we choose Û = X̂, Ŷ , Ẑ. (b) Proposal of an experimental implementation of circuit (a) using the spatial field of single photons passing through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Controlled unitaries are realized by linear optical transformations inserted in one arm of the interferometer. Unitaries of the form eih(x̂) or eih(p̂) can be implemented using a SLM and lenses (L) allowing to switch from the position to the momentum space. show in [17], the sum over β of the modulo squares of the expectation value of these observables is bounded 2 by supx̄,p̄,β ζ(x̄, p̄) . Moreover, restricted to our logical space, defined by |0L i and |1L i, these expectation values can be expressed as hΓ̂α i = Kα hσ̂α i, with a R `/4 R π/` constant Kα = −`/4 dx̄ −π/` dp̄ ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 and hσi = (sin α cos φ, sin α sin φ, cos α). Hence, we find that the expectation values of the observables (10) are proportional to the Bloch vector of the encoded qubit states, whereas the proportionality factors are determined by the overlap of |f (x̄, p̄)|2 with ζα (x̄, p̄). We can also define spatial and temporal correlators among observables of the kind of Eq. (10) , which have already been proven to be useful in the context of testing quantum mechanical properties in CV in [21, 23, 26–29]. All these works involve measurements of particularly chosen modular observables that can be expressed in the form of Eq. (10). The form of the operators (10) is chosen so as to be operationally analogous to the logical Pauli operations, defined in Eqs. (4), (5) and (8). Interestingly, unwanted phase factors, appearing when manipulating the states |0L i and |1L i with some logical operation, disappear. For instance, one can easily check, by defining |ψi = cos θ|0L i + sin θ|1L i, and |ψ 0 i = Ẑ 2 |ψi, that hΓ̂β iψ = hΓ̂β iψ0 , for β = x, y, z. Therefore, for applications where measurements of hΓ̂β iψ are involved, the Ẑ 2 operator acts as the identity, meaning that for all measurable purposes, such manipulations act on the logical states exactly as Pauli matrices on qubits. Consequently, one can establish a solid framework to handle CV quantum information from a quantum measurement point of view. In [17], we discuss the conditions a general phase space observable F (x̂, p̂), where F is a real-valued function, has to fulfill such that it can be written in the form (10). Examples of such observables are, for instance, Re(X̂), Re(Ŷ ) and Re(Ẑ), where ζx (x̄, p̄) = cos (p̄`/2), ζy (x̄, p̄) = cos (2πx̄/` − p̄`/2) and ζz (x̄, p̄) = cos (2πx̄/`). We note that the general definition of the observables (10) leads only in the case ζα (x̄, p̄) = 1, for all α, to a real set of Pauli operators. However, if one aims at an experimental implementation in terms of measurements of continuous variables, it is desirable to keep the freedom of choice of the functions ζα (x̄, p̄) making (10), in general, an operator with a continuous spectrum. In this case the expectation values of (10) can be assessed via positive operator valued measurements [17, 30]. Figure 3 (a) shows the quantum circuit that allows for a direct measurement of the expectation values of (10) in their general form by coupling the CV system to an ancilla qubit and performing controlled unitary operations (for details see [17]). As an example for experimental realization, consider the transverse coordinates of a single photon as CV system, while the two possible output paths of a balanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer play the role of the ancilla, meaning that to each one of the outputs is associated an ancilla state, |0i or |1i. In this experimental configuration, CV degrees of freedom manipulation can be achieved using spatial light modulators placed at different arms of the interferometer, as depicted in Fig. 3 (b) [31, 32]. We note that such a direct measurement approach offers great advantages in terms of the number of necessary measurements as compared to spatially resolved detection with a single photon sensitive camera [33]. Arbitrary rotations: Once we have created the possibility of retrieving quantum information through measurement of binary observables defined in CV, one can complete the set of qubit like operations by defining arbitrary rotations on the encoded subspaces. However, since the operators X̂, Ŷ and Ẑ are unitary but not hermitian, arbitrary rotations cannot be generated by simply exponentiating them with the proper multiplicative factors, as is true for the Pauli matrices [1]. This can be done only if we consider the operators (10) in the special case, ζβ (x̄, p̄) = 1, for all x̄, p̄ and β (in the following denoted by Γ̂1β ), which then can be used to define φ ei 2 (Γ̂ 1 1 ·n) 1 φ φ = cos ( )1 + i sin ( )(Γ̂ · n), 2 2 (11) where Γ̂ = (Γ̂1x , Γ̂1y , Γ̂1z ) and n = (nx , ny , nz ) indicates the axis of rotation. Equation (11) allows to perform rotations of the general observables (10) without changing the function ζβ (x̄, p̄) and thus to implement measurements in different mutually unbiased bases of the corresponding logical space. Note that, in contrary to logical operations introduced in [10], the operators (11) perform well not only on the subspace spanned by perfect GKP states but on the whole space spanned by |0L i and |1L i. A proposal of an experimental implementation of these rotation operations using the spatial distribution of single photons is discussed in [17]. 