Electrical Engineering Fourth Year Program, 2016-17 Program Compulsory and Elective Course Advising Electrical Engineering (EE) Fourth-Year Curriculum ENGR 413 Law and Ethics for Engineers 3 ENGR 451 Microelectronics II 3 ENGR 460 Probability and Random Processes for Engineers 3 ENGR 499 Engineering Capstone Design Project 6 1 Design Electives Technical Electives 9 2 12 Total Credits 1 36 To be chosen from a list of Electrical Engineering design electives provided by the School of Engineering. 2 To be chosen from a list of technical electives provided by the School of Engineering. Up to two third- or fourth-year courses offered outside the School of Engineering may qualify as technical electives with permission from the Program Coordinator. The Electrical fourth-year curriculum includes three design electives (9 credits) and four technical electives (12 credits). Approved Electrical design and technical electives are listed below. Design electives are differentiated from technical electives in that they are allocated 50% CEAB engineering design content. Students with any transferred courses/credits from other institutions, including Okanagan College, transfer programs, bridge programs, go global or CIE must take an additional design elective in lieu of one of their technical electives. Thus, these students will take four design electives and three technical electives. If you have any questions or concerns please connect with the Electrical Engineering Program Coordinator. Approved Electrical Engineering Design Electives Term 1 ENGR 461 Digital Communications ENGR 467 Real-Time and Embedded System Design ENGR 468 Advanced Digital System Design ENGR 480 Modern Control Approved Electrical Engineering Technical Electives Term 1 ENGR 406 Microelectromechanical Systems ENGR 455 Power System Analysis and Design ENGR 459 Advanced Electromagnetics ENGR 489 Multi-criteria Optimization Term 2 ENGR 458 Power Electronics ENGR 470 Microwave Engineering ENGR 481 Mechatronics ENGR 487 Digital Control Term 2 ENGR 433 Construction Engineering and Management ENGR 463 Communication Networks ENGR 465 Wireless Communications ENGR 472 Fibre Optics and Photonics ENGR 473 Antennas and Propagation Alternative Electrical Engineering Technical Electives 1. All approved Electrical Engineering design electives listed above are approved technical electives and any design elective taken over and above those required will count towards the technical elective requirement. 2. All ENGR 300 and 400-level courses are approved Electrical Engineering technical electives, subject to prerequisite requirements or instructor approval. 3. A maximum of two graduate 500-level courses (6 credits) from within the School of Engineering may be approved as technical electives. For courses cross-listed as undergraduate 400 level and graduate 500 level courses, you must register in the undergraduate version only. You must have a minimum average of 76% in completed 300 and 400 level courses to be eligible for registration in graduate courses. 4. Students may take a maximum of two undergraduate 300 or 400 level courses or 6 credits from outside the School of Engineering for approval as technical electives. For these courses, you first require the permission of the Electrical Engineering Program Coordinator. You then need the permission of the external course instructor (in the case of missing prerequisites) and may require assistance from the external program advisor as the School of Engineering cannot register you in non ENGR courses. A list of external courses that have been pre-approved as Electrical Engineering technical electives is provided here: COSC 315 Intro. to Operating Systems COSC 406 Numerical Optimization MATH 319 Intro. to Partial Differential Equations MATH 340 Intro. to Linear Programming MATH 350 Complex Variables and Applications PHYS 304 Intro. to Quantum Mechanics PHYS 305 Biophysics PHYS 308 Optics PHYS 310 Intro. To Medical Physics PHYS 401 Electromagnetic Theory PHYS 402 Advanced Quantum Mech PHYS 418 Methods of Theor. Physics PHYS 420 Data and Image Processing PHYS 425 Low Temperature Physics Note: Not all courses above are offered in an academic year, as courses are subject to minimum and maximum enrolments. The School of Engineering reserves the right to cancel a course if the minimum enrolment is not met. In this case, you will be notified via e-mail about the cancellation. Check the UBC Student Service Centre for course availability. For fourth-year course advising, contact the Electrical Engineering Program Coordinator: Dr. Holzman, jonathan.holzman@ubc.ca. For technical registration inquiries, contact the Engineering Advisor: Ms. Renee Leboe, renee.leboe@ubc.ca.