ALSO PUBLISHED ONLINE: December2014 Software-Designed Instruments Revolution IN THIS ISSUE: Statistical Analysis for On-Site RF Power Measurement Guest Editorial: MM-Waves, Past, Present, and Future Book Review: Controlling Radiated Emissions New Products Product Highlights Ideas for today’s engineers: Analog · Digital · RF · Microwave · mm-wave · Lightwave Distribution anD Manufacturer’s representatives C.W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. C.W. SWIFT & Associates distributes our extensive inventory of SGMC Microwave’s quality products ... OFF THE SHELF! ADAPTERS • CABLE CONNECTORS • RECEPTACLES • CUSTOM DESIGNS 1.85mm 2.4mm DC-65 GHz DC-50 GHz Including These Connector Series 2.92mm 3.5mm DC-40 GHz DC-34 GHz 7mm SSMA DC-18 GHZ DC-40 GHz ISO 9001:2008 SGMC Microwave Components are in Stock — Call Today for a Quote! C.W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. 15216 Burbank Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91411 Tel: 800-642-7692 or 818-989-1133 or Fax: 818-989-4784 • closeD every st. patrick’s Day! Meet the magic number for two-watt temperature-variable attenuators. The most important thing we build is trust Push the limits of frequency without sacrificing performance. Aeroflex / Inmet’s new Powerfilm surface-mount attenuators vary with temperature and are the perfect balance of price, power, and dependability. They offer the flattest broadband performance of their kind and allow you to create automatic- and passive-link margin compensation on a wider variety of transmit and receive chain circuit applications. ■ Operation: DC to 12 GHz ■ Superior RF attenuation vs. temperature ■ Excellent return loss vs. frequency ■ Great pricing Save money and space by throwing out your complicated gain-control circuitry and required bias and control voltages. Visit our website for complete details and request a sample today. Aeroflex / Inmet 888-244-6638 B HA 01 CO Aeroflex / Inmet is now a Cobham company 4 See our datasheets for full characterization data. M 1934 - 2 POWER SPLITTERS COMBINERS ! NOW from 2 kHz to18 GHz 79 as low as ¢ The Industry’s Largest Selection includes THOUSANDS of models, from 2 kHz to 18 GHz, at up to 300 watts power, in coaxial, flat-pack, surface-mount and rack-mount housings for 50 and 75 Ω systems. From 2-way through 48-way designs, with 0°, 90°, or 180° phase configurations, Mini-Circuits power splitters/combiners offer outstanding performance for insertion loss, isolation, and VSWR. Decades of experience with multiple technologies make it all possible, from core & wire, microstrip, and stripline, to semiconductors and LTCC ceramics. Get easy-to-find, detailed data and performance curves, S-parameters, outline drawings, PCB layouts, and everything else you need to make a decision quickly, at Just enter your requirements, and our patented search engine, Yoni 2, searches actual test data to find the models that meet your needs. All Mini-Circuits catalog models are in stock, continuously replenished, and backed by our 1-year guarantee. We even list current stock quantities and real-time availability, as well as pricing, to help our customers plan ahead and make quick decisions. So why wait? Take a look at today! RoHS Compliant o S Product availability is listed on our website. COMPLIANT Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 448 rev N ALSO PUBLISHED ONLINE AT: Vol. 13 No. 12 22 30 16 Feature Article Feature Article Featured Products Software-Designed Instrument Revolution By Bill Driver and Vimal M. Fernandez Software-designed instrumentation is helping achieve record test-time reductions. Statistical Analysis for On-Site RF Power Measurement By Tim Holt Today’s multi-function RF power meter bears little resemblance to the earliest versions. Including Analog Devices, Pulse Electronics, Planar Monolithic Industries, Coilcraft, Rohde & Schwarz. 36 12 60 New Products In The News Guest Editorial Highlighting the Terahertz Monolithic Integrated Circuit, AR, dB Control, Custom MMIC, and more. SAGE Millimeter CEO Yonghui Shu on the future of millimeterwave. Featuring Keysight Technologies, OML, SAGE Millimeter, Renaissance Electronics, Anritsu, Hittite. 4 DECember2014 6 Editorial 12 In the News 16 Featured Products 8 Meetings & Events 36 New Products 64 Advertiser Index High Frequency Electronics EDITORIAL Vol. 13 No. 12 December 2014 Publisher Scott Spencer Tel: 603-472-8261 Associate Publisher/Managing Editor Tim Burkhard Tel: 707-544-9977 Senior Technical Editor Tom Perkins Tel: 603-472-8261 Vice President, Sales Gary Rhodes Tel: 631-274-9530 Editorial Advisors: Ali Abedi, Ph.D. Candice Brittain Paul Carr, Ph.D. Alen Fezjuli Roland Gilbert, Ph.D. Sherry Hess Thomas Lambalot John Morelli Karen Panetta, Ph.D. Business Office Summit Technical Media, LLC One Hardy Road, Ste. 203 PO Box 10621 Bedford, NH 03110 Also Published Online at Subscription Services Sue Ackerman Tel: 651-292-0629 Send subscription inquiries and address changes to the above contact person. You can send them by mail to the Business Office address above. Our Environmental Commitment High Frequency Electronics is printed on paper produced using sustainable forestry practices, certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™), Copyright © 2014, Summit Technical Media, LLC 6 High Frequency Electronics New Technologies Point to an Exciting Future Tom Perkins Senior Tech Editor My autumn was filled with exposure to exciting new high-frequency technologies. First, there was a very interesting and inspiring talk regarding Software-defined Radio (SDR) by Jeffrey Pawlan, Consultant and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Distinguished Lecturer, and a follow-up visit with him at his home in San Jose, Calif. I got to hear an excellent talk which built on analogies to conventional classic radio components and techniques such as: receiver developments all the way back to regenerative receivers; tuned radio frequency (TRF) receivers; homodynes; direct conversion receivers; superheterodyne; image reject mixers, etc. I also got to appreciate how some of these old techniques have been rejuvenated to help define SDR architecture. A revolution taking is place with error detection and correction techniques to virtually eliminate the effects of interference and allow shared frequencies. Cognitive radio techniques make best use of unused frequencies. Dynamic transmitter power management also reduces interference. The concept of adaptive antennas and message hopping to the nearest available node in mesh networks also shows great promise, as I learned more about elsewhere. New Technologies and Techniques Techniques such as quadrature sampling enable an entirely new capability not imagined a couple of decades ago. Filtering techniques and the ability to capture large pieces of spectrum simultaneously is quite fascinating. I was amazed at how many European companies are offering affordable SDRs which can be upgraded periodically with firmware. One of the impressive things that Jeff demonstrated is the ability to remotely capture signal reception from receivers halfway around the world via the internet. One can listen to a shortwave station in Britain, say, from California, and then sample the same signal from an accessible receiver in France or Australia. This diversity illustrates techniques that are applicable at higher frequencies, albeit often with shorter ranges. A visit with Product Marketing Managers at Linear Technology left me momentarily wishing I could start over in microwave engineering. The future for engineering in wireless technologies, while challenging, may well outpace past accomplishments. During this visit to LT’s headquarters I heard about high linearity differential RF/IF amplifiers covering about 20 to about 2,000 MHz that can also be used as a 16-Bit ADC drivers, balanced IF amplifiers and more. Among other new products, is a 16-Bit 2.5 Gsps DAC for direct RF synthesis with excellent phase noise characteristics. Dust Networks Dust Networks, founded in 2002 and acquired by Linear Technology three years ago, is producing products based on IEEE 802.15.4 in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. They have networking systems called Smart-Mesh, WirelessHART and other sensor networks that increase transmission reliability by adapting and rerouting around failed links. The embedded networking intelligence smartly establishes and routes data according to proximity to nodes it can communicate with, proximity to network gateways, and the amount of traffic present. Interestingly, Dust got started working on the DARPA-funded Smart Dust project. My thanks to John Hamburger, Linear Technology’s Director of Marketing Communications. At the 8th Annual New Hampshire Joint Engineering Societies Conference the theme was Engineering in Extreme Environments. HFE Editorial Advisor Dr. Ali Abedi, from the University of Maine, spoke on Designing a Lunar Habitat. He illustrated how many of the concepts under investigation need not wait for more moon landings to have practical application. For more information on this see HFE’s November 2012 issue. Repeater, Filter Design, and More An installation of a new amateur radio repeater manufactured by Yaesu having 4 modes of operation including their C4FM Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) Digital Clear Voice is in progress at the radio club to which I belong. This equipment, with full color touch panel programming, is far smaller and improved over our old GE Master II, circa 1980. An attractive feature is that with what they call Automatic Mode Select, the modulation of a FM transmitted signal can be seamlessly fused with their digital C4FM protocol. Although not the only digital voice modes out there—others include APCO-25 (P25), D-Star, Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)—it will be interesting to see what mode eventually dominates. I also had the pleasure of hearing another MTT Distinguished Lecturer, Professor Richard Cameron of COM DEV International, speaking about the latest filter design techniques, with emphasis on coupling matrices. Particularly intriguing was discussion of box and Cul-de-Sac filters, tech- niques I had not previously heard about. Finally, NIDays Boston revealed further insight into Internet of Things, SDR, and accelerated test and measurement for RF devices. Power amplifier device test techniques including envelope tracking and digital predistortion were covered in considerable depth. Powerful Multipath/Link Emulator Multipath Rayleigh & Rician Fading Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) testing Sophisticated Satellite link emulation Mobile Comm’s on the move testing Test solutions for .... WIN-T MUOS JTRS IRIS MET Hz h 0 M dt 25 dwi n ba - warfare information networks, tactical - mobile user objective system - Joint Tactical Radio System - Internet routing in space - Modernization Enterprise Terminal Software showing mobile link setup dBmCorp, Inc 32A Spruce Street Tel (201) 677-0008 RF Test Equipment for Wireless Communications Oakland, NJ 07436 Fax (201) 677-9444 Get info at MEETINGS & EVENTS Conferences & Meetings 2015 IEEE MTT-S Radio Wireless Week (RWW 2015) 25-28 January 2015 San Diego, California, USA Radio Wireless Week consists of 5 co-located topical conferences: RWS: IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium PAWR: IEEE Topical Meeting on Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications SiRF: IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems BioWireleSS: IEEE Topical Conference on Biomedical Wireless Technologies, Networks, and Sensing Systems WiSNet: IEEE Topical Meeting on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks Paper Submission Deadline: 25 July 2014 2015 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2015) 17-22 May 2015 Phoenix, Arizona, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 8 December 2014 2015 IEEE Radio Frequency Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2015) 17-19 May 2015 Phoenix, Arizona, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 12 January 2015 85rd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium 22 May 2015 Phoenix, AZ, USA DesignCon 2015 27-30 January 2015 Santa Clara, California, USA 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz Applications (NEMO 2015) 11-14 August 2015 Ottawa, Canada Paper Submission Deadline: 16 February 2015 2015 IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2015) 30 March-1 April 2015 Shenzhen, China Company-Sponsored Training & Tools 2015 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON 2015) 13-15 April 2015 Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 5 January 2015 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM 2015) 27-29 April 2015 Heidelberg, Germany Paper Submission Deadline: 20 December 2014 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Power Transfer (WPTC 2015) 13-15 May 2015 Boulder, Colorado, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 16 January 2015 Analog Devices Training, tutorials and seminars. NI AWR On-site and online training, and open training courses on design software. Training/ National Instruments LabVIEW Core 1 Online LabVIEW Core 2 Online Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW Online Free, online LabVIEW training for students and teachers. us/type/webcasts/ View the industry’s latest HOT products 8 High Frequency Electronics Dressed and Ready for Action Custom Packaged Military Components Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc offers a complete line of oscillators filters and harmonic generators for the military market. Whether you are designing for an Aircraft, Ship Board, Missile or Ground Based military system, check out the product capabilities available from Micro Lambda Wireless. Oscillators covering 500 MHz to 40 GHz, filters covering 500 MHz to 50 GHz and harmonic generators covering 1 GHz to 20 GHz special packaging can be provided based on customer specific requirements. Individual components can also be provided utilizing industrial parts and the components can be screened and tested to specially designed test plans. Micro Lambda is a ISO 9001:2008 Registered Company • MLFI, MLFP and MLFD Series Bandpass filters • MLFR and MLFRD Series Bandreject (notch) filters • MLOS, MLXS, MLOB, MLXB Series Oscillators • MLHG Series Harmonic Generators “Look to the leader in YIG-Technology” 46515 Landing Parkway, Fremont CA 94538 • (510) 770-9221 • MARKET REPORTS 802.15.4-Enabled Devices to Exceed 2 Billion by 2019 The installed base for 802.15.4-enabled devices is forecast to increase almost fivefold over the next five years, rising from just under 425 million today to over 2.1 billion in 2019, finds ABI Research. “The low-power, lowcost, mesh networking capabilities of 802.15.4 networks make them the primary wireless technology choice across a number of different vertical markets including home, building and industrial automation, smart metering, and home entertainment,” comments Andrew Zignani, Research Analyst at ABI Research. With support from a number of chipset suppliers including Microchip, Silicon Labs, Freescale, GreenPeak, and Texas Instruments, annual 802.15.4 device shipments are set to grow from 206 million today to over 730 million in 2019. ZigBee-enabled devices, currently accounting for 74% of all 802.15.4 shipments, are set to continue leading the way throughout this time, reaching over 350 million annual shipments by 2019. In particular, ZigBee will see strong growth in the home automation market, where the share of total ZigBee shipments will rise from around 9% today to 28% in 2019. However, ZigBee will face increasingly difficult challenges from IPv6-enabled alternative 802.15.4 technologies such as 6LoWPAN, including the Google backed, Thread. “One of the challenges facing