5 Conclusion and perspectives: We presented a general framework which allows to encode, manipulate and readout discrete quantum information in phase space in terms of continuous variables states. This is possible by using the modular variables formalism that naturally leads to an intuitive definition of a qubit and the necessary universal manipulations. We demonstrate its strong relationship with the GKP formalism, and show that as far as one is interested in performing quantum protocols involving expectation values of bounded periodic observables, so called modular observables, it is possible to encode binary quantum information in more general states than the GKP ones. A possible experimental implementation using the transverse degrees of freedom of single photons was discussed, as well. From a fundamental point of view, our framework shows how to reveal naturally discrete structures of states and operations written in a continuous variable representation. Furthermore, it provides a unifying formalism that shows how, in general, measurements of modular observables can be employed in quantum information protocols. Finally, an application of our ideas in hybrid quantum systems, which use CV besides some discrete degree of freedom, as is the case for single photons, could be advantageous for future experimental implementations of quantum information protocols. Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to F. de Melo, O. Jiménez Farı́as, L. Aolita, A. D. Ribeiro, N. Menicucci, R. N. Alexander, G. Ferrini, A. Laversanne-Finot and T. Douce for inspiring discussions. The authors acknowledge financial support by ANR/CNPq HIDE, ANR COMB and CAPES/COFECUB project Ph 855-15. Supplementary Material In this Supplementary Material we provide detailed derivations of various results presented in the main part of the present manuscript and give more detailed explanations about possible experimental implementations of our ideas in terms the transverse degrees of freedom of single photons. I. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Modular variables representation fulfilling the completeness and the orthogonality relation: Z 3`/4 Z π/` dp̄|x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄| (16) dx̄ 1= −`/4 (12) (13) −π/` hx̄, p̄|x̄0 , p̄0 i = δ (`) (x̄ − x̄0 )δ (2π/`) (p̄ − p̄0 ). (17) where δ (`) (x̄) and δ (2π/`) (p̄) are Dirac delta functions defined on the intervals [−`/4, 3`/4[ and [−π/`, π/`[, respectively (For brevity, we will omit in the following the superscripts ` and 2π/`). Inversely, we can define the position and momentum eigenstates in terms of the new modular eigenstates, as: r Z π/` ` |xix = |x̄ + n`ix = dp̄ e−ip̄n` |x̄, p̄i (18) 2π π/` r Z 3`/4 1 2π |pip = |p̄ + m ip = dx̄ eix̄p̄ ei2πmx̄/` |x̄, p̄i ` ` −`/4 (19) Hence, R an arbitrary state in position representation |Ψi = dx ψ(x)|xi transformed to the modular representation, reads: r Z 3`/4 Z π/` ∞ ` X |Ψi = dx̄dp̄ ψ(n` + x̄)e−inp̄` |x̄, p̄i, (20) 2π −`/4 −π/` n=−∞ | {z } =ψ(x̄,p̄) where ψ(x̄, p̄) is called modular wave function of |Ψi. The same representation was introduced by J. Zak in 1967 under the term k, q-representation [36]. 1. Let us consider the position and momentum operator expressed as: ˆ, x̂ = `N̂ + x̄ 2π p̂ = M̂ + p̄ˆ. ` ˆ and p̄ˆ as explained in the main text. with N̂ , M̂ , x̄ ˆ and p̄ˆ, comFuthermore, since the modular operators, x̄ ˆ, p̄ˆ] = 0 [16], they share a common eigenbasis mute, [x̄ {|x̄, p̄i|x̄ ∈ [0, `[, p̄ ∈ [0, 2π/`[}, referred to as modular basis. The latter can be defined as superposition of position or momentum eigenstates (distinguished by subscripts x and p, respectively): r +∞ ` X ip̄n` |x̄, p̄i = e |x̄ + n`ix , (14) 2π n=−∞ r +∞ 1 −ip̄x̄ X −i2πmx̄/` e e |p̄ + m2π/`ip ,(15) = ` m=−∞ Examples of modular wave functions The modular variables formalism is particularly well suited for wave functions that obey a certain periodicity in position P+∞or momentum space. For example, the state |ψc i = n=−∞ |Lnix , representing a comb of delta functions with distance L in position space, becomes in the modular representation |0, 0i, namely a single delta peak at the origin, if we set ` = L. This state and |`/2, 0i are examples of logical qubit state, in the GKP paper, which 6 can be corrected for small error shifts in the position or momentum variables. This error correction property makes the GKP formalism a popular way to encode discrete quantum information in continuous variables states. Instead, a more physical state can be obtained if we replace the delta comb by a comb of finitely squeezed Gaussian spikes with width ∆ and a Gaussian envelope with width 1/κ (see Fig. 2(b) of the main text). The wave function of such a state in position representation, reads: ΨG,c (x) = N 1 (π∆2 ) 4 e−(xκ) 2 /2 ∞ X 2 e−(x−nL) /2∆2 , (21) relate to the modular wave function ψ(x̄, p̄) through: p (28) |f (x̄, p̄)| = |ψ(x̄, p̄)|2 + |ψ(x̄ + `/2, p̄)|2 , (x̄, p̄) = ϕ(x̄, p̄), (29) and ψ(x̄, p̄) , ψ(x̄ + `/2, p̄) φ(x̄, p̄) = ϕ(x̄ + `/2, p̄) − ϕ(x̄, p̄). α(x̄, p̄) = 2 arccot Z ΨG,c (x̄, p̄) = T (x̄)C(p̄), C(p̄) = 1 (π∆2 ) X 1 4 2 e−(x̄−n`) , (23) n 1 X 1 (πκ2 ) 4 m 2 