SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. These specifications describe the electrical and mechanical requirements for a system of hybrid electrical transient surge suppression filter components integrating both transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) and electrical high frequency noise filtering for exposure locations as defined in ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991. B. The system shall consist of parallel connected components: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 STANDARDS A. The specified system components shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in compliance with the following standards. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.4 Main Panel System(s) Panelboard System(s) Connection Method ANSI/IEEE (C62.41-1991 and C62.45-1987); NEC (240-21, 110-9); NEMA (LS 1-1992 Guidelines); NFPA (70 [NEC], 75 and 78); UL (248-1, 1283, 1449 Second Edition). QUALITY CONTROL A. Single Pulse Surge Current Capacity: 1. In compliance with NEMA LS-1-1992, paragraphs 2.2.9 and 3.9, each design configuration shall have the maximum single pulse surge current tested in all modes at rated surge currents by an industry-recognized independent test laboratory. a. b. 2. Single pulse surge current capacities of 200,000A or less per mode are established by single pulse testing of all modes. Due to present industry test equipment limitations, single pulse surge current capacities over 200,000A are established via testing of subassemblies within a mode. Single Pulse Surge Current Capacity Test. a. An initial UL1449 Second Edition surge defined as a 1.2 X 50 Φsec, 6000V open circuit voltage waveform and an 8 X 20 Φsec, 500A short circuit current waveform is applied to benchmark the unit’s suppression voltage. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 1 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE b. c. 3. B. Survival is achieved if the suppression voltage measured from the two UL1449 surges does not vary by more than 10%. Minimum Repetitive Surge Current Capacity. 1. Each design configuration shall have a repetitive surge current capacity rating which shall be verified through testing. 2. Minimum Repetitive Surge Current Capacity Test: a. b. c. C. An initial UL1449 Second Edition surge defined as a 1.2 X 50 sec, 6000V open circuit voltage waveform and an 8 X 20 sec, 500A short circuit current waveform is applied to benchmark the unit’s suppression voltage. A repetitive number of ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 (Category C3) surges defined as a 1.2 X 50 microsecond 20,000V open circuit voltage waveform and an 8 X 20 microsecond 10,000A short circuit current waveform are then applied at one minute intervals. To complete the test, another UL1449 surge shall be applied to verify the unit’s survival. 3. Survival is achieved if the suppression voltage measured from the two UL1449 surges does not vary by more than 10%. 4. Proof of such testing shall be the test log generated by the surge generator. Short Circuit Fuse Testing. 1. Each design configuration shall be short circuit tested in accordance with the type of fusing utilized in the suppression path. 2. Short Circuit Fuse Test: a. b. 3. D. A single pulse surge of maximum rated surge current (for units rated over 200,000A per mode, components or sub-assemblies are tested) magnitude with an approximated 8 X 20 Φsec waveform is then applied. To complete the test, another UL1449 surge shall be applied to verify the unit’s survival. Testing shall include application of a sustained overvoltage that causes the unit to enter a bolted fault condition. This bolted fault condition shall occur with the full rated AIC current of the fuse available. The fuse shall fail in a safe manner with no physical or structural damage to the unit and any failure shall be self-contained within the unit. Surge Current Fuse Testing. 1. Each design configuration shall be surge tested with fusing in series to verify that a transient of maximum surge current capacity magnitude is fully suppressed without fuse failure, operation or degradation. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 2 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE 1.5 WARRANTY A. 1.6 The manufacturer shall provide, for each system component, a Limited Fifteen (15) Year Warranty, from date substantial completion, against failure when installed in compliance with applicable national/local electrical codes and the manufacturer’s Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions. SUBMITTALS A. The following shall be required submittal data: 1. The manufacturer shall furnish with the submittal an equipment manual that details the installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the specified system components. 2. Electrical and mechanical drawings shall be provided by the manufacturer with the submittal that show unit dimensions, weights, mounting provisions, connection details and layout diagram of the unit. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS/PRODUCTS A. B. 2.2 These specifications are based on Current Technology’s MasterPLAN system components as follows: 1. Main Panel System: SEL300 Series with DM and L3 options 2. Panelboard System: TG60 Series with DM and L3 options 3. Connection Method: HPI Cable Prior Approved Equal. 1. Other manufacturers wishing to have their products evaluated for equivalence shall provide detailed compliance or exception statements, along with supporting test documentation, to all provisions of this specification no less than 7 days prior to the bid date. 2. Failure to provide the required documentation no less than 7 days prior to the bid date will disqualify products from consideration for this project. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. The nominal operating voltages and configurations for each system component shall be as indicated on the drawings. B. The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of the suppression system utilized in each system component shall not be less than 115% of the respective nominal operating voltage. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 3 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE C. Each system component shall provide protection in all applicable modes; Line-to-Neutral, Line-to-Line, Line-to-Ground and Neutral-to-Ground. D. The tested single pulse surge current capacity, in amps, for each mode of protection of the respective system components shall be no less than as follows (See 1.04. A): E. 1. Main Panel System: 300,000 A per mode/600,000 A per phase 2. Panelboard System 60,000 A per mode/120,000 A per phase Based on the ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991, Category C3 impulse (20,000V and 10,000A), the minimum repetitive surge current capacity, in number of surges, for each mode of protection, without degrading the let-through voltage more than 10%, of the respective system components, shall be no less than as follows (See 1.04. B): 1. Main Panel System: 15,000 Surges 2. Panelboard System: 3,500 Surges F. Each system component shall be UL1449 Second Edition Listed as a complete entity, with a Safety Interlocked Integral Disconnect Switch. (See 2.03. B) G. System components shall comprise a coordinated filter system and shall be UL1283 listed as an Electromagnetic Interference Filter. The filter shall reduce fast rise-time, high frequency, error-producing transients and electrical line noise to harmless levels, thus eliminating disturbances, which may lead to electronic system upset. The filter shall provide minimum noise attenuation at the benchmark frequencies as follows: FREQUENCY 50 KHz 100 KHz 500 KHz 1MHz 5MHz 10 MHz 50 MHz Attenuation (dB) 85 83 68 68 68 67 78 100 Hz 84 NOTE: Standardized insertion loss data obtained utilizing MIL-STD-220A 50 ohm insertion loss methodology, based on a minimum of 100 ft. of #4 AWG conductor between the two devices. Noise source = 100' to model maximum average circuit distance, filter connection distance = 6". 2.3 SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Field Connections. 1. Each system component shall include mechanical or compression lugs which accommodate copper conductors for each phase, neutral and ground as follows: a. b. 2. B. The Main Panel System lugs shall accommodate #6 AWG. The Panelboard System lugs shall accommodate #10 AWG. Attachement shall be made from the unit to the source with HPI cable, as shown on the drawings. Safety Interlocked Integral Disconnect Switch. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 4 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE C. 1. Each system component shall include a NEMA designed and certified safety interlocked integral disconnect switch located within the unit with an externally mounted metal manual operator. 2. The switch shall disconnect all ungrounded circuit conductors from the distribution system to enable testing and maintenance without interruption of power to the facility's distribution system. 3. The switch shall be rated for 600Vac. 4. The TVSS device shall be UL1449 Second Edition Listed with the integral disconnect switch and the UL1449 Second Edition Suppression Voltage Ratings shall be provided. (See 2.01. F) 5. The integral disconnect switch shall be capable of withstanding, without failure, the published maximum surge current magnitude without failure or damage to the switch. Overcurrent Protection. 1. For each system component, all suppression elements shall be individually fused to ensure that the failure of a single component or the operation of a single fuse element remains isolated and does not render the entire mode, or product, deficient by more than the following percentages: a. b. Main Panel System: Panelboard System: 5% 17 % 2. For systems utilizing a hybrid technology, each element type shall be individually fused. 3. Every electrical current carrying conductor shall be fused to ensure that every fault is isolated at the point of the fault or at the device level. 4. Fusing shall be present in all modes, including Neutral-to-Ground. 5. All overcurrent / fault current protection shall be UL248-1 Recognized as a standalone fuse. 6. All fusing must be UL248-1 Recognized and tested at 200kAIC. Testing shall be inclusive of all available product voltages. 7. In accordance with UL248-1, all fuses and overcurrent / fault current devices must be tested with a 0.2 power factor. 8. All fuses and overcurrent / fault current protection devices shall consist of selfarch-quenching, sand-encapsulated UL248-1 Recognized fuse arrays. Each fuse shall be individually sealed in a manner that eliminates cross arching. 9. The device shall be capable of withstanding the full single pulse surge current capacity for every mode without the operation or failure of overcurrent / fault current protection or fuses. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 5 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE D. E. Transient Conduction Path. 1. All full magnitude transient current shall be conducted on low-impedance solid copper bussing. 2. If printed circuit boards are utilized in surge current paths, no single trace shall be allowed to conduct more than the proportional current share of the connected TVSS component. 3. No plug-in component modules or quick-disconnect terminals shall be used in surge current-carrying paths. Suppression System. 1. Main Panel System: a. b. c. d. 2. Panelboard Systems: a. b. F. The Main Panel System shall be capable of dissipating large amounts of average power that may be caused by overvoltage events and voltage swells as well as repetitive transient impulses. (1) The Main Panel System shall be capable of dissipating and surviving the effects of a 200% overvoltage condition for 3600 cycles at a power system line impedance of .7 ohms. (2) The Main Panel System shall be capable of dissipating and surviving the effects of a 200% overvoltage condition for 30 cycles at a power system line impedance of .3 ohms. The Main Panel System shall include an engineered, non-degrading, solid-state suppression system component, which incorporates a predetermined number of selenium cells. The thermal mass of the solid-state suppression system for the Main Panel System shall be no less than as follows: (1) 480Y/277 V Systems: 3,089 Square Inches. (2) 208Y/120 V Systems: 1,320 Square Inches Suppression systems incorporating only metal oxide varistors do not meet the intent of this specification and are not acceptable. The Panelboard Systems shall include an engineered solid state suppression system, utilizing arrays of fused non-linear voltage dependent metal oxide varistors with similar operating characteristics. The suppression system components shall optimally share surge currents in a seamless, low-stress manner. Performance Monitoring System. 