ZigBee is the current confusion between the numerous different profiles targeting different applications, making interoperability between heterogeneous ZigBee nodes and applications very difficult. The industry is therefore increasingly turning towards IP-based standards to address these issues,” adds Zignani. Interviews with a number of industry players all point towards a growing demand for IP functionalities and an expectation for the market to consolidate around 6LoWPANbased 802.15.4 solutions. ABI Research estimates indicate that IP-enabled 802.15.4 devices are set to account for a growing proportion of the market, rising from around 2% today to just shy of 35% by 2019. In contrast, whilst overall shipments will grow considerably, ZigBee’s market share is set to fall throughout the period, dropping below 50% in 2019. —ABI Research Technology Advances Necessitate Functionality Upgrades in Test Instrumentation Software With the rapid emergence of new technologies, the demand for simple and easy-to-use solutions has grown in the global instrumentation software market. Acknowledging this need, instrumentation software 10 High Frequency Electronics companies are focusing on simplifying complicated technical tasks and processes as well as adding new functionalities. New analysis from Frost & Sullivan finds that the market earned revenues of $1.52 billion in 2013 and estimates this to reach $2.21 billion in 2018. The functionality of instrumentation software has evolved throughout the last decade, with many software developers employing powerful formulas, advanced rendering, and intuitive user interfaces. “The close integration of electronic test equipment and software is resulting in improved efficiency of the overall system,” said Frost & Sullivan Measurement & Instrumentation Industry Analyst Prathima Bommakanti. “The faster changeover, enhanced accuracy, and higher placement rates will all help deliver greater production yields to customers.” Another important trend in the test instrumentation software market is the increasing heterogeneity in product/application mix at customer locations. Due to the resulting need for several types of software/products, customers tend to gravitate towards single-source suppliers that can provide the packages/services by themselves or through partnerships. —Frost & Sullivan North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific Heading to $6B In-Building Wireless Market ABI Research’s latest In-Building Wireless Market Data forecasts North American activity will drive the overall market while Europe and Asia-Pacific pick up the pace by 2016. The market for in-building wireless equipment and deployments will nearly double the current outlook by 2019. North America will continue to be the region with maximum DAS spend with sports venues, transportation and healthcare continuing to be the verticals which attract the most DAS investment while shopping malls and hospitality will rank a close second place. Together these verticals in North America account for about twothirds of DAS spending. North America is followed by AsiaPacific and then Europe for market size. “While the Asia-Pacific region today accounts for less than a quarter of the total market, ABI Research expects it to exceed that by 2019 at a compound annual growth rate of more than 20%,” says Nick Marshall, Research Director at ABI Research. Leading companies in this market are CommScope, TE Connectivity, Axell, Corning, and SOLiD and are all expected to benefit from DAS spending. —ABI Research The Smart Choice for Small Spaces Coilcraft is the brand engineers trust most when specifying tiny inductors for wearable technology Boost the performance and battery life of your wearable products with these tiny RF and power inductors from Coilcraft: • Wirewound chip inductors as small as 0201 size for wireless communications • Shielded power inductors as thin as 0.71 mm for power management • Coupled inductors as small as 2.2 x 1.45 mm for LED display drivers You can get started by using our suite of web tools to quickly locate the perfect inductors for your design. Compare and analyze multiple parts based on your true operating conditions, and then order free evaluation samples with just a click. Learn why we’re the biggest name in ultra-miniature inductors. Visit us at ® WWW.COILCRAFT.COM IN THE NEWS DARPA’s Terahertz Monolithic Integrated Circuit (TMIC) is the first solid-state amplifier demonstrating gain above 1 THz (1012 GHz). This achievement, recognized by Guinness World Records, could open up new areas of research and unforeseen applications in the submillimeter-wave spectrum and bring unprecedented performance to circuits operating in more conventional bands. Developed by Northrop Grumman, the Terahertz Monolithic Integrated Circuit (TMIC) exhibits power gains several orders of magnitude beyond the current state of the art. Gain, which is measured logarithmically in decibels, similar to how earthquake intensity is measured on the Richter scale, describes the ability of an amplifier to increase the power of a signal from the input to the output. The Northrop Grumman TMIC showed a measured gain of nine decibels at 1.0 terahertz and 10 decibels at 1.03 terahertz. By contrast, current smartphone technology operates at one to two gigahertz and wireless networks at 5.7 gigahertz. Launches of commercial communications satellites, on the other hand, are relatively frequent and inexpensive. Commercial launch vehicles also often have unused carrying capacity that their operators can offer to other satellite owners through “hosted payload” services. Unfortunately, no technology currently exists to enable government and military satellites to share rides and separate themselves from commercial communications satellites headed to GEO. To help foster the creation of such a capability, DARPA’s Phoenix program has shared its Hosted POD Assembly Interface Control Document. The document provides specifications for Phoenix’s Payload Orbital Delivery (POD) system, a standardized mechanism currently in development that is intended to safely carry a wide variety of payloads to GEO aboard commercial communications satellites. PODs are designed to help take advantage of the frequency of commercial satellite launches and associated hosted payload service opportunities to enable faster and lower-cost delivery of payloads to GEO. DARPA is also pursuing a possible risk-reduction flight to validate the POD technology, which could eventually provide “FedEx® to GEO” capabilities to make space deliveries to high-altitude orbits much easier and faster. Molecular absorption profile superimposed on the modes of an optical frequency comb (courtesy NIST) Launches of satellites for the Department of Defense (DoD) or other government agencies often cost hundreds of millions of dollars each and require scheduling years in advance for one of the handful of available slots at the nation’s limited number of launch locations. This slow, expensive process is causing a bottleneck in placing essential space assets in orbit, especially in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) approximately 22,000 miles (36,000 kilometers) above the Earth. 12 High Frequency Electronics DARPA issued a solicitation for proposals responsive to its Spectral Combs from UV to THz (SCOUT) program, which seeks new capabilities for highly sensitive remote detection of multiple biological or chemical agents in liquid or gaseous forms. Spectroscopic chemical sensing, which measures the frequency of light absorbed or scattered from a substance to help determine its molecular identity, can be used to detect traces of biological and chemical agents and residue from explosive materials. Current capabilities in operational military environments, however, lack the IN THE NEWS sensitivity and broad spectral coverage needed to detect and distinguish among deadly chemicals and the “frequency clutter” generated by common components in the atmosphere. The SCOUT program aims to overcome these shortcomings by harnessing optical frequency comb (OFC) technology, which is akin to using thousands of lasers simultaneously (like extremely fine teeth on a hair comb) to enable both high sensitivity and wide spectral coverage for detecting multiple types of substances at extended distances. Philippe Garreau, CEO of MVG (left) and Don Shepherd, Chairman AR. AR and MVG (Microwave Vision Group) signed a memorandum of agreement to offer a greater choice of quality EMC and Antenna Measurement turnkey solutions based on their combined expertise and product portfolio. AR brings its brand name, experience, and extensive line of EMC and RF/Microwave products to marry with MVG installation expertise and diverse product range, starting with MVG-EMC shielded rooms and absorbers, to deliver quality, high performance turnkey products for EMC and other markets. Get info at 14 14 High High Frequency Frequency Electronics Electronics dB Control hired industry veteran Robert Sterns as quality assurance manager. In his new position, Sterns will ensure dB Control’s high-power TWTAs, MPMs and power supplies continue to meet rigid specifications for mili- tary and commercial applications. He will be responsible for upholding the company’s commitment to reliability, while implementing new procedures that consistently increase product quality and manufacturing effectiveness. “Our certifications and track record of new developments show we’re committed to high-quality products that perform well in extremely harsh environments. Robert is maintaining this tradition of reliability by using his 35 years of experience to enhance our quality control process even further. Having spent years as dB Control’s quality assurance manager myself, I know Robert is the right person for the job,” said dB Control COO Gary Spaulding. Custom MMIC appointed Cornes Technologies as its technical sales representative in Japan. “We’re excited to have Cornes Technologies join our network of sales representatives,” said Paul Blount, President and CEO of Custom MMIC. “The extensive knowledge and experience built up over many years has provided Cornes Technologies with a unique insight and unrivaled understanding of the Japanese market. We look forward to growing our business with our new partner, as we introduce our innovative products to the Japanese market.” Mini-Circuits announced that throughout the month of December, customers can buy any quantity of any catalog model from its web store, and receive a 10% discount on the purchase. The discount applies to all catalog models listed at for all quantities and prices as shown. Customers will receive the Holiday Season Discount on all orders placed online from December 1 through December 31 without restriction on the number of orders placed. The offer expires on December 31, 2014. HFE | Featured Products up to 79.6 MHz, loss-free in real time. Even parallel recording of position data and automatic gain control (AGC) reference levels is possible. The AGC function allows a wider dynamic range without the danger of overload. Rohde & Schwarz MOSFETs Richardson RFPD announced support for new 1200V, 80mΩ SiC MOSFETs from Microsemi. They are built on patented SiC MOSFET technology, which features best-inclass RDS(on) vs. temperature, ultra-low gate resistance for minimizing switching energy loss, superior maximum switching frequency, and outstanding ruggedness with superior short circuit withstand. Richardson RFPD Inductors Coilcraft’s XAL15xx family of rugged, magnetically-shielded power inductors are offered in two versions - one providing saturation current ratings up to 111 Amps and the other offering inductance values as high as 33 µH - delivering the highest levels of performance in the smallest possible space. Coilcraft Attenuator PMI Model No. PVVAN-6012-60-MP is an analog controlled 60 dB PIN diode attenuator operating over the frequency range of 6.0 to 12.0 GHz. This model has 2.8 dB maximum insertion loss with a typical switching speed of 75nsec. It operates from a single +12 to +15VDC supply. The housing measures 2.0” x 1.8” x 0.5”. Planar Monolithic Industries Terminals Molex announced that its SolderRight TM Direct Solder Terminals are now available to fulfill direct solder wire-to-board designs where a very low profile right angle solder option for wires exiting a PCB is necessary due to severe space constraints. This robust solder terminal enables a secure and reliable connection with a minimal “z” profile. Molex Data Recorder The R&S IQR100 digital I/Q data recorder can now record, store and play I/Q signals with bandwidths 16 High Frequency Electronics VCO The CVCO55CC-0805-0815 VCO operates from 805 MHz to 815 MHz with a control voltage range of 0.3V~4.7V. It features a typical phase noise of -124 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz offset and has excellent linearity. Output power is typically -5 dBm. Engineered and manufactured in the USA, it is packaged in the industry-standard 0.5-in. x 0.5in. SMD package. Crystek Enclosure Molex’s OptoConnect™ Custom Optical Enclosures are designed to simplify complex fiber optic mapping issues. The OptoConnect fiber routing system using integrated FlexPlane™ circuitry provides a complete end-to-end optical management system for high density telecom and datacom equipment used in communication systems for aerospace and defense networks. Molex Amps RFMW announced support for a family of linear output power amplifiers to support Small Cell and Repeater applications. The Skyworks SKY660XX amplifiers meet the stringent spectral linearity requirements of WCDMA and offer high PAE and margin. They require Keysight U2040 X-Series Wide Dynamic Range Power Sensors The world’s widest dynamic range: -70 to +26 dBm (96 dB) Fast measurement speed: 10,000 readings-per-second Choice of form factors: USB and LAN Accuracy and repeatability across all common wireless signals Internal zero and automatic calibration Introducing a variety of power sensors that offer extremely high measurement speed and the world’s widest dynamic range. Using Keysight BenchVue software for data capture/analysis, the sensors will allow you to obtain fast, accurate and repeatable measurements over a wide range of power levels. Choose from four USB models to test chipsets, radio systems, radar, mobile and handsets. Or choose the industry’s rst LAN and thermal vacuum-compliant power sensor for satellite testing. Super fast. Super accurate. Super wide dynamic range. USB Download an app note on fast, accurate power measurements for wireless test. USA: 800 829 4444 CAN: 877 894 4414 Scan to view video demo. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014 LAN HFE | Featured Products minimum design time and board space as they are fully matched and run off a single DC supply voltage. RFMW signal gain of 25 dB and a P-1 dB of +18 dBm minimum in the frequency range of 71 GHz to 76 GHz. The DC power requirement for the amplifier is +8.0 Vdc/280 mA. The input and output port configurations are both WR-12 waveguides with UG387/U Flanges. SAGE Millimeter Amplifier MITEQ introduced model AWS-3F02002650-50-17P to its family of hermetic coaxial amplifiers. It has over 25 dB of gain from 2 to 26.5 GHz in a housing that is only 1” long and 0.66” wide, not including the field replaceable SMA-connectors. Gain flatness is a maximum of ±1.5 dB, with typical flatness of ±1 dB. Miteq Power Sensor LadyBug Technologies announced that it now maintains stock of its 26.5 GHz LB589A USB power sensor. The power sensor is shipped with a set of full-featured applications including a power meter application and high speed data logger. Also provided is example code in various programming languages and an open source test harness for programmatic users. LadyBug Technologies IF Subsystem The AD6676 is a highly integrated IF subsystem that can digitize radio frequency (RF) bands up to 160 MHz in width centered on an intermediate frequency (IF) of 70 MHz to 450 MHz. It relies on a tunable band-pass Σ-Δ ADC with a high oversampling ratio to eliminate the need for band specific IF SAW filters and gain stages. Analog Devices High Power Amp Get info at 18 High Frequency Electronics Model SBP-7137632518-1212-S1 is a high power amplifier with a small Wireless Test Set The UXM is a highly integrated signaling test set created for functional and RF design validation in the 4G era and beyond. Recently introduced by Keysight and shipping in volume, the UXM supports multiple cells, downlink and uplink carrier aggregation, MIMO up to 4x2, and integrated fading – allowing users to assess design readiness with greater confidence. Keysight Technologies Go wide. Keysight UXA Signal Analyzer 510 MHz real-time analysis bandwidth >75 dBc full-band spurious-free dynamic range -136 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset 14.1” capacitive touchscreen with streamlined UI Go deep. View our demo video and download an app note at USA: 800 829 4444 CAN: 877 894 4414 Scan to view video demo. