Non-Profit US Postage Paid Permit #3 Simms, MT 59477 SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER ~ From the Desk of the Superintendent ~ The school year is off to a good start, and I would like to thank the parents, staff, and students for making the first month of school a productive one. Our fall sports programs have started the year with success as football and volleyball teams have competed well! Keep up the great work. Sun River Valley Public Schools PO Box 380 123 Walker Street Simms, Montana 59477 BOXHOLDER AND/OR RR Phone: (406) 264-5110 Fax: (406) 264-5189 WWW.SRVS.K12.MT.US FACEBOOK.COM/SRVSD 2016 For all of us, time has become one of our most rare and valued resources; time is a prized commodity. When you think about where your time is spent, we invite you to spend some of your time and become involved with our schools. Attend your board meetings, events and become a partner in educating our youth. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to call, email or stop in the office. As the weather changes the Sun River Valley School District would like to remind the community at-large of the importance of winter safety for both student drivers and students who ride the bus. As the cold weather approaches, please be sure that students dress appropriately for school, recess and extracurricular activities. Elementary students need to be prepared for various types of weather during recess. In the event a bus should happen to break down, sandals and open toed shoes are not going to be appropriate in winter weather. Parents, please discuss the following with your children: Save the Date October 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 13-14 14-15 14 15 17 17-22 18 19 20 21 24-27 27 JH/V FB vs. Centerville 4:30/7:00—Homecoming JV FB @ Centerville 4:30 Elem. GBB @ Centerville 6:00 JVC VB @ GFCC 6:00 FFA @ Choteau FAFSA Parent Night 5:30 JH/V FB @ Belt 4:30/7:00 JH/HS VB vs. Sunburst 3/4/5/6 +20 V HS VB @ Augusta 6:00 Elem. GBB @ GFCC 9:00 AM Elem. GBB @ Fairfield 6:00 School Board Meeting 7:00 PM JVC VB vs. Cascade 5:00 ASVAB—Juniors 8:00 AM HS V VB vs. Power 6:00—Senior Night Elem. GBB 5th @ Lady of Lords JH VB End of Seasons Tournament TBA JH/V FB vs. Hays-Lodgepole 4:30/7:00—Senior Night HS VB @ Dutton 6:00 + 20 HS VB @ Heart Butte 1:00 + 20 Elem. GBB @ TBA JV FB @ Hays-Lodgepole 4:30 HS VB vs. Belt 6:00 + 20 National FFA @ Indianapolis, IN HS VB vs. Valier 6:00 + 20 6-8 Spelling Bee @ SHS 9:00 AM PSAT—Juniors 8:00 AM No School—Teacher In-service Day JH/V FB @ Cascade 4:30/7:00 Red Ribbon Week End Quarter 1 27-29 29 November 1 3 4-5 5 8 10 11-12 12 17 17-19 19 21 21-22 23-24 29 District VB Tournament @ Dutton/Brady TBA V FB First Round Northern C Playoff Speech/Drama @ Browning 8:00 AM Elem. BBB vs. Fairfield 9:00 Elem. BBB vs. Belt 6:00 Elem. BBB vs. Foothills 6:00 Divisional VB @ Conrad HS FB Qtr. Final Playoffs Elem. BBB vs. Fairfield 9:00 AM JH BB Jamboree @ Augusta School Board Meeting 7:00 PM Parent Teacher Conferences—Early Release 12:45 Veteran’s Day Program @ FSE 2:30 State VB @ Bozeman Speech/Drama @ Conrad 8:00 AM HS FB Semi Final Playoff Elem. BBB @ Centerville 10:00 JH BB Jamboree @ Simms 6-8 Geography Bee @ SHS 9:00 AM HS Basketball & Wrestling Practice Begins Speech/Drama Family Night @ SHS 6:00 FFA—John Deer @ Bozeman HS FB Championships Elem. BBB @ Lady of Lords 10:00 JH BB Jamboree @ Cascade Elem. BBB @ Belt 6:00 Science Olympiad No School—Happy Thanksgiving Elem. BBB vs. Foothills 6:00 • Dress appropriately for cold, icy weather. • Allow extra time to get to your bus stop. • Stand away from where the bus stops. Buses need extra room when there is ice and snow on the roadway. • Use the handrails when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping. • Do not stand or play on snow piles at the bus stop. • Do not throw snowballs at the bus or at anyone. • Never try to retrieve an item that falls around or underneath the bus. Instead, always report such an incident to the bus driver • Remind student drivers in your house to keep windshields and roofs clear of snow and ice. • Remind student drivers to allow extra time to get to school in the morning when there is inclement weather. • Parents, talk to your students about seatbelt safety and remind them to always buckle up! Visit for more information! ~ A Message from the Simms Principal ~ Start of School Year The 2016-2017 school year is off to a positive start. Remember students grades are being tracked