Circuit Diagrams Key

Name: K t
Circuit I)iagrams
Draw a circuit
for each.
a. The circuit has two cells and three lamps
all in series.
b. The circuit
three cells in series, and three
lamps in parallel.
circuit has two cells in series, a switch
to control the entire circuit, an ammeter to
measure the current of the circuit, and twoc. The
The circuit has four cells and two resistors
all in series. A voltmeter measures the
voltage drop ofone resistor.
Science 9
d. The circuit has three cells in series, two
resistors and a lamp in parallel. There is a
switch to control the entire circuit and a switch
that can control one ofthe resistors.
f. The circuit has one cell, three lamps in
parallelo and an ammeter measuring the
current of one lamp."
o Physicso Assignment
Page L
2. Draw a circuit d
m for each.
a. The circuit has four cells in parallel with
each other, with two lamps and one resistor
b. The circuit has three cells in parallel, a
switch to control the entire circuito an ammeter
to measure the circuit current, and two I
d. The circuit
c. The circuit has one cell, and four lamps in
parallel. There are fiive switches in the
circuit. One can coritrol the entire circuit. ^
and the other four control one lamp each
has four cells in seriesn three
lamps in parallel, a resistor, a switch to control
the lamps, and an ammeter that measures the
current to one of the lamps.
The circuit has two cellso two lampso a
resistor and an ammeter all in series. There
are voltmeters that measure the voltage drop
at each individual load.
Science 9
o Physicso Assignment
The circuit has two cells in series, measured
by a voltmeter, connected with three lamps in
parallel and two resistors in series. An
ammeter measures the current of the entire
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