Now Open - NYS Historic Newspapers

From She
Unsentimental Side
H hM ^^ ^ women today
J wi know values—and what
* ** they want The service
an article gives must measure up
to high standards.
Will you look at banking service such as we offer from this
same hard-headed , unsentimental standpoint?
If you will—then you will find
new satisfaction in the value of
the helpfulness customers here
Make a connection here one of
your additional assets. And use
t he complet e facilit ies we have
developed !
First Nation al Bank
Mildred Lopoc Is visiting friends
In Vermont.
Francis W. Youn g of I'atchosue
wa s In town Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Leonard and daughter apent Tuesday In New York City.
The Larkln Club met at the home
of Mrs. Evere tt Darling \V"ed ne«ilay
•even ing.
Mlaa Ethel Horndahl Is spondlns
her vacation vrlth Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. M illard Reeve la at , the Mather Hospital recuperatio n fropi a
major opera tion.
Mm. Eucene Edward * spent the
veok-end in Bridgeport
with her
dau ghter , Ka therlne.
Fran k Smi th baa recently moved
Ir j to Henry U Edwards ' bouae at
tho top ot West ^roadway.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wlndrum aptnt
tan week with 3lr. . an d Mrs. Leslie
Stevens of Bridgeport , Conn.
Mrs. Ra ymond Chapln and daughter from llolyoko aro vUltlbar Mrs.
Chapln '8 parents , Mr. and Mra. 1. E.
Ed ward Purl -la spent last week ,
end at Pr inceton. N. J. , whern he
a ttended a ri -unlon at I' rlnce lou
fnlviir slty.
A da ileit atlon from tin- Port Jeffcr ron Chamber
of Coiiinivrc n attctid a-d tint >pt«|at meeting nf thai
Town Hoard Monday.
(' apt. and Mr *. Harry Wi r kt . Mra.
M ory l»|i«r and da n-j liler, r 'lort 'iiCit,
have left for"Tuiunt ¦¦¦•wln-fa i lin y
will Halt Mr.. Ilalpti B. 1-opiT.
Tin 1 H,i»ru i' Hu m- t'o. nii 't for praeatl «*r whi ch
tirr Tuesday a»«nlnic
J .'ivy adjuuriwl lo the Klr it llouan
vih«r a> they fllap layid I 'UlcIi -ticy In
¦tlm xinlna, of ulrawlii -rry shortcak e .
Mr a. Ito na niT of Kli iny llruok , who
U na lia<i'ii the lulnl at al tin* local
Christian Katlchc d Society me*llnK»
alnrat last fall left thla wrnk with her
y utin tr wn. Ml chsrl . for Hollywood
whaita , t hey will Join Mt. Hm siia- t
a lio la ensaxert In wrltltiK scenari os
fur the uiovlr j . ll «u their Int itiv
tu tr.» -. '. Ii a ii. i.!Ui ri:»c!iiii „- (.' iiic^K u.
a-| t lio rentalnln a dista nce In 1111(1 r>l
tlio I'm Film Mine *.
A Permanent , Safe, Effective System of Ant Control
The ANTROL System
Kills t he A nt Colony in
the Neat. Antrol' s Four
Great Advantages :
1—Kills Ants in tho nest
at their source.
2—Is a permanent system
guarding your home
from Ant invasion.
3—Is easy and quick to
use. No fuss, no muss.
•i—Safe to use around
children or pets. Is not
deadly poison and is
not left exposed.
INart Jaatawoa , K. T.
See Stony Uroo k Dairy Mi lk Week
Sale advert isement on pase 4,
-Mra. li!l» wear Hi Downs anil son
Lylu spent Friday
In Urld ivparl ,
Frail \V. Latha m of Ilrookly n enjoyed tin , week-en d with relative * In
. .Mrs. Frances Ycatter of Uahylon
ap ent Wednes day with Mr . and .Mra.
Frank .Stein .
Mm. Winnie M inor Is enjoying a
vaca tion from her duti ea In tho Port
Je fferson post office.
Mra. Louise Jay no of Brookl yn la
vUltlnt ; her sister , Mra. Flo rence
Itv erca of Cente reach .