through the eligibility system on a weekly basis. Quarter 1 will expire October 27 th. If you have questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s counselor or teacher(s). Schoolwide Behavior & Safety Our MBI program (Montana Behavior Initiative) is currently working to achieve GOLD status within our K-12 SRVS district. The list below indicates our social skills taught by students/staff through schoolwide assemblies and classroom lessons during (study hall) “Tiger Time.” We are happy to report that regular scheduled fire drills & safety procedures are in place and will be practiced. Our 6-12 staff has successfully implemented our new evacuation codes. Posted directions are in each classroom and high traffic areas within the Simms facility. Social Skills 16-17 & MBI Gold SeptOctNovDecJan- Safety & Environment Integrity Helpfulness Dependability Assertiveness FebMarAprMayJune- Communication Cooperation Anger Management Positive Behavior Respect SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER—October/November 2016 SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER—October/November 2016 ~ Homecoming ~ RUMBLE IN THE BIG TOP Academic News Block Schedule Report Through discussions and observations of various students and staff members I’m happy to report that the current class schedule changes are increasing student potentials at Simms. Longer time in core content areas has drastically changed our current week by week eligibility reports. This is a positive step forward and we encourage feedback from parents. Keep in mind the junior high students are still operating on a seven period day and will look to implement the block schedule possibly next school year. Measured Annual Progress (MAP) testing was conducted the first week of September. Our teachers here at Simms are doing an excellent job of accommodating students’ needs for their academic success. 6th-8th Spelling Bee @ SHS 9:00 AM 6th—9th Geography Bee @ SHS 9:00 Luke McKinley, 6-12 Principal, Athletic Director September 30, 2016 JH/HS VB vs. Heart Butte 4:00 Join us for some exciting activities, games and food October 1, 2016 at Simms High School 1:00-2:00 Parade 2:00-4:00 Carnival—SHS Gymnasium, $0.25 per game 4:00 JH Football vs. Centerville 7:00 HS Football vs. Centerville * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * You can rent a carnival booth from the Student Council for $5.00 If interested contact or or call 264-5110 ALL FLOATS ARE WELCOME! ~ A Message from the Fort Shaw Elementary Principal It is hard to believe we are already a month into the school year. The faculty and students are working diligently in their individual instruction. I would like to welcome Mrs. Mishler and Mrs. Huffman to our Fort Shaw staff. Mrs. Mishler is our new Librarian and Mrs. Huffman is our new Early Kindergarten teacher. Fort Shaw Elementary School held their annual Open House on August 22 nd. We had an exceptionally good turnout. The staff and I would like to thank all those parents and guardians who came and participated in that event. Fort Shaw Elementary is proud to be a Montana Behavioral Initiative (MBI) School, recognizing that the students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. MBI is designed to facilitate school systems and attitudinal changes to meet the needs of today’s students. Since implementing, the staff, students, and administration have seen many positive results that have promoted a safe and healthy learning environment. We are asking parents to join with our staff in supporting our students in making good choices. ~ 2015-2016 Yearbooks ~ The 2015-2016 yearbooks have arrived. Why not purchase a book of memories for you and or your children. They are $25.00 each. Need to remember a prior year? Past yearbooks are also available. Money can be brought to the office or sent with your child. Contact Jenny Rohrer to make your purchase today at, 264-5110 X 102 R – Respect yourself and others O – Own your behavior ~ Booster Club ~ A – Always move in a safe manner R – Responsibility for your actions This month’s social skill: How to Get the Teacher’s Attention The Fort Shaw Elementary staff has been very busy working towards our new MBI (Montana Behavioral Initiative) goal in achieving Gold Status School recognition for the 2016-2017 school year. We have been holding workshops during our staff meetings to implement the “Great 8” teaching strategies into each classroom. These “Great 8” goals emphasize best teaching