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014 The new UXA is the world’s highest performing wideband signal analyzer. With real-time analysis bandwidth to 510 MHz and impressive phase noise, the UXA will give you the wide, deep views and performance headroom you need to troubleshoot hidden design problems. You can also simplify your measurement setup through an easyto-use menu optimized for touch. Prove what your design can do. Get the UXA and see the real performance. HFE | Featured Products VSWR in the frequency range of 26.5 to 40.0 GHz. Power handling is 30 watts CW. It measures 1.65” W x 3.10” L x 1.65” H. SAGE Millimeter MIMO Antenna Pulse Electronics introduced its distributed antenna system (DAS) in-building ceiling mount multipleinput/multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. They have high port-to-port isolation and superior gain patterns for both ports 1 and 2, providing wireless carriers with improved data throughput and implementation flexibility. operates from 100 MHz to 6 GHz and features exceptional port-toport isolation, fast switching speed, and high power handling—all in a compact 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm package. Richardson RFPD Amplifier Pulse Electronics Switch Richardson RFPD announced availability and full design support for a new RF single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch from Peregrine Semiconductor. The broadband PE42424 Matching Load Model SWL-2846-S1 is a WR-28 waveguide high power matching load. It offers better than 1.25:1 Get info at 20 High Frequency Electronics Mini-Circuits’ ZHL-100W-242+ is a 50Ω, 100W, 2000 to 2400 MHz high power amplifier that features: saturated power 100W typ.; wide bandwidth, usable 1900 to 2450 MHz; high gain, 50 dB typ.; good gain flatness, ±1.0 dB typ.; unconditionally stable; self protected against excessive drive, high case temp., reverse polarity and shorting/unshorting. Mini-Circuits USB & Ethernet Programmable ATTENUATORS 395 $ 0 –30, 60, or 90 dB 1 MHz to 6 GHz from Mini-Circuits programmable attenuators give you more options and more freedom with both USB and Ethernet control. Available in versions with maximum attenuation of 30, 60, and 90 dB with 0.25 dB attenuation steps, all models provide precise level control with accurate, repeatable performance for a wide range of test applications. Our unique designs maintain linear attenuation change per dB over the entire range of attenuation settings. Supplied with user-friendly GUI control software and everything you need for immediate use out-of-the-box, Mini-Circuits programmable attenuators offer a range of solutions to meet your needs and fit your budget. Visit for detailed performance specs, great prices, and off-the-shelf availability! RoHS compliant Models Attenuation Attenuation Range Accuracy RUDAT-6000-30 RCDAT-6000-30 RUDAT-6000-60 RUDAT-6000-90 NEW RCDAT-6000-60 NEW RCDAT-6000-90 NEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 – – – – – – 30 30 60 90 60 90 dB dB dB dB dB dB ±0.75 ±0.75 ±1.00 ±1.70 ±0.30 ±0.40 dB dB dB dB dB dB Step Size 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 dB dB dB dB dB dB USB Ethernet RS232 Control Control Control Price $ ea. ✓ ✓ ✓ $395 $495 $625 $695 $725 $795 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 523 Rev A High Frequency Design | Software-Designed Instruments Software-Designed Instrument Revolution By Bill Driver and Vimal M. Fernandez The ability to test today’s emerging products before bringing them to market is not scaling proportionally to product complexity. Each subsequent generation of technology includes more pieces of sophisticated technology and the cost of using traditional instrumentation to test these devices is only increasing. Software-designed One way to minimize hardware costs and reduce test time has always instrumentation is helping been to use virtual instruments and modular I/O. But a new approach— achieve record test-time software-designed instrumentation—is giving engineers the ability to reductions. achieve test time reductions that are orders of magnitude beyond what was previously possible. Introduction to Software-Designed Instrumentation For years, test engineers have used software such as LabVIEW—instead of the fixed software built into traditional box instruments—to customize measurement systems and reduce cost. While this approach provides flexibility and takes advantage of the latest PC and CPU technologies, the CPU is still a bottleneck in many demanding test applications. CPUs inherently limit parallelism, and typical software stacks result in latencies that reduce test system performance in cases where measurements need to be adjusted dynamically based on values or device under test (DUT) state. To dramatically reduce test times, you need to combine custom digital logic with multicore CPU technology to give your test system a balance of low latency and high throughput. While off-the-shelf instrumentation hardware traditionally has fixed capability, NI is leading the way with more open, flexible measurement devices based on FPGA technology. FPGAs are high-density digital chips that you can customize to directly incorporate custom signal processing and control algorithms into measurement hardware. The result is off-the-shelf hardware that has the best of both worlds—fixed, high-quality measurement technology, the latest digital bus integration, and user-customizable logic that is highly parallel, provides low latency, and is tied directly to I/O for inline processing and tight control loops. Extend Your Knowledge to Hardware Customization FPGAs continue to gain design wins and market share from application-specific standard products (ASSPs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) because they keep up with Moore’s Law better than other devices and dramatically lower development costs, resulting in smaller test system size and lower power consumption. Very capable FPGAs are entering the market and defining the hardware capabilities of many devices, but the IP they contain is vendor defined and the FPGA’s power may not be accessible to you. This is largely because the specialized hardware description language (HDL) knowledge needed to program these devices requires a steep learning curve and is generally restricted to digital design experts. System design software such as LabVIEW make the latest FPGA technology accessible to a range of engineers and scientists. Using graphical programming, you can implement logic to define the behavior of an instrument in hardware and reprogram the instrument when requirements change. The graphical dataflow nature of LabVIEW is well suited for implementing and visualizing the type of parallel operations that can be implemented in digital hardware. 22 High Frequency Electronics MODULAR TEST SYSTEMS Built Your Way and Delivered within 2 Weeks! Signal Routing & Attenuation Control for Production Test, R&D and More! Mini-Circuits’ new ZTM-Series RF test systems dramatically accelerate custom solutions for a wide range of applications in test environments. Choose from our lineup of extra-long-life SP4T, SPDT and transfer switches, and programmable attenuators with attenuation ranges of 0 to 30, 60, or 90 dB. We’ll build and ship a solution tailored to your exact requirements within just 2 weeks! Features It’s that simple! Give us a call and talk to our engineers about how Mini-Circuits’ ZTM-Series custom rack mount test solutions can improve efficiency, increase throughput, and save cost in your business! • Qualified to 100 Million Switch Cycles • Rugged 19” Rack Mountable Chassis • Customizable Front Panel Layout • Light Weight • USB and Ethernet Control • User-friendly GUI and DLLs Included • Affordable Cost • Delivery within 2 Weeks! Choose from hundreds of possible configurations! SPDT Switches DC – 18 GHz SP4T Switches DC – 18 GHz Transfer Switches DC – 18 GHz 0 – 30, 60, or 90 dB Programmable Attenuators 1 MHz – 6 GHz Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 527 rev. A High Frequency Design | Software-Designed Instruments Software-Designed Instrumentation vs. Traditional Instruments User-programmable FPGAs in your measurement system hardware provide three key benefits ranging from decreased test time to CPU load reduction. The following sections describe various usage scenarios in more detail. Decrease Test Time and Increase Confidence with In-Hardware Measurements Today’s instruments can perform a limited number of measurements in parallel, but software-designed instruments are limited only by the available FPGA logic. You can process dozens of measurements or data channels with true hardware parallelism, removing the need to choose between measurements of interest. With softwaredesigned instruments, functionality such as real-time spectral masking is achieved with dramatically higher performance and at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional box instruments. Focus on Data of Interest with Custom-Defined Triggers Traditional instrument options for low-latency trigger behavior are fixed according to the hardware being used, but with software-designed instruments you can incorporate custom triggering functionality into your device to quickly zero in on situations of interest. Flexible hardware-based triggering means that you can implement custom spectral masks or other complex conditions as criteria for either capturing important measurement data or activating additional instrumentation equipment. Reduce CPU Processing Loads with Real-Time Onboard Signal Processing Processing large amounts of data can tax even the most capable commercial CPUs, resulting in systems with multiple processors or extended test times. With software-designed instruments you can preprocess data in the hardware, potentially reducing the CPU load significantly. Computations such as fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), filtering, digital downconversion, and channelization are implemented in hardware, reducing the amount of data passed to and processed by the CPU. Next-Generation Software-Designed Instruments The trend of more instruments enabling user programmability of the FPGA will change how long-term test strategies are approached for future programs. The benefits not only reduce capital costs due to eliminating redundant functionality, but also minimize the maintenance cost associated with code modifications. This reduction can also be maximized when software is properly architected in a manner that abstracts the core code blocks from those that will be known to need modification throughout the product life cycle. THE BEST AMPLIFIERS IN THE WORLD...AND MORE! CUSTOM Compact Cryogenic Amplifier Systems for ULTRA LOW-NOISE Applications to 18 GHz 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 Redundant LNA Systems w/fault detection, monitoring & automatic switching APT55-02001800-7016-66-LMS 2-18 GHz Wideband EW / ECM / IFM 80dB Gain Limiting Amplifier Wide Dynamic Range SDLVAs—up to 8 GHz 0.01-2.0 GHz High Isolation Power Divider / Combiner 2 0 1 5 APT3-00500600-1010-D4 Wideband Amplifier (NF<1.0dB) for PCS, GPS, WiFi & 4G/5G 2 0 1 5 COME SEE US AT BOOTH 1126!!! Get info at 24 High Frequency Electronics LOW COST 2-18 GHz Hi -Speed Threshold Detector Custom Designed Test Instrument Personalities – Spectrum Monitoring For spectrum monitoring and electronic warfare applications, users often need to look at large portions of spectrum and capture a broad range of signals: from transient, elusive signals to continuous wideband interferers. Real-time spectrum analysis is a prime example of an application that requires significant real-time – and often custom – signal processing. Approaching this application with software-designed instrumentation allows simultaneous processing of large amounts of data in hardware, and adds custom features like realtime frequency mask triggering. A Real Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) is an evolution of the modern FFT-based spectrum analyzer INTRODUCING TO K YO K E I K I JISSQ9100 CERTIFIED FACTORY YAS9100 U.S. EQUIVALENTT • Broadband VCOs • PIN Diode Switches • Wideband Filters • Switched Filters Banks • Broadband Amplifiers • High Power Amplifiers • Transceiver Sub-assmblies High Frequency Design | Software-Designed Instruments Figure 1 • A comparison between the appearance of a gapless RTSA persistence plot and a VSA spectrum plot. that computes spectrum measurements in real time. Swept-tuned spectrum analyzers (SA) calculate power levels for a single frequency point at a time, which makes it easy to see how an SA could miss signals that change faster than its sweep rate. VSAs, on the other hand, acquire the full real-time bandwidth in each acquisition. However, VSAs traditionally require that the data be transferred to the processor before the next acquisition AMCOM is pioneering the technology of controlling the device impedance to achieve ultra wide-band, high-power MMIC amplifiers. AMCOM is releasing 4 GaN MMIC ultra wide-band, high-power amplifiers. The Table below shows the performance. AMCOM products include discrete power devices, MMIC power amplifiers and connectorized power amplifier modules from 30MHz to 16 GHZ with output power from 1W to 50W. For more product details, please visit www. for data sheet with detailed performance. AMCOM GaN HEMT MMIC Summary Model Frequency (GHz ) GSS (dB) P5dB (dBm) Eff(5dB) (%) Vd (V) Idq (A) ECCN AM004047SF-2H* 0.05-4.0 33 47 44 25, 90 0.5, 0.9 EAR99 AM006044SF-2H* 0.05-6.0 22 44 42 30, 60 0.4, 1.0 EAR99 AM206542TM-00! 2.0-6.5 25 42 20 28 0.96 3A001.b.2.a AM010130TM-00! 