REGULAR MEETING OF THE OREGON PARK DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2010, AT 7:00 P.M. NASH RECREATION CENTER ROOM 4, 304 SO. FIFTH STREET, OREGON, ILLINOIS AGENDA 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) ROLL CALL 3) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS A. 4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, JULY 13, 2010 B. SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES, JULY 13, 2010 5) FINANCIAL A. TREASURER’S REPORT B. CLAIMS PAYABLE AND CHECKS DRAWN 6) REPORTS C. FINANCE COMMITTEE – NO REPORT D. PERSONNEL & POLICY COMMITTEE – MET JULY 28, 2010 E. PARKS & FACILITIES COMMITTEE – NO REPORT F. PROGRAM & SERVICE COMMITTEE – NO REPORT G. PARKS REPORT – INCLUDED IN PACKETS H. RECREATION REPORT – INCLUDED IN PACKETS I. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT – INCLUDED 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8) NEW BUSINESS A. DISTRICT POLICY REVISIONS 9) COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS 10)DIRECTORS COMMENTS 11)PRESIDENTS COMMENTS 12)ADJOURNMENT NEXT REGULAR MEETING – SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Oregon Park District Board of Commissioners Nash Recreation Center 304 So. Fifth Street Oregon, Illinois Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2010 Steve Pennock, President, order at 6:01 p.m. called the Regular Meeting to PRESENT: Karen Churney; Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble, Dave Bakener OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Coutts, Executive Director/Treasurer; Dan Griffin, Business Manager; Andy Egyed, Superintendent of Parks; Erin Folk, Superintendent of Recreation; Don Griffin, Superintendent of Environmental Services; Don Fuller, Treasurer; Jeannine Wing, Secretary to the Board RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mary Jo Griffin, Vinde Wells. Mr. Pennock said that with the permission of the commissioners he would like to move agenda item 8A under New Business, Oath of Appointed Board Member to this part of the meeting. Mr. Pennock asked Mrs. Churney to read her oath. Churney read aloud her oath. Mrs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Bob Pickel, seconded by Mark Tremble, the minutes of June 8, 2010 be approved as printed. Roll Call: Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble, Dave Bakener , Karen Churney – yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUS. Motion by Dave Bakener, seconded by Mark Tremble, the minutes of June 23, 2010 be approved as printed. Roll Call: Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble, Dave Bakener, Karen Churney, Steve Pennock – yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUS. FINANCIAL Treasurer’s Report Motion by Karen Churney, seconded by Bob Pickel, the Treasurer’s Report be approved. Roll Call: Mark Tremble, Dave Bakener, Karen Churney, Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel – yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUS. Mr. Fuller said the balances are stronger than last month or perhaps last year because tax revenues were received early. Claims Payable and Checks Drawn Motion by Bob Pickel, seconded by Mark Tremble, the Claims Payable be approved as presented. Roll Call: Dave Bakener, Karen Churney, Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble – yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUS. Mr. Pickel asked what the Forward Oregon payment of $3,648 to Merlin's was for. Mr. Coutts said the payment was for plant materials. REPORTS Mr. Coutts asked Mr. Pennock to establish a Personnel and Policy Committee meeting on July 28, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Tremble asked if the committee assignments would be changing as a result of the appointment of Mrs. Churney. Mr. Pennock said that Mrs. Churney would take over Mr. Nelson's committee assignments. Mr. Pennock and Mrs. Churney agreed to a Personnel and Policy Committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. on July 28, 2010. Parks Report – Included in Board Packets. had nothing to add to his report. Mr. Egyed Mrs. Churney commented on the releasing of pheasants on Hawk Prairie. Mr. Egyed said the birds would disperse with probably one-third to one-half staying. Mrs. Churney asked if quail would also be released. Mr. Egyed said two batches of quail would be started about July 26th. Mr. Pennock said seeing the kids' pheasants were being released was priceless. faces as the Recreation Report – Included in Board Packets. Mrs. Folk said Jena Grover included information in her report to the board about the upcoming Triathlon. Registration has started with 18 participants so far. Phone calls have been received from people in Iowa and Kentucky which is encouraging. Mr. Pickel asked if is going to relocate to Mrs. Folk responded that as he gets acclimated, he the new Recreation Program Manager Oregon or commute from Rockford. for now he will be commuting but may move to Oregon. Mrs. Folk said that he