Ear l Wallaeo of Brooklyn anont
Sunda y with Rtrr. and Mrs. Watson
Wallaeo of Hlj h. street.
Mrs . Harriet Dlx has Jus t ret u rned
homn after spending ton days with
friends In White plains, N, V,
Mr. and Mra. R oawcll II. Carter
of Eas t Qu ouuo spent Friday with
Mr. and M ra. Harold D, Terrolt,
Mrs. Cllttar. Wilson of Notthport
visited Mrs. Il ayiitnnd Howe ll and
ailed on Mll ftv fr iend * In town Inst
w eek.
Mr *. Fred Dron-ta d and family of
New York rcri -ntly vlsllitil Mr. and
Mm. l.aVurno lliiyles , Mrs. Mal colm
llart nw was t lmlr Kiiesl Innt week.
John D. Evans , Electrical Contractor. Hou aowl rlng, baas pliura, bo ll*
and aerials. Prompt , efficient , courteous nervlce, Por t Jefferson , N. Y„
phone I'ort Je fferson 131-n.
.Mr. an d Mn. Wllllnin l)uvlit wmn
Sun day triiml a of th i lr son-in -iia W
(iii il ilauKhter. Mr. and .'fro , H'lnfluld Hanco ck uf Miller Plato.
Mr. and Mrs. Haro ld Terrell on1 it i.i11111! M rs . Terrell' s parents . Mr.
ari d Mra. Ad«lh«rt Carter ami Mr.
and Mra. II. II. We lls of East Qiinpun
nn Sunday.
Mr ;; . J . Iv. Piatt la vlbitln;; friends
In I^ i\TroiKo Pari:.
Cl.. '.i.l o Tuthlll Is home from colic pe for the summer.
Mr. -init -Mr?. It obert .Miller spoil!
last Friday in the city.
Mrs. Lewis Mo tt er vnierta '.i-.ed tlio
brldi ie club today.
Mr. and Mrs. John Unpart are visiting Mrs. Peter West ".
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dayton called
en friends In town Sunday,
.M r. and Mrs. Gen rv-a' Tooker have
left for a visit to their farm in Vermon t.
Miss Ed ith Lat linn of Georgia 1»
vI sltlii R her sister , Mrs. Mi llard
Mrs. Charles V. Vlat t Is visiting
Mr. and Mrs . George Piatt nt llockvllle Center.
Th o Sunshine Club on1! Tuesday
eva mlns nt the home of Miss Gertrude Patterson.
Harold Davis , cash ier of the It nnli
of Port Jefferson, is bavins bis residence remodel led.
Dr. A. Mani tlnrac lna anil family
of Brooklyn spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mnnclnraclna 's sla ter. Mra. Win. liartow,
H elen Silbon has returned from
Mt. llolyoke Colleno. Miss SUhon
was In the graduating
class this
Ca pt. and Mrs. Harry Wicks hav e
re turned from Sharon , Pa.
grand daughter
Ml sa ,\da Carter , Mra. Oil)" Carter,
daug hters Marie and Jeannclte ol
Ea st Quogii e railed on Mr. and Mrs.
Ar thur Carter and son . E. Nathan ,
on Sunday.
M iss Helen Ilnrtow , who Is In
training at St, Cnth nrlne 's hospital ,
llrooklyn, la enjoying hor vacation
with tier parents. Mr. and Mrs . William Ilnrtow.
Mr. nnd Mrs . Clarence Hansel! return ed Sunday after upending n few
weeks with Mr. Hansen' s paren ts In
Indiana , flrun t llitn nell nnd frtenil
returned with them.
Mr. un d Mrs . l.oula Do llentar il
nnd son Louis of New Ilochelle , N.
Y., hove taken light hnusoke epln g
roii 1111, In town while he ia employed
hy tho Standard Oil Co.
Tho Lond-a-Hnnd cla sa have postponed their next mnoUtig, scheduler!
for nt ii t Tuesday nlKlit, unt il Tuesda y t ivenln g. June 30 , because of
high school commencem ent exercises.
