NILES FEBRUARY 11, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * S2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS BATTER UP! The romantic comedy "Valentine's Day" is featured in this week's Film CUps. SEE PAGE BZ FOOD SAVORY'S SIDE ç '' . Save room for chocolate entrées this Valentine's Day. e , p . , , p P i-é , o. ., ,a__ . ,_ , ,, ' 0 t ,. SEE PAGE-20 Inside! today s homes Look for it in the center of SearcliChicago-Autos s PELLING IT OUT Student John Calabrese takes the stage during the first rounds of the regional competition of a spelling bee at Park Ridge-Niles School District 64's Eugene Field Elementary. PAGE 10 (Suzanne Tennant/Staff Photographer) . T SOC-VtL09 ':11 s:r1IN :Ls 1O1Wo .i 0969 :L1Q Mwat1] :3flfl ITT O O 000 s:Er-tI LsIa MJv1afl Dr]3lla S3T[N T000000 600D 8T9CS 600- 3IO'] Start here with a health care career. Attend a free Health Care Information Session. Medical LaboratoryTechnology & Phlebotomy Thursday, February 18, at 6 p.m., Des Plaines Campus, Room 1604 For more information, call 847.635.1629. 1600 East GoifRoad, Des Plaines )f (1z1-(M _.'(tL:%.LJL I CommunityCollege ColisosT: Matt Snhmito, Ossistuol MaMqiti Editor e tO$.524.4433 e: mschrni100piOtrerlOCel.CSm N!' IHURS000, FEBRUARY Ii. 2010 newsIPAGE3 World Wide Wow. NOTRE DAME COLLEGE PREP HILES POLICE Cop charged in Wily move helps keep-geese away The newly designed theft from dead man at YMCA Real estateb best web site is now even better, Superior content, unsurpassed property details, and a aver experience that's hihly dynamic and just plain easiec Did somebody say "Wow?" Oh yeah, you did. By 407W 000TUCIS Ile ítt000p io ree rIs63 loo e Decoy coyotes yield sorne success for grounds crew By Miohasle Elnlmike AN/lao pulire aPurer ,ros arrested Feb. 4 und charged with thaft cod otitriol mie. Opprdunty k Knocl<inq. Whether thoy're visitors or permuerntrusidrnls, Canoda geese mean oua condurt u flee' ulirged thing Ihr gruondohenpers at Chirogo-oroa golf courses, parhn oad Odds, trooble. struling mousy fitm a mon who l,ad boro di000rrrod dead in his ruolo ut the Nilees YMCA, uvuording lo Oho ou- The birds derour grasa, IlloritioS. Nitos Police Oltirer William Chrielie, 40, sur' roodered to law en/arre- $000 $30058 398*,eleoa 0944e 709.498040 m-es-980 409g!I 139405r$5494s 94400.94 fld H.w0*.94949,0g ,3eeNb,.I5.5r 13P2947 $304,400 341139 & s0,asasu, 400454-5.9 A.&.h,essll,l,sf,pgsls,. Hs,314,3,s,lcn 84I.lb7l5,el 20S7ls 1933193317 09-941,1595 As-ski. 5l.lSlyGe101Oe, 3/301,4.41/, 359- 1009359055 $379,000 doll,, 9794711971. Dl,, 539339551 531.491.0037 Nile, 0574,900 sls,l94,aa l05,l9,,31,Sul,l.5315e,la-45-O, .s,l,ae,ss 33490411,4 2344995es 773-7ma cod loodi og iO into u rordhourd ho He oppeorrd in court at O/la COrtI County Cirrait Courthouse io Okokie, whore his bond wus set ut eher ho - liegadly rommittad Ohr ti sft, he visited Sia rradi0 union and deposited a large volume airo/ns into j $5v-02v. Onoestigators said Chrintir seule about $1,700 in bIel. more than $500, iovenbigslors said. t Aorordiogtn prooeratoro 40m, los,,,30995139533 9-3.774.1154 MPrepees $369.000 04101la,0.35411460,ffi,,15el1,pl,, 2w_e 0594153510 Christie romeeittad the 1517437013314591920/375027,4.Lr942&79$ rs, musse. 08745,3,5 S 10-411-1135 $307,500 104144Es ,&1 .0.8e 70&p.aW290. 0S10070..70 00l1 n18. UoltonGr000 $294J01 floss Greve $275,000 i94,s/3.4s,1a3,n»44'n,,,o,s.lgosllssll.4433 55,54 'ssoasv 57934011*, 40.597,1,-ea 549sl l9S95599444Isfl,,,,.5/sg 10393199346 7441n.0,ornh 714.777-7557 0911.3y,. 0, 337-431-1347 0/706400 one mon permitted l0,.7l,sn9,,Iil 01,/31575 3lwU $275,530 t *OIO &_e7s3lll40s3l,55ls4sl45nl4,l ll10W74174U50& UIU 4,I01,00S Uwul 010_e UU 774-718e . 13795559491 -- I 70I0UI701i t UflUl l009 miued that thera moo in erross of $2,000 ir conic und ooinu in the room," uocord- 1,s,005 8 71489 4l94l inventory und detar- Ill. 11405413356 05.08e :1 ing looslulnmeat from the Obten Attoan'ey'o 02000, "Iavaotigatnrs also piaoed hidden sarvaitanre equipmont/n the room end 0000 u0errero4'dad Cheintia reteeing and ntaoiisg the dareused virtim's rash money ore tough to get rid oil But more p/ores uro tare' ing to uaothor pesi in the region tor help, the coyote. Or, morato iho point, coyote devoyn. Noies Domr Colisge Peep ir Nuoro is amont them, 'rhe oil-boys Cuihotir high oohool derided to toy nra ring off the birds by histatr og mood' en coyote look'u-likes orom,d rompan, Ard there's "Sines me put them opin November, i've seen ganse Geloso Sornes, eGo earNs etolo/ro Dome Co/lete Prep erl//es, nodo loas royslrs, which ore oappesed lo ssore s/I lesso hjooeli, lets/s soodsni sI Chi,otaWlldlileNeos4nOl pie mars uning them roe- Becimean, Ube school's man. ases greco losem, "pop- roel/y 00000." some tord en renfort,1 see otee of aperatines. Sciera Ike decoys, there used lobe obaut OS geese pers,' ,rhich are libo Dire- Par ooyrte decoys tabo eh facilue, SOmOn//011y aaid ihem for sole nom is loaa'd- llore stores, places ihr tkey neod to br meced thaI." Sied-X, oChiougo rompu- moOn! polo -. because olores more oat of storia of the pse' out of aorte, along with a noto indicating thot to be mode variety. ha has heul'd oempiaints Ohs total omoast uf m000y racorerod from the victim's room," arrord/egto outhoa'- rootuoted the sister and only ro/sg relstira of the siethe theft aod identiDad himmho mus milling to alean out thu room of the dereosed. "Chriotir thee lormarded $074 to the aistall mho lived Cool, County Stute's AiiorraydasiluAirormissOod o otutrmesl thanhirg Miles Police Chief Dean Sbreeler- blood Ihr ertice depuri' meol t'or their ruoperution. Christiu'soeotcOOrtdOte io Feb.20 in Slaokir. ovoilohie. Yeu run go te pe'ereotioo, the ug000y still brrr twire," sold Osbert rruri,rrs, und bordor roll/es, in addition to docoyo. "They're not trOolly alteo' i/vo oli bythssooeivrs, they hove tobe oued wish obher things, loo," told Oullrn. Soy Domoaliclay, aloe Shoals Departloevt oiNui,arai Se000rees' urbua loubarhowl project muaOger, odd self aso Hiles pulire oiflrer à11 $001 stste'O aitorony's ottae, y7'asecutoro said Chris0e Ovrr the neut seoeral days Chriutia attempted Ou ac- stuff und prompting them torontuot the Hilas l°urae Sepoetmunt. "tsvastigotocsoeoduated W0W room," cara,'dieu to the reauad rirlim nhorily atoar raisiag sospirioos of the 944es ilar laths aen ho mus ob- 100rraso thrreom. oras the room several U/seas, shielding them, the geese lance at the aredit uoion oerved with in the viatim'a ond told oIsif at tha faritity SS "Addid aol v/dracorroii- o YMCA t'rrility le Hiles Ihab s rosident ot the fsriiChrinbie sealod the room $320.000 1,/u arco nO totuling just shomed the defeodont rarryingacordboard boo sim- fore leaving the srnoa $327D0 0/nano/ai Chriuti,'s rarords i dirote that odoy aver responding tu u rail ut theft io Novembor tous 447_491-1414 ity hod died in his room. Be- Ekokil,17060,,1Pr.iY.Rs.d POI wert this mo4'eiog followiog ajo/nl invastigotiOo by Ihe Nate's attoroey'O ufOre aod the Hiles Polira Depuri' $494,900 b N/Iso psfre 00/3er $t$oe christir. 1FF /5 40i7i55 0031/93 und lasos tuas of droppings uod with no predators in mary spots, and faderai lsw au iha Ye/da enery doy, Berhmue said, Germas Gomre, Noire Dume'u grourds di,'ootol', mude ties fuao eryutrs an/rg plywood, point uod a urouad ab boot 000e a day, 1/Od they bulb Seni in small oy Ihat mahen roy000 decoys, def000iy hue seen on "ti you leave i tin one spot, ioca'resr 'insules, sold 0000alive Joe Dei4, hai ha mould the gosse f/guru out very qalichly thob it'S son oboe und it's rota Obreul," lia seid. ttegurd/esu ut mlaeiher und pro/sull boat cayote de- they am effective or oat, Do' noel/clay seid sbey boos become more popo/ui'. in inneried ir Ube ground "Domo people SIly that ond the decoy swivels/n tire Ulrey've worked roolly me/i, "lioseal tobe somrlhirg yell l,od lo get on/ire, oc Sai his version works roughtyihe some, the silo/O Frad Gsilco, k'roonds tu. pecieleodent ut the Oleo. view 0°urk 0/sir/ct, gnt his royate deooyo for $29 Onlira-bot is not us impresae-d with thom. While they ore cheaper thon obher forms nO gOOsO not provide pert/co/urn ft/s Srlsl's coyotes inriuds O-S plontir models, which rotoso in the miad, come wibhtorry toils und vont 009 Mounmhilo, goose orrn't She oniy soon hnown to full tor Ihr tobo coystsu. "Wo ser peopiretoriegob saad some hava sold it so/Ile poop/c Wsu/d jIlsO birlO did,,'t work vory well ai oil, it worked fo,' Il ahort 00 mehr, it ihey mero pretty handy. 'rhey macold them, voId then ttsey realizo that/b's rot 400v/ng end than stoppod working," acid plymosr/ or somothirg /0 tile alc000llily bhey 0/gare osi nhapoofa dog und pal itoh thora," oulal Don,00lictoS. soid. "They fool people" parlad of lime, aed theu j001 cvi onto p/ace of Domaolieby, "And the cousue for thot, in hardis SIrtI. I don't boom for sursit those pro- "Sat ib seems libo novo they're junI a las more thoU lhcy're decoyo," 000su ChicugvWildlifcNomo.rooa 4 news LAST WEEK EAREYOUR NILES TOP 100 STORIES Nifes cop arrested for stealing from dead man at YMCA tr heraId D A Hiles police dEcor was arrest- eS Feb 4000 ohaiied Villi theft and officiel misconduct aster allegedly stealiog ornee Eiern a men who hod been Assoueied deed io hie nearEst the Wiles TM Cv escorting to thu authorities Snap a photo. Tell a story. Send ¡t ¡n. Be a part et tier story-and tise sterytelllleg? There ara pisotee ad steries we wesst i, psistiels le ase sow srotiee, S'sue tilles tlaetad-Spectaeoe. seime reed Bear Iseip. E-mail Aneblad Mossattrt Editor Melt Seiswelta at msslrmite@plslseerlaaaLserse. District 207: School hoard votes to cut 137 jobs THSR0000, FEBRUARY 11, DOlO WI INSIDE THIS WEEK CALENDAR 14 024 CROSSWORD SPIHIOM lt FUOCO ELOTTER Il SCHOOLS lB 000WOIMEE BU nasi 0e mm the Caine Township High Scheel s're usrlrs AREJ that irduded the elrwinelien et Isoli O56'EOOl fioul mari eesieererisusioca lenti lao.vsra Eso °' Joriursrr - roen READY unanimously oppreved cost cuts = s'su .ereilem5snssrleaireei macrelic primary floue te replace posed ir Ihr Fab. 2 tnlrirory end will be aguaiirg oft ageinot Mcl' uorrmirssr olasorE5ri SKATING? cus the right et hubO ir the 0e' Republicen Orlan ceheroy ree op- s'est SKIINGAND Attorney John Muirce oes victeh' tenglirne elate tern Jemes teOso in the lotir Dietrich liu FOR SOME Jhs skittAp io r ne r lu cv lu o m Amin of visiting Icuehere, 0mo experiment. Thny banc college eepraoeouctinns end architects 'er sclaoelu laut Ox csmo up miura a ceucchle qonstiex. They beve bewarb meath visidrd Nuca NenOh High Scheel lu mace mere Uhncogh all nf Lbs bumps along the reud vo they dm- ctneutDisteict VOlt's new Sei sigo their prelevaI. They doce Tnelrnnlegy Engineer. log Mathematics tabo, built banc te actually do the nopaniment," Jechlyn Naughboe, Hites Ncrbh sci lesnu,noss iicesreumesssorieru rom Eh teaching ube, Mulroe advances in bid to replace DeLeo ceornd scieoee. Ne cod's telling tlenw whet tu thimb. U hey bannir design their OB JESted OASKIDT ti LOOR PSOE se55o5l55OOrrsInq EdIEes-55.eo Tened OP the heel en the cechero onion night When members District 219 shows off new science labs Ttae ATEM tubs were Tb ere uno DO sludmole en- ut Nilau Nerth end Nitro relIed lathe STEM Ooquiry West Erigir schwab chat meto ved Rencareh claun. The envIne is renrurrh besmd remadelnd. The lohu cee ideotinut et norm cchoul io teems cf the oqaipmnot. The amly diftmremea is Nimes Weet in mora 01w rmctengtn nhope and Nuco Nvrbh'o lab The Bolo Mister Olympie. le Veecoaare will WicH oIt Feb. 12. Roses are Rad, viably are blur, ohots yeur best mrmwry 01e ialerlrrrms "i love Rau." inspire remorca incur readers by aher irge hEllo Feb14 nontalgiw. SeEd la yourreoaMpinirmerlaoal rem. 15e hace brei reeders and reporters blegging wbeut everte Chyok 55cc eseriuuseco'arimt "ihimh this is the macb out Whets heppenin5 el the Scene With cur Olympic Connection bIs0 vi blcqo.pisneerloeaiecm/elympics. Peess erri ceo-rEvs oethentic cniaecm Shot students mill anne da. Oto oct lesa ree in Nreembor, VaharES le the luce Aepuhlicse cc the City Cour' Upload stories, photos to Community page cil Sed reprecerto tha Slat Wend. ExNiles mayor You eat upload Boar stories end pisotee directly toot. Tise ietaemattao esiti be posted esito Commaeity page entise peyera Mois sito, rosnes.ptaeeorloeol.00ese. Selections teem tIse yoga will apeone cash Thuradey io tisa print edition. Blase sentenced to a year in jail mene teacher, said. curved eat oteoioling opaca end wus dnvmloped cutuP the ochoel nluh Rnnocrcheeu cod Onvmntigalors vfTvmorrow. ROOT ulorted obxc120 ycure ego with Ova ntxdemtn and 00w 50 innolvmd. Pas-O of Rilas Neeth's ham- peodeni roseareh Thacbub was farstudmmle whcwant- ed Io cxcii'nee ta du ceThn STEM toqairy und Research elaowinanontncdibixnal riawe. Ut's a hyhrid elena whore dha xladents and teacher meet face tofacm creep day, bud the con. bevi is enliom. El's a self-pvciog, mulbi level enurwe Shut con be rrpccted. Ad Oho be- - i21 'meg' The GOld'Tlaederd ..' '° MARINO REALTORS 5500 Dempster . Mortoo Grome S47)967-55OO ' :L' ,'.:.,i.0 ih' taon H aa' o,n'J BWb et-m t sexma. Tha sdadenlo urn bnarningacntenUao Iheyga and aovo they prove musteeS' cm the enlioa meduleo Ibmy tan continue. B LT as I ' piece MORE SPaCEs5 'MORTON 0000E.,ESTOTES' çoson 005505e rssITr:v'. t.,: '.r-','roe;T.-.csorr.rasauusa olcolusrl'nSlos.cmcossvsuusuveeu tmiirellsrnH seosgonlccrnr:ru:ur..,.:..,,i'i'sl I. 1005055e Osen 95m i.r r-ì.',l,ru'us-I.rOr 5 aserree olmi mB,aea,siaulsOklisovsenrssle,ess050la,slm uueuliosrso'esrIi..,: Trn...t.-x:.u''yasrseaee leffna lu ts,ecrsoec,sieea,esuna toe o'areurusonsB osMose lleco .' u'1'e: r rr.nismiIsOOs aseeS o mcrorsloes eoisr*ai...................................005Es ceoosesseernvl ..........................lruolvs rs cf sucs sso wo sa Mlv iurso he sloe aco. ese O [r nrben to learn on refnnsh nei- enaahvwirwsueh esraviern. iog what's a geaS ceseurab qucsoieo end whoc's o gaed Ja4,5 I- Orsesesocs. esrioaseuueimwslersa ir sssu,ssOuucs glnebug uf the sehael yenr sladerrts cempleted mod- acs curc'iauluom requiems sou- domOs So engugc in indo' il15NVOt f°_a. IIUtJ( HILES NORTH HIGH SCHOOL tORillO READERS SINCE 1901 Sac sui mira Olalilel tot seerS et Education O PIONEER PRESO PUBLICROILS 'Hl NILES HERALDSPECTATOR 1RIOWAPOBLE LOW PRICEr lv raw, u ai tedi rosi-r 700e suo elms s oven e coeueeei ce000c sr.;.:. .rasssaa 5es rueS derma Bsrsexm c,.c,ceurmars000whusMl sutil 0,0 usrnsl'swe lAsre ow ' ev e5fs,0i,ne ...ruesqoeoalansla aremos s50550ie,seucnmaeuelsseusrx iv oi:sauce Sus slls2uessu5urencss1rlies,e llueslese osunooseli Tolse Marte u 'arosa SOlasm000sO vuirr 5001 Ou liolssuuo suBeo esur Oral essors es iOresreIsllaelssslsloleefaeusmrqe ottsuiSeseisi s,avolvpsutmulce,usvsseeocibeeusseiaasoi ruueslnesinculssirsrqi ..........................0055055 Iivuoimw7usssse...........................................ouSboosoe Lulrn, PAGES leanluW.rsoa oRualsrleeerieeeerieusieee 50W cururos, ag lì 000 mOo toreo rePros 5iuua lociulslsreas Associates in OBGYN Women Caring for Women leali aaH.raoA oirOsow5e0o-mn the farmer moyer et Miles, Normal and High-Risk Obstetrics in ta www.pineeerloaaLuem Hirhelas Biere, Bi Who ran the I uillaye tsr 41 years before retir ira amid scandal ir 20DB, ras *" 4 year end ere doy in tederel priser tan earrupliso charges stemmieg tierna dsnadee'lary 2 soherne testear 10001 businesses to or incurorce escoce that paid him hundreds et thousands et Surull door lo and eucH the Send Us tour Hews butter, Here yen car upload photos With the briiht TrIbe Alus end presa releases. The temo will her be tellers ir Kick000ys. Your Nowsi OAKTON BRIEFS Pererts interratedin enrolling their children ir the Early Child- Ors Flaires. Twfimdaterteogo te www.ptwooertnewCeoro. 3-D Ultrasound Routine and Problem Gyne Exams Menopause Management Bone Density Scans sent to the - C cm w u oily Laser Hair RemovalLight Sheer Update leiser that paper's Web cite. bubmisnioro hood Enuosdon Centers et Oak' ton Community College are ircit' edle aAsES Irre epen heuse eeepls vorn, ta 1p.m. Feb 2001 either campus, 17019 Lircolr Ave, Skokib or 1h00 L Suit Read, Infertility 2u JQNEJLRLOCAL errterned den StIa serve one ' Oper Ihe toge and rbI eut Ihr erre utertirg With Ihn paper io whrch you wart the intcrmalion te eppeer. will be munitored lcr libel, hate speech, proterily und uther betR napr lete Iuauseeeis Irt'Qusuoiet M,I),Bo0rst.Ceeii6ed Krlytjb.l.11eswlyeyoviM.t),IBòoekl Iitig'uldJcs,; Rh LWI, Ml) B IC tI d Sò'pliia Clisioj,D,sBeterd Eligible 'eri, ... Botox Latisse All physicians more now accepting new patients. Evening & Scstocrdmoy Hours Available 847-825-7030 1875 W. Dempster, Suite 360, Park Ridge 5 6 MeWS Ni- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ii toit PACK 175 HOLDS Photos by Fourth-grader's sandwich a finalist Brian O°Mahoney Staff Photographer VT RISOS- Bieco ModoSa, et Mortar Grace, heisted tirol iv loOp By ROI LEAVITI iIraaili@ pise e r r io calco m newSi A PiONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 'NI i "The hsah broman really being out the LetL Petalo Welsh IterO, ib e barthteeter st Mery, Seat of Wisdoa Schont arO psi Lilly Petter stan off Petuie's Hogfile Sloppyltneel Jee sardelah, bn strsrgsst sloppy Joe yna knew. Melon, Petalo edds peerat bafee lathe arana peueut hatter Manar," Petuls said. "Darpris. and later, Nash browns fe fe pen. engly orn te make a sloppy Jon: Fey a pound nf haeahuagae, drain la, dump in a oua nl sauer, heut it and pua it oraroil. Dane, But that's net gond enough for same people, Wtoysurpridagly? "Patotnea and peaauthuttar?'l'hat'spretty surprising, isn't itt la il inst we, nr daca thia bld talk libs she's siready filled nut 10 5ev retaran? Patota Walsh Great, a fourth-grader et "Mba has the persoaslity of a young adult," asnistent principal Jatte Due said. "Oho's so Mar07 Scat otWiedom Srhaal la Peek Ridga, Parased. Il she has e gosi, she'll sen it hesgona taoist nf trouble ta make sae that has no hamburger tait at all. What the Veggie SlnppylSwret Joe larks throngh, whinh is navy unasual lar that ego. Abo's e050emelyaslt-modnated." l'arlevtiag then oipe has boon the anarco- io meat, it melcas up io hash-brawn potatnea und paneat hatten Ii Shot motoen any seas e ta you. tina nf her moth r and bar torunauple at Patata, 10, aataoed her reor'ye in a chit- mantles, and the emily has Osten it sanan Comas. Priday it was the tora nf tour nf her pals. Three barth-grade dree's ouatent fur girlfriaade gave Vaggie America's mnot era- Sloppy/Sweet Jna a 5 ative paaaat batter lcr gava it ad, baccano oohoohaatea eesd touch- nice damna Idea peanut creare vette g for her optato times a day et button Ji000m, end promien ta at Uil Natural Creamy onatiena thruagh tha Peuent flotter Spread -were barely disrarn- The Scan tebleapaann Pab. 12 deadliee. Ourreutivity elauo, she's a deTnita rantender is the field of 10 hid ronhs. Her biaaron inolasian ofpeaeut hush ea' mua loopy Jue isa't icrriblyadd, clora without that, ehe ooa't win u $20,000 solsolarship from she people mho malee the peanut hatten It's the eo.maat SHag death bord inonderatacad. lesser tinny bet ihr fastest oar Ar the peeN, arS flAshed Ott io deeifre "Shea n vegatoriar, hes' bcnther i4i isa vagetorian, her mether's a nageturiva, und I'm a nag010rlea," anpluieed ge'aadma Pat Walsh. "MnDoeutdbis nata pert ofthairvnrabu. levy." Patatas Jans rantuin ornmhled soy protein iapleoo aPhonE, tantead ofMasovnirh, sIre usas vaneed tomes ancora and tomato punte. "I want ta open apa tat nfenporl'coren for other vegetariana," seid Potala as she whiahed tagathar brown sugar, vegetarian Warcantarahire noei-a and brocca rico vinegar in the srhnal bitaban. "It's dilfereat, bat it's really gead. Ott really navy, nary good." Aren't pan suaploinan whoa peaplo, anon 10-year-old people, tell you learn good samething is?aefoee you got it? Oharaturaed ta the simmering saure Fece eva deich ore at the heats dorieS Coo SauSt Peak P5's arrael POrosoS Derby held veeertiy et the St J500 Brabeet Mirstry Eerier. Merk mieden art MotoNes Zeïvskj remo ether Zeljrskj's sar ToleteS hostia 00e si te trots darle9 Cab tosai PaaR 170e lineaseN Derby. mioednnitlathasoy/tamatnsauro misture sad a little ohapped antans cad red sweet peppera - cad deepped tbn frasca haahbraman tata the pan, whare they hit libe e briob. Ofhst's cvith the 'tatars, naywey? / nut alS, while Lily l°Oi- saadwinh. Her prnud ible, haenenar. "The raies ssid salacot tana tablespoans," mom Wut Walsh said. "We didn't meat ta overwhelm an few othar legradients." Isn't your andacsieed true Chef worried about lasiag palets for cot highlighting she secret ingredient? oars always odd mora," slut Walsh Potala ucd her buddies Isealed pragroasinely enolar Vaggie Sloppy/Sweat Joe all anar the schoal, nad cnulde'i fled o trechor that didn't Irrot her lilac Julis Child. Por this parposo, Petals's Joe revipa has an odvantago noce the wmty bind. Probably beearcso lheo'ah so little latin it, it's na edible cold as boL Potala mentn the solsolarship for acting neuman, aced Mom says ihot malees nanee. "t°rom the dccy sise was baro, she raca very shy and senoal, but a s sanco as alce gets 0e sisga, an fear," nhe sold. "cArleen Lbs rast nithe Osmily geta en stage, s,Yacc raes rend Iba recipe no the JllOte, and ace odem moments oD Procter & Gamble tapas nf Petoela and s Yorlonilla 0-year-aid noelsing their cetrias se WLA1'V's Weh Potala apprrdatad the plug, boot nbc has "Ryan Itha Yarlavilla 8-ycar-nIdI got more air time then ma," she said. "Wlsieb la bed." 7 - Psi Walsh helps granitsaghtec Petals poor sOnst lenta into sporto meNe peanut baller nlsppy Jons, abbE they Yspe le Peleles ticket loa 011,505 nahslseohip Of lObi ere Pelala's pois Lily Patine tar right, sod Caroline tariesy. lire kids ars sIl leibe bitOres. treesed tar la Cathalis sahsai's paj000e dsy. PHOTOS BY BUZZ ORB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER S PIGNeS PRESI PItLICSTION -ti e news 9 Nl' HItItAS, FEIRUARVII, 2015 tiles North resin ANoblies SOttie esplsise hes prejeci es the postile that causer eelerre Don't Worry. eilt Latrie Ieìcersly tisirty We know what to do for people needing memory support. Savlrcln5y lefr ceerief net Sets Letal tiles 55,15. Soci tereer/flefI iletsaetrr till troll alite toicere Pheletrephenl If the person you care about - your husband or wife, your father or motheb your brother or sister - has Alzheimer's or Dementia, you want to find a safe and secure environment where caregivers treat residents with skill, respect, and kindness. That's The Abington of Glenview. A wsident's wife says, "I'm a perfectionist; everything has to be just so. The Abington meets my husband's needs and mine too.,, Wlsether you're looking tar a permanent residence nr short-terns mnpifo, we're the right choice for peace of mind. lodo leur coach," HoffmiuPalcr-esosard. Labs Conlipted trop PAGEA factors affect rieb behactoes in food-allergic adolescents, 'The self-pacing loosesper; esco is itself," sephororro ArioSe Hoffmin-Pe. tercos said. n personal interact as her Aftor reviosving basic sci- ootifio coccepls the sta. doers oir ossa 'escaro h prof- act to develop during rho school peor. They chuce their corn researe h pesiec; os well as au "n-mentor" tu ccmmanicrto with tor help nr gold asee ce their perieel. The meeter's are people with cup retener lu the of Glenview creo the students err errearo hicg. "t really libo the ret-up cf 3901 Glenview Road Glenview, Illinois 847-729-0000 847-729-1552 www,theabington,com this class. Ileso the opportunities lt's giving mo. lt's nicebrecuro ycucao geoff and sit and lust focus. You brocogeed chuch cf tine The Cross Timbers Free Gas Log Installation See Store for Details 4 She's venrarehing what ycucgec brother has e peanut afargy. The menthes che with whew cha correopccda cre et tiro Children's Memorial Hunpitel in Chica- libella let wore here b ecouso f' es getting more ic-depth attantics mdl Peal libo I'm freer to demoro of anything that f want. The limitalines thot I would hava in e negular classroom aren't cro lip proseotod. Wo hace tons cf rqcipmcor thai helps pos got very spenSe cesoltu," sophomore Haley Babley caid. The lob han micrapipattes, oyentes miser and incubators. The eines hou masy beoefits meladng impreuing tho woy sto- VALENTINE SALE From Fireplaces Plus, Your Fireplace Headquaers. dents learn end think. "It's reni critical thlclrieg ft's really doing snicoec ccl inn canned lob robeco you already heow Ihenonmer. They don't boom Iba ccsworn. They hassle Sguce it nulos they go und ruhen you haro iode ihal itiaal improves the may yea heist all together in 00cr-p urna of year life," Noughton seid Colle gas cnprosenlrd cl Priday's event were Nerti,mesiern University, Loyola Univoesity, Northern hinds Onneohs,,sgWesngi,w IsocSadaosn 'Weed Hefdees 5e.OioOsoed csr,eareerse, YOUR HOME LIVES UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS? University, Illinois State University, National Lewis University, Sutton Community College, Univecrill' cf Wisconsin and Milwaehne, and College cf Lahr Ccuo. FtREPLACESPLUS Why settle for a home that doesn't fit your needs? Need more livable space? Airoom cao help. Our architects, designers and craftsmen can turn your encrent house into a home that works perfectly for you. From custom home additions to hardworking kitchens, elegant baths end lower levels, Airoom haedleo everyThing so you don't have to. With over SO years in business, great frnandrg options and the best waffantien around, frost Airoom to help you get the most from your home. 847.549.6700 It all begins with a free, no-obligation in-home consultation. Call today. ty Tb ero seas aise accechi- isetarnl panel that ineludad Legal Architects oho drvaleped the STEM labe. Cne,wrot:pieeeerlaccl.CceI The tesi Selectee cl Ges Lete', Slam Doers and Screens, fmlerls, Milione, Weed holders, Cud Sr les end Much More Teches ISN'T IT TIME Sr $3,000 in free appliances. Fon rem destructs with cnnsoltetien sebedaled by February 2M, 2510.° 12 MONTHS same as cash financing availablem ARCHITECTS-BUILDERS REMODELERS HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS MATHS I LOWER LEVELS Airnaw Lienoinnoed 6025 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincoirweed, IL 05712 Aimee Napenuille 27i4 Aarcna Acrcrcie, Naproilfe, IL tO54C I , Del, s my scese,, I 888.349.1714 'teeetlo, Leeeso& Bollo teeeee Preleds Designed end Built by Almene. .Somne finest Sletreen on fie e[thsjlre sane rese d &er5e, lye SOne 14 Omis. nolieble. 0en Store Onu,. Moe. & fIenta tOGM'SPM fe Wed.. Eel., Sot.CSAMrGPM Mien AM-SrM 'Finacolna lerrrn limiO,t le uuotrmelew,rv senroasd Ored,tevlc F,nevSea onlorea rfl,aasv un cerna nc prív050en up ra seneca centoo Freed Ole,eol rete cl Casent ercías wily rrnr ra mmSn derme, deueea Ode, cerdaons ond lín,r000nnsppb; eskecrí,ai,eee, opesermics f,, fori deuils F'aseanSne Februeryde, cele. p,eededhyu,weyencbemove lo mews Nl' f(LRSSSA, FEBRUAR) li. toit Il news I 5 PISNEER PRESS PUBLICATION - Nl DISTRICT 64 Lincoln student crowned spelling bee champ Lincoln Middle Sobeo) Do you suffer from pain, tingling, numbness, coldness or burning feet and hands? Neuropathy Premier PHYSICAL ERAPY a em a 00 5rO Sieg O libooycillo Hirodde (047) 605-3000 (600) 030-0003 Oslord Posh (700) 460.5050 p0 Mo,oOe0 IN (255) 036-5300 Eogss Pool Skulls (700) 443-7900 (047) 67G-1010 Jolie (335) 744-6666 Socollo (650) 595-9900 * Opooiog5oosioobosnaohLoep) mus reloased on $1,000 bend ond in due in court March10, Du' Royrnond Arias, 2f, cf THEFT driving snder the influ- l$.65 W. Morso Ano., Des Flames, was charged rvith retail thoR Fob. 3 after nhs ollegedlyotobe $378 worth ence of elcnhol Feb. ton Mirso Baig, 53, of 4825 Sherwin Ave., Lineolnwond, mes charged with betteryFeb. Son Lhr 7350 bloch of North Wcuhegon l9 Deed. She was relessnd on 44 Touhy Avenue. Ho mes roloosed co $1,600 bond ard is duo is court MarchO. Booce Nihelov, 54, of 3544 N. Claremont Ace., Chicago, onus charged with $1,000 bond aed io doe in coort Morch 15. driving ander the influence efolcohel Feb. 400 the 0500 bloch of West DRUGS Dewpstar Strent, She man Merty Chorchhitl, ASe) 1176 N. Whneling Ace., releosrd on $1,000 bond end in do ein rouet March charged with possession oto controlled nubstence Metthem Ove, 30, of 6700 N. Harlem Ave., Falrieio Fr,nino, 05, of uf morchasdire from o store on the 400 bloch ob Golf Mill Ccnlor. She won relensed on $30,000 bend and in dun in cour-t Mooch Robert Mm-tin, 42, of 744 W Dobsos Ane,, Encostes, moo char god with r010il theft Feb, S efter he allegedly stoic SASS worth stereos the 5000 hIerbo of 3330 Bedoeibh Rood, 04)0 Koyn So Phone (f30) 937-00(0; Foc 9ia Lakes,. 513230G Jss h 7440 [yoro S. feuloohe 800G Hall (030) 557-1001, 123 Ikoshlrtlan SL Sack SI Onorira No Trustee lo Baireddin linon 505001e Jisani, 000030G Jas 0. iBAS Vildberr$ Sloe 3db C, 300120Es SeEk NOII TrI Cn/Ire (n Goss fetsEnooie felon Mfa)Iooit, 511)501 to Joseph Reed (501(01 Rebroto, 13(5_00G 100.4. 2(53 LaelboN Ortie. Mohoel D Niobio Io Ref nond PWOi00 Debbie t Weiss, 1539930. Jon. 6. OBS4 Conrrmo Sloe. 201111 Io Up la Girando K Gapla ROn 06/12, SAA5.SD0 Josh. 4(44 Ceoe Lose Opt E. MorI Oatryski( In Sonno Oto, TosO Urn. (blASS, Jar, R. 505 CKeo5 Lane, tilbes Kleie lo Enrien ForI Ornent Fell, driving ander the inflo- obtest Frincipel Andy once of aloohol Feb, 40e Fob. 19, MORTON GROVE spreialist, woo the spelling- bee coerdinotor. Jodgen Fetreline, Freshlin School Friocipol Dao Walsh and oeer Bellnrd Read end Caoiwrot:pioneerbocuf rem 5520 tireeln Sue, toil 305. R005ecelt School teachor Cicecyl Willioms. Prsslolin School speech pathologist Jase Tofte snos Ohr proonsocor fer the ec001. Uewerentspiorreerlerefcow Act now and save on energy-off icient windows, siding, porticos, complete exterior makeovors and more! The best brandt and materials. The best designers and installers. The best semine and warranties. Elevations is ynur best 050)0e fer new windows, swart now siding, roofs, portions er any eotarior remodeling this Spring. The Nues Chamber of Commerce Reminds you to Shop Locally on every-window purchased or receive 10% off any projectI Concerno eers006nleNs FOR VOan HOME SIDING ROOFING PORCHES f140.003, Jan, C 4119 N Osork Woo,, FrenI Ononr Es- 101e te PrIor Sobrie, $80,305. Jon. 6953W Birshnond Rse., CEi0000 Alilo UScI 01 Cs 11es lo uhieloni G Maldorodo (crer lsrscl050. $555,030, 1066 (011W Casol Mae, 0(snnan yost In Cliotic Jlnenso Cherub JiOsrOU (11490G 105,4, (139W 51005803 SL Holelir Goule 1001101 Stet SEstil KEodry. PARK RIDGE 1026 Coodlond Sus. Rossi basI to F0014 G Minisrsloo. $305930, J256 1320 BlisS SL Fornir toe In Ce(ello) F20111050 asIlyr P Resu' boa, 5035030, Jon. t, 401 Ascot Sloe Opt Ob. 000)41 Soul to boone L Fiore/I) $120,300, (23530G 1er. 4. 863W W Mohoso SOue, 101051es Sor Io terMas SlootOlakis 07. 105011s Alercene, 1401.050. Jeu I. 9042 W (eatfmnod 5701e, Wells FaIQoRonklO forhoro Rneolski Jon. 5. Soss090 il050lski, f135305 1er. 0455 Prasfeot Mas, Edsord tOar70(101010 Probos, 05005330, iou 4. 910W W 007150e Sloe ApI 1) 4SSN Lirnols 00e., Alonso 653k Io NbaEoloo J Lagattets MoNS togol' tata, 1610,300 1er. S, $2.7M,illion Death af mother during pregnancy ConsRooeRion woeker injured Assta &TrnckAccidenRs $S.5 Million $5 Million Medical Malpractice Truck Rear-ends vim WoekAccodents Van loses control, passenger death Call the Chamber office for referrals on businesses in the area Wrongful death of wecker otjob site (847) 268-8180 Physician's negligence5 brain daenagr ZMilhion Pedestrian bit by ao.tnmubile, resulting in brain doanage 'Million Failure to Diagnose Cancer $ÌMillion Landlecd's negligence Visit us at our new location u 8060 Oakton Street ((Asido lbS NurthSIdo Community BaSk) Wrengfool Death 4Million Police miscondnrtlexcessive forre Napernf le 2764 Aurora Auenuo Napswille, IL 60540 EXTERIOR MAKEOVERS 1er. I. Bark Nati TrI Conter to Sobres Marre) Mal) 050055e Muffe) 0053900, Jar. s, $9.995 Million $$ Mil lion EL VATIONS' fora free in-home consultation tedoy. Jove E Sordo Moler, 0140030. Personal Injury Attorneys Save $10.0 JJnnolswend 6525 N. IJoucln Aoeeas Liccoinwood, IL 60712 8048 Masen has. Poulsor 7112110 Mitchell, Hoffman & Woll 12 MONTHS SA MEAS CASH FINANCING05 UP TO °1,500 FEDERAL TAX CREDIT°0° Call 888.616.4686 or visit 4102 N 01007405 30e., Drulseha SS4A.ODA, J2r. 0. 200 Bir000sod Coud, P501055 U Nerth Western Avanne. He w os released os Chirago, was chsrged with Knndstr Copitol Corp to 01)00001 toIsAI Ng/a La062Hi. 313G330, J00, & NORRIDGE 5643 Seor$ora hoe.. Icooilso 0000015 Elmer Oront Onori, RILES A14t,bO D, Jan, C Feb, ten the 6300 bloch of ond drug paraphorualis 00a(sntr Ronk Nell 071 Contesto JosI)ro A Siers8. 251.335 Jar.4. 903f N FOX Oler Sloe ApI 3e. 5055,303, JON f. Pholographerl Students saS to 104035e stats Jan. 25407)39 Ihr (Ist roonds elIte Park ((490-tiles Sohocl Distriot 64 tpsllinç Boo senpeltion si Eagern Field Elonestol) to(ool is Park Ridge. (SotasEn Tnnnantlttall ELEVATE THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME THIS SPRING! DOORS PO. Boo 894, Ebhorrr, PL 00(19; West Touhy Acnnue. Ho was reloased on $30,000 bond end is due in cous t were Roesncelt School As- WINDOWS Williees bast lo Mohosned Koiseraddn. $13003f, louT GLEN VIEW of wercicandise from a Mount Prespect, mus lsfororrotino procidrd by Recordlnforrnolíon9eraireo, 011 Co floe 100001fb 000rpieu, 1076 Aspen Avn,, Bobble Groce, woe char-gad with the 7000 black of West competition. BlisoMortl e fnorth-gredr otodont et Washington Scheel, was Ohr contest's graders, looted 15 rounds end dt-cm wore thoo three times os roony perticiponts os lost yens'e centott, occordiog to the district. Liso Buleosi, District 64's Langoege Arts currirolow court Prb,l5. BATTERY The Spelling See, open to third- Jhrooglc eightic- 0)repr500' " lialediot the effieiel reperto of 16e Nilea Police Deport- loo ceo ntehe 1/ist daterror'- word "eccaotoete?' She will 000v 5450050 tooregienal roraing Mibwenkee Acense. S-Sc log ofgaibt. Orrlyeceurtef by correctly spelling the Born $10,000 hoed end is dseiu ed the) on orces) bypetice deco sat cerrelitote ofind- the district's secco schools, .u,,,sdNsaro.uooues. £000454 np, o,roop,00aso 2'Irofeyooingincidastta were r,rent. Scadere ow renct'nd- Butler woo the competitien, whieh ettroeted 065 student psrtieipoots 050m DIABEtIC AND NON-DIABETIC v eighth-grader Molly Butler woo doctored the winner of the Perk Ridge-Nibs School District Sd Spelling Boo on Jon. SD et Pield Bleseentecy School. Explore new treatment for PROPERTY TRANSFERS POLICE BLOTTER 1-888-719-6160 312-726-6722 NO FEE UNLESS YOU WIN.. Hanusiak a welcome addition When Chris 1-Inuak cal cresco arar ago, many o'avdered ankere he'd been all liteir liven. We, leo, were leiten with The neweanrer easdidsie io ike trat election in nearly a half-rectory skat arnold hsslall a new mayor roas a youngish, nanceesful eniropreoeue echase relarm-windedness seemed fast the thing Ike village seeded. (Former leader Niob glose pleaded gallup lo loderei rorraption rirorges for which Ire was senleaced lao year and a day la jail long masibl. Though this page did noi endorso bien atibe lime, me miglsi hare if his political reedentinis and malclred his cnmmnnity era, only limited reservation, we esngrsts. lair Hanasiab on his recent appaintwest lo SII tise vacant trastee seat left by Kim Biedernson. And we hope he takes his reformwindeol approach ta Nilet norinatly We liltewisecnwwend Mayor Robert Callees os wakiag lbs enlechan. nsent hperceptingsn appaistmen( to lite newly ecca ted dines board assembled io asravel the latcglad ethical mess (albe Pissa atte-moth. le lighl of sis held stanee daring tha election tiret Risse had left Nilosoverisekte ethical black hole, this seemnd s task for vnhioh berras pacticelerly sailed. Calleen has rende strides tannaral helter goaernmeet in Nues. lt mes he, after all, mho spearheaded Ike formatins of the ethiesboord sed otisar reform mens. sees. Bat he hes aise demansiested sareral times that ka still dnesn't qeite get it when it comas to Ike whale transparency thisg. The easmples are sererol, bat repeatedly end most recently bebas made key appehelmeetsentlb little arno risible iepal feom the Village Board. even amid protests from ei least one trastes. Is (se entitled te do so? Sare. Bat why do soin a alliage io sach dire need of Aflar all, his appaintrnesl n? Hanasiak passed snani. massly WIsp sat shaw teaslees la debate 1ko sommation openly? Regardless afear odmiratina fon' maris afarhel Celbro hes dane while in oll?ce, ate sea (sim as partei the old gasta lo an estonl, a baldonee fraw the Bises at's. Time was when a dmple statemest on village leiterheed casld give rise ta dsoados afmistekesly year-old Nilet girl by ber 13-year-old brother naiy reinforces ese nf the inherent dangers of baring a handgan in the home, particalorly e handgav thou is landed and not Isohed St,ídies hove shown that il is mach merr lihely far s hasdgran is the howe tebe inrolvedinaesninleslineal shnntisg thas tobe sand in self-defense. Usfor- lanstely masl edalls wha parchase hssdgasn doni nflesease (der the dabs involved with bringing s handgvss ints tao heme, caen whoa ynseg children and teenagers lira there. hssdgas is also higher than a home withasi a hasdgse. Wtrde there in earsaislyapossibility thai a headgee isa hame might bossed al name poinsl inn sail-delesse altee tian, peaple need ta reeller thai theraisa gn'esteeohoece ihat a handgan will be asad in qaite s differesi way, aftes mitin tragic canse- quences far the paaple whe lire in that home. Thomas Caneced, Nifes Eoeoctlse Director ab .' NOUGI4 FÒ halaS Groen $779 -I' Ouslsnis,i en, su,n:n:nn:m OIi.,ili ,",e lessees, cesa 501ra;, m'cs l'y'..,,,,.,',"...;"l,,,Ue,scnnrrnl tt soCiali 540.ats.nsam - lites $749,060 'lessee aside df-sor, s.iBs sis ieeelu000,oeenreiaeerr Morton Gocce eessaearususeeul,lldv.n $669.110 'd'vi'' çnariivassies,slsscsgseneleasgsesanvellhuisssseeelns, Sessel 55 ea... esile Ssssmo, 047.750.5011 Pin rusa'inI suene Cesena $575,000 Fierier Groan '11,1.5 Sale noildees 550505e. nsa sr leen e'fl esesislo t'la orali cal esasesrec Blase demanstraled aras an adraitnessetea-apling nf his palitical rirais. Osee yea're besten them is tka aleetian, pick 'em sp and dust 'am alf and make 'em one nf the gmap. Keep paar feiesds atase and paar 5,0O inteshas sor the satrome of this labst appoinimeat. Now maca thaa crer Mr. Henasiak, this village seedsyosr independent spirit end astharitative Poe's let as dama. CHERYL O'DONO'IAN Yacer use on elderly Woman excessive I have 10sep you have same real heroes is paar Nues Villaga Paure Department. teas's imagiae the terror Ihase gsys felt whas ranfeosted anith ase 53year-old maman with a keife. Certainly stings meapan laced lo think my family and 00110go roommates were Ihr only people tabo enald blackmail ma, bsl I've added ace ware The mamen in my aerakirs chess. 'Phone brave ladina have sees me sweaty and grim, attempling eharesgeapleed steps. I huff sad palf, ned thnshs la chocolate binge- ing,ltarescoceslehianp_ chin-ohms. Today as e pablic servie0, V,Olsat is the hell is the Ihr inslrueboreosdacla a CPR demaastreulas. She bicha asida the demmy and asks far samething mere lifeless ta valasteer mester with yas peaple? The baels raw signals l'ar that has been peeves lethal on this vets nid maman is the vigies asay la tekerare af the malter? isst it? Marianne Torees Spokane, Went. slob isa canlee is more eavrdinatad. Naneinseseas I oak mithoat Pealing inedeqaste. Neal home is Yaba Canin black leviseds, Bicheed Simmsss'e short-shorts borohy pass the PG-to reliag The Saneflea gay's shonvieg a?f again. Marie 011M MOM STRIllO ASheN llliooin Coaeril Against Handgun Violence teIae Sloan -- 000n,000' s,LLI 511a0 oli The fool of aerobics class Oar sincere trapo is thai this is seither Callers's Nat only isis mare likely penieg (ne Ineme with o i-, form of government. And ose puruiealar politi- Handguns in home are the rea' hazard for an asistentiasal sheoling la aooar is hemos with hosdgans, but the risk of s ssioide nra Itamicido hap- iîSoS - operatisg sedar the wrong YOU SAY The recent snisientinnal shooting (Jan 24f ales t- CoidweliBankerOnline. coin ?J; NEED TO DIVI Is the year thst has passed sisee the eleeuion, Hanasiab lrosetayod invoiced is local garces- 13 1000 WORDS WE SAY horst ooto the Nues poilu- A PIONIER PREII PIILICSOION 'NI PAGE 12 Ceardisated? A meat Osmond is trying ta osIlafamarolal Valeria Tesly na snard slIms vair dread ir mamanthan "abdemisals." Marc lilia "abominables." Daing a half sil-ap, Ilse searing pais is alsinn lao bayonet being shored lIllo my stamack. Taan',estnnoei tram my cyan. The hast time my abdominale sum' this hued nf selbe, o baby bande. We begin. The mesie palsales. Na Molonas ales- llaep. feas IdI by liso tempe nf tise mesic and sues, Mad anna ve anythaing bodies calla psing scavo al me, that we'll nvrap noon, 0th the "cccl dawn" pinoso. f call it the "fach dawn," sang has bean cewaslered"paol" hccanse I sigaed ap stalin gun servean and a yodeler TIno aImer nemeemses fare sel do, Wc raise oar arms 'as ereryane alar is drappiag theirs, resembila ge ware hing hand gave Ierm'ibly mn-ong, The isslesetar chirps, 0006550 MerCar Olas 0500,005 IliOn i5al;n;5mev;'. 0010,000 alias 0e 0500,005 mill 150 ence es 0 \ìre care we .suppon we give back, hfashiag whitened loculi, dabbing et her faca. She make dewy. I Inak 1111cl pase arm weighmls and matar lark, Time for Soar aaeeciens, ses lisa, - 1V,' SIS fl05S 5 lu o e e; te s sluiced na 00 s. vi' mmes;, 555 ' carlee ooeo sare Oras get sp, I stagger taward the call. "See yaa nest timel" The friendly iesteaelarvvaves, escaped 11mm a carey Rice Kelepme bar cenCas far sm macks cf ibis, "damn" beeosse I'm sal "Naw, everpase, grab matsl" One mamas reaches fer 3SS'pnsed backehls. Mp ideo afa hand weight isa e000i plepped isla Ihe declare Bcrtiselhi. racogeisable, bal sangs from a Tahitian qaarsev posadiag hangas. A rap ocioseo 5505nlmare oscIlo lus 00.5000 dl.. Rucas rl,,nea;sair,;aian;,;uaet,0;s;a,rs,m 0,l,lic;ils,;sc;sel;hiaO;s;si;liees si;t;nlmisase,es,5ne00* i i, o lois I,,e,e Sal Uta-huk. "Ncnt time." The saal time sameOnc sees my lege libad in the air, it'll beh coasse I'm in leaches. Camemerst:piasseerl000l.eOiv l.aosonle GiveHoüsing.coni -Tn 14 Ii"!'! Nt stUtSltt, t!BtLPtt 151010 The Bethany Terrace hosts "7(now the 10 Warning Signs of4(zhzeimer'.c anîcDementia" Presented by The Greater Illinois Chapter! Alzheimer's Association S,ut,,,iasiduefor Co,,mm,,idy Caicadac'orereqluil'cdl4 days p,-emdi,,gii,edcicofpiub!ic,n Ojo,,. Sv,,diaiNik,sdlc,,cgicg IOdico,; Pic,,cis'Prme, 370! 07 LalrcAc, Gccoie,cIL 60020 1,ifor,rialic,,,,,oy sofocad to (067)400 74050cc ,,,dllcdt,, ,,,bi,tlanifspio,,,'adecli,c,,t. This program is free but pee-registration is requested. Ear more information and to register, call (847) 933-2413 tise, laiS cl! isst 5015515,3 Taaclosc Sitnsc ae lac sp weak) osutemie test Sous Boot scie Orahipo - 00550eS gn0050 toi iitrs,'iaa swords bed hsnnse school t505eOilptI h 150115e Nsa 51 Surds ello its C EseleI 5h Toss, tes Pa 055505Spot tissa beau lu taiss l,l'r,t na est ant suecos ceuh rs Ir i rs, ssd lestas s! aos000ndolun, Oppli- oaiiaP isisioehei cas te clad ut Sodi balia CeInte, is o hiolury por Stein auittius aie cosIta s t Ihi ion- std,silasshaoteissm 1550515e I5 POS ien etcspi cossu IPtl..Tl, 55. bi appulal005i 505 alus elleru aftirtets per sai lucidata Thu StIll. ihturdayc-ta- coloca as lu atu il slat ass cenca iac peps ulisa it oppo'etaaa Osato, ceo jat inssisl 15515 Wut nuisit et SePt55 idol apt lIait osa-casi she saslar lt lOtIt! tule uooucd scoup lis 5l'theect ashesy Salie cts P, tuisidoic tat 1510111-Lutai cods Otte stesa, usos arch 105 ccuv100ple,usslsusst tra isl- on acinpit onytspe cl it trous i turtan, uid! blued pcsccacs und ceca culai bei stl usI lacca tout ndaalup Cpu sIl anpuusn bushs usions lo ns urn n good co so appsotauat narIcI tael-nasa loose noes 050raircu all d,tott Holtpitnauokc scaiurs. In ssc table ty appu P10051 lithe 5h55 It Sushi tsr thilnut, istt a. tana lastes ci Ciaiwrssiaih Otte op Sueldas 5 truies u t taic5ay mols- sont is suo 5pta ni la Ccanhiu in Pta51 ticuelssuraul Ill Stoics il ut scud ii st and Fusti Ceases of Cuisnoene tsgs lhcouslc apici t italic cta coas t Sop ti as attsrdabtn tsusrsa, prep sou lo- cpsetis proved hsme has 1h suce isluiralu t,, dli sil' iioiulu,ttoh000lcu,taudcul eu, cppsoutil au in as o sus Its ast sotusi assunse Is op bussi, ti Col Ito Chsm001 offide 5051 SIb sIso The Mueco lowooSsip Fasi PenIr5 IO ndeesesala seca st nonpnyotec s Snoet'psisHss Isenadsaeetottes ,ssnsd tacI 15115 pensaI 151155 hne turCo 5h15h55 h,lpap dnsh os, ioadh' sa upapheiP, tos ont asso i bua. Itood mosse ucappad o lintleoss 5 0m. sad aus sot at SIsSies CinchaseS lseco,se alise, 5515 COsitun St. pudo ho ssrth tide Cdmmusr ii Sank ti tolas Cl0500n Eisspinysaent Soseeehea ant papar Sss 55 clope elle ana aural le co ru In h u suet ieosmau aitsi 5405to tacs lIns sedai lad cts taaeictct sia ea cuso Tile ten tui taLc Intorul esa OtsiSOPsyiOshoaBi,uaast preti tyascaosso diets lsst505t tflaeasounsscitnrstuli)ala t r ciato a lasst In, IdOls ads nul 5 utCeusein 011ioss ai italo Serttaoct andlsstts,sslc,ilstsaad o Hataus SIleSIO ce7at csrdiu crony whit oiasrtnu canI au IO sar!Oru sod ilhniss ast, Sil tell a dnvnl dosso Fasi senti el upe' cta cl, toi the tisi! sucs' cools Tes erotIc lutOs tore oamclal Oeroicas 1h01 iRonia uppaSiroot Fait 5111550 teca' Intonsa ii cap la 515 Cat Silt Cil soll (Ha,) 551-lass ,nsohauy till is vats as appctstOsrL loo bau lrnodssunasucbtsiocaatoc pa ai seca io item Scale. 4:50 pa. Casse, aaoneelsno ello sa couliate la lisp 51,95ta csddnois apsis lus it lise Salteo Chamboe 00110,11 utla . Ihn en s 05 baa ri ait p.m. ant Si ubac an opnn tan assocIons dr, s's lrualiBlaaherp,cpnrtytuuiatt tasI tiatalte seul .11 i_l Ill i stilotai corsai air sun cItad os sea io lu the somouflily Cela, Thatontorotçoonnas aaonpuli an nsa Reati napuilinp sacad- Chambre II) orI Ctlsrser cao ali icu si io nc t' a practice sus ith vision Tamara Wyse, M.D. Uni mitoS Oho ces annam Desga & insto lotion. Voit our Shawroam Todoy. irlctreord nor'S Resu is Board Cossfled OP!,thalmo!oaiuc Feltro,. Amsnic,m Academy of Ophtha!saolccgy Nms!oscvcce,m Uaooersiuy Glaucoma Felouship [t.ring Eye Physician l'su itS Ils sad mole IlodIc, iOdesut wagon, capoeclbeso, bnoter 05es 5501 St P,Ot,5e01 s's pleseol aiti bis as its o ecod aod srs otee to airoe odwmsdan ont parkst o hOe! talases luIt IO BI sIlbe sal shilt and St Tor each ouais eral shOsd SO set ute,, soi 55 dalI 10121 1000150 Sea ibdisisos hoscos-lito ir omeri a,000dOsislshnsRhom. messa, JeeshsflmesousogSoskooeteSpobllti- 1232 Woukogon Rd., Glesavew, IL ti 'ci ,inbairsg,Com wwe.crlomodsoe,pldeeoeoï,ea. bolt MiO 550551cc Cansar, 5, canece Osenie551tvllsoadinobes,w lhsnl odino Suebusel Made 500mt Ont Or t5 Content Obpo P55 II in Ihn leo- enos.popeolc,I000a or 15000 CII' areolhondsnpt.The loser baise GenIus lecscee sen, tIpos Ost 15e WanoCo 00h51 St Jete erstouS sill Salure or elscnab'eesl lelo Sdnss aiS pecoso 0500 lId Storto ping wIth memory oss, as Ice per' Icrasopd dlosseeossece,plo'ulclths peronedo, shnolo, lOUables and hymns 1h51 555 de lhcoea to ispopt Ic 01s1,51 basIc aed splrllsni dccsob'on. Colesdcst PAIE 21 WITH CANCER, EARLY DETECTION IS KEY. WITH BA NT FRANCIS HOSPITAL, EARLY DETECTION IS EASY. The quick, eomaewismt moenmogrom 0905m loe North Ihors wsmsm, So Sour seighboebsomd, 1101 F101,5 HcbTitsl oSOsO lIsle oS-Olio aa 16,501 mammoyrsphp n Svanscon. That mmons idi car 5eS 100 00mo tigl'qts 14 cIre wilboul 011o comm010 dowalown esledos, Seb soiS eibh Cosos t Accha leo o, ash çueesiOgidei instad pusotidal 15105e lis mse pcstssm bra Qsiok orhedeSima. Wo'rw able Inotboduerp000 oppo ntaropss 40 hotos in advance lowe osa doled ene ataanma ilesas toar as p005ibie - old pal monIno hop no all po. Fo b ecltsieni'ohsonssp)ts' osphonS 10111 iIi-5101 OeS500no of FoscOS Muso Pest 1115 Fass oppoinSmeess, Oir 1,51501 0151cm SnoSunonptitdo coot all pm eserl secoed Codeso shover scan' lImos, mc ccc can Isola goS cut, and uso doy sIlbo 000bb 51150 Pest oh 1h05 Colonel 000 Insel bu Sas 105501e Hiesse Hoessh 1155011 She Pest is Opes Osa 05 F510555 loso Sp.r sntII vs mOb cous dep. Inks aduantags 00 at, moot tOpOln,ucolPt ntr055 'lo olonom elche now ,rSnouaIol lOSanb Coals, 01 Ia nl Fronds Hoop Sel. Coil to sohedsir n seomesousoes at (8475 336-6500, A 65010,0 ardor mOm, ler040i,el cull 101 dwlailo mao OSshoMolon 54mo ont Socio 5505 bsndtObtOOyOhsasso os call ItOh 050-5550 15e Maccoos Woe Votossas 555550' loe Grolles lhi0555 Ihoplo Ht St, wier YII' por. lie loudlI esdnesdss olee h Oenth 5550e Monlllorviayl s o'oo posi ISoca Bl0055et cor Ct onots a 10e HOPOIO so (150! 570-9071 bise In InterneS apt teal laoa No. n Cej000lnkesmal Ita on'sntase din' Shit 3-5 pe.Iteotsts opt thoedats, en, prose moats el ilS po. as bIn osocod Ttsssdoy nl Soit cocci al 015-8:10 pm Suesdapo ont Thaouthys 500019-2 Illeso ht tOSSI Siga up se tao SI neon niieecswnshipsus srs sr saO Oct 511051 bIB-5105 551,002. brspittnllpturmOar0005 oteo! tIti obOtlst ladItlien wilt epos ob 5510 polo acuesimstebe oemberolaiosls mps wopb tolls - ti am eetsoer Cati Passa Socoles hait lei-1415 e'OOii tasco' Irsssdayc, Pob 910 dISchi Ipimtic' hosto taatisp P55155 es since it SPIt 010 SOt po. 00000ts, hostil' ti Iblndsoituc Io lets,aot S tOol bnnner 5 Pat 251505pta eslh rosei soot s ow, Soars pase, as Isst slulsets sos sbsslb oelalsi Sono lies p505c ce seu siseo ass 555ï00b10 oedh macho bon ifllbosoto, s ollost oeoo so OtldeOis 1151 010-015 p5. 5i51d555 and innobson at noun Psr 00011 and Salep- W Sempntp, St, Stake OSi OPt teneo etical doted pIenI one regarding iocoa,ot into sass tarn le hlSbsri. the BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 2010 Feb 5-55 tese /Spsstslioots obseso mOthel'C Osp reg 01015 Sello olsonglb el Iho bucen Ipiol 01 030 pois nit 055senc Osi Ils Ispods ant heectas Sema 5100e hItch So s'sI? listet Oil ootomen Iseo alobasm, loll 847-497-2002 (fax) Thsashstt arpen oan OcPincl hellt noon cl lbs hdlooaIoI sharse les saleM 500sesSs9na Os005y osas. 00S0 elI posIonS C rIspo ismiob IrptonasossedPoo,l5 irees.1s as hi p res' tents apt tot Ins ostos-air ii it Oboles is. iestiadco,c seri nia 847-497-2020 a 1Sep15 The Ondsi Ossich IS OIP lt 1h41! lOT-SlIT IllS ge055leps 1h55 <tao or ash qossaisO' osiabad pIanI 055 bnIora the main prsp roo. Orth ilnO,n.ioioIoOs000stflpnl saar All coarse macelsie are prao eedl500WHtdiOsa011edldp, Introesu Odre wonsoca ieaosstod S loin sg he Rsicboo H55pld5 and PS tnrse Caso ca- 55511eS rrlcscbsenO Is 115411 StO ceso IS-Silt am. PoS Bal tin hospital lilt 5005151 St Pock Oidse The sis 55 aol you or scHau obesAs cuso eccaen cashs, hIsses and 'us psa-sp is coot ape Socio nit soHle member clPoee iteelrn ei bedes Les toil o Hololslst sos sor uns- APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE Northbrook, IL 60062 sss'neo tnpOplcipThero loeeenconunoasctlotiteo orn- an, Seward POCO reolluit onnOahie loe lbs lItro,s osbeliat tot to pellI SOdS qeesSues onneslad Assoles cubr Pro plane oses 050ïeebie bol chose ORt Rasoesnea tsosbs ilS 5002 N5Ssssi Thssohutt S tons ass tos Ost Io 11g in 5rsepo ob bes sod hhsee al he Oetcrte atatt, Steresholoss nil besSeres inn 550105 std 55 000i ostenal ana ooatiue 15,1cl 9h10 cueto 1,100, sOlde, 0115m She Sot omm sconto" Eou 1100Mw, doe nl Ihe rsussssl Sur esnsssosm: 000055130 pam. PSI. NEW LOCATION RIDOEBROOK OFFICE PLAZA 900 Skolcir Boulevard, Seite 150 lIre00 nngnilbocslrpcoeboheho sIalOg 01040 peIn Polk sites sOot 5551 hen SL Ob L'fld515 Oca AND BEYOND 05e 00 sostO 00cl. loti leerla cian s ososo Irsohs ant n Tie Juli coating latI liso st Too list's, liceos sos! t!S to, Olas Icor OpeiclO Oso aSt 70005 sill te 010 semmspitsbosatdsnsecoplconond pO Orle nraet cr11055001020 po. sosnomodeto hase ohs monI le e e,edbibuh es onasiplsosrn' leseslisnal onlectyseset Sil beles- - pm. Pet IA Msnalo os050rs:0S Ihn toIt ont 100115 1555150 Ct Sims CIII lesa hosts hod Sued osa diaper Lelo-nos adule eosospsterdlssdOo arr bps sensI slvr baso selsrvootyunissi rnsrllny 1555F cats band he t os loe Ihssotssl cool month tard'rnsroaes,oh'nls sIse' 9's Solo- 155th 0dm 5m. Pst te hate Heatths 950e Feb02 Conk lose, Ist leide Huleros 15411 605-0555 p,aoasen sse uuppias, soso otOddron son Oslo mio SOI'dll-shtlis 0011 50500tssloie- slralsnu 05 tuntsyl 50m 00101 5501M HSrsm Ose Adocodon is Irre laisse loom omont che word pino s ll IA-li, ont lid! Ompne, In olIb ase heder and supieses 550e! sosto and herbeI and tsWet So ist sIe,, 00111- prosees 0go OOrlOO cl costes tomnr Ointes ge lire19 pah'Iest cesa colan hesrlsoislnWbullteSoeroncOadioni oeit noqu iamonts 0m a tool at musio onda astre 1000500100m, 110w RIsaia Hoden0500 OlIdo Opi' osso 4-0 05e gsosps ase O-ti-IO Il- 5' catad see s I ils nom dopbars sp ousii sperts loti oc 50101es che sobos ses, 102Da tilohan, Oclnt qselOrs aol 0511W. 550551es St 1000e dot ont p5,001st ist roinbee guonlcunore- 5s5u09, Pet 15 oct 55 and HorcPZ abche huspilsi IRS Sompnta, SL Pari RIss. pesie Sills, (te tenso spa ca outras udnasie ,e9str000c asee a Pst IO IS Ihn ParsO Minishoy Caslsn, desaire lPstloTheesont belies Sb llar c'li soaps, nl 5P0 1e95 alise O ososo! de se I tepseaaseot I baIn Olssaeersas iPdisdO eeebosn te oto end deletcp psdt'I,s'nlsract'ss latosos pareoS opt ib) libIa cnsso nIbs belt 100m 1001 as. is noes trole, Ton hhe lasly Iran 0,9 p5. inch OSO hslr pros lo 000benI stat '00 Sel, sa ase Is ng esseplot sse Losryeno eli roosins s lrcpSp the p0- 005utltsstsoreetlsbasc ObiO5 Ctcosgd des ch Olphssase sosor esos atO pm. Mosci 21 01 Tempe Oath In' cose smossi TAlc diano helps Sopa- bon clod. Purees rat osler Ihoir oli' Olas al StOSS, toll 5es! Oeiei 5001115 bing Otcions harte AlIbiS's 00 enroiecboohs, Setal Its Lao los Plecas IPiags The sep olmlao cmoS sed oISon speak obeso she ehe aso rdpaot'es o schott sISO soils Iblidsan atas eisa oas perIls- hnsl dace In Ile oes Momie, arossin 15 tensos OpteSals st Ihr h,obsrplopad sonband 005101 05 55 sopot Ilusos is asedes a cisus aetseed taros tres s allocIss e os-hou' 'eio,l,,sdsts aus deli test lai pacuals and OSI UNIJMrr, NO Sn IS Ihn 01150 hioiunoat 055num , Oit 0050505e LuaOSs0500e louant tlonp)Ial sacs sode is Seit, 0100005e ¿alHarmas seseas icopilut Wyse EyeCare Csaho The Meo Hienoetosi 0001055 I Ses' hile o poseso miii SOHnS talus 0000et, 'thicssslono 015554 lab 051055 lye ho ruad Ott' all os. Psi. acodo stedoehe ou tul, 55555 osSeiacutips ei ho aWOidaa Soç,adaetnç hçh olhOsi des OSt Appt selioss oca cusidos, atti herlsaia ss puant, sOup, lsappsiutocpL cl be acordadO ssatlossseishth laaool ita lemei-Oltlien csut cela' haeussmpi'us u dIo erra it noes r. slt'lossiae aucessoant is eue n, t, lesBos cccepan llevaosllln p spsr crias suo aOt an Halt Peona Boats launches Ile annual coud Falsi an! sit-sit si iras liai Morion Grove, IL 60053 taii 555-sasS nut il!. mo Cansen at Censase isoli coal saccHI iwat lelia SIS, Pori scIai, ant saal,' pala sos raies Oc Finsi it on dut ais iulpial 11000 sucht ca Itnuc enohpatuflpnb Slshuthsluul- Ihn Ha i! st chiala Foutras ha pu tuso! cacaos cull tau collo, 55 8425 Waukegan Rd 10h10 allo. Fus tites, 000caoi loon B000ttn Io smIllai ant utiir5000ant lrrcuut soalnsl,sroat osdolmilufl 5 o,alcinni . tout Sosaina crus, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. (Light Refreohsciccits) als osa Silt oes tascos oit!att aia isp,sorci isuese ins Ly aaouiat- accu and tislfltulnu otil5lrru Sauta Wednesday, March 24, 2010 nno tanitp. iolitau ava 0101cm 55k news i t PIlorIs PACtS PUhLICOTIOh -Ni COMMtIBITS C6LEBDA8 SnerpOt SOIL ksn<npbss Osad, Musst Phonseil This se oaseal ele, ng 0! ospsssab IO IS In 105, The essI meol et will tOPeO ii colt 100ret 5,10411151 SOSa, or -weh iohiaoob nIonOyahnonOw Csneseasnestty tos 105Sthe 000 0050gsousodoet Irle /1,551515 du'! "osma Francis Hospinol cserl0000cs 105rstolt I sill 55OiS5ii ars 16 1155155 Make a Alternare In are wend Nl' THUR DAY, FEIRERRY li lUIT news I A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 'Hl 17 le Va!entine's Bay teaks seeder Oued waren Osi beaker learn Secoua e O teas rem erced loe weRd la etere 0M loved ree. Got a Story or photo to submit to this page? Go to and click on The Nues Family Fitness Center Holly Day Party yA Fan1made Iope afair OtOrrEa alare, lngacllar ace marty adiffereeoe Tito Mites Family Fil Bear Cetrier offered onpeoiel doy Icr children esd their nonsmuwittet. The Nilee Fomily Fillonts pureeEs ogee 1-Ase Treerday, Dec.15 io noie- pronide its mewbacerrod guacos witiresiate ci Olin eri UtrerO docility, iodant' aquellos castel; gymcesiom, indoor trook, high quality frisase prwgrnwe Bed mercy pecavcl braie the Holitlay Settee through acoge, stories, ond ochne plot, They ecco hod u eponiol AFFLUENT visitor loom ihr North Orgflen,ncorne-sarning PIONEER PRESS CALL 847-4MB-73es fha kline Racily Stress Confer Arded alt lire Eelltay erastn eilt ¡te arruo parent/Ill Hrlly Dey Folly o Tureday, Dec lb, iCuclfiblutcd Notti Inland Bank Has One ForYou! CareFREE Personal Express FREE Business Checking Account Checking Account FREE Debe card FREE ATM Iranraclions al Inland Bank and any STARa ATM location No Mvnlhly Service Fac and no minimum balaone requirad' FREE Online Banking ton online viewing and transfers FASE 001na Bill-Pay $1 00 Minimum Opening Daposit OrsI 50 CfleokS Fnaa" icea. Oar mambeFa uvE getoBt enjoy ctoesvge iherepy, perrocol irviciltg, George and Oenier Domes. Hon lbs loll cordE il IL John Erneut, tvurlh-grrde students learsel ritti hoe I/air Iodler nsrN. They povgr,rws for propio cieli agra, for the resideets of Niles ard the sunroondiog flOrees evoluativos, voseen- learned all sbavi rosir organs, irres, museler and nkir. ben day, a meets Bed diogrnulinr. CowweoEpiorrerr100ol.00rrl k' neo pad ans added lt Ihe bodiec. This activity ode done in tor/lYdien ir hier Faooily E/reus Ceder hieRrO sIl the hrlitey sereIn eilt lic arrEdI parent/tot Holly Day lady en Tuerday, DeE lb. lCrntribeted pirelli ET ET ,is'yòlfr chi1'211 yearsold'k We nerd roan lorip to teseo S sUccesslol 03 year old LUbricant & Fori Iryatment mnnofaotoror hes oppedonily Tir leCel, Indapandant Solos RepraSepleliee; Includes reo FREE Items' par monih$.5openitemover 150 Devorarlo Im Mach iride0 Csmjncesetcan essi sa ASO. Demnrstrcte products engiroered le reduce maintereree & dean tm ir the enea al On Reed/SE Reed Irduatriel firme. CHALLENGE YOURSELF ACADEMICALLY CHOOSE FROM MORE THAN 300 COURSES EARN COLLEGE CREDIT olhltp,000erilyeatriy.oncori110.0001. Sweervl,irrnjeolrlcveteorml Ii y,ninr, isterélled cenAgales soli Shown el 000-275-2772 x232 w Ceshnjtnvlyplirdecimrna eforrderi liNlil. CarIcai ora at 1sh7F.Teli.TJUO -, email coolest intesmetioe/eddress In ealeaerl@pnimtóae.aem. EVE GOT MORE OF WHAT YOU'RE AFTER?S APPLY BY APRIL 9, 2010 A4P-46P-6P03 eora.nenheseenerr,edureellegeprep Ven vs at any st cur tan Soudons or www.ielandbants.sem Oeaedyeite luiaae FDIC bIded eakeaetar aaa2aa,, abomine Orruad ru Oleeeyn aeoaeeere ea nemoseaead, uslerer rn R NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE PREP PROGRAM SUMMER 2010 PeSereI ter epyevariuee asarleble ter anis end lese driesra. neu cor eerseO saccage 4a0-eaa solIese tael deane weekiE We ree Saaded rekeh boostaeas mepeelsalA end reed 15 seem ear Rear b0 ZA Of yes 1000e ceceas Ilanbed eaeeteere cad CeoUnoDeracIlaeRll-246'2R551o,cware ielormdeiao 5 c,, SaU Immedletele. nicare call. Fnrt en n''Ohin'r NORTHWESTERN S,olvonsIf o AY go goy lOdo FLATBEDDRIVEIIS terread the leliraseg elates, ON, OH, CL, MO, EV. TN, p i8'O'Ól3Ç7 37,5' I Lo ask for,Mariea. rs weeeeeael Osso e aale adirI casuel jelleleilca, FE Israele ieeledeb Toser if yell qsalitp, sorio sor wabails Eolo treining & ComRiseiors paid every Teesdey. EXPLORE COLLEGE LIFE AND HAVE A GREAT SUMMERI chelo loi verrue,... paeneeieenldllstopoar000. 1 INLAND BANK aith the Aely Esilio sIlence eless. ¡Ficto coldosy of IL Jolt Blcbeai/ T AY $100 Minimum Opening Deposit Nu Monthly Saruica Fer and no minimum balance Inquired' FY00 Business Debit Cerd FREE ATM lransactlons al Inland Bony and any STylA" ATM locagon FREE Dnena Ranbing for Onine viewing and travelers -FREE Online Bill-Pay -Bernois Capture evailabla OplionticeshMenegemenbeeruyuesavaaeble Body of knowledge Foedh'grete Body FIr/ebb ir/oC Foie, Tite Miles Fomily Filness Funiliiy ir dadicaled En pocviding quality Are You LooknQ fo FREE Checkrng? C aster coelo'wuee lo Weareeler riyrareaienalleiereedsldrrcere. Sec ear el Oaec5 mlleaae baeed es PE Muer. Apply anolisee olaahteeidoojabe.eaan eredI 1-800-44 PRIDE SCH fElDER. Caserme Office Jellet- clt-SSS-B4OSe2BÌ -Ellis - l47-741'1200e20e 0es Plaises - 041-251.9700 AD KIDS MANAGEMENT Orrnsirrchildrens mgmt firm seeking new talent for TV, Ps-lot & Alus. Newborns - 16 yo's sOd. mdkdrlsmesOeliesg@Ddaitter 410 ladeOs wseeSeliesgREeeeebwele r 18 Nl' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY i iso iversiou» 4 For Your Consideration 014-v CeesnacTs 181111er Thomas, ManNing Editor Pi A47.406,73l0 ne ithomas@ploOeenlOCaI.Ieln PAGE Bl Grad students direct plays, demonstrate their talent Maatnra'iss'tho-Haklssg Sedes 'he Whes Teeny," Feb. IR le Marsh Tir lesepiiee bals 19551er li Arle Oíslo Irlas. Esesess 'The Herd- A qasarict of acTivities foe the cooling week salt's Tele," March t-13 ai he lIhel M. Barber Scalai Cl Ails Circle trise, laerslau 51555. Ccli 11411 4911181 cr661 sws,Onssrlhwesl' ty MYRNA PETLICKI Corrltbalor You can receive lee CulJe bus arrival info via email or text message. 1. Valentines Day Hasley, ovitb daacivg, singieg, refhrsiavents cod live modo by Joe Coilen ood Ilnlhleev Besar, 5-9 p.m. JiO}o 1401 the Irish Amen- roo Heritage Cooler, 4626 N. 1(00v Ave., Chicago. $12; each bar. Visit rvwov.icinh- amcrrcaa.ary Bus Tracker by text delivers your bus route's estimated arrival times directly to your cell phone or subscribe today to have them delivered:. to you via email. I B. 'The Ginemiek" roUi be preseeted by Pageses Players Feb, 11-Mseoh 28 io Oho O'Oaorke Ceotre et Tcomao Cooege, 1145w. Wilson Ave., Chicago. Cvclaiv atO p.m. 'Chues- dey-Yetoedey end 1p.m. Srtvdeye. $17 Tor Thursdays cod Fridays; $25 far Sotsrdeys cod Seadepe. Preview porformesces, Feb. 11-14, oro $15. Visilwco'wpegasusployrrs.arg or coIl 17731 87$-9761. 3. Stetti Ctaamteer GesSes' tre will preeevl e Veleolive's Cep c000ert cat3 p.m. Pelo. 14cl lbs Shehie Poblic Library 2115 Oekion SI. The program includes mocks by Sibeliee, Tchaihoveloy, Beoh, Brilton, SOyeuse and Blgae Peor. Visit roceco 4 'A Prairie Stete Cena' POnian" featarossasge, stories, salier sod shetches 018 p.m. Feb. 13 otlhe Ethical Hu000nist Sorie' Second Setos-dey Calloehouse, 7574 N. Lineale Ave., Shvkie. Benefit for cancer psileot Baies Semen. $10. Call 15471677-53340e vtsil It I .lIo.Ir0IIItJ[rr'rr leoovethicalhomeo arg Ths brio of third-year students in Northwestern Univarsity'e Macler al Fine Acts dirvoting progcam ere cheweesiog their lslents in the Masters-in-theMahivg ploy series thrangh Mer-ah 14, "All three ofiheseyoung directora have beeo aal in the world working is the freld aod have done some redly impressivo warb," said Henry Gadinee, satintic dir'actar of Northwesteroe Theatec and Sntecprotalion Centro "They're rmaroivg directors thai 0000110 supercharge thoic jnerseyr's the pralession." Hundreds al iodivideals spply loathe three slots in the waster's progcem eaah "The Snerises Pilot" 5virecting is a way for me to get into otherpeople's brains and try to ligure out the world that Ifind myself in.0 Glescoe nativo BrevI Rosse11 direoted "The ericen Pilot" by David Greig Jan, 29-Psb. T, Msseters-iss-ltse-Meldngdie-esriarCether'ssse Miller Hsscdy Bessel said he beaame o direatarbecease, "St's the most efficient way Ingot act whst I seed la get aal," end it's the medium in thai it isa slary -«libe aU of oes' dunes of imperleed people dr'yivg lo roche thr right decisions and we," he ssid, "It gives you room to play It's room lo take risks and lo wach with soma really geaddlesigners, Il Torees mets be lbs ralsiob hadare ib best, Rassell chose "The ericen Pilot" becaese, "There's some ictecasiiog easventians reitls langaage and with tkeetrieeliiy." But best Icen he," Gaaffoutiaa's proiaet is "The Who's'Tommy" by Pele Tamashavd and Den McAouïl, The musiacrl tlreeler Ihn becasne anam- more than thaI, hr was dreosvr lathe mescoge cf the play "Peaple who live f'acorve whn ace cellsler'al way that roe are a puri al' the mar14 that me live in, how mach of Ihot is aun lault mcd how meob cf Ihet is nor responnibility. S think sylsrthrestsrr sludenls Lisdacy demaga is the mmcc PoWell ovil Teat $1155v io "The terror, these people who we are weleemed in dismiss desecas Ube same amaesi al empathy sod campasnino that ive all do," he seid, Following ealiege graduotiao, Ressell interced for Collabacsctias, e small Chicego theeter company, end marhed iseverir of eepacs'lies far Steppenwaif Theaico, Writcrs' Thealen, She's BosH." lPhsls 54 leslie besbisl Chicago Drame lists and other lacci companies, trying la leas-a ail he aaeld abad lheoter. At Steppenwoif, BeaseO met Arava Shspica, dis'eetec of Norllsmesleco's MFA direotiag pregcam. "Sl seemed Iba e goad Si Tor ovad al tir'rs abaco Crow lis- tanin6 lo Ida lamily's albew whea he wane child, "I had this idea olmhet thet stacy lvohrd libe in my heod, sad limas really caciking cad beaetiïul," he asid. "I thought il tald a areal story about a yaeeg hid end bomba hendlea something that he's vot malaca evaagh ta handle." Bottons gaol Soc the show is "la sarl ofpeeh the haundanies of iba musical theoter wedimsr. The palsyfly will be that it comen aff aseo-och chow as opposed tasmesc'cal theater piece," Avow pevy wem her of The Hypocrites, Bsttvn, o Michigan eolios, has cetad and directed io Chicago Tor nine prom. The move he ected, lheugh, the mace he loll he roas bring Iris "dicsctor'ial colon" Attending Norllrwrssern allamed Bullan "lo rcae'tear my orna identiiy osa directon" Colher'ioe Miller Hardy is direcliog her original adaptallan el Macgored Ahocod's aove1, "The Hosdmeldh Talc" "I llave boon Ihioldog abaat edopliog this book far yeses," Hardy acid, "Chore's 1h ese verily vileresting quostiass is 'The Hsrdmaidh Tele' eboul Ihr somelimen ncolaiog the Hardy originally planned to be asaetar bother college eating proCessor waeldn'l let her into class natil she taelaadicecding class. "S recusad t loved dirood'tsg," Hardy said, edmiltisg, "One al the roassas lrvann'lasgrsnt as acloc is I'm seeing bhe big F'satura eli the time, DIrecting is a mey far mets get sto vibre people's broiva and try ta Agora out the world that lOad myself The Nocthwrstsmn program has helped Hardy "thiala shod whet I'm trylog to coplas-e asan asSisI mlher then Jost bee goad eating coach and e goad hinchen" Cemmsrrtrpicrlccrlocefmm BW I divrsksny www.pioneerloCal.CHm PC DHUBSOAy, PEBBUAPI 100010 FlaNEES POPAS PUOL)CtD(ON divorSi000 1U3 PC FILM CLIPS Ion a h sien bust 150m 0 mOb gang lasSera in tIre oegretelod OPENING son e 2iothut lt to 005000 VALENT5NE'S DAY te asssntmeet of esryros make 50mAl netons sso-Das. Ganen Men' sormnsploy to 1h10 005001 to his thai's supposed cebo Isrry, but iotA aslostodoenlora hit 'ttistntoc isn't ordii talos sII ils osare sod (l'In DensI mith subit no (toi modes into Osma truly sappy sosti morlatic ng before ito doce. Osbton Botcher act Oseen Lstifah, ancoeg othsrs. (lOS merit enteS polo ton ossne sassai malarial and blot Denar marty. THE WRLFMAN - De American thenios De Annoi rstsrrirs to his senestral hsnrstsed talla sstl toss srsIenl nones at' tsr teint attooket bye mersmoll Joe Johnston t"Jsrassis Park Ill tnsntsd nhre namake st the reversal henronslassis 1125 mel sotad eton bloody borren ors ence and oic.l Bated eloruomnoinlanse, torguago sed drus material FROM PARIS WITH LOWE B youtg pamans( oosisIsst )JoeeIlmr Inno enyars( s Ihn s' los nl the 00 anrbassetnr port' rolo Silbo (0050'oaanon CIA rooll OLTMPIANSn THE LIONTNIND THIEF O acensen Ihogon Germaniste' 000sm he's the deeoenkant oleo' snedse and beosmso etolo rd in an andan bottin amoeg the tots sI Onosk myth Chre Co ombos l'msrny Potter cnt lys Chamber st As onoto") diroçtsk the tartary atoen tone 11(5 min.) Batod PG Ion a505n "A true blue American love story" siotenus sed penit Osma 505ry im' 5555 aId suggeotioe maten ei ark mit langesge. STILL PLAYING REAR JOHN * * Ito Direstur tasse Ihalistrom I Ch500 at, Tes hoes 1g ses a boson of rita) dramatic heft Sed snedib I by totes tragic romanon nom nonnirst Niohelas Apanks ('Ihr ynnossok"t stool the )sns'diotonno otten'mnittsg rea snob p between e ooldisn sean colonist tour nl duty and lis hometoen honey threal Perra ksrsl t"Daken,""Pis' nul IO t 0005lsd les eolrsnt edsselune, aso faa canasson pl osrtr'hulioss 110m Lus Broson. (92 srio) 151st Blur stroag hooky ololense Ihroughout drus sonlant, pease nr seguage end briol 505uatily g rL':IIlri SONY h050y'doly hrarboldsq 01001mo (0 I ysled PAIO for unos ssgges' BI) 1101 0(01 Boted PG Ion mils bosguogs, sorne ruda bemol sob lino 00010m) Dho morals prod Olee coo bolo bomb 000011-rotto menI orbe' bol l'o 00100mo sr' ocuoc voulu ksuo leo end oses EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES II you must haoc o dose el this sotol mndioine, ill so050y act (5005500 osrt cl snot But don I nopnsl miras es. Soest osa rom-holme book about THE BOURRE ELI THE LAST STADION Sonsos Ihn pool ap005lyptu irsuto Ondin en allompl IO smon mackind Dha AsOleo b slhois 1mo of then ohildlms born m 1h o diresleb the adoerbons tranco (Ils earrsolnrr'guy buoieesuman dod Brandas Flaosr aith gr011 medios THE SPY NEOT DOOR rescoroher barr son Ford io a ralo Is doonlop s trealmeet. Arioso a ly, most ut mbsls moul eterostng A Ioraon CIA 000111 0 00 Choel Indo bimos f prot0Ot D Inigh001hsok kto cm bes run Ion spion. 010m Leosrl l'Ars 5)0 Tb re belli bi055teb Its Schon 000551 lbs orset esosliol Lns lobby erd ho efe AsIlo Iuhrisbophar reos 11000(0 01101 forming a bio' oham(sel rompant and cte 00m' aslion Oolm000 ord Osorno bd Plu0000 and hnler Airrosl mage marital bolt os durieg les lash soars nl (ro lila. M shed Asflaen l"Dhs Doperons Club"( diroslrd Ihn histor sel drama 1111mal Botad A for o sosos of p100(1100 (mono Ort slherin 00101 O bsaidde blest so (Mml Gib' son insestgelas the murder 01h 5 doughIer and be000es embret ad (n oonps aIm sko ldoggnry. MOrI e Dampbn Il Cosco Boyalr I drooled the let leu Balad PIco ubinmg bloody siolonon and language Its kind of rana lo lieds 000 n CroIse sail tIP's oossp Gin" 'TorGelling lanas socolo ii pbye o trek, tighlly mound Guglenberm orator (um ... hosa, nghll ens's fishes a bandlul os soins Irlo en emotional angst recelas Datum's enoknnlad 1015mb Romo ark b0000ss Ile Ob(col sI ardent do sire Ion four mcm A p50110mb pailler (Will armellA o soll'nror' eh pping maIn model (Pas chap' arti, os (cost olosol oasis en (Jon teterA and a osossla megosim MA aosolOsoW 115010 Orolnolucatn D AY O BEAKERS Allor moos 011ko 515ml hou bose Iranslermed by plague mb lkrre ars lbs testy of sob-morley samploas amed osI rose505ter 000sels 110m Ihm temAs, knalls' lEIhST 10005cl looks br ossy lo Sa ly oelfening oh ldnsn, (LII (IDO ease the 5010db flO 0111 lighIlny he 0(n) soled yo fur Ihmmati000lsri men room, The Ipion g blob ero 01 osgssge ark a mild nuggestios momoll. l"Jrdeod"( tironlod Ihn horror Ihrillar. It minI Paled AIs On arohasgel UI roe (Paul Bst' lory( lakes Ihm sds 01 the 'rumas THE IMAOINARIOU UF asese lbs brink of the op000' DOCTOR PATHASSOS ypoc. tecol 011s510 netaran SostI *** Ihn alcol roo Tarry 1110G llmmerl d(raolsk Iba lestesy soban drame. (l000el 501mb 01er strong b osdy 0(0 eroe and lac' l"Oraoil"l and Meollo Lmbgmr'l frs guagn IChrislophon 000merl mondar ne Im, (sail 005ub Ofl sf01501 OntO 00 the mord wilh e Irsonbing 010000 ** TOOTH FAIRY In lbs moke 01 'The Dame PIan," hen,'s 0,51151 OhOlnuoma emily somndy Isolurieg Osoymc"Dhc Arlimgtam ThaaKerrn TIlO 050parbeo lIed 500.PsaOTn echi ISOlI 5500000 10111011 5055 PERCY JACKSON & THE ULYHP)AMSO TRE L5UHTN5NU THIEF IPU) loi0000100'l101' 1510551 00' EVANSTON EoaOSIoa Ceetoey/ 500GSII00000IOIO 500 Ius,Son All'lI 0012500 lOi GO' 501iSI'lSO 1501015 ills Au pio Ose. lIh1 Orn 0101 GIRO IO "Dho YnlInran' melo fumar Olsa (mor(Tlln000 PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANSI THE LIGOTMINU THIEF (POI A SINGLE MAN IR) TOOTH FAIRY IPX) Fr'ThsOs P.00'500 10 Tuc'TbOm:oaou'OOI'iOO'OsT TRE LAST STATION (PU) THE WOLFMAN (R) VALENTINES DAY IPX-13) nr lloro 1120 rIO'S 00 Book Johnooc Sea snlhsb sotte OutSide smIles on Ihr nolde, io' malers 000'erourloiy (est meibing loba nelorcoed by the love el a good kid. 11(010e, ha's o pulfod' THE LHVELY RUNES (PU-131 f500DOOlrU00000'IfD Fr Teoro 120115 MN EDUCATION IPX-131 HP IN TRE AIR IR) nr 'Osn:lmOO'T:rs THE YOUNG VICTORIA IPX) Fr100 ooio'uso iO'nlo-LoO'O oc-ro Of up mear Inegus hookey p10101 bsylrisnd oc Feb Ob runo rilo brou' beonI named took egman, ohs disidse bIO on the eat 100001 Dubber b"bhopolrtb dreoled Ihn rs bio time hUmeen kmookmeg the Rodio comedy. )alsd ri loros' leclb 001cl oppebeg players end Oroshlec (n dreams SI çhildnec. sua itA srl langsOge -0501550 0v 81010 limprums Ums'TRoOI 0)50155 5 000,150 CELINEI THRUOUH THE EYES UF TRE WOULD (NR) Dhuos: 000 THREE LITTLE PIUS mdl TOo 5 1:10 UVE WILMETTE TAULE FURT UVE CABARET MsulltO Wilmeftm 0)50 DonO ru I 5cc. CRAZY HEART (R) '0 SOb ro VALENTINE'S DOW IPX-13) mi, OohlIIO'lliO'illI'lOO'uIl nO0'ulO.500.040.000'000. 0101010 ll00.12:SObIA Sun,AOn I000'i011'ItPO'101'lOE' 510'Obl'OOO'GOl'TOO' BOO 0l0'lO.lO F Thord.IOOA000IIIOIGOO Tuso' boo 000'lAO'mOu'lOO'aIO' SOI P00720 rloroO rolo UEAR JOHN (PU-131 0r'DhOOO o0'STD5O'rOl so O MOUNT PROSPECT 5r'fesnv.oPII'ObOulO hop All 5000 10 5200011 15501 0505000 lOI no 011k lOa. nroe.smmloealrao 00m Tsnolblsnn 110000'OlO'SbO' 107:50 02111fr (ossI 2005050 cab reo corn PARK RIDGE HILES AVATAR IM 3-D (P0-13) TRE BLIND SIDE (PU-13) Sa l010'llOIlbDOlO'OOI GiO'oro'r,Oo'roo'rGus.:..i 0520 Ha nm010 AP IN THE AIR IR) bloom: lolA's SSucc'nuc O 'Ihuon.11cOAOl'eOO Nas'ridqe Ramdhurel FROM PARIS W)TN LOVE (R) III OunOSS'101O'OlO'SOO' 5:1110 1511 05 P1UkW1Gk Oor0000n 05021000' 001055ea01 DARm PlAce 12 10411 105.0010 e ir so p os Sm rilo cute 55m lOI Golf Aol ucrlor (0001 11000M, 00100 PAANOI NA RAYA roi 000.001 elm PERCY JACKSON & THE 500010102G T000 rearo: 12:10 SbO'POO 8I0'1005 GIVE OF DARKNESS (RI loo Sul 0 50 '00 00 '1 0G' Ost. Oumimp'400 6oS'nuo lun Sor OtO 1100 100 52001F THE LIRHTNINU TRIEF (PU) 10n5'TOo u l2S0100'OlO'h S Abt lsnIlai And Sol lyse.IOurO I2dPJIO'uiO nos 100f) Alt OSSI Sat lun 100010 sIl so k G-900 IHOICTOS (PU-13) THE WOLFUAN (R) cri San 100ulOr,0OPso arr, Iseo'TbsIuiS0aIO'000'050' Oun'Dlurs ObO'0:lO'T02 iOO'IAS 0100 OIS Sut Mom 101311 Oli TOilA PRECIOUS (R) lrl'flom. lia DIO sumIrlo os IP A IO", . 