1 Impact of Wind Turbines Equipped with Doubly-Fed Induction Generators on Distance Relaying Simon De Rijcke, Student Member, IEEE, Paula Souto Pérez and Johan Driesen, Member, IEEE Abstract—Wind generation is evolving from single wind turbines to wind power plants with an installed capacity of tens of megawatts. Therefore, wind turbines are also coupled to the transmission grid instead of the distribution grid. Problems arise during grid faults as the behaviour of wind turbines equipped with doubly-fed induction generators differs fundamentally from traditional synchronous generators. The short-circuit behaviour is vital for protection issues. A distance relaying problem in a Belgian grid topology is emphasized and studied. This study concludes that the distance relay is not performing correctly in case of three phase faults. Moreover, varying parameters such as the crowbar resistance and the wind turbine loading have a significant impact on the relay performances. Index Terms—Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), three phase grid fault, single line-to-ground grid fault, distance relay, crowbar resistance. N OMENCLATURE Symbols u i R X ψ ω ωn σ T t Voltage [V] Current [A] Resistance [Ω] Reactance [Ω] Flux [T] Frequency [Hz] Rated grid frequency [Hz] Leakage factor [-] Time constant [s] time [t] Subscripts s r cb syn F Stator Rotor Crowbar Synchronous Fault I. I NTRODUCTION W IND energy is increasing its share in the total production capacity of many countries. The IEA1 states that the global capacity is rising with 20-30 % a year [1]. In 2008, wind energy accounted for 36 % of all installed capacity, or The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), Division ELECTA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium (e-mail: simon.derijcke@esat.kuleuven.be 1 International Energy Agency 978-1-4244-6551-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 8484 MW, in the European Union. This number places the growth of wind energy before any other electricity generating technology. The growth of wind energy in the electricity grid goes hand in hand with economical, technical and legislative evolutions. A better understanding of the behaviour of wind turbines is needed to fulfill these issues. This paper concentrates on the technical issues. Moreover, the focus is laid upon the fault-ride through behaviour of wind turbines equipped with doubly-fed induction generators. Small wind turbines were traditionally coupled to the distribution grid. This interaction has been investigated extensively in the past [2][3][4]. The growing number and size of wind power plants gives rise to a tendency to the coupling of wind turbines to the transmission grid. Comparison between both grids is impossible due to fundamental differences and there is a rising interest in describing the interaction between transmission grid and wind turbines. There is a general consensus about the challenges system operators face concerning grid protection when connecting wind turbines to the grid [2]. The parameters influencing the behaviour of the wind turbines, and thus the protection, the most are the generation technology, the rated power, the operating condition and the location of the grid fault. Three main technologies are distinguished on the current market: the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG), the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and the direct-drive synchronous generator (DDSG). During a short-circuit, the behaviour of the direct-drive synchronous generator is determined by the converter connecting the generator to the grid. Because of the small thermal capacity of power electronics, the current may never exceed the imposed limits of the converter. In contrast with traditional generators, the short-circuit current is limited by the power electronics. The converters determine the current behaviour indepently from the wind turbine. Both the SCIG and the DFIG have an induction generator directly coupled to the grid. Thus, the short-circuit behaviour depends highly on the machine characteristics. This paper contributes to the better understanding of the implementation of doubly-fed induction generators into the electrical grid by focusing on protection issues. Although the behaviour of DFIG is more elaborately described in literature when applying three-phase faults, single line-to-ground faults occur more often in transmission grids. This paper considers both three phase faults and single line-to-ground faults. The short-circuit behaviour is used for evaluating the impact on a distance relay. Section II discusses the model of the DFIG that is used for the simulations. Then, the behaviour during short- 2 circuit is described. Finally, section IV analyses the impact of a wind power plant, equipped with DFIG, on a distance