DYNAMIC FLUX OBSERVER FOR INDUCTION MOTOR SPEED CONTROL S.Sathiakumar Lecturer in School of Electrical and Information Engineering University of Sydney, NSW2206, Australia Abstract: A dynamic flux observer suitable for speed estimation and control of induction motor is described in this paper. The technique does not employ computationally extensive algorithm such as Model Reference Adaptive System or Speed Adaptive Flux System, in which estimation accuracy is influenced by chosen parameters of the adaptive mechanism. In the proposed algorithm, a stable flux observer estimates the rotor flux based on the dynamic model of the machine and the speed of the motor is then calculated using the estimated flux. The estimated speed is successfully used in the speed control loop without employing any start up procedure. Extensive simulation and experimental results suggest that the algorithm works with any initial conditions. INTRODUCTION The control of induction machine drive system requires speed feedback, which is usually obtained from mechanical transducers mounted on the machine shaft. However, these transducers reduce system’s robustness and reliability. In some cases it is difficult to mount the speed sensor on the motor shaft. Tachometer noise is also a problem for an accurate control system. The new drive system, namely “speedsensorless control” overcomes the problems of mechanical transducers. The concept of this technique is that the rotor speed is estimated from easily measurable voltage and current of the induction motor and is used in the feedback loop of the speed controller. Several speed estimation methods have been proposed [1]-[9]. Almost all techniques proposed are for application in the vector control [2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[8]and [9] which are found to work well in field-orientation control condition. While, the other techniques were only suitable for the slip-controlled system application. In the estimation technique [1], slip calculation is carried out based on the steady state equivalent circuit and then speed is calculated. So this technique can achieve good performance only at steady state as detailed evaluations given by [7]. In [2] the slip is calculated using the dynamic variables, assuming a steady state conditions for the flux. This work while presenting different control methods does not discuss the effectiveness of the speed estimation under changing flux conditions. In the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) [3], [6], the speed estimation technique is based on two models describing the motor dynamics. The error that expresses rotor flux difference of the two models drives an adaptation mechanism to generate estimated speed. This technique could provide a good performance in steady state and some transients except in low speed range due to the presence of pure integration in the algorithm causing drift in the estimation. The drift problem is solved completely by the speed estimation method proposed by H. Kubota and K. Matsuse [4],[5]. In this algorithm, speed adaptation is implemented in the full-order observer, so high performance could be achieved even at very low speed by choosing appropriate parameters of the adaptive mechanism. The method presented in [8], [9] seem to be the simplest due to direct calculation of rotor speed from dynamic model of the machine. However, good performance may not be achieved due to the use of open loop integration in [9] or in the case of rising and falling edges of step torque [8]. A dynamic flux observer is presented in this paper which takes the applied stator voltage and the measured stator current as inputs. The observer can be shown to converge by properly choosing the pole location of the observer. It has been found through simulation as well as by experimentation that the observer converges irrespective of any initial condition chosen. The flux thus estimated is then used for speed estimation which overcomes the drawbacks presented above. This algorithm does not impose any specific conditions on the control signals and does not include pure integration. Through computer simulation, the algorithm has been confirmed to be independent of the drive system controlling the machine and performs well even at very low speed under different dynamic conditions of the motor including transient and steady state operations. DYNAMIC MODEL OF INDUCTION MOTOR: The state equations of the induction motor are expressed using space vector notation in the stationary coordinate frame as follows: r r dis r r = a11 is + a12ψ r + B1v s dt (1a) r r r dψ r = a 21is + a 22ψ r dt r r r dFau = (a 22 − La12 )ψˆ r + (a 21 − La11 )is dt r − LB1 v s (1b) where : D ; Ls σ L L 1 K a12 = ( m − jω r m ) = − jω r K ; Ls σ Lr Tr Lr Tr L 1 a 21 = m ; a 22 = jω r − ; Tr Tr a11 = − 1 B1 = ; Ls σ L Tr = r . Rr Lm K= Lr L s σ Rr L2m ; D = Rs + ; L2r r r r ψ̂ r = Fau + Lis r is r vs (3b) a21 - La11 L + _ LB1 ∫ r Fau + r ψˆr + + r The state variables of the motor are stator current is r r and rotor flux linkage ψ r . The input variable is vs . Rs , Rr are stator, rotor resistance, respectively and Ls , Lr represent stator, rotor self-inductance. Lm is L2m mutual inductance and σ = 1 − is motor L s Lr leakage coefficient. ω r is the rotor speed expressed in electrical radians per seconds and Tr is rotor time constant. DYNAMIC FLUX OBSERVER For the algorithm presented in this paper, it will be shown that the rotor speed can be calculated directly from the rotor flux. The flux required for speed calculation will be estimated using a dynamic flux observer as follows. In (1), two states of the machine are represented by two differential equations involving stator current and rotor flux. Stator current can be measured using current sensor, so it is regarded as a known state and rotor flux can be estimated by an observer that is designed based on Gopinath’s reducedorder theory [9] and the algorithm proposed in [10]. The observer equation is presented in the following form: r r r dψˆ r = (a 22 − La12 )ψˆ r + (a 21 − La11 )is dt (2) r dis r +L − LB1v s dt r where ψˆ r is the estimated rotor flux vector and L is feedback gain of the flux observer. In order to avoid the derivative of stator current in the algorithm, the new variable (3a) r Fau is used and the flux observer equation is given by (3). a22 - La12 Figure 1. Configuration rotor flux observer Figure 1 shows the configuration of the rotor flux observer. The coefficients a12 and a 22 require the rotor speed ωr and we use the estimated speed ω$r instead. This is perfectly valid since the flux dynamics is much faster than the mechanical speed, which is calculated from the flux. In the case of no parameter variations and for small speed estimation error, dynamic equation of flux estimation error is presented as follows: r r r r de dψˆ r dψ r = − = −( La12 − a 22 )e dt dt dt (4) Observer poles are defined in the form of -αs ±jβs . The complex constant L (L1 + j L2) can be so chosen to place the poles of the observer in the stable region of the complex plane. Solving the characteristic equation of estimation error, we obtain: αs = ^ ^ KL1 + 1 + KL2 ω r = α so + β so Tr ω r Tr ^ β s = ( KL1 + 1) ω r − ^ KL2 = − β so + α so Tr ω r Tr (5) where α so = KL1 + 1 KL2 and β so = are absolute Tr Tr values of pole components at zero speed. Desired poles for condition of stability and convergence of the observer is defined as: p desired = −α d ± jβ d (6) Feedback gain L of the observer can be chosen to place poles at the desired place by assigning α so = α d and β so = β d (7) For higher positive speeds the poles move towards the left half plane and the system becomes more stable ROTOR SPEED CALCULATION Equation (1a) representing the relations of stator voltage, stator current, rotor flux and rotor speed can be rewritten as equation (8). Assuming that voltage, current and rotor flux vectors can be expressed in the complex form, from (8) rotor angular speed is given by equation (9). ________________________________________________________________________________________ r L2m r dis L r L r r v s = ( R s + R r 2 ) is + Ls σ − m ψ r + m jω rψ r dt Lr Tr Lr Lr ^ ^ di sβ di sα v Di L ψ ( − − σ ) − ψ ) sβ sβ s rα rβ (v sα − Di sα − Ls σ ^ dt dt ωr = r 2L m ψˆ Lr + vsβ D - isβ ψˆ r α * (9) + Lsσ (8) ω̂ r - d dt (x2+y2) Lm/Lr ψˆ rβ vsα + D isα - * - Lsσ d dt Figure 2. Speed Calculation ___________________________________________________________________________________________ where: sα and sβ - subscript refer to the stator quantities in the stationary coordinate frame. rα and rβ - subscript refer to the rotor quantities in the stationary coordinate frame. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the speed calculation algorithm. Thus the shaft angular speed is determined only from components of terminal quantities and rotor flux in the stationary rectangular coordinate frame. SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed algorithm is verified for its applicability in a slip controlled drive system as shown in Figure 3. The speed feed-back required for the control system is obtained using the algorithm described above. The algorithm was verified for different speed ranges with different initial conditions of the flux observer. The performance of the rotor flux and the speed is studied under the following test conditions. The speed controller is given an initial set point of 314 rad/sec at time 0 sec. and then the set point is changed to 157 rad/sec