0G hOC VALENTINE'S DAY (PU-13) roi ILauTlu": 0.700 IriSaI 2:OP'AAO'AOO'nOO 00010000 dOO'A0ODOO 00:0' Oat usos ITO,.0.I..Irlmfr,i',rot OcOThsnu:01D'ruArT2O 000 Oatosn OIuOl,l.0...200000 OP IN THE AIR (HI FRON PARIS WITH LUYE (U) poi Dsmo'Abum:l20'G00'A51'0000 O51'MoO l50'OlO'OOO'fOO 1000 1000 lcd st EDGE UF DARKNUSS (RI Oli ToasTes 5 100100uOOSsm SalMer lAIS uOO.050'IOD'901 CRAZY HEART (R) WHEN IN URNE (PU-13) tiMon. II SD ni T055'TOsrO. Lbs 0001000 SP Ouh'Morr 1000 ¿10000 100 000 000'055'005'D:OO uss'Thul:OuO.OSs SlObs WREN (NUORE IPUA3I FT. 001.950'llOOl:OE DEAR JOHN )PU-13) 011000: 2 ID mIr f 1 .1' ml 05 lbs ncc'lOoO' Son, OSO niOruIpLOl OIS 000.1050 PLACO JACKSON U THE OubepooNSo THE LIGATWINA THIEF IPX) 1005mb 00000 050 TuoO'Thui iO10OlGOI Turo' los mf r011ar 515000000 CRAZY HEART (R) ANTHONY HOPKINS THE WOLFMAN loo Sul: OGSO000'l:tO' WHEN THE MOON (S FULL, THE LEGEND COMES TO L(FE. FIS 5051500 uso, Mor b I0'l 404000010 Sl TOdsb5505 ISlA 0I'DOO'O:bO DEAR JHBN IPU-131 Fr loi Oat uOhgAODlm010 Sor'Dkum:010'055'T.l0 Reaiaissamce Place VALENTINES DAY IPX-13) n1 usmOlIm.OmllO BENICIO DEL TORO uou-mlS010c ULYMPIANSO HIR)claod Pack THE BLIND SIDE (PU-131 Ir eh 05515m orb propema lo Mer Oat Gum 2:10020711 Tuas'Thu u 000'l1O'000'O0O' .IO'liSf'Ofl'bGOO AVATAR 5H 3-D )PU-13( bonllure 150 O:cO'f:lS POS Fr, Ian 0:00's 00 plane lo take ab000lslr sloe alt Fr, 51e0420'bOO 5501 Mom 00 Dl 1004:400 05 D ,OSII0501IOI'IOIOIOODO 550'AiAI,Sc Polio hOI? 101210 050,Aor 0005'I000'I00'010 400' 0IO'T:IOTOA bIAI000 THE WHITE RI000N )R( DEAR JOHN (PC-13) tes], 1120m nl Salad eDIl 10100 LEAP WEAR 000000 lAmb Alano) Oho ab Mom bPlO'1000'5 P0'VOS'O 00 Or'Mss l101'DlO'OOO'AlO Ernfeum:U51455'f.00 lolo Ç. Teens: I A SINULE MAN (R) Out 10001100000101150 THE WULFNAN (RI GLEN VIEW A SERIOUS MAN (R) guags ans smnkkmmo loi WOO 0007:00 Oat lues: 0:100:00220 fonOrhers 1050150050 500 500'rOD'AOm'blIl sod tnyiog lo Indoctas rs Ib ile lost images, s000 s000ua Ill bon THE YOONU VICTORIA (PO) T ho m 4:mO RulaRe Crosmiel HIGHLAND PARK osase and bonI nobly 154Fb OSI roll THE RUND SIDE (PU-13) ARLINGTON HEIGHTS otnoog, booby solenom some LEGION Er 00015501001.100000' bll'rOl'OODi i__u luco 00 501000000 10 1011000 OoMDbui' 11 '050' 10501 051510M AM EDUCATION (PU-13) nirhom 001000'luO'OSS rube humor. ibas sos might espool, though thai asloolly maesgeo Is ho 500ru' omolingly hod, bol "Whnm (n home llego 1h01 0001 gors mEssIed b. the boalar or inlsraaline. fr'Thrrc 00 OTt 105 mOMIO 1920(01 PoteI PO loo Osorno ut EDGE OF DARKNESS OaUIeRU 7-13 icOr I am cation of the odd 000pla's bss' s5500l(ty(nudith nsm.a Osthnab ras ator suhObulao ore sebreot lo 00005e. Oso 1500go aro mmsoided, pIcoso 001 D lose aand005r (Dmnsel Yeso' l"Froa llnll""Merooe (IA the phormossutoel icdoslnD The 00011(0 mors dnamatis tallest 1000 000555k (noIosi 0001es O saoimd essI luis otruggls ollao ponente lo osos osa krame bss tOdo 0th the ro' 0000idDroOaod Ceelmo arc ssmo leo Irom iefonoa150 0001' aSia 05 DusotSy amaso cole thaI lbs Cineurtm Spente 0015m * * I/O SHOWTIMES Ossue timas ors OfIsoboos Erdoy osa balablo 00001 this morlosltlami nlinsp ra' J nnkinu l'The tabor") oso the 105-09k DeE Oit BATUDA Desosh luma soca lorry tilia sosiega umert car std anacos tsr Iba ssggesto tinge 000ld lasa bear bAlso Diraulad io Marl ttrone Jobn,00 "Ghost eden) guego. gloen usos roma loa 00111 sbn DISTRICT 130 ULTIMATUM teal tas Ismd'lsolsd so ho lnnoe ont arguagn money The alnoeyo reliable Bobard A moSte ut OoprronpO trsmrd drews to soma es onn tiri los. spite muses slapot 0k undo Osorno by silly Crbslal,l Dom reigns though lee 05055f i mir) Amled PIon 00mo brubsl oro * Ito ose seirstieg auhiutis dad leu (lob min.l Bated PG It tsr soon soeeoalily sad siararsa. Irom Oip (siny Maos Julis 05 trasrdissry Me050rmo teams WREN IN HOME through the mat neo, soif karminal' lyoompalled to ordenDo moscOs Jodd( lent lIsle's 0100111 uf ark dross e Iiro'r'Ior( n lun tota seur005e000roond ton, "pa' s'oro b 000mo mann nom e pretty lbs'Ir onsnanl500 ars mors y going NOW PLAYING ceeDso LOCAL USTINGS FOR macanees AND 000WT5MES FROZEN UdiI ho IrlIs leo dnuht r Ib olegIs 000 Airllriond (huMom, Giros ski oro slrondod on ouleir lift are loronk to lake dergarsue mseouras lo 000(0e. Adam Goon I rainy Isle POI sal mnstn asks resIst Iba lhrl ce eatnd e Ion sorno dolore sg imagss and lar' tChaon cg Datum and Amaeda Aenlriedi bot then pochai pos' sorosis, soars lanpo paries the problem io that Datum sed teylnied don't mcm to hase the slightsot gensineerotiscoersotton to east other. WAsh masso it epprar stat Domo' is (om'packedwth 01011 John Dr000(Iel to foil a carrots r PERCY JACKSON B THE MOVIE SINCE 'THE NOTEBOOK'° atlb he sen y dbossoened dream man lJssh duhamelt Wnss ro upon break op thanks to amsr005 Falliek Dempsey Jerritsrosrnsr "THE MOST OVERWHELMINGLY ROMANTIC rigour Alle todd ng romanos pro ils mritmrtdiraolnrtpnoSosar Lud Besson es ais sunlr Mulet the snarl Irte Frisasse Diarrea" 'D'nelby Womsr'l dientek the lomaron Dratsning Jemie Esso Jasase Alba, Jern fer Gerceras Julia Fitzpatrick in New Line Cinema's romantic comedy Valentines Day: a Werner Bros. Fotones release. dsasy po iloaloonrepllOe Ihe PancA Orhilnh seda nyth, to be named (alen Oil of klo nompirsab' LEGION IR) ROSEMONT 1 fou Sul 9.1111.55 Rasamomt 1W OrlI Orlo Macrove 10001 001 lOOT Roommant 10 Premiar OrOl Iron Mamrr Ovo. (50F> 0011000 SKOKIE Ouednmc l-6 TOOTH FAIRY IPX) Or: AnO 00401 10102015 150 o [LIII 5 ma Iseo ' haien Ii k[C skj Or Sal IO 11.00 55 1:11' rIn0D0ol,O aisaorasoo:ooissonniT"il1 55ic1[[[IIOSI[0 VIO nIObIOS lun, 000 II oI'lOOS'GrS'ulO'OOO Iuno'Alroro:bOAO'011'k,iO mob AVATAR IN 3-U (PU-13) 5 [j[j[ 1111511 1111011 11111510 Tses'Ihsoo. 200 05k UP IN TBE Am (RI iscis 05 10H OS 0305 055[5[[[J5[5 STARTS F11.U)AY, I°EARIJ/uRYj2 TEE'T/IO, 841 diversto DC' THURSDAY. BROUtAI ((((i elle o. and 700 p o, nIaIsons, al 1.00 0.0, Fr'l,ye elypIn;SnlurdeRe 10 00 p w. ebd O po, 50 Snndoye et A'Olprn. andopnm 1,e,,pt 1,0. 085 Asuelo, let-Ito Sto rolycuve eau saete 00 and end,, 0, 110411 III-000 eroi est wee.,srlbllgscerv "Chnkhnorlth,rba,pr,,enledcnto, 0e ntenb,el,rPl,nnrspeb.lP-Mnreh What to do. This week and heyond. VOR WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. - 030ml go. events one week pnror lv I/e Aale vI pObllOslivv. Est esnnoetbetypeitWu e sorry bu we loll lake ¡lover he ele700ne. Ole pr810l e-meir eubriniesione, (eves .90. ill lIS OIS tee, toltale br,el desorspltol el Ile everl ve, lele addreSs pr ou end ploie uuvbrl. A 10910! 11 NOII 000000 (y veil. go. a/v Eismeer Prese 3701 W. take Ave. PRI VAT{ LIVES 0 roues tL 60020 L PRICE E veil gol @pionnertoevt lev FAX 547) 416 7451. 235.2222 10 centortiatnete.not ON SALE NOW! I 011110070001 (01091E LIVE ON STAGE! PLA MARCH 12-14 r0000northohicago ROSEMONT THEATRE "AN ECSTATIC EXPERIENCEÍ": / .1OSATOO/.r'r. 506000010AF800.982,2787 PßII 3133 North Haisted ,rEhI 773.348.4500 Gronp Sole, 773.348.33110tt AMERICAN 050 FALO Wrineeo by: JOFFREY BALLET David Mosel Dee. 3,2009-Feb. 7,2000 Call 302-335-0650 or P&THERS 90)05 to hava fun, SO"-. lv Mi,t eel l3r,A'r1 IIlI4l190ECIM000000" mvnlrerrslrrn% flay Wcnknf a, FEBRUARY 17-23 FRANK SINATRA JR. Or nloe." TWO SHOWS CMLVI OO4OSat.Feb.13,Opre, Ç 'lItri Sv-"- Thr,v,.-Scl 3 & 7e,,,,, Ssr,rdc6' 847.67 C FlE'or. .0er..Hteyore. vta EQS ARI 015v 0,,,rl, Chi,. g'A' A1.IDrO0NRIUM ThoLcaiRE -f nn.OenA.n.abOsMa sr 800.982.2787 JOFFREY. ORG To Adve Year jot e l3eatts EDDIE3E'TEl W.As.ra5J.o D. m:e, o lII:.IFnl&Il 'MASTER HAROLD'... AND THE DAVO 713.281.8483 se.,1. .L'ev 13 LU EIJI]TO b.c 'yr.:. jAj,iFlOitvPl R r Fein1 nl. 0,5 0 1,/8' SOp rr A. srs Sir" Pu dOiS: in t, r3 Str. 11,pr,I,eya,'erltrepee0diA h) Aflst ate olIOOe,m ardtt4eoo.FnbllnoIby p,nl000lderli,rollrerg,lo,lrI- ael gnappting Sith 1h, 19e leogenal' aoi,l aloi 000unl ,uo,oer amara mth- 51001 0050hlsen Imnrourosrm po icy orn pm.bhnrodeysael Fr07150,0 lheyhtrr011,rJorcespnleln -lis, r ekela mm la-Ill in ,sosnon', Itt-114 at Osos lo lispostiol repicotio, es Ihn e no se OIlS l cl o,nr opp liekrll eres 00 cdl ana oraeeleo Ourlais el O pwínil,yea,doelnrlayclpm nod O p o. telardeny ens o ES. Sandeys,OI0-OlSIoro'nçt,l cOnte P,rlsr lussO,. IsInts Ist, 110 lv: dolente onnashelelacen Ir bend el on reranniero eel eh 0dm yenSg,, :wnwvatcyensl,elmearoln closetS Fer Sop sl earl-So, eerhr,c5 Si I, . orse Sr SlopS '01514e, IrIreo Isotrelsyre pion! tell yop nevaI sboosbmol Cub' lair 55 pm Thuraday-Oalnrdey'l sian z Colt 11131 40v-1901 dec11 t154p10,00tll77SI4l0-lOS0, onu Oundeyu bi,5,tS, 030 Isorïaro- "lh,Haodoeid'sla'n,"ayo Mai05 I-OasIl't3,3 yo. Mer001nodll,el days tlO'smpria,yslele oayo000 lusaors tlade,ls eso s,si oro sesso so o, e Old ,seunl en al p,rt,rrr- '00055" pranenseaaymeeab,qa, 0,0, nllhnnlreht,m061'Ppniloosl thee, lair celE culo tc.o newoeN Chicago Porl,roner,o alepo Thoradny-telurdnynl pO Ouslels T knIe. 10e 1101rorere,,n'noe,Maool t-H 500wlliener paskepe Ill leo bere' 005 wovl,in in reo yell 0 Oamnrble,Inr 004rtedimalolri,r, Osanslan livIdo Itt 110 tonenytors, enSes,e sil emco.pnaol,olanelro org an day,, Frideye aol Ienaays end 110 1er 110 1er rutyhio, atudenl Sor Irbomoetivweattteanlnol-1140 ervsatt welnov norlhw,ehern ode "Ill, le!,rmo,r, yea, Od'Apmil IO at Iatnrd,ne insludrol una-rIarse eno sereod Us weoh,re al ube cc Per fl' Prop SIr ISOlO 1011,500.09 reos soll lAPaIS lovs101 te Ile 90105 Shorn Onnlembor III, FerIare ng vis tOt OkohI,Ilod,0koh'n JoIn Olahosoy cIels Ib e play aboel Ihn so n- Pnmler000sme Ore 010 yO (roela sed loob Irenduh po Iatnrd,ysOyo.Suodsys 0000000e locus b,rlorwaoveo on Tuesdays 51 SorsI 4.020 11m t,onro eioieoierrlr! IOOe.m.l,,mrplsarolll,ndvb IO an105i501,,edaysollpo./eovrpl 70:05h55 volt 10001 IO-4S41 erse,5 wscnihn,ehrqae arg IeeCc/oa,Ol,nelr,Oras,k Ireeenlo rar stadmnte and oesiera Osti 17131 pm,e,nIlv5b,rl,l 45 boale,.Rh,r Eme atOO yo. yne,t9'OO elhe M es SesIH galIleo 500,0 00, Ihn' elm, 9101 DoSI,,, Salo Ileersdus' Ir, ,mnIOwd,llvmral_n,,_ai,mnra paprrltek,leaorn For: leronlvn, cal 17101 tOS 006051e oil inn mn unonnorso o, "OkeOtOOiOk" mil bepm,,,oleI On Pe055uel lere ln(8'Mnroh 08 010m 0'OveIOeC,nl,nol Orasen Corete, 114055 son sen. 59fr0, PerIme- lobs looms h semntroori000tnprr' ducellb minne Ir machip e rostro T 001m: 115-050 Ce 17101 4007300 or vst,s,no, Cati 19171004-00114 Ir,e Eha010mlp, aohiongo eI 7.00 pw Ol000aeam Tlearre,OlSaO seohspenl ceooaoityperlvmoaoo,w I Io err 051cl aI lOom Feo lt "Mrs 0101.77 thl000h 0,lah 00 01 Io, Chr,,t, TisOslE 100 440 Itt-001 Ile nelhoslro,011lylCmnm00550r, e,5 loo Jebe1 linao Oceano! 11009 ne ice Sate, Curto cal nomi 71510e ,ndSelamdebyO yo, SondaIs Hee,mle warm, SpruI4 105larSanley T k Iv OlRIttoen ervIzeno Obsto Opel, Ito 4:05er, liaraS 03-00 FInm'rio HigA and 001,1 allIn, Mar00 04, USI. For 001e, (creAI o,,oaI tool> Isknlo soit 10101 lib-tIlO are, OScIlO lenelema,rn Vol messI, rs, ,perachiunoo.0r4, "3001100 tagalo Runt Warn Ill, o nennIn dAy 50e Ouï 71,nnlre Cv F,1 IMMensI 14 sI Ihn Piosololhe,Irr 000 010 P.O Fr'Isys arS Oolurdoyssp.o, aendeys 141, 040 lar em,aieeo,hlorlh tO-IO and 140 l,000anls err ,a,Inble elm, SAI cerson Hoe, Olop00000rlaib gv,, PAGE 06 TICKETS ON SALE NOWI 'LNsloIrabe'nslrbeFTeeeornIeId MnotealPtay'n 100pr,000t,Ubr sr dhiomns, Sor N, O,alao SL O5,,aço bldommee000 'II Cow,nd I," ool,cma Sieg In, wo rIo aol fool or Hot 0,0000ml In ommosisd 19000gb OpmillO cl Rnl,rd"I, violi ww e,n 1mAI13 hI u mp 100'sdeye cod 7m d,se2ot ter Iolvr' dele cd OutIlle Pres'ecr enrinornans,ejnb 11-04, nro Its Inn sr ara slade,t dteooanl, amo ara: tells br tonOrmalien sal lIIlmnIn-9101 OrCE nelpegaonol nyerssro "1h, Inod y,rsant' preenelea Olpe lesI! bne,m Ile bh,,lr, 8,1cl D-0,1 wwmev,slbealrearg Oskels 151 100 0e 111011 071-ObOe osilnww:,wyleoppe, R HaweAondAFo M,rohlollha Iveotlee, colt 11137153-nIlO ono'o'l 'Mynnothm'nlnepnrlThelloryol lhrMehola,nralserolteamnïba'M,y OalIh,stask Fnenmle Tlnal,r4100 arll'lOom'lharodals al 1:30 pm: mnrcna,Ie aloto Thnreaab baleo I,yardo pm. Oaedaya 004eto. Ito Ill "Jane Oenbar'n Pull, rd Promues A 001 11110m prmv oso, Merco I-1, Sor in- Uil,," Marsh 105010 00 aI Ovmbl- InIIS,onalu6o.,andopm 4a slot the 11,1 annuel Rh',nooenvo 11001,1 Ihol,a,Ca laOIISl000ln oreo,I wmmCHIrSslaO, ero le 111101 5851015 anal pw.leooeFllemsholwh,rul Orle 1100 040k:, nted,llekue Inn alampeS lrevetnceo,vldsnjr,glOe Ornat o,preeAen OSerOnt, nne J,w 11h loe ly sep,, S lb nne,, el tard Ther000y-Solemdnvo:aOpw.SUndayO Ileonoord with Ol500iwOr'sd'inra,n acrI (0,49v 00,3 ret tIrIo II ,a W Olios ere 5011w,I,e r 50 ensImeS Fr100, 00,50ml W,mIoSo In Oaek-srenhnolabvm,nd IheirnigIls bnleeie,08ep55,ree' Ssts0000' le leered yins mar lire led Ito 'Wan lelo! Peo5n, MoroIm 4-AprIlO aSwoemlInoIrrRerSeIeUHll Nrtro II. Isanelob cambie all'SO po. lpw nob IlarI l,Opnr.acdip.o, Feo l5,,dloaodOpo.y,IlSnndOi lea ,ee.Forh,rO, loase lwmw,hrewn Oele lIonel Inn. 4914 0.0 ItacA,,, arr rl,reer Onu Plomees Ferlarm,noeo ale an«iahien,,00lnneano,hahch,oe Svsloyo al COI pm tnao,pl 60100001 ser,. Prrlero,ne,e OS Tneedaye el 700 Em 10,5001 Sob Ial' Sredn,alele "W' C hellen AvaIl mee Irr Eh sa91 Fob fillol II 1maI10 1040, IlnalnI Itas Irr avIne L'ns,nSO, Ihia000 John chip es 16,1 Irene e a lrigtll,rls- :rnOdSING? 5l,melrorn000e 'O,nuallor.Desperate Cras, '07 'Oar la,""Daomnr is lee,o Cneo" and 'shot orlOn H'ght." Pnrlormenses err and realamno 'TiIl,IJe7Ihn000S 500,00 ol Pro- lIte,Iloalrr,4t410 Olealinoy Olivo 00 Whnn lhnI,rile 0 Im o gre,Oy, llooel, Mnlne,"loroegh P00.8 el "OrneO, ned SleIt". 11:0115 Fob, tO al AWAKE 1111mo Ihm mold enColla tp050berhéo po.losreplOan, UOIandSp.o na Oerllt,get mentre, tes, led telo, 63O-84-6342 L,sr 0600 saAs Oho 1,60510010- 0100e el 50n 01e nI,eor h,al,rdee' NerI lcenecnrr,rlerthe Fnnleroing Snitbhmns cneo, orant-tonIc lenIre eel e,pnronnte onoro. 0dm over io lit er l'y rebel O,63e1 leAle Prejeol'trn,lrn Siolios Beodo' orISon ormitiee,o .OisII nomeew 7c, sed Onlhsdial charol vnlve InIcIo 0150m 'Oolundeye el 030 "Ile AnImI teR, I vIlle," branle Onkel, Pr,drli,le 10, IlIIveIOde irrer,,: e, e,e.0 Ile anoartnner,rle,lrntnlh,vrr' lhroogha,rehlistl:,lpallrs dais (419 5. Jnrse've, ce soge 1550,11 100 ItO elulnels and ndaslry CeSASen leeretecl rel * oro III lonotedonlo cell ,no>ooi44m era'S 105m elepnelrr,lrersm, '1h, tIde Man' nil b, pr,eens,d by 000wraeoe,vo ynrler0504n, isee U erorl eewdeeglllreelr,.org. ISLAND 171311014411 oea s,honvsiioknlr000- voll Tckele.ltvltonsro Irlsir STAGE aller Pert:okele, eat ¡7151 105-nOII vs 111E I,mobulente,o,olornehd groaR cal oiomsl(Olarm,gularruo lOtlurnos- Oren 00000e Teeallo E000aflH volere, anOAp.o. Senln5e,S Ib sinner Tne-Snnnll:30,Sol&Srvcnsg:O0 liens e001l Ihn merlO loi nor pr,' 3004 04 4. 010100, Oyiaanv 150 loelroat IcIcle lv"Oloeel, O, n,: IlesO rennt Spin Tlersley-Oale SayoS denen Theatre Company 0 so,lrernooyolns sue oos,n IraI 1 cOlo rslimll, w delebtheeasbl rl borall os se sa lets en loruh 041 slit ne rs, loar-censen Ovrlo,eel RLUEMAN.00M.. Helovonmoabnn prnseolsne,utsRcnn F,elenl 00(0 lh100gh Feb20 et IiI-7515 vr ridI rose p'oplelborU, 'Oho Inland'S tIbe prnoerlelhy enrlaorelteaeaeeopledee,nl (eel 1.800.BLIIEMAN Salol Ise,e,nln e tullO. enamey dis,0, rho perle Oans,e svIaI, to non-5000 oras:lSwwp,lheelrerso, Fe Ioni threugh FeEls 5 Prep mli IN AllICenIre, 40004k hrneh,n, o 0000.0,0 enanOs rn,ratro, otfvers)ens 1B5 A P106066 PRESS PUlL CATIoN-oc dun lo ala Illowas orI ISOOIOFO Teh,ls: ltD 11 Ion eludneln 051000er 01110go Pronoms 01710 107mb. CO pm nra tc, nrS4 pm F,sr4 Rnoslar num ellas F o.Ihnmednye orI Fm,Iays' 4pm. ardO po. Salemlnua, amd4 po lordnyseorolhyiallrked Sa ltleloseo,rrtooreloweln000rsltc r lu, not, a 100,1,0e rouI, n'inno 4,in II, Eoaeeloo Curl, nelrOip.o, Ihuraley losandO 3pm lurlsys A abolI, wo ser/ore enï,rdoarelet (Il lOo,s Inondo lo ddlmn oe,arl sell obaOrl,dsOIlnlSiOU na aloinell, IO sehe sonse el I,Il,ms he re- mOpmrtnhcme orebirll el I,,r,pim Las 55, r, sa te gnooh,on hem neoump' MARCH nt-ea. 0000MONn THEATRE B6IdivMrttko- s Chruags de flOrin wit preusuta trut history st uummedru dut attn tsr go. "YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH 'VALENTINE'S DAY." mund Cummnaia Dayat 7:50 mm. Feb. spasre'u Courtyard Thuatnr en MeuS Isb.28,Ppnt,g050rduth lbOnusgn ynonOoLonuedssm,Chuago Istswnpaash pertunmsnuatheautaw utgigam:'O241ptn(Uu N sholu Consent Melt at Ihn Mou t mas ere tuesdays and Wudonudunsat 451031 Enaeutss.lyuridCsmwudms PayOs sues the historyaod sty nut remsin un orage luta Stiel4seutrsnund-Nenner uossisn nod then ¡sir the uunteureie tbetsbbytonone-nn-neu sununtuatseu end photo eppuntun - 730 pus (ussupt MarrhsandiM, Thurudsysandrr,daysuta portes- rsmmedednt'arte teutstngmenrst rias The pn5505tr un ro resummended tonoentnru, aod SIP Pon oludentu Pu the 'sturh sranutteru' 5usd us Rautetsne,Putst uette subetla and sonei. risknts ore $5.0s resets ut uns. sat 18471 48m-2005 srM, turagnutoandup. skets.420 blutor tickets sal POt 790-1450 or en otudente. CutI 13101 595 5h00 Onsiut ermew ohiue osano ppello u rg Inh tU o ennoul sugoshuheosum P.m,;'Ttu Uusmdee,ps PE Op lus 'TheWhn'oTommM,"e pm.Ieb.tN' 80,CO'OiandMenuh3-NaudP;endu Cdandbee pm.deb.242sandstershh 0 bstth- rartosoku, rnolo«ng amnunenennu y wuststu Un mm Py'n 205eptinn 1500 Pheuten oo srIo Crru e Orne psueutun Tiudu s 015' ktO tot soul or urtruuro Sto u-otudouts Ca t1947t dur-0000 504is t ewnmtis.nurthwestern ada. Mssnu Hopan Odolphut Hon stoni sut saptupriltól, tsturduyu ulopw and epm;snusundaysarop.m erdhpm tu t n ptunadganh&p dr- ught etuttuwurduittnpuy Tousntu:040-040.Cst soir uro suos or risI Wwnwyturst entres g T h e Old Se btu n," th tusgh Ma roh Od atWrrteru hnatre 3007stsr Cuori ulnnuse tin Hurtem tnt mutet st nus. POsabeth und Su Ir urn sslrsst u turtumn ages uMnpthertqu et sues tutet nu sut eher they tode in HusbundWtyu soues uhuudsemeroung dssrdur their urtid thsnsus ab unity Periurmunres et7ispm t etduyu sud We000sdsyu. Op.m. Thursdays and r(dayudpm arde pm. usturusys. aradpm andupm Sontoyu Inedsauday mut ueeu at t pm. Inh 24 asdotarstuu Nshpn.pertornnttn un Inh SO and In 7 30 p n. poriorm- aroesnresru024 Pre-uhswlerturus at 5pm Feb dl sud Curubo post-shut, dsruursnu unleb.tb.hatthtlundoh Trnuets 040 545. Cul asti tuo-steso Or rosit runt, Wrttorulheutrm u rs FtsssteTheatrt, Tu asusriut su nit ssutlnattmtsm. 'The Ptllunman,Thy Munie Mutua- aeh,thrsughMutshtaut redtrn,stT naire 244W firys stach c tupsa darbrsmedyaboul swore sssuundut pntpet'ating'hsrra dsrsus outs iu ht sture000ut4natMpm Thsrsruy-tututduy,Smw.usndays T bets 550-050 OP d5ussfltiersuursandstsdestu. Cuti 1773t720-7tC5 urn uP CLASSICAL wen tedteist srm "flutum tu Malte, the tus t st s es k by lsunstun-tused p uyunrtphtho H ews,mn,tbepuuerted dsuted bru en MeetbeRegtun, perfuros at Month Obste Curten tun the Penturming Orto 4521045k u fluo, dy Meut Pt eat re Cumpony 5h oses h Skuuie nonmeruMsautg 1557t 573 Mershout the sores Cu toral MrlsC rter 907 Neyes SL susestse Pertsr manses at pm.nmndenuaayulpeb.24 aud bemutrsuntyl 7.00 pm. Thursdays 4pm. Ftrdays sed Sulurduys'Opm. sundays Ttskntm dot-045 eithduusanre ase tes e tat srsups, these OP you ru u ed your per and tu ltrme sts- 5800.05kelu 544-SOIT with dtssosnto tor secours act stu100ts. Feb. 2M 430 pm nserauelanmthmhtuu sot Nonnen Oenmeruundnntand, wrlhpseut Outsist bong Ltd sslrn.Thn proptuw in otudnoorep Pe000yut Cuiter, Minloer-, Moo nCunuent0001dSilutumoymphe- ny No.8 nL dunru Cat tM4OtuFs-tnTS urrtP fluor nolthea trOut0. Ce he Sud its tam at Nu rtbeeotn rs "0 heut Shukeupeeret The Cemedy st Punoruç'atamily-trundtyos-mtnulu abtrdgement sit ahsspnarfl'uuumnMy, ni the pruunutud atti u m. Saturdeyu thnuasthMamhb atOr sano etude RIDIDR?'S R4tHY bru W sa snmphu ny O roheut ra, son- Tnrsnroity, 402 Cmeruun, tormerrun 105Fr 441-turi tnbetm,IM4TI diversionS Bi OC u\ leuln tuteo Ch negus t4no Chruaps sun Euenotompmrkntuorelul(orptu erred suat cg, SOS tut general admis isu 000 I. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE le550el000wunu 773-631-0063 des 5015 tueditiunsl sed uontsogo PotuOmeerth,Nphtlsupm te Oints aneths Bees louse naos orsemsd: paloedsstbms uon I - Pohhamo Eupu; aud mete. ChisafisOhember Masisteos (ICI b ru a 5250206. wnemubioep sths mue nu sousrg Contorts suenes stloOgm O und eyo at 4-Oto iger Usase ti Hs un Msnthwnsteno u«nnntPy005nor, no Puts ono oonnse,Ouenntoe P lelo OtO 040 SIP for oludunlu. Feb10 'Windnandnlriogu7lasturnpbnt eme 4 Ossnak'uflspolel eu, Tuono Partite in n'i NI lHsist srdontoo Snuohuen's Strin000int tonFystur ihn Chloage Philhe mon s O rs dent re pemurmsetopn.00nteymatp kOtoitur Cernent Hal saId hmtit,noul em Un nuro Io sempuo 50 uduC rot On osOso Ober tusT) 466 u eme wcwnhiou3optihanmooiu srs titbetu or0000untdanamnllsu ,100msr trentwiogs 040, 080 and Sou ntnn 400 4000 suoi Oulet prrseulstede Se lusn9, 100 sbutruoled n se. Sto dont t bree tute suries. unnural publ one000n t skats are OtO ase lableiOth uby ut sunu ens so iasulhl end stati sod go., PASE BN utadsot ratm 1052020, 750 emend IiISIttJRI 5050 N. CUMBERLAND, NORRIDGE o \JrCQ fi THE EDISON PARK-CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2010 CALENik{ Installation Dinner (708) 456-2005 LUNCH SPECIALS T PIONCES FRESO P001IC4CICN Chloapoa002ywtlepentsmmutu Ile Osuttyetsunntenbrtsospst nueted rttstsuinutreetuturnbStutsu,405 artiutiustatt era guest urhutars sue sud en Omemunrs spportsriunni, STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 CHECK DIRECTORIES FOR LISTINGS illuppooy, PSORUPP4 102010 Cuntinued frote PAGE BM lessept statut ott Wednesday rout flees atoen Munch IO und to Rustshowdsusooiunp Feb 7 Od end Muore 2 Ad by the lrrrtutd Theatre 'n' OC at ZiaS Trattoria V mC' Multi-Chamber EVENTS 2e8 Annual Galt Outing at Ridgemoor Country Club Harwood HSShtSn IL.} Edison Park Art Walk Edison Park FEST 2010 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS SENIOR CITIZENS PORTIONS $725 SALADS Jutienne Salad BBQ Chicken Salad Greek Salad Spinach Chicken BTeaSt Salad Chicken Avocado Salad 1/2 Fruit Plate SANDWICHES Tuna Salad Sandwich Chicken Salad Sandwich Turkey Sub Sandwich Honey Mustard Pita Wrap BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich At! sandwich specials include Fries or Fruit, No Soup ChoppedSteak KIDS EAT for $2.99 Broiled Scrod Fried Perch Greek Chicken Broiled Pork Chop Roast Turkey Liver and Onions Pork Tenderloin Spagheffi with Meatball $795 Above Served with Soup or Salade Ice Crearne Jello. or Rice Pudding Noo Edison Park Comedy Fest Multi Chamber Business to Business Expo n14th Annual °° Edison Park Turkey Trot Santa Express Holiday Program Glass of Wine $1.50 with meal. Martinis $2.50, Maiihat[0rns $2.5°0 Moro datos will pill in as odTto Tie planrued, I SArro Reti 000nl Home 1h11 Ch caço go. Aso, [oaroboo, Ill n0000ra SIS obero the perlsrmance. harsh 14; 'Tuhaihorskyandhro oO'nithguosh nhlkioAnirlochino ko The or' oheslra 0h11 Forlorn TosrohSymphony Sand the Tchaikovsky Piana Con orto Maya N rbhdchter Npeth000h'o hinlk7 pmo flIed worh Ihn cyrIl Shorn no gll010tynndthoflynntenhor or Irr 00 nduc0000 and 001m 01101110 NcrlmbrookSNmphanA0lohoolIo,shdomI O Aired oncbLanrenbebapohdk porbormo 0140m, lardaba al SIno b E;chobole) 01110040 bOlt tool CoOler silbe bertObO'nO OhO 41 SIeh- Tiobnta amo 101 SOb lob sor bbo kNolIh H ghONhaO 2300 01Cl' nom000d bsrthd000, Iloketh 005- lii loi 01040Fb. FInelOrchilObOell ondtlngobch,slrairithh 10001 boo glrliclo loo 40010 C 000 sa) Ou laroor no haoho Gloso 010000 00010115 Oompolihco 0100011 seno'ibeelorstk thon Sardysurgor, P001710k pOitob eIn oo'ioh is Ihre Corred, oaiutflgnOrkc 0900111 F' cholo abcho dssr aro 100; 511101 llacA rob 19117)15 FabIo 700pm' bosdoophsrn qaartotpehormo 00)001)4 Feb.Tb,7'IOpm'Oetoo o OhokndLioo;nb000rao,b atorro onriors' 55frl ot000nlo,Iyalsh0: The Mpbrrps bao OPPIO OlcbmdObOc Pomo clic Co Io," loo Is rie0 soli 01 Ir000mitlad 'oh gb door l'oc to moon throlerc Il Ouphoul 110 bitad Sbaloc, 05)000gM no Ohonp oco, NOI Go liii 000tor hi Oc, dro Erarsls 101)10 tech wi1h lira h bacarus stn.Tho pyog dmirmi0000 Lia005'EghtPasbor Folk OscOs. Op 00' bchaik000krr Con' 00110)0 101,0000 Tbc000trairthha' baughheb of ihr hate Cartob trazos P01114415, ce) 14001 505-449 ObO'dl O 'bOgO SO to IclIoTetli 100001cl Mapocse. prarsior parhireper' h 00h. Op ION. MONC"flussian Es k' 10150cc Ir Chtsagr Cr11090 oh 40000 OtIcOtOOcI 00, heIde ice so 0001 onO alinlermiootop to ro NO torIl sharp bins ondloclornobo i 00- 000tli9000 Sbnphsryho 3 rpda;or Op.htarcorcrah'Oe 000000rbsinB oreiingcrt070-soioeOorooroatory horokoordootodbydbohyl rozno Tiokelo, 020; 510 000 toro; ST 010 00010, hghl"t, aro Chopir'o Orhebmo NOS ro' TI.11ghn Ahoyo Feb.Oi,Tbopn PaashOhayini:Npesiseihasisa loor' ortor Niberlob chah, and the boo' phsnyorohrotra 1feb perto molhe pool') OhdCoho phirob) loor' W000yrlarrer hOpbooramirml0000 Woher. 000bturn lr'Oberon', Canso ht Oar no 091 lenta ro 110cc prrcipaido'oothbeocllm Eseeot045ytrphonblrohonhra por Iormonbo:tOpm.Sa020yoatp'sk' Sta gar Osronrt Ha i 50 Irlo O ho O tri' Oe,P0000lbr lobo) 0k4'400b nnr000arsl000ymphory,sIg Olokoto r 000arbe 00155' Tootcroce i or c'ti' yo ong CrisIs nl Lyric ope ra Cong r00000n binar Torah 0709 Oak Or c'isolo" 000rod and Socolar 0100es" lye Carier Jerome Pravos artiothcrmor br000r, pone ir, Ipor' torn Mocado 000db hOlD hO Meal; Oneth00000 Ooralaointbirsrl'lem' hotteocntbg'Ommiahi POF0000c," Osa O Cor orto 1001010 d'Omoro and ho pIne OtO of 00mb 114'o titrooape' poesir Co 1)0471 3000111 ob 10471 47593CC. Conlnued floor PAGE BG Hit DC' THLRSONI, FOSRUNPI1I Toll www.pioBeerlBcBl.cBm BG I ioo Op ch' and SI or 00kv:"pnhroOIda' thofsers'orl 50109009e fo loned lbopte' l010idedoocrmn pmnsorhaosr 015:00 pm. the 1h rd Wedneodobdtlph)h0000 cahobmaoce. 0100010 are aoai aO oat pait)bipatirg I caleb bbs 011100 sod or hoe at 000.Falh smlsanls vom Fab. The 110000e gingerawfl pr0500i 04: 3 orne boba agbk'nkhPldc do orb early 050 bllehowo 015001 515' 120fObIudeetO FOSO 130pm lbs dliboicbb, P10001 no, Sn ducoy orb Slhllfcroloda lv 1047) 000-005e cl nomThoN000'g FebO: 0010110010 Aondeioechr 005010 119-020 0 oto- Ihn 00000-SOcornI" 100101 og Ile hhrolrilabChapol al 000tlile 01010 InireicithIP i 1001000 Osad lar Imonpol balance doti loolumes 10000100 oformol oo,lbNtl 4915441 lIcols: 1047) 007 4001 P00,1k 7pm,: lo oil On of 100ko 01 darco rupi Od 05011 fron bleed 11010cl 50010 00 00 04 040911 PnoemO - 'hocicol ns000goro'i'svoncerioCroscoi F Manr oho Cor," 07)15)01 Feb.20, 7:50 p,m,W0000'c OholSo P0000000 pIc p00010 cl Ihe 0000100 ' osp000 Ii" 1mo' 5001 Op,b ho 10 440130015' Sople for hone, Trompet 000 5 lOSO 00,41, Sohooch'o Sommera got Poole a oir oleo 010111 go 00, 50, aed CIego s 1004cc 101100114 Odol000 Ihn 00 equo PO 115100 al 101ro 10110, P90-conSort rmtcre by Jim 1000900 l5 at 000 pm, pramfoolr0000pnrlsl obybkOcsn' Whoa, What Wa s moth ' Apri 7h dl Iba 00m 0go ifl Ihn Ile role MorPh 30 arO 1110100 led fiel odiotChobo 01 F5005100 1430 H omar Nce,uo ecc kosis 001110100 Ch vogo, 1190 Ohica' ApOlo cndrcisoThom005"Hom et." nolnd cIh0001ce, 10121 05 1414, Maytondbh p000'rilbrmida"fpe)Ur' lrlrn,barop0009g lIbele are 130071 tog p0050 pon ng. Midnaotbouppprhinbi p1050911 the lot oWing corN Oho 0th k-She gor ton' col Hall 50 Irlo C'ito 00100 0000stsn. GailtO4T)9 49494 or odI wirwmyaOrg Feb,21.iS:OOp.m 5h10 Fob.2bT:100m,:"lcoflsro loodol,' core' llhatthedrocpynnadmssso orahidrorte arborber £0118071 go con, Toaroior the blasa Odi viol half ifloluros piocos rom lor0000ia, Soothhsroa.Huegrydnd 0000ia.Tho 00000d hoi stbhn program inrl0000 goope er voir cor loops raro pop arc Oroadnal buono Tisknbo 100,100 ore tOW and clodorho, Oil br ch idrer so' 00 '7107. Ost 020 dci Il Ola Iwnolabas Orbirgarscsm snirgthomni hoCarhorLynda ir apro. ram'inoubing Jowiahmosclrcm hbsaghsut Ihn ages, Lados, lork'aii, toraci, ivO,Gropor005 Orhandhrad- seat nraoichroor High ibotyOOyo tos Cois and ohabkot Ti hots OIT in ad- canease Chapter. Lyrik Sporn st Chu000r,n lysai tornpiainio. Canso' dtid5surdCassySnpor'a pr000r' oioebyiaok 0000rman.saksoriber obus om0000erior bris aPelO Ob hiN 009. aiS g.m. Pobo at the North 000pod Torme stoop P01100 bee pi' second borTs ohSrd ant Ohorlos br- harlhohamotoe000bb000pamfolmeol S p m, Sunk oro ob P15k 514 NOb 00 rOad 004 ycooper. 11001 400 9SblOb omleeion0000mOie,nlg MarchSh By MARNA PETUCKI Ohilogo,149S Chicago N00,190o lot rciOmor p.m,:'AdScoloonrecl'ioao TOO grom ins Odos Pobod Alls's' 00 boos, molteeesp000ytoboloO at0000yhth0200rlotie4 olt,lol bolt alocO do n, lela sol Oro Op loI 4101 0, 0e le aod Piano, h0005boe, ThoS's 0mw oS She Parkhdgetlei0000hoolmo p1050115 ococerlo 01 Iba AlcOol lkoheot 0,0 190000cl POrO lideo, 210 rtcomo noeny uctivikioo 7omiliwo cooc elliOT ei ISmily Oolce lit lo OlOd00000doer 0111110cc 410 bwnn,parkhdgelih'sorcboo ro rs sipai)E4T)502- l000tIeNt)Pn' 0811 kelch 14, 0:10 poI 0h00 Il Soro 500001 Ira aah Oh0000 Jano 010007 000booter 0240 Eob,ltoolerCne000toonbasl huNo 063010 of Chisaga, Ichos teocalI bOl 400 ChIlobo coo od OyAe 1009 Ihompoon M 5h1 5h10 cl Poaooton 10471 OOb-130 0000mo' 0100's 050110m to tond do" ood SIm- Hopn'F 1104 Patare Coebeht. kIlts sr' S'OlocLcro,POb.iN 7p,m:M1C loco Ir phoelo Oa0500 fbom"OIoOIN dO 515mb', 000001 bllbloOreom' Op sOI 00db by kebdetSoohe, ApltilO.100 50' babelic ' lIP Clodlico ' 101 10 oislc 5000hlbbard. noT all. Kurt boson Serles so cell Oithkdtlhoib 090,9' 000, ebb ng nords by Dob000y heoo- Ola coimbra I'oPeoblsolbioh Oa9000 and Job PO ip 5500rs'The pebeot of 10000; 005 Pobarloe 00110011 loll' boOboo, 004 colt Wen lolo Soc) 101' 000 toum000b00000000;Ol000nern Ihopaib' lfllhiçkecbos oboderto lIoso llar leobbr'ng the Po kFlOo goner al TUOIc' SPO Oh bili 0005 3rd Ad rhoblboo und ko ceo Pio rgshord000t Gory 1r4'u"Hepo' e pleben II loUrds frohE Ooident Ohama o openbhoo sel Icrburm 10010k' lbs lbS for sb 17 ol000nIo, Fab. 03, 1,20 pm.. Ch Oese CiclI OtchOOtOO £1101 0, 00h00 okr;0 iObU iy and ocal) and ubudnol rote borls.POb,S)4pn:bgtlborlyoed 10471 4874000 Eeb.titOO No.00051 loo 1001m CorNell 10010 ro Char no p or alo Ob O 0100g wll nahe hell' 00500100 Pe Icrerineneleol;000fron 110m 111900g not tho Ch sass arno nit pO lamm oiih Ihn ho no f 00 100 000 Lubbie ball at Northiroohoro kI'ooro" 001,1 obondoli al50100tthoboorlh ba0500n050int 000thePorkplpo O Vo Orchosbba 00000 oChoros In PioObO9v incluons Nomad's 00010010 01101 na;erb000a0000n' OrI SIA go., PAGE AlO '$70 per person includes six courses Chefs Station 847570-9821 Nekure Centoi'o Winter Chilly Sont ood Chili Dioneco 4-0 pm. Solosrdoy, Feb.13 aed Orondoy, Fob, 54, od 4150 Brommel SI,, Sloohie, "We've got our ice cocher clsrciog bocio. Hm dcoo o diO Ses'eol scs)pino'e euch odgimi," eeyorlmd'Menogel' Lee A. Ho 0000. Dech pao'ilcipont gels 1100 moro h SISOIlIbIS Cc dort oSe comp- ' Saturday & Sunday February 13 & 14 4-8 p.m. Emily Oaks Nature Center, Skokie Old-fashioned Winter Fun and Food including: A chili diooer ooerlooki ng the pond, ice skating, snowshoeing, hayrides, ice carvirbg demonstraTions, SWOW and ice games, and a campfire with hot cocoa and roosted marshmallowsf MEMBERSHIP MEETING: LOANS FOR SMALL BUSINESS tryint, il Vail, to obtain loans old/ol lines of dedil, Tho moNtino tomos as publie Gamen include Brook the Ice, "We hove o prize k'ooenioa blocic 07 ice, 0050F about the Walt SIrobt f011005 ft boeoming S maJOT politiCal ehalloolgo for Ohio Obama sdmivislrulion, At a time when uobmploymsnt is 0110% p)us, fruotralion has besT glowing that banks have boon 110w to lend lo small busin050es thai can g000rale job growth! Ounks 07 the 01h01 hand qoole tederal regulatorS lotto lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, -According lo bankers it was those borrowers who Kids Follo gogglek, they Io beech the ice ood god sheiryrierouo,"Henocrc noid. Other octiviiies include ohudioeboord bolcliog, otich bhe cors'ot on the solomon nod cc'osding ice ccndboo, Weukhcc per- milling, there mviii be ice oheliog on tico yoed. Olcdooco, people will dine on begelas'iem or iurlsey chili, oocnbceod, bcoehieo end beveregeo. Moche reuervotione by Feb, SO sod She cool io $0, $7 Sor childcees undec 10; 011mo Feb. 10, ile $11 sod $0. Admiooioo loo oel'sviUieo oniy ingo, For debofls, osI) 14401 6041000, Ext. 0500, Old fashiBBed foB Your child ren eon make a Volentinoimepieedby vioming old Velentisos, 5000-5;30 pm., Feb, 14 during o Sundey treNO Sceioo eveni NI Ihe Skoloie Hecibege Muoeem. 1001 Flol'ei Ave, Childeen muet Panic DOSTR1CW NkckloParkoiaer 01003 Call Emily Oaka 0e 10471 674-t noo, ose, 2b50 tor dioner mocoroalono and akero herbal iryormabioo Citalo)roroPCoisclblcoco &Itrdlisbr Ellen Wierìewski, Executive Dir000tor The Fobrualy Memblruhip mbbt n will be d000tRd to problsmo wth obtainint small business loans loom our local books, Many of our mAmbol businoshlb hobo boot gelohemmerendtheygei ., I-, with ChefRomero°s exquisite - February 14,2008° Thjo Seatings: 4:30p.m. & 7:00 p.m. ÇValentinesDinner Imogiose telcbng e might- Tobaik5005r'cltoinbhi 0,000 10,01 loomshBaormeo anl BringLove To Your Palette Con boils bco dime hoynido throogh o rvoodlomd ollighled bebe ood ilimminobed orsimel nil- n II 15e hoc lof the 00104400 chEs 19,700 LGisnrhtb Plebe, Esonotso. cool b ckol ph cnoiobod irbbroecolegohes' FAMILY FRIENDLY Explore winter outdoors at Chilly Fest and Chili Dinner TOo 01)09 P000mbio gOb Ho lIt Arlo Obvio Otre Acanalen, Un' 055 olhrrlrioe coleo. TioNnIo OIl 0)4 sen oro; Sb olodools aod ch dren, olmoashhc oloboalslm 10471 405- booboo amincodo e000rdOert- - 01i0!EA'SbOOW IBA h PItN0I9 PRESS PUELICITION 'OC he occompenied by arr edult, Ad beebe regloirelion is recommended hub OcmI lOO No-e weboome, Cool io $0 loe renidente, $3 Ooo' eon- Fonios SOh 00057 norohmali000. pial T0000 4h5 00e 000 CIL 1 linceo P01,1000 the Snub Oaks MotorE Corte tic Okok o reoidenbo, For debile, 10111147) 104- 1500,0x1,0000. "The Mueic Mao," Feb.11 lied Prairio Lobee Thoeteoi 015E. Thacloec, Des Flcinee,Acestofoludeote, RnIIin tRE restoratiBn Bvecyooelsinvibed io roll er sisele For history on Fresideols' Dey, noocr-5 p.m. Monday Fob, 10 od the Coholreb Commahily tender, 1000 W. Centret Rood, Mouotproopevl Tile cosi io $5 per peonIa, ebd fundo collected will be used to help dho Mount Pcooyecl Hisloi'icul SocietY prnsec'oe Ihr 1101 Cenlesl School. A 10.1 will proc'ide 000ic, Chu- Oren in badI gi'ede eiod under muet ho uccempedod bye poccnl. Fcoee, pop cod neecka will be sold, For debodis, call 14471 392- 0001. GBtta know the territory Norwood Park Chamberwill be molting managers of our local banks f07 a meaningful diatogue with our small business Swnera regarding solution beneS itial ta both lbs 8-18, ix feebol'ed in bbc parties. Me1'edialc Will 505 bnuoicel, THE MEMBERSHIP MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY whicic licolodro ouch momo' l'olbie songs en "Seventh 17th et 12:00 Noon at the Northwest Cate, RUAR N. Northwest Highway, Make sore goo aoeod and voice your quooti000 and opioioesl Sin Trombcom" ond "Till There Woo You," Tiolcwbo oho $0-$10; 0000Fr 01 tIce 001 debile, roll 18411 011 0090, Jazzy way to spend President°s Day Thcemoaiog ethiedriem oilnusido Chicego Dexce ARE YOU A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER SEEKING ASSISTANCE? You cer.oisil SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTiON STATION at City Holt oueryTueoday, Wednesday and 'thursday to get free husmeas counsslirg legal assistance and tinalcial and loon ansinlonco from not tuo pRImI partner atencies. Stop at IhN SOLUTION STATION bobeen $:30 am and 3:00 pm, Room $050f make an appoinlment by ceIling 312-744-5508, NEW RETAIL tN NORW000 PARK Wo welcome a new Narweod Park business: mill he ahowv-ueod in Jena Dance Recoliotion, OOy,w, Mondey Fob, 15.00 MorIon Grovc Public Libres'y, 1140 Liolculn Ave. Vibes's will Iruro chaud lheAli'icen Iceriboge oP tide thrilling orb Suprr solen050 Herold HOI oleiheo op the bond ogu'm wheh Chcistieo Youth Theotec presenta tliggered the global economic me)ldown, In the opinion of The US Chambor of Commerce the pendulum has swung way loo far, hurliog those who need loans the most and who constitute the backbone ot this country - small buoinsssest Foo- dekeibs, oeil 18171 915-4020, Ccnllllcbi I:pieoeerlecotcoro Lemon Sky UnlimitBd located 018130 tI, Nonlhw St Hwy and owned by Jane Limonciollo, featuring old world tandy, hand made soaps, glass beads, gardon urnamonts, 5reetirg cards, ha d made toys and muth mole,,,, Fut fur kids and adultst - 8182 VII OC - 14(20017 P054C4RH 112010 t opndin rock lIS/Gil FekEhOpnbestial veille no. Ehe meg arc etadeo reste 04420e) Hule sed DaciO amqcos. Et/Il/$4. Feb.17 rEO p.m.: eybsecd Coconcoelons. Chopin Etc 'Jo. Cooluoted 010cr PAGE 88 director. end the Per R Ope ConcIA14 Church (renani Che r. leuhe (err pm.70eonrlOand icaprognenrot basa slanducoe. 17/11124 FcneOgeenies Henne Weubnunstnr Ile/Os t) Reell [cercle,. (44/I 492 ne preonntaouienlneo Our Issued, 0010/ $l.FnkI4,lpnCsnnieosr' os se u Goonleires" 103/20 1/OtO. Feb. EEI4 8900 Huu/onnuilni eeleu- Fab 27100 pm.:Fnenoeocioo Innen Eso pro gram roludeulnsrhe Oh Sian ieo,Echaiklnehy Seul 5cl/en SI oeSe and ligar Ilse. shel endde nnyoaberleuS/FehlO, npsEhn-lOngOeds Clos und 405 nulla) 6401 orse Iletennld necicret 7/90/14.Fnh.2b733p.m.:lyophcnic Wed Cflunmlle 0e peril ossee Iss- 5441 ticketS (5471 467 4000 nooprckstarg090rg pout lehRt Poroso tilted in lIces oalngccres qn eral pubic. centOrcltiuens e 040 fscutiy eck Sie E end student cele. 96.10.700 pm:Eencinqotlreuc OeulWrlremswr I [Venge et Cetleir 0/ocrE, Oren, uIng hcctllrceolnlo 005550e Campsi/sn winsecend aIro sasophoninl lia- aey, We 19e pcogram sil setole woks bydohn lhneOec Cohn e Pagent John Dnlnke.Jl Osoh, Edn nteoere a Rese. Odo pro Orson 0th (eilIge Pos end ton (u Viseen auHo sis Hemmsrsmlltendluile Rlg,,00e19 Resi/ui Hall at hcelbss noknonruOy 60400 Circle Ocios clarE-tiar; esdoocku bybaneillssu cd isin Iecbiuu. fl/$O/$a Feb. 24 4'asoE- i- [cenalon (Burl 40E 4000 Feb19 co0 po.: Nel00950tern unione 19 laol- :1040 legeoiaClasorieloslansn- semble n griSou cano ng teso qu nInts nod dsulls ruiniert io terge sr lins lenloeng Eliot Etna end Zolle 000ev [nssmlln,Inscscreati090tlhn LET US CATER L 445k bonuS HssSorn Assails PARIY ROOM YOUR GATIeRINej OPTO 80 Wo DeSucas Phono1 75h.540-44172 eii4foy Firagide Fun Ecco Fece -Ocr Osmios ' Didng Cell (047) 673-9409 sso 677-7695 FuhXrkO4E) 677-rOms Valentine's Day Reservations hct.01 r. rieur-lu OlIScOSO Call (847)967-0606 lseefrusoeeiueeecoece.cooee JciAFe.rro/nRrrri.inccleusnuQiueripscir .-"° Mardi Gras Mâmbo! nodes, n,b.15 Ousu n.l naesedy neO. 55 - Mardi Gran Combo Louiuicnm Gumbo & 2 choicna frocs our Cojuri tn5040ss.ecp OnrohlO Vlsessnet toenulsITIlOS Eiisnds. Ill/too Menh kineet lander Inseln rions (las- (et Honucdì 1606e /0011 677 0004 Ci oto.40aid erro leurinasone" worm. p millS m own clerc u cm nf .00nc Forking oumiimble occoae Chromo of leer Wealeco 4 Freile It ero Cornos nie n,' mIRlen 700 00:5mal leu aneornbieoononrt (coclsi 110/liE MersOlO 5 ln.:Ch In 14 en el Webu. 10H 50 Mao OP 5 p m.: Ahasosoen&nhoahheuee,14454 River Osad kosacool (4071020 drIp pa Celo SSO Ousua enty Irs/Ill. Mat0050/ps.10rkyospnfsChem lUSH SOgOlOS (le 000501771 Ill/SOC chin gibloosSlea 6h eu SidOs. Wed sas' olcnndhsbyl uherdHosgers 07/11/14 OeSSOeodlNoatnmlaOOH Anar Seed PsoemenCliekolelnoaveiinb s 5800Fel.14,npnOemgolncll Pro otoeodedolm detlrtomcr /400(140' 0000,1 11h51 pcnsisteOboi0000 b cniuno 500/SOS. yereh SC, 1010 IrnOs 0150011e F005104 0/IF Ihren, Bnl sendlsny Leeoe /lnpI OlS/SEH 120/200 keyucodrhomdeoa.O pW'elidotOhI Lesnd Osen Fr teysank lalunduh O iealucisglheCulrstornseml Etc prsjreminslusn5000e000ueltet Sc posi8 got loony Cegprcls. Oben and OIr ego, lroslaaeoHoho tel 0300 MS cnn seno Fosenool Set Intrude Snolue tens Por Seco in tnelosllon e000lIhe l0nelsI 0cl (0471 6710100 on ohoh 100noenosnithe hociCo pees,nls eelentinnO rluesi7 POP! FOLK/JAll lshnoonhnenteloh snpskyeneyn' 554 105 OlotsIta so .Tuksln 100' tu/egousri tem000gn.'mikndht 160 Medob 2771m Jus(i, lobs ice li.00anatsn /5e0570'0410 Soest oegolkogrneslosubaegnam LegefldeCesoerhe-dsorsope,uil pm,shooatk pm. Odsisuics $00; in Ihn Slenlroce Oleo. IO tecol, etOnOlhnrwsO 1551m Ososoos 10050, 11710 gpnlO-10,5 pm:CnlOc Honeolileh mon u) 110. 2/0 OksM(oThaetceMesieFnsedeliss Inh 06 Pebnnt Hynns bend Psy Imncieao Henilele Center, 4606 N Snos Son Chis000 /4/1/200-/gol. p1555910 sonnen Is in the 1601m atte. 1924 lieloln lIn. SSskio Cell (0471 677.17Ml orSI toinooke intIm' Otsuool ike/u ene 500 in sSnenc 120 et lbs do or unless nereo slhnl Oleo FeOES,bpn.: Fee niSEldule teeeseersroolwpey,"pcesenradbr esSI neons MadnhiM.7 Vn.: Canne 19 91i/hOornbSrelnen heHs Dub ie,Oenaga,Ebronesnd 411014e EngOsO Ihn soeM oomSips lSCone...Wkhoroebesy FeOE4,7 pnleny STr011asuhi segs Oser nun nIslec land bol 00150 100ip nt on, sea n une nspe 15 005. 10471 492 enlorooe S nonlene und Ha'ooH len ehin,ollbe FrouaoiedntOpn 095909 00MO Msetllu6st prince mutet in tree 0051161 [mel 404 Osmpsrer It nod losem ed ruble Ssetinp Fnb.a,d Esenslus. Inn pnrlannunsninllaCeo bidd up Isbn O.keelec,le A, epene ieoo'inluseO Soul end ftsrg sul eludo make tamoul 09 the ononnth-gnoenu tier iunton end meli san idol 5174411 pm llIyrne101EfIaoyOaInoIgdl dsonesloldsaoge.52015ltnlernu' tIen sui(407)449401C,eet IC Ir FohEa,800I'Jeet pe000hen 100e, p.O.: buen Oshlep Centne Rast (n Ihn He 1h Obre One nr pm.: Deeps us 014es lilO qaool Ik/OiI.FetuEg 4p4rEh sSusl let n e ke leotins shsn laats Ing loue list Len 027M 19 onnsnnllnp lbs Sensu 01 Obi imooutethesol eno 010551 SsiIhli4/000/2Ol.Feb.l&5 abestio pen' knItS Sheds lecker Cnnhen, Oilhuc C HlnisnnJc Caopuo,161 Heciblie deseo eOriWieiOwmnnoecnkr5 Feb.10,2 pm bnleoloemnlonrlelltuon( Isemuneub $20/IOn Feb. g,spmIreg tesson ollh Sechebo Fon 510/Ilk 18 tsr 4100 mesbsis, 110 1er 00 Fekif,ApoEssylen/akee dOca mon[erolnronknlo,oe 1(0471 IOn' 4000 Oak5000mmueo505ilegnPeroenn' llankn/ls 6(100101 010111 Eeb.lS,0 cuS on come caed Phnlognnphy'sorku Mn/odin Insel, Enormer OuluoonooSr, Wednsoduy-Fr lohr IOu '1.-S polar' ecOeno und lenders edo sIso to Ils Oslo KickEn, Lud IO Hlstik-lSSS JIdy Jungs000 O subnthknndnil Bcnt Herb 000ICstRdeotI irlahSrnolisunyeillogoC,nheI8I lellnny,40141 Onel Ose CS isSe EceGlIjO2l OptiiO,Spo.:Ohasd ess to alio sqramss Siso Icon 701044M Mephlk'S 000m 001011 OOicIhnO OensbomIr Ill sIs nOmeil' 010051 Meereniel lellery el eolIo' ostlece Lnioesly'o H odd sCents 773 774'NS,aO 920 BUSSE HIGHWAY . PARK RIDGEc IL 00868 17101111005. soeur'oh' One Inne O Ial cry hours nnol'a gb, PAGE 053 rau. (847) 823-1956 aoeis, D10 MIGHT OF 100 STARS SALA HOORS -y Sherri Shepherd Damani Bolden Pmroy Ao'mosll-moiIIIIiII P COu udII, 11010ml Mcotnbon, CIoico0o BebrA oEcdoculioO Geokou, Liodbleoo Motto Um Soionto c'ucndoocy "TlooView'-b ui,'.10' 00011110 James Reynolds, Jr. CFA Co-Fouioodcn, Claimoouuood Cloiohrpucouutive 0101es, Loop Cupunol Monkols sigag pm.: 0e Intiniete Ions sqoitloilod - lonmeidtl 005/010Pek2002s" CdnIheok 1155715901 017/lOO Eck Flainea.lO4I(Al1'lOgO FekIZOpm: 'UsSuiil Adeudo loaluregMerkOen lrunpsl/Ooqe bern, Erst lIre0 dunn, SE 010:0e 000meg ii II 650010ko rem ci 22591 301151 gen SI lip piene, SIncerI Mil no bess, and Ile Ailes Eiger (se ho Ir ndia(ini&. 55/SIT. Fob. N lee. /047) 44E-8082. mowdpeshan ned OnsbnC Pela Cnsesny. Linde 009/s sl.01n leeoderoloam'Opn. Os Fees(ngn IN 0mo Slows 6109 N, CnsekoldSld, Chiosgse,5LM0630 oneenoeogeosodepocedmode n' lotoS 010ko br londra lesso 051,1' menI er end Od piso TTs neds (Telk sg Hnadr trilnIel 212/26 5/01,160k nb501( 670-6030 coseno' C/eeber& 684170 nuahee Son li001Idelsne000riatoeIlrse o' nr C hell retell Htk Olin Ouuen Per' 0017e057151u,/S Osole (eeoesbo 15161 2(6/100 Feb12, (nplrds Ceulec, 1400 Clali SeeM Onu tnt dc. 150 5/80k Mucous eloetat000tonstomn 110e, leienn no ted, elmo' Wi eotegoleo(nndnsosu;etld doSI for Ihn Fnntocm(np AnIs. O lOI Oho he Iroeestolkpeklolps: rusOlise' 6dec55 Smerinos erlusIs und edruts 2Es pm:lsnootthe HneecWneng /lslO/Fnh2M2 pe.:Rcnlamsie$.Sdh Biuee Btf OW. lusse OiO,kouet Pieapnet.(547t705'9077. 900biudo' CsnteipC onnnul Co uberetnan en' hubrlloaInringoreotloecuirstorelic,s 11cm onsunO Ido ire rIt 70 e s 1Okt p rei' 5pm.: Three Col Media proennlu'End leas kohl es" 15504 150pm.. Lsuk k AOnIS preennls Poreoat Frunh' Feb. is edounee. 144 at Ihn denn DO5sCE_ 1041 Ch lugo Inn, Doueslen Feb 22"Oupng 150090 5021cl, 0 rIO 10011e. Ihn Second Seduti 000epmuni 11011 SOPI ed b4ths dea of gni thwdWeoFehEp,l.00p.n.:ke uLs[SdIry'e 'ltitole Io Hut Sing Coin' FOb 20, 1er OrO Sob 1h, MIss Ii Street lendenn.ThlOUgh Feb.10 005egelolheChrstnnotras.. ed oels(to, AO HctS O rs le g rilo _J L pm /1 tedIado lubuidnyIl'M po koupoteO(SA7llrI'SlOO nencllesk' csseamnenlsnotonme001pnnll S TrOu Any PEirchase lonnofenOl Ceded,OkO$tbn mdan Real sono.eoencIonarleolersco 1O471470'ltOO lollerohegie. loen Opo Msndey-EherodaylOon.M IeeE Par S dgn/0O1IO20-461J oso er obtone rIlan Ion crp Thdsugtn ell , 001/ n ed ng [o HaHi Ms405Luli nod IsIs 011 kIel se ART GALLERIES pop uleeeros 120 ins alones- suo et O ene Feb.OEI Jon 101150 end lath' frIaMos BlOenInc, 006 SubaS pII AnyPurchaso The DuSable Museum 'òfAfrjcan Arnérican History Imesen end Eredlond Weopubotin 'So EnhlWrhnLerrHllnphe,00,fend ob011nCe,nsabal [spcsse.00anthll Ike nnoualasl 010k Maneh&lhs u OHO1pS5S5'OnwIook011IeOulel i [ $500 OFF $200 011Oil uteenol essor OIent IsIo77 eno 102/585. Recoh2r,00m.: Ill n eesnee priests HeikI 20/214 denab 270 pn /0914 Asno inootsi $00524 Marsh SECos- luoe Ipe len's Olnne' lsrsoio luit eroi 1h JimnH Johnson. 5/01015 OpIiOOpm:Cnloeennisleliur Moltlnc /100 5) 120124. A OhiO O p n.: Heolflnr lilas Psb.14,lno. 5515 Oslo bIlis, preno. Oodhns und lIuto nilhthno ging sE OlI ne onlhaune Mail cullO Ontndurnmnnt nllp.m Prrdobs end OulsrOdHe in the rillb enno nec (000go no Scone-Feb. EOSsnnyFegen'ekund EnhIHoult Otndhren SsnO 150,20: lnsnaa l'bene end Snney Moo nFeko&'J000e' OIP loro rhers loeps und Children Feb 2k laikula5e Poso. Feb.24; Terso u osnsternodup,SOT,Oam.00ni.: February 16th Herrisourlsd tllrillndoosnbone I cIel stiels perlorne010, pr nIe cod leoolsertnorkc.Thdeughpeb.EM Fc p.m.. Odd en Less IFInge 01910 p01011 Ehe' Telahe Oyehnp Ehe Mosten Sieger er Hie Raspier", uoonc rl loatue ng sen 4/clara music from 9020m'Inc unineuneiedoihsnmrse Feb klimA lares (ouei/ronb/ 001/540 Meneh lbs - Iromoi linpb(ouketssetion nerV' MeNg, BOO_Nil pPolier(lelI/oeekì RecollE bps Jo bates 01 HeI S Olrsoam.Pehll,lpn Acule happsrd (507( 144 1050 4/day h4hhs Lin,, lea' 0e70I/Druerder Fob EH OWFreHSO0 escorien oehernusn.Mnodays Oper' 847-675-6790 o, SIIaI.fteedeon@ñ SloelO/endlelgnr000usodunh: 110 niludnseelrnshoenlo.. nn Len 711115Mo snO I/e 404es sI lee progresso liaise net de erahmio lrmnhsrHNo O l.PACE,lOOkCOiIaqodle. [Socolen. 5000estnstonupelnlom 1547(490- nunuht: nsegruos.androelosuss oilh Ihn 000llsppo fosSoya Pio pm-lob crusicanselon EnSOUl WS.niunuíllblhiíai.ue e 04 bounoroOsIrSimon -15 1 loitI/O usci ISO/SOS. Menohlt,0 on 00401110 kn Ilpubdum. he ionen un uIun4ee:umenil4e kcoeu.h4W ionIeni essI mbldnunb-lOr em sIHocune uriner.21/20/54. MeneN il OhucsPIL[ounnlen (0011 bSS- 079 - Irin M benno E Feb00 lps Poolrr MaOT,lpm..JoehHhtelr 4011 eu' OnneFt erinesuc pelinnilnlanlerom 111, CelOs Root ruht is Houe,, 556 Munie ici pnlenlyio016lirepiie4/eI Cleirs Podtoppsrhnsnilholllru 1g Orne Olin notabas buse hues. P.l)leee Pneu i 0001 (i510/roukì 104/1011 004hH pl.:Cr000sOSt l(duagneuu(tlO/521 OrrisnOnorlos,sledmes.05elAlnI ioro ty.AehlE,l pm. Peoeld vennI or In 4lrCO540end lhslhits(55 esk eoeoentdssslad lette iSmpeSiIlOde isuJebneol&ihsln(sus lione lank O [lOn000t Jet Mamado nnynSo and tioOlOonIbUrrIlSoI Fab. 21, l'O 247llom:Osmsrlrsus ennenthln Is gmpuid 4001150 llolciyOnnpnd' .Teorwee plus, tremI-O m. loo IC sill OIOnPneIsOlOt rolslsrenlop OdueiLSlT/SJZ Msbilpro..Jonatku usngs, Chor ei. Solds end PACZKI DAY os/ve loen iorn000d los SoulIl 0e Olr00110iueul 115/110 02011 gOSpel 11ed ousc' of Cakes s/Cl ruge n1948 sndSti 10151e es ses nl Itn l050nIl'ru oiSg srl ut 10011100 knrnols elISio br Micheol the e oocamsnonoom551nd CS/OS'S5' 'TO OIS PIP /0Ol/HdI'OlHO Os 1014 noIre uno Oeienoren I Reger libere Corroo' loonedol ers Fat.T,kpm Blooms Ouryocluro Seri so'lloluonsn col t end Acollad bpkOsHeOgk inllndSs [eu lin F,hiW loja Ou. ESh011 Can' 65 ereipub iceen 09111 Sesean 001 lau' u traed sIe F undotuonnln uts Feb. 1011 50 pO: Oser Coop 0/On Icud mith Ben lei et sod Derkei 4511m Aonre ïndio/1101112.Sducohlo, Is lengwritoll n in hosted LO WI le pentorneo nito Yken-Oing duo eso slant co,eottmuulnn IerI sChics go lymplony Ocobestco ea the leu- Ecibule re lantana. Feb. iO Canisle Gar unii teifOR. aelr;555q4aSi,ik 00d00 loenston 1501(4614000 Most/lIken poeaIsled nIb es serneerleo. gen OnliaroapubMo Srl/liS OpIO/SO IS IdTlidt Ito Rl 015/015 SnArES potanrenoe Jedse/rIeS .010/520 MsOEhOpm.:Jenalhnn 1005127 Ill/lob Me9iM Opn ColIn Hey 01 AmeIsen SeRio, M usio Hall 1000 Cnn- .n..beyuepclln fego7eteinRneileiyailethorl naSI era 0010cc If 6O#rtoCirl(sZiion emmei lei used erS Feb.E000m sItu guests Break ng O,deoin. 1h Pl' denn and Silk Pspp ea. 14600, 100. 1502 ShIrmal) J\\17,, Evpu/sfolu IL USA 60201 nod enitereeoti000sl 02155 0 et hail el 115201 binnlen i 1011500 dlii boo psioliO30inoleroslore, draebnqo. deehu,decocalnae/eOoolsnnddooiOuchHliSine 00011 1cielsesw/l bIlis lnsdobr 1h15- 021 10/010 Marsh T,b 7m.: Jonc oankoa und d&Peras 02000e 210/010 AarSh72 00m 0110e' 44 651151k dOlO Da rk Ho rue 10e re roan nit 110 OVili O3,Opn-Heelouio/imoutb Onkel eels) Ib/SIC SPI Ol,Opo- 17(11/54 cr002020029 fer shrrdtOe reel Etcevened nI/aces beg raI 040 p.s Tsr 110515 ill) (547) 670-6000 er neil 14050 170195 Ma4Eh 60005 Pgr)v 1)00111 AvgiluhIe 111/025 MarohOI pn.Hndrani OIpp Ann in Ill/Ill Oprti She Im.:Lnhrny Esa 241, 101 8125. 647-064-UEAT(6326) seni ordIi oacsSn dOLloud 10 end 051500e, NaomI 00h 50 end Chi s JdOnsEaysl,'lreubedsur Peuples' jQo group enolonIlooelllltlepedlals us k(cook/lOd(101 MuIdO 55.51 OcIO 95 II 1ko kin 8104. lkokie.T cante 300 MeR 24. 0.00 p nc. Ocelle RInk e no -ZogmO Roeómcncmndod em CilIo roel kill 5/lw (kid loSki Feb.10'Meeoh7.'Olmi C0000end the O lOnge l/eokocts k onnmsn I O rICO BOO 005 4il/no'Omenlcen enliSI Och nnduo ielcrelieneolthu 5 oemsdnrb grIl eudnsontlr 056te Furbo, Oteso 1000 Ihn trIkot pr seo lo/ed beles de null(cc udne erotns lelo Eher lernaIren irne e (401/ 605-1601 Mershlr.4 en-Oicheel 00610 Ceuuo Soll roer: p 0615015 Ihelrslloillheerea 1100 sOrno Ohisdol( 000 CelloS Onkel /10161 lcr/loo Marohk,50m 0000nHIo - etnonlckntnsolenlenen/811t140- Cnomle5pecio(a doellolkI 25/212. 45111640m.. 51Es Fou I oIt/rolO 015/SOd. SplI IT, Il Mershl,O pm.: t md Seul Sess/Ilnel Road OeseoOnL Osknte une acaileall Ssendoy Feto 04 Vmlmcctioe Sponriol FehSOOoo etoeceOlonchaed (monI 210/210. Molli Og.m Mihend loas 1011m deoirOsrnistoo 15110e lent hweatarr IflOels itHJelIlllh oIce les tul d IronbIell Slnseono t OHalndnlrene.kO0gH msnnhim a Maroceoias NhgIlt bury ereitoii lodilne 00cl Ihsn Ill ooinpiukebeionroro. Feb EM 7.1Gb- SheJi Tacos for a Mooadaaao - RuShed lega and key Ftnsd nilo po: uis br OelE Vein oper n IO best ut John busy and piunlor las en aip(nosu FehlE, dp.leEha Sent I ens plums) 10 200tosiyumostutosuinly OssondOer' urted Cellen u 00,75740 Lin ein 000 llregrce ÛpseO.Oe.E fkOpeneteL t sanene.aeuacaennd.aaani 4 Sl 1k SumO ere (Ce se/bollI $01/500 / vo o neoel end g in osi leS 23, 0-d 5 CrIspy Corn etat nu. nulteonsnauna, messed e Retake nasa es at ouaeene 50005915 olbooslsnmeds5ilimsr l5/Sll.hpr(lEP4pm Mioebleilos, slab undslodenllato. sloennilon /011(401104lllbnto.(54l/467'M101 etcego[arlelooil-anodeerdcieno Cheine et beef, chOSen o, peek i0990sOpeeDiiso, Ovanetom neulensboina annoI e all.( 1515151e end sso olmIerndedn gthn 010501' 0111.25 Feb00 Oper rhe lkolnono 101k nulS Fn72/.lper :Serk Pomps IksHieSnlleylymZIenHOcuheaIle eec ecos elOp n. Iundeho et the 40111 Ohs concree te 5e Perlons ng 5 TACOS FOR $6.00 U FAb-OS (Sen (000eS Hell el Hodh' wsolenn (MIels 17 00 ylteCnlin Oil' Se, Csanelen MonlIioOel p9100104 inthrsncalegerieop,neneip Lilo, llu/k/tuIk( ll0/010.0pOlEP,4p.nm lrwgeryl en ioakeo Ondin/te hi uenoeil nolsnFn iecp cre the eon' Culle CSdtisn Il Ingra InsudicI (to k/poll 110115$. Fek SE,4ns:Psd 011140e lautem and llosa uoek 51. 00/212 Madlb M,SpmOdrn WetkI700t O ukel Oren Ibunglesu/be 0(511/lOS toreO 01dm nE2llWsesDscscpetne, Suckle asedO 0011111015001 FShEC9nm Perla ROSS 040m Feb.iGWp.m.:41o6 LIdySlbnOid OnnolOga sed 65e moule and Itiargisi nl Et John lIre PentlIHigh Siiieeidsssnsnd 00101 senecoie hnsui S $OlOrstudnoiueod rrolpm:Jshnlnolchsrtnanraugh' F,kt4,000Estl Chambnrlcuheeire Srlhwssl005s Pero us44n Onu emolo ce. Esanetcn. stecmatiorc toBt) 491- b nnseninnsem.F, birlo nod 24,090' Pinueiampuu E Roil COepol 0)01 Eimp acuitE oembec 10e-s lSe it COndonI Western Ufliecuitb.00hcllCirueEc luit enoheotce 1)0611 el Dermes 0900irneie InPieolique" 07/21/24 Skcte PIbES ObletH, 011o Oukionit (4471 674 0774 eins I406el bmrynie. ErcOle lerVantsl JnElcny liege mtl esture Chopisl 0e ledelend Icho 2770E am-henne lohoslolpeou sck-liAgerCenoerltiAl al (Inh 000&clluhsthtrrct. lnneSss-F uk.104/EEI/Oil Feboge.0 A F108000 P4020 PUBLICOT 0h - IC and gaest Festina rIa im 20 MISMO. Fnh 55011m.. Ouppenheslruitom IF Sb07n.:EheToii ght HouIss III Ore' The DuSable Museum of African American History - 740 Eest 56520 Placo. Chicago, lllinoio 60637V (773)947-060W 013 S PIONCER POESS FUS1IÇSTION 'OC TABLENOPPING hinoiserie's pan-Asian avors now in Evanston Chlnlisaris ate Clare St Isansiar tosti oia afat users, put esr.O pm. Oes- Sdrtey EnSeldt antre arum serrdira- go. lac ISati 614-505E lheoagh Feb. 2h: Cori oued frese PAGE OlI fil smr.011ssda p.o Satardafa ant lsfldslcyarsbsmpnig SlssOhutthaFsat: autour 1dB bit mt Ort dared 55 ita so fat i eh Willard Ils att asidas sisad madia, 'sslsdiegpalrirgs,ssspiue art phstssioph0 Cc ssg raraptior culta fold ltdo 60 re Carols aarr-tridalc pureer mollo pro Ltnsale ferrase ad Stadio & Snilaiti 50ff Serrar St, 5856e 15411 cIa- surdsrr-Thursaars 4:30-tu per Fir dart-rats days Cash Odio BrOS. Se i rare asa labte By SARA BURROWS Cvotribu ro r Ossapsnr, toot enes seal asuiptar alpa'slinys 55 liesnlaesrdrss'idnsi O soso Caltarat Srta Cantar Hilar5, Opon Stada Framed's Bellary lft, lut ShamnarpsaEraaaiss 114114E 009 0. scOssa Oats firmprsiant oro fhtasghyatstrc020lo Fas illafers Ed tid ton osa Slut sChirsfsl Inotudeg alt eresind Ir ileso sto tsath ars sou vsyas 51 isanstes isoli 445aaoo Opas lus s-05m. Mosaae-Osn- rrae in art at OSP. dar ldraale Mamole'o Cell teAr tisa, anartustisdaemueaavrstl Iraenier batolle lIts stmnsusply- artIsts lo snlObraien OF lia rk His tory S sat k OsAse Cora essnhlS Callas o, eral s- se Ossaue sF011 l600LSslt5ead SiMply Chleaga Bet, late Ca Sisa St obloesearcsso. Cellare nears i-o um. Santayvil act peu OSI Idees luiratgh Fab OB Phntspiapha sr salan hsrtçss Oes ss005uta and snsaroS le amoTayis .ard asuiptara S145.lhrssghpabtsaly 'les 00s0- 3es Fi Eras .14511 600-2000 nenaau- lylr my llante Fehtl, 4'Ips. Cina 0v ha Sed lloenrs." taatur op point550sf 15mars asO 55 rat ea slot Ss tesad vtousaam. lallary bru Ic. io sed sbOsslste test so o il sao s 5e s.c-Ole Asedar Friday lined Barb castle sella tara Saks,lsSil Ssoaiassadviliapa cali 6900 Olinvoir Ose. Lsuolr5050 OvIni nours n 05:1 5. IoOedel-rrrdav Cantori le Oaturtovr Thysush Marsh 26' Coterie tiSlisse nntrespnrlisa el 1550151e vinnis Oaion'splr ON STAGE go, PAGE 016 Pa'alegrint?aalS ills cosy lo evertvoir Cidsorserie. The sigos are alirveilse, Lhvugtr homeorsde aod oes 0k ail obvious. The sirens A HILARIOUS & TOUCHING DEPICTION 01° 1D9 AMERICANA OVER THE oomber', SSS, io moro pr005inerrl. Bui dv moire che nfiort le Sod Nie nem-le-Evonsion strvL The food io detlgtrttoI, pontons siiiisipiog arrd she lSslodaly 511llesSisg,,, a liSio biS 55 itoaaeol" Cerr000 Proues prives nigiri. Ii's niesti, touting just 00, ved tirny de offer errery-eut if yes don't o®as WOOL te weil. m The loch nia rigo is neto rey bid for trosdtoecs. boire Leo, retro onoos end i-sos Lire piare neith ber husbood, DorAd Lee, she hood land vinyl ehei, suyo o rigo io ldgh es hor wish usC Chiovioei'ie is o Lean s- pieni from Wiimetse, where ihn Lees disired out Chef CaNd's speeiolties lee 14 peurs. Cerero Sieg iosliil is progeess, bud Oho pLnenio FRIDAY einen ucd neoL A foro Cidnooe Sever pirtuneo hang en the greco oeils, She tios'dy tobles sod rhairo ere dank mend. tOnal flowers on ihn Labios once FEB 198:00 Conrad Herwig n Lat;o S:de All-Star Band transforrrs the signature lazz compos tons oI Miles 00v s, John Co trane, Herbe Hancock and Wayne Shorter irte Latin nnusic. With Afro-Caban and Afro-Caribbean flavors, the veteran and versatile trombonist's topshelf band lays out one storing aargeme1t afte another. briglty welcoming looeh. The SSo Paulo-bore pianist Eliane Elias, knows for her distinctive style Boo Chef CanitIe feed is roaoy why yeu'ro here. and alluring voce, will oper the concert with songs from her latest teisee his cae S-0m ieaditiee, avvia med CD, Bossa Nova Stories. Media prosaic WEAT e-p' Sleds Ipsrwr a.. CHICAGO Lena selittooght roeir, bot She resalle are his oem. "He'll devin something io ornaisronast, then geas heme aed woher S his mop bedon5" says his daughter Chaya, eer050iy home for varo dios lloro rotiege, sebos hcipcd serve aed Chdya lessi Chinbssyn o Eeorstsr sertes up osceni dire 11555e spe faith, Chinsirerle Shriop, stroh is tutoR baSareiS riet ard ae050d n o qarl osasse. tJrsl keiner/Stall Firntopraplrert with oil sod the iniever spires aSomo all dissI fresh oess and qsetiin.r de shine. His mena ranges aS ever Asia, aud moines s deep bore te Ike French loSomro thorn Appetisons inelade Ckirinoe Sotsy Coiamoni Tompor'a, Leitura wraps and Vogebabte or Weg Ceab rrepes. SoIrees lorisde sock diversa prepsno5onses Soateed Chicken in Dark Piam Suore; Clsirhen Normusdp made wiSh Asion apple-paars oed Catredos; PenIt av Vio, TIrai Spicy Lomos Crass Beef, Drewbole Beef rollis Onoogs Sisee; foil-Severed saoee. Fans of Ehe Wiimetda spot ovilI neeegslee Lech speeiai Cbieoiorrie Shmimp 1er Chiehoni. For this sig eatorn dish, he lightly halters and teten ike piasep, jumbo ehnimp er Lee has a way milk regstabies tee. His Btoa Latro Orneo Besos Soured with Gaetie features oe icingslog bisod of snosme, gortir sod soll flavors over tise piessirgbyermoehy hearts. Drinks ore eS Ihr usuoi, inrlod'mg bet dee, coffee ond endos, or for dinner, rigisL AS Chieaiseria legradinets one fresh aed of top Sedortior," arel-ion- Chinese deseenl men raised in Koroa, ns'ili psI his emir tlsmp en Ohne e savory, nob istying dishon too. s000ni, net-ton-bol, Sel Csnrrncrr EpiorrearOeroO.000i SIre's hissed, bat such qaaiily. Leek hghl buds o- * ebirltee pierce, and nennen lhem With O bit of ragetobla loe debeade gonlin poitew carries, meo shu and postas, that is, o variety of Aeiae noodle dishes. He likes to spin traditi050l distses ont his own rvoy Soesead ofMongolian See/ for ioslovre, Lee does a Mosgotten Steah. Tender plenos ofderguo nibeye seo gritted, which odds o kleist smoise, Ihen balked milk his she "Asine Sauce hostess albor folks' piare siorashewasa toco. I 2 PA O SYOB snub nu enrtsege fm The mens mili sopsod unos Is inriuds a somber nf Korean fovoriles, libo Ja Jang Melo end Korean Si Blm. Besare thot Chei Ddrdd, who Ihoagh of 1°BEdSdNT RUN RESORT 4551 Essi luisIs St/Oat SL Charlas, IL sieheamam_ammy Wosw.eebialoel.sep BBS OFFICEr 635-504-6342 PREMIER PROFESSIONAL THEATER IfA TSE FOX VALLEY AREA flaIsoWe-n84-oaaitaedsa000enoesauarlaeerepalrea eescse000eeoeerr Ordonna reveo. 01101aotnas0000ar5r wre000 eotroaven. vaoroteo r000roeaelieaccsllaneeeraoen rrasreushreoraOssadoeoea Srtsc0000epen caser Oeelnnap 005rlaatporaheeea500an. neeererielise500rpty Vstiflitrtad/ae/if IC' THIRISAS, FEBR055f 11,1011 www.pioneerloCal.Com IVD COLUMN 'Coco Before Chanel 'Hunger' on DYD WEEKEND lt A LE NT I N Fills Cr1119 NEW THIS WEEK Sot.. Feb, 13 et Upnr CUCO BEFORE CHANEL * * 1/f 0990 oithe nrildpleaeurno of this sobes', respertlul, but also a little constrained biopir is hnbrng a front-row 59011095 paradigm chito in 708.2352222 I 5., Í í- *9WN5a0oaWcav4vNNmraEÇr5aOWmOaWa Facci, Seafood Sally Delirious StoCke n Ch ape .Cmslfltmooyhnn L,re Dntn,uinmeor Ocsnlastiosoh&ohmes Doily .Csiry'aurooeilablo ROIIIIIRATINIV*IIIAR(lI Jotti eafor Ot5VOSIO,StittO'S Doy Woek,eeed Litre Eest8rtesies,ssOest T. - AllWoolaerndLoesg ,, 6881 N. MihceseekecAsre., Nuco, IL C-waWhwAaM5cucW,Flv4 oration co orphen CLASSESWILLOW Messianic Hope: Is the Old Testament Really Messianic? THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE rowstnnces on, lusos her "Law Abiding" malien things a little moco inter. A kind of ridiruloos, bat ont rtdioulously rowentir transfer fnotares coleas estieg - and a loi more doom aaboutumnn codo prepaslnrose by badog woman who decide to settle donor dcspitn the fart that tho gay heops hopping hoch cod loelh te tImo. Bric Bonn and Ronhbl MrAdawe aro nicely mobbed Srs tho chronologicoup rholleoged coopin from Audrey Nillbxnggee'e 2004 mnga'bentneller, end they pi'ovido eroagh 0moh000l kollart to beep Ihn story aarbored, dcspilee thn foci that it only makes the British peogeaw "Panorama" about IBA hanger strilsos, lThe,Cdtn- dc accneding to tirio exuminotion nf tIre roatorn will hr'inghcrweolth and position and independearo will do ft juno tueca oat io be a knack for designing clothes, And for floating pt'npriely just enoogh tobo fashionablporoslaicos, Bofnd PG'lfl for smual codent and nmokieg. LOW ABIDING CITIZEN * * 1/2 fining iecnr'reeated Iras n restraining effect no wont movioseriel killers, at least iv inrws ai noreorrieg down their Sold of opero. ricos, but Ont br 1h crate of "Law Abiding Citieon," n compctont)y medo, superbdolly serions, bnl basirally prepoetoroas potboiler which suggests thel going to maxisraim.serurr'ty lockopdoesn'rhaveto S5INOAVSERVICES 90110m. 7-8:15 p.m. Afrlecoee Sr000EC ReCrueS dewrlpf0000nri THURSDAY CLASSESOWILLOW Clr,ldrereproaíded, fnuote.S9O arado. t 'f.'eulrigOfl Rc:ru Nor:rl.c'IrJ. liii, 224-1,12-2130 00093 protest tho British governmOot's refosal ta rocognien him suo political prisoner: a Icrlrnicolity, Tirata rat anfirmiliorocenor'io, but rowon000. Anything llrot Willow (reek .L---. - Audrey reatas in 'Cnsn Before ISorel." seem tobe inhereotly arilo. nramp poor style. Gerard fiuti er niara esa '0000go. - driven family mon deter. mined io mehe the hillem of his wife and dauglrlar' pay peinfolly - an melles everyone elsowhn was eren symbolically invoiced in lotting one of thom off no - RUBBER M'Annelle") applies Sonne dotorroination in 050noamirrg laor impoveristred rin. ioflacoco acer wealthy, pnmecFal men to advance her ambitions, ahnrhitionn which, uarprisingly, don't "Such a perfect, youthful confluence of confidence, individuality, originality and pure theatrical savvy happens only rarely" aedhaimod dr'amolieation of tho final sir weahu le lice life nf Bobby Sonda, an IBA member who went r(sr a hungorsirlisa in 1901 to turned sOnrrrstross, turned not particularly talented cabaret singer, tunnel acri. dental tastsinn designer irnn'snarly yeart and www.wiulownreo REO rths h oro erre - British writer/director Sinvo Mrlluaen's Gnhr'inlle "Coco" Chanol Dinner&Deeescing -00:705e Tribaoe lcrrco, drug refeeesrnrs end sorohing fashion and women's lib. lpleyedby AadceyTaaton "Surely the greatest piece of writing by an American playwright under 30 in a generation or more." womrtv vighirlub dnged who gets anbot at redemption vie the onn-n00000ne Medea, a caaple of needy or'phon bids aod the lord nf a good man. Bated PG-ID for matura tlrematic matoriel involving a sexual By BRUCE NOUER THE WINTER DANCE PARTY www.pioneerlBcal.Com A PliNffR PRESS PtSLICATIIN 'IC oar onu-hero carry aol hit revenge rvlrile locked op in solitary conlnerirenl. While praserolnr' Jamie Fom grown inornoringly fr'ustroted. Instoad of wilhing the eaploitablo nm. wants, director if Gary Gray ("Peirlay"l shills lico drornatir balance toward tragir commentary on the criminal justice system end that's more eornestonss thon an essenhahly trashy and ootregeoasly ìmprobabIn uhted.violonteocenge foniosy con bear: tOoted lt. RECENT RELEASES COUPLES RETREAT ** You might Sod this tedious rnmnntio romody joot barely patnnble (if pos don't wind a trnonpaeenily peadictable pint, ïorwnlair charartnrs and hohfhearted ottompis at raunchy humor), simply bedonne the coot (fnalm'r'ng Vince Vaughn, J00 lllvraau, Jason Bataman, Kristen Boll, Paiono Love, Kali Harok, Kristin Dorio and Malin Airermant is profeerionolly hihable. Butod PG.13 for scorsoi contarst and longaoge. - *** senseur long anycu don't sturi thiokiog aboutit loo hard. haled PG-ID for the. wolic ehemenit, briny dis' tarbing imagos, ovdily aod toxuality. ICON ABBOT ALL UY NYSELF ** Weiter/dmmctorjpro. daeor/starOrinr Perry beeps things enlerlojning ae long et ho's Snot aod nontnras tho toogh.talhing gesndmo ovdherdops. amahiegheolber Joe, 0thorwise, Perryh nIcol Sim (butod on'bis aerood hh masiral play( lau slorr, ledloas, prodiriablo taie of mnrol uphill.- part fomby mclodroma, port palofal romance oad pnrt gospoi/blaes/soui mnair. Ceitorioro's te-dei digital indlading 01901 apmnade of - clon Collaction) LIBES TROT CHANGER THE WORLSr NELSON MANDELA A Swithsoninn dorowentory or/ the life of the Sooth Afdcan leader, who b000(ne president nfter servitlg 17 peore in priavrr. llnilnity Bnterioiomeatl LHLA'NONTES Director Man Ophuls' mtravagontly deomoksed life stoiy of the notorious 19th-ventary Poench coot" tasao, trarisg her history tbeoygk the moons ola written by Tarell Alvin MeCraney directed by ensemble member Tina Landau e'redas prodocTron whore she in eohihitnd.olmost 1lire a ddmhnw attrerdon. Poter Untisor plays tire macdiem cisgwunter. Peo- A braakthrUssgh theatrical eeenSr Shree interconnected piayo in two programo by a brilliant new American onice. Grand in seUpe, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney's plays aro daÑeg, fanny and genaine. tsringannrv, restornd high-del tr'annfev (The Cri' tenon Cohientianl Now Playing! SMALL WONDER, TOE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON Ir Ido Stnppepwnlf Upntaien Thenlre The Sr-st 14 epinoden of thin 1995 Pon-TV sitcom about o dyboreetics eregi' neer who bringe home Irle st eppenwoif latent invention - a '0h01 Ihst mobs libe o lO-yaoc.nld girl - nod doasn't loti video jnlroboo, Trrruj'i P. anyooe notside of the femily her oerrbL (Shaatl Hensan plays a fihlon Ptrotaey( - - TAL'nOTT. buy online at or call 312-335-1650. B15 P nrue.parsrllgosornrsbnalrosrp, I II I BY TANYA BARFIELD D8SCTEIJ 0V ANDREA J. DYMOST 'R Conlirued Irom PAGE 013 oli ra000rl cam 59 ret it NardO-PO. 's much stils,," sIenna glass mounici by [carsten artist itria He'ianpor.Ihesporopraoopt on inri be held Ilse, J-P p.o. March 5. 'Bise Tuorli i tailing eoplowdon ollomilyaedidnadly.oan to tiiocato with anyone who has » egos eSpied lo liai with., J go. AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIES - orooaapi,tho poet. STAGE Aadltlsoa far "Ors Osai lIre9 Come NOWTHROUGH.... FEB.28,2010 anonas assambshisl Rs payse an Church bol Ins 51, 5sF siren Ihn aonmsi300abielarotaa inithspyl,sa rsaa Is Ii At As sits PouSse matI haorsslsiraholdsr raaaaoyaltnt' onsemnmnnllerl esalundrepnrtsimo be pmtwariod by PpdI 0. Ohs nnsrs, some Thsrstays ii Ihn lastan Csmosn y Corles thssie rocs eaarau usa inyeolssls lela sear arsuad nsr apt Ist Jiruohl srs July andslrsn000callnsl'isasirotrrendii, tahoahs'o Orlo Feal ra ,o ssaulad ConStant nlhnlsrihShsro LIrIco sapperluse olmaspharrs lin [map pmnanntslhrnn ssb101a n0sy scalai, rrlsd sp as anno al hoi au9rsnoartsl sopee la ail lOo 510111 orIlsi end sraitora, Aal ditartees ars SOIS Ionise palisro'apOrls,lSSlShosio Pod,SSshle llOII67l'hliO nnmooy' era Ihn aar,rlsrdahlllury tee is 131 irOOaalsrMlIb,DT,lEe andipm: lards, upur;hua a sea Ayons. n O atar Sppicnpsna isrlhn Lahoahoro srts Farlibai e at Is paslmarhod hyMirsh P Oppilraluosa Irr holy loalishirale asal ab oOnilnnatnonsulysin' sanalonurplarts, For nom allan, soll lheoirensruslS5 prnsesls 'husa luby: Ihn hO'miealo mason is mer' ls4pl OSI-POSO mitsh ohs saros 155 lIs si her lily Ito osos. sssrnrl liai ia Rare s e asusal ro na' Na Mols Alabe hind in macro es sowbnsnahs masis ans mOplay tare, anda Jans OarrIatP5htslassi' ah Is n, taus go lar art ullorsihngnd estrawerlu, Tan arsus is elsa Is all ages, sei narsasanhe tIrsEP'lO pm TharstoysaIOsktsr0000baO ly Csllnsnittsi 1151 yeah, [luna Ses Cli sarl sas 5,11511 Att 5705, nr o' moli aerloss listas near Porse' hamemberirgthnesrlast ':'lhatthoihskioThnatre robs N bAssIn Aso. Prepara Ins tramati wonsLssaoa and brief alarmer hosa- TICKErS S2O-S3. nhslnitréuumi,bhasors spray the ,.,oarno$5 smart wild artttilll. written sia,' Barfiolst lea ucla ¡oriol owiinwsniww writer. Tews'pyu through Muran IA. al Immananl LuIhor t igh I' rosaing a pias. Cu Il 15571 00S, 55S mER S ' L , CALI FUR TIC 773.87 1.3U VICTDRYGARDEN'S.ORG pass, pu tao aratri a go5 lastrueeat laust s,r'sla,sorLslshaait prohiba ellas gis hieren lids pbsr'todl seSeOs ehsylspnylliyynarssLdu llsmaan Male Choral insulen woo sngo,u ta1seintsur'po choral s,npunp They abarse atlpm. than' lilly' davo ir Ita Fors l'dpI VIel ç'as ssaa osa Cerluola sraaus tsp lowbor'Juso, anda ng swnrisan and tosnluasrian seiner sas st erlass is' Ins ysunp morts playli'lT tiara old; tnisysoasmserer 15H51h15 years sib arr marts pay ir hiss As mast we anni Rito acientalanarnn satuans Ca llIsIlrAI Silt sr lOdTI 505-Pith Osrme000enas;rgisgsaaetyasLa Clarusuns lesoulesiapors tors rIlo group ir s'nilol heor'ban and Acusa, ncnror Is play in hers Os Imast mors ris sr s nel, ars 1h saghsui Ito ynar Oeil nils ahlnolsl Alar saahiogatest' risal ass stasI In help rur ihn irtetal' tise [5E ispIrI si Ihn sian and arsist dsrprotoarsals Is sot op or osai' lion app noirs nl e-mil well orrpanassgnra .555 osso pl tor 190 monlds si lu Ir and su' ou alismas SMaNie 5h Piaynst'sporaereb snslnr cal muslo as nei sr toil ssnpc '055, lostompsrn'y Coi eau nod mans loom arsaaoal Cr asSodo eon aLsiIrsn rail 17731 504-3435 arrOI nmmnosyola' sndnlI,oiC Sbs6aCansrrtCha'inaeeks webend I -alnl'p"aat.ty Insolotrysmal Osas Ihemsnonllaloslaeagooi ChiragopolhaSparOPa 'rsseolio1 ara rse 5e sg 011 ptad Download or apply colme al lrnousuolerla,rsam wilbl 101551 os an il-naIS rsrushsp tyodiasliar atconasslolAlohaoi tonarsk'saOdoll esssmpaniat AIry HSSGELLAeIEOA5 ar AlisIer, hohoaruala are held lam 1Opm. SandeRs September 1h cuph liso 11110105 osolamno naSI-sp ara lu nc al Old O rs te rd J un: nr IliAS SkaklepoatlaoistçallgreaP annrrp Ismo itou Aonia al Iba CeIba Oso musty Conto al l'asl ron arondey per tciao,ItlO 111010e sse,tkslin For intsrmaluaa, sial nlrnsaokrnlrsirors mrs lib lewd, ng ap s Ihn 25th orroar ionI Aal ai Ca breI on May Pl-Stpo 50011000 Oi005dltuOPl muli lodatI Oad I sra are irom 41p,e p05,15-li orsai 11501574-5010 palisipatnsriariolsroatiso rail sIll Aary's[hlssopobCAarsEtCSO, aRTISTa ssth sanilnmary conseil season 55' lures ara said any Tuosdayal nuns, e rolls ai megirosi tr'Lo or llegaste arsap 550itlsrt0100rs tO4üendlya 11abril5 h050'Irpg odr000u lOI 5h11 101155151g Pe5,2P,5m,aad5iom: ib Se500d OIly 011h5 11510571 loll 125-Sit ihuollt000lye,400215 Silmaudom llar IgnboloSara 1h11 Ilnilea Ob CS nanI 003911es Illhoaloeson 1174 nidI rare oancnrlu beg 10111 55 am, 5031001 lyysaph Moral 3005w. Rrdoesdeyu and lrdayu holulo OuA, hololn 0h15 no selu sos loper, 15 ioO,Si arnr,eOrIhESISlrlO,HOIIR sondlIlt lAc Ment sslsIl Sympyosy Syohoolru 25110gb poolormoron nl Cambie Soll Su us cIelo s"LolOisl .lIh_Onin.jn,"TaepldarOmaioounil Jnd'RaplblaUpbelammorslamas, ill ch' amen aglIOmomIds bAllaIs SI ormOylEIpribldi'Pnrsu' lysdacurhi drenlsmudl Oygstnp nasal osAba nia scrlrawsk old PIrol ape Call laSh 535-0530 orn, I ORI,! gginllnproduotlsrssom, sslNoaneil ansorkmithrroies3sna spera o;ngn,ui sm lIs Ihiross erna, Pamela Seid, 1007 I 504-1550 esO [lOi SaSSI skIS 154714h1'OSOC Reos sbslulgnrarg SUS AaouasrbOe, and Ihn'mpamerlo,ieai reguilar per' ra55'Ism osiramlols ala pappnla Io In' lealeque Inrisloayrrs day10 liai lnylrs[dulariaor nOI Ma,1sCha sil si Fami 015e nsrosiappollilupalla nil Il ro liso daaiul ssoloprsdao' Opplisaian touaiIraisMoyi, se, Asonolon, 11151m atisa: 10411 SOy SSPy Mille aldI le Sesnn Snarls: bysyan bal np Porsueurors'OdRerseauosrb' olor ulpo taos on espino esuhelyoynmnrçnlirm Osai Ilyleu SayS berreE PutIdr,aal Sash Sbend muais arose and 000 bI Praupeol AsE, PasSI 05e 15 soPlILlo light Spera Wnrka oil e,u ens sai Ihn' oler ase Ser nor hsSops in Osa arlan 0190010 alasO Ib urslad;Og lodArlo and ilammoislsm's Ondorebia," Juan m'Oh, Ssbatomau ,JalO PIC, Oil P' ralosol Peasonso: JabylS-T 'Us opI arruNtoeoppssimnnl,sn l7Sbl orari snainglnabrdlabarsreem lOt-2742 or e mari OhuoaOsIoISsOp apnrlsrmersaso ndIIl:Opd unIonI Seibr ura nnlrurrnyte,,y badlrpp' ones or oraisoN sa oerblnau las Rooemoatlheotre,b4l055Sser any i aaau oSlo Sn ascsmpon'isl o' b SotonhACS child nOs CarIer 055 Is- bepmrs and Royhshop toI 111042101 syubd; due al ISo lIrst rades,so 10m ir' 15101110m ooir onwcyicag000 asse lam 510505155 ,,Anansblr,CI ro nIelo aulisls Iar,ObIo aaansery rhuldlrroilod 'elhreouSssopgelsa ho rOh by luslebo alan oyeras relu 5 P111,005, Sorb 000ashopu monet iron ASCa s, Ha,ha'bari'arl Ssralhntspisra" OtSpm,ssnday P 'dep Poe Ir Ois 001m ilS 'F41 ls Murder in the Mansion MysteryT50 010001 unboaslnrusnsrl1011ls5' 31111 idel Shot 51 510 bulla dello Is noI boladO sl'Aion leers Oar more in' irrmOli500000IlyelhnslaOca 15511 071-1100 homoS iS sad Oglill: IlarI sp soeedusr SIn uno Sarlior's Vnameimn RemIdo luoebl,Ss rr'0 roam rilas sed uy 55103110111 Issoluo siisaU0015blsO OlisOrulinl5mbmngldlllrsr E' eusil i, allaI soolals und I SI solidI OunalIlbon 0511151 RuaIubulOselIusrOmS,msI010lS Jiul000m 511'Nlrlduuh'aulitbood sllrdlbla t,u,odl,Ulsoulusnssolai Rosdieoscrin orli llP-Sb7 1535 HOMES sss EN, Peh,PT al Cats I Case [I0 l3lhamshem load Cospeles SAI ooaoir5'irsudoasoshlsïodunno,ral tie OlilrlOsdllOeosdtlrPs eyddasc' 'sg to ouas rl 15e Fob Porion Croas' tra PICS plop son, Por iniaronhOn, r laanmomlmoatrn,142C0 01501 aola,posnm000l,rketa all 155'Ilnh O OemoaeifnalOemuh. A000 Marsh 27, 7,30 po: Comed,uo Oso sieN Ja roo a ra rol IO pmepa101irl sr pnmiolmurios or Rini'mascsalo al Ihn LI Ihoannlrsselssm Open rua,00i 000-5i6-7055 Or mosnv,toridalo'ouuoe.ssm onmIueSeI000la5500 or 10001740 sing o abolI sonCo sappelia Clear oh boron ubsuba bring Muslo io lhdr Esanrtnnpnahaabmeatrn,iy assona' laleodonlnnatoldllblngal'MOreSsI0SSSSCO,lluerRIsh 5cORlr5PI nno,rrshabloomlesnl000e_rsom, 11411 044 5100 Salurduoo,Opr 050ndytpoyisOlnnbre,prouealnd IO ORLI5SODOVAC0STION srlllastpmaï 05m laurO rE Oros say I Ile ho use impyno loam ci 7 Eu C II Ihn alle Csmpanm p01101cc 30 Cheisnn COI sea Ions Pens loor S010;the Orknl pli nu InsIld dabondo Inns & Resorts 1-1.3-5115 hIlen Ennyt milS alto f101 55030, 51900 SIs Fard edgn dula IRienlra nil dall rIn auslh saluaI gaio 5h00 s ¡lapai rel 15011 695-0026 sres Destinations AsaS Pasomoohi'oheta ore asO 11511 saaL'JubyiO'SK asOlAse Jysra sallrees UIIySA'Si Olson tomAI BENEFITS Centypoodinlhlharlh000rn Cooler 001, 400 5e oSI, poueslsn iluanytl n' IllusI dremups oseras lose, Ihn IlumIrol slurs Rar Is ISa rial sI Ihn 505piuonlol000lrw rsm dr 11511 NOS' rE aren ag as is 51 its Ch' doris Op eolIa Rs knbsppmO,Itl5 loI lIs Porlormia5 O rIa, riAl SOsta Sise, Shaam 10001 575-4h15 muoIono' SaIshii lOOp el slulont aro! Oaroh i7,CsntustI orna 0100m ab br al' IP subIeSe 324. sOl 10411 bhh'5000 PioS-SboigooCoeIoHOublutNcrIS' aosbamn irineroury. ni Oils Ortie 2h' Suchard ii, Feels lI pum rIsme LEO Oslo 0101 arI ssulbab n:lSf per sta' arel ori bInd 20,150 P10 sIadnel unId MiraS 201pm, and Sto pro.: SIrIlo Shop- srs 01151010 5, 100m Aal-Opal, COMEDY ManiIPO-21 at SI 10001100 SoIs Sn- roano, andrus IEspslrcEla Ils aRSenAl 15m aguo S oad ap lib ping D'1r'rr, ASSISO orarIo and' oil. nayS lam ele 1555-laIr, App Isar ss ssperiense. No audilsra aro laid Ihn ohs rpartsrmsenarialy st mas r, lrsm slasasal rosmna000y ana per' IarmalmccontOrtsanrua IP ardor aaporiarroddrpa stsaudlseisriis lanaduyl al Ihn [slathan ysaso in L r' osirsyire Sail 75509no lItAi 109 asti sr 15301 4795753 Tin Northeast Clorai Saouls ins lou Oyes se StOlenpaale's hisoomy pisos Orto mill ha told UarmiO'PS le mo Cityafpeamafom Il seeding arlulu is Ito Inn asnnnr abs toutisslo, iba [tor 1,0,11 Follieai July li-15 and the Lecosbora 515 Abusai sap T'E astil iasllrals ore bela sCanna ParS, llrerri 511001 sod tharidan nsat Ihr troni, Orts Psatiso issiarad rashsll apeo ta all atm's, loll and loo artillo rlrnsn word aaprasrns Ihn tIritaSe st pusl lnhearssls ar010iaaltpm. CHILD'S PLAY Caator'ataotglerdpedlsai alISe [senstsn'shaintlreelllai;a per lIaIent, por no:sohnp Aeg'ulnr arino ulo,nsRJpSbOpnrulNa 5145m co llar eilh INI VIolo P1011005 llpInsnob [suS irr Ihn Cranr Shahnspnsr&s P11155 Plays," un eiler'sshssbnsoh' parts rmansa Ires ph suela s piaeusi Is Anne Pranh'will ho tela ttoin l's ER glirpersiRahs 0017 4 PlOMEES PRAOS PL33ICRTIOO 'OC PC' tHURSDAY, FEARIO99 li. SOlO 016 islistepot ialnrSba 01110 presesls 5,501w nor Inhala seRiol ills Par none Iris oll:sn about lye 10101er, slblI4ll alnna'spsnsue, Omrao'nrsiyrsllenc SII OiS 01 11011 ewe rssensnllha' muslo euluelson 115501m S4510 oIr acn,,NuroIO-iA 'SIsmylioel'Ion" lloro Solio Iormlrleialeloommmaedlor snti005-05I 5505 mmm.neuOyflonidaAsm ,.5IA,l 3,1 Ñillion* Odsbinphuutro,I9O4onssi055e, Ms on nod San, Ihn liaR lealures'iyn 54151, Call 1051! 