practices to assure success in all grades. The Ft. Shaw staff has also been introducing our school wide “Teach To’s” so that all students know the positive expectations for our classrooms, hallways, playground, buses, and cafeteria. The staff has, again this year, held job interviews for our Tiger Club Employment Agency. Those elected individuals have been busy the past two weeks performing their daily duties. This summer Fort Shaw Elementary added some exciting improvements to the playground and interior improvements to the school. The sprinkling system and sod was added to finish the play area giving the students plenty of grass to play on. New wiring was added throughout the building giving the building a much stronger infrastructure for a more stable computer use. The sidewalk outside the front entrance was upgraded and resurfaced to provide a more safe walking area. Also, a new drinking fountain with a bottle filler was added. I welcome anyone into my office to discuss concerns, ideas and feedback that will assist in meeting the needs of our students. Principal Danelson Hi everyone! Before I get started on what’s new with Booster Club, I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the 40+ families and businesses that bought Booster ads for 2016-2017 school year. Your generosity and support are very much appreciated. Not only did Booster Club get a new logo this year, we are getting a whole new wardrobe...ok, not a whole wardrobe, but pretty close! If you’ve been able to get to any volleyball or football games, you may have noticed we have some hats, shirts, and jackets on display. We also have different designs we can have embroidered on them. If you are interested in some new “Tiger Gear” please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ve been putting an order in about once a week, and it takes an average of 2 weeks to get your order back to you. Also for sale, are some temporary tattoos, pom-poms, and some “Simms Tigers” window decals! We have 2 different styles of decals to choose from and they are $8.00 each! We will have all items for sale at most home games, and at our booth at the carnival on October 1st. But if you just can’t wait to show off your school spirit, Leslie Thomas will have the window decals in her shop at “Valley Cuts” in Ft. Shaw. Our next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for October 11 th at 5:30 PM, in the Simms High School Library. Hope to see you there! Kristy Leach, Booster Club President 406-899-2386 SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER—October/November 2016 SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER—October/November 2016 Counselor’s Corner ~ Friends of the Sun River Valley Helping Hands News ~ It’s so hard to believe “summer” is technically over, and our school year is off and running. With that in mind, Barb Frye and I wanted to let everyone know that our organization works to raise money at this time of the year. We also work diligently with our school counseling services to help identify students and families that might need some assistance during the upcoming holiday season. To some, it might sound like we are rushing the season, but it sure helps us if we have a good idea of the number of households in our area who may want to contact us and receive some assistance during the holidays. With that in mind, I would like to remind the parents of our elementary-aged students that Mrs. Green will continue to sell Otter Pops after school through October to help raise money for our Helping Hands organization. The Otter Pops cost 50 cents apiece, and we greatly appreciate your support with this fundraiser. During Homecoming this year, October 1st, the valley Helping Hands group will be holding a rummage sale at the Lions Hall in Simms. If you would like to donate items to this sale or assist in anyway, please contact Barb Frye at 264- 5164 or Colleen Green at 406-660-1901. Thank you in advance for your support of this fundraising event. For the past two years, we have held our annual food drive at Fort Shaw Elementary during October. That tradition will continue this year. We have modified the format slightly this year, and more information will be given to the students during the last week in September regarding the Food Drive. All food items gathered during this month will be distributed here in the valley during the Christmas Season. Your support of this activity has greatly helped the less fortunate in our area