e−(p̄−m2π/`) /2κ2 . (24) and ` = L. To obtain the above result we used that according to the Poisson sum formula we have √ P −πa(m−b)2 P 2πinb −πn2 /a a me = ne e , and that in the limit of large Gaussian envelopes we can approximate 2 2 e−xκ /2 ≈ e−(nLκ) /2 . For a graphical representation of this function see Fig. 1 (a) and (b) of the main text, respectively. B. Identifying qubits in the modular variables representation To start, we show that every state given in the modular representation can indeed be written as in Eq. (2) of the main text. To do so, we start from Eq. (20) and split its integration over x̄ into two equally sized domains: Z `/4 Z π/` |Ψi = dx̄ dp̄ ψ(x̄, p̄)|{x̄, p̄}i −`/4 −π/` + ψ(x̄ + `/2, p̄)|{x̄ + `/2, p̄}i. (25) Next, we redefine the complex modular wave function ψ(x̄, p̄) = |ψ(x̄, p̄)|eiϕ(x̄,p̄) in the following way: ψ(x̄, p̄) := f (x̄, p̄) cos (α(x̄, p̄)/2), ψ(x̄ + `/2, p̄) := f (x̄, p̄)e iφ(x̄,p̄) sin (α(x̄, p̄)/2). (26) (27) where f (x̄, p̄) = |f (x̄, p̄)|ei(x̄,p̄) is complex amplitude, and (x̄, p̄), α(x̄, p̄) and φ(x̄, p̄) are real functions, all defined on the domain [0, `/2[. These functions directly Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄f (x̄, p̄)|Ψ(x̄, p̄)i, (32) −π/` with α(x̄, p̄) )|{x̄, p̄}i 2 α(x̄, p̄) iφ(x̄,p̄) + sin ( )e |{x̄ + `/2, p̄}i. 2 |Ψ(x̄, p̄)i = cos ( (22) /2∆2 `/4 |Ψi = where T (x̄) = (31) Hence, we can express every state as: n=−∞ with a normalization factor N . In the limit ∆/L 1 and κL 1, of a large envelope and sufficiently thin spikes,prespectively, the latter can be approximated by √ N ≈ Lκ/ π. Then, transforming Eq. (21) to the modular representation with the help of Eq. (15), yields: (30) (33) Later on we will, for technical reasons, express certain operators in a slightly modified basis defined as {||x̄, p̄i, ||x̄ + `/2, p̄i} = {e−ip̄`/4 |x̄, p̄i, eip̄`/4 |x̄ + `/2, p̄i}, which involve additional p̄-dependent phase factors which can be absorbed in the definition of the wave function f (x̄, p̄). In the case of the above discussed example of a comb of Gaussian spikes with Gaussian enelope f (x̄, p̄) becomes a Gaussians with periodic boundary conditions. Note that it is equivalently possible to define such a qubit structure in terms of the modular momentum p̄. In this case, one splits the integration over p̄, in Eq. (25), into two parts and obtains a similar result to Eqs. (32) and (33), now with αp (x̄, p̄) )|{x̄, p̄}i 2 αp (x̄, p̄) iφp (x̄,p̄) )e |{x̄, p̄ + π/`}i. + sin ( 2 |Ψp (x̄,p̄)i = cos ( (34) where the p-subscripts in Eq. (34) refer to the splitting with respect to p̄. Furthermore, this intrinsic qubit structure can be generalized to qudit systems by splitting the integration in Eq. (25) into d-parts instead of two, as discussed also in [29]. However, in the context of this work we will restrict ourselves to the above presented case of d = 2. C. Single and two qubit logical operations In this section, we introduce some single qubit logical operations acting on the qubit structure (33) that is naturally embedded in every state |Ψi. We start by expressing the single mode phase space displacement operator D̂(∆x, ∆p) = exp(i∆px̂ − i∆xp̂) = exp(i∆px̂) exp(−i∆xp̂) exp(−i∆x∆p/2) in the modular 7 representation. To do so, we calculate first its action on a modular eigenstate (15), yielding: r 1 −ip̄x̄/h̄ ix̂∆p/h̄ −ip̂∆x/h̄ e e e |x̄, p̄i = ` +∞ X h × e−i(p̄+m ` )∆x/h̄) e−i2πmx̄/` |p̄ + mh/` + ∆pi, m=−∞ (35) and then with the use of (19) and P+∞ P+∞ i2πm(x̄0 −x̄−∆x)/` 0 e = ` δ(x̄ −x̄−∆x−n`) m=−∞ n=−∞ we get: eix̂∆p/h̄ e−ip̂∆x/h̄ |x̄, p̄i =e Z e |x̄ + ∆x, p̄ + ∆pi Z 3`/4 Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄ei(p̄+∆p)(x̄+∆x) −π/` × e−ip̄(x̄+∆x) |x̄ + ∆x, p̄ + ∆pihx̄, p̄|. (37) Over-lined expressions denote the corresponding modular parts in position or momentum, respectively. Equation (37) shows that a phase space displacement by (∆x, ∆p) leads to a displacement of the corresponding modular position and momentum accompanied by the generation of additional phase factors. The latter encode information about the change of the discrete position and momentum values, `N̂ and 2π/`M̂ , induced by the displacement. a. Pauli gates: Now, by setting the displacements in Eq. (37) equal ∆x = 0, ∆p = 2π/` and ∆x = `/2, ∆p = 0, respectively, and by splitting the x̄-integration we reveal the following two operators: Z `/4 Z π/` Ẑ = e2πix̂/` = dx̄ dp̄e2πix̄/` σ̂z (x̄, p̄), (38) −`/4 −π/` and X̂ = e−ip̂`/2 = Z `/4 Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄e−ip̄`/2 σ̂x (x̄, p̄), (39) −π/` where σ̂z (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|| − ||x̄ + `/2, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||,(40) σ̂x (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄|| + ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||,(41) with {||x̄, p̄i, ||x̄ + `/2, p̄i} = {e−ip̄`/4 |x̄, p̄i, eip̄`/4 |x̄ + `/2, p̄i}. The analog of the third Pauli operator σ̂y can be obtained from the product of the former two Ŷ = iX̂ † Ẑ † , yielding: Z `/4 Z π/` Ŷ = dx̄ dp̄e−ip̄`/2+2πix̄/` σ̂y (x̄, p̄), (42) −`/4 −π/` with σ̂y (x̄, p̄) = i(||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄|| − ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||).