Mrs , J. H . Porter of tho tlron x ,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wesley Smith ,
son Raymond , and dau ghter Oor trudo of Smithtown Branch vlnltod
Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Smith last
' Mrs , Cuthbort MacDonnl d entertained tho following; children at her
home last Frida y In honor of the
sixth birthda y of her aon Illclinnl :
Nelson Downs , Billy Petty, Fr ances
Lorra ine Terrell , Hobb y
Smi th.
Moliliiinnti . Juni or Nowcimih nnd
T hvHira Neweonih. The iiflernmin
was spent in plnyln g giituos nfter
wh ich ilnlnly r« frcthiiii>»t»
servetl , Itlohnrd wits thu recipient (if
a number of nice gl fln .
Tin- monthly meeting of the American ' Legion Auxiliary, Unit of Harbor Pent, of Hetmikol was held with
Mrs. Mlllnn flhl ols of East Hetnuk el
nn Prlil ny evenin g, Jun o 12. The fol|nw ln« muniberM wero ur wtont: Mrs.
t liillierliie Juyn e , Mm, Amel ia MohlMneaul uy,
miinti. M rs. Margaret
Mrs. Aiimndii Wl sliu rl , Mrs, Mildred
lleliir. M rs. Lillian Shlels nnd Mm.
Ilu Mit hlmn nn. Afl«T Uio huslmmn
ui tliu nveiiliiK r efr nslimnnl s wero
served and u nodal hour unjiiy ml.
Tim July tu eetliii! will he luild with
Mrs. lanbell ii Terrell of Port J ul fornon.
SuccesH Ahead !
More and more music studen ts at
Jun g 's Music Htud lo—learn to kn ow
ami r eallztt how iiiuch their pnrformancn ileiieiiils upon Koud liist riic t lona
by a searh er who does t,vury conceivable tl ilnic to Improve th eir playing.
Individual lessons , thorough unil urMr. nnd Mm. K. o. Lawrence and nUiu liiin uf tlm iixurcluii ,. and coachaon Dean, Mliu Charlotte MUtl or nf ing In orchestra playing by use of
Med ford , and Mr. and Mrs. Harold care fully chosen melodies creatu tlio
KUe houKh the it ratluatlou Interna l necessa ry for practicin g and
n f. lrma Ij wrimee nt Frediml a Nor- final success. A tari your musical edu Fn r un ap pointm ent
ninl , Fredonla , N, Y. The y nl—o rnndn cation now,
call I'ort Jefferson fills,
a atop at Nlair ara Falla. Tliey inail n a
four day trip by auto.
Tlio Flro- Sl lib-Look HoUl and
Restaurant on the Oroat Soulli Ray
at nlue Point, L. I., Is now open.
A special dinner Is served during
1)10 day for 11.01), or ono may order
n blto or a iMit iijuot. Each Btlturda y
ni ght a luu-plceo orchestra va/lll play
fnr ilaneln ff, flftrvlcii a la carle with
a nominal cover oliarito of 50c 2131
Hue lo Popular Isemruid W11
Are Continuing to offer
." ,
naffular »10
Phone Port Jeff. 208
Do you sing, donee , play an instrument, lend a hruid , orchestra,
or chorus ? Aro you on elocutionist, monolagulst , lecturer, or any
other kind ot entertainer?
If so, flU In tho following questionnaire ana mall to Benefit Bureau, oaro of this newspaper.
My name Is
My address Is
My telephone la
Am a Mjacclol Intro iluotory offer l<i
atudon lH llvlnif ntirth of the Middle
Country Iloud a reduction of 13.00
n mouth In t uition rates will ho
made ilurln j;
Voestl Ttac aior
111 lUrview .Vsmoo
Port iaStxmi, U M.
•M *flwMPort tHUnm 181
My act consists of
State whether you would servo
free, would want only expenses or
would want expensesand fee, naming your fee.
There la no charge nor obligation
connected with sending ua this
why Frigic Jairo
is tho Advanced
Wont Side of Harbor
Tho Pavilion Is being remodeled for this year.
EverytMn ff Is Doing dono for your pleasure.
Tickets BOo
Froo I'nrldn g
Tha " it aw all PorceJalrvotv '
tool Filgldalre li dlrllr sgulih ad by Impo rlanl Inv
prov *m«ntt ond reRnsrrwnr i.
li you will study iho fol lowing Hit of Frlgldal ,e '» SS
odvanla gei we feel lure (hot
for you thoro can bo but on*
Make Dad Ha ppy
with Homctliinu , he enrt wea r
.,^. fts^?