starts on Monday. Environmental Services Report – Included in Board Packets. Mr. Griffin said that natural gas energy in June was down again 1600 therms and in the report in the current packet was down 900 therms for May. Mr. Griffin said that more natural gas has been purchased filling 81% of storage. The highest amount paid is about $.46 a therm and the projection for the year is $.76 a therm so the district is in pretty good shape. The electrical demand and usage is up buildings because it has been pretty hot already. in both BUSINESS (unfinished) BUSINESS (new) Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 10-07-13 Motion by Dave Bakener, seconded by Karen Churney, the Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 10-07-13 be approved. Roll Call: Karen Churney, Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble, Dave Bakener – yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUS. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Mr. Pickel said he was pleased to see that the park district had used the Ogle County Life for distribution of the concert insert. Fifteen years ago there were nine people running for election and he and Doreen O'Brien each paid $300.00 for an ad in the Ogle County Life. People commented that if he was willing to spend his own money to get an unpaid job he must not have a personal agenda. Mr. Pickel said that this newspaper can get results. Mrs. Churney said she wanted to thank Mr. Coutts and the board for having the confidence to reappoint her as a commissioner. She said she is looking forward to being on the board again. Mrs. Churney commented that the Environmental Water Use Modification is really neat and the shower water is just perfect. It looks like there are a lot of good things going on. Mr. Bakener said the events he has attended have been running very well, he is looking forward to the concert tonight and everyone is doing a great job. Mr. Tremble said the slide shows coming with the board packets are really great. The touch-a-truck event was really cool and the pictures just highlighted the event. He said those pictures need to be on the website to get those out so everyone can see them. Mr. Tremble said the parks are looking really good. DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Mr. Coutts had no comment. PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS Mr. Pennock said he would reiterate what the other board members said, nice job in the parks, keep up the good work. ADJOURN Motion by Mark Tremble, seconded by Dave Bakener, the meeting adjourn at 6:15 p.m. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. Respectfully Submitted, Jeannine M. Wing Secretary to the Board of Commissioners Approved______________________________ Oregon Park District Board of Commissioners Nash Recreation Center 304 So. Fifth Street Oregon, Illinois Special Meeting Minutes July 13, 2010 Steve Pennock, President, order at 6:00 p.m. called the Special Meeting to PRESENT: Dave Bakener, Karen Churney, Steve Pennock, Bob Pickel, Mark Tremble OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Coutts, Executive Director/Treasurer; Dan Griffin, Business Manager; Andy Egyed, Superintendent of Parks; Erin Folk, Superintendent of Recreation; Don Griffin, Superintendent of Environmental Services; Don Fuller, Treasurer; Jeannine Wing, Secretary to the Board RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mary Jo Griffin, Vinde Wells. Steve Pennock asked if anyone would like to speak about or had any questions regarding Ordinance 10-07-13. ADJOURN Motion by Mark Tremble, seconded by Dave Bakener, the meeting adjourn at 6:00 p.m. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. Respectfully Submitted, Jeannine M. Wing Secretary to the Board of Commissioners Approved______________________________ MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS July 13, 2010 Parks Department Projects We have finished seal coating Fairgrounds Park. The parking lot, all of the paths and the basketball court has been sealed. We painted the stripes for the parking stalls, the center line on the walking path, the lines on the basketball court and the parking blocks. We have also seal coated the two small parking lots at Lions Park. The parking stalls and parking block were also painted. We are waiting for a four day window of good weather in order to accomplish seal coating Nash Parking lots. Weather permitting we will be seal coating the fifth street parking lot and the upper handicap parking lot on a Thursday and Friday. Then we will close the main parking lot on a Saturday in order to seal coat this area and come back on Sunday morning and paint all the parking lines. The main parking lot will then be open to the public on Monday. Nash Paving Project We have begun to replace the paving bricks that are at Nash. The years of salt and moisture have taken a toll on the block and they have become brittle and are breaking apart. We are replacing them with a block that incorporates 