relay. II. M ODEL A. Single wind turbine The DFIG technology is shown in Fig. 1 and is implemented in PowerFactory DIgSILENT2 . The stator is directly coupled to the grid by a three winding transformer. The rotor is connected to the grid through a back-to-back partial scale power converter in series with an inductance. The power converter consists of a converter at the rotor side and a converter at the grid side. Both converters are separated by a DC-bus. In order to protect the converter against overcurrents or high voltages in case of strong grid transients, a crowbar is implemented. When high current transients occur, the crowbar short-circuits the rotor windings using resistances with a predefined value. B. Wind power plant In section IV, an aggregated model is used to study the impact of a wind power plant during grid faults on a distance relay. This choice is justified when using a small wind power plant with negligible cable distances between the wind turbines and with small differences between the different turbine operating conditions. Moreover, the collective impact of the wind power plant on the grid protection is the subject of study and not the individual operating conditions inside the wind park. Examples of aggregated models can be found in literature [7]. III. B EHAVIOUR OF DFIG DURING SHORT- CIRCUIT All the simulations are performed with PowerFactory DIgSILENT. The simulations include three phase shortcircuits and single line-to-ground short-circuits. A. Three phase short-circuit Voltage [p.u.] DFIG Gear box Converter Crowbar Fig. 1. DFIG model 4$402!0-4$*(+$302$*/,45'(!,'(,/15 ".3# Time Transient simulations require adequate modelling of the mechanical parts, in order to take well into account the mechanical oscillations that are resulting from electrical disturbances and that may influence the behaviour of the system. Therefore, a two mass model is used in this paper [5]. Strong torque fluctuations force the shaft to behave like a torsion spring. The generator is modelled by a fifth order model [6]. The model equations for a doubly-fed induction generator are analogous to an induction machine. Only the rotor voltages, which are controlled in a DFIG, differ. When using a synchronous rotating coordinate system, the governing equations for the stator and rotor voltage are: s dψ ωsyn , ψs + us = Rsis + j ωn dt (1) r ωsyn − ωr 1 dψ ur e−j(ωsyn −ωr )t = Rrir + j . (2) ψr + ωn ωn dt The controlling of the converters is of great importance during steady state operation. However, grid faults occuring close to the wind turbines activate the crowbar and the generator control is lost. The controlling units are not further explained. The full control can be found in reference [6]. The parameters of the DFIG used in the simulations are added in Appendix A 2 http://www.digsilent.de Current [p.u.] 4$402+$3(522(/4,/15 4$402+$3(522(/4,/15 4$402+$3(522(/4,/15 ".3# Time Fig. 2. Stator voltage and stator phase currents during a three phase shortcircuit. The fault, with resistance RF = 0.2 Ω, is applied at time t0 = 0 s. Large oscillating currents appear in the stator. Because of the magnetic coupling, large rotor currents are initiated. The converter at the rotor side must be protected and the crowbar is activated shortly after the fault. After 500 ms, the fault is cleared. The crowbar is removed after a predefined time of 600 ms after the fault initiation. Fig. 2 illustrates the phase currents generated by the DFIG and the voltage at the point of common coupling. The current can be estimated by the expression [8]: √ is = 2Vs −t/Ts jωs t −t/Tr e . − (1 − σ)e e jXs + Rcb (3) 3 Ssc = 5.2 GVA Current HV [p.u.] 150 kV A T 3#3/1*#2'411'.3+.04 3#3/1*#2'411'.3+.04 3#3/1*#2'411'.3+.04 !-2" 36 kV WT 5 MW X 6 Fig. 3. Stator phase currents during a single line-to-ground fault. Phase A is short-circuited (red colour). with Vs the stator voltage and Xs , Rcb , σ generator properties. The time constants Ts and Tr are: Ts MV Time L = s, Rs Fig. 4. Grid topology with zoned distance relay. DIgSILENT Power Factory Comtrade OMICRON U,I (analog) Relay 7SA612 log files (4) Lr = . (5) Rr + Rcb Due to the short-circuit, the flux stops rotating and causes a DC-component in the stator with a time constant Ts . This component is represented by the first term between brackets in equation (3). The second term between brackets represents a DC-component in the rotor, causing an AC-component in the stator with time constant Tr . Time constant Tr is 30 times smaller than Ts and the AC-component is rapidly damped in comparison with the DC-current. A stationary current must be added to the current in equation (3). Because the residual voltage is very low, almost no excitation is left and the stationary currents drop to negligible values. During the fault, the power exchange drops to zero because of the voltage