(43) Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 (36) which implies ∆x∆p 2 `/4 X̂ → i(p̄+∆p)(x̄+∆x) −ip̄(x̄+∆x) D̂(∆x, ∆p) = e−i On the other hand, using the commutator rules for the phase space displacement operator, we find that Ẑ X̂ = iD̂(`/2, 2π/`), yielding Ŷ = D̂(`/2, 2π/`). Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b) of the main text, the three displacements implementing the logical Pauli operations (38), (39) and (44) form a triangular in phase space. Furthermore, they act as ordinary Pauli matrices on each qubit subspace defined by {||x̄, p̄i, ||x̄ + `/2, p̄i}. b. Clifford gates: A qubit phase gate P̂ can be reix̂2 /(2d2 ) alized with d = √ using the shear operation e `/(2 π). It transforms the logical Pauli operators, (38) and (39), as: dp̄e2πix̄/`−ip̄`/2 σ̂y (x̄, p̄) = iẐ X̂,(44) −π/` and Ẑ → Z. In this case, the shear implements a rotation of X̂ around the z-axis of the Bloch sphere. Further on, the Hadamard gate Ĥ can be directly realised using 2 2 2 2 π a rescaled Fourier transform F̂ = ei 4 (x̂ /d +p̂ d ) , with d chosen as above, which transforms the logical Pauli operators as X̂ → Ẑ and Ẑ → X̂ −1 . In combination with the above defined logical phase-gate, we can define 2 2 the Fourier transformed shear eip̂ d /2 which then implements a π/2-rotation of Ẑ around the x-axis, namely Ẑ → Ŷ and X̂ → −Ŷ . Finally, the two-qubit Clifford generator ĈNOT can be realized by the two-mode Gaussian unitary e−ix̂a ⊗p̂b which implements the operations X̂ a ⊗ X̂ b → X̂ a ⊗ X̂ b−a and Ẑ a ⊗ Ẑ b → X̂ a+b ⊗ Ẑ b , with a, b = 0, 1. Note, that the logical controlled-phase gate ĈZ follows from ĈNOT by an additional application of F̂ on the second mode. Note that these logical operations implement the desired Clifford group operation only when acting on perfect GKP logical states |0, 0i and |`/2, 0i. Therefore, the finite squeezing of the logical states |0L i and |1L i leads to a faulty implementation of the above defined logical Clifford operations which manifests itself by a washing out of the signal [37]. In order to circumvent such errors one can apply GKP error correction to the encoded states [10, 11, 38], which keeps the squeezing on a tolerable level. This problem does not occur if we manipulate our logical qubits with the rotations defined in Eq. (11) of the main text. An experimental implementation of these rotations using the transverse degrees of freedom of single photons is discussed later on in this Supplementary Material. D. State readout with modular observables The readout of the encoded logical state can be performed using the observables defined in Eq. (11) of the main text. For convenience, we reproduce their definition here: Z `/4 Z π/` Γ̂β = dx̄ dp̄ ζα (x̄, p̄)σ̂α (x̄, p̄), (45) −`/4 −π/` 8 where First, we note that the operators (46), (47) and (48) fulfill the relation: σ̂x (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄|| + ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||,(46) σ̂z (x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|| − ||x̄ + `/2, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||,(47) σ̂y (x̄, p̄) = i(||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄|| − ||x̄, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||), (48) where ζα (x̄, p̄) are real functions defined on the domain [−`/4, `/4[×[−π/`, π/`[. In Sec. I E we will show which class of general phase space operators F (x̂, p̂) obey such a representation, however, for the moment we take their form as granted to discuss several important properties. σ̂α (x̄, p̄)σ̂β (x̄0 , p̄0 ) = δ(x̄0 − x̄)δ(p̄0 − p̄) " # X × i εαβγ σ̂γ (x̄, p̄) + δα,β 1(x̄, p̄) (49) (50) γ=x,y,z where α, β = x, y, z and 1(x̄, p̄) = ||x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|| + ||x̄ + `/2, p̄ihx̄ + `/2, p̄||. Furthermore, we obtain the relations: ` ` hx̄0 , p̄0 |σ̂z (x̄0 , p̄0 )|x̄, p̄i = δ(p̄ − p̄0 )δ(p̄0 − p̄0 ) δ(x̄ − x̄0 )δ(x̄0 − x̄0 ) ± δ(x̄ − − x̄0 )δ(x̄0 − − x̄0 ) , (51) 2 2 ` ` hx̄0 , p̄0 |σ̂x (x̄0 , p̄0 )|x̄, p̄i = δ(p̄ − p̄0 )δ(p̄0 − p̄0 ) δ(x̄0 − x̄0 )δ(x̄ − − x̄0 )e−ip̄`/2 + δ(x̄0 − − x̄0 )δ(x̄ − x̄0 )eip̄`/2 , (52) 2 2 ` ` hx̄0 , p̄0 |σ̂y (x̄0 , p̄0 )|x̄, p̄i = −iδ(p̄ − p̄0 )δ(p̄0 − p̄0 ) δ(x̄0 − x̄0 )δ(x̄ − − x̄0 )e−ip̄`/2 − δ(x̄0 − − x̄0 )δ(x̄ − x̄0 )eip̄`/2(53) . 2 2 With this in mind we can now proceed to calculate the expectation values of (45), yielding `/4 ZZZ ZZZ hΓ̂x i = π/` dp̄ dp̄1 dp̄2 ζα (x̄, p̄)f ∗ (x̄1 , p̄1 )f (x̄2 , p̄2 )hΨ(x̄1 , p̄1 )|σ̂x (x̄, p̄)|Ψ(x̄2 , p̄2 )i dx̄ dx̄1 dx̄2 −`/4 −π/` `/4 ZZZ = π/` ZZZ dp̄ dp̄1 dp̄2 ζα (x̄, p̄)f ∗ (x̄1 , p̄1 )f (x̄2 , p̄2 )δ(x̄1 − x̄)δ(x̄ − x̄2 )δ(p̄1 − p̄)δ(p̄ − p̄2 ) dx̄ dx̄1 dx̄2 −`/4 −π/` α(x̄2 , p̄2 ) φ(x̄2 ,p̄2 ) α(x̄2 , p̄2 ) α(x̄1 , p̄1 ) φ(x̄1 ,p̄1 ) α(x̄1 , p̄1 ) ) sin ( )e + cos ( ) sin ( )e × cos ( 2 2 2 2 Z `/4 Z π/` = dx̄ dp̄ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 cos α(x̄, p̄) sin α(x̄, p̄)2 cos φ(x̄, p̄) −`/4 Z −π/` `/4 = Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 sin α(x̄, p̄) cos φ(x̄, p̄), (54) −π/` In the second step of the computation (54) we dropped terms that are proportional to cross products of delta functions as, for instance, δ(x̄1 + `/2 − x̄)δ(x̄ − x̄2 ), because, upon integration of x̄1 and x̄2 over the interval Z `/4 hΓ̂y i = Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 Z Z (55) dp̄ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 cos