571 2/Si 015:5':! So hyarlupnru'eondor P1101,5 mru0555a elhealrnoae OeklO,l po: -kIy irt - ç'a, PASE Bit STAISS OFTOIE I BOLSHOI OPEIVA Muksn5n5(soolnhout3,O.orr.OlugI(sSk0,rOn EverybodyBring Loves Somebody! your special somebody to I¼dMurder at thea1entine Party- I 5PM 'H W JUST ADDEDI 555-822-bIn somors.odgewalcobruch.cosn Tiomahuen Gnioles CtiSC,hCnO UbiIO BISSOtiiSI FRANK SINATRA, JR. i-Isa-059-5545 rsnorr.Motistsygosepuoomlsoo P AND HIS 8-PIECE BAND Cali Mon-Fri (773) 267-6400 Coirro Fly orth Mots Contre Esos tore nri,aicmrrdFronkJr,'npermoroirrroroorraaot nveryomoinvoiuod un hic tsttrni'o illntdoEnEoRoo FREE PARKING wwsm.mysterv1td.cono CHILDREN'S LITERATURE LIVE ON STAGEl rorurontic overnng tomtr,rrB Frank Sinntrs'o 847.673.6300 hAStIAda. Reservations Lin3ited VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKEND Sat., Feb. 13.8 p.m. PrornotiorralSpouroor: - Stosldroiuno "O\, -'J Order your tickets today! A a-I One Night Only On the North Shore! MAX & RUBY Sat, Feb.20, 5 & S pee. npsnsrma by GsigoPaaoaS +' I + + o-I uruer your LIcTbeLs touay.I It,auleefrnm Dismay Rusmia°sRenowneul Pianists I PostTribane I IHrolsO'Neoso Plianysamer llspera010atne SlHoseoss-Pdocow imaDooPtume Poofaemamss SikntlyPe0500 SOIJEHTOWNSTAR Culna'P-bbs-4T55 Oso Aooilahiiisy Ssin PIONEER PRESS 51711 00155050 Innarubeina sJaSalrp Isla & Odore, Saloon Sot, Feb.27. I & 3p.m. ..-. !UO,OOs.00MU öor,J» Sunday Esboasey i4,2S1SsO 847.673.6300 northshorecenter.Org 'a. mEO nAmoraR I-055-777-5 355 1000g5eo5bsisopaiuoa.usoo I -ofCIoSornd TucronmbsmiouoeunrasmiaTha,omo tsololaais,0004Duoaso U L - J 205 Ilular Ilasdobph Driss. IChusunoc tsSillnruo'uoio P015-I Boa OAsc 13121 134-7011, ,,ro'oo,h urriurhssr,Oshioaul 003 Iruool-rosalrsloldolelollrloli,igillsI.s,leeOsolioahinrol,oro5-Oasm550slbsc PlumICn,,Iuclureilab,001'OorrEcorR vursiuvo B18 i IC - 14045011, F0445145 li 011o e- SISTERS Cdebroeoing 20 Afo-iro,o 4,000rs'rssc rano o/oof000ghsforfroresto,,o and changed rOle course of his/coy no lIsle! lane TimCShsesnd Pairos go. used Ont 050m dancIng all p.m Ihe Sound lotor/ayuf the nantit, SOCI Ob TSe 000045 CIlnIo, Ihn thereon Osvetr, TIme tslheoo SIso f5510040 fran PAGE NT? through MayE eh irnos SaRi Lutheran oflmiohla000 The fOIl Is hops CIurCh,000lerOnd LosotfeUlirOes PlaIrno. 16 per 5051 lorlsl000atior Ssgeronntmorrlll lpUrth050dd1 hnrolltlllatfho/osflreebomsOhl. ORGANIZATIONS Thnrd5000mndVCUh p0000nlofho Ha-Ha-Hotius aeailinmalnsfsnd'Up 0011 10011690 5521 Ct lITS) 65504fb. /00 10 sed andom March14,? 0.0. The 4005000 denieS Sr/aSs CloS is FnS,15,fypv:Flos intudorbory CreedS sOcs. 015 n e500nin 110 01 oguarn torre mosto 0f Sonni fob 00- tho loor 10u0 10650cv I. Parlo dg,. Coil Sonno lib ihhOsUert 0111 renI, Iron Moyo, lUblmn 0000go 19100e ara St thfoo, 500100e, Ile aeotot Ceo' binno Sillon aooCrdioe IO/e guiar OaOIa relulerl! lcr tue00000nd onori' aIro oras arno. Sor iplsrmoFsn, Us I Pr05000CIl 005C000SOS OfmfolkvO n rosi acoeotisg apFimsott000 loo sen 00051 nembers, The 0100 eoh Ills (5411 61605231 FOrmhlOrOOli005003l Ihn 00,01100 oldely is 15e CI sapo omea in muso. Illp.e fh000frdThuodayobeamh Ipo Feb.b4eltho Sl0000ilklCrn oms. publio baboso alO mnstitofrsoo 00 5f rilo, la Ois, pia ro, Sod httn and blute 5h51 b!, siagiya ob SIl'lrelesd Ohanpiso Moues buI in $02. hatch IC, wrswfhcf 50001, 61105e Salm 51115 svr0100svs end Cossas 14 0001010, Dollon Stoll lno,o sI pbOtogh501sbO ro 0000. Call 10401 ITT 00fb 000504 Center loot 01100 Olee 50e 4i105 00e to On luIns bon mop boo pairl ng seooioss Oro Othor 00h51 OC lOo Shot blInd a011od UI ClOmsh Sb floor Orde oIt 400Uoi St. P010,6's Say 10114 lOhheCnnbon'eyillhr es Fue 2000e oso, 666 blotOl050 40e Ospf01/050e asporieossrlperloenfv000- LOaron. 6oSo Imeo noluhn Io oh donc' log, bmOdiF005I end us daro 1100040)0 lesiehent'mslsClob 01g. b, holt feb. 19-3f al Ile hyatt InMolo cerf. Coi (041f 0551505 Of 104f) 692- 061ro. 5500 W.hrynherr 40,050,' roll SocIale huelo. 14140. Viyit 1616 und 100/ Porlornretoinolsdnln 210es, Patito Basile! and The 0,0105 400llaro nod 0010 III, Ilse i/f ft IO! S/Id nos usadonsnoh rags oro EsaoaloflDenOe 00000blnpr5006o tflveatil falce loop md by the [\ilEff 5y65fl (CISL f 09-SSS novios proolyn the inspiratiso i rido en5000ie'o loir anrue pr000stisn, whiChinli0des arilsirloni tUI 004 frs n gu sot o Fsrnog lapSe, Hanf son po. !ritay,2 p.c.00dlp.c tatirda!, 000f P0 tun/sS fÌoUoIo,la,lisfsr chi dran Unte, f0, 0IU004Io and onsior ProcrUn s011, ose 100111sf 0060001cc litne oanionnoit5. 5002 adobo 4. laiovinnkes, Mr 51000 hIve/f. OUssalostu UCasirelon nob fc! RoSy w i4,nlorn. Olor, FOUL lanasordsn ii present his sipoeture beLinI,"bsfoi julo its 11,5f Ch r004 pertOr000 on. 1106er o: liv lt 10f oIS' : your heartand imaginationracing! Pindoor MUSEUM 50mo 010 let f1IP tmrksts 10901 orlo/o pmvinnred 5001 n5 Celi 7101 trtCl15 oro smtnlnnahsl'eoehcet.slg. FIllol laslelo 15m oes boleors or OrO shoes bu d0000c ala 15003f Ilma oio nonO ROO O f od loop too tars Solomo loot avonh bol Cloroolon aSoul 110 oroup nro Poe lronrents Co 11041I15T-llObol Gol romosronmoSl 0100050i19 lads to etudes 000 rootornso TWO' preserls ounce rIs mr the SOCOle The' lole000ivoal i000lelhuatoOManfdona 010gb maabs of 'bIpe Feb.19 10411 5511561, orSo l000toobo/r 11,0000 Fobb5,FehgSManhOf, 000l50000emoots 100101 fIsc. cIra, bOOr 001010 Sor, 510010 Call Mar01 00, Sp Il 0, 4p0i1 DO, May O ofld 55fF s/oys,aIaiIsgFebSO Course loch ollo HerO taliose, Ile Lug 5m, 14411 1111161 000Sf 00100101 etho' at Tb M19 tothe ro rl u rub D 511 Ct I fsm 00,010 Call 1041) 6101000 Fnblt 50,0001 lOe Ooerioon Logier Hal. 515? P5010. brano in Pork omIt moss pool IsOnOtObc /nn1000 Will 050foro TOO rlub nelloces sas imano oh o II s6l11,solo.andenyonnsmfh 050cero May bIo 6 52 po: 000imro sI t lo b9bov/ubo lien PeSOS loose Ob the Anelbon tog nfl Soll bIST pas Sr Fr01010 Pa i, OIS OS/C 59 The soro CelomiollOpThlll'TIIlm,olano '60110cc ont Ihn Mollrbds ob bOom D0n0t100' I ors'upootns mo Msmoh aI Ile OrI loom' 019101. tate 01 C6mOa50010910 000600 COOb0 Morpotet honmOn, 10411 104 5011, or 0001001 enfaos)noeot nUns,islZsno'Dnnrhmold los. 9000e on400dosolsbOOlorlençso osobers 1Er loo n5000000rs yroL' bellroom000rmsg 1010100,00001' mmm s b000bnf'llOpo IleSrel Toneduyolevelyoorllol Ile Momlso bra ll000foeb DOSI 511100 0001 51,0000 lOt 00h11 11,055 000001e saar alo el mo/rai 10,0100 00001050 laya 01 III 005th aI 401f 003 al loe zens orO 01500015w 1110 Or as Solet O OhImordS OUI talo CosI 4006 Deer 00001llllmoohoinnatlpnu owoss Orn Sor POSO dorscon/SUlandt Ibfpn. Witlsquemns IncO'fOpmtr f101Od oths'lnioe.Fafhicdicamadeo o /. Oit ndsdnsc000rlli mor/O loop nomonulostsf dno,f00000 yoeybn, 0,00,0-Ile uasr0100 0501 SOm000. 110000 TCrsst Soopuo ard HrgllOn/ Pamlroopus.Tbspragm005vlfor r Rood 0000000f Fr51010010 asnilablo rarO 0/00 SRA or Cooler, lUtCOeSI- G coePUblmCLiStaby,516f 0000nOCr, MorIon 60000. Ihn 61000 St500 lo/to 63 0 p.m. Dion 0f at BosIso Ol006eo sl0001m O0 ir Odo CO5 musi hoi Ihnalem ITS Late CosI 0000 DeerOeld 115 h001nipue ofit pemlo ooroo al In, 64f'06s6 Fn522:"na dog nIl nasI' 001/FOSOS' Ma000c"SlanThrulotp mop' Chi LeIters aso Lise 01es lggrimpFth Iron tOn SPI Im soniC' Theosmihimeiodeperdrmroyilmmr otr/ Oid, Comm pteo' 00 Is anart'mino ng InI opond ont loo 01311 Ont ben fonoemdanln 01fb dark tarro dentsleodJor 410 305atetseeiespoenetlaaooCiub 11)0 0110.00usd Fsh.lO.bpn:'Ra/dallos p1db 1)0001/ and sono lobinas, and 50501e 5I00v of Fallar Pl coli o /000s000 Siolollloor aenbaflh0000dholloun ant noi romanos. Apnfitol tobo 6e11000 H0532 Henb 0000rdo. FAIRS & FESTIVALS It PahrioOe lay 000doi000. MaSO 10- members; fa 00110f n 010/5,10 nilS la Ofabfrelfishonmotilco Herml00000r' em 0626 SU On os 60e, Chirogr rOars s The MSaiol050it500sOChioogoofInrs loo g mad es S'la let atolEs at Ihmee lo osoS Sor 000015 Thaa000 Muoio Fosodelinfi 0100000. beb.TtO5o.. CouOso lIa 51a50r10'O011ll 15111 0056aU000 le Sorlosqu," Ill un adcOnoe; ISO elton SSbOmleO." 001000/ 0orknroeoblc ccn5000flmaeollnahtrwill 0000mo teoSo 00 HoI 0000slsolom000 boar pimogWthbrlsssrH (050 05 le pap 1,100000 u 50050,0 00h01 pIs roo lOe prC000hoo'TSUOOnrClPOOple. 5655' 1110 OeoloOiSfW III p1001,1001 lioso lreoIreOsi101msp b 50015100. MOrCO U'Sprm l5000mdC100l, prnsdeOt Ob Ito 0000101 50 orJeo obTteehrc. loi lOO 05151 ronsolIaOIhobS slauOt COrmPmOOiE4S 005 U50, 01111 /100055 the MUS ElI MS Isolo 125 lbïrM550l00000 at006n 05/oca- olt0000000eloaroioeuas oCentoa t lmoosnl100r 0000ImoSF00051h otoOedma /00/ 00 Progrosat hon/one ET CETERA boo CosMo, 96Db lOosdo live, Obole will r 001 001001 hers lor0000lumeObo' 05 admmooroo Do 'nusOam of People" of (051) 0510051 000U htholauulruso' P000ltoatlO F0S2EOIIF0 0110510e 000fb, 051DM Oo,nh6e uvsrllloumc.I000. 51.0 0000000. 501050mo 001Ko to500O Filmo non t oUUnran tabS." P50000 of Her Posh, 15e 010115 Ho otnU5t5U 0 000 Isola OOrOlOp000b dm5015010000/Soot Lon000i 5 HonorO Poirto ill 101100 010001 Oetoosfsisoomorl655lbo5' Cunstaro OeOnet/arS b dayb 1550' 0go T100550yo Il 0.040.0 SobUr OStI l!elm000t ptm000 hobO SOlCO do de florin lodo ossmsn bono Ito irlo ma' Cr010, is OSTI 5155005 0090131 for hlultren og050 IO, 1h Do, sIuOenls 0500 1212 are aenmor sil seso (un:mu' 500 SObSOIS. COOlS lOO 5115 115 1or500Saro.00DnConroodara. LECTURES Cm/O, tael io ISv MomIO Sb ore Ce rIel 10000 Pnnfoomi,p sols 1521060ko 0100, 11001e I/nfl 623 0300. Omnolep Incoes balo OarohTbOpm.:1!o Ello sot Pardo Colno.ohnnbvrl Tmmes 405000hafOr h000list Coyas pnro lcnouoeekLyoslunno,"Thellhismol" ant "TheMoralofihsOlofy, as/barloo easIly ps/host. TiolnI 609es ,I llore l0bp.e:lrms! tanre Chisago Olor' saongmnnn l550issderrorslrnn eshanor lo veal Coleo ebd 0006- f 01401, Schelm cl 1h05 Doro,, fha OU llano lout! C lyon Lyon Oaoro 4050eor The TIM ly Orn/nno sI (10h elba 000 Darre,l0000lfdhsat,or4oIl Oh lordog erdlFefUlI04000nnryollrmoh Wn000t'sI'anesran ag Ma000T,J SO.: Ile lOot SIbilate Libmer4 Les' San rllI,fmeefsnohitnens doff luOesbnatabes PehlciaFalonseathor Ma'ohISlp.m'nrmtn ghlS000thlko 010e Felfonflcoorvlale oli one ovl 400hoaheban l!'ofsoledeoenhin' sliding l000ib000len/lerhempsre5 dam ng Ile neff01 Ihnh'noapnnoenoe. 1h01 cuoio, dense boat end ohm Ofen's ei old p050010 lasbure, lo 00mm Oemorf:So 505005to Soaso For admsmlieo. Fallo o ato (rOs de T! e preoeoungen/ promslm050laspsrlS of lIraS-0 imoos i000l off end phofoora lImit Ongi,oRhO va oome br infrrmo' Oharge 000ch 00 650 F0 bono at WORKSHOPS & CLASSES Osan .15 nCLu/00l gIl 1000 ende a_r Solid.: ib' CIto Mocha 0000) po 'lachos Frb.DODpn. boon 0100190 Ing n, all'ta pv milo S!f'SSlU sr 1041f 0515005, Feb 551 056100v 111100mO Stnraa Cameo Club 5,,lolrosiDf000 Feb.24 On005e f0050 04000f liso 00/ Kollleon nm000srS. 000,00 aIt C50000Uibe d Fob, F05.131 fIterOC150n Feb.20'ThrTooI Gonna LOO/e Bfooerodaiyanlf,rldetoaa Fab IdO nomon; nih CorS Jd,SOI5I and 9m Ore done OrbI. Marcho tOriOs blip1' WillI Tom Dansant 060,1 0000roSi pm. 4000itOiun st cense o. Ill vor' June f0 0:5 i'll p.o.: Se ice dolos port os fis. /1000! lo 310009 at Ilmo let somnrr lauro 00 Mesi Oleolos 1kb 450nooro blsok'U'neme 4doiohon 016,10101 0100k Musas r00500ro,oen;500iU' OilS 100ns100 P10000,0 too Semoules Mao Ill I ObsUSOU000tbbSlC.052 osO' boo055ChmC000 roo 0 1000500 1 rogo (ITO 5001511 OIOWU tI 00,01,0 or0poh5,O y ap'c_mrrtis- Obb 6001es aol,- 0g dab moloso ng, rolroolsanlsant orI "Il, Monrhuoa, Cont dole." fis' enres the eeotsd end foutOir Nsn- unilIsI on loo oroenn no dafcnlfnt F,l.lSManehlS,fdrhift, IDI/os 5mo." Sode Dana sUSO 00" odmuhisfmafrca lo,, 00500m osare noI' ull6eP aille Loles 000000 19 155m tIbTdacOenPI 000Flaunec 000050' Oars or, 0,1500v rom ins 001100 ro 'I 000mo 00000 00050Don Clarkol Ihr' drool 000mlu. raltl0000d mor, loll 105C1400'SllS 500isb0500peed seos 000,0w realo '-on °SOa.m. 13145 pn.Fl/oys.SoerIiroFeb.fb. 000roo loo itt Dl DropS mr tose 1400 154.111 rsonramsroleo Ile roOp000rs SlOth 51011000 54 00001 noNs dolt fared melodies. 1100 Solcano do/sal' on t he 0000fld Toee/ey Of the 000th be Fr050 100115 osd ofFen sc050enfo OIhhs 00000 h 000es . P01,10531 p.o rfa so0000sf000l000diu505Son aus e dos for soup Ins end 0101100, son's Sali." TheCoan05120l055mleO- 000000/oh000050 I 00 150150eo 000000 Ob plologbophO tI lomsl yvnoisofl )lerOaçe 1005,0, 0100 Onme to lots mho group fora liS lomb 10001es coIi7Thf 11190ff 001205f TOol9000,560k00 d000m Or Osco Sal rdar,IeonSoodeim 0100U1n0D50 0) OlInO oll0000meuo fotnalloru roll vo sorb os 'Sn Ib, It On" "Omon or50000r isrsolloboiolarevel' Sslsmnevds'o;011orsusolo o is- /ollrolhl05000llt000re 51005 OnrnP000kIaOI001SO lobThOObOPh olInO 1000k 000 Ion bodily '0 (55tO' OsOSO lt 0551001 I deosnfo blob, duhrgaod oIb,rO/olbSmtlOhOnd Ihn Oea)prib 'od selopoweOTtm,,Ot 5 Soro Io bteirity,""ISe 500 nIb I e miros soolregmbnril omsos armbeo-FahlO 'b!etlSbrscfCrafast Ihn bulles on ' Feb20 "The 91e' IS 00.2 F0. Feb f 0-0 nI t ho 500dm, OerquolerOCunf010050f5515110l bi000p000rned by the 000 hOIO'OOSOd Ill IfiClO/aS Speed 000100, 501mal Ail lof at 14411 5151010 ro ours liv skn5505n.n orlhu050larn.od U) lnOergalaotiohaader/JemOOlhyShOO, oisoor ThnosgbFebddl'bOrnPrank Ile eeot laso 0,1ml 5Ceb4005 'rootO. Druso, 5000010f. fOfTiaOL'OftO railers. Folleto 00915 0es ed ant bon' solevar OlinIFroagh Op 124.Odnivcon 16 roI ihbotnration, oeil 10611 ChivagosnnseLaOin&OoRn,on 10h05 366f nc. airo Park noeS Chicago (TItI 0514011 000dh'tegr 011faebOpclmc IPOIL/IPO Northnosherrbnioersb!,4I4IIUC mie 000055 alerts al5a vilo Corot 5010ff onois Ioorhrosedanrnchmso 04010 Fekf0'Ceisroo in 015"oifirn Ceef,eel400fd ParS bOfOOf/flssn, 000d 1H31 bll'll duOmO Ibonoal' mends rIb 000010 Feb.20 Muoio by Cilo,k000 111,00 390e00 Spareu Iwairo Sloan, tanne p01:00 Meshes Falhionmo lanosCom 0009 of Cl seso, tonno de Seo roEr' gifloatf:UOpm/onssglroc SIS'iL OenPlninendrlooildm nl_(rbpru CambeSoglnaronpriund olrtobet om000risoeblogmessod door ltos Groles,npOntOsi 1005101m Al pr reo isriutod flneh,las grato bond 55100 5 noImaOTSluO I 9000 60115' oerOnroonmuelmororeSui ed. Soumolrs vnce.O l000ll'se sotnasiogo st, free ClOgs Dance Chepht o! 050 Oanoo. 11,011 sOal orleS/al on teptednnfno ecaheur ballroom 0000,10 Lesson be' Fob lIorna lucO. 01St 000dOnhlseo SINGLES l000000tth Wooer ISeo 005e 0010 PlsglOrn,U0l ltIllOIS'1414 OrsiOb wwn.00llo5000b0000 lUS t loom bmoo. For irlomnol on, 4001001 4010010. Palehoe500t.P 00 ctcups a Lnsn050en sussOUsa and 500 sIilmq005, plein e t L000 sanI Spalt 500ïrg Super Oeeh, 00000bIlSlh Ln000sre,500kle iolnmcol l Imloserdoiders Facd scr000meg is fol Itunetby Omocussions011tbnaud' occhi, Chraaps enO 50001! tod Fsirsr loll Danse pn0000L, 01,0,01 The 65005sn of FslC000." 11610f Oen000mo also 550hmclpubn Ir selon Oc' JenmnIl Ser/en Snglae Oeoial 2100 OlsskCinooa, ro tos Pmsh'LauOetihU f1100 um ah 1156100k OIU5000 6610 hure,tosumerlaoy0000bsrtoublacl Front nlarl,helUfnglF,Ueola. Chicago Children's Museum Located at Navy Pier (312) 527-1000 000binmnglrishnosmr slepeondog 00/ bco pipis5 ITO borpsrrrcl050ms normS, Sepienber fhtug! Mol at Cur Oedonner LUlhereochurslmlf4n, 005i050sIsorne leg nrngdenrero enusoragod srnlornahso,4a fOSTi w 0010050000000 Iron'il.Ulpn. allovynrnfoan tnpics,9b0T Poole 5v, Foenllrrworl.Otcinono lolo loo pWftwppLogbsm001 000rielrsosw deaf, nild la; free bregO ola/solo ont ferait! Psr000efhe0000,6025! Miineoine 4Ve.. C! celo. iffslft6'fOOt Wwwporlaontheeleoorp aa0000p,f tonus suo rIdI ei on nO lati, ant - 000100 tIP/OS P500101 CIaO lot/o lOI shildnen If end 09000.00 Cl 50,1 OaeneU ISO fourth Safunfny ob bob Soi eue danoIs. Farmers nsf nnqdfed CHICAGO Gt1ILPFEjY5 500iaf tonne f900, ni Ihn Sn eFob. lOandyhonhlSahhFe Llncslrosod 00000111 Center loaDo tiuroir. loaf mestal toc Uatis, sinitt end out penso to opaphniti mneSleifh Ib 0.11 uoukOo,..C9_go (fr0410 UaU&Fekiv/p514600erndonr,rs Run, romp, skip, and scamper intc the ultimate adnenture. Move features large-scale pieces you can configure in countless ways to create acne-of-a-kind playscape that mill get odin Ofend005en leldensuhomos hired os s'y 10001 Sedneedsyeal 140'bOS p.m. 11f 101 lolo sol or oc itmnsnfi05100pocrnnmr000 000011 055foeflSOcblOs s. Opens Februar9 12 locO 1100e ege il ebd 01/no inbercsb- SOlfeO 40.1006, lOon hitriroorh Io Arsp009, rossore !esndenre,' 1ff, 120 fut fir Inns for liants re itCh Sf0 610f too SI moves nei- solsacofn000000p nsllpno;bmne 50000 etC:l050.;opentenlrssfloc vnrinnsrhhpdsrer4siorarg For nior- 'read&i, set... Lnlkorriagov'nAOhut' 05000m 6001,0' CarolS-f al 15e SimiO COO s Confer Is Irin For s nIno CrIc 9001 00054to. ?srfrrmnn,no uro al bi O .11 OMm010PHIOO 000r,"alnCnIngeobibi' Ida SoulS PorI Iieldd500e 013 Tsloulb 4005 ParO ator Guosh lee is 01 CnlI Dsrsflmy rUSsia, 10411 02550fb 00001e Phefagraph 030S/dy 0501001 tslidonsoyanfp sal 051st JOhn ursirro. oc osirrriiioo o005fod hyCrnoreoorr Monoom Cours,, orgarrisod for rouer bOOM Sojfrsorrjnr Iuororuiiorr Tr000iirrg Feiribi irr Soorror 1SITOS) 000 ominygoslo,Se500 10h00 ToIt Cl/radgna000C000lsemso.Ti000lO stoll 01105, Ill, Daerefrilafd0050050lnr0210l lii ah1irnrodsro'o oiasmhnnnou1000 LOO. laI000C000un)OMCell000 boo 'lUs Park Mdl0000Lsagoo mello al 110 po. Ihn Ihint PitaS 01 Ito nonth in atollo Oansolporf thalle 0go Che n- OnO nebltmbmonnOrebr eOOi b rm50000 Od- 400hesmanh, 01500.5011 Osad, nies. pi510ltpe, sporsorna hrl luts Nonmuolioo fourre jod oddilionsi inform oso 000 bs fouird 0011fr sr Contoot osso from Fobraany I, 201f lir,o Marcir 1,2010. Firporiorrce Tiro Fs'soolom'e Socorre nohrbiiior sr DoSaSte Musoum, 740 ConO 565k Placo, Ctsiosgo. 15nov thru-Aoora4, 2010 pvlsOsOer'e Slam sr 1001000 0' s O/iOpf500tyCar i To,mloe,lbuo, JUeeSO,601g.5 O osco el Snncrn oll005lreoos 110)161 SlOb PEnFOcMf IODES Mary's inviic you oc nominato a Chicago ltrecdoeee,$isler' Soiäct a local 'vosean activist who paroicialecl'iii IloISiMI riletÇ' 010s-Onew! and caeñinaes lo liglitfor equal righir. se 5.500 I ancoro 51000f tomoons los' et por ifliermalmar call 10411 0001f IO loo CAIT.t O/amsaho, 11131 5011210, DANCE l'bo Do Sable MUSCOIOOO afAfricaso 'ntcs-ican I-listen' alonsz.w,lh lose.' tuohebvomobo.whio mol /eso digersisooS 1H19 www.piooeerloCal.Com SF110444 P4455 PJOLLCITIGT4 - IC loopy TeStiere Daro, Itch Orodi000 don so nlhnlobboaIInllhepnOlvle' InfehOnelce, 6501104e 0401es, 0611 OU linos Soc, Chioogr lIltI OOC 020G Pelta! 0m li rood 1100 sOd sign her mo' Fèbr.ú' '1,2i,- 2010 Oonoo)d E Stepe!S Cgvoo1)(on Center Rosomopt IL Don't miss your chance for great deals on all Jewelry, Fashion, Accessories & Home Decori TRANS WORLD QUESTIONS? PLEASE CALL (800) 323-5462 www FOR FREE REGISTRATION Pre-register at or present this ad at the JF&A Show. PROMO CODE: PIONEER EZOIltiIlBI 22h Park Ridge Vacoum Carlucei Rosemant 805 W. Touhy Ave. DC' hUblOt, FEORUMY 1!, loto Chocolate 6111 N. River Rel. Park Ridge Rosemont (847) 825.2020 (847) 518-0990 www.canluecirnsemoest.eom Family cerned and operated vith more than 31 yeoro in the businesot Stop io need say hi to Mike end Booemarie today! Were proud to be y000r neighborhoods SO Miele denier. °Mention 1Mo cd and receive o free pookego of hogs with aoy new vacuum posrckaoo.° We repaïr moot cacaoms and sell Miele, Sebo, Riccar USA, Hoovar, Sonitoire by Electrolno, Panasonic, 000eosorieo, & morel Parking is in the rear of the bnildiog. Love Is... Cerlocci llosem000. Carlucci brings the romanee of Italy ta your tobte with Voleotios's Dinuor for $69 per couple. Valentine's Weekend - Feb. 12,03 und Od indulge innOve-course, onthentic T uncen Italian Dinner fur Two, beginoieg with a complimentary bottin of champagooe or wine and ending with a divins desneat foc teno. For just $10 mora - or $79.00 enjoy dinner pian Two Muuico Tickets, cutid far entertainment anytime! jPsrkieg je Rssrj (847) 825-2020 VALNT!N'S SPEC!AL PR)C!NG DAYS! J j CLEANER ORANDS ,\ ,! that cacao seeds wore brought from Paradise and that ovisdom and power come from eating the fruit of the cacen trae. Due ton spelling errar, the cucan beaus become know as the "canna' beans, probably by travelers mba wisinterpretod the dialers. Coana was first anosuased eon bitter beverage. It wasn't until English explorera brought the bears buch to Europe and minad it with cagar and milh Obst axaiversary in W!osaliag an March 05.20. We have not raised nur peiaen fac yenes! Wa alfar you the best parIma, quality and taslel Oyen daily Pram 01:30 n.m. -9p.m. On Batosaday, apex 01:30 a.m. -00 p.m. Edelweiss is voted Chieagoland's #0 Gennau fiesenuracs.A Snuily acenad Gersoan.Anoecioan lest,varant Inc 40 years. The menu feat uses an impressiva arecy nf traditional, well. canSad Genam apeeinities alang cn'lls classics snch as tise Asesseiran steab, chicken and easlsod dishes. Edelweiss alas cesaiso sama of the grast Bacarim Bases ho the world with 15 iosparts an tap. Open far Lsmah and Dionea Daily Edelusiss is the yorfeot pisanos host your opens'al events end parties. Loonted jost minutes from both O'Hars and downtosva, Edalnaiss isuaauvsns'ent gathering place ubacs geent load, heer and friends em all meat. Lias Entertainment Friday, Satnrday and Snudny Paeasnnio honor (Made je USA) Honver Sue Mire by E(ectru(ux Comeiercja) Vacuums i: ,d y RP/ ,.' Hand Vaoaums FREE SAGS WITH NEW VACUUM PURCHASE! Parla & Seraise AIse Available j J?L$ 'd: $79 -GLI Two TICKCTS 10 (TsaRs IS 55555 Ile j essing. It may contain little more anger than bittersweet, but stili u high percentage of cacau 00h45. Bittersweet and semisweet chacolate ara nOca isstarahangeuble io recipes, hut semisweet seems tobe the preferred chambOs far bakacs. Milk nhanolate: This ir the sweetest variety of ehnealate with the mast sugar, milk and leant A 4u yj $syIlmei})(ii5 Ucc A' s ¡ ¡ s s (peeheps 20 peroent). Milk ahocatate in 00mmanly used fnr candy hers, lt is nat goad far balsiug because the with protein nan interfere io the tenture nf tha Ouished baked product. Gecmaa chncoiatc: Gemma ehaealatc acto. ally bao nathing Onda with Gersuauy, bat vaith a man named "Desvasan" who crauted the rasofertina, It in a dark ciscan' late laut sweater tisass RESERVATION Ç3'a,. JI Messa ') ,J;0i Family& 1/ls/ss! Jc(sess' 5IL,2J. r'ì..SOEI.v I - J /JIHA'5s'ss/1'/l's5L55 ASH WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11 ALLYOUCAEIEATFRIEDLAKEPERCH Sn - I ) ' I ±-.' rl '.. li III stss 1 600 S. Milwaukee Ave., \Vheelng 847.537.7100 VOTED THE BESTRY fi essi iii--. , tIpoy Damly II, 8,s.sss.' I' slaT 'ISO, es. ' 5L lIsIO 5m. '10 l50 asesr,CeIdmeIIsO'lItm Issorsonl.moses ,7)5 .__ family reaipas. The licely atmosphere and frmnudly seavmce mahe far nu aitogather lonely diuiag enysrience. At Hay Cacamba femiiy eamen Bent! Should ynu choose ta visit, you and yours will be teautad iihe the First Pmooilyl frl - 1 I ' 4 EAT FISH FRY IS BACK! ...o. Ç r BREES ' . GERMAN CATERING MENU AVAILABLE FOR ALLYOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY EVENTS - - . ' 0 : " . en. Far Lavoh, Dmngr - "a '. - '- a -. .. . - L'arantha! R,çst.auran 122 S. Yprospnscg Paekie5 IL 60068 Ç: 847.51 8,0747 II OPEN 7DAYSAWEEK e s ' Great Food, Great Service, Great People Live Entertainment __ - ;-: _..____d,A,,. /L6IMPORi.-' BANOUETROOM&AUTHENTIC i 4 . ' FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS .Dimss' ir b C:smrc OsaI. IIm'.dUmy Loe 1.4 .5,eflu; O,reotfrsms Ohr Emolo Dclv Lasated in the heart nf Ohs bnstling Uptaun area nf Park Eidgn, Hay Caramba has baso the dining destiuntion for Meuisno fond for mace than 19 yanra. Pawily awned sad aparated, Hay Caramba allers tremendaus fand, groat srevice sad ucedeefal ambiensa. Traditiavat Menican fore rulas the day haca. Evjoy scerything feaw carne usado to fan. Ail dishes are made from scratch noiag only the freshest ingredients cud geurantians nid pussed dann cc) EVERY FRIDAY ALL YOU CAN m'pI 5 I DLIII SUM I L '( II-n (847) 518-0747 MAKE YOUR VALENTINE'S GOLDENCHLI' RESTAIJIW"JI emsuadi uf anonas olida MLJvICO WlLI DlNtsiJØ i L. www.goldenehefrentasarani.rom alonanlate bagan ta enalve. Today, Oh ere areuvasdoty nf ahnaulatos far thasa with a smoat tooth. Semisweet chacalate: This nhnrolute in slightly sweetened during proc- Wine and Special Dessertforlwo , Sebn E)eotrjo Ornows Seechwau and Cant auner anisine. Family and Chef nf Hi Howe nf Chicagu. Came and jam us far nne 21st Includes a Bottle of Champagne or Mie)e Park Ridge 122 S. Prospect Ave. record ta Osava enjoyed chocolate. Their 1egesa4s Iseld DINNER FOR Two ON THE FOLLOWING VACUUM Ray Caramba Restaurant (708) 452-6040 wwsv.edelweinneliming.eum FIVE COURSE TUSCAN ITALIAN (( Edelweiss Restaurant 7650 W. Irving Park Rd. Norrielge (847) 537-7100 February 12. 13& 14 Feb. 4 thru Feb. 28, 2010 600 S. Milwaukee Ave. Wheeling Charolata is one of the most popular onnfectiana, as both men and women admit ta craving. lAbont 40 percent of women and 10 percent nf msa report chocolate cravings, eneordiag to published studies.i Astro Indines were sumo uf the first people on VALENTINE'S WEEKEND 805 W. Toahy, Peek Ridge, !L eZ Golden Chef Restaurant JOIN Us FOR Park Ridge Vacuum III ORIShlIlS lESi www.pioneerlecal.cem A 9ONEER PROlO PUIL!CAII2N 'IC n5s 7659W. lraieg Peek Rd. Vail OueWebsi!o Nnsrmdgo wvew.edeIweiudioing.sos 7084S26040 We WsI7fBeOpen Oes S(DYI'IÇ ('7''iv.. .\,-" Ssessoiay, Pabsnaey 14t4 2010 500 to 90tJ pm 852 diverSions DC THURSODY, FEBRUARY II, 200 March auction at Prairie Fointe s A * hosts home show ek. JOFFREY BALLEÎ. CHICAGO PREVIEW, s A TICKETS START AT $25 s R u February 17 28, 2010 AtmITUM THEADE fgoosEvwuNntEesnv 800.982.2787 JO F FREY. O RG/CI N D E R E LLA a Banlof AmerIce. * UBS Martat ted Joat tkrha Pheasant Run UNITD PARK HYATT I ATHLEUC0 III + A New Neighbors Local rea! Msi!s #'J Volume From the Editor LC! únníng!'.. Curre Motors FORD o' FRA NKFOR o The auto industry proves it has what it takes to survive = Th,,,,,l,,ftlt,Cltt"tg,, S A,,,, Sb,,, t, lt,,t, ,,,I"tt,,20l0, 5 ,, ILLINOIS' IJIIWEST SELECTI OF NEW FORDS NEW 2009 FORD NEW 2008 FORD 01k. 010401 $13,989' FOCUS $13,299' Tb, \tty"t"tIb"t"ttt16tt FUSION S&8R511 ,Ii FORD DEALERS N THE COUNTRY 6 YEARS SN A ROWS' NEW 2010 FORD NEW 2009 FORD NEW 2010 FORD Slk,2S895 0165160082 $24,899' MUSTANG - TAURUS 016570811 ESCAPE $17,797' $16,495" 6,16,, 10 ,,t,d,,d, My 5 ;tdit k,l,,,g,b"tt1l"tt,'=g ti,, I,,t 10 t.,,,, t 5 ttttt"ttt, fivaff aft le Now $5000 Foul Factory Heftate or 0% RPO 150 Mootfts! It p"thtlytit I.,, IS ,tlt,,'1,,,tdttddt.t" S011t 16,669161,0 Oh, thg'l'bt,,d"t,,tt,, titI "tp-"tt'f'l' A,"ttttt Ne C Id y t h.'t, i, gttd th,oe,, ESItI,,, ,t'lttdt ii b, ti,, 0,,,, c1 CItO,g, beef up Big Three lineup i,dp,"t,t,i,,, IN d,',I,,,t,,fft,,I pd,,1t,,,tId 6,16,161, h,,', bt,gh,dkd,h"t,-,,,t,, 6,ttm,tlO,,.1,,,, 1h, ,t,'t,t,'t-, 11,,,,, Thh,,,,ti,,h,,1,y At,,, SI,,,,, p ',1 t t.t tt ch t,,, I- 11 S,oe,tt b,,d,t,,'t,f,,tt,,,li,, "'n' 11, II, 16, i, , pt0oe, oepI0toe16oe,d6oeg oe, 6,, t, ht goetlg Thh i, gI,,,-hdf-hdl ,',d,,1,y, p,dl Citi,,g, A,,, Sb,,, (Nid,y oh,,oegh FIN 21). 11,,,,Id b, dif6it'tig,,t,, 116,, ,ig,p,,t,Ih"th,b,,- ,t,d t, lit, I,,, y, ,, F,,,,, ti,, 2000 1,, bg"t, bitS ,,, ch,, 0-litt,, 1082, 11,, D,loeit Th,'t,gggIot 0 't k, h't, ,h,h,, A,,, y,hb,CI,b,,r,,b,,g- ,d,l,,lh,g't,,i,,g y,, I,pp,, b, Hy,c,d,i ,Iho,,1,ith,tt,,- g,d,,=,k,h, 2000 ,,p ,,,,,,I,,Id,Ii,6f,11oeg jt,hy,fNi.ß"tkt 1990, y t, Mv, b,,, lt,,d p,,d,,,,,vi,t,,,, ,khc Ich Kt t,,,, ,ldhitoe,hl,ItygI IO,,, Hy,c,,d,i diCh h,,, b,'t, "t jc,,phyc,, 1616td,tIrI,,y,,, h,=tdtty ,k,,'t,,h'td. 116, qtlt,' ,I cl,, 6,,,,,, It 1,,,,, 0 ,'t,,td. TI,, ,, 6,16 oh, I' TI,, IIi0 TI,t,, id,vt,tth,,1,,,' 1,kI,,tlt,,,,,,,i,v,,IIy,t,,n' t,cy t, 16,6 lllitg,t,'tt,O G,,,l Moe,,, tIf lIt 16,,,,, g l,g6td 16 t,itlt t9',t' l,h,, IC,', Moto ttd F,td', S'111'1C ,,k g, 6, ,,, ,'j 19 1 yO,' , d',,,,tt,t,y,,t,f 2000 t, ob,,, t,tp'tti,, F,, b, Chi,,g, A,,, Si,,,, Cl,,,',,I,,, F,od ,ttd Cl,,y,I,,h,,, ,l,itt,dttplit,itt ,,d,,,b,,l,,pit,hth,,ll,,,, Th,,,.,, ,uvg, thy, ,,,d BY JEFF TA'T LOE da,, cit 6,,,, 6,9 ,, t,,, lit,, lt,,,'t MO,000'plt"t d,,t-fr,,,tbly,,,,I,i?C,,Id Ii,tti't,t,d,,,d,tti,,d'tt,y styling, uel e iciency BY JOHN STEIN '"t itg, S1,,,k' ,,,, ,,, dli tU,, p,th0ht,, d,,-dt,,,,,,t,, b,,t,, d'y' ,h,,d f,, US, ,,,,,t,h,t, bi,,, ,,, ,t, 0 ti,, ,l,i,l,, 0h,0 tu1 h,,,htb't,y,,, ,,di,tb,tt't,h,vtt,. G,,,'tISI,t,,, h,,t,8,tt,,t,c,,1,h, higgt,t hit, 8,1,, Big Th,,v th, 0,11,,,- ittg't ,,t, itt,ight i,,,, 1, 1,, 15, tb,1' dt d,,,,dy,,,,,, 8,,,,,I,ad,v,hi,h,, 'Ch,,', 11,16 dcc,,,, ,h,,,g,-,,h,,hi,,,,,,,,ti, ch, ,,t,i,d,,t,y. \Vilh II h, hyb,id 11 plccg-itt cIN, ,thi, y,,b 6,,,, l,,,,ilt, C,d,ll,,,, tl,li,,,,,g,tg"t,, COO-V Ccc,p,)'ticc,,)I,,ti,g, 6.2-lit,, V.8 'bIt 656 h,,,,- p,t,,rn,d S'OSi,, 3.0 11,, N, 11,16,,, ti,,,, 'in h,, pI,cg- iv ,p,hI, 0 ,,,,ltigth,,, ttt,,l,, j,,,,,,,t,'. S,,t,'t,,h,,, highhgh11, l,,k I,,,,thi, y,tIN,h,,,i,,hdd, ,h,,,rn,, IN, R,g,I ,,,,,pl,t,, 't,,, ,,,,Sp,v,I,,vdLCO ,,tl6,,,,,b,,,,t,,,,ddhl 1, III b, lg to,, b,ft,,, ch, ,,d,,,t,y' i, bI,, ,htIIi,g, t, cIcIcIpitIdy 11, II 'P't' f,, tjog, b,,, t,,,, titi,8 i, 6,t ,, 16,,, if i, ,, 0,, 16,,,,, t, p'td,,bili,y',,,d ,,,tti,,l_ibt'y iii d, ,tth 0 olt,y h,, 1 16, 1, ii,,,, fght ,,v,tlt,t 16,1, 611,1,1 ttd,,',,i,, S,,h,,. 008,,,l d,,161, o,f,,,h,,ttti,g,b,tic,,iIIb,,,,'tp,,ti, th,,,t,g, III,, 1851W X3, i,itt,,i, MCX 16 Mc,,,d,,,B,,, CLiC. B,i,k till lihd' Il,, ,,c, SI1X pl,,f,,,, ,, I,, INi, 16, chi, "Mbo' 0,16,,,?' Ft,,,-tlt,,l 16,,, 16 pl,,,,l ,ll_,tth,,l 16,',,, iii 06,10' ,,i, till, p,t,,,s,oe,dftoett,Et,ttt-4 t,t,lt h, ,,,,,c'i,,d ,,,i,,,f ti,, f,,c-,,It,cI ,,oly 2012 6,1, p,1l,g ,p,1t,d tI, itlIN d,i,',, ,Il.,,l,,,i'd,i,, Ep,iI,,t, 0h10,,,, 1,,, 115,990. TI,, XTS h,, , 111,7-i,,It lt Ib ,,, 6 tyy,,h't,b"t,,p,tct,d,t,cl,tg,ivgr,,,',g "t,, oettIItg, od 8 1,0611, ',II hlp ittA,,,,,li,,Tl,, p,tt,Ly'p,sl1tttk,,,y ,,y"t,,,loh,to,c,oid,,,,d,o,h,, lih,llt, P,t,,,titt, '61,1, l,, c,pl,yoot,d,,,, III,, vptIvo 304'lt,c,,p,o,,, V.6 ttd 400.h,,,,p,,00, pl,,f,,,. Ep,,t V-6 od ctp'th'ttgcd 00,6 y,c,,, C,dill,, i, hodt,,tiog ,lt,t h, XTS V'8,,,,,,v,t,ilI,,,tic,t,.13,tñ,,p,,, high,lc,oep,,'tt 028 """v b,',,,t,, "tkto,h1p't)cttIt,,b,,tt,,p,ot,l,d. Np,ici,g,,,"to6tc,,ti,,tIt,,b,,vgi,,, i, 1,, ,pd,g 6 2911. C,diII1,0, XTS P1,,,,,,, C,,,pt p,,v,d,,,d,,o,, ,,tt"t,8 I,,,, C,d,II,cc', A,c 16 Sd,v,, D,,ig, dii,,,,, Th,XTS,,d,, ,,,,,Ld,r,, th,,gI,0DTS ,,dSTS,,d,ct,i,,,ot,o, b,c,c,t,cI,, $15 95' 906403944 SII 1W580 91600148 CIItWABBANThSJ55 39,Ç, ¡5JC UFOI3RR $10,000 rRI.Jøks. VAEWS 8. WLJI(W i,,,d,,d,,,,, d,b,c, ,,,,y,vltlt, 1904 0000001FB CAMARO 020 ,u,tcn, 0X00 ROBOS NITRO SUT 4WD't,10t9 2004 C00185LS0 SOARING IX COTIVRRTIILEBt3I,,t 1900 FORD RiGO XL SOPEE CAR KIllST 2003 FORA TAURUS SES 'tuSt', , 2007 FORR ROPLORLR OIT ,&,c,,0, C It oy',I,, i, 1,,, ,c 6,,, ,t,,to,- '14.450' RM-()WRXBUcI MOhJBUW! 10,75W 11,690' 800G CODYSLER SOG lOADING 1KMA 8006 MERCURY MILUN ttcnuo 0007 000NRUI SONTO TOOLS ALAR Slt3t4, CHEVROLET MONTE CORLO LS X1A101t2 CHE000LST OUR LT,coet,lt, p,oel,,, 161, ,o,lci,gg,,d 0 t h, h,il,0l1I,,,tt,il,,t','ld, 'II,, Ch,y,I,, 300 lv, it, Now IT Stock & We're DealiTI 2000 MERCURY GRACIA MA000IS OS 15,,C13 2X07 FORD MUOIANO COUPE 1u,ccoC FORD CRAWlE VLCRORIA 00,1,18,10, 59,975' 20X0 JEEP OTAN» COEROREE LIMITER 4MO cicP92 OROS CALLRER,tt 2=00 V0060WAGIN JEnA SE ,,tVt8 2000 ANCOLIE lOWS LAO OAN2J005 CKF2O4 200G DODGE COAUOSD B/I 001150 LOBS 0000ROLST COLORADO 11071 CR601 CCI 8W» S&ST19 '22 SPECIALS 2006 VOLROWUGEN 0mo ALI 2.0E TUDOR 911 I,lcb,,rh,,tyli,11i,I,ptighc,,d St',,,,, to,,,, 8 v ,,,dy,,t,i, 1,1611, 50,9X0' 2X07 POOFIUC DOLXTICE CANVERFISLD 217526 27950' 2009 HOAR ROPLORER EDDIE BA000 4010 VL01,,,l 2X07 SORO RITO HARLEY DAVIDSON 066W 080 OWO,G,,2, 29,650' collinues i,,jd "big" C,cliIl,, ESR $11 650' ,,,hv,Th, NOS 2000 FORA MODSANG GT 21X100 10,050' 3000 5000 1.260 LAOIAT AEW CAT UWR X1t'u 0010 49.450' 000S 6MB YUCON OLI 4WR 't189t01 2007 TORR MUSTANG DC 't9,,, 21 990' 2000 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 00 COROS COB 4C108&,,tC 36,050' C0{ILAC ESCALADO AWRIKO,9 %ao;GSO' 2000 TOR» COSTANO OTClt8t2 MADE MISTAKES? ET FOIGIUEN JND DPUJE HOME TODYIR.,,WWW.ftrdSffraEkftlltCSm 0h, li,,tcp. Spb iii toy ,vd ty'I, i,t,tl,, ?Currie Motors i5. 5h, Spk' ,,llittgp,ittttvill ltigh-'tiIg "p,bd- e ff,d,tg,,t, 1.0.0,,, cl, 1.2-ho,, 78-h,,,,p,t,- I,d,,d,,bI,',,,,lt,,d T3»UO' OO5 COSVROLRR TRAILBLAZER LO 4WOX,,cctC 100» RONGER OLI SURIR CUR"" 0,16 tt10lt0 0 Iv,6 1,,, 16th, ,t,"tyv PASSENGER & CARGO MORDES I 110,050' '10,99W 20060001800 WARRIOO M0100CHLIOc,,VG p,i,, 6, 3.6-8,,, V-6. Sit, Cl,,,,,l,1 SpS,,, ,,, 6,1-d,,, Ch,tyI "till 6,16,, ,,t,lI,',, h,,1,,, 10,16,, f,"t'I- ,,,00iIMOI3I00 BURlE CMOrLNfMOd 2005 BORGE RUEOTO OIT EAT, CUI 4WR CASOO 2000 MTR000Y MARINER LUOURO SS S'tV 2002 SATURO LS 11,181,0' NEW TRANSIT CONNECT $21 889' $19 997' FImMOmAMiElPI 2004 CHEVROLET CAVALIER LO I&ttlt by Ch,61, b,2 ,,p,tt Il,, C,,,,,, 1,1,0, Ni, 1,11 2918 ,o,d,l ,,l,c't,h EDGE 1116.708711 06 9,icb 16C,,,,, ,t,cl Ch1,v,,I,l SI,lIb,, viii ',y ,ot, , (,tot cl,, ,, 'p,, , dt NEW 2009 FORD NEW 2009 FORO F-250 Super Duty NEW 2009 FORD $13 562' I,g1It 0 203,5 i,,It,,, Lv,g 8,,,, F-150 NEW 2009 FORD RANGER ,,tty.I,,',I I,,. SpIN till g,,,,tic i, CIt,ttc,cl,t C,,,,,, t,,t,t,ottl,I, p,,t,- - !4\' ,,c,,h,h. 1,1,16,,,,,, a e e - g 3 '7 ' MCtIrC9lnynnAiJtJ,JIII. 0881810 2O)OEIJIBIIJ, AIlTIn00I501FCOdYl0LflISSSISu .SODITJ8IXOCAISICCC200I)CIJSIOIDISII(IIIILIIIFIII' 55001515)5 tOlI8lI1ffIORLISIIO2815S8)1FDSiISEd0FJJJ'l ISloothIlt$1I lplrmIith1OrSWITUI8IO) UO1tIOCNE2OSIIOSTS2RCBA0SOFW83 SUp 2tmiauleslrsmlapera'dle! I - 3 5 7RD 3 'All)ob[ISTIILIJSSSlIOI 2109,C12OIO,58y555)ICI11JTSIIL 'ASISJITLC2F8L)FLIdJSIIEIIFSTII)oqIoItId p]BtoS5aIjOIIII&52)Il.IO5lVIL2t8iyXIltTIICh8Ci51i2b!i111IC51ttTL11iII8f08 bCXO'Ol5CX8CI8XJit,PJ8lXfI1ÍI(AIi8ILlPu8III T0JIIJILIV)OILISSrI8S'25 SOL51II)11IIOV5151P)Ii8LT18YiTt1)ILII '11150) 'IBId8l5C2SI8IS)lCOOJITSy8)8Xfl85I1Rll'OI58FlO LISJIIF8IIIbJI2t)Lp)I1ILIL PJLOXISSIXIIIJC2ISIISIBILII(IOIISI8 SodC81fIr5JJ1IJ1oiSlC)2'JBdqLll5IlJICLlBC8slLTi9I8TtLlyXpIJ2CbJFl1d DLI)OH4), flCdTUCII)T1f802115'lIII. IIffLVIyLI)ISI0Ol8l!l8li8Ii81tlklIftIXd5ClII5 Y'5I CL1IlI2bICCJI8iSI8dJ1OTplJI5J58OLdIfl8t85)I5tC8t,NIIL2l5l1p)C1Il5SSI8CIl2lXIIb)811)lIplT8 0111 Chevrolet Spark Sales & Service Open until 10pm! 9423 W. LINCOLN HIGHWAY FRANKFORT,, IL 60423 I LCF,TIVI)8518X)IIXOICCÌJLISiSIIIII)81I281 JPRIS1SJILHOSXLIJJIISS, RTUIIS0001CI IISSIICIIYIVdSOI8JITT0C)I11SCTCIOJIOOS)LIS))AI - STETC01ISTXVSTCI)5J5). - I , 0n5 61 SEARCHCHICAGOaUtOS ''t t can't. 'be beat by Hoñda ór AUTO SHOW EXTRA eeiyteith e eeedeee cedeS A Cee-sete Itetehbeeh eeepe, tite Cg-Cies hyhdd issteeitge .5-ieee i-VTEC itee-eylttdee eeglteeeiele Heeds's tete. geested Metes Assist hybeid ele'titit melee, Teesi teepee is 028 hessepeess sed lesi cecee my Will bess hgih ss36 Wpgeiep ted 38 eepghigietee1e A g sit-speedmeteeleedetetteee.etteteseseeisstee Toyota tee11 be tiieesd tehettleetee gtee cee seit titis s' HYUNDAI BLUE-WILL CONCEPT \tileiit th desige leeks esthesesdieel, the Hptttdd Riet-Will Ceteept's "leel,-seees" stpiiteg seep sppesl te geste beytes tebe Auto Show A%APR U Financing $1000 Bonus Cash ttteetesesedetetAettepeteiees,detee, iette-sesessdse, he Rite-Will eses s pSp-le hybeid pteeteeesit etith s 152-htssepteeee il-lises Omeetyliedee eegiet, s lOi,kileeee eieeeie etems,eetedeeeeslyeseisbieet_ 2-years of no-charge MOTOR TREND'S 2010 CAR OF THE maintenance teteedtestessdct sed eh'thittm-ieelyeeee beetesp. The Rite-Will eeesy eeeee emee te mesket, bee the plteg'ie hybsid eeeheeiegy titeeettsetsielytdl. YEARe 2011 LINCOLN MKX - The Litetele MCX te eeeised ftc 0011, bet tite biggee cette is the debee tithe StyLieeetie Be sure not to miss these cars at the Chicago Auto Show BY KIRK BELL ded, sheet ttCletesg,t Atete SIfl' dette the Ieeeee ted et pe leite e she eeeeey d e pe teethes. Tle,eei leed ïeteeleee the tee' edteeelet,e'e .ee.etteleeeeepl stette ttsdt 'tlttett'ely Cleteege, bCe titee etui be yet, bette th'eleetteeelteesheee elsieette ill Se bsed. OSAiS ytehe the elette, he peteeeiel.tlheeele etedel md .teeeeeedbieetill pisyles, theeth delete sed et-te teebile ittteeeet 556 h 00 eeph be e Pieced iste e, eed Pitt ts eh etetesteg s b seeey iett-tpttdeeieeeTheeeieideeedeetitstlegy ed leiede pttee'ee sed hi petteitte ietpeeees hditegeeithtee i. ile-sp g ede d teseesi sed teltee ehe etegeseiltite. PLATINUM CONCEPT pl set ti Theegh lsbded seeeeept, tite Ceelillee XTS etteeet e eltetteestetip peedetetti ehe i b I ti STS dDTS D- g -d deep tes it de5tltetCTl beepieetp fee See sed feet ees the Ceeltibeh it-tee eleeeeeeiest hetlegyt eegeetie Itgltt.eeeielegdteele despisys ettd t eeieiee,,eee el eeedttieeei beetees. le s peeeeed by e pleg-ie h0e bed p 'tesis ieteetieg e 3.5-liete V-6 etti GM's dtel.teeds hybeitl eyetettt. Leek fees peedteetitte e'eesí,,t,ee'ithietteet otees. CHEVROLET AVEO RS SHOW CAR Chteeeiet le eethietkieg its seteli tee eteseegy sed BUICK REGAL GS SHOW CAB the Atte RS SI,ete Cte s pecco. Thetegit etyletl like e Ettetpee l,ttthseeh, dde sheet eeegiees eglietitee Seitete StIl teeeettp eegeietieee ei dee AteteS Iteettee se e begee, sects eebsteetisi Ast teedeesteip petIOt! the ehe Beiek Regel GS SheeeCtteheeeeee. I eeedeetttelli,ebteiletedteUttieed StetebeetSeetlt Keeee.The titee RS tees titeeseflel3l-heesepeteee petets tbheegsd 2,0-ii- etebeeltetged 1.4-Stet Settee ietee.eyliedeeeegiee thee edil 5e effeeed je dee leegee Cette. SVhee it ie,eyiiedgieet le iseeeseeedesd geesee esls ebete tee yeses tite eeteAeteetill d ti V-6 etc V'i peteee, the Regel GO 255-h slI-eehesl delet, Reeetbt beAte, sdjeseeble sidt hdgheeted elee be effeeed es s sedete. ie,eeeed psitt. 2011 FIAT 500 Rkhe'eeeeed p dedee pises, Steil's iiksiyeee'll see ide desleeti ps sete. 5. t, 2011 CADILLAC CTS-V COUPE Ctduiise esSes et dee bese fette Geeeesey bdeiepietlsed petpe.TSeCTS-V 2012 FORD FOCUS teed is esleeg the Otees'lde se The pieth' lieds Pise 500, e theeebsek speery heethiethe eeeldeitheMbtiCeepee,ttlilbe eeid et sdete Cheysleedeelees by dee ted ei titis rese. Otltdtsdee etlfl tette feste s y00.heesepeetee 0.4-liete feteetyliedetetgitte eeith Otee's Stleltisiseseieble eel te detieg sttheeiegp. A 2011 MERCEDES-BENZ SLS AMG eyliedeeeteted etteete eis-speed detehtlettle- The tepistettett lee tice SLg SltLceee t,,. tette t'e si st let spitifltsi seettsste,,i lite loss S005L"Gteiieeieg" The lest ese tiet'eitpetl te. i,y Soeettdts' ASID pteitcmeete seteteetedtesetedtttesteisdee.Oedetetedlt petetisee Etetpestdeltiegdyeetelts,eehlltitslde LS AMG b,,sete 571 ieeestpee'ee ieee, etc eli' espeeeetd 1.2-Iltee St_I, lt ests et itttill eRes eteteeltis. tettetdee ted Se ted ieisle teeth tee esed et le e ttttp.tet ese. SPeech ieeieet tite ted ei tide yses. eselede.Zecttcoompiteekesjeee3.i ttttttle sil-tete etedel deeeieptd ie Iteteitfeet, Geetesep. Tebeefieeedttshttthbetktedteedee,tleeOOi2 2011 FORO MUSTANG 01' Seteeteeg GV cedes e 3i0-heestpeeeee il-liete V-lites i12-itesstpettet 5.0-lites V-i. The eec deel-etteitted esse ttgittttill still delete 25 etpg te dee htgheesy. The eeeeesdble feedy style else edds he.etitg te ttttpette bedy edfieese, ted eli StittsetegGTseeeeteeseepeesieeteediStsdees te icepeete tite tts'e sieeedy eistbie lt,tedïtg Leek itt the 2011 Sltesteeg i elbe sette ti qeeeeee elthisyese. - - GMC GRANITE CONCEPT GMC esile tite Gestite C eteept te "ceSte tedheytehiele." lt's tesllpsecese betetet tete SOV sed s eeieit'te. Reeed te ehe Cheteelet Deleetle, ehe Gettite ttetdd be GliCh stesil, A 24 mpg 2010 F0C,,BS 35 mpg 2010 Fission 2030 Escape 28 % 34 mpg mpg pete ieeett,sittet,tttee btdy pseele eetl e APR Financing ted eh eeep speed is tieceeet'ttiii' litetetti te 105 tepit. ivecel, Fee il titis spdeg s' Ositeteeg sestetes tite C,eeeeeeseei CheUeegee eieleeeteieeetge'teepgesdeiteoflt,The 'i i' 2010 Edge ese peeseble lernte peedeet, tee Petes et ill ieeetee e 155-letesepettee 2.0-Stet ieee CADILLAC XIS PI peeeet steset,stetdegeehseietetsdllesscseAeeeeetteeede Itieeitedlseeeltheieebteeeteeettt't1P3 Cettpshpeleteeged 5.2-liete V-i detects Sets tite ese betet O jttse3.l seeeedet BeteteSt hesites de tie steppieg etti Cedulleeb geetie leeetetl lb. Teeth ietesfeee, MyLieetite 1'eeeie teses eieeet LCD seseees te dispisy eshiele, pieeee, t eeth ese-igeAce sed elieeett iefeeeeedee, eli el teheh ese he seeessed eheetegh seeeeeeeeetlt TOYOTA FT-CU CONCEPT OR Teytete hes ,eeetteted pises ce espsed tht Pdtee lettliy, petesibi l.ceeehitgil ese heseel ti ils Item At it'CCH Ceetepeis tee + $1000 + of No-Charge Maintenance .pdshtble sty te da ese liest. A leeetieee - eempeee lteiehbti5k,Set ItT-Chi eles detti- epieg by Te'tiiEeetpesc dedge Ieee. 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Wuir urt,, br, At) SttOo c,Oau,T 0000taOf,n0004 'cAtne lTArtU4ttlAl.09u9t'O AhOOf,KtcYtUAtk'9 2007 000on050,rg 0092.80 r n,.pt,i,r.Tlr,D 'it,lruu b tirb du ti,,, i'rtu,ur, ryr, ,r,p0rlr utirt, At Irtu u',u'rr, Otuu,.0 J Ong,1,, Stru SAur, irtutuktr Du i,. rd r, brlu r, urigbr fut, ,h,kgrou, d,hun, ir', rl t,gIu,Uly iuru,rd r,,,,,. l'ire I,,, Crit,gr,rrrr Or,u,,r,ufrht,rtl,u.,i,,.,, ti1 l'ut, tu,,l,,rgrh,,, 1,,,,,,, ru lifrk Ny,,, .burlub, b,,r Si,Curuuh l'I,u ,,rt1,r,r ku', ,rtu,rti,,ur,' Ourru.i,r,l,,ruru,IP,nr, l,trkfrr-,ru,,,,,I,,,ult,,,r,, uhr,,, rp4u. Our u 2 dtguru' HUrl pL ut ,,n, ir, Cl tAtuAr,,, hirt,,' heu fruru I.,, rrrg rl Irr t Ug i.rrtk lut Cit,n,,bittrt.ri,t,. tI,,, 52 rtillru, A, Irr,,,l SOI,., 'um,,,, r,rrttu rug,, lruuorty p,,,, Ur,,At,iti,,u rl ,ru ,t, ru r, ¿'r" rl, r,, t TO, ur,n,,C tuturunurt,krppulD,rtui, thu yt,idrrgttou,rrr,nt,,t,u. Supn,rrr,r, hut 1,000 tut ,thult,tutrli,p!.ryu. I, h,, ,rupl rn, or, irttd,,,,iuirurr,rrrpltryu,,'l nl,,,huu,tu,o, b u, rut linA hut, rh,l u,uur,,pr,rtu,.ru rugttirrdurutrinu,i,n,u,t ,u,l,pru,l 'urd,,rru', lrl,luu ,nrotgrlrrtunu rtrl oA,u, rrl,b,,ru, tu,,rrr,, rly r, ir ruth Clot,0,, rlturryou,n, , uu,Ii. \V.,ul,0,,rtu' tu lu,I,,,du,,r, burr, (Atri, Cltuutubt. i'lu,td,'tu1ur.r, Idi,, b,u,ki, Sub,,,, rd hijoulrrubi AltrA il,,,,,. pt,,ulttr ut G,,rr,r,d ìltu,ruruNrr,,l,A,uuk,, ,u,IStrur,, tI,,,." C,,,i. r,,I"lF rut turd, b eL r irr fnr,,rrt,ruh,r,,,r,, lIli, b,,,' rrrur r rn ru rI,ut tul r,, tI' , urt J ,,p Irr, ut, i,,r,ur,,u,llCl,t,,l TI,,l h,, ru I,,, u r, r, 1, 'r r i, r, It ,bl,,,rt,,rr111' leu, r,,,,,, rl,,,,. h, grt-rr rirr,g ,rr ir,,rur,,,d, DU S,m,rJ 0I7,t, ,,u Ir, uhu,,' tuAI 932 ,,d i, brrr,,,, r, ri,, " OrnAt, ,,f 1 uud,tt rirtu Au,,," C,Ct,b I,,, Ir,,,, I, ,h,,s,,,,,, 1935, ur,,l'C,,,k', r,, gtt,ul u,u,g,,u, ,lt,, 5,,,, ru dur,, Fi,', t,drIuu ri,,, yo, (Au rl,, ,, dA,,,, 1,0 h,I,l ri,,, tOTS, ,jhdrug I,, dru,,, rlrturiglr ir ing lrPI,uudu,t,ug,rb,u,,rr idth, ,ut,,ud,,,CnrAr, "i'm gi,d irr,obl, r,, b, , iou 0 r,," Ut, ,hu,,, Cu,,1 burl, ,trrr, r,, u,, it Tb,, o,'ru,, r,,lly ritt I 'tOt,,,,,, 0k,,, 0 h, litt,,,,,'b,,. J,rrplrnrluu,nirrrri, uf Cu, Aigtlt, nt Dtu,Ir Abur, dir, I,y ,t nil ,r ',ton tut rl pttrtruutChiurgu'turu,r.Su,rt (,irr roll hut,. 'u Chrrugr,. I-ku,,,,, truablf ,bn'rrr.,rll Irr upu,r ,iu,,,rc otrrukrtT,,'ulg r,f,i,h Chu. grr nr,, Did9,,rk,,uu dur,. tp,,,uf loor,, Iruirfurugrnrrr,ldurtru,ur ,u, 1,1 rh,,g ',ire lOtO Clrrt,u ,'tuubl,ur,f rG,,url,,l,,,r,Auu,,,rt len ritto,1,,,,, OorClrit,gr burr hirt,,'. Chitugu Our, Sirurr, roSt,,,, (In,,, u' hop,, ,rrr irrtr',rut,, rt,r,,r,,l t,,',,, turi b,,,,,y ut,,u' St1lrr,h,ut ,,tu,ulytlr,,ugu(, brrr 1,, tr,tt,u,0 hl,Cutui,h Pitt,,, ,u Ut. ed uf nt 1,,,rf 0 r,,, t,, Ir, C. Arur't r Th,NutrhArwt, REBATES FROM' t. 002008 t lut ,rkut tg,t, hr uhlurr' o.,lly i'. Opt,. itg Ft br ft r, 02' ,d,rrrr,, rl rr Cl,,,, ru tir r, uf oho rlr,y br,y?' 1012 Chkago Avenue 847 b 101tbu,tr,t bt,rr,,,rrr tir, 0 trut,lrh,,u,r,w ,eor 60 mou.@ MAZDA3s PLUS New 2010 Nissan Pathfinder i Chtr,l,,t Gr r,otnll bu,h upou.iu targets rea car buyers DY ANDY MI KO OIS - A Chkago Auto Show New 2010 Nissan Feonttee New 2010 Nissan Macone bt,,,lrr,rr,t,d,tE r,utrik,,,ff,utt 5,,,,,,, Irur rl,,, u.,,, Tlr,Olriugrr,lu,' utu,,,h,,ru b,,,tul,rul rr,,uu,',rurr, k,d,t,hi1,i,, AboaThn lloor;fthnlgll Chioo0o Auto Show, totow, Ihn 2011 Flonda CR10, one of the vehicles that will bean display ut the 201g Chicago Auto Show, t WHEN A GREAT DEAL MATTERS, SHOP ROB PADDOR'S... EVANSTON SUBARU in SKOKIE c{ w AVAILABLE) 3 YEARS RUNNING' PiUs $1,00O AUTO SHOW fl YTHE BETTER #1 VOLUME SUBARU DEALER IN ILLINOIS FOR 2008 & 2009 I"rrK.,. i .. iri 1 i'l i2 r NEW 21110 FORf$ M IM I : CURRENT TOYOIR MMl ÑEW2O1O FORD -. 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SAT 9AM-7PM. SERVICE & PARTS HOURS:MON-THURS.7AM-9PM, InIutlr )t!t1b1 Iiir.11 . . . FRI 7AM-7PM' SAT 8AM-5PM . . ., .,. : . : , - . .' l \ Ibi ç ri i 'filO (n Pll çirrlI bhf ç ,flççç, çC ' I Ii I r,irlit .lfl ççttrt rr;!rI Fr11 L1l,lJl Sç ç;p. IC ':I' IL jr S4 ¶1 rit SIIIUII çR:lC l :Ù U :: , "P & (lflC I lit i Iç: fp,1 li l :t' rI:,'; r ; i I i r Ç '!r" ll a . : i f ¿1)11/It) UDii stud fltlIS It lieu ül a: il).iiGl j ?4 CiI iun I t IOn Sr ll i' ç YhB' iJeal: liii i)lll _.fli ll i St ljjIi0 P,fP or i'lt Is ii rr Fai t y illFflfli St i li 1C 11,41 rpt ç i S ?ç l rIO llI IU t Bd flJ a i Lis ç 1) fI4lç I il ç SCfL F ;:':f !' O1' 4 4 1Ff fliflL Piis at co 2 bai) ter : a i ç ¡2 rnt baS i 1u rj F I. iç. n e t3: ? ?1lC F f t i IJJ FI/CC ç&ti i pIInr p to I F '3 . tiçiP/fl IdP Uil in slCF vi Is çiil li SI : ç 2 Ur ç; h.ç,I:il çr lfl iitS .çI j IIJ çCIO : i, Ill S{)i 'G(. L) ,th il ei SlílP,'rirce tP t MOV"............................................................................................................- prí çççj(çíç ççç[1Içççu CççIç V,, g,1 FROM TIlE NORTh OR SOUTH ir oori'scii WESTTu MIIWAUKEC ç 'I .. EXiT OEMPSTER EAST TU MILV.IJUXEE NORTH . .9401 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. NILES JUST SOUTH OF flOLF ROAD , & I-.. D. easr TO MiLWAUKEE scnrni 204 COMING FROM TIlE SOUTH . . .NET f/IPff(j ASSYRIAN EXIT ROLF . www. GOLF MILL FORD x . ... B66-O?6-d44.00 1-847-470-9800 ot\.. . . çç')ç L . .... .. . ............ iiçkA" . ) - WE SPEAK YOUR L4NGUAGE SPANISH POLISH ' RU5/AN GREEK GERMAN . 1f ljh'j' :- : SERVICE DEPARTMENT UPEN LISTE! UPEN UNTIL...9PM! " . . of ese, Opliór]o purcIiasaForester 11 .964 Legacy $1 i 793, "H: anceon approvoI .creIt $coro,,subjecl to VehIcloInsurance and avalfability. ;: , . s5;989'!!Lz l6,495 S13995 '09 Impreza Preen. 4-Door Auto. Sunrf,Moys, BluelSllver/Red, P3577/81/82 $15,995 $14 995 '09 Subaru Im reza 2.51 4-Door AutomaUc,Jr, Blue. MInt Coed. 50078 54 38 cio& fee ròbale& flJled Lease on approved credIt scote Loase 10k ni1Ie pr year 15 C1l( dftol LesSee osponslbIe lar oxcess welr dnd oollly Ierrnlnatlon tOX( tItle ¿ICOHSe ¿11111 ' : EvànstonSubaru1corn _.L__I llfl-fç 1ICIllS(& DOC 11E. 0'RE SKOKIE,IL60076 . All p4yyEyTSM't M Ue + RATED 'C, I :' 3340 OAKTON STREET ' OE1lERS! .J-n A FORD . AFA, #5098 .Aiitomauc, Ai Blue, 40K, P3192 51K SIlver 5579A GLX Thoho ....Mto. Lthr., Monsoon S > C PER MOt NO SECURITY DEPOSIT! '06 NIssan Senfra 1.8 SE o SL? iLOrO TO CHOOSE $12,995 $12,995 $9,995 $8,495 $7,995 0) yg 50 $13,495 e ID o O, e o 07 FORD IMPORTS & DOMESTICS C) WI$500 aow . EXPLORER Xi T '05 Toyota Tundra SR5 Crewcab 4x4Auto., Full Power, Only 52K. 5708A '08 NIssan ?.Itlma 2.5 SE AutnmaticSnnroof, Loather 17K, Black, 5692A '06 NIssan Maxima 3.5 SL...leather, SunroofAuto, Smnke, 30K, P3491 '10 kIa Soul .Autnmatic,Air, PowerWindows & Lucks, Low Milos P3807 fwtomatl Air, Like Now, Alloys, P3513 '08 Mazda 5 TourIng .AuIomatl Moyo, ABS, Low Mlles, 5383A '07 Mazda 6 TourIng AuInmati Nr, Afluyo, 4-Door, Black, P3515 '09 Toyota Comila LE Automatic, Air, Full Power, SIlver, 54S7A '04 Honda Civic Hybrid C) C Loi, 09 FORD AII-Wheel-Drive Side Curtain Airbags MP3 ABS w 0) $%f SPECIALS NEW 2010 SUBARU LEGACY 215ì 201 0 SUBARU FORESTER 215X Cl) NEW 2010 FORD oj$1 18 989' oe SUZUKI CHRysLER SEBRJNG/JOIIYT. -..- VEllICLES MDNJ-,IS AVALLeDLC ALL4 (SuO OLouOtO,LO( L 1U,989's.,V.4 10,909 ;çC L sulL çO* DQPR ' , C-OCE CL8ORIELO'11O LO COLO LOYS B ON PI?E.OWNEIJ 7 f POAllO),pW,, OUR COMPETITORS d& . I 07 MAZDA AVAILABLE oro . Wl$500 DOWN pnjcis,. EDGE 0e CHRYSLER 1O,989.Plb f SPECIAL FINANCING New Design Better Gas Mileage More Room 'Improved Safety Features All-Wheel-Drive I .0 JC*u**4SL5ILLLZyC. O)Il&II içLO,).gçsuTtLsuLYSO)usu ï NEW 2010 SUBARU OUTBACK iv i DE _f , _\ t,.__. ç f $2 i M8901 369,M ffC EXCLUSIVE: oftheYear' ....... ir vvc .. il iOLf MIEi FORO F25O SUPERDU1y1 ffç - '. 1100054 bb' ir tiir neei'r nrer NEW 2010 FORD $286,w,;, s16,7711 WIS500 DOWN C o O3'tZ _4 -i, w o. su $20,9951 $359, $15,8891 269,Mo' f...........---.- wi$500 DO Wit .,)vØYUlO Oy : AVAILABLE') fI .3 fl% . MONOICO Le', lLLC.. 5PECMu DIALS 4 M'CENIIYES ONFAC100YORDERSL' . , rIEW 2010 ,.FORD OLOC1AO1I : nFnFO)uwFn atn FflPfl NEW 2010 FORD VUSTAG fAi JSÑÖ vu F.Cm00000000'EOç OCOflhI AVAILACLIJ . OAPR' . ... - 1 97,Ma' - NE o. NEW 2010 FORD $1 I ,773'!OUWN ,, C4S}li' L4 if--v1LEii; OOLAPR\' .. --,l ,, O) 0< E'tt NÌItTEHNCE #100705 IWLL , VII$5OO . -I C r_çç W/S500 DOWN su AVAlLABLE .. $17,791 2VERI25K ftE PREMIUM O°AP I- wyc FO)LYFACTO«YVOL*.ÇOJ R00770. AIfl HONDAOSC1ON.LUSACU DINNERS AN ADIJIIJONAt U BUSINESS BUREAU .. 'yoOi )Otl F-1 WEST j i Ll NURTI........C Fr Si fIJI ç ¿ i' ' a,e tiC at9 P t ? : i: F' I ¿' r ilL ç :ui Fr::ç fl uIhlJ r ; fJ fj ç El/CC FcE: ¡ f i i YOUR AUThORIZED QUICK LANE DEALER i k r ¡1 i'5 F%GC t t e :i: . SF000 sw i, 11 Sy 'tl thç ft c ç IS ç [ç ç Your new neighbors today's homes A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION I NORTH I CITY EDITION Local real estahe transactions start on PAGE 5 FEORUARY 11, 2010 I INSIDE On the block ROCK CREEK HOMES Some Henning Estates buyers may qualify for tax credit Thirteen new luxury condominiums at Prairie Pointe will be olfered at March 14 auction. PAGE 10 Buying a distressed property month last year. lt was the best October for luniuie sales in Ike vIio WiSh to purchase a ranch home should take noie of the federal bous¡ng stimulus program that was approved on Nov. 6, 2000. On that date, people who have lived in their honie a minimum of five years may qualify for a maximum Federal Tax credit of $6,500 if they sign a sales coutract before May 1, 2010, and Those comes with a level ob risk. These Steps Chicago area silice 2006. Ilouuue sìles in the nuid-weslern slates were 28.8 percent ahead uf last can help minimize buyer danger. year ¡111(1 tle supl)ly nf homes is at ils lowest level in unsre than _-; - 2½ years. Further reports have shown that the national economy ex- DON D E BAT, PAGE 9 panded by 3½ percent during 111e take occupancy of their new third quarter of 2000, which was the largest increase in two years. home by June 30, 2010. Old House New House Home Show runs through Sunday at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles. This report by the Commerce With this program, combined with economic indicators that Deparlment combined with areport by the National Associalion For Business Economists that show home sales are steadily increasing, 113e stock market is rebounding and 30-year tixed-rate mortgages are hovering below 5 percent, now is shaping up to be predicts 2010 will experience positive economic grouvtlm, are PAGE 9 indicators that things are get- the time to buy a new home at ting better. Ryan VauLue, president of 1-lenning Estates near lluntley. Economic reports are coming Rock Creek Homes, believes the goland area, home sales dur- $6,500 tax credil being offered by the federal government is the economic incentive homebuyers have been waiting for. Willi percent greater 1113111 the saine Turn to ROCK CREEK, 7 out on a daily basis that seems to show the economy is set to rebound in 2010. In the Chicaing October of 2000 were 33.3 ONLINE For market news, expert advice, neighborhood profiles and more, visit: SEARCH A CWCAGO» To find out more online, visit or How do I got moro Into about a property? .- - , '. Entar ihn asiquen properly "Web IO" (n the QulKSeaechbQeovoarwebsllo csauSJu .,L-'.cM i $119,800 01gm 25 '!1td!'(flt SST.IflA,, i? ow o ,;-frrI aj-' 'q ru3 I J" Carpoolorsolilo $274,905 R,L,r',,,'U loth* 405 OtO Lt u PalalIno 33 2K,oE o O,e . tad S b,c,t't' U, SuaI Price 888.55g.1612 EIIn $249,900 nel ILtkC!5 In Urni 2 - tie, 2315 sq I,,",ttr,, bi i , Soolh 51gm i ii s t nis u f,uriewNbiurrete i -n50 Web ID 2053 i Y Mkhsllo Lawlo, 808-559-15l2 ' 919m $301,200 n sto iron, w 1h4 bedro orttOrTiSitrule J 0,-0,0,, ,,,?' O, ' WOb Frank Celanek 888-474-9477 r' \Y .0 : : $239,000 ElgIn hove nrQ'ri irr, br, b,J,iiui iyrTrur,iane n Wanila Prost 886474'9477 Elgin - Ci000 i Olui,,r 0i Web iii 3018 iO 0356 $379,000 KayU/asnondb'b'5-474-9477 $497,000 Eigtn S piolo,, O cor nid brollo, t ,1,anrrr n I 3 O,'Qe,mi I bedroom O ii? buril Orrikran, h rio, a r re rO,e,0000o s'ui o ior,n O C't0aSien he Sroi ionO,000eii Void ho, 27,2 puro Your iu,er,se, Web is Oars ¡Creeo iii 000rUoitÇ O lu? Soin, Wormer Oioilen bu-Ui O nirQr 00m SuO ' 00, loi O Kay Diamond 888.44-9477 fiokoff Moli 888'474'9477 Oar Qor3e ;gS ,,,,,,i u Soi io ben,, ti WO iD 3000 50. 50,1fr,, h 'e ,, ,s,*,r u sa" 133 r_t.,O PFiE-LICENSEC0IIRSE Slugs Thursday, February 161k 7 PM our EIgla OlIlco Al To ro9I?i0iols cali Carpunloraolito $79,900 Soulh EIln $220,000 You must be under b, contract by April 30, Fth,&, 0 O*'!. W fl) U' 5 rn 5ouu. 5 , ,ppr,r,nj-df,,,.tt)iUl 0 Spuuu i',r, 2010 and close by June 30, 201 0 - $195,Û00 ií:ii $229,900 ElgIn noIre O im,iub'e or this oCO no, 2 r,ry orn I 5000m, tormO thnng room ni i lire5,0 de, br3e O or garaQ, tented j1J'n $zag,500 r,c!nr&0ec ,r5mnr n A,riO*OO ro Carpeolornelfto $105,900 Peen' 00CC tO U i to "i 0,_r.. 000mo' ,o,,irneuo. O 0eO, ru,o'drr O boit, ano iiO0 b000' eno ODI iN O I,,in,i _J, o 0.ei y,rb Web IO 0223 ,nI,i,,, o' ,,t,i,i lr dna GracIa 8854749477 Skar Could 888-474-9477 2370 S. Randall Rd. ElgIn i this h oniespa erre io your Se,ireo Web IO otis Frank Celarck 888'474'9477 ElIn $150,000 ti, oroono n ,nuei,rrli,r,g,00.ioerrn o o o outs ti Owui,onuooro i,i,iicn r Frank ColareS 888'474'941? km-I ,y :: i,rfl 50 000CiOo, fl0 ,-- $170,000 * .1ro moi O nQ icor Ouiihuocm,nta d,icro0ic woo io otis $110,000 1,00e 0 o, Oand,,reeo por,fl litro n,,,, 00, ,r,raQe 0*0er ro i rcenedaQen i Go005a $1,099,000 ho, Oltor, 00 0, 00 ¡nr,, orine,, o-r tond ou ou, 0-ro O 0,10,0 0 rIO buio .00 l,i5oOdui Go'uf 0-0,0,, I 2 oir rar,n bon, Ou i,,iot ed bn,r _i ri,,, n,, io ¿oo±; ' Wosi tlunfuu Ituflman Eslalos $294,900 tOe000uLciii iaiOt,ti000,i - co in,ro, r 3 buiO b iSt 000 rn,no O ho rr',oi,I,nn",i, 0-ri ii3On*ioionttoh conOo0rnr i;z-i.J $409,000 t Don tollos 8884749477 g:ç Mush Oandoo $1 470,000 50titolt/riiaioiOne t S beOroom iomrhnni, loi, Ooire p,ro,iai, o ill, J -OPiO cancO m/? olmany 000iolco on ci,mu,rr ici Usi r,,Olr Q,rao 000.4000le bO'rrmceme, ir,or uro iroi Karos C,00bjnßßfl.474.9471 MaO/ra Lovbko qaa.474-g47/ 5$x$aAffIII $129,000 Lakomoar mqp kv,, C_1_1 W At -$575,000 i WnI bio i DavId Neubauer 888'5594612 ,-. AOunocnhiomtuorrioi p50-inc te AiOnn5oin Don Cook BliB'559'l612 '4 j $329,900 ElgIv $740,000 flri,iriuh n orni, ed narrer Cii Creek s p ir,ierrJirrJrk,lr,aine Oui ihS 2 onri 1 Or000u b OntOr On 4? abs SS Onoto Sii ore rs imu redo,. I ro borO, Puri r u iii iDiOti i lrsrninyer toi iur,urr,rt',r,nie 00500es YOu rrrlOiOr, ill Oenu,i'rie Web iO J(oolGranlham B47-835'4604 Hampatulvo Alganquln t ,,,,, s hru,uikrr, Web ID nxa Open tn,t pio i,, i'r, n,u,o W,oO r,,rS n iii bedroom, Sunder,, pet W5W 030S$ Fte,,Il Ike,e t Ita,, 05 bon, Got? tour,, C Nancy Silva 888'559-l612 ¡obeso to ito roi ii orni ny toi plu, ioroielOSiO'reo tlO0-e Ir,ri,r In,1oreo I 50, 0 ,,le nii, lb,ui,r oom car ionoi200 1500 iO 3211 Richard Selomor 8884749477 Ana Gracia 888474-947? ballt O *,iO *r»O burrr0,iO, 50 io OWl EiIn r, Cisc/I Cook8SB559'16f2 $110,000 rm,I.d ktt,ttett,s t $194,900 ' NSej,, W p,.d, " Wunder Lake O rr OnidnO S ime 50,0, W,O IO 20-IO ilaponlorsvllle ïr; Don Cook 888-a59-1612 CIndI Cook R88'559'1612 $157,000 Glondale Helhls . $175,900 virol 000i3OnoerOn co risme bot i, broc et000 0 300 1 t O Jr airaI. 000e 00001eo,eiir Q in L Rn!reoe,Oe 2r,fl,ieini 4M ieçOCejrS,5o Onrn,,00n -IO,, loro o horro soir rnihiru io ii, or painineoira i 0000r rltu OW coi n kit lOin , Cat/iyCluvalal 8ß8-559'1612 Cloud! Cook 86B552'16t2 -. n.---- - $109,500 91gb srCopvWrenieiet2oro m'telO i timore O tOSti k , s Soin, Web IO 0014 r, Don Cook 888559'l612 McHoory O-coi i00 i m0 Pini, h Woo i ir or 10-Cob, bo;e,r Web iO 2022 BIll Ckanoy 885'474'9477 °- _ . Weilli.Dondue ,1,,,,$124,900 t- 'r,'7, 17u- ,,'u Pori O t5 -a Dove fllnkonlneryer808-4749477 Wounds Brostd&9-474'94?? ,, ,,, , '74'bl1l.Ç 10 tini, Subo,,,.,, , l,tO,rS Im, i,,00,,- o-r O r/? tu 'obis b k bOOtOtfl r,b,roo, O b,Orm,r r Om,orrnmo,ier,,, 'm [,r,eItt',,rO*,,à,,ro,C,,0t1.Oi 00 in,rti d,r'ozodora, roo, Irren o io s SO,irr,,ur,,Or,,or,,,,nrn,.-ro,,r O,,r $0,id0 tuO 000,'oni C O or 0o 00e Web $349,900 ., Carponlu,svIIIu 245 Spn, ,,,, CiscfI Cook 868'559'1612 i ; Cstat Lake ,, ,,r, SuaI Frico 888.559.1612 Frank Cvlunek 888.474-9471 0otvtdru $70,000 6OSB, !'',, Afl' 30 5' nt',,1 OD nr5o'S ;;;ï:;; 74I!P To ro?Istor or hr mare lola cali JIl losco ai 847-4204000 rt, EasI Dundee Don Conk OOR-559-16l2 r - Sleopy Hollow $250,590 runD r r,, -, ,,' . s,,,,,,.*,,vv *. S B/I Gr O,, D'.e Don Cook 888-559-1612 i I D, FederaiHomebuTer -. ormai O rrn9r 00m orniy room den iuii iOmrk tore 4 bedroOm pius ,tirOe lOOny ba,emer i brrO POrtail S Ien,e I yorO We 0,OsmandreO,,,nr On wooded IO jOrCiO r - lll1hhl $104,500 ElgIn W jí[e , flt t - $175,000 r 1.888-559.1612 1;v fonema TusquinI 858-559.1612 I;i.o: .- 847.428.4000 . $194,509 12®Q 1-8ß8-474-9477 ALGOfIQUIN 2379 S. Randall Rd. : ir' I i 315 11 1 Anthany Nasco 888-474-9477 'I , 847.93-1-4663 Starck ' HeaItors A?o75x a5IiUU t -i -: u r -. aoe' ondonlortho"WebIO" tohoormovoobovtnproporiy ELG1N eniai , j 300 Larkin Ave. 4, , -v>/J - Coli oar 24f? "Homo InfoLino" ou 047.991-INFO 1047-9x1-4536) :: com y People who have lIved In their home a minImum of five years may qualify for a maximum foderai tao credit of $6,500 if they sign o sales contract before May 1,2010, and take occupancy of their new home at Housing Estates near )iuotley by June 30, 2010. $110,000 000 00 iceiir00000e t irduoirui i000 O9 docks vOid io bui it 00 Web IO 3O Gos Cook 888'559-1612 $34,900 i urti tiar grao, y kmh Easi Duvdoo 16 bito e ,n ii lirA cot Lo O roi deep t0rtW& ue,,tt,,0dn,er LObas fiuioay 88855916l2 Prodonilat Slarck, Roallors 1300 tonkIn Ave. Ei In Call Mary: 1147-931-4683 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 2 today's homes NORTH/CITY-U I Ç,' I 'Ad THURSDA'(, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 NORTH I CITY -U 3 I I A p s -ç' °i O CoidweilBankerünline. corn R ES ID R HuAI ERO HE RAGE Single Family, Townhomes & Condominiums I Li 0(°I 1. OponSal2.4 ad jí5a ORtiga ChIclEo SESO t3,çt S bedon 5 5 batiing, rorafto.'enSono'ort 569H000 Sold blok 3 LII G rOtm000 Soil EREbO BrdçW0000or Orador lORS CRmoo PjdSodddo $119050 OHA,90 IS WIE,' gu'ic,tOSt 4 Ó4iM 300 2501 Atr002A 200 Err iDilli Ofl dilIlibelree re 8.U272or 5500oISrroo o_11 thUt ElOISE CSc wltrç«&I32SbJtro I1,D1' ll dol0 5243500 -; 'weoy '- liliE« Hugo 50550ES 51019g Citd1 0e 2 Odiorndot o 0,' ii 00050 orirSO 1,1*00', SpOiru) fr 2G M flrlf * r,J *r dOwo. u000ted bi S Oidor eootyoled ki *0,1 prolo., trs&mo \SEaRe i«-609-26 *t*'f19to r18Suw nai*rt,eri 000 A ore, OidOr rollio MSi eot-GLCioOmO cririWzai -SO9 2503 315475 321E '! EluSi br SE 9000 .0,0,',, 0 OEiOOr 530000rSLrSt Iito OroS, t*CaSor,, 11545! lL0000r,', Sii Oid 5580 SIH2O, 3r2S9253E opunSunhll t Ohocigo Cilcigo 5ß09 50« DoroDni- Odole P'XediOSi 010*0033505 ,'n1010'Od dOfl0050t 3i23552823 Ei,3S 250 O23-43ii2 SISSiES SoaSo DOASII«Oot CuRo irgogos 1-orSo,, SlolSsn,'o S9S?ÇGO Ct,rIk, S4294O S Li ap Edo ojedo,'; X001SrdoySirM iii-ifftZSli , fl3fllOdSt T114i } EISES« OOOOOfl 15000rOxÇrthSs'O(O SOot t04'romrr ;000,000d 015e OlSd1 a loGOri OoolaCoedtfl 3i20,?ddl5 l d *O'IO 5t04500Th ! Il I El0p br 25012sr,yrmonrle,hor t'tel 00W,'! I000rmr ]Odtll NO - I L1 5 h-irn J! r., 11 e00G±vL.454Ri15400 titula SOSSE« 'so o O ktr bC 00000d G!010noeitrrtotçoltsro' StjtrRtdl rOSoli iM Cilnio 5054955 000000e lG * 2 5Çc O oe* UMI'rdZto 2ildMOi'tQlCC'%d 3rt k,rtrOo'rJtiiw'«i, oiQs'Sro', 7i2OiE« Ory050000 EluSi 5150000 EICI5Q ,0-'... ' -. .- GAlgo SOSSE« orn i-0592Oi3 35001000035;o W! dSeltrtl.ed2002SbJerifl 002300150003f ioo&2oz oeto 03550:0 SuRi 'Odo' 0,0* tt'JOilCOoO iit*0e bolliR1001e (1655010100! OCZ)eCOd iidGiÇS or5OOG 'uotWofl,tcr rOidE' COG 40005M 0« 352-OSOS ¿, )550'$ I O 000050 50 SedediOdned -dSi35od 'o'°'-' i so « r 1045900 ENCISO Eroi 2'Otot,'lJ 250t!oi,il ed,'oneacO 05530' JOn .°,id030ih Ciooti,,s' CritLSCfttton od&352i05 oi.oO'raO 2000355 USd0' 0335 tOBE« 504g5« SAISi 10033'S.oiCapeCod Sodded ZA2blLrt io*300fl00000 QO'tGO'ioii Stio0000'.reu000 oolrJoev A 00 FeroCi Ii' S IS 500 58355210) OGoigo 0 tO0lS 75158926W 50005e 'O5510o 30500 550100100 0000150000 731.001-1200 £0330000 crPOi11O 131.0000250 Ci10ge $545,550 5015-SSS 40e 4 5010*300 3 5 bath 03000 2 bE 25 Ga BO SfiiplgoiO,CEG' iSra0040000i EZOSOS0mO 03007 0505 he Well OÇpOOS000d oit SISE wEiSI*O A1000Ca200aw 0334250 i0bai300ew1e0'dd lot 54*1 res io baien,« S 0555 4Ç CerOSOS Oam0a700teo 105-134-155 115-431155 Chl0ga $552,550 3 bç So Sa orlo 0* boloS 555e $575,000 3GO. SEZOSOlEe lid 2OoZtiOer. 05cL 71ea30os OeO!SEEOG 03004 riots pode. GIOIOSi ZOPO, 2 5050 4400 00 1315ea0a5 71150g 051071 0285,505 LAlagga lorO 0050 5000000 00*30 New 8574,500 371311015011cm '11m S 501001100 G07050110001500050 5050-07155 2 baS 71031011E 0110« SEal orth «yO 700100055710m 110010g 35015550705er 500.010-5031 DethSB.oOor Chiagga 5505,505 CAICgSO SoalGo'4e OdaOKOrOS oOdSSSiO SSSg,00s 04*300*0* 327055 C5loga $400,000 4 50. 5 Sa 2 lai 500v 0 50 110-051155 0245,900 oie0000CiiOl11O° S'a OOOim'7Sba 500.5*1 2103070010 310-OSi 0050 ft r-V;lh . I lui . l.1 aloe ii'lOOlri 0 577.5« EloiSa ''IL'" Flowarol \Veitzoosaoo ofWeitznsass Realty Associates LLC. New harbors boat slips and beach h0000se at 40th Street at least two historic structures. sIEbter systeoss frooso McCor000tck if you acId tIse SUO iosillioso the i'lace to 63rd Street atosig Cot- joan of the oiew Near S000thi Siof e Odi S001310RLOd011flSdJ 'Oil neiglsborh000i where (loe city expects private developers to build ion Sloe site of (loe failed Olympic est real estate rccessi009 susse Village. the 37-acre Micloael Re- the Great Deforessinol. The city plans too isostooll iosese Hospital campus. isooforoovensents 'Floe city will seek qualified frastroctoore Sm'01Ns 3'3004135_ '31 r< L. 'T Cioio.o 0475,005 00*3335 1101103 Ja0000,i&l0aopo00 Na441e7,-a1a OIS-115-5044 50755.4105 131450 'OW $273,970 C5159$e 350 235500050404404 Sbi.iIOO sossasol S000leSthlSObOl Fol 0*5555 55WeOS,: 105-450455 o-0 00000e-I 01 Oo400 O S 701' 005 01 014',i 50o700111011 012.0340231 $779,559 ChIcago 011423 100501050040000*3Oe002 Sfty b 000055esi 74g '1011am 100050555 710401055 SOoSCoer $17 500 90055e 0-50 ea1001010'O'lrOl 0000 ',eOtd 537.500 05-0150 il 2 00000,1 0'o-oS,'eo'tb , 0' tlb'I 001 lIO 5001460 Caed 110400 0233 O00oa1OO',o,1000-5' 610.00 5177,550 4055, i 535000000 i,100lsrba CSlSOgs 0715,555 3 Id 2 Sa 400 10100 0505 51511 E 0441000 0550 lOO 00030e lot bakory 10205101e 10000000001 410544 SsOs4- P10 00150 OloosSISol 101 5114-50 000 P0o5 4e6o00055 31403255 13014! SEdbtedle*Od 013005 000 Flew 0000G s/a laoSlIrC005 205-404-455 0000309g bISelo 505000e5501 00055 00500 1kO 010, 0* 05005 oSa 2 ca, go SpOoled 5050M. fleW teIoO1 lake 01040511010535 WaSOoUoiC Goloso leseo bolso Oclod050 125-511555 blepUSe010 00000010000 $275,050 000kOOIatrw300 20500015e 33605-AIeS coati PosoSed hoe 003000 hoSe 51040000 SIS-415 2300 041001115050 C001sO5l 5274.550 5,0050070 00300 .0 000Er 5195 ISo. w-d. 50009 000 CaOS. Nell A so irOi00150esroioeoA 002040300000 11599-0014 130400155 0510100000 5740,025 5515004504160 0140.i'iiOdOOOO 0104.1001555 501010e Loiters SS 000*IoO 00500001 IÇ7 0010wS50ow 00150 II 05050 5000e leO w S l°oe bgok0000 AOVo 101-431455 baeo00rooO 213.111155 107 573.255 20002055014 lIoiaryOwtygeSail,lLew' ChlO.$o 32O0oaa0w04ça1035 SO. 0755,000 230 230 p0020000 314 0400 aowd000dl0 0744, 00*35 00000 5e00e 000111905 0 55 0,7 0 d 0040w F5003055 *ol30S 110010 Ole0104g 5000 505170 osokE74o owdF000 0792,505 C015950 F00059500 115-401 0250 0h15.50 PoOeOol000bo 110-lOI 250 $754,500 COIOyOSlrddel3001Sba50000. 701500110 130-951255 1100000015 0.5 OlaS 7 ta clOe 035 44005 5l0t0 0,041155lwo55l40o705bal Olor 0001050100 40 woeoZ'tbO Ole 0100et00010 150aoçsIoorooeoo So Chls.0s $715,900 140e400 Oba105eiwolesorn 0100110010 5 olI oaase Ial/it leolloEblo 70es aoao 5501*00000404 010011f tisi_OSO Chlc5a 007401-0410 1550154 bacIo 3710*35 600 3 51 03005 COOl', 0204.205 Se'daClb,OO ChIsIQa $705.000 COlisEo Oe0eOa 03655-455 0h10.50 5059.050 0914,Ga 0S2baL44.e552eso70 3050 OsSeago 1l00e0500'trOieOitO 0411 055 ddaA00Oi7i $224,000 350 i 5550*3w FlOadlAs 07w' 310150go 5510.000 dde Sola 541124155 ChICIDO 0052.505 8750,050 CElsogo 1011100055.55 1100055 1059100,0-1 ChIcago $150.000 Chlo.o OeoOi0031010ooro I 5015500k 05,-55 5 50 2 b4 21110e 015000 Gewor 1 a Stai 0*74000400 SelalnO 510 kO E baths Oleosi Foi S'eaIooabSpeS 0010eS.0109 50 osaalle 131-45055 5003040,55 Ssora'0000,'4250s /2O501 100411 370 $115,001 06555010 ObathomraorocsO0e steel loon the 104e. 5e10 0405e at4Co5valCe'Oei SoOaeOoSoO 100455255 555000 910055 bell cr10,00 Clos COO 1100 0000 00 lOt 0/00, 00114,10000 500055 C00070500100001a1 250005 Silo'ooraroddIo'epoo 0714,905 50 2baOwnasonoe40aloO 113400 0033 O0,000zeo75e $075GO C001egOc 165650340 113400 02141 C5l1g5s $45,500 Obeso Lo5E010r005eaigrld Lo$ bacoroo,ereOS-oao5os5s 714011500 SaIO S-00010 0000rwwaorao35 soa0504500aois, a'000000°nitled 00010000 aol alto 71145000G lObai' 0250 W50440065s0w 051000g $50,000 0500w'w4eeallw lcr 000,0 540go! 010t00110004440.00a000,0 0509 Ocoh5000 115-Oil 2GO L0'55H55 7004070GO S bs10o 2 bago srw Iaoo15 $24,990 0h10.55 6 beo9orr, S 5 bath 2 Oil ooles SeanQ 5100 000,e Qe000'rotoOmStd Ao Is as Ii 545,500 051s,So 00740000G Omdl40 G0lo.0 0515,50 LIodOte0300000kOa33030 O 5 010 0190000 FsO,ab 50210eS' ow Kl W000 5e00Ie Oros 51005 GOeol0000sner4 G 15011200000 4207-0*IL-.-500e 10745540 595,900 31,10000 ba000011* 0500e, °'°°'°' 5 00420000* 000t1007-00091105e 113.410055 0,000lSClGO't* 080,020 CElo.$i i ReWe Ot0002 GoealrombtleoO 0,00140 $75-SOS 5010000 OnO $54,500 0515,50 0t10 40$ la 0001 0950 tO OdO' 00k NO 00d04 50000 05000*5 1000015 how S Sr 0551059. 0000 0010012-0110e 317705255 07455350 Chlogs 855,500 6000 5001005 00 Cr100100000450 atIbo 021e aiea sO Weal rood. O40.000re000SOed 0150er e150 110-4010222 505550500*054045445,,10042w r,0050*o000ealroS000lSr,O A101oAt000a3SSSa 0100150e. 174772730 'l'he olevelopers are c0550fsIet- ing tloe relsiabilitatiooso of tlse l.yric Opero's forosser olesigos 5 301003300 5 OlOr S Ial beso5 Soll as o Good 0110000500010 470 40500500 5-50000e7000 541.022 350/0 525,900 05000g0 lahab5sd 110*0 00e 5105SOor0010roaOS 5509500150 0-05e 010 00140Lm 500/5b010910e2Fa0 800000 Is Goeaisooe0501'eIo 170-IiI 0022 4000004000 1600 S. Prairie Avenue, ChIcago Come see RoloeOAl54ao ' $74,900 0000aSd4boA000rOoor,esrth MEADOW IUDGE oro,og«nia Sooao 4004457*0 $355,550'$105,550 2 03 3 brS2 L. 3 Sa akelooni h0rne0 5500950 2 moro locro 29 car lower lays 1000sqSI 100ver2 «Solo 11011es OreaS development il llus000 p005-ru oaraoe W000'.IOdOfOS kilo, 010010 iiI Ro'ph Oloo 312.975.4725 Park 0115115 wIth plans 0 pOlOillS IO ad 372.455-2600 4010G lods' Oil l000tlon w/pOl col lock Loo 0305000 10014-anIdo, mOISIE 001p00 01140 312362.0200 773 100.1234 4011 1,14,110 r' hloao $2300,550-0100,50 Great new oioo010pmonO In Ourn100m 0010rqle000 VI 105e 3 601000m town oriol Paoh 001710 OlIva 312.362 0220 $209,505 $355,02 310100 OssOy SImples old Doples UIl/IO 773 1051.1500 773 457.0234 773 -057.020 Cllollon Slackborfl 1$ Fo01000 Cenberft010rbalnonenb Rin, UCranIos 35tchono WIth ,' 0y ' ''3.5y d lop_Of Oho LIno Appllan005 MINIMUM BIDS STARTING FROM: $189,000 '- ' .;i.;L, ENEI 111E SO, FI. ORlE, PB« MIRBUM BlD 2108 1/1.5 994 $40tB31 $109.000 1707 1203 2/2 1274 1443 $453145 $551,219 $267,500 1/wDen $1020,000 w/,esesva ° 2401 Penthouse 2009 $295000 5412225005 $205,955.0335,900 3 4 09, Townl,000os Woody leo 0 IlIrotylo Dunn Ch005$0 UHoldwood Flooring 0h10.50 .0 $255 GO u Folopiaca WIth Maiblo (booth POI Plan ci Adl00090 ParklDog Walk PREsENtÀTÀUcn'ONcON'DO'MIÑÏÜMs SpecIal FinancIng Avoitablo 1hrouh Watts Fargo /1\Irl, o,! 00101, I oo,.r. roblo-o'IO., 0 . l,,00,o' o1,s'o l'i 00l0OlIlIIlllIrl101 odL010I101ltSS\l42 . 000 3. 2,1.1 loo 1010100010000100\Or 0001 Sr. CAlos$s ti Elogonl LobbyOOlHo 0300lman , ,' _,'. -- -------so................ OPEN HOUSES: Feb. 2Oth-Marchi3th n 847-559-9800 ' J 5' 014 ' $% 'I h'' CALLOR VISITUS'ONLlNE'OIt'DETAlLED PROPERTY & AUCTION INFORMATION \ eRnsy := .www.Inlá . '3.» - '')(I ç - (630) 990-5353 . ' 'IL 535150e 545. 051.0000505 9 450000241 pome Marlin U Edwards Osano 0.4' i05 COlOSSO 'lI'4.0 i".5001o0015t0'.ScIo/tho*A moiSIe blISS O Soeplase JoO. Skai ChIOSQO Squalo or cyols along Oho 104510051 Steal Fol000um Park dooelopmer,il Ralph OlIva 312-2667030 312.4753293 loo Ilbolm000 SybG 5400110 7734511200 $275,500 $575,550+ 5510050 $204,055 $300,000 2 be0000001 0011 WoilO 11010 4000 lO 00r $259,055-$379,000 01110 lyle P rk d000lopnront CIoIoa0o areal OrIdgopoll 40000plol000 Jloo loiter ;1 . -Z $079,500'S221,900 0l74edp0150g65555IISlak0 ;57. tl j: Chloa$o 8202,900'$479,AS5 ilowlloinos OfldGOI100SalIardl0000k °:-- 7011110 SouIhpI55lo 510000 1010 Falto 0 Edwoods loam 173-451.1234 Edoardo 1051ro 77 457.1234 312-199 2035 02010500005e01000Me000a1100al000C or2000ç0000000r000 Cdldwsll000ker,awoeg,olmedlladaIrOOli000000dOoCdl400SOOan40000a10000101LG MOOoalOp4000110a501r010ro 0551 l40oI0g 0040000,0! . Tillo . 5-5100504 14500500 54548.4245490 w . - 847.853-8660 Carooc$egot/Hoaoee Vaerrosaeoy ' 8OO493-5$8I --Roi 1400209750015 ' ' 800.323.9565 . : I l[ I - Single-Family Attached Rowhomes in Bridgeport $779,005 $055,005 Cr110100 'se NOW $389,880 0, ' 2-4 Oli condos Chl0055 $750,000 $255.Q0O Oevelop00000 on KlnQ 011ao Poololo 0400005 U 5ybl MartIn 6001111 0 F41100015 loam 773451.1220 7131-451.1234 0 7001IG00100Il 00100er Ilsooa500olUlo0510ge 0100011 Op0100dSyFo10sell Corleo Foeodoot,aiOsa10100tolSC Cooaoiiiowrciiit - . '800-838.7922 . ° Rooftop Decks with CityViows 0 3 or4 Bedroom Plans StaInless SteelAppilances . From 2,200 Square Feet UI Attached 2-Car Garages . 888.572.Ilieossoe - i - 800-698.2776 . w l LexingtonSquare 3704 S. Sangamon St, Chicago a 7733235900 Granite Countertops Plod us oRsi follow us on ..SoiIe4000I cor Iteroal lisOoal* - osooOipoesII0000e 40705535 ErJ I INLAND REAL ESTATE'AUCTIONSe lNC..'_s?fr% a 0000000010' o,I 111001, io.'o-Or,000 III '000' L 0,00005 ,O,.- 1''..1,.'0» ' 5',,'-'1'..'-',-' ........... ; /S_Cl ..-. $209,005'0500,GS0 .000 sq Ii 3 br. 3 So dopes OIP I ChI050s 31 10145 Provato BaíConlos I 041 520 00GO $150, 05.52,505,050 us62'sIoIyChloa o lakel0000 colo °J9'.bO' ColloIgs Por Plan Gosalo'oeoorwrl O 31oica$0 INTERIOR FEATURES ,' LtVoows nO lots, CSy & Soldier F1014 52 Ssndock wIth Jodo521 two blocks from Lake Mkhtgon at 1223.1249 E. 46th St. $1,900,050 IIUII.I)JNG FISATUR&°i LiSocurod, Deeded P007(194 Nois' SELLING. O bail 00050e Orth poiS baowrerg 00.10 solS as lo 4 b5010*3l Lotse Paris Gateway II Is a 23-unIt luxury condominIum buttdlog less thon Cu700nhly 2.S100y C noble loi Turn Io BOOM, 7 TIse 2011s Street Lofs District J-Tø' REAL ESTATE AUCTION MARCH 14 The addocos y0050 oo'soot. 019,550 N ew Developments & Conversions ChIolo ing lsi'ighots osi 13 to 30 feel assol tRAIRIE POINTE AT CENTRAL STATIO4 44 Caeolk,oesbroot 5l7.t227 ate 93 trooe loft units spills ceil' DEVELOPER CLOSE OUTFOR5THE 13 REMAINING LUXURIOUS CONDOS) TIse lifestyle yuoi desire, 713.400055 Cbloeto , ossool warelsosose ceoster lo cre- forosseol isolo hoofs condososiniunos. ums oso lasool acquired frono Mer- (loe recessi000 cools loiglo-rise cosodos, what the talk is about! $25,900 CElo,go Rallen, a partner with A000lres 'l'yvessly-sixthsStreel Loft Dis- Sclscolnik in LOACQ LLC. boutes, olosplexea aosol cosodonsiooi- Sold Separably , pam Gso0oodoa4oe 9os0aGo40 0h10.00 555,50$ 5004550 2baS flot 105401000 0400400150500 0075 Sotar In,00000oroo OoOl000lkOanO Irict. Offtloe lake,joost west of tIse $0. 575,550 05101gO Street," said developer Leiglo lvlicloael Reese coossop015, is tIse of Lake SIsare l)rive at 255th Street ansI S000tlo Martin Los. esosergisog 2lìtlo Street Left District, a collecti005 of vacant lots - alosog soocis streets sooch as tIser King Drive, Tise tOacre Eastgate Village asool ssooall issoloostrial boilolings Martiso i.sstloer Kuoog i)rive, Mirloig0000 Avc0000e í0000h Drexel consonuooity c0005ists of tossii tloat evess000ahly coulol be traoos- Lissner of Approoisal Researclo Ltd. noted that 115401-103G b40oCOsoaoo4Seol00oSbaOr 0400605030000 51741000G 5510.95 595,500 54e StIlllOSlOOl050400 loba 005000055r 544.000 of f5rclssoolsgy ca501pus on 31st ssoynewwestls0000e.c000s. Pl0000 designed for tloe Coloososbiaso Exoositi000 Csa0000selors 941220011G 515 acId 505090 On 00 53350 erOi 5000933045*0 15505JSOW IGl 501-540G EoelroraSSal 5510.90 IlObil 310 R0000l asid tIse Illinois Institute itoornhsaoso Sloe Real estate appraiser Gail « 05101g. 515,995 S-on05000kbothOrç 50*570*0 ls000d nestled between Cermoak Wei(z0000sn preslicteol. trr 45000055010 Tise Eastgole Village sales at 2545 S. Dearborn, 'TIse 26th Street Lofts Discenter is located sot 25t0 s. Moartin Lutlser King anol is trictis a quiet new bolt neighbor- opsosents already sore untIer ovíay obeso noon to 4 is.sos. 'l'lsursday 011o tIsi' Neoar Scosallo Siclo. lloro tlor000gls Ssasootoay or by aopooiotnSesst. For oosore issforossatioss, are details on a few: noihlisoos of olsllars of real estate tax reve0500e for (loe city" $24,900 3000001110000151140*0*4700000 0750.000 C00705b'eoorled 4 Or10'i 2 5350110e 11300003.0 5h10.50 Greol300lmoeoegoebOb4400 Fol $45,500 1 5510*3ro 35 bOO, lodo Or 0510,50 G0100.O'AOOSoS' 560003000 5 3e 0440e 33 tee eSel cowase opaca wi 14101000105000510 G000.00640iOsO'l use cosndonsinissm development tacl0000l giorage. whys asid bsoolevards - part oof o\-lcCoriooick l'looco a000ljust west tage Groove Aveoiooe. i'loe S0000tls SuIes brsool poork- veloopeol over (loe next decade, tIse ooew Near Smiths Side real estate evesotsoally will geoserate rOdIO gooss Aveooue 055 tIse east ansi homes sisart al $37o1,000 for a 2OtIs Streel sss the soutls. TIse (loe Ssootls Side," l.isssser soiol. l,t)88-sq000re'fost two-Isedrainsos, district i5 aoschoored by the Op. 'If ysoo lare slsopping for a home two'batls loossse svitlo oa two-car at- cr10 Lofts, a 93-unit adaptive-re. icaostly onore for y000r ossoosoey oso call :tl2-083-05500 or visit ovsvsv, isonoes 000sol apartoneosts are de- SOlE« lOOVOtSo'0005,"le101OO' $54.500 C0l1090 01540011010 o 400005 100.000 0333 0000,w0000oo,, 0h10.00 .,1wd 55 5Ç420 S OSowly 9110050 bi so' 0010110 O»000'O 00 A00000d'(On5 ebOVOl SOod. 40010fb S il it Expressway on tloe north, Foolerlsl Street osi Sloe west, Michi- . Eastgate Village. 