4 different size blocks to create a unique pattern. These blocks will then have the cracks filled with polymeric sand. This sand will hold them tight in place. A sealer will then be applied to seal the block from salt and weather. This sealer will also bring out the color in the block and it bonds to the polymeric sand to make a seal so salt can’t get in-between the block and prevents weeds from growing between the blocks. At this time we have finished the large area west of the main parking lot where the bike rack is. We will then be working on the two areas at the south end of the main parking lot and also the bird sanctuary. This will cut down on weeds from the bird seed and make it easier to clean up after the birds. Park Projects We are working on security lighting at some parks making it easier for deputies to patrol at night. We have been replacing bulbs in some areas to brighter bulbs and also adding security lighting under shelters. We have finished sod cutting and edging all of the ball diamond areas. New lime was added to a lot of these areas to bring them up to grade. This will make it easier for us to get fields prepared in the spring when ball season rolls around again. We had a group of Eagle Scouts build bird houses this year for a project. They built 60+ bird houses of all types for different species and constructed of cedar. We have been placing these bird houses throughout our parks. Some can be seen at Nash, Park East, Fairgrounds, and Park West. Some were put on poles and others in trees. The Eagle Scouts did a nice job in selecting material and the construction of the houses. Traffic Counter We have placed a traffic counter at the entrance to Park West. This is for us to get some kind idea how much traffic is going through our parks. This counter comes with computer software that not only identifies how many vehicles but also lets you know day by day how much traffic goes through there. This could give us some important information for future events and up graded to our parks. This can be moved to any park we want to get a count on vehicle usage. Surrogator We released our second batch of 65 Ring-neck pheasant chicks last week. After four weeks in the surrogator they were all looking healthy and ready to be let go. We have the surrogator back at the shop now giving it a good cleaning and preparing it for the next batch. The next batch of day old chicks will be quail and will be delivered on August 3rd. With quail you can have as many as 125 in the surrogator at a time and they will need to be in there for 5 weeks before release, which is longer than the 4 weeks for the pheasants. We will have our last batch of quail on September 8th which will then run into colder temperatures not recommended for surrogation. This so far has been a fun project and looking forward to next year and surrogating in prairies at other parks. Japanese Beetles We have had some problems with the Japanese beetle on our trees. They were not as bad as they were last year but we were also watching for them and able to spray the trees as soon as we starting seeing activity. We use a product purchased from Reinders in Rockford called Amvac Wisdom. This is a concentrate that is mixed with water and sprayed from our herbicide sprayer. We spray the tree with the chemical and within minutes beetles are falling out of the trees dead. It also leaves a residual on the tree and kills beetles that may show up later. Special Events For the OPD Triathlon the parks department built the bicycle racks that were used to hold the bikes while the competitors were swimming and running. Erin found a bike rack design that we were able to buy material at Menards and construct here at the shop. After constructing them they were painted and caps were installed on the ends for added appearance. I was glad to see that they worked out well at the Triathlon with no problems. Respectfully Submitted, Andy Egyed, Superintendent of Parks MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10, 2010 Superintendent of Recreation Report Recreation Department The recreation department has made many changes over the past few years in an attempt to create recreational opportunities that meet the needs and wants of the community. Changes have included a shift in personnel, increased programming, new operational practices, and a refreshed image in the community. The staff that is currently in place has made these changes possible and a success. Everyone on staff has evaluated their responsibilities and is approaching each day with a positive outlook. I am proud of each of my staff and am very excited for what the future will hold for the recreation department. Ogle County Corporate Membership The Ogle County Board has agreed to re-enroll their employees in the corporate membership program. The enrollment period will begin August 9th and conclude on August 14th. Memberships will take affect August 16th. In 2009 over 38 county employees (82 total memberships including