α(x̄, p̄). (56) π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 sin α(x̄, p̄) sin φ(x̄, p̄), −π/` `/4 hΓ̂z i = [−`/4, `/4[, such terms are only nonzero in a single point being a set of measure zero, and thus the integration vanishes. Equivalently, the other two expectation values become: −π/` Or in vector notation we can write R `/4 R π/` dx̄ −π/` dp̄ζα (x̄, p̄)|f (x̄, p̄)|2 σ(x̄, p̄) with −`/4 hΓ̂i σ(x̄, p̄) =(σx (x̄, p̄), σy (x̄, p̄), σz (x̄, p̄)) =(sin α(x̄, p̄) cos φ(x̄, p̄) , sin α(x̄, p̄) sin φ(x̄, p̄), cos α(x̄, p̄)). = (57) Further on, by summing over the squares of the expectation values (54), (55) and (56) we can show: 9 hΓ̂i2 =hΓ̂x i2 + hΓ̂y i2 + hΓ̂z i2 Z Z π/` Z Z `/4 X dp̄dp̄0 |f (x̄, p̄)|2 |f (x̄0 , p̄0 )|2 ζα (x̄, p̄)ζβ (x̄0 , p̄0 )σα (x̄, p̄)σα (x̄0 , p̄0 ) = dx̄x̄0 −π/` −`/4 `/4 α=x,y,z π/` 1 |f (x̄, p̄)|2 |f (x̄0 , p̄0 )|2 ζα (x̄, p̄)ζβ (x̄0 , p̄0 ) [σα (x̄, p̄)2 + σα (x̄0 , p̄0 )2 ] 2 −`/4 −π/` α=x,y,z " # Z Z `/4 Z Z π/` X X 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 dx̄x̄ dp̄dp̄ |f (x̄, p̄)| |f (x̄ , p̄ )| ≤ max ζα (x̄, p̄) σ (x̄, p̄) + σα (x̄ , p̄ ) x̄,p̄,α 2 α=x,y,z α −`/4 −π/` α=x,y,z {z } | ZZ dx̄x̄0 ≤ ZZ X dp̄dp̄0 =1 = max ζα (x̄, p̄) 2 Z `/4 Z π/` dx̄ x̄,p̄,α !2 dp̄ |f (x̄, p̄)|2 −π/` −`/4 where we use that (σα (x̄, p̄) − σα (x̄0 , p̄0 ))2 ≥ 0 and that the Bloch vector of a pure qubit state is normalized to 1. For the example discussed int he main text, we have maxx̄,p̄,α |ζα (x̄, p̄)| = 1, which shows that hΓ̂i is contained in a unit sphere. E. Conditions on phase space operators to obey the form (45) Let’s consider an arbitrary observable in phase space, i.e. a valid function of the position and momentum operator, expressed in the modular basis: ZZ ` Z Z 2π ` F (x̂, p̂) = dp̄dp̄0 dx̄dx̄0 1. Γ̂z -operator To start, we assume a modular operator that is diagonal in the modular position and momentum with the following matrix elements: Fz (x̄, p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = δ(x̄ − x̄0 ) δ(p̄ − p̄0 ) × F̃z (x̄, p̄), (62) which fulfil the periodicity condition F̃z (x̄, p̄) = −F̃z (x̄ − l 2 , p̄). Then we obtain Z ` 2π ∞ X i 0 e h̄ (p̄ µ−p̄ ν)` ν,µ=−∞ 0 dn,m e2πinx̂/L−iL mp̂ π/` dx̄ dp̄ F̃z (x̄, p̄) −π/` ` ` × (|x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄| − |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄ + , p̄|) 2 2 Z `/4 Z π/` = dx̄ dp̄ F̃z (x̄, p̄)σ̂z (x̄, p̄) ≡ Γ̂z . (63) −π/` (60) Further on, if we assume that the function F (x̂, p̂) is periodic with respect to x̂ and p̂ with period ` and 2π/`, respectively, we can rewrite it as a double Fourier series: ∞ X Z −`/4 −`/4 × hx̄ + ν`|F (x̂, p̂)|x̄0 + µ`i. `/4 Fz (x̂, p̂) = with the matrix elements f (x̄, p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ), which, by using the definition of the modular eigenstates in Eq. (15), can be expressed as ∞ X (58) (59) ≡f (x̄,p̄;x̄0 ,p̄0 ) F (x̂, p̂) = 2 x̄,p̄,α 0 0 × hx̄, p̄|F (x̂, p̂)|x̄0 , p̄0 i |x̄, p̄ihx̄0 , p̄0 |. {z } | F (x̄, p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = = max ζα (x̄, p̄) (61) n=−∞ m=−∞ where dn,m are the complex P Fourier coefficients obeying P∞ ∞ the normalization condition n=−∞ m=−∞ |dn,m |2 = 1, and we have, by definition, F (x + L0 , p + 2π/L) = F (x, p). In the following, we discuss how one can construct the observables (45) from periodic operators of the form F (x̂, p̂). where we defined (for − 4` ≤ x̄ < ` 4 and − π` ≤ p̄ < σ̂z (x̄, p̄) = e+iθ− |x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|e−iθ− ` ` − e+iθ+ |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄ + , p̄|e−iθ+ , 2 2 π `) (64) with the phases θ± = θ± (x̄, p̄) which, up to now, can assume any value. Now, if we assume a phase space operator of the form (61), with L = L0 = `, and use Eq. 10 where we defined (60) we get Fz (x̄,p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = = ` 2π × hx̄ + ν`|e ∞ X ` 2π ∞ X ` σ̂x (x̄, p̄) =e+iθ− |x̄, p̄ihx̄ + , p̄|e−iθ+ 2 ` +iθ+ |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄, p̄|e−iθ− , +e 2 0 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` dn,m ν,µ,n,m=−∞ 2πinx̂/`−i`mp̂ |x̄0 + µ`i 0 with θ− (x̄, p̄) − θ+ (x̄, p̄) = κx (x̄, p̄). Further on, we want to find the conditions on the general periodic phase space operator (61), such that it can be brought in the form (68). Therefore, consider the matrix elements of (61) with L = L0 = `/2 and dn,m = 0, for all even m, which yields the matrix elements ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` dn,m e−iπnm ν,µ,n,m=−∞ 0 0 × e2πinx̄ e|2πin(µ+m)` {z } δ(x̄ − x̄ )δν,µ+m =1 = ` 2π × ∞ X e−ip̄m` dn,m e−iπnm n,m=−∞ ∞ X i(p̄0 −p̄)µ` 2πinx̄0 /` e e Fx (x̄,p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = δ(x̄ − x̄0 ) µ=−∞ | {z 0 = 2π ` δ(p̄−p̄ ) } 0 0 =F̃ (x̄, p̄)δ(x̄ − x̄ )δ(p̄ − p̄ ). (65) We thus find that periodic phase space operators with periodicity ` and 2π/` in x̂ and p̂, respectively, lead to diagonal operators in the modular representation with matrix P∞ 2πinx̄−ip̄m` −iπnm elements F̃ (x̄, p̄) = e . n,m=−∞ dn,m e However, to obtain the operator Γ̂z we have to assume further that F̃ (x̄ + `/2, p̄) = −F̃ (x̄, p̄) which is the case if dn,m = 0, for all even n, leading to F̃z (x̄, p̄) = ∞ X 0 = = (66) A particular case of Eq. (66) is given by Fz (x̄, p̄) = cos (2πx̄/`), with only two nonzero coefficients