1. Status Indication: a. b. 2. Each system component shall be provided with status indication allowing for visual inspection of the online status of all hybrid elements: selenium, MOVs, and capacitors. Status indication shall be provided for each phase. Dual Form “C” Dry Contacts: Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 6 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE a. b. 3. Display Event Counter: a. b. 4. b. c. d. b. Each system component shall provide visual and audible indication of product fault occurring neutral-to-ground. Neutral-to-Ground Current Sensing: a. b. 8. Each system component shall provide numeric display of the available surge protection online. The microprocessor-based circuitry shall sense each hybrid element’s fuse, and shall be capable of calculating the amount of protection still active in the circuit and displaying a percentage amount. Neutral-to-Ground Fault Indication: a. 7. Each system component shall be provided with a battery powered audible alarm that detects and provides notification of single or multiple phase failure of the suppression filter system. The alarm shall have a silence switch as well as a test switch for ensuring positive function and an alarm LED that illuminates when the alarm is disabled. The monitoring unit shall have an easily replaceable, commonly available battery for backup to ensure audible alarm function in the event of a total power failure. The unit shall have a battery backed-up LED which shall illuminate when battery requires replacement. % Protection Available: a. 6. Each system component shall be provided with a display event counter that makes available the cumulative number of transients the device has been subjected to. The detection circuitry must be current sensing to eliminate erroneous counts that may be produced from stray voltages and noise signals, both conducted and radiated. Battery Powered Audible Alarm: a. 5. Each system component shall be provided with 2 sets of form “C” dry contacts (normally open and normally closed) to facilitate connection to a building management system or other remote monitoring system. The contacts shall be normally open or normally closed and shall change state upon failure of the suppression system or power loss in any of the phases. Each system component shall provide indication if continuous overcurrent is detected flowing neutral-to-ground. Neutral-to-Ground current indication may signal neutral-ground bonding issues within the distribution system. Neutral-to-Ground Current Sensing: Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 7 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE a. b. 9. True RMS Voltage Monitor: a. 10. Each system component shall provide visual indication and count of all power outages > 1 cycle. Integral Test Point: a. b. c. G. Each system component shall provide visual indication and count of all power dropouts < 1 cycle. Power Outage Detection: a. 14. Each system component shall provide visual indication and count of all voltage swells > 110% of nominal. Power Dropout Detection: a. 13. Each system component shall provide visual indication and count of all voltage sags < 90% of nominal. Voltage Swell Detection: a. 12. Each system component shall provide true RMS voltage monitoring for all phases along with neutral-to-ground. Voltage Sag Detection: a. 11. Each system component shall provide digital display of neutral-to-ground current flowing in the system. Neutral-to-Ground current indication may signal neutral-ground bonding issues within the distribution system. Each system component shall incorporate an integral test point allowing easy off-line diagnostic testing verifying the operational integrity of each unit’s suppression system. Field testing shall permit proactive testing to ensure performance and long term reliability. Testing shall include injection of an impulse into the off-line suppression system to verify the suppression performance values established at final factory testing and recorded on the Diagnostic Signature Card of each system component. Indicator lights monitoring fuse condition or power available which inform the user of failure after the fact are not acceptable to meet the intent of this specification. Diagnostic Signature Card. 1. Each system component shall include a Diagnostic Signature Card listing factoryestablished benchmark suppression voltage values for all modes of protection. The suppression voltage values shall be established during final production line testing utilizing a Diagnostic Test Set. Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 8 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007 SECTION 16289 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 FIELD INSTALLATION A. Each system component shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions and applicable national/local electrical codes. B. The unit shall be connected with high performance interconnect cable between suppressor and point of attachment, keeping the length as short and straight as possible. Do not bond neutral and ground. CERTIFICATION OF ON-LINE STATUS AND SUPPRESSION LEVELS A. The manufacturer’s representative shall provide start-up support to confirm the proper wiring and on-line status of each system component. B. The manufacturer’s representative shall test each installed unit with a p[ortable surge generator that verifies the unit’s suppressed voltages (in all modes) are within factory guidelines and also verifies the integrity of the neutral-to-ground [Xo] bond. Additionally, testing shall be done with a factory meter to verify 100% capability of all hybrid elements; i.e., Selenium, MOVs and Capacitors. The test report shall be sent to the OWNER and to the specifying engineer for inclusion with the project records and close-out documents. C. The manufacturer’s representative shall demonstrate to the appropriate OWNER’s personnel the performance monitoring system features of all suppression system components. END OF SECTION Clark County DOA Standard Specifications – 16289 Page 9 of 9 Ver. 1.0 1 March 2, 2007