'Dois 00555ter-planned consosos000ity of :tot) hsonoes is locatcol joist soosths of \Vloeos arool socs' Chloago $745,900 015k21001 55x5 e001P000tltO 5111140 203145 0,00*4500 i5 $245,000 2 50 2 Sa 0330 ti' OtO. 110005, tO"eOOaOl.OrOeO 0b'GhOiO e, 550000 90550 ca004rotroieoi1100 4o1:o figtot'roott dosso- Rosolevoord set it aport frosos tIse Nortlo Siole," Weitsosoaso saisI, I*L(k!r b' 0 llOro 0*4ta I boo. r0050ge Sosotlo Side thais cooll for rastet, toast plions etuI loar rioovioog city speoot to acquire (loe Michael Reese site, Chicago oolreaoly has isovested $100 snilli0000 isolo (loe neigloborhosol olooring the Eteef)- is Issoosoded by tIse Stevensoss clnseuoot priceol from $tS.l900, between 20t1s asool 31st streets 0059 tloe North Side of Chsicoogo, alosig Cottage Grove Avenue. A y000re proboobly pooyioog 50 lEertax increment fonaoscing district cent nsore." Several new loososissg olevelalready is in place ossool lossig. tIse oew Iduroaloasos I°oark Reacio and tise lakefront. iloese swank anoesoities are cy ilustdtaf. C00000lonoinisssoss are seloiclo is 0 oliscooloot of :ts foercent frooso prices GO year oago. 'Fowls- Ysos CertGaiSsl3( C011O get sigooif- The 10-acre Eastgate (Utlage community consIsts of town homes duplexes and condomlotoms on fand acquired from Mercy Hospital. VeLillo 0*00* oOreEOOSl 010510 3i2i994020 ',OOrLOi lSj . O 70 2 01 0000100 0000 oS O F Chlo.ço 0575450 I 00 0 050 2b1050ko001000' 105.424-4250 250100a0*0003011 11301107100! G O11oedi0000th gleiSE *000005 21170G All s 404000SOiSlo eoi'eoiO 0011 roto °, '*104' 1100tOlOO,oOt , 1 14419e 2 50 2 Sa 552000e 3014e S'obgOOOeo OSO i bblOaonaw 00050*50010 1050 501502 I11adiys 100wleorO 00 roitOde alti a-S tuo i Weit Chlieço teto i.e,dre,OlQioer4OO 5799« CEliggo tloere is greooter valooe for l00000e booyers loss tloe Soutlo Siote tlsooso osos tIse Nsrtlo Siole. parks and beacloes are on (loe olevelopers for (loe lasod in the clraoving board or already 000s- first quarter of 2010 ousod will door way along (loe Near South ask for developer proposals Side lakefront, including the later, At least four of tIse loospiplaooneol (tot Street harbor asid tal buildings already hosve been : 0, O. £1 L Ciololio C00000000115100 5«5,AthbeSO3000*00*S £00005 0Som0 GE0Z0G150A ChAiSE OO,ii 555500 !,I2.;-,00A ,- - 5524,055 0700,55 OS 150SI'çdoaweoSIalbOore lOe00000wOoOie 15e-403.455 OOoO!/ 4 00 2 0005 0300050 0500er O 50 So Sa ortoS has I levelS 00 5-00 io50 SERO«G «aedO *3300 «po'i2o,eIro 130-Idi 0250 050001m 00055-SOS A11011iFerlalg $224.905 Cl015goa 20255-0303 CEISESS "s 5! 559000 tocage 50 005ab'OObyrÇ 0005'rS i 11000033100000 COO'OlflZ'301 375150 550 sess« elsaSs 575.000 S S Or000e 0 codo reIht, 50g 00 iO 000110m It0000 ore3So ZOO 10-O SRapi AaSSEFm000a /'/ 10 rt. - SIEG« 51USD 30 i3iGeo';or Soi0100' di O0000dri iSoo'd0000t100te,moO2O,00dsO.r*ki* t t', f ° ,I 50099« 510150 The 26th Street Left DistrIct Is anchored by Opera Lofts, a 93-soIt battdtog at 2545 S. Dearborn, Side, soorrounding McCormick Place, plansoers say. "floe South Side's lake front location is incredible aloof (loe Ob' 2500E 0 11350i1, SO bon reoi'o-O ro'ooi'Ñit roll ChongO odor Cl 51i0 t Gb-0e G 0010'O'O,0001t0000lO i oÌlroer, &ro*rtoflroj coo 00,01ro, trot OlOi'OitOfrOel i 'not *J'Cl OL'rt ori OJtrv, O 'Oiii%l l'i* i300'GOl 770450 255 5Oi5524SOJ O1O'JCO.StdS &etoOOrtol 5(011,1 2029521055 305SSiSOiO 51350105 South 1__ RAtigo 57S.E« ChiuSi 5Oi105Z003 j'fi, ::L11:frt 2 ¿ look O 'lt io 101001 3000 tOm 35E«2g7m« '1000,03510.00 230 fU(Ui"rSH/ 11ME AB« 770450 lt is likely tIsai sostocho of the city's fsotsore lakefront hoousisg will be developed between now Near °-' siEo«o ChESS, urban planboers oosy. 000iol 2020 iso floe S000th Loobo asid 000t5h_ III ooeighhorl000d iii (loe cify°s ooex( real estoale boono, areais coonisogufo," said investor S000ifloob, Uhu, 2lcto Olrl'boRdrr Oc Dio li10 Oddid-edO IO 00050 01 ionlOroz t«-02S20Oi 5 5__,_ I SISEAR EloiSa I I! 'floe enbsorging Near Sootlo Side s olsostisoed to foe to high- irtreot, 2 fr 2 bioOrerurOooi &mdJQO thlro A0101go oi,'dOii, '--- 'SOBO',, L301VidodtL ..;yo',e._._\ 5125900 Eleggo , I Near South Side developments are poised for recovery EisiG« 1 o.004a,4 j'Ç-0' SOSSE« SOaSO oo5eOoe 3atM I,0000r,rr *54003 '15W .,*e:... 1055000 PVOlO'Oi000Got'00000000200 OSSO od000000"420 o O*rooe Dhlcg90 o d00000 'ed°OO2SStEOS i-or den'S, i C'i Ltg I 3*iiooskr - - '' '-''iiiiIII yo Ç0e -- *ÌIIIl is. 173451 tdE 0T' :¼P O Chicago's next boom? soiso« EloiSa SISE 500 hloaQo -Os rleii&kgeJtlllt morro 105 O Three horn s are V liable at the nine-unit Drooel Squaro Towoihornes, 4450 S. Drexel Blvd. fo North Kenwood. _501, DESlio C.5 Oublie II '' M7.2l2« IO IIIflhIIIlU!lIII Stdtr,totrer t Oriol r'sto'oaOo dro 5,0100 roo,, orbi, un'od 'rhçoe P 2: ir.oeWtd-',G.'-,t-6dS2tÇO ter.! .2- 'I 11011 r J...'u»,. ° -« ' e 3SO5lOri352bedloo 0000 003iEr ir0 '!. - ; SOSSE« ChIuSo Chiiiio 5050000 55101gO 5055000 3SOloo2SOtoilfliOii0tio .10031(0 iflJt00000,00O 2002 OOtiieie Sor3bt2bOSxOSrdO 5055 000 AeOrtrreoor355teOo2G2t I-; C u'te-' ottr,ed000S uncle So-0050d,rOo - d SiSE SOS i rrOr O'LOtSOk3.OSJhO OPoGfl 5 ¿ I1 9 'p tsUoeosa sol OSdid JiOuOOI SddPoodod ?SA-2R-4 droiIddrw P000. oe000'roor L'do,',' OrrrSÇdr dOl1l r'011'trO dora l5'O5- i072& 2NtoOJ,e,rodStk teSoro 25 0350 oSoS o°vO Soot 2 A 0M O 000G ioto'O mitlerbdOo 055Ç nil xl;isirvÇLidenAoçrn pJiU;errutbJ C4¼1ltnfl 250 0sro-L_.o--:: Ohiggo G 'rosco ¡oo9S7d003 bJ--'' roc j II II lCfl0 Soll« 101 51115« O,OOIÇO, SiEgE« CEICIOG I5e E.w000SSo 555100510w orQeousoei bOid 2 Er I S b tidroldShDI J 5205000 SdordoOro, '°: - "-- ' tAc,g OIS-0055212 OoidlSrrA $219 90G HElEO un 05*0 ilS 000')*o bi. JOOWLO drflft Bao,'tlrd*ds EIOJOS uuuIuuIuIIII III. co I: , ElUSO g.!:Le.9 ' - SOSSE« 773401 2w I *5 02 04 rfll01501f _- or Sci; Y,rtoCrto Oxdt,5020' 3bdOdoOA tOt IL pos'ç ld*EfrS Ekagi $3I49 eìot,'20i, OUl00d000lt 01201 5IL3SC«,tlAlH OtCIQI I32I rotd Rn mdl on Jr edoArdo OSA OfCth O311O.5 Oho-tor corro:, ddr trgd 300 2500,53 II'drrs 'tot rstlbJJJÇÇol od 000QE dtrkmro'-d Corred,, t l Jl40IJ lI O I .oi S29000ESS ! 'leo'tlM' 773450 I 0,0400001 Ne« ool 2 0, 2 bi op Or UM fl \ lIL11 Chingó ' .._gAlgo SiEgS« Sftoros Szoç'J ECsio tdSS 53400% CHIClEO 5 j ¡dOUO!dl kco'. oreos-ol'oCr 173451 250 odo rSTo(,,4300 r.2300dS,c oCfl000'd'ffl fj:: 'Ff fd0h1 2Oo2SOurOi,nor dool St Ol'U'drt1 SI? 795 2820 ltSuOOSo 25babr Courre $oçefliirdalI ,rmrdh C -qoeft0001 rddilo ksrrflor 'geOd f45000 OJ,u'c000tl Sle al lado, Cftk.; lJ1L i' CEICiGO SEES 500 3I2OSO,'23 i "°, ¡j;; L lfgoi3 ddI\rd'u 3l2-dTS-32lS iLll .Li'.11t tj SEIlS« 0'ge 4 5 3 53 dpoo Il o.roo redploE - 51015G 1315000 bICIHO * eJrrE'or'e r J100n nod - 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 todays homes NORTII/CITY.0 I you rallier gflore the SHOW outside and ciresui of spring Woukin't and surnirler, landscaping and gardening? Maybe even take it another step and plan to do something green and good for the environment. Here's an idea that's relatively easy on the budget, brain and back: Add a rain barrel rinder one of your downspouts or a rain garden, which captures rain run-off and can keel) vater out of your basement. Conservation enthusiaots point out that, ifyou live in an average suburban house, a short, ½-inch rainstorm deposits 500 gallons of vater on your roof. All that water funnels through your gutters and dowospouts and out into the storm water system. Multiply that times every home in your area, and that's a lot ofextra water that dumps into the overloaded system, all too often flooding streets and basements in the process. Rooftops are one ofthe impermeable 5)lrfaceS that, along willi streets and parking lota, NORTH/CRY.0 j THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 5 A PLACE TO CALL HOME Rain barrel revival Let your roof water your garden this summer todays homes Hampshire Highlands still a great option for buyers Resort in St. Charles, Pizzo vill be sharing the basics ofrsinwater capturing and explaining how you can get started. "A good first step is a rain barrel," be said, "and some native perennials." Rain barrels, which typically hold about 55 gallons of )vsler, Kay Soverinsen are enclosed at the top, but SUN-TIMES MEDIA attached to the hunde's clownsl)otIt. A spigot drilled near tice base lets you attach a hose or are causing metropolitan areas pour sut water to fill a waterto suffer more flooding after ing can, heavy rains. That's especially A half-inch rain will fill a a problem since the Chicago rain barrel in a heartbeat, he area is having 40 percent more said, but you can siso hook the barrel up to another one l)eavy rainotorn)s tiran it did to catch tice overflow, or you from the lIMOs to the 1980s, could add one at another coraccording to theJnurual of American \Vater Resources ncr of your house. Tice Conservation Foundation (wcv, Association. Yet, with a little effort, theconservationfouicclation. homeowners could recapture org) based in Naperville soils some ofthat rainwater, use recycled barrels already outfitit ou their plants, and keep a ted with the funnel and spigots percentage ofthat floodwater starting at $85. out of the system. I'roponents Sonic come in colors and ofrainwater management and can be painted or decorated to harvesting, such asJack l'izzo, add interest to yourgarden. In fact, my guess is ticat witicin owner of Pizzo & Associates, an environment restoration five years, min barrels, perhaps company based ii) Lelanci, try painted witic dsisies, bcittorflies to educate homeowners sbout or pap art, will be tice icot new the advantages of keeping your lawn accessory. And witicin a vater to yourself. fewyears it won't surprise cue if At The Old House New rain gardeccs start getting listed House Home Show, scheduled with shier features n home for Feb. 12-14 at Pheasant Rtiii sale descriptions. By kanie Mayer FOR SUN.TtMES MEDIA linse widen many developimig neighborhoods Aa are experiencing tite ciesit freeze, both i)i)ysicauiy due to imarsh winter weather an(i mmietaphoricsily in timol no new constriictiocm is planneci, tite neighborhood knowmm as bt,vcntemtts. Community profile Hsmpshlre Highlands' approximnfe community boundaries are; north, Panama Avenue; soulh, Route 72; ens!, Runge Road; end wesl, CentennIal Drive. hianipshire Highlands stili is seeing progress. $265,000 and tire two-bednoomit According to Realtor Mary Sagan of Century 21 New Hen- snodels. There aro currently three units an tite snarket at tage, tite neighborhooci Issu PalsIed and decorated rain bannis can add a whimsical but practical touch ta nur garden. ThIs one was decorated hy the Nature Artists' GuIld at the Morton Arboretum in Ueb. It was dnnated far a fsndraislng auctins. PHOTO COURTESY OF MORTON ARBORETUM It's a fairly neav phenomesso, says ICaria Lyncic, horti. business partners Mark somnetimimmg timol wsmmici necke Moxley amid Andrew Clauson a difference," said Moxley. cultsral education manager for have found profitable at Lake Street Landscape Supply in time Morton Arboretum. Chicago. They opened four "Rvo or three years ago years ago selling mainstream vhien I started researching tisis, I only found conspanies in landscaping materials, but Texas and (other southwestern soon realized timol there was no states). You didn't used to be local supplier nf eco.frienchly landscaping supplies. able io find rain barrels. Now "Vc started carrying a every big box store and catalog variety of sustainable products sells timen)." because we felt tide mdcccl to do lt's a line ofproducts that "'i'hcere weren't suppliers Iim)st svere focused 0m) timol, especially in time city. Rain barrels are ubiquitous now, but tve go way beyond rain barrels." Rainwater harvesting systems, such as underground cisterns, can be installed for 11051)55, but will tend to cost $3 Turn to SEVERINSEN, 7 a,proximnately niste icontes on titis time, accordimig to Stigtitt. the ntarkct at titis tinte, with t, price rosige front $285,000 fromtt contemnitorary to tnt,- t,) $419,900. Timore also aro iie)v units unck'r comtatnuction as weil in tite clupiex section of tite contitiunity. These attached itsmnes are ranging in price mom $185,000 is 'rite itontea range in style still eight vc,ctsitt lots availtible startimig at a quarter acne ist size. Lots tiro selling betweeti $70,000 amid $85,000 dielteitdling oit loctitiott anti siso. Stigami said buyers may piircittive a hot and itavo tito builder Nicholas James constnttct tite honte, or choose titeln owmt ciiototit builder to design tincl build tite itome. For mstore inforntt,tio,t t,b,,ist tItis itome, or ts oblttimi t,clvice on real estate in gestertii, contact Mary Sagast with C-21 Neiv Heritage tit 847-683-2000. Agent Mary Sagane at HampshIre Highlands In Hampshire. TAREN NAE5SIFOR SUNTIMES MEDIA ditional t,nci tine offered in bolii tite two-stony and rancit mttocieis. 'rite singlo fantily ctnils tiro avtiilabio iii titneetimid four-beciroomtt mmtscieis with either finisitod or immm(ìnivimeci TRANSACTIONS 147 Central Ase: Rolhner, Eric & Rc,ii estate transfer informa. tinti is p,ibiic rec,,rcl tisici is cxtintiiied regularly by iimia,,cial ilistitiitioits, llcaItins tisici clinthaches that sell ltro,iscts to ho- 1639 Clavey Ad: Cohen, Jan R; miwowiters. Anoliternice fcatcmrc of tite neighborhood is titat there are Gale; $3,000,000 $285,000 1698 Beverly Pt: Kenmuir, Gordon L; $330,000 35 Marquette Ad: Simiele, Thomas C; $400,000 'iltis list iitci,i,ii's rosi,icmmliai traitsfers by city, imtcludiiig 368 Woodland Rd: Gerber, Brett M A Monica M; $380,000 sired address tisici ahil)roximate liiircliase price c,f lito Itropenty. 626 Hemewned Ave 304: Jones, C,,ni,,us about hume lt,tiiic' Daphne E & George M; $520,000 tiIes ist ytiur neighitsrhssci? 665 DelamhleAee: Head, James For imisre Chicago tiret, traits- A Monek, Andrea; $603,000 actions, see "recent stiles" at 702 Barberry lId: Brenner, Arthur www.set,rcitciiicags.coiit/ A Barbara; $320,000 Si.' t,rcii by ticiciress. Broadvlew Aee: Laube, ci)Iiiity, Zu' c,,ck, lirico ratigo 867 Kenneth M A Alena M; $900,000 itcit,te . LAST CHANCE flPHlliomIveo !).e5t4)Ysé.. or year cil stile. www MyCambridgeHome corn ca, Bcokcr (sep wiled; iaai ,AL,WiV MkI i ' 1 I t swimli beII 847 984 4479 ¡I ppA, t t ) 'I Zenonas & Teresa; $250,000 (S250.000 and sp) 948 MarIna Ave: Smith, David Antioch OPEN DAILY )O 5 FRI 12 ,h, t buy F Ikt!p// II Bi.At ¿t i pW 1580 Eagle Ridge nr: Heilig, Androw & Viciada; $510,000 BuYN0W& WE'LL 42286 N Crawfsrd Rd: Bozorgi, Kenny & Susan; $825,000 Barrington 190 Tali Trees Dr: Oilmen, Andrew j' & Dan; $515,000 213 Whltoey Dr: Young, Jerry & Emma R; $495,000 (HURRY! OFFER ENDS FEIIiUARY 28TH!) 28615 W Parti Dr: Latonlaine, Paul B & Myeong S; $775,000 Repeat Homebuyer: 117 Hsratln Blvd: Liu, Jiwen & s 8, 0 0 0 Government Tax CredIt 6, 5 0 0 Governmentlax (redil + 6,5OO Wang, Yl; $310,000 2536 Uve Oak lo: Welsberg, Roger J & Audrey B; $355,000 415 Tnwn Place dr: Arana, Anna; KLMTaiCredllMalth $323,000 , $1 6,000 , 630 Ralntree Rd: Wunsch, Brian & Wendy; $535,000 YOUR TOTAL 9P4Twlsted Oak La: Newman, CREDT UIL RSr INCOAPO AATCD Mark; $333,500 RISTOL B . -.- ¼f . Deerfield 625 Bent Creek Rdg: Kramer, Rafael & Barbara; $565,000 846 Bluebird st: London, Richard & Jennifer; $250,000 , ayO on a os:com Bu A BRAND NEW, WELL EQUIPPED SINGLE-FAMILY HOME FROM THE $190's 6 NEW RANCH HOMES &5 NEWTW0-ST0RY HOMES INCLUDING: . Full Basement 9' First-Floor Ceilings Corian Couslertops . Trane Heating & A/C Kohler Fixtures WIsiripooP Appliances . Furnitsrc Quality Cabinetry . City Sewer & Water Amici Su Af,,ch More! on Hwy. 45, 1/4 mi. south of Hwy. 50 in Bristol, WI or 5 minutes west of l-94 on Hwy. 50, south 1/4 mi. on Hwy 45 Special incentives and new prices - Save up to $93,000 on Phase i Closeout Discount 4 Models Open Sat. & Sun. 12-4pm Special Financing 4.50%APR, fixed for 7 years, 30 year amortization* E; $375,000 S Lake Forest 325 W Old MIII Rd: Watkins, Eric & sales team: Bristol Bay Sales 1449 Mlsgsbury Et: Nudurupali, Sai Varnshldhar A Paliwal, Sheslal; $303,000 4 Déoäa"MódèIsNQWOPE 815-678-4018 I open jo-s Mon-Fri., 11-5 ou ;veekcnds Richmond, IL: Community Is located on RIe. 173,just east ofRte. 12 (Rand Rd.). Elite, Inc. KLMBtiilderslnç.corn ,. -,II,,,r,II, .n.n,,N 1 IO5 $255,000 511 Cross Rd: Jaronik, Adam & Karthikoyan A Rengasamy, Praveena; $255,000 Hawthorn Woods Judy Hall 262-914-8894 jhalll 71 38 Sqalre Rd: Evans, John T & Vicloria L; $530,000 - $335,000 LuIse Zurich 23438 N East Rd: Rudolph, David P & Kathryn M; $348,000 23717 N Park Rd: Strahl, Hoby & Shanori; $380,000 556 Shaker Ln: Mckellar, Alleen; $290,000 974 March St: Barua, Sauman A Bsrikdar, Molly; $275,000 Libertyville 1120 Jaimee Le: Robsrta, Kenneth M & Mary Ramirez; $610,000 1319 Oxford Ct: Shi, Xiangdong A Yas, Yan; $287,500 1524 ErIc In: Alles, Brian D A Michelle A; $650,000 218 4th St: Allard, Linda A Roger; $288,000 :..I4O4(MStTh5tmçfltmla($327d = Lindenhurst - : . N K A Lori; $585,000 3085 Familiigtan Dr: Blagojevic, Drsgiaa M A Stavica; $283,000 719 N Ciseer Ct: Vavra, Roberta S A Earil, William A; $255,000 I Mundelein $380,000 $210,000 :ci N.... ; 2980 TraIl Crest Le: Vellinga, Troy 1202 Orleans Dr: Sah, Mike K; Jeifrey D & Joan S; $1,480,000 Another fine development from 31 Bedtshlre In: Conrad, Timothy F A Tracio M; $535,000 41 Lancaster In: Harper, David S A Mary K; $1,263,000 1248 LynnTer: Davis, Cornell W; 1349 Mcdanleis Aye: Hensan, 3630 North Harlem Avenue-Chicago (corner of Harlem and Addison) Lincolnshire Highland Park (Mf!M'Il bass mTbafl7. 'dit,, tdd nrM'or N(h$flIg 5u/,,nh,nIquaIIt,f.,f*,sIhom4bur,IasdrS,Id,,uIesan,,uIIj. IN-UNIT LAUNDRY Min Jeong A Sysler, Mark D; 6138 Newbury Ct: Loganalhan, 262-925-3020 I FITNESS CENTER ° 2 ELEVATORS Lake Villa Shannon; $280,000 Marketed by . 07601 W Robed Ct: Baller, Joshua; EW fJLWDOWN PAYMENT*I 18950 W Gieehsrst Dr: Kyung, $450,000 Gurnee Contact our a' I !NDOO PARI(iNG SPACE AND STORAGE ROOM INCLUDED Burgermeisler, Michael & Nancy; $1,200,000 $255,000 Elizabeth; $261,000 e Felicia; $1,050,000 333 E Westminster 3A: 1214 Vista Dr: Whitehesd, Kenneth L & Cornelia Do G; 815 Langley Ct: Larbin, Paul & FHA APPROVED 1060 Coventry Dr: Morris, Kevin P A Chsril A; $595,000 1350 Lakewnnd Dr: Gallan, Patrick G & Jenniter L; $1,200,000 407 Lake St: Fischer, James E A Rita R; $440,000 509 PeplarCt: Goldkind, Jeremy S A Emily; $457,000 533 Drake St: Lorcheim, Robert A Marilyn; $315,000 626 Paddack lis: Basta, Pawel A Agnleazka; $300,000 720 Rnoseneit Dr: Cyr, Almse E; Grayslake 1208 wanvlck Ct: Beam, Thomas J A Kstty A; $289,000 Office - Take advantage of 262-857-8888 first-time home buyers Doug StaniCh $8000 tax credit 1055 Luarel Ave: Rotman, Malihew N & Ursula; $530,000 455 Shannsn Rd: Kandelman, Steven & Madalyn; $730,000 1208 Vf,acanten Dr: Ha, MartinA Lia, Cheng Hwel; $360,000 NOW $ 99,900 NOW$239,900 Lake Bluff. 29799 Green Bay Rd: Sano, Robert Buffalo Grove , First Time Homebuyer: WAS z & Wasserman, Michelle S; $840,000 1121 HillsIde Aso: Payne, David A; 'Hi. $260,000 ! 887 Barberry IM: Vaicelunas, NORTH Turn io SALES, B . - EIJI cr1;i N 6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 I todays homes NORTH/CITY-U todays homes FEATURED HOME Rock Great family home offered in Valley Creek Creek garages, shaggercil iisiphe "We uisuche au effort to msuke cahsinets, ceraussic lloortile us niques for laud cousservation. low sort of greeui space," VanLuue Optioisal ameuuities such said. "Sometiuises it might be as afone hueartlu hirephaces, ¡u iiouuch, oIlier floues it usuighut walkouil basemeiuts, three-car ill this new-conatructiomu $9- tirea tumuel a two-dIr garage. finishes. l'ricca unit coadloulsimmiumsi comsvt'r- Prices rtinge froums $289,9110 muge (room $239,900fora ace- sion at 1537 S. Drexel lllvul. iuu 1(1 $299,900. Call First Chicahmighu-emsil mortgage be uusatuure slauuchs of trees uuuuih garages, atauushsedh concreto h51i rates, now is definitely flit then again it could be a natural tuis, aisch Nturthu Keuuhvoiidh. lt is pricedl at go Realty at 312-167-9900 or visit www.sullserltsmidlpeturstlll. to $899,900 for tIme moat ex- $219,900. l)rexel Square rowuu- commu. Isemtaive isentlsniuse. The sales center IlludI duplex hiomuues: Ouuhy tisree umsits lire Lake l'uurk (;alewuuy hi: uund vignette mflodlela uut2545 S. available in lluis mmimue-uuiit rachilchmchl Newutmamm (mí StraInI)c;urborus are open muoon to II nelv-c1)natruuctiolu towus 15010e geuos llome l3oilslers is de- hsL'dlronou-lshuus-work-space loft udh(litiouual bedroom time to purchase a new semi- full grass prairie. The result of oi)tioos uire available, fluo effort is flint huonseowuuHonseowisers hiviuig if HeuWilli ¡I purchase price start- ers will very seldonu ever look ising Estates will have access ing in the S290s for a spacious out their back windows auud to Chsicago via various road ranch home oui a third of an see flue back yard of uunothser networks amici train lines. Resiacre backing up to a enliser- hue usi e deuils can commute ou Union All houses built by Rock h°acihic Northwest Line Metra vation area, 1-henniiig Estates offers environoientahly coo- Creek Houises in I-leusniusg traiuis, or by car gabs access scions hiomebuyers an oppor- Estuules' second isluase of (le- to Ilse full l-90 'I'ohhway iusfertilnity to take advantage of the vehopuuent will offer archtitec- chiausge within a few nsinutes. great pricing opportunities turaI elevatiouts, which euiuuld Willi fhuese trahusportatiolu op. currently available within thUs include brick, stone, ceuhar, portunities Isonseowners ivihi unique residential conumu- and architecturally iuuterest- be able to reuuehs eissployiuseusl nity. ing roohhines. Each 1,800 fo opportunities iii conumnhuusities At Henning Estates, 80 2,260 square foot rauch huonse such as Hoffisian Estsutes or percent of flue home sites are will include two or 2½ baths, Schusunsbuurg ami of course, suitable for flit construction two fo three bedrooms, Sepa- flue city of Cluicsugo. is lin of a semiCustom honue on a rate breakfast area, a grsundh Hemuniisg Estates walkout or lookout basement. all-purpose room, formal diii- Clsurchu Road, a quarter nulle For pesce and tranquility, niog remis and attached fico- euust of Route 20 and 2 ussiles custom hionie. By ieane Mayer FOR SUNTIMES MEDIA the moment you enter this fuie residence, you'll be impressed with the From thoughtful design and sensible lloiv of the floor plan. The hoiec begins ivilli a brught foyer aiid horclwoocl flooring that leads to a spaclous contemporary kitchen. Tile kitchen features white appliances aiicl lots ofcounter space including a breakfast peninsola. The kitchen offers a vaulted ceiling that adjoins flit great room for maximum entertainment value. There is a masonry fire place to help set flit mood on cold winter nights and necess to the three-season sun room for when the weather warms and flic party extends beyond the family room. The formal cliiiing room features vaulted ceilings and recessed lighting. Sliding doors extend to flit back yard where picnics and barbecues add to summertime fuji. Through. out flue home, the architectural interest is kept high ivitli vaulted ceilings, beams and other visually interesting features. The hionue offers a spacious first floor master suite featuring a volume ceiling with fan, walk. in closet and an adjoining master baffi. The baffi features a vanity sink with window, builtin cabinetry and large tub for soaking. A staircase in flit great room leads to a Spacious loft and Iwo more large bedrooms. A full hall bath uuuakes the morning routine convenient for flit family. The lower level basement offers a fully finished recreation room and nine-foot ceilings. There is plenty ofroom for storage as well. Additionally, the home offers a uleveliipniemul at 4450 S. 1)rcxel lllvdh. in North Kemuwoodl. 15.151. Momudlay, Wculncsclay and Fridhay and 15i10i5 Iii 5 p.msu. Sat- velosing thUs 23-imusit luxmlry cssttdOttsimtiiltii ehevelopusucat cit 1223-12.19 E. .hfsthu St., less thsasu live tuhocka fromss l.tike 2½ to 31,5 balIsa, l'i-font ccii- !vhiclsigams. Eight innovative 5000 or viali aloft s.cons. iusgs ils the livimsg roonss and msew comtd!omssiniamiis are avail. Mid-Sotutlm Suie. Fuurlluer two-car attached garages. uibhe for immmiesliate delivery. south, iii the North Kenwood/ Prices ramuge frommu $349,900 1\vo-loeuhroosss atmsl tlmree-lc'droosss units withs 1,380 Ids h 500 Oakhamudl neiglsborhuoodl, a to $378,900. ividle aelectinui of imusmssedlialel)rexeh Court rawus- square feet of SPlice range itt acL'uhuuiuicy toivus hionues indI honses: Only fico of 10 mmciv- buuse hsrice frouss $1911,900 to commulos are available, said commatructiaju three-bedlruolmu $331),900. Call 312-27.1-22911 Mark Suitluerlandh of Suuthier- towmm hiondes'uire avuuihuutde for er visit www.slratagcnstsoumoe11111(1 h'earaall h)i'vehlhuauemsf iuismmseuhiate llcculuaducy at 6201 builders.comn. 'hlle tlurce-bedlrooln ;uumdh fouir- umruhuuy auudh Suiuudluuy. For uumore 312-225www.theaiser- iisfarusmation, taels home site will back up car garage. Standard homes uiorfhu oftlie l-flOTohhway. To set to a pnud, unature woods or will conlaiuu a basement, huard- up ami appointmeust to view the replanted tall grass prairies. wood floors, stainless steel consmnuimuity or mistet willi Rock At this time, hlenniuug Estates apphiausces, vaullell ceilings, Creek 1-lonses, call 847-338represents flit only co,nuuu- energy efficient furnace lundi 3821, or visit www.huenning oily in Mdllenry Couuuuty to be air condhithoning, insulsulecl estates,com orsvsvw.rockcreek designed with Ilse latest tech- windows, finished iuusulated lsounesih.coun. S. l)rexel Blvd. imu Wooelhtiwri. h)rexch l'arc Lofts: Oduly Thtey huave sshsemm floor itltusia (list Ihmree-bedlraodmm, two-bathu witbu thmree or 3½ tsuitlms, 2,'h25 hlcnthilluist remssaimua for sale to 2,1150 sqtiare feet of livitug FROM PAGE 3 cry home opens up to sonst and laiuuhscaped front yards. 7 THURSDAY, FEORUARY 11, 2010 I Corp. Cluoices immchuidle: Boom 0lire fluaI flit back yard of ev- baths, luxury nsaster baths FROM PAGE 1 historically NORTH/CItY-U bedhronmms tolvus cuuhl 1111115es Imave REAL ESTATE AUCTION o FEB. 24. -- BANK!DIRECuTS,SALES-:l. ,,-,.........,.n-..nmnno..,n..e-nd-o-,o - i i?- aeon su. FT. LUXURY LEMONT ESTATE 12134 Dolor,! COIoI 4413 Runsiaulu Konoinnlon E,tnio In Lonlo,d .--' , u is Foin / S Fed I Sib latbs J ? Cual Neu, w,Ih 3 tlliI,ois levels Baud - LLS IO E 1J Ilbitous Pool 'J Illeallo Pose J l'o Ac10 lot wIth Wal, oct li Coweut LIchen sN/oIl Applu A fireplace in the livIng room laboro) adds a stylish, comfnrlabTe touch to the upen fluer plan ut thIs home at 2016 Clearwater In Elgin. KAREN NAESSIFOR SUN-TIMES Severinsen FROM PAGE 4 MEDIA About this property Realtors: Brain and Paul Knott, of RE/MAX Horizon, of 847-269-9870 or 847-741-9870 Home address: 2016 Cloarwater Way, Elgin Approximate sInn: 9 rooms with 3 bedrooms and 2½ baths Kitchen: 15 by 14 feet Groat room: 21 by 13 toot Otnlngroom: 14 by 10 foot great tandem garage. For more information about this or any other property or to arrange a private showing, contact Realtors Brian and Paul Knott willi RecreatIon room: 35 by 12 feet Master bedroom: 14 by 13 feet Price: $254,900 RE/MAX Horizon at 847-26911870 lo 847-7419870. per gallon stored, or ubre. A 1,000-gallon cistern, therefore, will be base priced around S3,000, not a small purchase for many huomeown- ers. Add iii an irrigation system, an aeration system and other components, auucl it can go higher. °Righut now, water is cheap and in 2010," admitted Clauson, " and (the cost of a cisteruu) is prohibitive for many people if they are noi doing another project at tIse sanse time. Ria ifyou ocmI to do sornethuhuug to keep seater away from flic baseuuient and keep flue yard dry, fiuto this is an easy, suusart auuul common sense solution for uusauuagiuug rainwater." (l3ut within juust a few years, buutterhhies, lulsdl whuite hueatis expeuisive ti) 1551551) wsuter frouus our chiminishseul aquifers, accor(hiusg to flue Metropolitan aster (Symssplmyotriclmuns ericoi- h°hauuuuiusg Council, a Chicago shady uureaa, try figleaf aster. Virginia bluebehis and tufted Isairgrass. "You scant fo keep ahi the longer have water simukiog into time soil and replenishing our adhiuifers. lt's nice to be ¡uble to harvest your rainfall and keep it from going hito the storuis such uus, h°izzo says, sutu-hovers sewer. h have a feehimug this is hike Nortlseriu Dropseed (Spo- hiere to slay. Ifeverybodly (lidI robohus lueterolepis), butterfly jiust one tlsiuig, there ivoluldI be - a lot of change." sceecl (Ascheiuias tuberose), Sc Pl Al l.Iascry tId _t 35 Opperlaty -J Wall SuIted Io Medcal. Slice o EdecatonaV Vocal ocal lenaits _2 lo Place frtor'e .1 Necia, Pool / 2 2 AcIal I OrugInolty PrIced: $3,325.055 Mininons Bld: $1.255mo dea), svluichu lias u tItels root system amI sylsite flowers. For rain thuuut falls ois your site ifyou Can," adhds Lyncls. ils Ilse yard, probably where "We luave cousspromusised our water runs out of a dowusshuout. watersisedh so miucls willi lt shiouuhcl be at least 10 feet pavememuf amicI rooftops we no from flit house, Excavate a shallow flat depression Just a few inches (lettI. Add perchniais that are water loving, particularly Illinois uiat ives, .J Ideal Soellleveslreel as time munisse suggests, uit tracts il will become uisuuclu ussore area think tank.) For beginners, these experla say, a good place to start is with a ruin garden. Start by finding a dauisp apt J 4 Asplaces J Speotuocor labe VeAs whiclu offers shiosvy clusters of orange flowers in Jiumse lindi, AHL!NGTÜNHEIGHTS MULTIcFAMILY: S5PEOBMIO(I5 SSE ORLANO l'AOC NEwLe MASCArES EFFICEJRETOIL WMPI5 SITE SPLIT-LEVEL hOt S IVallR( loo., GI.n INni Eborold. usuetsult Jloeod Et u leal tor Medea! i":. t VacIlad Celi1gs ON Slid IFI5PECTIOII Toosdoy Finns - 2PM O!n,noo Iba 1l9S q O - Û Newly Ronssaldd Sells J Now float S Gutters :,u 1 101a leedsoaped lot DettaI Ol'oo Ql Relu I u Rnolal ICone In Phase I-Flat L A:'t "°q"'9Zi'. lITIveidiMSrTh I t :t lncomi-Producing ic 3524 LIiopI,1 SlIce O,lnd P, 1-r' _u Ioplaoe usx9, Mormon BO I Attractlse Flsishss Excellent Schools -.:i HIgh Markat Occupancy I! . AtTenants Pay _u ShillIlls o 5nhhP,oC - 011115es :u Asuhed loin' lnl Sedit te CecIl Ar5sel M,,lnl000,I SlO5 I Oriuhnotty Paced: $554,005 MInimum Bld S324.000 BlILLOilViSlI US un-unE run utiwite ruurermlo, urca uuaatuuuiuoirirunm,tuixrt BROKER INLAND -REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS, INC. (630) 990-5353 . - THIS BRAND NEW HOME IS - 7 -. - - ILLB.n.. II..)T&.0ili2l2B44-O24I . Beautiful establl FROM JjT.Cr8 tt.B.Pi (i'nnt ; 8 00.' - B,.UY1ERS! 11o,ñS1t11 kc vVl(V oed The CtearVie', from $190,990 ea-_: DEALS SO SWEET THEY COULD ONLY.BE Ó14EREDVALENTIÑE'SDAY WEEKEND. "'. -, 4i LIMITED i-4uTe1P,':- % 5.O6%APR) :AÑi I TIME 'u . & DRYER1A IÑCLÓSIÑÓ COSTS' INCLUDED ue'd-inte linaning throh Universal For homes dosing in Februäry. üWPThff1DLflO . Pits' . Aunerknn Morigap Copany I "1 I Bridgoview CONCORD COMMONS Des Pfalnos GREYWALL CLUB Bridgoviow Toonhooe,, 2 3 Sed, 21', Boll, V,llo. 2 Bod, 2 Eolh Townhornn,, 2.3 End, 2V, Bolh Rond, D,ploo I-Ioo,00, 2 End, 2 Both From 314,990 From 219,99O Frorui 199,99O From 1254,990 From 149,990 CIoo to oryIhn Unqo IIoorplonl Iood,oO Slnp Irom ho EoI,,00, Avolloblol Creel Io, F,r,lI,w HombuyelI Plo,nf,old Sohool, Onolo S Ch,bho,o onth Pooh 888-592-O I 67 888-592-0167 866-264-9274 ARLiNGTON RESERVE IBRIDGEVIEW PLACE Arlington Heights Rowho,,,, 2 Eed, 21', BoIl, I 877-276-2299 k Histonc T $81000 for first-limo homobuyerst I :.f0!CU.rrflt haméowño&t cZ:: 9 Commuter-Friendly Communities Across Chicagoland! 1lOW2LffIfltMJOJ1I u7 _ln-y i,' BRIDGEVIEW PLACE Mol,o 5101001 in-Ia u > It's simple. "I We scere ,ublc fo buy the h,iusd .ìt a haughily discounted price, due to the economy Lower I,uiscl prices for US tastana a lower pruce for you. MUCh LOWER! 888-205-2694 _> Chicogo io,onbo,,rn,, 2 3 Sod, 2V, .3 BoIl, 1000 Bocoioncoc, -3 BoJ, 2V Both From l99,99O From 229,99O Frouui 269,99O Frorui 339,990 Close to Mollo odShoppnoI Eol IOcol,on E Vobo 'n he Soolh ioopl In Sownlown ion,onll 5eIIn F0,11 blest P,oservo IIomo,,lo,I 877-217-4846 877-867-7753 877-203-1364 866-530-3078 If ill urn,,'," 3 ji'-O n lO,.6 ¡0eIj,, -i \\\ only $237,500 Morton Grove 'I l,edroouius .4' tuft, and toaseisicut doo,nho,,,,. 23 BoJ, 2V, .3 Both Townl,ono,, 2.3 End, 21h .3 Boll, SHOWPLACE LOCATIONS ARE OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY I OAM-6PM SUNDAY i 2PM-6PM I ,, hioiuue starts at TRAFALGAR WOODS LIBRARY TOWER Chicogo Ridge (ViSI. 5(111(0 rr-i_ - lo-O JoUet MERRY RIDGE litOlSib (aI!Isl (S'-V n IOO __- z (.55 (151101.1 li_-s" 'thIs 3,2et) s,t. ft. SINGER LANDING Lomont ISO? OI ùüi Il! inIlI)(n. Find un on Facebook For ussurc iuiforumiusdiuluu stili o ir isles cesuer Ii \Vhiisper Gk'us: I-55 io Ill ..'12, w si to lit. 59, suruhu 1(1 'h'tdcohore, liest 2 imuihc.s dl, Vtuls1ner Glen. I buss.: Sun, k tohoii. t t -5, tue, - Sit. t Il-5 Il I I . ,ÖÖ R' O I)'\I I' s s.- s 8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Sales FROM PAGES 2230 Somerset Le: Gopinathan, Niohanth & Maruvanchery, Radhika; $390,000 27830 N Chevy Chase Rd: Webb, John; $520,000 Kenilworth & Munro, Melissa A; $832,500 9118 Kilbeom Ave: Ham, Donald & Cindy; $380,000 9130 KeattogAve: Gross, Stuart M & Marlene; $250,000 Lincolnwood 3924 W Arthur Ave: Spector, David s & Lisa E; $520,000 7304 N Knstnergve: Hayal, Taskis A; $387,000 Mount Prospect 3187 Hutchlssen Le: Sachs, Morris loo S Culerons St 412: Bainr, Janis; $259,500 Bernard & Sheryl Elles Davis; 125 N Hemer In: Keadle, Gregory $302,500 D & Hajdu, Slophanie M; 433 Batmeral Dr: Osterling, Donald J & Connolly, Katherine C; $255,000 today's homes NORTH/CITY 11 714 Reger Ave: Bergstrom, Allison 1664 Bilghton Dr: Mcdaniel, Robert Scott & Lisa; $320000 ( Westchester George S Wright, Ann Marie; $415,000 2942 Halifax Ave: Simek, Scott C & Laura L; $328,000 2524 Old Glenvtew Rd: Johnson, Cameron S Lignes; $380,000 191 Apple Tree Rd: Vaindnr, John; 1420 Chlppewa Pathway: 240 N Lee St: Kauliva, Simas P 5 Slojkowski, Bogdan S Elzbieta; $350,000 Amy L; $395,000 Vernon Hills 8213 N Oceetn Ase: Hazimuddin, Syed & Syeda; $450,000 $260,000 8301 N Ottawa Ave: Blyth, Nicole & 269 N Fiere Pkwy: Macdougall, Kart, Jason; $327,500 992 OakSt: Lsrkin, Ian M & Nora L; $480,000 NORTHWEST COOK COUNTY Norridge Elgin Timothy L; $252,500 4157 N Onerblil Ave: Asinine, John; 425 BenjamIn Dr 303: Slutsky, $470,000 831 Beech Dr: Kekerla, Bharsth R; $275,000 Gerald & Madeline; $497,000 4549 N Opal Aye: Depasqualo, 749 N Summit La: Chu, Hsyoung & Nicholas A & Julie; $293,000 Churig, Sookyoung; $353,000 5117 N Overkill Am: Avdylï, Bryan & Snlire; $255,000 Wadsworth Northbrook 38025 N Golf Le: Weber, Robert M; $295,000 NEAR NORTH ($250,000 and up) Buffalo Grove 615 flawtherne Rit: Lally, Aidas J & 4441 Fear Winds In: Levinuon, Alisos A; $310,000 Shame; $422,000 Des Plaines 1525 RIdge bi: Msthew, Lai & Mary Lai; $255,000 2241 Pine St: Kaplen, Ludwik & Ststania; $282,000 770 PolynesIan Dr: Csscio, Maris & Angela; $365,000 Evanston 712 Greenwaed Rd: Burdeen, Matthew S Rada; $276,000 850 Bennoda Dunes Pt: Volpansky, Dmilry S Volpyansky, Lyudmila; $750,000 Oak Park 0034 Wincoosln Ave: Haro, 166 Winchester Dr 7C: Winter, Judith M & Daniel J; $375,000 Bsgyashree; $254,000 522 N Maden St: Streit, Michael R; 2213 Asbwy Ave: Butler, Jeanette; 304,o00 .._ $300,000 717 N Macian St: Hoop, Jinger G & Park Ridge 900 Chicago Aye: Mullins, Stephen 1114 Parir Ridge Died: Large, John M; $650,000 F & Jill M; $255,000 1212 Canfield Rd: Campbell, Gregory M; $270,000 Heiss; $725,000 43 Denham Pl: Melone, Katherine M CH EN RY COU NTY A; $328,500 Algonquin 1501 KlngJumeaAve: Desando, John J; $485,000 1444 N Harnisen St: Gelle, Christopher & Edgecombe, P 5 Richard C; $214,000 1838 Lecytte Ct: Forde, Joseph P; $180,000 42 Rnathnese Rd: Schweitzer, Erik 31W980 Oak Dr: Welt, William H S Ryan; $l20,000 Turn to SALES, il 202 W RIdge Am: Cyboren, Lukssz S Bernadette A; $250,000 Skokie 3214 Sprtegdale Ave: Kaplan, 6843 Lernt Ave: Cuvais, Veseiko S Nathan & Artman, Rena; $750,000 3843 [luette Le: Pearl, Gregory H; $482,500 Sylvia; $426,000 707 Harms Rd: Lemaine, Hugseu 8641 Central Park Ave: Wagner, M; $375,000 Camersn J S Sectzer, Danielle L; $400,000 8241 Kllpatrtch Ave: Dregojevic, Vladimir S Allen, Kimberly C; $308,000 Don DeBat ON THE HOME FRONT ing at their owni risk." So how (loes s buyer protect Iniunselfor herself? Before writinug sit offer, Benson urges buyera ta seek ssswers ta tite fulllowing basic qoestisuns; pnrste-uwlnecl :insnl estate sale . \Vino lalds legal title? Duirpraperliea are suhl witinotti arty ing tile fuurec!aaore iurscesv, Warranties," Ilenleolt warned. Oliere are varisuua stages nf 'Fareclao(Irea are sold ins 'av-is' osvnueralsitu anscl it is insls((rtault condition There are tytlically ta know who setuislly owns the no property (livclovtlrea sud 55 IsrOperty, eltrvey. Tile p(Irctlsser is lIlly. How lang lasua Ills huit tionns fur every aspect sí the cy rallo, or if new couistrluctian, asic-not just tIte most recent the nuunssbcr of units sold 511501 conutrsct lseuunling. I i'crcentsge of nuits wilisin beeus vacant sudi has it been professionally winuterized? s siegle project more thais 30 Tisis infarnsation is crutcisi to lsroiscriy btndget for necessary u Pcrcenntsge of ownership transfvrrinlg svitli tiss nuit unici repaire usci aoy Isiddenu costa. npont wiisit basis tIsai Isercenntage is cslcuulsted, clays dieiinlqtient oit conuolo fees. Once tiseoc key questione lisce beeni soawered, diadowires arc neceoasry, Benson said, "Sonsetimes a diligent Resitor can get answers in advance ofwriting tue csstract in order to weed out sick buildings or isooriy run s505cistionv," sus asid. Unudler sii circuimstanlces, are not peblivltedl.) u Condominium decisrstios consysny suid/or association directora. Fitislly, onsce s sllitslsle tunit tI I well-run bulileling iv idenult- sod asyocisution by-laws. "Wills proper prelusurslion, a dluusstnmer can greatly benefit frans hue 'isigis-riek, hnigis-re- fled lsuuycra ahouulci ask Ilucir laroker lui usnske hue sales coni- tturis' nnluxim - exceist the risk tract subject lo ann attorney's review sud lise puurclssser's slslsrovalof the following: - antri Ilse reward nnucit greater ifcsre is tsken ta thor- is otibstsuotislly nnuininsized uuuglsiy researcls sil aspects of ANI) lise cananinous sresua lsy a lite foreclosure taurdlnase wills sii exlserienced buyer broker," Stale licennaed inspector. 01h01 i3elssoni, www,lsensann s Aun iuuslseclielin of Ilie suit I A isrolserly report Ilelsil- u Ansy lswsttits or liens tilcoi lug plaiised insprovennents in a conversion, or tile siseca of new by or sgahusst the concio asso- cistisn or tite olevt'iaper. . Any municipal notices of colle violslions against tise nuit or line Isuiidiing, I Verifìcautian of currenut ssseasussenls, itrciuiding any special svsessinselsts ievie(l, due claie sund total sisrousl diIc castidleustial documents snsd itsiutiots for the nussnisgensest conuvurtudlions. I Two yesura (5f speruutiuig Isudgets intciusoiiuug clirreult iiussiscisl reserves. I Twelve nsulluutlls of usassI receutt Isosurd nsiitlules. (Minu- tiles lire lyisically considered Editor's Note; This la the second of two articles. Don DeBat's weokly real estate column is syndicated by DeBat Medio Services. For nIermalion visit his Web Site at www.dondebal,nel. more home-buying your lileatyle-ond your budgetl With the latest energy-efficient features, a 2Y2 car garage, and a fully sodded homesite, you'd expect to pay for more. Jenniler A; $294,000 KANE COUNTY Carpentersville 44UOEY! Matuka; $179,000 ill Modem Cir: Garcia Patino, Pedro; $82,000 4k5e. 1b-C.:5 Qt5 c! )av Elgin l)esignuinig Yoitr Dresuni Kitchen willi Jais Fix nfJsti Fix cviii Ilse Grand prize, s $1,000 luonse show gift certiiicsle far 971 Demmond St: Del Vecchio, Yvonne; $187,500 c*wihSI 1;uiIw)uesiciIv I 75Ihsiv N 935 Gleemere Le: Victoria Chavez, Juan L; $244,000 687 Keep Ave: Kniiec, Anthony R; $145,000 503 lancaster Cir:Datrlman, Nicole R; $130,500 7 S Aldine Ace: Pecora, Marianna; $65,500 JEUUOUN WOODS clisse is ntecesssry, Ofiicisi canteat rules sure svsilable al \vsvw, kennnuedyprllduucliaits.connu Ullste, custoniize ¡(iNi tutcliver the beauty iuidldenl ins ctendéd $8000 lsttithe bu:är luoutie surrotunNllulga svitii lieus fr0155 tlue talenuted experts us $6500 move-up buyer tax credits.. 'flic Obi House New ilunive il((ttle Show. iror s courrsuut list (If exilibitors, (lirectisos ta l'lsvsaanl Rau (ir s prinusble $1 off adunnisslout coupon, visit WnCOwn tLNOa OpBA doily 10-5, except Fri. 12-5. CAMBhlIDGI1OMES llSlh Sil. (orlirse sail tu 104th Ave ; turn nIt lasrihi le DII'HOIIIIIN tOth St., thon nIt (well lo ceanisrity entronco or cit. . O s is- . /LdI(CI'IC(7v - Tlue 1-labiOsO far Illilnaunuity of Northern Fox Valley, Exiulllre the bleat inn kiictiens, bathe, sd(litldfls, 15(1111scapinng, interior dleyign, colInIlertops, IIppli;Iiucc'a, IiiitiIlg, lilliaS, still rooms, greesu builullutg, bavennenits, tiestilug (lull air couudutiusinig, rsoiitng, Wa- 55,510er lemon sinus UUU,i-ul.o lic E IsOTOlI I A L tlsors unid nnnore. KAREN HUELSMAN Tuis bsyt-in-clavs eCciti uroconalruclive toslv far lioisieawusera to tackle lionneprlljscta cvitiu inuuiuruveuneiit Cít5C. Oux credits tip to $1,500 Ciiicaqs Sus-Tinris: 312-3212775, thu&snan6suriimes cove PAUL KELMA Sun-linda MeSa; t30 970-8352, pkiimsestnidiasotwork con TAMMY MATTHEWS Sun-rimes MNiu, 847-IlS-7312, lvhi1pionriacai cors CIIROLE Sl-lAR WARI(O ergy-efticicuil iuuljuravsusieuuta practical tills Sourhlown Star, 7a8-6336t72: csharwaikodtaoulhtoarstur con untIl giullser illesa front inispiriuug workshops iniclunting; pie Suluutiotus to Siresnulinie Liv- ing Space wills Jenluiifc'r Frdl of i_ !emod7t7 w (Ja I- Sales Mans9er 701133-4924, iwsikirGmwspl con vol rNa, 18 li.-,, Financinwith3.5% dQw! -: 1?xIçing FINISHED BASEMENTS MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS RooM & FULL HOME REMODELING ROOFING, WINDOWS, & SIDING ARCHITECTURAL & DESIGN SERVICES ADDED INSULATION FOR TAX CREDIT 0. w 1and i j EDWARD R JAMES HOMES CREDIT Ires JlFe 3Q$)t,i ql 2-Sloryand Split Level From $ ' The 1,655 Cati today for a free in-home design consultation. 847.724.8200. 2550 Waukegan Road, Glenview, IL 6onz5 I 70's ' St,ect, Iu1i4uaRl1iMIuzlsIzL - erjarnes,com I iOl37ii,St,55,,( 1005 0'iA p1000w iloqui3O5 novo, lo Pomi Now Homo Sniior io poy dosinO costs s' pool" P1ea.e visit us at www mirketstreetwestoxiUòs corn For more mformàtion please contact i To vi,lis )Ced(o Ave, c:;E:R_LiIR.1D C1ubhouse with1workout room and ouidoôrc un .0 ,,(,,l-o i,.b.,,,nm ni &0,,n,icii(,(5CLU0d0i in liobbI,,, acent to the rime mile nature trail along the I&M ÇanaI Willow Springs at 300 Village Circle Model unit #312 '' u_000 .5.11. Ooo,(,Sn, n; Providing Clients Exceptional Quality and Ser4ce, at Competitive Pricing Formore than Go Years t°' 2-4 l,sd,000,, . t,i,IeIl,,n,', . 2-Ill ' ' sovi;n Designs AvaIlable Includinu, . flJoy an affordable, healthy outdoor Mestrk " ':'-,-"-i e Walk to Village of Robbins New Metro Station X starts in the $i'70's'.1 One to three bedroom plans! i HOME ADDITIoNs I RITA WALKER ,j. KITCHENS, BATtIS, & BUILT-INS w 1,511 A D\' EuiTlal NO ilue Orgunuized house; Sinn- NEW YEAR. NEW OPPORTUNITIES. enhance your home and lifestyle. , - Is pubiishsd by Sus-Timos Media l'axera st ilollii each Ils)' (/7 , - today's homes tertirostiuug, sc'iniuiows, (15(1ra, Leuuuus b uÇTr,' s , drein (titiller tuge 18) sttennll free. Parking is free. A portion of tile ticket proceeds beinetita are available Ilurouiglu 2010 willi Energy Star (iuufs at cmvw.eulergystsr,gov) li((l preaeuut u great iiicL'llIiVL' far iuiulsle(iielliiitg cii- 847.984.4855 AIn (enrabo, WI: From l-94, seit nail en Oie. 50 projects. Na ytur- uuosconsinug vidlea 6OTClurkSt:Schmutdt, LauraS; $85,000 orn-mm Slnow Inouurs are tluiv Frirlay O Insu, lo 7 p.nls., Salurrisy 10 svsvcv,kcntsnculyisrsiluictisuss,couss 5.51. to ti 11.1(1. :111(1 Sondsy il) sr call t130-5l5-llfs() for more uI,l)l, II> 5 snn. Adult adniivvisn isforuissilisnu. is $7, aeniors (age 62 annd till) tIre adlluiittcd far s'i uuutcl cmii- Finally, a home that Fits 208 W Cosotry Dr: Slodkl, Brian S 262 Cherry St: Ortiz, David; $142,000 1111115e iuiuil its surroltndisgs. T&-fec:I- f:1-! SO N Nnrthwest Hwy SO 209: Yesnias, Dean S Donna M; $400,000 Stanley Realty, s veteran licoltor and appraiser ins Chicago. "Fypically, foreclosure's., car- Main St, (Route B'tJNortln Ayenlie) \Vitii 100 excitinlg displays, profesaisinknowledgeable cutting-edge prsducts ala, sod time-asviag services, tilia evenit is il beseticial resource for today's lssmsI(wner. Froua garulens te gsragea ansi fuirnaces to foruuisltisgs, Tue Old House New Houas lionne Show 1720 Fairfax Cir W 4: Metzler, 622 Hawthorne Lo: Thielen, w s Audra A; $540,000 9 Old F151155 Neiv Holme 1-lonse lilleriors at i Ihm, eacln lilly . itsinwsler Flarvestinrg svitin Show, which runs titrough Sannday st Pheassnd Run Reasrt in Jack l'lusso of Pizzo sind Associstev at 2 os.n each (lIly. St. Charles. ilotsseownuers clin register to Pheasant lions is st 4051 East Constance; $160,000 1516 Ceartland Ave: Sksgobakksn, 228 N Auhiand Ase: Ebling, Brian THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 for line oisecisi ssvesousseuut, s Naine annI catstact insfar- Old House New House Home Show offers fresh ideas for all DU PAG E CO UNTY 955 Berkley St: Mcnasght, Luke J; $111,000 Erik J; $438,000 with sharks," svarnnert Surs Benaont, preaident of l3entaoe offers csuuusl!ess creative volti- 1333 VIne Am: Blederman, Robert L & Kimberley S; $487,000 Prospect Heights 1937 Mellse Dr Mclaughlin, James & Xu, Mary Veo; $512,000 2305 Aurora Dr 7: Espinosa, Jose M S Soto Cardensa, Mayra A; $126,000 St, Charles Bartlett Daniel, Jonathan C; $472,000 1877 Westlelgh Dr: TotalI, Gary & 2220 Asmra Dr2: Romine Jr Donald C; $121,000 2243 SpaeldingAve: Graham, Gloria J S Borowaki, Susan L; $290,000 Sl4ClarenceAye: KoellingPeter- - 425 Cebbler Ct 2: Vasllov, MsrllnS M & Demetra E; $305000 S Vasileva, Zornilsa; $165,500 3250 Harteetl St: Bokor, Jeremy & Thomas H; $586,000 West Dundee $238,500 Pingree Grove Without prsfossintlsl repreaenbation froto an experienced reel estate brnker, buyers of foreclssmt property coinld esal'y md themselves 'asvinnanlsin(g l)iscover innspiriltg ideas to 0022 Baldwin In: Kerger, Jordan T; $320,000 1740 Oak Ave 301: Sundaram, Glenview 1172 LnrlcsparCt: Magsombol, Eugene S Cotlins, Christina; property issa Iseenn offered for iislitig tseriool, u ilow long usia tise unit and mnreclsonres, real coiste experts say. tranlafsrnn living spacco st 'nne 496 Walnat Dr: Hall, Lance N; $110,000 Gemmed, Rommel John G; $175,000 1824 Westlelgli Dr: Engelhard, 257 NIcole Dr C: Rasich, Daniel; $176,000 $221,000 152 N Sceottle Ave 3: Hoppe, Boodram, Baomatte; $580,000 $104,000 537 Maple Dr: Blume, Nalenee; & Pasla M; $409,000 707 Sycamere Lo: Evatz, David & 1882 Lake RIeft In: Zomorska, PalIyc)a S Zamorahi, Meteusz; $214,000 1207 KleIn Dr: Lopez Jr, Salvador; $149,000 Kathryn; $260,000 Eric & Stephanie; $485,000 507 Lewelt Dr D: Suri, Neeroj; Ricardo J & Martha L; $74,000 1228 Elmwsod Ase 3E: Colemss, 680 Strawbeny Httl Dr: Richsrds, 823 Katherine Le: Vandenbergh, Maryanne T; $180,000 Lee; $154,500 805 Gardes dr 8: Bailey, Danielle; $73,000 1012 Wnndland Heights Btvd: Pransnstha & Deborah B Seiler; $1,500,000 825 Karen Dr: Abbott, Leeley M; JamesJ; $70,000 Streamwood 1179 Heme Ave: Caicedo, Marco S 1015 Elm Ridge Dr: Jha, John C S Carol Y; $292,000 573 6 State St: Wieozchowski, 1629 Hannah En: Jensen, Janel 026 E Streamwond Bled: Mancera, Timothy J; $170,000 Glencoe South Elgin Janice M; $254,000 Marie; $145,000 Withman & Sari; $342,500 Dana; $260,000 Motlhew S Bnnnle; $324,500 1353 Shawtacnl Way: Mueller, Anne 0203 Harvard Ter: DiehI, Adam C Xschitl; $280,000 1606 Francis Dr: Turner, John T S & Gomsz, Celedonio; $200,000 & Malers, Molly A; $315,000 2735 Bernard Pt: Wealphsl, Donald & Mendoza Westphal, Richard D; $156,000 sccuurate sggregatc n(uunuber of dlaya, sveeko or years tise oaks certoin hue tsurcitsse coustract is subject ta tine foilowing olisclosures; u Btuiiolinng'e ownser-scclltss(i- oliffereol Realtors, Get an nell at greatly re(lsccll pricey in tito Chicago ares iii 2010, and a conservative estiluste is that 65 percetlt or more ((fIlie tronasctions aro ahsrt vales 0045 Hanter Dr: Pelma, Victor M; 364 5 Waverty Ct: Robles, Anabel Aimee A; $352,500 2701 Temherry Bd: Kaplan, 10N335 Williamsburg Dr: Elk, 857 Falnuont Rd: Jochim, Paul W S Janell; $294,000 i3enoonu advised Isuyers ta been (lii tine unosrket? Properties ofteun are re-listed by lttg ItIlifles uttUI 001111(1- flhir(ilt(ttS corltiItIIl'a lo AvacO 143 Higlibury Dr: Casillas, Allasse; $125,000 & Steinberg, Naomi A; $375,000 2101 Oak Ave: Wight, Todd L & Julie M; $186,000 $122,000 $108,500 Alexander & Anna; $820,000 itiventory si exivi- 716 S 9th Ave: Fards, Gregory J S j How to survive financia' ruin when buying a 'distressed' condo Brooks; $205,000 850 Fairment Rd: Foss, David M S Jean A; $358,000 lSZOSawgrassCt: Dnnalelli, Dea; $193,000 NORTH/CITY.0 1168 Iligtsbsiy Dr: Tranquilino, Francisco S Vay, Onelie; 1425 Chartres Dr: Lerser, David M 2024 Maple Ave: Rozenbiot, 426 S 12th St: Ronzhelmer, 23 Boathsese Rd: Eckert, Michael Jeffrey C & Erin A; $327,000 306 Atbany In: Yates, Nicole & L S Margaret E; $207,500 892 Clover Lu: Day, Jenniler A S Larsuoureux, Gerard W; $180,000 $200,000 920 Pine St: Owens, Anthony Kent & Peige White; $1,050,000 1919 E Byman In: Tabash, Rima; Thomas M; $170,500 Austin A S Sharon G; $135,000 1911258 Green Meadnws La: Hnem, $1,300,000 Niles 132 Red Rose Dr: Huebner, Roger 466 SaInt Chartes St: Mccreary, Hampshire Wilmette Wendort, Chrislspher J S Mannes, Patricia; $305,000 Riverwoods Trade A; $345,000 74 Boathouse Rd: Gearhart, Michael J S Sharon C; $260,000 Winnetka 1808 ECamp Mcdnnald Rd: C; $l82,000 2165 Sandpiper Way: Struck, 13106 Ktegston St: Battaglia, $366,000 512 S State St: Vu, Tonghul; $71,000 todays homes = o,-,-- Barbara Ladd at 63Ò.816.7620 -OLG ;t u tro u _ icu u:i u lo THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 I today's homes NORTH/CITY-U today's homes NORTH/CITY-U I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 11 Prairie Pointe condos set for March auction Bone seekers and real estate in- Find out more vestors looking for a primary residesee or a spectacular weekend For more information nbout Pratri Pointe at Contrat Station or the auction, call 630-990-5353 or visit www. The auction will be hebt March 14 at the Chicago Hilton Hotet, 720 S. Michigan. Registration will begin at i p.m. and the auction wilt begin at 2 p.m. city retreat have the opportunity toownanewtnxurycondominiurn at Prairie Pointent Central Station in Chicago. The building offers spectacular views of the skyline, Soldier Field and Lake Michigan. The remaining 13 homes avail- aIde in this 90 percent sold-out South Loop building are ut) for suction Marel) 14 with bids starting at less than half the original pdces The houses originally ranged in price from $389611 to $1.82 million. Bids for tIse auction start a$189OOO. Twelve condos on floors li through 21 are 100 l)erccnt finished and feature gas fireplaces with marble heartlio, hardwood flooring, top-of-the-line appliances, granite countertops and n)ore. A peittliuuse on (ho 24th floor provides a spacious 2,800square-foot floor plan and a 900-square-foot terrace with incredible views of the city. The unfinished penthouse can be designed to suit the buyer. Available homes rango from one-bedroom, oiie-bath condos to tue tlime-beelmom, three balli penthouse. All condos have high ceilings 5)4(1 private terraces or balconies. Special financing programs will be available throsgh Wells Fargo, the approved auction lender for all remaining condominiums with Open houses prior to the suction, run by lisland Real Estate Auction, will be held from noon Att et the aeahtable homes feature hIelt ceilIngs, floor-to-crlttng wIndows and hardwood flooring. to 3 p.m. Feb. 20, 1 to 4 p.m. Feb. from Wells Fargo also will be houses. Loan 28, 5;30 to 8 p.m. March 3, 1 to Ori hand to chiscttss financing ap- 4 11.11). March 7, 5:30 to 8 1600 S. Prairie, two blocks east of Michigan Avenue and just north) ofl8th Street. ing's partyruom with fireplace and ,FV tice suit deck withJactizzi, tIce exereise room with TVs, tice out- ing. get an idea ofthte lifestyle and amenitiesthatcan be found within and around tl)e building, and take lit tite unbelievable vietes that ottly Chicago offers," mid Paul Rogers, door whirlpool, tite lobby lounge antI waiting area with fireplace, senior vice tresident and masaging broker of Inland Real Estate Auctions. "These important dates Thirteen condos te PraIrIe Pelote at Contrat Station, 1600 S. PrairIe, wIll talk with ourpeophe auch ask cittes- about the easy auction bidding with Inland Real Estste, will be process." Ira Becker, senior constihtant bike storage, dry cleaners, confer- Doit 'i jites /sg,- (i Iirn,sc'. ence rosin and business center Bi,' (t Iifc.etylc'. svitii hicternet connections. also give everyone a chance to be auctIoned at hago discosots on March 14 at the Chicago Ihitton Hotel, review each of the concho units, 720 5. MIchigan. tisas about the property antI learn lakefront. boating. lovely homes. decits svill ltave acceso to tIce btiikl. Th)e5e open house dates are a gteatopportunitytovisit the build- bothi owner occupant and investor shhh!. tians with interested parties. Tl)e secttreconclominitnnbtiifch. ingwithscljacentparkand dogren is situated just west of Lakeshore Drive aocI Soldier Field. All resi- March 10 and 1)000 to 3 pot. Marchi 13. The building is at financingprograins. representatives For safety Zti)d consfort these homes have central alr conditioning and Iceating, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, iii-home laundry hookups, chuah.jiane insuhatech wii)dows uniI fire s)rifl- i) 847.726.2727 lI'ii:?urifI/ nt er,,! Chic,,g,, I! I,,,t on hand as manager of tIte open kher systems. Residences and Spa, a 30-sto- ry Art-Deco-style bight-rise at tIce nortbtwest corcier of Ninth) cinch Stmtte streets in Chicago's Sootthi Loot). "Althiocigh it)ore lIsio 70 4.875 l5yrtioed 4.550 0 000 0.055 20% 4.931 3oyrfioedt 51050 20% 4.599 15 yrfisoit 4.750 4.250 3.675 10 yrlisoS 4.000 $1050 5/I jamba ARM 4.750 0.000 $1050 25% 5/1 ARM 3075 0.000 $1099 20% 3337 5/I ARM Slioamline rofinenco elusing In 25 Saya. Opon oeoiy day. (C)2.580F0x/Ieh/ßoaz/, Ss)le202, SI. Charles, IL 50114 i 5-ioor moOgago irend 0.000 20% 51730 0.000 0.000 $1730 $1300 20% 20% 3750 5000 $1300 20% (5) 194108. flesf3I, Sslie2, Algonmds, IL ¡DM2 'E-" E :: :: :: :: w s . 1.000 $1300 20% o: 4.125 1.000 $1300 20% 4 393 3 250 1.000 $1300 20% 3.375 1.000 $1300 20% 3 168 Payment enci maniai m-m 04192 4se ¡sur. 3.047 iCOnpIOQ'OIIi ai 'uw asylioree. 01.25546 t Su co e k atem Find out more The sales center tor Aatotla Tower, 8 E. Ninth SI., is open trom noon Io 5 p.m. daily or by appointment. For more information, call 312922-0650 or visit www. .-- LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE CALL BANKRATE.COM SALES DEPARTMENT io "a 's Astorict Tosver, WC still have u woiciherfith selection of resi'l'he $80 million Astoria hbwchences available at attractive prices," saltI Jii)i l'syhitigios, er is s brick, stsiie and glass vice l)resicbent uniI director of h)tiihding thenigiiecl Icy Patrick residential smiles for Weichiert, FitzGerald (ti FitzGerald As. Realtors sociales Arcltito.'cts. it loas a Fraoihceh ti Gile. Prices for jtutior one- unique stepped desigtt ft'mtturbeihrooin tiiiits now stmtrt at tug ctirvect bay fac:tdes sii Ihm $159,800, tvhiihe uue-beitreom, 30-your morigago trend S -:3;-- 'z'- ;: I sii snc 4.701 : io.v 's 4.625 155% financIng prugronu tar Votsransl 515.5750504 (5) 1501 N. fossile Rd., Smflto 320, Sclraembsrp, IL 60i95 ._____________________.__lan 1- 4'kc 4.169 3/1 ARM 3.800 5/I ARM Woii SSoot Jocnioi Piin,o Rabo : Luan ir#p//www.ab)ma,/ 4.841 3oyrtiscd 4.407 l5yr lisoS suhl. "A sima concierge is mtvail- already have been sold at knp.'//wivw.AfflomeModgagcQrosp.eom 5s1y/iambaskqc.csm 3oyrtisod bercent of the 248 residences AW Monreses ATHOME MORTGAGE GROUP Tess; Weichert offers discount pricing at Astoria Towers sales at the Astoria Tower n,o..;c; Aiiesucan 8acs & I Attractive chiscocint pricing is being offered in tIte 78-uitit final I)hmtse of conchoniinitiin -flL «T 'Á'GE o'ijJ[S -Eheck-rates-daihy-at-http://suntimes;interest;com Residents at Astoria Tower Residences and Spa lo Ita South Loop cas enjoy a losorl000 ltfeotyle. east auch west suIes c)fthte bmiitch- scie-batti resictences begin at ii)g, according to Astoria lbwer $189,800 antI one-becteoitm- LI.C, the developer. "Astoria 'ilawer is ali t)lidihelii ihtis-den Ictytitits with two baths start at $235,801), smtich retreat in tIm hmc:trt afIlie city, l'syhcogios. 'i\voi-bedroom, where resichetite can rehmtx antI two-bath resitlences beglii at rejuvenate - all in tIte t)rivacy uf their assit hoiue," l'syhisgitis $:t 18,800. Sales .?1 4 ,- Wait Ibtè PfÑi1Is tr_, -a \Ylttchi I iiitv 1)it Vitti h'itow? AMERICAN F4Mi Jsdy kr: Daughter of ttatpli and Marg)rct Seyller, & Wayne's sister J,st I.otth,st'o: Jeusise & Jilt's scorn $337,500 Darien Shin Hong; $185,000 274 PartrIdge Ct: Fawkes, Abbigail Elmhurst J; $150,000 29O3Tataga On Hedoan, Lasorne; $235,000 660 Toscaoy Or: Schaeter, Jus & Corne; $290,000 54 Woodvlew [n: Maklezow, Suzanne T; $173,500 D & Rebecca; $250,000 lsoì: "sg). Itsb's" wife (rjislccco ,tod : Proud Grandma of Lake Ui The Hills Ntadisss, Michelle & Mala Jwt t,cttiaao Nrtv,ci: (Att the abovel) 1003 S Eocltd Ave 3E: Bergl, Vincent Joseph; $132,000 10650 Savannah Lo: Blake, Jason isdt 302 apache Tri: Soaine, Gregory 251 E Gtadys Ace: Rishi, Ssmir & Roma P; $310,000 253 N Enimy Ave: Freitag Jr, Charles T; $132,000 281 VIlla Are: Lagunas, Lianett; $120,000 324 Wlothrop Are: Bothwoll, JeRry & Jenniter; $845,000 573 W Gtadys Ase: Aebolelti, Hinsdale 519 Btachhawk Dr: Newbold, 847-888-2222 Bryan E; $147,000 241 S Thodow St: Butler, Squire R 521 Cheyenoe Dr: Wykoti, Robert J & Julie W; $1,250,000 & Jamos L; $160,000 541 Denote Bree lid: Ludwig, PATRICK H. RICH 101 Deer Path: Di Lorenzo, Frank Robert C & Julio L; $515,000 ob MARKET STREET SUITE 4 ELOIN, ILLtNOIS 60)23 & Carolino; $130,000 150 WrIght Dr: Ruech, Andrew H; $220,000 Home Insurance l'at, Lory and Snosdles Prestidge (bohlndaew&ol, LISIO) ¿.01 Us Insure., t 2042 Carrtck tri: At(inito, John 8 & Gina A; $175,000 Get Noticed! Get FIRST FEDERAL Noticed! SAVINGS BANK 3258. RANDALL ROAD Eta/N, FL 60723 Advertise Here! Call \, \__, .p-/ JÁTALEE DISMUK. Comp&iitco p,odocb, osd OopariOflcodflflIcayOO can mood Spec S/ion Vizirs, t irrt i,,ssire, ¡fobia itotli,,li iii)ilIliflhliOCs Andrew Petersen call . tl,rstii,fl J( lrl(,)nlflhlon FHeo ortet ioatotn& tooroltvo i'Io011ooiIoblO,lii my wnioltn l nnnnoiioiuni',oipoIi.,Iieoilor.ioet . .; ,vns,o,yolir(iiioiiI)'.rt',tI,gei,uoI.èahI!- Nidia Delgado-Loan Officer 1-847-46e-1214 Ext. 1322 847-888-7786 : Ofitce LIon liI7.717,httltI I Ccli I'hsiív Hl7.204,tt(ttI7 uiddsadolirst)sdsavsushsnk mm .5 wvcw.tirolfedsssln. shnnk.conulnidia.htm wAn liHnols Residential Modgage Licensee iI MeHenry - Your tfomeI:. M,mb., e,:uut Halt of FimO: R&Ua, Haillon Rr ::,'::::j :c u:: i'rod,ottal tIte btdlchíiig, Astoria 'i'ower is iiemtr Lake Michigan, Grant h'mtrk sial the wdiilieii's cttaiigiiig monts and Central l3uvittesv District. Attwo h;tiiitscal)edt terrmtces with mure thetii 1,911(1 squctre feet tractioits iii close l)reximity to tIte ctevelcipimteut iitcltide of space. IJrbaii Oasis is the the Nltisetct)t Caii)ptts, SeIchter preferred stimi provider. Field, McCormick l'lmtce, Mil"Astsria 'Ibsvi.'r Resicteicces hesiciunt Park, Nmtvy l°ler, the auch Stea oj(fci s citi iii bui bistL-l/ iii;iiii tsml)hk hilr;ir' muid sc's'sIma lifestyle for resittents with ermit lmtrger vintage hotels. sttiituiug views uf the city ti)dh hake," Psyhiugius salti. A new twmi-levelJewel/Oscs store is opini mtl Wabash Ave- 1'o cotiipleitteiit tIce spa, nie anti Roosevelt Ramal. ¿ti) on-ihttty concierge will be 'l'Ime sates ceiiti-r for Astoria available tu c:tter to resichetits' rower, 8 E. Niiitli St., is open every tvtiiiii, incluthiiig reserv- froimi namazi to 5 l).iii. daily or by lug themtter tickets, arrmtiigiug at)l)siiitiiteiit. For iiiore infortrmtvel tilmiits, niaking thinner iiimttiotm, cmtll :tl2-922-0650 or reservations ,ìttcl iiiuchi mere. visit Advertise Here! Call Andrew Petersen ' 8478887786) Advertise Here Call Andrew 847-888-7786 5817 FIeldstone TrI i: Jessen, Linda; $172,000 4147 Grove Are: Nash, Brian & Erin; $430,000 4200 Roso Ave: Rojas, Michelle; $690,000 4726 johnson Ase: Burtner, Raymond D & Heidi Becker; $425,000 5402 Cominooweattti Aye: Baker, John J & Ruth L; $543,500 WilIobrook 65745 Pleecrest Cl: Bretocher, Cynthia M; $530,000 La Grange 820 Mason Dr: Mchugh, Christopher C & Elizabeth; $510,000 La Grange Park 2325 N Oakweed Dr: t(nupp, B 320 Beach Ave 28: TopIc, Slanko; Mathew & Janet; $180,000 $74,500 . Ontario Place drops prices for closeout sales Aggressive new ttriciitr is $245,000. Renovated units attractiitg buyers to the Pri- featutre new kitchens uvillu vate htesicleiices ¿mt Ontario stainless-steel appliances, tigli-rise granite counters and maple ciiiicloiiiiniiim couverstoii at cabinets, plus new baths, to E. Oiitario in Chiicmtgo's hardwood floora aiid new carl'tace, 407-uiiit t River Noriht i)eigliborhood. l)eling. Eight ttl)grailed one-bethEach csndloii)iiuitmni comes rsitm tmnits snithi 800 to 995 willi a spacious 150-squaresditiare feet of space are foot balcony antI severmil at avmtílmtble for iiutmtecliate oc- tIte umuits are on high tloors. ctipaitcy Oittario l'luce, Bitilchimug anmemuities include willi rect-mitly reduced prices aim outdoor suvintimming pool, itaw raisgiiig froto $219,000 fitness center, party canin to $245,000, said Nicholas V. antI check alumug with a bcmsiGotiletmts, smiles inaitager for miese center on the sevenhlt American lnvsco, tIme devel- thoor. oper. "Ontartit Place is tIme per"Seveii ttnits recently have feet cimice fiirbcmyers seeking gummi' initIer ccnitrzmct (albis'- aim imt-iowtc ri'sirtc'uucm-," salit ing aggressive tic'cm' pricing Goimletan. "lIce lIant Rack ¿mt miticI a free ptrking stimice val- Café, Glacis East amicI tIme Neil at $10,000 is iiicltmilecl Heaul Piano Bar are mmemtrby. with the iiext five units soldI," Yocm cmiii pmtrk mml tIme boildimug Goiiletmts said. "Closiitgs caii ai)dl walk ta dimming, emmtertaimmtieml be schieditleil in leas thmmn 30 m)ueut mincI Sltal)piiig." cictys." Renaiiihiig tipgrmtdccl ainel)eihritoiii resicleuces range iii price frai)) S2ltt,OtlO to 'l'Ite aim-silt' salt's center is ol)eit 10 aiim. ta li t).iir. chatty. Calh3I2-5.t3-Gt)thi srvisitwuv,v, aumtmirial)lacecsl) 77D2 Howe Rd: Gulgron, Philip E; $133,500 Woodstock 2400 Martttmo Lo: Book, Michael & Jill; $428,000 206 S Queen Anno Rd: Riley, Westchester 10357 DevonshIre Le: Curtis, Anita; $542,000 5451 S Hyde Park Wed 3N: 6245 N Francisco Ave: Abdullah, Taha; $400,000 Johnson, William Raymond; $380,000 5651 N Gleowoed Awe: Womnert, 2847 S KeiMe Ase: Chavarria, Kevin; $375,000 1802 N Honore St: Thurlow, Caroline Joan & David D; $760,000 3312 N Kenmore Ano 2: Wozniak, Christopher; $460,000 2149 W Roscoe St 3: Babel, Mark David J & Fiona; $334,000 2303 5 MIchigan Ave 508: Epinger, Van D; $350,000 Ronald L & Kalnow, Carol W; $328,000 1629 5 PraIrIe Ave: Avila, Juanito 210 W Scott St A: Gainoberg, Neal S; $663,500 S; $683,000 1926 N Unrein Park W 2F: Abrams, 6846W GSthSt: Ludwig, Daniel E; 2316 W Shakespeare Ave 1: Clark, lo E Detaware Pl 12A: Goldstein, Howard & Sarah; $510,000 $334,500 PeterG & Mary M; $412,500 Edle L; $555,000 1041 N Marshfletd Ano 3: 5310 W Batto PlaIne Ave: Minet, 1421 W Semmeratate Ave 3: lo E Delaware Pl 9A: Korkus, Jason; $620,000 Movlblanc, Heidi L & Jason K; $455,000 Kevin A & Bertram, Nora M; $303,500 Kapactia, Kashai & Minton, Sarah; $452,000 lo E Delaware Pl 9E: Holder. 6215 N Natoma Aso: Leilnsr, Jssan 3963 W Belmont Ave 608: 235 W Vaa Horca St: Sabapslhy, Andreas & Holder Smith, Gloria M; $1,401,000 D & Malany S; $393,000 Lindbsrg, Carl S; $310,000 4849 N Oakley Ave: Ho, Anita 880 W Btaclitiawh St 2501: Mumnighan, John Keith & Uoha & Subbarao, Srinidhi Venkata; $345,500 235 W Van Bores St: Duggal, Chicago 233 E 13th St 2308: Boor, Ann Maumeon; $300,000 & Gsrald; $811,500 Tonray & Fisch, Robert Alan; $550,000 Keegan, Eliasbeth H; $321,500 Manoj; $383,000 60 E Monroe St: Koharcheck, 6543 N Doarga Ace: Zelek, 1740 W Comella Ayo: Haller, Lawrence C & Gerard F; $389,000 Maureen; $546,500 235 W Van Bores St 3411: Harry; $366,000 2725 W DahIn St 18: Martinez, Kumthekar, Manet M & Deepa M; $325,000 1904 N Orchard St: Mooney Jr, Michael H & Mooney, Lynda Lang; $1,605,000 Pete & Zenaida; $300,000 2919 W Warren BInd: Mastropulos, 4946 W Dlversey Aye: Joohoghany, Georgia; $335,000 lraj T & Honoein, Nadia; $300,000 7654 W Wloona St: Amiti, Teki & 1205 N Orleans St 103: Puri, Ranjeespsl S & Slnghsl, Nidhi M; $352,000 1801 W Dteersoy Plowy 14: Barber, so E Monroe St: Bardeson, Sandra 60 E Monreo St: Gibbons, Raymond J & Patricia L; $833,000 Joseph H & Harrison, Josephine M; $443,500 2036 N Sedgwlck St 4F: Marshall, Anthony; $186,000 il EWattoe St 3801: Van Vooren, Jill Moore; $2,074,500 Il E Watten St 4302: Rataoli, Chezi & Suuan; $2,427,000 2942 HalIfax Ase: Simek, Scott C 11 E Walton St PS 64: Garvey, & Laura L; $328,000 John P & Sarah N; $2,450,000 420 E Watcrstde Dr2010: Msnyari, Luis; $590,000 C; $145,000 Karen E; $402,000 680 N Lake Shore Dr 1208: PanIer, j$300,000 and np) li E Wallon St 3501: Altholz, Thomas; $2,883,500 748 Gardner Rol: Funches, Sharon 1745 W Roscoc St 2: Gibbons, 6923 5 Loomis Btvd: Koalca, Michal; $351,500 5227 N Lacrosse Ave: Deoney, 1342 HatI Ave: Robins, Mark A & 1636 Roll Ase: Sloan, Thomas Timothy & Spiegel, Matthow; $438,500 $350,000 1720 5 MichIgan Ave 301: Jallery, li E Walton St 3401: Satehi, Sean & Mahtab Hann; $2,728,000 1559 Mandel Ano: Aranda, Oscar 565 W Qolocy St 1607: Carroll, 5621 S Loomis Bled: Walker, Lisa; D & Poleraki, Jacqueline C; $462,500 910 W Roscoe St 3: Kelly, David C & Ashley K; $467,500 cITY 130 E Randolph St 2703: Mc Intyro, & Gomez, Maria C; $188,000 33 W Ontario SI: Armliotd, Robert; $400,000 5417 5 LoogAve: Melero, Ernan & Juanita; $315,000 MatIta J; $370,000 Cheryl D; $505,000 Leninger, Kriatìn N; $205,000 James J & Kimbsrty A; $461 500 2800WNorthAve3Ol: Polito, Lisa; $334,000 Alfonso & Carolina; $600,000 Aaron; $474,000 11106 KIngston St: Battaglia, Elaine A; $tst,000 161 Eastoo Pl: Nazarian Virginia; 1506 w Metrnse St 3: Omalloy, 5619 N Chrtsttaoa Ace 1: Klein, George & Wright, Ann Marie; $415,000 725 W Donoean Ave: Whalen, Burr Ridge James H; $482,000 4000 N KotmarAne: Pauker, Adrienne; $232,000 Tersnce M; $317,668 NEAR WEST 123 S Creen St: Pokornowskm, Sophia & Bloom, Marilyn; $325,000 & Neha; $297,000 60 E Mooree St: Harrison Jr, Wonder Lake 450 E Waterstde Dr 2781: Mccarthy, Edward A; $420,000 681D S Adams St: Patel, Dharmesh Dennis M; $295,000 C; $133,000 rttini, tiri- vmtte iassage rtton), nails and tierhictires smtloii, iiteii's sial Western Springs FROM PAGE 8 Huntley .Iitctv i,sittuiico Nehsnu t847) 741-JUDY suis ¿t satina, a steam .1 @800 509 4636 6 85144 Grant St: Liu, t<uo Po & Gir Other iipsc.- ¿tIc club-style mime- cible to hook a variety of treat- nities ii) tIte btiihchiiig iiichitcle iiieiits for resicteitts on-site." a l)itsii)ess ceimtcr/co)mference Reserved jttst for the tise uf reciti, a h)ilhiaril/recreatisii residents uf thin ltcxctry totver, rcmocii, pceeuimtl stctiTmgr' leckere, the Spa i.ife Center offers a t)ike rosin, a lihs-.iry/bttsiiiess inure thstn 12,000 square feet reuter, a golf simulator mti))l a inchttcliiig a swiniiniiig 1)001, ¿t privmtte theater. h'arkiog for 2,14 stmtte.of-ttie-art fitiiess center, cmtfs is un levels two to iiiime ttf ' EIght apgradod one-hedroom condos are anahlable at dtsceaoted prices at the Prtcato Resldeoces at Ontario Place In the Riser North NeIghborhood. 3136 H Sacraoieote Ace: tÇarasiak, Bryce Nicholas & Sadler, Stophanie A; $398,000 Chad & Brooks; $420,000 435 w Erie St: Bolihetter, Robert J; $446,000 Shorry; $470,000 Source; Intormation provid. ed by Record Intormation Services Inc., offering pub. 7304 W Fanvetl Ase: Bourke, lic record data for greater 270? N Whltiple St: Egan, Tara & Duhlg, Nora; $467,500 Patrick & Ann Marie; $365,000 1842 W Irving Parli Rd 301: Malcolm, Michael L & Sarah J; $375,000 cloaures, new homeowriers lists, new businesses, 2530 N Willolts Ct: Mmtnger, Chad 1842 W trnlog Parto Rd 401: Hwang, & Hickman, Tracy; $882,500 Lily; $395,000 3321 S Eoieratd Ave: Milovanosic, 1842 W IrvIng Parlo Rd 501: Vladan; $440,000 4553 S Fe,reatvitle Ave: Ampene, Mcginty, Michael J & Gallagher Mcginty, Eilsen A; $399,500 mito and tax lions. Access available at, COnsumsrpublic-rocord corn and watch., or call Robscca; $380,000 1249 W UIl Ave: Vondrasek, 630-557-1000. Carol S; $785,000 Chicago including boro- bankruptcies, mortgage recordings, building por- u THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 12 NORTh/CITY-U I A E )1Ï ÇE _____ - - W _ OND 0M INIUM 5', L '-kçt' "',/, f 1í 4 E "L.'ç,.ç t .:Lk::Lk-\ç. - t ç,. , .,,/Jt : .: ,. $ ..'- "'k ¡ '$" "f f:i..;y'''.:.': t $$ tE"t''''S t'. t', a 'r -' L : E° ¡ $ / ;$ - $_.$.--_k - M'- -..-- - -- SLth - ' ç $. E ,-'$'..'- 1cr I c I ': - $ ' E-.- :''f " 5i )'$' f -- j ' t ¡ '. 5; ' $t' '- çIE $1 , $ $ , - .. $ ,5í / t'çL / "ç $ $ $ ç 'ç "'-'-E- "L - t$ - $8K TAX CREDIT k :.St' í'itt; '' $ ' ':' " RIDGE VWOLF CON DOMI NI UMS WWW.WOLFRIDGECONDOS.COM NWOLF ROAD, NORTHLAKE, IL ç ç I 't', $ ', ' t - TOPEOLL405POIDW/Ofl RECRE8TION Met 0/OUTTOLESI OU 00 yJe,/SeoWmot] 005450801/ 7050E saO!! NEED -CASN NOW? NEW SEARCHcHIcAG' DAILY AUTO DEALS Looking for eco!? id todeys boot deels. Go to GET CASH NOW! Fs501 Ale RESt IPat Ste 00,1 escrOCs, rot 0055E 708975-0035 Your all access pass to the Chicagoland auto market. searchcltioago.00m/aUtOS SE RCHCHIcAG -v autos 8 0/ r 0/0 7100$ L NOW EVERY DAY! ' ?PnrsAs =çEoo 0100007000 v-AS O!C SALE 005205710 708-248-4500 HAVEYOU BEEN TURNED DOWN BYABANIC CAR DEALER OR FINANCE ?COMPANY? WE CAN HELP YOU! Baol Credit, Slow Credit, Repos, Judgemeols OKAY! AUOJIilLAN $1 -lLi ;III. 630-832-9894 Hcward Bk.POfltiCC 0MO Auto Grou M000IY Po POLSIIYISI1 ILSIOLE EStf500L CAN DRIVE A NEW CAR With a LOWER 396 E. 141° Street Harvey, IL 60426 Ask For Krevies Why Drive A Used Car When You 708-323-2439 2003 Hyuedai Elaytra 2005 CheVt Impala 2000 Toyota Echo 2003 Audi A-4 2003 Hyuedal Santa Fe $1500 $3300 $2000 PUT WORK BACK Cash in Ihr! piI O FULL For Good Caes! $400 for eeaters Facloly Warranty Call 24/7 We Deliver We specialize ins Sod Credit, No $53DB Credit, AU Situotions For Over 20 Yesos $2000 800-810-6064 IN ITS PROPER PLACE. $800- $22,000 AROUNDTI-1E CORNER POR EXAMPLE tsr-rinse L ?lIcklrO n,cL 05,5,51. rIcnEncnd he 708-2484500 Wo Pick Up! Wo Pick Up! 708-2484500 flse 1501151 Looking for a deal? NEW SEARCHcHIcA+ DAILY AUTO DEALS SEARCHCHICA4EaUt05 IISLI monster Go to limited o TOYOTA kJJ L.A.' k k Ii- A.Dos Asks RAÑO !U9OYS uro STtòiì- ',:.. SpcAL t outpS o a55O Does i47 IO Month's Paym ft J° E,ssloror I C Food9eruise 4I RVOOOS SecarOn Depnsñ _nl r ti 5010 Subero Forester 2,5w - .$, OTO i NeW MAZDA3" \ Morkersolosre klwslsr Pajpaeat q" Prom 60 to 72 months on select 2010 models. PoyPhones New 2010 wW'O0fsH IWIAZDA3 RrOa,ronr,Oor __. - 04- j -. y'1 VINCI Oil Li SF321 22 0915 SACCO 01 276 05?? 