loss. DIGSI Tr Fig. 5. Data stream for simulations A. Simulations All grid fault simulations are performed in PowerFactory DIgSILENT. The simulation data is converted by COMTRADE data exchange to digital current and voltage signals with a constant sample frequency of 2 kHz. These digital signals are converted to analog signals for injection in the distance relay. All data is processed and studied using log files. The complete data stream is illustrated in Fig. 5. B. Grid topology and relay setting B. Single line-to-ground fault The phase currents are shown in Fig. 3 . In contrast with the three phase fault, the single line-to-ground fault shortcircuits only one phase and keeps the two other phases excited. Due to this excitation, the current amplitudes do not drop to zero which was the case for the three phase fault. The short-circuited phase has an analogous behaviour as the phase currents for the three phase fault. Both a large DC-component and a fast decaying AC-component occur in the stator current. All the phases are magnetically coupled and the exact phase currents are difficult to calculate. A full explanation of the current requires the analysis of direct, inverse and homopolar components and is beyond the scope of this paper. IV. S TUDY CASE : I MPACT ON A DISTANCE RELAY This section describes the impact of a wind power plant using doubly-fed induction generators on a distance relay in Belgian grid topology. First the grid topology is explained. Thereafter, a three phase short-circuit and a single line-toground fault are simulated. Finally, a parameter analysis is performed. The topology of the grid is illustrated in Fig. 4. Six DFIG wind turbines, with a total capacity of 30 MW, are connected to the Medium Voltage (MV) bus. This MV bus is connected to the transmission grid at 150 kV by transformer T. The transmission grid is represented by an equivalent with shortcircuit power Ssc = 5.2 GVA. The impact of the wind turbines on distance relay A3 is studied, considering faults on the High Voltage (HV) bus. Only in section IV-D2, faults on a line emanating from the HV bus are considered. All these faults are situated in the forward direction of the distance relay A. The operation zones of this relay are illustrated on Fig. 6, as well as the delay time for each zone. Assuming faults on the HV bus, the bus protection is the primary protection system. In case of failure, all lines emanating from bus HVf rom need to be disconnected by the distance relays located on these lines, acting as a backup protection. For the wind turbines, distance relay A acts as a backup and needs to disconnect the wind turbines from the bus. When functioning correctly, the relay detects the fault on the bus and trips after 500 ms, which is the correct delay time to 3 The relay under consideration is distance relay type 7SA612 of Siemens4 . 4 120% 70% Zone 2 0,100 2.5 s 0,075 1.3 s Zone 1 T Start zone Forwards A X/Ohm(sec ondary) MV HVto HVfrom 150 ms 2.5 s Start zone Backwards Fig. 6. 0,050 500 ms Zone 3 50% 0,025 -0,000 -0,025 -0,050 -0,075 Distance zones with delay times. -0,100 1,25 -0,125 1,00 -0,10 0,00 0,75 0,50 X/Ohm(secondary ) (a) 0,25 0,025 0,00 -0,25 0,10 R/Ohm(secondary) 0,020 0,015 -0,50 X/Ohm(secondary) -0,75 -1,00 -1,25 0 1 0,005 0,000 -0,005 2 R/Ohm(secondary) 0,010 -0,010 -0,015 Fig. 7. fault. Close-up of the zone on a R-X plane for a single line-to-ground -0,020 -0,02 -0,01 0,00 0,01 0,02 0,03 R/Ohm(secondary) give the bus protection sufficient operating time. Thus, faults on the HV bus are situated in zone 1 (Fig. 6). The second zone in the forward direction is zone 2. The first zone in the backward direction is zone 3. Both startzones are combined in one bi-directional zone. The zones of interest are represented on a close-up of the R-X plane on Fig. 7. C. Base case Before the fault initiation, the six DFIG are producing 4.5 MW and 0.2 MVar each. The generator speed is 1.08 p.u. The detection time is represented by the pick-up time (PU time). 1) Three phase fault: The calculated impedance by the distance relay is illustrated on Fig. 8(a). The impedance is only illustrated for only one phase. The circulating impedance is the result of turning current phasors produced by the DFIG. This behaviour causes the impedance location to switch between zones 1 and 3, respectively a zone in the forward and backward direction. The relay detects the fault immediately in the forward direction. After 34 ms, the current drops to less than 0.2 A (on the secondary side of the TP), resulting in an interruption of the detection. A substitution of the delay time of 500 ms in zone 1 by 0 ms results in a fault detection and removal. One can conclude that a fault on the HV bus is correctly detected but is not removed after 500 ms due to the detection stop after 34 ms. Because of the fault, the DFIG lost its excitation resulting in a very rapidly decaying short-circuit current. 