family members) took advantage of the corporate membership discount. Community Art I met with Nancy Early on Wednesday, August 4th to discuss art projects in the community. Nancy Early is an artist who moved to Oregon during the fall of 2009 and was one of the visiting artists as part of the 2010 Fields Project. She is very community minded and wants to get involved on many levels. During my discussion with Nancy she mentioned her love for the history of our community and working with kids. I will be working with Nancy to develop projects that reflect the rich history of the community and workshops that involve kids. We are in preliminary talks over an art workshop for teens during the winter months. The workshop will introduce different painting techniques to the participants and allow them to develop their own artistic style! We hope this will generate a great deal of buzz and wish to involve these same kids in the creation of a mural downtown with Nancy’s supervision and guidance. Intergenerational Programming Nancy Kerwin and Melody Welty worked together during the month of July to create an intergenerational program, I Spy Nature. The program was offered for preschool age kids and was very well received. Several volunteers from the Rock River Center were on hand to guide the children through nature at Park East, Fairgrounds Park and Park West. You may have seen the article in the Republican Reporter recently. Staff plans to continue to work together to develop programming that will bring together the youngest and oldest Park District participants in a fun and educational setting. Children’s Center All summer programs are winding down in preparation for the upcoming school year. A total of 80 participants were enrolled in this summer’s preschool programs. This is a 19% increase from 2009. In fact, this is the highest number of participants, during the summer months, since 2006. Staff expects another big summer in 2011 with large 3 year old preschool classes expected for the 2010/11 school year. After twenty years, and very few changes, the Children’s Center will be undergoing a facelift! Staff has been working with Jacki Gommel to provide a new look and feel as we have done in several other locations of the building. A muralist will be on hand beginning August 9th to paint a more kid friendly environment. The mural will include a large tree with birds and animals on the south end. Clouds will be painted on the remainder of the walls with shapes hidden in the clouds to spark each participant’s imagination. The clouds will fade to white on the lower half of each surface. In addition, staff plans to paint cabinets, replace the tables and chairs and purchase a new computer desk. Respectfully Submitted, Erin Folk Superintendent of Recreation MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Aug. 10, 2010 Environmental Services Nash Center Building operations and system are performing well. Repairs completed this month include: Replaced a chemical controller / analyzer for the spa after the old pulsar unit failed. The five exhaust fans on the pool roof were removed and the new skylights were installed to improve safety and lighting to the area. Staff installed and terminated cat 5 cables to provide WI-FI capabilities through out the building. The pool personal lift was removed after the obsolete unit failed and a new ADA compliant lift was ordered. Three west pool window sections were repaired after coming loose from building structure. New cold water shut off valves for the showers were installed to provide a more unified operational temperature. The plumbing for the soft water system was started in preparation for system installation this month. All OSHA safety inspections were completed for the month. Blackhawk Center The building operations are performing well and the building summer projects are completed and ready for the new school season. The final projects focused on floors and walls including stripping and recoating concession and link hallway. The majority of staff time was allocated to the starting installation of gym light fixtures for improved lighting that will provide additional electrical savings and a grant has been applied for this project. OSHA safety inspections were completed for the month. We have reductions in gas pricing for this budget year at present however electrical usage is up do to added building usage and extreme heat and humidity resulting in increased electrical load to cool the buildings. We are well on our way with these years sustainable energy projects and we will begin installation of hands free faucets for the Nash facility along with water saving shower heads and completing the soft water installation. Respectfully submitted, Don Griffin Superintendent of Environmental Services MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10, 2010 Business Administration Report District Finances The District remains in great financial shape. As summer winds down, the District will be fiscally