0.05-13.0 13 33 15 28 0.24 3A001.b.2.b * 100uS pulse width, 10% duty cycle. They also work in CW mode at lower bias voltage with slightly reduced output power. ! CW Operation. (301) 353-8400 The RF Power House m m Get info at 26 High Frequency Electronics can begin. A VSA could miss signals that occur during this transfer time. Triggering could help in both of these situations, but that requires detailed knowledge of the signal power and frequency – which isn’t necessarily obvious with dynamic interferers. With RTSAs, the user can acquire the full real-time bandwidth and concurrently process the acquisition by performing overlapping FFTs in the hardware. This results in a gapless conversion to the frequency domain that can be exhibited using a number of common RTSA displays, such as a persistence plot. FPGAs are the backbone of a user-programmable RTSA due to their inherent ability to deterministically process data at high rates. For example, using the Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA on the high performance NI PXIe-5668R VSA, one can capture more than 750 MHz real-time bandwidth of 16-bit IQ data at 1 GS/s – an effective data rate of 4 GB/s. In order to process the data in real time – a neighboring FPGA co-processor is used to process the data. In this case, the 4 GB/s of data must be bit-packed into 12-bit IQ data to ensure the maximum data rate is less than the 3 GB/s, which can be continuously transferred through the backplane of a PXI chassis. The IQ data has now been acquired by the VSA, processed, bit-packed, and then streamed over the PXI bus to a neighboring NI PXIe-7976R FPGA module. The FPGA module then converts the received raw IQ data to the frequency domain via a 50% overlapped windowed FFT. At 3 GB/s, the NI PXIe-7976R performs an astonishing 2 million overlapped and windowed FFTs per second that can capture signals as brief as 1.5 µs. The spectrum can then be displayed using common RTSA displays, such as a persistence plot. The persistence plot overlays 10s of thousands of FFT traces onto a 2 dimensional display, which is represented as an intensity plot as seen in Figure 3. Further customization of this display is achieved through three additional controls: (1) the persistence, or how quickly signals fade from the High Frequency Design | Software-Designed Instruments Figure 2 • More than 750 MHz of real-time bandwidth acquired by the NI PXIe-5668R VSA streamed at 3 GB/s to a neighboring NI PXIe-7976R FPGA Module for co-processing to create an RTSA. The 26.5 GHz NI PXIe-5668R VSA contains a user-programmable FPGA. display, (2) the emphasis, or the ability to highlight less frequent events, and (3) the saturation, or the ability to compress the color mapping for better contrast. Additionally, trace statistics (max/min hold and averaging) and real-time frequency mask triggering are added to the persistence plot. The real-time frequency mask triggering allows the user to draw a power level boundary on the display and then capture the signal that penetrates this boundary. The captured signal can then be sent to the host computer for analysis or streamed to a redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) for later use. In addition to creating a persistence plot, the FPGA concurrently calculates time domain, frequency domain, and waterfall plots. These plots retain generic VSA features like the ability to change the reference level, center frequency, RF attenuation, or span. Performing customizable high-speed gap-free signal processing is only possible with the integration of the user-programmable FPGA in RF instrumentation. These features are created in hardware on the FPGA with the LabVIEW design environment, where the user decides what tradeoffs to make. RTSA is only one of many custom FPGA personalities that can be created, and the userprogrammed FPGA produces a new class of instrument, one where the user is actually in control. Future-Proofing Vendor-defined instruments and fixed-capability offthe-shelf instruments will remain available for years to come, but increasingly complex devices and time-to-mar- 28 High Frequency Electronics ket pressure will lead to the rise of software-based instrumentation systems. The continuation of device complexity and time pressure means that software-designed instruments will play an increasingly important role in test instrumentation—starting right now. Software-designed instrumentation provides the highest level of flexibility, performance, and future-proofing currently possible with off-the-shelf hardware. As your system requirements change, software-designed instruments will preserve your software investment across different pieces of modular I/O and also ensure your existing I/O can be modified according to the application at hand. About the Authors: Bill Driver has over 13 years of experience in test and measurement, including sales and product management roles at Tektronix and LeCroy (now Teledyne LeCroy). He is currently a senior product manager for National Instruments in Austin TX, and focuses on automated test applications. He graduated with a BSEE from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as well as a MBA from the University of New Hampshire. Vimal M. Fernandez has more than three years of experience in test and measurement. He started his career at National Instruments as an Applications Engineer, then transitioned into R&D as an RF Test Engineer. Vimal is currently a Product Marketing Engineer with a focus on RF and Microwave Test. He graduated with a BSEE from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. DISTRIBUTOR AND MANUFACTURER’S REPRESENTATIVES C. W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. Featuring Coaxial Connectors, Adapters, and Interface Gages from SRI Connector Gage 1.85 mm · 2.4 mm · 2.9 mm · 3.5 mm · N · SMA · TNC · ZMA Connectors for low-loss cable · Interface gages · Custom designs We stock RF, microwave and millimeter wave connectors, adapters, and interface gages from SRI Connector Gage and other fine manufacturers. Call today for a quote. C. W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. 15216 Burbank Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91411 Tel: 800-642-7692 or 818-989-1133 Fax: 818-989-4784 CLOSED EVERY ST. PATRICK’S DAY ! High Frequency Design | RF Power Measurement Statistical Analysis for On-Site RF Power Measurement By Tim Holt Thanks to advances in analog and digital technologies, the multi-function RF power meter bears little resemblance to the earliest versions that appeared in the 1990s. They have all but disappeared as benchtop instruments and today, when accompanied by only a laptop or other computer, the sensor itself incorporates required functionOnly with this capability ality. However, inline RF power meters (e.g., those using a laptop for display can digitally-modulated and other functions) designed for troubleshooting the transmit and receive signals be characterized. paths of base stations have been hampered by their inability to accommodate complex digital modulation and radio channel access formats for the lack of statistical analysis capability. Troubleshooting Modern Systems There are many factors that can degrade the performance of communications systems, including the presence of interfering signals within the system’s operating bandwidth, poor amplifier linearity resulting in distortion and poor waveform fidelity, antenna damage or degradation and transmission line discontinuities causing high VSWR and low loss, and many other anomalies. Networks such as LTE, WiMAX, Next Generation Public Safety Communications (APCO Project 25 Phase 2 and LTE), GSM-R, and military communications systems add a significant layer of complexity to the troubleshooting process when compared to their predecessors as they employ higher-order digital modulation schemes. Consequently, evaluating the transmission-line and power-related characteristics of such systems in the field requires analysis techniques beyond measurement of traditional modulation parameters such as AM depth or FM modulation. This is because the peak-to-average power ratio of the modulated carrier is a complex function of the data stream content rather than just amplitude and is not constant with time. Analog modulation schemes encode information via amplitude, frequency, or phase using linear modulators, and measuring the envelope power of these signals is straightforward and produces repeatable and predictable results using techniques power meters have always provided. In contrast, modern modulation schemes such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) combine amplitude and phase modulation to create symbolbased multichannel or multicarrier sys- Figure 1 • The Bird Model 7022 combines traditional tems that result in pseudorandom or RF power meter measurements with statistical noise-like power envelopes. analysis capability for use with digital modulation 30 High Frequency Electronics schemes. WIDEBAND 4W AMPLIFIERS 500-4200 MHz ZHL-4 W-42 2X+ Mini-Circu its ® 1495ea. $ With 4W output power and ±1 dB gain flatness across 500 to 4200 MHz, Mini-Circuits new ZHL-4W-422+ Class-A amplifiers meet your needs for a wide range of applications! With RUGGED CONSTRUCTION and extensive built-in safety features, they’re perfect for lab uses such as production test, burn-in, life test, and IP3 measurements where filtering and attenuation matching is needed. Used in conjunction with Mini-Circuits power splitters, they can be used to drive up to 32 simultaneous test channels or more, improving test efficiency and throughput. Consistent performance across very wide band also makes them excellent candidates for systems ranging from satellite L-Band and cellular to transmitters, GPS, and more! They’re available off the shelf for immediate shipment, so visit and place your order today! ZHL-4W-422+ Gain, 25 dB Gain Flatness, ±1 dB • IP3, +44 dBm • IP2, +45 dBm • Unconditionally Stable • • • Protected against: → Opens and Shorts → Overheating → Over-Voltage → Reverse Polarity Available with Heat Sink Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 530 rev org High Frequency Design | RF Power Measurement Figure 2 • This screen shows the percentage of time a particular waveform (in this case LTE-TDD) exists at a specific peak-to-average power ratio. To accurately measure peak and burst average power of time slots associated with TDMA-based and other timebased channel access methods, the power sensor must be able to measure the peak or burst average power of a single time slot within the TDMA frame. These digitallymodulated signals often appear like noise so it is necessary to measure their RF power characteristics using statistical analysis. The instrument must be able to measure and display the complex RF envelope of a carrier signal in terms of probability. Statistical Analysis The first inline power meter to incorporate statistical analysis is the Bird Technologies Model 7022 (Figure 1), and it can characterize signals independent of their modulation technique or channel access method. It combines the ability to test waveform properties along with traditional measurements such as forward and reflected average power, burst average power, peak power, VSWR, and return loss. The instrument can be operated in three modes: conventional, time-domain, and statistical analysis. In conventional mode measurements include forward and reflected average power, VSWR, and return loss like traditional RF power meters, and in time-domain mode time-domain waveform characteristics are measured, with markers to determine average burst power, peak power, and other pulse-related parameters. Finally, in statistical analysis mode, the Model 7022 displays peak-to-average power ratio versus the time in 32 High Frequency Electronics percent that the waveform is at (or exceeds) a specific peak-to-average power ratio. Two movable cursors available within the Windows-based VPM3 software included with instrument can be placed at any point on the curve in order to determine specific values of the waveform peak-toaverage ratio and corresponding time. Statistical Measurements The most widely used statistical parameter is the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF), which provides an indication of the probability that a measured power level is greater than a specific power level. CCDF measurements require no time synchronization with the waveform to be measured, no specific test or calibration signal, and can be made on “live” signals. Another, more universal approach to providing statistical measurements is displaying the percentage of time a particular waveform exists at a specific peak-to-average power ratio. Figure 2 illustrates this concept as applied to an LTE-TDD waveform in the VPM3 software. The horizontal axis in the figure represents the peak-to-average power ratio of the waveform being measured and vertical axis represents time in percent. Reading a specific point on the graph provides information about the percentage of time that the signal being measured exhibits a specific peak-to-average power ratio characteristic. The maximum peak-to-average power ratio of the waveform being measured in this figure is at the point where the curve intersects the horizontal axis. This corre- RF Relay is the answer to your urgent small quantity needs. RelComm Technologies NOW offers a huge selection of RF Coaxial Relays with many options available for shipment from Stock. Purchase On-Line with No Hassels – Visa, MC, AMEX RF Coaxial Relays – DC to 18 GHz Very Affordable High Performance Building Blocks Design Enhanced For Mission Critical Communications Extremely Low Loss from DC to 18GHz 1P1T, 1P2T, 2P2T, Transfer, Multi-Throw Configurations PCB Mount, SMA, and N-Type Connectorized Starting @ $49.00 each for 10-14 units Ship from Stock (Same Day to 36 Hours) E X C E L L E P N C E R O V I D E D B D Y B Y E S I G : I N C . R E L C O M M T E C H N O L O G I E S , 6 1 0 B E A M S T R E E T , S A L I S B U R Y, M A R Y L A N D 2 1 8 0 1 T E L E P H O N E ( 4 1 0 ) 7 4 9 - 4 4 8 8 , FA X ( 4 1 0 ) 8 6 0 - 2 3 2 7 w w w . r e l c o m m t e c h . c o m N High Frequency Design | RF Power Measurement Figure 3 • Time-domain mode is useful for time-varying waveforms such as TDMA-based channel access methods or Time Division Duplex (TDD) formats. sponds to a value of 11.5 dB. The cursors can be placed at any point on the curve in order to determine specific values of the waveform peak-to-average ratio and corresponding time. The Model 7022’s time-domain mode (Figure 3) is useful for time-varying waveforms such as TDMA-based channel access methods or Time Division Duplex (TDD) formats. A good example of a system employing this technology is a Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) subscriber unit. DMR is an open standard communications format used primarily in land mobile radio systems with Mototrbo being its most prolific implementation. DMR uses a two-slot TDMA format with a 60-ms frame length. At the base station, both time slots are always full but at the subscriber unit only one slot is active, resulting in a 30-ms burst occurring at a 17-Hz rate. Other formats well suited to time-domain mode are TETRA and TETRAPOL, APCO Project 25 Phase 1 and Phase 2, GSM-GSM-R, and LTE-TDD. In the analysis of time-domain-based waveforms such as TDMA it may be necessary to measure the peak or burst average power of a single time slot within the TDMA frame. This measurement is easily performed on the VPM3 software by placing movable cursors on either side of the specific time slot to be measured and simply reading the power characteristics from the accompanying table. More advanced pulse power parameters such as toplevel power, minimum power, and other measurements are available by enabling the pulse measurement mode, avail34 High Frequency Electronics able on the right side of the display. Several video filter settings (4.5 kHz, 400 kHz, 5 MHz, 20 MHz) are available in the Model 7022 in order to tailor the instrument response to the signal being measured. Several video smoothing settings are available as well. Summary Wireless telecommunications is rapidly approaching the day when digital modulation schemes will be universally employed. Over the last 15 years or so, this has transformed not just the transmission systems themselves but the instrument functions required to measure them. Measurement of RF power is a classic example of the transformation, as conventional RF power measurements are no longer useful for characterizing time-based signals characteristic of higher-order modulation schemes. The Bird Model 7022 RF Power Meter with statistical analysis functions is designed to provide the ability to measure digital waveforms as well as all conventional measurements, in a rugged, compact package well suited for use in the field. About the Author: Tim Holt is the Director of Systems and Applications Engineering at Bird Technologies Group. He has more than 30 years of experience in the design and application of radio frequency power meters of all types. He can be reached at 440-519-2324 or at Best in class! 