2) Single line-to-ground fault: Fig. 8(b) shows the impedance location of the faulted phase calculated by the (b) Fig. 8. Impedance location in the R-X plane for a three phase fault (a) or a single line-to-ground fault (b). relay in case of a single line-to-ground fault. Although the location is situated in the backward direction several times, the relay detects the fault in the forward direction correctly. The relay uses a memory and tolerates short interruptions of the detection in the forward direction. In contrast with a three phase fault, a single line-to-ground fault is detected and removed correctly. D. Parameter analysis This section describes the impact on the distance relay caused by varying parameters. 1) Fault resistance: A higher fault resistance prevents detection of three phase faults and single line-to-ground faults. This malfunctioning is caused by the injection factor. This phenomenon is illustrated on Fig. 9. The strong grid (5.2 GVA) supplies a high short-circuit current Ig . Even with a small fault resistance, this high current pushes the bus voltage Ur up. In combination with the small current Ir coming from the generators, the measured impedance Zr = Ur /Ir is not located in the detection zones of the relay and detection is prevented. 2) Faults on a line in zone 1: Unlike any other simulation in this paper, this section assumes line faults instead of bus faults. The main protection for zone 1 is a distance relay emanating from bus HVf rom in Fig. 6. Relay A acts as a secondary 5 TABLE II R ESULTS OF THE INJECTION SIMULATIONS FOR VARYING LOAD Ir Ur Zd Zg Rf DFIGs Ig Ir Fig. 9. Fault GRID Phenomenon of injection factor. TABLE I R ESULTS OF THE INJECTION SIMULATIONS FOR VARYING RF Three phase PU time [ms] B 34 C / Single phase PU time [ms] A 600 C / TABLE III R ESULTS OF THE INJECTION SIMULATIONS FOR A WIND POWER Crowbar resistance [p.u.] 0.01 low Legend: A = fault detected and removed; B = fault detected and not removed; C = fault not detected. CROWBAR RESISTANCE Fault load high (base case) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 0mΩ 1mΩ Three phase PU time [ms] B 30 B 160 B 30 B 10 B 34 C / C / C / Single phase PU time [ms] A 151 A 155 A 600 A 600 A 600 A 600 C / C / Legend: A = fault detected and removed; B = fault detected and not removed; C = fault not detected. protection for faults in zone 1. The same conclusions of section IV-D1 for a higher fault resistance are valid. Even a fault at a distance of 1% of the total distance of zone 1, is not detected in zone 1 but in zone 2. This would not be the case for a distance relay located on the line emanating from bus HVf rom . This relay would see the current contribution of the grid coming from other lines connected to bus HVf rom . 3) Crowbar resistance: The results are summarized in Table I. For the three phase short-circuit, the higher crowbar resistance in series with the rotor windings lowers the peak current and prevents the detection of a fault. The quick insertion of the crowbar affects the detection properties of the relay. A lower crowbar resistance causes an unpredictable detection behaviour of the relay. The relay switches between forward and backward detection until the current value drops below the pick-up threshold. For a single line-to-ground fault, a higher resistance damps the current and prevents detection. A lower value implies a switching detection behaviour between the forward and backward direction. With a fault resistance RF = 1 mΩ, the PU time of 155 ms is preceded by a period of backward and forward detection. The fault is cleared after 335 ms by a final detection in the backward direction. The situation is even worse when RF = 0 mΩ because the time between fault initiation and removal is 151 ms. When a single line-to-ground fault occurs, the generator is excited by the grid using the two healthy phases. The generator absorbs a lot of reactive power which can cause the apparent power flow to turn around leading to a backward detection. 4) Turbine loading: The load is reduced to 0.3 MW / 0.01 MVar and the slip is -15%. Both the three phase and the single line-to-ground fault stay undetected because of the reduced peak value. The results are summarized in Table II. 5) Number of generators: Four wind turbines are added to the wind power plant of the base case. The results are summarized in Table III. The detection behaviour stays unchanged for the three phase fault. Only a small increase is noticed in PLANT WITH EXTRA WIND TURBINES Fault 6 wind turbines (base case) 10 wind turbines high load low load Three phase PU time [ms] B 34 B 39 C / Single phase PU time [ms] A 600 A 595 A 589 Legend: A = fault detected and removed; B = fault detected and not removed; C = fault not detected. the