> W:>
$aaj k| /# *\» f \
I If I
^H • v / V /
^ t
^^ P
There Is tin nmil, In Ibis year of low
prlee s, lo
In nitili n thu struiv hut you ,
boii Kli t
May, liiNt until l-aibor Day,
nut utruiv,
If you 've hi'i -ii tteitrlu
uwMlif a
puiiumu lunl
weiirliiK a en
not e liniv new your tvhaln oulll t upWo
offer u s|itiindld snlnolloii
if Hi rim's, (iiuiuiinis und Ingliarim , . ,
? , l ,"Hm
Tilopjiono 889
POUT imf V t m Of f, U h, W, IT.
I Porc tl aln-os-ileal Inild * and
oul forllf s llmt beauty.
8 A snoolh , (lal fop thai It taiy
lo ke ep clean.
9 Deauly of dsiloa lo haimenli *
with any kitchen.
4 Acid and slaln-rctlsllna, mam.
Itn poicslaln Inlsiloi ,
9 TU Cold Conliol—lor txfra
fail fisMilna,
6 Tli* Hydialot—for fitih s nlng
7 Th* Qult kub* lea Tioy—for
rs lsailrj les cubsi Inilanll/ ,
8 Surplus pow s r for avsiy nasd
. . , lull at In Ihe modtm, Huh.
pow sisd atilontoblU ,
9 E«ti«m«ly qul al oparallon ,
10 All raachanlim •nelo udand
out ol ilglil.
I Ecenomlcol opsfatlon,
18 ConvsnlMitiy siovolni looii
t ht lvM,
13 Ample food itoio oo ipate ,
14 Hlch-ipesd frtsilnn unll for
ai.ll. ,,1Uliil lea, cul>«t.
15 Da>oiiH/ul.pollihad hay fionti
lhal leol In In* cold ,
16 Malalfi st ilnohay iipsclally
trt alsd lo pravsnl dlicaloiollon.
1T Catlnsl equlpp stl ellhsr wllh
Itg i or colitis ,
11 Room (or loll bolll ti and
conlalntn ,
19'Sanllaiy porc tlaln itirfocM
lhal 014 oti iy to ktt p cltan.
50 Chf omlum .pla ltd (llllnoi of
pltailnt dsilan lhal ntvt r ritt d
polllhl tifl .
fit Collntl that coa bs bulll Into
wall (•(•iisi or cuaboaia i.
St Moif sti for Iris intoll ttl or
laiatil lomlly ,
51 Thrtavy sar aoaranl ts lhal
Sovtn Ih* mtchanlim , cobln sl,
54 A Qs nst al Melon valtw ,
55 Coiit-snltnt It rmi orro soail to
•u ll lli * puichai sr.
Gertrud e Tumor Hawkins
Vev An Early AypsJ atma jUl
Now Open
' vr
LVrl ei'K—Ijir Ret- Capacities
On Ulnplay at
Mrs. Mury Toivimend Vltko
f' tlnolpal
Jud ge's Beauty Shop
Kusl Hrluuk et, la. I.
Hr. aud Hit ;. Cacatof A , Darlln -j
Mrs. G. L.. Toolccf Id in Now Yorlc
and Mr. nnd Hro. Harold Davis will toda y on a sliopplnr; tour.
leave Saturday for Savnnao Lalio to
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. L. Tookor. cott
at tend n Ban lter u' Convention. They Denn , with 3tt-3. P. A. Dean nail Sevivill bo Eono a weclt.
ern! friends , enjoyed a picnic nt MonMr. Albert Hi t skissot i has relurn- tnult Point Similny.
ed from a visit in Centre Moriches
Miss Martha Holgcraon of Sotnuket
with his daughter. Mrs. Clifford Is npendlnp; today with her slstcra ,
Bowdltch and family. While then- Mrs. Harry Kc rl and Mm. James
he Vulll a lovely twelve ft. rovr boul Tuck of tho village.
for hts HI He grnnddauglitors.
