Course Outline ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ElEn 140 – ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS II Professor: Office: Office Ph: Email: Randy Brown C200 (250) 762-5445 ext 4373 Prerequisite: ElEn 130 Co-requisite: none Lecture: 3.0 hrs/week Lab: 2.5 hrs/week Description: Advanced analysis of resistive and reactive passive networks under direct and alternating current excitation; Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems, loop and nodal analysis, superposition, Delta-Wye transformations; practical transformers; resonant circuits; DC and AC bridges; coupling networks. Laboratory projects provide experience with testing representative networks. General Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Analyze and test practical AC networks using basic principals and techniques. 2. Predict output waveforms for passive circuit configurations with sinusoidal inputs. 3. Predict and analyze the behaviour of resonant circuits. Major Topics: 1. Induction in AC Circuits Inductive Reactance The practical inductor Frequency Response of RL circuits Impedance triangles and the phasor domain Effective Resistance 2. Impedances in Series and Parallel Series LRC circuits Parallel LRC circuits Series-parallel equivalent circuits Impedance triangles Admittance triangles 3. Series and Parallel Resonance Series resonant circuits Parallel resonant circuits Sensitivity and selectivity Q factor Q factor Filter networks 4. Methods of Circuit Analysis Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits Loop and Nodal analysis Superposition 5. Power in Reactive Circuits The power triangle Power factor Maximum power transfer theorem True power, reactive power, apparent power Power factor correction 1 Course Outline ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 6. The Transformer The ideal transformer Efficiency and regulation The linear power supply Frequency response The equivalent circuit, core and copper losses The capacitively loaded transformer The current transformer Air core transformers 7. Coupling Networks Impedance (Z) parameters Admittance (Y) parameters T networks Π networks Course Materials: 1. Textbook: Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice, 4e, Robbins and Miller, Thomson Delmar Learning 2. Lab Manual: none Marks Distribution: Class Assignments Lab Reports and Tests Term Tests Final Exam 10% 20% 30% 40% Okanagan College Standardized Grading System: 90 - 100 85 – 89 80 – 84 76 – 79 72 – 75 68 – 71 64 – 67 60 – 63 55 – 59 50 – 54 0 – 49 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD F (A Grades = First Class) (B Grades = Second Class) (C Grades = Pass) (D = Marginal Pass) (F = Fail) Your instructor may require you to use only a CASIO FX991 MS basic scientific calculator during exams (including term tests, quizzes …). One will be loaned to you for the exam. You may wish to purchase one of your own in order to become familiar with its operation but the department’s calculator will be used during exams. This policy has been adopted to make exams fair for all students. No other devices are allowed during exams such as MP3 players, cell phones or PDA’s. Students must obtain at least a 50% average in both their Lab Marks and Exam Marks to qualify for a grade above D (54%). Students must attend & complete at least 90% of the labs to qualify for a grade above F (49%). Students are to hand in, on time, a neat copy of all assignments and lab reports. Students handing any work in late (labs, assignments), will have their mark for that work de-rated. Students arriving late for any lab will have their mark for that lab de-rated. 2