d+1,0 = 1/2 and d−1,0 = 1/2, corresponding to the phase space operator Fz (x̂, p̂) = cos (2πx̂/`). × hx̄ + ν`|e ∞ X ` 2π ` 2π Fx (x̄, p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = F̃x (x̄, p̄)δ(p̄ − p̄0 ) +iκ (x̄,p̄) e x δ(x̄ + `/2 − x̄0 ), for − 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ × −iκx (x̄,p̄) e δ(x̄ − `/2 − x̄0 ), for 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ ` 4 3` 4 with the periodicity properties F̃x (x̄ + 2` , p̄) = F̃x (x̄, p̄) and κx (x̄ + 2` , p̄) = κx (x̄, p̄), leading to Z `/4 Z π/` Fx (x̂, p̂) = dx̄ dp̄ F̃x (x̄, p̄) −`/4 −π/` ` ` × (e+iκx (x̄,p̄) |x̄, p̄ihx̄ + , p̄| + e−iκx (x̄,p̄) |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄, p̄|) 2 2 Z `/4 Z π/` = dx̄ dp̄ F̃x (x̄, p̄)σ̂x (x̄, p̄) ≡ Γ̂x . (68) −`/4 −π/` |x̄0 + µ`i 0 0 dn,2m+1 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` eiπn e4πinx̄ /` ` + (µ + m)`i 2 0 0 dn,2m+1 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` eiπn e4πinx̄ /` ν,µ,n,m=−∞ (70) where we split up the domain of x̄0 with the two rectangular functions Θ1 (x̄) = Θ(x̄ + `/4) − Θ(x̄ − `/4) and Θ2 (x̄) = Θ(x̄ − `/4) − Θ(x̄ − 3`/4), defined in terms of the Heaviside stepfunction Θ(x̄0 ). With this Eq. (70) becomes: ` 2π ∞ X 0 dn,2m+1 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` eiπn ν,µ,n,m=−∞ ` e4πinx̄ /` δ(x̄ − (x̄0 + ))δν,µ+m Θ1 (x̄0 ) 2 i ` + δ(x̄ − (x̄0 − ))δν,µ+m+1 Θ2 (x̄0 ) 2 ∞ X 0 =δ(p̄0 − p̄) dn,2m+1 eiπn e4πinx̄ /`−i`mp̂ , (67) ν,µ,n,m=−∞ 4πinx̂/`−i`(2m+1)p̂/2 ∞ X 0 Next, we consider a modular operator defined by the matrix elements 0 dn,2m+1 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` ν,µ,n,m=−∞ Fx (x̄,p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = Γ̂x -operator ∞ X h ` × hx̄ + ν`|x̄0 + + (µ + m)`iΘ1 (x̄0 ) 2 i ` + hx̄ + ν`|x̄0 − + (µ + m + 1)`iΘ2 (x̄0 ) , 2 0 n0 ,m=−∞ ` 2π × hx̄ + ν`|x̄0 + d2n0 +1,m e2πi(2n +1)x̄ /`−ip̄m` e−iπm . 2. (69) h n,m=−∞ ` δ(x̄ − (x̄0 + ))δν,µ+m Θ1 (x̄0 ) 2 i ` + e−ip̄` δ(x̄ − (x̄0 − ))δν,µ+m+1 Θ2 (x̄0 ) 2 0 =F̃x (x̄, p̄)δ(p̄ − p̄ ) +ip̄`/2 e δ(x̄ + `/2 − x̄0 ), for − 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ × −ip̄`/2 e δ(x̄ − `/2 − x̄0 ), for 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ h ` 4 3` 4 . (71) P∞ ` where F̃x (x̄, p̄) = n,m=−∞ dn,2m+1 eiπn e4πinx̄−ip̄ 2 (2m+1) . We thus find that all operators of the form (61), with 11 L = L0 = `/2 and F (x, p + 2π/`) = −F (x, p) (only odd m), can be expressed as Γ̂x with ζx (x̄, p̄) = F̃x (x̄, p̄) and κx (x̄, p̄) = p̄`/2. An example, of Eq. (70) is given by cos p̄`/2 which corresponds to the case where only d0,1 = 1/2 and d0,−1 = 1/2 are nonzero. 3. Γ̂y -operator Finally, we consider a modular operator defined by the matrix elements Fy (x̄, p̄; x̄0 , p̄0 ) = −iF̃y (x̄, p̄)δ(p̄ − p̄0 ) +iκ (x̄,p̄) e y δ(x̄ + `/2 − x̄0 ), for − 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ × −iκy (x̄,p̄) e δ(x̄ − `/2 − x̄0 ), for 4` ≤ x̄ ≤ ` 4 3` 4 , (72) with the periodicity properties F̃y (x̄ + 2` , p̄) = −F̃y (x̄, p̄) and κy (x̄ + 2` , p̄) = κy (x̄, p̄), leading to Z `/4 Z π/` Fy (x̂, p̂) = dx̄ dp̄ F̃y (x̄, p̄) −`/4 −π/` ` × i(e−iκx (x̄,p̄) |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄, p̄| − e+iκx (x̄,p̄) |x̄, p̄ihx̄ + 2 Z `/4 Z π/` = dx̄ dp̄ F̃y (x̄, p̄)σ̂x (x̄, p̄) ≡ Γ̂y . −`/4 ` , p̄|) 2 (73) −π/` where we defined ` σ̂y (x̄, p̄) = + e+iθ+ |x̄ + , p̄ihx̄, p̄|e−iθ− 2 ` +iθ− − ie |x̄, p̄ihx̄ + , p̄|e−iθ+ , (74) 2 with θ− (x̄, p̄) − θ+ (x̄, p̄) = κy (x̄, p̄) = κx (x̄, p̄). Further on, consider the phase space operator (61), with L = ` andL0 = `/2, yielding the matrix elements ` Fy (x̄,p̄; x̄ , p̄ ) = 2π 0 0 × hx̄ + ν`|e ∞ X 0 ei(p̄ µ−p̄ν)` dn,m ν,µ,n,m=−∞ 4πinx̂/`−i`mp̂/2 |x̄0 + µ`i =F̃y (x̄, p̄)δ(p̄ − p̄0 ) h × ieip̄`/2 δ(x̄ − (x̄0 + `/2))Θ1 (x̄) i +ie−ip̄`/2 δ(x̄ − (x̄0 − `/2))Θ2 (x̄) . (75) with F̃y (x̄, p̄) = ∞ X d2n+1,2m+1 n,m=−∞ × e−iπm e2πi(2n+1)x̄−ip̄(2m+1)`/2 . (76) We thus find that all operators having matrix elements as in Eq. (76) can be expressed as Γ̂y with ζy (x̄, p̄) = Fy (x̄, p̄) and κy (x̄, p̄) = κx (x̄, p̄) = p̄`/2. An example, of Eq. (70) is cos (2π/`x̄ − p̄`/2) which corresponds to the case where only d1,1 = 1/2 and d−1,−1 = −1/2 are nonzero. II. PROPOSAL OF EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATIONS In the following, we assume that the coordinates x̂ and p̂ refer to the transverse position and momentum of a single photon. These variables are related to the object or source plane (position plane) and the Fourier plane (momentum plane) of a single-photon field. If we remain in the paraxial approximation (sin θ ≈ θ in Fig. 1(c) of the main text) the wave function of this field can be seen as the wave function of a single point particle, here being the photon. We restrict ourselves to the one dimensional case because the Hilbert space associated to the two dimensional spatial photon field is a tensor product of the Hilbert spaces associated with the two orthogonal transverse directions of the photon. A general quantum state of the transverse momentum (or position) of the photon can be written in the modular basis, as shown in (32). A. Creation of states with periodic wave function One major advantage in using the transverse field of single photons is that we can very efficiently produce states with a periodic wave function, as those presented in Fig. 