ready for the Park West Recreation Expansion slated to begin in early 2011. The District has received approximately 50% of this year’s real estate taxes. The District’s general obligation bond will be issued in early 2011 to assist in completing the Park West project. Park West Project The District held an Eco-Charrette and a Skate Park Open House on July 27th. Twenty-two people, including local community leaders, members of CDF, and staff and commissioners participated in the Eco-Charrette. The interactive workshop was a success on many levels, including informing community members of our park plans, as well as the environmental effect of our project. Many members had great suggestions for this project as well as future plans for the park. Approximately 25 people attended the Skate Park Open House. Jason Baldessari from Spohn Ranch Skateparks presented some ideas for our new skate park. Area youth provided some good input pertaining to the skate elements they would like to see. Spohn Ranch produces some new ‘skateable art’ elements that will give our skatepark an individualized and visually appealing park. Activity Guide The District’s 2010 Fall/Winter Activity guide will be printed the beginning of August. It will once again be inserted in the Ogle County Life Newspaper and should be in the August 22nd edition. Included in the Guide are all of the District’s activities, park locations, rental information and a few special items. Information about the District’s Energy Conservation Practices, recent Triathlon, summer recap, and the upcoming Park West project are also included. The District is once again using Rochelle Printing to publish our guide. We have developed a good relationship with Rochelle Printing and their final products have always been excellent. Nash Interior Design The District continues to work with Gommel Design on the interior renovation plans for Nash. The District will install new ADA signage throughout the building in the coming months. The final areas of Nash under consideration for paint plans, improved furniture and other elements are the Snack Bar, Multipurpose Rooms and the Pool area. This year’s improvements include some painting as well as the Children’s Center re-design. Respectfully submitted, Dan Griffin Business Manager MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10th Health Activities Coordinator Report Five-Star award The Starfish Aquatics Institute (SAI) awarded Oregon Park District the prestigious Five Star Award following a risk management audit of the aquatic center. The lifeguards who contributed to achievement of the 5-Star award included Ben Speck, Caitlin Ditto, Jessica Moser, Matt Speck, Kamille Kielsmeier, Alyssa Stahl, and Justin Holm. Leslie Donovan, President of SAI provided the following comments. “Very few aquatic facilities qualify to receive this honor”. “It represents a tremendous commitment to safety and training, and exceptional performance by the lifeguard staff on duty at the time.” Triathlon The first annual triathlon offered by the Oregon Park District was a success. 76 participants registered with sixty-nine competing on Saturday July 31st. Staff was fortunate to be assisted by 40 volunteers the day of the event. A big thank you must be given to Karen Churney, Sarah Earl and Jane Messenger. All three were instrumental in the planning process. We have received many compliments from participants and bystanders on how well the race was organized. I look forward to beginning the planning process for next year. Changes will include more signage along the race route and adding an option of teams participating in a relay format. This would accommodate people who are not comfortable with the three portions of the event. Blood Drive Our biannual blood drive with Rock River Valley Blood Center on July 28th, 2010 was a success. A total of 26 units of blood were collected. Two individuals donated double red, which is when two units of red blood cells are donated and the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor. Nash Recreation Center Visits Members and Patrons paying a daily fee for the facility, aerobic classes or pool for the month of May. There was an 9% increase in patron usage in July 2010 compared to July 2009. Nash Daily Visits July 6000 5451 5710 5069 5000 4000 3000 Nas h Vi s i ts 2000 1000 0 2008 2009 2010 Fitness Center Attendance Members and daily fee users who have used the fitness center during the month of June. The fitness center had a 14% decrease when comparing July 2010 to July 2009. Fitness Center Visits July 4000 3500 3503 3224 3022 3000 2500 2000 Fi tness Vi s i ts 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2009 2010 Pool Attendance Members and Open Swims, during the during July daily fee users utilizing the Pool during Swim Lessons, Lap Swim, Water Aerobics, Twinges and Multi Use Swim month of July. The pool saw a 1% decrease in usage 2010 compared to July 2009. Pool Attendance July 3500 3349 3361 3337 3000 2500 2000 