each year. Testing dates you need to know: April 19th- all juniors take the ACT test @ 8:00- this determines placement in college classes College Reps visiting/ FAFSA Parent Night/College Fairs: Oct. 6th – FAFSA Parent Night 5:30 in the library- bring last year’s taxes and have your FSAID numbers ready Oct. 6th Trades Rodeo in Great Falls from 9:30-12:00 for juniors and seniors interested in trade jobs Oct. 10th- 7th period MSU Billings Rep. will be at the school ACT National Testing Dates- sign up online- if planning to retake earlier is better! Cost: $39.50 w/o Essay $56.50 w/ Essay Late Fee is $25 Test date Last and by no means least, if you know of any family in valley that might need assistance this Christmas, please contact Barb Frye immediately. You can also contact the counselor at Simms Schools, Mrs. Boucher at 264-5111, ext.106. At Fort Shaw Elementary, contact Miss Stephens at 264-5651, ext. 615. If your child participates in the Alta Care program at either district building, you may refer a family through them, too. All referrals will remain confidential, and when referring a family, it would help immensely to have clothing sizes for all children. All families seeking assistance will be taken care of this holiday season, but the sooner we have the referrals, the better we can assist those in need. If you have any questions about any of this information, please contact Colleen Green at Fort Shaw Elementary. As always, thanks for your continued support of our organization. Together, we can truly make a difference for those who need our help! October 19th- all juniors take the PSAT @ 8:00- National Merit Scholarship determined by this test Deadline to register Oct. 22, 2016 Sept. 16th- no late fee or Sept. 30th- with late fee Dec. 10, 2016 Nov. 4th –no late fee or Nov. 18th- with late fee Feb. 11, 2017 Jan. 13th - no late fee or Jan. 20th – with late fee Apr. 8, 2017 Mar. 3rd - no late fee or Mar. 17th -with late fee Jun. 8, 2017 May 5th –no late fee or May 19th with late fee SAT National Testing DatesCost: $43.00 w/o Essay sign up online $54.50 with Essay and Late Fee is $28 Test date ~ New Staff ~ My name is Meghan Huffman. I am the new Pre-K teacher. I have my associates degree in general education and am looking to pursue my bachelors degree in elementary education. I have been working in the SRVS district going on six years now. I started out as a substitute and fell in love with teaching. When I am not at school I am enjoying time with my family making memories with my kids. I have two daughters who keep me busy. I am looking forward to what the year will bring with Pre-K. I am thrilled to be apart of the SRVS staff. Hi! My name is Windie Goldhahn, and I am teaching high school math. I have taught high school math and elementary special education at CJI in Chester for the last six years. For ten years before that, I taught a variety of subjects, including junior high and high school special education and 4th-7th grade math in Park City. I am originally from Fairfield and will be living there with my family. I am very excited to be a part of Sun River Valley School District. ♫ Mark Your Calendar for Music! ♫ The music classes have been busy preparing ! The Simms High School Band and Choir are performing at many Varsity Home Games. ♫ Simms Middle School Band will perform at Half-time of the Varsity Homecoming Football Game on October 1st at 7:00 pm. ♫ Our Veterans Program will be Thursday, November 10th at 2:30 pm at Fort Shaw Elementary Fort Shaw School students and some of the Simms High students will perform. ♫ Simms Holiday Program will be at Simms High School on Tuesday, December 13th at 6:30 pm ♫ Fort Shaw Holiday Program will be at Fort Shaw Elementary School Tuesday, December 20th at 6:30 pm Hope to see you at one of our many performances. If you have any questions, please call Miss Enger at 406-264-5110, ext. 108 Deadline to register Nov. 5, 2016 Oct. 7th -with no late fee or Oct. 25th -with late fee Dec. 3, 2016 Nov. 3rd – with no late fee or Nov. 22nd – with late fee Jan. 21, 2017 Dec. 21st –with no late fee or Jan. 10th – with late fee Mar. 11, 2017 Feb. 10th- with no late fee or Feb. 28th - with late fee May 6, 2017 Apr. 7th – with no late fee or Apr. 25th –with late fee Jun. 3, 2017 May 9th – with no late fee or May 24th – with late fee Scholarships/ free money for college Date Name Application Amount Oct. 2 Wendy’s Heisman online up to $10,000 *Oct. 3 US Senate Program (11th-12th) online