2 of the main text, by passing them through a diffraction grating. If the photon which is impinging on the grating has a Gaussian transverse wave func2 tion fG (x) ∝ e−(xκ) /2 , with width κ−1 , and the transmission function of the grating with slit width ∆ and P imx2π/L distance L is given by , with am = m am e exp (− 12 m2 (2π∆/L)2 ), the resulting wave function of the diffracted photon is in the form (21). Hence, by passing single photons through gratings with suitably chosen slit widths and distances, we can easily produce the logical qubit states |0iL and |1iL . In experiments, such gratings are often realized using spatial light modulators (SLMs) (see Fig. 1(c) of the main text). Note that the propagation of the diffracted photons will lead to a blurring in the photon’s transverse wave function. This is due to the fact that the photon field is initially in a Gaussian state and thus can cover only a finite number of slits in the grating. The dependency of this blurring on the number of irradiated slits was studied in [34] by calculating the fidelity of the initially prepared wave function with its revivals after specific propagation distances. It is shown that, for currently available diffraction gratings, a fidelity higher than 0.9 can be maintained for a propagation distance of about 10 times the Talbot distance. Once it is known how to prepare single photons in the corresponding logical states |0L i and |1L i, we entangle a pair of photons which then can be further used to implement certain quantum information protocols. One possibility to do so is by producing polarization entangled states in a type-2 parametric down-conversion process and subsequently swapping the polarization entanglement to the spatial distributions of the two photons, 12 as suggested in [21]. Another possibility to create the desired entangled states is by taking advantage directly from the spatial correlations of PDC photon pairs and will be published soon in [39]. 1)`/4, (2n + 1)3`/4[, with integers n. Hence, the rotation operator (77) reads: Z ∞ φ φ 1 ei 2 sz (x) |xix hx|x , ei 2 Γ̂z = (80) −∞ B. Logical operations realized by linear optical elements 1. Spatial light modulator All our following discussion about experimental implementations of single qubit rotations or measurements of readout observables rely on a very important optical element, called spatial light modulator (SLM). A SLM consists usually of some transparent or reflective screen that is divided into a certain number of pixels whose diffraction index can be adjusted individually. In this way, one can impose spatial phase or amplitude modulations on a light beam that is transmitted or reflected by the SLM. In particular, it is possible to implement operations of the form USLM = eih(x̂) , where h(x) is an arbitrary userdefined function. Similarly, one can implement phase modulations in momentum space by combining a SLM 2 2 2 2 π with the Fourier transform F̂ = ei 4 (x̂ /d +p̂ d ) , which itself is realized optically with lenses, where d is related to the focal length f of the p lens and the wave length λ through the relation d = f λ/2π. 2. Single qubit rotations φ 1 ·n) 1 φ φ = cos ( )1 + i sin ( )(Γ̂ · n), 2 2 Γ̂1x = Z `/4 π/` Z dx̄ −`/4 Z dp̄ σ̂x (x̄, p̄) −π/` 3`/4 Z π/` dp̄sx (x̄, p̄)|x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|, dx̄ = −`/4 (81) −π/` where sx (x̄, p̄) that takes the value eip̄`/2 if x̄ ∈ [−`/4, `/4[ or eip̄`/2 if x̄ ∈ [`/4, 3`/4[. And again, by following the arguments in Sec. I E, we find that Eq. (81) can be written in the momentum representation as Z ∞ Γ̂1x = sx (p)|pip hp|p , (82) −∞ where sx (p) is a 4π/`-periodic rectangular function taking the value +1 if p ∈ [−(2m)π/`, (2m)π`/4[ and −1 if p ∈ [(2m + 1)π/`, (2m + 1)3π/`[, with integers m. From Eq. (82) then follows directly Z ∞ φ 1 φ ei 2 Γ̂x = (83) ei 2 sx (p) |pip hp|p , −∞ The above discussion leads us to a linear optical implementation of the logical rotation operator ei 2 (Γ̂ which is a simple position phase gate that can be implemented through the SLM operation ÛSLM with h(x) = φ 2 sz (x). Similarly, we can write (77) which is a position phase gate that can be implemented with a SLM operation programmed with the function h(x) = φ2 sx (x), sandwiched between two Fourier transformed, as discussed previously. 1 where Γ̂ = (Γ̂1x , Γ̂1y , Γ̂1z ) and n = (nx , ny , nz ) defines the axis of rotation. We focus on rotation around the two main axes of Γ̂z and Γ̂x , which by composition allow to implement any desired single qubit rotation. Therefore, we remind the reader that Z `/4 Z π/` Γ̂1z = dx̄ dp̄ σ̂z (x̄, p̄) −`/4 Z −π/` 3`/4 = Z π/` dx̄ −`/4 dp̄sz (x̄)|x̄, p̄ihx̄, p̄|, (78) −π/` with the step function sz (x̄) that takes the value +1 if x̄ ∈ [−`/4, `/4[ and −1 if x̄ ∈ [`/4, 3`/4[. By means of the discussion in Sec. I E we know that Eq. (78) reads in the position representation as follows: Z ∞ Γ̂1z = sz (x)|xix hx|x , (79) −∞ where s(x) is a `-periodic rectangular function taking the value +1 if x ∈ [−(2n)`/4, (2n)`/4[ and −1 if x ∈ [(2n + C. Measuring the readout observables Γ̂β 1. Indirect measurement We first remind that the observables Γ̂β , with β = x, y, z, correspond to phase space operators F (x̂, p̂) fulfilling certain periodicity constraints, as discussed in Sec. I