Pool Vi s i ts 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2009 Respectfully Submitted, Jena Grover Health Activities Coordinator 2010 MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10th, 2010 Athletics Facility Manager Report Fall Soccer The wheels are in motion for fall soccer. August will be a busy month. Staff will be busy arranging coaches meetings, area athletic coordinators meetings, ordering jerseys, and trying to line up team pictures. I am eager and excited for another sport season to begin. Baseball/Softball Leagues Our youth baseball and softball leagues have officially come to a successful conclusion. I have gathered a great deal of information from this season so I can begin to make productive changes for seasons to come. These changes include the addition of skill development programs for each level, structural changes to the younger levels and informational meetings for league representatives, parents/coaches, and umpires. Men’s Softball Our men’s softball league will come to an end on August 9th. This season saw more participating teams than in the past several years. Increased participants often times create scheduling challenges. This softball season did not produce those challenges and the league is wrapping up on time. Staff will look to implement changes in 2011 that will further increase the number of teams and the possibility of additional USSSA tournaments. New Programs for Spring/Summer 2011 Now that we are nearing completion of our spring/summer activity guide, I have looked hard at what athletic events I want to offer next spring/summer. We have two very nice and well maintained horseshoe pits at Park West, and I would like to try to start a horseshoe league and have a horseshoe tournament. Tennis lessons, with a new instructor, were well received this summer. I would like to build upon this and offer a tennis league and tournament in 2011. A new up and coming sport that people of all ages are getting into is bags (corn hole). We tried our first ever bags tournament in conjunction with Kerwin Night this year and we had a decent turn out. I feel that if we publicize a tournament or a league in conjunction with the right event we could have a lasting fun filled program. I am also going to try to introduce a fall men’s softball league. Men’s softball is not offered very many places during the fall and I believe it will be well received in Oregon. Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Bakener Athletic Facility Manager MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10, 2010 Concerts In The Park Summary Concerts In The Park (Tuesdays at 7 p.m.) There was a 6th concert added to the series this summer. All 6 of the concerts were held at the band shell at Park West. All of the sponsors were pleased and talked about sponsoring again next summer. This summer Jerry Frana with Dogs On The Run Concessions (Grand DeTour) tried to be at all the concerts where there was not a food/beverage giveaway. He was pleased with this arrangement and by the end of the series, folks were asking for his “dogs”. After the series, he donated $170 to the Oregon Youth Scholarship Fund as a thank you and as his way of giving back since OPD did not require a percentage of sales or a fee to sell product at the events. This year the shuttle stayed on the paved trail for safety reasons (no backing up near the crowd) and to avoid damage to the grass. This change worked very well. Signage was added half way through the series which helped prevent patrons from bringing dogs into the concert area. At each of the concerts there was at least one Farmers’ Market vendor selling plants, veggies or nature crafts. The following is a summary of the 2010 concert series: June 22-StingRays (Rock& Roll, 60’s-70’s) Sponsor: City of Oregon-$1,000 Giveaway: None Attendance: 200 (humid from afternoon storm, but nice) *Ken Williams was the only City Rep in attendance. This was the first year that the City of Oregon chose not to have a giveaway. June 29-Southern Heritage (Country Music) Sponsor: Community Bank of Oregon-$850 Giveaway: Hot dogs, chips, beverage and cookie Attendance: 350 (beautiful weather) *Prior to the concert, the CAL Committee unveiled and dedicated the 5th public sculpture “Solar Reef”. Bank employees grilled hot dogs and provided a dinner for all. July 13-Decatur Park Singers (young group of vocalists and instrumentalists that perform everything from pop to jazz) Sponsor: Williams & McCarthy-$2,220 Giveaway: Ice Cream Bars/Fudge Bars Attendance: 355 (beautiful weather) *This is everyone’s favorite concert and the only one booked annually. They cater to all ages and in addition to great music, the crowd enjoys watching this group of young talent perform on stage. Included in their contract is a meal which has always been provided by Pizza Hut ($150 product donation). July 20-Heartache Tonight (Eagles Tribute Band) Sponsor: KSB-$1950 Giveaway: Culvers Dinner (burger, chips, beverage, custard) plus