up to $10,000* Oct. 5 AES Engineers online $500 Oct. 31 Coca-Cola online $20,000 *Nov. 1 Voices of Democracy (9-12) online/ audio essay $30,000* Nov. 1 Ron Brown online $ not listed *Nov. 8 Prudential Spirit of Community(5-12) online trip to D.C and $1,00-$5,000* *Dec. 1 Daughters of American Revolution (5-8) and (9-12) essay $1,200* *- means more than seniors can apply Reach Higher Montana has paid so that the seniors in the state have free access to a scholarships database called Scholly. They can use the following code: RHM406$ 27 20 14 13 Chicken Fajita, Corn Science Olympiad Elem. BBB @ Belt 6:00 Lasagna, Broccoli Chicken Drummies, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Carrots 26 Corn Dog, Nachos with Cheese Sauce, Carrots 19 PSATs—Juniors 8:00 AM FFA National Pancakes or Biscuits and Gravy, Sausage Links, Hash Browns 12 ASVAB—Juniors 8:00 AM End of 1st Quarter Pizza District VB @ Dutton/Brady 27 20 No School—Teacher’s PIR FFA National Chili Dog, French Fries Elem GBB 5th @ Lady of Lords HS V VB vs. Power 6:00 Senior Night Super Nachos, Corn FAFSA Parent Night 5:30 13 6 Thu Teacher’s PIR JH/V FB @ Cascade 4:30/7:00 District VB @ Dutton/Brady 28 21 JH/HS FB vs. Hays-Lodgepole 4:00/7:00 Senior Night HS VB @ Dutton 6:00 +20 JH VB Tournament TBA Elem GBB 5th @ L of L 14 7 JH/HS FB @ Belt 4:00/7:00 VB vs. Sunburst 3/4/5/6 +20 Fri Early Release 12:45 Country Fried Steak, Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Roll Science Olympiad Goulash, Corn, Bread Sticks Pig in a Blanket, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans Elem. BBB vs. Foothills 6:00 29 22 15 Sloppy Joe, Green Beans School Board Mtg. 7:00 PM Parent./Teach. Conference 1-7 8 Cheese Burger, French Fries, Carrots 30 23 Chicken Drummies, Potatoes, Roll, Veggies No School Thanksgiving Break Turkey Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Veggies 16 Spaghetti & Meatballs, Peas, Bread 9 Chicken Pot Pie, Biscuits 2 1 Elem. BBB vs. Belt 6:00 Wed Tue 24 No School Thanksgiving Break Tuna or PBJ Sandwich, Veg. Beef, or Chicken Noodle Soup HS BB & Wrestling Practice Speech/Drama Family 6:00 Geography Bee @ SHS 9:00 FFA—Jn. Deer @ Bozeman 17 Turkey Sandwich, Salad Bar, Macaroni Salad 10 Veteran’s Program @ FSE 2:30 Pretzel & Cheese, Tomato Soup 3 Elem. BBB vs. Foothills 6:00 Thu SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 25 18 FFA—Jn. Deer @ Bozeman State VB @ Bozeman Divisional VB @ Conrad 11 4 Fri The kitchen staff does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Pancakes, Sausage Links, Hash Browns 28 Chicken Nuggets, Rice, StirFry Vegetables 21 Chicken Strips, French Fries, Carrots 7 Mon 25 Macaroni &Cheese, Little Smokies, Veggies 18 HS VB vs. Valier 6:00 + 20 FFA National 6-8 spelling Bee 9:00 Chicken Haystack, Rice, StirFry Vegetables VB C vs. GFCC 6:00 School Board Meeting 7:00 11 Hamburger Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll 5 Wed The kitchen staff does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Halloween Red Sauce & Worms, Green Eyes, Baked Fingers 31 Chicken Fajita, Corn, Black Beans Red Ribbon Week College Application Week 24 Meatball Sub, Broccoli, French Fries FFA National JV FB @ Hays-Lodgepole 4:30 HS VB vs. Belt 6:00 +20 17 Taco Salad, Corn, Refried Beans 6 All meals are served with milk, vegetable bar and fruit. Alternate Elementary lunch choice is PB & Jelly or Yogurt Menu is subject to change Sun 30 23 16 10 Elem GBB @ Fairfield 6:00 Pigs in a Blanket, French Fries, Broccoli & Cauliflower 9 Chicken Patty on Bun, Macaroni Salad, Veggies Elem GBB @ Centerville 6:00 4 Tue VB C @ GFCC 6:00 FFA @ Choteau Speech/Drama Practice 3 JV FB @ Centerville 4:30 Mon 2 All meals are served with milk, vegetable bar and fruit. Alternate Elementary lunch choice is PB & Jelly or Yogurt Menu is subject to change Sun SUN RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT HS VB @ Heart Butte 1:00 +20 JH VB Tournament TBA Elem GBB @ TBA V VB @ Augusta 6:00 Elem GBB @ GFCC 9:00 HOMECOMING JH/HS FB vs. Centerville 4:30/7:00 JH BB Jamboree @ Augusta Divisional VB @ Conrad HS FB Qtr. Final Playoff Elem. BBB vs. GFCC 10:00 FFA—Jn. Deer @ Bozeman 26 JH BB Jamboree @ Cascade HS FB Championships Elem. BBB @ Lady of Lords 10:00 19 Elem. BBB @ Centerville 10:00 JH BB Jamboree @ Simms State VB @ Bozeman HS FB Semi Final Playoff Speech/Drama @ Conrad 12 5 Sat District VB @ Dutton/Brady HS FB 1st Round Play Off Speech/Drama @ Browning Elem BBB vs. Fairfield 9:00 29 22 15 8 1 Sat