PU time because of the higher currents produced by the extra generators. The higher short-circuit power causes the detection of a single line-to-ground fault when the load of the wind turbines is reduced to 0.3 MW / 0.01 MVar and with a slip equal to -15%. V. C ONCLUSION First, one can conclude that for a grid fault close to the generator, control is lost and the interaction with the grid is determined by the machine characteristics. Second, the impact of a wind power plant using doubly-fed induction generators on a distance relay is studied. In case of a three phase fault, the detection is interrupted due to small currents resulting from the loss of excitation. A single lineto-ground fault is detected and removed correctly unless the crowbar resistance or the load is lowered. A higher number of generators increases the short-circuit power and has a positive influence on the detection behaviour. A lower crowbar resistance causes an unpredictable detection behaviour resulting in a backward detection and an early, uncorrect fault removal. From these results, it follows that this distance relay with its actual settings is not suitable as a backup protection for the bus differential protection in this grid topology including wind turbines equipped with DFIG. Further research should focus on this problem and suggest possible solutions. Moreover, other wind energy conversion systems like the direct-drive synchronous generator should be included in further research as the behaviour of this technology differs fundamentally from the doubly-fed induction generator. A PPENDIX A This appendix gives the parameters of the DFIG that have been used in Table IV 6 TABLE IV PARAMETERVALUES OF THE DFIG Parameter Rated power Voltage (stator) Inertia Crowbar reactance Crowbar resistance Number of Poles Resistance (stator) Resistance (rotor) Reactance (stator) Reactance (rotor) Mutual reactance Symbol Pnom Us Jgen Xcb Rcb p Rs Rr Xs Xr Xm Value 5 MVA 3.3 kV 101.7156 kgm2 0.1 p.u. 0.1 p.u. 2 0.00299 p.u. 0.004 p.u. 0.125 p.u. 0.05 p.u. 2.5 p.u. A PPENDIX B This appendix gives the settings of the distance relay type 7SA612 in Table V. Simon De Rijcke (S 08) was born in Belgium, on May 26, 1986. He graduated as an electrotechnical engineer from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) in 2009 and received a master in energy. Since 2009, he is working as a research assistant towards a Ph.D. in the research group ELECTA, department of Electrical Engineering of the KULeuven. His field of interest is the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity system. Paula Souto Pérez graduated in Electrical Engineering in 2005 in the University of Vigo, Spain, with intensification in Electrotechnics. Since 2006 she is a research assistant in the research group ELECTA of the K.U. Leuven (Belgium), working towards a Ph.D. Her fields of interest are wind power and its relation with grid stability in Europe. TABLE V S ETTINGS OF THE DISTANCE RELAY Zone Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Start zone forward Start zone backward Reactance [Ω] Resistance[Ω] three phase single phase 2.65 10 / 20 / 4.41 12 / 20 / 0.4417 4.44 5.6 15 200 R EFERENCES [1] International Energy Agency, “Renewable Energy Essentials: Wind,” International Energy Agency, Tech. Rep., 2008. [2] N. Hadjsaid, J. F. Canard, and F. Dumas, “Dispersed generation impact on distribution networks,” Computer Application in Power, vol. 12, pp. 22–28, 1999. [3] G. 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Achilles, “Aggregated Wind Park Models for Analyzing Power System Dynamics,” in Fourth International Workshop on LargeScale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks. Billund, Denmark: DIgSILENT, October 2006, pp. 99–104. [8] J. Morren and S. W. H. de Haan, “Short-Circuit Current of Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Induction Generator,” Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 22, pp. 174–180, 2007. Johan Driesen (S 93-M 97) was born in 1973 in Belgium. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1996 as Electrotechnical Engineer from the K.U. Leuven, Belgium. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at K.U.Leuven in 2000 on the finite element solution of coupled thermal-electromagnetic problems and related applications in electrical machines and drives, microsystems and power quality issues. Currently he is an associate professor at the K.U.Leuven and teaches power electronics and drives. In 2000-2001 he was a visiting researcher in the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. In 2002 he was working at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Currently he conducts research on distributed generation, including renewable energy systems, power electronics and its applications, for instance in drives and power quality.