KSB beach balls for the kids and hand sanitizer for the adults Attendance: 300 (beautiful weather) *This was their second year in a row. This is a great group appealing to all ages. This concert is a favorite as well as the generous giveaway of food and trinkets from KSB. July 27-Mr. Myers (calypso to reggae & some rock & roll) Sponsor: Exelon-$1,100 Giveaway: Ice Cream Sandwiches and drawing for six gift bags filled with Exelon goodies. Attendance: 275 (hot and humid) *Paul Dempsey, new Communications Manager was very pleased with the venue, band and entire event. They gave away several very nice prizes. Employees walked the crowd and handed out their ice cream. August 3-Breeze (jazz) Sponsor: Stillman Bank-$975 Giveaway: Slice of Pizza (Father & Sons) & bottled water Attendance: 110 (extreme humidity & mosquitoes from earlier storms) *Stillman Bank was a new sponsor this year and with the additional concert, the series went into the first week of August. Jill Russell (Bank Rep) was very pleased with the event in spite of the weather. The weather was a concern all day, but we managed to get the concert in. The extremely high humidity and overwhelming bugs kept people away which resulted in low attendance. Total Monetary Sponsorship for Summer 2010 Concerts-$8,095 The Event Coordinator obtained sponsorship from 6 local businesses. Each business sponsorship includes the additional $100 (in addition to entertainment expense) paid to OPD for publicity and Parks Dept expenses (shuttle, freezer, prep of event area). The primary sources of advertising for the summer 2010 Concert Series was the full color, glossy, ledger size insert/poster. This was the first year these were inserted in the local paper, vs. the center of the Activity Guide as in years past. In addition, small wallet size promotional guides for summer entertainment were placed in numerous local businesses and the surrounding communities. We had positive feedback on the wallet size cards. Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Leffelman Event Coordinator MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10, 2010 Events Report Farmers’ Market There have been two vendors on a regular basis on the Coliseum lawn on Saturday mornings for the Farmers’ Market. They both like being down-town although they are looking forward to the move to the Courthouse lawn next year. They are more visible this year on the Coliseum lawn then they were at Nash, but there is no parking and no shade. The Courthouse Lawn should be a better setting and hopefully will help with vendor growth. Both vendors have tried to recruit for us at other markets. However, the two comments heard the most is that Dixon has a well established market already on Saturday and so many vendors prefer to go there, and the other is that there is not currently enough business to make it worth their time. Once we can grow the market with vendors, the shoppers will come. Concerts in the Park We managed to get through the summer concert season with wonderful weather. Only one Wednesday night concert was moved indoors. All of the concerts are very well received and appreciated by all those who participate. Staff added a 6th Tuesday evening concert this year with Stillman Bank joining as the sponsor. A complete concert summary for the sponsored concerts on Tuesdays is included. Photos are included. Brown Bag Concerts The second Brown Bag Concert for the summer was held on Friday, July 16. The entertainment was provided by Mike Donze. Efforts are being made to invite business owners and residents to these free concerts and to support the three food vendors who have been on site. The next Brown Bag Concert is August 20 with Chip Messner providing country music for entertainment. Trips The Milwaukee Zoo trip, scheduled for July 31, was cancelled by Rockford Charter Coach. Upcoming trips include Cardinals vs. Brewers (at Miller Park) on Sept 8, Cubs vs. Brewers (at Miller Park) on Sept 11, and the Wine & Harvest Festival in Cedarburg, WI on Sept 18. Partnering with Rockford Charter Coach is a necessity in order to keep costs reasonable for the participants and eliminate outlying expenses for the Park District. Other As Event Coordinator, I am again serving as the liason from the Park District on the Candlelight Walk Committee. The town Christmas Tree will be donated this year by George Poe of Mt. Morris and upon approval will be placed on the Coliseum lawn for this years event. The Coliseum is also booked for Candlelight for the Park District and Forward Oregon to program in. OPD ideas being looked into are additional entertainment, new light displays, a new holiday “character/costume” added to the elves from last year, crafters and vendors selling holiday goods/gifts, and possibly a Holiday House Walk. In addition to the Holiday Light Decorating Contest and the Photo Contest, a FACEBOOK Scavenger Hunt for fall and a Bird House Building contest have been added. Guidelines and Entry forms for these new programs will be available at Nash and on line by the end of the month. The final movie night is co-sponsored by Oregon Booster Club and the movie will be played on the big screen at the football field following the red/white game. We hope with the captive audience we can get more people excited and expose them to the outdoor movies. The next big family event is the Family Fun Fishing Day scheduled for Saturday, September 25. This year the event will be held at the LOMC pond. All are invited and volunteers will be needed. Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Leffelman Event Coordinator MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 10th, 2010 Recreation Program Manager Report New Beginning My first day of employment with the Oregon Park District was on July 19, 2010. I have taken the first couple of weeks to familiarize myself with OPD policies, procedures, and organizational structure. I have spent a great deal of time preparing materials for the upcoming school year and introducing myself to participants and parents. I have already taken time to evaluate the programming needs and identify improvements that must be made to existing programs. I look forward to my future with the Oregon Park District and am very thankful for this opportunity. Summer Camp I have investigated the summer camp numbers and have found that enrollment is down significantly from 2009. I feel this is due to the local economy. Parents are struggling financially and are looking for cheaper alternatives to traditional day camp. Staff will be investigating ways to meet these needs for next year. The final week of this year’s summer camp will be held on August 9th – 13th. School begins August 18th. Extended Time The school year is around the corner and I am very excited and eager to begin the ET program. The first day that ET is being offered is Wednesday August 18th. I was on sight at school registration on July 29th and August 5th to introduce myself to parents and introduce the Extended Time program to new parents. Introductory packets have also been sent out to the parents from last school year and parents who are already signed up for the upcoming year. I have spent a great deal of time interviewing candidates for the ET assistant supervisor position. Many of the staff from the 2009/10 school year are not returning. Future Programming Opportunities The current general recreation offerings are a great start to what opportunities can exist for the community of Oregon. I have been brainstorming ideas for the last couple of weeks and will be putting a plan in place to better serve our community by offering opportunities for all ages on a more frequent basis. I plan to accomplish this by forming partnerships within the community and utilizing the resources that are right outside our back door. Respectfully Submitted, Oscar Martinez Recreation Program Manager MEMORANDUM TO THE OREGON PARK DISTRICT BOARD August 10, 2010 Senior Recreation I Spy Nature The highlight of my month was working with Nancy Kerwin in the I Spy Nature Camp. This was an amazing inter-generational activity. Each of the older adults that participated truly enjoyed the experience and would be willing to volunteer if the camp were held next year. Watching the joy the older adults had in sharing their knowledge and the children’s thirst for learning about the world around them was amazing. Ice Cream Social An ice cream social was held on July 30 with 35 in attendance. The ice cream was provided and served by Home Bound Healthcare and everyone enjoyed making their own sundaes. Discussion about the Wii bowling led to a nice group staying until closing and learning to use the Wii. The Wii events have had a small numbers ranging from six to eight most weeks. My hope is that introducing others to the game will get them involved. Stump Jumpers Stump Jumpers continues to draw from 6-12 people each month and we have been staying closer to Oregon the last couple of years. In July we did go to Byron Forest Preserve to see the prairie in bloom followed by lunch at Weld Park. Many of those attending did not even realize Ogle County owned a park. In August we will be exploring Fairgrounds and Park East. Outdoor Tea The annual outdoor tea held at Lemme’s Hosta Heaven in Dixon was again very successful with about 40 participants from Rock River Center and The Meadows of Franklin Grove. Tea could not be served in more beautiful surroundings. The weather was very hot but there was no liquid sunshine that has plagued many outdoor activities this year. Trips The three van trips I have planned for the park district are beginning to raise some interest and I am hopeful they will be successful. Stillman Bank has graciously agreed to sponsor the transportation cost for the Fireside Christmas trip planned for Thursday, December 2. We are already taking reservations for that trip and I am hopeful we will sell all the seats reserved. Respectfully Submitted, Melody Welty Senior Recreation Coordinator