at time 2 sec. The load torque of 50 % of rated value is applied at 3 sec. and removed at 4 sec. a) Rotor Flux performance: The stability and convergence of rotor flux observer with different initial conditions at different speed of the motor can be evaluated by error of rotor flux. Figure 4 shows the error of α-axis rotor flux with observer initial conditions of 0.1 and 0.3 (Wb Turns) for the two different set speeds. One can see that, flux error decays fast from initial values of 0.1 or 0.3 and Main Source ωr * + - ω*sl Speed Controller ω*s + Rectifier Function Generator V*s Static Inverter + ω^r Speed Estimator IM Figure 3. The diagram of the sensorless slip-control drive system. Figure 4. Error of rotor flux on α-axis with different initial condition of the observer a) High speed test (b) Low speed test (Dark line is error at initial values of 0.1 and light line is at 0.3) . (a) Rotor flux (b) Speed Figure 5. Simulation results of the slip-controlled drive system at a speed of 314 rad/sec and 157 rad/sec. Top plots are actual values ; Middle and bottom plots are estimated values at initial condition 0.1 Wb-Turns and 0.3 Wb-Turns, respectively. remains zero for subsequent operations including steady state, deceleration and load change. Decaying time of rotor flux error depends mainly on speed and not much on initial conditions. From figure 4a and 4b, it can be seen that the convergence is faster at high speed as expected from observer design. The performance for error of β - axis rotor flux is similar. b) Speed performance: Figures 5a, 5b present the simulated time response of the rotor flux and speed for the slip-control drive Main Source Rectifier Computer Limit Speed Controller V* + - + I/O Board DAS-1602 Vωr Kωr Control Unit + Vfb Vω$r Vin Inverter D/A ω$r Speed Estimator Kωr Data Acauisition Control and Interface VTa VTb VTc A/D PWM VSI Va Vb Vc ITa ITb ωr Dynamometer IM Figure 6. The configuration of the experimental computer-based slip-controlled drive system system. The simulation results show that the estimated speed tracks the true speed well regardless of initial conditions of the rotor flux observer in all transient and steady state operations including high speed and low speed. The only deviations are during the initial transient of the flux observer. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS Figure 6 shows the configuration of the experimental set up for computer-based slip-controlled drive system. The induction motor is driven from a three-phase voltage-source inverter whose specification is listed in appendix. The speed estimation and controller have been implemented using a Pentium 586 computer. Stator three-phase voltages were detected by three voltage transducers VTa , VTb , VTc with the ratio of 1/100 and two-phase currents were measured by two current/voltage isolators ITa , ITb with the ratio of 10V/5A. A 12 bit I/O board DAS-1602 is used for A/D and D/A conversions. Interface between the computer and outside circuits is carried out by the Labvolts data acquisition interface and control board. The control program is written in C++ and the sampling period for one computing cycles used in experiment is 350 microseconds. Figure 7 presents the motor speed of the sensorless system and the one with speed sensor during the forward-reverse transient and reverse-forward transient. The experimental results reveal the fact that the speed-sensorless control drive works well in both a. Forward-reverse transient b. Reverse -forward transient Figure 7. Motor speed of drive system with sensor (top plots) and sensorless drive system (bottom plots) transients and steady state under PWM condition of the experimental inverter. Transients during starting from rest and forward-reverse as well as reverse-forward are smooth. [3] CONCLUSION A dynamic flux observer that takes the applied stator voltage and measured stator current as inputs is presented in this paper. The observer poles are so chosen to make it stable and it is shown to converge irrespective of different initial conditions. An algorithm for speed estimation is also presented which uses the flux obtained from the observer. The proposed algorithm has been verified by computer simulations and found to perform well in both transients and steady state including high speed and very low speed regardless of initial conditions of the speed estimator. When implementing the algorithm, suitable initial conditions of the rotor flux observer can be chosen for minimum deviations of estimated speed from actual one during the starting from rest. The proposed algorithm has been implemented successfully on a slip controlled drive system without using any speed sensor. 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