2801 Series Flexible/High Frequency/Low Loss Cable Assemblies The 2801 Series cable assemblies offer the “lowest loss in the industry” at frequencies up to 18 GHz. The cable features a multi-ply concentrically laminated dielectric of expanded PTFE, double shielding and a standard FEP jacket per ASTM D-2116. Options including LOW SMOKE/ZERO HALOGEN polyurethane jacketing and TUF-FLEX internal armoring are available for applications requiring enhanced mechanical protection. SMA, precision TNC and N Type connectors are standard for frequencies up to 18 GHz. C, SC and 7-16 connectors are also offered. Specifications Impedance: time delay: cut off frequency: capacitance: Weight: rF leakage, min: -100 dB to 18 GHz temp range: -65˚C to +165˚C cable outer diameter: 0.31” Velocity of propagation: 83% ul flame retardant rating: VO 50 ohmΩ 1.2 ns/ft. 18 GHz 24 pf/ft. 7.8 lb./100 ft. Max RF Power in Watts 20˚C at Sea Level Attenuation in dB/100 ft InSulAteD WIre, Inc. 203.791.1999 Attenuation in dB/100 ft Max RF Power at 20˚C & Sea Level 30 2000 28 1800 26 24 1600 22 1400 20 1200 18 Watts 1000 dB 16 800 12 14 10 600 8 400 6 4 200 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Frequency (GHz) 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Frequency (GHz) Call us today with your project specs and we’ll show you the most reliable way to get connected in the industry. We’re how the microwave industry gets connected! Scan code to find out how you can get connected HFE | New Products 42 waveguide and UG595/U flange, measures 3.06” long and weighs 4.5 oz typically. SAGE Millimeter Extension Module OML introduced a new option for its signal generator frequency extension module, SxxMS. Already available with options for manual adjustable attenuation and DC power connection to Keysight’s PSG; the source module now includes an option for electronic attenuation. The SxxMS Series will expand existing microwave signal generator capabilities to conduct measurements from 50 to 500 GHz. OML mance up to 50 GHz. With excellent noise figure relative to their broad bandwidth and high gain, they can be used to significantly reduce test system noise figure. Isolator To protect space communication payload electronics, Renaissance has designed a 6.7 GHz drop-in isolator. Main features include compact size, low loss and high isolation. This device meets all of NASA’s outgassing requirements. Keysight Technologies Renaissance Electronics Mixer Coupler Mini-Circuits’ ZUDC10-183+ is a 50Ω, 10dB, Up to 50W, 0.5 to 18 GHz Ultra-Wideband, DC Pass directional coupler that features: ultra wide frequency range, 0.5 to 18 GHz; good coupling flatness, ±0.6 dB typ.; good directivity, 22dB typ up to 4 GHz; good VSWR, 1.4 typ up to 18 GHz, 1:15 up to 4 GHz; DC current pass through input to output. Applications: cellular; lab use; WiMax; ISM; GSM; PCN. Mini-Circuits Isolator Model STF-42-S1 is a full band Faraday isolator covering the frequency range from 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz. The Faraday isolator exhibits 28 dB isolation and 1 dB insertion loss typically over entire K band. It is equipped with standard WR- 36 High Frequency Electronics Network Simulator Anritsu introduced options for its MD8475A Network Simulator platform that support WLAN Offload smartphone testing, creating an accurate and efficient test solution for verifying mobile devices early in the device integration test process. With the options installed, the MD8475A simulates real-world carrier network implementation of industry-standard WLAN Offload functions. Anritsu Amp Guide A new Amplifier Selection Guide is now available for use in building high-performance automated test systems with Keysight amplifiers. Keysight test system amplifiers offer ultra-broadband perfor- The HMC1081 double balanced mixer can be used as an upconverter or a downconverter, with DC to 26 GHz at the IF port and 50 to 75 GHz at the RF port. This passive MMIC mixer is fabricated with GaAs Shottky diode technology. All bond pads and the die backside are Ti/Au metallized and the Shottky devices are fully passivated for reliable operation. Hittite Flex Circuits Molex introduced Rigid Flex Circuits and Assemblies. They minimize impedance discontinuities in high-speed military and aerospace data and telecommunications devices that are lightweight, portable and intended for use in harsh environments. Designed for a range CUSTOM VCOs You Define It. We'll Design It. 3 MHz to 7GHz g at Startin 4995* $ ea. (min. Qty. 10) Send us your requirements using our online spec checklist for a response within 4 days! Need a VCO custom designed for your project? Mini-Circuits just made it easy. Go to and enter your requirements into our online VCO spec checklist. Our engineers will review your application, run simulations and respond to discuss your request within four days or less. We can optimize models for wideband, linear tuning, dual output, low phase noise and more for costs as little as $49.95* ea. (minimum qty.10). Whether you need a rugged coaxial housing or surface mount packages as small as 0.25 x *Price for most designs. Up to $99.95 for more complex designs. 0.25 x 0.1”, we can probably create a solution for your needs. You can also use our unique Yoni2™ search engine on our website to search actual test data from our full engineering database. Just enter your desired performance parameters and click “search” for a complete list of models that will be close to your requirements. We’re always here to support you, so send your request today, and our engineers will work with you to find the right VCO for your application! Go to Enter your requirements, and click SUBMIT! We promise you a fast response! Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 533 rev A HFE | New Products of applications from hand-held to large storage and computing devices. Molex Test Support Keysight introduced test support for the eDP 1.4 (embedded DisplayPort) specification. Keysight N6469A eDP 1.4 electrical performance and characterization test software allows developers using eDP technology to streamline their testing by using application software specifically designed for their needs. Keysight Technologies Synthesizer Z-Communications announced a new RoHS compliant Fixed Frequency Synthesizer model SFS13050H-LF. It is a single frequency synthesizer that operates at 13.05 GHz with an external 100 MHz reference oscillator. Featuring a typical phase noise of -88 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset, it is ideal for radar systems requiring superior performance. Z-Communications YTO Micro Lambda’s MLSMO-Series Permanent Magnet YIG-Tuned Oscillators cover the frequency range of 2 - 13 GHz. They are available in customer-selected tuning ranges and are fitted with a low power main coil, and FM coil for phase 38 High Frequency Electronics locking. All units operate from a +8 Volt and –5 Volt supply and operate over the 0º to + 65ºC temperature range. Units do not require a heater. Micro Lambda Wireless LNA Model SBL-3335032565-2222-S1 is a full band 33 GHz to 50 GHz low noise amplifier. The amplifier exhibits a typical of 25 dB small signal gain and 6 dB noise figure throughout the entire Q Band. It requires single positive DC bias at +8 Vdc/160 mA. It is equipped with standard WR-22 waveguide and UG383/U flange as its RF connectors. SAGE Millimeter Tutorial A new online tutorial shows how to simulate single-tone and twotone intermodulation products in Keysight’s ADS simulator. It begins with a recap of two-tone IP3 and then moves on to two-tone IP2, and compares simulations to single-tone second harmonic intercept point. Go to Plextek RFI Coupler Mini-Circuits’ DCW-30-272+ is a 50Ω, 30 dB Coupling, 700 to 2700 MHz Ceramic Directional Coupler that features: Wideband, 700-2700 MHz; Low insertion loss, 0.2 dB typ.; Excellent return loss for input/output ports ideal for signal-tap; Ultra small size, 0603 (1.6 x 0.8 mm); Temperature stable; LTCC construction. Mini-Circuits Regulator The LTM4623 3A µModule (micromodule) step-down regulator is in an ultrathin 1.8mm profile LGA package with only a 6.25mm x 6.25mm footprint. With solder paste, the package height is less than 2mm, meeting the height restrictions of many PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express), Advanced Mezzanine Cards (AMC) for AdvancedTCA carrier cards in embedded computing systems. Linear Technology Adapters RFMW announced design and sales support for Carlisle Interconnect Technologies’ SMA Precision Swept Right Angle Adapters. Carlisle features a continuous right-angled design to produce optimally matched low loss adapters for 50 Ohm applications with low VSWR and QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY IN PRECISION COAXIAL CONNECTORS BETWEEN SERIES ADAPTERS EDGE LAUNCH CONNECTORS BULKHEAD & PANEL ADAPTERS CABLE CONNECTORS IN SERIES ADAPTERS CUSTOM DESIGNS ADAPTERS · CABLE CONNECTORS · RECEPTACLES · CUSTOM DESIGNS Including These Connector Series 1.85mm 2.4mm DC-65 GHz DC-50 GHz 2.92mm 3.5mm DC-40 GHz DC-34 GHz 7mm SSMA DC-18 GHz DC-40 GHz ISO 9001:2008 SGMC Microwave — The name to count on for Quality, Performance and Reliability! Please contact us today by Phone, Fax or Email. Manufacturer of Precision Coaxial Connectors 620 Atlantis Road, Melbourne, FL 32904 Phone: 321-409-0509 Fax: 321-409-0510 Get info at HFE | New Products ged, compact COTS HPEC (High Performance Embedded Computer). The new, fully integrated subsystem combines a multi-core CPU to efficiently process overhead functions with an advanced GPGPU that focuses on executing heavy-duty system requirements. Insertion loss and tested per MILSTD-202. RFMW Cleavers Fujikura launched a line of high precision large diameter fiber (LDF) cleavers designed for fusion splicing and glass processing preparation. The Fujikura CT- 105/106 will provide advanced cleaving solutions for end-users in fiber laser and optical fiber sensor applications across the oil and gas, university, R&D, submarine cabling, defense, optical components and medical markets. Fujikura Waveform Generator B&K Precision announced the rejuvenated 4075B Series of arbitrary/ function waveform generators with higher frequency ranges, increased arb memory, and a color LCD. The new 4075B Series offers six new models that directly replace the previous 4075 line with single- and dual-channel 30 MHz (4075B/4078B) and 50 MHz models (4076B/4079B). B&K Precision 40 High Frequency Electronics VCO Crystek’s CVCO33CL-0900-0940 VCO operates from 900 MHz to 940 MHz with a control voltage range of 0.2V~2.0V. This VCO features a typical phase noise of -104 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz offset and has excellent linearity. Output power is typically + 3dBm. Engineered and manufactured in the USA, it is packaged in the industry-standard 0.3-in. x 0.3in. SMD package. Crystek MIMO Antennas L-com Global Connectivity announced a series of Omni, Dish and Sector style MIMO antennas with mounting brackets for Ubiquiti® RocketM2 or RocketM5 access points. A pair of low loss cable assemblies to connect the RocketM2/ M5 access point to the antenna is included in these kits. The bracket itself is constructed from stainless steel, ideal for outdoor use. L-com Aitech Defense Systems Transistor Freescale’s MMRF1514H 125W continuous wave RF power GaN transistor is optimized for wideband operation up to 2690 MHz and has integrated input matching for extended bandwidth performance. It is ideally suited for multi-octave communication, commercial and military radio, radar, jammers, EW, and industrial, scientific and medical applications. Richardson RFPD VNA Extender OML introduced a Low Power Series for its VNA frequency extension modules. Providing a low power solution; with a max output power of 0 dBm; which expands your existing VNA capabilities so you can conduct millimeter wave S-parameter measurements. Connect to your existing network analyzer to display two port S-parameters: S11, S21, S12 and S22. OML Computer Aitech Defense Systems Inc. released the enhanced A191, a rug- Splitter Mini-Circuits’ ZB8PD-242-75+ 8 Way-0°, 75Ω, 600 to 2400 MHz Microwave Components is now stocking Dynawave Cable Inc. High Performance Low Loss Bulk Cables !! DynaFlex® Cable Series easily handles the most challenging interconnect design specifications where size, weight, power, loss, phase stability, flexure or other requirements are critical. This is accomplished by employing the DynaCore™ and FiberLite™ technologies along with the latest manufacturing equipment and controlled processes. DynaFlex® Series DF 100 (DC - 65 GHz) is the “Best in All Around Performance” DynaFlex® Series DF 200 (DC - 40 GHz) is the “Best in Electrical Performance” DynaFlex® Series DF 300 (DC - 40 GHz) is the “Best in Weight Performance” DynaFlex® Series DF 400 (DC - 65 GHz) is the “Best in Flexure Performance” D-Flex™ Cable Series replaces semi rigid cable applications with a flexible equivalent and the D-Flex™ Microporous Cable Series offers extended operational frequencies and temperature ranges through utilization of microporous cores . D-Flex™ Series (DC – 18 GHz), DX 086, DX 141 D-Flex™ Microporous Series (DC – 40 GHz), DXM 047, DXM 086, DXM 141 Call us today and put our experience to work for you…. Phone: (888) 591-4455 or (772) 286-4455 Fax:(772) 286-4496 E-Mail: Web Site: AS9120 ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFIED HFE | New Products features a spectrally clean signal of -105 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and a typical tuning sensitivity of 23 MHz/V. Power Splitter/Combiner features: wideband, 600 to 2400 MHz; low insertion loss, 0.7 dB typ.; good isolation, 27 dB typ.; good amplitude unbalance, 0.3 dB typ.; rugged shielded case. Applications: WiMax; CATV; PCS/DCS; Cellular Infrastructure; UMTS. Z-Communications Power Amp Mini-Circuits EM Simulation Software FilterSolutions® added the capability of rapid, accurate electromagnetic optimization utilizing Axiem® tuning port capability, the electromagnetic analysis tool from AWR® (division of National Instruments). By automated insertion of strategically placed tuning ports into FilterSolutions’ planar geometry and exporting to the Axiem software, planar filters can be EM optimized across a frequency range with a few mouse clicks. Nuhertz VCO Z-Communications announced a new RoHS compliant VCO model CLV1625B-LF. The CLV1625B-LF operates at 1445 to 1820 MHz with a tuning voltage range of 2 to 25 Vdc. This high performance VCO 42 High Frequency Electronics Keysight Technologies announced the latest release of EMPro software, its 3-D electromagnetic simulation software. EMPro 2015.01 offers a number of new capabilities to reduce simulation time and increase design efficiency. The most notable is a speed improvement to its Finite Element Method (FEM) simulator that reduces by half, on average, the time it takes for simulations that exceed two minutes. Keysight Technologies Transceiver Richardson RFPD announced availability for Lime Microsystems’ LMS7002M, a fully-integrated, multiband, multi-standard, programmable MIMO RF transceiver. It combines low noise amplifiers, driver amplifiers, mixers, filters, synthesizers, receiver (RX) gain control, transmitter (TX) power control, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters into a single 11.5 mm x 11.5 mm QFNpackaged product. Richardson RFPD NuWaves Engineering introduced the NuPower 13G05A, a small, lightweight, high-efficiency power amp. It provides saturated RF power of at least 35 Watts from 800 to 2000 MHz with greater than 40% module