Chemistry 431 Lecture 1 Ideal Gas Behavior NC State University Macroscopic p variables P, T Pressure is a force per unit area (P= F/A) The force arises from the change in momentum as particles hit an object and change direction. Temperature derives from molecular i molar l motion (3/2RT = 1/2M<u2>) M is mass Greater average g velocity y results in a higher temperature. u is the velocity Mass and molar mass We can multiply the equation: 3 RT = 1 M <u 2> 2 2 by the number of moles, n, to obtain: 3 nRT = 1 nM <u 2> 2 2 If m is the mass and M is the molar of a particle then we can also write: p nM = Nm (N is the number of particles) Mass and molar mass In other words nNA = N where NA is Avagadro’s Avagadro s number number. 3 nRT = 1 Nm <u 2> 2 2 Average properties <u2> represents the average speed Kinetic Model of Gases Assumptions: 1. A gas consists of molecules that move randomly. 2 Th 2. The size i off th the molecules l l iis negligible. li ibl 3. There are no interactions between the gas molecules. Because there are such large numbers of gas molecules in any system we will interested in average quantities. We have written average with an angle bracket. For example, the average speed is: s 12 + s 22 + s 32 + ... + s N2 <u > = c = N 2 2 c= s 1 + s 2 + s 3 + ... + s N N We use s for speed and d c ffor mean speed. d Velocity and Speed When we considered the derivation of pressure using a kinetic model we used the fact that the gas exchanges momentum with the wall of the container. Therefore, the vector (directional) quantity velocity was appropriate. However, in the energy expression the velocity enters as the square and so the sign of the velocity does not matter. In essence it is the average speed that is relevant for the energy Another way to say this is the energy is a scalar energy. scalar. E = 1 m<u 2> = 1 mv 2 = 1 mc 2 2 2 2 p = mu = mv All of these notations mean the same thing. The root-mean-square q speed p The ideal gas equation of state is consistent with an p of temperature p as p proportional p to the kinetic interpretation energy of a gas. 1 M u 2 = RT 3 If we solve for <u2> we have the mean-square speed. 〈 u 2 〉 = 3RT M If we take the square root of both sides we have the r.m.s. speed. u 2 1/2 = 3RT M The mean speed The mean value is more commonly used than the root-mean-square of a value. The root-mean-square speed Is equal to the root-mean-square velocity: c 2 = 〈 u 2〉 The mean speed is: c= 8 c2 3π The r.m.s. speed of oxygen at 25 oC (298 K) is 482 m/s. Note: M is converted to kg/mol! 〈u 〉 2 1/2 3 8.31 8 31 J/mol–K J/mol K 298 K = 0.032 kg/mol = 481.8 m / s The Maxwell Distribution Not all molecules have the same speed. Maxwell assumed that the distribution of speeds was Gaussian Gaussian. F(s) = 4π M 2πRT 3/2 2 Ms s exp – RT 2 As temperature p increases the r.m.s. speed p increases and the width of the distribution increases. Moreover, the functions is a normalized distribution. This just means that the integral over the distribution function is equal to 1 1. ∞ F(s)ds = 1 0 See the MAPLE worksheets for examples. Molecular Collisions Cross section σ = πd2 Interation Volume πd2<u>t Center location of target molecule mean free path estimate = <u>t distance traveled volume of interaction * number density n/V = moles p per unit volume ((molar density) y) N/V = molecules per unit volume (number density) mean free path estimate = <u>t σ<u>t N/V Refinement of mean free path The analysis of molecular collisions assumed that the target atom was stationary. If we include the fact that the target atom t is i moving i we fifind d th thatt th the relative l ti velocity l it iis: < u > rel = 2 < u > Th f Therefore <u>t 1 1 RT = = = λ= 2σ < u > t N / V 2σ N / V 2 σ N A n/V 2 σ NA P As the pressure increases the number density increases and the distance between collision ((mean free p path)) becomes shorter. As the temperature increases at constant pressure the number density must decrease and the mean free path ill increase. Mean free path Collision frequency The mean free path path, λ is the average distance that a molecule travels between collisions. The collision frequency, z is the average rate of collisions made d b by one molecule. l l The collision cross section, σ is target area presented by one molecule to another. When interpreted in the kinetic model it can be shown that: 2 2 N σ 〈 u 〉P RT A λ= , z= , σ = πd 2 RT 2 N AσP The product of the mean free path and collision frequency is equall tto the th room mean square speed. d 〈 u 2 〉 = λz Units of Pressure Force has units of Newtons F = ma (kg m/s2) Pressure has units of Newtons/meter2 P= F/A = (kg m/s2/m2 = kg/s2/m) These units are also called Pascals (Pa). 1 bar = 105 Pa = 105 N/m2. 1 atm = 1.01325 x 105 Pa Units of Energy gy Energy has units of Joules 1 J = 1 Nm N Work and energy have the same units. Work is defined as the result of a force g through g a distance. acting We can also define chemical energy in terms of the energy per mole mole. 1 kJ/mol 1 kcal/mol k l/ l = 4.184 4 184 kJ/mol kJ/ l Thermal Energy gy Thermal energy can be defined as RT. I magnitude Its i d d depends d on temperature. R = 8.31 J/mol-K or 1.98 cal/mol-K At 298 K, RT = 2476 J/mol (2.476 kJ/mol) Thermal energy can also be expressed on a per molecule basis. The molecular equivalent of R is the Boltzmann constant constant, kk. R = NAk NA = 6.022 6 022 x 1023 molecules/mol l l / l Extensive and Intensive Variables Extensive variables are proportional to the size of the system. Extensive variables: volume,, mass,, energy gy Intensive variables do not depend on the size of the system. I t Intensive i variables: i bl pressure, ttemperature, t density Equation of state relates P, V and T The ideal gas equation of state is PV = nRT RT An equation of state relates macroscopic properties which result from the average behavior of a large number of particles. P Macroscopic Microscopic Microsopic p view of momentum c ux b area = bc a A particle with velocity ux strikes a wall. The momentum of the particle changes from mux to –mux. The momentum change is Δp = 2mux. Transit time c ux b area = bc a The time between collisions with one wall is Δt = 2a/ux. This is also the round trip time. Transit time c Round trip distance is 2a area = bc ux b a The time between collision is Δt = 2a/ux. velocityy = distance/time. time = distance/velocity. The p pressure on the wall force = rate of change of momentum Δ p 2mu x mu x2 F= = = a Δt 2a/u a/u x The pressure is the force per unit area. The area is A = bc and the volume of the box is V = abc 2 2 mu mu x x F P= = = V bc abc Average g p properties p Pressure does not result from a single particle ti l striking t iki th the wallll b butt ffrom many particles. Thus, the velocity is the average velocity l it titimes th the number b off particles. ti l Nm 〈u 2x 〉 P= V PV = Nm 〈 2 ux 〉 Average g p properties p There are three dimensions so the velocity along the xx-direction direction is 1/3 the total total. 〈 u 2x 1 2 = u 〉 3〈 〉 Nm 〈 u 2 〉 PV = 3 From the kinetic theory of gases 1 Nm〈 u 2 〉 = 3 nRT 2 2 Putting g the results together g When we combine of microscopic view of pressure with ith th the ki kinetic ti th theory off gases result we find the ideal gas law. PV = nRT This approach assumes that the molecules have no size (take up no space) and that they have no interactions interactions.