Tho Wilson RUch Post , American
.Mrs. John H. Menrs of Garden Legion , Is sponsoring a contest with
City, who has a sum titer home in the a valuable Bulovn wr ist wntcU an
new village of Poquott , will be the prize. Tickets will bo sold with a
fulolst for the summer months nt certa in tlrao tn hour , minute an d sectho Christian Science services held ond , printed on them. Then nt a definite Unto the watch will be wound
In the tax olliee building.
up and displayed publicly. Tho perMr. and Mrs. G. Tookcr of Port son holding; tho ticket corresponding
Jefferson Station. Dorothy
Dean. to tho tlmo tho watch stops, will bo
Mrs . Wells, Misses Grace nnd Julia awarded tho timepiece.
Mar shall aud Edward
Meyer of
A IntT i- number with ered nt the
Stony Ilroul i , motored to Mont n uk Presbyterian Church Sunday mornSunda y where th ey enjoyed a idenlc. Ih k to oiiJ»)' tlio Children 's Da y exH erman Nodelt, Sr., was the lucky orclues Bl Vt 'l» ''> ' tlw Sll»dn >' School,
winn er of a beautiful oil paintin g An or chestra of fifteen pleeea , *ora t tho social which was held Inst net, vlnlliia nnd snsaphonoa with
Frida y evening la the basenioat of Lewis Davis , director, was ono of
the Lutheran Church. The nu mber the spoelnl toatuiea of tho program.
wa n picked
by his grnnilohtliU Eleven ehllilieii wero ImptUod at
this servlrr.
Mr. and Mrs. HoDort W. Qlrt at
nwrr lafco of
simply must bo marked with a pic- Belle Croft announce tho to Christine
Qlrt ,
ture. To exchange vrlth Classxaat cs. their son, Horace
Kentucky. Tho
To keep tho memory of school days. Ruth Gustaf son of Mount Vornon ,
Phono Patcho ffuo 63 for an appoint * weddin g took place nt
nnd groom arment. E. L. Johnson , Photographer , Kentucky. The bride
rived at Port Jel for aon Station FriPatcho guo Theatre Bldfr.
day evening, where thoy wore grrootod
Miss Eva D. Kline entertained Hie by friends. A. reception awaited them
Latin teachers of Jamaica High at tho honte of tho groom. Tho hou so
School nt her beau tiful homo on the was decorated In pink nnd white , and
h ill Saturday. M lsa Mary Doy le, an- a dollclouH duck dinner was aorv od.
other teacher friend, was tho Ruest An onjoyablo evening was npont , all
of Mrs. E. D. Suxtoti and her daugh- wlnhln g tho nowlywed s tho bout of
ter, Ml n s 13. D. Hoao on Frida y.
Sec the New ModelH
.South Shore
Sccrctafinl School
IocloaVf Hhs mpoo, Hat Md Vrtiri
Long Hair *10
School of Patcho gue announce an arrangement with the PntclinKtio -l'ort
Jefferson Bus Ltntt whereby commitItitlon tickets from the North Slioro ,
lo Patchogue will ho Hold to stud lints at greatly reduced rates , Sturtlug Juno 27th tlio bun uchndulo -will
bo arran ged to permit students to
reach tho school In tlnfe for tho
mornin g session. ' ¦•"• i n order to Introduce Jjl-p «hool ., lo tho public
nor th of the Middle Country road,
the school will make a reduc tion In
tuition fens of three dollars a month
during July and Au gust. Thla retluctlon applies unly to pupils front Ihe
n orth sltlti of II111 Inland. Th e school
wh ich Is now In IIh third year Is
sn lil to tit- In 11 nouri shing condition
and hns mor n npp llrutlo tm Inr Its
gr aduates tliiin 11 is able to fill und
In negotiating fur larger nnd mo re
eiiiiitnoillouK iiii int e rH Info which I I
||,|iecla te liinvi- durin g Ihe »u
The teachin g ilall lilt * been iiil giiii ' iil ed nnd nil tin - ill Keren t nii iehiinlriil
ii lil s to thu iim it ai rii conduct of bu sine ss have been Installed. An ndverllsiinieill nf Hi ' 1 school , of Which
Mr s. Mlllle enl 11 en no Is the local roliiT -M i iitiitlvi' , np:ie«ra In nim llier eol-.
l-'or furtlior infonnnt lun and list of
utudentu recently placed In reuponslblu poNitloiiH 'wrlt o to
Mrs. Q. T. ltulaiul Is spondl tiK n
lew days with her friend. Mrs. Otlo
It elch, of Brooklyn. Mrs. itelch was
formerly Miss Ca meo Sha ffer.