efficiency across the frequency band. With a nominal input drive level of 0 dBm, the 13G05A offers 45 dB of RF gain. NuWaves Engineering Power Amplifier Model ABP2650-01-2725 is a MMIC-based power amplifier offering 27 dB of linear gain and 25 dBm typical output power at 1 dB gain compression point over the frequency range from 0.1 to 26.5 GHz with excellent gain flatness and VSWR. The amplifier has built-in DC voltage regulator and requires a single +12.0V DC power supply. Package size of the amplifier is 1.5 × 1.0 × 0.4”. Wenteq Microwave Hybrid Model 2JS1100 is a wideband 180-degree hybrid covering 4-18 HFE | New Products GHz continuously. Coupling is 4.5±0.6 dB and phase balance is ±20 degrees. Isolation is 18 dB, minimum and return loss is 1.8:1 max at all ports. This model comes standard with SMA-Female connectors in a housing measuring 3.0 x 1.5 x 0.4 inches. Werbel Microwave to be contained on a single 1U-high 19-inch rack-mounting chassis Murata Splitter Mini-Circuits SCQA-4-232+ is a 4 Way, Quadrifilar, 50Ω, 1700 to 2300 MHz Power Splitter/Combiner that features: good isolation, 24 dB typ.; good phase unbalance, 5 deg.; good matching VSWR, 1.2:1 typ. Applications: GPS phase array antenna. Mini-Circuits Wireless Power Antenna Molex is now a strategic partner and investor in NuCurrent, a developer of wireless power antenna technology. NuCurrent created a breakthrough in novel structures for low resistance antennas, and now offers custom design and fabrication of high-efficiency inductors geared toward specific functions with a growing focus on wireless power applications. Molex MOSFETs Vishay Intertechnology introduced the first two devices in its new 600 V EF Series of fast body diode nchannel power MOSFETs. With low reverse recovery charge and on-resistance, the Vishay Siliconix SiHx28N60EF and SiHx33N60EF increase reliability and save energy in industrial, telecom, computing, and renewable energy applications. Probe Station J micro Technology RF Industries’ conformable semirigid cable assemblies are manufactured with tin filled, braided outer conductor that exhibits similar electrical properties to solid semi-rigid, but can be hand formed in the field with no degradation in electrical or PIM performance. The cable has a diameter of .141 inches with a protective insulated blue jacket. RF Industries Vishay Intertechnology The JR-2745 is low cost manual probe station for testing high speed, microwave and RF semiconductors with wafer sizes up to 200mm (8”). Magnetic mount or ‘bolt on’ microwave positioners; Up to 7 microwave positioners can be mounted SW, W, NW, N, NE, E, and SE simultaneously; Top plate Insert for true N,S,E,W probe placement; 4.5” probe card adapter available. Cable Assemblies Power Supplies Murata announced an addition to its D1U4 series of AC-DC frontend power supplies from Murata Power Solutions. These programmable supplies feature a dual I²C interface, controllable bidirectional output isolation. The compact D1U4 measures just 41 x 355.6 x 101.6 mm and allows up to four supplies Regulator Linear Technology introduced the LTM4639, a 20A DC/DC step-down µModule® (micromodule) regulator capable of converting 2.5V to 7V main-power system rails to pointof-load voltages as low as 0.6V with optimum efficiency. In complex rack-mount systems, improved voltage conversion efficiency results in savings in energy consumption, thermal management and equipment size. Linear Technology Power Amps Richardson RFPD announced availability and design support for two new 2.7 to 3.7 GHz packaged GaN power amplifiers from TriQuint. The TGA2583-SM and TGA2585SM are designed using TriQuint’s 43 HFE | New Products production 0.25-ìm GaN on SiC process. They can operate under both pulse and continuous wave (CW) conditions, and feature RF ports that are fully matched to 50 ohms with integrated DC blocking capacitors for simple system integration. dB. This unit has a maximum input VSWR of 2.0:1 at 50 Ohms and RF input power handling of 0.5 Watts minimum. It is supplied with SMA(F) RF connectors in and out and SMC control connectors in a housing that measures 1.83” x 1.53” x 0.41”. Planar Monolithics Industries 30 Years Richardson RFPD Wireless Standards Spectrum Analyzer Saelig Company announced the Rigol DSA800 Spectrum Analyzers Series that extends coverage up to 7.5 GHz. The DSA832 and DSA875 expand this spectrum analyzer family to 3.2 and 7.5 GHz respective with specifications that far exceed the very popular and affordable DSA815-TG. These new instruments enable precise direct measurements of higher frequency signals and systems, complete with built-in tracking generators. Saelig Company Pulse Modulator PMI Model No. MPM-1002 is a Pulse Modulator that operates from 8.0 to 18.0 GHz and has a maximum insertion loss of 2.5 44 High Frequency Electronics The free Keysight Evolving Wireless Standards poster is designed to provide greater insight into the evolving wireless market, with focus and measurement details on the latest Cellular, Two-Way Trunked Radio, Wireless Connectivity, and GNSS technology areas. Keysight Technologies Coupler RFMW announced design and sales support for a 50W, surface mount, directional coupler serving 15 – 18.5GHz applications. The EMC Technology DN05W20F provides a 20dB coupling factor with only 0.6dB insertion loss. Directivity is 32dB min from 17 to 18.5GHz while the DN05W20F maintains a maximum VSWR of 1.6:1. The DN05W20F operating temperature is -55 to +85 degrees C. RFMW HFE’s Product Showcase Classified Advertising Your ad will stand out when it’s displayed in our Product Showcase! For more information, or to place your ad, please contact: Joanne Frangides Tel : 201-666-6698 Fax: 201-666-6698 joanne@ highfrequencyelectronics .com Product Showcase Advanced Switch Technology 754 Fortune Cr, Kingston, ON K7P 2T3, Canada. 613 384 3939 Our line of Waveguide, Coaxial and Dual Switches are the most reliable in the industry, but don’t just take our word for it. Join the hundreds of satisfied customers who use our switches every day. Page 1 General Test Equip Page 2 Mini-Circuits Page 3 Power Supplies Page 4 Oscilloscopes Le Croy Page 5 RF Power Meters Page 6 Waveguide Parts Section Page 7 RF Coaxial Parts Page 8 Manuals Free pdf Download Page 9 Solid State RF Amplifiers Page 10 Tube Type RF Amps TWT Page 11 Miscellaneous Repair Parts VOICE: When only the best will do EMAIL: WEB: 732.240.6895 Product Highlights Connector Website SGMC Microwave’s updated website features its precision coaxial connectors, including cable connectors, receptacles and adapters. SGMC Microwave was founded to provide the Defense, Test & Measurement, Telecommunications, Satellite and Aerospace industries with high-performance microwave and millimeter-wave connectors. TWTA The dB-3860 is a TWT Amplifier operating in the frequency range of 34.5 to 35.5 GHz providing 700 Watts minimum peak output power at a duty cycle of up to 10%. A wideband, periodic permanent magnet (PPM)-focused, conduction-cooled TWT is used for power amplification. The power supply topology uses proprietary low-noise, high-efficiency designs to operate the RF signal path. SGMC Microwave dB Control Interference Hunter The MA2700A Handheld Interference Hunter is equipped with a GPS receiver and antenna, an electronic compass, and a user-selectable preamplifier. It is designed to enhance Interference Mapping, which is part of option 25, Interference Analysis on Anritsu handheld instru- 46 High Frequency Electronics ments. With the MA2700A, a vector line to an interfering signal can be added to a map in the instrument with a click of the trigger on the handle. Anritsu Product Highlights Up/Down Converters OML leverages the design of its fundamental mixer technology in its converters to satisfy the need for optimized performance criteria. Our converters optimize performance for size, output power, conversion loss, stability, group delay, noise figure and bandwidth. Contact OML to discuss your specific requirements. OML Power Amps The 10W TGA2583-SM and 18W TGA2585-SM are designed using TriQuint’s production 0.25-μm GaN on SiC process, can operate under both pulse and continuous wave (CW) conditions, feature RF ports with integrated DC blocking capacitors, and are fully matched to 50 ohms for simple system integration. They are ideally suited to support commercial and defense-related S-band radar applications. Richardson RFPD Impedance Analyzer Keysight’s E4991B impedance analyzer offers high measurement accuracy (0.65 percent basic accuracy) for evaluating components over a wide impedance range, from 1 MHz to 3 GHz. It features accurate material measurement options that include temperature characteristics analysis from -55°C to 150°C (Option 007) and direct read function of permittivity and permeability up to 1 GHz (Option 002). Keysight Technologies 47 Product Highlights Website Resource Richardson RFPD offers a robust selection of online resources, including dedicated sections on gallium nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC) and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technologies. These technology-focused website sections include complete product inventories, supplier information, and extensive technical resources, from applications notes to brochures, selector guides, videos and white papers. Portable Receiver The PR100 portable receiver is specifically designed for radiomonitoring applications in the field. Its functions and control concept have been optimized for monitoring tasks. It operates in a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz. Whether used for monitoring emissions, detecting interference or locating miniature transmitters, the receiver combines high mobility with maximum operating ease. Richardson RFPD Rohde & Schwarz White Paper Signal Hound announced a white paper, “Cost-efficient and Extensible RF Spectrum Monitoring & Management.” The white paper discusses: Trends driving factors for inthe-field RF spectrum management; Limitations of larger, standalone spectrum analyzers vs. portable USB-based 48 High Frequency Electronics spectrum analyzers; An open systems approach to RF spectrum analysis; Real world benefits and use cases. Signal Hound Product Highlights Couplers The 10CN600 is one model of the series of directional couplers that cover octave and multi-octave bands up to 18-GHz. These directional couplers are offered with SMA or N-female connectors in standard and custom configurations. Values of 6, 10, 20, 30-dB and between. Made in the U.S.A. Werbel Microwave VNA Anritsu expanded its ShockLine™ family of vector network analyzers (VNAs) with the introduction of the MS46122A series. Incorporating patented shock line VNA-on-a-chip technology, the MS46122A low-cost fullreversing 2-port VNAs are packaged in a very compact 1U chassis, and are optimized for ultra-cost-sensitive test applications in manufacturing, engineering, and education environments. Anritsu Control Platform Seven new modules have been added to the R&S OSP open switch and control platform from Rohde & Schwarz. Users now have altogether 28 modules at their disposal for implementing a variety of RF wiring configurations between test instruments and DUTs. This allows them to reproducibly configure even automatic path switchovers in complex RF test systems and control them via Ethernet. Rohde & Schwarz 49 Product Highlights Capacitors Passive Plus introduced the 01005BB104 and 0201BB104 ultra-broadband 100 nF multilayer ceramic capacitors. The 01005BB104 has a case measuring (mils) 16 x 8 x 8, and offers resonant-free RF coupling/DC blocking from 16 KHz (lower 3-dB frequency) to beyond 65 GHz with < 1 dB insertion loss and < -15 dB return loss on suitable substrates. LNA Custom MMIC released the CMD218, a 5 - 9 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) in die form. It offers a gain of 22 dB, output of 1 dB, compression point of +19.5 dBm, and noise figure of less than 1.25 dB across the 5 to 9 GHz frequency range. In addition, without an input limiter, the CMD218 can survive high incident power levels up to 5 W with no degradation in performance. Passive Plus Custom MMIC VNA The R&S ZNBT8 multiport vector network analyzer offers up to 24 integrated test ports. The instrument can simultaneously test multiple DUTs or measure one DUT with up to 24 ports. The R&S ZNBT8 offers short measurement times even in scenarios with a large number of 50 High Frequency Electronics ports. Other highlights include a wide dynamic range, high output power levels, and inputs featuring high power-handling. Rohde & Schwarz Product Highlights RF Amplifiers Pasternack has expanded its portfolio of connectorized RF amplifiers including high power amplifiers, high-rel amplifiers, broadband amplifiers, limiting amplifiers, power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers (LNAs), log amplifiers and gain blocks. Pasternack’s broad lines of coaxial amplifiers are employed across the entire spectrum of commercial and military applications. Pasternack Analyzer Anritsu introduced functionality for its BTS Master™ MT8220T base station analyzer that allows field engineers to conduct highly accurate LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation measurements during network deployment and maintenance. The MT8220T can conduct key LTE- Circulator McManus Microwave introduced the Model 288 High Power Circulator. Operating at a frequency of 118-174 MHz and continuous forward power of 200W, the M288 delivers a Max. VSWR of 1.35 : 1 with Max. Inser-tion loss of 0.7 dB and Min. Isolation of 17 dB. The operating temperature range is 0° C to +55° C (with capacity to withstand a non-operating temperature range of -40° to +85° C). McManus Microwave Advanced CA measurements for all active component carriers and display them simultaneously on the same screen. Anritsu 51 Product Highlights Phase Shifter Link Microtek unveiled a range of broadband phase shifters covering microwave frequencies as high as 40GHz. Manufactured by Narda Microwave-East, an L-3 Communications company, the range consists of four models All are ideal for use in calibration and general testand-measurement applications in both the military and commercial sectors. Link Microtek Test Solution The 7700 is a complete automated test system with a small footprint. Using the production test sequences provided with the base model, it has the capability to emulate the functionality of the following instrumentation: vector signal generator; spectrum analyzer; vector net- 52 High Frequency Electronics Coax Connectors SMKey high-security 3.7 mm keyed coax connectors provide a failsafe mating solution for critical connections between male (plug) cable connectors and field-replaceable panel-mount female connectors. They are offered in 10 keyed combinations, each with uniquely polarized key positions. By assigning differing key positions for mating pairs within a set, the risk of incorrect connections is eliminated. Southwest Microwave work analyzer; oscilloscope; power meter; frequency counter; noise figure meter; microwave transition analyzer. Aeroflex Product Highlights RF Synthesizers Holzworth HSM series of RF synthesizers offers an expanded selection of bandwidth extensions, further improved phase noise performance, SPI communications, and MTBFs that are greater than 200,000 hours. AccuCAL output power subsystem and calibration routines provide amplitude accuracy of ±0.25dB; from +10 dBm down to as low as -70 dBm over the entire synthesized bandwidth. Holzworth Instrumentation Filter Spacek Labs’ model LPF1-86-11 is an E-Band low pass filter in WR-12 waveguide. It has a pass band of 71 to 86 GHz with an insertion loss of 1.5 dB typ and 2 dB max. The reject band is 91 to 140 GHz, with 20 dB rejection at 91 GHz and 35 dB minimum over the rest of the Switch Dow-Key Microwave’s 511H-Series