91 6955 II, BeaD For 2015 S'Obero Legacy 0to CHICAGO AUTO SHOW 2010 FAST FACTS DATES: Friday through Feb.21 Chicago Aste Slsow Food Drive, Feb. 17-19. Sponsored by Chrysler, show patrons who bring LOCATION: McCormick Place, three cans of fund, donated to the Chicago 23015. Martin Luther King Dr, Christian Industrial League, will seceioe a coopero HOUR& 10a.m. to 10p.m. Friday through Feb. 20, fur $7 admission, 10a.m. to 8p.m. Feb.21 Telemundo Hispanic Day, Feb. A9. For more ADMISSION: $11, adults; $7, seniors (62 and older); information, visit OU1PO3 Le GEtTING THERE: McCormièk Place is easily younger with a paying adult. reached by car ox public transportation. The show. EXHIBITS: This io the nations largest aoto show with nearly 1,000 different vehicles along with accessories and auto-related exhibits, competitioo vehicles, aotiqne and collector caes, SPECIAL DAYS: Women's Day, Feb.16. Women are admitted for $7. Manufacturers will present special offers estensive shuttle bus service between paiking lots and McCormick Place. Weekend-only ' formss All 105W 0010 Sobaron $0 DOWN $0 StASI PAYMENT $0 SECURItY DEPOSIT threaglr4rriy 29%AFR Pourri Volume Macdo dealer rol IL sor2009ButOrd1005O MOANtI ,rs-siP101Itlà tssldsal P9,492ND SesootA Irposit aNuos oilS upproued 0101lit. teal asdior sirope oser Lessee oras bi responsible tor 050555 orar, 10K rn/peer. ALI is115tilee Leid l5 p/oisg os prior sales must I;, from dialer soot Add tos 0712 fresse and 402 lee. "00400e orno toe, title, lloroso sod do tea. 60 nos. 000APR $12.21 prrAi000 tirastid oilS qoalised credit SItio espire 3 dato st putlilaflos. Fskonotmvdslotl000rAi .AlOOvihdoO...fml6eno/O01noNrelN0r0dAhi i.... si .. i Shuttles step in 10-15 minute ietervals near i dodo O. LatO/ungo Rd. lease of caes and maintenance. ,i -Atobò,n. Volkswagen Huge Seleclior Oolslending Velues' Krowlsdgeuble lIaIt Or selsot models ir lieu 01 oUster 0kb eppnood ledi. Add to, Ills, Leerssondduolee.PIltSesIOnllluSlratiOOPL sosoly. Dealer no: resporsibis for pItnil5 Iwo in od150isronot. O/tris espire 2/29/05. Aúto m 6191 JoUet Rd. 6070 S. LuGrusogo ltd. 708-354-6600 '708-497-3999 m Cour royo ide/LoGroO 0e Counleyrido/L0G050rO0 i Gate 3 at McCormick Place. CONTACI': (630) 495-2282 or .... k4Svbevobordsn0009005lsodl'i5?0 "tE2ttodoo iir. .. Park and East Monree underground garages. women-oriented programs on the parchase and o,o...:192 ,ou3tAoItl6rto60lY shuttle service is available from the Millennium Columbus and Upper and Lower Randolph and at rhrdàEi? llro4lnlnitni,rel'.O'! dolosiLf/%Allsdeoo.tOL ,ln6ploYro,-l0t1lo°l.sl09d 0oolltledorItOlErO Ctase bark, Outback 2.5i I AND Test Driva a Mazda Today! '42 mistO dosed eid rase oith $7, chitdren (7-12). Free admission fun children 6 and DAYS for DOmos" °ll 2,5' 708-354-2700 o moor nd 0O04O 0000 / ro,, o 'ro tcOo000 Iu,,oL.0000 h h b 0 MAU 0V Ettleson a f 2009 f For More In' nfínrsnllrrrr.s pnrrrrrporrr ri sloeril rire sire,,, fur, srrrr,i Amccg Chogrr'& brggmr LrrkfrrrChyrhscrrc - Arre Short ci or bio h-r crool _'trillbr 1,1 or gb! cbr .comg bcforc I rl t Chrrcgo rhirto Slrmt opttte Orte beh0 otrcridsc trill tiet' sg e eh reo f ron shst brrssrs mere Ihcrr 1,000 ter,, diepby fer cri1mrcrrtsrf Clricsgrrlo,rd rbr (tre t ri err soyrelrcrr. &Nrrrthrorst hrdrrrcaClrrey TIr!1'5rr' gsln bstrren Itr'u DrrlorcThr,clI-mìr,rll5rr. Big'Three plan to impress at Chicago Auto Show "Drir'r.rhtuCsrrrree"rnslrrg oc b lcrrde Arr trier ¿n tigrr srneAre srdrlrree"Dseejrsrior Firing" Ibcrrssr dirirrg ,rrrcr.l'tcstrrrrdsesrhcruend reist ri rire srm reditetry's rrrp rnorsslrrrcshnre,shirrl,rrirg rrrh rrirsrrrdrrrgcfinirrrcy. TItis grrcs-Ioolrrgrrrrr1sset ¿nlmcree br-r trgotttrsstrttsttd buhten0 firsT ccrrsrrrrry of S2rrpgn33 perrsrrr impncrcnrrrrt orrnhe sspn ri tecc prote rhc r'sy ro nrr Irre sffsir,r,relr Fori stiri r,ulrurrs, ed ír r rire Plot hfrrCltnriry,rrrrssrhnee 92 Otttitnlili help IS tigerSsrs Clrirsgo srcschnritiss. First Loir!, for Chssirj'is ltrt rd s r FiAcre furs ht 2010 P,r,r LurrhferClesrrtynrrS2olenclr srd,rrenr'culrblr,rrrrrllenll rerriglrt ColI (032) 495-2282 f,, 50tfto! dsruril,, 101srk,crnrrrressqtuised. Attento lip Clildeoo Fe p I Astsioses Spnolus BtA&GIsleI25ssbtofChkugo', - e.roelrr Chietgo!tterrteFere!rr.illirr.rse trrrrrulnd crlgrs. lOrS ir,rerrer trill mm u sicirn,, mors lruo,urj,rorrlc,igrr rrirlr,rgrcntusrusorf pssmiurrtrorcteri-cle red frrielecst Thcsc tnt!! br fetr,crsher,d ierrrs or co mprr rote trirlr bc Ch ergcr. Thc porcerrrrrirt cibtiegs tr011 correrrrrrf n otto I°hrcrio V-f orrd l-lsmi r.stdreos Soul rorrrrrrrtc for 2011. Dodgr Cltotgtn trill crc eoorc of ire eleocky, lrrtcpyepfrrgit boot olrroosc ,rcteulr.ruotic look. Tbc rotc orlI still rlrcsigrrcrrrrcopsr'ght"ctreslrsir"gtrllu rlcuigo. Scrieg by cslsiclerr of urs irrcoteosrcc lotutiosn,ottr'gottstnctpsetcdtolcnrrtt o hlglrrr cootcor, cots coctrtsrttrl h. CHARITY RECIPIENTS p df,dh 1Fb 3.52 trill br repinceul bye cero 3,f.iircr V-0, lumi etti leiglr-yrrforrrtnrrer, SmF eersiros is ttrs-o. ht ei rl irr Tier pintf000t trill be n trtr'sn,l oeteice 0 bc LX, ihr cccet lcretl,rhttiestibl loculi dcbyn tony posh it htek mobil C,ptgno Atottloory LrrrtcIt cet 2019 teoricI. C'urrrrrßertlrlsAlliOsscnofMnlropulitoeeClsicrsots TbcDctotgriesnidtotctosrrtot m,il, etfornr,ehnctgtlte pislfototstddor'to,rlr Cotlurlie Cheeirine of thn Crttrrrir Ch Chdioec(eot Chhurgst re, Isiocoeo of julios Chuldcus,'st lsltrsroeirsulltepiiusl -,,Csnohbsuols -- EaooeSslorsu,sel',rund,sth,o f'roeniocr,,, C000,esssust: Cenci1! Oneste l'y C.r.,I,.,sss risereSrüsse, foe Psrsplt'ss'iels DIt.sbliignn itiiensfcsrrdi.eiilnuot Si Mosey llojrfnetrsey IlerrIrIs Aneeoi,sdnss tI Citiorgo of rltejsep Ossod Cleerobre. Tint nlrorlrl r, enpnitlr SEVre-itlr Irr olf.retdlrg prro.tts cfrrJerpmrrrr nbc proorror cret.iirryeer Drrsrrgo to,rrric fot 2012. Jeep ii ,enrlyitg irs 20!! Goon Clrrcr. kcc forobte ritti,,0 l.r,tteh.'l'lre styli,,4 orbs libc t nitgltd' 0,orrntrd ornrìrro tri ritt rrrdri soil uhr tnsprrrrdel frerirm mill rrrrss. '1 Actor rcill bcnruilnblr. hrr JseprrullprnhhigltcemiltsgrV-0 oc,rircs. Nrue-fmrtrcd ocssi'rdejrcrrrlcrrrerepne. rrnrly Sf00 rrrllrr,i r irr ChietgrAeuorbli. burl reromry rf 40 repg nr s 1.0-liter r011T 1-4 erguee, Porre-eShìlrsic-spttd sed Chrcsgr Stcr,1riog phiruer rs hritte1t .r,,rrretrerenesmierirrsrdrlterric porter prsdte-riottrf rire nissiret etteer'rg. Irreill betrcilublsuhietptieg Tirs eme 2Orr hitplrmrtsrll deliteesr rs lre r, fers-d 0m mr tisi etti Irrer 25 ycreert herstfnielecrctnryrhrr Actiusteer oterdel. Thc relritle- rr,ll it,rr,t,t rtei!rot!yeortstrtoirrt. Prrl's Ert0rosr regine ercherlrgpssr's-sperd Ort misereo nrd lighOetifitl retrtritle ro ,rddicere, Ar reoegtretedtr lfsplrrcr trill tither der erro lredtutry-'s hot-ret, ptsulrcriooirfletsble snetbeler,rlrsigredrspreoidstrluliriournl pure suAres rhr hltrde Pit, Niorr S'rrm sedTrysrel Verle rrrl Cr,ells. Tirs 2011 P,Scrirn Stper Orto' is tl,ntdy nrnkicg Irr eh r,,, sr,trds str! mill be to uliepiny c9 rim Chirtge ihrto Shso, Tire 0011 P-Series Srtptr 0t4 bttsere tlktot sprtsdstehlotcssrces ftrttimtrrrr,r nett r! the hotly r!rsr suootlnrd esto heir. Tl,s sIl-este 2fb b Posil Pleetsrrrll h. rute distrrerirt ttylieg,rtrtlt h,rrdrrstt lest oreclifu rie rire- re-gite olsre l,ss bto'diese'l torrpsrlluilu'ry rip sr S20r fVo,d us icr the 2012 Fosti hornier titi, srgrrsret. TI re Pie-er r iì ses r! hornS fleht! r'thielts ri,erir l,oets ','II mdrhoeU.S. erenll t,tr e,,!,rtesS' ecpccrrrrrre br' ru'ullhrelgltdflrrhre-rtrrlbnstdrireloi retr-gtere-enrtrllrrope-te Iftget llu1rrrr - ofitrireg!ttsiosttchorlogiss, 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE 4X4 nt 1.4 ted mell S'-f rssstrre tito irr, riere-st1' e 7jo -Tri e-ertlirrrn bet mrry err ht poru rf nbc intel bree-ir. Escs per is rupecteil ro go er ole ir ptrujcrrttl tir de-lier, besr-rre.tltes higleut'ey rht hIl 0(2011. 00 CL(PWR ,,tsiH LEJTHER)A00000F, JOb-LOCKS $1 6,588 - 0M CERrIFIE0 op '$9,992 More Info: 700-579-5000 - t" i r ti0J7'A5TO -sO$( ORLI O0KMILEO FOR MONTHS UFINANCING 2000 PONTIAC G6 DT CON VT .. - OR s19,979 Moo lolo: 708-579-5000 JJJ 2002 BUICK LE SABRE LTD retirees oy//y/y45gj/ou -. Moo Info: 108-579-5000 2006 PONTIAC GTO lfp:! ,,,.., ''e-nf. LEATI1ERfLLoHS,. L t ei1J5.r; Brood New- LEATHIER-'OLLOY,'.' CO OT,000PE9O t' - eO ASfJ4fMILEfTrgi . n - -. - - Completely Re-Designed LEATHER PRE ipso e olsc co, so Moie lolo: 708-5105000 2002 CADILLAC DE VILLE SEDAN n'ti AVAILABLE" 5. More Irlo: 708-510-5000 2005 GMC SIERRA SLE EXT P/U lIoOoIItrasDno CHOLO, 'ifOP Fir hr Otorgo, Ac Grnrd Chrrr,krr toril offcr sit rse torce rl stssirrg. Sr. J.rtocc Hsopisol Br lTo.sleis Co,5, r'ordisrhrolrisgetursll rslr!r or lofrtiro tri gbobni prrdccts ,lreigrcd ro Nottlt Arrsnicer mnrheh TI re reuc 2011 porri Enpborsr le tigriS- 2010 Hyundai r Tucson GLS FWD Lease For Only 'ALLOY-WEE e0000ivorsi -NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELI VERYI $239/mo for $6Iosl (sil ilse nl mee 'rntnpinsr $0,40000 inth to oscuri!5 ueptri. $9,988 Mors Irlo, 108 510 5000 t I: I 6161 JOUET RD''.. '!ieee liMe re-reed Itnedlieg ,rrd pssuregrr comport, Sr. Cr,Isurl,As nf IIII,toinfursrrni.tlsos, .!VAPR -t- OMtEROIROO - $7,987 35 AVAILABLE! TAKE YOUR CHOICE: 2000 CHEVY COBALT LT 4DR T0rSKMILEA prssiblyLiretle.Ahybridmidelrrtll rddirglrrtryttutl eu,reeor'irrs fetturee fturud re ltrgheepittrI thiele,. l'isttn is 80 AVAILABLE! y8 - NEW 2009 SANTA FE '::_,L 'Low Milee. 4ll-!tosepsrets V-9 ered s f.7-Irrrr Prrcee Sor!,, Sic Siebreitergetl ulireel stgitr sold rooVrriiopsotedtrsnpus stedhorsrpreee te tlsse-lentlirg fiuti eserrrmy. Aridi- ieulie-suns b nr rItt ieletoblrten,snrtltslrs e Por More Info Cil Ir 70W-579-5000 prrre-rreeioe, ,selrrditg e be-cOy h2-littr, ptrust¿rr !rrrrrr-srnerrerpnra. Ford . prrrciulc icr ter Spis..rflsStl.sAestocsresissssol lUronie Jcsec Wirke 'lbsroisllrsg le,o,, 4 ogs'rs, ONLY continued from page 5 Exclusive Just Announced! PER MONTH HI FOR 36 MONTHS C DTS IO77 steftdsirkesrddsocrt orhile r rrs2llüChrrrrrlctbtjtrrorro, Ettison Hyundaî.... " 708-579-5000 NEW 2010 SONATA eircrsrrscr, shrrrepngrre, surte, t rbi pribim , ¡j' 1V5 CTS 2009 Fruir1' shrodorrlruurs POR ONLY ni1 LEASE tprltrttrrrrrpreeestrlrrtirrgrhrr perblrc prrtrrr 1 Itt Chrrcgri G r! gi-doy rbcrrrr cocote, Pror . r37i 2010 OR brsffe TIes bOrA-ce 0-Yea y1100,000-Mi)p TOYOTA OWNERS! Get An EXTRA $1000 INCENTIV when you trade your vehicle for a New Hyundai!** $ Loadef with CadisOn'e Utter Pepnler Equlpmerel 18 worthy local charities BY JOHN STEIN Ameritas Oeil WartUnG' ..:1iNCHICA GOLAND CTS ru3 Assurance HYUNDAJ C.e,cmege e - First Look gala benefits Hlgrunoor @EttIeson BLJICI fsem.00elaweseeeow Jetrflflneud6 Mlle t nero no to- to sto Sur 000mesrew reo os nsr Os nS,55Su Shop Oolioe st otitw.ttoPoodaicem oBlii Ose ro u 7O&491O2OO lIoso CauseOvbIos r'e e' Ceunojseld. 2,054 Ipeelal APR10 seuil begewee beleralsed by BMF.Teennelk# 90011, ren 001,192, ealo ll,lIU; In pfut eile ereSse oaHo. 011 celeoeeule luter epinieused legran - nra aStil Seal pifes. S nAJe baliVeau end nelifefleno esith sndlf apptenel,12 wee, n 01000 per 01000 teeeeed. felnel flew Itedele. One feelnrlerds!uile. See(ere,iiI sol beserpfe!ea eeoc bliEb odsnmtkeneeL Plat ne, Ile, feinen eel fol, leer Rebele pesiAd lia HOI op I Authorized 011A 27cc 009cr EVEHGREEN CIA 9705 S West ro 001..00000go irn OSEDEMASN SCION 0301W. OenPS000, PatO 0040e 40471 0554410 StnO.0n00n000.00n ARLINGTON HTS. FORD no000.aitf000000ro 0000. 000WE VO 0007007 Heights (007) 300-3042 '' BILL KAY FORD MIDLOTIIIAN 000000.5570 ORS uno Fao Turp,ise°° CHICAGO AUTO SHOW Constant coverage at 2011 iiÁ" SORENTO LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT 430 E. 0go 001. f003009527 0005,i,rnot.000 MCCARThY FORO. INC ROI JaeCEs Land 00000 WoO CGt. 0050 W. BERMAN'S MID CITY SUDARE 4300W. 005200015VVA)V5 0V 0,000(9071 000,7Or000000aoOt000N010ar500n' STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 100 N. 010kb OVO. it NORTH SHORE SUBARU 0350 Perk Ovo. itO grand PV 047.434.7043 50000NoneOara.00n TOYOTA LEOUS OF ORLAND OOEDEMANN TOYOTA 0370 W Oenpater, MOORATH LEGOS OF CHICAOO RemedO 00 fottogdb000 300W. AranO Eimso nO 000-409.703.3 5770. 0000aonErend 00E &maa CHEVROLET ADVANTAGE CHEVSOLET E55&V70i050 00 L000400 ir 07 3014000 000W i 560501 010000S000 .0000000001k000 35e Wilkins Mardn ir Eimhorlt 7570,000070 SCAAUMBORG HONDA Mercedes-Benz VALLEY HONOA 0E NaeeoiOe/A0rcro 0073 OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320W 55V SL 4005430 Mer0000s'OeraNaperoola 0000 0V. 00710 00e 0205W HYUflDRI APPLE CHEVROLET IN fiNLEY PARO 0505 W. 059th 0000.apOi005etnOoe Vo. .00000nOltea 300V roi ogbtonk 00505S537500000.00000a0104en coo, 7001 020-3 0550050340 907t//5000.eJ0000e0000lr.00T Libertyoiiiie To ste 0005e 50005. Si s100ee O'HARE HONDA Access cOasGicTeit007tSeoeE00500Ooe000eo/d. ELMH000Y TOYOTA '40e Lon Orce AUTOBAON MAZDA Cnonronetde 6300 S. 00040000 Ve53723054 roono.SI000fniey con nuridreds cC pfloLos EVANSTON SURARO Jr. SKOKIE 0040 w, 00001000 077.0010007 lOon 0000010i150e 00m HONDA ONORANO ACEPTD 1000g Pk. 00go 0010017447 sSSerOoY000go.00W CASTLE HONDA 0033W. 000010er. 00000 VWaoonbog APLIcATIONS Toa0tordYSnEou00ooroO00omto5O OriOOgOt BREDEMANN LESOS IN GLENVIEW 2030 BADÄÈDIT NO CREDITT o"...ALL' ÇLu 0007V S. Poiaekt, 79000077323170700070 00000hyfOrdtoo 757 PATRICIO BMW 730E. GoOf road, Nofleorboog 1007019770eoon pathoS,,, 00m 500 Jacobs Cadfllac 2001W. JWfereon St, Jo H' ..B$ 4T9 ChooSe! AU000ARN SUBAOE 00705. 445007go 00., 000 4000cr 00e Hi0000ie, 01oct01 no. ooOos 0005050005 ianOr0010l.000 seaichchicagoautoscom/aUtOShOW - BIlI Jacobs Lard Rouer Hioldale ELMHURSO 0MW 4Y0 YE lehr SI., Enoonon 001 CURRIE MOTORS FOOD FRANKFORT OliO AT THE ? SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7900V. 0(00,0 000. E3 S I BMW Ed Napleton's Kia of Eimhurst Auto Show Discounts $1 - BDAUÔi DURING THE AUTO SHOW J,995 New Car Buyers Guide Dealers in ropsa/Soicn 0h05 00. 0 MERCEDES BENZ Of ORLAND PV 0440W 0500 Vt., OV&250-0 nrioo.ner004eenco aOO.00n Lienn0ro00ZU903300seo.ioneo0o00nno7onn MareeOeG.Oenr of Wectnsont 201 0.000Go Buh Jacobs Cselr000t 2071W JcfferSoY Si, Watch / O'aAeE OYkNOli 00e. nOO.30&0500 sbnnnesin000.00m 400cr 000700500, 0eS 5100011. TOYOTA SCION ON WESTERN live web cams at the show and exclusive video BILL RAY CHEVROLET 60000000 & 1555 Vote for Best of JACK PHELAN CaEVO 0000505 Av/LiSIO 530000.2030 bDi007001tY1000e.00v 4020E. 00(5 00. NnoaonYong407i.pan7okosrsoon 0000004539 Repro010 Wilkins 00000e Anderses Chacrniet 5333W. 50745k rd 770407,2re7,.nikES4d1tS07r00e0O.000 OIr000sOs000tS0001EYorot.00cY3000&300(0 Ogden 02e 0303005000 000n0.000709(22u50 nono ED NAPIETON'S KIA OF EDVIHURSI 727 WEST GRAND AVENUE AT GRAND & LAKE 630-782-9300 wwwnapIetonkia.cOm Prices valid 3 days from pub date. Dealer not responsible far pricIng arrors in this ad. °PIue tao, title, lic & dec fee, via qualified buyers with approved credit na select vehicles, see dealer fer details. Chica0 WEBB CHEVROLET 0505450275 90405 0(01ro 00e., 05k Loen o007.7.7SN000007.0000 4344W. sing Po. HO. 04go. 005500-0005mbdOiOonoseso non Jeep 5401509w 7405030030 5700.rina,NSt7t.100 NISSAN BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN iinoipLsrgeetC010YOrOeo7cY 000.30035 RIZZA CHEVROLET 02300 Haden. SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 73010 OtoeW000., BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 5757 V.00000, 50eS 1000f 000.070000000.sIa0050a030n 0000e., SkokiS (0501 7310744 00500.S000afl010.00e 05 Li JACOBS cOLON WAG EN 0404 00000 CITYVOLKSWAGEN 5300W. stngpenkflO, 000010 0417040000 sope.Aoyonrno kag000n NORTH SHORE VOLKSWAGEN 0450 PorO ShoOte (000) 7355744 0000.00emoarfl11005r KELLY NISSAN 4300W. 50V St. KIA MOTORS 00k Lloro 7004950EW 0000000 i000ala0000 Bill JacobG Dia 2005 05. 01700100 si. SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE 7001S.CiOE. Volkswa.en MAX MADSEN MITSUBISHI PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPEOVILLE 03500 PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 0002040705 LOOOTOOOOifOoodIWVlnu/.Wn ondaUs OclEh0rsS 7000 500080 '9W, GOta Seo 0002' 30005 Haden, LYONS 7754404700 tSWpY1 10.000 Show 77340477077 r004 .00tTtao 00e SOrto 000 PATRICe HYONDAI 0000F ORLANO PARS 0920W. 150090. 4774440067 Onr0000r000n 04005400057 VO WO N001HSH0RE NISSAN 1050 Park 00e. WrSi 005(000 POrk SnTheflOr1000S0000 047.43d.7 JC5VOL0onL non 2 PI0N6E PREIS PUBLICAIION 'Dc CHANGÏÑG THE GAME, ONE BREAKTHROUGH VEHICLE AT A TIME. divErsions I B23' "Thrilling [and] Memorable! A deliciously juicy revival" -CHICAGO TRIBUNE "So timely it might have been written yesterday. 2011 SORENTO * 3000 AulO SI 'Awake and Sing!' is for NOW!" -CHICAGO SUN-TIMES 00040 2010 FORTE 2010 SOUL STOP BY THE KIA BOOTH AND TEST-DRIVE THE ALL-NEW 2Ol KIA SORENTO TODAY 10 VISIT YOUR CI-IICAGOLAND AND NORTHWEST INDIANA NIA RETAILERS AND GET $500 AUTO SHOW BONUS CASH.0 ANTIOCH 5300000d 0g BOURBONNAIS dIg 00 grad av CALUMET CITY (847) 380-3600 (8ES) 042-rOSO LIBORYVVILLE LINCOLNW000 LIberto lola 1047) 680-0000 ELMGURST (7001 886-0500 CHICAGO Eva091een Ida 1774) 779-4201 Gr000ioger Ola MATTESON HawknreOn Ola MCHBNRY 000V Lang Ois (047) SOl-7500 1700) 720-0009 16)5) 385-2)00 HEROILLVILLB, IN Snuthlake Ois 1210) 042-654V NORTH AUTORA Sep HOHn'S River Oaks Ola 000le)or loo Cf EImhurst 1630) 702 9300 OTTAWA 000an Kan) Nod) Aurora ORLANO PARK Joe Siena CIa PALATINE 0111 Walah Ola (030) 907-0707 (708) 403-0400 1809) 434-2800 Arllnetor Oie n Pala) ra 1047) 200-3900 HIGHLAND, IN 201107 Thomas dios) Highland SEI Jenabe Via 1215) 934-22CC lois) 725-2SOS RISOteAN 013V, IN Nielaen Via NAPEOVILLS 12(9) 070-ErOS WAUI0000S 000es Ola 1847) 346-4000 Ill Al iii NORTHLIGHT Gerald da Of rleparv Ile loso) 355-3900 PLAYING THROUGH WILLOWBR000 W llgwbrngk ola 16go) 900-6000 February 28, 2010 FOR TICKETS CALL 847.673.6300 OR VISIT HARRIS 00001 TICho 05847.679.9501 53509 II oroorsi ANO 000GO AVA) 7)20 & ONDES) 11011070 07Il $10 B24 I diversions Super Crossword ACROSS i wwII Sito 7 SerenIty 12 Brazos River city 16 Clerical garb 19 Point the finger at 20 SynthetIc fiber 21 Christiania today 22 Remote 23 RIddle: : Part i 25 Gershwin's '.- In Blue" 27 Beatty or Buntline 28 Gagg'e gal 29 Watch part 30 Fountain order 31 Rocker ' Marc 33 t4ature spirit 36 Sable, for one 38 Lee of"The Fall Guy" 41 Cantaloupe's cousin 43 Team 44 Skater Berezhnaya 45 Bleak critique 46 Riddle: Part 2 51 Papua New Guinea port 52 Contammates 55 Butz or Warren 56 Sapporo sash 57 Tactful 59 Consider 61 Ford flop 63 Maine town 64 Space i CAN'T STANDISH STILL 102 Frequent Funicello co-star 104 Scanty 105 Roller- 5 Shake43 "The King 87 Always Spoarean and I" 90 Aged, as snake setting paper 6 Equine 45 Brendel's 94 Poultry exclamainstrument serving Coaster tians 47 Pigskin 95 Cobbler's feeling 7 Kelly's prop need 108 1970 possum 48 Mubarak of 96 PalindromIc World's Fair a Goofs Egypt name Site g Tabloid 49 Helps a 97Asian ox. 109 Chatterley subjects hood i 00 Nonclerical or 10 Dot follower 50 Mosaic bit 103 lt's down in 66A1 Windermere 11 Minnesota 53 Singer Tori the mouth (cooking 110 Director twins? 54 Torah, e.g. 104 Vandellas' term) Nlcolas 12 Merit 58 Shade of leader 67 Lear, to 111 Skip 13 '75 green 105 Lock Goneril 113 Turbine part Wimbledon 59 Realm 106 BiblIcal 69 Riddle: 116 Goncalo, winner 60 Big bird book Part 3 Brazil 14 More humid 62 IndIan city 107 Summarize 74 Fleur-de- - 119 Avoidance 15 HAlley 65 Oven 108 Ocean 75 Desert 121 Answer to 16 In progress setting vessel schlepper riddle 17 Soup scoop 67 - Lama 109 Christie or 77 - Romeo 125 Swell 18 Adams or 68 Improve Costello 78 Heap cf place? Ferry 70 kwon do 112 LIon's pride Dickens 126 Actor Barry 24 Actor 71 London 114 MelvIlle 80 Coeur d', 127 Murcia Chaney borough work ID mister 26 It needs to 72 FurIous 115 LIke 81 Cartoonist 128 Farm be threaded 73 Short HItchcock's Silverstein adolescent 29 Boom or movie? curtain 83 Hard to 129 Weaken gaff 75 Funny 116 Couch describe 130 - -Neisse 31 Swindle 117 Served fellow 88 Hurried Line 32 Wind 76 Deadly well 89 Little one 131 Early instrument? 79 'lt's a deall" 118 Creole 91 Prate German 34 Spitz sound 81 terrier veggie 92-4 132 Spanish 35 Exec's deg. 82 Drill 120 trip (Toyota 37 Perplexed sergeant's 121 Ltr. model) DOWN 38 Blend shout addenda 93 Riddle: I Cut 39 Jam84 West. i 22 Where Part 4 2 Flu 40 Army alliance flocks 98 Loafer part symptom vehicle 85 Improve frolic 99 Gladden 3 Like some 41 'Makln' oneself, in 123 "TelI - No" 101 Alan of Whoopee" donuts a way (65 hIt) Gllllgan's 4 Groan singer 85 Behind 124 Outer Island" producer 42 Pro foe schedule edge 2 DC ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 4 3 5 2311111 1111124 31 . 39 . 67 93 iII° III 1 . 82 III 60 59 61 71 IUU 83 72 73 85 87 92 97 . : 98 99 . 100 . 104 108 BI 86 . .. 109 . 113 114 1151 121 122 UlU12O 12511 12611 127U111 12911::. 3011t 1311111 119 He was grandfather to Gretchen Answers: 116 117 118 served by the bank, becoming involved in both the Lincolnwood and Edgebrook Chambers of Commerce and other public and private organizations in that area. His commitment to public service also extended to various church and innovative committees including school programming as PTL president at Luther High School North, where all five of his children a 124 12811111 13211111 a ..1 2' a HOROSCOPES For the week of Feb. 15 - Feb. 21 Free gifts if tickets purchased beforé Feb. 14 ApriL 10-11 CIVIC OPERA HOUSE ALL-NEW 2010 PROGRAM WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA The most colorful, dynamic, and uplifting show of the year. Classical Chinese dance and music as theyre meant to be. I TICKETS: HOTLINE: 1-800-515-3468 . l':rici by t4id-.)SA ShenvuñPerformingArts.Org f)Eía Asodatic,n F1fld Sound of lope Padk. NFP interest you. Most are honest and save it from icing over, you need There could be some negative worth considering. But a few to warm it up with a large dose of reaction to your tough stance might not be completely forth- hot Sagittarius passion. when making a recent decision. coming about what the job is and CAPRICORN (December 22 to But overall, your efforts result in what the salary and benefits are. January 19) This is a good time well-earned recognition and all ViRGO (August 23 to Septem- that can follow from that. ber 22) An unexpected snafu TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) could delay the completion of a Your financial situation seems project you're eager to finish. call (708) 383-5871. Sigi: Gut't 1)()Ok (4 t h'g(lipio1I('vIl()eal.eo:I Sign a guesr to get involved with a number of - family matters that involve money and other issues that Find out what's causing it, fix it, savvy Bovine. Maybe it's the con- and if you need help, don't be shy between and among family flicting advice you're getting. about asking for it. Good luck. members. Check it out before things get too AQUARIUS (January 20 to tangled to unknot. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An idea that could GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A be helpful to you comes from an ficult person who appears to be relaxed attitude goes a long way unlikely source. Listen to it. deliberately stalling your project in helping you deal with any of Discuss it. If necessary, adjust it. If might just need to be reassured life's irritants that might be it looks as if it might work out of the value she or he brings to it. popping up this week. You're also quite well, go ahead and use it. a reassuring role model for others SCORPIO (October 23 to in the same situation. November 21) Be careful about CANCER (June 21 to July 22) allowing someone to share a very Your aspect favors creativity, personal secret with you. This which should persuade you to could cause problems down the work on your artistic projects. If line with others who are involved time is a problem, prioritize your in that person's private life. show them what you can do. commitments so that your work isn't compromised. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a LEO (July 23 to August 22) SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A cooling down of a relationship could be the result Scrutinize all the job offers that of neglect, unintended or not. To share memories ;nd send flowers, gifts might jeopardize the closeness confusing, even for the fiscally n4eharitab!econtributions online1 risi!: 'ljpGy4Jipi' February 18) Cheer up. That dif- for a C011!tli$t of Q Dethi, PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Good news! Expect to feel re- and energized now that you've gone through that stressful energydepleting period involving a lot of In Meinoriams changes. Now, go out there and PIONEER PR warm, giving nature that inspires many to follow your example. (c) 2010 KIng Features Synd., Inc. Kempe, LucilleM. Lucille M. Kempe of Park Ridge, Beloved wife of the late William E.; loving mother of June (Greg) Bechto(d and Ellen; dear grandmother of Taylor (Shannon), Brittany, Ashley and Jordyn; greatgrandmother of T.J. and Kaia; devoted daughter of the late Edward and Louise (flee Johnson); loving sister of the late Bernice (the late Bud) Teicek and Shirley (Stanley) Ozga; fond aunt of many nieces and nephews. Lucille was a graduate of Steinmetz High School in Chicago and was married on Valentines Day, 1948 to William E. Kempe. She was a dedicated wife, mother, grqndmother and great - grandmother. Her family was everything to her and she worked hard and selflessly gave her all for them. Visitation Friday, February 5 from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Cooney Funeral Home 625 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge. Funeral Saturday, February 6 (her 86th birthday) Haiduk, Rebecca Bliss, Austin and Jordan Ogarek; dear sister-in-law of the late Lawrence (Mary) Ogarek; also survived by one niece and two nephews. Funeral Mass Saturday February 13, 10 Church Seat of Wisdom a.m. at Mary, Ridge. Park at Granville), (Cumberland Interment private. In lieu of flowers, memorials to charity of your choice appreciated. Funeral attended. Carl will be remembered as someone the who enioyed the company of his banking arrangements entrusted to Ryan-Parke Funeral colleagues, customers, friends and neighbors, but Home, (847) 823-1171. .Si_gii (,uesii,00l at mostly for the joy being a parent and raising his own family brought to him. A Memorial Service in celebration of Carl's life will be held at St. Paul's House, 3800 North California Avenue, Chicago, at noon on Saturday, February 20. For information Kalina, Arlene Inside today's classified section ARIES (March 21 to April 19) eñeñbthñòès.- and Peter Jankowski, Keenan, Tyler, MarIon, and Ayla Moore, Steven Hairgrove, and five great-grandchildren. He is fondly remembered by his sister Norma Kokaska and former wife Suzanne. He attended Luther Institute, which his grandfather Arthur Hoffmann helped establish 100 years ago. He 10:00 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment Town of served his country as a Private ¡n the U. S. Army Maine Cemetery. I nformation : 847-685-1002. during World War Il, and then e&tablished his Sif1l G:sestbwk ir l('4(I(%j)io;l('L' banking career. Beginning as a teller at Devon National Bank, where he met his future wife, and Elmwood Park National Bank, he spent the next 35 Sandra L. years at the Bank of Lincolnwood, retiring as Ogarek, 76 of Park Ridge, Senior Vice President. His innate marketing savvy Sandra L. "Sandy" Ogarek, age loving mother of wife of Bernard C.; helped contribute to over 50 years of success beloved enjoyed by this independent bank. Although he Barbara, Cathy Bliss, Michael (Lori), Timothy, cherished (Mike) Gregory; lived in Chicago, he adopted the communities and Maureen grandmother of Sarah Mucek, Todd, Cheri and Ian 78U.79 , 111 112 62 91 96 EMEMBERING born August 27, 1924 in Chicago. Carl is survived by his five Carla Jankowski children: (James) and Karen Gubitz (Nick Sinadinos) of Oak Park; Kenn (Kathy) and Kurt (Marcia and Kladder) of Chicago; Christa Moore of Longview, TX. 56 JB Send obituaries to; orfax to (847) 486-6836 Gubitz, Carl Ludwig Carl Ludwig Gubitz, 85, died peacefully February 1. He was 74 , ,' Remembrances 50 84 :' 110 ,' : 66 65 90 06 107 18 30 IS 70 69 17 43 64 89 35 42 11JUlI 81 :.: 34 53 7511176 88 33 Il I.. ISU 68 16 U26 29 41 63 80 25 40 57 1158 15 21 32 52 51 4 13 Thursday, February II, 2010 Il MI iiu lIt 12 11 28 27 44 10 9 2e 1g 38 8 7 6 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) -J.... YOUR LOCAL SOlI Ut .iUai 4,1 -Lhfl:,W ,'r..a,fl Gutenkciuf, Martin Madison Martin Madison Gutenkauf, 82, of Morton \\ Grove, veteran U.S. Army WWII, beloved husband of 51 years and best friend and traveling companion of Alice M. (nee Rifkind); loving father of Diane Chryste (Michael Hassan) Gutenkauf and Karen Lee Gutenkauf; dear step- grandfather of Matthew, Zachary and Jordan Hassan; fond brother of Josef (Dorothy); cherished uncle of Polly Jo (Jay) Armour and Jon Martin and great-uncle of Sarah and Josh Armour. Retired clinical psychologist and Director of Staff Development and Training at Chicago Read Mental Health Center; Staff Psychologist, Chicago's Alcoholic Treatment Center; Founding member Intervillage Mental Health Committee of Niles Township. Upon retirement, member DisasterMental Health Team, Arlington Hts. Chapter of The American Red Cross; Surrogate Parent for wards of the State, Illinois Board of Special Education; Hearing Officer for IL Board of Special Education, State of IL. He loved flying, became a licensed pilot, and enioyed flying solo in his Cessna 172. Memorial visitation and service was held at Simkins Funeral Home, Morton Grove, Tuesday, February 9. In lieu of flowers, donations to Rainbow Hospice, 444 N. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 145, Park Ridge, IL 60068; American Red Cross Arlington Hts. Chapter, 544 Northwest Hwy., Arlington Hts., IL 60004 or your favorite charity at guestbook Sign online appreciated. (847) 965-0471. - .Sign Gu13s1 book ut 1cgoejiitiit''rlorril.cuiii Arlene Kalina, age 73, of Park Ridge, beloved wife of the late Al; loving mother of Scott (Marcia) and Todd (Joan); dear grandmother of Calder, Jordan, Lauren and Adam Kalina; dearest sister of Daun (the late Bob) Bishop; fond aunt of Mark Bishop. Visitation was held Wednesday, February 10, at Ryan-Parke Funeral Home, Park Ridge. Service and burial will be private. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Park Ridge Baseball and Softball Program, P.O. Box 1044, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Info., (847) 823-1171. SifIi (; U('StI,O()k 11 You may send a death notice to deathno tices or call \ '' for more information (847) 486-747 PIONEER PRESS YOUR LOCAL SOURCE B j Thursday, February 11, 2010 A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) Thursday,Februaiyll,2010 C)Funeral Directors and Associated Services PIONEER Piuss monsèr' Now working with Monster! RYAN - PARKE f, fttneral home a AAOIIr Family Serving Yours Si,zce 1936" i PA A A i Pli P CIe,nent J. Ryan 120 South Northwest Highway Park Ridge Visit our website at Call-In liours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, V1on - Fri \VaIk-ln Hours: 9:30 sin - 4:30 pm, l'vion - Fri Addrcs: - 3701 W. Lake Ave., Gienvicw Payment . Wc accept American Express, Centraf Prhite Pauty Ads: 2pm Tuesday West: Central: 2:30pm Tuesday 3pm Tuesday Lake: Doings: 4pm Tuesday North: 5pm Tuesday Lake Skokie email: classified@pioncerlocal.cons Ridge Llrtcolnwoo Rosemont To place a Recruitment ad Phh 847-998-3400 -- option 3 fax 847-486-7210 email: recrssitissent@pioneerlocal.cotss 5hoe Classified Display Ads: 5:00 WHYTHE . - CatholicCemeteries HAVE BEEN SERVINÇ THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SINCE i 837 -4 The Catholic Cemeenes haue alreadysewed Cathohc ¿'famiijés for:njny eneratJons; : S ELE1I11N4 r The Catholic Cemeteries offer a variety ofburial options with package plans and payment options to fit your budget. .. -.......... *___ e Catholic Cemetenes perform the most ancient Corporal oyk ofMercy toprovide a sacred and dignified bunaL . Fj41\- . I 1 ¡-1 To Be Worthy of Your Confidence ' 'r--'r : 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 625 Busse Hw PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 Terms - u Cancellations: No classified ad can be cancelled alter deadline. I)isplay ads and ads containing artwork niav incur a charge ifcancelled prior to first insertion. - : lo-ao. Call Evanston Police Dept Property Ofc. 847-866-5029 atfiolic. FOUND strIng of pearls. Call Evanston Police Dept Property Dic. Use emeteries Best Day to Contact City/State/Zip 847-866-5029 am pm E-mail Address (Personal information including e-mail address will be kept confidential and used onlyfor responding ta inquiries) Catholic Cemeteries . 1400 South Wolf Road e Hillside, IL 60162-2197 SS-FV1 You may send a death notice to deathno tices You may send a death notice to deathnotices or call or call for more for more information information (847) 486-7479 (847) 486-7479 Iii. 1 -847-679-7860 NEII-IAUS Construction Co. General Contractors 24 Yrs. 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Call 708-449-6100 or 708-449-2340 Español e Visit us @ ?vlon No,IIlweft Logos orArtwork: 5:00 pm Mon Cooney Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS . Catholic cemeteries are sacred places, which are extensions of our faith and reflect our common belief in the Resurrection. . FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE ARRANGED & PREPATD FUNERALS AVAILABLE -.__.1. 24-7 fax 84-7-486-7456 Park Legal ¡tls; 5:00 js Monday 5 REASONS CklEsifieds pis: 847-998-3400 -- option 2 Deadlines (847) 823-1171 (773) 792-1811 Sclf-Sewvice To place a Service or Real Estate ad W1lc,u,cfn Diners Club, Discover, ?i1stercard and VISA. Michael C. Ryan rivi te To place a Private Party ad ph: 847-998-3400 -- option i fax 847-486-7497 email: Hours/Locations Pre-planning is a step that many people overlook when planning for the future. Knowing that these decisions are complete ensures that your family won't have this difficult task at an emotional time. Family owned & operated for over 74 years 's IÂN.. E AD' Retirement...Life Insurance..,WiIls...But W'hat About Funeral Pre-Planning? ,. jB AttentIon Hoalthcare Advertisers: Let local healthcare prstesnionals know aboel l'teafthcare & Nursing postions available within your company by lobog advantage nl some economical employment packages. n Clirasreerir »mal Job-O,ienvcl Liceiisc Cciiificcitinn Treieing (vr: Ado will publish the 1' Sunday euch month in Chicago Sen- Cerlilk'J MR) T«hnologivl ' Grneralj\'ascebr,OB.C,vii & Cardiac Times, Southtown5tar, Pest-Tnbene, Pieneer P1055*, Lake County News-Sun, Herald News, Beacon News, Couner-News and Naperville Sun. Repeat ads are available on the 3' Sunday el each monlh wilh a 15% discounl.' Wanito publish 3, 6 er 12 months during lhe year? Receive an entra i 0% to 30% disensoS Clrculallon Is 638,000 with over 1$ millIon rEsdorohlpl REMODELING Ta adverfise pleaso contad Sandy Gilbert at (630) 978-8225 or Davo Fontechla at (530) 978-8567 or Kitchens, Carpentry, FamI- ing and Tile. Cai1t7731895-7328 COMPLETE REMODELING Kitchen, Bathroom, Easement, New Additions Gomaas 77.t -589-0790 Best price THE CLASSIFIEDS T&-chnoli,giiI . EKG,'CardiologyiSiresa Tech "Radiology/X-Ray Tech CNA ,.. Msdical tt.SClslssl Bathrooms, Basements, APARTMENT IN UltranoundISo:rogr4plcr . . Ekclreneervdiagnesiic 1END.EEG) SUN-TIMES t MEDIA 01 nionster Your csllleg 5 culling Sunday will publish in classilied In a bonneted Heallhcure & Nursing seeSen. 3' Sunday will be a repeat role ad that will publish in general clasaltieds. Pioneer Press publIshes Thursday Patient Care To1i Physicaij0cciipatieual Therapy Aidi ' Pharmacy Tcch . ESL English: as a vecond . Plel'oioniy Tech langesge I Financial Aid & Grants are available (if qualify) We also accept international Students 134 N. LaSalle, Chicago ' Fe mIcrochip & 3 1 2-236-9000 . . NCA-CASI Accri'Jil-d - - B I Thursday,Februaryll,2010 i' A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) - ø Thursday, February 11, 2010 r , r I. Job Outlook Job Insecurity? Succeed in Nursing BOOST YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL! Getting Training holidays and weekends. They need strength to cope Career Options Just a few months ago the announcement of As nursing schools are unable to accommodate with emergencies, ill and dying patients and in general Once you have the experience of working on the 80,000 jobs being lost can make anyone in the public the number of students because of the lack of qualified all types of human suffering. floors, you can specialize in many areas. The variety and private sector nervous. So many positions being teachers, online nursing programs are filling the gap. Technology, patient illness and working with of patient and diseases help you prepare to go into lost in manufacturing and service makes one think Schools such as Kaplan University, University of physicians can make this job challenging. lt is not for specialty areas such as critical care, emergency room about alternatives to a more secure second career. Phoenix and South University are developing online those who do not like to work hard, those who do not and labor and delivery. These will require additional Second and third careers are commonplace in today's programs. Programs such as these not only meet the like to care for people or be exposed to varied tasks. training but most employers are willing to provide it marketplace. Many entering nursing come from careers need for programs but also provide students choices They also supervise others such as nursing assistants, while you are working. Special education such as are in manufacturing, corporate, information systems, as to When they go to school providing alternatives patient care techs or technicians. just a few of the classes available to those who wish banking, journalism and other careers. Many of these what time Or day you go without leaving your home. There are great rewards. The gratitude of patients to advance their careers. Some nurses continue their persons are looking for an alternative to the uncertainty The courses are complimented by a practicum that can as well as the satisfaction of seeing them get better is education for advance degrees while working. Over all, that exists in today's world. The women and men are be completed at a local hospital or clinic. but a few of the personal rewards of those who work at the more education and experience you have the more looking for greater stability, job security and potential Discovering is nursing is for you can be simple as the bedside. The pay is an average of $53,330 with $31 options you will have to further your career. to make greater income after being downsized or going on line and looking atthe online Nursing Education or more per hour on the West Coast and in the Midwest losing jobs due to outsourcing. A nursing career is a Resource Center at viable alternative for those insecurities. faqs/shortage.php. An interest in working with people and an interest in science may indicate that you may Hot Career qualify to join the growing number of second and third The nursing shortage has been due to an increased career persons who are joining this field. The program demand for qualified nurses due to shortage. The is challenging but offers many rewards. shortage is due to the inability to enroll enough nurses in programs at a speed that helps to replace the growing Employment and Working Conditions number of nurses who will be,retiring in a few years. Most of the nurses work in hospitals, nursing Contributing to this is the limited number of qualified homes, outpatient centers and physicians' offices in nursing school faculty and limited number of spaces in private and public institutions. Nurses spend much of nursing programs. theirtime on their feet. They may have to move patients, The Department of Labor has predicted a job growth Nursing offers a variety of work specialties and environments with medical surgical, critical care, operating room, outpatient surgery, open heart and pediatrics as just a few of the specialties. There is flexibility in being able to work full or part time and in multiple specialties. Many men are also taking give medications, shots, and do other treatments as much faster than the average for all occupations. The ordered by a physician. They are needed seven days advantage of this career option. Some men are coming increase expects to be an increase of 27 percent or per week and 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. Sick from specialties such as Emergency Medical Technician more. The statistics can be found at www.blsgov. patients never take a holiday therefore, nurses work (EMT). Many men find ít is a career with security and There is a predicted shortage of 213,500 registered some holidays and weekends on a rotating basis. Some rewards like none other. The need for nurses makes it a nurses in 2010 and by 2020; it is expected to rise to specialties such as the operating room do not work on more secure career with benefits and greater potential 800,000 unfilled nursing jobs. holidays but may have to take call when neded on for varied options. ) GOLDEN HEART 7HOME HEALTH INC. VP of Patient Servicés st. Anthony Regional Hospital, a not-for irofit, 99-bed primary care facility with 640 employees located in Carroll, Iowa, is seeking a VP of Patient Services. The responsibilities for this senior nursing leadership position include coordinating and managing the hospital's nursing activities, as well as strategic planning, financial budgeting, and facilitating community and physician relations. BSN required with master's degree in a health care related field preferred. Current Iowa license and five years progressive nursing experience required. management This is an outstanding career opportunity at a progressive, regional facility serving a seven-county area with a combined population of 80,000 people. Carroll is a community of 10,000 residents located 90 miles between Oes Moines and Omaha. To apply visit STANTHONY øegtuu«IfluiItaJ & Nursinguome Medicare Certified/State Licensed TOLEDO Call Toll Free The University of Toledo Medical Center ( -866.828.66OO) Visit us @ 10700W. HIGGINS RD., STE. 340 ROSEMONT, ILLINOIS 60018 Has current opening for the following positions. FULLTIME, PART TIME and PER VISIT: Pharmacy Technician Medical Front Office ' Ideal opportunity 30 minutes from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Fully equipped & complete dental office. (The complex houses the only Oral Surgeon & Orthodontist in the area). Excellent way to start your own practice I Member of ¡ETC! We specialize in displaced and unemployed workers! Horizons CALL TODAY! New computer Lea,ntn C,nteis Grants and scholarships are available to nursing students to encourage them to attend school: Federal and private grants and scholarships are available from Seeking full tinte Physician with Indiana State License. Starting salary commensurate with experience (min. of$145K).Weekdayotfice hours only. NO call, NO weekends, NO holidaysl Plus benefit package. Must be: BC/BE, any specialty. Single procedure, will train. Individual in-network . the federal government (US Department of Education), hospitals and private agencies. When working for a hospital, scholarships to encourage employees to become nurses are available from $3,000 to $5,000 Call Dr Chlnn at 405.275 3510 or email TPC196O@yahoo corn PHYSICIAN PRACTICE OPPORTUNITY per year. A NEW OPPORTUNITY' ARE YOU SICK OF COLD WINTERS' ,t!/;/tirrii Spouse Thu/en Asnis(anceAririlaòte! 1-888-6 1 7-0597 . ::.NURSEcLINIcIANS,:,.: The Robert H. lune Comprehensive Cancer Center Northwestern unlveslt Olvision of HematolnOy/Oncology needs te till 2 different roles in a challenging nnd rewarding mullidisciplinary environment; . INFUSION NURSES NURSE COORDINATOR Responsible lot treatmert, assetsmert, patiertitamily education and prinaiy nursing cure. triage, symptom insraemest ard cnnrdivation atore. QUALIFICATIONS: . Curtent lisais rursing license Fax or email your resume to: 812-265-9998 AUn: Amanda Dawson-Gross Sophia Mikos-Schild, RN, EdD, CNOR P.O. Box 575 Responsible tot 005essmeot, B.L.S. cettilicatien. Current ONS Chemothetapy Provider card miSsiOn en) OCN cettilication required wilhin 12 months at hire Itntusian nnlyl '":''' . Minimum al ene year recent oncnlsgy enperience Contàct: :. . - ' i:f:i Grady atlanta can' t live without grady We are also hiring regional Intermodal drivers. As an Intermodal driver you can expect: weekly time at home; predictable work schedule; on-site maintenance and dispatch; mileage based on PC Miler. . Walk-ins are welcome from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7101 W. 17th Ave., l5ary, IN Monday, February 8 i p.m. Schneider National Monday, February 8 6 p.m. Schneider National I 7101 W. 17th Ave. I Gary, IN etectroneurodiagnootic testing; one year monitoring END n the OR under the ouperviniori al a qualitied physician Mani have appropriate prolessional credentials appropriate for the procedures performed lai least one or more of the following: CNIM: certificate in Neurophyoiotogy Moniloring; R. EP T: Registered Evoked Potential Techsotogiot; R EEG T: Registered Eleciroencephalography Technologist, and/or R. NCS T: Registered Nerve Conduction Studies Technolsgist. The credentials are awarded by ABRET; current AHA BLS. Please omit our weboite tor further information on this position at h1fp://www.utoledo,edg/deptsrmsç/ emplçyment.hImJ, To apply, submit a cover totter Include position title and iobl, a resume, as welt as three profeooionat reterences EO/AA EeipiovnrIEdcaio, MiT/ON der age 12 Is sublect to Ilcens- accept Ages 6 Weeks to 5 Ing by the Illinois Depart- We years otd. Please cati for mont of of Children and Fam- more Info. Uy Services. The number Lisa Or (708)955-0621 counted includes the family's own children under one 12. Ji you are unsure whether any person listed here ix subJect to licensing, please contact your local DCFS office. Grady ofiers: + 10K sign-on bonus for qualified candidates + Up no 3K for relocation assistance + 1K referral fec Nurse Recruiting at (404) 616-6161 or visit our web site SPthTh1B«cHIW CARE, SEflÇ9lPt.OThENrcHlLDCARE + MJCU + SICU which is preferred. Use only one method at application. EOEWF/D/V Any person reuIorIy provid- Affordable Home Chttdcare Ing chI!d care for more Ihan Doycare like environment, three unrelated children un- but In o loving trome. + Emergency Department For more information about the benefits ofa career at Grady contact: esumos must bQ rocolvod by January ai, 2010. Apply online at + Neuroscience ICU University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390; Fax (419) 530-1490; or email, to: Th Contact Ken at 312-909-1142 to find out more about these opportunities. FIT', PR' & PRN positions available for experienced RNa in the following areas: !thu M Cooperstown is located approximately 90 minutes from Fargo or Grand Forks and features couotry charm and small town values. care and service that our employees give to our patients and other customers is the foundation of our organization. A family physician can expect competitive contpensauion, low coat of living, one day/week, one weekend/nnonth on call as well as health tnsurance, long and short terna disability, malpractice insurance and CME reintbursement. Applicants who apply should be ATLS, ACLS and PALS certified ThedaCare is situated in the Fox Valley - thirty miles south of Green Bay, wi, a beautiful and pleasant place to live. Boasting an excellent school system, lively downtowns, diverse and quality restaurants, secure and peaceful communities, and friendly and outgoing people - the Fox Valley is an ideal place in which to live and grow! New paramedic positions arejoint service with community ambulsnce and individuals applying will be instrumental in establishing position. Titis full time position offers health insurance, 401k planand more! offer excellent benefits, continuing education programs, and an environment that is at the heart of nursing. To learn more about these opportunities visit us on our web site at: Or email your resume to lfthis opportunity is intriguing and you would like to learn more, check out our website st contact Greg Stomp 701-797-2221 x 7107 or email Equal Opportunity Employer gnenmp( FOE Seeking Reservationists and Dispatchers Contact Darrell at 877-246-2855 for more information about regional Van opportunities Opening in February in Atlanta, Georgia graduation lrom an accredited Electroneurodiagnostic technology program 3.5 yearn enperience in routine Center (Level Il Trauma Center). ThedaCare offers an environment that not only welcomes but also encourages innovative thinking and fresh approaches to today's health care challenges. The compassionate, personalized As a regional driver you can expect: average 400-500 miles a day; home weekly; more drop and hook opportunities; and local dispatch. HIRING DRIVING SCHOOL GRADUATES Be a part ofthc opening ofthe cutting edge Neuroscience Center for stroke patients. Cooperstown Medical Center, Coopersiown, North Dakota is seeking professionals to compluie our current nscdical stalL Our four provider prcltcc includes inpatient critical acceso hospital, rural health clinic, skilled nuroing facility and ER. Medical Center and Theda Clark Medical Schneider National has regional Van opportunities available in the Chicagoland area for solo and team drivers. FT opportunity for art experienced ET 2 responsible Operating room (ORI patient preparation & nearophnyiologìcal monitoring. Activities perlornied are consistent with prolessional intraoperative nearomonitoring protocolsfstanctards Position reqanes nurses to work in our ICU/CCUs at Appleton One ot America's leading and most experienced private providers of municipal public transportation services and is an expert in para-transit services lo meet ADA requirements. We're always on the lookout for talented professionals who are eager to join a Winning Team! Mundelein, IL 60060 Marcus Stroke and Neuroscience Center br ' AngelavoungFountaln, Division Administrator INT 3429 - Electrodiagnostierech 2'(ET2) Neurodiagnastic Serviáes: , Paramedic(2) THEDACARE is seeking experienced registered We provider numbers a plus. - Family Physician OR DENTIST LOOKING FOR . Funding your Career averages $25 per hour depending on your level of experience, education, duty and place of employment. Workers in the city average more pay than those in the suburbs. There is opportunity for over time as well as pay for continuing education at most hospitals. Other, salaries at various states can be found at http://www. You may qualify for 100% PAID tuition! +Medical Billing & Coding t RETIRING MILITARY DENTIST' I Get certified in 3.6 months Casandra 1700)417-6277 CHILD CARE IN MY HOME Modern Montessorl environ. ment. MortonGrove/Skokie - area.Mary (224)234-4324 MATURE LADY Available to Babysit Mon. - Frl. oves. & Sat. morn. or att. n47-329-7t2n PliThEERfRESS YOUR LOCAL asuoce PARK RIDGE Mom will care for your children in my homo The Doings and PIoneer Press Newspapers Michel le 847-533-7037 I 3600 S. Kostner I Chicago, IL ---- Carogivor available. Como & Go or 24/1 lino-in. Bort price, Ati Loc.'s No Feos. enq.Spkng Bonded/laser ion-692-2580 * COMFORT KEEPERS * Exp. Caregivers, CHAs LIve in, come & go. Screened bonded Insured SEEK BSIPI.0YMÈNTHOVsOI0LD JENNY'S AGENCY Babysitters, Caregivers, Hsekpers. Live in/Out. Certified and Bonded 847.537,4,469/S474594565 Experience, with Trapeze preferred o Alilo Excellent communication skills High school diploma or equivalent required Able to work independently to use multf-line p/lone o Customer service experience preferred o Must read and write in En,Iish . Knowledge of Windows operating systems 847-215-8103 sen< EMPLO',TitENTHOUSEHOW DOMESTIC SERVICES i provide excellent care, companion & run errands. Call Mary, 773.758-1552 FIND YOUR Transportation, Inc. 6230 Gross Point Road, Niles, IL 60714 PERFECT APARTMEN IN THE CLASSIFIEDS . EOE BU5NÉSSOFPRE&FRANcH Pursuant to the Business Opportunity Saies Law et 1995, every business opportunity must be regIstered With the Illinois Securities Department, Protect yourself and get the facts before you hand over your hard earned money by contacting the lilinois Sec- ttie thnz I1oNEERFREss nous I.00AL asueco FIND YOUR THE CLASSIFIEDS Please apply in person at: MV FIND YOUR TO PLACE A PERFECT PET IN CLASSIFtED AD THE CLASSIFIEDS CALL 847-9983400 Department at (800) 628-7937. For employment cali PERFECIPETIN IN THE CIASSIFIEDS 0 Data entry rotary of State's Securities (847)215.8550 FT/PT, EXcI Rets. Any age. FINOYOUR PERFECT PET Must provide direction and maintain two-way communications with all operators white moniloring systems performance, vehicle/operator availability and/or emergency situations. SCH EIDEf -----I® ...:NATIQNAL S(Eh1Pt.OTh1ENrE.DERCARE :' The Doings and PIoneer Press Newspapers MOMS/DADS Need More Income? Work From Homel 21 Y/O Co... Wili Train. 708-955-0677 FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS AT PlONEERLOCALCOM,0NSrER A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) . B$D Thursday,Februaryll,2010 I Answers to Super Crossword PEACE WACO flAB ACCUSE ORLON OSLO FAR SAI PflN WI-IENP NED LGR I MS RHAPSODY STM COLA GOBSE COHN NYMPH MARTEN I MAJORS CASABA S I DE ELENA PAN RT I EDWHAT LAE TA ImTS EARL OBI DUPLOMATIC DEEM EDSEL ORON ROOM DENTE DAD - SORTOFMUS I C, S CAMEL ALFA UR I AH ALENE :SHEL I NTANG I BLE L I NATTER RAV RAN TYKE D I DTHEYPLAY TOE ELATE HALE AVALON -MEAGER THA I LL:OSAKA,.'LADY ROEGYOM I T ROTOR SAO E S C H EWA L P L Y MO U T H ROCK SEA.GENE SENORHE I FER SAP:ODER: SAXON ARMADA . i HELP WANTED FULL TIME HELP WANTED FULL TIME HELP WANTED PART TIME CAREGIVER JOB FAIR LOOKING FORA CARREER CHANGE? Earn up to $150 per doy, Shoppers needed to Iudge NEED A JOB? Norwood Seniors Network Tuesday Feb 1 6th i O:3Oam - i :3Opm Learn more about becoming a part-time In-home caregiver with the Norwood Seniors Networkl BECOME A NEWSPAPER SALES CREW SUPERVISOR PIONEER PRESS (TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE) FULLAND PART-TIME OAK PARK, MELROSE PARK, LAGRANGE AND SURROUNDING AREAS EARLY EVENINGS DURING TI-lE WEEK 6020 N. Nino Avenue Chicago, IL 60631 INorwood Crossing Campus> Simply show up, fill out an application, meet the statt members, and be interviewed on the spoti Multiple positions are available. You must be dedicated to pro- SIiNTIMFS MFDiA Account Executive Outside Sales Post -Tribune, one ot the 45 newspapers owned by Sun Times Medio, s seekinn a candidate tor a lull position. THE CLASSIFIEDS We ore seeking a molivot- ed and professional individuol to Call on local re- Ing and/or proven soles experience in advertising sales. You should be outgoing, self-motIvated, creative, detail and deadline oriented. Most Importantly, you must be a good listener, so as to identity customer needs. Competency with MS Word and Excel is also needed. We otter a base salary, commissions and an excel- I udine lent benetits package InC medical/dental/visIon in- surance, paid vacations and a 4011k>. Please e-mail your resume with cover letter to Rich Coins at rcalns@ post-tribune or fox to 219indicate 648-3246 and Executive "Account Position" in the sublect line. No phone coils please Equal Oportunity Employer BE YOUR OWN BOSS MENARDS is looking for on aggressive & responsibio person with a Class "A CDL to OWN & OPERATE their own Delivery Truck and to deliver materiais. This GREAT opportunity comeswith SUPER SECURITY & UNLIMITEarning Potential. ED This is YOUR opportunity to work with the #1 Home Improvement Center. Contact: MENARDS SCOTT, NICK, OR STEVE 715-876-4000 MENARDS FINDYOUR PERFECT APARTMENT IN ThE CLASSIFIEDS or PianeerLocal.corWMonster No Resume Needed! SUN-TIMES\ tvEDlA Our Classified Inside Sales Outbound Account Executives Sun-Times Media is look- ing tor Classified Inside Outbound Account Executives with a minimum 2year previous sales and customer service expon- ence in a professional buOi- ness environment and expenience With data input utilizing a PC. High school groduote or GED requlned. College degree is preferred, or a least 2 year college program in related field. Inside OutClassitied bound Account Execu- lives are responsible ton selling advertising for all Sun-Times Media Publicatians including: Chicago Sun-Times, Bea- con News, Herald News, Courier News, Nopervilie Sun, Post-Tribune, LakeCounty News Sun, SouthtownStar, and Pioneer Press and Web partnerships tor associated categories of business. These positions will solicit new business and service existing commercial occounts. Responsible for the day-to-day servicing of existing accounts and developing new business in Commercial Accounts. Prospect new advertisers and make sales presentafions to now and existing clients over the Sell additional phone. products and services. Practice su- perlar customer service and superior problem solving skills to exceed cus- tomer expectations. Sun-Times Media Please send your resume to: mdoherty@ Equal Opportunity Employer Work 3-4 days per week, gel paid weeklyl MYSTERYSHOPPERS socall NowItI Earn up fo $150/day. Shoppers needed to udge CALL BRIAN @ relail & dining est. Exp. not . req. 805-507-3349. 515-535-6517 If you leave o message, please be sure to leave your name, high school name, and telephone number so thaI we can return your coil. automated system 'D HlGHWRfTRNlSP0tl V Arts Banking CoIl Center/Customer Service Chlldcare #17: Counseling & Social Services #55: Oental #45: Onlvers/Tronsportafion #18: Education #24: Factory & Warehouse #57: Health Care Assistants #44: Hotel & Hospitaiity #23: Human Resources #21 : insurance/FInancial Services #25: Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance #26: Legal #27: Management #28: MaterIals & Logistics #29: Mechanics #30: MedIo & Advertising #50: Medical Records #56: MedIcal Technlçlans Medical Therapists #52: Nursing #31 : Office Administration #32: Operations p33: Personal Care Pharmacy #46: Printing Protective Services Quality Control #48: Real Estate #37: Restaurant #i8: Retail #39: Sales #51 : Skilled Trades: Building General #47: SkIlled Trades: Construction comes with SUPER This is YOU R opportunity to work with the #1 home improvement centerl I Contact: Scott, Nick or Steve M 715-876-4000 MENARDS Education- Klshwaukee College Is accepting applica- tians tor full-time tenure track Diesel Power Technology Instructor. See turther de- Jouet - 815-553-0495 ext 207 Elgin - 847-741-1200 ext 258 Oes Plaines - 847-299-9700 ,s% GOLD SeeOurAd In Todays Main News Or Contact: Schneider Notional Darrell at 877-246-2855 Or '// GOLD SeeOurAd In Todays Main News Or Contact: Primrose Oil Company 800-275-2772 ext 232 talisat: www. klshwaukeecollege .edu/employment. Healthcore SocIal ServIce: We are seeking PRSD (Sodal Service Director) far a full-time position at aun 74 bed facility. Applicant must be licensed or have a Master Degree, also must have expe- GOLD See Our Ad In Todays Main News Or Contact: Ad Kids Management nience os a supervisor & expe- nience working with persons with serious mental Illness. Please fox resume to: 708-598-3796, AfIn: Kenan days a week and is presented by The Pioneer Press. Don't Waif, Do If Todayl 1051-1055 W. PRATT EXTRA SPECIAL LOCATION. FIRST BLDG OFF THE LAKE & BEACH. NEWLY DECORATED, HEATED, HWD FLRS. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. $1,055.85 Hickory NursIng pavillon 9246 5. Roberts Rd. Hickory HIlls, IL 6160 GOLD SeeOurAcl In Todays Main News Or Contact: Perkins Specoilized NORRIDGE Lg 1BR $705+util, prkg md. CALL 84799S34OO (708)407-0317 Park Ridge -631-651 Busse quIet. 4/i. $605. 773-330-3716 - pS/ND0$JRATS-R00 IBR, iBA, avail immed & pets OK By school shopping (224>766-0275 lv msg . DR/0wttótE8s/R0wH0tB McLennan 847-825-0011 Des Plaines2 BR, 1.5 BA, 1 car gar Townhouse. PARK RIDGE - Deluxe IBR, bsmnt, Close to downtown. tree heal. Downtown looctian. $1100/mo + uhils. 773-817-7677 $775/mo. 847-404-8460 ROSEMONT: Bright, clean 2BR5 In quiet bldg. Nr L & Expwy. No Pets. $800/MO. + 1.5 Mn. Sec. (847)523-7178 SKOKIE: 2ndflr,3BR 1.5BA, eat-in kif, i c prkg $1205. Denise 847-671-1299 Outsfonding Building Spacious 5 Room- 2 Bedroom Store Your Special Car Alls Storage 773-655-1454 . :HOUSES LINCOLNWOOD -Range house2BR, i cargar. Pleose welcome. $1600 (8471845-0465 : - STORES/OFFICE CHICAGO-5151 N. Harlem Office. 600-1200 Sq.Fl. On-Site ceilings fans, Garage avaIl. Parking. Some util. md. Oes plaines- 1ER, $725 2BR $850-$900, inlcds heal, lndry,prkg. Immed. accp GRE prop 847-524-6970 EDISON PARK AREA OlmsteWOverhill 1BR, iBA. No pets, Neon S.F. prime location, High Heat & water included. Spa- traffIc. $10/SF 047-394-3305 clous rooms closets. Close to stores and transparfation. Skokie- Tauh'/ near Edens Laundry In buildIng. To see 400tt-700t1-l200ft wIll combine call Tony 700-417-5597 (224) 234-4434 Avail.NOW! - Call 847-602-6622 ciousll 1BRfor$065. Heat& McLennan 847-525-0011 AP Laundryinbuildlng. T000e EVANSTON 1507 Greenleal, call Tony 108-417-5597 rear Coach house, 1 B R, bsmt, SKOKIE-4909 Church 1BR laundry, $850+heat na extras, nIghtly clean-up SKOKIE-4906-28 Conrad Spa- Water Included. Spacious rooms and closets. Close to stores and transportatiOn. $850. Close to transportation. Heat, water and parking Indluded. Storage room and laundry. Must see I I I Tony - VACATIONRENTALS. - ORLANDO FL, 2BR, 2BA, KIT, odi Disney, 4 pools, AWARDWINNING RE- SORT, 3/39-3/36, 847-200-6151 REALESTAIEFORSAI.E 700/417-5597 CONDOMINIUMS SKOKIE: 4937 CHURCH EVANSTON -935 FOREST Lrg. i 8, 2 Bdrm. Central NC, Studio Apt. Exc CandI Nr Lake & Trans. W/D AvaiL All heat IncI, prkg. ave/I. Next Io EVANSTON SE: 809 .Iudsofl. DesIrable Landmark Bldg. Utils md. $600. 847-864-8281 pork, chose Io Old Orchard. Vnlg i BR. 2 blku to Irns & bch Coli Barbara 847-673-1317 or Hal Iniark&Johnson773-545$163K. FSBOI 773-965-2255 FOREST PARK Deluxe 1 BR, New Windows, 6160 Kit CbntO, Tile, Crptng, SKOKIE-0042 N. Knox-lA Lndry Fac, NC. Inc Ht & Gas Deluxe 2BR apt. w/ AC, cab $739/Mo. Mr Luis 788-366-5602 Glenview- Superb Schools LUXURY RESIDENCES Updated IBR, 2 & 3 BR w/'l Lrg balcony, eat-in kit, inunit w/d. Lrg outdoor pool, tennis, clubhouse, Hi Speed Inter-net. On-site mgmt, 24 hr. emergency maint. Dog or cat oh. Near Metro, l-94 & I-294. Starting at 1BR $1250, 2BR $2080, 3BR $2310 We are Senior Friendly Valley LoTowers Il 1910 Chestnut Ave. Call (847) 990-1050 x200 Mon- Frl 9:30-5pm Closed Saturdays kil, newer appic, prkg, bundry tacility, near fraflsp, parks and shopping. Avail V1fl0 $995/mo. Call Jerry Ettinger 312-6001234/ FIND YOUR SKOKIE-5250-60 NILES CENTER RD. Lovely 1BR5 '5065. ONE MONTH FREEI I Larger, modern kitchens & baths. NC, storage, laundry & parking. Heat litcl. Tony PERFECT (708) 417-5097 SKOICIE Lrg 2.5 BR, iBA, newer kIl, appis, & BA. new carpeilng & decorating. $1180. Indi utils. nr parks & Prkng. W/D. Avail Imniedl 4728 N Olcett. 312-738-1046 Réai Estate Foreclosure Sales APARTMENT IN schools. sec 8, 773-580-0003 THE CLASSIFIEDS r JUDICIALSALES - sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser al Ihe sale shall be enlilled only ta a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall hove no furHier recourse against the Marlgagor, Ihe Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. EQUAL 110155100 OPPOtITUNiTY Upon payment In full at Ihe All real estate advertising In amount bid, Ihe purchaser 1h15 newspaper is sublect ta will receive a Cerliticate of the FaIr Housing Ad, which Sale that will entitle Ihe purmakes Il Illegal lo advertise Chaser to a deed to the real any preterende, limitation or estate alter contirmatian at discrimination based on age, Ihe sale The property will race, color, religion, sex, NOT be Open for Inspection handicap, familial status or and plaintiff makes no repronallonal orIgin, or inlenlian to senlalion as lo the condition make any such preferences, et the property. Prospectivo lImitatIons or dlsdrlmlnaIlOn. bidders are admonished ta check the court file lo verify The Illinois Human Rights all informalien. If this propAd prohibits dIscrIminatIon erty Is a condominium unit, In the sale, rental or adverfis- the purchaser of the unit ah Ing of real estafe based on tac the foreclosure sale, other lors in addition to those pro- than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and Ihe legal ledted under federal law. tees required by The Condo- minium Properly Act, 765 This newspaper will not 60519(g)I1I and lg)(41. knowingly accept any adver- ILCS YOU ARE THE MORTGAtlsing for real estate whIch Is IF IHOMEOWNERI, YOU in violation of the law All GOR HAVE THE RIGHT TO REpersons are hereby informed MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR that all dwellIngs adverfised :to DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF are available on on equai op AN ORDER OF POSSESportunily basis. SION, IN ACCORDANCE SECTION 15-1701(C) To complain of discrimina- WITH THE ILLINOIS MORTtian, call FlUO toll free al: 1- OF GAGE FORECLOSURE 000-6699777. iI RE JUDICIAL SALES ,. thxt;z P1ONEERfEEss vous rocci. Souecc IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSES- The Doings and Pioneer Press Newspapers BUSINESS FOR SALE'; Cook County . Quick Marts with gas sales/car wash. SION, IN lodI Plaintltf's altorney: The OF THE ILLINOIS MORTSale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSO- GAGE FORECLOSURE CIATES, P.C. , 15W030 LAW. For Information, conNORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, loch PlaInliff's olIamo?: The SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, Sale Clerk, CODIL1S & ASSOIL 60527, 16301 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to tile number 14-58-22004. THE JU- : REJUDICIAL SALES RE iUDICIALSALES. and In AS iS condition. The and is offered tar sate without Sole terms: 25% down of the sale is further subledt lo con- any represenlallon as ta quai- highest bid by certified funds firmation by the court. If Ihe ihy or quantity at tIlle and al Ihe close at the oudlian;. sale Is set aside for any rea- without recourse to Plaintiff The balance; In certified son, the Purchaser at the sale and in 'AS IS' condihian. The tunds, is due within Iwenhyshall be entitled only to o re- sole is further subledt la can- tour (241 hours. The sublech turn at the deposIt paid. The firmallon by the court. If the properly is subiect ta general Purchaser shall have no fur- sate Is set aside for any rea- real estate taxes, special as>her recourse against Ihe son. the Purchaser ah the sale sessments, or special laxes Morhgagor, the Morhgagee or shall be entitled only ta a re- levied against said real estate the Mortgagee's attorney. hum at the deposit paid. The and is offered for sale without Upon payment in full of the Purchaser shall hayo no fur- any representation os ho quaiomounl bld, the purchaser Iher recourse against the Ily or quontihy at title and will receive a Certificate of Morhgogor, the Mortgagee or without recourse lo Plaintiff Sale that wIll enhIlo the pur- the Mortgagee's attorney. and in AS IS' condition. The chaser lo o deed lo Ihe real Upon payment In full of Ihe sale is further sublecl lo canestate after confirmation at. amounl bid, lise purchaser lirmatlon by the court. Upon the sale The property wIll will receive a Certificale at payment in lull at the amount NOT be open far inspeclion Sale that wIll enhIle the pur- bld, Ihe purchaser will reand plaintIff makes no repre- chaser to a deed lo Ihe real deive a Cerllficato of Sale senfatlon as fo the condition esbale after confirmatIon al 1h01 will enhIle the purchaser of the property. Prospective the sale The property will ha a deed to the real eshale atbidders are admonished ha NOT be open tar Inspection her cotiflrmatlon at the sale check the court tIle ta verify and plainlitt makes na repro- The properly will NOT be all Information. It this prop- senlahion as lo Ihe condition opon tar Inspection and plainerly is a condominium unit, ah the property. Prospective tilt makes na representation Ihe purchaser of the unit al bidders are admonished ho as ta the condition of Ihe propIhe foreclosure sole, other check the court file lo verify erly. Prospective bidders are Ihon a mortgagee shall pay all information. If this prop- admonished lo check Ihe the assessments and the legal erhy is a condominium unit, caurI file Io verity all mIarfees required by The Condo- the purchaser of the unit al motion. II this property is a minIum Properly Act, 765 the foreclosure sale, other dondaminium unit, Ihe purILCS 605/91g)(i) and (g)(4). than a morlgagee shall pay chaser of Ihe unit at the fore- ACCORDANCE LAW. Fer Information, con- WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) call Rudy 1547)287-9299 Park Rldge4BR, 2.5BA ranch Fin. bsmnf, huge lot, 1 block from Melra. Gar., Indry. Pets Des Plaines-1641 Thacker Heal included . Janitor on Bruce 773-491-4191 3rd fIr, 3BR, 2BA good trono- premises, walk to Devonshire Llncolnwood-SkOkie-Niles portatien. No pets, $1800/mo. Park. Coli Gabby 847-933-0727 114-$4,000 SF Top Nolch McLennan 847-825-5011 or Hallmark & Johnson Office Suites 773-545-6160 Imperial 773-736-4100 Des Plaines- 1651 Thacker 2nd Floor, 2BR, iBA, good SKOKIE-490i Cram LovelyIl MORTON GROVE 1,000-2,500 Iransp, No pets, $915 mo 1BR tor $865- 2BR for $995. McLennon 847-525-0011 ON .. HOJS.ESrlBURßAN.. GARAGES/PARKINGSPAcES SKOKIE: 4602-22 Grove Neotiy Decorated. 1 Car CALL 847998-3400 RIver Grove: IBR, 2nd fIr, ht/wtr md, Wc, hdwd, Indry, nr metro & shp, $745/mo. HARW000 HEIGHTS: 2BR. DON'T NEED IT? SELL IT FAST. Call Jerry 773-00$-7731 NC. Lndry avl. (708) 453-4908 WILES LUX FURNISHED 2 Northlake: King Arthur, I BR BR 2 BA. Huge closets, BaIc., pool, sauna, gym $1350. Secs $695. Call tar SpecialI Janet Or Sarena 847-455-4922 To PLACEYOUR GARAGE SALE AD, NORWOOD PARK GARDEN 1ER Apt On QuIet Side SIred. $650. Ht, Prkng & Lndry 15cl. Newly dec & crptd, appis, LighI, airy/remodeled, full baths & indoor parking. INSURANCE CAREERS Marie at 800-321-7375 STATE FARM Licensed Exp. Sales Reps #45: Skilled Trades: Building $50K PosboriUues+ Benefits HELP WANTED PART TIME Prat. Also, CSRs-Wlil Train #41 : Skilled Trades: Toll Free (888) 399-0606 Ext. 9 KENNEL Manufacturing Fax Resumes: 773-399-1396 General Cleaning For Animal #50: Specialty Services Hospital In Franklin Park. #42: Telephone/Cable 10-15 Hrs Per Week, Coli #49: Travel and Recreation #43: Trucking FREE service is This available 24 hours a doy-7- Beautiful View Of Lake 773-205-4160 Chicano, 773-792-7935 (700)707-2343 Agent Owned No Sleost Coil 705-407-0317 Metro & Shopping. $870/mo. ,_f> ,;YJrt,, (708)707-2343 Agent Owned 7262 W. Peterson Ave, Newly remad. Util. noi indi. I-loltmark&Johnson773-545- SeeOurAd In Todays Main News Or Contact: Movie Facts 847-470-8100 i B R opt nice and clean. $650. 1BR FOE station, 2 yr.leose. $1450-$1550 Condo Alternative Affordable, comfonlable home with friends, activities and great services Resurrection Rehlremenl Community River Grove -5th and Palmer. 773-415-5035 SECURITY 8, UNLIMITED earning potential. No pets allowed. Near train NC. $785 & $905. 547-330-0903 ing. $550/Mo. Call 630-057-3830 Hooted, secure. Month or Annuol To View Apt. Call Zlatko 800-764-4034 creates one tor you-FREEI www.h With an 8-minute phone call or use our convenient online Drivers torm, Monster Match con The MENARDS has great opmatch you with employers partunilies for individuals that are hiring-NOW> wanting to start their own Choose from one of the business by becoming an following main lob Codes lo ownenfoperalor of a enter your information: delivery truck. #10: Accountlng/ FInance #11 : Airline/Airport This GREAT opportunity All appics. md. w/d in unit. CHICAGO: Harlem/Belmont Spac i & 2BRs. Pets 0k. Ht, RIVER GROVE - 2BR. Newly Remod. Central air, parking, laundry. No Smok- 742-3340 x226 Tu-Frl 1-49m FO CaliTonyTodaytl MORTON GROVE Immed. 0cc. 2ER, 2BA, elev. bldg. 1 heated indr. prkg. sp. All Transporlotlon and training provided. Spots are tilling up last .- 773-54$-6160 crpt, blInds, AC, indry facilI- Chicagoland Crew Company, Inc. 815-530-6017 i-866-374-1694 tail businesses to offercre alive advertising ideas, both in print and online. Our Ideal candidate will possess o college degree in advertising or market- ties, sec dep $730.847-677-1889 working pori-time? GOLD lime account executive outside advertising soles How would you like lo earn $125 to $225 per week Hallmark & Johnson- Woukegan Rd. 1BR, heat, CALLBRIAN W MUST HAVE RELIABLE VEHICLE know who you are, what skills RCGIONALRUNS you have, and your desire to ' ,3?;?u ¿;, TANKER DRIVERS work for one ot these companies, until you let them Limited Positions Availoblel know who you are. Great pay & benefits Pd. orientation, assigned MONSTER MATCH CAN SeeOurAd In Todays trucks, fuel card, Prepass. H E LP I Main News Or Contact: CREATE YOUR PROFILE Must have: TWIC Card, CDLOregon Center For A, w/tanker & hazmat enNOW Applied Science dorsements. >8 mo. current OY PHONE 877-366-3119 TT experience. ORWEB FREEI or famiiysatety.orcasinc.cons PERFECT PET IN MORTON GROVE 8500-06 N. . - AL 773-416-5292 5500+ 5Cc dep. 773-631-5501 Need A Job, But Don't Have the TronsPortotlon? NILES Close to Milwaukee & Golf, Newly remod iERI 1 Garden Apt. Heat, water incid. $775/$750 month. AVERAGE CREW MANAGER MAKES 51000+ PER WEEK al core, various doily activities, medication reminders, These employers will never O rivers HARWOOD HTS. 2BR, Htd I-harlem' Lawrence area, We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic people who can work port-lime in Ihe Chicago Suburbs otter school andan Saturday mornings. TRAINING PROVIDED with assistance provide household chores and person- local lobs. 773-631-8801 NILES, Cloue to Milwaukee & Dempster, 2BR Newly remod, hdwd firs, heat, water Included, $850/month. - You con also oppiy online at apply@norwoodsenlorsnetwo Owner Ops-Dedicated runs. JO BS I (please note either IL to SW TX, .90/mi. ail mi. + ,, Live-In Caregiver" or fuel surcharge. 2500/3000 Local companies one seeking "Come and Go Caregiver" In ml/wk. Lease Purchase avail. people with all levels of the sublecti, or oppiy online at No touch freightl 53' Refers experience for hundreds of norwoodseniorsnetwork.arg rent free. Call Larry W 850- FIND YOUR $750/mo, SOC dep req. Chicagoland Crew Company Inc. Iso local company, that secures cuslomers for Pioneer Press NewsPoPers JOBS, JOBS and MORE -4 Students! Witlkto Lake Outstanding Value 1911-19 W. baby Well maintained buildings newly decorated. Heated, Walk to CTA, shops, etc. Immediate occupancy. i Bedroom sus TO VIEW APT. CALL HARWOOD HTS. 1BR, htd GUARANTEED SALARY I COMMISSION Icallon and personality, we will train you (and pay you for the trolningli You will be equipped with the skills to be a successful caregiver with our organization while you helpful and must hove valid twined. Call 077-581-1555 HARW000 HEIGHTS Small Garden Apt, 2ER, no smoking, no pets. 705-867-0344 VERY FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE hull service to the elderly populolion. Some experience helpful but If you have Ihe drive, ded- and/or other special prolects. Valid IL Drivers License very retail and dining establishments. Experience not re- J B31 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) MORNINGS ON SATURDAY viding quality care, building relationships and providing Social Security Card. HELP WANTED FULLTIME MYSTERY SHOPPERS Thursday,Februaryll,2O1O 15W030 CIATES, P.C. , NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9076 between the hours at 1 and 3 PM DICIAL SALES CORPORA- only and ask tor the sales deTION One South Wacker portmenl.. Please refer ta tile Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL number 14-09-16603. THE JU65606-4650 1312) 236-SALE DICIAL SALES CORPORAYou can also visit The Judi- TION One South Wacker dial Sales Corporation at Drive, 24hh Floor, Chicago, IL for a 7 day sIa- 60606-4650 1312) 236-SALE THE BENEFIT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT li7478771C OF COOK COUNTY, HARWOOD HEIGHTS ILLINOIS COUNTY FOR AMERIQUEST MORTIN THE CIRCUIT COURT DEPARTMENT GAGE SECURITIES TRUST OF COOK COUNTY, CHANCERY DIVISION 2006-M), ASSET-BACKED ILLINOIS COUNTY PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUCDEPARTMENT CATES, SERIES 2056M3 CESSOR BY MERGER TO CHANCERY DIVISION Plalnhitt, -y.- RICHARD J. ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. Plalntlft,-v.- PHH MORTGAGE CORPOAVENT, el al Defendant -y.Plaintiff, ERIC A. ANDERSON, el al RATION 08 CH 032918 iBECO BECIR Defendant NOTICE OF SALE NK/A KALAMPEROVIC 09 CH 022047 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBECIR KALAMPEROVIC, el NOTICE OF SALE BY GIVEN that pursuant to o Judgment at Foreclosure and PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- al Defendant 09 CH 004285 Saie entered In the above BY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant to a NOTICE OF SALE cause on July 24, 2009, an Judgment at Foreclosure and agent of The JudIcial Sales Sale entered in the above PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREwill at 10:30 AM cause on November 24, 2009, BY GIVEN that pursuant ta a '/ Corporation on February 25, 2010, al the an agent et The Judicial Sales Judgmenl at Foreclosure and The JudicIal Sales Corpora- Corparahlon will at 10:30 AM Sale entered in the above tian, One Soulh Wacker Drive on February 26, 2010, at lbs cause an November 24, 2009, . 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, The Judicial Sales Corpora- an agenl at The JudicIal Soles 65606, sell at public auction Io lion, One Soulh Wacker DrIve Carporahlan will ah 10:35 AM February 26, 20)0, at Ihe Ihe highest bidder, as sel - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, on forth below, the tollawing de- 60606, sell ah public auchion lo The Judicial Sales Corporascnibed real estate: Common- Ihe highest bidder, as set tian, One South Wacker Drive Iv known as 258 BERNARD lorhh below, Ihe following de- - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, . DRIVE, BUFFALO GROVE, sdribed real estate: Common- 60606, seIl al publIc auction lo IL 65089 Property Index No. ly known as 342 HIAWATHA Ihe highest bidder, os set 03-04-110-501 The real eslale is DRIVE, BUFFALO GROVE, forhh below, the following deImproved wIth a residence. IL 65089 ProperlY Index No. scnibed real estate: CommonSale terms: 25% down al Ihe 53-05-203-042 The real eslahe is ly known as 6519 W. FOREST AVENUE, hIghest bld by cortitied funds improved with a residence. PRESERVE at the close at Ihn auction;. Sale terms: 25% down of the HARW000 HEIGHTS, IL The balance, in certified highest bld by cerhitled funds 60706 Property index No. 13The real colate is tunds. is due within Iwenly- oh the close of the auction;. 