The W. C, T. I - , met nt tlio
Me thodist Chur ch Tuesday evening
w hen reports wer .i given hy thoso
attendin g tho Worlil 'H Convvntl on at
Mrs. C. P. tlllderslei ivo nnd Mrs.
E. 11. Downn spent Tuesday In Southampton lis the guesis of Mr. and
Mn, . Randol ph Warn er , who hnve
taken 11 eottngo there for the iiii iumor.
Graduation Photographs for frlc nda
and classmates. There must be a record of this Important event to keep
tha memory of school days. Phono
Patchogue 0* lor an appointment. El.
L. Johnson , Photographer , Patchoguo
Theatre Bldg.
The Port .Iiifft-riton-Patchogu n Bun
will uell cninniut atlnn tickets at
special rcducc 'l rates to all student " of the school.
., ./
tlr. and Mrs. Chamberlain
Mrs. Frank Rab bins intended a pnst
ma trons
Monda y evenin g.
by tho Houtl t Hlinrn
School of I' litcliiiguo.
Mr. and Mrs. Itobblns of Connecticut who havo been touring the Island , spent Sun day nl Klit In town.
Jul y nnd Au gust
NwUe Cli-culliie
Mr. Wm. Mi tchell an,) family of
llrldgeport. Conn., were guests over
the week-end of Mrs. J. Sullivan.
TROPICAL FIB Il , (Now cooslgnrneriis weekly), tropical lilies, sold
flsti . Har dy lilies, aquatic plants ,
I't l suppllca of all kinds. John C.
Ivoroan Pet /fliop, 45 Railroad! Ave.,
Sayville, N. Y.
T here wero thirty-seven rniaiiilmrs
of di n aVninrl can Leu J on Auxlllarl it a
of .Suffolk County ut the sinidllnK
I n lil at the Klk a ' Club at I'otclio niiii
nn Saturday afternoon , June I ii. After enJ oylii R tliu luncheon thai ladle a
wiirn iiiiiertaliied hy m-verjl youn ii
Ho y Hcnuth with u llait drill In commemora tion ol Flait Bay which wu»
Sunday, Julio H. . This troo p of
Mim li la tpuiiHori ' d hy (lie Patchogue Post A. I., Tho July nieelln u
will hi: held at Amlt v vllle. Wilson
flitch Post Auxiliary wim ru|innenU'il
by Mrs. Maud Coylo and M rs. Mildr ed McMurr in. Tliu followlni: wnro
present from JInrlior Post t luilllnry :
Mrs. Amanda W lHluirt , Mra. Julia
Darllni t, Mrs. Ellxabeili AiUlls and
Mrs. 11a Mohltn niin.
Caiit. John Ortli was home Mo t itiuy nlpht.
Mrs . Pierce spent last week-end
in Highland. i
Hewitt Oros tiy spent Wed nesday
In New York.
Mrs . fi eorge R elster Is entertainin g her mother.
Eleanor Smith spent the week-end
at her home here.
Mr s. A. E. Pott y has reinrnvtl
from Oroton. Conn.
Harry Powle y returned MomUiy
nlght after spending the week -eail
nt Providence , R. I.
Joint Brown of West Tuthl ll street
It - ft Tuesday for P lillmMphla tvhero
ho Is visiting friends.
Mrs. Adeline Osborne of Seidell
was the guost of Mr. ami Mrs. ElSier t T. Osborn Inst week.
Mrs. J. Gold berg is resid ing nt
Piitehogue. Her daughter , l.out nc
T hurston , visi ted her tills week.
Ths Ntw M Whit* Porcslolji .pn.i'lMl
Filoldalm At * Sold Wllf t o
Port Jefferson , N. Y.