high power T-switch is offered with 1.5kW peak power at UHF-band, 300W peak power both at L-band and S-band, and 200W peak power at C-band. In addition to its superior RF switch performance and lightweight design, the 511H-Series minimizes the switching time by using random access drive and it is available in various mounting configurations. Dow-Key Microwave band. This series of filters can be made from 18 to 110 GHz and can be designed with a sharp cut off as close as 5% of the band edge frequency. Spacek Labs 53 Product Highlights Waveguide LNA MITEQ Model AMFW-7S-12001500-95 is a very low noise, high dynamic range weather-proof Ku-band waveguide front end, operating from 12 to 15 GHz. This unit includes a pressure sealed WR75 waveguide input and SMA(F) connector output and is lightweight with a small profile and footprint. The aluminum alloy housing is sealed against the most severe environmental conditions. Miteq Combiner Pulsar model PPS4-51-452-20N allows the combining of 4 inputs to obtain a total of 500 watts at the output. The insertion loss is 0.7 dB and the isolation is 18 dB. Amplitude and phase phase balance are 0.5 dB and 6.0 54 High Frequency Electronics Clock Generator The CG635 generates extremely stable square wave clocks between 1 µHz and 2.05 GHz. The instrument’s high frequency resolution, low jitter, fast transition times, and flexible output levels make it ideal for use in the development and testing of virtually any digital component, system or network. Stanford Research Systems degrees, respectively. Outline dimensions are 4.15 X 5.00 X 1.00 inches and the connectors are Type N female. Pulsar Microwave Product Highlights SNR Noise Generator The CNG-EbNo is a fully automated precision signal to noise generator that sets and maintains a highly accurate ratio between a user-supplied carrier and internally generated noise over a wide range of signal power levels and frequencies. The internal power meter provides repeatable SNR waveforms for accurate signal generation. It provides a single tool to generate precision signal to noise ratios. Noisecom Attenuator The 50P-2014 is a 200 - 6000 MHz, solid-state variable attenuator with 0 - 95 dB of attenuation in 1 dB steps. It’s designed with USB control (via USB Mini-B connector), so it’s perfect for research & development labs or other flexible test environments (JFW software included or .dll VNA The highly compact 75 Ohm S7530 VNA is a 3.0 GHz, 2-port instrument, capable of 120 dB dynamic range and designed for operation with any Windows PC or laptop. Thanks to its unmatched portability, it can be shared easily within a team or brought to test sites. The free, lightweight VNA application connects to the S7530 with a standard USB cable, creating a future-proof solution. Copper Mountain Technologies file for integration into your own applications supplied upon request). JFW Industries 55 Product Highlights Adaptors Terminations or loads offered by Mesa Microwave are matched to 50Ω characteristics impedance. Terminations are used in a wide variety of measurement systems; any port or multi-port microwave device that is not involved in the measurement should be terminated in its characteristics impedance in order to achieve an accurate measurement. Mesa Microwave Design Software The AWR Connected™ family of products integrates NI AWR Design Environment™ software with 3rd party software and hardware manufacturers to provide a powerful and complete software-to-software and/or softwareto-hardware design environment. Design domains 56 High Frequency Electronics Capacitors Special Hermetic Products’ EMI Capacitors are designed to minimize stress/strain on both the internal components and the external solder joints which connect them to their host housing. The stress/strain considerations are crucial to their long-term reliability. It is critical that recommended housing design geometry be followed and that the appropriate device is chosen for the host housing material. Special Hermetic Products addressed include printed circuit boards, test and measurement (T&M), as well as MMIC thermal and related synthesis technologies. NI AWR Product Highlights Cable Assemblies EZ Form Cable Corp. is a leading designer and manufacturer of R.F. and microwave products for a variety of applications including low-noise amplifiers, microwave components, military, space, wireless communications and high-performance instrumentation. The company’s products include miniature semi-rigid coaxial cable, semirigid and flexible cable assemblies, coaxial delay lines and R.F. connectors. Inductor Piconics’ broadband conical inductor is ideal for applications ranging from test instrumentation to microwave circuit design. This broadband inductor makes an excellent bias tee for use in communication platforms and RF test setups out to 100 GHz. The unique broadband response is attributed to precision winding and insulation stripping along with selective gold plating and powdered iron fill material. EZ Form Cable Piconics Test Platform The LibertyGT SDSI Test & Development Reference Platform is designed to provide a comprehensive, upgradeable development system that may be used for TPS and ATE application development, Performance Verification Testing (PVT), ongoing tech support and tailoring and qualification of deployment configurations. RADX Technologies 57 Market Intel Military Radar Market Continues on Growth Trajectory Early warning and surveillance along with fire control radars will account for around 76 percent of the global military radar market over the 2013 to 2023 forecast timeframe with the total market growing to over L, S and C bands will $18.5 billion. The represent the largest Strategy Analytics market followed by Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) serradars operating at vice series of forecasts X-band covers the global military radar market in terms of expenditure as well as system shipments across the land, air, sea and space domains. North America will continue to represent the largest regional end market, but the fastest growth will be exhibited by demand from the Asia-Pacific region. Airborne radar will represent the largest market both in dollar terms as well as in terms of total shipments. L, S and C bands will represent the largest market followed by radars operating at X-band reflecting the primary frequencies used by surveillance/early warning and fire control radars. “The total number of radar shipments is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.1 percent through 2023 to reach 1393 units,” notes Eric Higham, North American Director for ADS. “Fire control radar shipments will continue to dominate the traditional mix but the fastest growth in shipments will come from emerging platforms such as unmanned systems, as well as new radar system types”. “The associated market for semiconductors and other components will grow from $1.2 billion to reach $2.1 billion with GaN (gallium nitride) becoming an established technology as it grows at a CAGR of 26.4 percent and finds use across all radar systems,” added Asif Anwar, ADS Director at Strategy Analytics. —Strategy Analytics LTE Handset Shipments Expected to Soar to Nearly 680 Million ABI Research estimates that 676 million 4G LTE handsets will be shipped in 2015, growing 204 million units from 2014. Furthermore, ABI Research estimates that the total number of LTE connected devices shipped worldwide will exceed 1.89 billion units by end 2019, demonstrating the need for infrastructure and spectrum to support the stellar growth in the industry. “With the proliferation of larger screen smart devices driving up the insatiable appetites for content and faster speeds, ABI Research estimates that there will be 350 commercial LTE networks forecasted by 4Q 2014,” comments Cheri Wong, Research Analyst at ABI Research. Furthermore, LTE-Advanced is now commercial on 20 networks in 14 countries. To cope with the demand for higher data rates, FDD/TDD LTE carrier aggregation trials are starting to take place. For example, Ericsson, SingTel, and Qualcomm demonstrated a downlink speed of 260 Mbps in their trial. The first ever TDD-FDD LTE trial took place in February 2014 between Korea Telecom and SK Telecom, with assistance from Nokia Networks. The LTE-Advanced is growing demand for data now commercial also emphasizes the need on 20 networks in for additional bandwidth to support the massive 14 countries strain on operator networks which can be alleviated through the refarming of unused spectrum. “While commercial devices supporting FDD/TDD carrier aggregation will only debut in 2015, this has not deterred global operators like Vodafone from rolling out LTE-Advanced technology using carrier aggregation to supplement its existing LTE mobile services,” adds Jake Saunders, VP and Practice Director for 4G/5G. Fueling the growth of the TD-LTE standard is the recently concluded US$970 million 4G TD-LTE deal between Nokia Networks and China Mobile. The multimillion deal will allow Nokia to equip China Mobile with its 4G TD-LTE technology to support the mobile operator’s 4G wireless broadband network deployments by end 2014 and 2015.The evolution of LTE will also see the next wave of related applications like VoLTE and LTE Broadcast/Multicast become growth drivers for the LTE market in the near term. —ABI Research 58 High Frequency Electronics Market Intel Antenna Tuners from RFMD, Skyworks, Qualcomm Surge in Flagship Smartphones Shipments of LTE smartphones supporting more cellular bands will drive antenna tuner shipments to billions of units per year, according to the new Strategy Analytics report, “Antenna Tuners & Tunable Components for Cellular Terminals: Update & Forecast 2014 – 2019.” • More than one billion phones will ship with antenna tuners in 2019, each using two or more antenna tuners on average; • Benefits will go to top RF front-end subsystem and antenna tuning component suppliers RFMD (Qorvo), Qualcomm, Skyworks and Peregrine Semi (Murata); • Antenna specialists and smaller suppliers promoting new technologies such as RF MEMS tuners will also win some share; • OEMs, wireless operators and consumers will benefit with better-performing smartphones. Antenna tuners have emerged quite recently as an important means of improving call quality mainly in LTE phones, which have less space available for antennas tasked with supporting an ever-increasing number of cellular bands. According to Christopher Taylor, Director of the RF & Wireless Components (RFWC) strategic advisory service and author of the report, “CMOS SoI (silicon on insulator) switches for configuring the antenna lead in the market, supplied primarily by RFMD. Qualcomm, Skyworks, and a host of other suppliers are not far behind. What sets the leading suppliers apart is expertise in RF switch technology, and breadth of RF front-end products and subsystem solutions.” —Strategy Analytics Book Review Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design— Third Edition Michel Mardiguian Contributions by Donald L. Sweeney, Roger Swanberg © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 ISBN 978-3-319-04770-6 ISBN 978-3-319-04771-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04771-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014933797 Upon first glance this book gives the reader a very comprehensive look at the problem of radiated EMI, its terminology, sources, standards and regulations, and many means for minimizing its elusive menacing in all sorts of electronic devices. With regard to regulations, I quickly became aware of CISPR. I had to look elsewhere to find what CISPR stands for: Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques. CISPR, now divided into six subcommittees, was founded 80 years ago. It is important to explain the problems and their symptoms before diving into the plethora of solutions that can be offered. The author does well in addressing just about all aspects of electronic packaging from IC shielding, connectors, box shielding, I/O’s, to open areas such as fan ducts. Good applications incorporating calculations are given in various examples. Of particular note is a portion dedi- cated to the effectiveness of conductive paints and plastics. Many good references are cited, although few later than year 2010 appear. Many “pitfalls” are addressed which is valuable in enhancing the designer’s expertise. It is particularly encouraging to see problems with backplanes and motherboards addressed. Also, a frequent problem, radiated fields from switch mode power supplies, is dealt with in a very practical manner. One chapter title is particularly eye catching. It is “General Strategy for Designing a Low-Radiation Product. “I like the term strategy as these EMI issues are not always mitigated by absolute rules or dos and don’ts. Like another book I recently reviewed, a downside is lack of quality in some diagrams, graphics, and schematics. Will it ever become easy to draw and be consistent with inductors? Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design can certainly be a useful reference for anyone designing just about any electrical or electronic device for today’s consumer or defense use. As many devices, even considered mundane in the past, are evolving into the high tech arena, expertise in this field becomes vital. Few engineers are specifically trained for this, so learning and prudent application of preventive measures has high priority. —Tom Perkins Senior Technical Editor 59 High Frequency Design | Guest Editorial Millimeter-wave: Its Past, Present and Future Yonghui Shu President and CEO SAGE Millimeter The millimeter-wave spectrum has many advantages over its lower-frequency microwave counterpart. Widely accepted to comprise 30 to 300 GHz, millimeter-wave offers smaller wavelength and wider bandwidth. Each feature has its own advantages. Small wavelength is attractive to users because it allows more available spectrum; is the choice technology for small components used in missiles, satellites, and aircraft; and has narrower beamwidth that allows greater angular resolution and precision in target tracking and discrimination. Wider bandwidth results in higher data rates in communications systems; higher range resolution and target identification in radar systems; greater sensitivity and resolutions in passive image systems; and higher immunity to jamming and interference. “Niche” Technology? Despite all of these advantages, millimeter-wave technology has always been seen as expensive and even unapproachable. The newness of the technology led many to consider the marketspace as “niche.” Traditionally, this frequency spectrum was mainly used for military, aerospace and scientific research programs and equipment. The applications were generally limited to weapon guidance, seekers, radars, military communication equipment, remote control, remote sensing, radiometry, material science and research and development. However in recent years, technological advances— especially those improvements related to simulation and design tools, semiconductor device performance and consistency and manufacturing methods—have allowed millimeter-wave technology up to 100 GHz, to reach the final stage of maturity. I believe that millimeter-wave technologies are finding increasing opportunities in traditional military and aerospace system applications and explosive opportunities in commercial applications. Today, the excitement surrounding “internet connectivity,” “safety and security,” “smart homes,” and “smart clothing” shows that millimeter-wave technologies and products have more commercial and consumeroriented applications than we have ever experienced. Research and development in the areas of high data rate communications, passive imaging, transportation safety and management systems, automotive ACC radar, security