E. If we further consider only those readout observables which can be expressed as a function of a general quadrature x̂φ = sin (φ)x̂ + cos (φ)p̂, we can write them in the corresponding diagonal form Z ∞ Fβ (x̂φ ) = dxFβ (x)|xiφ hx|φ (84) −∞ where the subscript denotes the x̂φ -representation. Examples, as mentioned in the main text, are Γ̂x = cos (p̂`/2), Γ̂z = cos (2πx̂/`) and Γ̂y = 0 0 cos (2πx̂/` − p̂`/2) = cos ( 2π ` g(sin (φ )x̂ + cos (φ )p̂), being functions of x̂ π2 , x̂0 and x̂φ0 , where g = 13 1 + `4 /(4π)2 and φ0 = arctan (−`2 /(4π)). Accordingly, the expectation value of the operator (84) reads: Z ∞ hFβ (x̂φ )i = dxFβ (x) |hx|φ |Ψi|2 , (85) p −∞ which is solely determined by the probability density pφ (x) = |hx|φ |Ψi|2 . We can reproduce the same reasoning in a bipartite system where we get for a product of two readout observables Γ̂β ⊗ Γ̂β 0 : ZZ ∞ Fβ (x̂φ1 ) ⊗ Fβ 0 (x̂φ2 ) = dx1 dx2 Fβ (x2 )Fβ (x1 ) −∞ × |x1 iφ |x2 iθ hx1 |φ1 hx2 |φ2 (86) and the corresponding expectation value: ZZ ∞ dx1 dx2 Fβ (x2 )Fβ (x1 ) hFβ (x̂φ1 ) ⊗ Fβ 0 (x̂φ2 )i = −∞ × |hx1 |φ1 hx2 |φ2 |Ψi|2 , (87) with the join-probability density pφ1 ,φ2 (x1 , x2 ) = |hx1 |φ1 hx2 |φ2 |Ψi|2 . In an experimental setup with pairs of single photons we can determine the position or momentum probability densities p0 (x) or p π2 (p), by detecting the position of the photons in the near- or far-field with respect to the output plane of the source of the photons. Position measurements of single photons can be performed either by scanning a single photon counter in the transverse plane of the photon or by using a single-photon sensitive camera [33, 42]. Arbitrary quadratures x̂φ can be assessed via fractional Fourier transforms realized with lens systems [40, 41], allowing to determine arbitrary distributions pφ (x). Finally, we can use Eq. (85) to calculate expectation values of the desired readout observables Γ̂β . The same measurement schemes can be applied to entangled pairs of photons (see Sec. II A), using respectively two single photon counters or two single photon sensitive cameras, in order to determine the jointprobability distributions pφ1 ,φ2 (x1 , x2 ). 2. Direct measurement In order to directly measure the expectation values of the observables Γ̂β , β = x, y, z, we first show that the latter can be obtained from measurements of positive operator valued measures (POVMs) which then can be realized by coupling the system to an ancilla qubit (see Fig. 3(a) of the main text). We assume in the following the the spectrum of the operators Γ̂β is bounded by one. Let us define the following POVM elements (effects): 1 (1 + Γ̂β ) 2 1 Ê− = (1 − Γ̂β ) 2 Ê+ = (88) (89) which satisfy the relation Ê+ + Ê− = 1. The probability to obtain the outcome + or − is thus given by p+ = hÊ+ i or p− = hÊ− i = 1−p+ , respectively, and we can calculate hΓ̂β i = hÊ+ i − hÊ− i = p+ − p− . Hence, the expectation value of every Γ̂β can always be measured in terms of a two-valued POVM. More generally, if the spectrum of Γ̂β is bounded between γ− and γ+ , one can simply rescale the spectrum of the corresponding POVM to reproduce the same argument [30]. Further on, we show how to implement a measurement of ʱ by coupling our CV system to an ancilla qubit. Consider the quantum circuit shown in Fig. 1(a) of the main text which implements the operation |Ψi|0i → 1 1 (1 + Û )|0i + (1 − Û )|1i 2 2 (90) on the initial state |Ψi|0i. Hence, by measuring the ancilla state in the basis |0/1i, we project the system state onto |Ψ± i = D̂± |Ψi = 12 (1 ± Û )|Ψi with the probability † D̂± |Ψi = hΨ|ʱ |Ψi, which is p0/1 = hΨ± |Ψ± i = hΨ|D̂± equivalent to measuring the POVM ʱ with the corresponding effects D̂± . With a general unitary operator Û = eig(x̂,p̂) , where g(x̂, p̂) is a real function of position and momentum operator, we can also write ʱ = 1 2 [1 ± cos (g(x̂, p̂))], leading to p+ − p− = hcos (g(x̂, p̂))i. Now, in order to measure any of the observables Γ̂β , we define g(x̂, p̂) = arccos (F (x̂, p̂)), with the corresponding phase-space operator Fβ (x̂, p̂) (see Sec. I E), yielding p+ − p− = hFβ (x̂, p̂)i = hΓ̂β i. The above measurement strategy can be straightforwardly implemented with single photons passing through balanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers, as depicted in Fig. 3(b) of the main text. Therein, the spatial distribution of the single photons represent the CV system and the path of the interferometer the state of the ancilla. Controlled unitary operations are realized via linear optical elements placed in one of the arms of the interferometer, and measurements of the ancilla state by detecting photons that exit form one of the two output ports using single photon bucket detectors. A SLM, with the option of additionally placing it in the Fourier plane between to lenses, allows us to perform arbitrary position or momentum phase gates, eih(x̂) or eih(p̂) , where h(·) is user defined on the SLM. As discussed previously x and p can be considered as the nearand far-field variables with respect to the output plane of the source. Phase gates eih(x̂φ ) in terms of an arbitrary quadrature x̂φ = sin (φ)x̂ + cos (φ)p̂ can be realized through fractional Fourier transform before and after the SLM [40, 41]. 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