10-406-002 with a resIdence. four (241 hours. The subledt The balance, In cerlifled Improved property Is Subledt to general funds, is due within Iwenhy- Sale herms: 25% dawn of Ihe real estate laxes, special as- four (241 hours. The subledh highest bld by certified funds sessmenls, or special laxes property Is subledi lo general al the clase of Ihe audlion;. levied agaInst saId real ostale real eslahe laxes, special as- The balance, In certified and is otfered for sate wllhout sessmenhs, or special taxes tunds, Is due wifhin Iwenlyuny representation as Io qual- levied agaInst said real esfole four (24) hours. The subiedt Is subiedt lo general thy or quantity at tille and and Is altered for sale without properly withaul recourse to Plaintiff any represenhatlen as to qual- real cobb laxes, special asand In AS IS" ConditIon. The 11v or quanhihy of lilIe and sessmenls, or special taxes sale Is further sublect lo can- wibhouh recourse lo PlalnIlfI levied against sold real osIate firmatlon by the court. If the CE RT I F I CAT E HOLD E RS SU BSCRIBE TO DAY. CALL 847486-9300 -- .....L r REJUDICIALSALES RE JUDICIAL SALES course against the Morlgagar, Ihe Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment In full of the amount bid, the purchaser will rocelve a CertifIcate at Sale required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)14). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAthe assessments and the legal GOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU fees required by The Condo- HAVE THE RIGHT TO REminIum Properly Act, 765 MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR condominium unit, the purchaser at Ihe unit al the toreclosure sate, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessmenfs and the legal toes required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF bidders are admonished to check the court file la verity all information. II hhis properly is a condominium unit, the purchaser at the unIt al the foreclosure sale, other than o mortgagee shall pay that will enttIe fha purchaser ta a deed la fhe real eslale of- ter confirmatIon of Ihe sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plain- lift makeS na representatIon as la lheconditiOn of the property. Prospective bidders are closure sale, other than a admonIshed la check Ihe mortgagee shall pay the as- court file ta verify all intorsessmenls and the legal fees mallan. It this property Is a ILCS 605/91g1(1) and (g)(4). 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- AN ORDER OF POSSESGOR IHOMEOWNER), YOU SlOW, IN ACCORDANCE HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- WITH SECTION 15-17011Cl MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR OF THE ILLINOIS MORTFORECLOSURE 35 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF GAGE AN ORDER OF POSSES- LAW. For informahion, conACCORDANCE tacI Plaintiff's attorney: The SION, IN WITH SECTION 15-17011Cl Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOP.C. , 15W020 the assessments and the legal closure sale, alher than a OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- dATES, FORECLOSURE NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, fees required by The Condo- mortgagee shall pay Ihe as- GAGE minIum Properly Act, 765 sessmenhs and the legal foes LAW. Far information: Visit SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, websihe al IL 60527, ¿630) 794-9876 beILCS 605/9(gIll) and (g)(41. required by The Condomini- our IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- um Property Act, 765 ILCS h t I p : \\5 e r y I c e . a I t - Iween the hours of 1 and 3 PM between the only and ask tor the sales deGOR (HOMEOWNERI, YOU 605/9(gl(Il and (gI(4). IF HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- YOU ARE THE MORTGA- hoursof3andStsm. PIERCE parlment.. Please refer ho tile MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR GOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU & ASSOCIATES, Plaintift': number 14-09-14069. THE JU30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- Attorneys, One North Dear- DICIAL SALES CORPORAAN ORDER OF POSSES- MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR barn Street Suite 1300, TION One South Wacker IN ACCORDANCE 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF CHICAGO, IL 60652. Tel No. Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL SlOW, WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) AN ORDER OF POSSES- (312) 476-5500. Please reter to 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- SlOW, IN ACCORDANCE file number PA0952784. THE You con also visit The JudiGAGE FORECLOSURE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) JUDICIAL SALES CORPO- dal Sales Corporation at LAW. Far intarmollon, con- OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- RATION One South Wacker lar a 7 day sIaFORECLOSURE Dniye, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL lus report at pdnding sales. tact Plaintlft's attorney: The GAGE Sate Clerk, CODILIS & ASSO- LAW. Far Information: Visif 60606-4650 1312) 236-SALE CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, websile al You can also visit The Judi- P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTCIATES, P.C. , i5W030 our AN ORDER OF POSSESIN SlOW, ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTFORECLOSURE GAGE LAW. For information, donladI PlainiltI's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSO15W030 CIATES, P.C. NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours at 1 and 3 PM only and ask far Ihe sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-30904. THE JU- DICIAL SALES CORPORA- One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL TION 60606-4655 (312) 236-SALE Yau can also visit The Judi- NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, h t t P : \\s e r y I c e . a t b y - cial Solos Corporalion ah AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 dial Sales Corporation at between the tor o 7 day sIa- BURR RIDGE, IL60527 1630) tar a 7 day staSUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 65527, (635) 794-9876 be- hoursof3andspm. PIERCE tus report of pending sales. 794-9876 Attorney File No. : 14tween the hours of i and 3 PM & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One 59-14069 ARDC# 00460002 Alonly and ask for the sates de- Allorneys, One North Dear- North Dearborn Street Suihe lorney Cade. 21762 Case # 59 SIred Sulle 1300, 1300CHICAGO, 1L60602 (3121 CH 010928 NOTE: Pursuant to parlment.. Please refer to file born number 14-09-03035. THE JU- CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel Na. 476-5550 Attorney File No.: the Fair Debt Collection DICIAL SALES CORPORA- 13121 476-5550. Please refer lo PA0902784 Attorney Code. Prachicos Act, you ore advised that plaintiff's attorney TION One South Wacker file number PA0020249. THE 91220 Case # 09 CH 6019 lus report of pending sotes. You can also visit The JudiCODILIS & ASSOCIATES, dial Sales CorporatIon al P.C. 15W035 NORTH FRONT- far a 7 day sIa- Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL JUDICIAL SALES CORPOreport of pending sales. 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE RATION One South Wacker :: cEMETERY.LoTs:-, AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 fus BURR RIDGE, 1L60527 (630) CODILIS ,t ASSOCIATES, You can also visit The Judi- DrIve, 2-11h Floor, Chicago, I L (3121 236-SALE 794-9076 Attorney File No. : 14- P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- dial Sales Corporation al 65656-4650 Acacia Park Cemetery 150 for a 7 day sto- You con also Visit The JudiROAD, SUITE ARDC# 50460052 AI- AGE Nornidge. Garden Piel $1995 00-22004 cial Sales Corporation at lus report al pending sales. BURR RIDGE, 1L60527 (6301 homey Coche. 21762 Case # 00 17701 844-4476 17701561-0641 CH 032918 NOTE: Pursuant to 794-9876 Attorney File No. : 14- CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, for a 7 day stathe Fair DebI Collection 09-16603 ARDC# 00460002 AI- P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- tus report at pending sales. REJUDIILSALE Practices Adt, YOU ore ad- lorney Cede. 21762 Case # 09 AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One vised that Plainhitt's attorney CH 022047 NOTE: Pursuant ho BURR RIDGE, 1L65527 (630) North Dearborn Streel Sulle BUFFALO GROVE is deemed to be a debt coliec- the Fair Debt CollectIon 794-9076 Attorney Filo No.: t4- 1300CHICAGO, 1L60602 1312) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ter attempting ho collect a Practices Act, you are ad- 09-03035 ARDC# 50465502 Al- 476-5550 Altorney File Na.: OF COOK COUNTY, debt and any information ob- vised that plaintiff's allorney larney Cade. 21762 Case # 09 PA082O249 Attorney Code. ILLINOIS COUNTY lamed will be used for that Is deemed ho be a debf coiled- CH 004205 NOTE: Pursuant la 91220 Case # 08 CH 43415 lar atlemptlng ta called a Ihe Fair Debt Cohechan 1244472 DEPARTMENT purpose. 1242404 Pub: 2/11. 2/18, 2/25/10 debt and any Infermahian ob- Practices Act, you are adCHANCERY DiVISiON Pub: 2/4, 2/11, 2/1 0/tO 11750612)C talned wIlt be used far that vised 1h01 Plolntitf's attorney DEUTSCHE BANK NATION11749159)C is deemed ta be a debh callecAL TRUST COMPANY, AS purpose. 1239304 HARW000 HEIGHTS tar attempting lo coIled a Pub: 1/38.2/4,2/11/tO TRUSTEE IN TRUST FOR BUFFALO GROVE Call Bill, 547-680-5831 -. ::RÈ'JupIC!AtSALEs -; Plaintiff and in 'AS 15/ candI- celye O Certificate at Sale tian. The sale Is further sub- thai will entitle the purchaser lech lo confirmation by the to a deed lo the real estate atcourt. Upon paymenl in full of ter contirmollan of hhe sale the amounl bid, the purchaser The properly will NOT be will receive a Certificate of open tar inspection and plainSale Ihot will entitle the pur- litt makes no reprMentatian chaser ta a deed la Ihe real as la the condition at the propestate aller cantirmahian al erly. Prospedhive bidders are the sale The property will admonished to check the NOT be open lar inspeclion court file ho yerity all mIarand plaintiff makes na repre- motion. lt this properly Is a sentatian as ta the condition conctant)Inium unit, the purof Ihe properly. Prospective chaser at the unit al the fare- debt and any Informahion ab- lamed will be used far that purpose. 1239328 Pub: 1/20,2/4,2/11/10 (17478001C HARW000 HEIGHTS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BANKUNITED, FSB PlaintIff, -V.- JOANNA SZEF, eh al Defendant 09 CH 6019 NOTICE OF SALE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERECHANCERY DIVISION BY GIVEN that pursuanl la a LASALLE BANK NATIONAL Judgmenh of Foreclosure and ASSOCIATION, AS TRUST- Sale entered In the above BE FOR cause on September 9, 2009, CE RT IF IC ATE HO LO E RS an agent al The Judicial Sales OP BEAR STEARNS ASSET Corporation will at 10:35 AM BACKED SECURITIES I on March 8, 2010, at Ihe The LLC, ASSET-BACKED CER- Judicial Sales Corporation, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL60527 (630) 794-9876 Ailarney FlleNo.: 1405-35984 ARDC# 00460002 AlIs doomed to be a debt coilec- homey Code. 21762 Case # 08 lar attempting to collect a CH 043717 NOTE: Pursuant la debl and any information ab- Ihe Fair DebI Collection 1245345 Pub: 2/11,2/18,2/25/10 (17506231C LIN CO LN WOOD IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTOAGE, INC. SUC- lamed will be used for that Practices Ach, you are advised Ihat Plaintiff's attorney purpose. 1240688 Is deemed to be a debt collecPub: 1/28,2/4,2/11/10 tar attempting ho called a (1 747918) C debt andany informalion obLINCO LW WOOD tamed will be used for that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, purpose. 1245374 Pub: 2/11, 2110, 2/25/10 ILLINOIS COUNTY CESSOR BY MERGER TO (1750630) C DEPARTMENT PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL LIN CO LN WOOD MORTGAGE, INC. Plainfitt, CHANCERY DIVISION ALI HYDER SYED US BANK NATIONAL ASSO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT -y.OF COOK COUNTY, NK/A ALI H. SYED, el al De- dATION, AS TRUSTEE SUISSE ILLINOIS COUNTY FOR CREDIT tendant DEPARTMENT FIRST BOSTON MES ARMT 09 CH 018928 CHANCERY DIVISION 2005-8 Plainhitt, -y.- TIHANA NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- SABANOVIC, et at Defendant CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BY GIVEN that pursuant ta a 08 CH 043717 Judgment at Foreclosure and NOTICE OF SALE Sale enlorod in the above PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREcausean December2, 2009, an BY GIVEN that pursuant la a agenl at The Judicial Sales Judgment of Foreclosure and CorporatIon will oh 10:30 AM Sale enlered in Ihe above on March 4, 2010, at the The cause an May 15, 2509, an JudicIal Sales CorporatIon, agent of The Judicial Sales One South Wacker Drive - Corporation will at 10:30 AM 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, on March 8, 2010, al the The 65606, sell at public auction ta Judicial Sales Corporation, the highest bidder, as set One Soulh Wacker Drive farlh below, the following de- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL. scribed real estate: Commonlu known KILPATRICK as 6529 N. AVENUE, LINCOLNWOOD, IL 65712 Property Index Na. 10-34-316TIFICATES, SERIES 2007- One Soulh Wacker Drive - 007 The real osIate is imHE6 Plaintiff, -y.- JACEK 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, proved wihh a residence. Sale P000RZELSKI, el al De- 60606, seIl at public auction la terms: 25% down al the highfendant the hIghest bIdder, as set est bid by certified funds al 08 CH 43415 forth below, the following do- the close at the auclian;. The real balance, in certifIed funds, is NOTICE OF SALE scnlbed PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- eslato:Cammeniy known as BY GIVEN Ihat pursuant ha a 6723 WEST MONTROSE Judgment at Foreclosure and AVENUE, HARWOOD Solo entered in Ihe aboye HEIGHTS, IL 60706 Pratserly cause on AprIl 24, 2009, an Index No. 13-18-401-002-0000 lus report at pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, due within Iwenly-four 124) hours. The sublect property is sublech to general real 05101e laxes, special assessmenls, or special laxes levied agent of The Judicial Sales The real esluhe is Improved against said real 05101e and is CorporatIon will ah 10:30 AM with a yellow brick one story offered tar sale wilhout any on March 8, 2010, at Ihe The with a twa dar detached go- represenlalion as ho quolihy Judicial Sales Corporation, rage. Sale terms: 25% dawn or quantity of lilIe and wilhOne South Wacker Drive - at the highest bid by certified out recourse lo Plalnhilt and 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, funds at the close at the auc- In AS IS' condition. The sale 60656, seIl al public auction lo lion;. The balance, in cerli- Is further subiecl la confirmaIhe highest bidder, as sel fled funds, is due within lIon by the court. lt the salo Is barth below, Ihe followIng de- twenty-four (241 hours. The sel aside tar any reason, the scribed real osIate: Comm-an- subledt properly is sublect la Purchaser al the sale shall be ly known as 6844 WEST FOR- general real estate laxos, spe- entitled only lo a relurn at the EST PRESERVE DRIVE, chal assessments, or special deposit paid. The Purchaser HARW000 HEIGHTS, IL taxes levied agaInst said real shall hayo no further re60706 Property Index No. 13- estale and Is offered for sale course against the Marlga10-315-039 The real osIate Is without any represenhalion as gar, Ihe Mortgagee or the Improved with a brown brick to quality or quanllly at bille Morhgagee's allorney. Upon single family 1 story home and wilhauh recourse lo payment in lull at Ihe amount bld, the purchaser will rewith altached t car garage. ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. Plaintiff, -y.NEDZAD MEDIC, el al Detendant 09 CH 009159 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant lao Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale enlered in the aboye cause on September 29, 2009, an agent at The Judicial Sales 60606, seIl at public auction lo Corporation will al 10:30 AM the highest bidder, as sel on March 15, 2010, at Ihe The forth below, the following cte. Judicial Sales Corporation, scribed real estate: Common- One Sauih Wacker Drive iv known as 6718 N. 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, LAWNDALE AVENUE, 60606, seIl at public auction lo LINCOLNWOOD, IL 60712 the highest bidder, as set Properly Index Na. 10-35-305- forth below, the following de015 The real estate is im- scnibed real estate: Commonprayed with a residence. Sole ly known as 6725 N. SAINT terms: 25% down of the high- LOUIS AVENUE, est bid by certitied funds al LINCOLNWOOD, IL 60712 the clase at the ouchian;. The Property Index No. 18-35-401balance, in cerhitied funds, is 057 The real estate is imdue wilhin twenty-tour (24) proved with a residence. Saie hours. The sublect property Is terms: 25% down of the highsubiedh to general real estate est bid by cerhified funds at laxes, special assessmenls, the clase of Ihe auction;. The or special laxes levied balance, in cerhilied funds, is against said real eslale and Is due within Iwenly-tour 124) offered tar sale wlhhoul any hours. The suhdect property is representahian as ta quality subiedt to general real eslate or quantity of title and wllh- laxes, spociat assessments, out recourse to Plaintiff and or special taxes levied In AS IS' candihlon. The sale againsl said real estate and is is turther sublech ta confirma- offered tar sale without any tian by the court. If the sale Is represenlalion as to qualIfy sel aside tar any reason, Ihe or quanhily of title and williPurchaser at the salo shall be out recourse to Plaintiff and enhilled only lo a return of Ihe in AS lS condition. The sale deposit paid. The Purchaser is funiher subiedt to confirmashall have no further re- tian by Ihe cauri. Ib the sale is sel aside bar any royson, the Purchaser at Ihe sale shall be Thursday, February 11, 2010 A Pioneer Press Publication (ice) nwmirrenrlF1, in dilhlJiiitiisrnuo. rTmimreceix o1l,ouan.n,o W7TTT1i,!e7WOU0 !ThtIIo(4,i,-fI,* :i'C(,IOIdM1! Thursday, February 11,2010 sswsv.pioneedocatcom APiosseer Press Publication (irr) 50 555 55 wwwp)oneerlocal.csm Foreclosure Sales Foreclosure Sales ° Real Estate boûpliuiCCßtiC d'EOdO1rFli0ibS0(li y)C0upiliAaeli1ess tiOPulb*llitis -Pr APiosseer Press Publicailsn (DC) 0pEirúbleÌePra0Es()n t(irb Prib(dtCissV so Thursday,Februuryll,IO1O Real Estate A Pioneer Pess Publication (Dc) e. B36 I Thursday, Februaiy 11, 2010 wwwpioneer1ocaLcom .' . RE)UDICIASALES (312) ; REJUPIÔ!ÀL SALES 236-SALE 60606-4650 RE JUDIÔIAL SALES . RE tJDICIALSALES. 236-SALE 422-1719 Attorney Codo. 40387 SKOKI E Voci can also vISit The Judi- You can also visit The JudI- Case # 08 CH 26086 NOTE: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT dol Suies Corporation at dai Sales Corporation at Pursuant ta the Fair Debt - OF COOK COUNTY, for a 7 doy sta- for o 7 day sta- Collection Practices Act, you ILLINQIS COUNTY (312) : ,RE JUDICIAL SALES LEE; PractIces Act, you are ad- ' ' BURR RIDGE, 1L60527 (630) obtained will be used for thot 794-9876 Attorney Filo No.: 14- purpose. 1244149 09-11320 ARDC# 00468502 AtPub: 2/11,2/18,2125/10 torney Codo. 21762 Case # 09 (1750594)C CH 017337 NOTE : Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Practices Act, you are adOF COOK COUNTY, vIsed that PlaintIff's attorney ILLINOIS COUNTY Is doomed to be a debt coilecDEPARTMENT tor attempting to collect a CHANCERY DiVISiON debt and any inlormotion obtamed will be used for that HSBC BANK USA, NATIONASSOCIATION AS AL purpose. 1240691 TRUSTEE FOR THE Pub: 1128,2/4,2/11/10 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP. PlaIntiff, -y.- SALIM UDDIN, et al Defendant 08 Cl-1 43938 NOTICE OF SALE HOWARD- CRAWFORD TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ASSOCIATION, Dolendonts tus report of pending sales. tus report at pending sales. are advised that Plalnllff'satDEPARTMENT08 CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, 10mev Is deemed to be a debt CHANCERY DIVISION P.C. 15W030 MORTI-I FROST- P.C. 1SWO3O NORTH FRONT- collector attempting to collect BAC HOME LOANS SERVIC- NOTICE AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 a debt and any information ING, LP. F/K/A SURE EURR RIDGE, 1L60S27 (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.: '(408-34817 ARDC# 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Caso # 09 CH006061 NOTE: Pursuant to the . FaIr Debt CollectIon - CH 41273 OF FORECLO- SALE CONDOMINIUM Fisher and Shapiro file # 0813156 (It Is advised that interestod parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foroclosure soles.) PUBLIC NO- RE JUDIÔIAL'SALES ubiect to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property Is offered os 15/ wIth no express or Impiled warranties anSi without any representolian as to the quality al title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonlshed ta review the mortgaged real ostato Is im- Plaintiff, STEVEN M. ALBERT; Defendants, NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. BY GIVEN thai pursuant los Judgment of Foreclosure end Sale entered In the above net. tIed cause on December 1, IntorcoUnty .iudl- 2009 Intercounty Judicis; dal Soles Corporation will on Sales Corporation wIll en Fr;Thursday, March 4, 2010, at doy, March 12, 2010 st m 11/20/2009, 10-27-211-004- scribed mortgoged resi Improvement an the property consists of a sIngle family residence. Sale terms: 25% down by certIfied funds, balance withIn 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. es- AN11QUE$ AND ART GOODS GLENVIEW Senior Center Annual Sale of Antiques and Collectibles. 60077. The mortgaged real es- tate lo Improved wills o siegle famIly residence, Sole terms. 10% down by certified tends, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREvised that. Plaintiff's attorney BY GIVEN that pursuant fo a is deemed to be a debt collecbalance, by cerlitied fund;, Judgment of Foreclosure and for attempting to collect a withIn 24 hours. Nu retend; Sale entered in the aboye debt and any Information obThe properly will NOT bu cause on June 26, 2009, an The property wIll NOT be Pub: 1/20,2/4,2/11/10 talned will be used for that agent at The Judiclol Sales Ices, Inc., as Selling Olficlal open for inspection, Upon open for insoeclios Fer Inter(1 747828) C will at 12:30 p.m. on March purpose. 1241298 mallen cali Karo Flndtay e; Corporation will at 10:30 AM payment in full of the amount Pub: 1/28, 2/4, 2/11/10 Februory 19, 2010, at the 12, 2010, at 205 W. Randolph bid, the purchaser will re- Plaintiff's Attorney, FreedELLINGTON TRUST SER- on (1747980)C (1747922IC Judicial Soles Corpora- Street, Suite 120, Chicago, It- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ceive a Certificate of Sole man Anselmo Lindberg lES 2007-2 Plaintiff, -y.- The LLC, 1887 West Diehi tian, One South Wacker Drive linois, sell ol,publicouctlon to which will entitle the pur- Rappe, OF COOK COUNTY, CRISTINEL BOTEZATU, et the highest bidder for cash, as SKOKIE SKOKI E - 24Ih Floor CHICAGO, IL, chaser to a Deed to the prom- Road, Naperville, Illinois ILLINOIS COUNTY IN TI-lE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT at Defendant 60606, seIl at public auction to set tarth below, the following 15es alter confirmation of the, 60563-1890. (8661 4t2-t661. l'or DEPARTMENT, 89 CH 03256 OF COOK COUNTY, described root property: OF COOK COUNTY, Bidding bidder, as set instructions call the hIghest sale. For informatIon: Visit (630) 453-6713 CHANCERY DIVISION NOTICE OF SALE ILLINOIS COUNTY ILLINOIS COUNTY 24 heurs prior forth below, the following do- Commonly known os 7548 BANK website at AMERICA, NA, our PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- scrlbed DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT real estate: Common- North Crawford Avenue, Unit PlaintiffOF V. to sale. W09070043 INTERZBIGNIEW h t t P : 1/ s e r y i c e . a t t y BY GIVEN that pursuant to a ly known as 9118 SKOKIE B, Skolcie, IL 60076 PermoCHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY DWISION Between 3 p.m. COUNTY JUDICIAL SALES BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. COUNTRYWIDE HOME Judgment ot Foreclosure and BOULEVARD #C, SKOKIE, nonO Index No. t 10-27-407-061- TABATT NK/A ZBIGNEW ansi CORPORATION Selling Oli iS p.m. only. Pierce & AsZBIEGNIEW TABATT NI(/A PlaintIff, -y.- SYED A. ARIF, LOANS SERVICING, LP Salo entered In the aboye IL 60077 Property Index No. 1006 The morigaged real es444-1122 1241010 ELZBIETA sociales, Plaintiff's Altar- cor, (312) et al Defendant Plaintiff, -y.ASIF ALI cause on December 7, 2009, an 10-16-408-057 The real estate is tato is improved with o dwell- TABATT; ' Pub: 2/4, 2/ti, 2/it/lo JPMORGAN poyo, 1 Norlh Dearborn 09 CH 017337 QURESHI NK/A ASIF A. agent of The Judicial Sales improved with a- one-story Ing. The property wilt NOT be TABATT; (1749117)C Chicago, Illinois 60602. TABASSUM Corporation will at 10:30 AM single-family house With no open for inspection. The pur- CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Street, NOTICEOFSALE QURESHI, on March 9, 2010, at the The garage. Sale terms: 25% chaser of the unit other thon o ASSOCIATION, AS ASSIGN- Tol.No. 1312) 476-5500. Roter S KOKI E PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- RIZWAN Defendant Judicial Soles Corporation, down of the highest bld by mortgagee shall pay the os- EE OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT to File Number 0913769. IN- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT BY GIVEN that pursuant to a 08 CH 26086 JUDICIAL CORPORA- TERCOUNTY One South Wacker Drive - certified funds at the close of sessments and the legal fees INSURANCE Judgment of Foreclosure and NOTICE OF SALE OF COOK COUNTY, ILCS TION AS RECEIVER FOR SALES CORPORATION Sell765 by Sale entered In the above PUBLIC NOTICE iS HERE- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, the auction;. The balance. In required ILLINOIS COUNTY MUTUAL ing Officer, (312) 444-1122 couse on November 25, 2Q09, BY GIVEN that pursuant too 60606, seIl at public auction to certified funds, is due within óOSiV(e)(1I and (g)(4i. The WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT I239683 BANK, Defendants bidder, as set amount was the highest ludoment an agent of The Judicial Soles Judgment al Foreclosure and CHANCERY DIVISION hours. The twenty-four (24) Pub: 1/28,Z'4,2'1t/10 09 CH 27551 Corporation wIll at 10:30 AM Sale entered in the above forth below, the following de- sublect property Is subiecl to $347,559.14. Sole terms: 10% JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NOTICE OF (1747891)C on March 2, 2010, at the The causo on April 23, 2009, an ecribed real estate: Common- general real estate laxos, ape- of successful bid immediately NA, NOT INDIVIDUALLY FORECLOSURE SALE Judicial Sales Corporation, agent of The Judicial Soles ly known as 9009 LARAMIE dol assessments, or special at conclusion al auction, baiBUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE SKOKIE Fisher and Shapiro One South Wacler Drive - Corporation will at 10:30 AM AVENUE, SKOKIE, IL 60071 taxes levied against saId real ance by 12:30 p.m. the next FOR THE HOLDERS 01' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT tile 4' 09-24731 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, on March 10, 2010, at the The Property index No. 10-16-409- estate OnU I5 altered for sole business doy, both by cashSTRUCTURED ASSET OF COOK COUNTY, 60606, seIl at public auction to Judicial Sales Corporation. eeg-e000 The real estate is ni- without any representation os icr's checks; and no refunds. (It is advised that interested MORTGAGE INVESTILLINOIS COUNTY parties consult with their own proved with a single family The saie shall be sublect ta the highest bidder, as set One South Wacker Drive MEHlS Il INC. MORTGAGE ta quality or quantity of tille DEPARTMENT forth below, thg followIng do- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, home with detached 1 car go- and without recourse to general real estate taxes, spe attorneys before bidding al PASS THROUGH CERTIACHANCERY DIVISION scribed real estate: Common- 60606, seIl at public auction to rage. Sale terms: 25% down Plaintiff and in AS 121 candi- cial laxes, special assess- mortgage foreclosure soles.) BAYVIEW SERIES 2006-ARS, LOAN SERVIC- CATES Imown as 8213 the highest bidder, as set of the highest bid by certified tian. The sale Is turilier sub- monts, special taxes levied, PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby ly ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGE ING, L,L,C., AS SERVICER CRAWFORD AVENUE, forth beiow, the following de- funds at the close of the auc- 10cl ta confirmation by the and superior liens, it any. given that pursuant to a Jude- FOR ELECTRONIC REGISTRACITIMORTGAGE, TION SYSTEMS, Sl(OKIE, IL 60076 Property scribed real estate: Common- tion;. The balance, in certi- court. Upon payment In full of The properly is offered os 15/ ment et Foreclosure entered INC., ASSIGNEE INC.. AS OF MORT- NOMINEE FOR AMERCA1I Index No. 10-23-309-053 The ly known as 4216 CHURCH fieci funds, is due within the amount bid. the purchaser with na express or implied on November 18, 2009, Kallen GAGE ELECTRONIC REGreal estat6 Is improved with a STREET, Skokie. IL 60076 twenty-four (24) hours. The will receive a Certilicalo al warranties and without any Really Services, Inc., as Sell- ISTRATION BROKERS CONDUIT; PlainSYSTEMS, residence. Salo terms: 25% Property index No. 10-15-226- subiect property is subiect fo Sale that will entitle the pur- representation as lottie quail- Ing Otticial will at 12:30 p.m. INC., AS NOMINEE vs MARK J. WINSTON, FOR tiff, March 15, 2010, al 205 W. down of the highest bid by 042-eMa The real estate is im- general real estate taxes, spe- chaser ta a deed to the real ly at title or recourse to Plain- on Defendants, GREENPOINT MORTGAGE certified funds at the close of proved With a single famIly dal assessments, or special ostale after confIrmation of tiff. Prospective bidders ore Randolph Street, Suite 1020, FUNDING, INC. Plaintiff, vs. 09 CfI 20059 The the auction;. The balance, in residence. iudgment taxes levied against said real the sate The property will admonished to review the Chicago, Illinois, soll at pubNOTICE OF SALE VIRK, ROBINA PUBLIC certified tunds, Is due within amount was $413,312.83. Sale estate and Is offered for sole NOT be open for Inspection court tilo to verify all Infer- lic auction to the highest bld- TARIQ NOTICE IS HEREMORTGAGE SHAHEEN, der for cash, as set forlh beFor intormotion: twenty-four (241 hours. The terms: The bid amount shall without any representation as and plaintiff makes na repro- motion. pursuant ton REGISTRA- BY GIVEN that subiect property Is subiect to be paid in certitied funds im- to quality or quantity of title sentatlon as to the condition Saie Clerk, Fisher and low, the following described ELECTRONIC of Foreclosure and SYSTEMS, INC., UN- Judgment general real estate taxes, spo- mediately by the highest and and without recourse to of Iho property. Prospective Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., real property: Commonly TION Salo enlered In the above entiREDER MORTGAGE Plaintiff and In AS lS candiknown as 5315 Golitz Street, dal assessments, or specIal best bidder of the conclusion bIdders ore admonished to ist floor, Narthbrook, Illinois cause on November 50. AS DOCUMENT tied faxes levIeq against said real of the sale. The subleci prop- tian. The saie is further sub- check the court tite lo verify 60062, (8471 498-9990, between Skakie, IL 60077 Permanent CORDED Interceunty Judicial 0636047134, 2009 estate and is oflered tor sale erty is sublect to general real iect lo confirmation by the all information. If this prop- 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. week- Index No,: 10-20-110-013 and NUMBERS Sales Corporation wilt en AND 0711050045 REcourt. Upon payment in full of 10-28-110-039 The mortgaged days only. 1239199 without any representation as estate saxes, special assesserty Is a condominium unit, Thursday, March 4. 21115 aI RECORDED AS 0720039082, real estate Is improved with a Pub: 2/4,2/11,2/lt/tO to qualify or quantity of title monts, or special taxes levied the amount bid, the purchaser the purchaser al the unit at hour of 1) a-m. in Ilteir sIdwelling. The property will UNITED NATIONS, UNIT- the 11749108)C and without recourse to against said real estate and is will receive a Certificate of the foreclosure saie, other fice al 120 West Madison ED STATES, STATE OF NOT be open for Inspection, Sale that will entitle the purottered for sale without any Plaintiff and in 'As 1S condithan a mortgagpe shall pay 718A, Chicana, The ludoment amount was ILLINOIS, UNDER USC FI- Street, Suite tion. The saie is further sub- representation as to quality chaser to a deed lo the real the assessments and the legal S1(0 K lE sell at public auction after confirmation at fees required by The Condo- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 5024,530.4t . Sale terms: 10% Ì'IANCIAL STATEMENT RE- Illinois, iect to confirmation by the or quantity of title and with- estate the highest bidder tor cash, OF COOK COUNTY, at successful bid immediately CORDED AS DOCUMENT to court. Il the sale is sel aside out recourse to Plaintiff and the sale The property will minium Property Act, 765 sot forth below, the tollo;;ILLINOIS COUNTY at conclusion of auction, bal- NUMBER 0902631099, De- os tor any reason, the Purchaser In "AS lS condition. The sale NOT be open for inspection ILCS 6t5/9Ig)(1) and (g)l4). Ing described mortgoge;l real DEPARTMENT, once by 12:30 p.m. the next fondants, at the sale shall be entItled is further subloct to Conlirma- and plaintIff makes no repre- IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAestate: P.l.N. 10-21.225-0)2CHANCERY DIVISION 09 CH 27139 business day, both by cashonly to a return of the deposit lion by the court. Upon pay- sentation os to the condition COR (HOMEOWNER), YOU 0000. Commonly known as NOTICE OF SALE the property. Prospective HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- icr's checks; and no refunds. paid. The Purchaser shall ment in full of the amount bid, of 4019 Wright Terrace, Skakie, have no further recourse the purchaser will receive a bidders are admonished to MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE The sale shall be subiect to PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- IL 60077. The mortgaged real the court file to verity 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF ON BEHALF OF THE HOLD- general real estate taxes, spe- BY GIVEN that pursuant to a estate Is improved wilh o resagainst the Mortgagor, the Certificate of Sole that will check ERS OF THE ADJUSTABLE all information. Il this propJudgmental Foreclosure and dol taxes, assessspecial AN ORDER OF POSSESMortgagee or the Mortgagee's entitle the purchaser to a Sale lerms: 10% daine Is a condominium unit, SION, IN ACCORDANCE RATE MORTGAGE TRUST menls special toses levied, Salo entered in the above enti- Idenco. attorney. Upon payment in deed to the real estate after erty certified funds, boleoce, of the unit at WiTH SECTION 15-1701(C) 2057-1, ADJUSTABLE RATE and superior liens, if any. The fled cause on November 30, by full of the amount bid, the contirmation of the sale The the purchaser by certified funds, within 24 other MORTGAGE-BACKED 2009 foreclosure sole, Is Intercounty Judicial the property offered 'os 15/ purchaser will receive a Cor- property will NOT be open for OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- PASS-THROUGH CERTIFIwith no express or implied Sales Corporation will on Fr1- heurs. No refunds. The prepand plaintiff thon a mortgagee shall pay GAGE flflcale of Sale that will enti- inspection FORECLOSURE SERIES 2007-1, warranties and without any doy, March 5, 2010 at the hour erty will NOT be aponter in tie the purchaser to a deed to makes no repre5entotlon os to the assessments and the legal LAW. For InformatIon: Visit CATES, speclion. For informatico call Condo- our , 01 Plaintiff V. AKHIKHAR D. representation os ta the quali- of lt am. in their ottico at 120 Sales Clerk at Law Ottico; al the real estate after conflr- the condition of the property. fees required by TheAct, website 765 h t t P t \\s e r y I c e . a t t y - DASHTO; MORTGAGE Iv at title or recourse to Plain- West Madison Street, Suite motion of the sale The proper- Prospective bidders are ad- minium Property Ira T. Nevel, 175 Harte 60519(gI(1l and (g)(4). between the ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- tiff, Prospective bidders are 718A, Chicago, Illinois, soli at Franklin ty will NOT be open tor in- monlshed to check the court ILCS SIred, Chicoge, lili SYSTEMS, INC., De- admonished to review the public auction to the highest spection and plaintiff makes file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE TION nsls 60606. (3121 357.1125. INfondants GOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU bidder for cash, as sel forth court tile to verily all Inferno representation os to the If this property Is a condoPlaintiff's a, ASSOCIATES, JUDICIAL 09 CH 27209 mallen. For Information: below, Ihe following descrl- TERCOUNTY condition of the property. minium unit, the purchaser of HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- Attorneys, One North DearSALES CORPORATION SeitNOTICE OF Sole Clerk, Fisher and bed mortgaged real estate: Prospective bidders are ad- the unit at the foreclosure MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR born Street Suite 1300, 144-1120 (3121 Otticer, Ing FORECLOSURE SALE 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF P.I.N. 10-23-224-044 and 10-53Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., monlshed to check the court sale, other thon a mortgagee CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. I239689 Fisher and Shapiro OF POSSES- (312) 476-5500. Please refer to ist floor, Narthbrook, Illinois 224-049. Commonly known as file to verity ail Information. shall pay the assessments AN ORDER pub: 1/28, 2/4, 2/11/lt file # 09-22484 60062, 1847) 498-9995, between 8421 Chrisllona Avenue, SkokIf this property is a Condo- and the legal fees required by SION, IN ACCORDANCE file number PA0826660. THE (lt is advised (1747t93)C that Interested 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. week- le, IL 60576. The morlgaeed minium unit, the purchaser of The Condominium Praperly WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) JUDICIAL SALES CORPO- parties consult with their own THE ILLINOIS MORT- RATION One South Wacker days only, 1238717 real estate Is Improved wllh o SKOKIE the unit at the foreclosure Act, 765 ILCS 6t5/9(g)(1) and 01' FORECLOSURE Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL attorneys bofare bidding al Pub: 2/4,2/11,2/18110 single famIly resIdence, Saie sale, other than a mortgagee (g)l4). IF YOU ARE THE GAGE CIRCUIT COURT For information: Visit 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE mortgage foreclosure sales,) terms: 10% down by certif led IN THE (17490661C shall pay the asse5sments MORTGAGOR (HOMEDWN- LAW. OF COOK COUNTY, at You can also visit The Judi- PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby website funds, balance, by certified and the legal fees required by ER), YOU HAVE THE our ILLINOIS COUNTY t t P \\s e r V I c e . a t t y - dal Sales CorporatIon at given that pursuant to o Judg- SKOKIE funds, wIlhin 24 hours. No reThe Condominium Property RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS- h D EPARTM E NT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT the for a 7 day sta- ment of Foreclosure entered between funds, The property will NOT Act, 765 ILCS 605/V(g)(l) and SESSION FOR 30 DAYS AF- CIIANCERY DIVISION OF COOK COUNTY, of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE lus report of pending sales. on November 23, 2009, Kauen be open tor Inspection, For in- HSBC BANK USA, N.A- AS(01(4). IF YOU AltE THE TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER hours ILLINOIS COUNTY ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One Realty Services, Inc., as Sellformation call Sales Clerk at SIGNER OF OPTION ON MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWN- OF POSSESSION, IN AC- & DEPARTMENTOne North Dear- North Dearborn Street Sui1e Ing OffIcIal will at 12:30 p.m. Law Offices at Ira T. Novel, MORTGAGE CORPORA' HAVE THE CORDANCE WITH SECTION Attorneys, ER), YOU CHANCERY DIVISION 1300, 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (3121 on March 9, 2010, at 205 W. Street Suite 175 North, Franklin Street, Vs RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POS- 15-1701(C) OFTHE ILLINOIS born Plointltt, HSBC BANK USA, NATIONChicago, Illinois 60606. (312) TION, FORECLO- CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel Na. 476-5500 Attorney File No.: Randolph Street, Suite 1020, AL SESSION FOR 30 DAYS AP- MORTGAGE MCDANNE EDMOND, DeASSOCIATION AS 357-1125. 1312) 476-5500. Please refer to PA0826660 Attorney Cade. Chicago, lllìnols, soll at pubINTERCOUNTY fondants, TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER SURE LAW. For information, file TRUSTEE FOR lic auction to the highest bidWELLS number PA0902423. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPO88 CH 37778 OF POSSESSION, IN AC- contact Plaintiff's attorney: JUDICIAL SALES CORPO- 91220 Cose # 08 CH 43938 der far cash, os sol forth be- FARGO ASSET SECURI- RATION Selling Officer, SCOTT, CORDANCE WITH SECTION HEAVNER, NOTICE OF SALE CORPORATION, (3121 444-1122 I239721 low, the following described TIES One South Wacker l240316 Pub: 1/28,2/4,2/11/10 15-1701(C) OFTHE ILLINOIS BEYERS & Mil-lLAR, LLC, RATION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' MORTGAGE real property: PASSCommonly Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, iL Pub: )/28,2/4,2fl1/jo (1747899)C FORECLO- 111 East Main Street, Suite BY GIVEN that purs050i tas known as 3924 North Koeney THROUGH CERTIFICATES, MORTGAGE (3t2I 236-SALE (1747898)C Judgment of Foreclosure en SURE LAW. For information, 200, DECATUR, IL 62523, 60606-4650 SIred, Skokie, IL 60076 Per- SERIES 2007-11 PlaintIff, vs. You can also vIsit The Judi. THE JUDISKOKIE (217) 422-1719 contact Plaintiff's attorney: Sale entered in the obsVe entiGADAU AIK/A PE- SI<OKIE dal Solee Corporation at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT monent Index No,: 10-23-319- PETER cause on January 27, 25H The Sale Clerk, COOILiS & CIAL SALES CORPORATER DUNCAN and The GADAU; 826 10-23-319-e28 for a 7 day siaIN THE CIRCUIT COURT tIed OF COOK COUNTY, ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 TION One South Wacker lnlercouiily Judicial Sates mortgaged real estate is Im- PATRICIA GADAU Ê'/KJA OF tus report of pending soles, COOK ILLINOIS COUNTY DECOUNTY, Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL Corporation will on MondaY NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, proved with a dwelling. The PATRICIA M. GADAU; JP ILLINOIS PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One COUNTY DElI PARTMENT, CHANCERY 236-SALE SUITE 100, BURR RlDGE 60606-4650 (312) property will NOT be open for MORGAN CHASE BANK, PARTMENT - CHANCERY March 8, SOtO at the hoer al120 North Dearborn Street Suite DIVISION JPMORGAN IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 be- You can also visit The Judi1L60602 (312) CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Inspection. The iudgment N.A.; UNKNOWN OWNERS DIVISION U.S. BANK NA- a_m. In their office alSuite tween the hours of 1 and 3 PM dal Sates Corporation at Ì305CH1CAGO, amount was s 358,278,63. Sate AND NON RECORD CLAIM- TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS West Madison 51mot, Attorney Plie No.: ASSOCIATION, Chicago, Illinois, sell et only and ask for the sales de- for a 7 day sta- 476-5500 terms: 10% at successful bld ANTS; Defendants, PA0902423 Attorney Codo. Plaintiff TRUSTEE UNDER POOL- 718A, paument.. Please refer to file lus report at pending sales. 91220 auction lo the hititasI 09 CH 24732 Immediately at conclusion st ING Case # 09 CH 032.56 V. AND SERVICING public SCOTT, bidder cash, os sel toith number 14-09-11320. THE JU- HEAVNER, REYES; auction, balance by t2:30 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby AGREEMENT DATED 10- below, for GENEVIEVE the following 605crDIC1AL SALES CORPORA- BEYERS & MIHLAR,. LLC 1238145 p.m. the next business day, given that pursuant to o JudgPub: 1/28,2/4,2111/10 27-06 FOR HOME EQUITY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, (11 East Main Street, Suite bed mortgaged real eslute ment al Foreclosure entered TION One South Wacker 200 both by cashler'schecks; and (1747830)C N.A.; MORTGAGE ELEC- no relunds, The salo shall be in the above entitled cause on MORTGAGE ASSET P.l.N. 10.23.452.051. CutlifliaC' DEÇATUR, 1L62523 (217) Drive, 24th F)por, Chicago, IL REGISTRATION TRONIC SYSTEMS, ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME- : Equip. & Records, 335-455-785 Nolice is hereby given, pur- ASSUMED NAME Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to An Act In relation to the use of an Assumod Business Name In the conduct or transaclion at Business in the - ASSUMED NAME Sun, Feb14,1-2p. Free: 12-lp. Early Viewing and Buying Privileges for $5 Donation. Park Center, 24011 Chestnut (w. of Lehigh, E. el Patriot) '.,GARAGEÏHOUSE,SALE$ boo kitchen set W/6 choirs, Queen bed, maltress, dressors, nIght stands, Iron pallo Notice is hereby given, pursuant to An Act In rotation ta the use el an Assumed Business Name In the conduct or transaction at Business in the Paulius Louzacleas Furnilure, boxes, bins Living ream, dining room, bedroom furniture, China, linens, TV5, lots al misc. 847-234-5606; Cash only t MCH E N RY ESTATE/MOVING SALE, lop knotch, estate turniture, Burkey and DR Gay 501/hutch, Young Chang cherry baby grand piano, BR sots, armaire, solos, carnival glass, occurpiod Japan pieces, large stained glass, rasewood BR sai, TV5, powMiller grandfather clock, oak pool table w/tringo side pockets, many mare anornd liquns, lots st clothes, garagn is full, TOO MUCH TO LISTI MUST SEE TO APPRECI- DES PLAINES Eslote Sola: ATEI Fri-Sat 9am-5pm. 35309 1114 Jeannette, 2/12-13.9-4, N. Darrell Rd. (Waukondo eslolesa les. nel by Regal Home kp TO BEGIVTh AWAY/ONATED. Harvard pool table AUtOMOTIVE- - AUTOMOBILES WANTED Nome st Nome of: Corso Construction Consultants CASH FORJUNKCARS Free Pick-Up. Same day ServIce. Call 708-804-2226 al 2506 Pebblebreok Lane, PROMAX PAINTING with the business located at 710 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Unit 6401 Jeannette Rodriguez Name et McGovern's Athletic Equip. Co. IL. 60517, The true nameis) and residence address at Ihe ownerts) Walter J. NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Self-Service Storage Facilily Act, State el Illinois, the undorsigned, PS Orangeca,'lnc. and will conduct sale(s) by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 of 10:40 A.M., on lhe premise where said property has been stored, and BUYING RECORDS SELL IT FAST. Reck, Jazz, Metal, Funk CLASSIFIED AD FIND MORE LOCAL JOBS AI PIONEERLOCALCOMIMONSIER CALL 847-998-3400 CALL 047.990-3400 (847)696-0579 which is located at Public Storage, PS Orange Co,, 5838 N. Pulaski, Chicago, Illinois 65646, the personal prdperty described below, in the matters at: Contents Space # Occupant CO21 Boxes, Bags, Totes LIA NICINE MCcOO Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For Al The Time Of Sale. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must Be Removed At The Time 01 Purchase. Sole Is Subiect To Adiournment. ILLINOIS CLASSIFfED ADVERTiSING NETWORK NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant lo Seclion 4 st the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State at Illinois, (he undersigned, PS Orangeco, Inc. and will conduct sale(s) by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 at 10:20 a.m. on the premise where said property has been stored, and which are located at Public Starage,PS Orange Co.lnc. 5723 North Broadway SI., Chicago, IL 65660-4351, the persanai properly described below. In the matters of: SPACE 05DB 0021 EMPLOYMENT Adoplion: Loving parents and their E yeur old adopled SUPPLEMENTAL INCOMEI Place & supervise High School Exchange Sludents in families ti your cornmunilyt Tratriing, compensalion, travel incenitvest Jayme 877-238-8721 daughter would love a baby brolher or sisler, Stay at homo mom, professional dad. Expensas paid Please call Becky I Mike 800-472-1835 FURNITURE FOR SALE AUTO DONATIONS Donate Vehicle RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH'S ARC Support No Kill Shellers, Research Io Advance Veterinaiy Treulmenls. FREE TOWING, Tax Deduclible, Non-Runners Accepled. Cherry Bedroom Wood ENGLISH - 0024 0139 0498 Sloto/ ;5 amended, thai o certification was filed by the undersigned with the Counly Clerk of Cook County. File No. 010120427 on January 22, 2010. Under the Assumed SeI Solid DOVETAIL Hew in faclory boxesl NEVER BEEN USED) Originally $4500 FOR ONLY $795 Can deliverl 31 2-238-8607 ALL GASH VENDINGI Do you earn up to $800/day? Your own local candy roule, Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. AIN#80213 l-8GO-453-5882 CLASSICIANTIQUE CARS WWW.WYKOFFMORTGAGE.COM HERNIA REPAIR? DID YOD RECEIVE A COMPOSIX KUGEL MESH PATCH BETWEEN 1999-2008? If the Kugel patch was removed due Io complicalions of bowel pertoralion, abdominal wall tears, puncture of abdominal organs or intestinal tisluiao, you may be enlilled to compensalion. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727 ADHERE To place regionally, . statewideor NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the #230, Wheeling, IL 60090. The true namelsl and residence address at the owneris) Her- Sylt Storage Facility Act, Slate of Illinois, the undersigned, PS Orangeca, Inc. and will conduct sale(s) by bert N. Elesh, 1659 Winnelko competitive bidding an March 2, 2010 01 10:10 AM. on the premises where said properly has been stared, and which (868) 633-2161 616 S. Grand W. Springllald, IL 62704 IL Res. Mig. Licensee EHL INSTRUCTION/ Sd-fOOLS HELP WANTED DRIVERS CDL A TEAM DRIVERS with Hasmat. Splil.$.68 for all miles. O/OP teams paid $1.40 for all miles, Up lo $1500 1-800-835-9471. Bonus. Space# Alit NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE TO BE HELD AT: THE LOCK UP SELF STORAGE Ai49 ,,, ,"217?24117OO; CONDITONS: All unils will *- DISH Nelwork $19.99/mo. Why Pay More for TV? 100+ Channels FREE 4-Room Install. FREE I-ID-D VR. Plus $600 Sign-up BONUS. Call Nowf 1-877-737-2725. Conlents Boxes, Bags, Totes, Boxes, Bags, Furniture Cheryl Lackey Boxes, Bags, Totes Danno Jackson Boxes, Bags, Toles D023 Mtchael Cantield Boxes, Bags, Tales, Diet Cathy Harcas Boxes, Bags, Toles Purchases Must Be Modo With Cash Only And Paid For Al TIto Time Of Sale, All Goods Aro Sold As Is AnzI Must Be Removed At The Timo Of Purchase. Sole Is Subiect To Adiournment. CO29 2010 LOCAL MISC FOR SALE Occupant Charles Hanger Soraya Biermonn A164 3850 West Devon Ave. Linceinwoed, IL, 60702 DATE: Tuesday Februory 23, BEGINSAT: 10:00AM be sold la Ihe highest bidder. 11755981) Pub: S'il, 2/18/100 Bids token only tor each unit in its entirely. Paymoni must be made by certified check or NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE money orderonly. No personOF PERSONAL PROPERTY el checks or cash accepted. All goods must be removed Natiçe is hereby given thaI pursuant to Section 4 of the Selffrom the unii within 24 hours. Service Storage Facility Act, Slate 01 Illinois, the underPayment clue immediolely signed, PSOrangeco, Inc. and will conduct public sale(sl upon acceptance 01 bid. UniI by competitive bidding an February 26, 2010 at 10:80 A.M., availability subiecl Io prier on the premise where said properly has been stored, and which are located al Public Storage 2101 W, Howard, Chicaseltlement 01 account. go, IL 6564$. The personal property described below, in the Ufltt4lO, Perry Guorigilo Approx. desk, shelves, boses, mailers st: Contents NC, tub, rugs, music equip- Space C Occupant Aranda Norlone Boxes, books meni, Proieclor, plastic bins, 0156 0160 Mills Olga Boses, bogs other miscellaneous items 5175 Ware Bianca Boxes, clothing Unit 3357, Peter Chua 1040 Grace Cheryl Totes, boxes Approx. boxes, chairs, cabi2006 Nguyen Tuvet Cloihing, bags nei, deW., shelves 2094 Loyd Kevin Clothine Un1t4117, Song York ShawSlacy Clothing Aoprox. tire extinguishers, 3516 Panlazzi Ross Furniture, boxes shelves, plastic bin, pipes, 3029 Marlin Gregory Boxes, totes wood, tools, ether miscollane- 3111 401e Starcevic Paul Bedding, boxes eus items 5036 Lagundoye Powoke Boxes, clothing Unif4256, Ronald Kawako Apprex. plaslic bins, sate, pa- Purchases musi be made with cash only and paid lar al INc pers. chair, light, tile cabinet, lime si sole. All goads are sold as is and must be removed ai Ihn lime al the purchase. Sale is ssbiect io adiaurnment, boxes, lots st miscellaneous (1750914) Pub:2/1t,2/lt/luC hems I I NOTICES DIVORCE wilh or without Children $125.00. With FREE name change documents and marital setllemanl agreement. Fast and easy. Call us 24hrs/7days: 1-888-789-0198: www.CourtD;vorceServica,com TRAINiNG/EDUCATION i Pub: 214. 2/11/10 117493551 C NO'rICE OF PUBLIC SALE TO BE HELD AT: THE LOCK UP STORAGE :155 W. Kinzis Chicago, t L 60654 DATE: February 26. 2010 Be a DENTAL ASSISTANT in 10 SATURDAYS! Limiled Space! Tuition $3145. NexI Class: April 3rd, 2010. WEEKENDDENTAL ASSISTANT SCHOOL (Reg. WI EAB) (920)730-1112 Appielon, WI. are located at Public Storage/PS OrangeC., Inc. o 0050 McCormick, Skokie, IL 65576. INc personal property doscribed below. In Ihe matters st: -:AUCTIONS :,.: : natiorvMdecContact ATrEND COLLEGE ONLINE 19 Different Classic Car Clubs, 80 Classic Car Events andover 900 different Classic and hard to Bnd vehicles for sale. Check oui BECOME A HOMEOWNER 100% Available. Low Fixed Ralos BANKER RATES I BEUER SERVICE Government Loan Export. HEALTH PLACE.YOUR Boxes I Bags/ Totes Celeste Taylor LaTonya Payton 11750985) Pub: 2/ll,2/bOIlOC Name of Chicago Web Design at 401 5. Milwaukee Ave., 11745343)C .. 'o, HOMES FOR SALE 1-866-912-GIVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRIVERS Owner operators needed Oedicaled paper loada, OFF every weekend. No brokers Miles, rio layovers EVERI freight 2. money 2 YOU) 800-494-3532,www.pasjms,com CONTENTS OCCUPANT PhiI-Elieana Ficklin Debhora Williams Ranaldjordon Boxes/Bags/Totes Boxes/Bags/Tales Baxes/ Bags/Totes Boxes/ Bags/Totes Purchases must be made wilh cash only and paid for at Ihn lime of sale. All goods are said as is and must be removed al the lime of purchase. Salo is subiect ta adiournmenl. INc use at an Assumed Businous Name in the conducl or transaction al Business in the Rd., Glenview, IL 60525. Pub: 1/26,2/4,2/11/10 ADOPTION 11755979) Pub: 2/11,2(18/bC - Notice is hereby given, pursuant to An Act in relation to TO PLACE A UONTNEED T? Notice Is hereby given thai pursuanttO Section 4 of te Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Stale of Illinois, the undersigned Will sell at a puli:c salo by competitive bidding Point, al 9445 Latrabe Ave.,Skokie (17401751 C WANTED, TO, BUY SELL IT FAST. storage Michael Wysoczon Bike, Tires, chairs, boxes McGovern 9445 Lalrobe 2556 Pebblebrook Lane, Roll- fish Point, Schaumburg, IL Avn.,Skokie IL, 65577. Ing Meadows, 1L60008. 65194 Pub2/4, Oli), 2118/10 LEGAL NOTICES: (1749575)C Pub: 2/4,2/11,2/10/10 Pub: t/25,214,2/1)/10 (1749811)C 117401371 C ASSUMED NAME Notice is hereby given, purASSUMED NAME ,ASSUMEDNAME,, ASSUMED NAME Notice Is hereby given, pur- Notice Is hereby given. pur- suonI lo An Act in relation to Suant Io An Act In relation to suant lo An Act in relation lo the uso at on Asoumnd BusiASSUMED NAME use of an Assumed Busi- ness Name in the conduct or NotIce is hereby given, pur- tile use at an Assumed Busi- Ihn suant lo "An Act in relation to ness Name in the conduct or ness Name in the conduct or Iransoclion of Business in the Ihe use at on Assumed Busi- transaction ol Business in the lransoctisn of Business In the State, as amended, that a ness Name In Ihn conduct or Stole,' os amended, that a Stalc/ as amended, that a certification was tiled by Ihn transaction at BusIness in the cerillication was tiled by the cerlilicalion was tiled by the undersigned with the County at Cook County. File Stale," as amended, thai o undersigned with the County undersigned with the County Clerk No. D15120539 on February 3, certification was tiled by Ihn Cleric of Ceok County. File Clerk et Conk County. File 2000. Under the Assumed undersigned with the County Ño. D10120381 on January 19, No. 010125601 on February 5, Clerk et Cook County. Filo 20t0. Under the Assumed 2010. Under lhe Assumed Name of Name at HALO STITCH Na. D10020S46 on February 3, Name of: at 4121 N. Menard, Chicago, plko,bls DIAMOND SHINE-CLEAN 2010. Under Ihn Assumed at 640 Haven Drive, Barring- IL. 60034. The true nomels) SERVICES Nome et ten, IL 65010. The true and residence address at the with the business located at 2 N EQ at 9023 Lowell Avenue, Skok- Woodbury Cl., Streamwood, name(s) and residence od- ownerls) Wanda Cobar, 4121 io, IL 65576. The true nomeis) IL 65107. The true name(sl dress at the swner(si Judy F, N. Menard, Chicago, IL. and residence address et Ihe and repidesce address of the Kahn, David M. Pierce, 645 60034. Pub: 2/11, 3(18, 2125/10 is: Pawel Haven Drive, Barringlon, IL owner(sI Ronald A. Janus, owneris) (1751360IC 9023 Lowell Avenue, Skokie, Auguslyniak, 2 Woodbury CI., 65510. Pub: 2/)), 3/18, 2/25/10 IL 65576, Nancy B Janus, 9523 Slreamweod, IL 60107. ASSUMED NAME (1750951 IC Pub: 1/28, 214; 3/11/10 Lowell Avenue, Skokie, IL DON'T NEED IT? CALL 847-99834OO Sunfish Rolling Meadows, IL 60000. Schaumburg, IL 60194. The The Irue nomelsl and rosi- true name(sl and residence dence address el the address of the owner(Sl is: owner(s) Leonard M. Corsa, Mactel Wlsniewskl, 710 Sun- Good condition. free. must be obb la lake apart and 60516.Pub: 2111, 2/10, 2/25/10 move Out of house. 1041)602I I 7512201 C 8776 from Home, Medical, Buslness, Paralegal, Accounllng, Crimlnal Justice, Job Placement Assistance. Computar Available. Finaqcial aid it qualified, Call 888-336-5053 BEGINSAT: 10:00A.M. CONDITIONS: All unils will be said to 15e highest bidder. Bids laken only tsr each unit in ils entirety. Payment must be made by corlifieci check or money order only. No person- al checks or cash eccepled. All goads musi be removed Tho Illinois Ciassiliod Advertising Nelwork (ICAN) provides Pioneor Press and The Doings with advertising at a nalional appeal. To advertise in lhls section, please call ICAN diroclly at (217) 241-1700. Both Planear Pness and TIne Doings recommend dlscnotlon when responding. Please reler questions and cammenis directly lo ICAN. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant lo Section 4 al the Self-Service Slarage Facilily Ad, Stale al Illinois, the undersigned, PS Orangeco,lnc, and will conduct sole(s) an March 2, 2010 at 10:30 AM. on lite premiso where sold - . properly has been stared, and which are locolect at Public Siorage/PS Orange Co. Inc. 6460 N, Lincoln Ave,, Lincolnwoocl, I L 60712 Ihe personal property described below. In 10e matters of: Space Occupent Contents 1060 Prod bnl) Boxes I Bogs I Toles 19 Lisa Tortorlello Vehicle Ansel Dee;; John Hodges Dorolloy Simone Andrew May John Smilh Sharon Dale Alex Castollon Melissa Vardoulatos frein the Unii mithin 24 hoUrs. Payments due immedialely 2115 2142 upon acceptance of bici, Unit 2)46 availability sebiecl te prIor 2167 settlement al account. 4t24 Unit 1603 5020 6549 6598 Unit 1822 Purchases MusI Be Made With Cash Only And Paid Par At The Time Of Sate. All Goods Are Said As Is And Must BeRomoved Al The Time Of Purchase. Salo Is Subiect To Adiournment, John Thomas Boxes, shoes 'Il AUCTIONS : - . UnIt 6310 st Business in the newer. Cash paId 847-942-5210 transacllon Stale," as amended, that a State/ as amendod, litaI a Stalo/ as amended, 1h01 o certificatIon was tiled by INc certificatIon was filed by the cortilicalion was filed by the undersigned wilh Ihe County undersigned with the County undarsignod with the County 1230 Northwestern Ave #389 Sot, Fnb 13th; lOam-3pm Antiques & W area) 65551. CaslVCheckonlyI INC.; ADA T. AUCTIONS - .; UnIt53O9 ASSUMED NAME Clerk of Cook County. File Clerk of Cook County. Pile Clerk of Cook Counly, File Storage bins, boses, luggage, on: 2-19-10 at 3:00 p.m. On the promise where said propNo. 0)0125458 on January 26, No. 010120401 on January 21, No. 0151204231 an January 21, bags erty Nos been stored, and Pub: 2/4, 2/11/10(1749763IC 2010. Under the ASsumed 2015. Under the Assumed 2010. Under the Assumed MARKPLACE 0000, 10-27-211-005-0000. Cam- tate: P, l.N. b-21 -21 6-043-eolo The HIGHLAND PARK, .WANTED.TO BUY WANTED HOME STEREO - inspection. For information call Sales Clerk at Law OffI- Pub: 1/28, 2/4 2/11/10 (l147956lC known as 7849 TRIPP Commonly known os 513f court tilo to verily all Infer- manly AVENUE, SKOKIE, IL 60076. Greenleat Street, Skekie, IL motion. For Information: Fisher and Sale Clerk, Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., TICE Is hereby given that 1st floor, Nerthbroak, Illinois pursuant ta o Judgment al 60062, (8471 498-99911, between Foreclosure entered on April 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. week3, 2059, Kalten Realty Serv- days only. 1238242 B37 suoni to An Ad In relation lo the uso of an Assumed Business Name In the conduct or I240867 the hour at 11 a.m. In their of- hour of 11 a-m. In Iheir 011jc; fIce at 120 West Madison at 120 West Madison StroH, Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Suite 7)8A, Chicago, lllinws, IllinoIs, sell ta the hIghest bid- sell of public auction te 1h; der for cash, the followIng de- highest bidder for cash, sa sel scribed property: P.I.N. 10- forth below, the following de27-21 1-003-0000, GARAGE/HOUSE SALES furnIture, kilchenware, clothing, many other huesoces of Ira T. Nevel, 175 North hold itemst From the south Franklin Street, Chicago, lili' go Norlh on 11 then East on nais 60606. (312) 357-1125. IN- 22. Letton Summit, North lo TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL Hill St,& Left on Dato SALES CORPRATION SellIng Officer, (3t2) 444-1122 Lake Forest 09 CH 26963 . REJUDICIAL SALES . , Thursday,Februaryll,2O10 DOWNSIZING MUST proved with o single family MOVEI 3265 Dato. Satur- WIll pick-up Cash 841-266-0190 residence. Salo terms: 10% doy February 13th 10:00am- WANTED Stereo Equipment down by ceriltied funds, bol- 4:00pm, Largo glass & boni- tube, solid-state, vintage or once, by certIfied funds, withIn 24 hours. No refunds. The properly wilt NOT be open for vs. , RE JUDICIAL SALES ly known os 8317 South Louis Avenue, Steokle, IL 60076. The 2006- EM X9 Real Estate (Dc) BACKED P455 THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES Foréclò'sure Sales 60606-4650 A Pioneer Press Publication Derrick Brummell Storage bins, boxes, chairs, kitchen applIances Boxes, Bags, Totos Boxes, Bans, Toles Boxes, Bags, Toles Boses, bags, Toles Boxes, Bogs, Totos Boses, Bogs, Totos Boses, Bags, Talos Boxes, Bags, Tales 11750983) Pub:2,I11,V16/15C B2B Thursday, February 11, 2010 . A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) AUCTIONS AUCTIONS . AUCTIONS AUCTIONS B39 Thursday, February 11, 2010 AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS which ore located at Public FOSTER- Storage RAVENSW000 SELFSTORAGE LLC, 1800 W. FOSTER AVE., CHICAGO, SUBSCRIBETODAY. TOPLACEA CLASSIFIED AD SUBSCRIBE TODAY. IL 60640, 773.561-5003. The personal property is descri- I CALL 847-486-9300 bed below, in the plotters of: Space #506 Debra Crestoni Household Items, CALL 847-998-3400 Bato Petrov i table und chairs Space #217 . Andrew Dolorosa Household Ilems DON'T. TACKLE. THE Pub: 2/4, 2/11/10 (1750031)C NOTICE O PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NotIce Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 at the Self-ServIce Storage FacilIty Acte State at IllInoIs, the underslgned PS Orangeco, Inc , will Conduct sole(s) by corn. patitivo bIddIng on: February 26, 2OO at 1l45 a.m. On the premIse where sold property has been stored and whIch aro located at Public Storage, Property # 08067, . WORK 711 W. Fullerton Chicago, IL 6064, Phone: 773-525-558, Fox: 773-2.18-3702. The peruon property descrIbed below, in the rnatter of: Name Contents Space Rlcky Lawrence Boxes, furnIture 1016 Adrienne Upoh Boxes, electronIcs 1053 Kenneth Kelton Books, boxes, 2110 41 19 Boxes, beddIng, electronics Purchases must be made wIth cash only and paId for at the time of sale. Ail goods are sold as Is and must be ro- moved at the fimo al purchase. Saie lo sublect fo adloUrnmoflt. (17502561 Pub: 2/11, 2/18/1OC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NotIce Is hereby gIven filet pursuant to SectIon 4 of the Self-Service Storage Facility Ad, Stale of IllInois, that PS Orangeco, nc, will conduct sale(s) by competitive bidding on March 2, 2010, at 10O0 A,M., on the premIse where saId property has been stored, and which are locoted at PublIc Storage/PS Orange Co., 362 W. Chicago Ave,, :. Chicago, IL 60654. Phone 312-266-0174, fax 112-266-0179. OCCUPANT Jeff Monago Phylip Banks Laqulssla Toybron SPACE 3091 3135 4049 . 5047 Laura Rodgers 5096 Denise Thomas m PAT IT ON THE BACK. Now Monster works with Pioneer Press, so you can warmly embrace the work week in the suburban Chicago area. Your calling ¡s calling-find it at pì bedding Boxes, bags, bedding, electronics Boxes,(urnlfure, bedding, electronics Bags moved at the time of the purchase. Salo Is sublect to adiournmonl. Pub: 2/li, 2/18/10 (1750087) C Unif Name 0005 Kendall Stephens 0053 TIm Wright 0091 Assat Osi 0108 Ronald Prokaskl 0176 KIra Bell 0178 RIlando Veloz 0240 Jeremy Stolberg AntonIo Irizarry 0299 Laura James 0368 Annette Barnes 0414 Manuel Rivora 0527 Joseph Burgos LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS INSTALLATION OF CARPET The Park Ridge Public Li- brary will accept sealed bids tor the removal and replacement of carpet in the ChildrensDepartment at the Park Ridge Public Library all in accordance with Speciticalions and Contract monts No. LI B-2010-i. Speciticotions and Docu- brary, 20 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL. A deposit tar these documents is not reguired. BIds will be accepted at the Business Ottico of the Park Ridge Public Library, 20 S. Prospect Ave. Park Ridge, I L 60068 untIl 11:00 AM on Fobruary 25, 2010, at which timo all bids will be publicly opened and road. BlM frano- mittod by facsimile (fox) will not be accepted. A bid deposit is required when the total amount of the bld is In excess of $25,000.00, which must be in the form of a bid bond (5%) or certified or cashier's check payable to the Park Ridge Public Library. The successful bidder will be required to turnish a Performance and Payment Bond(si for the full amount of the contract and a Certificate at Insurance. The successful Contents Boxes,eiectronics Boxes Boxes, bags, toles Boxes, bags, totes Bags Boxes, bags,fotes Boxes, bogs Boxes, toles Boxos,bags, tofos Boxes, furniture Boxes, bags, totes Boxes,electronlcs, furniture Boxes, bags, lofes Boxes Bedding, boxes, electronics 0567 Randy Zels 0810 Niki Balm 0843 Jeonne Panitch 0852 Virgie Wellen Purchases Must Be Made Wilh Cash Only And Paid For AI The Time Of Sale. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Saie Is Subloct To Adiournment. potilive bidding on March 2, 2010 al 12:15 P.M. on the premise where said property has been stored, and which are located at Public Storage, PS Orange Co., 1414 S. Wabash, Chicago, IL 60605 the personal properly described below. In the matters of: Space# Occupant B1032 Daniel Rodriguez Bl050 Lucy Washington B10S7 Beverly Hadley Enana Gaines C2063 Howard Rosen 03024 Ian Doughty E4012 E4024 AlonzoJackson E4049 David Armstrong E4057 F5016 F5028 G6038 G6091 ErlcWticox MonIca Morton Daniel Sheranlan Trocey Adams Stocey Haughton Melvin Coto Gladys Jones Contents Furniture Furniture, boxes Totes Bedding, boxes Furniture Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Furnifure,boxes Boxes Tools,boxes Boxes, tofos moved al the tImo ot purchase. Soto adlournment. I 1750571) Pub: 2/11, 2/18/10 C CALL 847-998-3400 - TO PLACE is sublecl fo 11750004) Pub:2Ili,2/1BI1OC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolice is hereby given that pursuanl to Section 4 of the Soif-Service Storage Facitily Act, Stato of Illinois, thaI PS Orangeco Inc. and will conduct sale(si by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. On the premises where said properly has been stored, and which are iocaied of Public Storage #08223, al 945 Rohiwing Road, Roll Ing Meadows, IllInois 60008, the personal properly descrubed below. In the matters at: Contents Unit Nome Boxes, furniture 4045 Richard Kerrill 4046 Magaly Cortos Hernandez Boxes, toys Furniture, toys Elizabeth Dowolfe 4077 Allsha Adair Bedding, furniture 6001 Purchases must be modo with cash only and paid toral the timo ot sole. All goods are said as is and must be romoved al the time of purchase. Salo Is subiect to adiournment. 11749236)Pub: 2/il, 2/1 8/bC YOUR AD. NOTiCEOF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Seit-Service Storage FacilIty Act, Slate of Illinois, the undorsigned PS Orangeco, lnc.,wiIl conduct salo(s) by cornpetitivo bidding onMorch 2, 2010, at 11:15A.M., on the promise where sold property has been stored, and which go, IL 60607. Phone 312-421-0049, fox 312-563-1065. Space # Q038 0213 0354 Bolo 0345 0224 0028 0639 Occupant Sarah Feidlon Angela While Robert Pearce JamleValeria Anthony Seals Contents Furniture Furnifure Bags, Boxes Boxes, Bags Bags Bags Boxes, Files Bogs, Totes Darry Polco Alten Washington Victor Pelaoz Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for al the time of saie. All goods are sold as is and must be removed al flue time of the purchase. Sale is subioct to adlournrnent. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant lo Section 4 of fhe Seit-Service Storage Facility Act, State ot illinois, the unciorslgned PS Orangoco, Inc., will conduct sale(sl by cornpotitive bidding on March 2, 2010, al 10:45 n.m. on the premise whore sold property has been stored, and which aro located at Public Storage/ PS Orange Co., 1129 N. Wells, Chicago, IL 60610 the personal properly described below, in the matters at: A048 OCCUPANT Derome Ashtord CONTENTS Boxos,bags, totos, B1e4 Victor Mitchell 00x05, bags, lotos, Bi 62 Loretl Dumas BlOB Donna Ashley furniture furniture Bedding, boxes, bags, lotos Bedding, boxes, bags, totos, turniture C206 Julien Koiho Ronald Merchant C207 RlchardGordon C208 WillIam Lambed C257 C259 Michael Clark C274 C294 Chonlawn Wynn Hannah Haghighi 0378 Robed Owens 0397 Laneisha Love 0528 E540 Merlin Poocy Marsha Kooseberg Bedding, bags, etecIronics, boxes, totes. cornpulors Boxes, bags, totos Boxeo, bags, totos, E5S3 Rudolph Harrison Boxes, bags, lotos, EMa Flora Koppel Toselee Davis B)92 Julien .1. Koiho Boxes, bags, toles BeddIng, boxes, bags, totes BeddIng, boxes, talos, computers, electronics, furniture Boxes,bags, totes, furniture Baxos,bags, lotos BeddIng, totos, boxos,bag Boxes, bags, totes Bedding, boxes, bags, totos Boxes,bags, totos, furniture furniture furniture Boxes, bogs, totes Bedding, boxes, bags, totos, furniture E621 Wesley Lasan Roy Lewis E672 Alasire Adetutu Boxes, bags, totos Bedding, boxes, bags, totos BoSes, bags, totos, E676 Roy Mansell Boxes, bag, totes E628 C215 Vincent Williams APARTMENT IN TO PLACE YOUR GARAGE SALE AD, CALL 847998-3400 THE CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Soll-Service Storage FacilityAct, Statoof Illinois, that PS Orongeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 at 11:30 a,m. On the premises where sold property has been stored, and which are local- od at Public Storage, 20 E. University Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60004, the personal property described below. In the matters of: Boxes, bags, toles, furniture, bedding 601A Carrie Payne FurnIture Purchases must be mode with cash only and paid for at the fimo of sale. All goods aro saId as is and mu5t be ro202 . Hoi Shore moved al the time at purchase. Solo adiournmenf. is subiect to Pubi 2/11, 2/18/bC (1749823) C NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Stole of Illinois, the unctersigned PS Orange Co. Inc., will sell al public sale by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 at 1 :15 P.M. on the promise where said property has been stored, and which is located at Public Storoge/PS Orange Co Inc., 4430 N. Clork, Chicago, I L, 60640 the personal properly doscriboci below. In the matters of: CONTENTS SPACE# NAME Furniture, bedding Ketlie Watson 8019 Electronics, boxes WillIe Hester 0054 Boxes, furniture Sherl Savage 0032 Boxes, furniture Leslie Shaw AO4O Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for al the time of sale. All goods are sold os is and must be re- moved at the time of purchase. Sole is subloct lo odlournment. Pub: 2/il, 2/18/10 (1750158)C ore located at Public Storage, 47 W. Van Buron St., Chica (1750435) Pub: 2/il, 2/18/10 C E6Q6 Furniture, etectronics Furnilure, boxes H7074 FurnIture, boxes H7102 Cheryl Fitzpatrick Furniture, boxes Ronald George H7107 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at the time of sale. Alt goods are sold as is and must be rol-17013 CLASSIFIEDS. brary reserves the right to roled any and alt bids. Pub: 2/4,Zfll/i0(1750050)C SPACE Electronics, furnIture NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico Is hereby given thai pursuant lo SectIon 4 of the Seil-Service Storage Facility Act, State of lilinois, the undersigned PS Orangeco, Inc., will conduct salo(s) by Corn- monster® IN THE bidder will also be required to pay prevailing wage ralos In accordance with state and locat laws. (11503961 Pub: 2/11, 2/18/10 C PIONEER PRESS SAY docu. the Pork Ridge Pubiic LI- Michelle Kaiser Toles, Electronics, Toys Purchases must be made with cash or credit card only and paid for at the time of sale. All goods are sold as s and musi be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subiocl toodlournment. W7 mento for bidding may be ob- famed at Business OttIco of PERFECT Public Storage, 708 W. Central Rd., Ml. Prospect, IL 60056, the personal property described below. In the mottersot: Contents UnIt Name BID NOTICES The Park Ridge Public LI- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Soif-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the undersigned PS Orangeco, Inc. and/or Shurgord TRS. Inc. wiii conduct saloist by competitive bidding on February 26, 2010 of 12:15 p.m. on the premise where said property has boon stored, and which ore located at Public Storage/PSOrangeCo.,285 N.WeslernAve., Chicago, IL 606tO the personal properly described below, in the mattors of: 0291 MONSTER AND PIONEER PRESS NOW WORK TOGETHER. CONTENTS Furnlfure,elecfronlcs Furniture, electronics Boxes, bags, furnIture, Crystal Beard Purchases must be modo with cash only and paid for Ut the lime of saIe. Ali goods are sold as Is and must be re- 5127 . furniture TV . Chris Cesca Darren Sheehan 3146 . FIND YOUR ThE CIASSIF1EDS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the SeIt-Service Storage Facility Act, Stale of I limais, thaI PS Orangoco,inc. and will conduct salo(s) by competitive bldding on March 2, 2010 at ii :30 am. on the premises where said property has boon stored, and which aro located al Space #663 CALL 847-486-9300 AND YOUR PERFECT APARTMENT IN furniture Electronics, comput ors, furniture Boxes, bags, totos Donna Ashley Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For At The Timo Of Salo, Alt Goods Are Sold As is And Must Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Salo is Subtect To Adiournmont. 