systems, commercial small satellites and test/measurement equipment, etc., confirms that the industry is healthy and growing. MM-Wave Customer Base Expanding SAGE Millimeter has empirical data to support these trends. This year, our customer list is not limited to government agencies, defense contractors, large commercial manufacturers, research organizations, and universities; it has also expanded to internet service providers, smart phone and wireless network manufacturers, and semiconductor manufacturers. We know that more development and demand will emerge in the frequency bands of 58 to 64 GHz and 71 to 86 GHz. That’s why we feel that 2015 will be an important year for the millimeter-wave industry as our technology matures and applications become more clearly defined. Perhaps one of the most promising commercial applications in 2015 and beyond is E-band products for “Last Mile” along with V Band “WiGig” because of how they will liberate users. As we become increasingly inseparable from our smartphones, the demand for faster media streaming and delivery will push the industry to provide solutions. With this technology, users who previously had to rely upon wired connections can now experience the same quality of connectivity with much less infrastructure and cost. The technologies in these frequency bands are becoming more mature, and consumers are pushing for both more cost-effectiveness and higher quality. Meantime, I expect that traditional applications in the area of military and aerospace will benefit from commercial development and will become increasingly robust as we continue to understand how this technology becomes more affordable. Multi-Disciplinary Coordination In order to complement these trends, industry leaders, government agencies, and legislators are working together to make this transition a reality. Of course, our (Continued on page 64) 60 High Frequency Electronics International Microwave Symposium IEEE 17-22 May 2015 • Phoenix, Arizona, USA MTT-S plenary speaker SOFT ASSEMBLIES OF RADIOS, SENSORS AND CIRCUITS FOR THE SKIN - Dr. John Rogers Swanlund Chair, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Professor John A. Rogers obtained BA and BS degrees in chemistry and in physics from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1989. From MIT, he received SM degrees in physics and in chemistry in 1992 and the PhD degree in physical chemistry in 1995. From 1995 to 1997, Rogers was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard University Society of Fellows. He joined Bell Laboratories as a Member of Technical Staff in the Condensed Matter Physics Research Department in 1997, and served as Director of this department from the end of 2000 to 2002. He is currently Swanlund Chair Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, with a primary appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and joint appointments in several other departments, including Chemistry. He is Director of the Seitz Materials Research Laboratory. Rogers’ research includes fundamental and applied aspects of materials for unusual electronic and photonic devices, with an emphasis on bio-integrated and bio-inspired systems. He has published more than 450 papers and is inventor on over 80 patents, more than 50 of which are licensed or in active use. Rogers is a Fellow of the IEEE, APS, MRS and the AAAS, and he is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His research has been recognized with many awards, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 2009, the Lemelson-MIT Prize in 2011, the MRS Mid-Career Researcher Award and the Robert Henry Thurston Award (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) in 2013, and the 2013 Smithsonian Award for Ingenuity in the Physical Sciences. IMS2015 EXHIBIT SPACE IS AVAILABLE! For reservation questions or further information contact: The Exhibits Department at MP Associates, Inc. tel: +303-530-4562 JOIN THE CONVERSATION: #IMS2015 50 MHz to26.5 GHz THREE AMPLIFIERS COVER IT ALL ! 199 PHA-1+ $ 0.05-6 GHz Gain 13.5 dB Pout 22 dBm ea. (qty. 20) 6 95 AVA-183A+ $ 5-18 GHz Gain 14.0 dB Pout 19 dBm ea. (qty. 10) PHA-1+ New 27 95 AVM-273HP+ $ 13-26.5 GHz Gain 13.0 dB Pout 27 dBm Mini-Circuits’ New AVM-273HP+ wideband, 13 dB gain, unconditionally stable microwave amplifier supports applications from 13 to 26.5 GHz with 0.5W power handling! Gain flatness of ±1.0 dB and 58 dB isolation make this tiny unit an outstanding buffer amplifier in P2P radios, military EW and radar, DBS, VSAT, and more! Its integrated application circuit provides reverse voltage protection, voltage sequencing, and current stabilization, all in one tiny package! The AVA-183A+ delivers 14 dB Gain with excellent gain flatness (±1.0 dB) from 5 to 18 GHz, 38 dB isolation, and 19 dBm power handling. It is unconditionally stable and an ideal LO driver amplifier. Internal DC blocks, bias tee, and ea. (qty. 10) microwave coupling capacitor simplify external circuits, minimizing your design time. The PHA-1+ + uses E-PHEMT technology to offer ultra-high dynamic range, low noise, and excellent IP3 performance, making it ideal for LTE and TD-SCDMA. Good input and output return loss across almost 7 octaves extend its use to CATV, wireless LANs, and base station infrastructure. We’ve got you covered! Visit for full specs, performance curves, and free data! These models are in stock and ready to ship today! RoHS compliant FREE X-Parameters-Based Non-Linear Simulation Models for ADS Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 478 rev P High Linearity LNAs NF as low as 0.5 dB • IP3 up to 43 dBm • DC current 20 mA and up Pick your parameters, and meet your needs at Mini-Circuits! With over 20 low noise/high linearity amplifier models to choose from, you’ll likely find the output power, gain, DC current, and broad bandwidths required to upgrade almost any 3-to-5V circuit—from cellular, ISM, and PMR to wireless LANs, military communications, instrumentation, satellite links, and P2P—and all at prices that preserve your bottom line! Model Freq. (MHz) Gain NF IP3 Pout Current (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (mA) PMA2-162LN+ PMA-5452+ 700-1600 50-6000 22.7 14.0 0.5 0.7 30 34 20 18 PSA4-5043+ 50-4000 18.4 0.75 34 19 PMA-5455+ PMA-5451+ 50-6000 50-6000 14.0 13.7 0.8 0.8 33 31 19 17 PMA2-252LN+ 1500-2500 15-19 0.8 30 18 PMA-545G3+ PMA-5454+ 0.9 0.9 33 28 22 15 PSA 700-1000 50-6000 PMA 31.3 13.5 55 40 33 (3V) 58 (5V) 40 30 25-55 (3V ) 37-80 (4V ) 158 20 Price $ (qty. 20) 2.87 1.49 2.50 1 $ 49 from ea. ( qty. 20 ) Our catalog models are in stock and ready to ship, so why wait? Go to for all the details, from data sheets, performance curves, and S-parameters to material declarations, technical notes, and small-quantity reels—as few as 20 pieces, with full leaders and trailers. Place an order today, and see what these tiny, high-performance amplifiers can do for your RoHS compliant application, as soon as tomorrow! o S COMPLIANT Model Freq. (MHz) PGA-103+ 50-4000 PMA-5453+ PSA-5453+ 50-6000 50-4000 Gain NF IP3 Pout Current Price $ (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (mA) (qty. 20) 60 ( 3V ) 11.0 0.9 43 22 1.99 97 ( 5V ) 14.3 0.7 37 20 60 1.49 14.7 1.0 37 19 60 1.49 2.87 PMA-5456+ PMA-545+ PSA-545+ PMA-545G1+ 50-6000 50-6000 50-4000 400-2200 14.4 14.2 14.9 31.3 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 36 36 36 34 22 20 20 22 60 80 80 158 1.49 1.49 1.49 4.95 4.95 1.49 PMA-545G2+ 1100-1600 PSA-5455+ 50-4000 30.4 14.4 1.0 1.0 34 32 22 19 158 40 4.95 1.49 1.49 1.49 PGA Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 506 rev E Advertiser Index CompanyPage CompanyPage Advanced Switch Technology.............................................45 Aeroflex Inmet......................................................................1 AMCOM...............................................................................26 AmpliTech............................................................................24 Avtech..................................................................................45 CEL......................................................................................25 Cernex..................................................................................18 Coilcraft...............................................................................11 C. W. Swift & Associates.................................................... C2 C. W. Swift/SRI Connector Gage........................................29 dBm........................................................................................7 Dudley Lab..........................................................................45 Fairview Microwave............................................................15 Herotek................................................................................14 IMS2015..............................................................................61 IW Microwave.....................................................................35 Keysight Technologies........................................................17 Keysight Technologies........................................................19 Micro Lambda Wireless........................................................9 Microwave Components......................................................41 Mini-Circuits.....................................................................2, 3 Mini-Circuits.......................................................................21 Mini-Circuits.......................................................................23 Mini-Circuits.......................................................................31 Mini-Circuits.......................................................................37 Mini-Circuits.................................................................62, 63 Molex.................................................................................. C3 National Instruments...........................................................5 Pulsar Microwave...............................................................20 RelComm Technologies.......................................................33 RF Bay.................................................................................45 Richardson RFPD...............................................................27 SAGE Millimeter................................................................13 Satellink..............................................................................44 Sector Microwave................................................................45 SGMC Microwave...............................................................39 Skyworks............................................................................ C4 Wenteq Microwave..............................................................45 The ad index is provided as an additional service by the publisher, who assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. High Frequency Electronics (USPS 024-316) is published monthly by Summit Technical Media, LLC, 3 Hawk Dr., Bedford, NH 03110. Vol. 13 No. 12 December 2014. Periodicals Postage Paid at Manchester, NH and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to High Frequency Electronics, PO Box 10621, Bedford, NH 03110-0621. Subscriptions are free to qualified technical and management personnel involved in the design, manufacture and distribution of electronic equipment and systems at high frequencies. Copyright © 2014 Summit Technical Media, LLC High Frequency Design | Guest Editorial (Continued from page 60) industry’s challenges have and always will be continued technological advancement and skilled personnel development. On the technology side, our industry is no different from any other—we need to continue to study, innovate, and improve. Specific goals include developing higher frequency and higher performance semiconductors, designing and implementing better packaging and manufacturing techniques, and reducing cost. The larger challenge that needs to be addressed is the shortage of experienced and next-generation RF and microwave engineers and technicians who are specially trained to address technology, product development and realization challenges. It was recently reported that the average RF engineer is 51 years old and has worked in the industry for 25 years. This confirms my opinion, published previously, that educational institutions and career-development centers need to collaborate with industry leaders to 64 High Frequency Electronics design new course works and programs focused on practical skill development. These programs need to mirror those found in other disciplines such as IT, programming, and mechanical engineering. Because our industry is unique and specialized, real attention needs to be given to students so that they can enter the industry with not only a strong foundation in theory, but also the hands-on ability necessary for success. n Find Our Advertisers’ Web Sites using HFeLink™ 1. G o to our company information Web site:, or 2. F rom, click on the HFeLink reminder on the home page 3. C ompanies in our current issue are listed, or you can choose one of our recent issues 4. F ind the company you want ... and just click! 5. Or ... view our Online Edition and simply click on any ad! The choice is clear for all your RF needs. Custom solutions and standard products from a single source. With decades of experience in the interconnect industry, we know what’s important to engineers. That’s why Molex manufactures the world’s broadest line of radio frequency connectors, cable assemblies and custom products. Our RF solutions can be optimized to minimize signal loss over a wide range of frequencies in a broad spectrum of sizes and styles of connectors. Plus, our serviceoriented team can turn around drawings in 48 hours and deliver custom products in less than eight weeks –– so you can get your products to market faster. For the industry’s largest array of product options backed by reliable service, turn to Molex –– your clear choice for RF interconnect products and solutions. Get info at Billions of Connections, One Solution Skyworks Product Portfolio Supports a Wide Variety of Markets Automotive Solutions for wireless automotive systems and transportation infrastructure. Portfolio includes integrated cellular FEMs; WiFi FEMs, PAs, LNAs, and switches; GPS LNAs, LCD panel power supplies, attenuators, and RF diodes and covers automotive telematics, infotainment, SDARS, DSRC, antenna, GPS, power management, LCD backlighting, and display applications. Cellular and Broadband Communications Semiconductor, ferrite and ceramic solutions for wireless communications infrastructure systems, including small cell and cellular base stations, LTE access points, land-mobile radio systems, point-to-point radio links and more. Also, highly integrated PA and FEM solutions with embedded mobile connectivity for GSM, GPRS, EDGE and WCDMA, CDMA, and LTE air interfaces. Smart Energy and the Connected Home Unique front-end solutions for automated metering infrastructure (AMI), security, medical, and home/industrial automation. Products address all major ISM bands and ZigBee® / IEEE 802.15.4 standards. Wireless Data Communications (WLAN) High-performance RF switching and amplification solutions that enable design flexibility for all 802.11a,b,g,n,ac WLAN applications. Military / Microwave Amplifiers, switches, diodes, circulators, isolators, optocouplers, optoisolators, ceramic filters and resonators for defense and homeland security systems including radio communications, radars, electronic surveillance, electronic countermeasures and more. Screenings equivalent to JANS level of MIL-PRF-19500 and Class K of MIL-PRF-38534. USA: 781-376-3000 • Asia: 886-2-2735 0399 • Europe: 33 (0)1 43548540 • Email: • NASDAQ: SWKS •