6188 Pub: 2/11, 2/18/10 t1748504)C NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 01 the Soit-Service Storage Facility Act, State et illinois, flic undersignod, PS Orongoco, Inc. and will conduct sale(s) by NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given Ihol pursuant lo Section 4 of the Self- Service Storage Facility Act, Slate of Illinois, the under- signed, PS Orangeco. Inc. and will conduct sote(s) by cornpetitive bidding on February 26, 2010, at 10:10 a.rn., on the premise where sold property has been stared, and which are located at Public Storage, PS Oronge, 1512 W. Jarvis, Chicago, IL 60626, the personal property described below. In the matters at: Name Contents Unit # 025 Christopher Jorgenson Baby Furniture Darius Johnson Bogs, Boxes 063 Yvonne Thomas Bags, Boxes 083 lia Sissac Bags, Boxes, Totes 170 Furniture, Boxes, Totes Anthony Graves 176 Boxes, Bags, Tales Ethel Greene 218 JoseCorrea Bed, Clothing, Electronics 285 Purchases must be mode with cash only and paid for al the lime at sate. All goods are sold os is onO must be removed at the timo of purchase. Solo is subioct lo adiournmenl. (17500471 Pub: 2/Il, 2/18/le C competitive bidding on: V22OlO at lO30 AM Ori the promise where said property has been stared, and which are located at Public Storage Property A' 234M, 5643 N Broadway, Chicago ILL 60660, Telephone # 773-78.4-MiO Fax # 773-784-8416 The personal property Is described be- low, Inthomattersot: Space # 0006 1005 2147 2197 3443 B12e B183 B241 Occupant JesUs Gullerroz AnnCootos Anton RitIling Janolle Christoptue Patrick Burke Tanganyika Holmes Roger Jackson Sokctiowvody Pay Chong Ping Lin Sorayo Hernondez Eugene Nemec Contents Boxes! Bags/Tales Boxes/Bags/Totes Boxes! Bags/Totes Boxes! Bags/Totes Boxes! Bags/Totes Boxes/Bags/Totes Boxes! Bogs/Totes Boxes I Bago / Totes Boxes/Boos/Totes Boxes/Bags/Totes Boxes! Bags/Totes Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at the time of salo. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subiect Io adlournB244 C3OS C372 mont. Pub: 2/il .2/18/10 (1750377lC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given (hat pursuant to Section -1 of the Self-Service Storage FacIlity Act, Stato at Illinois, the undersignod PS Orangoco, Inc., will conduct soloist by cornpetitive bIdding on February 26, 2010 at 10:00 orn. on the premiso where said proporfy has been stored, and whIch are located at Public Storage, P.S. Orange Co. 4072 N. Broadway, ChIcago, Illinois 60613, the personal property described below. In the matters of: Contents Space Occupant Furniture AGIS Robert Hunt Boxes, furnifuro Ae20 Gabriel Ogonyl Boxos, furniture BOO6 Bornita Vano Boxes Bi37 Lomo Bryan B138 Carolino Thompson Bedding, turniture CO31 Gregory Glarratono Bedding, boxes, bogs Juliet Aclaro Boxes C044 Boxes, electronics Luis Roman CO50 Bedding, boxes, furniture Folorin Owodete 0032 Equipment, bogs Fronk Laing D053 Boxes, bags D082 Evelyn Thomas NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant lo Section 4 of the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the undersignod PS Orangeco, Inc. and will conduct sale(s) by competitivo bidding on March 2, 2010 at 10:10 o.m. On the premiso whore sold property has been stored, and which aro located at Public Storage, properly #08062, 3501 W. Touhy Ave., Lincoinwood, IL 60712-2730, Telephone 8.47674-5302 Fox # 847-329-0315. The personal property is described below. In the matters of: Contents Space # Occupant 11105 Boxes , Bogs , Totos Izobello Kumon ira Silverstoin 1038 Boxes, Totes, Furniture Boxes, Bags, Totes Larry Davis i 146 2003 Shoneile McGee Boxes, Bags, Totos 3026 Boxes, Furniture, Romulus Ortopan Electronics Carlos DeLaCruz Boxes, Bags, Toles 3166 3182 Natalio Anleu Boxes, Bogs, Totos Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For At The Time Of Saie. All Goods Aro Sold As Is And Must Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Sole Is Subloct To Adlournment. Pub: 2/11, 2/18/10 (1747835) C NOTICE DF PUBLIC SALG OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that pursuant fo Section 4 of the Seit-Service Storage FacIlity Act, Slate of Illinois, Ihat PS Orangeco, nc, will conduct subis) by competitivo bldding on February 26, 2010, al 11:00 AM., on the premise where said property has been stored, and which oro localod at Public Storage/PS Orange Co. Inc 1916 N. Elston, Chicago, i L 60642. Phone 773-227-31 14, fox 773-227-3253. Space Occupant Al92 Notosha Drape A234 DuaneThompson A318 MelissoMcAllister Contents Furniture, bedding Boxes, lotes Boxes, toles Purchases must be modo with cash only and paid for al the lime Ut solo. All goods ore sold as is and must be re- Harry Dukov Boxes, suitcase Jeremiah Reeves A465 Boxes 5 Kevin Voshell A477 Boxos,furnlluro A484 ,Rachel Tan Furniture BOlO Jeffrey Coburn Boxes, furniture C064 Janet Cavalloro Furniture D540 Anabel Tirado Boxes, toles MarIe Leaner 0573 Boxes, turnilure D611 Victor RamIrez II Boxes, turnilure 0707 Dean Zltzewlfz Boxes, electronics Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for of fhe timo ofsalo. All goods are sold as IS and must be re- adIournment. adlournment. 0124 E001 E033 Ee53 E057 Boxes, bags Jamos Grogon Charles Visto-Aroulo Boxes, bags Scott Senderok Boxes, bags Boxes, bags, furniture Rafael Visto Boxes, bags Calhy Harcas moved at the time of purchase. Sale is subloct to (17502301 Pub: 2/il, 2/18/10 C A381 moved at the time of the purchase. Saio Is subiect lo (1750369) Pub: 2/il. 2/18/10 C . B40 Thursday, Februaiy 11, 2010 I alo NOTICES BID NOTICES . InvitatIon to Bld CommunIty Consolidated School District 64 will receive Sealed bids at the Board of EducatIon Office, 164 South Prospect Avenue, Park RIdge, IllInois 60060, untIl i :00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, tor 'ASBESTOS ABATEMENT work at Roosevelt School. A pre-bid conference and walk through will be held on Frl. doy, February 19, 2010 ai 3:30 p.m. beginnIng at Roosevelt School, 1001 South Fairview Avenue, Park Ridge, IllInois. Bld Documents will be available ai the pro-bid conference through the Prolect Designer: ENVIRON International, aNn: MottMeyer, S72SWest Higgins Road, Sulte72S, ChIcago, Illinois 60631, phone number 773.272.3500. Only those bids complying with the provisions and speclflcotions of the Bid will be considered. The Board of Educotion reserves the right to waive any Informalitles, qualifi- .cations, or irregularities, and/or to relect any or all pro- posais, when in It'sopinlon, such action will serve the best Interest of the Board of Education of Community Consolidoted School District 64. Contracts awarded by the Board of Education require that contractor'scomply with the PrevailIng Wage Act of the State of Illinois; the generai prevaIling rote of wages shall be paid for each craft or type of worker or mechanic required to execute the contract or perform such Work. Pub: VII/JO 1)750661) C LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID The Skokie Pork District wIll receive sealed bids for the following prolects: TWo tennIs court renovation prolects; the locations are Devonshire Park at 4400 Greenwood St., Skokie, liiifols 60077 and Lauth Park at 8031 Keystone Ave., Skokie, Illinois, 60076. BaltImore AIrcoll coolIng tower/condenoer repaIr prolects; located at the Weber Leisure Center and Skalium Ice Arena, 9300 Weber Park Place Skokie, Illinois, 60077 Water Slide renovatIons; located at the Skokie Waler Playground, 4701 Oakton Street Skokie, Illinois, 60076 Bids are due and will be opened and read aloud on March 2, 2010. at the Skokie Park District Administrative Offices, 9300 Weber Pork Place, Skokie, Illinois, 60077. 8112 NOTICE The Board of Education, Norridge School District 80, Adminisfrafive Offices, 8151 West Lawrence Avenue, Norridge, I limais 60706, will receive sealed bids for: 2010 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT JAMES J. GILES SCHOOL PROJECT NO. 09067 The Bld OpenIng will be on March 4, 2010 at 2:00 P.M. at the Administrative Offices. Ai this time the Bids will be publicly opened and read. A Performance and Payment Bond in the tuli amount ofthe contract Will be required. A Bid Security of 10% of the Bid is required with the proposal. The Contractor must pay the Prevailing Wage Roles for oil work per Illinois Law. The Owner reserves the right to reiect any or all Bids, to waive irregularities in the bidding procedure, or accept the Bld that in its opinion will serve its best interest. Any such decision shall be considered final. The Owner reserves the right to set aside a Bid from a Contractor whom, in the Owner'sopinion, does not exhibit past experience equal to tho size and scope of this prolect. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at the following location and time: , James J. Glles School 4251 North Oriole Avenue Norridge, Illinois 60706 February 22, 2010, 3:30 p.m. Interested bidders must attend the Mandatory Pro-Bld Meeting. The Bidder shall have a written sexual harassment palicy In place in full compliance with Section 2-105 of the lilinols Human Rights Act. The Bidder is aware of the provisions In 105 ILCS 5/1021.9 and that in bidding agrees to comply with oli the requirements contained within. Obtain Bidding Documents (maximum 3 sets) otter Jonuary7,2OlOat: CONCEPT 3 Architects, P.C. 101 E. St. Charles Rood, Suite 204 Villa Park, Illinois 6018t (630) 833-6090 A refundable deposit for the drawings and specifications of $50.00 per set is required. INOTE : Contractor must submit a bid In order to receive his deposIt.) Pub: 2/11/10 (175TiJ4)C VILLAGE OF LINCOLN WOOD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesclay, March 3, 2010, at 7:30PM, o public hearing will be held by the Plan Commission of the Village of Lincotnwood, Cook Caunfy, I Ilinols, In the Council Chambers Room of Lincolnwood Village Hall, 6900 North LinCain Avenue, Lincoinwood, Illinois for the purpose of canSidering the following: Property Address: 7176 N. Lincoln Avenue Property P.I.N.: tO-34-200-016-0000 GB ILLINOIS2, LC ApplIcant: Nature of Request: The Petitioner seeks a special use for a drive-thru In the B-3 PO Village Center District and certaIn variofions from the maximum number, area, and height of signs at the subiect property all to permit a pharmacv. At the public hearing, the Plan Commission will accept and consider all testimony and evidence pertaining fa this application, and will consider any zoning actions or relief that may be necessary or convenient related to this request. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Plan Commission will makh a recommendation ta the Lincoinwoad Village Board of Trustees based on the Intor- motion presented. The Village Board will consider that recommendation at a subsequent public meeting. The declsion of the Village Board will be the final decision of the Village regarding this application Information concerning this appliCatIon is available for Inspection in the CommunIty Development Department of the Ltncolnwood Village Hall, 6900 North LIncoln Avenue, Lincoinwood, Illinois. This public hearing may be adburned to another dote by the Plan CommIssIon of the VIIlage without further notice, other thon a notice entered upon the minutes of salti meeting, fixing the time and place of its reconvening. All persons in attendance at the hearing shall have an opportunity fo be heard regprding this applicatIon. Any perSan who also desires ta appear as an interested party', with the right ta cross-examine others at the public hear- ing, must file an appearance form with the Village of LlncolnWoad no later thon 5 p.m. an the busIness day prior to the commencement of the public hearing. Appear. once forms are available In the Community Development Department of the Llncoinwood Vtlloge Hall, 6900 North Lincoln Avenue, Llncolnwood, Illinois. ThIs is not o notice fo appear.' lt Is an lnvitotion to oil lterested persons lo submIt oral or written comments con- cernlng this application. Written comments must be re- celved no later thon 5 P.m. on the business day prior to the public hearIng and may be sent to the attenflon of the Viilage Zoning Officer at the Lincalnwood VIllage Hall, 6900 ' North Lincoln Avenue, Llncolnwooct, IL 60712. Persons BID NOTICES PUBLIC LIEN VILLAGE OF SKOKIE That on 3/15/2010, a sale will NOTICE TO BIDDERS LI NCOLNWOOD The Village of Skokie is now beheld ot3:00 p.m. at: INVITATION FOR BIDS B&L Automotive Repairs Sealed bids for the Kenneth accepting Sealed Bids for: 3830 N. Kedzie Avenue 2010 WATER SYSTEM Park Basketball Resurface ChIcago, IL 60618 IMPROVEMENTS Prolect will be received at the All bids to be In wrItIng, to VILLAGE OF SKOKf E Parks & Recreation Office, sell the following artIcles to 5127 OAKTON ST. Village Hall, 6900 North Linenforce a lien existing under SKOKIE, IL. 60077 coin Avenue, Llncoinwood, IL the lows of the State of Illinois 847-673-0500 60712 until 10 AM. local time, Notice Is hereby given thaf against such articles for laWednesday, February 24, services, skIlls or mate2010. Ali Bids will be publicly The Village of Skokie will re- bar, opened at that time and read delve bIds at 5127 Oakfon rial expended upan or storage Street, Skokie, Illinois 60077 furnished for such artIcles at aloud. Specifications, Bids, and Attention: Michael Alelcslc, the request ot the following Contract Documents may be Purchasing Agent until 11:00 designated person(ol, unless obtained, beginnIng February AM local tIme on February such articles are redeemed within thirty (30) days of the 0, 20)0, from the Recreation 23, 2010. Bidders will be required to publication of this notice. Department, Village Hall 1847/677-9740) or online at certify that for all Work to be NAME OF PERSON(S) hit performed pursuani to Ihe John M. Stengel Enveiopes are to be marked Contract Documents, at least DC Fin Svcs Amer LLC DESCRIPTION OF Sealed BId-Kenneth Pork the prevailing rate of wages ARTICLE Basketball Resurface prol- as found and determined by ed' os the Bidder chooses ta the Illinois Department of La- 2001 Chrysler Sebring ber for Cook County will be 1C3EL45U8) N663088 submit. paid to all workers and em- AMOUNT $1950.00 Pub: 2/1)/10(1751098)C VILLAGE OF SKOKIE as follows: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Devonshire and Lauth The Village of Skokie Is now Parks Tennis Courts Renova- accepting sealed BIDS tor: CONTRACTWORK FOR lions; 10:00 am, March 2, 2010 Weber Leisure Conier & CONSTRUCTION OF THE Skatium NEW Cooling CTAYELLOW LINE Tower/Condensing Repairs; OAKTON ST. STATION 10:30am, March 2, 20)0. Skokie Water Playground The Village of Skohie Is soWater Slide Renovations; licitlng sealed bids for the following tracie5'producls relat1) :00 am, March 2, 2010. Bld Documents, including ed to new facility construcPlans and Specifications flan: site utilities, earthwork, (Specifications only for #2 & fencing, landscaping, con#3 at no charge) for crete, masonry, structural Devonshire and Lauth may be steel and miscellaneous metobtained by depositing $25.00 als, carpentry, architectural aluminum per Set With the Skokle Park metals, District of 9300 Weber Pork storefront/glazing, granite, Place, Skokie, IL, 60077, from painting, signage, train signal the hours of 9:00am ta 4:00pm work, communications work, Monday through Friday. This plumbing, HVAC and electrical. A .5% bld bond Is redeposit is non-refundable. A properly Certified Check, quired With the bld and Bank Draft, Cashier's Check awarded Contractor will be or Bld Bond payable to the required to provide 1)0% perSkokie Park District for not farmance and payment bonds less than ten (10) percent of and unit price schedule of val- the total bid amount witt be oes. Notice is hereby given that required for each bid. The successful bidder will be the Village of Skokie will rerequired to furnisha satistac- celve sealed BIDS at 5127 tory Performance Bond and Oakfon Sfreei, Skokie, liii60077, attention: Labor and Material Payment nais, Bond for 100% of the total Michael Aicksic, Purchasing contract amount. All bidders Agent, until 2:00 P.M. local will be required to certify that time on March ti, 2010. A they are in compliance with pre-bid meeting is scheduled ail laws governing equal em- (or 9:00 AM. on February 25, ploymont opportunity and 2010 at same localion. This prolect Is funded by a sexual harassment. This prolect Is subiect to the Federal CMAQ Grant and repayment of Prevailing Wag- quires DEE and MBE portici- ployoes employed and workIng an the Prolect. lage al Skokie Public Works, held at 3:05 p.m. at: Boss Automotive Inc. 9050 Gross Point Rd. (847-933- 8427) or at the Office of Baxter 39 W 207 HIghland Ave. Unit C Elgin, IL 60124 & Woodman, Inc., 0679 regularitIes or Informalities Bid specifications are available at 9300 Weber Place, SkokIe, IL 60077 befween the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2010. Bids will be received until Tuesday, March 2 at 2:00 Deceased. No.2009 P 7784 Malcolm Brown Capitol One Auto Finance Lien ami: $19273.00 Date/time 03/22/10 900am Pub: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18/10 74972))C2 malitles In bidding prodedures and to award the con- LIENS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that tract in a manner best serv- onNotice 10, 2010 a sale will Ing the interests of the Vil- be March held al K & K Aufo Reconloge. 6969 N. Bidding documents are slructlon, ChIcago, IL available through the Vil- RaWenowood, 60626 to sell the artilage's Construction Manager: cies to enforce a following tien exIsting Riley ConstructIon Co., 926 under the laws of the State of North Shore Dr., Lake Bluff, Illinois against such articles IL., 60044. Contact Ms. Amanda Grum of 847-457-3909 for labor, services, skill or or material expended upon a furnished for such orThere Is no cost for compacl storage at the request of the foldisc pickup or for access to tidIes lowing designated persons, the CM's on-line documenta- unless artIcles are retion access. Paper copleo are deemedsuch within thirty (30) available for a $200 nonof the publIcation of this refundable depoSit and ship- days notice. ping number. Name: Babalude Modupe Michael Aleksic Vehicle: 1998 InfIniti 0X4 p.m., at which time the bids will be opened and publicly road. All bids must be submiffed In a sealed envelope marked 'Bid for FestIval of Cultures' and addressed fo MIchelle Tuff, Skokle Park Dlsfrfcf, 9380 Weber Place, Purchasing Agent Skokle, I L 60077. Village of SkokIe The Board of Park CommisPub: 5/tt/10(i751tt7) C sloners of the Skokie Park Michelle Tuft, Superintendent of RecreatIon at Pub: Vil/ID (1750857)C 4 26, 2510, to Roman Gerus,1806 clam not within thaI lime period is barred. Copies of any claim filed with the flIe.d Clerk must be mailed or deilvered to the repr050nlative and to flic attorney within 113 days after lt Is filed. /5/Thomas M. P. Hannigan Attorney Pub: 2/11 2/18, 2/25/tO (1750908) C Atty. No. 25946 Frances Buettner, 811 E. Cen- wIn R. Niemira, PC, 1110 N. Irai, 4223, ArlIngton HeIghts, Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL IllinoIs 60005, whose attorney 60622. 773-276-1322. is Michael J. Moran & Associ- Claims agaInst the estate ates, 121 South Wilke Road, may be filed in the Office of Suite 201, ArlIngton HeIghts, the Clerk al the Circuit Court Illinois 6005, 847-577-8556. In Roam 1202, Richard J. OsClaims against the estate ley Center, Chicago Illinois may be flied in the office of 60602 or With the represenlathe Clerk of the CIrcuit Court tive, or both on or before Auin Room 1202, RIchard Daloy gust 4, 2010, whIch date is not Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602 less than 6 months from the or wIth the representative, Its date of the first publication el attorney, or all, on or before thIs nallçp and any claim not September 4, 2010, whIch date tiled Within that period is baris not less than 6 months from red. Copies of any claIm flied the date of the first publica- with the Clerk must be mailed lion of this notice and any or delivered to the represenclaim not flied withIn that po- tative and to the attorney riad is barred. Copies of any within io days after it is filed. claim filed with the Clerk Is/EdwIn R. Nlernira must be mailed or delivered I Representalivel to the representative and to /5/ EdwIn R. Niemira the attorney withIn IO days of(Attorneyl ter it is filed. Pub: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18/10 Pub: 2/Il, 2/lt, 2/25/10 (1749777) C (1751025) C Stateot Illinois In The Circuit Court of STATEOF ILLINOIS Cook County, Illinois IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Probate Division OF COOK COUNTY, In the matter at the Estate at ILLINOIS Timothy Chlumsky PROBATE DIVISION I n the matter of the estate of Deceased GARAGE SALE AD, SELL IT FAST. whose attorney is Cary A. Notice to Heirs and Legatees Lind, 121 S. Wilke Rd. Suite Notice is given ta unknown 407, Arlington Hts, IL 60555. heirs who are the heirs or legateos In the above entitled 847-577-0035. Claims agaInst the estate proceeding to close the estate may be filed in the Office of on March 11, 2010, at which the Clerk of the Circuit Court time you may appear before in Room 1202, Richard J. Judge Jeffrey A. Malak, CirDaley Center, Chicago, lIlI- cuit Court of Cook County Ilnais 60602, or With the repre- linois, Room 1851, Richard J. sentative, or both, on or be- Daley Center, 50 West Washfore August .1, 2010. which inglan Street, Chicago, liiidate is nat less than 6 months nois 60602. Pub: 1/28,2/4,5/11/10 from the date of the first pubI17474851C licalion of this police and any claim not filed within that poStale of Illinois riad Is barred. Copies of any In The Circuit Court of claim filed with the Clerk Cook County, Illinois must be mailed or delivered DIvision to the representativa and to In the Probate of the Estate at the attorney within 10 days of- James matter Jareil Sanders ter it Is filed. Deceased /5/ William Thompson Case No. 07 p 1516 ( Representalivel Notice Is given In the death /s/CaryA. Lind of James Jarell Sanders of (Attorney) Chicago, Illinois. Letters of Pub: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18/10 office were issued on April 9, (1749610) C 20g7 to Cary R. Rosenthal, whose attorney is Cary R. Stoteot Illinois In The Circuit Court of Cook Rosenthal, 35 N. LaSalle, Suite 2630, Chicago, Illinois County, Illinois 60602. Phone number 312-726Probate Division In the mailer of the estate of 0710. EDWARD F. STEINEKE Notice to Heirs and Legatees Notice is given ta unknown J R., heirs who are the heirs or legDeceased Cose No. 2009 P 008178 death of EDWARD F. STEI- tIme you may appear before NEKE JR. of Hoffman Es; Judge Jeffrey A. Malok, Cirtales, Illinois. Letters of of- cuit Court of Cook County, IIfice were issued on January Ilnols, Room 1801, Richard J. 21, 2010 Io EDWARD FRED- Daley Center, 50 West WashERICK STEINEKE Ill, 940 ingtan Street, Chicago, liiiTuscany Dr., Streamwood, IL nols 60602. FINDYOUR Claims against the estate may be filed in the offIce of the Clerk of the Circuit Court In Room 1202, Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago, liiinais 60602 or with the repre- sentallve, or both, on or be- must be mailed or delivered to the representative and ta the attorney wIthin 10 days atter it has been flied. /5/ Karl H. Magnus Attorney Pub: 1/28,2/4,5/litio FINO MORE t.00ALJOBS AT il Ii FIND YOUR PERFECT claim flied with the Clerk THE CLASSIFIEDS PIONEERLOCALCOIM4ONSTER PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ridge, to consider a petition TO PI_ACEA PERFECTPETIN CLASSIFIED AD THE CLASSIF1EDS CALL 847998-3400 Caso No. 07 P 8127 Notice Is given In the death Wheeling, Illinois. Letters of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR 2010-2014 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND ACTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 MARCH 15, 2010 office were issued an January 17, 2000 to Con' R. Rosenthal, whose attorney Is Cary R. Rosenlhat, 30 N. LaSallo, Sulle 2630, Chicago, Illinois 0710. Notice to HeIrs and Legatees Nolico Is given to unknown heirs who are the heIrs or leg- alees in Iho above entitled proceeding ta close the estate on March 11, 2010, at which time you may appear befare Judge Jeffrey A. Malak, Circult Court of Cook County, IIIlnals, Room 1801, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washinglon Street, Chicago, lilinols 60602. Pub: 1/28, 2/4, 2/11/10 (1147482)C Stateof Illinois In The CircuIt Court of Cook County, Illinois Probate Division in the matter of the Estate of Jean Hinton Deceased Case No. 07 P 8287 NotIce is given in the death of Jean Hinton of Chicago, Illinois. LeIters of office wore issued on January 17, 2008 to Cary R. Rosenthal, whose at10mev Is Cory R. Rosenthal, 30 N. LaSalle, Suite 2635, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Phone number 312-726-0710. Notice to Heirs and Legalees Notice Is given lo unknown heirs who are the heirs or leg- alees in the above entitled In compliance with U.S. Department st HousIng and Urban Devolopmenl (NUDI regulations, the Village of Skokle Is presently preparing a Consolidated Plan and an Aclion Pion for Iho Community Development Block Grant 1CDBG) program, and any other federal communIty plannlng and developmenl programs for which the Village may become eligible to apply. In developIng those pions, the Village is encouraging citizen participation and einphaslzlng the Involvement al low/moderate-Income residents. In addition, the Village is seeking to promote the participation 01 all Its residents, Including minorities and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with mo- bilily, vIsual, or hearIng Impairments. CitIzens, organIzalions, agencies, and other Interested parties will hove the opportunity to provide their Input to the ConsolIdated Plan and Action Plan. A public hearing will be held on Monday, March 15, Io receive spedilic public comment on the Droll Consolidated Plan far 2010-2014, which Includes the Draft Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2011. ApprovaI by the Village Board of Trustees will be requested at that hearing. The hearing will be conducted in the Village Hall Council Chambers immediately following the regular municipal government business which begins at 8:05 p.m. Oralts al the Consolidoled and Action Plans will be available to the public beginning Friday, February 12, al Village Hall In the Plannino Division, and the Skokie Public Library In the Roterence Department. All comments or concerns should be made in writing lo the contact person listed below. The Village of Skokie will respond to all written comments rocolved from the public within 15 days, where practicable. For further inlormatlon, please contact Carrie Hoberstich, AICP, Planner/CDBG Administrator, in writIng al the Village at Skokie, 5127 Oskton St., Skokie, IL, 60077. Comments are also welcome by email at, or by tax al 847-568-8896. SPECIAL AID available upon request tar the physically disabled. Call 673-0500 or TTY 673-9330. Pub: 2/il, 2(18/10I1750636) C proceeding to close Ihe estate on March 11, 2010, at which time you may appear before Judge Jeffrey A. Malak, Circull Court al Cook County, IIIlnois, Room 1801, Richard J. Daiey Center, 50 West Washinglon Street, Chicago, liinais 60602. Pub: 1/28, 2/4, 5/11/10 11747486)C Stateol Illinois In The Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois Probate Division In the matter of the Estate of Hugo A. Feria Deceased Cane No. 07 P 3008 Notice is given In the death al Hugo A. Feria of Chicago, Illinois. Letters of ottico were issued on August 8, 2507 to Cary R. Rosenthal, whose at10mev is Cary R. Rosenthal, 30 N. LaSalie, Suite 2630, Chicago, Illinois 60652. Phone number 312-726-0710. NotIce to Heirs and Legatees Notice Is given to unknown heirs Who are the heirs or leg- alees in the above entitled proceedIng to close the estate on March 11, 2010, at which time you may appear bofare Judge Jeffrey A. Malak. Circuit Court sI Cook County, Illinols, Room 1001, RIchard J. Daley Center, 55 West WashIngton Street, Chicago, lIlinais 60602. Pub: 1/28,2/4,2/11/10 i1747480lC ... PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given thai a public hearing wIll be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals on Monday, 01 March 2010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Vil- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING REPAIR Avenue, In the Village of NorFINO YOUR of Kathleen M. Durham al 60602. Phone number 312-726- PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES lage Hall, 4000 North Olcott Deceased STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WALWORTH COUNTY BARKER LUMBER COMPANY, 327 South 7th Street Delavan, WI 53115, P Ia inI ill V. Thursday,Februaryll,2O1O Case No. 2009-CV-81981 Case Code: 70101 and 30405 GEORGE H. HOELTER and MARY FRANCES HOELTER 1950 Burton Lane Park Ridge, IL 60068, Oetenclanls. PUBLICATION SUMMONS TO THE PERSONS NAMED ABOVE AS DEFENDANTS: You are being sued by the person named above as Plaintill. A copy al the claim has been sent lo you at your address as slated in the caption above. The Plaintill named above has flied a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Complaint, which is also served upon you, stales the nature and basis of the legal action. Within forty (401 days atler February 11, 2010, you must respond with a writlen answer, as that term is used In Chapter 802 al the Wisconsin Statutes, to the Corn- plaint. The Court may relect or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the Statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address is Wotworih County Judicial Center, P.O. Box 1001, Elkhorn, WI 53121, and to Plainllll'sAtlorney, Anthony A. Coletti of Sweet, Maler & Coletli, S.C. whose address is P.O. Box 318, 114 N. Church Street, Elkhorn, WI 53121. You may have on attorney help or represenl you. lt you do not provide a proper answer within forty (401 days, the Corl may grant iudgment against you for the award al money or other legal action requested In the complaint, and you may loso your right to obiect la anything that Is or may be incorrect In Ihe Complaint. A ludgment may be enforced os provided by law. A ludgment awarding money may became a lien against any real estate you own now or In the fulure, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure 01 property. Outed this 8th day of February, 2010. SWEET, MAI ER & COLETTI, S.C. Attorneys for Ihe Plaintiff By: Anthony A. Coletti State Bar No.01010646 114 N. Church Street P_O. Box 318 requesting the rezoning from B-2: RestrIcted iShopping Conten Business DIstrIct Io B-2: General Business Distridt per the requIrements of the Zoning Ordinance al the Village of Norridge - 1962 tor Phone: (2621 723-5483 Facsimile: 1262) 723-2100 Pub: 2/II, 5/18, 2./25/lO (1751265) C at the District Ottico at 7700 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois. grounds, school bus turnarounds, student drop-alt areas, sidewalks and/or parking areas al Hiles West High School, 570) W. Oakton, Skokie, Illinois, and lo receive any public comment. Robert Silverman, President Ruth Klint, Secretary Hilos Township High School District 219 Board of Education y. SOUTH LINE 120.5 FEET; LLC, 8872 Willow Pointe Parkway THERETO) THENCE EAST Case No. 09 CV 018349 PARALLEL WITH SAIO STAFFING ALA CARTE, Case Code: 30301 Franklin, WI 53)32, MAHAK ENTERPRISES, INC. 8872 Willow Pointe Parkway Franklin, WI 53)32, MHMOF WISCONSIN, L.L.C., 8072 Willow Pointe Parkway Franklin, WI 53132, MEHBOOB L. LALANI, 8872 Willow Pointe Parkway Franklin, WI 53132, and HAMIOAH M. LALANI, 8822 Mason Road Morton Grove, I L 60053, Oefendanls. PI RST AMENDED SUMMONS EAST THENCE WALL; SOUGH 93.11 FEET IALONG THE STATE OF CENTERLINE OF EAST WISCONSIN, TO EACH DEF WALL ESTENDED) TO ENDANT NAMED ABOVE: SOUTH LINE OF AFORESAlID PARCEL; 43.84 FEET WEST OF MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF AFORESAID PARCEL. The properly is commonly You are hereby notitied that the plainlill named above has flied a lawsuit or other legal action againsi you. The camplainl, which is also served upon you, states the future known as 8350 W. Lawrence and basis of the legal action. Within lorty (401 days alter Avenue, In Norridge, Illinois. All interested persons should February 15, 2010, you must attend and will be given an respond with a wrillen answer, as that term is used In opportunity to be heard. chapler 052 of the Wisconsin ZONING BOARD OF Statutes, lo the comolalnl. APPEALS VILLAGE OF NORRIDGE The court may reiecl or disregard an answer 1h01 does noI By: Joseph G. Micek, follow the requirements al the Chairman statutes. The answer must be Pub: 2/11/10(1749372)C3 sent or delivered Io the court, whose address is 90t North 911, Street, Room 104, MItwau- kee, WI 53233, and Io plain- till's attorney, FIND MORE PIONEERLOCALCOMIMONSTER APARTMENT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS LEGAL NOTICE THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR 2010 WILL BE HELD AT VARIOUS TIMES AND LOCATIONS AS LISTED DATE CORRECTION MADE - FEBRUARY 8, 2010 Dafeo Location TIme Civic Center 2nd Tuesday every month 1 :00 pm Advisory Commission on Aging Ist Monday of every month Council Chambers 7:00 pm Appearance Review Commission Trustees Conference Room 7:00 pm 1st Tuesday ut every month Board of Environmental HealIh Council Chambers 7:30 pm 2nd Thursday (March, July Cable and Telocommunlcallons and November) Commission Trustees Conference Room Communily Relations Commission 7:00 pm 2nd Tuesday (every other monlhi 3rd Wednesday at every month Trustees Conlerence Roam Economic Development Commlsslon6:00 pm Varies Varies Varies Fair Housing CommIssion Trustees Conference Room 4th Wednesday 01 every month 7:00 pm Finance Advisory Commission 4th Tuesday every month FIre Station #4 7:00 pm Fire and Police Commission FIre Station #4 3:00 pm 3rd Tuesday (Quarterly) Fire Pension Board Trustees Conference Room 3rd Monday every other month 6:00 pm Natural Resource Commission CouncIl Chambers 7:30 pm Plan Commission 3rd Monday every month 5:00 pm Council Chambers Quarterly Police PensIon Board Varies Varies Ad Hoc Solid Waste Advisory Camm.Varles Council Chambers 7:30 pm Ist Thursday every month Traffic Safely Commission Council Chambers 7:30 pm 3rd Monday every month Zoning Board of Appeals Ta ensure full accessibility and equal partIcipatIon far all Interested citizens, IndIviduals with disabilities who plan lo altend and who requIre certain accommodations in order ta observe and/or partIcIpate In thIs meeting, or who hove nueslIons regarding the accessibility of these facIlItIes, aro requested Io contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) promptly lo allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. Pub:1I10 (1750333)C2s ----. -..- ---.-- ------------. ----- 1557 (608) 257-7766 Pub: 2/II, 2/18, 2125/tO (1749505) C DON'T NEED IT? SUBSCRIBE TODAY. SUBSCRIBE TODAY. SELL IT FAST. CALL 847.48693OO CALL 847-4869300 CALL 847-99834OO cation to determine the need lo undertake repairs io the pavement of play- AND AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH WELL EXTENDED) TO INTERSECTION WITH CENTERLINE OF PUBLIC NOTICES The purpose of this Hearini, Is for the Board of Edo- THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Pub: 2/11/10 (175)256) C AFORESAID (AS MEASURED ON WEST LINE AND AT RIGHT ANGLES STATE OF WISCONSIN THERETO); THENCE CIRCUIT COURT SOUTHEASTERLY TO A MILWAUKEE COUNTY POINT 71.5 EAST AND 50 BRANCH4 FEET NORTH OF SAID FRANCOIS OIL COMPANY. SOUTHWEST CORNER (AS I NC., MEASURED ON SOUTH 128 West Main Street LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST Bellevillo, WI 53508, Plainlift, QUARTER AFORESAID LOCAL JOBS AT Eikhorn, WI 53121-0318 Notice Is hereby given by the Board of EducatIon of Nibs Township High School District No. 219, Cook County, IllInois, that a Public Hearing will take place on Monday, February 22, 2010, at 7:45 p.m. OF DESCRIBED AS FOL- CEL THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH SAIO WEST LINE 31.51 FEET TO POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, THENCE EAST 62.69 FEET (ALONG CENTERLINE OF PUBLIC NOTICES 53701- HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 219, COOK SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, (EXCEPTING FROM SAIO TRACT OF LAND THAT PART THERE- THENCE SOUTH TO SAID SOUTH LINE (MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES THENCE THERETO); WEST TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING). THAT FART OF THE AFORESAID PARCEL DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORHER OF AFORESAID FAR- WIsconsin COUNTY, ILLINOIS Bar/Grill al the property described as follows: THE SOUTH 175 FEET OF THE WEST 200 FEET OF THE WEST HALF OF THE THENCE NORTH ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER 175 FEET; THENCE EAST AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID WEST LINE 50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE 86.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY TO A POINT 56 FEET EAST 01' AND 67 FEET NORTH OF Madison, . IN NILESTOWNSHIP the purpose of opening a LOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THE 01° SOUTHEAST QUARTER AFORESAID; :- PUBLICNOTICES B41 OF SCHOOL GROUNDS Josh Kopp, wtioso address Is 740 Regent Street, Suite 400, P.O. Box 1507, MadIson, Wisconsin 53701-1557. You may hove an attorney help or represent you. lt you da nel provide a prop- er answer within torly (401 days, the court may grant ludgmont 090insl you lar the the dale of the fIrst publIca- CALL 847.99834OO CALL 847-998-3400 Pub: t128,2/4,2111/1O (1747484)C fore July 28, 2010, which date is not less than 6 months from tian of this notIce and any PROBATE Sfateof IllInoIs In The CIrcuIt Court of Cook County, Illinois Probate Division In Oho matter of the Estate of Kathleen Durham afees in the above entitled proceeding Io close the estate Publication Notice Notice Is hereby given of the on March 11, 2010, aI which 11748331) C CALL 847-9983400 Notice Is given in the death of Timothy Chlumsky of Chicago, Illinois. Letters of office Thompson, 106 East Olive, 60652. Phone number 312-726Arlington Heights, I L 60004, 0710. TO PI_ACEA CLASSIFIED AD Case No. 07 P 3393 PUBLICATION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given of the were Issued on June 25, 2057 death of George W. Thomp- to Cory R. Rosenthal, whose is Cary R. son of Park Ridge, IL. Letters attorney of office were Issued on Janu- Rosenthal, 30 N. LaSalte, ary 28, 2010 to William Suite 2630, Chicago, Illinois claim not tIled within that ponod is barred. Copies of any DON1T NEED IT? OF COOK COUNTY, 368-0000. PERFECT PET IN To PLACE YOUR STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUITtOURT death of Melvin A. Buetiner issued on January 20, 2010, to of Mount Prospect, Illinois. Edwin R. Niemira, 6813 N. Letters of Office were Issued Lexington Lane, Hiles, IL on August 15, 2008 to Mary 60714, whose attorney is Ed- Caoe No. 10 P 198 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) PROBATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ILLINOIS OF COOK COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION ILLINOIS In the matterofthe estate of COUNTY DEPARTMENT, Edwin Nlemlra, PROBATE DIVISION Deceased Estate of MelvIn A. Bueftner, Case No. 2010 P 170 Deceased. PUBLICATION NOTICE NO: 08 P5047 Notice Is gIven of the death PUBLICATION NOTICE of Edwin Niemira of Hiles, IINotice is hereby given of the ilnols, Letters of office were 60107, whose attorney is Law Office of Karl H. Magnus, 121 S. WIlke Road, SuIte, ArlIngton HeIghts, IL 60005. 1847) Pub. 2/11/2010 (1751402) C lage CommunIty Development Department at 847-673-7402 vIllage Clerk Village of Lincolnwood 1cm, IllInois. Letters of oftice were issued on January Amount of Lien: 51,6000.00 mltuft@skokleparkdistrict.or g or 847-933-4355 Pub: 5/11/10(17509771 C CLAIM NOTICE Notice Is given of the death of Jeroslaw Gerus, of Munde- V I N#J N RAROSYXWWO27600 District, Cook County, Illinois reserves the right to relect any or all bids or portions thereof. Please direct questions to 2004 Dodge Durango In bidding procedures and to 1D4HB48N44F166807 award the contract In a man- AMOUNT: $7860.39 Pub: 1/28,5/42/11/10 ner best serving the inlerest 11747214) C2 at the Village. Skokie Village Hall Is a fully accessible buildIng. Persons requiring assistance should contact fhe Purchasing Office IN THE CIRCUITCOURT at 847-933-8240 or TTY 673OF THE NINETEENTH 9330. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Michael Aleksic LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Purchasing Agent PROBATE DIVISION Village of Skokie Estate of Pub: 5/11/10(17512161 C Jeroslaw Gerus, WO DDJ 75X26A01 9364 any irregularities or infor- STATEOF ILLINOIS) COUNTYOFCOOK 1SS Ridgefleld Rd. Crystal Lake, All bids to be in writing, to IL. 60012. Bidding documents sell the following articles to may be obtained from BHFX enforce a lien existing under at the laws of the State of Illinois Digital Imaging Bidding docu- against such articles far laments are $75 and can only be bar, services, skills or mofeobtained through BHFX Digi- rial expended upon or storage furnished tar such articles at tal Imaging. Any bld or proposal submit- the request of the following ted unsealed, unsigned, fox designated person(sI, unless transmissIons or received such arlicles are redeemed subsequent to the afarernen- within thirty (301 days of the tioned date and time will be publication of this notice. disqualified and returned to NAME OF PERSON(S) the bidder. The Village of Misty Hite Skokie reserves the right to Fifth Third Bank George W. Thompson relect any and all bids or DESCRIPTION OF Deceased parts thereof, to waive any ir- ARTICLE Victoria., Mundelein, Illinois, fy a lien on the following whose ailorney Is THOMAS vehiclels) under the laws at M. P. HANNIGAN, 111 W. the State of Illinois against Maple Avenue, Mundeleln, such vehicle tor labor, serv- Illinois 65060. (847) 566-8650. ices, skill or material expend- Claims against the estale ed upon or storage, which may be tiled in the Office of continues io accrue, furnish- the Clerk al the CircuIt Court ed for such vehiclels) at the ai 18 N County St., Waukerequest of the following desig- gop, Illinois or with the repnoted persans, unless such resentative Or both on or bevehicle(s) are redeemed fore Au0ust 11, 2510, whIch within thirty days of this na- date Is not less thon 6 months Iron, the date of the fIrst publice lication of this notice and any 2006 Mercedes Benz bids or parts thereof, to waive NOTICE OF BIDDING Notice Is hereby given that the Skokie Park District Is acceptlng bids far the installatian of tents, tobles and chaIrs for the FestIval of Cultures held on May 22 & 23, Pub: 2/11/10 (1750936) C PUBLIC LIEN All plans and documents may be examined at the VII- That on 3/8/2010, a sale will be LIEN SALE es. The Prevailing Wage Rate potion. Federally funded conIS HEREBY 01VDetermination of the Skokie structlon protects are subtect NOTICE that a sale will be held at Park District is included n to the Davis-Bacon and Relat- EN the date and time specified at the Contract Documents. lt ed Acts (DBRA) which re- West Loop Auto Body, 318 S shall be the responsibility of noires all contractors and Morgan, Chicago, IL to salisthe contractor to pay the most sub-contractors to pay their recent ascertainable hourly laborers and mechanics not rates as published by the liii- less that the prevailing wage nols Department of Labor far rates and fringe benefits for corresponding classes of laCook County. No bids will be withdrawn borers and mechanics emwithout the written consent of played on simIlar prolects In The. prevailing the Skokie Park District. On- the area. ly bids In compliance with the wage rates and fringe beneprovixions of the Bld Docu- fits are determined by the monts will be considered. Secretary of Labor for induBids will be considered firm sian In covered contracts. for a period of sixty (60) days. Any bld or proposal submitThe Skokie Park District re- ted unsealed, unsigned, faxed serves the right to relect any or received subsequent to the or all bids and to waive any aforementioned date and technicalities in the bidding t time will be disqualified and it should be deemed In the returned to the bidder. The Village of Skokie reserves public interest. the right to relect any and all Pub: 2/11/10 f1751382) C PROBATE LI ENS VILLAGE OF The bld opening schedule is having questions regarding Ihis matter may call the VilDoted: February4, 2010 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) award of money or other legal action requested in the camplaint, and you may lose your right lo abledt ta anything thaI Is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A Iudgntent may be enforced as provided by law. A iudgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the tutore, and may also be enlarced by garst nishment or seizure Properly. IF YOU REQUIRE THE AS- SISTANCE OF AUXILIARY AIDS OR SERVICES BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY, CALL 14141 278-5362 AND ASK FOR THE COURT ADA COORDINATOR. Dated this 2OIh doy ol Janoary, 2010. LATHROP & CLARK LLP By:/s/Josl; Kopp State Bar No. 1041791 Attorneys for Plaintiff Mailing Address: 740 Regent Street, Sulle 400 P.O. Box 1507 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND AVAILABILITY OF CDBG ACTiON PLAN The Village of Skokie will be conductIng a public hearing to receive citizen comments and aporave the one-year Action Plan relalive to the Village'sfive-year Consolidated Plan for federally tuncted programs. The Action Plan covers the Community Development Block Grant (COBO) Program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (NUDI. The Villoge'sConsaildaled Plan will address three (31 statulory goals that principally beneIlt low/moderate-income residents: ProvIde decent housIng: assist homeless persons to obtain affordable housing, retain the allordable housing slock, increase the availability al permanent housing that Is affordable lo low/moderate-income residents, and increase supportive housing that includes structural features and services to accommodate persons with special needs. PrevIde a suItable livable environment: improve Ihe safety and livability of neighborhoods, increase access to lacilities and services, reduce the isolation of neighborhoods, Increase access to facilities and services, reduce the isolation of low/moderate-Income groups by providing more housing opportunities and revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods, and restore and preserve open spaces and hisloric/architecturally significant structures and facilillos. Expand economic opportunities; create iebs accessible la low/moderate-income persons, provide financial assistance lo community development efforts that promote longterm economic and social viability, help low/moderate-income persans in federally assisted or public housing to achieve selt-sulficiency. The proposed Aclion Plan tor Fiscal Year IFY) 2010-2511 includes the following recoinmended adlivilies: Program Admlnistrolton and Planning $98,137 Funding Io administer Ihe ViIlage'sCOBG Program, and coordinate all planning activilies relotive to the Village's community devolopmenl efforts. S125,000 Home Improvements Program Funding to continue the Village's program of repairing single-family homes. This program began in 1983. Low/mederale-income households are eligible lo receive grants and loans up Io $8,000 lo pay lar building materials or contractors' services. $150,000 Street and Alley Resurfacing Funding to resurtace one (1 1 sIred section and one (1) alley section in the iowfmoderateincarne mulli-lamily residential area immediately south of Downtown. Sidewalk Grant Program 52,000 Funding Io previde granls Io homeowners who are required to parlicipate in the Village's mandatory 50/50 sidewolk replacement program, and meet the low/moderale income eligibility requirements. CJE SenlerLtle $10,000 Funding to assist with Ihe replacement st up lo eighl (8) rooftop extiausl fans and motors at the Liebermon Center tor HealIh and Rehabliltalion al 9700 Gross Point Rd. 512,000 SHORE Community Services. Inc. Funding lo assist with the replacement al up to Iwo (2) furnaces and Iwo (2) air conditioners al the Regenstoin Administration Cenler at 4232 Dempster St. Search, Inc. $18,000 Funding to assist with bathroom accessibility upgrades in a group home located at 4505 Concord Ln. Hiles Township Food Pantry $15,000 Funding to assist with modifications ta ihe new Food Pantry space at the Township Anflex building al 5255 Main St. 512,000 Housing OpportunIty Development Corporation Funding to assist in the purchase and installation of security and lite safety equipment in two (21 muili-tomlly buildings at 4831 and 484.5 Conrad SI. Turning Paint Behavioral Health 56,665 Funding to assist wilh masonry and root repairs, chimney reconslruction, and an interior office door relocation at 8324 Skokie Blvd. Orchord Village $15.000 Funding io assisI wilh improving a firsl floor bathroom and a kitchen al 0124 Lowell Ave. Jewish Federation at Metropolitan Chicago $12,000 Funding to assist with the replacement at Iwo (2) obsolete and inefficient roollop healing, venlilalion, and cooling IHVAC) unils at 5150 Golf Rd. Social Worker $33,000 Funding to establish a new part-lime social worker position for Ike Village at Skakie in the Human Services Division at 5120 GallI; St. Access to Care $10,000 Funding Io assist with medical services tar law-income Individuals in suburban Cook Counly, Including 294 Skokie residents last year. The organizalion is located al 2225 En- terprise Or. In Westchesler. ChIldren's Advocacy Center 52.000 Funding to offset the costs associated with a Child and family advocate/counselor position for victims al sexual and physical child abuse, Including 26 Skokie clienls last year. The organization's Northbrook office, located al 235 Revere Or., services Skokio. Center for Enriched Living $4,000 Funding lo assist with scholarships for residents with developmental disabilities ter a va- riely al life enrichment programs and skills for independence programs, including 65 Sicokie residents last year. The arganizalion is located at 28e Saunders Rd. in Riverwoods. MaIne-NItos AssocIation of SpecIal Recreation $3,000 Funding ta assist with proeran, tees for recreational, social, and exercise programs, for children and adults wllh developmental dIsabilIties, including 30 Skokie residents last year. The organization is located at 602e W. Oempster St. in Morton Grove. PEER Services, Inc. 56,000 Funding ta 0115cl the costs assodialed wIIh employing a part-lime sulreach counselor providing substance abuse treatment. The arganlzation'sheadquarlers is located ai 906 Davis St. in Evanston. North Shore Senior Center $9,000 Funding io olIsel the costs associated with slalf tondions lar long-lerm case management and counseling services tar Skokle'shomebound elderly and their tamilies. The organization's Evanslors/Skokie Valley Senior Services satellite altice is located at 840 Dodge Ave. in Evanston. The Harbour, Inc. $5,000 Funding lo 0115cl the costs associated with staff functions for serving the needs of runaway, neglected, and homeless girls and young women. The orgoflizalion'stieadquarters Is located al 1440 RenaIssance Dr. in Park Ridge. Urhol Community Service Center $3,000 Funding ta extend the work lime at a bilingual community case worker for serving the needs at retugees and immigrants, al primarily Assyrian or Middle Eastern descent. The organization's headquarters is located al 2945 W. Peterson Ave. in Chicago. TOTALCDBG PROJECTS FOR FY2010-2011 $5S0,802 Citizen comments en the Action Plan are requested at a public hearing lo be held at the Board of Trustees Meeting beginning at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, March iS, 2010, In the Coupcil Chambers al Village Hall, 5127 Oaklon Street in Skokie. The Beard of Trustees Is expoded lo adopt the Aclian Plan, sublect Io any revisions, immediolely lollowing the public hearing. Copies al ll Droll Action Pion will be available for public review beginning Friday, Feb- ruary 12, al Village Hail in Ihe Planning Division, and the Skakie Public Library in the Relerence Department. All comments or concerns should be made in writing la the con10cl person listed below. The Village of Skokie will respond la oil written comments redelved tram the public within 15 days, where practicable. For further information, please contact Carrie Haberstich, AICP. piannerfCOBG AdmlnIstralor, In writing al the Vlllsgg of Skokie, 5127 Oaklon St., Skokie IL, 60077. Comments are also welcome by email at, or by lax al 847-568-8096. SPECIAL AID available upon request for the physically disabled. Coli 673-0500 or TTY 673-9335. Pub: 2/11/10(1750268) C B Thursday, February 11, 2010 I I A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) R A d I I I R I I ACU RÄ: ' BOB ROHRMAN'S ARLINGTON ACURA IN PALATINE HYUNI»I. ,", . -'&.: -.'n :..*Eriti, 02010 Forsche Cars Norlh America, Inc. Porsche recomSonds seal bell usage and observance CI all ralle laws al all limes Vehicle shown includes optional equipment ht additional costs ".;w :-- 1275 W. DUNDEE RO, PALATINE s ii . JUSTWEST OF m-. 53 ON DUNDEE A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) LOREN HYUNDAI S 1620 WAUKEGAN ROAD, GLENVIEW (847) 729-0300 I Thursday,Februaryll,2010 R 0 p I p A g p I I O'HARE 1-IVUNDAI S S 1509 RIVER AD, DES PLAINES, IL JOE RIZZA ACURA (888) 486-7151 2055 WEST 159m STREEr, . ORLANO PARK . WWW.OHAREHVUNDAICOM 7O8-4037770 R IZZACAR S CO M BREDEMANN TOYOTA 1301 W DEMPSTER, PARK RIDGE (847) 655-1416 SREDEMANFI COM MC GRATIl LEX(JS OF CHICAGO 1750W DMSION (800) NEW-LEXUS CLASSIC TOYOTA A 515N GREENSAYRD, WAUKEGAN. IL WWW MCGRATHLEXUS COM 847-CLASSIC CLASSICDEALERORDUP COM MC GRATH LEXUS OF WESTMONT S 470 E, OGDEN AVE PATRICK HYUNDAI 1020 E. GOLF RO., SCHAUMBURG (847) 519-9600 . VSW.PATRICKCARS.COM MULLERS WOODFIELD ACURA WILKENS HYUNDAI OF ELMHURST 847-519-9550 MU LLES CARS. COM (800) NEW-LEXUS GROSSINGER TOYOTA NORTH 7225 N CICERO, LINC0LNW000 (866)612-6679 GRGSSINGERTOYOTANGRTH 00M WWqN.MCGRATHLEXUS COM LEXUS OF HIGHLAND PARK 1099 WEST HIGGINS ROAD HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 3040 SKOKIE VALLEY ROAD, HIGHLAND PARK a (847) 432-1900 LEXUSAUTOS COM GROSSINGER CITY TOYOTA 750 . YORK ROAD, SCHAUMBURG PAULY ACURA 2699 SIOKIE VALLEY ROAD HIGHLAND PARK. IL 847-433-8200 SAU LYACU RA. COM (630) 279-300 More people on the edge of more seats.. LEXUS OF ORLAND 5300W 159*1ST (708) 342-6475 SAV.WILKIN5CARS.COM. The Panamera. Experience pure Porsche perfoimnance for four. (847) 4.32-5020 AUDIEXCHANGE.COM RIZZA HUMMER TINLEY PARK (847) 266-7000 R IZZACAR E . CO M (847) 564-4090 S ILIJNO4S LÄSSEST REMitES RESIZE ETTLESON CADILLAC-BUICKPONTIAC-GMC 6150 S. LAGRANGE RD.. H000OKINS BMW;':;3 . BILL JACOBS BMW 1664W. OGDEN AVE.. NAPERVILLE (866) 516-8015 LIILL.JACDBSBMW. COM (708) 579-5000 - LANDR: - Im fflW I LANDROVER OF HINSDALE 6900 N MCCORMICK BLVD. 151 E LAKE COOK ROAD PALAÌ1NE (800) 359-7700 (866) 670-1654 GROS SIN G E R CAD ILLAC. CD M GROS SIN G E R CHE VV.CO M HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 WEST ROOSEVELT RD. LOMBARD ROUTE 41 @ HT. 176. HER ITAG E CAD ILLAC. COM (630) 629-3300 (866) 652-6124 PATRICKCBMW.CDM RAY CHEVROLET 39 N. U. 5. HIGHWAY 12 FOX LAKE. IL 60020 WWW.RAVCHEVROLET.COM 526 MsLL DRIVE SO-IAUMSURG. IL 60173 (866) 614-2277 PATRICKCADILLAC.COM 8425 WEST 1 59m STREET. TINLEv PARK (708) 429-6000 R IZZACAR S .0 O M GROSSINGER BUICK 118W. RDLrrs 173 BLUFF 700 W. DUNDEE RD. WHEEUNG CORNIl, OF DUNDEE RO. ANO Rl. 03 (847) 537-7000 STASE (CHE VRO LET.CDM 8425 WEST 1 59Th STREEt - TINLEYPARK (708) 429-6000 (B88) 750-1134 WWW.OHAREHONDA.COM THE HONDA SUPERSTORE OF USLE (630) 852-7200 1401 W. DEMPSTER. PARK RIDGE. IL (847) 655-1466 BREDEMANN .COM (866) 435-5110 INFIN OF HOFFMAN ESTATES A MotorWerks Company (630) 241-3000 1 559 WEST OGDEN AVE. NAFERvILLS (630)300-5000 www.THEINFINITISUPERSTORE.COM JAGUA HPFLM. CO M GREGORY *-IYUNDAI 490 SKOKIE VALLEY RD., HIGHLAND PARK (800) 770-6578 G RE G O RYAUTOG R DU P. COM HIGHLAND PARK FORD! LINCOLN MERCURY KENNEDY Exp. AT ARMrFAGE 1333 PARK AVE WEST HIGHLAND PARK OttE OFF. COR (847) 831-5880 GR OSSIN G ERH VU NESS I COR TRUCK CENTER RIZZACARS. CO M (7008) 442-7000 R-TE 43AT R-rE 176, LAKE BLUFF DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 800 EAST ROOSEVELT (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OP 355) (866) 388-0387 DUPAGE.IEEP.COM (847) 249-1300 OUR N EEHVN DAI. COM ' GROSSINGER GMC soo N MCCDRMICK BLVD. LINCOLNWOOD (866) 670-1654 GRQSSINOERGMC.COAI NAPERvIU.S (630) 355-8140 RIZZACARS.CGM PATRICK JAGUAR 1559 OGDEN AVE NAPLETON LINCOLN/MERCURY 826TOUHYAVE.. PARK RIDGE (800) 931-6583 Naperville, IL 60540 PAR KR IDO E LI NCOLN MER CU RV.00M (866)648-7442 6251 GRAND AVE - 2055 WEST OGDEN AVENUE, LIN COLNWOOD GURNEE HYUNDAI (847) 234-7900 (888) 287-6211 JAGUARELMHURST.COM PATRICKJ AG UAR . CO M Norm RIVERSIDE 2100 SOUTH HARLEM AVENUE, HF LM CO M JOE RIZZA LINCOLN/MERCURY (866) 861-9716 JOE RIZZA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY KNAUZ HVUNDAI ROLrrs 41 @RT. 176 LAKE BLUFF (847) 234-2800 ...SKNAULCOJS&. MAZDA. :- MU LLE RCARS CO M WILKINS MAZDA 750 N. YORK ROAD (630) 72943000 WILKINSCARS.COM rr-: S THE AUTOBARN NISSAN OF EVANSTON 1001 CHICAGO AVE. (847) 475-8200 THEAUTOISARN .COM BOB ROHRMANS ARLINGTON NISSAN "WE SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE 91SWESTDUNDEE ROAD BUFFALO GROVE (847) 590-6100 RD RIM AN . 00M AUTOHAUS ON EDENS 1600 FRONTAGE RD. NOFFHBROOK NORTH SHORE NISSAN KNAUZ MERCEDES BENZ KNAUZ AUTOPARK HIGHLAND PK. (847) 433-7900 WWW.NORTHSHDRECARS.COM PONTIA. GROSSINGER PONTIAC BILL JACOBS MINI 1564W, Ogden Ave. (866) 516-8015 BILI.JACOBSMII4I.COM 6900 N MCCORMICK BLVD. KNAUZ MINI KNAUZ AUTOPARK MULLER PONTIAC (847) 604-5050 KNAUZ.COM (847) 831-4100 (866) 370-6567 PATRICKM INI. CO M LINCOLN WOOD (866) 670-1654 G ROSSIN G E R PO NTIAC.CGM 150 SKOKIEVALLEY ROAD. HIGHLAND PARK. IL (866) 388-0387 I 5700 LAGRANGE RD. (708) 354-2700 i MASDAGU VS CD M SULLIVAN PONTIAC 777 W. DUNDEE ROAD. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. IL (847) 392-6660 BILLSULLIVAN.COM LIBERTY AUTO CITV/ CHRYSLER-JEEP 1000 E. PARKAVE., LIBERTVVILLE I(866) 474-4313 S RIGGERS MAZDA 1320 E. CHICAGO ST. ELGIN (866) 9-MACHIPsIE THE MAZDA MACHINE ON ST. 19 BIGGERSMAZ DA. COM LIBERTYVILLE MITSUBISHI 1 1 19 S. MILWAUKEE AVE, UaEswsL PORSCH LIBERTYVILLEM ITS US S HI.COM JOE RIZZA PORSCHE (847) 816-6660 NAPLETON MITSUBISHI 826 TOUHY AVE., PARK RIDGE (800) 931-6583 N AP LETD N .COM SCIO N PORSCHE EXCHANGE NORTHBROOK SCION PORSCHE PREMIER DEALER 2300 SKOKIE VALLEY RD. HIGHLAND PARK (847) 266-7000 5130W. 159m STREET. ORLANO PARK (708) 364-2400 R IZZACA R S CO M (800) 743-9594 WWw NORTHBISOOKTOVOTA 00M 1530 FRONTAGE ROAD. NORTHBROOK (800) 743-9594 WWW.NOI1THBROOKSCION.COM OAKBROOK TOYOTA/ SCION IN WESTMONT 550 E OGDEN AVENUE (630) 789-9600 OAK BR O O KTOVOTA CO M ORLAND TOYOTA! SCION 8505W, 159TH ST.. TINIZY PARK (730) 429-3900 ORLANDSCI0PE.COM 4POSSCHE.COM PAULY SCION MOTOR WERKS BARRINGTON & DUNDEE RD., BARRINGTON ON RIE. 14, CRYSTAL LAKE (B15) 459-7100 (847) 658-9050 VOLKSY, SMAR;'- AUTOBARN VOLKSWAGEN OF COUNTRYSIDE/ LaGRANGE (866) 289-6275 ROLLSrG STEVE FOLEY ROLLS-ROYCE 100 SKOKIE BLVD, NORTHBROOK (847) 564-4090 STE VEFO LE V. CD M smart cantar LAKE BLUFF KNAIJZ AUTOPARK ROIJrE 41 & RoUTE 176 LAIES BLUFF SAAB PATRICK SAAB 526 MALI. DRIVE. SQ4AUMSURG (888) 350-1599 PATRIC KSAA S CO M RIZZA SAAB 8425 WEST 159TH STREET. TINLEY PARK (708) 429-6000 SCIONì CLASSIC SCION 425 N. GREEBAY Ro.. WAUKEGAN (888) 300-0958 CLASSICOIRECT,COM CONTINENTAL SCION 9960 JDLIET ROAD, COuN*wSIDE (708) 354-5800 CO NTIN E NTALM OTO RS .COM IO'* l5minLEWfrom ODvVfltOPEi GiESgO) (708) 354-6600 THEAUTOS Ali N .COM SUBARU BILL JACOBS VOLKSWAGEN 2211 AURGRAAVE., NAFERV1LLE (866) 516-8025 BILLJ ACO BSVW . C O M AUTOBARN SUBARU OF COU NTRYSIDE/ LaGRANGE NORTHSHORE VOLKSWAGEN (708) 354-6600 WWW.NORTRSHORECARS.COM 6191 JOLIETRD. IOniy 15 minulesfroni OiIcaoI R-cE. 41 & PARK AVE. WEST. HIGHLAND PK. (847) 433-7900 THEAUTOIIARN .COM EVANSTON SUBARU IN SKOKIE 3340 OAICFON, SKOKJE (888) 567-6496 . VOLVQ LIBERTY AUTO CITY/ SUBARU 1000 E. PARKAVE.. UBERrYVIU.E (866) 474-4313 LISE RTVAUTOC IV,' CG M HOWARD ORLOFF VOLVO EVANSTONSUBARU.CDM BREDEMANN SCION 1301 W. DEMPSTER. PARK RIDGE (847) 698-3700 WWW.SREOEMANN.COM 6191 JOUET RD. (847) 234-2800 KNAUZ.00M ILLINOIS' lARGEST ROLLS-ROYCE DEALER MULLEHCARS.COM MAZDAOF COUNTRYSIDE/ LaGRANGE 800 EAST ROOSEVELT (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OF 355) II PORSGH (666) 924-1111 E NAUZ . CO M 700 EASTGOIF RD. SO-IAUMBURG, IL 60173 I . 1 SHERWOOD TERRACE, LAKE BLUFF (847) 234-1700 PATRiCK MINI i 1 1530 FRONTAGE ROAD NORTRSRDOK. IL 60062 I SAAB EXCHANGE LAKE BLUFF ROUTE 41 @ lIT. 176, LAKE BLUFF , I NORTHBROOK TOYOTA il STE. 41 & PARK AVE. WEST. RoUiE 41 @ RT. 176, MINI: , s 'r Ii,'',' i l I MOTORWERKS.COM LIBERTY NISSAN 920 S. MILWAUKEE AVE., LrnER1VvlU.E (866) 329-2296 LIBE RTYAUTO PLAZA CO M MARTIN NISSAN 5240 GOLF ROAD. SKOKIE (866) 799-0300 M ARTIN N IS SAN . COR MERCEDE THE AUTOBARN DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP DUPAGEJEEP.COM i (847) 831-4100 AU TO RAU SON E DE N S .COM GROSSINGER HYUNDAI 6747 N LINCOLN AVENUE, SHEPARD CHEVROLET ANO MEDIUM DUTY HYUNDA 160 SKOKIE VALLEY ROAt,. HIGHLAND PARK. IL (800) 716-6495 RIZZACAR.COM (847) 4.33-7200 LANDROVEISOFNAPEFIVILLE.CDM MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ 466 WEST LAKE STREET. ELMHURST HIGHLAND PARK, IL MULLER MAZDA (EfWToIIway) JAGUAR ELMHURST 1000 E. BELVIOERE ROAD, LANDROVER LAKE BLUFF Ris. 53 1 BLK. S. OP I-68 BRIDGEVIEW 1333 PARKAVE WEST (866) 474-4313 LIBERVIAUTOCITY.COM PATRICK LANDROVER OF NAPERVILLE WWW.PAULVHONOA.COM HIGHLAND PARK FORD! LINCOLN MERCURY LA N DR OVER H OFFMA FI CO M INFINITI OF USLE (888) 510-0669 ROCKENBACH CHEVROLET MEGASTORE (866) 516-8035 1000 E. PARK AVE.. LIKER1WLLE KNAUZ.00M sw.INFINITIHOFPMAN.COM LIBERV,'VILLE FORD* i MAZDA HOFFMAN ESTATES (888) 823-2498 HOFFMAN ESTATES LIBERTVAUTOCITV.COM (877) 263-4927 SII LIBERTY AUTO CITY/ KNAUZ AUTO PARK ROUTE 41 @ RT. 176, LAKE BLUFF (847) 604-8100 PAULY HONDA (847) 362-4300 'I HOFFMAN ESTATES 1051 W HIGGINS RoAR, FIELDAUTO.COM 1000 6. PARK AVE., LISERÌWILLE OPPOSITE GURNEE MILLS BREDEMANN CHEVROLET LANDROVER GLENCOE HOWARD ORLOFF JAGUAR i 7 1 1 SOUTh MILAUKEE AVE I HINSDALEL.ANDROVERS.CDM RTE.53 1BLK.S.OF5I-$3 (EiW Toi Iway) iWWW.TH EH O N DAS U PS R STDE E COM RIZZA CHEVY (847) 234-2800 RIZZA BUICK (866) 388-0307 8200 SOUTh HARLEM AVEUE. KNAUZ.COM 'I BOO EAST ROOSEVELT (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OF 355) (866) 474-4313 'AWW.ROCKENBACH.COM BILL STASEK CHEVROLET DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 1533 RIVER Ro, DES PLAINES, IL DOGE CHRYSLER-JEEP (866) 670-1654 GR OS S IN G E R B U IC K.CO M ROLlIS 41 @ lIT. 176, LAKE (847) 831-4200 M UL LE H CA RS. CDM LIBERTY AUTO círvt AN11OCH. IL 60002 (888) EUNCHEVY LINCOLNWOOD D: RAYMOND CHEVROLET GRAysLApE. IL 60030 6900 N MCCORMICK BLVD. KNAUZ BUICK KNAUZ AUTOPARK 550 SKOKIE VALLEY RoAr, HIGHLAND PARK. IL O'HARE HONDA DUP.EOEJEEP.COM WWW.RAVMONDCHEVSOLET.COM RIZZA CADILLAC BwcK.:; MULLER HONDA '7 ,, II I (866)16-804S 1075 W. GOLF ROAD DO PATRICK CADILLAC 700 EARr GoLF RD. ScHAUMBURG. IL 60173 (866) 474-4313 .JENNINGSCHEVROLET.COM (847) 395-3600 (847) 604-5000 KNAUZ.COM PATRiCK BMW 1 000 6. PARK AVE.. LJSERJWILLE JENNINGS CHEVROLET 241 WAUKEGAN RD. GLENvIEw (847) 729-1000 (847) 587-3300 KNAUZ BMW KNAUZ AUTOPARK LAXE BLUFF LIBERTY AUTO CITV/ CHRYSLER-JEEP LIIIERTKAUTOCITY.COM LINCOLNWODD ELMHURST BMW 466 WEST LAKE STREET, ELMHURST (888) 287-6555 E-LMHURSTRMW. COM 300 5. OGDEN AVE HINSOALE TOWER RD. & I-94, GROSSINGER CHEVROLET , (888)10-0669 OnLOFF COM FIELDS INFINITI GLENCOE CHE VR IS a KENNEDY EXP AT ARMITAGE -. FIELDS INFINITI ETE LE SO N . COM GROSSINGER CADILLAC (815) 459-7100 (847)6589050 LANDROVER OF CHICAGO AT HOWARD ORLOFF (847) 362-9200 FIE LOS AUTO . CO M STE VE FO LE V. COM ONE MILE SOUTH OF RC. 14 (847)-991-0444 (708) 429-6000 2300 SkDkie Valley Rd. Highland Park, iL 60035 Hours: M - Th 9AM . 8PM, Fri 9AM - 6PM, Sa 9AM . 5PM CADILL 1035S RT 31. (JUSTWEST OF I(F 53 ON DUNDEE) 8425WEST 159m STREET, THE 'EXCHAINGE PAULY TOYOTA 1285W DUNDEE ROAD, PALATiNE LIBERTWILLE i DO SKDKIE BLVD.. NOR1-HEROOK o- , CHICAGO (800)873-9315 GROSSINGERCIT'YTDVOTA,COM e PALATINE 1121 S. MILWAUKEE AVE., STEVE FOLEY BENTLEY e BOB ROIIRMANS ARLINGTON LEXUS IN Porsche 00.1er 2450 SKOKIE VALLEY RD. HIGHLAND PARK 1233 N WELLS WWW LEXUSOFORLAND COM 010. THE AUDI EXCHANGE I TOYOT BREDEMANN LEXUS 2000 N WAUKEGAN RD , GLEN VIEW (847) 729-6000 BRODEMANN COM .S» LORENAUTOGROUPCOM (847) 991-9000 . B4 BARRINGTON VOLVO 300 N HOUGH (FEC. 59), BARRINGTON (847) 381-9400 KENNEDY Exp. AT MMITAGE (888)10-0669 OR LOFF . C O M GROSSINGER SUZUKI 6900 N MCCORMICK BLVD. LJNCOLNW000 (866) 670-1654 PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. HIGGINS Ro., SCI-IAUMBURG. IL. (847) 605-4005 PATRICK VOLVO. CDM G RO SEI N GE R S UZ . CO M UBERTY AUTO CITY SUZUKI 1000 E. PARK AVE., LIBERTYVILLE (866) 474-4313 LISE RTVAUTOCITV . CO M VOLVO OF LISLE Midwest's Largest Volvo Superstore R1'E. 53 1 BIk. S of I-88 (E/VVTOLLWAY) (630) B52-6000 5,5,4,, r,IF5,nln#nSIIPeflErflRe rn '9 A NANEEN PRESA PUBLICATION Nr u AIRDUCCLEANING MADE SIMPLE AtROUCIS RUED COU M1 30 io $10 Gift Card FREE RdaEamFnrne MayrocEtNn,t EOflrflfne MOLD TESV UPON REQUESO IO THE PERSI B CALLERS Yours simply by subscribing now to your Pioneer Press publication at a special savings! T[DDIEKOOF 1, sIohsa Salon & Spa / Register at TEDDIEKOSSOFCOM to win a MAKEO VER day at Teddies' We also offer: UV Light Air-purIfiers Mold Removal Sanitizer Maintenance Programs Dryer Vent Cleaning. Outside Condenser Cleaning Sloctroatatic Filters With Lifetime Warranty Workmanship Guaranteed Additional Mains, And Returns Are Priced Separately. Multiple Syslenn Will Very. Written Work OrdEr And Complete Syslerr Inspection Included With This Otter, LOCALLY ewNEO & encaMaBa ift cards, './ available' A 28LWAIJKEGAN RD NORTHFIELD Ii 60093 LICENSED & marea ree YOUR FflOTBCIDN ,4ir 6'eìre of Chicago, 1-800-409-7178 TOLL FREE FOR POUR CONVENIENCE L fl,[lI:MeytHgflFEthE6.3O-4OUp, Stdm hIE: Eh OIkp2I?S/lO E 55 (VIP) 446 9526 ElSE dEtEESSSEESE E&S Msysttt C tEhE bEd EE d,,ttlus,s,Espp,a OfftyEbEsd 5 tttSESIEtt Sdstisssy yS:- hpEEOthyE.EEbEEEEp$EEElI Og5 S-Z ROStIStE psytflb,,,s,,EssCSsbttpItStSh! YStESEdI EhE Pt ISSd dIyS,tthSESEt 5MAYO55 earl IBM MOHOON THROGIt oaweoaa soNDa? teaM-apel -. L sr A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION oIPAGEZO Savory's side Save roo for chocolate entrées this Valentine's Day Josh Baudin's Chicken Moie Nachos 2 dried ancho chiles, stemmed and seeded z California chiles, stemmed and seeded 1/4 C golden raisins 1/4 C sliced almonds 1/4 C sesame seeds I T black peppercorns i cinnamon stick i T dried oregano 4 sprigs thyme, leaves only 3 T olive oil 2 onions, sliced 3 cloves garlic ;t:, 2 serrano peppers, stemmed and seeded 6 plum tomatoes, chopped 5oz. bittersweet chocolate 4 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized cubes 3 T olive oil Juice of a lemon Salt, pepper i C Chihuahua cheese, shredded Corn tortilla chips Cilantro Kristin and Josh Baudin garnìsh a plate of Chicken Nachos with mole sauce at Sweet Whimsy in Long Grove. The dish is typical of food Josh, a professional pastry chef, might make at home on Valentin&s Day. (Shauna BillIe/For SIM) By VERONICA HINKE Contributor Memo to all sweet-tooths out there: Chocolate isn'tjust for dessert anymore. Savory dishes that include cocoa are making their way onto the big plate this Valentkie's Day. And the flavor benefits of these hearty treats are as comforting as the redcolored envelopes that should be popping up in your mailbox this week. "Chocolate brings warmth and a rounder, more complex flavor profile to food. It's notjust like adding sugar," explained Pastry Chef Josh Baudin. With Cacao Berry, a 55percent dark chocofate, Baudin prepares savory mole sauce as well as tarts, layered cakes, candies, ganache-topped browníes and other treats at Sweet Wlmsy, the pastry shop he and ''1 his wife, Kristin, opened in Long Grove four months ago. Baudin's mole sauce, which he n'kes at home and for special dinners at Sweet Wiimsy, adds another flavor element to spicy Mexican dishes, such as chicken enhiladas or riachos. Slivered almonds, dried chiles, golden raisins, cinnamon and chocolate are among the ingredients in Josh Baudin's Chicken Mole Nachos. (Shauna Bittle/For SIM) Another Mexican-influenced recipe, chocolate chili, is a wintertime hit with Tim Shanahan, who owns La Maison de Bonbon in River Forest with his wife, Radana. "1 started making it for my niece, Caroline," he said, "she likes chocolate in everything." At family gatherings, which can include some 50 people, a bowl of chocolate shavings even gets passed around instead of the usual shredded cheese chili topping. Shanahan uses about one pound ofdark chocolate for every five pounds ofground beef he puts in his Texas chili. "It's a little bit sweet to me," he said, "but my recipe also calls for cumki, and cumin and chocolate seem to be a nice combination." At Shanahan's, the couple's restaurant next door to Bonbon, they serve blackened strip steak with dark chocolate stout sauce for Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day. After making a roux, he cornbines one cup of heated beef stock with one cup of stout beer After it reduces, he adds 2 ounces of melted dark chocolate. Even though the stout is sort of bitter, "The chocolate evens it out," Shanahan assured. "Melting the chocolate is where a lot of cooks mess up," he pointed out. "Chocolate burns. It has a very low forgiveness level. Once it goes to 106 degrees, you don't want it to go too much further." Shanahan recommends shaving the chocolate, and melting it over the indirect heat of a double boiler, versus a microwave. Blackened strip steak with dark chocolate stout sauce will, be on the menu at Shanahan's from Feb. 12-14. For details about the special chocolate dinner Josh Baudin is planning, visit: Cornment:pioneerlacal.corn Tear ancho and California chiles into pieces. Toast chiles in dry skillet over medium heat until they change color. Put chiles into bowl with raisins and cover with hot water. Soak until soft, about 30 minutes. Toast almonds, sesame seeds, peppercorns, cinnamon stick, oregano and thyme over medium heat for 2 minutes. Grind the mix in spice grinder. Pour mix into blender. Over medium-high heat, add the olive oil, onions, garlic and serrano peppers. Cook imtil lightly browned. Add tomatoes. Cook until vegetables are softened, about 10 minutes. Add to blender. Put chocolate, soaked chiles and raisins into blender with some of the soaking liquid. Purée, adding soaking liquid as necessary to create a smooth sauce. Pour lemon juice over chicken and season with salt and pepper. Heat S tablespoons olive oil in large skillet, and brown chicken. Remove chicken. Pour 2 cups ofprepared mole sauce into skillet. Simmer forS minutes. Add chicken stock and chicken to pan. Simmer, covered, until chicken is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Place tortilla chips on plate. Sprinkle with cheese. Pour mole sauce and chicken over cheese. Garnish with fresh cilantro. Calendar Continued from PAGE 15 production, "Number of People' by Emilie Beck, premiering at Piven The atre Workshop in Evanston, March 6April ii. Program attendees will receive vouchers for complimentary admission to "Number of People" at Piven Theatre. Free with museum admission. A special "sneak peek" of Kartenquin Films' new documentary, "Prisoner of Her Past," tells the haunting story of a secret childhood trauma resurfacing 60 years later to unravel the life of Holocaust survivor Sonia Reich, at 1:30 pm. Feb, 28. The film follows her son, Chicago Tribune arts and iazz critic Howard Reich, as he iournevs across the United States and Eastern Europe to uncover why his mother believes the world is conspiring to kill her. Along the way, he finds a family he never knew he had. This film is the first to expose the little-known, littleunderstood illness: late-onset Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A panel discussion, question and answer session, and book-signing with Howard Reich will follow the screening, Museum members: $15; nonniembers: $20. Call (847) 967-4889 or visit www.ilholo- for reservations. The new Meijer store at 9000 W. Golf Road in Nues offers visitors chances to win a year's worth of free groceries, to be provided as a $100 Meijer gift card for each week in 2010. Patrons will have the chance to enter this contest until Feb. 20. The new Meijer store in Niles is grocery and pharmacy focused, while still providing some general merchandise offerings. Additionally, the store will feature many grocery items geared toward the diverse community that surrounds it. The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, 9603 Woods Drive, Skok- ie, continues its "In Conversation with ,,. ,' series which provides opportunities to share knowledge about a specifk aspect of the Holocaust or contemporary genocides with Museum visitors. On Feb. 21 at 1:30 p.m., visitors will have the opportunity to explore memory, identity and loss from the perspective of Holocaust survivor testimony, social services and theater. Participants indude David Bier, consultant for Hotocaust Community Services; and David Chack, president of the Association of JewishTheatre. This event precedes the Feb. 28 film screening of "Prisoner of Her Past" and will address many of the issues central to this documentary. Free with museum admission. Call (847) 967-4889 or visit Flrndiisers The Service League of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital is planning a Sweet Obsession Gift Basket Fun&raiser Sale from 9 aro. to 4 p.m. Feb. 11 and 12 in the Special Functions Dining Room at the hospital, 1115 Dempster SL, Park Chicken Mole Nachos are topped with Chihuahua cheese, golden raisins and cilantro at Sweet Whimsy in Long Grove. (Shauna Bittle/For SIM) hospital. call (847) 723-6105. The WofflBCroWko4okiy Chapter of the Leukemia Research , Ridge. The sale will feature pre-packaged baskets or build-your-own baskets. Sale items include candy, cookies, educational toys, puzzles and games. The Service League raises money to benefit areas of need throughout the news I Nl Foundation hosts Cupid's Arrow for a Cure from 5-9 p.m. Feb, li at Cheeseburger in Paradise, 1472 Market Street, Des Plaines. Ticket price is $25 per per- son and includes appetizers, door prizes and a $10 Cheeseburger in Paradise gift card. For tickets, contact 5heryl Robinson, (847) 254-0591 or e-mail slravian® The SeMce League of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital hosts a Jewelry Sate fund-raiser from 9 am. to 4 p.m. Feb. 18 and 19 in the hospital, 1775 Dempster St., Park Ridge. The sale will feature rings, watches, bracelets, neck- laces, scarves, leather goods, belts and more. Call (847) 723-6105. Avenues to Independence invites you to travel back to the 605 and "Put A Little Love in Your Heart" from 6 p.m.midnight Feb. 20 at the Donald E. Stephens Ballroom, Rosemont. This an- nual fundraiser benefits adults with developmental disabilities, and includes an open bar, dinner, dancing, entertainment, silent auction, and valet parking; $150. Call (847) 292-0870, ext 108. while sleeping or resting, usually three times a week. In addition to having their days free for other activities patients often report having more energy and better dialysis results. Medicarecertified Fresenius Medical Care Nues is now accepting new dialysis patients. The Cystic Fibrosis Institute will host its annual Education Retreat on Feb.20 at the Glen Club, 2901 W. Lake Ave., Glenview. The program starts at 8 am. with breakfast and concludes at 3:30 p.m. The event is open to the general public as well as medical professionals. Nationally known experts and allen- dees participate in breakout sessions covering topics such as family planfling, exercise, financial and legal issues and cystic fibrosis research and treatment updates. Registration fee of $50 covers continuing education (CE) and includes breakfast and lunch. A vendor fair and raffle prizes will also be available. Visit or call (847) 998-3434. Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and the American Red Cross offer an Infant/Child CPR Course. This five-hour course teaches participants how to recognize and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in infants and children. lt also includes information on how to prevent injuries to infants and children at home and in play areas. The next course will be held from 8 am-i p.m. Feb. 20 at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Demp51er St.. Park Ridge. Upcoming session will be March 6. Fee is S50. Call 1-800323-8622 or visit to register. The code for this class is 8C16. Resunectlon Medical Center, 7435 West Talcott Ave., Chicago, will offer free HINI vaccinations to community members during the following vaccinatian session: Feb. 26, 7:30-10 am. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 1-877-737-4636. Those who are unable to attend any of the sessions indicated can contact the Health Management Department at (773) 792-5022 to make an appointment for an alternate date. A local diysIs clinic, Fresenius Med' ical Care Nues, 9371 N. Milwaukee Ave. has started a new night-time program for dialysis patients. The new service allows patients to receive treatments In the clinic at night, for eight hours, MORTGAGE RATES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS Starting as low as ¡_ Ifl, lk D Call (847) 581-0334. 4.750% I 4.897%* APR Resurrection Medical Center, 7435 West Talcott Ave., Chicago, will offer the -í following health programs. Advance registration is required, unless noted otherwise, by calling 1-811-737-4636. 8?'244..5 LOO urnóó American Red Cross Babysitting 5!O3WashinBtn,S!e Class will be from 9 am. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 15. children over age li will learn how to handle emergencies, prevent accidents and care for children. Partici- ikààá SWest.Wucker 8O6OOakten5trót i8692.15OO 17$1-O67O pants must bring a doll with moveable arms and legs (no Barbies) and a brown bag lunch or money for the vending machines. Written parental QuaIitVáIúe &SéÑice(flAny LanUae Learn more about robotic surgery Produce Wortd from Dr. Carrie Giordano, Obstetrics S Gynecology, at 6 p.m. Feb. 17. Advan' tages of this minimally invasive approach includes quicker recovery time, less post-operative pain and scarring. . INTERNATIONAL MARKET . DELI BAKERY MEATS SEAFOOD Kids Produce Revive the art of Challah making Granny Smith Apples with your young children. Prepare a challah with your family, listen to a sto1 USDA Choice Split Chicken Breast Skirt Steak Feb. 14. Amazing bubble wonders with "Bubbleologist" Geoff Akins. Calendar, PAGE 23 69t. USDA Choice Boneless Beef Stew Grade A Fresh Boneless Cantar Cut Pork Roast 1Lb. Pack , 9Lb. . DEU Sara Lee Kretschmar Smoked turkey Breast Smoked Ham Eckrich Hard Salami Mozzarella Cheese $ 99 Lb. DAIRY Borden 2% g Dean's Ditch Farmu Orange Dutch Farms Dutch Farms Cream Skim Milk Juice Half Gallon English Muffins Cheese Regular or Lite s 29 (Limit 2) Ea. Gal $200 2 for J Ea. 112 Gal. oo' 99e I Ea. 52 Oz. Ea. 8 Or. GROCERIES Racconto Assorted Pasta Sauces Cod Fish Fresh Frozen Boneless $00 2 for Maxwell All r Ea. 34 0e. Anatina Pasta All Aquarious Natural Spring Water $799 Yarietien Mazina Fish Mix LEa.ILb. Ea. 26 Dz. House Coffee Time. 10 am. Feb. 16 or 11 am. Feb.17 Sunday Special.- Bubble Magic: 2 p.m. Honey Tangerines FamilyQ Chess CIub:3:45 p.m. Feb. 19. Learn and for children 20-months to 3 years with caregiver stories, songs, and rhymes followed by optional free-play period. Preschool Stoiytime:9:30 am. Feb.17 for ages 3 and one-half to 5. Second U MEAT Grade A Fresh come, but RSVP by Feb. 12 to Betsy Rot- improve skills. Short lesson followed by open play. All levels of experience are welcome, grades K-8. Youth progiams, registration required - Storytime for Big Kids 1:30 p.m. Feb. 15 for ages 4 to kindergarten. Toddler $100 49'Lb. 49Lb. Dempster St., Skohie. Walk-ins wel' Hiles Public Ubrary, 6960 W. Oakton St., (847) 663'1234 or online at Registration s required for most programs unless indi' cated otherwise. Youth prograns on a drop-in basis ßabytim9. il am. Feb. 15 for children ages birth to 2 years with a caregiver or parent Includes stories, songs, fingerplays and extended playtime afterward. Evening Family Sforytim. 7 p.m. Feb. 16 for families with children ages 2-6; enjoy stories, songs and activities. Come in pi's or not. Rise & Shine Storytime: 10 am. Feb. II and 18 for ages 2-6 with caregiver enloy stories, songs, fingerplays and activities Knights of Ni/es 2for Cauliflower Comice Pears Feb. 21 at Ezra Habonirn The Hiles Township Jewish Congregation, 4500 Library 00 2 for Lb. and crafts event is open to the cornrnunity and geared for children ages 35. with their parents from I-2:30 p.m. Bunch of Spinach Romaine Hearts Lettuce 49g, told by Betsy Rotberg, director of Gan Yeladini Daycare and Preschool, and study with Rabbi Ginsburg. Challah berg at or (847) 675' 4152 help plan the supplies needed. ..:. FDK .id Cood nawvam subleÚI to,changeJates consent required. Fee: $70. Free. Cnn,oiCIs,,Ir O,vW l'atict'son Free on-site parking is available, Health .1 Lì, 24 Pk. Varieties Lb. Krinos Taramosalafa Gern 100% IFish Roe) Pure Corn Oil 2 for Ea. 14 Or. Sit99 -r 96 0e. 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MOATON GFVE, IL. CORNER OF WAUKEGAN & DEMPSTERHOURS: MON-FRI 8-9 SAT8-8 SUN 87 847-81 -1029 SALE DATES FEBRUARY 1 itI FEBRUARY 17" i 22 www.pioilee A 010910f P8100 01101CAIION 'Al nilo promO 00 nomI loo paloT ora ollo Ca'endar ap Cool/nod 17cm PAGEAI asao'rrounpslnn lnpbonno/nr0050. 10500 arinkrala Taj Oa0010ao aol ro' 15dm r Iran/n acoRo OrnaI/la el Olor en Ihn oompalso len bOors rho 0000 lelrrabllna000000p000001aas 050005 01010 sisrEi OPal/noria nro Isolino lo lake pr/On In Ta iep Tr(000al Mao Ohr liard aonio' a donosa dde500a110000 doe alarM al lolo er 1h00 0000 rol arrOsdraoiorlro 01k anos Indias merMo (00 scored bull follo morAlI ar CIaO, Obpo 000 0/roy 050 aro ollaoerlleobl 000r0000r020' croo roer/ra. ralr008 Bransen - Eberline Wedding Wnlaoc md Jordirh Braoron of Pook Bidgr me pierrA ro Oho oeoddmg of their daooghrer, Elinaberh Jarro Ma11010aao,lIOTar Srl 0000 rood oro 000 0010e vilO ro' Wedding Daololla Wooda, ofGrood Rapida, MI aod frecce Tho recepai00 000n hold aaThc Nowboocy Libonr9í Chicago, Wooda ofGaand Rapidr,MI. Snove la she roo ofMecge nod IL. Louron Grady oanroo) & Liodany Braoaoo rorro Marron nod Maid of H0000 and Beo(aroio Ebrrlioc orar Ohr Boar Muer. Elionbeth ia a Social Worher ar Wccron Too'nrhip High School in Gomro, ARbora. Timorhy a or Archireco na Tom Busaror DiliryArchiacca LTD io Ocio Porlh IBinoir. Tbo coupla honryrononod inTho Big Inland &Mnui nod plaorooraido in Chicago, SL. O I0'/O OSSO 0100 /0000 000s001001narrlruollrk/la L' Ianoi,rs 00'oosco Io O rnnnkrlsp lo aso 100005010 rod POI OIS Io 110/ramio 0000mo o/Il Ir 100c0900 Rasr000loolraallrojji' 10010 CorlO 0001.0 500 0101 01000 HnohManih,ofNilca,IL Thr muid ofhoeorwnaJaoquie Woodr. The Bear Mao war Jim Monih. The Bddrrm,ddr 0000e Chnir Maclb nodMaryMsoib, rhoera ofthegrocm, Chriarioe Darby and Miohole Hoboes, norma of the Bailo. The Goromameo mece Jeff Macrio, Jeu3' Eipeor, Mun Lindsey rod Sreco lInon. Flowcc Dirla 0000o Mcgno nod Ra 0000r0000lRd n000l/o100 lo or's 05 00/nra Ire ros rl eq BoidgerDooby, niocer of aloe Bddc. Thc Uahooa wcm Doce o 1000011 100e 002 101,0' 00000er i/on '1,10 Mar00 lO) 701000,00 plOOn850 'Orno bonSslI/sp 0/da lo 01150 SienS 0/O0 nlrardldslcoe,lni k b//nbsnrn000 pa/Orlo alloobk Il/nh amblan' nipoinpr005 105500009 rsgispl,8, oidrall/mlu on000000u000 soon' rO olor lIdo 1000fr I proal abosO 1Cm o 000,/I 0 000 rid 00000 000roos000, aod ap000001 1101000m 1000s0000010 OblIo/a 0,/ir 10801 01100/0110 ConoCen clarear o/00800looe lo eilhae01010000rn'oymm011yoo 000011 Arrt 10h. i po. 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ST 0100 lola p001naoo/ op nano Irre 01 00 nos lo riplI/'pnadO Vorm roo/I/o' ora pa nelanllnsaboallo nopa o Irk 10100llc look 100aoslrar' 00 Aboahamrco,Joho Pnonio sod Srovc Sol roaara1210'abl:lipv o/llr000rlrpnnsnloabralloolo Urdve'sfty Dermato'ogy Ira/o ari elafo 'OP/oc/loo o Talllalsrarllno 110,50 an 10.00. ForAin Ornaron MiddIr P10001/a digO 0/Hal '001700E" or inborn/ira ParnsAng 000i5100adayh rna 171100 aI O Fol Ma nr Toins007 Tons I/ali TOI 10001 Prono ii '20m. ah IO 09118000 /0 rl/ron II 00 000 trono abo 101001mo) a d 0016/ho roOarOO Mol lal0010nosiOpm OlI Orb li 020ff/na OTO lin rico filiar o ,0010L 21.10000 n010rrrrsisrsy 150500sf lIcha 000001 sod0010i PRr00010I Prosa Merina ' 'On. s' 0 01 lOmEO Il 000000 00000rcla 3 Pa 000e F101000 00/ loI noi 000imOi 60 rIlO/O Frl Ill Sallo 10000 no rodrnrl loon ora ro o lar 'fao/Il grail 0050assbas Oil 00apr00 ford 000dirar000000al0101 r ri Aren Pr500rmr Oser gaming Io r OOanpCma 0500/rn ore mn Moins Crmmano'B 9550G Onoro 150es SnadaO,oy 0/k AonIa parncl honOrA olfy100k 0000e loan Adelt P05000500 - Orlrrinn 000k 0110010rnr 7pm 011o 00,200/if To cool mal 90100e 0 11011191' 2002, aOl fions mall pads paranOs froc 10,00 p.m. TrOIS nl00000noO 0001ro ATOl Il Orrrslrls Mro. 0/Iso Ton piSpan /0 Ion na/rn/a Moins Tannen/fa MsinnBsy They corro marrird on Novrmbrr 28, 2008 Pooh Ridge Ornrmc,riry Church nah Bruco A. Ebrrhrre officinriog. ro Tomothy Aine, roo of Bruco ood Drb Eberlina of lprrLnhoan.0000 rkl000aol r aiMAI orcO/rl'', roaleslad Woods-Mazik Marnhero Maoih, of Hiles, IL ,ecrc moaned or Ocrobec 3, 2009 Sr. Jobo Brebeuf, Nilca. i2nrher Tl,omas May ofltciared il re c000mony The croeprioc ooar held or Aogauera, Norrhbrooh. Dnoiellc ra ohr daughoer of Mnry Jcco aod Gocce Toprkc, Konana. 23 0 Nl' 18001000, FEBRUARY II. 2000 MD, FAStI MD, FAAD Onoro C000lfOd 000rn000lop'oO foord (000400 000010101OpiOO 4605 GOLF ROAD Skokie, (L 60076 811f S, Caso Are P 847-679-5199 P 630-920-1900 na Ial shallollpro 150000 and JL,s,,, SU Darien, iL 60001 2500 Nibs Road Sie 11 SI, Joseph, Ml 49065 P 269-428-5199 cdWtI Ccls'rr,Icri PAGE 24 00NATUL.ATFI Ti 1LES TOW4S-HP GH SCO0LLS' NEWEST BOARD OF EO9UCATIOIoI SUPEHSTAF9S! Q/iodthngio TOO 00 00/0,00 IRAbS0100lOcnlo Thinking of SELLING Your Houle? Call Tor a raen MameloetAnsotynia 047-674.9707 'trnS:a4°onLe Peterson- Abplanalp Engagement Philip rod Mory Perrraoo of Puok Bldgr oro pleaaed ro 000000cr the engage mor ofrhric dooghoeo, Chcparal Almea, ro Chnirrophan Abpinnalp. Chdronphor ir Ohr aro of Roboro and Drbaa Abpinoalp ofJcffaraoo Penh. Chcyaral ian graduare of Moor Souah High School nod Oho Uoivoraiay of uSons nr Champaigo-Urbooa. In Drcomhar 2009, aho complorod o MA io Rendiog nr Ncoclroasrrrn otlliooir Uoiveoaiay She ir ccroenrly wochiogaanopecial Educnaroe Araironor in rho Gloncor School Draaricr. Chniarrpherioagrndonar of Sr. Poonich's High Schnol cod LoyolaUoioordojoHeirci000eoilypurauingao MSioSofrcorce oTetheology aa Loyola and la employed ar a Web Conreor Decelrpeoi na Loyoln's WaaroToworcompos io Chicago. A July 201f medding ir plaoued aa Sa. Pool nf rhe Carao Church in Pooh Bidge. Stuckey - Trenkle Engagement Thnm,aacd Soaao Smokey nl fach Bid10 an 000000eoce ho an gamoor of dir dno hoe,, plaanod Jearira Macia co AodmreJar,er Tnefr, aoo of Hank cd Binocle Rookie ofPark Ihdgc The b,ide la r 2002 ndaa,a cf Ma,ea Sonoh Ho h nohorl. She e,,mad a Sarheloch dopar o Molaoolao red Crlbuha BIology from Ohr lloiararily ofIS,00ia ao lJcbaoa-Chanpaago io 2000 aod a D00000 of Phyaiod Thnorpy drgcrr hom WaaSic cro Ueoesroioy Sr. Leoia le 0000. She cumorly noah. ara prOia000 phyroral oheonyircin ArliogrooHaighro,IL Thn groom la a 1098 rdcarn 00 Maier S000h H,gh School He rome2 r Bohrloch drgrrr on Hlaoo, nod l°nlifird Snaoor form don Unienraiay nf Bliuoir ro Uobnor- homyrigo 102002. l2 cuneodforroher (lorammeer aed 000000m or Moine Snorh H,ghS,hnoL A Naramber 2010 oaaddiog ir pla000d For more information, Contact: .Our'oininiiers (from'0'!éft),bfroii1. 'NileS 'West: OanIeliJ:'dl Academics Megumi Hoshi Athletics/Activities and Josephine Tritsch Community Spirit/Citizenship ard kern NulesliNorth Tony Kennedy Athletics/Activities Akshita Siddula Ac s and PIONEER Piuss YOUR LOCAL SOUBCB' 11L11 thit 0000000 ncooaon no ,ffnrl n Cileen Sut Community Spirit/Citizenship Thanks to our Superstars for making i' D difference in their schools and 2 19 ainpositive Our community! 24 IBewa NI - 71/11000/, F/SOUGHt /1,00/i Calendar (30 FÖR TI-IR GOLD! Winning Carear Opportssitles Cool/coed OrIno PAGE 04 GET IN THE GAME Plalinum Package: $1,050 4Soondrvys * 30 4oy Job Posi/og Gold Packagev $900 of/tn toppa1 iv, pnop noii sptoi si 555/5 On os/ut/asoss left ItO/I 9/i- 7th, 14°°, S112 2Pt, and 28th. Stint tnosst,atius is iv ng aolsp/sd'i' ht too/i tsaltlball Oil/inn Lsniu t for $050 grltastttotiosn o li/laugh ni//h 5/sOno shill Angie Sn/rb 2 Sosdoyo * 14 dosy Job Posting Bronze Package: /aopa 055/v atO ssrv/ssnl ilotA/rIfes tnop000iUnuiy io enjoye vtrittoo/ ,e,rsotiat as//OIlInG OSAIS ttrins 95v lt notos sienvtssf Orso/or, Grit JSoov400yo * 30 0oy Job PosOirvg Silver Package: barAnO ¿tsr/sos OsarOg and vi soar Pin nno Golf in ne, listtlnetni, isr/55900v Sieh Far/ Sign sF/ 0/Oils Thin oproist employment page wilt poblists 4,naneendne Sosdoys: Febauary Hennies Lottennt Oval, /05 Vatuts Ost, En it/ga, sI/tOt/tv 0th f:ispm Ini i?. 55/9 osp//osAn / Inc/nit Inn ieptsCtt nf avOns Its his- AO Spsrrtoal/Sos sos /d//s'ss 05/Ssaa 0,0/ Ive .tU/oitoiloppsoo/o vocloodoctvsovlsnoom .Aul5Ovlslbeu,00O1psn:edOtthsOor0/:Geflsit0oO sO/O /10 Sondoy le0ea 050050/sOt 500000 at 630-978-8517 to reaereeyosat-opsce today! SUN-MEDlAP' 0/121/' / - le/doto an/pn, ano nl fir as itfllSS AlisO 61015/5 11/ringst sri/go srs/a i/sin n nn 05 st, one/no oi Asnino fon st is guess On 00 Ni/en 1000111,1100162:1 Ow000 oso/o/o/aol//u/ineS 217000 Soobel bic, osi n/al Osp/riel lo/lbs 001F 011/ to sp II/u albi fo lastS 55 n /0501101- /10" over Wooh/ogbon School on riet to n/innd ano 00,11 vf/isis sourit. in/f /8/ft 800/Sto. nod-nnase, Antoi lis 001F s seni Ooorih-grodo 01000101 Clue O/liaron, pa/les/o srs 501ml //tot Opsnlsr ils 000 Ors/ Asvo/iti rïn/ 0150501 Aiullnitlnl/t lea/Sn tea "invefspng bin Wonlsno//ufe' verni Ito use/ntIs t vu/f-Oil-IlltOOl too//i n:nnaiovoulntsnftkronh/uiOemno soi nt/eno/a/o root osit Stppnet /100, stoss flIps//sn I/sa and fnlfno tO/I sIft//OS an udofli000f laos/vf oame 50/0/0/tom lo mSsba,a ro /0/I puss/f o/sn/ng isa//iA std Inn inihvsfuoaoo li//il/s ste 0/nh 000cl I/ugo tn 0/inn ad/iou/n tui- grise vo I/U/is Ç/Ifl/IOg Its leo v/a pnnsol 7-OJO fin lteinn/tsno, ist 0000do. Aloco/o 5/iddIo SoIlcol orglo/b'go'odo ol/ieoi HIlly altier 000500/cd /As vioIOo'IOtObOlOOrOlI'd 100005/' 00/110/01 oommuo,//y ooblogeou yrool500 Oobrc/ npAOOh puul/roIO/IS/ Slot T'ub/o woo lIre pn00100i000 loI' /hooven/ hnld 01 P/old So/co/Ao J::o. 25. Jodgos llene Soltero/u ScAcci 0000/00/ Pl"odpo/ Andy Poleol/ot, riso/dio So000l l°tioobpoi IlIon Waist ood i0ccsovol/ Sohool locohor Clmem'yb W//l/omn, atoo, msa/oh sUa/sOlI/oh i/O/Iso//pt and sa/sn, On/i dr:soo sot dsoysn/. Pote/sal toi ans refisrsd, WSTRICT 219 Lu/e i/agony /,saob/neOlv5 k $5051 st ASI/sIS eSsais- tees esperte no//i speso so nl/cgo solco//lo 110 Jul/ne Night "Eoploo/og CO20gc/" oomP-0r1S pm, Fob, 18/o ho Nibs NocA, cudi/000m, RUNI RUN1 RUN FOR IT.IT°S oolbsgoloor000 0000100/ce od Nibs WeO/, 184711120-2112. The Noses VIssi Tbestns enpeetmeft p000p/mO tIro 0/500/11 nel ion/SO pob/ir oo/legon IO llIiOOiS, bobO/sg Ihr Alo/nora//y si illioois, Uob000 Chompoigo oyoiemu omlIl/, pr/volo, /1:00 highly so/ecl/nt o/a/nota 0010sF/Il lino/los OnosI Of /0/ 01 v-naIl inonsn CnlIirO /00ml 700 00/I vr iaureeA in /roa8000c rot hun/il/sm. 100001e inlommns//oo /0001001000 lIne/v porno/I Oro 'l'Ire o/ono/y feo/hl 0100! loo lire cl0500IplOoS lao/cd /S lIbri o/lis pros ao 00/i to/I o/sii lnnw.u/v505lsinul/koanlal//ton an/oSo/Is nuoti Al/svfanr er Pv mg/v/nfl otot 1v/is e/gInO1: /n'odon Ior sAunant pnsoln psoe/a srarooup/ ISa si/lillo acoso i fr00 foots n 1h /10/ n/nsptfttis/ 10055gO nasos- SoaSaSe Odeltasnnsnsoontu nt/vest/ ooar/ oboo/ Ohs diOAo-ollu'ea hun /nrn/hs /05/ni sria I/tiri v/sr/isO nt/O ne. vs Its grasS/v cl MessIahs o/i/Ooars itt/sr Chi/drnt ens Ororpea by sgrano o/su/coItar it Icuo lisio/cnn isa/A/sf/us/as /rvs nonnO //f n/fl osp/o iii vr navi a/ill snot datti- latos Cs tsr//fog 00/finds/or ior I/odo/o/mIo I/hod 0000rg/r fo/s//-ib/Id Opel//ob Bss 0/- Pi lOI Lsn St. ia/ta IDO Sn Flu nsv /00 nnO rn/rtilmnnis. Fnnv n15 lu/- itt/s i/Dr nttttsl/telt i/O/per grnsp fon isree/ pel eIlt s 1/e 00/- Ogle Pento es/se-N/ins brood irmOlutrtt-nidt P05 Hunt e/li tn/si 6,10007//s I/ss isis/s FO/o i/nosy. iS Oms v/nil niet als On/ross io /an/vIse 10m 5/000nto Id/St/sa hernIal Ovvi/in /ebsb I/ia/or DIpaniOsn/ n//f /t//io lt / p/sons/on ISO dvosestn nao lt ai Ihn fini in seni es tf ihn 000rislt lt/heran 1555m Oenor BIuu/lvo/ ia//mo 150-IO no si Ss itO Ccoo/rs 0/litt 0/tOW Dampn/nrO/ poros Iron i/e losS0/tn/Io o/at inoatiati er/I An rtindlettons/lt /nvorfe rat ro TOle Odnnnetn n/lIst/si Ions/enn/ F/vgreo of O/vtvato aoa rab Arta7 Ova Illeso no s/omn/oolorrinsr sii/bo 9v/a/ion/-/ID pm Feb.00 Jhsy Clntngnhstitrng tod it/ft Os/ ihe Ilteard /n/Ute Ceoiti Arc/v io-oliO4 110 5000oobo /100 10001 'Cho bue moo olioeod oo :p/001000ese/0u/AObIOlid/y nt/ltd/o lOin onoRi Oboi nr/II oid/o U/o Ost p0/Irs o/o iro/roc/So heo/moo//IIOir oopds, Slodnoio o/li boro Tom, sol/so 00000/015 doto//no al//dm/ii/Ion, N000b0500 lb/iso/s Uolr000iW "01/Ion 5/oto UniocOsOios," 11ev/o formolbos, ridi Sodio P0/Wow b/, oobbogehomoru000nolso 005. Cu/I/1011 /520/seo 15mal/tier 000fb Intatto Oess 0th 7/ma isO//tit/50t0:/I 950th /0/unitar It i, l'me itnin fon A/Isv la to/v toot Otdsoells 55/i f100 7-0 polsi. 'Co::n Cob/egos"; ood iI/chocO Ohs/do, All 10/loo 'l'000Ornhlp DISTRICT 64 10:6105, IOn/otis U/Ills/sm isflnral /mtapiia/ od A/PP /102/00/. S/:sols Ocupen/re/II reseros, learn 1-AtrIl, anO ng lt/so ni/ho Ateto n orn ist/el i/f/el Sn/Asca i/in/I /t47/S/ffiiS. 0H00 Not/h Lawl er Ano, nrath Ottuse ni005nc/tlOts//fi bedes tek 0/. P 5e ASt troth F/Fyi itr050e/- opas t itneorindroeot//y lors pa/- convOnn sia n/to se,ieo fsguairuiro Otnilu/v li/nO. /5. taofiinui:irr it he- r tInttjtt noii Huheray, i/it/It Fori liags nnl'ng SpArs. Pstiivpafltv cor a/s $350 i S000doy * 7doy Job Post/cg Plea o/os end Pn/Ifuufts Cano, 0/Oh, OVAlI- Rniigine 25 SCHOOLS DIGEST 2/1105//h /nnoI,01 vI tan/bow Sot- - t/sisnuOny IsIs 055 vi/ASO an. nid Pos/dos yoar company's mb openings in front 003.7 atittios* svr,taty psiot sod oseiise San-Times Media eeadees solita a fait network print est and an online job posting on ?otonster.comi $er pachage optiotna for nandnga! an/l/OOi/5/1-//lh seo'oz I I F100995 PP/VS F/OIICAPION - Nb Orno1: oomodp "Lys'oIol/o" Fon_lo ond Od od/o Siso/o Box Tile/lIe 01 b701 Sc/moo 1104100go pub lic ou/-ot-o///e so/rolls, SrooPr-000 opon/loo SL, Shob/o, "Lydtiw//" Ile wcinuosoc/orrn/ and edgy will be /odloyGrvggPcol'y 000105001 dIo/soldI rID odwis- o/sor, tloi0000//y oillliollS cl ljoboo/-Chaiolpdgo, "0./O0000ily oP libo/o 00510m"; TAco, golden, odre/so/ces ocuosobco, i/owdonbi// Un/b oleo//y "Bo/oli/d'o Ce//ogo Adeoiss,cos", Sso Boo/mo, Undoy os Uno/o brIot nl/neo i/ odIo roo//loo bu' Aohlophc505 in Old S.C. Ly/InlrJOiI, 05 Alhcobaro womoo no/io io Irutinolod by 10e foOl 1h01 o/i of Ohs bord woo aro sip biglol/og tOo Fobcpo0000/oo Boor vo» full 00150. FoSs 00000rlsr o/nl /5/Pc look 000dm 00 n/pau,55,e000 click, el/P and saves 2 Woo, 00100 Oho ovo0050 cf /d/odss/roUoOpneiOOI/l//vO, L/o/reoo/Iy of Mirr100A, "mInis cf OJ0I/000si//eO Ou/oido of IfPoobo" Suevo Sy050005, A//IonI osO Ayo//O io re/ono deoO dPdOlO/'Ofil'00500bd 5- won laugh ob Oh/o i4eo, boo ne //loso p000to, od 1/10/n 000v/ol2id,Locse050eUoi- lobo /10000//in rI/Oh bbs/o hofiboodn/s/bbO/l0100 loso/o hob horn o/Oled, TAc JCFiomOñêy KçK,IOs /so,do/no,ro 1 old en w/oel,oemoo di0100Ib lhny opesily "Liboeo/ Apl,n Colleger"u Dols Cohoo, odmioo/ovo opeo/olloI, 011:/on od/ao Cowmosily Col/ojo, "Tcoo 1/rol roue is 104004 Di//cOl PAGE 26 tel, florauosm000al,f000sl000lnsos000/0am 0,1,5505,100000 nmso,no,r:,Od000:loeusOl050fdOs nsmo r/I 00 NOTICE OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT nF eno asso au sonsee soon anna un/Abeto e/Ase/sn, OlIn too solos/An nl, ants baIsSe r0000', Anos astI nstnosoa Ftp PPA OHO tas 0e noonayo, nno nAo neo possa cAnastA. IO/I acr1000eul eon opreso lobi A/itrIO, flcniObOaOMssvtnstIbpt--p5055ytlnpgosnacOSs, PlAste algol 000.000LOtohinS nnelnecssncsns Refinancing! OOiOfO 5508 ins Alun /tsafn/ n nolIsa 0OItosnto. 055:1 881,15 P1/181101 btu 0000008 SsnO I 751st/en/I aftu na Osrononmafyf Onfs ManlaAlanolsbntsd hoelns:monorsnna fossile, ro moon/i 010I01I55n., I/PTA I, Ins iO isp/ns SnIOP ISOuIttlSn /0011.000015: sn/ incassI tOn 0705 0:0 not baos /00w/Isle OrsOnmOy /Sn neiOsS, 70 stuiitisnosOSasOsSpnonn yr ISa/on Oelse/nellnnna:010/eonaleOioonasnUodsr/Os/nPO, aolausouy:notIar epIc visit asoioum olin/of a / lsninsOnsn/ssntflor550hOol OD,oils/lsosris/nno, plus leo esraul Inlunnt uOortnye /tiO 100 055/n, flnmnn/Iibisnl/unnunsalulalsiesralnotsennrlunsor005boys Ol.i slsosmbumsoany/MmlntsrisSnOunstl Fusi fu nonios up /5 Sf osOob Ins na/san 515/010ml desulsn 5051/uS/n In on lealodsul untnn /010. Oui uf lOs IsbOno/sA Fana Dalsealom nUll n/at peo ortos OOuOsOI III oenotunft aOsnnsi ns lar prosnoutlsa 0/n neun, notmo nnsnsd 01510/0500 /0101501 lt 0000/ntFooulh oso /On PIslell/In non ruino ases nlalasm On/sFOsal $5 00000 ano pal Ils oOaa 0/00/105,00 lOnInis/mason. Ost Ossia snutsIsu ansI puO/ssnI 5/ soifs al eolios, peflesnl /5 0/505 spisnsoIulass /ItO osnloio ae Solutions for 9111 Your 'Financing JVeeds ANTIQUE NEWHOfiS tat, 1t7 °snbt tonne'.581855n-1t0fl11125 t0i0ecll$tSF0lttlO06tS Personal and easiness tax Soraices 17 pm Experience n Illinois Liconoed CPA Reginlered IRS tas agent n-Filing AlCOA Flexible appointments, personal service, and references available mao//loo fed 001Ff ans to/rb ornes 500 eS/ile Olnaa Otminrsoll Os soatsolo olsomiSrs101uOtn,,OSOuOInOsnr Keep yxur 'lito & Pilon, 0/I SOP//ISA lapel mind itt /yunaon/lrnssinitsu il//oso nanI lu isiors ono: e-n roll Olnme sl/Os Oef/fsosnl hni spIon 05/ nus fil Ilion OS yos 01/sl 0/loll u solon lItI i mIslo OnIInnnsna ie Calcios OtlOb//a 00/I/5050 Adoimlau-eftO Opal ifets, les., eu/OW nano/tel OAT- - GtiG.aab ' lans-1s5b155 enl5 eats's-. 505,510 eeobsnn 0/OuPaGs Cssostg Faingesundel WHEATOH0 IL - ttS'510.5500 08, dII,l/O/,iO101Su 115550 Valsyasnfyo/r uSbOlanas OtIns/uslfonfosola fnnnsf:esouioamuisnoinosUeonso Dybfio/sotai/efopyomu/0050 tarbIslIrs oseobs/orsian/ 51 su/lisos 00000s/nI/0l// ISO 000811 ISSInS/silnln 000m. 01 / ssu 55 sai 0,11 In 1/rl /10510 is Ils SsI010Inf Oto ouslor 51 follI: ufalres'iSiu/OO nono/Mf/E SUOI/O / Orli000 OA5000TOLOOEflr Il/Ill/s sour sans Son tarsus 1000,105 nOsm/n OIs OsbOnslef lOnflinlir 100011 505, Pl r Kim Forgue CPA To lint year services Palos Hills, IL 60405 'here call 63D-911-8844 mycpatorgio@yahoo.00m NT1UE ioamlross 010. UnOau Rasa p/Al Rena, 0/ 05/ia Oser uro Inn On nOnOsmtolIos/lA boplo/nOin nsndsnreiml Oil /0 007 We deliver a large readership to pour advertising. ) te speak with a sales 708932.71 19 ,2-i:: representative- lto.lV/000ioon/tr/lOUOa:b000iSlsIon usgS/s Oourtnls0050lis .011. ii 11.1.1 II,, 0/tIso,:lnsklbus Sllsossluanlup,Oosma000lsalfs:li000/nen sntorl/nsOtepst Inntaunes fynysa050bSilOt and 01100 ib sib 0e UltOSOOlSI /0005/ Oameu 000mOsass, 0/foot: WIsoonals bufos, in:lnoulrse wiOOiaoI boten/na 5 105010 ilass Usasss/ Lasos 0000uSI o/ISa iSet1011 lOt00005lnfllfln li., fnoo. WlnllsobnnOO, 011.10. in/all IL li/OP ans rd lnfsniunl sisunosi 000000 Po//sol, /tilrsy 85/Oslo 050 t Wntsm lIscI 5110,00e, 0/ tOnnO 500noo/asynnsosevsssome00050:ontrs/rp/aanicosu/i/IOfolAto,000t WARRANTIES AVAILABLE RETAIL PRICES t'niir nO/ AflO/ MV LU /0'*U IO 'irr gout PAY RETAIL! lMiEDiTh FN1ANCIMG AVAILABLE MON-FRI 00 Jons 5, 5011 ul roll ap/SI lis /fltna Irulon itIr/r000s SOP Oasi WIyo0nlh lonsus Mln051sn w Os005 n 10001000I100000uiOsEftol'nEooPIifian/I/ lllhnsnotoontllepprssnw I//i/ass usOOsOol/is150taiuIis AUTO AUCTION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OVER 500 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM 0/ans oussuni O/I 05106,0/si un ion srta In ris StIa sta OfOSi ai al 01000mo Ankøor Accounting AUCTIONS r - USEYOURW-2 AS DOWN PAYMENT BID ON CARS BY APPOINTMENT DAILY aiiø?inhIo EVERYWEDNE5DAY EVERY 5ATHR000 MUToJI IUIlJe PREOLIIt,s.eOSClllNGna ' Ce VRIOtVltneOlO.tIi550se k 2s3 S.Io//Ob500eOO,OsOO',, n/to/Sage, 5L011023 (AÄicin 886-738-9789 We deliver a large readership to your advertising Keep your business, services or auction events top of mind hy advertising within this specialty section. Ybbr idsiirliS!ngdOIlarS will be; sale!- -, . t.. i :-:.::p.:2f r 5OBOrUI5OYSO. uno Il GoginlsrFREEsl OrunOSnoSsrOOuflluS/.00a omos,ShenIuti5500 lnntsintn -55m /UtOsti,I 0:5015 f 00/00/I- Government Samples Auctions 100/snOsar11050LOti/IIflI In nl/en mUOnO 05//s P/chop rrocko Dump l'tondo nisnuet 105511e Geoeln e Ion, /015 S I Hini/e Swollen Sstaice Inc. 0/n ensasstnesl aantlntslfi iibIeeisL'rssese iss4,ltOtlS Ph. 015-448-2368 mreoIbgjsÎSts-oI 847-546-2095 To list your auction here call 630-978-8844 o1spak'lNitb. a.saes-,.,jtativer.,. 26 lonewo Digest Csnlinind freni PAGE 2G Andy Sinclair, director; Carrier Snarer, annislcct dimelor; Steers George, mt desigso/tepbedcej dieeclor; Kimberly Honnis, 'snomuss's buninenu' Thin production is intended for mature audiences, doe lo adult themen mod language. Peeforneoncee cere 1p.m. and 7:10 p.m. Obb. 19 and 20. Tleketu ara $10 toe adulta und $7 for sludentn ond seni ne rilianno. Contort ihn Bon Office el (847) 020-2033 for tickets. A co-charge 0055mooily peeformouce will ha held ellO um. Feb.18. The rent of 'Lysinteutu": Piena Stephens an Lynistrnte; Seue tuskiny, Ikuinnikeb Jallo Zanne, Hyrrlmino; Aol PalaWan, Lampito; Ned MoElleesh, Cneo- missioner; Quinn Lawson-Hall, Annelas; Daaid Flash, Karypimnian (Hale); armi Alysna Jslaasky, Knnyplraies (Fo- Inalat. The (armin ahsnss inaledrst Cireneo Cotton, Daeiniger (arto, Leak Hammel, LOaran Langer, Jin Park, Mahal FruIr ucd Morgae Gail- uni. Thu male choses includes: Jeremy Berman, Amiss Kraplukin, Gym ttnnmsnnneion, Baal) Sslssearta, Pleillip Welt, Gehe Flippe uod Alen Wand. The technical atultYceew: custsntn4meap dedgo; CharletUp ttnthkn, ligisling denign; Adam Rseaethal, Sound dud00; Anakilo iOua-imi, amistant director; Zonk HaLarOn und Harina Spasnea, erheucual assistant0 Bensa Leey, stage ennuager; KeSe 050kley, ansislnot stage otanagee; Heule Case, costume head; Seat) Slsettinld, huad carpemtlsr; Zeebury narnart, liglsdeg; Ashley Pagntt, Foins lead; ban M051salinskl, peop mostee mcd Ada Catdsnell, Jene Kim und Annie Pntett, NllesYest kitle Sehne) will celebrato mous' different cul- tures in the Iuternatioohi FesOicul bald al 7p.m. Feb. Olin Ibe Audllorium, 570i Oolotou 55., Skokie. Oeueml of Oho school's ollado clubs oslO perform Iruditluoul 005go oc daareu. Clubs parAcipuAng include: Lutine Club, Jopunenc Club, Koreas Club, Filipino Club, 00oosisu Club, indu-Pub Club, Bonnlun Club, Russian Club, Heileale Club, French Club und Cisinese Club. Asbuissious's 95 for adulto und 95, etadente und senior ciliaene. Chddren arr iren Following ube pereormuncm, o recaplico including leu, coffee wed iateruuboael noneets odi be held lathe lobby totp'nctOnnaI Club syn050rs arr Mueguent tllaubhe and Jesmiuku Julde. Hiles West Mitts Sahen) nne- lors Jeremy Berman and llya Hanteln have been consod us candidatos in Ihn 0010 Frein- dendsl Scholorn Program. Them un'a 5,000 candidatos, unedel from oeaely 5.0 usd1lion students axpecled tu graduata from U.K high schools Olas suar bolados in blue Presideohal Scholars Program is one oilier bigleeul honoen baslowed upon graduating bigle scl:ool senices. Scholars we selected ou the huais of superior acedemie cud aelistic achievements, Inaderubip stoebtieu, strang clsarocler cod bu volvemeni io eonoananily ucd school uctisOties. Thu 5,000 cuodidales sacra ne(crIed lar Ike! r n000ptional peeforsounce on eltisar the Collego Oom'd SAT or Ihn ACT Auseunmeul. A Assistgssiolsed Frani cf educators esIlI cerium these nabmin- rions rad nelecl 100 samiOcalmIs in eadF April The Coruwimion on Feonidasstial Soltoim'e, a group of sonse 52 emi000icioaeosappaisl- lo eve ovkioh bulb cOudent could croate the most efleclive public ses'vice meesoge pmler acOse impoel0000 of securing paruooal vstluables. 500ioc Dylan Wmaase pm- ed by Ihn Fsvuidetsl, saal waIse s'mal seleclio:s oIlier Scholars. Thcy cciii select ussa young man rad nue yaassg woman from meh slate, Oho Sisiciob otColowblu, FurcIa 10cc, and U.S. uludeota halo0 abroad; 15 nlade000 ui-large; sod ap 10 20 nludcssln li-0m Ase cccaove aasd puinaes:iug arEs. Tise U.S. Suparlmeni of bidacallan esili osmoa500 tise Ochuiara in May. Wiedow Otssighiu uïCaiom and dodged by mpmsenlaliven from tue Park Pidge Mario C0000il of Ihe IhdghLs al Colbiobaa. Mod- bus Opeling Seo held lan. 28at Iba schooL Risbamd Duo (eighth geoda) rad Renna) Kamel )envesth goodel lind us Ssebcaso-y, fuco pausibifily poaloc will be diupisyrd in Io compete alobe atole level Oighleanulodents, nu watiuoe's Foster uses Ike yltruno "Lock it lJp os' dab cocon' nomino il oaoin" und iccoepowlem pisotos ola padlock is Iba alegras lob Ins-tog Au 0100er Lache evplumed: "TIlo aclmslfr' edil hopeRuhly e0000rage aludentato eanuec their halongings. Evon lhough jasO hann- log Fmpncir cul doesn't mAse it dgbl foc somrbody rica to lake it, we need to limit the Oppor550ity pmsantod lo poteslmul aifond- noch loom grados 0.0, tools puri lus the oompetilioo, chacen timougit e!iminution rorads as 1h e cicsseoom hoveL The oludossta tues cowpelad loe she chauon at Ihr eegiooal leveL l0050wlog formal gsaidelines, the mando 000uinuad to narrow Ihe SeId lv tien Soul turne cowyeliloes. Sach competitoc received a aeellfoute lu reeogsduion of ihoie 0000wpiiuhwend. Olhec pm'lioiposst.s included sivih-gsvdess Colin Cell, mactens man modeealed craters momprank rad Yobradn SoPassi, Oro5, Joiraa rad Toen nod Obrar Muruullo, ST, JULIANA Os Jon, 3e, the SL Jaliuoa Oolcooi Sourd pmsoslnd lIso Sn Sews' Ochcub Sas-oboe Awaed Io Todd and Melody Slelfen in ercogeiliov of iheir many bous olvolantoue week for St Jabuna Parish md School 'fha Sn lOamy Schaul Sesnior Amnrd mm created in memos' olsha lacmer SL Jublaon School Ieoohee und pdncipai miso drv010d many s'roma of Isar hIe lo sos'vior io liso SL Juliooa Fudsh com- munity Tho Oleifnns neo guadousos cISL Julionu School und me Ihr pamonta of tioneo children who olinod PL Jalons Schaul. Thos, hove ha on tiswlees woekem is wraP shlfemenlonpccluof school and pw'islc Sfr und r' moul currently hune breo leadece in the major parish inod-raisieg enano, she Slacislop odi. Pat Moon, ra alumoun of other higtoighl on Pal Muos'u Suinog the nuncio March, Iba stodonta miO be IrociAsg Ilse progress uf Sf000 and his dug sled mom aolinomt Ihn offscinl Iditamod itoun Ale. The utudente am almo SL J,diunu School, o'isitod his Ilma moler on Iso. 29 lo Oulk about Ihn Iditorod Sog Siad Paca IbuO tabee piove u dlaehn cod c000ca 000m 5,000 mum. Mann is Ihn only Iditoeod Suce pumliciponi from looking lhrwamd 101dm re- luco sido lo St. Julises School in April when hr will toll his 0mb-hood ecpmcicoves in Ohs 0010 bdiOueod blAnch. Moon told Ihn aiadectu nboal his inew in Nactlsern Paon Micisignav, whece Isesniara a nd tea ins Ihn doge ha aces DT. PATRICK Can St. Pairlals Uleh Scheel in his sled Iruw. Meeoicg llera, Ihn mIed dog mea un- Rvssoen Jmn Smd played o ssmpuivg vi muelo for SL Ju- liana students m part of Ot Julianas Catholic Schoule Werk ceiehmtion. The school's ecdm sludeol body mas Oerotod oulib lively tacen. Tha band abo demcoedeulcd ícupconisslionA techniques fur Ilse mbadovin. Salol Patrick buods have arneealeoenluoondsugup OlsLnepcicg mnobudiog Mambos Calholicb Staid of Ilse AmO competihion (Fcb. SS), lolling Meudosvah Juan in Slur Moudowu (Feb. 27) nod the SL Fotrich'a Day pacuden (Mumob IS and 141. 51 They mill nlsn untamluin guenta of EL Vintor Elemen- tes' Scheel prior louproforsounoeuf"TilSeusht)O Us Part: Late Highs Catechism Timer" (April00). Their sont uppoacocce mas to luane baoc et Ihn New Tricc Jura Pest no s'eh. 0. Senacul bund membres cmlii aba play in Ihn PiI 05 chenlma toe St Pot's spring -esasivol, "A Sunny Thing Happened en Ihr Way lo the Pocuuof The Honam Jane Sand inoludes: Anthemy Catar Digvat PAGE 20 PIoNEER PREss sono tsuot soenucu Emma Madigar, Gabalalle Mondana, Gram Herplmy, Risse Ko- enlh-geodere Jaetin Fakag Carnlyn Hartiea, Lmsain Saulcao, Clerintapleer Tharnbill und MARY, SEAT UF WISDOM Sres Pestle, eighth-grades Ede Carnear, and eighlhgraders nemea Calletti, Cale- - Polite Greetings Ji How maoy ei3O00 hua u gavou cono 50 y000 t' Ill newb I Imano und Katie Pilaeski; ars,- Lacia SOUp." Tise promotional eifart osOracted dudosO involvement by feularbsg o cawpctitiou rio Esaos, Paler Jmaokn und Thomas neueN, ltsamdnsld, md his smlsodog edmiesing rrcinscieg 1h00 ropoels 500 olees its which Aso ssdssiog 11cm had sol be en necmwd Ap ita boyce at Made SonSo 15gb Oclsool. Laehr, au Soalb's School lienoupoe OfScar, derided ra asouonncnn cmnpoigo mon io osder, sa scisool und police olSciats ealinbarated 00 "Operation ad5ed eat compeliloora ins clame race lo piana Sral io the annual Mce' Season foe second Placo Thu thenc young wen ovili repmmnvl MOW atibe cagiossal meni aol lisa lasochcoow, whaee liosos are w ouI ufinneepoet- Park RAen Palme OlOrac Muto Laebr fosend himmein lt PIONEER PRE5I PUOl!C91159 - Nb duced the ralo ing posino us judged by two praets. Wulhure edil br Imaulog iasoh wins 015nuc Lacho ucd Paolo Ridge Pobou ChicO Pemds J, omas sucio as 10015cc wows HAINE SOUTH Rl' t809SDAS, Ee6fI9yyoo0 -: Norwuud Park [AIhurafl Church Park Ridge Preuhpturian Church 5917 N. Nina bue. 1300 Went desumI Aunour Chicago, IL a47-e2S-4 135 773-631 -2860 ullicr@purkeidgepreby.ora Fao: 773-631-0142 Sunday Seraics 10AM lanOso blAue: 10:30am St. Mary's Episcopal Church 3060. Pfnnpecl Aso., 547) u23-4l2l (September 1h11 Muy) wuu.tlmunespn.gro Sunday Seraisnu; 8:108 10:02 0M Wsgersday Oension; 9:00 AM. PARK RIDGE First Church ut Christ, Scientist 330 Tuahy Acerco (847) 823-3328 Euery Sonday al 11:30am Ecery Wudneeday el 7:30 pm St, Paul Lutheran Church Curler-Westminster 8237 Kenlac, ban., SlioHis (e47( 673-1311 ecssw.thohieuenlnabmc.ang Wamlrip: Sundayt al 10:30AM 5501 SaIlle SL United Presbyturiaa ChDrCh (847) 673-5030 wau.nlpailukck!e.nn0 Sat Syns, San. Slam 4950 W. Prall, e47-e73'4441 eww.cuupc.nml Sunday Wonehip Sunalaru: Sunday School RAM Rea. Robert C.Johnssn, Pastor Central Unitud Methudiut Church Reimar Ernet Messianic Syrugsguu 7800 Nibs 000., O!ink!r Tempte Reth Isract Cnrslemponsny & CW Calé SAM 5001W. Dmmpsfen SI. TnssSSanab 110M & 047.074 -9 148 www.deuanemri,oig Join as tar Shabbal Senuieru al loam Ohahle, IL 0007e Frllowohip 12PM Nono a47-O7S-5951 Sunday Ichral (all agem( 000M Mithueb OCIO Pullet On. Pumlar Sunday Oah011 & Nuronry dudit norship, Seul) Fll!nasfl!y Tine Rev. SanaS 0. Oddenntol, Renter WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME! COnch weballe tan all salloitien. To showcase your House of Worship here contact Jen Tait at 630-978-8750 or boume ooiy tobe goneind bynoenyenoised auS 000ely Isicodly hebel II sino :,on,unu k 05cc, the:, lee Osan to oh,,oge oid isebiu, sod scIame this problom bobsuine. Roms assured; thons ars neya lo 15dm ynas doghe mase pebuc assd velos mheo Iranien g ouvrIs! When n fanal :aeives as posse doce, one al thu Inni sinpe cou osso soko melo rndireus ynuap000ts. lIia:slneyaugnnd praohcn io beach paar dog In mit su else donebeil dings, sInd guemsn ardon, YnumhnuidOnalyoaa dog, un ailsiog mas oalm beh:svinc, and chin acuued will tebp yaamivap la eloy impuso, nmrassniogamoued tarau' aesklra. llyauo dog wen'l nib, you oar bngia ulula seohniqor by pauiisg Ihees, Onu lonsh ncm Iho Inne, bai ius ncough ewcy nheeo shvy caos meob else guealt. When they Ian cuiw cod eli meehcgnmonven,q,,irulyuoie0ehehnm acd,nlonuarn, ned! thssli,oywilinnigolta gsOvO Ihegondl If you arc arabic in knop ynue dog mau amIde1 yoaihno wisibo peu npon poas doom, you cuy inmlnil ulsook or Sodo picono1 lasci lare nnum tho Orase door. ulsem p000 dog's Iraul, uoes ho lotherod. Wash mid, lbs dog Ieshemd is Ase sa,sso ooay peo unuld whos helding Ose louais. Tho onol im In peoseol hisn fonun psucliolseg 0,0 usdoaleod bchanier, by seacisiog him sebo in Rnmnmbor la keep poac mossiooa etsarl; fas, for bosh pass and your dog, and so oen 50555e during So Icainisg.i Wc uro crUdI roe much p:ehenoe nus nl oar dole, rad rhoaid oemled hem fvatheirlsuad wooh. Iwoold oleo e500aaogn pou 5e bene mame Oc:,ts nidsue (ass ousaide roue doua, on iaaido milbio m:,uh,euyourguesstceo Onulyourdngfas nnssioos. H:,ne 000m 05Si515511 slop nulcido peslleoil Sn bsgmn by pmnosivicg pnumomv oselsu groesiagm with your panni,! sii. lIeue yeocssusissanlaasuso,n,ltbna few nds,ulem a,sd groes ynas feiassd, und boo mt thcsc un cppaoeoh youa dog. If passe dog broabs hie ais, hs,no des pceuoa b:tvk Grooming aolsra thcy see noise und dsAog dnsoo. O es some lime arido, and ask a feinnd oc Family meosbom lo l'olp wisis Same uai,sing ussd ding thn douabnll, Pos your dog an leunh, abc bmw Io hin sync sed heoe isisus 'CARRIAGE HILL.KENNELS sud pal puar 106 bank luso:, susinA ponihoes. Tho objool malo soach your ponvh :,ws,y being yolisn. Don'! lungss, ye:,ulice,n:,kcu Rick Teeslsey -'freisinny Manugoe Chicago Clmnine CIeN -Osrr Sudar, IL mmms,ehiaageoaeinmlabnnm I I I I I I I :i - - Bathing Boarding ctSTOMER APPREC!A «F104 I $20 OFF ALL GROOMING and BATHING With This Ad - Nomo thru March 6, 2010 .:'..i Emaempin e)Sanisgs,., Regalar Mattese, Coantsapoo, Bichon Stieg, Toy & Missimtune Possatles Special )t( $28 )é $33 Soft Coated Wtmeaien Terriens, libelan Terriers )( I I 'OlamanssahueS,sssais,aes,,aca:edu,a,nassuhsssa,asaae,s:hsearnsu,mu,musss,m:s,,o, )é( )$( 2238 Waukegsen Rd., Gleesvieses www,corriengehiltkenneln,corso Corrnla ieelooAqooliCmv I I $18 AI,L DOGS WELCOME! (8471 724-0170 I $58 $24 Slandmrd Poodle, Old English Sheepdogs Golden Retriever Labrador Retrievers io I s I 28 1886170G wwwpioneerlocaLcom Digest Catltiooad from PAGEAi Woods), Sotte Minee (Gray), Ree Roekereff (Or. Senedirt), Menketoo Otweell (St. Margaret Mary) aed OdioseO Stypko (St. Viotor) letto (St. Celestino), JtNtin Cfl.e (Mary, Seal u1W(o- i dom), Colin Doyle (St Mary of the Woods), Andrew Ellinen (St. (Irlestire) 0001M -'SollegIree (SL Co(osline(, honk Gode (Pointer), Chridtoptteo Mojek (Gileo(, Anthony Monelli (St. t°uooab, Michael Pieolnoto (tasmoerstole C000eption(, Timothy Peeehowokyj (St. Visolor), Meo nine (Saint Mary of 110e ST. PAUL LUTHERAN St. Pool Lonhereo School, 5650 N. C000eld Ava., rodi hoot a C00000ntty Night from GOS-755 p.m. Sah, 1h Students ho (dodesgorten through thrd grado mAl sto. play and prasrol information about rommanity vehiotra, businrsaee and 0000paCirro. Local bodn000 part- ners rollt be on hard to ohore fario and 00550er ryseosiona. toara moro obxo( the rons000ily sad oil alito annoi maosrreo, All arr weh rome io this tom 000rL Por moro informalion, odew wn'a.nOpoo(ooAdrntsosg or rail JeorSer Good 011700) SOT-0044. The PanInI Tettotrer Lro0se of SL Paul Lolbesun Orhool, 5050 N. Caoge(st Are., boatod ita ihird ooasaol Li tora ay Night wish (loe Ilieme of "Bouchas or 000ko" or Sob. IO. The enrol teoturod ososy. 1011mg o poppet nuoro, eau- motion gamon, goesi roaderro, Ihr Oriole Porlo roil- NI - lHbfSO9O, ¡(BoLso 1(00)7 dmob librerior and osions shoring Ihr hxpnrtaorr of rradbsp nporial oriinlies nid Sso rralt chutions 000. irred muund hooks and reoAog more pori of Ihn ocmi (or rld(dssxo obt ogro so mrO osa bonis onrhonoe for all roturo (snme00000 book. 5104001 s'citIno poriy woe nit display along ostili o "i'nolry Bonding" roam tos innior high oludoolo Io rood ord oliare Ilirio nons pornnr ai porme with oli. SC MOL A U S M PS The Nereneg(oe Netieeol LosEM of Chirogo nOem grades 1.4. srhotarohipr Io deceiving eludoolo who are of Norongian hrnitago msidirg in she 000nties r) Coob, Loire, Do- To qustslj, older niodeots mass subsoil an originol nr' say oe a Noroveginsi lopin and sladrnts io grAdos l-4 aduar siobariL ev nrigino( Page, t(osso, Motlteosy nod GIRLS 6$SS0009LL drawing deyiriing n Norwr. gino iopio Par srhalarship i010rmor uioo and oppbrasions oieui 1 Nno 1/er L lilies Rosi moon Od CPA and robo has rvonnaoteaguoarg or roo. tool 'Ihm Munson, 1847) (07- 4, (sonaron 1505, a-msi) 1. Loyslo 0 Olenitook buh snn00000o5onosrovayoom' or Ourbora Kroaloorg.Mogil, (8471 0237500, e-molI brou, lhotrho moni ho yoelmorhed by Moroh IL pl 94C4ih748l ee rmatlin@pietrerltaal.030 NORTH POLLS Wilt. The Orsi erholarrobip of $1,000 is awarded too high srhool senior rollio o mAd- been orarpied by o ratage os- anirrroiiy A 5100 oaob prize is awmdod loo high school otadeol io groAns 90' o 900 oash prim io owasdod Io o otodeot in grudro 08. A .015 rash prim h oworded too slodens ho Ceheeeer Rich Martin, 60001(01 Editaf P50029 BOSS lttKtTegLL I. Olenbrank NodI iNto Oder t. Mene South 4.05 PatroN i. Notre Doer ATHLETES OF THE WEEK 6085 lAlkfTaILL 708.530-8388 Uio,mn HOMO LOANS 847-729-0900 Giseoertoerr So-o re BANK hllpi/,toseay, lJHLeaoo. coo, 30 yr fixed Call (gr Ratos )byt6004 4.375 0.000 $1165 20% 5/1 omis ARM 7/I limbo ARM 3.875 OStO $1195 20% 4.375 0.000 4.484 3.202 $1195 25% For a personal gante null Mike Dalla, Prauldant )l(3 WoeOrookferposoh ceder, Salle ISIS WoeAÑeeler, (L 00)54 A00800aAN BANK & Teem 3.566 968808410 312-388-2876J630-664-9377 847-691-7416 PtaLann FINANCOAL, LLC 0.125 711 dRIll Coi Ion Rates Ib yr lined 4.500 0.000 $1600 0.222 Co) lof Rotto 0.000 $1800 Reslriotionn apply, piense logiAs. (C) 000 Waakooae Rd., Olenainra, ff00020 30 pr Rood 4.875 5/1 SIM Isyrfiond 20% 4.665 loyrlioed $1200 20% 4939 3.575 0.000 0.000 $1400 20% 3.441 4.250 9.000 $1400 20% 4.377 4.125 0.000 $1200 20% 4.281 Lower raten anailable. All ansls goaroolned. Call tar qoote. f0) 412 Craohaidr, Seile 130, Palatisre, ff60074 630-802-2000 l(ENOL MONTH F,N000000, loo,. Sltpi%'aoeAaekga. ceno 20% PINNACLE HOME Mora macso Stlpo//roaaW.Kooflavoethfioaoelaf,eoo, M0.555553S 800-664-1404 httpi//www.Pineaoieffomrfilnrtggge,00m 3tyrfioed 4.875 tOtS $1050 2t% SOyr 0x04 4.870 0.000 $227 20% 4.920 30 yr Osad 4.875 0.000 $1400 15 yr gond 4.550 25% 9.000 20% ..4599 5/1 ARM 3.625 0.500 $992 20% 3.140 l5ythiood 4.375 $1400 5/1 limbo ARM 20% 4.502 4_750 0.000 $t50 0.000 20% 5/1 limbs SRM reti Call ftr laIrs 5/1 ARM 5/1 ARM 3.700 2.000 3.875 $1400 20% 3.205 0.000 IS prhlond 4.250 $792 FHA and VA Approond. Cell taler Orteils 20% 4.418 30yroned roll 4.750 1.000 $1400 20% 4.912 $1050 4.93) 3.675 20% 3.337 $1050 Strramline ralixenee nosing n 25 days. Open evary doy, (C) 2950 F0088415 Rood, Saite 202, St. Charlee, IL 95t74 847-240-5007 BANK 0K AMeoeme Hoon LoANS 0.000 )0) Don 0000reohloroeo, 0011e 216 SoAred Reate, (100181 PAON Rg000w COMMUNITY BANK 847-384-9221 (S) PISE. ts000maarg Road, Oota0080eg, 082854 Tioaoo Comm Moonrog LLC 30 yr ((Sed 5.500 0.000 $605 20% 5.048 30 yr hood 5.000 0.000 $1250 20% 5.005 lt yr fixed 4.000 t_500 4.117 0.000 $1200 20% 4.513 0.500 20% 3.416 4.250 0.000 $1200 20% 3.621 5/1 ANM 30 yr limbo 3.575 0.005 5.750 0.000 $980 20% 5_771 IS yrfinod 5/I ARM 7/I lombo ARM 4.375 3.875 $905 $905 20% SII ARM 5.750 0.000 $1200 20% 4.522 711 ARM 4.378 0.000 EOenirsg end Wankend Appoidinrr(s Aaai(oble. Call io )er mare irlo (C) t300 Poet Woodoatd Read, SeSo ISO, Seh800rberg, 1800173 4.049 STR JOM8O ARM 4.000% NO CLOOIN9 COST 70% LTV Min. ML 0700321 3ilyrfiood iSynhiord mli 4.875 0.000 4.210 0.000 M0.55548S1 847-580-5555 20% 4.960 20% 4.395 $1800 20% 3.450 $1600 20% 3.782 $1600 $1600 Sin Cohen, rea(arS3rdooaotnasnoae,mo, Sit Jonbal4.OtO°/JlOh LIV fC) 020 TafeettRd., Paris Ridge, ff80000 alnein9 eeoonds loSs) Ist (he Sitars boil-ID ein aver Maine httpo//Lowrr,0eA .com 3oyrfiood 5/) 56M Maries Senior, nOies North Mie dehese ori elirnor Ir tise (0) 3105 Osesrdrr Rood, Str 408, MoelhUeooh, 1100002 00717 Reel ori nursed 904f a CIL enrIo rerard 1044. bOLt BASKETBALL Kelly Mino, SInoSreoN Soso, Jntdnraanted genn'hi5h 21 paints ir Star) 6751 ein 00er Meine (auth ir Etilos), o cloture 1h01 lirA) Olnobrunk 10010 ir sot15011es lar CIL Sooth aMenAi' amhip. 16000716MO Soeo Seaiver, Meier Sooth Captured rrfiorol ahsmpinrltlp st Sahsunborg le looting CarenCo Note iereirtli N-5 in the r sal Oelluaor leone nl Isur Honks to od000ar lo tor ilentsrd em/h IriisI005I Sesti005i GIRLs 0(NNSS)1C5 CilioS Ceaoeon, hilde tenth Joniar sOaseS Ser leise st (he 10ko Tarea) Reçi000l iy tOinhirt ir tire lap Oae 101001 roerle, litS' lityled by Ort ao000d'flooe reis) on Ile asIlI nith 0011. 708-660-7038 Attp.i/otroue'.caapniroer, 30pr (lord Coi for Ratos 15 yr f lord 30 yr FAA Cat for Ratos Coil ftr Rotos 5/1 ARM Call for Rotos (C) 1000 Latan OSent, OSA Pare, ¡f60308 MORTGAGE RATES AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE 24 HRS ON THE INTERNET @ http://pioneerIocaIjnte005 corn LENDERS, TO HAVE YOUR RAYES APPEAR IN THIS FEATURE CALL BANKRATE COM SALES DEPARTMENT 800 509 4636 Pazmino leads quartet into sectional North junior earns regional crown ThaI hmlpn." LIsting Pridoy and Sotosdoy'o Barrington Serlinroal, t°oaOoisso mill bolo lo Onish Ohio year's ragionai momo will help Poemiao do moer domage ai Ihn rnriionol. in Oho lop loor and corran buge for liar," Pntioo sold. spoL in lion It1SA Stute "(Loss yoor( loe mus ihe ronnor-up, rood tisis year loe in lise rhosoop. Moyba thoo will Mots, Peb. y-so in Cham89 DAN SHALIN pulan. Prom hin desrripdon Is halisH pie n er s Ian o lo o e otLhe si0000ion, iloonedo fleto 3lO)(M0 libo P,rorsss'noh 000gh000 op. pon000L ooighL br loirosoli. lador tnished seront otile WSESTLINM -White NiIm Norlis's Chrin Poomino noon Young Sestinrol euh (1Ml yes to bottling foro regiomil tille "t jusi got ner0005," iso said. "t loll myorll t doro') help tite Sanito odIarle lotit on Ootnrday, his toommotro stete toomroneol nito n.oss. yrllrd, "robo" Io tim rn- loores (0-0 rernrd tor nollu- Sroelse Dahm, Raeoeraotiee COMMUNITY BslNri e, Oar Pane RioNe Focose NuIre NaSS's Mide Ayala (tight), laohot to make (tiC nons oc Morro Soothe Sole Cerrille tu/ti Melt (OLpeord mateo otite CSL nseet, Inished 000mnrap Isturdoy s) lia Glenbsnek South 11050001. ICurtie LehoyohllStof Ftetogropherl Salo ellI sekt Ires oroari non' ssautloe trip le Cherry tosi Loros ir eaaklard, BOYS 19166190 Ftaeh Slope L0IO Ceptored mOoed 103 lrrrstyles ori nne port nl Ins sinning relays la help Layslo ele loe MCCC title Sotutdop hoops nos noon the sarlerenoys senior seloxer Il the yror. poatedly. lag. t Abbi get baby 2)1 "IWinning Ihe regiossorh is of Iba yossr. hie grout for leso enpemirnor Ihorn many nf the competilora loe fores. Lhem In rome ttso'ouglo and mohe (110 ihe arcond meob onrrstling. Honrorrnnres. n) Ilse poslsrooani tlndbebore, ond ho qroolioed baby ntnpa. It's or loogh aime "This io lolo llorA year Intlso seca'oonol, Aynla mobili nheod of ooroo kldn ombo be Inohiog in hnonoe book os-1 ocarlime Inns lo loose been osreolling tor Ove, honor his ronlidonco." Poensiooa mill be one o f four North onrenilersoons- Neto Tries's Tim Otringer naid. "Ho's or bossA os'orbas, io Oho rogbonol tille w,slrh. Striogrr nIno beni Ayorin ott und he rorsymlos.' poling al tito O.rrringson ib e recesol COL tolmo- Oorhoaoul. Nortlo 500ior Mila Ayoolos odoa000ed ooish o nerond- "lAyosln) onill horn to Oso ih000 l000ro Ort snolio'otioss o wrnslleo' oci0000nlbauen to imyr000. OrlI oro bimloog Ihejuniar doro romo lorrh is PIrre Onials att8í,janior to go loto socibonoilts ond Gunny ICItour i rt,rasootnd torsello oneot bollec und sin, senenymooco'thc000rh Pelton o,oid Ihool tChoao'i in hoith in hirsouciC 'Flic jonior ended op ArIhuling Loyota's Tom Coo- lustren. I boom I'm os gond wroollro hoot boone to doom il, pos it otl 00100 Ilse tOOL t bono lobi morn nonO- p000doromnolLhetHSA 0G 135 aad eeniar Todol SoboonborgOniohod ihird 100gltnsl" Pelloo so bd. only 11-5 Lo oarn tise 140- defrosird otronger los Ircisniqun ossA gol his sir000gilt bnIloo" Ihr m000h sold. "Sot iso's Oho donI," ou 112. TIro Vihiego cosme in CIrios IA Olesbrooh SooLh Oegionol. "t rame in o little aervoos, but 01100 end mame aol an tap," Ponmino soid. "II salpa Lust season, Poor,solno 00mo in neonad oil lina 'o- savonib in Ihn lO-teosas or- NiIez 0/osOs Sterm Appia 7' 2 in tise Lhirsl-placo oorotoh one d000'I Isosoc 00000cr y giornI. Io qoolll'y tor semSonoli. Sel- about. Hrn miltioog lo yosy "Loll yossr', 2 gol Orno nul (tosortinooh. 'lIsie t'nomi it's foss1" Prltao 000ld. "Flsol'o ts'losrloor't-o loohing loor loo sold tltossjozinmoching tlsrprion000ssl oncmblsosrd,gno 1100 ornI round le 005 iovprcn- 0100cilood lo onlroolenerit ciro oscmnoosplishsnenL tar Pclsonoborg, 001ro p000050 lobes Lo oo'uoo.' )unrssrsoind( i/I brrolhe. gianni sod Ioni his brai matoIs ai Ihm oenlionol. North ressA rancIs MarIon Pell000 hoyro Iloorlroirning Aclrnooburg "lllihouo'il Isoso lo goL a sly guy ool000sm co osSA mro Corsrtrsrool.'jsio,oro'o'rlosrol.o-orsoo Fi: sports 30 THIS WOEI( Today title taoN hoots nrtro, ALO Ber grert gomo. But tve dido Vialdores finally cleared to play dadas ceNe booketbell Hosto Slen5000k ArtA 1.50 ono, sots beeketball at Gl005000k North, LAO p.m. OOAO ereotlink at Lau VOL S,ctioaaI -4:30pm. gre et j ob of junG pl rying herd. "Deferrirely, roe did noi ploy smort alt the timo. But me ptryod really bord end S cor always live mith toto toscA at Aenbord ranI, 420 pet, rAe OaiOsolflr at COLO ella/in® pi5 te erlrraleorr ti Chrepi- enahipo, 5000rook lottAi BOYS BASKETBALL - Boto erosIOnO at Bert. lot. teotionaI O nm/A co. Whom the grme woo on thm tre tlrtdry night, the yrutog Pirla 300kotboll el torthtde ProBt,' Nitos Nrrth term rotted mn Monale ru Clemente. 135 pm. WeoSoeedeo Silo toad t rote ioritn,49tprri-' title 005kotboll et Northoide Poop Po- HotelS ru 51003006 500llttp.m. MOINE SOUTH retday Boyo SaoNa/Ato troto toro TteO 130 iNto baokolbell at One Iriso, itt por ltraethng et SIentan North Ints Sert. 420 pro BOtO o00005ing st COL 50db Ctrempi- 000hipo.Glenb000k tooth,9nmil pror. AOreollirç eI 0000000 noIr nl CorLo Orlo basketball st Look llano teA ou 000aroer010rr.4 Ant Arto tort hoots LOAr Osrlctc 51 Volet 420 pm. Wedneedey Boto truck ArsIs elk Gorse, Loon OotirS, 420 pro. PIlLES NOAIA ROam 0000taoq et bars led Seotiroalr 420 - totorhed Motne West's at- tempt str tete go-ahead hsrhrt, got Posted mt the ing their OAth. OS oct11 tobe nome Sough momento. Art ha's junt hindu1 grinding through Sleet right 00w. Her quiob mrd we trove o Tha Vikings host Nurthleading Dearfiatd mt 7:30 p.m. Fridey. The Wsrrtors "The hid cae Oct-out ploy. drfertnd Oiles North 67- Nom, hoe bringing Shot 44er Jon. A. 63-GA win over Moine ploy.,, Omm ronointnrt high level rf North herd cosch Glenn Olsor, who ssggrotod it got down io the Shied quar- rrrtter ir the reo000. "Wo more. Meine West played r ter, bot kept est crmpr- GAME DAY TP tENO WaOMeOOy at Mileo Went. ESO pv. Frust STANDINGS Btl000re5te SendaAB "We got in s tutte foul CIL SOUTH dores ocored SO pointe Vmd tu look aver se. We have Sa freshmar Mrlechi Nix hod coma rut rardy Soonerpete, warb on the things Ceorleld 5-O Clenbrrak Nmdh Shot ma hove bean preachtog end get better in those Highland Park Milos Narth4'4 ComwarL'piooerrleraCcoor Odor Meollo Odor font I'M Lrlrekiklttatt Phrtorraphrtl mro the type rO geme trim term might not Uovo wen b050ts co, Loarstrr record holt mtth his eeergy ond deterse. Booth jsnirr Aaron Vial- premed senor the team obig lilt io the ladyS the Wal000' 6755 tocs et 0407stot on pridpo. ICedlo Ramoso Younolbem: 13 pointe es, Coancton Laenie Heetloi 10 p0mb, Son' trouble ir that gamo," said Olsrr, whose teem kept it clruo fur the OreS nb misetas. "DrerArld loo greot Seam cod they rce pleying toc e contenance ohampionship. They ore cot going Docce Wiltiomr for givirg Alteo Morir Clodo Orhisholo Vr. leashes a lhrre-poiuter Arido1 RelEnt Araieoo Rodeep MateSte lot of guardo mho ore qsioh end aggreosiva. He Sto into the mio." Orne thrrwo with P.O records remaining ir Nsrth'o thrt hod o Are right shorting the belt. "It won o grrd rharactorbuilding ocio for sr," omits SORB PEMFBBHAIeCES while junior Abdel Nader ted North rrith 16 patntn. sieg the floor," ha said. pteted the serson sweep over r Momo West term 1ers 46 IS birlo croo/it7 Aradora There ere going to be The S-foot-SO Violdorer boo bora on the roster rit winier, but only recently mer given oteareece to 06460000 l'o Non Trio, 6-P MAte Ssr/il hilen Most l-i Eaanr100 l-5 tlorrhreuklrrcth 60 l'I COL MORTI Gen ta005ltat et 000rtield 1200m Sebmaas Orooll:opot nov let Serlionale, li erro/u pm. hoto beekettell heoto Lotdeo.6 p.m. DeseOso Piolo beokatbatl at Ereroton 00100el ve ttalfluets, 030 p.m McNichols comes through in clutch io chore ord got doer whet Senior's teamhigh 14 points paces win mc ooeded to do." Senior Rodooy Metotlue edded tO p0mb Boris Cayewillo, erdjunioro Laurie North cod Dorte Locoscot'ed eight pointe By DAN SKALIN 4010101 Mp io o e er loca loo r ills Atoketbetl el 06000030, t2t pu. iiiepst Bert. IrG Oesti000le, II at Motos truth, t:00 YenediN Girls boeketball at EraOotoe ln3iooele - or Mimo torttdtaitmetm APrO. ehedreeedar Gioie rook toSto Ott Matteo tomet 5 ASOME DIME -- Ridai Olonelliep at MerdOgtre ltd. Seotiotols, BOYS BASKETBALL - 0e- Went mes comirg mit Fri- McNichoto' clstchrhootiogooOrturdoy helpod Nitro Wort rebound from Friday's comferonor day oight'o AT-OS Inno at nor Chria toss to Evomoton. Tho Wolves' seni or root ed e teem-high 14 poiris - inotudirg two big tho'oe-print- or's in the SurI quarterso Bvunstrn, which dropped the Wolvoo Is l-A in the GOL nr000d a treuillA AS pItio irr Sooth. Attor otrrrgglicg early im it1 tile Okingo 60-60 mir tool the romboS, Nues Wast Mai00 Meet, pooseo the boll toughS herb end moo drwu oqairot GandO. (Joel Lernet/Statt PheI0004pletI by jest four pelvIs erlrdrg hilen Motilo Abdel Noiet olor Rottirg Meadows 56-SO rs the reed SeOurduy The viottors petted omoy ir tho foso'th qaortar rfter Wroot009at Barriepteo IOU todloyslr the gome woo booSted oPter thorn. tho fourth quarter. Sot "S woo really happy with Brerotonjurior guard Garrett Jumar hod e huge Osai the muy we starb with it," trama, 500rieg 15 oP his raid Nileo WesS heed orech BcbWdliumo. "Btmmrgreat gemo-high 25 points rs She Witdhilo polled awry Oper F000imr-Chrwbers mho oes injured mhen NUes Nitos West 110-011 drfeetrd 420 p.m. 400kotbell attE PaLA 090 p.rr ti 0.014 pet. l3poisotu.Hec'lhhedlopuhrtu amts eight o'ekoundm. "You com'i gire I500nstoul borhetbell goose. St wert bach end forth. Bot me hung ob50000 points, you coo'ttm'n the bell over and lot them get tuyvpo,"Willirmo nuid. "Too cro't allow ponetration ir She middim. We showed nIt thuse thirgo in olretohes." ND junior wins second regional title in row 01 l'ri t ES S LOO Feidey: Nileo North IO, Maite tiroS 65 sire 0BRFBmHrIOCES Abdel Nader: fi pololo Meneo 5000er. Il peints, rlrtoh bloLk, garve'nieeitg Ils Aereo tBAoBdoees: IC p0mb GAME DAY UP MESO 500tteli at Milos AstIl, 1:00 pm. POtinA LOtion 0/ MiIOO R001h. S pe So/c rIet uSer e OroS quortac 'mwhich they rhatjust 3-0h10 Pram the held, innludimg 1-at-O Weolawedooedwrvbcl000llbo get bach in iii. Aubwe dorio:' from three-print raoogo. The Wulvee managed So cut 1ko stey with it. That's mho dii ter000e between wI'mnirrl, doAcitto Ave ethoiltime. rad musing." "I heillOse lSumstuml name The Wolves hrsl Tool1, rut map maro rerdp to play leading Woubegru ei/i/I thanma did," Williams nuits. p.m. Pridoy. "Tbeamarc'vg thirg is that Cornneont:piorrcrrlr000l.00 r ND '.0 0 Iluor o howpiou, McllTowme,'o ISAOI,eoonod his litio - ord a bye Lirio wools - when ho piveod Loyolc'ottotlmOhiuno,'im bbc Ulme wuietr. Tb Does qooliTod tor scoLloncrts inc/I. Legerrlary lit) loeodcoeoh Aogie Oev0005i oca copencg abetter ohowiog by Iris WRESTLING - Notre 00mL leum,rnlcichpburedoerord jurdor Jim Wulleohooghopes 11621 behind Now Trier Icho trcudirgloChumpuigv 1100.51. The Teeviorrr cd- neuL weak, ord this dme rob jusl un an otloercbv. The 140-pourder' ocpi000d his 50000d mtr'uiglrt rogiorol Liltewltilcoom1ooliogin ToS- vo rood mo LIce loom soc Sb r- orday'n SRTA ChIns OA IlIon- wrmero nilS ir the g4wr'lrr bree q000t000, Bilan West trotted 10.7 Wallenb erg leads half-dozen Dons to sectionals de ht lioN p ir o ero 01ro o Io o y GAME BALLS the pur-mulo, the oecord- Osto torN trote City Meet 1310m. Orto basketball tonto Otaok0000. 0:03 WooS was led by jouter Bemoan Voonthem, who FbI acorrd rime. Senor cume off the beech to score MILES MESO FArootl109 et Mero lot. Secloralo, 4.10 for she Wolves, cod neoiorLorcreo Werl defected Evaroton im Decembro; scored 11 pointe for the victorn. Notre Oantr'O Oir Onore/lt Ile/li tìee op Ulerb000l loath's Joke dinah daInO homo IlA'poanl ioal at 0010tiat'O fleobnaok SmaSh totiroat i011i500 Ailliaeo/Slalt plotnsraphe,l By IsAR SHOLBOI iNto took at GlertrrOk SOcIA, 4:10 bnotnttall rosIr 0002014, 1.13 1/ Most IS Feds. I Milos 6,01 AS, tnttsn had 00mo great momantr. other mmd mf the court and cmnned the grmn-mimntng West in Akokie. Nsrth 155-55, 4-41 oem- Friday: Eranstrt Al, Nibs Ornicr0000'edIt priots Nsdor, a Moire Best trerrfor, cortirUon Sr improve rteeditp. "bNader'sl play hos become ovorell oc/id dueto the Pror Shot he's 000rkieg hard, rehauuding md rem- The rmnirr fsrward trenofer from Erueston. "Aoroo moo ptayiog his fourth gome. So, when he over ployiag hin tiret, everybody nor mea ptey- RESULTS Salserdnyr hilos Meet 59. RolBng Aeedone 56 Cinele HeNbnBoels: 14 points os, Ober oaid the tolenlad o srnior - Mrrtmn Senirr. - ploy aCtor un etfesesca ND's Ross -signs to GAME BALLS him soma timo. Sot hr's shot." BOO DAN SHALIN Boto toohetberl et BorBor Meaioeo,7 31_. Nl' IH1RSIOA, FEBRUARY Il, SOIT Senior rescues young Nues North squad MAINE EA ST MpMftS I A PIONEER PRESS PUMIICOIIOM - ti homotcOrutlotlegiocrot.ASop. fort Snub im bloc S000ingtor Oeclirvul Friday rood Scier'dey mill corn lolos o npo5 irr She hrcotcet el mho Obre Moot Feb. 111-30. Ano nophom000, Wc/leoberg roached lic le co or vi. LeoncIo. Bot rohen 000r'yoeo el Peto. 30 abo milo to bede- bombed. "I'll Ora So the c/tuner I'm cmbar'csoed.ThmSS nut the sume iNDI 10cm lIceS has beeoemnstiiogolpmo;" lIco- ovcui said. "They dido's woesttcbo their chitity They mer'or'l focused. Wo got sir goon througic, bol wore hopirg we'd Gel 0100 00 10. Our goal aireo lesa peer; whmr we bnL bloc rrgiorcl by o p0mband-c-ho/f 00010 come bomb play at Winona state Chance to play as freshman cinches choice BIO DAN SRALIN do la 1mM p ir ne n 010 ra leo o FOOTBALL - Tiro Notre Dom 0000bivGonio t NCi1_h Itloision 15 Wluoroo liuto r orbinuo d to grow wirer 1) 0050ff000ivo Voseo R osso igosed a isSuer ofinOona laotIen d Ihe Mirresote collego. Roso put pcsc to popeo on oulionul nigniog doy Feb. O umd ueceptsd Winosa'n ooholcrnhipoIferr Ne rol/ibm ND doms Pebrieb Lceocc'u and Kyle Orsglinlc, hoch red- rhira fresh ovar. "IL Irrrs recO fcosi/y-or'ioob- od up lires-r, it fe/s libe horro. O mou realty rncleowcd Idos'lug my nioibl," sold Ross, ro Ovum ion rotivo mho ver'bo/Ic' oomrnilled iv Oleo relsool uleroovoelrs before signirrg. "Oto ncc of lire lop Divic/oo SI prngmws irr Sloe rrrlmoo, and Shore iso good ohorre io play ene 100e lreohmoo. I can't boot heat." The Ihrt thub L,roeearo ond Onglish ore Roos'o good frioudseerluiroly did nul hurl Win anos ohoneerof tondirrg che pioyor beh000d to ho bhoir top oO'ursioo bloo- mer torgeb. Tise 0-Cool-4, 070-pouod Ro,roelr000 r ° 'Im l r ir bio ciusr mode oeight, loo roer telL on lire sirloliren. "tt onoro cori locliog liv ho itere rd hovoc greci bouc'rewerli. Bei we slido'i. We cbSLcScl.t loud boon cL 1/uro- roe didn't bloc up lot/ocre. ior'-lavotl nodo lmeeiol ord fr'osh/roph obota," ocidWol. "IL cfartr us /rncrhonl ploy corp/y woo on impor-boni worn 1/ con lucifools Ilse sido. tcvber'g, 101,05e bohrer' Oteo 'l'lcmy'll go howe clod hrruer foelerinloinderiobon. hshfotheo', Vcrrore llene Do, loIre who eopeolr to ploy Icreklm dt tIce crol level. Boro became rc two-yerrr r'eprouevmrd Noire Domo lxcrdooiolr I. 't'bn rulo boo ru 111 go ieorme rond bhinh ehoui I/do /cloyed college foolboll rl Mirnouri, goiderl Sido airrotor rot ND rod helped Higir ir tIro 11104 0101m Meet. "I'd lore Lo go ovccstlo rl foe a roc r1Lb ." ycongor- Roan through I/do r'eoocol in OTTO, rrhcn Ihoy Olrcle ltdo peorr l'reo more loo- Doos U'euiemco Scan Horco/son Orrislrod scrond reed obbirog pr v0000 orts aUne u/wool ccpsot 0100broob oU 152, and senior Orier spoloe oboor tiro opporbuobby lo play four yerrr'u of foolho/b. TouaIt. irr bloc Orsa r'orcrrd of uro p/cryoffs. NDlroedrorroh3cliloelocr- dcmoolut/l'000rd lIben eri ycari." brcd boiglr eni000butr'onn und Winosrrr orerNorlhor'sr Our Cnnfnoesoerr'rob Mirseoo. to-Suluib cod Illinois O/ele. Rcanoaid Sbe eirrocoe Lo fear peurs c'oblror the locher room 01 Wi000ro. ing 00cr/I P000 jonior yerrr "/Rnseb io co d000rloliog bloehcr Olor gol gc'crdl logo and aromecodorru s'ercoh. ocrd p/rryirg lIra," mc,ld Roer 3cr, rd gucrc'd irr Sigle uohooi guide uro Deve lo e 6-4 W,r/lrvbor'ggvabbodldnoentO-t win Ridge pl000d ueeord alobo. giomat 000000 rod Sopicumore Tim Sonnet/p "05e orcid playing co o nesocy sold Ire eupeeOed over Biler WooS's Clods 1101 cod senior Meli MoNetIp 11401 kath 04mo iso third. Tnolcndon io r'eullygood, end lOans to tordre r moho rrblc con. ihrrc yoro wort So ploy for bribubiom on lIre field rood io Nguyeo. ,o,rv./o'roho'v,r,ri,i'.lrr'rvovoo'.b ci orrioir Urriorr ro,', 0'.,°'rt. - Molte lane's Boso Esso erreogod eta Sos-Aesr omar/ng slb000ioo lire000 Ion Ihn nero FIord roanloot al Winrtn Slate) r,',, 10:11 rl r',r,/ l,,00 tsr,r:,l Wison loe gets lois loando iv. sido poor, l'ocre cooked," Olermeauoyaroid. "1 Ihiob he'll h 0000 srrcocnatrrl collego ro- roer. F300 gel gr'crrl oiao, ro good oltilcrdo ovd loo ororbra Ir,rrol. o blot' uIolreo'u' oilIer of- clrrro'go ei bloiorgo rond gol everybody goirory" Roso corintIo He,rr,0000y roitic helpivg l,i,rr proorcoe to plrcy rol/ocr broIl. "He parobreu 'oro roll yoor'rocndenrlrrrrrkonnor'e l'ocr doe 000rloiocg corI. To. cham il romeo lo lirr' orti level, it'n army rrrcol rorro-o tard lo libre herd ro'orlr/," llosr oralI. focroir'a bloc, Ire or'ooa codeo Bono orrid rex lIrondo Irr 1/oc loor/dio, loes or qaieu gory ro/ro hohou hoc ordora sloe robaI he'll .otrcdr' 'rrc collego. qurrrbcrbocb gioco you. SeL Ire o'rro the cronIco' o/Liso pregrorro, onbcero Ire Lonk bnl hopes to oo,,olr /rctboll someday. Coruoroe,rr:yico,000loorol.ocrrc 'g 32 I sports NI. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY Demons' diving corps sparkles at freshman meet CSL North medals on the line at GBN Osmons svio both the 21111 free rnluy and 400 free relay. "He's swimming rroilr. wall, onlsirh is exciiiog al this lime of the yres;" Ibmarcheochol ooid. Amir Mashayehhi'o per- By MATT CA000SS e ha roes sAp ion eeiloceioom BOYS SWIMMING formance Fs'idoy on Snoias Nighi also corned preise - Nei- from iha nooch. Racing io Eher Daniel Sieghorl nor Je- iba ISO baiinrfly for lise firet lima this seasoo, Mushayebbi bochad Ihn' resoyRohrmao dove before this eacsoo. 130E Ebene two Moine Poet well io 1,14.46. freshmen ose Else future of the Demone. "We ore deSeitely moving leibe right direction,' conch Megan Kamoroheveloul At the CSLb fresh invite- lionel Seturdny, Biaghert oeptured the chempinnship with 286.70 points, e marie Abet esiublished n freshman program renard. Rohrman beh third with 254.50 peints. The night hafers in Moine East's Anni devi meet nf the regular seesen, Aiegherl reme in third with 192.00 thamavclsevahei poi sos.. he,ne saal's lease 10m, swiemieg balteslip ins CiL esel meet this season, will je,sr le. Demons allie CIL Nasty snieming end divin5 shswpieeshipa FAdey at Gleehsseli Wadi. (Basa Irr/Stoff Phologssplresi pelais cod Oelsrmcn Dearth with 166.65. Demons oenior Lance Lindsay came in Ofih with 107.30 es Moine Essi dropped a 105-70 decision te Dearflnid to cinse ea t ihn CAL North et S-5. "D wen hoping Jeremy woold stich oroand," seid Kemerchevahul, wise credus coach Erie Live scitis de- oelopieg tire divera. "This is the first time he's sisck iou speri and Onished the entire scusen. He ihoaght ubeot quiliing, too. Bet he's done a tremendous job." All three divers will rep- reseat Ilse Demons et this weeheod's leegun mort et Gleubrooh North. The host Oper tans ore favored to copEare the CAL Norih championship. Kevin Toto, who owam naraity oli ose500, cochoucd to add his neme io the program's s'ecord books. Al Saturday's frosls meei, ihn ninth-grader set marks in the 150-yard frceslyle /1,27.741, the SAO freestyle (3444.041 and tise 100 BM eyelenls of advonoivg te seo- the block end racing. I did. Caesesrel,piaeeerloeal. coso io Dearfield On Friday. It wee Melar Peat'a necee Eh chipped iescoco. The Demons wcra sobadoled lo play Wheeling an Taeoday, cod will host Glen- io play Gordon Tech ou seesen ho wisich the Demoes Tsesday, and sol/li clove aol scored lesa thea 35 points. the regal er seasonal Glen- MeioeSaotwaaaehedaled breoh North Pridaynight. Thr Demone, the No. es sardio iheNilcsNorthSseBocal, apeo the stair tour- coment ugatoat Nc. 19 brook Norib Pridoy oighl. Moloc Pool leoncio lu play RoliingMaadowaoo Satur- Jobo Ileonay, Rob Ba. C oenos is on neuve e tobe Cuevas, a junior, was Ice Hockey lo the lesI rogoior.scasoe 0h0 earned no el-lwgnbeeth 00 vault as well. Shes', tobo Sniuhed BIlis on Oben 19.101 at eho regional, Cuecas did mot odvonre mrnedet-largmbidsonbaes, scheduled io compele io on Euer aftar she tell tsviea Tunsdap's Sievanoon Sectional on voolt, beam, been ondin ail-ceouod. She was tha only Vihiega gymnuot to odvooco from the Lebe Forest Ragionai Feb. 1. ondneoredaeO.55. "That sucer happens /10 hod. But it happened allhat ment," Friedman sold. "It's "If noeeythiog goes os OK kcoaasc she could oblii (rompete on 200cl au anali- or000dor al State." piconad, she'll be goirg to The Vikingo ended up Siclo in the ali-anoond alter ncaeimg 130.075 ond Snish- beam end ho albaroaod. "Kotnipnn and Collie had o phanomnnol/mgionollnseel' said Nues West head eaerh Pam Pooroh. "They are true nompolilues und rcoliy did a gs'e at job." The We; ves acorad 137.3 and I'mishedtisird'm Ihn Sua- loom ergiesal. Wolves survive CSL South scare by Wildkits Vikes streak comes to end West will cinse 001 lise regol,'srseascnol 7,10 p.m. Friday atWaulsegen. Class 4A Svssabos Re- Suphowane Alisna Hiesh led the Vikings wilh 13 painls. Senior Pnariana gional notion begins for the DaGaawon hnd nine. On Saturday, Gboshmook do ha lin@p io r e s sIa 101.000 No.4 seeded Wolves 006 p.m. Tuesdey whoa ihey Hirsh pacad the Vihinga toen Ihn mienne olMondoy night's game betsocen Nues Nonib und Atninmets. muih Ova paints. GIRLS BASKETRALLDeopile ploylogmithoothojoserd At Hiles North The Vikings 16-bl, 0-6/ Vihimgs already defeated gowski,Elheo Siopecid, Ank MeCobe and Fat Freosseiss- c/inn jost barely or aeoned Moines goals. Prasmarer cod Andccss' off Boonsion 39-3800 Fr1dey in Skokie. ThaWoives /11-5, 7-21 held Friday ut Deorleid. The the Warniors twice this sea. The Nu. 14 ranleed Vikings will open Evosotan Bogioo. ai action 017,10 p.m. Monday againut No.10 Oheim- Sophomore JeudI Loyd Os Oenidoy, the Vikings 050ists, while Bogoe'sleì ood caened the mio snith tO led Wrstsoiih 35 paints and IS rebounds as Ihn Wolvns remolcad hoc ScsI-placa So oiop the dinisian with Gimebroab South and Neu Trian aLeaggiad oheoliog in a S710 detaot La lolaioe West. "Ithoughlthat'm ibis pos'ticular game, soc ea ma Oat with eseegy and moicioined Senior Kally Kieppin ouc imtansily the whole The playeffu hegen loe added nine poinis for Hiles game. We josh couldn't get Moine on Mondoy. Cateescolpiasseerlacul.rassl WosI in the Senior Niglel coolest. a boeknl," North head 0000k caund paieing is agmiosh Norlbside Prep. Son Paneen said. Cunroseso 1:pieseecrioeml.eaese JUt Lemon noilacled oste balper each. Goallander Nia Jo'sslos W Noeth will oben out iba engsalur season al 7rSA p.m. snw their tvoo-gumewionhsg olneok nomo loco end last weekend when tisey dnoppnd a pair at lopsided il Sooth dwfenbnd NH 60-OS. Kreatseolons noch hod lsoo day. Clemenln in the ploy-in gama of the Narihside Begiovai as Monday. son' Nues North's Citleill Inom mas oblato beep its hopee nl oCAL Sooth tills leaders. Alfredo Negode Baien East's Alfssda Nagade pmtsnls the ball sani Dnesfield's Jash Eliot Friday darloS the Ssríoss' Bi-44 CSL North ais. (Brian Remelle (Staff Ptategrapheri ihird on beam 19.051, third onbncslg,9201 nod third in riod to seai the win. Pcsnooa wills 54 points is the loss te Ihn CSL North defeat in a raw. Adcyees'lier, Meine Pani felt to Vernon Gills 64-21, mucking ike 10th gama this GIRLS GYMNASTICS - racehrd 010e gamea. Noob Khan paced Ike l-8 in the COL North and 619 overall with 052-38 Iran Aher bath emeegnd feam Fndoy's Carmel Regional. Job 000m earn ed benlbs en loor 14th; 9.351, vaulb /505; 9.31, boam /5th; 8.051 and in all-around bOth; 36.55/. She aloe eoteeled anal-ladle spot proceso, Scot'o belog ste-cob AS-00es Salordey. In the Girls Basketball The Demons dropped in Saring the Lake Faresi Regional, Conoos placed abrEce Jackin Gremiell Ihn Nileo West girls beaketbali end Dril to PIolAmos Patates te the aretiocel team tournamrot with 180.5. Katalyna Johnson and Colli lshalin@pioneesl500iosm Maine meol en to acore twica mora io iba third pe- Norih conical on Friday, big ahora of Maine Pont's 19 pelais. New Tri er odvenc ed seo Serliomal, an juniors School Feb. 19-IO. Atine compniing in the I- ThnWoinmnodoanoedbwo piare at Falotine High Ny DAlI SNALIN Maine Poet stumbled At Niles West Ny DAN SIIALIN Maine Township dsfesslcd Latin 5-300 Snedoy. Thr score woe lied ai S-S io the aecond pes'iod where e Latin ohooler mus ae'acded apennity shot. 14e obericd 001 slowly ood reochod to Iba nel without gel lingo shot oil preserciog Ike lic. ogoinst Moine Sooth 77.37 on Feb. 2, were sopped by Denrficlsl Al-44 io a CAL et 130 pnuads, losing the third-piece match to Ness' Trier's Dvente Reed 6-5. Combrnncneeuated fore game helees iba piuyoiis, engianal. eempolitnro to the Steven- aven bosice at thr 1010 break," the coach seid. "I want io gel hoch issio liso meatelity of getiieg upare lag third mt Ihn tour-loam Thn Alele Mccl will 10ko Seal posh of Ehe season. cnier Sloven Tom swam liso Seorl/eld, Tow helped the sioud ot 4-17 ovenoli. During the Glenbrook Soulh Regionel, the Meine East jonior finished leorih Charlie Pniedmon. "It's a possibility. But nothing is guaranteed." en oulowatie hens at seehands isoli three evenly. Caevos laien learned 1h00 (09.511. Boys Basketball After solfaniogihreeioaoes Isst weeb, liso Demoas going on just loon events lanE paar," said Norih head noack eli-around 108.8751, noening o Cambron comes up a point short of advancing WRESTLING - Pedro North star in multiple events at sectional end bob0000 beam lasi sea- MAINE EAST ROUNDUP Combron roma within on busy weekend at State IHSA Slate Meet on oaolt n't want them worrying cheat times or worrying aboul their peciieoiar A day aerlier ogainat Cuevas on course for they eorwoliy dual aselo, to beep Ihew fresh Dccliv, 2SS 1M in 2,18,47 to tolto third. "I wonted tagine 1150mo sports I S FIGNEBR FR611 PSBLIC#TISN - Nl Hiles North Chess GET A monsterADVANTAGE F/nd the job you want/A the place pou want il. Right here in Chicagoland. Find it at, LPIoERPss &monse North volli compose al 0km IHSA Stelo Mono aeFnidoy nod Saboeday atibe Peonio Cloir Center. Noclh'e OrsECoIl BW471 998-3400 to aelnoetlse, 33 .34 Isports NI THURSDAY, fElRUgRgll Dols 35 A PlottER PREIS PUBLICUTION 'Nl I! PAN DÖRA iÑo CHAGO 1221 21st't Oam_1OPm (Feb files geais nrrprrsey Stares Ilapi teskies Harrten's Mike Peter it Ile Itt-pearS brsskst feIertet alite tienlruak Testis Retirrel. musar Williaes/tlatt Plntrirspherl Suarez, Rosen fitted for regional crowns Six Wolves will compete at sectional Find your morerent in Tucson. A getaway with friends, a retreat for soulful cnenections,a renewed mind and spirit... Tucson is the place for new beginnings. Our breathtaking surroundings and world-class resorts will take cafe of you and leave room for much more. nuc&ont Rohraaassrah,Srireno, By DAN SHAhS t ch e lirAs p is r se r la ca Use e Suarea rame io third. He also mitt ho leaking ta hang around at the ceeti0000 longue Sirau he did io 2055, sehen he last his trst match. 'Cha top four wrestlers in WRESTLINGNiles West's Anthocy Suares miches ho had beco able to complete his elsumpieeahip match at Uotorduy'c Clues OA Gleebrook Booth Ragionai. But the senior gladly relIt recept the title, oenetheHm'ae cursad the region- el cromo aedo laya at this meekeod's Class SA Beraicgtoo tertiooat aftee Nero Trier's Denial Gill was Torrad ta retire bcreusa of injury surly le the tot- roiF roi) hnos gone," Scarce said. Wisrningu regional rhump'eosrstsip esas so impranament on lost suasen when pound sirle marris. Suarea led t-O mheo tisa match ended. "t're wrestled htm before and keally wonted So bese the tall sin minutos or howeroe beg the match mould euch weight ricas advance to the Beh. to-zn 0005A Scuse Meet "t're had a better season and am stronger shun last yate. I beam wore andern just heure than t mus last peur," Haares said. U auree ro ill banna Of sis Watnes wrestlers competing at the sersiacal, Friday and Usturdey. Nues West ended up Uniahiug Shied 1047.5 poiotsl at the regiasat, behind New Triar IIHOEOI and Notre Darne 10H01. Senior Bco Rocen berawe West'n asherre gianal champ 'u» Nguyen rame in second ire the 145-posed divisina aud casier Scia ganniug each seoandat100paaads. Rorsiag the third cartierut spat in their classes meen NW junior Stiva Shihcibar 1050 poaadcl errd senior Needier Rocher boUl. The Walvec competed without Mike BahrmacrtA sertianal qactifiar a year i age, the 150-pounder missed mach of she coanas becases cf injary. He muda a be'irf camehaseb, but wan sal healthy eoough ta campate an Saturday Nitre Wrst'c first-hear head ruarb Aethany Garavesi sas'dha in simply heir ing for the beat Craw hie wrestlers in Barringlar, ADULTS11 KIDS7-127 SENIORS7 he said, "We'll try Segel KIDS 6 and under FREE ':iormøreiflft!rm Damastata, Alt cor gssyn Avoid the lines and buy on'ine at chicagoautos "We haca cashing talora," Triar'a Mitchell Captan in manata und that shealrt be their goat, Slapefestly, melI hora a few metre it. Bui il'u tisa 015.poscd rlrampianafeip tough. neatianols escurro Online tickets have no service charge and are valid any public show day when ha defeated New match. Welscasasear Chris araorrne:piencrrlaeecrorss or text 'autos ho 8pm) t tyus. çeiuta.youFree:incamtnqcxtt6 om any phone on any network at any Urne. 1ti1e b1i66 DjiialWnrbátas thatcáVisàdebItcars. 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